Student Handbook

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To Become the Centre of Excellence in Technological Education

Sri Lanka


Creating Excellent Higher National Diploma Holders with Modern

Technology for Sustainable Development

As per the power vested in the section 4 (b), 4 (n) and 12 (5) of the Sri Lanka Advanced Technological Education Act, No
29 of 1995, the Governing Council approved the Student Handbook of Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological
Education in its 160th meeting on 30.09.2016.
Message from the Director General

Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) is dedicated

to provide quality higher education along with good character. I am extremely
happy to state that the academics, professionals and management staff of the
institution offer their services to develop the curriculum, build up the skills and
knowledge and to provide training to our students. With the corporation that is
given by the state, I am certain that our attempt at producing quality diploma
holders will be a great success.

The Student Handbook is published with the intention of governing the students
with the appropriate rules and regulations of the institute. The design of the
Handbook is user friendly. The key highlights in the Handbook includes
programme and course requirements, academic advancement, examinations issues
as well as general rules and regulations governing students’ code of conduct and
discipline. Every student is expected to read and understand the contents of the
“Student Handbook” so as to avoid pitfalls in life which can be very costly at
times. We urge you to be our ambassadors wherever you are in dressing and

I have no doubt that you all would make the best use of the academic life and
emerge as a competent human resource and fulfill the expectations of your beloved
parents and the nation. May Almighty Lord shower his choicest blessings on all of
you and make your stay at the institute happy and fruitful.

Dr. W. Hilary E. Silva

PhD; MA (Accounting & Finance); PGD; B.Com (Special)


Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) was

established under the provisions of the parliamentary act of No. 29 of 1995 under
the Ministry of Higher Education. SLIATE operates 19 Institutes including 12
Advanced Technological Institutes and 07 Advanced Technological Institute
Sections. There are 15 Higher National Diploma Courses in various disciplines
conducted in them.

The Governing Council of SLIATE is the supreme authority decides the

administrative and policy matters of the Institute and the Academic Syndicate is
accountable for the academic matters. The Chief Executive Officer of SLIATE is
the Director General. The Head of an Advanced Technological Institute is the
Director and the Academic Coordinator is the Head of an Advanced Technological
Institute Section.

The development of SLIATE in both physical and human resources during the last
20 years is remarkable. New Institutes were inaugurated and new courses were
introduced. The whole effort of SLIATE is to create knowledgeable, skillful
diploma holders with healthy attitudes based on the mission.

The prime objective of this “Student Handbook” is to guide the students and make
a systematic, lawful and peaceful environment in the Institutes which enable
students to boost their education, creativity and talents.

Message from the Director General ii
Introduction iii
Contents iv
1 Information about SLIATE

1.1 Organizational Structure of SLIATE 01

1.2 Organizational Structure of the ATI 02
1.3 Higher National Diploma Courses conducted by
1.4Advanced Technological Institutes
(ATI)/ATI Sections and the Courses 04

2 Registration of students for diploma courses

2.1 New students 06

2.2 Existing students 06
2.3 Deferment
3 Student welfare and services

3.1 Student welfare 07

3.1.1 Hostels 07
3.1.2 The Mahapola Scholarship 10
3.1.3 Concession for season tickets 12
3.1.4 Canteen 12
3.2 Student Services 12
3.2.1 Student counselling 13
3.2.2 Career guidance unit 14
3.2.3 Library
3.2.4 Information and communication Technology
(ICT) facilities 17
3.2.5 Recreational facilities 17

4 Convocation and annual events of SLIATE

4.1 Convocation 18
4.2 Annual events organized by SLIATE 18

5 Examinations

5.1 Criteria on the conduct of examinations 19

5.2 Procedure in examination halls 19
5.3 Evaluation criteria for diploma programms 21
5.3.1 Introduction 21
5.4 Evaluation of performance 23
5.4.1 Testing of course unit 23
5.4.2 Evaluation 23
5.5 All possible grades 24
5.6 Grading System 25
5.7 Grade Point Average 25
5.8 Valid reasons for not completing end semester
Exam and assignment 26
5.9 Re-sit examination 26
5.10 Passing a semester examination 27
5.11 Award of the diploma 27
5.11.1 With distinction pass 27
5.11.2 With merit pass 27
5.11.3 With general pass 28
5.12 Effective date of the Higher National Diploma 28
5.13 Examination irregularities 29
5.14 Punishments 30
5.15 Evidence used in examination irregularities 30
5.16 Examination irregularities committees of SLIATE 30
5.16.1Composition 31
5.16.2 Procedure of investigation 31
5.16.3 Decision 31
5.16.4 Time frame 31
5.16.5 Implementation of the decision 31

6. Discipline of the students

6.1 Disciplinary procedure 32

6.2 Procedure to be followed 33
6.3 Appealing procedure 36
6.4 Recommended punishments for the violation
of discipline 36
6.5 Record of punishments 47
6.6 Board of Discipline 47
6.6.1 Members of the Board of Discipline 47
6.6.2 Powers, responsibilities and duties of
the Board of Discipline 48
6.7 Maintenance of student discipline 49
6.8 General discipline -misconduct and breach of
discipline 50
6.9 Student discipline on residential students 52
6.10 Punishments 53
6.11 Appeals 54

Interpretation 54

Annex 01
Prohibition of ragging and other forms of
violence in Educational Institutions Act.
No. 20 of 1998 [Certifies on 29th April, 1988]
L.D.- 0.7/98 55

1.Information about SLIATE

1.1 Organizational structure of SLIATE


Director General

Deputy Director General (Academic Deputy Director General

Affairs Planning & Research)
(Administration & Finance)

Director I Director Director Director

(ATI) (Examination) (Research (Administration)

Director II ()

Engineer Manager Accountant

(Civil) (MIS) Auditor Legal
Officer cum

Administration Financial
Assistant Technical Assistant

Management Assistant
Primary Level Skilled/Semi

Student Handbook of SLIATE
1.2 Organizational Structure of the ATI


Head of the Department

Senior Lecturer

Accountant Registrar
Assistant Lecturer


Assistant Librarian
Registrar Demonstrator
Library Assistant Farm

Store Book Management

Keeper Assistant
Primary Level Skilled/
Semi Skilled/

Student Handbook of SLIATE
1.3 Higher National Diploma courses conducted by SLIATE

S/No Name of the Course Abbreviation

01 Higher National Diploma in Accountancy HNDA
02 Higher National Diploma in Technology HNDT (Agri.)
03 Higher National Diploma in Building Service HNDBSE
04 Higher National Diploma in Business HNDBA
05 Higher National Diploma in Business Finance HNDBF
06 Higher National Diploma in Consumer Science HNDCSP
and Product Technology
07 Higher National Diploma in Engineering (Civil) HNDE (Civil)
08 Higher National Diploma in Engineering HNDE (Elect.)
09 Higher National Diploma in Engineering HNDE (Mech.)
10 Higher National Diploma in English HND in
11 Higher National Diploma in Food Technology HNDFT
12 Higher National Diploma in Information HNDIT
13 Higher National Diploma in Management HNDM
14 Higher National Diploma in Quantity Surveying HNDQS
15 Higher National Diploma in Tourism and HNDTHM
Hospitality Management

Student Handbook of SLIATE
1.4 Advanced Technological Institutes (ATI), ATI Sections and the courses

Name of ATI/ATI
Section Courses Offered

01 Hardy Advanced HNDA(FT), HNDA(PT),HNDM, HNDIT(FT), HNDT

Technological Institute (Agri), HND in English (FT), HND in English (PT),

02 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA(FT), HNDA(PT),HND in English (FT), HND in

Section English (PT), HNDIT(FT), HNDIT(PT), HMDTHM
03 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA(FT), HNDA(PT),HNDM, HNDIT(FT), HNDIT
Badulla (PT), HND in English(FT), HND in English (PT),

04 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA(FT), HNDA(PT),HND in English (FT), HND in

Section English (PT),

05 Advanced Technological Institute HNDE (CIVIL,MECH,ELEC), HNDQS, HNDBSE

06 Advanced Technological Institute, HNDA(FT), HNDA(PT),HNDM, HNDBA, HNDIT(FT),
Dehiwala HND in English (FT), HND in English(PT), HNDBF,

07 Advanced Technological Institute HNDE (CIVIL,MECH,ELEC), HNDA(FT),

HNDIT(PT), HNDT (Agri), HND in English(FT), HND
in English (PT),HNDQS

08 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA(FT), HNDA(PT),HNDIT (FT), HNDIT (PT),


09 Advanced Technological Institute HNDE (CIVIL & ELEC), HNDA (FT), HNDA
Jaffna (PT),HNDM, HNDIT(FT), HNDIT(PT), HND in English
(PT), HND in English (FT), HNDTHM

10 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT),HNDM, HNDBA,

Kandy HNDIT(FT), HND in English (FT), HND in English

Student Handbook of SLIATE
11 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT), HNDIT(FT), HND in English
Kegalle (FT), HND in English (PT)

12 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT), HNDM (FT), HNDIT (FT),
Kurunegala HNDIT (PT), HND in English (FT), HND in English

13 Advanced Technological Institute HND in English (FT), HNDTHM

14 Advanced Technological Institute HNDTHM, HND in English (FT), HND in English (PT),
Section HNDM
15 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA (PT), HNDA (FT), HNDIT (FT), HNDIT (PT),
Section HND in English (FT), HND in English (PT)
16 Advanced Technological Institute HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT), HND in English (FT), HND in
Section English (PT), HNDIT (FT)
17 Advanced Technological HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT), HNDIT (FT), HND in English
Institute Section (FT), HND in English (PT)
18 Advanced
. Technological Institute HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT), HNDIT (FT), HNDIT (PT),
Trincomalee HND in English (FT), HND in English (PT), HNDTHM

19 Advanced Technological HNDA (FT), HNDA (PT), HND in English (FT) HNDIT
Institute Section (FT), HND in English (PT)

FT (Fulltime), PT (Part-time)

Student Handbook of SLIATE
2 Registration of students for Higher National Diploma courses
2.1 New students

Newly selected students must register on or before the closing date

mentioned after receiving the registration letter. If a student fails to do so
next eligible candidate may get the chance instead. It is compulsory for the
new students to complete the Orientation Programme.

