M.D. University, Rohtak
M.D. University, Rohtak
M.D. University, Rohtak
SEMESTER 3rd& 4th
Scheme effective from 2019-20
Total Examination Schedule Durati
Conta (Marks) on of
Sr. Category week Cre
Course Code Course Title ct Exam
No. Course Notation dit Mark of Pra
hrs/w The Tota (Hour
L T P Class ctic
eek ory l s)
work al
Basic Science BSC-ME- Physics II(Optics
1 course 201G & Waves) 3 0 0 3 3 25 75 100 3
Basics of
6. Engineering ESC-ME- Mechanical 2 0 0 2 2 25 75 100 3
Science course 211G Engg.
Professional PCC-ME-
7. Core courses 213G Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 4 25 75 100 3
Basics of
8. Engineering LC-ME- MechanicalEngg. 0 0 2 2 1 25 25 50 3
Science course 215G lab
Examination Schedule
per Total Durati
week Conta on of
Sr. Category Cre
Course Code Course Title ct Pr Exam
No. Course Notation dit Mark of
hrs/w The act (Hour
L T P Class Total
eek ory ica s)
Professional PCC-ME- Applied
1 Core courses 202G Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 4 25 75 100 3
Mandatory Environment
11 * 3 0 1 - 25 75 - 4
course MC-106G Science
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Simple harmonic motion, damped and forced simple harmonic oscillator,Mechanical and
electrical simple harmonic oscillators, differential equation of simple harmonic motion, damped
harmonic oscillator , quality factor, forced mechanical andelectrical oscillators, steady state
motion of forced damped harmonic oscillator.
Sinusoidal waves (concept of frequency and wavelength), types of waves, the one dimensional
wave, transverse vibrations of stretched strings. Longitudinal sound wave in solid, The matrix
method in paraxial optics (unit plane and nodal plane) wave group and group velocity, Fermat’s
principle and its applications (mirage effect, laws of reflection and refraction), Light as an
electromagnetic wave and Fresnel equations, reflectance and transmittance, Brewster’s angle and
total internal reflection.
Wave optics
Huygen’s principle, superposition of waves and interference of light by wavefront splitting and
amplitude splitting, Young’s double slit experiment, Newton’s rings, Michelson interferometer,
Fraunhofer’s diffraction from a single slit, the Rayleigh criterion for limit of just resolution and its
application to vision, Diffraction grating (Transmission), its dispersive and resolving power.
Course Outcomes: On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
1.I. G. Main, “Vibrations and waves in physics”, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
5.O. Svelto, “Principles of Lasers”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2010.
Course code BSC-ME- 203G
Category Basic Science course
Course title Mathematics III
(PDE, Probability & Statistics)
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-III
3 1 0 4
Objectives: (1) To introduce the solution methodologies for second order
Partial Differential Equations with
applications inengineering
(2) To provide an overview of probability and statistics to
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Definition of Partial Differential Equations, First order partial differential equations, solutions of
first order linear PDEs; Solution to homogenous and non-homogenous linear partial differential
equations of second order by complimentary function and particular integral method. Second-
order linear equations and their classification, Initial and boundary conditions, D'Alembert's
solution of the wave equation;
Duhamel's principle for one dimensional wave equation. Heat diffusion and vibration problems,
Separation of variables method to simple problems in Cartesian coordinates. The Laplacian in
plane, cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates, solutions with Bessel functions and Legendre
functions. One dimensional diffusion equation and its solution by separation of variables.
Continuous random varibales and their properties, distribution functions and densities, normal,
exponential and gamma densities.Bivariate distributions and their properties, distribution of
and quotients, conditional densities, Bayes' rule.
Basic Statistics, Measures of Central tendency: Moments, skewness and Kurtosis - Probability
distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal - evaluation of statistical parameters for these
distributions, Correlation and regression – Rank correlation. Curve fitting by the method of least
squares- fitting of straight lines, second degree parabolas and more general curves. Test of
significance: Large sample test for single proportion, difference of proportions, Tests for single
mean, difference of means, and difference of standard deviations. Test for ratio of variances –
Chisquare test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to solve field problems in engineering
involving PDEs. They can also formulate and solve problems involving random variables and
apply statistical methods for analysing experimental data.
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
2. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications,
Reprint, 2010.
3. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal Book Stall,
2003 (Reprint).
4. S. Ross, A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India, 2002.
Course code BSC-BIO-205G
Course Objectives
Introduction to living world: Concept and definition of Biology; Aspect of biology. Need to
study biology. Characteristic features of living organisms; Cell theory, Structure of Prokaryotic and
Eukaryotic cell. Distinguish between animal and plant cell.Concept of single celled
organisms,Ecological aspects of single celled organisms, Types of microbes and their important
properties. Economic importance of microbes.
Applications of Biotechnology: Applications of biotechnology in Agriculture, Medicine,
Environment (sewage treatment), enzyme technology.
