2024 Updated
2024 Updated
2024 Updated
Acts 31/1998, 22/2001 (s. 4), 13/2002 (s. 142), 14/2002 (s. 26), 6/2005 (s 27).
1. Short title
2. Interpretation.
3. Water vested in President.
4. No private ownership of water.
5. Act not to affect certain rights of miners and prospectors to water.
6. General functions of Minister.
7. Secretary and other officers.
8. Delegation of powers by Minister and Secretary.
9. Powers of officers.
10. Powers in respect of hydrological stations.
32. Use of water for primary purposes.
33. Power of catchment council to limit quantity of water abstracted for primary purposes.
34. Application for permit.
35. Authority to sink boreholes for any purpose or wells for purposes other than primary purposes.
36. Period of validity of permit.
37. Permits to pass to new owner.
38. Permit not transferable except with consent of council.
39. Minister may direct National Water Authority to apply for permit.
40. Construction of works necessary for enjoyment of rights to use water.
41. Amendment of permits to abstract, control, divert, store or use water.
42. Reporting of existing storage works, boreholes and wells.
43. Records of amount of water abstracted to be maintained.
44. Restriction on cession of right to use water, or sale or use of, water.
45. Change of course of public stream.
46. Application for permits to conduct operations in public streams.
47. Consent of Minister to be obtained for water storage works of certain size.
48. Safeguarding interests of occupants of Communal Land.
49. Decisions of catchment council affecting water supply for primary purposes in Communal Land.
50. Grant of final, provisional or temporary permits.
51. Certain permits to enjoy preference over other rights to use water.
52. Disposal of water after use.
53. Allocation or apportionment of permits on consolidation or subdivision of land.
54. Rights to use water when volume thereof insufficient to satisfy demand.
55. Responsibility for maintenance of water works.
56. Reservation of areas likely to be required for dam basins or dam sites.
57. Reservation of water.
58. Water development restriction areas.
59. Investigation of use of water by National Water Authority.
60. Conferring of powers of catchment councils on urban councils.
86. Interpretation.
87. Petitions for schemes.
88. Investigation and report on petition.
89. Consideration of petition by catchment council.
90. Powers and duties of catchment council in relation to petitions.
91. Allocation of water by catchment council for use in schemes.
92. Alteration of areas within, or quantities of water allocated in respect of, schemes.
93. Allocation of water to pieces of land in combined water schemes may be cancelled or revised.
94. Liability of owners of land benefiting from schemes.
95. Allocation or apportionment of rights to use of water on consolidation or subdivision of land in scheme area.
Powers of Officers.
AN ACT to provide for the development and utilisation of the water resources of Zimbabwe; to provide
for the establishment, powers and procedures of catchment councils and subcatchment councils; to provide
for the grant of permits for the use of water; to provide for the control of the use of water when water is in
short supply; to provide for the acquisition of servitudes in respect of water; to provide for the protection of
the environment and the prevention and control of water pollution; to provide for the approval of combined
water schemes; to provide for matters relating to dam works; to repeal the Water Act [Chapter 20:22]; and
to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.
[Date of commencement : 1st January, 2000]
1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Water Act [Chapter 20:24].
2 Interpretation
(1) In this Act—
“Agricultural and Rural Development Authority” means the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority
established by section 3 of the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority Act [Chapter 18:01];
“agricultural purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for—
(a) the irrigation of land; or
(b) fish farming purposes; or
(c) animal husbandry, including the keeping of poultry, where the amount of water used exceeds ten thousand
litres per day;
“appropriate Minister”, in relation to any particular matter, means—
(a) any Minister who, by or in terms of any enactment, is empowered or required to exercise any function in
respect of the matter; or
(b) a vice-president where, by or in terms of any enactment, the vice-president is empowered or required to
exercise any function in respect of the matter;
“aquatic ecosystems” means riverine flora and fauna and aquatic life;
“aquifer” means any geological formation which absorbs, stores and transmits water;
“area under jurisdiction of a local authority” means—
(a) in the case of a municipal council, the municipal area;
(b) in the case of a town council, the town council area;
(c) subject to paragraph (b) of subsection (2), in the case of rural district council, the rural district council area;
(d) in the case of a local board, the area for which the board has been declared in terms of subsection (2);
“borehole” means a hole drilled or sunk into the ground for the purpose of the abstraction of ground water, the
collection of ground water or rock samples, the monitoring of ground water levels, or other purposes;
[Definition inserted by section 26 of Act 14 of 2002]
“catchment area” means the area which naturally drains into a dam, lake, reservoir, river or watercourse and
from which the dam, lake, reservoir, river or watercourse receives surface or ground flow which originates
from rainfall;
“catchment council” means a catchment council established in terms of section twenty;
“catchment manager” means a person appointed as catchment manager in terms of section twenty-eight;
“Director of Physical Planning” means the Director of Physical Planning appointed in terms of section 63 of
the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12];
“electrical purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for the purposes of an electricity
“electricity undertaking” means any undertaking which generates and additionally, or alternatively, transmits,
distributes or supplies electricity, with all the assets and liabilities appertaining thereto, whether such
undertaking is under the control of the State, the Zambezi River Authority, the Zimbabwe Electricity
Supply Authority, a local authority, a company or other association of persons or a private individual;
“existing permit” means an existing permit or right to use water granted in terms of this Act or of any enactment
repealed by this Act or any predecessor of such enactment;
“feedlot” means one or more enclosures or other structures on any piece of land in which animals or poultry
are confined within a restricted area and fed mainly or entirely by means other than natural browsing,
grazing for the purpose of bringing them into slaughter condition or maintaining their condition;
“final permit” means a permit for the use of water granted in terms section thirty-four;
“ground water” means all water which is—
(a) beneath the surface of the ground; and
(b) not visible on the land concerned; and includes water in boreholes and wells;
“hydrological station” means a place where measurements and observations of the flow or level of any surface
or ground water are taken or made, as the case may be, and recorded;
“institutional purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of such water for—
(a) boarding-houses, guest farms, hotels and other like enterprises; or
(b) recreational clubs; or
(c) missions or boarding-schools; or
(d) a permanent labour force which, excluding the dependants of the labourers concerned, exceeds one hundred
“irrigable area” means an area of land under or capable of being brought under irrigation; “irrigation”
means the artificial application of water to land for agricultural purposes;
“local authority” means—
(a) a municipal council, town council or rural district council; or
(b) a local board declared in terms of subsection (2) to be a local authority;
“local authority purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for the purposes of the
community within the area under the jurisdiction of a local authority and of such other persons as may
conveniently be supplied with water by the local authority;
“mining purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for mining purposes;
“Minister” means the Minister of Rural Resources and Water Development or any other Minister to whom the
