Whole Scale Thing

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The Whole Scale Thing


What is a scale? Is it the “Do, a deer, a female deer; Re, a drop of golden sun” stuff? (Have I just de-
stroyed my street cred by quoting a Rogers and Hammerstein tune in the opening paragraph?) Why do gui-
tarists get to a certain point in their development and start to obsess about these things?
A scale, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is “an ascending or descending collection of
pitches proceeding by a specified scheme of intervals”. (Anyone who has survived a college ear-training
class understands those scheming intervals.) So, a scale is indeed the Do, a Deer stuff, and it is much more.
“Scheme of Intervals” just means an organized pattern of intervals, or musical spaces, which can repeat
over several octaves. Guitarists, as well as some people who play real musical instruments, obsess over
scales because blasting through a scale pattern at near relativistic speed is a great way to display one’s tech-
nical superiority, humiliate the competition and attract a mate, thus ensuring the survival of the genetic
line. The poor creatures have no choice – it’s in their DNA.
Before we get to the serious fun, let’s cover some basics , just to makes sure we have a common vo-

Basic Theory
The space between two notes is called an interval. The smallest space you can have between two notes
is a half-step, one fret on the guitar. I like to think about note relationships spatially. Start with the chart
below listing the chromatic scale from C to C. Each box represents a single half-step.

C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C
Db Eb Gb Ab Bb

To understand the way we name the intervals we must first look at a major scale. Below we’ve re-
moved the sharps and flats and we’re left with the notes of a C major scale.


Intervals are named with numbers. If we want to know the interval between a C and an E, we simply
count: C, D, E; 1, 2, 3; the interval is a third. How far is it between C and A? C, D, E, F, G, A; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6; This interval is a sixth. What is the interval between D and F? It’s another third. But notice it’s farther
from C to E than from D to F.


There are 4 half-steps between C and E and 3 half-steps between D and F. The larger interval is called a
major 3rd and the smaller is a minor 3rd. The chart on the next page shows the interval names and the as-
sociated number of half-steps between C and all the notes in the octave above C.

C Db D Eb E F Gb G Ab A Bb B C

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

unison Minor Major Minor Major Perfect dimin- Perfect Minor Major Minor Major Perfect
2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd 4th ished 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th octave

Notice that the sharps have been removed from the preceding chart. There are other considerations be-
sides the number of half-steps when identifying intervals: C to D# is not the same as C to Eb. Yes, D# and
Eb are the same pitch, but when identifying intervals you also have to consider the letter names of the notes.
Count the letters from C to D# - it’s still C, D; 1, 2 - a second of some kind even though it’s a D#. We call
that space an augmented second. The chart below uses the sharps and the alternate names of the intervals.

C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

unison Aug- Major Aug Major Perfect Aug 4th Perfect Aug5th Major Aug 6th Major Perfect
mented 2nd 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th octave

So, you’ve got this interval thing covered, right. Not quite. There is one (only one, I promise) more
thing to consider when naming intervals: mixed accidentals - the use of sharps in a flat key signature (or
vice-versa). Consider the following:

The first note is an F sharp (note the key signature) and the second is an A
flat. That’s a distance of 2 half-steps, or one whole step. But, again, we
have to consider the letter names of the notes, F and A. That’s F, G, A; 1,
2, 3, so the interval has to be a kind of third. A major third is 4 half-steps, a
minor third is 3 half-steps. This new beast is called a diminished third. I tend to relate this stuff back to the
intervals derived from the major scale. In the C major scale, C to A is a major sixth; C to A flat is a minor
sixth. We can make that interval smaller (diminished, get it?) by either raising the the C to a C sharp or low-
ering the A flat to an A double-flat. Either case would be called a diminished sixth. Will you need to under-
stand diminished intervals to complete your knowledge of chords and scales? Not really - where it becomes
relevant is in formal music theory study, generally around the second semester of college music theory. It
that’s not your path then consider it knowledge for knowledge’s sake. Not a bad thing.

A Brief Word About Modes
The reason most of you are embarking on this study of scales is to find some new, cool sounding things
to play when you’re soloing. When we start discussing the application of scales to chords we’re talking
about modes. A veritable cottage industry has grown out of making the study of modes complex. It’s not.
Simply put, the same scale takes on a different sound when played against different chords. A C major scale
can be used over a C major 7 or an F major 7. Even though the notes are the same, the effect of the C scale
is different depending on which chord is being played. These effects are given names, sometimes exotic
sounding like lydian, sometimes just a number, the 2 mode of a harmonic minor, for example.
One of the confusing thing about studying scales on the guitar is the lack of a standard set of names for
the different fingerings. Many, many books try to solve this problem by applying modal names to finger-
ings, based on the first note of the scale shape. This is stupid. In improvisation, the modal designation is
dependent upon the chord being played. A single fingering can be used against numerous chords, with a
different modal name for each chord. So, a fingering pattern is not a mode!
We will have a much more detailed discussion of modes when we talk about applying major scales at
the end of the next section of this book.

