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04-29 11:29:16.

018 5467 5467 D _V_InsetsController:

onControlsChanged {0=android.view.InsetsSourceControl@87986180,
04-29 11:37:46.511 984 14963 I installd: set_cpuset: 8618 to fg
04-29 11:37:46.739 8618 8618 I dex2oat64: /apex/com.android.art/bin/dex2oat64 --
input-vdex-fd=10 --output-vdex-fd=9
org.apache.http.legacy.jar]} --compiler-filter=speed --compilation-reason=cmdline
--max-image-block-size=524288 --resolve-startup-const-strings=true --generate-mini-
debug-info -j4
04-29 11:37:47.438 8618 8618 I dex2oat64: Large app, accepted running with swap.
04-29 11:37:50.833 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/uwb/UwbManager;->getAdapterState()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:50.867 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:50.868 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
MediaRoute2Info$Builder; (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:52.468 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:52.469 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:53.846 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothDevice;)I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:57.092 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
(blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:57.092 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:57.095 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:57.095 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:37:58.759 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ars.<init>(android.content.Context, java.lang.String, ath, alp) took 111.565ms
04-29 11:37:58.940 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
ars.e(java.util.List, java.util.Map, boolean) took 156.839ms
04-29 11:38:00.381 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dfq.g(grp, fvmp,
ezh, glk, gsi, fvmp, cnz, feb, boolean, int, int, gqs, dgk, boolean, fvmu, emf,
int, int) took 130.045ms
04-29 11:38:01.375 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean exz.e() took
04-29 11:38:01.873 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void fr.e() took
04-29 11:38:02.031 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
fyx.createAccessibilityNodeInfo(int) took 121.614ms
04-29 11:38:02.531 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void haz.a(hbd, har,
java.util.ArrayList, int) took 108.803ms
04-29 11:38:02.962 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/uwb/UwbManager;->getAdapterState()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:38:03.504 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:38:03.509 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
MediaRoute2Info$Builder; (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:38:04.579 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of krq krz.c(byte[]) took
04-29 11:38:04.741 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ktd ktm.c(byte[]) took
04-29 11:38:04.916 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kth ktm.e(int,
java.lang.String) took 117.519ms
04-29 11:38:06.590 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of osh orm.f(int,
java.util.List, java.util.List, ozg, java.lang.String, java.util.List,
java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List,
opv) took 171.317ms
04-29 11:38:06.701 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ozq.m(java.lang.String, fcvf) took 109.981ms
04-29 11:38:06.704 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ozo.d(ozg, eijl)
took 124.401ms
04-29 11:38:07.886 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bla.i(java.util.Collection, boolean) took 107.841ms
04-29 11:38:10.113 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] kqy.b(byte[])
took 134.993ms
04-29 11:38:10.837 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dbye mbb.d(dbxz,
org.json.JSONObject, byte[], dbyg, dbyb) took 201.478ms
04-29 11:38:11.036 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of lni mjy.b(mkp, lnh) took
04-29 11:38:11.248 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of kxe kxe.b(int) took
04-29 11:38:11.768 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of nno npd.a(nly, nnl) took
04-29 11:38:12.239 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean omo.x(osh, omm,
owq, owq, boolean, opv, java.util.Map) took 122.965ms
04-29 11:38:12.409 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean onp.u(owo,
boolean, fcvf, fcvf, int, java.util.List, java.io.File, owj) took 226.097ms
04-29 11:38:12.541 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of owq oqa.h(java.util.Map,
owq, owq, owq, owq, opv, java.util.Map, java.util.Set) took 367.372ms
04-29 11:38:13.821 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void hbd.W() took
04-29 11:38:14.943 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cuy.a(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) took 116.295ms
04-29 11:38:17.878 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
abjs.apply(java.lang.Object) took 105.038ms
04-29 11:38:18.747 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of erqf aenm.a() took
04-29 11:38:19.177 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean afpw.c(afpk)
took 156.168ms
04-29 11:38:19.600 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ffij agim.i(ffij, ffhp,
java.io.File, java.lang.String) took 130.141ms
04-29 11:38:19.722 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void agja.c() took
04-29 11:38:19.987 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean agim.f() took
04-29 11:38:20.467 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
d.service.autofill.FillRequest, android.os.CancellationSignal,
android.service.autofill.FillCallback) took 110.204ms
04-29 11:38:21.011 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void psr.a(pcs, fcfe[],
java.util.List, fcff, int) took 128.592ms
04-29 11:38:21.182 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of puu puq.a() took
04-29 11:38:21.191 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
pzr.d(android.view.View, int, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer[],
java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) took 118.527ms