Along with the first registration, each student will be issued a student record
book, student identity card and a copy of student handbook. If a student
misplaces his/her student record book or the student identity card he/she
should report it to the Student Affairs Division of the ATI/ATI Section
immediately and produce the police report there after. The student will be
required to pay a replacement fee to obtain a duplicate copy.

2.2 Existing students

Every student must register within 02 weeks from the commencement of

each semester. 25% of registration fee must be paid as surcharge in case they
fail to pay on time.

If a student gets registered for a course and does not attend the course on
medical grounds or any other reasonable grounds, student should inform the
ATI/ ATI Section with valid supportive documents within two weeks after
the period of absence.

2.3 Deferment

On the recommendation of the ATI/ATI Section, a written request should be

made to the Director General through the respective Head of the Institute
seeking a deferment of the registration for the next year/semester. However,
the final decision on this will be made by the Academic Syndicate Board of
SLIATE upon the recommendation of the Academic Board of ATI/ATI

A student who is unable to complete the diploma during the specified period
will be granted a further period of three consecutive years (One year at a time
by registering as a temporary student). A student registering as a temporary
student will be granted permission to submit assignments, projects and sit for
examinations only and will not be entitled to enjoy any benefits generally
given by SLIATE for other students.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
3. Student welfare and services

3.1 Student welfare

3.1.1 Hostels

Hostel facilities are available for both the male and female students at Hardy ATI.
ATI Colombo, hostel facilities are available for both male & female students only
for the first year. Only for female students are provided the hostel facilities at ATI,
Dehiwala and ATI, Gampaha.

Administration of hostels

The hostels of the male students are administered by a warden and the hostels
of the female students are administered by Hostel Superintendent/ Matron.

Rules and regulations

All the residential students should adhere and strictly follow the rules and
regulations stated below. If a residential student violates the rules and
regulations, the hostel administration will seize the welfare facilities from
the particular student, and also constitute a legal action against him / her
and impose penalty on him / her as well.

A. Common

a. Residential students should occupy the rooms assigned to them and should
not change the rooms without the permission of the warden/matron.

b. The special permit issued to occupy the relevant room of the hostels
should be kept safely and produced whenever it is necessary.

c. Every student, before taking over the room, should check the goods in the
room and sign the register. Before signing, they should check for any
damages in the windows, drawers and lockers and if they notice any, they

Student Handbook of SLIATE
should make an entry in the register. All students occupying the rooms
will be collectively responsible for the contents of rooms.

d. Any equipment and furniture handed over should not be removed from the
hostel. Further, apart from the permitted equipment and furniture, no other
items belonging to the Institute should be brought into the room.

e. Furniture, equipment, lamps, wires, walls, doors, windows and all the
other equipment and furniture in the rooms should not be damaged or
defaced. If any damage is made, the cost of replacement and in addition,
the fine of 25% of the value of the damaged item will be charged by the

f. Keys of the rooms and other goods should be personally handed over to
the warden/matron at the beginning of vacations or at the time of leaving
the hostels or at sudden closure or events to that effect. At the time of
closure of the hostels all personal belongings should be removed and all
almirahs and cupboards should be kept unlocked.

g. All equipment fixed at common places of the hostels should be kept safely
and it is the responsibility of the resident to preserve such items.

h. It is compulsory to use a bed sheet or a mat on the mattress. The mattress

should always be covered thus.

i. Each residential student should live without disturbance to others and

maintain silence within the hostels.

j. Each residential student should dress appropriately whenever they are in

common areas of the hostel and visiting the offices.

k. Identity cards issued by the Institute should be kept in their possession and
produced whenever necessary.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
B. Special

a. Electrical appliances

It is strictly prohibited to use any electrical appliances other than those

supplied by the Institute. It is also not permitted to shift any electrical
appliance belonging to the Institute and permitted by the Institute. List of
permitted items will be displayed on the hostel notice board. Cooking
inside the room is strictly prohibited. It is dangerous to meddle with
electrical appliances, plugs, switches and wires. The Institute will not be
responsible for any accident which happens due to such behaviour.

b. Cleanliness

Every residential student should keep the room assigned to them tidily.
They should always use the dustbins provided and should not litter in
other places. It is prohibited to hang clothes on windows, doors and
balconies. It is their responsibility to keep the bathrooms and lavatories

c. Late attendance

Residential students, when leaving the hostel (for purposes other than
attending lectures or using the library) should sign the register kept for this
purpose. They should mark the time of departure and return. Female
students should return before 6.00 p.m. and male students before 8.00 p.m.
A resident student who needs to leave the hostel for personal reasons
should fill the printed form kept for this purpose and obtain formal
approval from the Director/Registrar/Warden/Matron.

d. Liquor and gambling

It is strictly prohibited for the students to consume liquor or drugs at the

hostels or come to the hostels after consuming liquor or drugs. It is also
prohibited for students to engage in gambling.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
e. Visitors

It is strictly prohibited for students to entertain visitors in their rooms

without permission of the Warden/Matron. Students who have not been
provided with hostel facilities will be considered as visitors. All residential
students are bound to inform the Warden/Matron when visitors use their
rooms. Visitors are permitted to enter the hostel common room between
8.00a.m. and 6.00 p.m. It is strictly prohibited to entertain visitors during
other times.

f. Checking of rooms

Director/ Registrar/Warden/Matron or any other authorized officer can

check the rooms at any time at their discretion. If any student willfully
objects to such checking it will be considered as a breach of discipline and
serious misconduct.

g. Conduct of meetings within hostel premises

It is strictly prohibited to organize societies, discussions or meetings within

the hostel premises without the prior approval of the Director of the
Institute. If such permission is obtained, the Warden/Matron should be

h. Medical treatment

Whenever a residential student needs to obtain medical treatment from a

hospital, it must be informed to the Warden/Matron. When such request is
made, the identity card of the sick student should be produced. The
residential student receiving outpatient treatment should enter the details in
the register kept in the hostels.

The Warden/Matron should be responsible for the implementation of any rule and
regulation related to administration of hostels.

3.1.2 The Mahapola Scholarship

The awarding of the Mahapola scholarship is handled by the Mahapola

Scholarship Trust Fund, a division of the Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs.
Payment registers for the Mahapola scholarship are prepared by SLIATE. Payment
Student Handbook of SLIATE
of balance installments, stoppage of installments, restitution of installments and
other related matters are to be decided by the Mahapola Trust Fund.

The Mahapola scholarship payment will be made only to the fulltime students
registered to follow Diploma courses. Only nine (09) installments will be paid for
an academic year. The students who do not collect three (03) installments at a
stretch will have their installments discontinued.

In order to be eligible for the Mahapola scholarship, the following conditions

should be fulfilled.

a. The scholarship recipient will receive the monthly installments on the

recommendation of SLIATE depending on the progress of the academic

b. A maximum of 09 installments for an academic year will be paid for the

duration of the course.

c. In order to be eligible for the receipt of installments, students should be

engaged in fulltime courses and those who do not attend courses will not be
eligible to receive monthly installments.

d. If a student fails to obtain an installment, it will be considered as an

installment that has been abandoned and such installments will not be paid

e. After accepting the scholarship it will not be possible to change the course,
Institute and it will not be possible even to receive any other scholarship.

f. If a scholarship recipient changes the course, or ceases to follow the course

or gains employment, such cases will lead to the cancellation of the

g. Deferment of a course requires prior permission from the authority

concerned. Permission will be granted for a maximum of one year‟s
Student Handbook of SLIATE
h. It is necessary to attend lectures, tutorials and practical sessions and if not,
the payment of installments will be stopped and action will be taken

i. Increase of income as a result of getting employment or engaging in business

will also result in the discontinuation of the payment of installments.

j. To obtain the Mahapola scholarship payment, eligible students must open a

savings account at a licensed commercial bank and need to inform the
Accountant of relevant Institute.

k. The final decision on scholarships and payment of installments rests are with
the Mahapola Trust Fund.

3.1.3 Concession for season tickets (Bus & Train)

The students who follow the fulltime diploma courses and not residing in the
hostels are provided with this facility by the Institute. The Institute pays 35% from
the value of the season ticket of the student to the Sri Lanka Transport
Board/Railway Department.

3.1.4 Canteens at concessionary rates

The canteens are available in Ampara, Badulla, Colombo, Dehiwala, Gampaha and
Kandy Institutes to provide food at concessionary rates.

3.2 Student services

3.2.1 Student counseling

Members of the academic staff have been appointed to advise the students on day
to day problems, matters relating to courses and examinations. The students can
meet the counselors during the allocated hours for the counselling. The details of
counselors will be displayed by the Institutes.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
3.2.2 Career guidance unit

The lecturers who are trained for Career Guidance will be appointed as Career
Guidance officers. Training Coordinator may be the in-charge of this unit. The
function of this unit will be based on the common action plan prepared by the Head

The following services are provided by this unit:

a. To advise and provide the students information on their careers.

b. To introduce the students the environment of industries and prepare them to

face the challenges therein by organizing and conducting training sessions
and workshops.

c. Two special courses will be conducted for personality and development of

healthy attitudes for all students for the successful implementation of the
above aims.

d. To assist students in directing them for fruitful business or industry.

e. To increase the employability of the students and develop the opportunities

for training programmes for them.

f. To establish means for letting students have knowledge about what the
employers are looking for and what the employers‟ requirements are.

g. To actively participate in building mutual understanding between the

students and industry, especially the private sector.

h. To develop industrial action committee with private and government sector

industrial representatives.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
3.2.3 Library

The Library plays an important role in the Institute supporting the three
main pillars of the Institute such as, the teaching, learning and research. The
librarian is the In-Charge Officer of the library. The Library conducts
orientation programs for all new students on the usage of resources at the

Library opening hours

Normal Hours During Examination
Week days 8.30a.m - 4.00 p.m 8.30a.m – 6.00 p.m
Weekends 8.30a.m - 4.00 p.m 8.30a.m – 6.00 p.m

Depending on the situational requirements, the opening hours of the library

may change with prior notification.


