EDGE: Editable Dance Generation From Music: Jonathan Tseng, Rodrigo Castellon, C. Karen Liu Stanford University

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EDGE: Editable Dance Generation From Music

Jonathan Tseng, Rodrigo Castellon, C. Karen Liu

Stanford University
arXiv:2211.10658v2 [cs.SD] 27 Nov 2022

Figure 1. EDGE generates diverse, physically plausible dance choreographies conditioned on music.

Abstract On the other hand, using computational methods to gener-

ate dances automatically can alleviate the burden of the cre-
Dance is an important human art form, but creating ation process, leading to many applications: such methods
new dances can be difficult and time-consuming. In this can help animators create new dances or provide interac-
work, we introduce Editable Dance GEneration (EDGE), a tive characters in video games or virtual reality with real-
state-of-the-art method for editable dance generation that istic and varied movements based on user-provided music.
is capable of creating realistic, physically-plausible dances In addition, dance generation can provide insights into the
while remaining faithful to the input music. EDGE uses a relationship between music and movement, which is an im-
transformer-based diffusion model paired with Jukebox, a portant area of research in neuroscience [2].
strong music feature extractor, and confers powerful editing Previous work has made significant progress using ma-
capabilities well-suited to dance, including joint-wise con- chine learning-based methods, but has achieved limited suc-
ditioning, and in-betweening. We introduce a new metric cess in generating dances from music that satisfy user con-
for physical plausibility, and evaluate dance quality gener- straints. Furthermore, the evaluation of generated dances is
ated by our method extensively through (1) multiple quanti- subjective and complex, and existing papers often use quan-
tative metrics on physical plausibility, beat alignment, and titative metrics that we show to be flawed.
diversity benchmarks, and more importantly, (2) a large-
scale user study, demonstrating a significant improvement In this work, we propose Editable Dance GEneration
over previous state-of-the-art methods. Qualitative samples (EDGE), a state-of-the-art method for dance generation that
from our model can be found at our website. creates realistic, physically-plausible dance motions based
on input music. Our method uses a transformer-based dif-
fusion model paired with Jukebox, a strong music feature
extractor. This unique diffusion-based approach confers
1. Introduction
powerful editing capabilities well-suited to dance, includ-
Dance is an important part of many cultures around the ing joint-wise conditioning and in-betweening. In addition
world: it is a form of expression, communication, and social to the advantages immediately conferred by the modeling
interaction [28]. However, creating new dances or dance an- choices, we observe flaws with previous metrics and pro-
imations is uniquely difficult because dance movements are pose a new metric that captures the physical accuracy of
expressive and freeform, yet precisely structured by music. ground contact behaviors without explicit physical model-
In practice, this requires tedious hand animation or motion ing. In summary, our contributions are the following:
capture solutions, which can be expensive and impractical.

1. We introduce a diffusion-based approach for dance many researchers. Many early approaches follow a mo-
generation that combines state-of-the-art performance tion retrieval paradigm [11, 29, 39], but tend to create un-
with powerful editing capabilities and is able to gen- realistic choreographies that lack the complexity of human
erate arbitrarily long sequences. dances. Later works instead synthesize motion from scratch
2. We analyze the metrics proposed in previous works by training on large datasets [1, 10, 23, 26, 30, 32, 44, 51, 57]
and show that they do not accurately represent human- and propose many modeling approaches, including adver-
evaluated quality as reported by a large user study. sarial learning, recurrent neural networks, and transformers.
Despite achieving impressive performance, many such sys-
3. We propose a new approach to eliminating foot-sliding tems are complex [1, 4, 30, 51], often involving many layers
physical implausibilities in generated motions using a of conditioning and sub-networks. In contrast, our proposed
novel Contact Consistency Loss, and introduce Phys- method contains a single model trained with a simple objec-
ical Foot Contact Score, a simple new acceleration- tive, yet offers both strong generative and editing capabili-
based quantitative metric for scoring physical plausi- ties without significant hand-crafted design.
bility of generated kinematic motions that requires no
explicit physical modeling. 2.3. Generative Diffusion Models
4. We improve on previous hand-crafted audio feature Diffusion models [19, 52] are a class of deep generative
extraction strategies by leveraging music audio rep- models which learn a data distribution by reversing a sched-
resentations from Jukebox [5], a pre-trained gener- uled noising process. In the past few years, diffusion mod-
ative model for music that has previously demon- els have been shown to be a promising avenue for generative
strated strong performance on music-specific predic- modeling, exceeding the state-of-the-art in image and video
tion tasks [3, 7]. generation tasks [18, 48]. Much like previous generative
approaches like VAE [27] and GAN [12], diffusion mod-
This work is best enjoyed when accompanied by our
els are also capable of conditional generation. Dhariwal et
demo samples. Please see the samples at our website.
al. [6] introduced classifier guidance for image generation,
where the output of a diffusion model may be “steered” to-
2. Related Work
wards a target, such as a class label, using the gradients of a
2.1. Human motion generation differentiable auxiliary model. Saharia et al. [47] proposed
to use direct concatenation of conditions for Pix2Pix-like
Human motion generation, the problem of automatically
tasks, akin to Conditional GAN and CVAE [37, 53], and
generating realistic human motions, is well-studied in com-
Ho et al. [20] demonstrated that classifier-free guidance can
puter vision, graphics, and robotics. Despite its importance
achieve state-of-the-art results while allowing more explicit
and recent progress, it remains a challenging problem, with
control over the diversity-fidelity tradeoff.
existing methods often struggling to capture the complexi-
Most recently, diffusion-based methods have demon-
ties of physically and stylistically realistic human motion.
strated strong performance in generating motions condi-
Many early approaches fall under the category of mo-
tioned on text [25,56,61]. While the tasks of text-to-motion
tion matching, which operates by interpolating between
and music-conditioned dance generation share high-level
sequences retrieved from a database [21]. While these
similarities, the dance generation task suffers more chal-
approaches generate outputs that are physically plausible,
lenging computational scaling (see Sec. 3) and, due to its
their application has been primarily restricted to simple do-
specialized nature, much lower data availability.
mains such as locomotion.
In recent years, deep neural networks have emerged as 3. Method
a promising alternative method for human motion genera-
tion. These approaches are often capable of generating di- Pose Representation We represent dances as sequences
verse motions, but often fall short in capturing the physi- of poses in the 24-joint SMPL format [34], using the 6-
cal laws governing human movement or rely on difficult- DOF rotation representation [62] for every joint and a sin-
to-train reinforcement learning solutions [33, 58]. Gener- gle root translation: w ∈ R24·6+3=147 . For the heel and
ating human motion conditioned on various inputs—e.g. toe of each foot, we also include a binary contact label:
joystick control [33], class-conditioning [15, 42], text-to- b ∈ {0, 1}2·2=4 . The total pose representation is therefore
motion [43, 61], seed motions [8, 22, 45, 60]—is also an ac- x = {b, w} ∈ R4+147=151 . EDGE uses a diffusion-based
tive area of study. framework to learn to synthesize sequences of N frames,
x ∈ RN ×151 , given arbitrary music conditioning c.
2.2. Dance Generation
The uniquely challenging task of generating dances Diffusion Framework We follow the DDPM [19] defi-
stylistically faithful to input music has been tackled by nition of diffusion as a Markov noising process with la-