Course Outcomes
After studying the course, the student will be able to:
Understand about living organisms, type of cells and microbes.
Highlight the concepts of recessiveness and dominance during the passage of genetic material
from parent to offspring
Convey that all forms of life have the same building blocks and yet the manifestations are as
diverse as one can imagine
Identify DNA as a genetic material in the molecular basis of information transfer.
1) Biology: A global approach: Campbell, N. A.; Reece, J. B.; Urry, Lisa; Cain, M,
L.; Wasserman, S. A.; Minorsky, P. V.; Jackson, R. B. Pearson Education Ltd
2) Outlines of Biochemistry, Conn, E.E; Stumpf, P.K; Bruening, G; Doi, R.H.
John Wiley and Sons
3) Principles of Biochemistry (V Edition), By Nelson, D. L.; and Cox, M. M.W.H. Freeman
and Company
4) Molecular Genetics (Second edition), Stent, G. S.; and Calender, R. W.H. Freeman and
company, Distributed by Satish Kumar Jain for CBS Publisher
5) Microbiology, Prescott, L.M J.P. Harley and C.A. Klein 1995. 2nd edition Wm, C.
Brown Publishers
7) Campbell, NA and Reece JB, Biology, International edition, 7th edition or later, Benjamin
Cummings, New York (2007 or later)
8) Karp, G, Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments, 7th edition, Wiley, New York
Course code ESC-ECE-207G
Category Engineering Science course
Course title Basics of Electronic Engineering
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-III
2 0 0 2
Objectives: To provide an overview of electronic device components to
Mechanical engineering students.
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Semiconductor Devices and Applications: Introduction to P-N junction Diode and V-I
characteristics, Half wave and Full-wave rectifiers, capacitor filter. Zener diode and its
characteristics, Zener diode as voltage regulator. Regulated power supply IC based on 78XX and
79XX series, Introduction to BJT, its input-output and transfer characteristics, BJT as a single
stage CE amplifier, frequency response and bandwidth.
Timing Circuits and Oscillators: RC-timing circuits, IC 555 and its applications as astable and
mono-stable multi-vibrators, positive feedback, Barkhausen's criteria for oscillation, R-C phase
shift and Wein bridge oscillator.
Digital Electronics Fundamentals :Difference between analog and digital signals, Boolean
algebra, Basic and Universal Gates, Symbols, Truth tables, logic expressions, Logic simplification
using K-map, Logic ICs, half and full adder/subtractor, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, flip-flops,
shift registers, counters, Block diagram of microprocessor/microcontroller and their
Electronic Communication Systems: The elements of communication system, IEEE frequency
spectrum, Transmission media: wired and wireless, need of modulation, AM and FM
schemes, Mobile communication systems: cellular concept and block diagram of GSM system.
Course Outcomes:
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Introduction: Force system, dimensions and units in mechanics, laws of mechanics, vector
algebra, addition and subtraction of forces, cross and dot products of vectors, moment of a
force about a point and axis, couple and couple moment, transfer of a force to a parallel
position, resultant of a force system using vector method, Problems involving vector
Equilibrium: Static and dynamic equilibrium, static in determinacy, general equations of
equilibrium, Varingnon’s theorem, Lami’s theorem, equilibrium of bodies under a force
system, Problems.
Truss and Frames:Truss, classification of truss, assumptions in truss analysis, perfect truss,
analysis of perfect plane truss using method of joints and method of sections, Problems.
Centroid , Centre of mass and Centre of gravity, Determination of centroid, centre of mass
and centre of gravity by integration method of regular and composite figures and solid
objects, Problems.
Moment of Inertia: Area moment of inertia, mass moment of inertia, parallel axis and
perpendicular axis theorems, radius of gyration, polar moment of inertia, product of inertia,
principle axis, problem based on composite figures and solid objects.
Kinematics: Concept of rigid body, velocity and acceleration, relative velocity, translation
and rotation of rigid bodies, equations of motion for translation and rotation, problems.
Particle Dynamics: Energy methods and momentum methods, Newton’s laws, work energy
equation for a system of particles, linear and angular momentum equations, projectile
motion, problem.
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for statically determinant beams Classification
of beams, types of loads, shear force and bending moment calculation and their graphical
presentation, point of inflection, problem.
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
Recommended Books:-
Engineering Mechanics – Irving H. Shames, PHI Publication
Engineering Mechanics – U.C.Jindal, Galgotia Publication
Engineering Mechanics – A.K.Tayal, Umesh Publication
Course code ESC-ME-211G
Category Engineering Science courses
Course title Basics of Mechanical Engineering
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-III
2 0 0 2
Objectives: 1. To Learn Manufacturing Processes.
2. To Understand Basic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
3. To Understand Hydraulic Turbines & Pumps.
4. To learn power transmission methods.
Power Transmission Methods and Devices :Introduction to Power transmission, Belt, Rope, Chain
and Gear drive, Types and functioning of clutches.
