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B.Tech 6th Sem G Scheme

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(A State Univeristy established under Haryana Act No. XXV of 1975)

'A+' Grade University Accredited by NAAC
Theory Date-Sheet for B.E /B.Tech. 6th Sem. (G Scheme) Regular & Re-appear/Imp. Examinations May - 2024
Time of Exam. 09.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. / Center of Exam : As per Roll No. List
Date Paper Code Subject (Full Nomenclature) Paper ID No. Branches
PCC-BT-302-G Plant Biotechnology 3359 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.)
PCC-CE-302-G Irrigation Engineering 3303 B.Tech (Civil)
PCC-IT-304-G Cloud Computing 3348 B.Tech (CS&IT)
PCC-CSE-302-G Complier Design 3333 B.Tech (CSE),B.Tech.(CST),CSE-IT-CSE,AI & DS
PCC-ECE-302-G Control Systems 3323 B.Tech (ECE),ETE
PCC-MN-421-G Mine System Engneering 3431 Mining Engg.
PCC-DS-302-G Machine Learing Essentials 3469 B.Tech (CSE-Data Science)
PCC-DS-303-G Data Mining and Analytics 3467 (CSE-ARTIFI. INTELLIGEN. & MACHINE LEARING ENGG)


PCC-MA-302-G Management of Manufacturing System 3495 Mechanical & Automation

PCC-ECE-307-G/ Digital Signal Processing 3219 B.Tech (EE), EEE
PEC-EE-06-G Power System Protection 3352 B.Tech (EE) (Elective-III),EEE-Elective-III
PCC-FAE-303-G Apparel Production-III 3372 B.Tech (FAE)
PCC-FT-302-G Rescue Equipment and Techniques 3409 B.Tech (FT)

PCC-ME-302-G Manufacturing Technology-II 3312 B.Tech (ME),Robotics & Automation Engg.

PT-302-G Printing Management 3416 B.Tech (Printing Technology)
PCC-TC-304-G Processing of Synthetics & Blends 3401 B.Tech (TC)
PCC-TT-303-G Unconventional Systems of Yarn Formation 3390 B.Tech (TT)

PCC-BT-304-G Animal Biotechnology & Stem Cells 3360 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.)

PCC-CE-304-G Foundation Engineering 3304 B.Tech (Civil)
PCC-CSE-304-G Artificial Intelligence 3334 B.Tech (CSE),CSIT & IT, B.Tech.(CST),CSE-ITCSE
PCC-ECE-304-G Computer Network 3324 B.Tech (ECE),ETE
PCC-MN-422-G Mineral Engineering & Fuel Technology 3432 Mining Engg.
PCC-EE-302-G Power Systems-II 3349 B.Tech (EE),EEE
PCC-DS-304-G Computer Networks & 3470 B.Tech (CSE-Data Science)
14.05.2024 PCC-FAE-304-G Automation in Garment Industry 3373 B.Tech (FAE)
PCC-IOT-310-G Cyber Security and Blockchain 3484 B.Tech (CSE-INTERNET OF THINGS & CYBER SECURITY Engg.

PCC-MA-304-G Machine Design-II 3496 Mechanical & Automation

PCC-ADS-302-G Theory of Deep Learning 3951 AI &DS
PCC-FT-304-G Fire Protection and Salvage Operation 3410 B.Tech (FT)
PCC-ME-304-G Design of Machine Element-I 3313 B.Tech (ME)
PT-304-G Print Finishing 3417 B.Tech (Printing Technology)
PCC-TC-305-G Textile Finishing 3402 B.Tech (TC)
PCC-TT-304-G Advanced Weaving Technology-II 3391 B.Tech (TT)
PCC-BT-306-G Environmental Biotechnology 3361 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.)
PCC-CE-306-G Highway Engineering-II 3305 B.Tech (Civil)
PCC-CSE-306-G Advanced Java 3335 B.Tech (CSE),CSIT & IT, B.Tech.(CST),CSE-ITCSE
HUM-ECE-306-G Engineering Ethics 3325 B.Tech (ECE),ETE
PCC-EE-306-G Power Electronics 3350 B.Tech (EE)
PEC-DS-312-G Business Intelligence & Analytics 3474 B.Tech (CSE-AI & MLE),CSE-Data Sci.

ESC-IOT-312-G Signals and Systems 3485 B.Tech (CSE-INTERNET OF THINGS & CYBER SECURITY Engg.