For collection and organizing purposes, books are categorized as follows

Permanent Reference – Not allowed for borrowing

Scheduled Reference – overnight reference

Lending : Book/s can be borrowed for a maximum period of two weeks.

(The period can be limited on the availability of particular book in the

Library registration and issuing of library cards

All registered students of the Institute are entitled to get the membership of
the library. Library membership can be obtained by submitting a filled
application to the counter together with the identity card or record book
issued by the Institute. The card holder is responsible for any book borrowed

Student Handbook of SLIATE
against his/her library card. External researchers are allowed to refer library
materials with the special permission of the Director General/Director.

Lending of library books

Books to be borrowed should be given to the officer at the counter along with
the library card and student identity card. The due date is stamped on the date
slip of the book and those books are subjected to the inspection of security
staff before being taken out of the library. Books borrowed should be
returned to the relevant counter on or before the due date.
Lending periods - maximum 02 weeks
Scheduled Reference –maximum 01 day:
(Scheduled Reference books should be returned before 10.00 a.m. on the
following day).

Fines on over due books

Fines will be charged for books which are on overdue.

Lending books Rs: 2.00 per day
Scheduled reference books Rs: 10.00 per day

Loss of library books

If a book borrowed from the library is lost, it should be informed to the

library immediately by filling the relevant form kept at the counter. If the
book is not found, it should be replaced by a copy of the same book or the
value of the book should be paid to the library. An additional fine decided
by the Librarian will be imposed for lost books.

Check on the state of borrowing materials

The library user should be observant of any damage to the library materials
prior to borrowing. Missing or torn pages and scribbling on pages should be
informed to the issuing counter immediately. If such damage is noticed at
the returning of the materials to the library, the person who has borrowed the
materials will have to bare the replacement cost.
Student Handbook of SLIATE
Damage and theft of library material

Any damage to library materials such as scribbling, disfiguring, tearing of

pages, mishandling, and removing of library materials or part of materials
without proper authorization is a punishable offence. Disciplinary action
will be taken as punishments to such offences.

Loss of library cards

Loss of library cards should be reported to the library immediately by filling

a relevant form at the library counter. Any recovery of cards will be checked
for a period of two weeks from the date of reporting. The library user could
apply for duplicate library cards after checking. A fine of Rs.100/= will be
charged for each duplicate card issued. Any books borrowed using the lost
card, the owner of the card has to bare the replacement cost.

General rules on library use

Library users should produce the identity cards issued by the Institute to prove
their identification up on the request by any library staff members.

a. Library users should not attempt to re-shelf books once they are taken out
from book-shelves. They should be kept on tables instead. Books on
shelves should not be disordered on purpose.

b. Silence should be strictly adhered to within the library. Group discussions

and meeting are not allowed within the library. Use of mobile phones and
the consuming of food within the library are not allowed. The Library is
considered as a non-smoking area.

c. Bringing personal books, periodicals, newspapers, cameras, food and

drinks in to the library is strictly prohibited.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
For further assistance

Library users are welcome to contact the Librarian or Library Staff

members of the library for further assistance and clarifications with regard
to library materials and their access. The whole library staffs are committed
to assist library users always.

Library clearance

Library facilities are terminated at the completion of studentship or the

termination of studentship at the Institute. Such students should return all
borrowed books to the library. Library cards should be returned to the
counter at the library and a certified „No Dues‟ stamp should be obtained on
the student record book in order to obtain the clearance of any liabilities
from library. Diploma certificates and other certificates will not be issued by
the Institute unless the certification of library clearance is obtained.

3.2.4 Information and communication technology (ICT)facilities

The computer laboratories, internet and Wi-Fi facilities are available in all the
ATIs and ATI Sections and the students can utilize those facilities to enhance their
ICT knowledge.

3.2.5 Recreational facilities

Sport items are available in all the Institutes and Ampara, Colombo, Dehiwala,
Gampaha Institutes have their own play grounds.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
4. Convocation and annual events of SLIATE

4.1 Convocation

The Convocation will be held to confer diplomas to those who have successfully
completed the relevant courses. Those who complete their respective diploma
programs after the Convocation will become eligible for the conferment of diploma
in the subsequent year. The Convocation date of each year is decided by the
Governing Council of SLIATE.

Convocation is held under the provision of the Act No. 29 of 1995 of SLIATE -
Section 5(F) granted academic power to the Institute to confer diplomas and other
academic distinctions. The Chairman of the Governing Council will preside over
the convocation.

After the releasement of the final results of the examination, those who are eligible
are invited for the Convocation. Diplomats are permitted to be accompanied by
their parents or relatives. The academic staff and the officers of SLIATE will
attend this function. The students can obtain their diplomas in attendance or in

4.2 Annual events organized by SLIATE

 English Day - ENZEAL

 Sport Day
 Software competition - Techno Soft
 Tourism Day
 Cultural Day
Organizing of any event in an ATI/ATI Section requires an approval from Director
General. Approval can be obtained from Director General by submitting a
document at least one month before the event, which should highlight the
objective, outcome etc. of the event with the recommendation of Head of
Department / Director or Academic Coordinator.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5 Examinations

These examinations consist of components of semester examinations and

continuous assessments.

5.1 Criteria on the conduct of examinations

Applications are called for semester end examinations online and manually
through relevant departments of ATI / ATI Section. Applying for examinations is
compulsory. Examination index number is the same as the registration number.

5.2 Procedures in examination halls

Information for students

5.2.1. It is the responsibility of each student to acquaint himself/herself with

the regulations concerning each examination, including the timetable
of examinations and the location there of.

5.2.2. Each candidate must bring the Admission Card, attesting his/her
signature by a person mentioned in it.

5.2.3. On arrival at the Examination Hall, check seat position in the hall plan
posted outside the hall.

5.2.4. Candidates will be admitted to the Examination Hall not later than
fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination.

5.2.5. The examination question papers and answer books will be distributed
by the invigilators. Question papers will be placed face down on each
desk. When all question papers have been distributed, candidates will
be instructed to commence examinations.

5.2.6. It is the responsibility of each candidate to ensure that they are

answering the correct paper. Each candidate must check the title of the
paper, and read any given instructions carefully before commencing an
Student Handbook of SLIATE
answer. Any queries should be brought to the attention of the
invigilator immediately.

5.2.7. Invigilators are present in the Examination Hall to ensure the proper
conduct of the examination and to deal with problem which may arise.
Any such problems should be brought to their attention during the
course of the examination by raising a hand.

5.2.8. Any irregularities of conduct within the Examination Hall will be

reported and a candidate who is disruptive to the proper conduct of the
examination for other examinees, in the opinion of the supervisor may
be required to leave the Examination Hall.

5.2.9. Checks for unauthorised material, mobile phone or any kind of

electronic device will be carried out during the examinations and the
candidate may be asked to empty his/her pockets.

5.2.10. If a candidate feels unwell during the examination, inform an

Invigilator and if the candidate wishes to go to wash room or any rest
room it is allowed to be accompanied by an Invigilator.

5.2.11. Candidates who wish to leave the Examination Hall before the final
twenty minutes of the examination period must call an Invigilator and
hand over their answer books to the Invigilator.

5.2.12. At the end of the period, candidates must remain in their seats until all
answer books have been collected. Answer books must be handed up
immediately on request to the Invigilator. In the case of Multiple
Choice Question Papers, students are required to hand up BOTH the
answer sheet and Question Paper.

5.2.13. Mobile Phones cannot be used as calculators. It is strictly prohibited to

carry the Mobile Phones with the candidate in to the Examination

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5.3 Evaluation criteria for Diploma programs

5.3.1 Introduction

(This circular will be effective from 2015 Academic year)

SLIATE offers fourteen Higher National Diploma (HND) programs. These HND
programs are organized according to following structure.

Total Compulsory

rt Time(PT)
Total credit
Duration with In-Plant

In-Plant/ /Industrial

Name of the Course
Industrial Training
Training (Months)
Technological HND Programs
1 Higher National Diploma in Engineering -
3 1/2 6 07 135 FT
2 Higher National Diploma in Engineering -
3 1/2 6 07 134 FT
3 Higher National Diploma in Engineering -
3 1/2 6 07 142 FT
4 Higher National Diploma in Quantity
2 1/2 6 05 90 FT
5 Higher National Diploma in Building
3 1/2 6 07 103 FT
Services Engineering
6 Higher National Diploma in Consumer
3 12 06 90 FT
Science & Product Technology
7 Higher National Diploma in Information
2 1/2 6 05 87 FT/PT
8 Higher National Diploma in Technology
3 12 06 101 FT
9 Higher National Diploma in Food
2 1/2 6 05 62 FT
Non - Technological HND Programs
10 Higher National Diploma in Accountancy 4 6 08 134 FT/PT
11 Higher National Diploma in Tourism &
3 6 06 90 FT
Hospitality Management
12 Higher National Diploma in English 2 1/2 6 05 88 FT/PT
13 Higher National Diploma in Business
2 1/2 6 05 60 FT
14 Higher National Diploma in Management 3 6 06 102 FT
15 Higher National Diploma in Business
2 1/2 6 05 60 FT

Student Handbook of SLIATE
Each semester consists of;
Teaching Learning Activities 15 weeks

Mid semester vacation 01 week

Study leave 02 weeks

End semester examination 03 to 04 weeks

End semester Evaluation 04 weeks

Academic year consists of 02 semesters.

5.3.2 Course Unit:

A course unit is a subject module and each course unit has a credit value.

5.3.3 Credit:

1. A credit is a time based quantitative measure used in calculating the

Grade Point Average (GPA). Each module is assigned a credit value
representing the candidate‟s workload.