04-29 11:38:21.202 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
pyy.c() took 170.865ms
04-29 11:38:21.890 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void qwt.h(erzd, long,
java.util.Map, qtg) took 244.010ms
04-29 11:38:22.415 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fezd stv.b(algj,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, byte[], int, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int,
java.lang.String) took 168.645ms
04-29 11:38:23.318 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.auth.aang.GetTokenResponse ucb.a(android.accounts.Account,
java.lang.String, android.os.Bundle, eqzd, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.String, boolean,
com.google.android.gms.auth.firstparty.shared.AppDescription, int) took 216.550ms
04-29 11:38:25.278 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aafj.g(fcxg,
java.lang.String) took 112.494ms
04-29 11:38:26.161 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
acyq.a(android.service.autofill.FillEventHistory) took 120.973ms
04-29 11:38:26.202 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enaj aczr.c(enam, acyt,
abhl, ehxc, com.google.android.gms.autofill.fill.FillForm, enaj, ehxc, aawy, aavt,
boolean) took 114.001ms
04-29 11:38:27.536 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aftq.f(android.content.Context) took 112.824ms
04-29 11:38:27.820 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
agmx.f(android.content.Context) took 116.460ms
04-29 11:38:28.150 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
com.google.android.gms.ads.internal.mediation.client.f.gY(int, android.os.Parcel,
android.os.Parcel) took 124.454ms
04-29 11:38:28.321 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
com.google.android.gms.ads.jams.b.a(bmmo) took 181.331ms
04-29 11:38:28.538 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
andleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 172.203ms
04-29 11:38:28.872 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 255.403ms
04-29 11:38:28.889 8618 8618 I dex2oat64: Method exceeds compiler instruction
limit: 16926 in eqxe eqxe.b(int)
04-29 11:38:29.112 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
pfv.c(java.io.PrintWriter) took 124.392ms
04-29 11:38:29.407 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eqxn eqxn.b(int) took
04-29 11:38:32.225 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean yln.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 197.084ms
04-29 11:38:33.136 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void afbi.r(afsh, fgsv)
took 156.083ms
04-29 11:38:34.141 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
n.a(android.content.Intent) took 108.373ms
04-29 11:38:34.217 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ped.a() took
04-29 11:38:34.314 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
pgv.b(java.util.Set) took 130.026ms
04-29 11:38:34.790 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
rbr.G(ervf, rqy) took 122.178ms
04-29 11:38:35.041 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void shw.c(sii) took
04-29 11:38:35.968 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
took 162.594ms
04-29 11:38:36.045 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
took 126.483ms
04-29 11:38:36.295 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
rvice.iS(bmmo) took 210.327ms
04-29 11:38:36.329 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ent.Intent) took 150.062ms
04-29 11:38:38.132 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void aatc.b(inm,
java.lang.Object) took 164.768ms
04-29 11:38:39.969 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of long ahvt.i(long, ahwt,
fcvf) took 119.338ms
04-29 11:38:40.026 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ahxc.a() took
04-29 11:38:40.266 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ahvp ahvt.a(ahwt) took
04-29 11:38:40.400 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aiei.j(int,
aido, java.util.List, aieh) took 289.268ms
04-29 11:38:40.855 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean ajjj.b(ajjo,
int, errs) took 258.856ms
04-29 11:38:42.218 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void amez.run() took
04-29 11:38:42.403 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fjtc amjb.g(amun, fcym,
boolean, boolean, java.lang.String) took 131.772ms
04-29 11:38:43.374 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[]
aqcr.a(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, android.content.Context,
com.google.android.gms.droidguard.DroidGuardResultsRequest, aqgi, java.util.Map,
int, java.lang.Throwable) took 149.316ms
04-29 11:38:43.636 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean aqsv.r(aqyb,
aqvc, byte[]) took 155.762ms
04-29 11:38:43.820 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:38:43.821 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/media/MediaRoute2Info;->getType()I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:38:44.720 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of feaa
atnx.b(com.google.android.gms.feedback.ErrorReport, android.content.Context) took
04-29 11:38:44.726 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.String
auae.b(avpc, java.lang.String, auah, avow) took 103.714ms
04-29 11:38:45.127 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void auti.run() took
04-29 11:38:46.036 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of axzt axzu.b(axzl, fgyn)
took 222.015ms
04-29 11:38:46.133 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.fitness.data.DataType ayof.a(fgye) took 147.943ms
04-29 11:38:48.404 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ajve.f(android.content.Context) took 197.674ms
04-29 11:38:48.903 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of alqi alqi.b(int) took
04-29 11:38:48.929 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of alra alra.b(int) took
04-29 11:38:50.111 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean apuh.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 102.204ms
04-29 11:38:50.870 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
asem.f(android.content.Context) took 169.907ms