Stresses and Strains :Introduction, Concept & types of stresses and strains, Poison's ratio,
stresses and strains in simple and compound bars under axial loading, flexure & torsional loading, Stress-
strain diagrams. Hook's law, Elastic constants & their relationships.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
Reference Books :
1. Strength of Materials- Popov, Pub. - PHI, New Delhi.
2. Hydraulic Machines- Jagdish Lal, Pub. Metropolitan, Allahabad.
3. Strength of Materials- G.H. Ryder, Pub. ELBS.
4. Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics- Modi and Seth, Pub.- Standara Book House, New Delhi.
5. Engineering Thermodynamics- C.P. Arora, Pub. - TMH, New Delhi.
6. Refrigeration & Airconditioning- C.P. Arora, Pub. -TMH, New Delhi.
7. Manufacturing Science- Amitabha Ghosh & Ashok Kumar Malik, East-West Press.
8. Manufacturing Process and Systems- Ostwaid, Munoz, John Wiley.
9. Workshop Technology, Vol. 1, 2, & 3- Chapman, WAJ Edward Amold.
Course code PCC-ME 213G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Thermodynamics
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits
3 1 0 4
Objectives: To learn about work and heat interactions, and balance of
energy between system and its surroundings
To learn about application of I law to various energy
conversion devices
To evaluate the changes in properties of substances in various
To understand the difference between high grade and low
grade energies and II law limitations on energy conversion
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Fundamentals - System & Control volume; Property, State & Process; Exact & Inexact
differentials; Work-Thermodynamic definition of work; examples; Displacement work; Path
dependence of displacement work and illustrations for simple processes; electrical, magnetic,
gravitational, spring and shaft work.
Temperature, Definition of thermal equilibrium and Zeroth law; Temperature scales; Various
Thermometers- Definition of heat; examples of heat/work interaction in systems- First Law for
Cyclic & Non-cyclic processes; Concept of total energy E ; Demonstration that E is a property;
Various modes of energy, Internal energy and Enthalpy.
Definition of Pure substance, Ideal Gases and ideal gas mixtures, Real gases and real gas
mixtures, Compressibility charts- Properties of two phase systems - Const. temperature and
Const. pressure heating of water; Definitions of saturated states; P-v-T surface; Use of steam
tables and R134a tables; Saturation tables; Superheated tables; Identification of states &
determination of properties, Mollier’s chart.
First Law for Flow Processes - Derivation of general energy equation for a control volume;
Steady state steady flow processes including throttling; Examples of steady flow devices;
Unsteady processes; examples of steady and unsteady I law applications for system and control
Second law - Definitions of direct and reverse heat engines; Definitions of thermal efficiency
COP; Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements; Definition of reversible process; Internal and
external irreversibility; Carnot cycle; Absolute temperature scale.
Thermodynamic cycles - Basic Rankine cycle; Basic Brayton cycle; Basic vapor compression cycle
and comparison with Carnot cycle.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing this course, the students will be able to apply energy balance to systems
control volumes, in situations involving heat and work interactions
2. Students can evaluate changes in thermodynamic properties of substances
3. The students will be able to evaluate the performance of energy conversion devices
4. The students will be able to differentiate between high grade and low grade energies.
Text Books:
1. Sonntag, R. E, Borgnakke, C. and Van Wylen, G. J., 2003, 6th Edition, Fundamentals of
Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Jones, J. B. and Duggan, R. E., 1996, Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India
3. Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., 1999, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John
Wiley and Sons.
4. Nag, P.K, 1995, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Course code LC-ME-215G
Category Engineering Science courses
Course title Basics of Mechanical Engg. Lab
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits
0 0 2 1
Objectives: To understand various basic issues of Mechanical Engineering like IC
engines, machines and mechanics of machines.
Class work mark 25 Marks
Practical mark 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
List of Experiments
1. To study various types of boilers & also study mountings and accessories in boilers.
2. To study various types of internal Combustions Engines.
3. To calculate the Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio and Efficiency of single start,
Double start and Triple start worm & Worm Wheel.
4. To find the Mechanical Advantage, velocity Ratio and Efficiency of a Differential Wheel
and Axle.
5. To find Moment of Inertia of a Fly Wheel.
6. Verification of reciprocal theorem of deflection using a simply supported beam.
7. Verification of moment area theorem for slopes and deflections of the beam.
8. Deflections of a truss-horizontal deflections & vertical deflections of various
joints of a pin-jointed truss.
9. Elastic displacements (vertical & horizontal) of curved members.
10. Experimental and analytical study of 3 hinged arch and influence line for
horizontal thrust.
11. Experimental and analytical study of behavior of struts with various end
12. To determine elastic properties of a beam.
13. Experiment on a two-hinged arch for horizontal thrust & influence line for
Horizontal thrust.
14. Experimental and analytical study of a 3 bar pin jointed Truss.
15. Experimental and analytical study of deflections for unsymmetrical bending of a
Cantilever beam.