2. One credit is considered equivalent to 50 notional learning hours for

a taught module, laboratory studies module or field studies/clinical
work. In case of industrial training, including time allocated for
assessments and in case of research, including time allocated for
literature survey, one credit is considered equivalent to a minimum of
100 notional hours. The notional learning time should include all
learning activities required for the achievement of expected learning
outcomes for the module.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5.4 Evaluation of Performance

5.4.1Testing of a Course Unit

 A course unit will be evaluated by any combination of written examination,

assignments, practicals, reports, presentations, field surveys, interviews,
role plays, simulation games, quizzes, online tests, viva-voce etc…
 The In-Plant/Industrial training must be evaluated by records/reports/viva-
voce. The end semester examinations of all course units are held at the end
of the respective semester.
 The method of evaluation is stated in each course outline. Each course
outline will be available to the students by the respective lecturer at the
commencement of the course unit.
 Submission of assignments and participation in practicals are

5.4.2 Evaluation

a. The performance of course unit will be evaluated by continuous assessment

(CA) and/or end semester examination (SE).

b. A candidate should obtain at least 30% from SE component to become

eligible for a pass in a module. Otherwise the result will be as “I(SE)”
(Incomplete Semester Examination).

c. If the candidate is absent for examination with valid reason then result will
be given symbol of “DFR” (Deferred).

d. If the candidate is absent for examination without valid reason then result
will be given symbol of “AB” (Absent).

e. If any candidate fail to submit the assignment or participate to the practical

without valid reason then result will be given symbol of “I(CA)”
(Incomplete assignment).

Student Handbook of SLIATE
f. If any candidate fail to submit the assignment and/or participate to the
practical without valid reason and obtain below 30% from the final
Examination then result will be given symbol of “INC” (Incomplete).

g. Candidates failing in either of the components CA or SE will receive an

I(CA) or I(SE) respectively. If only one of the components is passed, the
candidate has to complete only the remaining component as a repeat
candidate in the next allowed attempts to complete the course unit. The
marks obtained for the passed component will be kept on records and taken
for the determination of the grade at the repeat attempt.

h. The final grade of a course unit will be determined by the Final Mark,
computed as a percentage by the formula, (x) CA+ (1-x) SE. The value of x
may vary from course unit to course unit. The value of the x can be
obtained from the detailed course outline

i. The highest grade obtainable as a repeat candidate is limited to grade C.

5.5 All possible grades

Assignment Exam Result

1. Any Marks marks<30 I(SE)
2. Any Marks marks>=30 According to the
Grading System
3. Any Marks Absent with valid reason DFR
4. Any Marks Absent without valid reason AB
5. Not Submitted marks>=30 I(CA)

6. Not Submitted marks<30 INC

7. Not Submitted Absent with valid reason I(CA)

8. Not Submitted Absent without valid reason AB

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5.6 Grading System
Marks obtained in respect of a course unit will be graded according to a twelve
category system shown as follows.

Range of Marks Grade Grade Points

85 - 100 A+ 4.00
70 - 84 A 4.00
65 - 69 A- 3.70
60 - 64 B+ 3.30
55 – 59 B 3.00
50 – 54 B- 2.70
45 – 49 C+ 2.30
40 – 44 C 2.00
35 – 39 C- 1.70
30 – 34 D+ 1.30
25 – 29 D 1.00
0 - 24 E 0.00

5.7 Grade Point Average

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the credit-weighted arithmetic mean of the

Grade Point Values and the GPA is determined by dividing the total credit-
weighted Grade Point Value by the total number of credits.

GPA = ∑ (ni*gi)

Where ni is the number of credits for the ith module in a given semester and
gi is the grade points earned for that module.GPA is rounded to the nearest
second decimal place.

For example, a candidate who has completed five course units each of four
credits and two course units each of two credits with grades A, C, B+,D,C+
and B,A+ respectively,

Student Handbook of SLIATE
The GPA would be as follows:

=(4 x 4.0)+(4 x 2.0)+(4 x 3.3)+(4 x 1.0)+(4 x 2.3)+(2 x 3.0)+ 2 x 4.0)

(4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2 + 2)

= 16.0 + 8.0 + 13.2 + 4.0 + 9.2 + 6.0 + 8.0

= 64.4

= 2.6833

= 2.68

If a student admitted to ATI by obtaining exemptions the GPA is determined

on the basis of the course units he/she appeared at the examinations.

5.8 Valid Reasons for not completing end semester Exam and the

5.8.1 Excuse will be granted only if the absence is due to the candidate‟s
serious illness or death of a family member or any other cause which is
accepted by the Academic Syndicate. If excuse is granted to a candidate,
he/she can sit the examination on the next immediate attempt with
privileges i.e. without any restriction of marks. However, they are
responsible to provide related /supportive documents.

5.8.2 A candidate who is absent at examinations due to medical reasons shall

submit a medical certificate obtained from a Government registered
Medical Officer. This must be submitted to the Director of relevant ATI
within two weeks after holding the whole examination.

5.9 Re-sit Examination

A candidate who obtains a grade below C in a particular course unit may

be allowed to re-sit the examination in respect of this course unit for the
purpose of improving the grade; the highest grade obtainable in this
instance is limited to C. In the event a candidate who obtains a lower grade
Student Handbook of SLIATE
while attempting to have a better grade, he/she will be entitled to the
previous grade.

5.10 Passing a Semester Examination

A candidate shall be deemed to have passed any of the semester

examinations, if he/she has earned a minimum Semester Grade Point
Average (SGPA) of not less than 2.00 for each semester, and has no more
than one weak grade (any grade below C ) per semester.

5.11 Awarding of the Higher National Diploma

5.11.1 With Distinction Pass

A student should meet all the following requirements in order to be

awarded the Higher National Diploma with Distinction pass standing.
a. A candidate should have earned an overall GPA of 3.70 or above
b. The candidate should have earned A or better grade in more than
half the course units in the followed Higher National Diploma
c. The candidate should not have earned grades below „C‟.
d. The candidate should have fulfilled these requirements within the
course duration, followed by him/her from the first academic year
of registration other than approved valid reason.

5.11.2 With Merit Pass

A student should meet all the following requirements in order to be

awarded the Higher National Diploma with Merit pass standing.
a. The candidate should have earned an overall GPA of 3.30 or above
in the entire Higher National Diploma programme.
b. The candidate should have earned A- or better grade in more than
half of the course units in the followed Higher National Diploma

Student Handbook of SLIATE
c. The candidate should have fulfilled these requirements within the course
duration, followed by him/her from the first academic year of registration
other than approved valid reason.

5.11.3 With General Pass

A student should meet all the following requirements in order to be

awarded the Higher National Diploma with General pass standing.
a. The candidate should have earned a minimum SGPA of not less than 2.00
for each semester, and
b. The candidate should have obtained a minimum overall GPA of 2.00 from
all the course units, and
c. The candidate should not have more than one weak grade (any grade below
C) per semester, and
d. The candidate should not have either I(CA) or I(SE) for any course unit,
e. The candidate should have fulfilled all the requirements given above,
within the maximum duration of the relevant course plus 03 consecutive
years from the academic year of original enrolment in the SLIATE.
Duration for the completion of the course cannot be extended for any

5.12 Effective Date of the Higher National Diploma

The effective date of the HND program will be the day after the date of the
final paper held as per the examination time table of the final semester
examination held by SLIATE.

To be eligible for this Effective Date, a candidate shall have completed all
the academic requirements as required by the relevant HND program.
For the candidates who cannot start their in-plant training within the
required semester, the Effective Date of Diploma will be the final date of
next immediate semester examination.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5.13 Examination Irregularities
a. Keeping unauthorized documents in possession.
b. Keeping in possession mobile telephones or devices capable of
storing data or any other equipment extremely prohibited.
c. Removing examination stationery out of the examination hall.
d. Copying or attempting to copy in any manner.
e. Keeping in possession or attempting to use examination
stationary removed in the past.
f. Keeping notes on body or clothes.
g. Theft of intellectual property such as reproducing others work
without stating so or using information obtained from the internet.
h. To find out the contents of a question paper or answer sheet
unlawfully or attempting to do so.
i. Entering the examination hall without permission.
j. Leaving the examination hall without permission or attempting to do
so or helping such acts.
k. Attempting or assisting to tear any paper/ answer book or destroying
such items.
l. Disturbing the smooth functioning and peaceful atmosphere of the
examination hall.
m. Behaving in a manner harmful to the self-respect of and causing
mental stress of the Supervisors/Invigilators/Hall Attendants
n. Planning and attempting to harm mentally or physically the
Supervisors/ Invigilators/ Hall Attendants.
o. Trying to get another person to appear at the examination or trying to
use the index number of another candidate at the examination.
p. Other examination irregularities determined by SLIATE
q. Irregularities found by the marking examiner.
r. Aiding and abetting examination irregularities.
s. Misbehaviour/violation of the discipline

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5.14 Punishments

a. In any case of above, the results of the whole semester

examinations will be cancelled and the results of the next attempt/attempts
of the same examination will be adjusted to ordinary pass. Further students
are not permitted to sit any examinations of SLIATE for next 03 years.
During these 03 year period of the time the student is not permitted to
obtain any facilities or privileges of SLIATE. The students penalized for
above offences are not offered the classes to the Diploma and not invited to
the convocation. If the person is not a registered student at SLIATE, action
will be taken according to the law of the land.

b. Under 5.13.(o) punishment will be suspending of five years from the

academic matters of the Institute and punishment should be given to the
involved both parties(If both parties are current students).

5.15 Evidence used in examination irregularities

a. Written reports or verbal statements on examination irregularities provided

by the Supervisor/Invigilator and candidate.

b. Material evidences, eye witnesses (Records, photographs, videos) at the

time of committing the irregularity.

c. Other evidence that could be used at the discretion of the Chairman of the
Committee (eg. marks obtained / different handwriting in the answer script)

5.16 Examination Irregularity Committees of SLIATE

All investigation in connection with examination irregularities should be

subjected to SLIATE Examination Irregularities Committees.

SLIATE Examination Irregularities Committees should meet within one

month from the date on which the irregularity is reported to the Director
General and Director Examination by the relevant examiner who found
irregularities under 5.13.q and such a report(or lists) should be made after
the last date of the examination evaluation of the respective semesters.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
5.16.1 Composition

SLIATE should appoint the committees of consisting of a Registrar and 02

Academic Staff Members from the ATI/ ATI Section. The number of
members will be determined on the number of incidents and disciplines.
The most Senior Academic Staff Member should be appointed as Chairman
of the committee.