President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act;
“miscellaneous purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for any purposes other than
agricultural purposes, electrical purposes, institutional purposes, local authority purposes, mining
purposes, primary purposes, railway purposes, road purposes or local authority purposes;
“National Water Authority” means the Zimbabwe National Water Authority established by section 3 of the
Zimbabwe National Water Authority Act, 1998;
“non-riparian owner” means an owner of land which is not riparian land;
“officer” means an officer appointed in terms of subsection (1) of section seven and includes the Secretary;
“outline plan” means an outline water development plan prepared in terms of subsection (1) of section twelve;
“owner” in relation to land, includes—
(a) the State; and
(b) the person registered in the Deeds Registry as the owner of the land or in whom the land is vested by law; and
(c) any person lawfully holding or occupying land in accordance with any agreement or enactment empowering
the State to allot land on the promise of title subject to the fulfilment by the allottee of certain conditions; and
(d) in the case of land owned or controlled and managed by the Forestry Commission, the Forestry Commission;
(e) in the case of Communal Land, the Minister responsible for administration of the Communal Land Act
[Chapter 20:04]; and
(f) the legal representative of an owner of land who has died or become insolvent or is a minor or of unsound
mind or otherwise under disability; and
(g) the liquidator of an owner of land which is a company;
“permit” means a permit for the use of water issued in terms of this Act;
“pollution”, in relation to water, means—
(a) such contamination or other alteration of the biological chemical or physical properties of the water, including
changes in colour, odour, taste, temperature or turbidity; or
(b) such discharge of any gaseous, liquid, solid or other substances into any water or public stream; as will or is
likely to create a nuisance or render the water, as the case may be, detrimental harmful or injurious to the
health, safety or welfare of the public or any section thereof or any consumer or user of the water or any birds,
fish or other aquatic ecosystems, livestock or wild life;
“primary purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the reasonable use of water—
(a) for basic domestic human needs in or about the area of residential premises; or
(b) for the support of animal life, other than fish in fish farms or animals or poultry in feedlots;
(c) for the making of bricks for the private use of the owner, lessee or occupier of the land concerned; or
(d) for dip tanks;
“provisional permit” means a permit for the use of water granted in terms of section fifty;
“public stream” means a water course of natural origin in which water flows, whether or not—
(a) the watercourse or any portion thereof is dry during any period of the year; or (b)
the conformation of the watercourse has been changed by artificial means;
“railway purposes”, in relation to the use of water, means the use of water by any person authorized to operate
a railway system for the purpose of that operation;
“Regional Water Authority” means the Regional Water Authority which was established under section 3 of the
repealed Regional Water Authority Act [Chapter 20:06];
“Registrar” means the Registrar of the Administrative Court;
“riparian land” means land on which, or along the boundary of the whole or any portion of which, a public
stream exists;
“riparian owner” means the owner of riparian land;
“river system” means a river system declared as such in terms of subsection (1) of section eleven;
“Secretary” means the Secretary of the Ministry for which the Minister is responsible;
“subcatchment council” means a subcatchment council established in terms of section twenty-one;
“surface water” means all water found on or below the bed of a public stream, including marshes, springs,
swamps or vleis forming the source of or found on the course of the public stream, and includes water in
storage works, drainage works or permanent pools;
“temporary permit” means a permit for the use of water granted in terms of section fifty;
“water” includes—
(a) surface water; and
(b) all water which rises naturally on any private land or drains or falls naturally on to any private land, even if it
does not visibly join any public stream; and
(c) all ground water;
“water development restriction area” means an area declared in terms of subsection (1) of section fifty-eight to
be a water development restriction area;
“water storage works” means a dam, reservoir or well;
“water works” means—
(a) a borehole, canal, channel, embankment, filter, filterbed, pipeline, pumping plant purification plant, plant for
the generation of hydro-electric power, water storage works or well; or
(b) any accessory, apparatus, appliance, fitting, machinery or other thing constructed, erected or used for or in
connection with the abstraction, control, diversion, drainage, filtration, passage, purification, storage, supply
or use of water, including effluent or waste water or the conservation of rainfall or the development of water
power; or
(c) any land occupied for or in connection with the abstraction, control, diversion, drainage, filtration, passage,
purification, storage, supply or use of water, including effluent or waste water; or
(d) any gauge post, measuring weir or other appliance erected or used for undertakings authorised by or in terms
of this Act;
and includes any area held, occupied or required for the purpose of irrigation;
“well” means a hole dug into the ground for the purpose of the abstraction of ground water and includes a mine
shaft and any other subterraneous works other than a borehole used for such purpose.
[Definition substituted by section 26 of Act 14 of 2002]
(iv) the manner in which its proposals are justified by the inventory drawn up in terms of subsection (2) of section
twelve; and
(v) the phasing of any development and the order of priorities in respect of the proposals in the outline plan and
the reasons therefor;
(b) state the relationship of the proposals in the outline plan to such major proposals for the use of water as
may be—
(i) expected to affect the catchment area or catchment areas of the river system concerned; and
(ii) set out in the outline plans in respect of any contiguous river systems; and
(c) specify—
(i) any area comprising a potential dam site, dam basin or both which should be reserved against the doing of
such acts referred to in subsection (1) of section fifty-six as may be specified in the outline plan; and
(ii) the proportion of the available water in any catchment area within the river system concerned
which should be reserved for an indefinite period for future use or for the benefit of the
environment, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the outline plan;
(d) deal with such matters, other than the matters referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), as the Minister may
(2) The National Water Authority shall clearly indicate in an outline plan the priorities in the
utilization and allocation of water, taking into account policy guidelines provided by the Minister.
(3) An outline plan shall make provision for changes in priorities for the use, development and
allocation of water, where they are necessitated by changes in the availability of water or social or economic
(4) An outline plan shall consist of a statement in writing accompanied by such descriptive matter,
diagrams, illustrations and maps as may be prescribed.
(5) The National Water Authority shall, after completing an outline plan, refer it to the Secretary for
examination and recommendation.
14 Powers of Secretary with respect to outline plan
(1) The Secretary shall, having regard to any relevant regional plan prepared in terms of Part II of the
Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12]—
(a) examine and make recommendations to the Minister on an outline plan referred to him in terms of subsection
(5) of section thirteen, including recommendations on the phasing of any development, the order of priorities
in respect of the proposals in the outline plan and the allocation of water to the different sectors of the economy;
(b) assist generally in the consideration of matters relating to planning within the river system and, if appropriate,
other contiguous river systems.
