Iraqi Accreditation Criteria For Engineering
Iraqi Accreditation Criteria For Engineering
Iraqi Accreditation Criteria For Engineering
جمهورية العراق
Republic of Iraq
8 Dr. Ressol Reissan Shakir Asst. Prof. University of Dhi Qar Member
12 Dr. Ahmed Abdulsahib Hashim Asst. Prof. Univ. of IT & Com. Member
16 Dr. Zaid Ghanim Ali Al-Aqeedi Lecturer Al Mansour Univ. Col. Member
Member &
17 Dr. Lwaa Faisal Abdulameer Lecturer University of Baghdad Rapporteur
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering
This chapter clarifies the Council's vision, mission, objectives and responsibilities.
The recognition of the council and changes to this document are also clarified.
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The Iraqi accreditation criteria for BSc in engineering programs were set to assure the
quality of engineering education that satisfies the needs of constituencies. The continuous
improvement of the quality of Iraqi engineering programs is intended to satisfy local and
international needs for engineers' competences. Each Iraqi institution seeking
accreditation of an engineering program shall demonstrate clearly that the program meets
the following criteria.
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is one of the tasks of the Program Assessment Committee that can be accomplished
through alumni and industry surveys.
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peer reviewers and external examiners to assess and evaluate contributions of individual
courses and assessment techniques.
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Including examples of, but not limited to, specific exam questions, student
portfolios, internally developed assessment exams, senior project presentations,
nationally-normed exams, oral exams, focus groups, or other processes that are
relevant and appropriate to the program such as peer reviewing, benchmarking
and external assessing. Performance indicators (PIs) for each outcome should be
set and appropriate direct and indirect assessment tools for each performance
indicator should be selected. It is preferred to use more than one tool for each PI
such as a combination of direct and indirect tools. Standardized measures like
rubric should be used to measure the level of attainment for each PI. Documentation
How the assessment processes and results are being documented and
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when a prerequisite has not been met. Transparent, fair, and consistent direct and
indirect methods should be employed in the evaluation and monitoring processes.
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addition to the roles of others on campus (e.g. dean or provost) with respect to these
areas must all be well documented.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering Offices and associated equipment for administration, faculty, staff and
teaching assistants that are typically available are included. Classrooms and associated equipment that are typically available where the
program courses are taught are included. Laboratories and associated tools and equipment including those containing
computers (hardware and software) used by the program in addition to the
facilities used by the students are included.
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documented. The hours the various computing facilities are open to students must be
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The Iraqi accreditation criteria and their corresponding aspects have been already
explained in chapter two. This chapter elucidates how these aspects are measured through
specific performance indicators using rubrics. The aim of setting performance indicators
and rubrics is to help evaluators and programs' administrations to reach objective
evaluation judgments. Applicable published strategic plan including its vision, mission and
objectives (statement is well-defined, achievable and publicized) Consistency of the program strategic plan with the institutional one PEOs Consistency with the Mission Statement: Including the following
performance indicator:
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering How to ensure that PEOs remain consistent with the institutional
mission, the program constituents’ needs and these criteria Study Plan: adequate attention and time to each component including
summer training as a practice-oriented component for industrial training or
training in engineering practice Alignment with PEOs: consistent with the objectives of the program
and institution Attainment of GOs: support the development of a range of intellectual
and practical skills and attainment of GOs Prerequisite Structure: prerequisite flowchart of the program’s
required courses showing dependency and integration of a balanced
curriculum Subject Area Requirements: (in terms of hours and depth) including
study for one year of college level mathematics and basic sciences
(biological, chemical, and physical sciences; some with experimental
experience), study for one and one-half years of engineering topics
appropriate to the field of study, study for general education that
complements the technical content in consistence with program and
institution objectives Major Design Experience: that prepares students for engineering
practice where public health and safety, global, cultural, social,
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering Mapping CLOs to GOs: How the courses learning outcomes actually
lead to the achievement of graduate outcomes. The relationships of CLOs
to GOs might need preparing a “Course Portfolio” for each course. A
typical course portfolio contents are: course number and name, credits and
contact hours, instructor’s or course coordinator’s name, text book (title,
author and year), other supplemental materials, specific course information
(brief description of the content of the course or catalog description,
prerequisites or co-requisites and indicating whether a required, elective,
or selected elective course in the program), specific objectives of the
course and specific learning outcomes, mapping of CLOs with GOs,
strategies of teaching/learning and assessment to achieve the outcomes,
copy of notes, copies of exams (instruction copies), and copies of student
work. Assessment Processes: used to gather data upon which the evaluation of
each student outcome is based. Examples of data collection processes may
include, but are not limited to, specific exam questions, student portfolios,
internally developed assessment exams, senior project presentations,
nationally-normed exams, oral exams, focus groups, industrial advisory
committee meetings, or other processes that are relevant and appropriate to
the program
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering What does the Quality Management System provide for PEOs, GOs
and curriculum review? Information such as minutes from meetings where
the assessment results are evaluated and recommendations are made is
required. The feedback and inputs from stakeholders (industry advisors, students
and alumni), benchmarking and external examiners. For a new program, it
also needs to discuss the feasibility of introducing the new program. Other information, if available, used to assist in continuous
improvement such as (participation of faculty, support staff and students in
the continual quality improvement process, their professional practice in
industry or collaborative projects and invited lecturers or speakers from
industry or public bodies
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering Processes by which students are advised regarding curricular and carrier
matters Processes by which students are advised regarding extracurricular
activities for enthusiasm, motivation and character building in
management, leadership, arts, sports, societal and environmental activities How often students are advised and who provides the advising (program
faculty, departmental, college or university advisor). Sufficiency of faculty
members for advising and counseling students in four major areas;
psychological, academic, professional, and extracurricular aspects
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering Role of the faculty with respect to course creation, modification, and
evaluation Role of the faculty in the definition and revision of PEOs and GOs and
their role in the attainment of the GOs Roles of others on campus (e.g. dean or provost) with respect to these
areas Leadership adequacy to ensure the quality and continuity of the program Leadership involvement in making decisions that affect the program How clearly tasks are assigned and authorities are delegated How effective is the organizational structure in serving the Quality
Management System Efficiency of documentation for all activities and issues Adequacy of administrative services provided to the program
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering Process used to establish the program’s budget and continuity of funding
resources needed to meet the program needs including sources of both
permanent and temporary funds Offices and associated equipment: for administration, faculty, staff and
teaching assistants are adequate to support attainment of graduate
outcomes and provide an atmosphere conducive to learning Classrooms and associated equipment: are adequate to support
attainment of graduate outcomes and provide an atmosphere conducive to
learning Laboratories and associated tools and equipment: including those
containing computers (hardware and software) are adequate to support
attainment of graduate outcomes and provide an atmosphere conducive to
learning Campus infrastructure and supportive facilities: including hostels,
sport centers, recreation centers, health centers, land scape and
transportation means shall be adequate to facilitate students’ life on
campus and to enhance building student character
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering Policies and procedures for maintaining and upgrading the tools,
equipment, computing resources, and laboratories used by students and
faculty in the program Adequacy of the library’s technical collection relative to the needs of the
program and the faculty Adequacy of the process by which faculty may request the library to
order books or subscriptions Library’s systems for locating and obtaining electronic information, and
any other library services relevant to the needs of the program
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3.2.1 Deficiency (D): A deficiency indicates that a criterion, policy, or procedure is not
satisfied. Therefore, the program is not in compliance with the criterion, policy, or
3.2.2 Weakness (W): A weakness indicates that a program lacks the strength of
compliance with a criterion, policy, or procedure to ensure that the quality of the program
will not be compromised. Therefore, remedial action is required to strengthen
compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure prior to the next review.
3.2.3 Concern (C): A concern indicates that a program currently satisfies a criterion,
policy, or procedure; however, the potential exists for the situation to change such that
the criterion, policy, or procedure may not be satisfied.