Figure 2. EDGE Pipeline Overview: EDGE learns to denoise dance sequences from time t = T to t = 0, conditioned on music. Music
embedding information is provided by a frozen Jukebox model [5] and acts as cross-attention context. EDGE takes a noisy sequence
zT ∼ N (0, I) and produces the estimated final sequence x̂, noising it back to ẑT −1 and repeating until t = 0.

tents {zt }Tt=0 that follow a forward noising process q(zt |x),
where x ∼ p(x) is drawn from the data distribution. The
N −1
forward noising process is defined as 1 X
√ Lcontact = k(F K(x̂(i+1) ) − F K(x̂(i) )) · b̂(i) k22 ,
N − 1 i=1
q(zt |x) ∼ N ( ᾱt x, (1 − ᾱt )I), (1)
where ᾱt ∈ (0, 1) are constants which follow a monotoni- where F K(·) denotes the forward kinematic function which
cally decreasing schedule such that when ᾱt approaches 0, converts joint angles into joint positions (though it only ap-
we can approximate zT ∼ N (0, I). plies to the foot joints in Eq. (5)) and the (i) superscript
In our setting with paired music conditioning c, we re- denotes the frame index. In the Contact Consistency Loss,
verse the forward diffusion process by learning to estimate b̂(i) is the model’s own prediction of the binary foot contact
x̂θ (zt , t, c) ≈ x with model parameters θ for all t. We label’s portion of the pose at each frame i. While this for-
optimize θ with the “simple” objective introduced in Ho et mulation is similar to the foot skate loss terms in previous
al. [19]: works [55, 56], where foot velocity is penalized in frames
Lsimple = Ex,t kx − x̂θ (zt , t, c)k22 .
(2) where the ground truth motion exhibits a static foot contact,
our Contact Consistency Loss formulation differs in that it
From now on, we refer to x̂θ (zt , t, c) as x̂(zt , c) for ease encourages the model to (1) predict foot contact, and (2)
of notation. maintain consistency with its own predictions. We find that
this formulation significantly improves the realism of gen-
Auxiliary losses Auxiliary losses are commonly used in erated motions (see Sec. 4.1).
kinematic motion generation settings to improve physical Our overall training loss is the weighted sum of the sim-
realism in the absence of true simulation [42, 50, 55]. In ad- ple objective and the auxiliary losses:
dition to the reconstruction loss Lsimple , we adopt auxiliary
losses similar to those in Tevet et al. [56], which encourage L = Lsimple + λpos Lpos + λvel Lvel + λcontact Lcontact . (6)
matching three aspects of physical realism: joint positions
(Eq. (3)), velocities (Eq. (4)), and foot velocities via our Sampling and Guidance At each of the denoising
Contact Consistency Loss (Eq. (5)). timesteps t, EDGE predicts the denoised sample and noises
N it back to timestep t − 1 : ẑt−1 ∼ q(x̂θ (ẑt , c), t − 1), ter-
1 X
Ljoint = kF K(x(i) ) − F K(x̂(i) )k22 (3) minating when it reaches t = 0 (Fig. 2, right). We train
N i=1 our model using classifier-free guidance [20], which is com-
N −1 monly used in diffusion-based models [25, 46, 48, 56, 61].
1 X Following Ho et al. [20], we implement classifier-free guid-
Lvel = k(x(i+1) − x(i) ) − (x̂(i+1) − x̂(i) )k22
N − 1 i=1 ance by randomly replacing the conditioning with c = ∅
(4) during training with low probability (e.g. 25%). Guided

inference is then expressed as the weighted sum of uncon-
ditionally and conditionally generated samples:

x̃(ẑt , c) = w · x̂(ẑt , c) + (1 − w) · x̂(ẑt , ∅). (7)

At sampling time, we can amplify the conditioning c by

choosing a guidance weight w > 1.