(2) The Secretary may consult or obtain evidence from any representative of any local authority,
statutory body or association of persons engaged in any business, calling, profession or other activity of
benefit to the public and from any other person who, in the opinion of the Secretary, possesses expert
knowledge which would be of advantage to the Secretary, the National Water Authority and the catchment
councils in the exercise of their functions under this Part:
Provided that the Secretary may direct the catchment council and the National Water Authority to consult or
obtain evidence from any person specified by him.
15 Publication of outline plans
(1) After having examined an outline plan, the Secretary shall submit it, together with his
recommendations on it, to the Minister.
(2) On receipt of the outline plan and recommendations submitted in terms of subsection (1) and after
considering them, the Minister shall—
(a) give notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area to which the outline plan relates of
the places at which the outline plan will be publicly exhibited and the period within which objections or
representations in connection with the outline plan may be made to the Minister; and
(b) exhibit at the places and for a period of not less than thirty days copies of the outline plan.
16 Procedure after publication of outline plans
(1) The Minister may, if—
) no objections or representations referred to in subsection (2) of section fifteen have been made to him
within the period specified in the notice referred to in that subsection, approve the plan and fix the date on
which it shall come into operation; or
(b) objections or representations referred to in subsection (2) of section fourteen have been made to him within the
period specified in the notice referred to in that subsection, after considering such objections or
(i) approve the outline plan and fix the date on which it shall come into operation; or
(ii) refer the outline plan concerned, together with the objections or recommendations, to the
National Water Authority for further consideration.
(2) After further consideration of an outline plan referred to it in terms of
subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (b) of subsection (1), the National Water Authority shall,
after consultation with the Secretary, submit the outline plan, together with any further
recommendations thereon, to the Minister.
(3) The further recommendations submitted in terms of subsection (2) shall include
a report on the objections or representations made in connection with the outline plan
concerned and on any changes made to the outline plan as a result of the objections or
(4) After considering the outline plan and the further recommendations submitted to
him in terms of subsection (2), the Minister shall, after taking into account— (a) any
evaluation report furnished by the Secretary; and
(b) any matters, other than those referred to in paragraph (a), which he considers to be relevant; and making such
changes to the outline plan as he thinks fit, approve the outline plan and fix the date on which it shall come into
(5) The Minister shall give notice in the Gazette of his approval of an outline plan
and of the date on which the outline plan will come into operation.
17 Changes to approved outline plans
(1) If it appears to the Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water
Authority and the Secretary that, an approved outline plan should be changed, the Minister
(a) give notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area to which the approved outline plan
relates of the proposal to change the approved outline plan and of the places at which the approved
outline plan embodying the proposed changes will be publicly exhibited and the period within which
objections or representations in connection with the proposal may be made to the National Water
Authority; and
(b) exhibit for a period of not less than thirty days at the places referred to in paragraph (a) copies of the
approved outline plan embodying the proposed changes.
(2) The Minister—
(a) may, if no objections or representations referred to in subsection (1) have been made within the period
specified in the notice referred to in that subsection, confirm the proposed changes to the approved
outline plan concerned and the approved outline plan shall thereafter incorporate such changes; or
(b) shall, if objections or representations referred to in subsection (1) have been made within the period
specified in the notice referred to in that subsection and if he still wishes the approved outline plan
concerned to be changed, act in terms of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section
sixteen and subsections (2) to (4) of section sixteen and section seventeen shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, thereafter.
18 Effect of operative outline plans
(1) Any person, including the State, undertaking development within any catchment
area of a river system shall in so doing, have regard to the operative outline plan relating
to the catchment area.
(2) A catchment council shall not grant any application for a permit for the use of
water within any area to which an operative outline plan relates if the permit would have
the effect of granting rights to use more water in the sector of the economy concerned than
could be satisfied by the allocation of water made by the operative outline plan to that
Provided that a catchment council, with the approval of the Secretary, may grant temporary permits for the use
of the water so allocated on such conditions as the catchment council may specify.
(2a) Until such time as an outline plan becomes operative in any river system a catchment council may, with
the approval of the Secretary and subject to subsection (2b), grant provisional or temporary permits on such
conditions as the catchment council may specify.
[Subsection substituted by section 26 of Act 14 of 2002]
(2b) As soon as practicable after the date when an outline plan becomes operative in any river system a
catchment council which granted any provisional or temporary permit in terms of subsection (2a) shall review every
such permit and cancel, renew or convert it into a final permit upon having regard to
) whether or not the permit is capable of being granted under the outline plan in terms of subsection (2) of
section eighteen or its grant is otherwise consistent with the outline plan;
(b) the principles to be observed by the catchment council in considering applications for permits for use of water
in terms of section twenty-three.
[Subsection substituted by section 26 of Act 14 of 2002]
(3) Any area comprising a potential dam basin or potential dam site or both specified in terms of subparagraph
(i) of paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section thirteen shall, with effect from the date on which the approved outline
plan concerned or any change thereto in terms of section seventeen comes into operation, be deemed to be reserved
in terms of subsection (1) of section fifty-six against the doing of any act specified in the approved outline plan and
section fifty-six shall apply, mutatis mutandis: Provided that—
(i) it shall not be necessary to publish any notice in terms of subsection (1) of section fifty-six;
(ii) the reference in subsection (4) of section fifty-six to the publication in the Gazette of a notice shall be read and
construed as a reference to the approval in terms of subsection (3) of section sixteen of such approved outline
(4) The proportion of the potential yield, total annual runoff or available water specified in terms of subsection
(1) of section thirteen shall, with effect from the date on which the approved outline plan concerned or any change
thereto in terms of section seventeen comes into operation, be deemed to be reserved in terms of subsection (1) of
section fifty-seven for an indefinite period for future use subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in
the approved outline plan, and subsections (1), (2) and (9) of section fifty-seven shall apply, mutatis mutandis:
Provided that—
(i) it shall not be necessary to publish any notice in terms of subsection (1) of section fifty-seven;
(ii) the reference in subsection (9) of section fifty-seven to the publication in the Gazette of a notice shall be read
and construed as a reference to the approval in terms of subsection (5) of section sixteen of such approved
outline plan.
19 Review of operative outline plans
(1) The National Water Authority shall, within a period of not more than ten years from the date on
which an approved outline plan came into operation or such other period as the Minister may specify and
thereafter at intervals of not more than ten years or such other intervals as the Minister may specify, review
the operative outline plan and decide whether or not a new outline plan should be prepared in terms of
subsection (1) of section twelve.
(2) An operative outline plan shall cease to have force on the date on which an approved outline plan
replacing the operative outline plan comes into operation.
(3) In addition to the penalties specified in subsection (2), the refusal, hindering or obstruction of a
member of a catchment council in the exercise of his powers in terms of subsection (1) shall afford a ground
for refusing the grant of any permit in terms of this Act or the rescinding of any existing permit.