3.2.4 Observation (O): An observation is a comment or suggestion that does not relate
directly to the current accreditation action but is offered to assist the institution in its
continuing efforts to improve its programs.
3.3.1 NGR (Next General Review): This action indicates that the program has no
Deficiencies or Weaknesses. This action is taken only after a Comprehensive General
Review and has a typical duration of six years.
3.3.2 IR (Interim Report): This action indicates that the program has no Deficiencies
but has one or more Weaknesses. The Weaknesses are such that a progress report will be
required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution. This action has a typical
duration of two years.
3.3.3 RE (Report Extended): This action indicates that satisfactory remedial action has
been taken by the institution with respect to Weaknesses identified in the prior IR action.
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This action is taken only after an IR review. This action extends accreditation to the next
General Review and has a typical duration of either two or four years.
3.3.4 IV (Interim Visit): This action indicates that the program has no Deficiencies but
has one or more Weaknesses. The Weaknesses are such that an on-site review will be
required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution. This action has a typical
duration of two years.
3.3.5 VE (Visit Extended): This action indicates that satisfactory remedial action has
been taken by the institution with respect to Weaknesses identified in the prior IV action.
This action is taken only after an IV review. This action extends accreditation to the next
General Review and has a typical duration of either two or four years.
3.3.6 SCR (Show Cause Report): This action indicates that a currently accredited
program has one or more Deficiencies. The Deficiencies are such that a progress report
will be required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution. This action has a
typical duration of two years. This action cannot follow a previous SC action for the same
3.3.7 SCV (Show Cause Visit): This action indicates that a currently accredited program
has one or more Deficiencies. The Deficiencies are such that an on-site review will be
required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution. This action has a typical
duration of two years. This action cannot follow a previous SC action for the same
3.3.8 SE (Show Cause Extended): This action indicates that satisfactory remedial action
has been taken by the institution with respect to all Deficiencies and Weaknesses
identified in the prior SC action. This action is taken only after either a SCR or SCV
review. This action typically extends accreditation to the next General Review and has a
typical duration of either two or four years.
3.3.9 NA (Not to Accredit): This action indicates that the program has Deficiencies such
that the program is not in compliance with the applicable criteria. This action is usually
taken only after a SCR or SCV review, or the review of a previously unaccredited
program. Accreditation is not extended as a result of this action.
If it is a new program, the date at which accreditation is to begin must be indicated.
Normally accreditation is retroactive for one year such that it applies to all students who
graduated after October 1 of the year preceding the on-site review.
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This chapter clarifies the policies and procedures followed for accreditation, appeals,
reconsiderations and complaints.
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4.1.7 When a program submits a request for evaluation to the Council, it agrees to
disclose publicly its accreditation status to assist external stakeholders, such as
students, parents, and the general public, in making appropriate education decisions. The Council publicly identifies programs whose accreditation has been denied
or withdrawn by the Council itself. The Council publicly identifies programs whose accreditation has been placed
on Show Cause due to one or more cited deficiencies in Criteria compliance. If the Council places a program on Show Cause or denies or withdraws a
program’s accreditation, then the institution must provide, upon request from the
public, a statement summarizing the Council’s reasons for the Show Cause
accreditation action or the denial or withdrawal of accreditation; that statement
can be accompanied by a response from the affected program addressing the
Council decision. This statement must be available within 60 days of the final
decision by the Council. The Council will post on its public website a notice
regarding the availability of this statement from the institution. In the event that the program files an official request for appeal,
reconsideration, or immediate re-visit in accordance with Section (4.12.6), the
60-day period for public notification will begin when the Section (4.12.6)
processes have provided a final accreditation action.
4.1.8 The institution must make a public correction if misleading or incorrect information
is released regarding the items addressed in Section (4.1.1).
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4.3.7 The Council will maintain a record of the names of individuals recusing themselves
for conflicts of interest at each meeting related to accreditation decision making.
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An institution contemplating a review for the first time must contact the Council for
more information prior to making a formal request. Occurring before the RFE deadline, PRR is a mandatory document screening
process that determines an institution’s preparedness to have its program(s)
reviewed. It serves to reduce the possibility that an institution without previous
accreditation experience will expend resources for an on-site review before there
are adequate preparations and that the Council will commit volunteer resources
before a program is sufficiently prepared for the review. A committee comprising current/former Council staff will perform the
screening process. The outcome of a PRR for a program is one of three non-binding options:
i) a recommendation to submit the RFE in the immediate upcoming accreditation
review cycle, addressing the PRR suggestions, if any;
ii) a recommendation to postpone the RFE submission unless substantive
changes in the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) preparation and documentation
are made; or
iii) a recommendation not to submit the RFE in the immediate upcoming
accreditation review cycle because it is likely to be rejected.
4.5.7 The Council will inform the public about the harm of degree mills and accreditation
mills by posting on the Council website.
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4.6.2 The Accreditation Fee Schedule is posted on the Council web site. The institution
will receive an invoice for fees associated with the requested review. Payment is
due 45 days from date of the invoice.
4.6.3 Prior to the final appointment of the team, the institution will have the opportunity
to review all assigned team members with regard to the Council’s published
Conflict of Interest Policy (Section 4.3). The institution may reject a team member
only in the case of real or perceived conflicts of interest.
4.6.4 The institution and the Team Chair will mutually determine dates for any on-site
review that is required. On-site reviews are normally conducted during September
through December of the calendar year in which the review is requested.
4.6.5 The institution will submit a SAR or an Interim Report (IR), as required, for each
program to be reviewed. The SAR or IR is due to the Council Secretary no later than July 1 of the
calendar year in which the review is to be conducted. The institution will provide the appropriate report directly to the Team Chair
no later than July 1. The institution will provide the appropriate report directly to each program
evaluator at the direction of the Team Chair.
4.6.6 When an on-site review is required, the duration of the review is normally three
days from team arrival to departure but may be extended or shortened depending on
review requirements. Typically the on-site review is conducted from Sunday
through Tuesday.
4.6.7 As a result of the review, the institution will typically receive a Draft Statement
(DS) to the Institution for review and comment.
4.6.8 The institution has 30 days from receipt to provide a Due Process Response (DPR)
to the DS. This response will be evaluated and used as the basis for revising the DS
to create the Final Statement (FS).
4.6.9 Final action on each program will be based upon the Council’s consideration of the
findings in the DS, the analysis of the DPR, and the analysis of additional
information received in time for proper consideration. The DS will be modified to
reflect these analyses, resulting in a FS that reflects the final action by the Council.
4.6.10 The institution will receive the FS and the Summary of Accreditation Actions
(SAA) no later than August 31 of the calendar year following the review.
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applicable policy requirements. The SAR must include information about all
methods of program delivery, all possible paths to completion of the degree, and
remote offerings if any. To assist programs in completing a SAR, the Council has
developed a SAR template that is posted on the Council website.
4.7.4 Final Preparation for On-Site Review Submittal of Transcripts: Prior to arriving on-site, the team will request official
transcripts of the most recent graduates from each program. Each program being
evaluated will provide official transcripts with associated worksheets and any
guidelines used by the advisors. Additional Information: Prior to arriving on-site, the team may request
additional information it deems necessary for clarification.
4.7.5 On-Site Review: the PEV team conducts an on-site review to assess factors that
cannot be adequately described in the SAR. Teams for on-site reviews will typically consist of a Team Chair and one
program evaluator for each program being reviewed. The typical minimum team
size is three members. Team Chairs will typically be a program evaluator trainee from the
approved list maintained by the Council. Program evaluators will typically be
selected from the Council list. In the case where a program must satisfy more than one set of Program
Specific Criteria, there typically will be one program evaluator for each set of
Program Specific Criteria to be used in the review. For cases such as the following, the team size and/or duration of the on-
site review may be adjusted:
i) A very high degree of overlap between two programs being reviewed.
ii) A program with multiple sites or nontraditional delivery method.
iii) An Interim Program Review with a very limited focus.
iv) A single program seeking reaccreditation. A Review Team may include observers at the discretion of the Team
Chair and the institution. Observers are typically current or former members
of the Council.