PCC-MA-306-G Dynamics of Machine 3497 Mechanical & Automation

16.05.2024 PCC-ADS-304-G Data Science Essentials 3952 AI &DS

PEC-FTEL-328 Electrical Systems and Safety in 3411 B.Tech (FT) (Professional Elective)
PCC-MN-423-G Design
Mine Environmental Engineering-II 3433 Mining Engg.
PCC-DS-306-G Big Data & Analytic 3471 B.Tech (CSE-Data Science)
PEC-EE-04-G Electrical and Hybrid Vehicle 3385 B.Tech (EEE) (Elective-III)
PCC-ME-306-G Heat Transfer 3314 B.Tech (ME)
OEC-FAE-307-G Indian Colored Textile Heritage 3378 B.Tech (FAE) (Elective-III)
PT-306-G Printing Substrates 3418 B.Tech (Printing Technology)
PEC-TT-305-G Structure and Properties of Fibres 3393 B.Tech (TT) (Elective-II),TC-EL-II
PCC-CSE-204-G/PEC-EEE-12-G Computer Organization & 3086 B.Tech(EEE)
18.05.2024 Architecture (Common with ID 4th sem)
Time:09.30 AM To 12:30 PM
B.E / B.Tech. 6th Semester (Page-2)
PEC-EE-18-G Advance Electric Drives 3353 B.Tech (EE-Elective-IV)
PEC-EE-08-G Power Quality and FACTS 3354 B.Tech (EE-Elective-IV)
21.05.2024 PCC-AI-306-G Data Science with R Programming 3481 B.Tech (CSE-AI & MLE)
PCC-MA-308-G Fluid Systems 3498 Mechnical & Automation
PCC-ADS-306-G Network Security 3953 AI & DS
PEC-BT-316-G Cancer Biology 3364 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.) (Annexure-3)
PEC-CEEL-302-G Waste Water Treatment 3306 B.Tech (Civil) (Elective-I)
PEC-CEEL-304-G Air & Noise Pollution Control 3307 B.Tech (Civil) (Elective-I)
PEC-CEEL-306-G Environmental Impact Assessment 3308 B.Tech (Civil) (Elective-I)
ESC-CSE-308-G Mobile and Wireless Communication 3336 B.Tech (CSE),CSIT & IT, B.Tech.(CST)
PEC-AI-308-G Nature Inspired Computing Techniques 3476 B.Tech (CSE-AI & MLE),CSE-Data Sci.

PCC-RA-304-G Robotics Engineering and Application 3487 B.Tech (Robotics and Automation Engineering)