5.16.2 Procedure of investigation

a. Consider the written description of irregularities in the supervisors‟


b. Using evidence to determine the irregularity depending on the


c. It is mandatory to summon the accused for explanation (if not present

it will not be an obstacle to continue with the investigation).

5.16.3 Decisions

To determine whether the accused is guilty or not and if guilty, recommend

the relevant punishment to the Director General depending on the

5.16.4 Time frame

The above examination irregularities committee recommendations with

decisions should be reported to the Director General immediately after the

5.16.5 Implementation of the decisions

The above decisions should be implemented only after the approval of the
Academic Syndicate of SLIATE.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
6 Discipline of the students

6.1 Disciplinary procedure

a. Any charges of misconduct/indiscipline against a student shall in the first

instance be reported to the Directors of ATIs or to the Director General of

b. When the Director General/ Director receives the information relating to

misconduct/ indiscipline, he shall appoint one or more members of staff of
SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section or any other suitable person to investigate the
facts and submit their conclusions and or observations and or
recommendations in writing to the Director General/ Director within 3
working days (The Director General/Director can extend the duration based
on the situation).

c. In cases where the Director General deems it is necessary in the context of

the seriousness of the infringement of discipline or where the student
pleads not guilty but has been revealed in the fact finding mission
mentioned under “b” above, that the student/students committed an act
amounting to misconduct/indiscipline, the Director General shall be
empowered to impose an “Out of Bounds Declaration” on students with
immediate effect upon giving reasons for same in writing to the relevant
student pending a formal inquiry, and report the matter to the Governing
Council of SLIATE.

d. The “Out of Bounds Declaration” shall mean a total prohibition on

attendance/access to the SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section as the case may be and
participation in any activity of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section provided
however that the Director General may act on his discretion to permit such
a student to enter the SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section for a specific purpose.

e. The Director General/ Director shall on receipt of the investigation report

on unlawful activities infringing student discipline, by the fact finding
committee, cause charges to be framed in writing and sent under registered
Student Handbook of SLIATE
post within 5 working days from the receipt of the said report and where
possible shall handover to the student or in the case of more than one
student to individual students alleged to have committed the offences
requesting them to reply within 05 working days from the date of the notice
of the charges.

f. The Director General may also order the withholding of the examination
results of a student pending the inquiry or investigation.

g. If the student respondent/s plead/s guilty to the charge sheet or does/do not
reply within the time specified, the Director General shall proceed to
impose on the student any of the punishments as recommended by the
Board of Discipline as appropriate based on 6.4.

h. If the student respondent/s plead/s not guilty to the charges, the Director
General/Director shall appoint a committee of 3 members to hold a
Disciplinary inquiry and submit the report within 14 days. (The Director
General/Director can extend the duration based on the situation).The
Procedure to be followed has been set out in 6.2.

i. A student against whom such disciplinary action has been taken may
appeal to the Director General of SLIATE against such a decision within
fourteen (14) days from the date of issuing of such decision.

6.2 Procedures to be followed

j. The charge/s should be specific and it/they should be served the student
respondent/s individually by the Director General/ Director, requesting to
send the reply to the Director General/ Director in writing within the time
period granted.

k. If the respondent/s plead/s not guilty to the charges, the Director

General/Director shall appoint a disciplinary committee of not less than 3
members to hold a formal inquiry and submit the report within 14 days.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
(The Director General/Director can extend the duration based on the

l. If the Director General/Director is not satisfied with the answers given by

the student respondent/s shall be notified of the date of the inquiry by the
Secretary to the disciplinary committee appointed by Director
General/Director from among lecturers/administrative officers.

m. The student respondent must appear himself/ herself at the inquiry.

n. The disciplinary committee may, taking into consideration the special

circumstances of the situation deny a student charged with an offence, the
opportunity to question the complainant regarding the complaint made or
any witness relating to the evidence given by the witnesses.

o. The disciplinary committee shall have the power to summon any witness
required by the prosecution.

p. Any disciplinary committee appointed by the Director General/ Director

shall have the power to summon any student of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section
as the case may be to render whatever assistance needed to conduct
inquiries on matters pertaining to provision of any by-law. A student who
does not so comply shall be guilty of a punishable offence. At a
disciplinary committee a student shall be provided with relevant documents
or extracts from the same, which have been used to frame charges against
the students.

q. The disciplinary committee after finalizing its recommendations shall

submit its report to the Director General /Director giving reasons for such
findings and the verdict.

r. If the student/s had been found guilty for the charges the Director General
shall refer the same to the Board of Discipline (BOD)/ to determine the
punishment within the scope of the 6.4.

Student Handbook of SLIATE
s. Thereafter the decision shall be conveyed to the student/s under registered
post and where possible shall be hand delivered.

t. The Director General may subject to the provisions in this section declare
the out of bounds to a student who is reported to have violated any of the
provisions of this by-law or against whom the formal disciplinary inquiry
or a criminal case is pending or who is the subject of Police investigation,
for a prescribed period of time.

u. Declaration of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section out of bounds to a student

(hereinafter called „OUT OF BOUNDS DECLARATION‟) under this
section shall mean a total prohibition on attendance/access to the
SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section to which the student is attached and
participation in any activity of the SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section, provided
however that the Director General may at his discretion permit such a
student to enter the premises for a specific purpose.

v. The “out of bounds declaration” may include such other reasonable

conditions as the Director General may think fit.

w. The “out of bounds declaration” under this section shall not be considered
as a punishment. The purpose of this declaration under the provisions of
this section is to protect the members of SLIATE community in general or
a particular member or members and the power shall be used only where
the Director General is of the opinion that it is necessary to take such
action. Written reasons for the decision shall be recorded and made
available to the student/s concerned.

x. No student shall be subjected to the “out of bounds declaration” unless he

or she has been given an opportunity to make representations in person. He
or she shall be entitled to make the above representations in writing to
Director General.

y. However, in case of great urgency, the Director General considering the

seriousness of the infringement of discipline committed by the students,
shall be empowered to impose the “out of bounds declaration” on a student
Student Handbook of SLIATE
with immediate effect upon giving the reasons in writing to the student/
students without following the above procedure.

z. An “out of bounds order” shall remain until such time the disciplinary
inquiry is concluded.

6.3 Appeal procedure

Any appeal made by the student/s against the decision to punish the
student/s shall be made to the Director General through the Director /
Academic Coordinator of his/her Institute. Director General‟s decision is
final and exclusive.

6.4 Recommended punishments for the violation of discipline

Offences Recommended Maximum
Offences Recommended Maximum
i. Refusing or neglecting to produce the Considering the gravity of the offence,
i. Refusing or neglecting to produce
Student Identity Card when called upon the Considering the gravity of the offence,
to do so by
Student the Director
Identity Card General
when /Direc-
called a) Suspension
a) Suspensionfrom SLIATE/ATI / ATI Sec-
tor/any other officer / any member
upon to do so by the Director General of the tion for
/ATI / ATI Section for aone
a period not exceeding cal-
Academic Staff or Administrative Staff endar year depending on the gravity of
or Security Staffother
or anyofficer
other /autho-
any not exceeding
the offence oneofcalendar
and withholding examina-
member of Director
rized by the the Academic Staff or
General /Director. year depending
tion results onasthe
or certificates gravity
Administrative Staff or Security Staff of the offence and withholding
or any other authorized by the or
of examination results or
Director General /Director . certificates as appropriate.
Any student who refuses to produce b) Severe warning by the Director Gen-
the student identity card on request eral/Director with a record of same
shall be deemed to be a trespasser in the personal file orof the student.
may student
also be dealt
whowith in accor-
refuses to
dance with the normal laws of the
produce the student identity cardland. b) Severe warning by the Director
on request shall be deemed to be a General/Director with a record
trespasser and may also be dealt of same in the personal file of
with in accordance with the the student.
normal laws of the land.

ii. Violating the By-Laws on SLIATE/ Recovery of cost incurred by SLIATE/ATI/
ATI/ ATI Section Residence Facility. ATI Section as a result of violating, any by-
laws, and considering the gravity of the of-
a. Suspension from SLIATE/ ATI/ATI
Section for a period not exceeding
one calendar year and with holding of
examination results or certificates as
b. Denial of Residential Facilities in the
c. Severe warning by the Director
General with a record of same in the
personal file of the student.
The above punishments may be in
addition to any other punishments that
may be imposed for violation of any other
By-Laws of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section.
iii.miDestroying, damaging, defacing, A fine equivalent to 3 times of the replace-
alienating, misusing or unlawfully ment value or cost of misuse plus 25% of
appropriating to himself any property such value or cost, and considering the
of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section or any gravity of the offence,
property in the custody of SLIATE/
ATI/ ATI Section or held temporarily a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI
by SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Section. Section

b. Suspension from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI

Section for a period of two calendar
years and withholding of examination
as appropriate.

iv. Contravening any Regulation or Rule Considering the gravity of the offence,
a) Suspension from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
Section for a period not exceeding one
calendar year depending on the gravity
of the offence and withholding of ex-
aminations as appropriate


b) Severe warning by the Director Gener-

al with a record of same in the personal
file of the student.

v. iRefusing to carry out any lawful or- Considering the gravity of the offence,
der issued by the Director General / a. Suspension from the ATI/ ATI Sec-
Director, any other officer, a member tion up to a period not exceeding one
of the Academic or Administrative or calendar year depending on the gravity
Security Staff or any other employee of the offence and withholding of exam-
or any other person authorized by the ination results or certificate as appropri-
Director General /Director ate

b. Severe warning by the Director Gener-

al with a record of same in the personal
file of the student.
vi. iiiFurnishing SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ ATI/ATI Sec-
with false information in relation to tion for falsification of documents
any matter in respect of which SLI-
ATE/ATI/ATI Section is entitled to or
true particulars which in the opinion
of the Director General /Director is b. Suspension from SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI
calculated to mislead the authorities Section for a period of one calendar
of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section. year and withholding of examination
results or certificate as appropriate


c. Severe warning by the Director Gener-

al with a record of same in the personal
file of the student.