4.7.6 Comprehensive Program Review: The Review Team will examine all program
aspects to judge compliance with criteria and policies. The team will assist each
program in recognizing its strong and weak points. To accomplish this, the team
will: Interview faculty, students, administrators, and staff to obtain an understanding
of program compliance with the applicable criteria and policies and of specific
issues that arise from the examination of the SAR and from the on-site review.
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prior to the on-site review. The program must also provide the following additional
information to the Review Team: Documentation in the SAR that no changes that potentially impact the extent to
which an accredited program satisfies the accreditation criteria and policies have
occurred during the two academic years prior to that of the Initial Program
Review. Transcripts and sample student work for both academic years prior to that of
the Initial Program Review.
4.7.8 Interim Program Review Types of Interim Program Reviews: There are two types of IPRs: Those that do not require an on-site review (resulting from an Interim
Report or Show Cause Report action), and Those that require an on-site review (resulting from an Interim Visit or
Show Cause Visit action). Composition of IPR Team If an on-site review is not required, a Team Chair will typically review an
Interim Report or a Show Cause Report. If an on-site review is required, Review Teams will typically consist of a
Team Chair and one Program Evaluator for each program having an on-site
review. The minimum team size for an IPR following a Show Cause Visit
action is three persons.
4.7.9 Draft Statement to the Institution: The Team Chair prepares a Draft Statement of
preliminary findings and recommendations to be edited by designated member of
the Council and for transmission to the institution. The Team Chair will prepare a
Draft Statement to the Institution for each review conducted. The Draft Statement
will consist of general information plus a program-specific section for each
program reviewed. The statement to each program will typically include the following: Findings of Fact: A finding of fact indicate a program characteristic that
exists and is verifiable through the review process. Findings of Shortcomings:
i) Deficiency: A Deficiency indicates that a criterion, policy, or procedure is not
satisfied. Therefore, the program is not in compliance with the criterion,
policy, or procedure.
ii) Weakness: A Weakness indicates that a program lacks the strength of
compliance with a criterion, policy, or procedure to ensure that the quality
of the program will not be compromised. Therefore, remedial action is
required to strengthen compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure
prior to the next review.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering SCR (Show Cause Report): This action indicates that a currently accredited
program has one or more Deficiencies. The Deficiencies are such that a progress
report will be required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution.
This action has a typical duration of two years. This action cannot follow a
previous SC action for the same Deficiency(s). The Council expects the
institution to provide a statement to the students, faculty, and the public
summarizing the Council’s reasons for the Show Cause accreditation action and
specific corrective actions the program intends to implement to maintain
accreditation. SCV (Show Cause Visit): This action indicates that a currently accredited
program has one or more Deficiencies. The Deficiencies are such that an on-site
review will be required to evaluate the remedial actions taken by the institution.
This action has a typical duration of two years. This action cannot follow a
previous SC action for the same Deficiency(s). The Council expects the
institution to provide a statement to the students, faculty, and the public
summarizing the Council’s reasons for the Show Cause accreditation action and
specific corrective actions the program intends to implement to maintain
accreditation. RE (Report Extended): This action indicates that satisfactory remedial action
has been taken by the institution with respect to Weaknesses identified in the
prior IR action. This action is taken only after an IR review. This action extends
accreditation to the next General Review and has a typical duration of either two
or four years. VE (Visit Extended): This action indicates that satisfactory remedial action
has been taken by the institution with respect to Weaknesses identified in the
prior IV action. This action is taken only after an IV review. This action extends
accreditation to the next General Review and has a typical duration of either two
or four years. SE (Show Cause Extended): This action indicates that satisfactory remedial
action has been taken by the institution with respect to all Deficiencies and
Weaknesses identified in the prior SC action. This action is taken only after
either a SCR or SCV review. This action typically extends accreditation to the
next General Review and has a typical duration of either two or four years. NA (Not to Accredit): This action indicates that the program has Deficiencies
such that the program is not in compliance with the applicable criteria. This
action is usually taken only after a SCR or SCV review, or the review of a new,
unaccredited program. Accreditation is not extended as a result of this action.
This action can be appealed as specified in the Appeals Section (4.12.6) of this
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lieu of the SAR or IR, by July 1 after the RFE is submitted. The normal review
process is followed per Section (4.6), as appropriate. If the request for termination is not synchronous with a scheduled review of the
program, the institutional administrative officer responsible for accredited
programs will notify the Council Secretary per Section (4.8.1). The institution
provides a Termination Plan, as described below. The process described in
Section (4.8.2) above will be invoked. The Termination Plan demonstrates the program’s ability to continue delivery
of an accredited program during its phase-out. The Plan should include the
following information: Name of Institution; Name of Program; The number of students remaining in the program with the expected date
of graduation for the last student; Copies of all notices to students in the program regarding the
discontinuation of the program; The name, official position, and contact information of the individual
responsible for the continuing administration of the program; The names of the faculty members teaching all required technical courses
and any other courses specific to the program. Courses being taught in
connection with other programs whose accreditation is being continued need
not be covered in the report; Biographical data sheets for all persons included in ( and
( above; Description of how the program will continue to support student
attainment of the outcomes; Descriptions of any substitutions or major changes in the curriculum since
the time of the last accreditation review or that are planned through to the
termination of the program; Descriptions of how instructional laboratory facilities will be maintained
for remaining students; Descriptions of advising processes that will be available to students
remaining in the program; and Descriptions of any remedial actions taken with respect to any
Weaknesses remaining at the time of the last accreditation review. If the requested extension is more than six years from the date of the most
recent general review, an on-site termination review will be required. The on-site termination review will be focused on the Termination Plan. The on-site termination review will be conducted by a Team Chair only
and will typically be a one-day visit.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering If an on-site termination review is not required, the Termination Plan will be
reviewed by a Council member. A decision on the “Termination” action will be made by the Council.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering When an immediate revisit is granted by the Council, the institution shall be
deemed to have waived its right to appeal either the original not-to-accredit
action or the action that will result from the revisit. If the request for revisit is
granted, the institution will be charged the regular visitation fee for the revisit. If, following the immediate revisit, the Council, upon unanimous vote, judges
that the institution is correct in its claim of substantive improvement, the Council
may overturn the not-to-accredit decision and grant whatever accreditation
action it deems appropriate, within the choices that were available to the Council
4.12.5 Reconsideration A program that has received a not-to-accredit action may be a candidate for
reconsideration if it can demonstrate that there were major, documented errors of
fact in the information used by the Council in arriving at the not-to-accredit
decision. In such cases, the institution must submit a written request for
reconsideration to the Council Chair within 30 days of receiving notification of
the not-to-accredit action. This request must be accompanied by 10 copies of a
report specifying the major, documented errors of fact and how such errors
contributed to the not-to-accredit action, along with substantiating
documentation. The Council Chair shall accept or deny the institution’s request for
reconsideration of the not-to-accredit decision within 15 days of the Council’s
receipt of the institution’s request for reconsideration. This action will be based
solely on the report and supporting documentation supplied by the institution in
accordance with the nature of the deficiencies which led to the not-to-accredit
action. If the Council judges that reconsideration is not warranted, the request for
reconsideration will be denied with a statement of reasons and a reiteration of
the institution’s right to pursue an appeal of the not-to-accredit action. When reconsideration is granted by the Council, the institution shall be
deemed to have waived its right to appeal either the original not-to-accredit
action or the action that will result from the reconsideration. If, following reconsideration, the Council, upon unanimous vote, judges that
the institution is correct in its claim of such error leading to an erroneous
conclusion by the Council, the executive committee may overturn the not-to-
accredit decision and grant whatever accreditation action it deems appropriate,
within the choices that were available to the Council itself. The new
accreditation action must be decided by unanimous vote of the Council.