Course Outcomes: The students who have undergone the course will be able to understand working of
IC engines, types of boilers and accessories and understand the basic mechanics.
1. At least ten experiments are to be performed in the Semester.
Course code PCC-ME 202G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Applied Thermodynamics
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-IV
3 1 0 4
Objectives: (1)To learn about of I law for reacting systems and heating value
of fuels
(2)To learn about gas and vapor cycles and their first law and
second law efficiencies
(3) To understand about the properties of dry and wet air and the
principles of psychrometry
(4) To learn about gas dynamics of air flow and steam through
(5) To learn the about reciprocating compressors with and without
(6) To analyze the performance of steam turbines
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Introduction to solid, liquid and gaseous fuels–Stoichiometry, exhaust gas analysis- First law
analysis of combustion reactions- Heat calculations using enthalpy tables- Adiabatic flame
temperature- Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium composition calculations using free energy.
Vapor power cycles Rankine cycle with superheat, reheat and regeneration, exergy analysis.
Supercritical and ultra super-critical Rankine cycle- Gas power cycles, Air standard Otto, Diesel
and Dual cycles-Air standard Brayton cycle, effect of reheat, regeneration and intercooling-
Combined gas and vapor power cycles- Vapor compression refrigeration cycles, refrigerants and
their properties.
Properties of dry and wet air, use of pschyrometric chart, processes involving heating/cooling
and humidification/dehumidification, dew point.
Basics of compressible flow. Stagnation properties, Isentropic flow of a perfect gas through a
nozzle, choked flow, subsonic and supersonic flows- normal shocks- use of ideal gas tables for
isentropic flow and normal shock flow- Flow of steam and refrigerant through nozzle, super
saturation compressible flow in diffusers, efficiency of nozzle and diffuser.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing this course, the students will get a good understanding of various practical
cycles and heat pump cycles.
2. They will be able to analyze energy conversion in various thermal devices such as
combustors, air
coolers, nozzles, diffusers, steam turbines and reciprocating compressors
3. They will be able to understand phenomena occurring in high speed compressible flows
Text Books:
1. Sonntag, R. E, Borgnakke, C. and Van Wylen, G. J., 2003, 6th Edition, Fundamentals of
Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Jones, J. B. and Duggan, R. E., 1996, Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India
3. Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., 1999, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John
Wiley and Sons.
4. Nag, P.K, 1995, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd
Course code PCC-ME-204G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Fluid Mechanics
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-IV
3 1 0 4
Objectives: To learn about the application of mass and momentum
conservation laws for fluid flows
To understand the importance of dimensional analysis
To obtain the velocity and pressure variations in various types
of simple flows
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Fluid Properties and Fluid Statics: Concept of fluid and flow, ideal and real fluids, continuum
concept, and properties of fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Pascal’s law, hydrostatic
equation, hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces, stability of floating and submerged
bodies, relative equilibrium, Problems. Fluid Kinematics: Eulerian and Lagrangian description of
fluid flow; stream, streak and path lines; types of flows, flow rate and continuity equation,
differential equation of continuity in cylindrical and polar coordinates, rotation, vorticity and
circulation, stream and potential functions, flow net, Problems.
Fluid Dynamics: Concept of system and control volume, Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation,
venturimeter, orifices, orificemeter, mouthpieces, kinetic and momentum correction factors,
Impulse momentum relationship and its applications, Problems. Compressible Fluid Flow:
Introduction, continuity momentum and energy equation, sonic velocity, propagation of elastic
waves due to compression of fluid, propagation of elastic waves due to disturbance in fluid,
stagnation properties, isentropic flow, effect of area variation on flow properties, isentropic flow
through nozzles,diffusers,injectors,Problems..
Viscous Flow: Flow regimes and Reynolds’s number, Relationship between shear stress and
pressure gradient, uni-directional flow between stationary and moving parallel plates, movement
of piston in a dashpot, power absorbed in bearings. Problems. Flow Through Pipes: Major and
minor losses in pipes, Hagen-Poiseuilli law, hydraulic gradient and total energy lines, series and
parallel connection of pipes, branched pipes; equivalent pipe, power transmission through pipes,
Boundary Layer Flow: Boundary layer concept, displacement, momentum and energy thickness,
von-karman momentum integral equation, laminar and turbulent boundary layer flows, drag on a
flat plate, boundary layer separation and control. Streamlined and bluff bodies lift and drag on a
cylinder and an airfoil, Problems. Turbulent Flow: Shear stress in turbulent flow, Prandtl mixing
length hypothesis, hydraulically smooth and rough pipes, velocity distribution in pipes, friction
coefficients for smooth and rough pipes, Problems.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
1. Expedite the properties of fluid along with pressure measurement techniques and concept
of stability.