(4) A catchment council may delegate its functions in terms of this section to an officer, the catchment
manager or any other employee of the National Water Authority, and subsections (2) and (3) shall apply
mutatis mutandis.
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the breaching or demolishing of any water
works in pursuance of an order or variation thereof—
(a) which is referred to in paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 28 of the Natural Resources Act
[Chapter 20:13]; and
(b) to which the Secretary has consented.
56 Reservation of areas likely to be required for dam basins or dam sites
(1) Subject to subsection (3) of section eighteen, the Minister may, in consultation with the catchment
council concerned, whenever he considers it necessary in the public interest to do so, by notice in the
Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned, reserve any area comprising a potential dam
basin or a potential dam site or both against any one or more of the following-
(a) subdivision in terms of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12];
(b) the construction of permanent improvements therein or thereon;
(c) the carrying on of any activity which may have the effect of— (i) enhancing the value of any land in
such area; or
(ii) interfering with—
A. such dam basin or dam site or both;
B. any water works that may be constructed in the future; in such area:
Provided that the Minister shall not reserve any area against the carrying on of any prospecting or mining activity
except with the consent of the Minister responsible for the administration of the Mines and
Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05].
(2) A notice referred to in subsection (1) shall specify—
(a) the area reserved in terms of that subsection; and
(b) the acts against the doing of which the area referred to in paragraph (a) is reserved.
(3) The Minister shall by registered letter give notice of a reservation in terms of subsection (1) to
every owner, lessee or occupier of land in the area in respect of which the reservation is made.
(4) Publication in the Gazette of a notice referred to in subsection (1) shall have the effect of
prohibiting the doing of the acts specified in such notice on the land in the area reserved in terms of that
Provided that the Minister may, on such conditions as he may impose, permit such use of the land as he sees
(5) The Minister shall, subject to subsection (6), pay compensation to any person who is injuriously
affected by a reservation made in terms of subsection (1).
(6) Any person who wishes to claim compensation payable in terms of subsection (5) shall, within
sixty days from the date of publication of the notice referred to in subsection (1) or such longer period as
the Minister may, on good cause shown allow, submit a claim in writing to the Minister specifying in detail
the nature of the loss or damage caused to him by the reservation concerned.
(7) If the claimant for compensation and the Minister cannot agree on the right to compensation or the
amount of compensation payable in terms of subsection (5), either of them may refer the matter to the
Administrative Court and Parts V and VIII of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, in respect of such matter.
(8) The Minister may permit such use of the land in the area reserved in terms of subsection (1) as he
considers appropriate.
(9) The Minister shall cause—
(a) the area reserved in terms of subsection (1) to be surveyed and beaconed by a land surveyor as defined
in the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12]; and
(b) survey diagrams of the area referred to in paragraph (a) to be prepared.
(10)As soon as possible after survey diagrams have been prepared in terms of subsection (9), the
Minister shall lodge—
(a) two copies thereof with the Registrar of Deeds; and
(b) one copy thereof with the Director of Physical Planning.
(11)Subject to subsection (14), the Registrar of Deeds shall, on the lodging with him of survey diagrams
in terms of subsection (10), note the reservation concerned on the title deeds of the pieces of land affected
thereby and in the appropriate registers.
(12)A note made in terms of subsection (11) shall not prevent the transfer of the land concerned.
(13)The Minister, in consultation with the catchment council concerned may, at any time, by notice in
the Gazette—
(a) modify a reservation made in terms of subsection (1) and this section shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to
such modification; or
(b) withdraw a reservation made in terms of subsection (1) and cause the Registrar of Deeds and the
Director of Physical Planning to be informed of the withdrawal.
(14)The Registrar of Deeds shall, on the lodging with him of survey diagrams in terms of subsection
(10) relating to a modified reservation or on being informed in terms of subsection (13) of the withdrawal
of a reservation made in terms of subsection (1), cause the note made in terms of subsection (11) to be
altered or cancelled accordingly.
(15)If in terms of subsection (13) the Minister modifies or withdraws a reservation made in terms of
subsection (1), the Minister shall reassess any compensation payable to any person in terms of subsection
(5) or (8) and subsections (5) to (8) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to such reassessment.
(16)If a person does on any land in an area reserved in terms of subsection (1) any act the doing of
which is prohibited in terms of subsection (4), the Minister may by notice in writing, direct the person to
restore the land, at his own expense within such period as is specified in the notice, to the condition in
which it was immediately before the doing of the act.
(17)If a person against whom a direction has been made in terms of subsection (16) fails to comply
with the direction within the period specified in the notice concerned, the Minister may cause to be carried
out such work as may be necessary to restore the land concerned to the condition in which it was
immediately before the doing of the act concerned and recover from the person by action in a court of
competent jurisdiction the cost of the work.
(18)Section thirty-nine shall apply to any land which is acquired for the construction of any water
works while the area within which the land is situated is reserved in terms of subsection (1).
(19)If the powers conferred by this section are exercised at the request of the National Water Authority
or the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority, any compensation payable in terms of or costs
incurred in complying with this section shall, subject to any right of recovery in terms of subsection (17),
be paid from the funds of the National Water Authority or the Agricultural and Rural Development
Authority, as the case may be.
(20)Any person who—
(a) on any land in an area reserved in terms of subsection (1), does anything which is prohibited in terms
of subsection (4); or
(b) fails to comply with a direction in terms of subsection (16);
shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection substituted by section 4 of Act 22 of 2001]
57 Reservation of water
(1) Subject to subsection (4) of section eighteen and to this section, the Minister may, by notice in the
Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned—
(a) reserve for an indefinite period for future use any specified quantity of water from, or a portion of, the
potential yield or total annual runoff of any catchment area; or
(b) amend the quantity or portion reserved for future use in terms of paragraph (a) or withdraw the
reservation subject to such conditions as the Minister may specify in such notice:
Provided that such reservation or amendment shall take into account any existing outline plans or permits.
(2) A permit which would have the effect of reducing the specified quantity of water from, or portion
of, the potential yield or total annual runoff reserved for future use in terms of subsection (1) shall not be
granted by a catchment council to any person other than the Minister:
Provided that the Minister may authorize the catchment council to grant temporary permits for the use of the
water so reserved on such conditions as he may specify.
(3) The Minister shall publish a notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area
concerned stating his intention to make a reservation or amendment in terms of subsection (1) and the
purpose for which the reservation or amendment is intended to be made.
(4) Any interested person may, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of a notice
in terms of subsection (3), lodge with the Secretary objections or representations in writing, together with
a full statement of the grounds for, and technical data and evidence supporting, the objections or
(5) If no objections or representations referred to in subsection (4) have been lodged within the period
referred to in that subsection, the Minister may act in terms of subsection (1).
