UIET MDU Date Sheet B.Tech 5th
UIET MDU Date Sheet B.Tech 5th
UIET MDU Date Sheet B.Tech 5th
Theory Date-Sheet for B.Tech. 5th Sem.(G Scheme) (Regular&Reappear) Examinations December-2023
Time of Exam. 9.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.
Centre of Exam: As Per Roll No. Slip
Date Syll. Code Subject (Full Nomenclature) P. Code Branches
PEC-ECE-309-G Power Electronics 3220 B.Tech (ECE)-(Elective-I)
PEC-ECE-311-G Nano Electronics 3221 B.Tech (ECE)-(Elective-I),EE-(List-II)
PEC-ECE-313-G Linear Applications 3222 B.Tech (ECE)-(Elective-I)
OEC-ME-301-G Air and Noise Pollution and Control 3213 B.Tech.(ME)-Elective-i)
OEC-ME-305-G Microprocessor and Interfacing 3215 B.Tech.(ME)-Elective-i)
PEC-CSE-311-G Software Engineering 3232 B.Tech (CSE)(Elective-I),CST(ELECTIVE-I),CS&IT
Science & Design
PEC-CSE-313-G System Programming and System 3233 B.Tech (CSE)(Elective-I)
PEC-CSE-315-G Digital Image Processing 3234 B.Tech (CSE)(Elective-I)
PCC-RA-303-G Industrial Automation & Robotics 3449 B.Tech(Robotics & Automation)
01.12.2023 PCC-CE-301-G Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering 3201 B.Tech.( (Civil Engg.)
PEC-EE-01-G Wind and Solar Energy System 3241 B.Tech (EE) (Elective-I)
PEC-EE-03-G Electrical Drives 3242 B.Tech (EE) (Elective-I)
PEC-EE-05-G HVDC Transmission System 3243 B.Tech (EE) (Elective-I),EEE
PEC-EE-07-G High Voltage Engineering 3244 B.Tech (EE) (Elective-I),EEE(ELECTIVE-I)
12.12.2023 PCC-CE-307-G Water Supply and treatment 3204 B.Tech.( (Civil Engg.)
PCC-MA-307-G Automatic Control system 3493 Mechanical & Automation
PEC-FTEL-321-G Fire Safety Codes and Standards 3292 B. Tech.(fire Technology & Safety) (Elective-I)
PCC-FT-305-G Passive Measures for Fire Safety 3291 B. Tech.(fire Technology & Safety)
PT-311-G Advertising and Multimedia 3299 B. Tech. (Printing Tech.)
PCC-ME-303-G Solid Mechanics 3208 B.Tech. (ME)
PEC-DS-313-G Data Analytics Basics 3456 B.Tech (CSE-AI&ML),CSE-Data Science
OEC-FAE-304-G Textile & Garment Design by Surface 3267 B.Tech (FAE) (Open Elective-II)
OEC-TT-301-G Textile Chemical Processing 3279 B.Tech (TT) (Open Elective-I)
PEC-TC-302-G Chemical Processing of Unconventional 3281 B.Tech (TC) (Open Elective-I)
Textile Materials
PCC-ME-309-G Fluid Machine 3211 B.Tech. (ME)
PCC-IT-303-G Web Technology 3236 IT,CS&IT
PEC-FAE-301-G Digital Fabric Design and Development 3261 B.Tech (FAE) (Elective-I)
PCC-DS-307-G Artificial & Computational Intelligence 3468 B.Tech (CSE-Data Science)
PCC-EEE/313-G Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation 3270 B.Tech (EEE)
PCC-CSE-203-G(A) Data Structures & Algorithms (w.e.f. March 3128 CSE,Computer Science & Design,Ariticial Intelligence & Data
2021)(TIME of Exams: 09:30 AM-12:30 PM) Science,Robotics & Automation Engg.,(Common with 3rd sem)
26.12.2023 PCC-CSE-205-G Digital Electronics (TIME of Exams: 09:30 AM-12:30 3032 Robotics & Automation Engg.(Common with 3rd sem)
(1) All the students will be required to follow the National guidelines related to COVID-19 as issued by Ministry of Home affairs/State Govt. from time to time.
(2) The students will have to report at the examination centre at least one hour before the commencement of Examinations.
(3)No student having mobile phone or any electronic gadget in his/her possession will be allowed to sit in the examination.
(4)Before answering the question paper, the candidates should ensure that they have been supplied the correct question paper. Complaints in this regard, if any, shall not be entertained after the Examination.
(5) The use of simple calculator is allowed. Exchanging of calculator, Eraser, Pen, Pencil etc. are not allowed.
Dated:-15.11.2023 Controller of Examinations