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4.12.6 Appeal Only not-to-accredit actions may be appealed. A notice of appeal must be
submitted in writing by the chief executive officer of the institution to the
Council Chair within 30 days of receiving notification of the not-to-accredit
action. This submission must include the reasons why the not-to-accredit
decision of the Council is inappropriate because of either errors of fact or failure
of the Council to conform to the Council’s published criteria, policies, or
procedures. Upon receipt of a notice of appeal, the Council Chair will notify the Council
of the appeal and will select three or more past members of the Council to serve
as an appeal committee. Current members of the Council are ineligible to serve
on the appeal committee. At least one former member of the Council will be
experienced as a program evaluator. The Council Chair will designate one
former member of the Council as chair of the appeal committee. The appeal committee will be provided with copies of all documentation that
has been made available to the institution during the different phases of the
accreditation cycle, including the institution’s due process response and other
materials submitted by the institution or by the Council. The institution is required to submit a response (normally one page) to the
Council’s executive summary previously sent to the institution. The institution
may also submit other material it deems necessary to support its appeal.
However, such materials must be confined to the status of the program at the
time of the accreditation action of the Council and to information that was then
available to the Council. It is emphasized that improvements made to a program subsequent to the
decision meeting of the Council will not be considered by the appeal committee. The Council may submit written materials beyond the statement to the
institution and the executive summary for clarification of its position. Such
materials must be provided to the institution and appeal committee at least 60
days prior to the date of the committee’s meeting. Any rebuttal by the institution
must be submitted to the committee at least 30 days prior to the committee
meeting. The appeal committee will meet and, on behalf of the Council Chair, consider
only the written materials submitted by the institution and the Council in
arriving at its determination. Representatives from the institution and the
Council may not attend this meeting. The appeal committee’s decision is limited
to the options available for the not-to-accredit determination. The appeal
committee’s findings and its decision will be reported to the Council in writing
by the appeal committee chair. The decision rendered by the appeal committee is
the final decision of the Council.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering The institution and the Council will be notified in writing of this decision, and
the basis for the decision, by the Council Chair within 15 days of the final
4.13 Complaints
4.13.1 It is the policy of the Council to review all complaints received from any source,
including students, against either an accredited program or the Council itself that
are related to compliance with the Council’s criteria, policies or procedures and to
resolve any such complaints in a timely, fair, and equitable manner. Furthermore, it
is the policy of the Council to retain all documentation associated with any such
complaint received against an accredited program for a period of not less than one
accreditation cycle (typically six years), and for a period of not less than (5) years
for any complaints received against the Council itself.
4.13.2 Accredited programs must maintain a record of student complaints made to the
institution and upon written request make that record available to the Council.
4.13.3 The Council will not pursue complaints that are not in writing or that are
anonymous. The receipt of a complaint will be acknowledged to the complainant
within (14) days.
4.13.4 The Council cannot assume authority for enforcing the policies of programs or
institutions regarding faculty, professional staff, or student rights. The Council does
not adjudicate, arbitrate, or mediate individual grievances against a program or
4.13.5 Complaints will be reviewed initially by the Council Chair. If the complaint is not
within the purview of the Council, the complainant will be notified and no further
action will be taken. If the complaint appears to warrant further investigation, the
Council Chair will forward a copy of the complaint to the Council or institutional
authorities within (14) days of receipt of the complaint. The complainant will be
notified within (14) days of the receipt whether the complaint falls within the
purview of the Council and the next steps in the investigative process.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering In the event that an institutional response is not received by the Council
within (30) days of the request for the response, or if the response is not deemed
to have satisfactorily resolved the issue, the Council may initiate further
proceedings as circumstances warrant, up to and including revocation of
accreditation. If the institution has released incorrect or misleading information regarding
the accreditation status of the institution or program, the contents of visit reports
and final statements, or the accreditation action taken by the Council, the
institution will be required to make a public correction.
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Mission Statement
Mission statement is a formal, short, written statement of the purpose of the institution.
The mission statement should guide the actions of the institution, spell out its overall goal,
provide a sense of direction, and guide decision-making. It provides the framework or
context within which the institution's strategies are formulated.
Graduate outcomes
Graduate outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by
the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviors that students
acquire as they progress through the program.
Performance Criteria
Specific, measurable statements identifying the performance required to meet the
outcomes, confirmable through evidence (standards, rubrics, specification, metrics, etc.).
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Assessment is one or more processes that identify, collect, and prepare data to evaluate
the attainment of graduate outcomes. Effective assessment uses relevant direct, indirect,
quantitative and qualitative measures as appropriate to the outcome being measured.
Appropriate sampling methods may be used as part of an assessment process.
Evaluation is one or more processes for interpreting the data and evidence accumulated
through assessment processes. Evaluation determines the extent to which graduate
outcomes are being attained. Evaluation results in decisions and actions regarding program
Constituencies may include students, alumni, faculty, parents, employers, community
and the government.
Advisory Committee
An advisory committee with representation from organizations being served by the
program graduates must be utilized to periodically review the program’s curriculum and
advise the program on the establishment, review, and revision of its program educational
objectives. The advisory committee must provide advisement on current and future aspects
of the technical fields for which the graduates are being prepared.
Faculty Vitae
Appendices of abbreviated consistent 2-page resumes (Times New Roman 12 point
font) for each instructor or above in rank showing; Name and rank, Education (degree,
discipline, institution and year), Academic experience (institution, rank, title, when and full
time or part time), Non-academic experience (company or entity, title, brief description of
position, when and full time or part time), Certifications or professional registrations,
Current membership in professional organizations, Honors and awards, Service activities
(within and outside of the institution), Brief list of the most important publications and
presentations from the past five years (title, co-authors if any, where published and/or
presented and date of publication or presentation), and Brief list of the most recent
professional development activities.
Program Background
Background information about the program and the institution must be included at the
beginning of the Self-Study or Self-Assessment Report prepared by the Department.
Background information consist of; Contact information (contact persons names, mail,
telephone and e-mail), Program history (start year and major changes thereafter,
especially recent ones), Options (including tracks and concentrations), Organizational
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structure (text and chart to describe the administrative structure of the program and
above), Program delivery modes (traditional lecture/laboratory is the only mode adopted
in Iraq), Program Locations (All locations where the program or a portion of the program
is regularly offered including dual degrees, international partnerships, etc., Public
Disclosure (information concerning all the places where the PEOs, GOs, annual student
enrollment and graduation data is posted or made accessible to the public including URLs,
Results of previous evaluation in case of being evaluated before (observed deficiencies,
weaknesses and concerns) and Actions taken (to address them including effective dates).
Institutional Summary
An institutional summary must be appended to the Self-Study Report including; The
Institution (Name and address of the institution, Name and title of the chief executive
officer of the institution, Name and title of the person submitting the Self-Study Report and
Name the organizations by which the institution is now accredited and the dates of the
initial and most recent accreditation evaluations), Type of Control (Description of the type
of managerial control of the institution, e.g., governmental or privet-profit), Educational
Unit (Describe the educational unit in which the program is located including the
administrative chain of responsibility from the individual responsible for the program to
the chief executive officer of the institution including names and titles. An organization
chart may be included), Academic Support Units (List the names and titles of the
individuals responsible for each of the units that teach courses required by the program
being evaluated), Non-academic Support Units (List the names and titles of the individuals
responsible for each of the units that provide non-academic support to the program being
evaluated, e.g., library, computing facilities, placement, tutoring, etc.), Credit Unit (It is
assumed that one semester or quarter credit normally represents one class hour or three
laboratory hours per week. One academic year normally represents at least 28 weeks of
classes, exclusive of final examinations. If other standards are used for this program, the
differences should be indicated, and finally Program Enrollment and Degree Data and
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Engineering Problem-Solving
It is the use of sound reasoning, engineering analysis, creativity and judgment to
identify problems and formulate solutions both for well-defined and ill-defined problems.
