CHAPTER 20:24 Water Act: Preliminary
CHAPTER 20:24 Water Act: Preliminary
CHAPTER 20:24 Water Act: Preliminary
Acts 31/1998, 22/2001 (s. 4), 13/2002 (s. 142), 14/2002 (s. 26), 6/2005 (s 27), 1/2011 (s. 7).
[Date of commencement: 1st January, 2000.]
1. Short title and date of commencement.
2. Interpretation.
3. Water vested in President.
4. No private ownership of water.
5. Act not to affect certain rights of miners and prospectors to water.
6. General functions of Minister.
7. Secretary and other officers.
8. Delegation of powers by Minister and Secretary.
9. Powers of officers.
10. Powers in respect of hydrological stations.
Water Resources Planning and Development
11. Declaration of river systems.
12. Preparation of outline plans.
13. Contents of outline plans.
14. Powers of Secretary with respect to outline plan.
15. Publication of outline plans.
16. Procedure after publication of outline plans.
17. Changes to approved outline plans.
18. Effect of operative outline plans.
19. Review of operative outline plans.
Establishment, Functions and Procedures of Catchment Councils
20. Establishment of catchment councils.
21. Functions of catchment council.
22. Powers of catchment councils.
Principles to be observed by catchment council in considering
applications for permits for use of water.
24. Establishment and functions of subcatchment councils.
25. Persons interested in matters before catchment council.
26. Costs.
27. Orders of catchment council.
28. Catchment manager.
29. Powers of catchment managers.
30. Services by National Water Authority to catchment councils.
31. Inspections.
Use of Water
32. Use of water for primary purposes.
Power of catchment council to limit quantity of water abstracted for
primary purposes.
34. Application for permit.
Authority to sink boreholes for any purpose or wells for purposes
other than primary purposes.
36. Period of validity of permit.
37. Permits to pass to new owner.
38. Permit not transferable except with consent of council.
39. Minister may direct National Water Authority to apply for permit.
Construction of works necessary for enjoyment of rights to use
Amendment of permits to abstract, control, divert, store or use
42. Reporting of existing storage works, boreholes and wells.
43. Records of amount of water abstracted to be maintained.
44. Restriction on cession of right to use water, or sale or use of, water.
45. Change of course of public stream.
46. Application for permit to conduct operations in public streams.
Consent of Minister to be obtained for water storage works of
certain size.
48. Safeguarding interests of occupants of Communal Land.
Decisions of catchment council affecting water supply for primary
purposes in Communal Land.
50. Grant of final, provisional or temporary permits.
51. Certain permits to enjoy preference over other rights to use water.
52. Disposal of water after use.
Allocation or apportionment of rights to use water on consolidation
or subdivision of land.
Rights to use water when volume thereof insufficient to satisfy
55. Responsibility for maintenance of water works.
Reservation of areas likely to be required for dam basins or dam
57. Reservation of water.
58. Water development restriction areas.
59. Investigation of use of water by National Water Authority.
60. Conferring of powers of catchment councils on urban councils.
Water Shortage Areas
61. Declaration of water shortage areas.
62. Powers of catchment council in respect of water shortage areas.
Sinking, deepening or altering of boreholes and wells in ground
water shortage areas restricted.
Maximum volume and rate of abstraction of water in water shortage
Measuring and recording of water abstracted in water shortage
Minister may authorise delegation of powers under this Part to local
Water Quality Control and Environmental Protection
Water resource management to be consistent with environmental
68. [Repealed].
69. [Repealed].
70. [Repealed].
71. [Repealed].
Servitudes In Respect of Water
72. Interpretation in Part VII.
73. Acquisition of servitudes otherwise than in terms of Part VIII.
74. Certain persons may claim servitudes and enter on land.
75. Method of claiming servitudes.
Rights, privileges and obligations of interested parties at hearings of
claims or issues of compensation.
Powers of Administrative Court in regard to claims or issues of
78. Rights of owners of land subject to servitudes of passage.
79. Rights of owners of land subject to servitudes of storage.
80. Rights included in servitudes.
81. Lapse of servitudes.
82. Holders of servitudes to construct, maintain and repair water works.
83. Registration of servitudes awarded by Administrative Court.
84. Registration of servitudes acquired by agreement.
85. Registration of servitudes in Deeds Registry.
Combined Water Schemes
86. Interpretation in Part VIII.
87. Petitions for schemes.
88. Investigation and report on petition.
89. Consideration of petition by catchment council.
90. Powers and duties of catchment council in relation to petitions.
91. Allocation of water by catchment council for use in schemes.
Alteration of areas within, or quantities of water allocated in respect
of, schemes.
Allocation of water in combined water schemes may be cancelled or
94. Liability of owners of land benefiting from schemes.
Allocation or apportionment of rights to use of water on
consolidation or subdivision of land in scheme area.
Safety of Dams
96. Interpretation in Part IX.
97. Minister may grant exemptions.
98. Approved civil engineers and approved civil engineering technicians.
99. When dam works in respect of small dams may be commenced.
Duties of owners on completion of dam works in respect of small
dams and registration.
101. Reporting of small dams in certain areas.
102. When dam works in respect of large dams may be commenced.
103. Supervision of dam works in respect of large dams.
Duties of owners on completion of dam works in respect of large
dams and registration.
105. Periodic inspections of large dams.
106. Secretary may appoint board of consultants.
107. Secretary may require owner to carry out dam works.
108. Rights of access, inspection, investigation and survey.
109. Procedure in emergencies.
110. Procedure in emergencies arising during execution of dam works.
111. Exemption from liability.
Protection of Water Infrastructure and Farm Irrigation Works
111A. Interpretation in Part IXA.
Wilful damage to or, interference with or theft of water
infrastructure and farm irrigation works components.
111C. Power to arrest persons.
Transportation of water infrastructure or farm irrigation works
Forfeiture of unlawfully transported water infrastructure or farm
39J. irrigation works components and vehicle used in connection
112. Interpretation in Part X.
113. Composition of Administrative Court for purposes of this Act.
114. Appeals against decisions of authority.
115. Maintenance of registers and other records.
116. Service of notices, orders and other documents.
117. Validity of defective notices, orders and other documents.
118. Offences and penalties.
119. Regulations.
120. Savings in relation to Zambezi River Authority.
Repeals and Savings
121. Interpretation in Part XII.
122. Repeal.
123. Continuation of river board and succession by catchment councils.
124. Continuation of existing water rights.
125. Matters pending before Administrative Court.
126. Saving of regulations, etc.
Schedule Powers of Officers.
AN ACT to provide for the development and utilisation of the water resources of Zimbabwe; to provide for the
establishment, powers and procedures of catchment councils and subcatchment councils; to provide for the
grant of permits for the use of water; to provide for the control of the use of water when water is in short
supply; to provide for the acquisition of servitudes in respect of water; to provide for the protection of the
environment and the prevention and control of water pollution; to provide for the approval of combined water
schemes; to provide for matters relating to dam works; to repeal the Water Act [Chapter 20:22]; and to
provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.
1. Short title and date of commencement
This Act may be cited as the Water Act [Chapter 20:24].
2. Interpretation
(1) In this Act
"Agricultural and Rural Development Authority" means the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority
established by section 3 of the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority Act [Chapter 18:01];
"agricultural purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for
(a) the irrigation of land; or
(b) fish farming purposes; or
(c) animal husbandry, including the keeping of poultry, where the amount of water used exceeds ten
thousand litres per day;
"appropriate Minister", in relation to any particular matter, means
(a) any Minister who, by or in terms of any enactment, is empowered or required to exercise any function
in respect of the matter; or
(b) a vicepresident where, by or in terms of any enactment, the vicepresident is empowered or required
to exercise any function in respect of the matter;
"aquatic ecosystems" means riverine flora and fauna and aquatic life;
"aquifer" means any geological formation which absorbs, stores and transmits water;
"area under jurisdiction of a local authority" means
(a) in the case of a municipal council, the municipal area;
(b) in the case of a town council, the town council area;
(c) subject to subsection (2) (b), in the case of rural district council, the rural district council area;
(d) in the case of a local board, the area for which the board has been declared in terms of subsection
"borehole" means a hole drilled or sunk into the ground for the purpose of the abstraction of ground water, the
collection of ground water or rock samples, the monitoring of ground water levels, or other purposes;
[Definition inserted by section 26 of 14 of 2002.]
"catchment area" means the area which naturally drains into a dam, lake, reservoir, river or watercourse and
from which the dam, lake, reservoir, river or watercourse receives surface or ground flow which originates from
"catchment council" means a catchment council established in terms of section 20;
"catchment manager" means a person appointed as catchment manager in terms of section 28;
"Director of Physical Planning" means the Director of Physical Planning appointed in terms of section 63 of the
Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12];
"electrical purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for the purposes of an electricity
"electricity undertaking" means any undertaking which generates and additionally, or alternatively, transmits,
distributes or supplies electricity, with all the assets and liabilities appertaining thereto, whether such
undertaking is under the control of the State, the Zambezi River Authority, the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply
Authority, a local authority, a company or other association of persons or a private individual;
"existing permit" means an existing permit or right to use water granted in terms of this Act or of any
enactment repealed by this Act or any predecessor of such enactment;
"feedlot" means one or more enclosures or other structures on any piece of land in which animals or poultry are
confined within a restricted area and fed mainly or entirely by means other than natural browsing, grazing for the
purpose of bringing them into slaughter condition or maintaining their condition;
"final permit" means a permit for the use of water granted in terms section 24;
"ground water" means all water which is
(a) beneath the surface of the ground; and
(b) not visible on the land concerned;
and includes water in boreholes and wells;
"hydrological station" means a place where measurements and observations of the flow or level of any surface
or ground water are taken or made, as the case may be, and recorded;
"institutional purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of such water for
(a) boardinghouses, guest farms, hotels and other like enterprises; or
(b) recreational clubs; or
(c) missions or boardingschools; or
(d) a permanent labour force which, excluding the dependants of the labourers concerned, exceeds one
hundred workers;
"irrigable area" means an area of land under or capable of being brought under irrigation;
"irrigation" means the artificial application of water to land for agricultural purposes;
"local authority" means
(a) a municipal council, town council or rural district council; or
(b) a local board declared in terms of subsection (2) to be a local authority;
"local authority purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for the purposes of the
community within the area under the jurisdiction of a local authority and of such other persons as may
conveniently be supplied with water by the local authority;
"mining purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for mining purposes;
"Minister" means the Minister of Rural Resources and Water Development or any other Minister to whom the
President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act;
"miscellaneous purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of water for any purposes other than
agricultural purposes, electrical purposes, institutional purposes, local authority purposes, mining purposes,
primary purposes, railway purposes, road purposes or local authority purposes;
"National Water Authority" means the Zimbabwe National Water Authority established by section 3 o f t h e
Zimbabwe National Water Authority Act, 1998;
"nonriparian owner" means an owner of land which is not riparian land;
"officer" means an officer appointed in terms of subsection 7 (1) and includes the Secretary;
"outline plan" means an outline water development plan prepared in terms of section 12 (1);
"owner" in relation to land, includes
(a) the State; and
(b) the person registered in the Deeds Registry as the owner of the land or in whom the land is vested
by law; and
(c) any person lawfully holding or occupying land in accordance with any agreement or enactment
empowering the State to allot land on the promise of title subject to the fulfilment by the allottee of
certain conditions; and
(d) in the case of land owned or controlled and managed by the Forestry Commission, the Forestry
Commission; and
(e) in the case of Communal Land, the Minister responsible for administration of the Communal Land Act
[Chapter 20:04]; and
(f) the legal representative of an owner of land who has died or become insolvent or is a minor or of
unsound mind or otherwise under disability; and
(g) the liquidator of an owner of land which is a company;
"permit" means a permit for the use of water issued in terms of this Act;
"pollution", in relation to water, means
(a) such contamination or other alteration of the biological chemical or physical properties of the water,
including changes in colour, odour, taste, temperature or turbidity; or
(b) such discharge of any gaseous, liquid, solid or other substances into any water or public stream;
as will or is likely to create a nuisance or render the water, as the case may be, detrimental harmful or injurious to
the health, safety or welfare of the public or any section thereof or any consumer or user of the water or any
birds, fish or other aquatic ecosystems, livestock or wild life;
"primary purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the reasonable use of water
(a) for basic domestic human needs in or about the area of residential premises; or
(b) for the support of animal life, other than fish in fish farms or animals or poultry in feedlots;
(c) for the making of bricks for the private use of the owner, lessee or occupier of the land concerned; or
(d) for dip tanks;
"provisional permit" means a permit for the use of water granted in terms of section 50;
"public stream" means a water course of natural origin in which water flows, whether or not
(a) the watercourse or any portion thereof is dry during any period of the year; or
(b) the conformation of the watercourse has been changed by artificial means;
"railway purposes", in relation to the use of water, means the use of water by any person authorised to
operate a railway system for the purpose of that operation;
"Regional Water Authority" means the Regional Water Authority which was established under section 3 of the
repealed Regional Water Authority Act [Chapter 20:06];
"Registrar" means the Registrar of the Administrative Court;
"riparian land" means land on which, or along the boundary of the whole or any portion of which, a public
stream exists;
"riparian owner" means the owner of riparian land;
"river system" means a river system declared as such in terms of section 11 (1);
"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Ministry for which the Minister is responsible;
"subcatchment council" means a subcatchment council established in terms of section 21;
"surface water" means all water found on or below the bed of a public stream, including marshes, springs,
swamps or vleis forming the source of or found on the course of the public stream, and includes water in storage
works, drainage works or permanent pools;
"temporary permit" means a permit for the use of water granted in terms of section 50;
"water" includes
(a) surface water; and
(b) all water which rises naturally on any private land or drains or falls naturally on to any private land,
even if it does not visibly join any public stream; and
(c) all ground water;
"water development restriction area" means an area declared in terms of section 58 (1) t o b e a w a t e r
development restriction area;
"water storage works" means a dam, reservoir or well;
"water works" means
(a) a borehole, canal, channel, embankment, filter, filterbed, pipeline, pumping plant purification plant,
plant for the generation of hydroelectric power, water storage works or well; or
(b) any accessory, apparatus, appliance, fitting, machinery or other thing constructed, erected or used for
or in connection with the abstraction, control, diversion, drainage, filtration, passage, purification,
storage, supply or use of water, including effluent or waste water or the conservation of rainfall or
the development of water power; or
(c) any land occupied for or in connection with the abstraction, control, diversion, drainage, filtration,
passage, purification, storage, supply or use of water, including effluent or waste water; or
(d) any gauge post, measuring weir or other appliance erected or used for undertakings authorised by or
in terms of this Act;
and includes any area held, occupied or required for the purpose of irrigation;
"well" means a hole dug into the ground for the purpose of the abstraction of ground water and includes a
mine shaft and any other subterraneous works other than a borehole used for such purpose.
[Definition substituted by section 26 of 14 of 2002.]
(2) The Minister, by notice in the Gazette
(a) with the approval of the Minister to whom the administration of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter
29:15] has been assigned, may declare a local board to be a local authority for the purposes of this
Act, and shall specify the area which shall be the area under the local board's jurisdiction for the
purposes of this Act
(b) with the approval of the Minister to whom the administration of the Rural District Councils Act [Chapter
29:13] has been assigned, may declare a greater or lesser area than the council area to be the area
under the jurisdiction of a rural district council for the purposes of this Act.
3. Water vested in President
Subject to this Act, all water is vested in the President.
4. No private ownership of water
(1) No person shall be entitled to ownership of any water in Zimbabwe and no water shall be stored,
abstracted, apportioned, controlled, diverted, used or in any way dealt with except in accordance with this Act.
(2) Subject to this Act, a permit issued in terms of this Act shall confer upon its holder a right to the use of
water in accordance with the permit.
5. Act not to affect certain rights of miners and prospectors to water
Nothing in this Act shall affect the rights conferred on holders of mining locations or prospectors by the Mines
and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] in respect of the use of
(a) water for primary purposes; or
(b) ground water.
6. General functions of Minister
(1) For the purposes of this Act, the functions of the Minister shall be
(a) to develop policies to guide the orderly and integrated planning of the optimum development,
utilisation and protection of the country's water resources in the national interest; and
(b) to ensure the availability of water to all citizens for primary purposes and to meet the needs of
aquatic and associated ecosystems particularly when there are competing demands for water; and
(c) to ensure the equitable and efficient allocation of the available water resources in the national
interest for the development of the rural, urban, industrial, mining and agricultural sectors.
(2) In the performance of his functions in terms of subsection (1), it shall be the duty of the Minister
(a) to provide overall policy guidelines on the development, exploitation and utilisation of water
resources, ensuring that all components of the water cycle such as ground water surface water,
evaporation, clouds and rainfall are recognised as being interdependent and forming part of a single
water cycle;
(b) to ensure that water resources are managed, utilised and conserved in a manner consistent with
national environmental approaches provided for in any enactment;
(c) to encourage participation by consumers in all the sectors referred to in subsection (1) (c) a n d
catchment councils in the development, exploitation and distribution of water resources;
(d) to secure the provision of affordable water to consumers in underprivileged communities;
(e) to ensure that water resources are utilised at all times in an efficient manner having special regard to
its value and the economic and other benefits that may be derived from it;
(f) to give effect to any international agreement, to which Zimbabwe is a party, on shared water course
systems in a spirit of mutual cooperation;
(g) to ensure that research is carried out and information is obtained and kept, on hydrological and
hydrogeological matters such as
(i) the quality and quantity of the country's water resources;
(ii) the utilisation of the country's water resources;
(iii) resources needed to develop the country's water resources sufficient to meet the reasonable
needs of the nation;
(h) to promote efficiency and economy in the utilisation of water resources and to encourage the use of
watersaving technologies;
(i) to regulate the supply of water by any person to consumers with respect to
(i) the quality of the service provided to consumers; and
(ii) the protection of consumers from exploitation; without, however, impairing the efficiency of the
person's operations;
(j) to fix criteria for water allocation and the issue of permits for the use of water by catchment councils;
(k) generally, to fix standards to be maintained in the exploitation, utilisation, conservation and
management of water resources in respect of environmental water quality standards as set by the
Minister responsible for the administration of the Environmental Management Act [Chapter20:27].
[Paragraph amended by section 142 of 13 of 2002 and by section 27 of 6 of 2005.]
7. Secretary and other officers
(1) Subject to the Public Service Act [Chapter 16:04], there shall be appointed, in addition to the Secretary,
such other officers as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act.
(2) In the exercise of their functions under this Act, officers shall be subject to the directions and orders of
the Minister.
8. Delegation of powers by Minister and Secretary
(1) The Minister may delegate to the Secretary or to the National Water Authority such of his functions under
this Act as he thinks fit, other than the functions conferred on him by section 119.
(2) The Secretary may delegate to any other officer or to the National Water Authority such functions
(a) conferred or imposed on him by or in terms of this Act; or
(b) delegated to him in terms of subsection (1);
as he thinks fit:
Provided that he shall not so delegate any function delegated to him in terms of subsection (1) without the
consent of the Minister.
(3) All functions delegated by the Secretary in terms of subsection (2) shall be exercised and carried out
subject to the directions and orders of the Secretary.
9. Powers of officers
(1) Subject to this Act, an officer may, for the better conservation and use of the water resources of
Zimbabwe or for the control or prevention of the pollution of water, do all or any of the things set out in the
(2) A person to whom an order referred to in paragraph 5 of the Schedule has been given may, within a
period of twentyone days from the date on which the order was given to him, if aggrieved by the order, appeal
against the order to the Administrative Court.