Editing To enable editing for dances generated by EDGE,

we use the standard masked denoising technique from dif-
fusion image inpainting [35], and more recently text-to-
motion models [25,56]. EDGE supports any combination of Figure 3. Although EDGE is trained on 5-second clips, it can
temporal and joint-wise constraints, shown in Fig. 4. Given generate choreographies of any length by imposing temporal con-
a joint-wise and/or temporal constraint xknown with posi- straints on batches of sequences. In this example, EDGE con-
tions indicated by a binary mask m, we perform the fol- strains the first 2.5 seconds of each sequence to match the last 2.5
lowing at every denoising timestep: seconds of the previous one to generate a 12.5-second clip, as rep-
resented by the temporal regions of distinct clips in the batch that
ẑt−1 := m q(xknown , t − 1) + (1 − m) ẑt−1 , (8) share the same color.

where is the Hadamard (element-wise) product, replac- mension with a cross-attention mechanism following Sa-
ing the known regions with forward-diffused samples of the haria et al. [48]. Timestep information is incorporated both
constraint. This technique allows editability at inference with a token concatenated with the music conditioning and
time with no special training processes necessary. feature-wise linear modulation (FiLM) [41].
For example, a user can perform motion in-betweening
by providing a reference motion xknown ∈ RN ×151 and a
mask m ∈ {0, 1}N ×151 , where m is all 1’s in the first and Music Audio Features Past work [1, 10, 23, 26, 30, 32,
last n frames and 0 everywhere else. This would result in a 44, 51, 57] has largely focused on advancing the generative
sequence N frames long, where the first and last n frames modeling approach for the dance generation problem, with
are provided by the reference motion and the rest is filled little focus on the representation of the music signal itself,
in with a plausible “in-between” dance that smoothly con- which we argue is equally important. Indeed, state-of-the-
nects the constraint frames, for arbitrary 2n < N . This edit- art results in the text-to-image domain have found that scal-
ing framework provides a powerful tool for downstream ap- ing the text encoder is more important for performance than
plications, enabling the generation of dances that precisely scaling the diffusion model [48].
conform to arbitrary constraints. In this vein, recent work [3, 7] in music information
retrieval has demonstrated that Jukebox [5], a large GPT-
style model trained on 1M songs to generate raw music
Long-form sampling The ability to synthesize sequences
audio, contains representations that serve as strong fea-
of arbitrary length, often many minutes long, is critical to
tures for music audio prediction tasks. We take inspira-
the task of dance generation. However, since EDGE gen-
tion from these advances and extract Jukebox features as
erates every frame of a dance sequence at once, naively
the conditioning input for our diffusion model, and develop
increasing the maximum sequence length incurs a linear
a new memory-efficient implementation that enables near
increase in computational cost. Moreover, dance genera-
real-time extraction on a single commodity GPU (see Ap-
tion requires that the conditioning c match the motion se-
pendix H for details).
quence in length, causing further scaling of memory de-
mands, which is especially severe in the case of embed-
dings from large models like Jukebox [5]. To approach the 4. Experiments
challenge of long-form generation, EDGE leverages its ed-
Dataset In this work, we use AIST++ [32], a dataset con-
itability to enforce temporal consistency between multiple
sisting of 1,408 high-quality dance motions paired to music
sequences such that they can be concatenated into a single
from a diverse set of genres. We re-use the train/test splits
longer sequence. Refer to Fig. 3 for a depiction of this pro-
provided by the original dataset. All training examples are
cut to 5 seconds, 30 FPS.

Model Our model architecture is illustrated in Fig. 2. Baselines Among recent state-of-the-art dance generation
We adopt a transformer decoder architecture, which pro- methods [1, 10, 23, 26, 30, 32, 44, 51, 57], we select the fol-
cesses music conditioning projected to the transformer di- lowing baselines:

4.1. Comparison to Existing Methods
In this section, we compare our proposed model to sev-
eral past works on (1) human evaluations, (2) our proposed
physical plausibility metric, (3) beat alignment scores, (4)
diversity, and (5) performance on in-the-wild music.
Human Evaluations To obtain the results in Tab. 1, we
recruited 147 human raters via Prolific, a crowdsourcing
platform for recruiting study participants. In aggregate,
raters evaluated 11,610 pairs of clips randomly sampled
from our models, ground truth, baseline models, or a check-
point from our model training (as seen in Sec. 4.3). All
dances were rendered in the same setting with music sam-
pled uniformly at random. Raters were asked to select the
dance that “looked and felt better overall”. In addition to
computing the raw win rate of our method when evaluated
directly against competing methods shown in the table, we
also computed each method’s Elo rating, which, unlike flat
win rate, is able to simultaneously capture the relative qual-
ity of more than 2 models [9].
The study reveals that human raters overwhelmingly pre-
Figure 4. EDGE allows the user to specify both temporal and fer the dances generated by EDGE over previous methods,
joint-wise constraints. Constraint joints / frames are highlighted and even favor EDGE dances over real dances.
in green and tan, generated joints / frames are in blue and gray.
For more information about the exact details of our user
Pictured, top to bottom: dance completion from seed motion,
dance that hits a specified keyframe mid-choreography, comple- studies, see Appendix A.
tion from specified upper-body joint angles, completion from
specified lower-body joint angles and root trajectory. Physical Plausibility Any generated dance should be
physically plausible; otherwise, its downstream applicabil-
ity is dramatically limited. Previous works evaluate plau-
• FACT [32], an autoregressive model introduced to- sibility of foot-ground contact by measuring foot sliding
gether with the AIST++ dataset [17, 54]; however, dance is unique in that sliding is not only
common but integral to many choreographies. This reflects
• Bailando [51], a follow-up approach that achieves the a need for a metric that can measure the realism of foot-
strongest qualitative performance to date. ground contact that does not assume that feet should exhibit
static contact at all times. In this work, we propose a new
Implementation details Our final model has 49M total metric to evaluate physical plausibility, Physical Foot Con-
parameters, and was trained on 4 NVIDIA A100 GPUs for tact score (PFC), that we believe captures this concept well.
16 hours with a batch size of 512. PFC is a physically-inspired metric that requires no ex-
For long-form generation, we use 5-second slices and plicit physical modeling. Our metric arises from two sim-
choose to enforce consistency for overlapping 2.5-second ple, related observations:
slices by interpolating between the two slices with linearly 1. On the horizontal (xy) plane, any center of mass
decaying weight. We find that this simple approach is suf- (COM) acceleration must be due to static contact be-
ficient to result in smooth, consistent generation, as demon- tween the feet and the ground. Therefore, either at least
strated throughout our website. one foot is stationary on the ground or the COM is not
We evaluate two separate feature extraction strategies. accelerating.
The “baseline” strategy uses the popular audio package li- 2. On the vertical (z) axis, any positive COM acceleration
brosa [36] to extract beats and accompanying audio features must be due to static foot contact.
using the same code as in Li et al. [32] (when the ground
truth BPM is not known, we estimate it with librosa). Therefore, we can represent adherence to these con-
The “Jukebox” [5] extraction strategy follows Castellon et ditions as an average over time of the below expression,
al. [3], extracting representations from Jukebox and down- scaled to normalize acceleration:
sampling to 30 FPS to match our frame rates for motion
data. si = ||aiCOM || · ||vLeft
i i
Foot || · ||vRight Foot ||, (9)

Method Elo ↑ EDGE Win Rate PFC ↓ Beat Align. ↑ Distk →
− Distg →
− Fixed Bones Editing
EDGE (w = 2) 1751 N/A 1.5363 0.26 9.48 5.72 3 3
EDGE (w = 1) 1601 58.0% ± 3.8% 1.6545 0.27 10.58 7.62 3 3
Bailando 1397 91.1% ± 5.9% 1.754 0.23 7.92 7.72 7 7
FACT 1325 90.0% ± 7.0% 2.2543 0.22 10.85 6.14 3 7
Ground Truth 1653 65.7% ± 11.1% 1.332 0.24 10.61 7.48 3 N/A

Table 1. We compare our method against FACT [32] and Bailando [51]. In the table, w refers to the guidance weight at inference time.
We evaluate all methods qualitatively via human raters to obtain Elo [9] and Win Rate, and compute the rest of the metrics automatically.
For reference, the Elo rating system is designed such that a 400 point gap corresponds to a ∼90% head-to-head win rate, which is reflected
in our empirical results (the “EDGE Win Rate” column). Refer to the Wikipedia page for the mathematical details. Error bars for “EDGE
Win Rate” correspond to a 95% confidence interval (see Appendix A for details). ↑ means higher is better, ↓ means lower is better, and −→
means closer to ground truth is better.

Method (In-the-Wild) Elo ↑ EDGE Win Rate timizes beat alignment. We further examine the robustness
of this metric in Sec. 5.
EDGE 1747 53.8% ± 11.1%
w/o Jukebox 1603 83.3% ± 8.3% Diversity Diversity metrics are computed following the
Bailando 1222 82.4% ± 5.5% methods of previous work [32, 51], which measure the
FACT 1367 89.3% ± 4.4% distributional spread of generated dances in the “kinetic”
(Distk ) and “geometric” (Distg ) feature spaces, as imple-
Table 2. We test our model on in-the-wild music and ablate Juke- mented by fairmotion [13, 38, 40]. We compute these met-
box features in this setting. rics on 5-second dance clips produced by each approach.
Given that the ultimate goal of dance generation is to au-
tomatically produce dances that emulate the ground truth
1 X distribution, we argue that models should aim to match the
PFC = si , (10)
N · max ||ajCOM || i=1
scores of the ground truth distribution rather than maximize
1≤j≤N their absolute values. Indeed, past work has found that jit-
where tery dances result in high diversity scores, in some cases
 