PCC-MA-310-G Metal Cutting & Tool Design 3499 Mechnical & Automation
PCC-ADS-308-G Distributed System 3954 AI & DS
23.05.2024 PCC-MN-424-G Mining Machinery & Mechanization-I 3434 Mining Engg.
PCC-DS-308-G Software Engineering & Practices 3472 B.Tech (CSE-Data Science)
PEC-FTEL-329 Safety in Petroleum and Petrochemical 3412 B.Tech (FT) (Professional Elective)
PCC-ECE-308-G CMOS Design 3326 B.Tech (ECE),ETE
LC-EE-310-G Electronics Design Laboratry 3351 B.Tech EE
PEC-FAE-306-G Material Studies 3377 B.Tech (FAE) (Elective-II)
PCC-ME-308-G Dynamics of Machines 3315 B.Tech (ME)
PT-308-G Printing Ink Technology 3419 B.Tech (Printing Technology)
PEC-TC-304-G Textile Chemical Testing 3404 B.Tech (TC) (Elective-II)
PEC-TT-307-G Engineering of Textile Structures 3395 B.Tech (TT) (Elective-III)
PCC-AI-304-G Principles of Artificial Intelligence 3480 B.Tech (CSE-AI & MLE)
OEC-FTEL-339 Environmental Engineering and 3415 B.Tech (FT) (Open Elective)
OEC-TC-306-G Garment Procession & Quality Control 3407 B.Tec (TC)-Elective-III
HSMC-04-G Human Resource Management 3320 B.Tech (ME) (Elective-II)
HSMC-08-G Fundamentals of Management 3322 B.Tech (ME) (Elective-II)
HSMC-02-G Organizational Behavior (Common ID No. 3079 B.Tech(CS&T),EE,ME,EEE
30.05.2024 3079 with 4th sem) Time:09.30 AM To
12:30 PM
PEC-BT-322-G Human Genetics 3367 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.) (Annexure-4)
PEC-CEEL-308-G Advanced Concrete Structure 3309 B.Tech (Civil) (Elective-II)
PEC-CEEL-310-G Pre-Stressed Concrete 3310 B.Tech (Civil) (Elective-II)
PEC-CEEL-312-G Repair & Rehabilitation of Structure 3311 B.Tech (Civil) (Elective-II)
PEC-CSE-310-G Advanced Database Management 3337 B.Tech (CSE) (Elective-II),CS&IT-EL-II,IT-EL-II, B.Tech.(CST)-
System (Elective-II)
PEC-CSE-312-G Mobile application Development 3338 B.Tech (CSE) (Elective-II),IT-EL-II
PEC-CSE-314-G Computer Graphics 3339 B.Tech (CSE) (Elective-II)
PEC-DS-315-G Predictive Analytics Essentials 3477 B.Tech (CSE-AI & MLE),CSE-Data Sci.
PEC-CSE-330-G Communication Engineering 3340 B.Tech (CSE) (Elective-II)
PEC-FTEL-326 Building Design and Drawing 3486 B.Tech (Fire Tech. & Safety)
PT-312-G Offset Technology-II 3421 B.Tech (Printing Technology)
PEC-ECE-310-G Bio-Medical Electronics 3327 B.Tech (ECE) (Elective-II)
01.06.2024 B.Tech (ECE) (Elective-II ),ETE-Elective-II,EE-Elective-II,CSE-
PEC-ECE-312-G VHDL and Digital Design 3328
PEC-ECE-314-G Introduction to MEMS 3329 B.Tech (ECE) (Elective-II),EEE-Elective-II
PCC-MN-428-G Waste Water Mangement 3435 Mining Engg.-Elective-II
HSMC-TT/TC/FAE-301-G Merchandising and Export Management 3374 B.Tech (FAE),TT,TC
PCC-RA-306-G Microprocessor & Microcontroller 3488 B.Tech (Robotics and Automation Engineering)
PEC-AI-310-G Intelligent Machining 3482 CSE-AIMLE
PCC-ADS-310-G Mobile Application Develpoment 3955 AI & DS
PEC-ME-320-G Internal Combustion Engines & Gas 3316 B.Tech (ME) (Elective-I),Robotics & Automation Engg.List-
Turbines I
PEC-ME-322-G Welding Technology 3317 B.Tech (ME) (Elective-I)
PEC-ME-326-G Reliability, Avbailability & 3319 B.Tech (ME) (Elective-I)
B.E / B.Tech. 6th Semester (Page-3)
06.06.2024 PCC-CSE-303-G Computer Networks (Common with ID 3228 B.Tech (IT)
4th sem) Time: 09:30AM To 12:30 PM
OEC-BT-302-G Bio Sensor 3368 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.) (Annexure-5)
OEC-BT-308-G Cyber Law & Ethics 3369 B.Tech (Bio-Tech.) (Annexure-5)
PT-310-G Print Image Generation-II 3420 B.Tech (Printing Technology)
OEC-TT-306-G Advanced Textile Testing 3398 B.Tech (TT) (Open Elective-III)
OEC-EE-08-G Conventional and Renewable Energy 3357 B.Tech (EE-Elective-V),EEE-Elective-IV
OEC-EE-10-G Soft Computing 3358 B.Tech (EE-Elective-V)
PCC-TC-306-G Textile Processing Machinery 3403 B.Tech (TC)
OEC-FTEL-333 Computer Applications and CAD-CAM 3414 B.Tech (Fire Tech. & Safety) (Open Elective)

PCC-RA-308-G Artificial Intelligence in Robotics 3489 B.Tech (Robotics and Automation Engineering)
PCC-AI-302-G Statistical Machine Learing 3479 B.Tech (CSE-AI & MLE)
PEC-CSE-316-G Distributed System 3341 B.Tech (CSE) (Elective-III)
PEC-CSE-318-G Information Technology & Industry 3342 B.Tech (CSE) (Elective-III)
Business Skills
PEC-CSE-320-G Data Science 3343 B.Tech (CSE) &CST (Elective-III)
PEC-IT-304-G Soft Computing 3346 B.Tech(IT) (Elective-III),CS&IT-EL-III
OEC-ECE-318-G Python Programming 3331 B.Tech (ECE) (Open Elective-II),EEE-Open Elective-
II, B.Tech(ETE)-(Open Elective-II)
OEC-ECE-320-G Probability and Stochastic Processes 3332 B.Tech (ECE) (Open Elective-II)
OEC-FAE-310-G Fashion Accessories 3381 B.Tech (FAE) (Elective-IV)
PCC-EEE-310-G VLSI Design 3384 B.Tech (EEE)
NOTE: 1 (1) The students will have to report at the examination centre at least one hour before the commencement of examination.

(2) No student having mobile phone or any electronic gadget in his/her possession will be allowed to appear in examination.
(3) The students will have to report at the examination centre at least one hour before the commencement of examination.
(4) Before answering the question paper, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the Examination.

Dated:-23.04.2024 Controller of Examinations

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