(3) Subject to subsection (2), a person who fails to comply with the order referred to in paragraph 5 of the
Schedule within the period specified in the order shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level
five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
10. Powers in respect of hydrological stations
(1) If the Minister or the National Water Authority
(a) wishes to construct or maintain a hydrological station on any land; and
(b) is unable to agree on reasonable terms with the owner of the land referred to in paragraph (a)
concerning the construction or maintenance referred to in that paragraph;
the Minister or, as the case may be, the National Water Authority with the consent of the Minister, may, subject to
subsection (2), compulsorily acquire such land or rights or interests over land as are necessary to construct or
maintain a hydrological station on the land concerned.
(2) Parts III, V and VIII of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the
exercise by the Minister or the National Water Authority of powers in terms of subsection (1).
Water Resources Planning and Development
11. Declaration of river system
(1) The Minister, after consultation with the National Water Authority may, by statutory instrument, declare
any catchment area, group of catchment areas and any aquifer in the area concerned to be a river system.
(2) A river system shall, subject to this Act, be under the control of a catchment council established in respect
of it in terms of section 20 (1), which shall be subject to the general supervision of the National Water Authority.
12. Preparation of outline plans
(1) For the purpose of ensuring the optimum development and utilisation of the water resources of
Zimbabwe, the National Water Authority, and the catchment council concerned, shall prepare an outline water
development plan for every river system.
(2) In preparing an outline plan, the National Water Authority and the catchment council concerned shall
(a) consult the authorities and bodies which in its opinion are likely to be concerned with the
development of the catchment area or catchment areas of the river system concerned and the
utilisation of its water resources; and
(b) draw up an inventory of the resources of the catchment area or catchment areas of the river system;
(c) have regard to any relevant regional plan prepared in terms of the Regional, Town and Country
Planning Act [Chapter 29:12], and to such other matters as may appear relevant to it.
13. Contents of outline plans
(1) An outline plan shall
(a) indicate
(i) the major water uses within the river system concerned, including those of the important public
utilities, and any major amenity or recreation areas, areas for development and measures for the
conservation and improvement of the physical environment; and
(ii) the extent to which the actual volumes or the relative proportions of the potential yield or total
annual run off of any catchment area within the river system concerned should be apportioned
between public and private development and the allocation within such apportionment of water
for the respective uses of the different sectors of the economy referred to in section 6 (1) (c); and
(iii) subject to quality standards as prescribed in terms of the Environmental Management Act
[Chapter 20:27]; the maximum permissible levels of pollution within the catchment area
concerned; and
[Subparagraph amended by section 142 of 13 of 2002 and by section 27 of 6 of 2005.]
(iv) the manner in which its proposals are justified by the inventory drawn up in terms of section 12
(2); and
(v) the phasing of any development and the order of priorities in respect of the proposals in the
outline plan and the reasons therefor; and
(b) state the relationship of the proposals in the outline plan to such major proposals for the use of
water as may be
(i) expected to affect the catchment area or catchment areas of the river system concerned; and
(ii) set out in the outline plans in respect of any contiguous river systems; and
(c) specify
(i) any area comprising a potential dam site, dam basin or both which should be reserved against
the doing of such acts referred to in section 56 (1) as may be specified in the outline plan; and
(ii) the proportion of the available water in any catchment area within the river system concerned
which should be reserved for an indefinite period for future use or for the benefit of the
environment, subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the outline plan; and
(2) The National Water Authority shall clearly indicate in an outline plan the priorities in the utilisation and
allocation of water, taking into account policy guidelines provided by the Minister.
(3) An outline plan shall make provision for changes in priorities for the use, development and allocation of
water, where they are necessitated by changes in the availability of water or social or economic priorities.
(4) An outline plan shall consist of a statement in writing accompanied by such descriptive matter, diagrams,
illustrations and maps as may be prescribed.
(5) The National Water Authority shall, after completing an outline plan, refer it to the Secretary for
examination and recommendation.
14. Powers of Secretary with respect to outline plan
(1) The Secretary shall, having regard to any relevant regional plan prepared in terms of Part II of the
Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12]
(a) examine and make recommendations to the Minister on an outline plan referred to him in terms of
section 13 (5), including recommendations on the phasing of any development, the order of priorities
in respect of the proposals in the outline plan and the allocation of water to the different sectors of
the economy; and
(b) assist generally in the consideration of matters relating to planning within the river system and, if
appropriate, other contiguous river systems.
(2) The Secretary may consult or obtain evidence from any representative of any local authority, statutory
body or association of persons engaged in any business, calling, profession or other activity of benefit to the public
and from any other person who, in the opinion of the Secretary, possesses expert knowledge which would be of
advantage to the Secretary, the National Water Authority and the catchment councils in the exercise of their
functions under this Part:
Provided that the Secretary may direct the catchment council and the National Water Authority to consult or
obtain evidence from any person specified by him.
15. Publication of outline plans
(1) After having examined an outline plan, the Secretary shall submit it, together with his recommendations
on it, to the Minister.
(2) On receipt of the outline plan and recommendations submitted in terms of subsection (1) and after
considering them, the Minister shall
(a) give notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area to which the outline plan relates
of the places at which the outline plan will be publicly exhibited and the period within which
objections or representations in connection with the outline plan may be made to the Minister; and
(b) exhibit at the places and for a period of not less than thirty days copies of the outline plan.
16. Procedure after publication of outline plans
(1) The Minister may, if
(a) no objections or representations referred to in section 15 (2) have been made to him within the
period specified in the notice referred to in that subsection, approve the plan and fix the date on
which it shall come into operation; or
(b) objections or representations referred to in section 14 (2) have been made to him within the period
specified in the notice referred to in that subsection, after considering such objections or
(i) approve the outline plan and fix the date on which it shall come into operation; or
(ii) refer the outline plan concerned, together with the objections or recommendations, to the
National Water Authority for further consideration.
(2) After further consideration of an outline plan referred to it in terms of subsection (1) (b) (ii), the National
Water Authority shall, after consultation with the Secretary, submit the outline plan, together with any further
recommendations thereon, to the Minister.
(3) The further recommendations submitted in terms of subsection (2) shall include a report on the objections
or representations made in connection with the outline plan concerned and on any changes made to the outline
plan as a result of the objections or representations.
(4) After considering the outline plan and the further recommendations submitted to him in terms of
subsection (2), the Minister shall, after taking into account
(a) any evaluation report furnished by the Secretary; and
(b) any matters, other than those referred to in paragraph (a), which he considers to be relevant;
and making such changes to the outline plan as he thinks fit, approve the outline plan and fix the date on which it
shall come into operation.
(5) The Minister shall give notice in the Gazette of his approval of an outline plan and of the date on which
the outline plan will come into operation.
17. Changes to approved outline plans
(1) If it appears to the Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and the Secretary
that, an approved outline plan should be changed, the Minister shall
(a) give notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area to which the approved outline
plan relates of the proposal to change the approved outline plan and of the places at which the
approved outline plan embodying the proposed changes will be publicly exhibited and the period
within which objections or representations in connection with the proposal may be made to the
National Water Authority; and
(b) exhibit for a period of not less than thirty days at the places referred to in paragraph (a) copies of the
approved outline plan embodying the proposed changes.
(2) The Minister
(a) may, if no objections or representations referred to in subsection (1) have been made within the
period specified in the notice referred to in that subsection, confirm the proposed changes to the
approved outline plan concerned and the approved outline plan shall thereafter incorporate such
changes; or
(b) shall, if objections or representations referred to in subsection (1) have been made within the period
specified in the notice referred to in that subsection and if he still wishes the approved outline plan
concerned to be changed, act in terms of section 16 (1) (b) (ii) and sections 16 (2) to (4) and section
17 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, thereafter.
18. Effect of operative outline plans
(1) Any person, including the State, undertaking development within any catchment area of a river system
shall in so doing, have regard to the operative outline plan relating to the catchment area.
(2) A catchment council shall not grant any application for a permit for the use of water within any area to
which an operative outline plan relates if the permit would have the effect of granting rights to use more water in
the sector of the economy concerned than could be satisfied by the allocation of water made by the operative
outline plan to that sector:
Provided that a catchment council, with the approval of the Secretary, may grant temporary permits for the
use of the water so allocated on such conditions as the catchment council may specify.
(2a) Until such time as an outline plan becomes operative in any river system a catchment council may, with
the approval of the Secretary and subject to subsection (2b), grant provisional or temporary permits on such
conditions as the catchment council may specify.
[Subsection substituted by section 26 of 14 of 2002.]
(2b) As soon as practicable after the date when an outline plan becomes operative in any river system a
catchment council which granted any provisional or temporary permit in terms of subsection (2a) shall review every
such permit and cancel, renew or convert it into a final permit upon having regard to
(a) whether or not the permit is capable of being granted under the outline plan in terms of section 18
(2) or its grant is otherwise consistent with the outline plan;
(b) the principles to be observed by the catchment council in considering applications for permits for use
of water in terms of section 23.
[Subsection substituted by section 26 of 14 of 2002.]
(3) Any area comprising a potential dam basin or potential dam site or both specified in terms of section 13
(1) (c) (i) shall, with effect from the date on which the approved outline plan concerned or any change thereto in
terms of section 17 comes into operation, be deemed to be reserved in terms of section 56 (1) against the doing of
any act specified in the approved outline plan and section 56 shall apply, mutatis mutandis:
Provided that
(i) it shall not be necessary to publish any notice in terms of section 56 (1);
(ii) the reference in section 56 (4) to the publication in the Gazette of a notice shall be read and
construed as a reference to the approval in terms of section 16 (3) of such approved outline plan.
(4) The proportion of the potential yield, total annual runoff or available water specified in terms of section
13 (1) shall, with effect from the date on which the approved outline plan concerned or any change thereto in terms
of section 17 comes into operation, be deemed to be reserved in terms of section 57 (1) for an indefinite period for
future use subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the approved outline plan, and sections 57 (1),
(2) and (9) shall apply, mutatis mutandis:
Provided that
(i) it shall not be necessary to publish any notice in terms of section 57 (1);
(ii) the reference in section 57 (9) to the publication in the Gazette of a notice shall be read and
construed as a reference to the approval in terms of section 16 (5) of such approved outline plan.
19. Review of operative outline plans
(1) The National Water Authority shall, within a period of not more than ten years from the date on which an
approved outline plan came into operation or such other period as the Minister may specify and thereafter at
intervals of not more than ten years or such other intervals as the Minister may specify, review the operative outline
plan and decide whether or not a new outline plan should be prepared in terms of section 12 (1).
(2) An operative outline plan shall cease to have force on the date on which an approved outline plan
replacing the operative outline plan comes into operation.
Establishment, Functions and Procedures of Catchment Councils
20. Establishment of catchment councils
(1) The Minister, in consultation with the Zimbabwe National Water Authority may, by statutory instrument
(a) establish a catchment council in respect of an area of a river system specified in that instrument; and
(b) fix the number of members representing water users in the river system who shall constitute the
catchment council and the manner in which they shall be elected or appointed; and
(c) assign a name to the catchment council; and
(d) prescribe the procedure at the meetings of or to be followed by the catchment council in the
discharge of its functions; and
(e) fix the remuneration, if any, and allowances payable to members of a catchment council from funds
allocated for that purpose from the Water Levy Fund to meet the reasonable expenses incurred by
members in connection with the business of the catchment council.
(2) A catchment council shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its own name and,
subject to this Act, of performing such functions as a body corporate may by law perform.
(3) The Minister may, by statutory instrument
(a) abolish a catchment council; or
(b) subject to section 11 (1), alter the area of jurisdiction of a catchment council; or
(c) alter the membership or the name of a catchment council.
21. Functions of catchment council
(1) Subject to this Act, a catchment council shall
(a) in conjunction with the National Water Authority, prepare an outline plan for its river system in
accordance with this Act; and
(b) determine applications made and grant permits required in terms of this Act; and
(c) regulate and supervise the exercise of rights to, and use of, water in respect of the river system for
which it is established; and
(d) to supervise the performance of functions by subcatchment councils; and
(e) ensure proper compliance with this Act; and
(f) perform any other function conferred or imposed upon it in terms of this Act.
(2) The Minister may, by written notice to a catchment council, confer all or any of the powers of officers upon
a catchment manager or on all or any of the members of a catchment council, and may at any time amend or revoke
any such notice.
(3) For the better exercise of its functions, a catchment council may delegate to subcatchment councils, either
absolutely or subject to conditions, such of its functions as it thinks fit:
Provided that
(i) the power to grant permits shall not be delegated to a subcatchment council;
(ii) the delegation shall not prevent the catchment council from exercising the functions concerned;
(iii) the catchment council may amend or withdraw any decision of a subcatchment council in the exercise
of its delegated functions.
22. Powers of catchment councils
(1) A catchment council may, subject to this Act and in regard to water within the area of the river system for
which it is established
(a) grant an application for
(i) a permit; or
(ii) a provisional permit; or
(iii) a temporary permit;
for the use of water subject to such conditions as it thinks fit to impose or may refuse the application;
(b) on an application by any person to whom an existing permit has been granted for a revision of an
existing permit, investigate the matter and make an appropriate order on the matter;
(c) on an application by any person in regard to
(i) a dispute concerning the abstraction, appropriation, control, diversion or use of water; or
(ii) any matter which may be brought before a catchment council in terms of this Act;
investigate the dispute or matter and make an appropriate order;
(d) at the request of the Minister or the Administrative Court, investigate any matter concerning the
abstraction, appropriation, control, diversion or use of water and report on the matter;
(e) at the request of the Minister
(i) investigate, define and record the right to the use of the water of any channel, reservoir or public
stream, aquifer or other source of supply;
(ii) in the case of any watercourse the character of which has not already been defined by the
catchment council, decide whether such watercourse is a public stream or not;
(iii) report for his information on
(A) the use or waste of water abstracted from any public stream;
(B) the advisability of interference with or the removal of any dam, weir or other structure in
the course of a public stream and, if such interference or removal is recommended, the
compensation, if any, to be paid to any affected person;
(C) any matter arising out of this Act;
(g) on its own motion, terminate any investigation referred to in paragraph (b) or (c);
(h) do anything which may be done by a catchment council in terms of this Act or any other enactment.
(2) In the exercise of any power referred to in subsection (1), a catchment council may
(a) make all such inspections as may be necessary; and
(b) call and take expert advice on any matter; and
(c) without derogation from section 93, revise or cancel any existing permit.
23. Principles to be observed by catchment council in considering applications for permits for use of water
(1) Subject to section 62 and to the priorities in the utilisation and allocation of water set out in an outline
plan in terms of section 13, in considering applications for permits for the use of water, a catchment council shall
(a) in the case of more than one application for the use of the same water, have regard to
(i) the need to achieve, as far as possible, an equitable distribution of the available water
(ii) the needs of each applicant; and
(iii) the likely economic and social benefits of the proposed use;
(b) in granting a permit for the use of water for agricultural purposes, have regard to
(i) the extent and nature of all land, wherever situated, irrigable by the water concerned; and
(ii) the suitability for irrigation of the land concerned; and
(iii) the efficiency of the proposed method or possible methods of using the water concerned;
(c) have regard to the economic aspects of the proposed scheme, undertaking or work;
(d) if the use will result in effluent requiring treatment and disposal, order the applicant to ensure that
the proposed method of treatment and disposal of the effluent complies with Part VI;
(e) take into consideration such matters, other than the matters referred to in paragraphs (a) to (d), as
may appear to be relevant to its investigations.
(2) Subject to this Act, the Minister, after consultation with the National Water Authority and any catchment
council concerned, may prescribe
(a) the matters which shall be taken into account in considering the respective priority of different uses of
water; and
(b) the manner of allocating water between consumers who have competing needs for water; and
(c) the methods of allocating water.
24. Establishment and functions of subcatchment councils
(1) The Minister may, by statutory instrument
(a) establish a subcatchment council for any part of a river system specified in the notice; and
(b) fix the number of members who shall constitute a subcatchment council and the manner in which they
shall be elected; and
(c) assign a name to the subcatchment council.
(2) The Minister may, by a statutory instrument
(a) abolish a subcatchment council; or
(b) alter the area for which a subcatchment council was established; or
(c) alter the membership or the name of a subcatchment council.
(2) A subcatchment council shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its own name and,
subject to this Act, of performing such functions as a body corporate may by law perform.
(3) Subject to this Act and without derogation from the powers of a catchment council, a subcatchment
council shall
(a) regulate and supervise the exercise of rights to water within the area for which it was established;
(b) perform such other functions as may be conferred or imposed upon it in terms of this Act.
(4) With the approval of the Minister, a subcatchment council may
(a) levy rates upon persons who hold permits within the area for which the subcatchment council was
established; and
(b) charge fees for any service rendered by it.
(6) Any rates levied or fees charged by a subcatchment council in terms of subsection (5) shall be held by the
subcathment council in a fund for which proper accounts shall be kept and maintained.
(7) A subcatchment council shall apply the moneys in the fund referred to in subsection (6) on expenses of
the subcatchment council in the performance of its functions.
(8) In the performance of its functions, a subcatchment council may require any holder of a permit within the
area for which it was established to take such steps as it may specify to maintain in efficient repair any water works
connected with his permit.
(9) Any holder of a permit who is aggrieved by a requirement of a subcatchment council in terms of
subsection (8) may, within thirty days of the requirement, appeal to the Administrative Court in terms of Part X.
(10) If any person fails to comply with a requirement in terms of (8) which has not been set aside in terms of
subsection (9), the subcatchment council may itself take the steps concerned and recover the cost of doing so from
such person in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(11) The Minister may, by written notice to the subcatchment council concerned, confer all or any of the
powers of officers upon all or any of the members of the subcatchment council, and may at any time amend or
revoke any such notice.
25. Persons interested in matters before catchment council
(1) Before proceeding to the determination of any matter submitted to it, a catchment council shall satisfy
itself that all persons who, in its opinion, have an interest which is reasonably likely to be adversely affected by the
determination have been duly notified of the proceedings.
(2) Any person who has an interest in the determination of any matter submitted to a catchment council may
(a) appear before the catchment council; and
(b) present such argument or produce such evidence before the catchment council as he thinks fit.
(3) An irrigation company shall, if any matter before a catchment council arises wholly or partly within the
area of the combined water scheme concerned, be taken as having an interest referred to in subsection (2).
26. Costs
The costs payable in respect of any proceedings before a catchment council shall be as prescribed.
27. Orders of catchment council
(1) Subject to this Act, a catchment council may make such award or order on any proceedings brought
before it as it thinks fit.
(2) An award or order of a catchment council
(a) shall be reduced to writing and a copy thereof, certified by the chairman of the catchment council,
shall, if such award or order is made on the hearing and determination of a dispute or application, be
served on each party to the dispute or application, as the case may be; and
(b) shall be binding on each party to the dispute or application concerned, if any, unless the award or
order is set aside on appeal.
(3) An award or order of a catchment council for the payment of a sum of money by a party to a claim,
dispute, appeal or application shall have the same effect as an order of the High Court for such payment unless
such award or order is set aside on appeal:
Provided that an appeal against the decision of a catchment council shall not suspend the decision, order,
award or finding appealed against.
28. Catchment manager
(1) For the day to day management and administration of the affairs of a catchment council, there shall be a
catchment manager who shall be an employee of the National Water Authority.
(2) In the performance of his functions, a catchment manager shall act on the advice of the catchment council
and shall be supervised by the National Water Authority.
(3) A catchment council may delegate to the catchment manager any of its functions imposed upon it in terms
of section 21 or 22.
29. Powers of catchment managers
(1) Subject to this Act, a catchment manager may, if the catchment council is not meeting
(a) on an unopposed application or claim
(i) grant permits for the use of water;
(ii) extend the duration of a temporary permit or provisional permit;
(iii) grant interdicts in respect of matters cognizable by a catchment council;
(iv) cancel existing permits;
(v) subject to section 11 of the Communal Land Act [Chapter 20:04], award servitudes;
(vi) grant an application made in terms of section 41, 46 or 53; and
(b) on an opposed or unopposed application
(i) postpone or further postpone the consideration of the matter;
(ii) cause any investigation which he considers necessary for the determination of the matter to be
carried out;
(iii) authorise the proof of all or any of any facts in a matter by affidavit;
(iv) on such conditions as to costs or otherwise as he thinks fit, authorise an applicant to withdraw
his application:
Provided that a catchment manager may not exercise any of the powers set out in this paragraph
on an opposed application unless the applicant has given notice of his application to the person
opposing the application;
(c) exercise, mutatis mutandis, the powers referred to in sections 22 (1) (f) and (g).