exceeding the ground truth [31, 32].
aiCOM = aiCOM,y  At low guidance weight (w = 1), EDGE achieves a level
i of diversity that closely matches that of the ground truth dis-
max(aCOM,z , 0)
tribution while attaining state-of-the-art qualitative perfor-
and the i superscript denotes the frame index. mance. At high guidance weight (w = 2), EDGE produces
In our results (Tab. 1), we find that our method attains dances of markedly higher fidelity, reflected by a signifi-
a greater level of physical plausibility than previous meth- cantly higher Elo rating, while trading off diversity. These
ods, and approaches the plausibility of ground truth motion results reflect those of past studies, which show that sam-
capture data. pling using guidance weights w > 1 significantly increases
Maintaining fixed bone length is another important as- fidelity at the cost of diversity [20, 48]. This simple control
pect of physical plausibility. Our method operates in the over the diversity-fidelity tradeoff via the modulation of a
reduced coordinate (joint angle) space, which guarantees single scalar parameter provides a powerful tool for down-
fixed bone length. However, methods that operate in the stream applications.
joint Cartesian space, such as Bailando, can produce sig-
nificantly varying bone lengths. For example, on average,
In-the-Wild Music While past approaches achieve strong
bone lengths change up to ±20% over the course of dance
results on AIST++, these results are not necessarily indica-
sequences generated by Bailando.
tive of the models’ ability to generalize to in-the-wild mu-
Beat Alignment Scores Our experiments evaluate the sic inputs. In order to evaluate generalization, we tested our
tendency of our generated dances to follow the beat of the proposed method and the baseline approaches on a diverse
music, following previous work [51] for the precise im- selection of popular songs from YouTube.
plementation of this metric. The results demonstrate that The results, as shown in Tab. 2, demonstrate that our pro-
EDGE outperforms past work, including Bailando, which posed method continues to perform well on in-the-wild mu-
includes a reinforcement learning module that explicitly op- sic. We find through ablation that Jukebox features are crit-

Method EDGE Win Rate PFC ↓
EDGE N/A 1.5363
w/o CCL 61.8% ± 7.3% 3.0806
Ground Truth 40.6% ± 7.4% 1.332

Table 3. We ablate our contact consistency loss (CCL) and study

its impact on qualitative and quantitative physical plausibility.
While EDGE wins more on average against ground truth on overall
quality evaluation (Tab. 1), the user study for this table specifically
asks about physical plausibility, and we find that ground truth still Figure 5. We plot FIDk over the course of model training and find
performs favorably compared to EDGE. that it is inconsistent with overall quality evaluations.

matically evaluate dance quality with Frechet Distance met-

ical for performance in this setting, bringing human-rated rics [31, 32, 51]. As part of our experiments, we conduct a
quality almost to par with in-distribution music; further- two-pronged analysis into the prevailing metrics, “FIDk ”
more, we find that our approach continues to beat base- and “FIDg ” [32], which compute the difference between
lines in human evaluations for dance quality. We note that distributions of heuristically extracted motion features, and
Bailando has an additional fine-tuning procedure available show them to be unsound for the AIST++ dataset.
to improve performance on in-the-wild samples by training
its actor-critic component. While we evaluated Bailando “FIDg ” We compute FIDg on the ground truth AIST++
directly without additional fine-tuning, we found that hu- dataset following the implementation in Li et al. [32].
man raters significantly preferred in-the-wild EDGE sam- Specifically, we compute metrics on the test set against the
ples over in-distribution Bailando samples. We interpret training set and obtain a score of 41.4, a stark increase
these results as evidence that our proposed method is able from metrics obtained from generated outputs: running on
to successfully generalize to in-the-wild music inputs. FACT outputs gives 12.75, running on Bailando outputs
4.2. Additional Evaluation gives 24.82, and running on our final model’s outputs gives
23.08. Given that FACT performs the best in “FIDg ” but
Editing We find that our model is capable of in- performs the worst according to user studies and that all
betweening, motion continuation, joint-conditioned gener- three models perform significantly better than ground truth,
ation, and long-form generation with quality on par with we conclude that the “FIDg ” values are unreliable as a mea-
unconstrained samples. Please see our website for demo sure of quality on this dataset.
Physical Plausibility We test the soundness of our PFC “FIDk ” We take 10 checkpoints throughout the training
metric and ablate our Contact Consistency Loss (CCL) process for our model and poll raters on the overall quality
term (see Eq. (5)) using a human evaluation study. Raters of dances sampled from each checkpoint in a round-robin
were shown pairs of dances from the ground truth distribu- tournament. Intuitively, this should result in a consistent-
tion, EDGE with CCL, and EDGE without CCL, and asked to-monotonic improvement in both qualitative performance
which dance looked more physically plausible. The results and in the quantitative quality metrics. However, we ob-
(Tab. 3) show that CCL noticeably improves both the PFC serve that this is not the case. In Fig. 5, we show the results
metric and qualitative physical plausibility user evaluations, of this experiment with our proposed model’s FIDk .
winning 61.8% of matchups against the version without While the qualitative performance of the generated mo-
CCL, and coming close to parity with ground truth samples. tion improves considerably as we train the model, the
The results also indicate that PFC tracks well with human FIDk does not improve, and actually significantly worsens
perception of physical plausibility. during the latter half of training.
For a discussion of limitations and implementation de-
tails of PFC, please see Sec. 5 and Appendix D, respec-
5. Discussion
Developing automated metrics for the quality of gen-
4.3. FID Results
erated dances is a fundamentally challenging undertaking,
A reasonable solution to the problem of overall eval- since the practice of dance is complex, subjective, and even
uation is to compute the difference between an empirical culturally specific. In this section, we will discuss flaws in
distribution of generated dances and a ground truth distri- automated metrics currently in use and limitations with our
bution. Several past works follow this intuition and auto- proposed PFC metric.