(6) If objections or representations referred to in subsection (4) have been lodged within the period
referred to in that subsection, the Minister shall, after considering the objections or representations — (a)
act or decline to act, as the case may be, in terms of subsection (1); or
(b) refer the objections or representations to the catchment council or a person appointed in writing by the Minister
for investigation and recommendation.
(7) The catchment council or a person appointed in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (6) shall, on
receipt of the objections or representations concerned, investigate them and make a recommendation to the
(8) The Minister shall pay due regard to any recommendation made in terms of subsection (7) before
acting in terms of subsection (1).
(9) If the Minister has published a notice in terms of subsection (3), no application for a right to use
water lodged with the catchment council concerned after the date of such publication, which application
would, if it were granted, have the effect of reducing the quantity or portion of water intended to be reserved,
shall be considered by the catchment council until the Minister has acted or declined to act in terms of
subsection (1).
58 Water development restriction areas
(1) Subject to this section, if the Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority
and in consultation with the catchment council concerned, is of the opinion that the use of water in any
catchment area is approaching the limit of the potential of the catchment area and that it is necessary or
desirable in the public interest to make a declaration in terms of this section, he may, by notice in the
Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned declare the area to be a water development
restriction area.
(2) The Minister may at any time, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area
concerned, amend the boundaries of a water development restriction area, and this section shall apply,
mutatis mutandis, to any such amendment.
(3) No permit shall be granted by a catchment council in a water development restriction area:
Provided that—
(i) the Minister may authorize a catchment council to grant such permits to develop water resources in a
water development restriction area as he may specify;
(ii) this subsection shall not apply to application referred to in subsection (1) of section thirty-nine .
(4) The Minister shall publish a notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area
concerned stating his intention to declare or to amend the boundaries of the water development restriction
area and the purpose for which such declaration or amendment is intended to be made.
(5) Any interested person may, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of a notice
in terms of subsection (4), lodge with the Secretary objections or representations, together with a full
statement of the grounds for, and technical data and evidence supporting, the objections or representations.
(6) If no objections or representations referred to in subsection (5) have been lodged within the period
referred to in that subsection, the Minister may act in terms of subsection (1).
(7) If objections or representations referred to in subsection (5) have been lodged within the period
referred to in that subsection, the Minister shall, after considering the objections or representations - (a)
act or decline to act, as the case may be, in terms of subsection (1); or
(b) refer the objections or representations to the catchment council, authority or person appointed in writing by the
Minister for investigation and recommendation.
(8) A catchment council or the authority or person in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (6) shall,
on receipt of the objections or representations concerned, investigate them and make recommendations to
the Minister.
(9) The Minister shall pay due regard to any recommendation made in terms of subsection (8) before
acting in terms of subsection (1).
(10)If the Minister has published a notice in terms of subsection (4), no application for a permit in the
intended water development restriction area lodged with the catchment council after the date of the notice
shall be considered by the catchment council concerned until the Minister has acted or decided not to act
in terms of subsection (1).
59 Investigation of use of water by National Water Authority The National Water Authority—
(a) shall, when required to do so by the Minister, investigate and report to him on the abstraction,
appropriation, control, diversion or use of water in any catchment area;
(b) may, at its own instance, investigate the abstraction, appropriation, control, diversion or use of water
in any area and thereafter direct the catchment council to issue, cancel or revise any permit issued in
terms of this Part in the area concerned.
60 Conferring of powers of catchment councils on urban councils
The Minister may, after consultation with the Minister responsible for local government and the urban council
concerned, and after considering the financial resources available to that council—
(a) subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose, confer confer on the urban council any of the
powers of a catchment council in terms of this Part; and
(b) amend or withdraw the powers conferred in terms of paragraph (a).
66 Minister may authorize delegation of powers under this Part to local authorities
The Minister may, after consultation with the local authority concerned and the Minister responsible for local
government and after considering the financial resources available to such local authority, by notice in the Gazette—
(a) authorize the delegation of any of the powers conferred on a catchment council by this Part to a local
authority subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose; and
(b) amend or withdraw the powers delegated to a local authority in terms of paragraph (a).
(4) The owner of land or any other person in whose favour a servitude has been awarded by the
Administrative Court shall bear all the costs of registration of the servitude and of preparing documents
required therefor.
84 Registration of servitudes acquired by agreement
(1) Whenever a servitude has been claimed and every interested party has agreed to the claim, the
agreement shall not be binding on any person other than the parties to agreement unless the servitude has
been registered against the title to all pieces of land against which and, in the case of a praedial servitude,
in favour of which the servitude has been so acquired.
(2) If any party to an agreement referred to in subsection (1) wishes to register the servitude acquired
thereunder and another party to the agreement fails to produce the relevant title deed, the party wishing so
to register may apply to a president of the Administrative Court for an order compelling the other party to
produce his title deed in respect of the land to the Registrar within such period as may be specified in the
(3) Any person who fails to comply with an order in terms of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an
offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level four.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of Act 22 of 2001]
(4) The person acquiring the servitude concerned under an agreement referred to in subsection (1)
shall bear all the costs of registration of the servitude and of preparing documents required therefor.
85 Registration of servitudes in Deeds registry
(1) For the purpose of registration of a servitude, there shall be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds the
necessary registration fees together with—
(a) in the case of a servitude awarded by the Administrative Court, two copies of the award duly certified
by the Registrar:
Provided that no such copies shall be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds until after the expiry of the period within
which notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from such award may be given or, if
notice of appeal has been given, until the award of the servitude has been confirmed on appeal or the
appeal concerned has not been prosecuted or has been dismissed; or
(b) in the case of a servitude acquired under an agreement referred to in subsection (1) of section
eightyfour, the copies of the agreement and such other documents as may be required by the Registrar
of Deeds for the registration of the servitude.
(2) On receipt of the fees and documents referred to in subsection (1), the Registrar of Deeds shall, if
satisfied that the fees and documents are in order, cause the servitude concerned to be registered on the title
deeds of all pieces of land affected by it and in the appropriate registers in accordance with the terms of the
award or agreement concerned:
Provided that the Registrar of Deeds may refuse to register a servitude referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection
(1) if, in his opinion, the agreement is not reasonably free from ambiguity.
(3) If the owner of land subject to a servitude fails to produce his copy of the title deed of the land for
the purpose of registration, the Registrar of Deeds shall note the servitude on the title deed in the Deeds
Registry and in the appropriate registers.
(4) After making a note in terms of subsection (3), no other act of registration shall be made in respect
of the piece of land concerned until the servitude has been registered on the title deed of the owner of the
(5) If the title deed referred to in subsection (4) is for any reason lodged with the Registrar of Deeds
he shall retain the title deed until the servitude concerned has been registered thereon.