04-29 11:38:52.136 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void auzh.e(byte[]) took
04-29 11:38:53.970 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean azeu.a(int,
java.lang.Object, aymc) took 162.789ms
04-29 11:38:54.040 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean azgg.a(int,
java.lang.Object, aymc) took 164.600ms
04-29 11:38:54.254 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
azjj.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 256.889ms
04-29 11:38:54.551 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
Context) took 106.228ms
04-29 11:38:54.856 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
tent) took 281.490ms
04-29 11:38:56.214 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
azfv.f(java.io.PrintWriter) took 105.598ms
04-29 11:38:57.117 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.dtdi.core.lifecycle.LifecycleChimeraService.b() took
04-29 11:38:58.778 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of androidx.slice.Slice
atgu.a(android.net.Uri) took 187.115ms
04-29 11:38:59.343 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
ng) took 223.238ms
04-29 11:38:59.792 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
com.google.android.gms.fitness.service.sync.SyncGcmTaskChimeraService.iS(bmmo) took
04-29 11:39:00.598 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
com.google.android.gms.cobalt.service.ObservationGenerationTask.iS(bmmo) took
04-29 11:39:02.087 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bayi.run() took
04-29 11:39:02.226 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bbqv bbdv.b() took
04-29 11:39:03.201 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bdjp.b(int, int,
int) took 164.856ms
04-29 11:39:03.321 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bdkk
bdkn.a(java.lang.String) took 101.384ms
04-29 11:39:03.502 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bddk.t(java.io.PrintWriter, boolean, int) took 163.333ms
04-29 11:39:03.537 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bdmp.d() took
04-29 11:39:04.340 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void beye.<init>(bfgt,
int) took 232.325ms
04-29 11:39:04.404 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.instantapps.internal.AppInfo bfrx.a(bfub) took 105.166ms
04-29 11:39:05.555 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bnet.onGnssMeasurementsReceived(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent) took
04-29 11:39:06.018 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
bont.c(android.content.Context, android.accounts.Account,
com.google.android.gms.locationsharingreporter.LocationUploadRequest) took
04-29 11:39:06.852 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bqzh.call() took 152.233ms
04-29 11:39:07.135 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void brjl.run() took
04-29 11:39:07.492 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eskp
brkm.d(java.lang.String, java.lang.Long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,
java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, int) took 215.189ms
04-29 11:39:07.521 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean brlm.c() took
04-29 11:39:08.793 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
bafk.a(android.content.Context, bahc) took 105.970ms
04-29 11:39:09.479 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int bcxb.a(bmmo) took
04-29 11:39:09.792 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
bdym.h(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, android.content.res.Resources,
boolean, java.util.Collection) took 127.063ms
04-29 11:39:10.072 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bfnf.f(android.content.Context) took 118.143ms
04-29 11:39:10.859 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcqg bhud.d(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:11.060 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcqg bhwp.d(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:11.088 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcqg bhxn.d(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:11.345 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eijl bibw.b(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:11.479 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcqg bibw.d(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:11.494 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcqg bigb.d(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:11.948 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcqg biep.dm(eyqa) took
04-29 11:39:12.145 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eijl biep.b(fcvm) took
04-29 11:39:13.936 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean bppw.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 199.695ms
04-29 11:39:14.932 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void brdq.aa() took
04-29 11:39:15.193 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.AppMetadata) took 249.478ms
04-29 11:39:15.433 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
brdq.ad(java.lang.String, long) took 240.231ms
04-29 11:39:16.084 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ffke bbsa.C() took
04-29 11:39:16.167 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Boolean
bdda.c() took 173.366ms
04-29 11:39:16.174 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
bdgu.a() took 126.589ms
04-29 11:39:16.281 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of bdlr bdls.c(bdei, bdlp,
long) took 165.258ms
04-29 11:39:16.504 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of jhg bgdy.a(jhx) took
04-29 11:39:19.473 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
brnw.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 526.146ms
04-29 11:39:20.685 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
bqrh.b(java.lang.String, java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.Long) took
04-29 11:39:22.826 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Boolean
btnd.a() took 144.885ms
04-29 11:39:22.943 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void btnw.run() took