2. Understand the characteristics of fluid and application of continuity and Bernoulli’s
3. Conceptualisation of boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow.
4. Analyse flows through pipes and open channels.
1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines – S.K. Som and G. Biswas, TMH
2. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering – D.S. Kumar, S.K. Kataria and Sons
3. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery – S.K. Agarwal, TMH, New Delhi
Course code PCC-ME-206G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Strength of Materials
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-IV
3 1 0 4
Objectives: To understand the nature of stresses developed in simple
geometries such as bars, cantilevers, beams, shafts, cylinders
and spheres for various types of simple loads
To calculate the elastic deformation occurring in various
simple geometries for different types of loading
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Deformation in solids- Hooke’s law, stress and strain- tension, compression and shear
stresseselastic constants and their relations- volumetric, linear and shear strains- principal
stresses and principal planes- Mohr’s circle.
Beams and types transverse loading on beams- shear force and bend moment diagrams- Types
of beam supports, simply supported and over-hanging beams, cantilevers. Theory of bending of
beams, bending stress distribution and neutral axis, shear stress distribution, point and
distributed loads.
Moment of inertia about an axis and polar moment of inertia, deflection of a beam using
double integration method, computation of slopes and deflection in beams, Maxwell’s
reciprocal theorems. Columns & Struts: Column under axial load, concept of instability and
buckling, slenderness ratio, derivation of Euler’s formulae for the elastic buckling load, Eulers,
Rankine, Gordom’s formulae Johnson’s empirical formula for axial loading columns and
their applications, eccentric compression of a short strut of rectangular & circular sections,
Torsion, stresses and deformation in circular and hollow shafts, stepped shafts, deflection of
shafts fixed at both ends, stresses and deflection of helical springs.
Axial and hoop stresses in cylinders subjected to internal pressure, deformation of thick and thin
cylinders, deformation in spherical shells subjected to internal pressure.
Slope & Deflection: Relationship between bending moment, slope & deflection, Mohr’s
theorem, moment area method, method of integration, Macaulay’s method, calculations for
slope and deflection of (i) cantilevers and (ii) simply supported beams with or without
overhang under concentrated load, Uniformly distributed loads or combination of
concentrated and uniformly distributed loads, Numerical.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing this course, the students should be able to recognise various types loads
applied on machine components of simple geometry and understand the nature of internal
stresses that will develop within the components
2. The students will be able to evaluate the strains and deformation that will result due to the
elastic stresses developed within the materials for simple types of loading
Text Books:
1. Egor P. Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2001.
2. R. Subramanian, Strength of Materials, Oxford University Press, 2007.
3. Ferdinand P. Been, Russel Johnson Jr and John J. Dewole, Mechanics of Materials, Tata
McGrawHill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi 2005.
Course code PCC-ME-208G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Materials Engineering
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-IV
3 0 0 3
Objectives: 1. Understanding of the correlation between the internal structure
of materials, their mechanical properties and various methods to
quantify their mechanical integrity and failure criteria.
2. To provide a detailed interpretation of equilibrium phase
3. Learning about different phases and heat treatment methods to
tailor the properties of Fe-C alloys.
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Crystal Structure: Unit cells, Metallic crystal structures, Ceramics. Imperfection in solids: Point,
line, interfacial and volume defects; dislocation strengthening mechanisms and slip systems,
critically resolved shear stress.
Mechanical Property measurement: Tensile, compression and torsion tests; Young’s modulus,
relations between true and engineering stress-strain curves, generalized Hooke’s law, yielding
and yield strength, ductility, resilience, toughness and elastic recovery; Hardness: Rockwell,
Brinell and Vickers and their relation to strength.
Static failure theories: Ductile and brittle failure mechanisms, Tresca, Von-mises, Maximum
normal stress, Mohr-Coulomb and Modified Mohr-Coulomb; Fracture mechanics: Introduction
to Stressintensity factor approach and Griffith criterion. Fatigue failure: High cycle fatigue,
Stress-life approach, SN curve, endurance and fatigue limits, effects of mean stress using the
Modified Goodman diagram; Fracture with fatigue, Introduction to non-destructive testing
Alloys, substitutional and interstitial solid solutions- Phase diagrams: Interpretation of binary
phase diagrams and microstructure development; eutectic, peritectic, peritectoid and
monotectic reactions. Iron Iron-carbide phase diagram and microstrctural aspects of ledeburite,
austenite, ferrite and cementite, cast iron.TTT-curve
Alloying of steel, properties of stainless steel and tool steels, maraging steels- cast irons; grey,
white, malleable and spheroidal cast irons- copper and copper alloys; brass, bronze and cupro-
nickel; Aluminium and Al-Cu – Mg alloys- Nickel based superalloys and Titanium alloys
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will be able to identify crystal structures for various materials and understand the
defects in such structures
2. Understand how to tailor material properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
3.How to quantify mechanical integrity and failure in materials
Text Books:
1. W. D. Callister, 2006, “Materials Science and Engineering-An Introduction”, 6th Edition, Wiley
2. Kenneth G. Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, “Engineering Materials”, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, 4th Indian Reprint, 2002.