Overall Quality Evaluation Our results suggest that de- this problem in the past, it is possible that the metric loses
spite the current standardized use of FIDs for evaluating its meaning when candidate examples reach quality on par
dance generation models on the AIST++ dataset, these FID with ground truth.
metrics, as they currently stand, are unreliable for mea-
suring quality. One potential explanation may be that the Physical Plausibility In this work, we introduce PFC,
AIST++ test set does not thoroughly cover the train distri- Eq. (10), a physically-inspired metric that specifically tar-
bution given its very small size. Additionally, due to data gets the challenging issue of foot sliding. While PFC is
scarcity, both FIDk and FIDg depend on heuristic feature intuitive, it is not without its limitations. In its current form,
extractors that only compute superficial features of the data. PFC assumes that the feet are the only joints that experience
By contrast, FID-based metrics in data-rich domains such static contact. This means that PFC cannot be applied with-
as image generation (where FID originated) enjoy the use of out modification to motions such as gymnastics routines,
learned feature extractors (e.g. pre-trained ImageNet mod- where a variable number of non-foot (e.g. hand) contacts
els), which are known to directly extract semantically mean- are integral to their execution. We believe that a careful
ingful features [49]. Indeed, in the text-to-motion domain, analysis of other contact points (e.g. hands in gymnastics)
where significantly more paired data is available [14], the could provide an extension of PFC that is more widely ap-
standard feature extractors for FID-style metrics depend on plicable. Another issue is the assumption that the COM can
deep contrastively learned models [56, 61]. be accelerated only by static contact: though rare, it is pos-
Our experiments suggest that the current FID metrics can sible to accelerate the COM using friction during extended
be further improved for evaluating motion sequences. We sliding (which is not present in AIST++). For more analysis
believe that the idea of evaluating the difference between and discussion of PFC, see Appendix D.
two featurized distributions of dance motions is not nec-
essarily fundamentally flawed, but that more representative 6. Conclusion and Future Work
features could result in reliable automatic quality evalua-
tions. In this work, we propose a diffusion-based model that
generates realistic and long-form dance sequences condi-
tioned on music. We evaluate our model on multiple au-
Beat Alignment Scoring In automated metrics, we tomated metrics (including our proposed PFC) and a large
should also aim to capture one of the core aspects of a dance user study, and find that it achieves state-of-the-art re-
performance: its ability to “follow the beat” of the song. sults on the AIST++ dataset and generalizes well to in-
Previous work [32, 51] has proposed using a beat alignment the-wild music inputs. Importantly, we demonstrate that
metric that rewards kinematic beats (local minima of joint our model admits powerful editing capabilities, allowing
speed) that line up with music beats. In Li et al. [32], the users to freely specify both temporal and joint-wise con-
distance is computed per kinematic beat, and in Siyao et straints. The introduction of editable dance generation pro-
al. [51] the distance is computed per music beat. vides multiple promising avenues for future work. Whereas
Here, we argue that this metric has some fundamental is- our method is able to create arbitrarily long dance sequences
sues and support this with empirical observations. Firstly, via the chaining of locally consistent, shorter clips, it cannot
dance is not strictly about matching local minima in joint generate choreographies with very-long-term dependencies.
speed to beats. Instead, the beats of the music are a loose Future work may explore the use of non-uniform sampling
guide for timing, rhythm, and transitions between move- patterns such as those implemented in Harvey et al. [16], or
ments and dance steps. Secondly, while encouraging an a variation of the frame inbetweening scheme used in Ho et
overall alignment with the beat of the music is intuitive, al. [18]. Editability also opens the door to the generation of
the metric as presented in Li et al. [32] implies that high- more complex choreographies, including multi-person and
quality dances that contain motions with local minima be- scene-aware dance forms. We are excited to see the future
tween beats should be penalized, and the metric as pre- that this new direction of editable dance generation will en-
sented in Siyao et al. [51] implies that dances that skip over able.
beats should receive corresponding penalties. While each of
these metrics holds some truth, neither is strictly correct: a References
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A. User Study
Quality responses were ensured by three separate mech-

• Prolific’s automatic vetting, which ensures that partic-

ipants whose survey responses are rejected too often
are kicked from the platform.
• Restriction to participants from the United States,
which is known to mitigate the frequency of fraudu-
lent responses [24].
• Filtering out participants via identifying survey re-
sponses which incorrectly answer control questions.
By this process, we eliminated 20 participants, result-
ing in a filtered total of 147 participants.