04-29 11:39:23.142 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void buao.g(boolean)
took 107.100ms
04-29 11:39:23.272 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bubr.a(android.content.Intent) took 125.788ms
04-29 11:39:23.323 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bucl.j(android.content.Context, buad, byte[], ewjg, buuk) took 107.500ms
04-29 11:39:23.487 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bucy.B(exng, fcvf)
took 216.600ms
04-29 11:39:23.611 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of buzf bucy.d(exng) took
04-29 11:39:23.995 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothDevice;)I (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:39:25.731 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bxix.b() took
04-29 11:39:27.012 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enaj
capl.f(android.accounts.Account) took 118.704ms
04-29 11:39:27.552 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fbot ccjz.a() took
04-29 11:39:28.264 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of clma
ceic.a(android.accounts.Account) took 205.838ms
04-29 11:39:28.472 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] cfov.b(byte[],
boolean) took 121.820ms
04-29 11:39:28.618 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.content.Intent
cgto.c(fftv, android.content.Context, java.lang.String, long,
android.accounts.Account) took 123.346ms
04-29 11:39:28.632 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcxg cguf.n(cebq,
java.lang.String, fcxg, fcxg, java.util.Map, int, long, java.lang.String, boolean,
etgn) took 116.800ms
04-29 11:39:29.045 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cgiu cglr.b(cgig) took
04-29 11:39:30.439 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
drwx.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 124.279ms
04-29 11:39:30.774 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehxc dsjc.c(ehxc,
android.content.Context, java.util.Map, dsel) took 150.925ms
04-29 11:39:30.893 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehxc dsjc.d(fjld,
android.content.Context, java.util.Map, dsel) took 118.806ms
04-29 11:39:31.274 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dtnu.run() took
04-29 11:39:32.194 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void bugz.g(buxo, buus)
took 119.999ms
04-29 11:39:32.484 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
bves.g(android.content.Intent) took 110.322ms
04-29 11:39:33.257 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of feqm
bxds.b(com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.ClientAppIdentifier, fcxg, fcxg, int,
java.util.Set) took 122.991ms
04-29 11:39:35.779 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cfsj.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 124.337ms
04-29 11:39:35.821 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cfyz.inject(java.lang.Object) took 104.493ms
04-29 11:39:36.555 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
eftp, java.lang.String) took 117.038ms
04-29 11:39:37.091 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(com.google.android.gms.nearby.sharing.ShareTarget, java.lang.String) took
04-29 11:39:40.016 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
and(android.content.Intent, int, int) took 132.945ms
04-29 11:39:40.886 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eymh
fcvf, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 138.230ms
04-29 11:39:41.542 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cbkx.a(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) took 126.474ms
04-29 11:39:41.894 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
mp(java.io.FileDescriptor, java.io.PrintWriter, java.lang.String[]) took 119.284ms
04-29 11:39:42.154 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
(android.content.Intent) took 143.096ms
04-29 11:39:44.545 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean
chjt.a(java.util.List, boolean) took 126.348ms
04-29 11:39:44.775 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
chkf.e(java.lang.String, ehxc) took 128.014ms
04-29 11:39:44.902 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fhru ciec.c(eugw,
java.util.Map) took 148.154ms
04-29 11:39:45.090 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehxc cise.a(cisf, ettr,
etsm, dxyh, cigv, cigt, cign, cigk, ehxc, java.lang.String, long) took 128.352ms
04-29 11:39:45.350 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cjrw.run() took
04-29 11:39:45.429 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of euad
cjqi.c(android.content.Context, etpt, fgby, boolean) took 205.398ms
04-29 11:39:45.735 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eiia ckfm.c(int) took
04-29 11:39:46.828 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ontent.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int) took 105.245ms
04-29 11:39:47.391 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cpth.a(cptg) took
04-29 11:39:47.394 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cpei.c(com.google.android.gms.pay.UpdateSettingsRequest) took 175.033ms
04-29 11:39:47.590 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cpxi.b(cpxh) took
04-29 11:39:48.139 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of espx cros.a() took
04-29 11:39:48.691 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of efvu csyx.a(cswh) took
04-29 11:39:48.764 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
csxj.j(android.content.Context, android.accounts.Account, ctek, fcvf) took
04-29 11:39:49.005 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ctax.a() took
04-29 11:39:49.400 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ctyd.b(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, android.content.Context) took
04-29 11:39:49.471 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ctyc.o(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 157.693ms
04-29 11:39:49.718 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.phenotype.Configurations cuaq.c(android.content.Context,
ctyc) took 167.694ms
04-29 11:39:49.788 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cudb.I(ctxu,