3. V. Raghavan, “Material Science and Engineering’, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 1999.
4. U. C. Jindal, “Engineering Materials and Metallurgy”, Pearson, 2011.
Course code PCC-ME-210G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Instrumentation and Control
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits Semester-IV
3 0 0 3
Objectives: 1. To provide a basic knowledge about measurement systems and
their components
2. To learn about various sensors used for measurement of
mechanical quantities
3. To learn about system stability and control
4. To integrate the measurement systems with the process for
process monitoring and control
Class work 25 Marks
Exam 75 Marks
Total 100 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
Note: Examiner will set nine questions in total. Question one will be compulsory. Question one
will have 6 parts of 2.5 marks each from all units and remaining eight questions of 15 marks
each to be set by taking two questions from each unit. The students have to attempt five
questions in total, first being compulsory and selecting one from each unit.
Transducer Elements : Introduction, Analog and Digital Transducers, Electromechanical; Potentiometric,
Inductive Self Generating and Non-Self Generating Types, Electromagnetic, Electrodynamic, Eddy
Magnetostrictive, Variable Inductance, Linearly Variable Differential Transformer, Variable Capacitance,
PiezoElectric Transducer and Associated Circuits, Unbonded and Bonded Resistance Strain Gages. Strain
Gage Bridge circuits, Single Double and Four Active Arm Bridge Arrangements, Temperature
Compensation, Balancing and Calibration, Ionisation Transducers, Mechano Electronic Transducers,
Opto-Electrical Transducers, Photo Conductive Transducers, Photo Volatic Transducers, Digital
Transducers, Frequency Domain Transducer, Vibrating String Transducer, Binary codes, Digital
Motion, Force and Torque Measurement : Introduction, Relative motion Measuring Devices,
Electromechanical, Optical, Photo Electric, Moire-Fringe, Pneumatic, Absolute Motion Devices, Seismic
Devices, Spring Mass & Force Balance Type, Calibration, Hydraulic Load Cell, Pneumatic Load Cell,
Elastic Force Devices, Separation of Force Components, Electro Mechanical Methods, Strain Gage,
Torque Transducer, Toque Meter. Intermediate, Indicating and Recording Elements : Introduction
Amplifiers, Mechanical, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Optical, Electrical Amplifying elements, Compensators,
Differentiating and Integrating Elements.
Control systems – basic elements, open/closed loop, design of block diagram; control method –
P, PI, PID, when to choose what, tuning of controllers; System models, transfer function and
system response, frequency response; Nyquist diagrams and their use.
Practical group based project utilizing above concepts.
Pressure and Flow Measurement : Pressure & Flow Measurement, Introduction : Moderate Pressure
Measurement, Monometers, Elastic Transducer, Dynamic Effects of Connecting Tubing, High Pressure
Transducer, Low Pressure Measurement, Calibration and Testing, Quantity Meters, Positive
Displacement Meters, Flow Rate Meters, Variable Head Meters, Variable Area Meters, Rotameters, Pitot-
Static Tube Meter, Drag Force Flow Meter, Turbine Flow Meter, Electronic Flow Meter, Electro
Magnetic Flow meter. Hot-Wire Anemometer.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to understand the measurement of
various quantities using instruments, their accuracy & range, and the techniques for controlling
devices automatically.
Text Books:
1.Instrumentation and control systems by W. Bolton, 2nd edition, Newnes, 200
2.Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. LienhardV , Mechanical Measurements (6th
Edition) 6th Edition, Pearson Education India, 2007
3.Gregory K. McMillan, Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, Fifth Edition,
McGraw-Hill: New York,1999.
Course code LC-ME-212G
Category Professional Core Courses
Course title Applied Thermodynamics Lab
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits
0 0 2 1
Objectives: 1. To understand Vapour power cycles.
2. To understand steam boilers, their types and components.
3. To learn fundamentals of flow of steam through a nozzle.
4. To understand Steam turbines ,condensers and compressors.
Class work mark 25 Marks
Practical mark 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
List of Experiments:
1.To study low pressure boilers and their accessories and mountings.
2. To study high pressure boilers and their accessories and mountings.
3. To prepare heat balance sheet for given boiler.
4. To study the working of impulse and reaction steam turbines.
5. To find dryness fraction of steam by separating and throttling calorimeter.
6. To find power out put& efficiency of a steam turbine.
7. To find the condenser efficiencies.
8. To study and find volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating air compressor.
9. To study cooling tower and find its efficiency.
10. To find calorific value of a sample of fuel using Bomb calorimeter.
11. Calibration of Thermometers and pressure gauges.
Course Outcome (COs): At the end of the course, the student shall have practical exposure of:
1. Vapour power cycles and find and compare different cycles based on their performance
parameters and efficiencies.