(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Act, the parties to a dispute may, if they so wish, state the dispute in
writing signed by or on behalf of each party and submit the dispute to the catchment manager for consideration and
(3) Any decision made by a catchment manager on a dispute submitted to him in terms of subsection (2) shall
(a) have the same force; and
(b) be subject to appeal in the same manner;
as if it were a decision of a catchment council.
30. Services by National Water Authority to catchment councils
The National Water Authority shall provide secretarial, administrative, clerical and technical services to
catchment councils.
[Section substituted by section 26 of 14 of 2002.]
31. Inspections
(1) Any member of a catchment council may, for the purpose of
(a) enforcing this Act in circumstances where there are reasonable grounds for believing that the search
or entry is necessary for the prevention, investigation or detection of a criminal offence; or
(b) protecting the rights and freedoms of other persons;
at all reasonable times enter upon any land and, after having informed the person who is for the time being in
charge of the land of the purpose of his visit, make such inspection and inquiry as he may consider necessary for
the proper enforcement of this Act.
(2) If any person without just cause refuses to permit a member of a catchment council to conduct any
inspection or inquiry in terms of subsection (1), or hinders or obstructs a member of a catchment council in the
exercise of his powers in terms of subsection (1), he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding
level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(3) In addition to the penalties specified in subsection (2), the refusal, hindering or obstruction of a member
of a catchment council in the exercise of his powers in terms of subsection (1) shall afford a ground for refusing the
grant of any permit in terms of this Act or the rescinding of any existing permit.
(4) A catchment council may delegate its functions in terms of this section to an officer, the catchment
manager or any other employee of the National Water Authority, and subsections (2) and (3) shall apply mutatis
Use of Water
32. Use of water for primary purposes
(1) Subject to section 33 and Part IX, any person may abstract water for primary purposes:
Provided that this subsection shall not be construed as conferring on any person a right, which he would not
otherwise possess, to enter or occupy any land for the purpose of abstracting the water.
(2) A person who intends to construct water storage works capable of storing not more than five thousand
cubic metres of water on a public stream for the storage of water for primary purposes shall in writing notify the
catchment council, every other owner, lessee or occupier of riparian land which is contiguous to the proposed water
storage works that
(a) he intends to construct the proposed water storage works; and
(b) such owner, lessee or occupier may, on payment of an agreed proportion of the cost of construction
and maintenance of the proposed water storage works, participate in the benefit of them.
(3) Any dispute concerning
(a) the quantity of water abstracted, used or stored or the method of abstracting, using or storing water
for primary purposes in terms of subsection (1); or
(b) the cost referred to in subsection (2) (b) or the proportion of such cost to be paid by the respective
owners, lessees or occupiers concerned;
shall be determined by a catchment council.
(4) Notwithstanding this section, no person shall construct in a public stream water storage works capable of
storing more than five thousand cubic metres of water for primary purposes except in terms of a permit issued in
terms of this Part.
33. Power of catchment council to limit quantity of water abstracted for primary purposes
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, a catchment council may, if it thinks it necessary in the
public interest to ensure the equitable distribution and use of water, by notice in the Gazette
(a) a limit the quantity of water which may be abstracted for primary purposes by any person or class of
persons within any area from any source of water;
(b) specify the maximum number of livestock an individual owner is entitled to water for the primary
(2) A person who abstracts water for primary purposes in contravention of a limitation imposed in terms of
subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a
period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
34. Application for permit
(1) No person shall abstract water for any purpose other than primary purposes except in terms of a permit.
(2) An application for a permit shall be made in the prescribed form and lodged, subject to subsection (3),
with the catchment council for the area concerned.
(3) Any person who requires a permit to use water for mining purposes shall lodge with the mining
commissioner of the mining district in which the permit is required an application for the permit.
(4) A mining commissioner with whom an application has been lodged in terms of subsection (4) shall
transmit the application, together with a report thereon by a Government mining engineer, to the appropriate
catchment council.
(5) On an application lodged in terms of this section, a catchment council may, subject to this Act, grant a
permit for the use of water subject to such conditions, including conditions relating to the rate of abstraction of the
water, as it may impose, or may refuse such application.
(6) Before granting an application for a permit relating to water which is being beneficially used by another
person, a catchment council shall require the applicant to pay to the person beneficially using the water concerned
such compensation as may be agreed by the applicant and such person or failing such agreement, as may be fixed
by the catchment council.
(7) A catchment council may, if
(a) compensation is payable to a person deprived wholly or partly of the right to use water for
agricultural or institutional purposes; and
(b) it considers that the deprivation will render the piece of land to which the right relates unsuitable for
the purpose for which it is being used or is bona fide intended to be used immediately prior to the
date of the application;
direct the applicant to purchase the piece of land at such price as may be agreed or, failing such agreement, as may
be fixed by the catchment council.
(8) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of a catchment council in terms of this section may appeal to
the Administrative Court in terms of Part X.
(9) The Minister may, in respect of ground water, exempt any area from any provisions of this section.
35. Authority to sink boreholes for any purpose or wells for purposes other than primary purposes
(1) The written authority of the catchment council to sink, alter or deepen
(a) a borehole for any primary purposes shall be obtained;
(b) a borehole or well for any purposes other than primary purposes shall be obtained before making an
application for a permit in terms of section 34 (1) in respect of ground water.
(2) Within thirty days of the completion of the sinking, altering or deepening of the borehole or well, the
owner or occupier of the land on which the borehole or well has been sunk, altered or deepened shall notify the
catchment council in the prescribed manner of the fact and furnish the council such particulars as may be prescribed,
and, if ground water has been found, the catchment council shall, in the case where an application is made therefor,
issue a permit to the owner or occupier in terms of section 34.
[Section substituted by section 26 of 14 of 2002.]
36. Period of validity of permit
(1) Subject to this Act, a permit shall be valid for a period of twenty years or such shorter or longer period as
a catchment council, with the approval of the Secretary, may fix.
(2) Subject to section 23, on the expiry of the period referred to in subsection (1), a permit may, upon
application in the prescribed form, be renewed for such period as the catchment council may fix.
(3) If, for a continuous period of three years, the holder of a permit
(a) fails to make use of the permit, the catchment council may cancel the permit;
(b) makes partial use of the permit, the catchment council may amend the permit by reducing the
quantity of water allocated under the permit.
(4) Any person who is aggrieved by the decision of a catchment council in terms of this section may, within
thirty days of the decision, appeal to the Administrative Court in terms of Part X.
37. Permits to pass to new owner
A permit shall, on the transfer of the piece of land to which it relates, pass to the new owner of the piece of land
38. Permit not transferable except with consent of council
Subject to section 44 (1), no person shall cede, sell or otherwise alienate a permit except with the consent of
the catchment council concerned, granted after consultation with the Secretary.
39. Minister may direct National Water Authority to apply for permit
(1) Whenever he considers it desirable in the public interest to do so, the Minister may direct the National
Water Authority to apply to a catchment council for a permit
(a) to conserve or use water for any purpose whatsoever;
(b) to construct any water works and to supply, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed with the
Minister, water from such water works to any person requiring the water; and
(c) to acquire any water works or a right to the use of water which has been granted to any person by
virtue of a permit in terms of this Act or any other enactment, whether or not such right is being
beneficially used.
(2) The catchment council may accede to an application in terms of subsection (1) and grant the permit
applied for subject to such conditions as it thinks fit to impose or refuse such application.
(3) Subject to subsection (5), the National Water Authority may
(a) for the purposes of operating, inspecting or maintaining any water works referred to in subsection
(1), enter upon the premises of any person in order to inspect those premises or anything thereon in
order to carry out work connected with any property of the National Water Authority;
(b) take and use gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone, wood and other materials from, or drain, excavate or
tunnel, any land.
(4) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister may acquire any land capable of being irrigated from any water
works referred to in subsection (1)and such other land as he may consider necessary to ensure sound and
economic farming methods to be practised on the land capable of being so irrigated.
(5) Parts III, V and VII of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the
exercise by the National Water Authority of its powers in terms of this section.
(6) Whenever a catchment council has granted to the National Water Authority in terms of this section the
permit to acquire or construct any water works and the National Water Authority has exercised the right granted by
the permit, the sole right to allocate water from the water works shall
(a) vest in the National Water Authority; and
(b) not be subject to control by the catchment council;
notwithstanding that such water may be passed down a public stream from the water works to the consumers of
the water.
(7) Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary entered into before the date of commencement of this
Act concerning the allocation of any water works acquired or constructed by the former Regional Water Authority in
accordance with right granted in terms of any previous enactment, the Minister may, in consultation with the
National Water Authority, authorise the reallocation of any such water in terms of this Act and fix a tariff of charges
in respect of that water.
(8) The Minister or, with the consent of the Minister, the National Water Authority, may
(a) cede to the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority; or
(b) authorise any person to exercise;
any right granted in terms of this section on such conditions as he may fix.
(9) Where a cession is made in terms of subsection (8) (a)
(a) t h e p e r m i t i s s u e d i n t e r m s o f subsection (2) shall be binding on the Agricultural and Rural
Development Authority, in so far as is applicable; and
(b) subsection (6) shall apply, mutatis, mutandis in relation to the right as if the reference to the National
Water Authority in that subsection were a reference to the Agricultural and Rural Development
40. Construction of works necessary for enjoyment of rights to use water
(1) Subject to subsection (2), a person to whom a permit has been granted may abstract from the public
stream, borehole or well concerned such quantity of water as he considers necessary for the construction of works
required for the enjoyment of the right granted under the permit.
(2) Water shall be abstracted in terms of subsection (1) subject to the rights granted to any other person in
terms of this Act or any other enactment.
41. Amendment of permits to abstract, control, divert, store or use water
(1) Subject to section 50 (5), any person to whom a permit has been granted shall, if he wishes
(a) the quantity of water he is authorised to abstract, control, divert, store or use to be amended; or
(b) the point on the course of the public stream concerned from which water is abstracted, controlled,
diverted or used to be amended; or
(c) to abstract, control, divert or use water at an additional point on the course of the public stream
concerned; or
(d) the conditions on which the right to use water was granted to be amended;
lodge with the catchment council an application in the prescribed form for such amendment.
(2) The catchment council may, on an application lodged in terms of subsection (1), grant the application
subject to such conditions as it thinks fit to impose, or refuse the application.
42. Reporting of existing storage works, boreholes and wells
(1) A catchment council may require the owner, lessee or occupier of any land to notify the catchment
manager in writing, within such period as may be specified, of such particulars as the catchment manager may
specify, in respect of any existing storage works, borehole or well on such land.
(2) Any person who fails or refuses to comply with a requirement in terms of subsection (1) shall be guilty of
an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or
to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
43. Records of amount of water abstracted to be maintained
(1) A catchment council may require the holder of a permit issued in terms of this Part
(a) to provide and install a meter or other measuring device for measuring and recording the amount of
water abstracted; and
(b) to submit to the catchment council in the prescribed form at such intervals as the catchment council
may require, returns indicating the amount of water abstracted.
(2) Any officer or other person authorised by a catchment council may inspect any meter or other measuring
device, take readings therefrom and seal such device in order to prevent interference with its working.
(3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
44. Restrictions on cession of right to use water, or sale or use of, water
(1) Subject to section 32 (2), 39 and sections 79 (2) and (3), no person other than
(a) the Minister shall cede a right to use water to any person; or
(b) the Minister, the National Water Authority or a local authority or a body corporate established directly
by any enactment or by an Order in Council made in pursuance of the Rhodesia and Nyasaland Act,
1963, of the United Kingdom shall sell to any person water for the use of which he holds a permit
unless he or it is authorised by the Minister to do so; or
(c) the holder of a right to use water conferred by section 32 (1) or granted in terms of section 34 shall
use water stored by virtue of such right unless authorised to do so by the holder and in terms of a
right to the use of water conferred by or granted in terms of this Act.
(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding
level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
45. Change of course of public stream
(1) Whenever a public stream which forms the boundary between two or more pieces of land changes its
course the boundaries of such pieces of land shall not thereby be changed.
(2) An owner of land may, after a change of course referred to in subsection (1), apply to the catchment
council to fix
(a) on the changed course of the public stream concerned a point or points
(i) to which he shall have a right of access; and
(ii) at which he may take the water; and
(b) the line along which the water of the public stream may be abstracted or diverted.
(3) A catchment council may grant an application made in terms of subsection (2) subject to such conditions
as it thinks fit to impose, or refuse the application.
(4) Whenever a riparian owner has been adversely affected by a change of course referred to in subsection
(1), he may apply to the catchment council for a permit to construct works necessary to restore the public stream
concerned to its former course.
(5) A catchment council may, on an application lodged in terms of subsection (4)
(a) if it is satisfied that the applicant has been adversely affected by the change of course concerned and
subject to any rights lawfully acquired in respect of the changed course of the public stream
concerned, grant the application subject to such conditions, if any, relating to the nature of the works
to be constructed and the time within which the construction shall be completed as it thinks fit to
impose; or
(b) refuse the application.
(6) The Minister may, whenever he thinks it necessary in the public interest to do so, apply or authorise any
other person in writing to apply to the catchment council for the right
(a) to change the course of a public stream; and
(b) to construct such works or to do such acts in and along the course of a public stream, including the
bed and banks thereof, as may be necessary.
(7) A catchment council may grant an application made in terms of subsection (6) subject to such conditions
as it thinks fit to impose, or refuse the application.
(8) A catchment council shall, in determining whether or not to grant an application in terms of subsection (5)
or (7), take into account the extent to which existing permits may be affected by its decision.
(9) A person to whom a right has been granted in terms of subsection (5) or (7) may
(a) exercise all or any of the powers conferred on an officer by section 9 (1); and
(b) acquire, enter, lease or use any land:
Provided that he shall not enter any premises without the consent of the owner, lessee or occupier
thereof; and
(c) take and use gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone, wood and other materials from, or drain, excavate or
tunnel, any land;
to the extent that may be necessary or incidental to the exercise of the right.
(10) Parts III, V and VIII of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the
exercise by a person referred to in subsection (9) of the powers referred to in that subsection.
(11) Whenever the course of a public stream which forms the boundary between two or more pieces of land
is changed in terms of a right granted in terms of this section, subsections (1), (2) a n d (3) shall apply, mutatis
46. Application for permit to conduct operations in public streams
(1) In this section
"Mining Affairs Board" has the meaning given by the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05].
(2) Subject to subsection (5) and to sections 45 (4) t o (11), a person who wishes to conduct operations
which will interfere with
(a) the banks, bed or course of a public stream; or
(b) any marshes, springs, swamps or vleis forming the source, or found along the course, of a public
shall apply to the catchment council for a permit to conduct such operations.
(3) A catchment council may grant an application in terms of subsection (2) subject to such conditions as it
thinks fit to impose, or refuse the application.
(4) A catchment council shall, in determining whether or not to grant an application in terms of subsection
(3), take into account the extent to which existing rights may be affected by its decision.
(5) This section shall not apply to
(a) the construction of water works in terms of a right conferred by or granted in terms of this Act; or
(b) the construction, maintenance or repair of an aqueduct, bridge, culvert, road, crossing or hydrological
station or ancillary works; or
(c) any mining or prospecting operations carried on in terms of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter
21:05] if the Mining Affairs Board certifies to the catchment council that the operations will be carried
on in such manner that there will be no interference with the quality or quantity of water; or
(d) the cultivation or use of wet land as defined in the Natural Resources Act [Chapter 20:13] or the
banks of a public stream if the cultivation or use has been authorised in terms of any regulations
made in terms of section 65 of that Act; or
(e) the abstraction of sand by a riparian owner from any portion of the bed of the public stream
concerned lying within the boundaries of the riparian land of the riparian owner for the purpose of
building operations within such boundaries; or
(f) any activities carried on by or on behalf of the State for the National Railways of Zimbabwe or a road
authority as defined in the Roads Act [Chapter 13:12]; or
(g) a person extracting, with the permission of the appropriate rural district council, sand within
Communal Land for the purpose of building operations therein.
(6) A person aggrieved by a decision of the Mining Affairs Board in terms of subsection (5) (c) may appeal to
the Administrative Court in terms of Part X against the decision.
47. Consent of Minister to be obtained for water storage works of certain size
(1) Subject to Part IX, no person shall apply for a permit to construct in a public stream water works capable
of storing in excess of five million cubic metres of water or abstracting more than one hundred litres of water per
second without first obtaining the consent in writing of the Minister.
(2) On an application for the consent referred to in subsection (1), the Minister may, if he thinks it desirable
in the public interest to do so, grant his consent subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose, or refuse the
(3) If the Minister has imposed conditions in granting the consent referred to in subsection (1), t h e
catchment council shall, in granting the permit to construct water storage works referred to in that subsection,
make the conditions binding on the person to whom the permit is granted.
(4) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
48. Safeguarding interests of occupants of Communal Land
(1) The Minister shall, in exercising the powers conferred on him by this Act, have due regard to the interests
of occupants of Communal Land.
(2) The Minister responsible for the administration of the Communal land Act [Chapter 20:04] may nominate
any fit person to represent the interests of the occupants of any Communal land before the catchment council on
the hearing of
(a) any matter affecting the water supply of the Communal Land; or
(b) any claim for the grant of a servitude in terms of Part VIII over any portion of Communal Land.
49. Decisions of catchment council affecting water supply for primary purposes in Communal Land
Whenever an order or other decision of a catchment council in respect of an application for a permit to use
water for an irrigation scheme or any other matter is likely, in the opinion of the catchment council, substantially to
affect the supply of water for primary purposes of the occupants of any Communal Land, the order or other decision
shall not take effect unless the approval of the Minister responsible for the administration of the Communal Land Act
[Chapter 20:04], has first been obtained.
50. Grant of final, provisional or temporary permits
(1) A catchment council may grant a provisional permit or a temporary permit to use water for such period
and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the provisional permit or temporary permit.
(2) A person who wishes the period for which a provisional permit or temporary permit was granted to him to
be extended may lodge with the catchment council an application for such an extension.
(3) On an application in terms of subsection (2), a catchment council may extend the period for which the
provisional permit or temporary permit concerned was granted for such further period or periods as it thinks fit, or
refuse to make such an extension.
(4) On the expiry of the period for which a provisional permit was granted, the holder of the provisional
permit shall, if he has not already done so, forthwith submit to the catchment council a report issued by the
catchment manager certifying whether or not the conditions imposed on the grant of the provisional permit have
been fulfilled.
(5) If the catchment manager certifies that the conditions of the provisional permit have
(a) been fulfilled, the catchment council shall issue a final permit on such conditions as it may fix; or
(b) been partially fulfilled so as to permit partial use of the provisional permit concerned, the catchment
council shall notify the holder of the provisional permit that he may lodge an application in terms of
subsection (6), and of the consequences of his failure to do so; or
(c) not been fulfilled or partially fulfilled, the catchment council may record the provisional permit as
having lapsed.
(6) If the holder of a provisional permit referred to in subsection (5) (b)
(a) within a period of ninety days of being notified by the catchment council in terms of that paragraph or
such longer period as it may authorise, lodges with the catchment council an application for the
extension of the period of his provisional permit or for a final permit to the extent of the partial use so
certified, the catchment council may
(i) extend the period of the provisional permit on such conditions as it thinks fit; or
(ii) issue a final permit to the extent of the partial use certified in terms of subsection (4); or
(iii) refuse to extend the period of the provisional permit or to issue a final permit and record the
provisional permit as having lapsed.
