IGV IMECE 0821 2 Column Final3
IGV IMECE 0821 2 Column Final3
IGV IMECE 0821 2 Column Final3
Smith Predictor Position Control for the Inlet Guide Vane of Centrifugal Air
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The system model obtained from our dynamic the delay-free portion of the system transfer function,
measurement showed that the IGV is a first order while Pˆ0 ( s) represents an estimate of the delay-free
system with time-delay. An appropriate control portion of the system transfer function. C 0 ( s ) is the
strategy needs to be developed to obtain good
performance (sufficient response time and accuracy) controller transfer function.
and disturbance rejection for such delay systems. If the estimation of plant and the time delay
Smith Predictor has been an effective control scheme are both perfect, the Smith predictor effectively takes
for compensating the effect of time delay [1]. The the time-delay outside the loop, and then a traditional
Smith Predictor predicts the output of the system control method can be applied. However, if there is
“time delay” units of time in the future, and so any inaccuracy in either estimate, some modification
effectively taking the delay outside the loop [2]. The has to be made to ensure robustness.
Smith Predictor has been studied extensively to The closed-loop transfer function of the
determine the conditions for stability [3], improve inner-loop in Figure 4 can be written as
results in special cases such as a system with a pure C ( s ) Pˆ ( s ) (3)
T (s) =
integrator [4] [5], and develop the method for 1 + C ( s ) Pˆ ( s )
discrete-time systems [6] [7]. The Smith predictor
has been combined with other methods, such as the where C ( s ) = C 0 ( s ){1 + C 0 ( s )[ Pˆ ( s ) − Pˆ0 ( s )]}−1 .
digital “wait and see” method to attempt to improve Then the necessary and sufficient condition for robust
robustness [8] [9]. Much of the development in the stability and performance of the system with Smith
Smith predictor method has proved effective in delay predictor under time-delay mismatch is shown as [11]
compensation; however, it has not been successful W2T ∞ < 1 (4)
for rejecting disturbances. To achieve this, a process- 2 2
model modification was made to the Smith predictor ( W2T + W1 S )1 / 2 <1 (5)
to achieve step disturbance rejection [10].
In this paper, an IGV position control where S is sensitivity function, and S = I − T .
scheme is proposed to reject aerodynamic The nominal plant model uncertainty can be
disturbance using the Smith Predictor with process- written as
model modification. The control design method will P ( s ) = Pˆ ( s )[1 + ∆ ( s )] (6a)
be described in next section. Simulation and where
experimental results are presented in Section III, and
P ( s) − Pˆ ( s ) (6b)
conclusions are given in Section IV. ∆( s) =
Pˆ ( s )
II. METHOD Several assumptions are made at this point.
A. Smith Predictor Method It is assumed that the plant is asymptotically stable
The Smith predictor method is a method of control and does not contain a pure differentiator, the
for systems with a time delay. A time delay system in controller C0(s) contains an integrator, and T(s) is
state-space form can be written as follows [2]: asymptotically stable. If these conditions are met, the
x = Ax (t ) + Bu (t − τ ) (1) Smith Predictor based system will have zero steady-
y (t ) = Cx (t ) state error for a step input.
where τ represents the time delay. The corresponding Given that the above assumptions are met, the
transfer function can be written as controller can be designed as
Y ( s) K
= Po ( s )e −τs (2) C 0 ( s) = Pˆ0 ( s) −1 (7)
U (s) s
Po ( s ) = C ( sI − A) −1 B There are two possibilities for the form of the
where P0(s) represents the delay-free part of the
system. The Smith predictor method is a method of kp
Pˆ0 ( s ) = (8a)
“feeding back” the time-delay estimate in order to τs + 1
properly account for the delay in calculating the kp
control signal, as shown in Figure 4. The output of Pˆ0 ( s ) = (8b)
the Smith Predictor effectively contains a prediction τ s + 2τξs + 1
2 2
of the output y(t) one time-delay amount of time in A rule of thumb is to set K as 3/τ.
the future. P(s) represents the actual system transfer
B. Process-Model Modification
function, while Pˆ ( s ) represents an estimate of the The Smith Predictor method is useful for
system transfer function. Again, P0 ( s ) represents compensating for a time delay; however, its
traditional design does not perform well when
subjected to a disturbance. The process-model position variation, the process-model modification to
method is a modification to the Smith predictor that the Smith predictor was also incorporated.