2. Steam boilers, their types and components.
3. Fundamentals of flow of steam through a nozzle.
4. Steam turbines and can calculate their work done and efficiencies.
5. Types and working of condensers and compressors and define their different types of
1. At least eight experiments should be performed from the above list.
Course code LC-ME-214G
Category Professional Core courses
Course title Strength of MaterialsLab
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits
0 0 2 1
Objectives: 1. To learn the principles of mechanics of solid and various
properties of materials.
2. Able to understand the concepts of stress, strain of materials and
ability to interpret the data from the experiments.
Class work mark 25 Marks
Practical mark 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
List of Experiments:
1. To study the Brinell hardness testing machine & perform the Brinell hardnesstest.
2. To study the Rockwell hardness testing machine & perform the Rockwellhardness test.
3. To study the Vickers hardness testing machine & perform the Vickers hardnesstest.
4. To study the Erichsen sheet metal testing machine & perform the Erichsensheet metal
5. To study the Impact testing machine and perform the Impact tests (Izod &Charpy).
6. To study the Universal testing machine and perform the tensile test.
7. To perform compression & bending tests on UTM.
8. To perform the sheer test on UTM.
9. To study the torsion testing machine and perform the torsion test.
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
List of Experiments:
1. To determine the coefficient of impact for vanes.
2. To determine coefficient of discharge of an orificemeter.
3. To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch (V and Rectangular types).
4. To determine the friction factor for the pipes.
5. To determine the coefficient of discharge of venturimeter.
6. To determine the coefficient of discharge, contraction & velocity of an orifice.
7. To verify the Bernoullis Theorem.
8. To find critical Reynolds number for a pipe flow.
9. To determine the meta-centric height of a floating body.
10. To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bends.
11. To show the velocity and pressure variation with radius in a forced vertex flow.
12. To verify the momentum equation.
Course Outcomes (COs): At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
1. Understand the techniques and concept of stability.
2. Learning continuity and Bernoulli’s equation.
3. Analyse discharge measuring devices and hydraulic coefficients.
4. Knowledge of different types of pipe losses and determine the velocity profile in a pipe.
1. At least eight experiments are to be performed in the semester.
Course code LC-ME-218G
Category Professional Core courses
Course title Materials Lab
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits
0 0 2 1
Objectives: 1. Learn the principles of materials science and engineering though
lab investigation.
2. Understand the basics structure of materials and ability to interpret
the data from the experiments.
Class work mark 25 Marks
Practical mark 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
List of Experiments:
Course Outcomes:
1- Learn the principles of materials science and engineering though lab investigation.
2- Prepare formal laboratory reports describing the results of experiments.
3- Operate basic instruments in materials science and engineering.
4- Understand the basics structure of materials and ability to interpret the data from the
1. At least eight experiments are to be performed in the semester.
Course code LC-ME-220G
Category Professional Core courses
Course title Instrumentation Lab
Scheme and Credits L T P Credits
0 0 2 1
Objectives: 1 - To understand about the applications of measurement systems.
2 - To understand about the basics and working principle of pressure,
temperature and flow measurement.
3 - Identify the different variation of measurement parameter with
various input conditions.
4 - To analyze the primary, secondary and tertiary measurements.
5 - To learn about the various control devices and parts of measurement
Class work mark 25 Marks
Practical mark 25 Marks
Total 50 Marks
Duration of Exam 03 Hours
List of Experiments :
Course Outcomes:
1 - To understand about the applications of measurement systems.
2 - To understand about the basics and working principle of pressure, temperature and flow
3 - Identify the different variation of measurement parameter with various input conditions.
4 - To analyze the primary, secondary and tertiary measurements.
5 - To learn about the various control devices and parts of measurement systems
1. At least eight experiments are to be performed in the Semester.
a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation : * Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining * Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure
dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. and function of the following eco-system :
b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and a. Forest ecosystem.
ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams- b. Grassland ecosystem.
benefits and problems.
c. Desert ecosystem.
c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects
d. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers,
of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies.
oceans, estuaries) (6 lectures)
d) Food resources : World food problems, changes, caused by
Unit-4 Biodiversity and its conservation
agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture,
fertilizer-pesticide problems, Water logging, salinity, case * Introduction - Definition : Genetic, Species and
studies. ecosystem diversity.
e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs; renewable and * Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive
non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values.
sources, case studies. * Biodiversity at global, National and local levels.
f) Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, * India as a mega-diversity nation.
man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. * Hot-spots of biodiversity.
* Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
* Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of
* Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts.
(8 lectures) * Endangered and endemic species of India.
* Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and ex-situ
conservation of biodiversity.
(8 lectures)
Unit-5 Environmental pollution : * Consumerism and waste products.
Definition, causes, effects and control measures of : * Environment Protection Act.
a) Air pollution. * Air (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act.
b) Water pollution * Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) Act.
c) Soil pollution * Wildlife Protection Act.
d) Marine pollution * Forest Conservation Act.
e) Noise pollution * Issues involved in enforcement of environmental
f) Thermal pollution
* Public awareness. (7 lectures)
g) Nuclear hazards
Unit-7 Human population and the Environment.