(7) If the holder of a provisional permit does not, within a period of ninety days of the expiry of the period
fixed for the fulfilment of the conditions imposed on the grant of a provisional permit or such longer period as the
catchment council may authorise in terms of subsection (3), submit to the catchment council the report referred to in
subsection (4), the catchment council may record the provisional permit as having lapsed.
(8) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the catchment council may
(a) on the application of the holder of a provisional permit, record the provisional permit as having
(b) extend the period for which
(i) a provisional permit which has been recorded in terms of this section as having lapsed; or
(ii) a temporary permit which has expired;
was granted as if such provisional right or temporary right had not been so recorded or had not
expired, as the case may be.
51. Certain permits to enjoy preference over other rights to use water
(1) No permits granted by a catchment council, other than permits for the use of water granted to a local
authority for primary purposes, shall have the effect of depriving
(a) persons of the use of water for primary purposes; or
(b) an owner of land on which there is a permanent pool of the use for primary purposes of water in the
permanent pool.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) (b)
"permanent pool" means a pool
(a) in which water is normally present; and
(b) which is in a portion of a public stream which does not form a boundary between two or more pieces
of land;
but does not include a pool from which water flows visibly on to, or into which water flows visibly from, some
other piece of land otherwise than as a direct result of rainfall.
52. Disposal of water after use
(1) Subject to the conditions imposed on the grant of a permit for the use of the water concerned and to
subsection (2), water which has been used for electrical purposes, mining purposes or miscellaneous purposes shall
be allowed to return to the bed of the public stream from which it was abstracted at the nearest convenient point.
(2) A person who has abstracted water for any of the purposes referred to in subsection (1) o v e r a
watershed or from a borehole or well shall return any water which he has used or which is surplus to his
requirements in terms of a right conferred by or granted in terms of this Act
(a) to the public stream from which it was abstracted; or
(b) to a public stream, specified by the catchment council at a point fixed by the catchment council.
(3) Part VI shall apply to water returned to a public stream in terms of this section.
(4) A person who wishes to use any water during the course of its return to a public stream in terms of this
section may lodge with the catchment council an application for a permit so to use the water.
(5) On an application in terms of subsection (4), the catchment council may grant the application subject to
such conditions as it may impose, or refuse the application.
53. Allocation or apportionment of rights to use water on consolidation or subdivision of land
(1) Whenever a piece of land in respect of which a permit has been granted is to be consolidated with
another piece of land or subdivided, the owner of the firstmentioned piece of land shall, prior to the consolidation,
lodge with the catchment council an application for the allocation, apportionment or revision of the permit.
(2) On an application in terms of subsection (1), the catchment council may grant the application and make
an allocation, apportionment or revision subject to such conditions as it may impose, or refuse the application.
(3) The catchment council may, whenever
(a) there is a consolidation or subdivision of land to which, prior to the consolidation or subdivision, a
permit existed; and
(b) no application is lodged in terms of subsection (1) for the allocation or apportionment of the right
referred to in paragraph (a);
of its own motion or on the application of an interested party allocate or apportion the right referred to in
paragraph (a).
(4) In considering an application lodged in terms of subsection (1) or an allocation or apportionment in terms
of subsection (3), the catchment council shall have due regard to
(a) the economic aspects of the application and the soil conditions of the land concerned; and
(b) the need to achieve, as far as possible, an equitable distribution of the available water resources;
(c) any other matter which appears to the catchment council to be relevant;
and may revise any permit for the use of the water concerned.
54. Rights to use water when volume thereof insufficient to satisfy demand
Whenever the volume of water in any river system or part thereof for the use of which permits have been
granted proves insufficient to satisfy all the permits, the catchment council shall, subject to section 41, revise,
reallocate or reapportion the permits upon such conditions and in such manner as will ensure the equitable
distribution and use of the available water.
55. Responsibility for maintenance of water works
(1) The holder of any permit shall maintain in efficient repair all water works connected with the permit.
(2) If a permit
(a) is relinquished by the holder thereof; or
(b) is cancelled by the catchment council; or
(c) lapses;
the owner of the land on which any water works connected with the permit exist shall maintain such water works in
efficient repair, unless authorised in writing by the catchment council to breach or demolish them.
(3) Any person who
(a) contravenes subsection (1); or
(b) breaches or demolishes any water works connected with a permit to use water without the authority
referred to in subsection (2);
shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(4) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting the breaching or demolishing of any water works
in pursuance of an order or variation thereof
(a) which is referred to in section 28 (6) (c) of the Natural Resources Act [Chapter 20:13]; and
(b) to which the Secretary has consented.
56. Reservation of areas likely to be required for dam basins or dam sites
(1) Subject to section 18 (3), the Minister may, in consultation with the catchment council concerned,
whenever he considers it necessary in the public interest to do so, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper
circulating in the area concerned, reserve any area comprising a potential dam basin or a potential dam site or both
against any one or more of the following
(a) subdivision in terms of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12];
(b) the construction of permanent improvements therein or thereon;
(c) the carrying on of any activity which may have the effect of
(i) enhancing the value of any land in such area; or
(ii) interfering with
(A) such dam basin or dam site or both;
(B) any water works that may be constructed in the future; in such area:
Provided that the Minister shall not reserve any area against the carrying on of any
prospecting or mining activity except with the consent of the Minister responsible for the
administration of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05].
(2) A notice referred to in subsection (1) shall specify
(a) the area reserved in terms of that subsection; and
(b) the acts against the doing of which the area referred to in paragraph (a) is reserved.
(3) The Minister shall by registered letter give notice of a reservation in terms of subsection (1) to every
owner, lessee or occupier of land in the area in respect of which the reservation is made.
(4) Publication in the Gazette of a notice referred to in subsection (1) shall have the effect of prohibiting the
doing of the acts specified in such notice on the land in the area reserved in terms of that subsection:
Provided that the Minister may, on such conditions as he may impose, permit such use of the land as he sees
(5) The Minister shall, subject to subsection (6), pay compensation to any person who is injuriously affected
by a reservation made in terms of subsection (1).
(6) Any person who wishes to claim compensation payable in terms of subsection (5) shall, within sixty days
from the date of publication of the notice referred to in subsection (1) or such longer period as the Minister may, on
good cause shown allow, submit a claim in writing to the Minister specifying in detail the nature of the loss or
damage caused to him by the reservation concerned.
(7) If the claimant for compensation and the Minister cannot agree on the right to compensation or the
amount of compensation payable in terms of subsection (5), e i t h e r o f t h e m m a y r e f e r t h e m a t t e r t o t h e
Administrative Court and Parts V and VIII of the Land Acquisition Act [Chapter 20:10] shall apply, mutatis mutandis,
in respect of such matter.
(8) The Minister may permit such use of the land in the area reserved in terms of subsection (1) a s h e
considers appropriate.
(9) The Minister shall cause
(a) the area reserved in terms of subsection (1) to be surveyed and beaconed by a land surveyor as
defined in the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12]; and
(b) survey diagrams of the area referred to in paragraph (a) to be prepared.
(10) As soon as possible after survey diagrams have been prepared in terms of subsection (9), the Minister
shall lodge
(a) two copies thereof with the Registrar of Deeds; and
(b) one copy thereof with the Director of Physical Planning.
(11) Subject to subsection (14), the Registrar of Deeds shall, on the lodging with him of survey diagrams in
terms of subsection (10), note the reservation concerned on the title deeds of the pieces of land affected thereby
and in the appropriate registers.
(12) A note made in terms of subsection (11) shall not prevent the transfer of the land concerned.
(13) The Minister, in consultation with the catchment council concerned may, at any time, by notice in the
(a) modify a reservation made in terms of subsection (1) and this section shall apply, mutatis mutandis,
to such modification; or
(b) withdraw a reservation made in terms of subsection (1) and cause the Registrar of Deeds and the
Director of Physical Planning to be informed of the withdrawal.
(14) The Registrar of Deeds shall, on the lodging with him of survey diagrams in terms of subsection (10)
relating to a modified reservation or on being informed in terms of subsection (13) o f t h e w i t h d r a w a l o f a
reservation made in terms of subsection (1), cause the note made in terms of subsection (11) to be altered or
cancelled accordingly.
(15) If in terms of subsection (13) the Minister modifies or withdraws a reservation made in terms of
subsection (1), the Minister shall reassess any compensation payable to any person in terms of subsection (5) o r
(8) and subsections (5) to (8) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to such reassessment.
(16) If a person does on any land in an area reserved in terms of subsection (1) any act the doing of which
is prohibited in terms of subsection (4), the Minister may by notice in writing, direct the person to restore the land,
at his own expense within such period as is specified in the notice, to the condition in which it was immediately
before the doing of the act.
(17) If a person against whom a direction has been made in terms of subsection (16) fails to comply with the
direction within the period specified in the notice concerned, the Minister may cause to be carried out such work as
may be necessary to restore the land concerned to the condition in which it was immediately before the doing of
the act concerned and recover from the person by action in a court of competent jurisdiction the cost of the work.
(18) Section 39 shall apply to any land which is acquired for the construction of any water works while the
area within which the land is situated is reserved in terms of subsection (1).
(19) If the powers conferred by this section are exercised at the request of the National Water Authority or
the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority, any compensation payable in terms of or costs incurred in
complying with this section shall, subject to any right of recovery in terms of subsection (17), be paid from the funds
of the National Water Authority or the Agricultural and Rural Development Authority, as the case may be.
(20) Any person who
(a) on any land in an area reserved in terms of subsection (1), does anything which is prohibited in terms
of subsection (4); or
(b) fails to comply with a direction in terms of subsection (16);
shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection substituted by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
57. Reservation of water
(1) Subject to section 18 (4) and to this section, the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette a n d i n a
newspaper circulating in the area concerned
(a) reserve for an indefinite period for future use any specified quantity of water from, or a portion of, the
potential yield or total annual runoff of any catchment area; or
(b) amend the quantity or portion reserved for future use in terms of paragraph (a) or withdraw the
reservation subject to such conditions as the Minister may specify in such notice:
Provided that such reservation or amendment shall take into account any existing outline plans or
(2) A permit which would have the effect of reducing the specified quantity of water from, or portion of, the
potential yield or total annual runoff reserved for future use in terms of subsection (1) shall not be granted by a
catchment council to any person other than the Minister:
Provided that the Minister may authorise the catchment council to grant temporary permits for the use of the
water so reserved on such conditions as he may specify.
(3) The Minister shall publish a notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned
stating his intention to make a reservation or amendment in terms of subsection (1) and the purpose for which the
reservation or amendment is intended to be made.
(4) Any interested person may, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of a notice in terms
of subsection (3), lodge with the Secretary objections or representations in writing, together with a full statement
of the grounds for, and technical data and evidence supporting, the objections or representations.
(5) If no objections or representations referred to in subsection (4) have been lodged within the period
referred to in that subsection, the Minister may act in terms of subsection (1).
(6) If objections or representations referred to in subsection (4) have been lodged within the period referred
to in that subsection, the Minister shall, after considering the objections or representations
(a) act or decline to act, as the case may be, in terms of subsection (1); or
(b) refer the objections or representations to the catchment council or a person appointed in writing by
the Minister for investigation and recommendation.
(7) The catchment council or a person appointed in terms of subsection (6) (b) shall, on receipt of the
objections or representations concerned, investigate them and make a recommendation to the Minister.
(8) The Minister shall pay due regard to any recommendation made in terms of subsection (7) before acting
in terms of subsection (1).
(9) If the Minister has published a notice in terms of subsection (3), no application for a right to use water
lodged with the catchment council concerned after the date of such publication, which application would, if it were
granted, have the effect of reducing the quantity or portion of water intended to be reserved, shall be considered
by the catchment council until the Minister has acted or declined to act in terms of subsection (1).
58. Water development restriction areas
(1) Subject to this section, if the Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and in
consultation with the catchment council concerned, is of the opinion that the use of water in any catchment area is
approaching the limit of the potential of the catchment area and that it is necessary or desirable in the public
interest to make a declaration in terms of this section, he may, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper
circulating in the area concerned declare the area to be a water development restriction area.
(2) The Minister may at any time, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area
concerned, amend the boundaries of a water development restriction area, and this section shall apply, mutatis
mutandis, to any such amendment.
(3) No permit shall be granted by a catchment council in a water development restriction area:
Provided that
(i) the Minister may authorise a catchment council to grant such permits to develop water resources in a
water development restriction area as he may specify;
(ii) this subsection shall not apply to application referred to in section 39 (1).
(4) The Minister shall publish a notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned
stating his intention to declare or to amend the boundaries of the water development restriction area and the
purpose for which such declaration or amendment is intended to be made.
(5) Any interested person may, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of a notice in terms
of subsection (4), lodge with the Secretary objections or representations, together with a full statement of the
grounds for, and technical data and evidence supporting, the objections or representations.
(6) If no objections or representations referred to in subsection (5) have been lodged within the period
referred to in that subsection, the Minister may act in terms of subsection (1).
(7) If objections or representations referred to in subsection (5) have been lodged within the period referred
to in that subsection, the Minister shall, after considering the objections or representations
(a) act or decline to act, as the case may be, in terms of subsection (1); or
(b) refer the objections or representations to the catchment council, authority or person appointed in
writing by the Minister for investigation and recommendation.
(8) A catchment council or the authority or person in terms of subsection (6) (b) shall, on receipt of the
objections or representations concerned, investigate them and make recommendations to the Minister.
(9) The Minister shall pay due regard to any recommendation made in terms of subsection (8) before acting
in terms of subsection (1).
(10) If the Minister has published a notice in terms of subsection (4), no application for a permit in the
intended water development restriction area lodged with the catchment council after the date of the notice shall be
considered by the catchment council concerned until the Minister has acted or decided not to act in terms of
subsection (1).
59. Investigation of use of water by National Water Authority
The National Water Authority
(a) shall, when required to do so by the Minister, investigate and report to him on the abstraction,
appropriation, control, diversion or use of water in any catchment area;
(b) may, at its own instance, investigate the abstraction, appropriation, control, diversion or use of water
in any area and thereafter direct the catchment council to issue, cancel or revise any permit issued in
terms of this Part in the area concerned.
60. Conferring of powers of catchment councils on urban councils
The Minister may, after consultation with the Minister responsible for local government and the urban council
concerned, and after considering the financial resources available to that council
(a) subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose, confer on the urban council any of the powers of
a catchment council in terms of this Part; and
(b) amend or withdraw the powers conferred in terms of paragraph (a).
Water Shortage Areas
61. Declaration of water shortage areas
(1) If the Minister, acting on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and in consultation with the
catchment council concerned, is of the opinion that
(a) the flow of water in any public stream has at any time ceased or if the flow of water or the level of
water in the storage works has fallen or is likely to fall below the level of the usual flow or acceptable
level of storage works in the public stream; or
(b) it appears that the abstraction of water from boreholes and wells in any area is likely to diminish
unduly the ground water resources in the area or affect adversely the flow of any surface water in
any public stream;
he may, by notice in the Gazette, declare any area specified in the notice to be a water shortage area for such
period, not exceeding twelve months, as may be specified in the notice.
(2) The Minister may, in consultation with the catchment council concerned, by notice in the Gazette, cancel a
declaration made in terms of subsection (1).
62. Powers of catchment council in respect of water shortage areas
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, a catchment council may, in respect of a water shortage
area within its area
(a) suspend or amend any permits; or
(b) make orders in relation to the abstraction, appropriation, control, diversion or use of any water; or
(c) upon an order of the Administrative Court on application by a catchment council, authorise the
Minister or any other person to enter on any land for the purpose of
(i) abstracting water from any storage works, borehole, well or mine on the land;
(ii) sinking boreholes and wells on the land and abstracting water therefrom and conserving,
diverting or using such water;
for such purposes and in such quantities as the catchment council may authorise, and may make all
such other orders as may be necessary in relation to subparagraph (i) and (ii); or
(d) determine the priority in the use of water in the water shortage area.
(2) Any action taken or order made in terms of subsection (1) shall lapse
(a) after such period as the catchment council may determine; or
(b) after the expiry of the period for which the area was declared a water shortage area; or
(c) on the cancellation of the declaration of the water shortage area concerned;
whichever is the earliest.
(3) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of a catchment council in terms of this section may appeal to
the Administrative Court in terms of Part X.
63. Sinking, deepening or altering of boreholes and wells in water shortage areas restricted
(1) No person shall, in a water shortage area, commence to sink, deepen or alter a borehole or well for any
purpose otherwise than in accordance with a permit issued by the catchment council, and the provisions of Part IV
relating to boreholes and wells shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding level six or to imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
64. Maximum volume and rate of abstraction of water in water shortage areas
(1) Subject to section 63 and on the recommendation of the National Water Authority, a catchment council
may, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned, fix a maximum volume of water
which may be abstracted from any public stream or storage works and the maximum rate per month at which water
may be abstracted from any borehole or well in a water shortage area.
(2) The rate or volume referred to in subsection (1) may be fixed in relation to the area of land owned by any
person in the water shortage area concerned or to any other circumstance which the catchment council considers
relevant to the fixing of such rate or volume.
(3) Subject to subsection (11), no person shall, after the publication of a notice referred to in subsection (1),
in any month abstract water from any public stream, storage works, borehole or well in the water shortage area
concerned at a rate exceeding the maximum rate fixed in terms of subsection (1).
(4) A catchment council may cause to be investigated the use being made of water in a water shortage area,
and may, after having given the owner or occupier of land on which the public stream, water works, borehole or
well is located not less than fourteen days' notice of its intention to do so, amend the conditions of, or suspend, any
permit relating to any such water.
(5) Any person who
(a) abstracts or desires to abstract water within a water shortage area for the purpose of his occupation
or trade; or
(b) has carried out water conservation measures or works, the nature and extent of which are approved
by the catchment council and which are likely to result in an improvement in the water resources in a
water shortage area;
may apply to the catchment council for a permit to abstract water within the water shortage area at a rate higher
than the maximum rate fixed in terms of subsection (1).
(6) A local authority may, whether the area under the jurisdiction of the local authority is within or outside a
water shortage area, apply to the catchment council concerned for a permit to abstract water within a water
shortage area at a rate higher than the maximum rate fixed in terms of subsection (1).
(7) The catchment council may, on an application in terms of subsection (5) or (6)
(a) issue a permit authorising the abstraction of water at a rate higher than the maximum rate fixed in
terms of subsection (1), subject to such conditions as it thinks fit to impose; or
(b) refuse the application.
(8) Any person to whom a permit has been issued to sink, deepen or alter a borehole or well in a water
shortage area may, in the course of sinking, deepening or altering, abstract ground water at a rate higher than the
maximum rate fixed in terms of subsection (1).
(9) Any person who is aggrieved by
(a) the maximum rate of abstraction of water fixed in terms of subsection (1) may, within a period of
thirty days from the date of publication of the notice referred to in that subsection; or
(b) any decision of a catchment council in terms of subsection (7) may, within a period of thirty days from
the date of such decision;
appeal to the Administrative Court in terms of Part X.
(10) On an appeal in terms of subsection (9)
(a) r e l a t i n g t o t h e m a x i m u m r a t e o f a b s t r a c t i o n o f w a t e r f i x e d i n t e r m s o f subsection (1), t h e
Administrative Court may direct the catchment council to amend the rate or may confirm it; or
(b) relating to any decision of the catchment council in terms of subsection (7), the Administrative Court
may direct the catchment council
(i) to issue or reissue the permit applied for, subject to such conditions as the Administrative Court
may specify in such direction; or
(ii) to refuse the application concerned.
(11) Any person who contravenes subsection (3) shall be guilty of an offence and liable a fine not exceeding
level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
65. Measuring and recording of water abstracted in water shortage areas
(1) A catchment council may, by notice in writing served on the person concerned, require any person who is
abstracting water in a water shortage area for any purpose
(a) to provide and install a meter or other measuring device for measuring and recording the amount of
water abstracted; and
(b) to submit at such intervals as may be specified in the notice and in the prescribed manner, returns of
the water so abstracted.