vii. iiAny sign of usage of liquor or being Considering the gravity of offence
under the influence of or in posses- a. Suspension from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
sion of intoxicant, liquor, and narcotic Section for a period not exceeding one
or other addictive drug, consuming calendar years and/or withholding of
or supplying liquor, narcotic, ad- examination results or certificate as ap-
dictive drug or gambling within the propriate
boundaries of the ATI/ ATI Section. or.

b. Severe warning by the Director Gener-

al with a record of same in the personal
file of the student.
viii.iiPossessing or storing or carry- a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Sec-
ing or using arms, weapons and/ tion for being in possession or storing
or any other substance with the or using arms within the boundaries of
intention of causing harm to per- the SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section
sons or property within the bound-
aries of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section or

b. Suspension for three calendar years and/

or withholding of examination results
or certificates as appropriate for being
in possession or storing or carrying any
other substance with the intention of
causing harm to persons or property.

ix. iiEngaging in such activities as are likely Suspension up to one calendar year and / or
to disrupt the conduct of registration, withholding of examination results or certif-
teaching, study, research or exam- icates as appropriate and recovery of mon-
inations at SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section etary damages as a result of obstructions or
or in the administration of SLIATE/ disruption.
ATI/ATI Section or obstructs an event
organized by SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Sec-
tion within or outside its premises or
obstructs or disrupts any other autho-
rized event held within SLIATE/ATI/
ATI Section premises.

x. Obstructing or harassing any officer,a Suspension for two calendar years and
member of the academic or admin- withholding of examination results or cer-
istrative staff or any other employee tificates as appropriate.
of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section or any
other authorized person in the perfor-
mance of his / her duties.

xi. Preventing or obstructing any student Suspension for one calendar year and with-
in carrying out his/her studies or re- holding of examination results or certifi-
search or disrupts any legitimate ac- cates as appropriate.
tivities of a recognized student soci-
ety/ association.

xii. Occupying or using any property of Suspension for one calendar year and with-
SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section not in holding of examination results or certifi-
accordance with rules or other provi- cates as appropriate.
sions made by SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Sec-
tion from time to time, or without the
authority of the Director General /Di-
rector or the relevant member of staff.
xiii. Conducting himself in a manner Considering the gravity of the offence,

which, in the opinion of the Director

General /Director, is detrimental to a. Suspension from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
the good name of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section for a period not exceed-
Section or to the maintenance of order ing one calendar year depending
and discipline within SLIATE/ATI/ on the gravity of the offence and
ATI Section. withholding of examination results or
certificate as appropriate

b. Severe warning by the Director

General with a record of same in the
personal file of the student.

xiv. Display of posters at SLIATE /ATI/ Considering the gravity of the offence,
ATI Section premises by any student a. Expulsion from SLIATE /ATI/ ATI Sec-
or students, which are intimidating or tion.
defamatory of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Sec- or
tion, Director General /Director/ other b. Suspension for two calendar years and
officer / member of the Academic or withholding of examination results or
Administrative staff or any other em- certificates as appropriate.
ployee of SLIATE /ATI/ ATI Section.

xv.iiiiCausing of physical injury or physical Considering the gravity of the offence,
harm or threatening to cause same to Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section
any student of the ATI/ATI Section,
Director General /Director / anyoth- or
er officer/ member of the academic a. Suspension for two calendar years and
or administrative staff /any other em- withholding of examination results or
ployee of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section certificates as appropriate.
or any other person authorized to be
in the premises of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI or
Section or at an event organised by b. Suspension for a period not exceeding
SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section. one calendar year and withholding of
examination results or certificate as ap-

c. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.

xviiiiKidnapping, hostage taking, attempt- Considering the gravity of the offence,

ing to kidnap, or threatening to take a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Sec-
hostage or kidnap the Director Gen- tion
eral /Director, other officer, member or
of the academic or administrative b. Suspension for two calendar years and
staff, any student of SLIATE/ATI/ATI withholding of examination results or
Section, an employee, or any other certificates as appropriate.
person authorized to be in the prem-
ises of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section or at or
an event organized with the authority c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section within or one calendar year and withholding of
outside its premises. examination results or certificate as ap-

d. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.

xvii Inciting of student to disrupt legitimate Considering the gravity of the offence, a
activities of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Sec- fine equivalent to the replacement value
tion plus 25% of such value and

a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI

b. Suspension for two calendar years and
withholding of examination results or
certificates as appropriate.
c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
one calendar year and withholdings of
examination results or certificate as ap-
d. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.

xviii Any student who has stolen or at- Considering the gravity of the offence, a
tempted thetheft of property within fine equivalent to the replacement value
SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section premises or plus 25% of such value and,
has retained stolen property belonging a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
to SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section or has Section
caused wilful damage to SLIATE/ATI/ or
ATI Section property or to property of b. Suspension for two calendar years and
an officer / member of the academic or withholding of examination results or
administrative staff / an employee or a certificates as appropriate.
student of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section
or any other person authorized with or
the authority of the SLIATE/ATI/ ATI- c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
Section within or outside its premises. one calendar year and withholdings of
examination results or certificate as ap-
1. Theft. or

d. Severe warning by the Director General

with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.

2. Wilful damage Considering the gravity of the offence, a
fine equivalent to the replacement value
plus 25% of such value and.
a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
b. Suspension for two calendar years and
withholding of examination results or
certificates as appropriate.
c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
one calendar year and withholdings of
examination results or certificate as ap-
d. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.

3. Attempted theft Fine to be recommended by BOD and

a. Suspension for a period not exceeding
one calendar year and withholding of
examination results or certificate as ap-

b. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.
4. Retaining stolen property Return the property and a fine to be recom-
mended by BOD.

xix. Violation of time limits for staying Severe warning by the Director General
within SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section with a record of same in student’s personal
premises or seeking entry to SLIATE/ file.
ATI/ ATI Section without authoriza-
tion of the Director General/Director
or any other relevant member of staff
authorized by the Director General/
Director before or after the designat-
ed times or as specially notified by the
Director General/Director.

xx. Offering any gratification to any em- Considering the gravity of the offence,
ployee of SLIATE / ATI / ATI Section
as inducement or rewardfor that SLI- a Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
ATE / ATI / ATI Section employee’s Section
performing or abstaining from per- or
forming any official act, or expedit-
ing, hindering or preventing the per- b Suspension for a period not less than six
formance of any official act. months and not exceeding two calendar
years and withholdings of examination
results or certificate as appropriate

xxi. Convening of meeting/s of a group of Considering the gravity of the offence,

students, any society or association a. Suspension for a period not exceeding
which has not been recognized by one calendar year and withholding of
SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section or without examination results or certificate as ap-
prior approval of SLIATE/ATI/ATI propriate
Section or displaying or distributing or
publications/posters at SLIATE/ATI/ b. Severe warning by the Director General
ATI Section without authorization of with a record of same in student’s per-
the Director General/Director or any sonal file.
other person authorized by the Direc-
tor General/Director.
xxii Convening any meeting or participat- Considering the gravity of the offence,
ing in any meeting of students in the a. Suspension for a period not exceeding
boundaries of the SLIATE/ATI/ATI one calendar year and withholding of
Section contrary to the constitution of examination results or certificate as ap-
the relevant society/ association. propriate
b. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.
xxiii. Distributing and/or displaying and/ Considering the gravity of the offence,
or publishing materials using print/
audio/video/electronic media/ any a. Suspension for two calendar years and
other mode of communication, which withholding of examination results or
are defamatory and/or abusive of any certificates as appropriate.
individual/ group of students or Di- or
rector General/Director, any officer/ b. Suspension for a period not exceeding
member of the academic or adminis- one calendar year and withholding of
trative staff, an employee, student of examination results or certificate as ap-
SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section or any other propriate
person authorized to be present with- or
in the premises of SLIATE/ATI/ATI c. Severe warning by the Director General
Section or at an event organized with with a record of same in student’s per-
the authority of the SLIATE/ ATI/ATI sonal file.
Section within or outside its premises.

xxiv.Defacing or mutilating property be- Considering the gravity of the offence,
longing to the Director General/Di- a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI
rector, any other officer, member of Section
the academic or administrative staff, or
an employee or student of SLIATE/ b. Suspension for two calendar years and
ATI/ ATI Section or any other person withholding of examination results or
authorized to be present within the certificates as appropriate.
premises of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section or
or at an event organized with the au- c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
thority of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section one calendar year and withholding of
within or outside its premises. examination results or certificate as ap-
d. Severe warning by the Director Gen-
eral/Director with a record of same in
student’s personal file.
xxv. Inviting from outside SLIATE/ATI/ Considering the gravity of the offence,
ATI Section, as a student of or on be- a. Suspension for a period not exceeding
half of or at the request of students one calendar year and withholding of
of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section, any examination results or certificate as ap-
speaker to address students, or any propriate
outside person for any purpose with- or
in SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section, without b. Severe warning by the Director General
the prior approval in writing from the with a record of same in student’s per-
Director General/Director or other rel- sonal file.
evant officer designated for this pur-
pose by the Director General/Director.
xxvi. Arranging or organizing any collec- Considering the gravity of the offence,
tion of money or goods in the name a. Suspension for two calendar years and
of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section inside- withholding of examination results or
the boundaries or outside SLIATE/ certificates as appropriate.
ATI/ATI Section without the prior or
approval in writing from Director b. Suspension for a period not exceeding
General/Director or other autho- one calendar year and withholding of
rized officer designated for this examination results or certificate as ap-
purpose by the Director General/ propriate
Director. or
c. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.
xxvii. A student who has received three Suspension for a period of 12 months from
warnings within a period of 12 cal- the date of the last warning.
endar months.
xxviii. Failure to adhere to the severe warn- Suspension for one academic year
xxix. A student under suspension commit- Expulsion or a further period of suspension
ting a further offence. depending on the gravity of the offence.

xxx. Publication of notice, posters within Suspension for three calendar months
SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section premises
without the permission of authori-
xxxi. Selling of newspapers/periodicals Suspension for three calendar months
or distributing of handbills within
SLIATE ATI/ATI Section premises
without approval of the Director
xxxii. Communicating with higher au- Suspension for six calendar months
thorities without going through the
Director General/ Director.
xxxiii. Communicating with the press Suspension for one academic year.
without the consent of the Director
xxxiv. Unauthorized or improper use of Considering the gravity of the offence,
SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section computer a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Sec-
system/network tion
b. Suspension for two calendar years and
withholding of examination results or
certificates as appropriate.
c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
one calendar year and withholding of
examination results or certificate as ap-
d. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.
xxxv. Any other offence or act of indisci- Considering the gravity of the offence,
pline not explicitly stated in 6.4 a. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Sec-
b. Suspension for two calendar years and
withholding of examination results or
certificates as appropriate.
c. Suspension for a period not exceeding
one calendar year and withholding of
examination results or certificate as ap-
d. Severe warning by the Director General
with a record of same in student’s per-
sonal file.

