Verb To Be

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Verb to be( present)

)‫فعل ليكون ( الحاضر‬

A. Affirmative ‫األثبات‬

1. I am Nada.
2. I am Mazen.
3. She is a doctor.
4. Nada is a teacher.
5. He is an engineer.
6. Ahmed is football player.
7. It is a cat.
8. The dog is barking all day.
9. We are happy.
10. They are in the garden.
11. You are beautiful.


Am Is Are

He,she,it, You, we,

singular they,pluarl

I'm He's,she's,it's
B. Negative ‫النفى‬

1. I am not at home right now.

2. May isn’t happy about the results.
3. He is not a student, he’s the teacher.
4. It isn’t a good thing to lie.
5. You are not allowed to eat here.
6. We aren’t supposed to play here.
7. Noha and Ahmed aren’t friends, they are siblings.

Is Not


C. Interrogation ‫األستفهام‬

1. Am I going to school tomorrow?

Yes, you are going to school.

2. Is she the new teacher?

No, she is not the new student.

3. Is he working for the bank?

Yes, he is working for the bank.

4. Are you going to play with us?

Yes, we are going play with you.

Verb to be (past)
)‫فعل ليكون (الماضى‬
A. Affirmative ‫األثبات‬

1. I was at home all day yesterday.

2. She was in the mall last Friday.
3. He was playing video games yesterday.
4. The cake was delicious.
5. It was very cold yesterday.
6. You were beautiful in that dress.
7. You were happy in this photo.
8. We were happy that the exams were over.
9. They were eating ice cream every day.


Was Were

I,he,she,it, you,we,they

A.Negative ‫النفى‬

1. I was not at the park yesterday.

2. He wasn’t doing his homework all day.
3. She wasn’t at her grandparent house last week.
4. The baby wasn’t sleeping all the night.
5. Aya and nada were not at the cinema last week.
6. We weren’t at club yesterday.
7. They weren’t bad players.


B. Interrogation ‫األستفهام‬

1. Was I supposed to do that page?

Yes, you were supposed to do that page.

2. Was she doing her homework?

No, she was not doing her homework.

3. Was it your chocolate?

Yes, it was my chocolate.

4. Were you going to school?

Yes, we were going school.

5. Were they at the garden?

No, they were not at the garden.
Present continuous tense
‫زمن المضارع المستمر‬

1. I am doing my homework.
2. She is having her dinner.
3. Basmala is feeding her cat.
4. He is listening to classical music.
5. Yassin is playing football.
6. The dog is barking and playing all the day.
7. We are studying hard for the exams.
8. They are doing their best to win the game.
Form ‫التكوين‬
Subject + verb to be + main verb + ing + ……..
( am – is – are)
‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫ الفعل مساعد‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ing +........

1. Usage ‫األستخدام‬

A. Actions happening right now. ‫أحداث تحدث اآلن‬

past future
1. It’s raining now
2. Look! The dog is barking loudly.
3. Noha is cooking dinner.
4. He is watering the garden.
5. We are watching the match now.

6. They are playing tennis.

B. Longer actions in progress. ‫أحداث حدثت منذ فتره ومازلت مسمتره‬

past future
1. I am reading a really good book these days.
2. Ahmed is studying engineering to become an engineer.
3. They are building a new mall in the city.

C. Near future plans. ‫حدث سوف يحدث فى المستقبل القريب‬


past future
1.She is going out tonight.
2.Muhammed is visiting his hometown next month.
3.They are flying to France next week.
4.We are having a picnic next Friday.
2. Negative ‫النفى‬
1. May is not eating her dinner.
2. Muhammed isn’t doing well at his exams.
3. Noha and Aya are not playing together.
4. They aren’t helping each other.

Subject + verb to be + not +main verb + ing + ……..

( am – is – are)
‫ الفاعل‬+ ‫ الفعل مساعد‬+ not +‫ الفعل‬+ ing +........
3. Interrogative ‫األستفهام‬
A. Yes, or No question
1. Is Ahmed coming to the party?
Yes, he is.
2. Are they playing now?
No, they aren’t playing now.

Am, is, are + subject + verb + -)ing( +…..?

Am, is, are + ‫ الفعل‬+ ‫الفاعل‬+ (-ing) +……...?

B. Wh question
1. what is doing now?
She is painting.
2. Where are we going?
We are going to visit our grandpa.
3. When is Amira coming?
she is coming now.

Wh q + subject + verb + -)ing( +…..?

Wh q + ‫ الفعل‬+ ‫الفاعل‬+ (-ing) +……...?

 We sometime use some word with the present continuous like; listen, look,
listen, look, now : ‫أحيانا نستخدم بعض الكلمات مع المضارع المستمر كداله عليه‬

Language tips

 If the verb ends with (ie) we replaced the (ie) with (y) then add (-ing).
.)ing-( ‫) وبعدها نضع‬y( ‫) و بحرف‬ie( ‫) نستبدل‬ie( ‫لو الفعل انتهى بحرف‬
1. She is tying her shoes. (tie)
2. Ahmed is lying. (lie)
Die dying Tie Tying
Vie Vying Lie Lying
 If the verb ends silent with (e) we drop the (e) and add (-ing).
.‫) فقط‬ing-( ‫) و نضع‬e( ‫) بنحذف حرف‬e(‫لو الفعل انتهى بحرف صامت‬
1. He is writing a book. (write)
2. She is making a cake. (make)

Take Taking Change Changing

Have Having Trace Tracing
Dine Dining Notice Noticing

 If the verb ends with long (e) we leave the (e) as it is, then add (-ing).
.)ing-( ‫) كما هى و نضع بعدها‬e( ‫) طويل نسيب‬e(‫لو انتهى الفعل بحرف‬
1. I am seeing the sunset every day. (see)
2. He is agreeing to have dinner with us. (agree)

See Seeing
Flee Fleeing
Be Being

 If one-syllable verb ends in a consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final
consonant and add (-ing).

‫ نضعف الحرف االخير فيه‬, ‫ ساكن‬- ‫لو انتهى الفعل الذى يتكون من مقطع واحد بحرف ساكن – متحرك‬
)ing-(. ‫بعدها نضع‬
1. They are swimming now. (swim)
2. We are sitting in the café. (sit)

Run Running
Get Getting
Stop Stopping

 If two-syllable verb ends in a consonant-vowel-consonant, double the final

consonant and add (-ing).
‫ نضعف الحرف االخير فيه بعدها‬, ‫ ساكن‬- ‫لو انتهى الفعل الذى يتكون من مقطعين بحرف ساكن – متحرك‬
)ing-(. ‫نضع‬
1. She is forgetting her phone. (Forget)
2. I am preferring theater than the cinema. (prefer)

Begin beginning
Forget forgetting
Prefer preferring

 But, if the last syllable is not stressed, just add -ing as usual:
.‫) فقط‬ing-( ‫لكن لو المقطع االخير نطقه خفيف(غير مشدود) نضع‬
1. He is opening the door. (open)
2. She is listening to music. (listen)

Open Opening
Listen Listening
Happen Happening

 If the verb ends in (w,x,or y) do not double the final consonant.

.‫) ال نضعف الحرف االخير الساكن‬w,x,y( ‫لو انتهى الفعل بأى من هذه الحروف‬
1. Noah is fixing the mixer. (fix)
2. Jasmin is showing me her new school uniform. (show)

Snow Snowing Enjoy Enjoying

Study Studying Coax Coaxing


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