(2) An officer or any person authorised by the catchment council may read and inspect any meter or other
measuring device installed in terms of subsection (1) and seal such device in order to prevent interference with its
(3) Any person who fails to comply with a requirement in terms of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence
and liable to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
66. Minister may authorise delegation of powers under this Part to local authorities
The Minister may, after consultation with the local authority concerned and the Minister responsible for local
government and after considering the financial resources available to such local authority, by notice in the Gazette
(a) authorise the delegation of any of the powers conferred on a catchment council by this Part to a local
authority subject to such conditions as he thinks fit to impose; and
(b) amend or withdraw the powers delegated to a local authority in terms of paragraph (a).
Water Quality Control and Environmental Protection
67. Water resource management to be consistent with environmental approaches
Without in any way limiting the generality section 6 (2) (b), in considering, formulating and implementing any
proposal for the use, management or exploitation of water resources, due consideration shall be given to
(a) the protection, conservation and sustenance of the environment; and
(b) the right of access by members of the public to places of leisure or natural beauty related to water or
water bodies.
6871 . . . . . .
[Sections 6871 repealed by section 142 of 13 of 2002.]
Servitudes in Respect of Water
72. Interpretation in Part VII
In this Part
"interested party" means every owner of, and every holder of a real right in or lease of, land within the area on
or over which a servitude is claimed in terms of section 74;
"permanent servitude" means a servitude other than a temporary servitude;
"real right" means a real right registered in terms of the Deeds Registries Act [Chapter 20:15] or the Mines and
Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05];
"servitude" means a servitude of abutment, a servitude of passage, a servitude of purification or a servitude of
"servitude of abutment" means the right to occupy and use by means of water works, and the necessary
appurtenances and structures, the banks or bed of a public stream or land adjacent thereto or any other land
belonging to another and includes the right of access to and over the area subject to such right of occupation and
use, after giving such notice as is reasonable in the circumstances to the occupier thereof, for the purpose of
constructing, inspecting, maintaining and operating the water works and the necessary appurtenances and
structures concerned or for any other purpose necessary for the effective enjoyment of the rights referred to in
this definition;
"servitude of passage" means the right to occupy and use so much land belonging to another as may be
necessary for or incidental or the passage of water and includes the right
(a) to construct such water works as may be necessary for such passage on such land and over, under
or alongside other water works or to enlarge and extend existing water works; and
(b) of access to and over the area subject to such right of occupation and use, after giving such notice as
is reasonable in the circumstances to the occupier thereof, for the purpose of constructing, inspecting,
maintaining and operating water works referred to in paragraph (a) or for any other purpose
necessary for the effective enjoyment of the rights referred to in this definition;
"servitude of purification" means the right to occupy and use so much land belonging to another as may be
necessary for or incidental to the filtration and purification of water and processes incidental thereto and includes
the right
(a) to construct such water works as may be necessary for such filtration and purification; and
(b) of access to and over the area subject to such right or occupation and use, after giving such notice as
is reasonable in the circumstances to the occupier thereof for the purpose of constructing, inspecting,
maintaining and operating water works referred to in paragraph (a) or for any other purpose
necessary for the effective enjoyment of the rights referred to in this definition;
"servitude of storage" means the right to occupy and use land belonging to another by inundating it with water
by means of water storage works, together with such land
(a) contiguous to the land so inundated as may be required to be occupied and used by the holder of the
servitude of storage for the purpose of preventing the pollution of the water stored by or in the
water storage works; and
(b) adjacent to or near the land so inundated as may be required to be occupied and used for the
purpose of passage, after giving such notice as is reasonable in the circumstances to the occupier
thereof, for the purpose of cleansing and maintaining the water storage works or for any other
purpose necessary for the effective enjoyment of the rights referred to in this definition;
"temporary servitude" means a servitude with a duration of
(a) a fixed number of years; or
(b) the period for which it is used for the purpose for which it is granted, with or without further
specification of such duration.
73. Acquisition of servitudes otherwise than in terms of Part VIII
Nothing in this Part shall be construed as preventing any person from acquiring in accordance with any other
law a servitude required in connection with any water works.
74. Certain persons may claim servitudes and enter on land
(1) Subject to this Part, any person
(a) who holds a permit; or
(b) who is entitled to control or supervise the use of any water; or
(c) to whom the Minister, the National Water Authority or the Agricultural and Rural Development
Authority has agreed to supply water from any water works acquired or constructed or to be acquired
and constructed by the Minister, the National Water Authority or the Agricultural and Rural
Development Authority;
may, in terms of section 75, claim a permanent or temporary servitude.
(2) Any person who wishes to claim a permanent or temporary servitude in terms section 75 may, after
giving such notice as is reasonable in the circumstances to the occupier of the land concerned, enter upon the
premises, other than a dwellinghouse thereon, for the purpose of obtaining the information required for compliance
with that section.
75. Method of claiming servitudes
(1) Subject to this Part, a servitude shall be claimed by serving on every interested party notice in writing
(a) requesting the servitude, which request shall specify
(i) the locality and nature of any water works which it is proposed to construct; or
(ii) the line of passage along which water is to be conducted or the locality in which water is to be
stored or both such line and such locality; and
(iii) the duration of the proposed servitude; and
(iv) the quantity of gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone or wood, if any, required from the land concerned
for the purpose of constructing water works or works incidental thereto; and
(v) that it is intended to register the proposed servitude against the title deeds of the land
concerned; and
(vi) that any agreement to such claim is required to be in writing;
(b) inviting him, if he wishes to seek compensation in respect of any loss or deprivation of rights likely to
result from the grant of the proposed servitude, to submit to the claimant, within a period of sixty
days from the date of service of the notice or such longer period as a president of the Administrative
Court may for good and sufficient reason allow, a statement in writing specifying in detail the nature
of the loss or deprivation of rights likely to be caused to the interested party as a result of the grant.
(2) If an interested party referred to in subsection (1)
(a) does not, within a period of sixty days from the date of service of the notice referred to in that
subsection or such longer period as a president of the Administrative Court may for good and
sufficient reason have allowed
(i) agree in writing to the request referred to in paragraph (a) of that subsection for the registration
of the proposed servitude against the title deeds of the land concerned; or
(ii) agree in writing with the claimant on the right to compensation, if any, or the amount of
compensation payable by the claimant or both, as the case may be; or
(b) lacks full legal capacity to agree to the request referred to in paragraph (a) of that subsection;
the claimant shall lodge with the Registrar his claim or the issue of compensation or both his claim and the issue of
76. Rights, privileges and obligations of interested parties at hearings of claims or issues of compensation
An interested party shall
(a) have the right to appear as a party before the Administrative Court on the hearing of a claim or an
issue of compensation or both; and
(b) if he appears in terms of paragraph (a)
(i) have all the privileges belonging to; and
(ii) be subject to all the obligations which are or may be imposed on a party to proceedings before
the Administrative Court.
77. Powers of Administrative Court in regard to claims or issues of compensation
(1) Subject to this section, the Administrative Court may, on a claim lodged in terms of section 75 (2)
(a) grant the servitude claimed, with or without modifications and subject to such conditions as it thinks
fit; or
(b) dismiss the claim on the ground that
(i) the servitude claimed does not fall within this Part; or
(ii) the object for which the servitude is claimed
(A) could better be attained by other means; or
(B) is not of sufficient agricultural or other utility to justify the acquisition of the proposed
servitude; or
(iii) the claim is not made in good faith; or
(iv) the water works concerned are likely to cause more loss or damage or interference with
development in the area concerned than would be justified by the benefits that would be derived
and shall dismiss the claim if, in the case of a servitude referred to in section 11 of the Communal
Land Act [Chapter 20:04], the Minister responsible for the administration of that Act has not
consented to the granting of the servitude claimed or a condition fixed by that Minister in giving his
consent cannot be made binding on the claimant.
(2) Subject to this section, the Administrative Court may, on an issue of compensation lodged in terms of
section 75 (2), award or refuse to award compensation to the interested party concerned in respect of any loss or
deprivation of rights likely to result from the grant of the proposed servitude.
(3) Whenever any diagram showing the land affected by, and the situation thereon of, the servitude claimed
is sought to be adduced or received in evidence at the hearing of a claim or issue of compensation lodged in terms
of section 75 (2) or of both the claim and the issue, the diagram shall not be admissible in evidence before the
Administrative Court unless it has been prepared in accordance with the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12].
(4) Compensation awarded by the Administrative Court in terms of subsection (2) in respect of a proposed
(a) temporary servitude shall not exceed an annual sum equal to the amount by which the rental value of
the land affected by the temporary servitude is diminished; or
(b) permanent servitude shall not exceed a sum equal to the amount by which the market value of the
land affected by the servitude is diminished;
together with an amount representing compensation for any expense or loss which may reasonably be incurred or
suffered directly as a result of the grant of the temporary servitude or permanent servitude, as the case may be.
(5) In subsection (4) (b)
"marketvalue" means the market value of the land affected by the proposed servitude immediately prior to the
service of the appropriate notice referred to in subsection 75 (1), which value shall be taken to be the amount
which the land would have realised if sold on the open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer, regard being
had, when appropriate, to the nature of the land, its location and quality and any other fact which may, in the
circumstances, be relevant.
78. Rights of owners of land subject to servitudes of passage
(1) The owner of land subject to a servitude of passage may pass along the water works concerned any
water to which he is entitled on
(a) payment of such proportion of the cost of constructing, enlarging, maintaining or repairing the water
works; and
(b) such other conditions;
as may be agreed or, failing agreement, as may be fixed by the Administrative Court:
Provided that, if the servitude of passage has been acquired by
(a) the State or a local authority; or
(b) any statutory body
(i) established or reestablished directly by or under any enactment; and
(ii) empowered or required by the enactment referred to in subparagraph (i) to acquire the servitude
of passage;
the owner shall not be entitled so to participate in the benefit of the water works.
(2) A person who in terms of this Part constructs water works for the passage of water, which water works
(a) prevent any owner of land from passing freely over or on to his land; or
(b) obstruct the free circulation of water in the drainage or irrigation of any land or interfere with any
mining operations thereon;
shall construct, maintain and repair
(i) such bridges and other works as will make it convenient and safe to pass over or on to the land
referred to in paragraph (a); or
(ii) such aqueducts, culverts and other works as are necessary to secure the free circulation of water
referred to in paragraph (b) or prevent interference with the mining referred to in that paragraph;
unless he is exempted from the duty to do so by agreement or otherwise.
(3) In exercising a servitude of passage across a road, the holder of the servitude of passage shall, after
having obtained the consent of the road authority concerned, construct, maintain and repair such works as will
prevent inconvenience or danger to members of the public using the road in accordance with the instructions of the
(4) In subsection (3)
"road" and "road authority" have the respective meanings given by section 3 of the Roads Act [Chapter 13:12].
79. Rights of owners of land subject to servitudes of storage
(1) Subject to any agreement or award by which the servitude concerned was acquired, a servitude of
storage shall not deprive the owner, lessee or occupier of the land subject to the servitude of the use of any part of
the land, whether submerged or unsubmerged:
Provided that such use is not detrimental to the enjoyment of the servitude of storage
(2) The holder of a servitude of storage shall, before commencing the construction of the water storage
works concerned, notify the owner of the land subject to the servitude of storage in writing of
(a) his intention to construct the water storage works; and
(b) the provisions of subsection (3).
(3) The owner of land subject to a servitude of storage may, before the construction of the water storage
works concerned is commenced and on
(a) payment to the holder of the servitude of storage of such share of the costs of constructing,
enlarging, maintaining or repairing the water storage works; and
(b) fulfilment of such conditions, other than the payment referred to in paragraph (a);
as may be agreed or, failing agreement, as may be fixed by the Administrative Court, participate in the benefit of
the water storage works in proportion to the share of the cost:
Provided that, if the servitude of storage has been acquired by
(a) the State or a local authority; or
(b) any statutory body
(i) established or reestablished directly by or under an enactment, including; and
(ii) empowered or required by the enactment referred to in subparagraph (i) to acquire the servitude
of storage;
the owner shall not be entitled so to participate in the benefit of such water storage works.
80. Rights included in servitudes
(1) Every servitude shall include a right to take gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone or wood from the land subject
to the servitude for the purpose of maintaining or repairing any water works thereon on payment to the owner of
such land of such compensation as may be agreed or, failing agreement, as may be fixed by the Administrative
Provided that no gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone or wood shall be taken from
(a) within a distance of five hundred metres of any afforested or cultivated lands, premises or other
structures, mining works or quarries; or
(b) forest land as defined in the Forest Act [Chapter 19:05];
without the permission of the owner thereof.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1), the Administrative Court
(a) may, if it considers that the permission of the owner concerned is being unreasonably withheld,
authorise the taking of gravel, rock, sand, soil, stone or wood from
(i) within the distance referred to in paragraph (a) of the proviso to subsection (1); or
(ii) forest land as defined in the Forest Act [Chapter 19:05]; and
(b) shall determine what compensation, if any, is to be paid by the holder of the servitude concerned to
the owner referred to in paragraph (a) in respect of any loss or damage which may result from any
taking authorised in terms of that paragraph.
81. Lapse of servitudes
(1) A servitude shall lapse
(a) if the water works specified in the relevant request in terms of subsection 75 (1) are not constructed
within a period of three years from the date of acquisition of the servitude or such longer period as
may be agreed or, failing agreement, as may be fixed by the Administrative Court;
(b) if the Administrative Court so orders on the ground of nonuse for a continuous period of three years;
(c) where the servitude has been granted in respect of a use of water to which a permit relates, if the
permit lapses and is not renewed.
(2) Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as derogating from any law relating to the lapse of
82. Holders of servitudes to construct, maintain and repair water works
Subject to this Part, the holder of a servitude shall construct, maintain and repair all water works required for
the enjoyment of the servitude.
83. Registration of servitudes awarded by Administrative Court
(1) The holder of a servitude awarded by the Administrative Court shall cause the servitude to be registered
against the title to all pieces of land against and, in the case of a praedial servitude, in favour of which the
servitude has been awarded.
(2) If within a period of ninety days from the date of the award referred to in subsection (1) the servitude
concerned has not been registered in terms of that subsection, the Registrar may apply to a president of the
Administrative Court for an order compelling the owner of the land subject to the servitude to produce his title deed
in respect of such land to the Registrar of Deeds within such period as may be specified in the order.
(3) Any person who fails to comply with an order in terms of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine not exceeding level four.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(4) The owner of land or any other person in whose favour a servitude has been awarded by the
Administrative Court shall bear all the costs of registration of the servitude and of preparing documents required
84. Registration of servitudes acquired by agreement
(1) Whenever a servitude has been claimed and every interested party has agreed to the claim, the
agreement shall not be binding on any person other than the parties to agreement unless the servitude has been
registered against the title to all pieces of land against which and, in the case of a praedial servitude, in favour of
which the servitude has been so acquired.
(2) If any party to an agreement referred to in subsection (1) wishes to register the servitude acquired
thereunder and another party to the agreement fails to produce the relevant title deed, the party wishing so to
register may apply to a president of the Administrative Court for an order compelling the other party to produce his
title deed in respect of the land to the Registrar within such period as may be specified in the order.
(3) Any person who fails to comply with an order in terms of subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine not exceeding level four.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(4) The person acquiring the servitude concerned under an agreement referred to in subsection (1) shall
bear all the costs of registration of the servitude and of preparing documents required therefor.
85. Registration of servitudes in Deeds registry
(1) For the purpose of registration of a servitude, there shall be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds the
necessary registration fees together with
(a) in the case of a servitude awarded by the Administrative Court, two copies of the award duly certified
by the Registrar:
Provided that no such copies shall be lodged with the Registrar of Deeds until after the expiry of the
period within which notice of appeal to the Supreme Court from such award may be given or, if notice
of appeal has been given, until the award of the servitude has been confirmed on appeal or the
appeal concerned has not been prosecuted or has been dismissed; or
(b) in the case of a servitude acquired under an agreement referred to in section 84 (1), the copies of the
agreement and such other documents as may be required by the Registrar of Deeds for the
registration of the servitude.
(2) On receipt of the fees and documents referred to in subsection (1), the Registrar of Deeds shall, if
satisfied that the fees and documents are in order, cause the servitude concerned to be registered on the title
deeds of all pieces of land affected by it and in the appropriate registers in accordance with the terms of the award
or agreement concerned:
Provided that the Registrar of Deeds may refuse to register a servitude referred to in subsection (1) (b) if, in
his opinion, the agreement is not reasonably free from ambiguity.
(3) If the owner of land subject to a servitude fails to produce his copy of the title deed of the land for the
purpose of registration, the Registrar of Deeds shall note the servitude on the title deed in the Deeds Registry and
in the appropriate registers.
(4) After making a note in terms of subsection (3), no other act of registration shall be made in respect of the
piece of land concerned until the servitude has been registered on the title deed of the owner of the land.
(5) If the title deed referred to in subsection (4) is for any reason lodged with the Registrar of Deeds he shall
retain the title deed until the servitude concerned has been registered thereon.
(6) Whenever a formal or other minor alteration in the wording of a servitude awarded by the Administrative
Court is required for the purpose of registering the servitude, the alteration may be made under the signature of
the president of the Administrative Court.
(7) For the purpose of registering a servitude which, in the opinion of the Registrar of Deeds, cannot
adequately be defined by description, a diagram prepared in accordance with the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12]
shall be submitted to him showing the land subject to, and the situation thereon of, the servitude.
Combined Water Schemes
86. Interpretation in Part VIII
In this Part
"petition" means a petition made in terms of section 87;
"petitioner" means an owner of land referred to in section 87;
"scheme" means a combined water scheme referred to in section 87.
87. Petitions for schemes
(1) If any two or more owners of land consider that
(a) there should be a combined water scheme for the area comprising the land owned by them; and
(b) recourse should be had to artificial means of storing or supplying water in the area referred to in
paragraph (a);
they shall address to the catchment council a petition in the prescribed form stating
(i) the reasons why the proposed combined water scheme is desirable; and
(ii) the nature of the proposed combined water scheme; and
(iii) the boundaries and approximate extent of the area of the proposed combined water scheme; and
(iv) specific uses to which the water is intended to be put by the persons participating in the proposed
combined water scheme;
and setting out the names of not less than two and not more than four petitioners who are able and willing to
serve on an investigatory committee referred to in section 88.
(2) A petition referred to in subsection (1) shall be accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed.
88. Investigation and report on petition
(1) The catchment council shall, on receipt of a petition referred to in section 87
(a) appoint such persons as it considers appropriate to be members of an investigatory committee
whose chairman shall be a civil engineer appointed by the catchment council; and
(b) refer the petition to the investigatory committee and require the civil engineer to prepare a report on
the petition.
(2) The civil engineer referred to in subsection (1) (b) shall
(a) set out in his report the nature, scope and approximate cost of the proposed scheme, together with
such other information as the catchment council may specify; and
(b) furnish copies of the report to each of the owners of land within the area which may be affected by
the proposed scheme within such period as the catchment council may fix; and
(c) request the owners referred to in paragraph (b) to notify the catchment council within a period of
thirty days of receiving such report whether or not they consent to participate in the proposed
scheme and, if they do not consent, whether or not they are opposed to the proposed scheme.
(3) On the receipt of the notifications referred to in subsection (2) (c), the catchment council shall, before
considering the petition, ascertain that the owners of not less than twothirds of the land within the area of the
proposed scheme consent to participate in the proposed scheme.
89. Consideration of petition by catchment council
In considering a petition, a catchment council shall have regard to
(a) the extent and nature of all irrigable land in the area capable of being irrigated by the water which it
is proposed to use; and
(b) the extent and nature of any other industrial or commercial activity intending to participate in the
(c) the economic aspects of the proposed scheme; and
(d) such other matters, as appear to the catchment council to be relevant.