All the notes of a C scale, from The Five basic major scale patterns derived from the
the nut to the 13th fret. Numbers chart at left. These shapes may be played anywhere on the guitar neck; the key
are the scale degree. will change depending on the position.





I’ve applied a naming convention to the scale shapes (patterns) that is borrowed from Jody Fisher in his
excellent books on jazz guitar. The pattern is named by the location of the lowest root note of the key; the
number is the finger and the letter is the string.
There are no shortcuts - you must simply take the time to memorize the material on the preceding page.
Keep in mind as you learn a pattern, also learn how it overlaps the patterns above and below it. This will
make it easier to move smoothly over the entire length of the neck. In this chapter we’ll take each of the
five shapes and apply a
series of exercises to it.
Exercises are created by
applying a repeated series
of intervals to the scale
thirds fingering. Some of the ex-
ercises will be labeled by
an interval name, thirds or
sixths, for example.

These interval based exercises can be played simply, as above, or they may have variations, as below.

Thirds played together (harmonic intervals)

Thirds alternating ascending and descending

Exercises are also created by playing the scale in groups or 3 or 4.

Scale Position Studies
Number one, Pattern 2E, Key of G

Numbers are left hand fingers.

Harmonic intervals



Alternating ascending and descending


Playing some harmonic intervals can present technical issues on the guitar. For this reason I’ve included
two fingerings here, the first uses one left hand finger to cover two strings in a “mini bar”, and the other
which avoids that technique.

Harmonic intervals



Alternating ascending and descending


From this point forward, unless given alternate fingerings, try to use the same left hand fingering you used
to play the scale

Harmonic intervals



Alternating ascending and descending

Harmonic intervals



Alternating ascending and descending

Harmonic intervals



Alternating ascending and descending

Harmonic intervals

Ascending Descending

Groups of 3



Alternating ascending and descending

Groups of 4


Alternating ascending and descending

Pattern 2D
We’re going to work up the neck, initially staying in the key of G. The next pattern will be 2D, starting
at the fifth fret. Memorize the shape and pay attention to how this fingering and the first pattern, 2E, over-

Learning how the shapes overlap makes transitioning from one to another much easier. In this example,
notice that on strings 5, 4 and 3, pattern 2D adds only one note to the pattern 2E. These make easy shift
points. Try playing 2E through the 4th string. On the last note simply shift up a whole step with the little
finger and you’re in pattern 2D.

After you’ve memorized pattern 2D remember to work through all the exercises you did for the first
shape. Here’s a check list:
 Play the scale ascending and descending
 Play thirds ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play fourths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play fifths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sixths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sevenths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play octaves ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play groups of three
 Play groups of four

Pattern 4A
Again remaining in the key of G, for simplicity’s sake, the next pattern will be 4A starting at the sev-
enth fret. Remember to study the overlap between it and the preceding shape.

Using the same logic as the previous page, the best transition points from 2D to 4A are the 3rd, 2nd and
1st strings. For this example I chose the 3rd string - slightly more problematic than the other choices since it
creates two position shifts. The first is the little finger moving up a whole step on the 3rd string and the sec-
ond with the 1st finger moving to the seventh fret on the 2nd string.

Here is your exercise check list for pattern 4A:

 Play the scale ascending and descending
 Play thirds ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play fourths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play fifths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sixths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sevenths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play octaves ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play groups of three
 Play groups of four

Pattern 2A
We’ll stay in G for a minute, just to study the overlap, but we’ll end up moving to the key of C to play
the exercises.

So, can you spot the transition points? Try strings 6, 5, 4 or 1. I’ll use the 4th string for this example.

Before you proceed through the exercises, let’s move the pattern
to the second fret, changing the key to C. I have two reasons for
this: 1) it allows this pattern and the next to be played down
where the frets are farther apart and you’re not squeezing your
elbow next to your torso; 2) you need to start getting used to
playing the patterns in different places.
Here’s the checklist:
 Play the scale ascending and descending
 Play thirds ascending, descending, then alternate ascending
and descending
 Play fourths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending
and descending
 Play fifths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sixths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sevenths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play octaves ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play groups of three
 Play groups of four

Pattern 4E
The last of the five basic shapes has two possible fingerings. Choose the one that feels most comforta-
ble to you. I’ve kept this is the key of C.

Here is your exercise check list for pattern 4E:

 Play the scale ascending and descending
 Play thirds ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play fourths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play fifths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sixths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play sevenths ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play octaves ascending, descending, then alternate ascending and descending
 Play groups of three
 Play groups of four

Pattern 2E revisited
To finish up let’s return to the first pattern, 2E, this time at the 7th fret, the key of C. We can look at the
overlap between 4E and 2E, completing a network of overlapping patterns that will cover the entire fret-

* * *
There is another organizational schema for constructing scale fingerings: keeping an equal number of
notes on each string. The usual number for major scales is 3 notes per string. As you look at these patterns,
note how they are nothing but combinations of the five patterns you’ve already learned.

Combines patterns 2E and 2D.

Combines patterns 2D and 4A.

Combines patterns 4A and 2A.

Combines patterns 4A, 2A and


Combines patterns 2A and 4E.