Communication Skills
It means efficient and effective writing, speaking and presenting of concepts and
results of a project in an understandable manner to audience.
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Responsibly providing or accepting delegations, implicitly or explicitly leading and/or
managing people or technical projects in a way that will achieve excellent results.
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Engineering Design
It is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It
is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics,
and the engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet these
stated needs.
Study Year
One study year is the lesser of; 32 semester hours (or equivalent) or one-fourth of the
total credits required for graduation.
Subject Areas
The curriculum must effectively develop the following subject areas in support of
graduate outcomes and program educational objectives; mathematics, physical and
natural science, technical content, social sciences and humanities and communications in
an integrated program.
The program must develop the ability of students to apply mathematics to the solution
of technical problems including the application of integral and differential calculus or
other mathematics appropriate to the graduate outcomes and program educational
objectives. Algebra, trigonometry, and an introduction to mathematics above the level of
algebra and trigonometry, Integral and differential calculus, or other appropriate
mathematics above the level of algebra and trigonometry, constitutes the foundation
mathematics for baccalaureate programs.
Technical Content
The technical content of the program must focus on the applied aspects of science and
engineering in that portion of the engineering spectrum closest to product improvement,
manufacturing, construction and operational functions. It must develop the skills,
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knowledge, methods, procedures, and techniques associated with the discipline and
appropriate to the goals of the program. It also must develop the depth of technical
specialty and:
i. Represent at least 1/3 of the total credit hours for the program but no more than 2/3
of the total credit hours for the program.
ii. Include a technical core that prepares students for the increasingly complex
technical specialties they will experience later in the curriculum. The technical core
must provide the prerequisite foundation of knowledge necessary for the technical
iii. Laboratory activities must develop student competence in the use of analytical and
measurement equipment common to the discipline and appropriate to the goals of
the program.
iv. Technical courses must develop student knowledge and competence in the use of
standard design practices, equipment and tools, techniques, and computer hardware
and software appropriate to the discipline and goals of the program.
v. Capstone (Final Year Project) or other integrating experiences must draw together
diverse elements of the curriculum and develop student competence in focusing
both technical and non-technical skills in solving problems.
The communications content must develop the ability of graduates to:
i. Plan, organize, prepare, and deliver effective technical reports in written, oral, and
other formats appropriate to the discipline and goals of the program.
ii. Incorporate communications skills throughout the technical content of the
iii. Utilize the interpersonal skills required to work effectively in teams.
Cooperative Education
When used to satisfy prescribed elements of these criteria, credits based upon
cooperative/internships or similar experiences must include an appropriate academic
component evaluated by the program faculty.
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Knowledge Profile
1. A systematic, theory-based understanding of the natural sciences applicable to the
discipline (e.g. calculus-based physics).
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Attributes Profile
1. Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution.
5. Modern Tool Usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to
complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
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12. Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.
1. Range of resources: Involve the use of diverse resources (and for this purpose
resources includes people, money, equipment, materials, information and
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7. Legal and regulatory: Meet all legal and regulatory requirements and protect
public health and safety in the course of his or her activities.
10. Communication: Communicate clearly with others in the course of his or her
11. Lifelong learning: Undertake CPD activities sufficient to maintain and extend his
or her competence.
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13. Responsibility for decisions: Be responsible for making decisions on part or all
of complex activities.
The following definitions apply to the terms used in this document which are
equivalent to the terms used in other engineering education standards.
Engineering Problem: is a problem that exists in any domain that can be solved by the
application of engineering knowledge and skills and generic competencies.
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Manage: means planning, organizing, leading and controlling in respect of risk, project,
change, financial, compliance, quality, ongoing monitoring, control and evaluation.
Solution: means an effective proposal for resolving a problem, taking into account all
relevant technical, legal, social, cultural, economic and environmental issues and having
regard to the need for sustainability.
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R1.2: Rubrics Title: Documented PEOs are systematically utilized and periodically
reviewed involving program constituencies
Covered Aspects:
2.1.4 Program Constituencies (continued)
2.1.5 PEOs Review Process
Covered Performance Indicators: What Constituencies are involved Processes for periodical review of PEOs How constituencies are involved How to ensure that PEOs remain consistent with the institutional
mission, the program constituents’ needs and these criteria
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No process for periodical review of PEOs is available.
No program’s constituencies other than program administrators are involved
in the periodic review of PEOs.
Constituencies are ineffectively involved in reviewing PEOs.
Nothing performed to ensure that PEOs remain consistent with the
institutional mission, the program constituents’ needs and these criteria.
Weak process for periodical review of PEOs is available.
Few program’s constituencies other than program administrators are involved
in the periodic review of PEOs.
Effectiveness of the constituencies' involvement in the periodic review of
PEOs is weak.
Weak actions are performed to ensure that PEOs remain consistent with the
institutional mission, the program constituents’ needs and these criteria.
It's better to involve all constituencies in the periodic review of PEOs.
The process is better to be systematic and more effective.
The process is better to be well documented.
R2.2: Rubrics Title: Coherence of each SO with the related SO of the seven GOs of this
Covered Aspects:
2.2.1 Adopted Graduate outcomes (continued).
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R5.2: Rubrics Title: One year of college level mathematics and basic sciences
(biological, chemical, and physical sciences; some with
experimental experience)
Covered Aspects:
2.3.1 Program Structure and Content (continued)
Covered Performance Indicators: Subject area requirements: Mathematics and Basic Sciences
No supporting evidence on how the program meets the requirements of
mathematics and basic sciences.
Weak evidence on how the program meets the requirements of mathematics
and basic sciences.
Study materials (textbooks and alike) of mathematics and basic sciences are
better to be updated.
R3.3: Rubrics Title: One and one-half years of engineering topics appropriate to the field
of study
Covered Aspects:
2.3.1 Program Structure and Content (continued)
Covered Performance Indicators: Subject area requirements (continued): Engineering Topics
No supporting evidence on how the program meets the requirements of
engineering topics.
Weak evidence on how the program meets the requirements of engineering
topics is available.
Study materials (textbooks and alike) of engineering topics are better to be
R3.4: Rubrics Title: General education component that complements the technical
content and is consistent with program and institution objectives
Covered Aspects:
2.3.1 Program Structure and Content (continued)
Covered Performance Indicators: Subject area requirements (continued): General Education
No supporting evidence on how the program meets the requirements.
Weak evidence on how the program meets the requirements.
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Study materials (textbooks and alike) of general education are better to be
R3.5: Rubrics Title: Culminates in a major design experience based on knowledge and
skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating
appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic
Covered Aspects:
2.3.1 Program Structure and Content (continued)
Covered Performance Indicators: Major design experience
No supporting evidence on how the program meets the requirements major
design experience.
Weak evidence on how the program meets the requirements major design
Major design experience is better to be slightly upgraded.
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Note: Abbreviated courses syllabi are supplementary evidence for being compliant
to (5.1). No rubrics are needed.
R4.2: Rubrics Title: Results of evaluations systematically utilized as input for the
continuous improvement of the program
Covered Aspects:
2.4.2 Continuous Improvement Actions
Covered Performance Indicators: Systematic data utilization in continuous improvement Re-assessment of changes results Future plans Brief rationale of planned changes
No data utilization in continuous improvement is available.
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The adopted policy (requirements and processes) for accepting new students
is not implemented.
Weak policy (requirements and processes) is adopted for accepting new
The adopted policy (requirements and processes) for accepting new students
is not firmly enforced.
The policies (requirements and processes) for accepting new students are
better to be more firmly enforced.