90. Powers and duties of catchment council in relation to petitions
(1) A catchment council may, having considered a petition in terms of section 89, approve the petition subject
to such modifications as it thinks fit, or reject the petition.
(2) In approving a proposed scheme, a catchment council may
(a) require the petitioners concerned to form, within such period as the catchment council may specify, a
company limited by shares in terms of Part II of the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03] for the purpose of
administering the scheme; and
(b) allocate the quantity of water to be used for any agricultural, institutional or miscellaneous purposes
within such scheme and impose on holders of individual permits for the use of water the obligation to
surrender the permits for the benefit of the scheme as a condition of their participation in the
scheme; and
(c) state the quantity of water allocated in respect of each activity in the scheme and the maximum
expenditure that may be incurred in carrying out the scheme unless a higher maximum expenditure is
agreed by the owners of the pieces of land; and
(d) subject to this section, issue a permit in respect of the scheme.
(3) A catchment council may, in allocating the quantity of water to be used within a scheme, allocate for
primary purposes such quantity of water as it thinks fit.
(4) A catchment council shall, if water is allocated for use in terms of subsection (3)
(a) specify, in respect of each piece of land to which a quantity of water has been allocated in terms of
subsection (2) (c), the maximum quantify of water which may be so used; and
(b) in the case of a piece of land referred to in paragraph (a) which has been or is consolidated or
subdivided, revise the maximum quantity referred to in that paragraph in respect of the consolidation
or apportion such maximum quantity of water or a quantity of water greater than the maximum
quantity between the subdivisions concerned and the remaining extent of the piece of land.
91. Allocation of water by catchment council for use in schemes
A catchment council may within an existing scheme allocate water for use for primary purposes, agricultural
purposes, institutional purposes or miscellaneous purposes on land within the area of the scheme for the benefit of
the participants in the scheme.
92. Alteration of areas within, or quantities of water allocated in respect of, schemes
(1) A catchment council may, at the request of any occupier of land affected by an existing scheme who
wishes to participate in the scheme
(a) authorise the alteration of the area within, or of the quantity of water allocated in respect of, the
scheme; and
(b) fix the proportion of the cost of the alteration referred to in paragraph (a) to be paid by the occupier
of land benefiting by such alteration.
(2) In ascertaining the cost referred to in paragraph (b) subsection (1), the catchment council shall have
regard to
(a) the cost of the alteration concerned; and
(b) the amount of capital expended on the original scheme;
and may, on good cause shown, allow the incurring of expenditure in excess of the maximum expenditure referred
to in section 90 (2) (c).
93. Allocation of water in combined water schemes may be cancelled or revised
A catchment council may, if the user of water allocated in terms of section 90 (2) (c) fails without sufficient cause
to make full beneficial use of such allocation, of its own motion or at the request of any interested party, cancel or
revise such allocation.
94. Liability of owners of land benefiting from schemes
(1) Any occupier of land which is affected by a scheme and to which the water from the scheme may be
available shall, unless exempted by the catchment council from doing so for good and sufficient reason, be liable to
pay to the company referred to in subsection 90 (2) (a) a portion of the moneys which may have been expended on
the scheme.
(2) The liability of the occupier referred to in subsection (1) shall, if not at once discharged, be a first charge
or mortgage on his land:
Provided that, if such land is already mortgaged and the mortgagee does not assent to the scheme
concerned such liability shall rank as a preferent charge next after such first charge or mortgage.
(3) The proportion of the moneys referred to in subsection (1) to be paid by each occupier of land shall be
determined in accordance with the quantity of water allocated to his piece of land in terms of section 90 (2) (c).
95. Allocation or apportionment of rights to use water on consolidation or subdivision of land in scheme area
(1) Whenever a piece of land within the area of an existing scheme is to be consolidated with another piece
of land or subdivided, the owner of the first mentioned piece of land shall, prior to the consolidation or subdivision,
lodge with appropriate catchment council an application for the allocation or apportionment of his entitlement to the
use of water and section 53 shall apply, mutatis mutandis.
(2) An allocation or apportionment resulting from an application in terms of subsection (1) shall form part of
the scheme concerned.
(3) In the event of the proposed transfer of a subdivision of land within the area of a scheme, the transferor
shall, before such transfer takes place, construct to the satisfaction of the catchment council such water works as
may be necessary for the supply of water to the subdivision.
(4) The company concerned shall
(a) maintain; and
(b) obtain and conserve a supply of water for; and
(c) arrange for an equitable distribution of any water diverted or stored by;
any waterworks constructed in terms of subsection (3).
Safety of Dams
96. Interpretation in Part IX
(1) In this Part
"advisory panel" means an advisory panel appointed in terms of section 98 (3).
"approved civil engineer" means a civil engineer who has been declared to be an approved civil engineer in
terms of section 98 (5);
"approved civil engineering technician" means a civil engineering technician who has been declared to be an
approved civil engineering technician in terms of section 98 (4);
"appurtenant works" means any works which contribute directly or indirectly to the functioning, operation or
safety of a small dam or large dam and includes
(a) outlet works and penstocks, pipelines, tunnels and other water conduits, whether running through
the structure of the small dam or large dam or the abutments thereof; and
(b) gated and ungated spillways and erosion control and energy dissipating works, whether in the
structure of the small dam or large dam or separate therefrom; and
(c) anchoring, buttressing, drainage and other stabilising works in original earth or rock slopes, whether
downstream or upstream of the small dam or large dam; and
(d) devices or works for measuring flow, movement, pore water pressure, seepage, strain, temperature
or uplift pressure, whether in the structure of the small dam or large dam or separate therefrom; and
(e) such other works as may be declared in terms of subsection (2) to be appurtenant works;
"board of consultants" means a board of consultants appointed in terms of section 106 (1);
"dam works" means the alteration, construction, reconstruction or removal of a small dam or large dam;
"design flood", in relation to a small dam or large dam, means the estimated maximum flow of water resulting
from floods or other causes, which flow
(a) is required to pass through the spillway or other discharge facilities; and
(b) is approved or fixed in relation to the small dam or large dam concerned in terms of subsection (3);
"dry freeboard" means the vertical distance between the water level attained when the design flood is being
passed and the level of the nonoverflow crest of the wall of the small dam or large dam concerned;
"full supply level" means that water level which pertains immediately prior to the release of excess flood water
through the spillway;
"high flood level" means the maximum level of water which can safely be contained by a small dam or large dam
without encroaching on the dry freeboard thereof;
"large dam" means a structure, whether constructed or proposed to be constructed, which, together with its
abutments, appurtenant works and foundations, is capable of diverting or storing water and which
(a) has a vertical height of fifteen metres or more measured from the nonoverflow crest of the wall of
the structure to the lowest point on the downstream face of the wall; or
(b) is capable of storing one million or more cubic metres of water at full supply level; or
(c) has foundations which, in the opinion of the Secretary as notified to the owner of the structure, may
or causes special or unexpected difficulties; or
(d) in the opinion of the Secretary as notified to the owner of such structure, is a small dam of unusual
design; or
(e) is declared in terms of subsection (2) to be a large dam;
"owner", in relation to a small dam or large dam
(a) means the person entitled to divert or store water by means of the small dam or large dam; and
(b) includes the legal representative of any person referred to in paragraph (a) who has died, become
insolvent, is a minor or of unsound mind or is otherwise under disability and, in the case of a
company, the liquidator of the company;
"registration certificate" means a registration certificate issued in terms of section 100 (2), section 101 (2) o r
section 104 (2);
"small dam" means a structure, whether constructed or proposed to be constructed, which, together with its
abutments, appurtenant works and foundations, is capable of diverting or storing water and which
(a) has a vertical height of more than eight metres but less than fifteen metres measured from the non
overflow crest of the wall of such structure to the lowest point on the downstream face of such wall;
(b) is capable of storing more than five hundred thousand but less than one million cubic metres of water
at full supply level; or
(c) is declared in terms of subsection (2) to be a small dam.
(2) The Minister, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and in consultation with the
catchment council concerned, may, by notice in writing given to the owner of the small dam or large dam concerned
(b) declare any structure, other than a structure referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) of the definition of
"small dam" i n subsection (1) o r i n paragraphs (a) t o (e) of the definition of "large dam" in that
subsection, which, together with its abutments, appurtenant works and foundations, is capable of
diverting or storing water to be a small dam or large dam, as the case may be;
for the purposes of this Part.
(3) The Secretary, in consultation with the catchment council concerned, may approve or fix, in relation to a
small dam or large dam, a flow of water as the design flood thereof.
97. Minister may grant exemptions
(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the catchment council and the National Water Authority, may, by
notice in writing and subject to such conditions as he may impose, exempt any person from compliance with all or
any of the provisions of this Part in respect of any large dam, small dam, dam works or appurtenant works
proposed to be constructed in respect of any public stream which forms any part of the international boundary of
(2) The Minister may at any time, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority in consultation with
the catchment council, withdraw or amend any exemption granted in terms of subsection (1).
98. Approved civil engineers and approved civil engineering technicians
(1) Any person who wishes to become an approved civil engineer or an approved civil engineering technician
shall apply in the prescribed manner to the Secretary to be declared an approved civil engineer or approved civil
engineering technician, as the case may be, in terms of subsection (4).
(2) On receipt of an application in terms of subsection (1), the Secretary shall refer the application to an
advisory panel for consideration and recommendation:
Provided that the Secretary may, if he considers that the application does not provide sufficient information
concerning the applicant, require the applicant to furnish the Secretary with such additional information concerning
the applicant as the Secretary may specify before so referring the application.
(3) An advisory panel shall
(a) be appointed by the Secretary; and
(b) consist of two or more civil engineers who have wide experience of the design and construction of
dams and large dams or such other experience as the Secretary may approve; and
(c) consider and make recommendations on applications or matters referred to it in terms of subsection
(2) or (6), as the case may be.
(4) Members of any advisory panel shall be paid from moneys appropriated for the purpose by Act of
Parliament such remuneration or allowances as the Minister, after consultation with the Minister responsible for
finance, may fix.
(5) On receipt of a recommendation from an advisory panel on an application in terms of subsection (1), the
Secretary shall
(a) if he considers that the applicant possesses the necessary qualifications for and experience of dam
works and is a fit and proper person, by notice in the Gazette, declare the applicant to be an
approved civil engineer or an approved civil engineering technician, as the case may be, subject to
such conditions as he thinks fit to impose; or
(b) refuse the application:
Provided that the Secretary shall, before refusing an application, afford the applicant an opportunity
to satisfy the Secretary that he does possess the necessary qualifications for or experience of dam
works or is a fit and proper person, as the case may be.
(6) The Secretary may, if he thinks that
(a) the declaration of an approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician should be
withdrawn; or
(b) the conditions subject to which the declaration of an approved civil engineer or approved civil
engineering technician was made should be amended;
refer the matter to an advisory panel for consideration and recommendation.
(7) On receipt of a recommendation from an advisory panel on a matter referred to it in terms of subsection
(6), the Secretary shall
(a) if he considers that the declaration of the approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering
technician concerned should be withdrawn or that the conditions subject to which the declaration
was made should be amended, by notice in the Gazette, withdraw the declaration or amend the
Provided that, if the withdrawal or amendment will or is likely to prejudice the approved civil engineer
or approved civil engineering technician, the Secretary shall, before withdrawing the declaration or
amending such conditions, afford the approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician
an opportunity to satisfy the Secretary that the declaration should not be withdrawn or that the
conditions should not be amended; or
(b) take no action in the matter.
99. When dam works in respect of small dams may be commenced
(1) Subject to Part IV, no person shall commence any dam works in respect of a small dam other than action
referred to in section 109 or 110, until the expiry of a period of thirty days after
(a) an approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician has
(i) prepared a design, together with plans and specifications, of the proposed dam works; and
(ii) certified the adequacy and safety of the proposed dam works and, in the case of modifications to
an existing small dam, that the adequacy and safety of the small dam will not be prejudiced; and
(b) the owner of the small dam has submitted to the Secretary in the prescribed manner, together with
such fee as may be prescribed, such details of the design, plans and specifications prepared in terms
of paragraph (a) as may be prescribed, together with the certificate of adequacy and safety referred
to in subparagraph (ii) of that paragraph.
(2) The Secretary may require the owner of the small dam concerned
(a) to provide the additional information; and
(b) to modify such design, plans and specifications in such manner; and
(c) to provide such additional certificates of adequacy and safety;
as, and within such period as, the Secretary may specify.
(3) A person who
(a) commences dam works in contravention of subsection (1); or
(b) fails without reasonable excuse to comply with a requirement made in terms of subsection (2); or
(c) being the owner of the small dam concerned, fails to ensure that the dam works in respect of the
dam are completed in accordance with the details submitted in terms of subsection (1) and to the
satisfaction of an approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician;
shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) If during the execution of any dam works the owner of the small dam concerned wishes to modify the
details submitted in terms of subsection (1), subsections (1), (2) and (3) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in respect of
such modification.
100. Duties of owners on completion of small dam works in respect of dams and registration
(1) The owner of a small dam shall, within a period of
(a) thirty days from the completion of any dam works in respect of the small dam, notify the Secretary
and the catchment council in writing of the completion; and
(b) one hundred and twenty days from the completion of any dam works in respect of the small dam or
such longer period as the Secretary may allow, submit to the Secretary and the National Water
(i) a report in the prescribed form; and
(ii) such plans certified as true and correct by the approved civil engineer or approved civil
engineering technician concerned, as the case may be, of the completed dam works as may be
prescribed; and
(iii) a completion certificate in the prescribed form of the adequacy, safety and completion of the dam
works, signed by the approved civil engineer or approved civil engineering technician concerned,
as the case may be; and
(iv) in the case of dam works other than the construction of a small dam, the registration certificate, if
any, issued in respect of the small dam; and
(v) when requested by the Secretary or the National Water Authority to do so, such further
information as the Secretary or the National Water Authority may specify.
(2) On receipt of the report, plans and completion certificate and any registration certificate or further
information submitted to him in terms of subsection (1), the Secretary shall, in consultation with the National Water
(a) in the case of the construction of a small dam, register the small dam and issue to the owner a
registration certificate in the prescribed form; or
(b) in the case of dam works other than the construction or removal of a small dam, amend the
registration of the small dam;
(c) in the case of the removal of a small dam, cancel both the registration of the small dam and the
registration certificate concerned.
(3) The owner of a small dam who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine
not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
101. Reporting of small dams in certain areas
(1) If the Secretary, on the recommendation of the National Water Authority and in consultation with the
catchment council, considers it necessary or desirable to do so, he may, by notice in the Gazette and in a newspaper
circulating in the area concerned, require the owners of existing small dams within the area specified in the notice
to notify him in writing, within such period as may be specified in the notice, of such particulars as he may specify in
the notice in respect of the small dams, whether or not section 100 has been complied with in respect of the small
(2) On receipt of the details submitted to him in terms of subsection (1), the Secretary shall, in the case of a
small dam in respect of which no registration certificate has been issued, register the small dam and issue to the
owner a registration certificate in the prescribed form:
Provided that the Secretary may, in registering the small dam, require the owner to comply within such period
as the Secretary may specify and subject to such conditions as the Secretary may consider necessary for the
protection of persons and property.
(3) A person who fails to comply with a requirement made in terms of subsection (1) or the proviso to
subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a
period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
102. When dam works in respect of large dams may be commenced
(1) Subject to Part IV, no person shall commence any dam works in respect of a large dam, other than action
referred to in section 109 or 110
(a) until
(i) an approved civil engineer, assisted by such qualified engineers, geologists and other specialists
as the Secretary in consultation with the National Water Authority may require, has
(A) prepared a design, together with plans and specifications, of the proposed dam works;
(B) certified the adequacy and safety of the proposed dam works and, in the case of
modifications to an existing small dam or large dam, that the adequacy and safety of the
small dam or large dam will not be prejudiced; and
(ii) the owner of the large dam has submitted to the Secretary in the prescribed manner, together
with such fee as may be prescribed, such details of the design, plans and specifications prepared
in terms of subparagraph (i) as may be prescribed, together with the certificate of adequacy and
safety referred to in that subparagraph, and the Secretary has approved the details in writing;
(iii) the expiry of a period of ten days after the owner of the large dam has given notice in writing to
the Secretary of the proposed commencement of the dam works; or
(b) after the expiry of a period of twelve months from the date on which the Secretary approved the
details referred to in paragraph (a) (ii):
Provided that the Secretary may, on the application in writing of the owner concerned, extend the
period for such further period or periods in aggregate not exceeding thirtysix months as the
Secretary may specify.
(2) The Secretary may, before approving the details referred to in subsection (1) (a) (ii), require the owner
of the large dam concerned
(a) to cause such further investigations to be made; and
(b) to provide such additional information; and
(c) to modify the design, plans and specifications concerned in such manner; and
(d) to provide such additional certificates of adequacy and safety;
as, and within such period as, the Secretary may specify.
(3) A person who commences dam works in contravention of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
103. Supervision of dam works in respect of large dams
(1) The owner of a large dam referred to in section 102 shall cause an approved civil engineer
(a) to arrange for the adequate supervision of the progress of the dam works concerned for the purpose
of securing compliance with the design, plans and specifications approved in respect of the dam
works; and
(b) to maintain uptodate drawings of the dam works concerned; and
(c) if so required by the Secretary, the National Water Authority and the catchment council, to submit to
the Secretary, the National Water Authority and the catchment council such progress reports on the
dam works concerned within such periods as the Secretary, the National Water Authority or the
catchment council may specify.
(2) The owner referred to in subsection (1) shall, if the approved civil engineer concerned considers that
modifications to the details approved in respect of the dam works concerned are necessary
(a) notify the Secretary in writing; and
(b) obtain his approval in writing;
of the modifications before causing the modifications to be made.
(3) The Secretary, the National Water Authority, the catchment council or any person authorised thereto in
writing by them may, at any time during the progress of any dam works in respect of a large dam, have access to
the dam works for the purpose of inspection.
(4) The Secretary, the National Water Authority or the catchment council may, as a result of information
received during the progress of dam works in respect of a large dam, require the owner of the dam to cause the
approved civil engineer concerned to modify any design, plans or specifications relating to the dam works.
(5) The owner of a large dam who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) or fails to comply with a requirement
made in terms of subsection (4) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
104. Duties of owners on completion of dam works in respect of large dams and registration
(1) The owner of a large dam shall, within a period of
(a) thirty days from the completion of any dam works in respect of the large dam, notify the Secretary
and the catchment council in writing of the completion; and
(b) one hundred and twenty days from the completion of dam works in respect of the large dam or such
longer period as the Secretary may allow, submit to the Secretary, the National Water Authority and
the catchment council
(i) a report in the prescribed form; and
(ii) such plans certified as true and correct by the approved civil engineer concerned of the
completed dam works as may be prescribed; and
(iii) a completion certificate in the prescribed form of the adequacy, safety and completion of the dam
works, signed by the approved civil engineer concerned; and
(iv) in the case of dam works other than the construction of a large dam, the registration certificate, if
any, issued in respect of the small dam or large dam.
(2) On receipt of the report, plans and completion certificate and any registration certificate submitted to him
in terms of subsection (1), the Secretary shall, if he is satisfied that the dam works concerned are adequate and
(a) in the case of the construction of a large dam, register the large dam and issue to the owner a
registration certificate in the prescribed form; or
(b) in the case of dam works other than the construction or removal of a large dam, register the large
dam and issue to the owner concerned a registration certificate in the prescribed for or amend the
registration certificate concerned and return it to the owner, as the case may be;
(c) in the case of the removal of a large dam, cancel both the registration of the large dam and the
registration certificate concerned.