In addition to the above, conditions accepted by Academic Syndicate/ Director Gen-
eral and the Governing Council of SLIATE on student discipline will also be com-
pulsory for students of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section.

6.5 Record of punishments

All punishments and any disciplinary action taken shall be recorded in the stu-
dent’s personal file and may be reflected in the testimonial and the student record

6.6 Board of Discipline

a. With regard to student discipline of SLIATE, the Director General can take
any appropriate measures in addition to the above on the powers, duties and
functions conferred on him by the SLIATE Act No 29 of 1995.

b. The Director General and the Governing Council of SLIATE shall be re-
sponsible for the execution and administration of this By-Law.

c. Along with the operation of this By-Law a Board of Discipline (BOD) will
be established under paragraph (6.6.1) below:

6.6.1 Members of the Board of Discipline

I. Deputy Director General(Academic Affairs/ Planning and Research)

II. Director (Planning and Research)
III. Director (Examination)
IV. Legal Officer of SLIATE
V. One Director (Nominated from an ATI)
VI. One Registrar (Nominated from an ATI)
VII. One HOD (Nominated from an ATI)

a. The Legal Officer will be the Secretary to the BOD.

b. The members appointed will hold office for 3 years or till they hold the posts
under which they became members of the BOD.

c. The Deputy Director General (Academic Affairs/Planning and Research)

shall be the chairperson of the BOD. If he/she is unable to attend the meet-
ings of the board or not in a position to chair the meeting, the members will
elect a temporary chairperson.
d. The period of the chairperson is 3 years from the date of appointment and
he/she is eligible for a re-appointment.

e. The quorum for a meeting will be five (5).

f. Modalities of working of the BOD will be determined by the BOD from

time to time.

6.6.2 Powers, responsibilities and duties of the Board of Discipline.

a. To advise and take necessary steps to maintain student discipline within


b. Recommendation of rules and regulations on SLIATE students’ discipline to

the Governing Council through Director General.

c. To conduct appropriate inquiries into incidents of breach of discipline or

misconduct and to report the findings to the Director General.

d. To summon any student before the BOD or any committee appointed by the
BOD and any member of the academic or non- academic staff member with
the approval of the Director General to record any oral or written statements.

e. It is within the rights of the BOD to summon a person who volunteers to

give evidence or makes a request to give evidence before the BOD or any
committee appointed by the BOD if it is felt that such a person will be able
to provide useful information.

f. To recommend temporary suspension of a student or make SLIATE/ATI/

ATI Section premises out of bounds to him/her until such time as the conclu-
sion of the disciplinary inquiry or in order to maintain peace and discipline
within the SLIATE.

g. To appoint disciplinary committees to inquire into complaints regarding a

breach of discipline by the students. The membership of the committee will
depend on the severity of the offence. The maximum number of the mem-
bership will be three. One member would be a member of the BOD and he/
she should be the chairperson of the committee.

6.7 Maintenance of student discipline

a. For the maintenance of student discipline within SLIATE the following au-
thorized officers have been appointed in addition to the BOD.
i. Heads of Departments
ii. All members of the Academic Staff
iii. All members of the Academic Support Staff
iv. Registrar/Assistant Registrar of ATI
v. Librarian
vi. Student Counsellors
vii. Hostel Wardens/Matrons
viii. Security Officers

b. Director/ HOD/ Registrar/Librarian/ Student Counsellor /Assistant Regis-

trar are vested with following powers

i. To order a student out of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section premises, from a

lecture hall, a library room, a lab and so on if his behaviouris deemed
a threat to the discipline of the Institute, the disruption of its peace or
any legal activity that is conducted in the ATI premises, a lecture hall,
a library room, a lab or any other place in the ATI/ ATI Section.

ii. To order a student to surrender the Student Record Book or the Identity

iii. When it is reported that a student has committed an offence, such a stu-
dent to be summoned to his/her office and a verbal or written statement
should be obtained.

c. The following powers are conferred to members of the Academic Staff, Li-
brarian and Hostel Wardens on student discipline

i. In instance under 6.8 (c) i a student can be sent out from a room, a class
room, hall, library, laboratory, hostel or any other place.

ii. To order any student to surrender the student Record Book or the Iden-
tity Card.

iii. To report to the Director General through the Director any breach of
discipline or misconduct.
d. Security officers have been conferred the following powers on student dis-

i. To disperse or send out students at instances where there is a threat to

peace or breach of discipline at SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section premises,
building, room, hall, library or any other place.

ii. To order the surrender of the Record Book or the Identity Card of any

iii. To report to the Director General/Director through disciplinary author-

ities regarding the breach of discipline or misconduct.

6.8 General discipline - misconduct and breach of discipline

a. Every student of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section should well-behave and so long

as the studentship is in force every student and Diploma holders should con-
tinue to be of good behaviour.

b. Students of all SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section should engage in their academic

work to the satisfaction of the Institute. Without obtaining permission by
expressing acceptable reason no student should keep away from lectures or
practicals for more than six weeks during an academic year.

c. The following are considered as misconduct and a breach of discipline and

no student should engage in such activities.

i. Engaging in damaging or unfavourable acts to tarnish the good name of

SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section. Acts that would obstruct educational activi-
ties, examination work or administration work. Obstructing the official
duties of the academic or non-academic staff.

ii. Failure to produce the Record Book, Identity Card to the Director Gen-
eral/Director, members of the academic staff, Registrar, Accountant,
Librarian or any other officer authorized by the Director General/Di-
rector or Registrar and failure to establish their identity.
iii. Damaging SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Section property, taking such proper-
ty outside SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section premises, to own such property

or giving it to others. Damaging SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section premises,
buildings, and walls.

iv. Damaging the privacy and independence of any student, relevant offi-
cer or any other employee of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section or cause loss to
them. They should also not instigate others to do so.

v. Disturbing meetings, seminars, functions, processions or social func-

tions organized by SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Section.

vi. Disturbing or harassing the participants of meetings organized by mem-

bers of academic staff or members of the non-academic staff or outside
organizations organized with the approval of the Director General.

vii. Organizing any such meetings at SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Section premises
without the written approval of the Director General.

iv. Collecting money or goods from the students and keeping them in their
possession without prior written approval of the Director General.

v. Printing posters, leaflets or other publications harmful to the good name

of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section and are threat to its peace.

vi. Releasing a statement, letter or a notice to any media as a student or

as a representative of a student group which would be harmful to the
good name of SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section, authorities of SLIATE or any
individual of the ATI/ ATI Section.

vii. Bringing liquor or drugs to SLIATE/ATI/ ATI Section, sale of liquor

and drugs, keeping them in possession or assisting in such activities.

viii. Bringing arms and explosive items which area harm to others and keep-
ing them in their possession. If a resident student, keeping such items
in the hostel.

ix. Withholding any information requested by SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Section

or as a student to withhold any relevant information or give false infor-

x. Using SLIATE/ ATI/ ATI Section buildings, halls, premises and equip-
ment in contravention of the regulations.

xi. The criminal offence of a student becoming a convict under the crimi-
nal procedure of the Republic of Sri Lanka.

6.9 Student discipline on resident students

In addition to the general rules, students of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section who are

provided with hostel accommodation should follow the rules which now exist
or any rules that are brought into existence from time to time.

a. Not following any procedure lay down by SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section ad-

ministrators, hostel wardens, and student counsellors whenever the necessi-
ty arises.

b. To entrust the hostel facilities given to another student or change the rooms
given at their discretion.

c. To meet female students at places other than the Common Room or meet
or keep outsiders in any place in the boys’ hostel other than the Common

d. To meet male students in any place of the girls’ hostel other than the com-
mon rooms or receive outsiders or meet them in places of the hostel other
than the Common Rooms.

e. To come to the hostels late (for females after 6.00p.m, for males after 8.00
p.m.) to stay out of the hostels without permission after the stipulated time.
(If a student comes late to the hostel, in such instances, covering approval
should be obtained from the Director or the Registrar through the Warden/

f. Not complying with orders when the Director General/Director orders the
students to vacate the hostels.

g. Students should be responsible for the goods and equipment in their rooms.
Using these items negligently or using them for purposes other than what
they are meant for.
h. When ordered to vacate hostels, at the end of the academic year or when
leaving the hostels not removing their belongings or not making arrange-
ments for their safety. (When leaving hostels SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section will
not be responsible for the personal belongings in the rooms.)

6.10 Punishments

If a student is found guilty of breach of discipline or misconduct or contra-

vention of the provisions of this By-Law, the Director General is authorized to
impose one or more of the following punishments on the findings and recom-
mendations of the Board of Discipline.

i. Warnings and severe reprimand.

ii. Imposing of a fine to cover the total cost of the damage.
iii. If there is a loss to SLIATE,recover the loss.
iv. To make either out of bounds or suspend from lectures and examinations or
v. Suspension from sitting examinations for a specified period.
vi. Suspension of hostel facilities or withdrawal of hostel facilities.
vii. Withholding the release of results for a specified period or suspension/ post-
ponement. Suspension or cancellation of results or/issue of certificates.
viii. Considering as having vacated SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section or course of stud-
ix. Expulsion from SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section.

Above punishment or punishments could be imposed on suspension basis as


If it is felt that the conduct or activities of a student is found to be a threat to

the discipline and peace of SLIATE/ATI/ATI Section, the Director General
is empowered to impose any of the punishments without any investigation
or recommendation of any body.