The trend in high-school grades of freshman accepted in the last five years are
better to be noticed.
R5.2: Rubrics Title: Evaluate student performance (to foster learning outcomes
Covered Aspects:
2.5.2 Student Performance and Progress
Covered Performance Indicators: Processes of student performance evaluation
No processes are adopted for student performance evaluation.
Weak processes are adopted for student performance evaluation.
Processes are either few or weakly implemented.
Processes are better to be well documented.
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R5.4: Rubrics Title: Have and enforce policies for awarding academic credit for courses
taken at other institutions + 2.5.1
Covered Aspects:
2.5.3 Transfer Students
Covered Performance Indicators: Requirements and processes for accepting transfer students Transfer credits and clearing instructions Ministry-mandated articulation impact Transfer students for past five years
Note: Ministry-mandated articulation requirements that impact the program are
better to be inclusively put into consideration.
No policies (requirements, processes and transfer credits) are adopted for
accepting transfer students.
Weak policies (requirements, processes and transfer credits) are adopted for
accepting transfer students.
Policies (requirements, processes and transfer credits) do exist but they are
not firmly enforced.
The policies (requirements, processes and transfer credits) for accepting
transfer students are better to be more firmly enforced and the trend in high-
school grades of transfer students in the last five years are better to be
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R5.6: Rubrics Title: Have and enforce procedures to ensure and document that students
who graduate meet all graduation requirements
Covered Aspects:
2.5.5 Graduation Requirements
Covered Performance Indicators: Graduation requirements Well-documented procedures to ensure that graduates meet the
requirements Transcripts of some of the most recent graduates
Note: Transcripts of some of the most recent graduates (student records) are
provided as supplementary evidence for being compliant to (5.5). No
rubrics are needed for this aspect.
No graduation requirements are available.
No processes are adopted to ensure that students meet the graduation
Weak graduation requirements are available.
Weak processes are adopted to ensure that students meet the graduation
The graduation requirements and processes are better to be well-documented.
R6.2: Rubrics Title: Sufficient number and competencies to cover all curricular areas
Covered Aspects:
2.6.1 Faculty Qualifications (continued)
2.6.2 Faculty Workload
Covered Performance Indicators: How adequate to cover all areas The overall competence of the faculty Share of time devoted to the program
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No supporting evidence on faculty number to cover all curricular areas is
No supporting evidence on faculty competencies to cover all curricular areas
is available.
Weak evidence on faculty number to cover all curricular areas is available.
Weak evidence on faculty competencies to cover all curricular areas is
Few faculty members are better to be added.
Very few faculty competencies are better to be developed.
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The university service activities are better to be enhanced.
R6.6: Rubrics Title: Adequate levels of interaction with practitioners and employers
Covered Aspects:
2.6.3 Faculty Size (continued)
Covered Performance Indicators: Extent and quality of interactions with industrial and professional
practitioners, as well as employers of students
No supporting evidence on interaction with practitioners and employers is
Weak evidence on interaction with practitioners and employers is available.
The interaction with practitioners and employers is better to be enhanced.
R6.8: Rubrics Title: Sufficient authority for program guidance and implementation of
processes for evaluation, assessment, and continuous
Covered Aspects:
2.6.5 Faculty Authority and Responsibility
Covered Performance Indicators: Role of faculty in course creation, modification and evaluation. Role of faculty in definition and revision of PEOs and GOs and GOs
attainment Roles of others on campus
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No supporting evidence on faculty authority is available.
Weak evidence on faculty authority is available.
The extent of faculty authority is better to be enhanced.
R7.2: Rubrics Title: adequate administrative support to faculty to meet program needs
Covered Aspects:
2.7.2 Faculty Support
Covered Performance Indicators: Policies and processes used to recruit new faculty Strategies used to retain and promote current qualified faculty Strategies used for faculty professional development Scientific research activities and post-graduate studies if any
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No supporting evidence is available on how the resources available to the
program are sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the continued
professional development of a qualified faculty.
Weak evidence is available on how the resources available to the program are
sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the continued professional
development of a qualified faculty.
The resources available to the program are better to be enhanced in order to
attract and retain a qualified faculty and to provide for the continued
professional development of a qualified faculty.
R7.3: Rubrics Title: adequate administrative support to staff to meet program needs
Covered Aspects:
2.7.3 Technical and Administrative Staff Support
Covered Performance Indicators: Adequacy of staff size and qualifications Policies and processes to recruit and retain staff Strategies used for continual professional development and promotion
No evidence is available on how staff (both administrative and technical)
provided to the program is adequate to meet program needs.
No evidence is available on how staff (both administrative and technical) is
recruited, retained, promoted and developed in order to meet program needs.
Weak evidence is available on how staff (both administrative and technical)
provided to the program is adequate to meet program needs.
Weak evidence is available on how staff (both administrative and technical) is
recruited, retained, promoted and developed in order to meet program needs.
Staff recruiting, retaining, promoting and development are better to be
enhanced to assure meeting program needs.
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Adequate funding sources provided to the program are better to be enhanced
to assure meeting all program needs.
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R9.2: Rubrics Title: Modern tools, equipment, computing assets, and laboratories are
available, accessible, and systematically maintained and upgraded
Covered Aspects:
2.9.2 Computing Assets
2.9.4 Maintenance and Upgrading of Facilities
Covered Performance Indicators: Adequate computing and information resources Accessibility of university computing resources Adequacy to support the professional activities Policies and procedures for maintaining and upgrading the tools,
equipment, computing resources, and laboratories used by students
and faculty in the program
No supporting evidence is available on how the computing and information
resources, tools, equipment, and laboratories used by students and faculty in
the program are adequate, accessible, modern or systematically maintained
and upgraded in order to support professional activities.
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R9.3: Rubrics Title: Students provided appropriate direction regarding the use and safety
precautions of the tools, equipment, computing resources and
Covered Aspects:
2.9.3 Students Direction and Safety Precautions
Covered Performance Indicators: How appropriate direction is available Safety Precautions
No supporting evidence is available on students' direction regarding the use
and safety precautions of computing and information resources, tools,
equipment and laboratories.
Weak evidence is available on students' direction regarding the use and safety
precautions of computing and information resources, tools, equipment and
Students' direction regarding the use and safety precautions of computing
resources, tools, equipment and laboratories is better to be enhanced.
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The library’s technical collection, the process by which faculty may request
the library to order books or subscriptions and the library’s systems for
locating and obtaining electronic information are better to be enhanced.
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For each Deficiency (D), Weakness (W) and/or Concern (C) shown on the preceding program
evaluator worksheet, please summarize the basis for your conclusion in the appropriate box. If a
potential shortcoming changes in level or is resolved during the campus visit, provide an explanation
for how it was resolved or changed. This worksheet is to be filled by each evaluator.