(3) The owner of a large dam who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine
not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
105. Periodic inspections of large dams
(1) The owner of a large dam shall
(a) cause an approved civil engineer to prepare instructions relating to the maintenance and operation of
the large dam; and
(b) cause the large dam to be maintained and operated in accordance with instructions prepared in
terms of paragraph (a) and with such additional instructions as the Secretary or the catchment council
may from time to time give to him; and
(c) cause detailed measurements and observations of the large dam to be made by such person in such
manner and at such intervals as the Secretary or the catchment council may require; and
(d) whenever requested to do so by the Secretary or the catchment council and, in addition, before the
end of the month of June or of such other month as the catchment council may specify immediately
(i) the first season during which water was diverted or stored by the large dam; and
(ii) the first season during which water spilled from the large dam; and
(iii) each successive period of five years reckoned from the date of completion of construction of the
large dam;
cause a detailed engineering inspection of the large dam to be carried out by an approved civil
engineer; and
(e) within a period of thirty days from the date of completion of
(i) any measurements and observations made in terms of paragraph (c), submit to the Secretary
and the National Water Authority such report thereon as the Secretary and the National Water
Authority may specify; and
(ii) any detailed engineering inspection carried out in terms of paragraph (d), submit to the Secretary
and the National Water Authority such report thereon as the National Water Authority may
specify, together with a summary of the maintenance measures carried out since the date of
completion of the large dam or of the previous such detailed engineering inspection, as the case
may be.
(2) The Secretary, the National Water Authority or any person authorised by them in writing may at any time
carry out a detailed engineering inspection of a large dam.
(3) The owner of a large dam shall provide the Secretary, the National Water Authority or any person
authorised in terms of subsection (2), with such assistance and facilities in the carrying out of the inspection
referred to in that subsection as the Secretary, the National Water Authority or such person may reasonably
(4) If, as a result of any measurements and observations made in terms of subsection (1) (c) or of a detailed
engineering inspection carried out in terms of paragraph (d) of that subsection or in terms of subsection (2) or of a
report submitted in terms of subsection (1) (e), the Secretary in consultation with the National Water Authority
considers that the large dam concerned is inadequate or unsafe, he may require the owner of the large dam to
remedy, within such period as the Secretary may specify, the inadequacy or lack of safety concerned to the
satisfaction of the Secretary.
(5) If the owner of a large dam fails to comply with a requirement made in terms of subsection (4)
(a) without reasonable excuse the onus of proof of which lies on him, he shall be guilty of an offence;
(b) the National Water Authority may remedy the inadequacy or lack of safety concerned and recover the
cost of so doing, together with interest on such cost, from the owner by
(i) proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction against the owner; or
(ii) if the owner is the owner of the piece of land on which the large dam or a portion thereof is
situated, directing that the Registrar of Deeds make a note on the title deeds of the piece of land
and in the appropriate register.
(6) On receipt of a direction made in terms of subsection (5) (b) (ii), the Registrar of Deeds shall make the
note specified in the direction.
(7) The owner of the piece of land referred to in subsection (5) (b) (ii) shall, at the request of the Registrar of
Deeds, produce his title deed in respect of the piece for the purpose of the noting referred to in subsection (6).
(8) If an owner referred to in subsection (7) fails to produce his title deed for the purpose of noting referred
to in subsection (6), he shall be guilty of an offence.
(9) A note made in terms of subsection (6) shall constitute a hypothecation of the piece of land concerned
(a) ranking from the date on which the note was made; and
(b) for the amount stated therein, together with interest thereon determined in terms of the Prescribed
Rate of Interest Act [Chapter 8:08];
until such time as the amount and interest referred to in paragraph (b) have been paid to the catchment council.
(10) The Registrar of Deeds shall not pass transfer of a piece of land hypothecated in terms of subsection (9)
unless the catchment council has, by notice in writing to the Registrar of Deeds, released the piece of land from
(11) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding level six and to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
106. Secretary may appoint board of consultants
(1) The Secretary in consultation with the catchment council may, if
(a) in his opinion the safety considerations relating to a small dam or large dam so require; or
(b) the owner of the large dam concerned has failed to comply with a requirement made in terms of
section 105 (4);
or shall, if he is requested to do so in writing by the owner of a small dam or large dam and the owner gives
security for the remuneration, allowances and costs referred to in subsection (3), appoint a board of consultants to
report to him on any action to be taken in relation to the small dam or large dam concerned or to any design,
drawings, plans, records, reports or specifications relating to the dam.
(2) A board of consultants shall consist of two or more engineers who have
(a) had wide experience of the design and construction of small dams and large dams; and
(b) not previously been associated with any dam works in respect of the small dam or large dam
(3) If the Minister decides that the owner of the small dam or large dam concerned should pay the whole or
any part of the remuneration and allowances and of any costs so incurred, together with the costs incurred by the
State or the National Water Authority in connection with the exercise by the board of consultants of the functions
specified by the Minister, he may deduct the whole or part thereof from the security given in terms of subsection (1)
or recover the same from the owner by action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
107. Secretary may require owner to carry out dam works
(1) On receipt of a report made by a board of consultants, the Secretary may require the owner of the small
dam or large dam concerned to carry out such dam works as the Secretary in consultation with the National Water
Authority considers to be necessary within such period as he may specify.
(2) If the owner of a dam or large dam
(a) carries out the small dam works concerned in accordance with a requirement made in terms of
subsection (1), the Secretary shall register or amend or cancel the registration of, as the case may
be, the dam or large dam concerned and issue a registration certificate or amend or cancel the
registration certificate concerned accordingly; or
(b) fails, without reasonable excuse the onus of proof of which lies on him, to carry out any dam works
concerned in accordance with a requirement made in terms of subsection (1), he shall be guilty of an
offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment; or
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(c) fails to carry out the dam works concerned in accordance with a requirement made in terms of
subsection (1), the National Water Authority may cause the dam works to be carried out and recover
the cost of so doing, together with interest on the cost, from the owner by doing either or both of the
(i) proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction against the owner; or
(ii) if the owner is the owner of the piece of land on which the small dam or large dam or a portion
thereof is situate, directing that the Registrar of Deeds make a note on the title deeds of the
piece of land and in the appropriate registers, and sections 105 (6) to (10) shall apply, mutatis
and shall register or amend or cancel the registration, as the case may be, of the small dam or large
dam concerned and issue a registration certificate or amend or cancel the registration certificate
concerned accordingly.
108. Rights of access, inspection, investigation and survey
(1) The Secretary, the National Water Authority, the catchment council or any person authorised thereto by
the Secretary, the National Water Authority or the catchment council in writing may
(a) have access to the site of any dam works, whether proposed or in progress, or to any existing small
dam or large dam for the purpose of inspection; and
(b) if, in their opinion, it is necessary to do so in order to establish the adequacy and safety or otherwise
of any dam works referred to in paragraph (a), carry out surveys and conduct investigations, whether
by drilling, excavating, mining or otherwise.
(2) The provisos to paragraph 12 of the Schedule shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to the exercise of
any powers in terms of subsection (1).
109. Procedure in emergencies
(1) If the owner of a small dam or large dam learns of any sudden or unprecedented flood or alarming or
unusual circumstance or occurrence, whether anticipated or existing, which may adversely affect the small dam or
large dam, he shall, in addition to discharging any duty, liability or obligation imposed on him by or under any other
(a) forthwith take all such steps as may be reasonable and practicable for dealing with the flood,
circumstance or occurrence, as the case may be; and
(b) as soon as practicable and by registered letter notify the Secretary and the National Water Authority,
as fully as possible, of the flood, circumstance or occurrence, as the case may be, and of the action he
has taken or proposes to take in terms of paragraph (a).
(2) If the Secretary, whether or not he has been notified in terms of subsection (1), considers that a small
dam or large dam is in any way endangered he may require the owner of the small dam or large dam to take such
action as he may specify to deal with the situation either forthwith or within such period as may be specified by the
(3) If the Secretary after being notified by the owner of a small dam or large dam in terms of subsection (1)
considers that the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the owner are inadequate or not sufficiently timely for
dealing with the situation he may require the owner to take such action as he may specify to deal with the situation
either forthwith or within such period as may be specified by the Secretary.
(4) An owner who has been required by the Secretary in terms of subsection (2) or (3) to take any action
(a) by registered letter notify the Secretary immediately after commencing to take the action; or
(b) report to the Secretary within a period of fortyeight hours after commencing to take the action on
the progress and results of the action; and
(c) comply with such other instructions as the Secretary may from time to time give to him.
(5) If the owner of a small dam or large dam fails to comply with a requirement made in terms of subsection
(2) or (3) or to notify or report to the Secretary in contravention of, or to comply with any requirement made by the
Secretary in terms of, subsection (4)
(a) without reasonable excuse the proof of which lies on him, the owner shall be guilty of an offence; and
(b) the Secretary shall direct the National Water Authority to take such action as it thinks fit and recover
the cost of so doing, together with interest on the cost, from the owner by
(i) proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction against the owner; or
(ii) if the owner is the owner of the piece of land on which the small dam or large dam or a portion
thereof is situate, directing that the Registrar of Deeds make a note on the title deeds of the
piece of land and in the appropriate registers, and sections 105 (6) to (10) shall apply, mutatis
(6) An owner of a small dam or large dam who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine not exceeding level seven and to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such
fine and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
110. Procedure in emergencies arising during execution of dam works
(1) If, during the execution of any dam works in respect of a small dam or large dam, any sudden danger is
posed to any works or structure connected therewith, and such danger renders it necessary to carry out immediate
dam works otherwise than in accordance with the details submitted in terms of section 99 or 102 in respect of the
small dam or large dam, as the case may be, the owner of the small dam or large dam
(a) shall immediately commence the latter dam works notwithstanding that he has not complied with
section 99 (4) or section 102 (2); and
(b) shall, within fourteen days after taking any action in terms of paragraph (a), notify the Secretary and
the National Water Authority by registered letter as fully as possible of such action and of the
circumstances necessitating it.
(2) Any owner of a small dam or large dam who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and
liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine
and such imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
111. Exemption from liability
(1) Without prejudice to any defence or limitation which may be available in terms of any law, no liability shall
attach to the State, the Minister, a catchment council or the National Water Authority or any agent or employee of
the State, a catchment council or National Water Authority in respect of any loss, damage or injury sustained by any
person as a result of the exercise or performance or purported exercise or performance of or the omission to
exercise or perform any power or duty conferred or imposed on the Secretary, a catchment council or the National
Water Authority or any person authorised by them by or in terms of this Part unless the act or omission to act
concerned was in bad faith or negligent.
(2) Nothing done in terms of this Part shall be construed as relieving the owner or person in charge of a
small dam or large dam of any duty, liability or obligation imposed on him by or under any other law in respect of the
small dam or large dam.
Protection of Water Infrastructure and Farm Irrigation Works
[Part IXA inserted by 1 of 2011.]
111A. Interpretation in Part IXA
In this Part
"dual use water component" means any water infrastructure component or farm irrigation works component
that may, independently of any public water works, local authority water works or farm irrigation works, be used
for the abstraction, discharge or distribution of water for primary purposes in or about the area of the garden or
grounds or both of a dwellinghouse or for cleansing purposes in a place of business;
"farm" means any area of alienated land, or of land held by a person under a permit or lease issued in terms of
Agricultural Land Settlement Act [Chapter 20:01], which is not within
(a) parks and wild life land or forest land; or
(b) a municipal area, town area or local government area as defined in the Urban Councils Act [Chapter
(c) a town ward of a rural district council or an area that has been declared a specified area in terms of
the Rural District Councils Act [Chapter 29:13]; or
(d) the area of any township as defined in the Land Survey Act [Chapter 20:12]; or
(e) State land the layout of which has been approved in terms of
(i) section 127 of the Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 213 of 1974]; or
(ii) section 43 of the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 20:12];
"local authority water works" means water works operated by or on behalf of a municipal council, town council
or rural district council for the provision of water for agricultural purposes, electrical purposes, institutional
purposes, local authority purposes, mining purposes, primary purposes, railway purposes, road purposes,
township purposes or miscellaneous purposes, for the benefit of the residents of the area under the jurisdiction
of the local authority concerned;
"farm irrigation works" means any works on a farm by means of which water may be artificially applied to land
for agricultural purposes;
"farm irrigation works component" means any pump, filter, valve, pipe, pipeline, tube, water meter, sprinkler or
other equipment or device for abstracting, discharging or distributing water or that is otherwise necessary for the
operation of any farm irrigation works;
"market garden" means any plot of land used for the production of fruits, vegetables and flowers as cash crops
that is located within the area of a city, municipality, town or local government area established in terms of the
Urban Councils Act [Chapter 29:15];
"public water works" means water works operated by or on behalf of State, the National Water Authority or the
Zambezi River Authority for the provision of water for agricultural purposes, electrical purposes, institutional
purposes, local authority purposes, mining purposes, primary purposes, railway purposes, road purposes,
township purposes or miscellaneous purposes, for the benefit of the public or any section thereof;
"receipt", in relation to the purchase or acquisition of any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works
component or dual use water component, means a receipt issued in the name of the possessor of the component
indicating the nature of the component, the date of purchase or acquisition of the component, and the name and
address or contact details of the person who sold or disposed of the component to the possessor;
"water infrastructure component" means any material component essential for the maintenance of
(a) a public water works; or
(b) a local authority water works.
111B. Wilful damage to or, interference with or theft of water infrastructure and farm irrigation works
(1) Any person who
(a) without lawful cause, the proof whereof shall lie on him or her, tampers with any water infrastructure
component, with the result that the supply of water for any purpose is interrupted or cut off; or
(b) without lawful cause, the proof whereof shall lie on him or her, destroys, injures or removes any
water infrastructure component or farm irrigation works component; or
(c) receives or takes possession of any water infrastructure component or farm irrigation works
(i) knowing that it has been stolen; or
(ii) realising that there is a real risk or possibility that it has been stolen;
shall be guilty of an offence, and if there are no special circumstances peculiar to the case as provided for in
subsection (7), be liable to imprisonment for a period of not less than ten years.
(2) Any person (not being a licensed dealer in water infrastructure components, farm irrigation works
components or dual use water components in lawful possession of such components) who, otherwise than for
lawful cause (the proof whereof shall lie on him or her), has on his or her person, or in his or her possession, or
under his or her immediate control, or upon any land or upon or in any premises, any
(a) water infrastructure component or farm irrigation works component that is not being used in
connection with the lawful operation of any public water works, local authority water works or farm
irrigation works; or
(b) dual use water components in excess of those necessary for the abstraction, discharge or distribution
of water for primary purposes in or upon the land or premises, that is to say, for primary purposes in
the area of the garden or grounds or both of a dwellinghouse or for cleansing purposes in a place of
(c) water infrastructure components or farm irrigation works components other than those necessary for
the distribution of water appropriate for the size of the market garden in question;
shall be guilty of an offence and, if there are no special circumstances peculiar to the case as provided for in
subsection (7), liable to imprisonment for a period of not less than five years or more than ten years:
In this subsection, "lawful cause" includes, but is not limited to, possession of the component in question by
virtue of its having been lawfully purchased or acquired by the possessor, provided that the purchase or acquisition
is evidenced by a receipt or can otherwise be verified.
(3) If a person is charged with contravening subsection (2) in circumstances where
(a) the water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works component or dual use water component in
question was found on any land or in any premises to or in which the accused person has any title or
interest whatsoever (including shares in a company that owns such land or premises); and
(b) the accused person knowingly used or permitted the use of the land or premises in question for the
purpose of hiding or storing the components in question; and
(c) the accused person
(i) had stolen the components in question; or
(ii) knew that the components in question had been stolen; or
(iii) realised that there was a real risk or possibility that the components in question had been
the accused person shall not be charged concurrently or alternatively with contravening subsection (1) (c), but a
prosecutor may, for the purposes of subsection (4), adduce evidence showing that the offence was committed in
the circumstances referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c).
(4) If a court convicts a person for contravening subsection (2) and finds that the offence was committed in
the circumstances referred to in subsection (3) (a), (b) and (c), then, in addition to imposing the penalty provided for
that offence under subsection (2), the court shall order to be forfeited to the State any title to or interest in the land
or premises belonging to that person which is referred to in subsection (3) (a).
(5) Where a court has ordered to be forfeited to the State any land or premises in terms of subsection (4),
any transaction involving the land or premises that
(a) is commenced at any time between the date when the person was charged for contravening
subsection (2) and date when he or she was convicted of it (or, if the person appeals against the
conviction or sentence or both, the date when the appeal is finally dismissed, or abandoned); and
(b) has the effect of alienating to any other person the title or interest of the convicted person in that
land or premises;
shall be void:
Provided that the transaction shall not be void if the person charged for contravening subsection (2) i s
(6) A court sentencing a person to imprisonment under subsection (1) or (2) shall not order the suspension
of any part of the sentence if the effect of such order is that the convicted person will serve a sentence of less than
ten years (in the case of a conviction for an offence in terms of subsection (1)) or five years (in the case of a
conviction for an offence in terms of subsection (2))
(7) If a person convicted in terms of subsection (2) o r (3) satisfies the court that there are special
circumstances in the particular case, which circumstances shall be recorded by the court, why the penalty provided
under subsection (1) or (2) should not be imposed, the convicted person shall be liable to a fine up to or exceeding
level fourteen or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or both.
(8) A person charged with an offence in terms of subsection (1) (a) or (b) may be found guilty of contravening
section 141 ("Negligently causing serious damage to property") of the Criminal Law Code if such are the facts
111C. Power to arrest persons
(1) Without derogation from the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07], it shall be lawful for
(a) any person to arrest without warrant anyone who is found committing any offence in terms of section
111B (1);
(b) any person authorised by the State, the National Water Authority, the Zambezi River Authority or a
local authority to exercise powers of arrest in terms of this paragraph to arrest anyone who is
reasonably suspected of having contravened section 111B (1) or (2);
and immediately to convey the person arrested to a police officer in order that he or she may be dealt with
according to law.
(2) Any person empowered in terms of subsection (1) to arrest any other person may request the assistance
of any bystander in effecting such arrest and such bystander is hereby authorised to render such assistance.
(3) Any person who, acting reasonably and in good faith and without culpable ignorance or negligence,
arrests any other person in the purported exercise of the powers conferred in terms of this section shall not be
liable for damages for unlawful arrest.
111D. Transportation of water infrastructure or farm irrigation works components
(1) In this section and section 111E
"customs clearance documentation", in relation to water infrastructure components, farm irrigation works
components or dual use water components, means any documentation endorsed by the Zimbabwe Revenue
Authority for the purpose of permitting the importation into or transit through Zimbabwe of the components in
"ownership", in relation to a vehicle, includes the possession of a vehicle by its purchaser pending the transfer
of its ownership to the purchaser, and "own" and "owner" shall be construed accordingly;
"producing on demand", in relation to the production by an owner of a vehicle of a special police clearance
certificate or customs clearance documentation in the circumstances described in subsection (2) (c), means
procuring for the driver of the vehicle the required certificate or documentation to enable the driver to produce it
on demand;
"receipt" has the meaning given to that word in section 111A;
"regulating authority", in relation to any area of Zimbabwe, means the police officer who, in terms of section 4
of the Public Order and Security Act [Chapter 11:17] (No. 1 of 2002), is the regulating authority for that area;
"special police clearance certificate" means a police clearance certificate issued in respect of the transportation
of any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works component or dual use water component in terms of
subsection (6);
"things liable to seizure or forfeiture" means any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works
component or dual use water component that is the subjectmatter of an offence under section 11B (2) or
subsection (2), and any vehicle used to transport the same that is the subjectmatter of an offence under
subsection (2) or (by the application of subsection (3)) section 111B (2);
"vehicle" means
(a) a motor vehicle as defined in the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11]; or
(b) a trailer as defined in the Road Traffic Act [Chapter 13:11], whether or not attached to and drawn by a
motor vehicle; or
(c) a pushcart or scotchcart.