effectively rejects step disturbances [10]. The The controller was designed using the Smith
process-model method is to substitute Pˆ0 ( s) with Predictor process-model method, the state-space
G1(s), as shown in Figure 5. The G1(s) can be parameters for P0(s) were found as A = − 0.43, B =1,
C = 0.45 and D = 0. These values were then
calculated by
τ substituted into Eq. (9), which leads to
G1 ( s) = Ce − Aτ ( sI − A) −1 B − ∫ Ce − At Bdt (9) − 0.094s + 0.4502
0 G1 ( s) = (13)
The variables in Eq. (9) are the same as defined in s + 0.43
Eq. (2). With this modification, the closed-loop Using Eqs. (10) and (11), the stability condition is
system will have zero steady-state error to a step satisfied with the following verification:
disturbance if and only if the impulse response of − 0.094s + 0.4502 0.45 −0.2 s
lim − e = 0 (14)
G1 ( s) − MG( s)e −τs (10) s →0 s + 0.43 s + 0.43
goes to zero as t goes to infinity, and as s goes to The Smith Predictor effectively removed the time
zero, respectively. delay to the outside of the loop, and then the PI
controller with higher gains was investigated. We
III. RESULTS adjust the PI controller to
An IGV experimental setup was installed at the 0.95(2.2s + 1)
GC ( s) = (15)
Mechatronics Research Lab at the University of s
Wisconsin – Milwaukee to test the response of an Air The closed-loop step response using the Smith
Relief® GS10CW-A2-P8 inlet guide vane, acquired Predictor with process-model control is shown in
by Toyota Motors Manufacturing in Kentucky, Inc. Figure 9. Notice that the settling time was
(TMMK). The actual opening of the IGV is measured approximately 2.6 seconds, while the settling time for
with a potentiometer mounted on the shaft of the the PI controller was about 4 seconds. Better
IGV. The IGV is positioned by an IP converter that performance was contributed to the higher PI gains
receives a 4-20 mA current input corresponding to an after delay compensation.
IGV positioning of 0-100% open. The actual The closed-loop system using process-model
position is read from the potentiometer also as a 4-20 Smith Predictor controller was then simulated by
mA current output. A swept-sine test was performed adding a step disturbance. An upper bound for the
on the IGV, and the resulting frequency response step disturbance was calculated by measuring the
plots are shown in Figure 6. The frequency response position error of the IGV under loading. The IGV
data are in solid lines, while the dashed lines indicate was opened and closed through a series of step
the response of the following estimated model: openings of different magnitude. The data from one
Y (s) 0.45 − 0.2 s (11) of the step tests is plotted in Figure 10. The
= e
U ( s ) s + 0.43 maximum position error of the IGV was found to be
where a time-delay value of 0.2 second was presented, approximately 4.36%. In order to provide for a
as shown in Figure 6(a). The uncertainty weight W2(s) margin of error, the IGV position error was bounded
to approximate the model uncertainty of IGV, as as 5%, corresponding to 0.8 mA command signal.
shown in Figure 6(b) [12] [13]. The simulation response is shown in Figure 11. In
A PI controller was obtained through root locus this simulation test, a step input from 12 to 16.8 mA
method, as shown in Figure 7. The controller was corresponding to a step change of 50% to 80% is
designed to provide the quick response without applied at t = 6 seconds. The upper bound of
overshoot. The step response of the IGV system with disturbance 0.8 mA corresponding to 5% position
PI controller is shown in Figure 8(a), with the control error is applied at t = 12 seconds. The disturbance is
input profile shown in Figure 8(b). Equation (12) is rejected, and the IGV settles at the 16.8 mA set point.
the transfer function of the selected PI controller. The robust stability and performance of the
0.61(2.2s + 1) controller are verified with Equation (4) (5). With the
GC ( s ) = (12)
s weights W = 1 , W = 1.08( s + 0.17) ,
1 2
The Smith Predictor method was then used to 5( s + 1)( s + 0.43) s + 0.43
achieve better control performance by compensating we obtain
for the time delay. PI controller was still adopted for W2T ∞ = 0.886 < 1 (16)
steady state disturbance rejection. In order to 2 2
compensate for the aerodynamic disturbances during ( W2T + W1 S )1/ 2 = 0.893 < 1 (17)
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Frequency Response Measured from Encoder With Approximated Fit Curve
actual frequency response
approximated fit curve
Magnitude [dB]
-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
IGV (%)
18 -5
Model Uncertainty
Magnitude [dB]
17.5 W2
17 -10
5 10 15 20
Time (second) 25 30
-2 -1 0 1
Figure 3: IGV position command and measurement 10 10 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
during actual operation
(b): Fitting the model uncertainty weight W2
r(t) + Controller Plant y(t) Figure 6 Plant and uncertainty modeling of the IGV
C0 (s) P(s)(1+∆(s)) Controller Plant y(t)
r(t) +
− C0 (s) P(s)
Pˆ0 (s) − Pˆ(s)
Delay Compensation Figure 7: Traditional control block diagram
Figure 4: The idea of Smith Predictor 12
+ d(t) y (t )
Set Points
r(t) + Controller Plant 10 Step Response
Step Response (mA)
GC (s) G ( s ) e − τs
+ 9
− − 8
G1(s) − MG(s)e−τs 7
Set Points
IGV Feedback
Control Input
12 80 IGV Command
Control Input (mA)
% Open
8 55
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(b) Control Input Time (sec)
Figure 8: Simulation of traditional PI control for the
IGV system Figure 10: IGV step test response while compressor
is in operation, showing position error magnitude.
Set Points
10 Step Response 14
Step Response (mA)
5 6
4 4
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec) Time (sec)
(a) Step Response Figure 11: Simulated response of IGV to step input
Set Points
and upper bound of estimated step disturbance
Control Input
18 Nyquist Diagram
2 dB 0 dB -2 dB -4 dB
4 dB
16 0.8
-6 dB
Control Input (mA)
0.6 6 dB
0.4 10 dB -10 dB
12 0.2
Imaginary Axis
20 dB -20 dB
6 -0.6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (sec)
Smith Predictor with process-model modification Figure 12: Nyquist plot of IGV with process-model