It is emphasized that details of students who misbehave in SLIATE/ATI/ATI

Section will be notified to their parents.

6.11 Appeals

a. Any student, who is punished under section 6.10 above, can submit an ap-
peal to the Director General within 07 days against such punishment if he is
not satisfied with the punishment.
b. An Appeal Committee comprising of three Senior Lecturers will examine
the appeals received by the Director General/Director.
c. An Appeal Committee will be empowered to re-examine the evidence re-
ceived at the first investigation and review or reduce the punishments or
change punishments and recommend them to the Director General. The Di-
rector General’s decision is final and exclusive.


a. Here the “SLIATE’’ refers to Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological

b. Here the “ATI” refers to Advanced Technological Institute
c. Here the “ATI Section” refers to Advanced Technological Institute Section
d. “Student” refers to a student male or female registered at SLIATE/ATI/ATI
Section.[Other than 6.9 (c) and (d)].
e. “Property” refers to SLIATE buildings, Hotels, Lecture Halls, Library,
goods, equipment, vehicles and all other mobile and immovable property.
f. “Director General” refers to the Director General of SLIATE.
g. “Deputy Director General” refers to the Deputy Director General of SLI-
h. “Director” refers to Director of SLIATE/ATI/Academic Coordinator of ATI
i. HOD refers Head of the Department of an ATI/ATI Section
j. BOD refers to Board of Discipline of SLIATE.
k. Registrar refers to Registrar or Assistant Registrar of ATI.
l. Interpretation of this By-Law on a word, groups of words or sentences will
be final as decided by the Governing Council.

Act on Prohibition of ragging and other forms of violence.

In Institutions Act No 20 of 1998 on prohibition of ragging and other forms of vio-

lence in Educational Institutions (certified on 19th April 1998) please see annex-1.
The Complete Act is reproduced there.
Annex 01

Prohibition of ragging and other forms of violence in Educational Institutions

Act. No. 20 of 1998 [Certifies on 29th April, 1988] L.D.- 0.7/98.

Prohibition of ragging and other forms of violence in Educational Institutions

Act. No. 20 of 1998[Certifies on 29th April, 1988] L.D. - 0.7/98.

An Act to eliminate ragging and other forms of violence, and cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment, from educational Institutions. Be it enacted by the Parliament
of the Democratic, Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:-

1. This Act may be cited as the prohibition of Ragging and Other Forms of
Violence in Educational Institutions Act, No. 20 of 1998.

2. (1) Any person who commits, or participates in ragging, within or outside

an educational institution, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act
and shall on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate be lia-
ble, to rigorous imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years and
may also be ordered to pay compensation of an amount determined by
court, to the person in respect of whom the offence was committed for
the injuries caused to such person.
(2) A person who, whilst committing ragging causes sexual harassment or
grievous hurt to any student or a member of the staff, of an education-
al institution shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall on
conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate be liable to impris-
onment for a term not exceeding ten years and may also be ordered to
pay compensation of an amount determined by court, to the person in
respect of whom the offence was committed for the injuries caused to
such person.
3. Any person who, within or outside an educational institution, threatens, ver-
bally or in writing, to cause injury to the person, reputation or property of
any student or a member of the staff, of an educational institution (in this
section referred to as “the victim”) or to the person, reputation or property
of some other person in whom the victim is interested, with the intention of
causing fear in the victim or of compelling the victim to do any act which

the victim is not legally required to do, or to omit to do any act which the
victim entitled to do, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall
on conviction after summary trial before a Magistrate be liable to rigorous
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.

4. Any person who does any act, by which the personal liberty and the freedom
of movement of any student or a member of the staff of an educational in-
stitution or other person within such educational institution or any premises
under the management and control of such educational institution, is re-
strained without lawful justification and for the purpose of forcing such stu-
dent, member of the staff or person to take a particular course action, shall
be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall on conviction after summary
trial before a Magistrate, be liable to rigorous imprisonment for a term not
exceeding seven years.

5. Any person who unlawfully obstructs any student or a member of the staff
of an educational institution, in such a manner as to prevent such student or
member of the staff from proceeding in any direction in which such student
or member of the staff, has a right to proceed, shall be guilty of an offence
under this Act and shall on conviction after summary trial before a Mag-
istrate be liable to rigorous imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven

6. Any person who unlawfully restrains any student or a member of the staff
of an educational institution in such a manner as to prevent such a student or
member of the staff from proceeding beyond certain circumscribing limits,
shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall on conviction after
summary trial before a Magistrate be liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding seven years.

7. (1) Any person who, without lawful excuse, occupies, by force, any premis-
es of, or under the management or control of, an educational institution shall
be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall on conviction after summary
trial before a Magistrate be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
ten years or to a fine not exceeding ten thousand rupees or to both such im-
prisonment and fine.
(2) Any person who causes mischief in respect of any property of, or under
the management or control of, an educational institution shall be guilty of an
offence under this Act and shall on conviction after summary trial before a
Magistrate be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twenty years
and a fine of five thousand rupees or three times the amount of the loss or
damage caused to such property, which ever amount is higher.
8. Where a person is convicted of an offence under this Act, the court may,
having regard to the gravity of the offence-
(a) in any case where the person convicted is a student of an educational
institution, order that such person be expelled from such institution;
(b) in any case where the person convicted is a member of the staff of an
educational institution, order that such person be dismissed from such
educational institution.

9. (1) A person suspected or accused of committing an offence under subsec-

tion (2) of section 2 or section 4 of this Act shall not be released on bail
except by the Director General of a High Court established by Article
154P of the Constitution. In exercising his discretion to grant bail such
Director General shall have regard to the provisions of section 14 of
the Bail Act. No.30 of 1997.
(2) Where a person is convicted of an offence under subsection (2) of sec-
tion 2 or section 4 of this Act, and an appeal is preferred against such
conviction, the Court convicting such person may, taking into consid-
eration the gravity of the offence and the antecedents of the person
convicted, either release or refuse to release, such person on bail.

10. Notwithstanding anything in the code of Criminal Procedure Act. No. 15 of

(a) The provisions of section 303 of that Act shall not apply in the case of
any person who is convicted.
(b) The provisions of section 306 of that Act shall not apply in the case of
any person who pleads or is found guilty.
by or before any court of any offence under subsection (2) of section 2
or section 4 of this Act.

11. All offences under this act shall be deemed to be cognizable offences for the
purposes of the application of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Pro-
cedure Act. No. 15 of 1979, notwithstanding anything contained in the first
Schedule to that Act.

12. Where in any prosecution for an offence under this Act, a question arises
whether any person is a student or a member of the staff of an educational
institution or whether any premises or property is the properly of, or is un-
der the management and control of, an educational institution a certificate
purporting to be under the hand of the head or other officer of such educa-
tional institution to the effect that the person named therein is a student or a
member of the staff of such educational institution, or that the premises or
property specified there in is the property of, or is under the management
and control of, such educational institution, shall be admissible in evidence
without proof of signature and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts
stated therein.

13. (1) If in the course of a trial for an offence under this Act, any witness shall
on any material point contradict either expressly or by necessary implication
a statement previously given by him in the course of any investigation into
such offence, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate if, after due inquiry into
the circumstances in which the statement was made, he considers it safe and
(a) to act upon the statement given by the witness in the course of the in-
vestigation, if such statement is corroborated in material particulars by
evidence from an independent source; and
(b) to have such witness at the conclusion of such trial, tried before such
court upon a charge for intentionally giving false evidence in a stage of
a judicial proceeding.
(2) At any trial under paragraph (b) of subsection (1) it shall be sufficient
to prove that the accused made the contradictory statements alleged in
the charge and it shall not be necessary to prove which of such state-
ments is false.
14. The provisions of this act shall be in addition to, and not in derogation of
the provisions of the Penal code, the Convention Against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment Act, No. 22 of 1994
or any other law.
15. Every court shall give priority to the trial of any person charged with any
offence under this Act and to the bearing of any appeal from the conviction
of any person for any such offence and any sentence imposed on such con-
16. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala and Tamil texts of this
Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail.
17. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires-

“criminal force”, “fear” , “force” , “grievous hurt” , “hurt” and “mischief’ shall
have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Penal Code;

“educational institution” means-

(a) a Higher Educational Institution;

(b) any other Institution recognized under Chapter IV of the University
Act, No. 16 of 1978;
(c) the Buddhist and Pali University established by the Buddhist and Pali
University of Sri Lanka act, No. 74 of 1981;
(d) the Buddha Sravaka Bhikku University, established by the Buddha Sra-
vaka Bhikku University Act, No. 26 of 1996’
(e) any Institute registered under section 14 of the Tertiary and Vocational
Education Act, No. 20 of 1990’
(f) any Advanced Technical Institute established under the Sri Lanka Insti-
tute of Technical Education Act, No. 29 of 1995;
(g) a Pirivena registered under the Pirivana Education Act, No 64 of 1979
and receiving grants from State funds and includes a Pirivena Training
Institute established under that Act;
(h) the Sri Lanka Law College;
(i) the National Institute of Education established by the National Institute
of Education Act, No. 28 of 1985;
(j) a College of Education established by the College of Education Act,
No. 30 1986, or a Government Training College;
(k) a Government school or an assisted school or an unaided school, within
the meaning of the Education Ordinance (Chapter 185);

and includes any other institution established for the purpose of providing education,
instruction or training ;

“head of an educational institution” means the Vice-Chancellor, Mahopadyaya, Di-

rector, President, Principal or any other person howsoever designated charged with
the administration and management of the affairs of such educational institution;

“Higher Educational Institution” has the meaning assigned to it in the Uni

versities Act,

No. 16 of 1978;

“ragging” means any act which causes or is likely to cause physical or psychological
injury or mental pain or fear to a student or a member of the staff of an educational
“student” means a student of an educational institution;
“sexual harassment” means the use of criminal force, words or actions to cause sex-
ual annoyance or harassment to a student or a member of the staff, or an educational

For Information : Director (Administration)
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