For our overall evaluations, we also evaluated against the

10 checkpoints taken throughout model training in order
to increase coverage across skill levels for our Elo calcu-
In our physical plausibility survey, we ask “Which dance
is more physically plausible?”, but otherwise the survey is
exactly the same.
Over the course of 24 days, we collected responses from
all of the raters and plot them below in a win table. We com-
pute our Elo and win rate metrics from this table’s numbers.
Elo was computed using the Elo package in Python by ran-
domly sorting all matchups and obtaining the average Elo
over 1000 trials. See Tab. 4 for the raw win numbers across
all of the methods we tested.
For our confidence intervals, we treated each pair of
methods independently, and then each win or fail as an in-
dependent Bernoulli trial, computing the 95% confidence
interval based on the number of wins and fails for that pair
(Binomial distribution).

B. FACT and Bailando

We use the official implementation for our FACT experi-
ments. We noted that the published FACT checkpoints were
not fully trained, so we re-trained the model from scratch for Figure 6. A screenshot of the user interface from our surveys. We
300k steps, following the original paper [32]. After infer- use simple stick figures as the skeleton for our dance to (1) ensure
ence, we downsample the model predictions to 30 FPS and fair comparisons with Bailando, which is difficult to rig due to
perform forward kinematics. We also use the official Bai- the fact that it operates in Cartesian space, and (2) computational
lando implementation and their published checkpoints for efficiency.
inference. After inference, we downsample the predictions
to 30 FPS and render the joint positions directly.

C. Metrics and Evaluation

from each model, using slices taken from the test music set
For automatic evaluation (PFC, beat alignment, Distk , sampled with a stride of 5 seconds as music input.
and Distg ), we sampled 5-second clips from each model,
using slices taken from the test music set sampled with a To extract features for FID and diversity results, we di-
stride of 2.5 seconds as music input. For qualitative eval- rectly use the official FACT GitHub repository, which bor-
uation via the Prolific study, we sampled 10-second clips rows code from fairmotion.

EDGE (J+C OOD (w = 2))

EDGE (C OOD (w = 2))

EDGE (J+C’ (w = 2))

EDGE (J+C’ (w = 1))

EDGE (J+C (w = 2))

EDGE (J+C (w = 1))

EDGE (J (w = 2))

EDGE (J (w = 1))
Checkpoint 1000

Checkpoint 1200

Checkpoint 1400

Checkpoint 1600

Checkpoint 1800

Checkpoint 2000

Bailando (OOD)
Checkpoint 200

Checkpoint 400

Checkpoint 600

Checkpoint 800

EDGE (w = 2)
Ground Truth

Method A / Method B

Checkpoint 200 0 3 3 3 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Checkpoint 400 37 0 4 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
Checkpoint 600 37 36 0 4 3 0 1 2 1 1 2 7 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 16
Checkpoint 800 37 40 36 0 9 5 5 0 4 0 1 10 1 4 1 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 7 16
Checkpoint 1000 39 39 37 31 0 11 1 7 9 4 4 19 6 5 6 2 16 3 1 0 1 0 15 17
Checkpoint 1200 38 40 40 35 29 0 17 13 13 8 9 21 6 11 11 14 22 7 4 0 7 1 27 24
Checkpoint 1400 40 40 39 35 39 23 0 14 11 11 20 27 5 43 14 18 33 21 16 0 7 5 29 34
Checkpoint 1600 39 38 38 40 33 27 26 0 19 15 18 25 5 34 21 20 20 13 8 0 5 5 26 33
Checkpoint 1800 40 39 39 36 31 27 29 21 0 29 22 28 8 35 26 30 30 4 21 0 4 5 30 30
Checkpoint 2000 40 39 39 40 36 32 29 25 11 0 12 23 7 49 26 18 29 5 19 0 8 8 31 28
Ground Truth 27 28 26 27 24 19 8 10 6 16 0 66 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 404 0 0 0 0
FACT 28 28 21 18 9 7 1 3 0 5 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 137 0 0 0 0
EDGE (J+C’ (w = 2)) 14 14 14 13 8 8 9 9 6 7 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 71 62 0 0
EDGE (J+C (w = 2)) 48 48 47 44 43 85 53 62 61 47 46 63 0 0 49 53 82 42 65 383 0 0 167 154
EDGE (J (w = 2)) 32 32 30 31 26 39 36 29 24 24 0 0 82 41 0 45 87 0 0 446 83 80 0 0
EDGE (w = 2) 17 18 18 16 16 22 18 16 6 18 0 0 0 37 45 0 85 0 0 353 0 0 0 0
Bailando 18 18 18 17 2 14 3 16 6 7 0 0 0 8 3 5 0 0 0 193 0 0 0 0
EDGE (J+C OOD (w = 2)) 13 13 13 13 10 19 5 13 22 21 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0
EDGE (C OOD (w = 2)) 12 12 13 12 12 22 10 18 5 7 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
EDGE (J+C (w = 1)) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 523 0 277 214 307 467 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
EDGE (J (w = 1)) 14 14 13 12 13 7 7 9 10 6 0 0 69 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0
EDGE (J+C’ (w = 1)) 14 14 13 13 14 13 9 9 9 6 0 0 78 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 0
FACT (OOD) 17 16 16 10 2 7 5 8 4 3 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73
Bailando (OOD) 17 15 1 1 0 10 0 1 4 6 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0

Table 4. This table shows the total number of wins of Method A against Method B across our large-scale user study. For the method names,
“J” means Jukebox features, “C” means CCL, “C 0 ” means an early CCL prototype, w means guidance weight, OOD means out-of-domain
(in-the-wild), and each “Checkpoint N” method refers to the checkpoint taken from epoch N of training, as seen in Fig. 5.