Program Name Program Evaluator
Criterion Comments
Published and consistent with the institution’s mission, the needs of
the program’s constituencies and these criteria
Documented, systematically utilized and effective process, involving
program constituencies, for the periodic review of the program
educational objectives in consistence with the institution’s strategic
Documented graduate outcomes that prepare graduates to attain the
program educational objectives
(1) ability to distinguish, identify, define, formulate, and solve
engineering problems by applying principles of engineering,
science and mathematics
(2) ability to produce engineering designs that meet desired needs
within certain constraints by applying both analysis and
synthesis in the design process
(3) ability to create and carry out proper measurement and tests with
quality assurance, analyze and interpret results, and utilize
engineering judgment to make inferences
(4) ability to skillfully communicate orally with a gathering of
people and in writing with various managerial levels
(5) ability to perceive ethical and professional responsibilities in
engineering cases and make brilliant judgments taking into
account the consequences in worldwide financial, ecological and
societal considerations
(6) ability to perceive the continual necessity for professional
knowledge growth and how to find, assess, assemble and apply
it properly
(7) ability to work adequately on teams and to set up objectives, plan
activities, meet due dates, and manage risk and uncertainty
Additional outcomes articulated by the program
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Devotes adequate attention and time to each component, consistent with
the outcomes and objectives of the program
One year of college level mathematics and basic sciences
One and one-half years of engineering topics appropriate to the field of
General education component that complements the technical content
and is consistent with program objectives
Culminates in a major design experience based on knowledge and skills
acquired in earlier course work and incorporating appropriate
engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints
Program teaching/learning and assessment methods are appropriate to,
consistent with, and support the attainment of GOs
Courses learning outcomes lead to the achievement of graduate outcomes
Regular use of appropriate, documented processes for assessing and
evaluating the extent of graduate outcomes attainment
Results of evaluations are systematically utilized as input for the
continuous improvement of the program
Documentation of QMS, feedback and inputs from stakeholders and
other information used in continuous improvement
Have and enforce policies for accepting new students
Evaluate student performance (to foster learning outcomes attainment)
Monitor student progress (meeting prerequisites)
Have and enforce policies for accepting transfer students and awarding
academic credit for courses taken at other institutions
Advise students regarding curricular, career matters and extracurricular
Have and enforce well-documented procedures to ensure that students
who graduate meet all graduation requirements
Appropriate qualifications
Sufficient number and competencies to cover all curricular areas
Adequate levels of student-faculty interaction
Adequate levels of student advising and counseling
Adequate levels of university service activities
Adequate levels of interaction with practitioners and employers
Adequate levels of professional development
Sufficient authority for program guidance and implementation of
processes for continuous improvement
Leadership and administrative services are adequate to ensure the quality
and continuity of the program
Administrative support is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for
the continued professional development of a qualified faculty
Administrative support is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for
the continued professional development of a qualified technical and
administrative staff
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Funding resources are adequate to meet the program needs (Sufficient to
acquire, maintain, and operate infrastructure, facilities, and equipment
and to provide an environment to attain graduate outcomes)
Program budget is sufficient to meet the program needs (Sufficient to
acquire, maintain, and learning and teaching activities to attain graduate
Program budget is sufficient to meet the program needs (Sufficient to
acquire, maintain, and operate infrastructure, facilities, and equipment
and to provide an environment to attain graduate outcomes)
Program budget is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the
continued professional development of a qualified faculty
Program budget is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the
continued professional development of a qualified technical and
administrative staff
Adequate to support attainment of graduate outcomes and provide an
atmosphere conducive to learning: classrooms, offices, laboratories,
Campus infrastructure and supportive facilities, and associated
Modern tools, equipment , computing resources, and laboratories are
available, accessible, and systematically maintained and upgraded
Students provided appropriate direction regarding the safe use of tools,
equipment, computing resources, and laboratories
Adequate library services and computing and information infrastructure
Specific curricular topics (if any)
Specific faculty qualifications (if any)
Other (if any)
Public release of information by the institution or program
Program names must meet ABET requirements
Facilities adequate and safe for the intended purpose
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Program Name Program Evaluators
Team Chair Visit Dates
Enter “C” for concern, “W” for weakness, and “D” for deficiency Pre-visit Post-visit
If the program has no deficiencies or weaknesses, check this line.
Published and consistent with the institution’s mission, the needs of the program’s constituencies and these criteria
Documented, systematically utilized and effective process, involving program constituencies, for the periodic review of
the program educational objectives in consistence with the institution’s strategic plan
Documented graduate outcomes that prepare graduates to attain the program educational objectives
(1) ability to distinguish, identify, define, formulate, and solve engineering problems by applying principles of
engineering, science and mathematics
(2) ability to produce engineering designs that meet desired needs within certain constraints by applying both analysis and
synthesis in the design process
(3) ability to create and carry out proper measurement and tests with quality assurance, analyze and interpret results, and
utilize engineering judgment to make inferences
(4) ability to skillfully communicate orally with a gathering of people and in writing with various managerial levels
(5) ability to perceive ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering cases and make brilliant judgments taking
into account the consequences in worldwide financial, ecological and societal considerations
(6) ability to perceive the continual necessity for professional knowledge growth and how to find, assess, assemble and
apply it properly
(7) ability to work adequately on teams and to set up objectives, plan activities, meet due dates, and manage risk and
Additional outcomes articulated by the program
Devotes adequate attention and time to each component, consistent with the outcomes and objectives of the program
One year of college level mathematics and basic sciences
One and one-half years of engineering topics appropriate to the field of study
General education component that complements the technical content and is consistent with program objectives
Culminates in a major design experience based on knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating
appropriate engineering standards and multiple realistic constraints
Program teaching/learning and assessment methods are appropriate to, consistent with, and support the attainment of GOs
Courses learning outcomes lead to the achievement of graduate outcomes
Regular use of appropriate, documented processes for assessing and evaluating the extent of graduate outcomes attainment
Results of evaluations are systematically utilized as input for the continuous improvement of the program
Documentation of QMS, feedback and inputs from stakeholders and other information used in continuous improvement
Have and enforce policies for accepting new students
Evaluate student performance (to foster learning outcomes attainment)
Monitor student progress (meeting prerequisites)
Have and enforce policies for accepting transfer students and awarding academic credit for courses taken at other
Advise students regarding curricular, career matters and extracurricular activities
Have and enforce well-documented procedures to ensure that students who graduate meet all graduation requirements
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Appropriate qualifications
Sufficient number and competencies to cover all curricular areas
Adequate levels of student-faculty interaction
Adequate levels of student advising and counseling
Adequate levels of university service activities
Adequate levels of interaction with practitioners and employers
Adequate levels of professional development
Sufficient authority for program guidance and implementation of processes for continuous improvement
Leadership and administrative services are adequate to ensure the quality and continuity of the program
Administrative support is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the continued professional development of a
qualified faculty
Administrative support is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the continued professional development of a
qualified technical and administrative staff
Funding resources are adequate to meet the program needs (Sufficient to acquire, maintain, and operate infrastructure,
facilities, and equipment and to provide an environment to attain graduate outcomes)
Program budget is sufficient to meet the program needs (Sufficient to acquire, maintain, and learning and teaching
activities to attain graduate outcomes)
Program budget is sufficient to meet the program needs (Sufficient to acquire, maintain, and operate infrastructure,
facilities, and equipment and to provide an environment to attain graduate outcomes)
Program budget is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the continued professional development of a qualified
Program budget is sufficient to attract and retain, and provide for the continued professional development of a qualified
technical and administrative staff
Adequate to support attainment of graduate outcomes and provide an atmosphere conducive to learning: classrooms,
offices, laboratories, Campus infrastructure and supportive facilities, and associated equipment
Modern tools, equipment , computing resources, and laboratories are available, accessible, and systematically maintained
and upgraded
Students provided appropriate guidance regarding the safe use of tools, equipment, computing resources, and laboratories
Adequate library services and computing and information infrastructure
Specific curricular topics (if any)
Specific faculty qualifications (if any)
Other (if any)
Public release of information by the institution or program
Program names must meet ABET requirements
Facilities adequate and safe for the intended purpose
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering
Use “C” for concern, “W” for weakness, and Previous Exit Seven Day Draft Statement Final Statement
“D” for deficiency.1 Shortcomings Meeting Response T. Chair Editor T. Chair Editor
If the program has no deficiencies
or weaknesses check this line.
1Definition of terms:
Concern: A concern indicates that a program currently satisfies a criterion, policy, or procedure;
however, the potential exists for the situation to change such that the criterion, policy, or
procedure may not be satisfied.
Weakness: A weakness indicates that a program lacks the strength of compliance with a criterion,
policy, or procedure to ensure that the quality of the program will not be compromised.
Therefore, remedial action is required to strengthen compliance with the criterion, policy, or
procedure prior to the next evaluation.
Deficiency: A deficiency indicates that a criterion, policy, or procedure is not satisfied. Therefore,
the program is not in compliance with the criterion, policy, or procedure.