(6) Whenever a formal or other minor alteration in the wording of a servitude awarded by the
Administrative Court is required for the purpose of registering the servitude, the alteration may be made
under the signature of the president of the Administrative Court.
(7) For the purpose of registering a servitude which, in the opinion of the Registrar of Deeds, cannot
adequately be defined by description, a diagram prepared in accordance with the Land Survey Act [Chapter
20:12] shall be submitted to him showing the land subject to, and the situation thereon of, the servitude.
96 Interpretation in Part IX
(1) In this Part—
“advisory panel” means an advisory panel appointed in terms of subsection (3) of section ninety-eight.
“approved civil engineer” means a civil engineer who has been declared to be an approved civil engineer in
terms of subsection (5) of section ninety-eight;
“approved civil engineering technician” means a civil engineering technician who has been declared to be an
approved civil engineering technician in terms of subsection (4) of section ninety-eight;
“appurtenant works” means any works which contribute directly or indirectly to the functioning, operation or
safety of a small dam or large dam and includes—
(a) outlet works and penstocks, pipelines, tunnels and other water conduits, whether running
through the structure of the small dam or large dam or the abutments thereof; and
(b) gated and ungated spillways and erosion control and energy dissipating works, whether in the
structure of the small dam or large dam or separate therefrom; and
(c) anchoring, buttressing, drainage and other stabilising works in original earth or rock slopes,
whether downstream or upstream of the small dam or large dam; and
(d) devices or works for measuring flow, movement, pore water pressure, seepage, strain,
temperature or uplift pressure, whether in the structure of the small dam or large dam or separate
therefrom; and
(e) such other works as may be declared in terms of subsection (2) to be appurtenant works;
“board of consultants” means a board of consultants appointed in terms of subsection (1) of section one hundred
and six;
“dam works” means the alteration, construction, reconstruction or removal of a small dam or large dam;
“design flood”, in relation to a small dam or large dam, means the estimated maximum flow of water resulting
from floods or other causes, which flow—
(a) is required to pass through the spillway or other discharge facilities; and
(b) is approved or fixed in relation to the small dam or large dam concerned in terms of subsection
“dry freeboard” means the vertical distance between the water level attained when the design flood is being
passed and the level of the non-overflow crest of the wall of the small dam or large dam concerned;
“full supply level” means that water level which pertains immediately prior to the release of excess flood water
through the spillway;
“high flood level” means the maximum level of water which can safely be contained by a small dam or large
dam without encroaching on the dry freeboard thereof;
“large dam” means a structure, whether constructed or proposed to be constructed, which, together with its
abutments, appurtenant works and foundations, is capable of diverting or storing water and which—
(a) has a vertical height of fifteen metres or more measured from the non-overflow crest of the wall
of the structure to the lowest point on the downstream face of the wall; or
(b) is capable of storing one million or more cubic metres of water at full supply level; or
(c) has foundations which, in the opinion of the Secretary as notified to the owner of the structure,
may or causes special or unexpected difficulties; or
(d) in the opinion of the Secretary as notified to the owner of such structure, is a small dam of
unusual design; or
(e) is declared in terms of subsection (2) to be a large dam;
“owner”, in relation to a small dam or large dam—
(a) means the person entitled to divert or store water by means of the small dam or large dam; and
(b) includes the legal representative of any person referred to in paragraph (a) who has died, become
insolvent, is a minor or of unsound mind or is otherwise under disability and, in the case of a
company, the liquidator of the company;
“registration certificate” means a registration certificate issued in terms of subsection (2) of section one
hundred, subsection (2) of section one hundred and one or subsection (2) of section one hundred and four;
“small dam” means a structure, whether constructed or proposed to be constructed, which, together with its
abutments, appurtenant works and foundations, is capable of diverting or storing water and which—
(a) has a vertical height of more than eight metres but less than fifteen metres measured from the
non-overflow crest of the wall of such structure to the lowest point on the downstream face of
such wall; or
(b) is capable of storing more than five hundred thousand but less than one million cubic metres of
water at full supply level; or
(c) is declared in terms of subsection (2) to be a small dam.
(2) The Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and in consultation with the
catchment council concerned, may, by notice in writing given to the owner of the small dam or large dam
(a) declare any works, other than works referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d) of the definition of “appurtenant
works” in subsection (1), to be appurtenant works;
(b) declare any structure, other than a structure referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) of the definition of
“small dam” in subsection (1) or in paragraphs (a) to (e) of the definition of “large dam” in that
subsection, which, together with its abutments, appurtenant works and foundations, is capable of
diverting or storing water to be a small dam or large dam, as the case may be;
for the purposes of this Part.
(3) The Secretary, in consultation with the catchment council concerned, may approve or fix, in
relation to a small dam or large dam, a flow of water as the design flood thereof.
97 Minister may grant exemptions
(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the catchment council and the National Water Authority,
may, by notice in writing and subject to such conditions as he may impose, exempt any person from
compliance with all or any of the provisions of this Part in respect of any large dam, small dam, dam works
or appurtenant works proposed to be constructed in respect of any public stream which forms any part of
the international boundary of Zimbabwe.
(2) The Minister may at any time, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority in
consultation with the catchment council, withdraw or amend any exemption granted in terms of subsection
98 Approved civil engineers and approved civil engineering technicians
(1) Any person who wishes to become an approved civil engineer or an approved civil engineering
technician shall apply in the prescribed manner to the Secretary to be declared an approved civil engineer
or approved civil engineering technician, as the case may be, in terms of subsection (4).
(2) On receipt of an application in terms of subsection (1), the Secretary shall refer the application to
an advisory panel for consideration and recommendation:
Provided that the Secretary may, if he considers that the application does not provide sufficient information
concerning the applicant, require the applicant to furnish the Secretary with such additional information concerning
the applicant as the Secretary may specify before so referring the application.
(3) An advisory panel shall—
(a) be appointed by the Secretary; and
(b) consist of two or more civil engineers who have wide experience of the design and construction of
dams and large dams or such other experience as the Secretary may approve; and
(c) consider and make recommendations on applications or matters referred to it in terms of subsection
(2) or (6), as the case may be.
(4) Members of any advisory panel shall be paid from moneys appropriated for the purpose by Act of
Parliament such remuneration or allowances as the Minister, after consultation with the Minister
responsible for finance, may fix.
(5) On receipt of a recommendation from an advisory panel on an application in terms of subsection
(1), the Secretary shall—
(a) if he considers that the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications for and experience of dam works and is
a fit and proper person, by notice in the Gazette, declare the applicant to be an approved civil engineer or an approved
civil engineering technician, as the case may be, subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose; or (b) refuse
the application:
Provided that the Secretary shall, before refusing an application, afford the applicant an opportunity to satisfy the
Secretary that he does possess the necessary qualifications for or experience of dam works or is a fit and
proper person, as the case may be.