We explain two implementation details of PFC:
1. The PFC equation (Eq. (10)) depends on the acceler-
ation of the center of mass; since masses are not ex-
plicitly annotated in the AIST++ dataset, we use the
acceleration of the root joint as a practical approxima-
2. The PFC equation (Eq. (10)) normalizes only the COM
Figure 7. PFC decreases throughout training.
acceleration, and not the foot velocities. Under the as-
sumptions of static contact, a body with at least one
static foot is able to generate arbitrary (within physical E. In-the-wild Music
reason) amounts of COM acceleration. Under these
assumptions, two sequences where the root accelera- We use the below songs for our in-the-wild music demos:
tion differs but the foot velocity is the same are equally
plausible. In contrast, two sequences with the same • Doja Cat - Woman
root acceleration but different foot velocities are not
equally plausible. • Luis Fonsi - Despacito ft. Daddy Yankee

We perform an analysis in which we take the same • ITZY - LOCO

checkpoints as from Sec. 4.3 and evaluate their PFC scores.
As can be seen from Fig. 7, PFC scores tend to improve • Saweetie - My Type
over the course of training, providing further evidence that
this metric measures physical plausibility. • Rihanna - Only Girl (In The World))

F. Hyperparameters Additionally, to downsample to 30 FPS we use librosa’s
resampling method with “fft” as the resampling type to
Hyperparameter Value avoid unnecessary slowness.
Optimizer Adan [59] We plan to release this new implementation together
Learning Rate 4e-4 with our code release.
Diffusion Steps 1000
β schedule cosine I. Long-Form Generation
Motion Duration 5 seconds
Motion FPS 30 Shown below is the pseudocode for long-form sampling.
Motion Dimension 151 1 def long_generate():
Classifier-Free Dropout 0.25 2 z = randn((batch, sequence, dim))
Num Heads 8 3 half = z.shape[1] // 2
4 for t in range(0, num_timesteps)[::-1]:
Num Layers 8 5 # sample z from step t to step t-1
Transformer Dim 512 6 z = p_sample(z, cond, t)
MLP Dim 1024 7 # enforce constraint
Dropout 0.1 8 if t > 0:
9 z[1:,:half] = z[:-1,half:]
EMA Steps 1 10 x = z
EMA Decay 0.9999 11 return x

G. Guidance Weight at Inference Time

J. Rigging
In our experiments, we find that dropping out the guid-
ance at early denoising steps (i.e. set w = 0 from step 1000 In order to render generated dances in three dimensions
to step 800) further helps to increase diversity. We perform for our website, we export joint angle sequences to the FBX
this dropout for the version of our model sampled at w = 1, file format to be imported into Blender, which provides the
dropping out 40% of the steps. final rendering. The character avatar used in all our renders
except for those of dances from Bailando is “Y-Bot”, down-
loaded from Mixamo. Dances from Bailando are rendered
H. Memory-efficient Jukebox Implementation
using ball-and-rod stick figures to ensure fair comparison,
Jukebox extraction implementations from previous work since dances are generated in Cartesian joint position space.
[3, 7] are limited in memory efficiency (cannot load in the Although inverse kinematic (IK) solutions are available, we
full model on a GPU with 16GB VRAM) and speed on short sought to avoid the potential introduction of extraneous ar-
clips (performs inference as if the clip has full sequence tifacts caused by poorly tuned IK, and instead rendered the
length). joint positions directly. We perform no post-processing on
We improve upon these implementations and develop a model outputs.
new implementation that (1) improves memory efficiency
two-fold and (2) speeds up extraction time 4x for 5-second K. Extra Figures

• For memory efficiency, we use HuggingFace Accel-

erate to initialize the model on the “meta” device fol-
lowed by loading in the checkpoint with CUDA, mean-
ing that only half of the memory is used (using the
traditional loading mechanism, PyTorch does not de-
allocate the initial random weights allocated before the
checkpoint is loaded in).

• For speed, we adapt the codebase to accept and per-

form inference on shorter clips. Our new implemen-
tation takes only ∼5 seconds for a 5-second clip on a
Tesla T4 GPU.

These improvements make extracting representations

from Jukebox more accessible to researchers and practition-

Figure 8. Joint-wise Conditioning: EDGE can generate upper body motion given a lower body motion constraint.

Figure 9. Joint-wise Conditioning: EDGE can generate lower body motion given an upper body motion constraint.

Figure 10. Temporal Conditioning: In-Betweening Given start and end poses, EDGE can generate diverse in-between dance sequences.

Figure 11. Temporal Conditioning: Continuation Given a seed motion, EDGE can continue the dance in response to arbitrary music


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