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The following comments provide detailed information on the shortcomings indicated on the Program Audit Summary.
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering
(After ABET)
Each program must satisfy applicable Program Specific Criteria that provide the
specificity needed for interpretation of the baccalaureate level criteria as applicable to a
given discipline. Requirements stipulated in the Program Specific Criteria are limited to
the areas of curricular topics and faculty qualifications. If a program, by virtue of its title,
becomes subject to two or more sets of Program Specific Criteria, then that program must
satisfy each set of Program Specific Criteria; however, overlapping requirements need to
be satisfied only once.
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The program must demonstrate that graduates can apply mathematics through differential
equations, calculus-based physics, and chemistry. The four basic architectural
engineering curriculum areas are building structures, building mechanical systems,
building electrical systems, and construction/construction management. Graduates are
expected to reach the synthesis (design) level in one of these areas, the application level
in a second area, and the comprehension level in the remaining two areas. The
engineering topics required by the general criteria shall support the engineering
fundamentals of each of these four areas at the specified level. Graduates are expected to
discuss the basic concepts of architecture in a context of architectural design and history.
The design level must be in a context that: Considers the systems or processes from other
architectural engineering curricular areas, Works within the overall architectural design,
Includes communication and collaboration with other design or construction team
members, Includes computer-based technology and considers applicable codes and
standards, and Considers fundamental attributes of building performance and
The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range
of engineering and science topics consistent with the program educational objectives and
graduate outcomes. The curriculum must prepare graduates with experience in: Applying
principles of engineering, biology, human physiology, chemistry, calculus-based physics,
mathematics (through differential equations) and statistics; Solving bio/biomedical
engineering problems, including those associated with the interaction between living and
non-living systems; Analyzing, modeling, designing, and realizing bio/biomedical
engineering devices, systems, components, or processes; and Making measurements on
and interpreting data from living systems.
The curriculum must provide a thorough grounding in the basic sciences including
chemistry, physics, and/or biology, with some content at an advanced level, as
appropriate to the objectives of the program. The curriculum must include the
engineering application of these basic sciences to the design, analysis, and control of
chemical, physical, and/or biological processes, including the hazards associated with
these processes.
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The curriculum must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through
differential equations, calculus-based physics, chemistry, and at least one additional area
of basic science; apply probability and statistics to address uncertainty; analyze and solve
problems in at least four technical areas appropriate to civil engineering; conduct
experiments in at least two technical areas of civil engineering and analyze and interpret
the resulting data; design a system, component, or process in at least two civil
engineering contexts; include principles of sustainability in design; explain basic
concepts in project management, business, public policy, and leadership; analyze issues
in professional ethics; and explain the importance of professional licensure.
The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range
of engineering topics implied by the title of the program.
The curriculum must include probability and statistics, including applications
appropriate to the program name; mathematics through differential and integral calculus;
sciences (defined as biological, chemical, or physical science); and engineering topics
(including computing science) necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and
electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components.
The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “electrical,” “electronic(s),”
“communication(s),” or “telecommunication(s)” in the title must include advanced
mathematics, such as differential equations, linear algebra, complex variables, and
discrete mathematics.
The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “computer” in the title must
include discrete mathematics.
The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “communication(s)” or
“telecommunication(s)” in the title must include topics in communication theory and
The curriculum for programs containing the modifier “telecommunication(s)” must
include design and operation of telecommunication networks for services such as voice,
data, image, and video transport.
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The curriculum must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through
differential equations, probability and statistics, calculus-based physics, chemistry
(including stoichiometry, equilibrium, and kinetics), an earth science, a biological
science, and fluid mechanics. The curriculum must prepare graduates to formulate
material and energy balances, and analyze the fate and transport of substances in and
between air, water, and soil phases; conduct laboratory experiments, and analyze and
interpret the resulting data in more than one major environmental engineering focus area,
e.g., air, water, land, environmental health; design environmental engineering systems
that include considerations of risk, uncertainty, sustainability, life-cycle principles, and
environmental impacts; and apply advanced principles and practice relevant to the
program objectives. The curriculum must prepare graduates to understand concepts of
professional practice, project management, and the roles and responsibilities of public
institutions and private organizations pertaining to environmental policy and regulations.
The program must prepare graduates to have proficiency in (a) materials and
manufacturing processes: ability to design manufacturing processes that result in products
that meet specific material and other requirements; (b) process, assembly and product
engineering: ability to design products and the equipment, tooling, and environment
necessary for their manufacture; (c) manufacturing competitiveness: ability to create
competitive advantage through manufacturing planning, strategy, quality, and control; (d)
manufacturing systems design: ability to analyze, synthesize, and control manufacturing
operations using statistical methods; and (e) manufacturing laboratory or facility
experience: ability to measure manufacturing process variables and develop technical
inferences about the process.
The curriculum must prepare graduates to apply advanced science (such as chemistry,
biology and physics), computational techniques and engineering principles to materials
systems implied by the program modifier, e.g., ceramics, metals, polymers, biomaterials,
composite materials; to integrate the understanding of the scientific and engineering
principles underlying the four major elements of the field: structure, properties,
processing, and performance related to material systems appropriate to the field; to apply
and integrate knowledge from each of the above four elements of the field using
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The curriculum must require students to apply principles of engineering, basic science,
and mathematics (including multivariate calculus and differential equations); to model,
analyze, design, and realize physical systems, components or processes; and prepare
students to work professionally in either thermal or mechanical systems while requiring
topics in each area.
The program must prepare graduates to apply mathematics through differential
equations, calculus-based physics, general chemistry, and probability and statistics as
applied to mining engineering problem applications; to have fundamental knowledge in
the geological sciences including characterization of mineral deposits, physical geology,
structural or engineering geology, and mineral and rock identification and properties; to
be proficient in statics, dynamics, strength of materials, fluid mechanics,
thermodynamics, and electrical circuits; to be proficient in engineering topics related to
both surface and underground mining, including: mining methods, planning and design,
ground control and rock mechanics, health and safety, environmental issues, and
ventilation; to be proficient in additional engineering topics such as rock fragmentation,
materials handling, mineral or coal processing, mine surveying, and valuation and
resource/reserve estimation as appropriate to the program objectives. The laboratory
experience must prepare graduates to be proficient in geologic concepts, rock mechanics,
mine ventilation, and other topics appropriate to the program objectives.
The structure of the curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range
of engineering topics implied by the title of the program. The curriculum must prepare
students to have knowledge of and appropriate laboratory experience in: geometrical
optics, physical optics, optical materials, and optical and/or photonic devices and
The curriculum must prepare students to apply principles of engineering, basic
sciences, mathematics (such as multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear
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Iraqi Accreditation Council, Criteria, Policies and Procedures for BSc Degrees in Engineering
The program must prepare graduates to be proficient in mathematics through
differential equations, probability and statistics, fluid mechanics, strength of materials,
and thermodynamics; design and analysis of well systems and procedures for drilling and
completing wells; characterization and evaluation of subsurface geological formations
and their resources using geoscientific and engineering methods; design and analysis of
systems for producing, injecting, and handling fluids; application of reservoir engineering
principles and practices for optimizing resource development and management; the use of
project economics and resource valuation methods for design and decision making under
conditions of risk and uncertainty.
The curriculum must provide both breadth and depth across the range of engineering
and computer science topics implied by the title and objectives of the program.
The curriculum must include computing fundamentals, software design and
construction, requirements analysis, security, verification, and validation; software
engineering processes and tools appropriate for the development of complex software
systems; and discrete mathematics, probability, and statistics, with applications
appropriate to software engineering.
The curriculum must prepare graduates to work competently in one or more of the
following areas: boundary and/or land surveying, geographic and/or land information
systems, photogrammetry, mapping, geodesy, remote sensing, and other related areas.
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