(2) Any person who
(a) being the driver or person in control of a vehicle owned by him or her, transports or has in his or her
possession in or upon such vehicle any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works
component or dual use water component; or
(b) being the driver or person in control of a vehicle, transports or has in his or her possession in or upon
such vehicle any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works component or dual use water
component without the knowledge of the owner of the vehicle:
Provided that the driver or person referred to in this paragraph shall have the burden of proving, to
the satisfaction of an inspector, police officer or any court, that he or she transported or had in his or
her possession in or upon such vehicle any such component with the knowledge of the owner of the
(c) being the owner of a vehicle, authorises the driver or person in control of the vehicle to transport or
have in his or her possession in or upon such vehicle any water infrastructure component, farm
irrigation works component or dual use water component;
without producing on demand by an inspector or police officer a special police clearance certificate obtained in terms
of this section or, as the case may be, a receipt or the customs clearance documentation relating thereto, shall be
guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level fourteen or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding
five years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
(3) Where a person is unable to produce on demand by an inspector or police officer a special police
clearance certificate obtained in terms of this section or a receipt or the customs clearance documentation referred
to in subsection (2), such person shall, in addition to being charged with the offence referred to in subsection (2),
be charged with the offence referred to in section 111B (2) and liable to the mandatory penalty therefor, unless he
or she can show lawful cause (the proof whereof shall lie on him or her), for having in his or her possession, or
under his or her immediate control, any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works component or dual
use water component:
Provided that where any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works component or dual use water
component is authorised by the owner of a vehicle to be carried in the circumstances described in subsection (2) (c),
the owner shall, for the purposes of this subsection, be deemed to be in possession of, or have under his or her
immediate control, the material in question.
(4) A person required to obtain a special police clearance certificate in terms of subsection (2) shall request
the certificate from the regulating authority responsible for the area within which the vehicle is ordinarily kept at
(5) At the request of a person required to obtain a special police clearance certificate in terms of subsection
(2), the regulating authority shall, upon being satisfied that
(a) the vehicle is ordinarily kept at night within the area for which the regulating authority is responsible;
(b) the person has lawful cause for transporting in a vehicle any water infrastructure component, farm
irrigation works component or dual use water component;
issue to the person a special police clearance certificate in accordance with subsection (6).
(6) A special police clearance certificate shall
(a) identify the holder of the certificate, the vehicle or vehicles in respect of which it is issued, the nature
and quantity (by weight, length or both) of the water infrastructure components, farm irrigation works
components or dual use water components to be transported, and the regulating authority that
issued the certificate; and
(b) specify the lawful cause for which the water infrastructure components, farm irrigation works
components or dual use water components are to be transported in or upon the vehicle or vehicles
referred to in the certificate; and
(c) specify the period for which it shall be valid; and
(d) be valid for not more than fortyeight hours:
Provided that if the water infrastructure components, farm irrigation works components or dual use
water components are to be transported by or with the knowledge of the State, the National Water
Authority, the Zambezi River Authority, a local authority or a licensed dealer in such components, the
regulating authority may issue a special police clearance certificate having a period of validity of up to
thirty days; and
(e) be signed by or on behalf of the regulating authority.
(7) No fee shall be charged for the issuance of a special police clearance certificate except the prescribed fee
for a duplicate special police clearance certificate or the replacement of a lost or destroyed special police clearance
39J. Forfeiture of unlawfully transported water infrastructure or farm irrigation works components and
vehicle used in connection therewith
(1) Where a person is charged with contravening
(a) section 111B (1) or 111B (2), any water infrastructure component or farm irrigation works component
that is the subjectmatter of the offence shall be liable to seizure and forfeiture under this section; or
(b) section 111D (2) alone, any water infrastructure component, farm irrigation works component or dual
use water component that is the subjectmatter of the offence hall be liable to seizure pending the
prosecution of the offence; or
(2) Where a person is charged with contravening sections 111D (2) a n d 111B (2) concurrently, and the
vehicle used in connection with such offences was availed to him or her by another person who owns the vehicle,
the vehicle shall still be liable to seizure and forfeiture under this section unless the owner proves that he or she
was unaware that the vehicle would be so used.
(3) An inspector or police officer may seize any things liable to seizure or forfeiture which he or she has
reasonable grounds for believing are the subjectmatter of any offence under section 111B (1) or 111B (2), or of
any concurrent offences under sections 111D (2) and 111B (2).
(4) All things liable to seizure or forfeiture which have been seized in terms of subsection (3) shall
(a) be taken forthwith and delivered to a place of security under the control of an inspector or police
officer; and
(b) be held until the criminal proceedings which are instituted in relation to those things
(i) have been abandoned or discontinued or are concluded otherwise than with the conviction of the
accused, in which event the custodian inspector or police officer shall forthwith restore any such
thing to the accused or the owner thereof, as may be appropriate; or
(ii) have resulted in the conviction of the accused, in which event the convicting court shall, where
the accused is convicted of contravening
(A) section 111D (2) alone, order any such thing to be restored to the accused or the owner
thereof, as may be appropriate; or
[Editorial Note: Numbering as per Gazette. We suggest that "39J" should be "111E".]
112. Interpretation in Part X
In this Part
"authority" means the Minister, the Secretary, a catchment council or the National Water Authority, as the case
may be.
113. Composition of Administrative Court for purposes of this Act
(1) For the purpose of hearing any appeal or matter referred to it in terms of this Act, the Administrative
Court shall consist of a president of the Court and at least two assessors appointed in terms of subsection (2).
(2) Subject to subsection (3), of the assessors referred to in subsection (1)
(a) one shall be appointed from a list of persons approved by the Chief Justice who are or have been
Government water engineers for a period of not less than five years; and
(b) one shall be appointed from a list of persons who are not members of the Public Service nominated
by the Presidents of the Administrative Court and approved by the Chief Justice.
(3) Whenever the Administrative Court is required to hear and determine any matter the determination of
which may require special knowledge not ordinarily possessed by an assessor referred to in subsection (2) (b), the
president of the Administrative Court may, after consultation with the Chief Justice, appoint a special assessor in
lieu of or in addition to the assessor referred to in subsection (2) (b).
114. Appeals against decisions of authority
(1) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision, direction, order or action of any authority in terms of this
Act may appeal against the decision, direction, order or action to the Administrative Court in terms of this Part.
(2) A notice of appeal in terms of this section shall be lodged with the Registrar of the Administrative Court
and the authority concerned within thirty days of the date of the decision, direction, order or action appealed
(3) On an appeal in terms of this section, the Administrative Court may confirm, vary or set aside the
decision, direction, order or action appealed against or give such other decision as in its opinion the authority
concerned ought to have given, and make such order as to costs as it thinks fit.
(4) The authority concerned shall comply with any decision of the Administrative Court made in terms of this
(5) The Administrative Court Act [Chapter 7:01], shall apply in relation to the procedure and powers of the
Administrative Court on an appeal in terms of this Part.
(6) Where an appeal has been noted in terms of this Act, the decision, direction, order or action appealed
against shall, notwithstanding the noting of the appeal, remain valid pending the determination of the matter by
the Administrative Court.
115. Maintenance of registers and other records
Every catchment council shall
(a) maintain or cause to be maintained such registers in the prescribed form in which shall be recorded
such particulars as may be prescribed of every permit issued in terms of this Act;
(b) maintain or cause to be maintained such other registers or records as may be prescribed;
(c) on the payment of a prescribed fee, produce any register or record referred to in this section for
inspection on demand by any person.
116. Service of notices, orders and other documents
(1) Subject to subsection (3)
(a) any notice, order or other document required by or in terms of this Act to be given to or served on
any person shall be deemed to be effectively served if
(i) delivered personally to him; or
(ii) left at his abode or place of business; or
(iii) sent by registered letter to his address; or
(iv) in the case of a person who is absent from and has left no known representative in Zimbabwe,
published in the Gazette;
(b) service of a notice, order or other document referred to in paragraph (a) on a person authorised to
represent another shall be deemed to be service of the notice, order or other document on the
person represented.
(2) In the case of a body corporate or partnership having no domicile or office in Zimbabwe, any person in
charge of the property of the body corporate or partnership in Zimbabwe shall be deemed to be authorised to
represent it for the purpose of subsection (1) (b).
(3) Nothing in this section shall prevent any person to whom a notice, order or other document referred to in
subsection (1) has not been delivered personally from proving that, through no fault of his own or of his
representative, as the case may be, the notice, order or other document never came to his knowledge.
117. Validity of defective notices, orders and other documents
Any notice, order or other document authenticated or issued by any officer in terms of this Act shall be valid from
the date of its authentication or issue, notwithstanding any
(a) defect of form therein; or
(b) absence of authority on the part of the officer if the requisite authority is subsequently conferred on
the officer.
118. Offences and penalties
(1) Any person who, without lawful excuse the onus of proof of which lies on him
(a) alters, enlarges or obstructs any water works or defaces, destroys or moves any beacon, lawful mark
or other appliance or structure made or erected in connection with the water works; or
(b) abstracts, diverts, stores or uses any water, including water
(i) to which the National Water Authority has obtained a right; or
(ii) which is subject to the control of the National Water Authority;
in terms of section 39; or
(c) alters or interferes with the flow of the water of any water works or of a public stream or interferes
with the distribution of the water or, after service on him of a notice requiring him to refrain from
doing so, abstracts more of the water than he is entitled to abstract or uses the water in a manner
prohibited by this Act; or
(d) while liable for the maintenance of or using any water works, to the prejudice of others
(i) fails properly to maintain and to keep the water works in repair; or
(ii) wastes or does not take due precaution to prevent the waste of water from the water works; or
(e) wastes the water of a public stream; or
(f) being the owner of any land, fails, after service on him of notice of the failure, to put an end to waste
of water resulting from the act or omission of a lessee or occupier or other person deriving rights from
the owner and no longer present on the land; or
(g) constructs any borehole, shaft, well or other work or does any other thing which is intended to have
the effect of abstracting water lawfully diverted or stored by another person; or
(h) interferes with the banks, bed or course of a public stream or any marshes, springs, swamps or vleis
forming the source of a public stream or found along its course; or
(i) contravenes section 52 or Part V; or
(j) hinders or obstructs any officer or authorised person in the exercise of any power conferred on him
by this Act;
shall be guilty of an offence and liable, subject to subsection (2)
(i) to a fine of
(A) not exceeding level eight; or
[Subparagraph amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(B) an amount equivalent to twice the amount of any profit or advantage unlawfully gained or
acquired or any prejudice caused by the convicted person as a result of the offence;
whichever is the greater; or
(ii) to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years; or
(iii) to both such fine and such imprisonment.
(2) Any person who
(a) has been convicted of an offence in terms of subsection (1) or of Part VI or IX; and
(b) persists, after a conviction referred to in paragraph (a), in the course of conduct which constituted the
offence concerned;
shall be guilty of a continuing offence and liable, in the case of a conviction of an offence referred to in subsection
(1), to a fine not exceeding level three for every day or part thereof during which he so persists.
[Subsection amended by section 4 of 22 of 2001.]
(3) Any person who places any poison in any water shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding level twelve or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine and such
imprisonment and the court may order the person concerned to
(a) take such remedial action, specified by the court on the advice of the National Water Authority, as
may be necessary;
(b) reimburse the National Water Authority for any remedial action taken by it; and
(c) pay compensation for any damage caused.
119. Regulations
(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the National Water Authority, make regulations providing for all
matters which by this Act are required or permitted to be prescribed or which, in his opinion, are necessary or
convenient to be prescribed for carrying out, or giving effect to, this Act.
(2) Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide for
(a) the manner of issue, amendment or withdrawal, and the form of any permit and the fees to be
charged in connection therewith;
(b) . . . . . .
[Paragraph repealed by section 142 of 13 of 2002.]
(c) in consultation with the Minister responsible for environment, the manner in which samples of any
gas, liquid or solid shall be taken by any person for the purposes of Part VI;
[Paragraph amended by section 142 of 13 of 2002 and by section 27 of 6 of 2005.]
(d) the manner and form in which registers of permits and other records relating to the general
management of the water resources of a river system shall be maintained by catchment councils;
(e) the methods of testing any borehole or well;
(f) the hire of drills and mechanical equipment belonging to the State;
(g) the drilling of boreholes, sinking of wells and construction of water works for any person and the fees
payable in respect thereof;
(h) engineering and advice and assistance by officers and any fees payable in respect thereof;
(i) combined water schemes;
(j) the functions and procedure of catchment councils, the election or appointment of members of
catchment councils and the levying and collection of water charges, rates and fees for any service
rendered by catchment councils.
(3) . . . . . .
[Subsection repealed by section 142 of 13 of 2002.]
(4) Any person who contravenes any regulations made in terms of subsection (1) shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding level four or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three
months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
[Subsection amended by 22 of 2001.]
120. Savings in relation to Zambezi River Authority
Notwithstanding this Act, the Zambezi River Authority referred to in section 4 of the Zambezi River Authority Act
[Chapter 20:23] may continue to perform its functions and exercise its rights in relation to the use, extraction and
storage of water in or from the Zambezi river in respect of the Kariba dam, the Kariba hydroelectric scheme and any
other undertakings which are conferred upon it by or in terms of that Act.
Repeals and Savings
121. Interpretation in Part XIII
In this Part
"fixed date" means the date fixed in terms of section 1 (2) as the date of commencement of this Act;
"repealed Act" means the Water Act [Chapter 20:22];
"river board" means a river board which was established under the repealed Act and was in existence
immediately before the fixed date.
122. Repeal
Subject to this Part, the Water Act [Chapter 20:22], is repealed.
123. Continuation of river boards and succession by catchment councils
(1) Until a subcatchment council has been established under this Act, any river board established in respect
of any area in terms of the repealed Act shall continue in existence and the relevant provisions of the repealed Act
shall continue to apply in respect of the river board.
(2) Any proceeding or matter which was pending or existing by or against a river board immediately before
the fixed date or the date on which the successor subcatchment council is established, whichever is the later, may
be continued or be enforced by or against the successor subcatchment council as it might have been by or against
the river board had this Act not been passed.
(3) Every river board shall transfer or take such steps as are appropriate to effect the transfer of its assets,
liabilities and employees to the successor subcatchment council:
Provided that no employee shall be transferred without his consent.
(4) For the purpose of any transfer under subsection (3), any agreement, instrument, working arrangement
or contract of employment giving rise to any asset or liability transferred under subsection (3) shall have effect as if
references therein to the river board were references to the successor subcatchment council.
(5) If any person transferred to the employment of a successor subcatchment council in terms of subsection
(3) was, immediately before his transfer, serving a period of notice of discharge, resignation or retirement which
period terminates after his transfer, the notice of discharge, resignation or retirement, as the case may be, shall be
treated as if it had been given to or by the successor subcatchment council.
(6) The Minister may make regulations providing, subject to this Part, for all matters which, in his opinion, will
bring about or facilitate
(a) the transfer of assets, liabilities and employees of any river board to a successor subcatchment
council; and
(b) the proper and effective operation of any successor subcatchment council.
and the Minister may give directions to any river board as to the distribution and transfer of any assets, liabilities or
obligations, and the river board concerned and every member, officer or employee thereof shall comply with every
such direction.
124. Continuation of existing water rights
(1) Any right to use water in terms of the repealed Act or any other previous Act and subsisting immediately
before the fixed date shall, on or after the fixed date, continue in existence until amended or revised in terms of this
Act and shall be deemed to have been granted in terms of a permit issued under this Act.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, this Act shall not affect any right to private water, as
defined in section 2 of the repealed Act, which existed immediately before the fixed date.
125. Matters pending before Administrative Court
(1) Any application for the grant of any right or permit for the use of water shall, on or after the fixed date,
be determined by the Administrative Court in terms of this Act until a catchment council whose responsibility it is to
determine or deal with the matter concerned in terms of this Act has been established.
(2) Notwithstanding the establishment of a catchment council whose responsibility it is to determine or deal
with the matter concerned in terms of this Act, any matter pending of before the administrative Court in terms of
subsection (1) shall be determined by the Administrative Court.
126. Saving of regulations, etc.
(1) Any regulations, rules, bylaws, notices, orders or awards which, immediately before the fixed date were
in force under the repealed Act shall remain in force as if they were made or granted by the appropriate authority
under this Act.
(2) Any matter or thing lawfully done, made or commenced under the repealed Act which matter or thing
immediately before the fixed date was of or capable of acquiring force shall, subject to this Act, continue to have or
acquire force, as the case may be, and shall be deemed to have been made, done or commenced under this Act.
(Section 9)
1. To construct, control, establish, maintain and supervise water works.
2. To do the acts referred to in paragraph 1 at the request of any person on
(a) such conditions as may be prescribed; and
(b) payment of such charges as may be agreed on between the Secretary and the person.
3. To make estimates, investigations, plans and surveys for water works or hydroelectric power works and to
record information obtained by means of such investigations and surveys.
4. To examine and advise on any scheme for the alteration, establishment, maintenance or repair of water works
submitted by irrigation companies involved in combined water schemes, local authorities, owners, lessees or
occupiers of land, catchment councils or other persons on payment of such fees as may be fixed by the Minister
in consultation with the National Water Authority.
5. To inspect the courses of public streams and water works and, subject to the approval of the Minister, to order
any person to do such acts and execute such repairs with respect to water works as the officer concerned may
consider necessary in the public interest.
6. To obtain and record information concerning the extent of land under irrigation in Zimbabwe, the quantity of
water used for irrigation and the amount, nature and value of crops obtained through irrigation.
7. To establish and maintain hydrological stations and record the observations made at the stations.
8. Generally to obtain and record information and statistics relating to the hydrological conditions of Zimbabwe in
respect of both surface and ground water.
9. To abstract from any public stream water required for the construction of water works.
10. To sink boreholes and wells and obtain and conserve supplies of ground water
(a) on State land or Communal Land; or
(b) at the request of any person under such conditions and on the payment of such fees as may be fixed by
the Minister in consultation with the National Water Authority.
11. While engaged in the construction or repair of any water works
(a) to erect huts, tents or other temporary buildings; and
(b) to park vehicles and any vehicles used by the officer concerned in such construction or repair; and
(c) to store any equipment, machinery or supplies to be used by him in connection with such construction or
on any site convenient to him:
Provided that
(i) the officer concerned shall cause as little damage as possible to the site or premises;
(ii) before the exercise of any power conferred by this paragraph, the person in charge of the construction
or repair shall give reasonable notice to the owner, lessee or occupier of any land which will be affected
by the intended exercise of the power;
(iii) no hut, tent or other temporary buildings shall be erected within three hundred metres of any premises;
(iv) if the owner, lessee or occupier referred to in proviso (ii) objects to any site chosen for the erection,
parking or storage referred to in subparagraph (a), (b) or (c), the objection shall be referred to the
Administrative Court, which may make such order thereon as it thinks fit;
(v) the Minister shall pay to the owner of land affected by the exercise of power conferred by this paragraph
in respect of any damage caused thereto such compensation from moneys appropriated by Act of
Parliament for the purpose as the Minister and such owner may agree or, failing agreement, as the
Administrative Court may fix.
12. To enter at all reasonable times on any land, premises or works, with such animals, appliances, instruments,
machinery, men and vehicles, and to do all such acts thereon as are necessary for or incidental to the exercise
of the powers of the Minister or of the officer concerned or of any other officer or the discharge of any duty
imposed on him by this Act:
Provided that
(i) the officer concerned shall cause as little damage as possible to the land, premises or works;
(ii) the officer concerned shall not enter any premises without the consent of the owner, lessee or occupier
of the premises;
(iii) the Minister shall pay to the owner of the land, premises or works in respect of any damage caused
thereto such compensation from moneys appropriated by Act of Parliament for such purpose as the
Minister and the owner may agree or, failing agreement, as the Administrative Court may fix.
13. To exercise any power, other than a power referred to in paragraphs 1 to 12, conferred on the officer
concerned by or under this Act or any other enactment.