(6) The Secretary may, if he thinks that—
(a) the declaration of an approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician should be
withdrawn; or
(b) the conditions subject to which the declaration of an approved civil engineer or approved civil
engineering technician was made should be amended;
refer the matter to an advisory panel for consideration and recommendation.
(7) On receipt of a recommendation from an advisory panel on a matter referred to it in terms of
subsection (6), the Secretary shall—
(a) if he considers that the declaration of the approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician
concerned should be withdrawn or that the conditions subject to which the declaration was made should
be amended, by notice in the Gazette, withdraw the declaration or amend the conditions:
Provided that, if the withdrawal or amendment will or is likely to prejudice the approved civil engineer or approved
civil engineering technician, the Secretary shall, before withdrawing the declaration or amending such conditions,
afford the approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician an opportunity to satisfy the Secretary
that the declaration should not be withdrawn or that the conditions should not be amended; or (b) take no action in
the matter.
99 When dam works in respect of small dams may be commenced
.(1) Subject to Part IV, no person shall commence any dam works in respect of a small dam other than action
referred to in section one hundred and nine or one hundred and ten, until the expiry of a period of thirty days after—
(a) an approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician has—
(i) prepared a design, together with plans and specifications, of the proposed dam works; and
(ii) certified the adequacy and safety of the proposed dam works and, in the case of modifications
to an existing small dam, that the adequacy and safety of the small dam will not be
prejudiced; and
(b) the owner of the small dam has submitted to the Secretary in the prescribed manner, together with such fee as
may be prescribed, such details of the design, plans and specifications prepared in terms of paragraph (a)
as may be prescribed, together with the certificate of adequacy and safety referred to in subparagraph (ii)
of that paragraph.
(2) The Secretary may require the owner of the small dam concerned—
(a) to provide the additional information; and
(b) to modify such design, plans and specifications in such manner; and (c) to
provide such additional certificates of adequacy and safety; as, and within such
period as, the Secretary may specify.
(3) A person who—
(a) commences dam works in contravention of subsection (1); or
(b) fails without reasonable excuse to comply with a requirement made in terms of subsection (2); or
(c) being the owner of the small dam concerned, fails to ensure that the dam works in respect of the dam
completed in accordance with the details submitted in terms of subsection (1) and to the satisfaction of an
approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician;
shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) If during the execution of any dam works the owner of the small dam concerned wishes to modify the
details submitted in terms of subsection (1), subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of
such modification.
100 Duties of owners on completion of small dam works in respect of dams and registration
(1) The owner of a small dam shall, within a period of—
(a) thirty days from the completion of any dam works in respect of the small dam, notify the Secretary
and the catchment council in writing of the completion; and
(b) one hundred and twenty days from the completion of any dam works in respect of the small dam or
such longer period as the Secretary may allow, submit to the Secretary and the National Water
(i) a report in the prescribed form; and
(ii) such plans certified as true and correct by the approved civil engineer or approved civil
engineering technician concerned, as the case may be, of the completed dam works as may
be prescribed; and
(iii) a completion certificate in the prescribed form of the adequacy, safety and completion of the
dam works, signed by the approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician
concerned, as the case may be; and
(iv) in the case of dam works other than the construction of a small dam, the registration
certificate, if any, issued in respect of the small dam; and
(v) when requested by the Secretary or the National Water Authority to do so, such further
information as the Secretary or the National Water Authority may specify.
(2) On receipt of the report, plans and completion certificate and any registration certificate or further
information submitted to him in terms of subsection (1), the Secretary shall, in consultation with the
National Water Authority—
(a) in the case of the construction of a small dam, register the small dam and issue to the owner a
registration certificate in the prescribed form; or
(b) in the case of dam works other than the construction or removal of a small dam, amend the registration
of the small dam;
(c) in the case of the removal of a small dam, cancel both the registration of the small dam and the
registration certificate concerned.
(3) The owner of a small dam who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable
to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of Act 22 of 2001]
(c) fails to carry out the dam works concerned in accordance with a requirement made in terms of
subsection (1), the National Water Authority may cause the dam works to be carried out and recover
the cost of so doing, together with interest on the cost, from the owner by doing either or both of the
(i) proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction against the owner; or
(ii) if the owner is the owner of the piece of land on which the small dam or large dam or a
portion thereof is situate, directing that the Registrar of Deeds make a note on the title deeds
of the piece of land and in the appropriate registers, and subsections (6) to (10) of section
one hundred and five shall apply, mutatis mutandis;
and shall register or amend or cancel the registration, as the case may be, of the small dam or large dam concerned
and issue a registration certificate or amend or cancel the registration certificate concerned accordingly.
108 Rights of access, inspection, investigation and survey
(1) The Secretary, the National Water Authority, the catchment council or any person authorized
thereto by the Secretary, the National Water Authority or the catchment council in writing may—
(a) have access to the site of any dam works, whether proposed or in progress, or to any existing small
dam or large dam for the purpose of inspection; and
(b) if, in their opinion, it is necessary to do so in order to establish the adequacy and safety or otherwise
of any dam works referred to in paragraph (a), carry out surveys and conduct investigations, whether
by drilling, excavating, mining or otherwise.
(2) The provisos to paragraph 12 of the Schedule shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to the
exercise of any powers in terms of subsection (1).
109 Procedure in emergencies
(1) If the owner of a small dam or large dam learns of any sudden or unprecedented flood or alarming
or unusual circumstance or occurrence, whether anticipated or existing, which may adversely affect the
small dam or large dam, he shall, in addition to discharging any duty, liability or obligation imposed on
him by or under any other law—
(a) forthwith take all such steps as may be reasonable and practicable for dealing with the flood,
circumstance or occurrence, as the case may be; and
(b) as soon as practicable and by registered letter notify the Secretary and the National Water Authority,
as fully as possible, of the flood, circumstance or occurrence, as the case may be, and of the action he
has taken or proposes to take in terms of paragraph (a).
(2) If the Secretary, whether or not he has been notified in terms of subsection (1), considers that a
small dam or large dam is in any way endangered he may require the owner of the small dam or large dam
to take such action as he may specify to deal with the situation either forthwith or within such period as
may be specified by the Secretary.
(3) If the Secretary after being notified by the owner of a small dam or large dam in terms of subsection
(1) considers that the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the owner are inadequate or not sufficiently
timely for dealing with the situation he may require the owner to take such action as he may specify to deal
with the situation either forthwith or within such period as may be specified by the Secretary.