* Solids waste management: causes, effects and
control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Population growth, variation among nations.
* Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. Population explosion- Family Welfare Programme.
* Pollution case studies. Environment and human health.
* Disaster management : floods, earthquake, cyclone Human Rights.
and landslides. Value Education.
(8 lectures) HIV/AIDS.
Unit-6 Social issues and the Environment: Woman and Child Welfare
* From unsustainable to sustainable development. Role of Information Technology in Environment and human
* Urban problems related to energy. health.
* Water conservation, rain water harvesting, Case Studies. (6 lectures)
watershed management. Unit-8 Field Work :
* Resettlement and rehabilitation of people : its * Visit to a local area to document environmental assets -
problems and concerns case studies. river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain.
* Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
* Visit to a local polluted site-urban/Rural/ Industrial/
* Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer Agricultural.
depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case studies. * Study of common plants, insects, birds.
* Wasteland reclamation. * Study of simple ecosystems- pond, river, hill slopes, etc. (Field
work equal to 10 lecture hours).
References Co. (TB).
1. Agarwal, K.C. 2001 Environmental Biology, Nidi Pub. 15. Odum, E.P. 1971, Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B.
Ltd. Bikaner. Saunders Co. USA, 574p.
2. Bharucha, Frach, The Biodiversity of India, MApin Publishing 16. Rao M.N. & Datta, A.K. 1987 Waste Water Treatment.
Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad-380013, India, E-mail : mapin@icenet.net Oxford & TBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd. 345p.
(R). 17. Sharma, B.K. 2001, Environmental Chemistry, Goal
3. Brunner R.C. 1989, Hazardous Waste Incineration, Mc. Publ. House, Meerut.
Graw Hill Inc. 480p. 18. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu (M).
4. Clark R.S., Marine pollution, Slanderson Press Oxford (TB).
19. Townsend C., Harper J. and Michael Begon. Essentials of
5. Cunningham, W.P. Cooper, T.H. Gorhani, E & Ecology, Blackwell Science (TB).
Hepworth, M.T. 2001, Environmental Encyclopedia,
20. Trivedi R.K., Handbook of Environmental Laws, Rules,
Jaico Pub. House, Mumbai 1196 p.
Guidelines, Comliances and Standards, Vol. I and II
6. De A.K., Environmental Chemistry, WileyEastern Ltd. Enviro Media (R).
7. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment (R). 21. Tridevi R.K. and P.K. Goal, Introduction to air pollution,
8. Gleick, H.P., 1993. Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Techno Science Publications (TR).
Studies in Dev. Environment & Security Stockholm Env. 22. Wagner K.D., 1998, Environmental Management, W.B.
Institute, Oxford Univ. Press, 473p. Saunders co. Philadelphia, USA 499p.
9. Hawkins R.E. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, 23. Atext book environmental education G.V.S. Publishers
Bombay Natural HistorySociety, Bombay(R). byDr. J.P. Yadav.
10. Heywood, V.H. & Watson, R.T. 1995. Global (M) Magazine
Biodiversity Assessment, Cambridge Uni. Press 1140p.
(R) Reference
11. Jadhav, H & Bhosale, V.M. 1995. Environmental
(TB) Textbook
Protection and Laws. Himalaya Pub. House, Delhi 284p.
12. Mackinney, M.L. & Schoch, RM 1996, Environmental The scheme of the paper will be under :
Science systems & solutions, Web enhanced edition. 639p. The subject of Environmental Studies will be included as a
13. Mhaskar A.K., Mayyer Hazardous, Tekchno-Science qualifying paper in all UG Courses and the students will be
Publications (TB). required to qualify the same otherwise the final result will not
14. Miller T.G. Jr. Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing be declared and degree will not be awarded.
The duration of the course will be 40 lectures. The examination will
be conducted along with the semester examinations.
Exam. Pattern : In case of awarding the marks, the paper will carry
100 marks. Theory: 75 marks, Practical/ Field visit : 25 marks.
The structure of the question paper will be :
Part- A: Short Answer Pattern : 15marks
Part- B :EssayType with inbuilt choice : 60marks
Part-C : Field Work (Practical) : 25marks
Instructions for Examiners :
Part- A : Question No. 1 is compulsory and will contain five
short- answer type question of 3 marks each covering the entire
Part-B : Eight essay type questions (with inbuilt choice) will be set
from the entire syllabus and the candidate will be required to answer
any four of them. Each essay type question will be of 15 marks.
The examination of the regular students will be conducted by
the concerned college/Institute. Each student will be required to
score minimum 40% marks separately in theory and practical/Field
visit. The marks in this qualifying paper will not be included in
determining the percentage of marks obtained for the award of degree.
However, these marks will be shown in the detailed marks certificate
of the students.