Combines patterns 4E and 2E.

Combines patterns 2E and 2D.

Applying Major Scales: Scale/Chord Connections

No one spends the hours of practice time mastering the scales and exercises presented so far just so they
might boast about how well they can play a scale. The goal here is to use the scales to create some cool-
sounding lines when improvising. How do you know what scale to use? The starting point is this: any scale
can be used to create a melodic line over a given chord if the scale contains the notes of the chord.
Scales are harmonized to find out what chords they contain. That is accomplished by stacking thirds on
each scale degree. The illustration below shows four-note chords built on each degree of a C major scale.

As mentioned in the note about modes, in the beginning of this book, the C major scale will take on a dif-
ferent sound if it is played against the various chords above.

Step One: Arpeggios

An arpeggio is the notes of a chord in series instead of together.

C∆7 D-7

When you play the example above you have played every note of a C major scale, but it doesn’t sound like
you’re playing a scale, does it? Arpeggios are not only a great source for melodic ideas, they are an im-
portant part of creating an aural link between scales and chords.

The arpeggios contained in each of the 5 major scale patterns we’ve learned are on the following pages.

Pattern 2E, second position
Key of G

Pattern 2D, third position
Key of F

Pattern 4A, second position
Key of D

Pattern 2A, second position
Key of C

Pattern 4E, third position
Key of Bb

Applying Major Scales
To Chord Changes

Using the chord changes to the standard “How High the Moon”, a series of exercises is presented below to
help students develop the skills to improvise over changes. The first thing we have to do is analyze the
chord progression so we can decide which scales to use.

The first thing to do is decide which scale fingering to use. We need fingerings for G, F, Eb, and A. For the
purposes of this exercise we’ll chose fingerings that stay close to the same position.

Here are the steps followed in the following exercises:

1. Play the scale in 8th notes from the root of the scale for the proper number of beats.
2. Play the scale in 8th notes from the root of the chord for the proper number of beats.
3. Play the arpeggios.
4. Play the scale in 3rds. When the scales change, start with the note nearest to the last note played in the
previous scale.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Minor Scales
Here’s the good news: you already know the fingerings for minor scales! Here’s the bad news: there
are three forms of the minor scale, two of which require alterations to the fingerings you have already
The theory in a nutshell: every major scale has a relative minor. The relative minor contains the same
notes as the major scale but starts on its sixth note. Think of a C major scale. Its sixth tone is an A. Play the
C scale starting on A and you have an A minor scale.

C major scale A minor scale

6th tone, “A” becomes root of relative minor

We’re guitar players so let’s act like it and find a shortcut to make this easier. The root of a minor
scale is three frets lower than the root of its relative minor. Conversely, to find the notes of a minor scale,
play the major scale three frets higher than the root of the minor.

The relative minor as we’ve discussed it is named the pure or natural minor scale. There are two other
forms, the harmonic and melodic. Harmonic minors start with the notes of the pure minor but raises the
seventh tone one half-step. Making this change results in the V chord changing from a minor 7th to a dom-
inant 7th, maintaining the V/I, tension/release found in the major scale. Raising the seventh creates an odd-
ity, though. The scales we’ve studied so far all progress by half-steps and whole-steps. Look at the space
between the sixth and seventh tones—it’s a step-and-a-half. That interval is what gives the harmonic minor
its distinctive flavor.
A harmonic minor

The melodic minor eliminates that odd interval by raising the sixth tone as well as the seventh. The
melodic minor is unique because it’s the only scale in Western music that contains different notes when in
descends. There’s an easy explanation for that: try singing the ascending form of the melodic minor

backwards. When you get to the third, what note does your ear take you to? C# not the C natural, right.
That’s because the notes you’ve played/sung up to that point are identical to the A major scale, which con-
tains a C#.

A melodic minor

Creating Fingerings for Harmonic and Melodic

Minor Scales

How do we modify the fingerings we already know to get fingering for the harmonic minor? We know
that C major and A natural minor contain the same notes. To change that to harmonic minor we raise the G
to G#. G is the fifth note of the C major scale. So, simply go through all the major scale fingerings we’ve
already learned, in the key of C, and raise the fifth. Voila, as many fingerings for harmonic minor as you
could possibly want.
We’ll deal with a variation of the Melodic Minor scale here sometimes called the Jazz Melodic Minor.
This scale retains the raised sixth and seventh when the scale descends. This makes the scale much more
useful for improvisation. If you examine the A Melodic Minor above, you notice it’s actually closer to the
A major scale than the A natural minor. All you have to do change a major scale to a melodic minor is to
lower the third, in this case lower the C-sharp to a C-natural.

Creating Harmonic Minor fingerings
From the natural minor scale

Natural Minor Harmonic Minor

Derived from
pattern 2A

Derived from
pattern 4E

Derived from
pattern 2E

Derived from
pattern 2D

Derived from
pattern 4A

Creating Melodic Minor fingerings
From the major scale

A Major Scale A Melodic Minor

Pattern 4E

Pattern 2E

Pattern 2D

Pattern 4A

Pattern 2A


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