(4) An owner who has been required by the Secretary in terms of subsection (2) or (3) to take any
action shall—
(a) by registered letter notify the Secretary immediately after commencing to take the action; or
(b) report to the Secretary within a period of forty-eight hours after commencing to take the action on the
progress and results of the action; and
(c) comply with such other instructions as the Secretary may from time to time give to him.
(5) If the owner of a small dam or large dam fails to comply with a requirement made in terms of
subsection (2) or (3) or to notify or report to the Secretary in contravention of, or to comply with any
requirement made by the Secretary in terms of, subsection (4)—
(a) without reasonable excuse the proof of which lies on him, the owner shall be guilty of an offence; and
(b) the Secretary shall direct the National Water Authority to take such action as it thinks fit and recover
the cost of so doing, together with interest on the cost, from the owner by—
(i) proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction against the owner; or
(ii) if the owner is the owner of the piece of land on which the small dam or large dam or a
portion thereof is situate, directing that the Registrar of Deeds make a note on the title deeds
of the piece of land and in the appropriate registers, and subsections (6) to (10) of section
one hundred and five shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
(6) An owner of a small dam or large dam who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence
and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven and to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months
or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of Act 22 of 2001]
115 Maintenance of registers and other records Every catchment council shall—
(a) maintain or cause to be maintained such registers in the prescribed form in which shall be recorded
such particulars as may be prescribed of every permit issued in terms of this Act;
(b) maintain or cause to be maintained such other registers or records as may be prescribed;
(c) on the payment of a prescribed fee, produce any register or record referred to in this section for
inspection on demand by any person.
116 Service of notices, orders and other documents
(1) Subject to subsection (3)—
(a) any notice, order or other document required by or in terms of this Act to be given to or served on any person
shall be deemed to be effectively served if—
(i) delivered personally to him; or
(ii) left at his abode or place of business; or
(iii) sent by registered letter to his address; or
(iv) in the case of a person who is absent from and has left no known representative in Zimbabwe,
published in the Gazette;
(b) service of a notice, order or other document referred to in paragraph (a) on a person authorized to represent
another shall be deemed to be service of the notice, order or other document on the person represented.
(2) In the case of a body corporate or partnership having no domicile or office in Zimbabwe, any
person in charge of the property of the body corporate or partnership in Zimbabwe shall be deemed to be
authorized to represent it for the purpose of paragraph (b) of subsection (1).
(3) Nothing in this section shall prevent any person to whom a notice, order or other document referred
to in subsection (1) has not been delivered personally from proving that, through no fault of his own or of
his representative, as the case may be, the notice, order or other document never came to his knowledge.
117 Validity of defective notices, orders and other documents
Any notice, order or other document authenticated or issued by any officer in terms of this Act shall be valid
from the date of its authentication or issue, notwithstanding any— (a) defect of form therein; or
(b) absence of authority on the part of the officer if the requisite authority is subsequently conferred on the officer.
118 Offences and penalties
(1) Any person who, without lawful excuse the onus of proof of which lies on him—
(a) alters, enlarges or obstructs any water works or defaces, destroys or moves any beacon, lawful mark
or other appliance or structure made or erected in connection with the water works; or
(b) abstracts, diverts, stores or uses any water, including water—
(i) to which the National Water Authority has obtained a right; or
(ii) which is subject to the control of the National Water Authority; in terms of section
thirty-nine; or
(c) alters or interferes with the flow of the water of any water works or of a public stream or
interferes with the distribution of the water or, after service on him of a notice requiring him to
refrain from doing so, abstracts more of the water than he is entitled to abstract or uses the water
in a manner prohibited by this Act; or
(d) while liable for the maintenance of or using any water works, to the prejudice of others—
(i) fails properly to maintain and to keep the water works in repair; or
(ii) wastes or does not take due precaution to prevent the waste of water from the water works; or (e)
wastes the water of a public stream; or
(f) being the owner of any land, fails, after service on him of notice of the failure, to put an end to waste
of water resulting from the act or omission of a lessee or occupier or other person deriving rights from
the owner and no longer present on the land; or
(g) constructs any borehole, shaft, well or other work or does any other thing which is intended to have
the effect of abstracting water lawfully diverted or stored by another person; or
(h) interferes with the banks, bed or course of a public stream or any marshes, springs, swamps or vleis
forming the source of a public stream or found along its course; or
(i) contravenes section fifty-two or Part V; or
(j) hinders or obstructs any officer or authorized person in the exercise of any power conferred on him by
this Act;
shall be guilty of an offence and liable, subject to subsection (2)—
(i) to a fine of—
A. not exceeding level eight; or
[Subparagraph amended by section 4 of Act 22 of 2001]
(3) Any person who places any poison in any water shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine
not exceeding level twelve or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine
and such imprisonment and the court may order the person concerned to—
(a) take such remedial action, specified by the court on the advice of the National Water
Authority, as may be necessary;
(b) reimburse the National Water Authority for any remedial action taken by it; and
(c) pay compensation for any damage caused.
119 Regulations
(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the National Water Authority, make regulations providing
for all matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed or which, in his opinion, are
necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out, or giving effect to, this Act.
(2) Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide for—
(a) the manner of issue, amendment or withdrawal, and the form of any permit and the fees to be charged
in connection therewith;
(b) ….
[Paragraph repealed by section 142 of Act 13 of 2002]
(c) in consultation with the Minister responsible for environment, the manner in which samples of any
gas, liquid or solid shall be taken by any person for the purposes of Part VI;
[Paragraph amended by section 142 of Act 13 of 2002 and by section 27 of Act 6 of 2005]
(d) the manner and form in which registers of permits and other records relating to the general management
of the water resources of a river system shall be maintained by catchment councils;
(e) the methods of testing any borehole or well;
(f) the hire of drills and mechanical equipment belonging to the State;
(g) the drilling of boreholes, sinking of wells and construction of water works for any person and the fees
payable in respect thereof;
(h) engineering and advice and assistance by officers and any fees payable in respect thereof; (i)
combined water schemes;
(j) the functions and procedure of catchment councils, the election or appointment of members of catchment
councils and the levying and collection of water charges, rates and fees for any service rendered by
catchment councils.
(3) ….
[Subsection repealed by section 142 of Act 13 of 2002]
(4) Any person who contravenes any regulations made in terms of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an
120 Savings in relation to Zambezi River Authority
Notwithstanding this Act, the Zambezi River Authority referred to in section 4 of the Zambezi River Authority
Act [Chapter 20:23] may continue to perform its functions and exercise its rights in relation to the use, extraction
and storage of water in or from the Zambezi river in respect of the Kariba dam, the Kariba hydroelectric scheme and
any other undertakings which are conferred upon it by or in terms of that Act.