java.util.Set, long, eooo, eoop, eijl, eiij, fcvf, cucv, boolean, java.util.Map)
took 163.935ms
04-29 11:39:50.130 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cudb.J(java.util.Set, eijl, eonz, java.lang.String, boolean, fcvf, cucv, eiij,
eijl, boolean, fhks) took 341.467ms
04-29 11:39:50.314 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of egnu
cvct.g(com.google.android.gms.reminders.model.Task) took 140.529ms
04-29 11:39:50.346 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cudb.q(eonz,
java.lang.String, eijl, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], boolean, fhks) took
04-29 11:39:50.566 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of espx cvgq.a(boolean)
took 160.564ms
04-29 11:39:50.593 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.Map
cvie.j(java.util.List, boolean) took 162.643ms
04-29 11:39:50.655 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cuda cudb.t(eijl, eonz,
java.lang.String, boolean, eiij, eijl, boolean, fcvf) took 303.034ms
04-29 11:39:50.766 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcvf cvji.b(ekdw, ekdz,
eiij) took 145.392ms
04-29 11:39:50.885 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ekdz
cvie.c(java.util.List, java.util.Set, cvig) took 159.336ms
04-29 11:39:51.406 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of cwon
cwoq.a(java.util.List, java.util.List, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took
04-29 11:39:51.769 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of exqa cxbm.a(long) took
04-29 11:39:51.973 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cwxw.b() took
04-29 11:39:53.182 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int eonu.b(int) took
04-29 11:39:53.360 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dydv chlt.a(dydv) took
04-29 11:39:54.243 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cjhl.hV(java.lang.Object) took 262.564ms
04-29 11:39:56.441 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.pay.secard.model.SePrepaidCardModel.<init>(cmcs, ehxc, ehxc,
cmlr, cmam) took 221.212ms
04-29 11:39:58.602 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ekdz
crpz.d(java.util.List, java.util.Set, crqb) took 183.689ms
04-29 11:39:58.735 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean cscc.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 122.660ms
04-29 11:39:58.868 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
crze.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 177.985ms
04-29 11:39:59.323 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
csve.e(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, ctek, java.lang.Exception) took
04-29 11:40:00.436 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cvcd.i(android.accounts.Account, android.os.Bundle, java.lang.String,
android.content.SyncResult) took 440.490ms
04-29 11:40:00.450 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enaj cvmd.a(drmb) took
04-29 11:40:00.895 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cwrt.f(android.content.Context) took 143.100ms
04-29 11:40:01.059 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cxhh.apply(java.lang.Object) took 115.923ms
04-29 11:40:01.092 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.semanticlocation.DebugData, long, boolean) took 102.658ms
04-29 11:40:01.511 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enaj cxzl.a() took
04-29 11:40:01.658 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eiia
cxzx.b(android.accounts.Account) took 222.910ms
04-29 11:40:01.995 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cync.f(android.content.Context) took 183.753ms
04-29 11:40:03.154 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cjmt.a(java.lang.Object) took 185.847ms
04-29 11:40:03.418 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
cojw.f(android.content.Context) took 101.641ms
04-29 11:40:03.757 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor
ang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long, boolean, ekhe,
java.lang.String) took 106.107ms
04-29 11:40:03.882 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.database.Cursor
droid.net.Uri, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String, java.lang.String[],
java.lang.String) took 103.454ms
04-29 11:40:04.609 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
coxy.f(android.content.Context) took 154.026ms
04-29 11:40:04.632 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cowt.b(android.content.Context, fvkp) took 198.894ms
04-29 11:40:04.772 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
conu.f(android.content.Context) took 471.023ms
04-29 11:40:06.359 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enaj
com.google.android.gms.semanticlocationhistory.edit.EditUploadJob.jX(bmmo) took
04-29 11:40:06.373 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
) took 119.657ms
04-29 11:40:06.566 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
conz.f(android.content.Context) took 105.869ms
04-29 11:40:07.030 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.util.Pair
cror.b(android.content.Context) took 307.814ms
04-29 11:40:07.208 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.appdatasearch.SearchResults cwkq.n(bddk,
com.google.android.gms.search.queries.QueryCall$Request, bdkr, begp, boolean) took
04-29 11:40:07.220 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cwkh.a() took 196.757ms
04-29 11:40:07.660 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void cibs.at() took
04-29 11:40:08.306 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
clej.onCreateView(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup,
android.os.Bundle) took 118.500ms
04-29 11:40:09.949 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.common.data.DataHolder crns.b(android.content.Context) took
04-29 11:40:10.232 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
cvzr.b(java.lang.Object) took 173.194ms
04-29 11:40:10.892 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void chti.W() took
04-29 11:40:12.364 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
dava.c(java.util.List) took 113.074ms
04-29 11:40:12.542 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fhpc[]
dbim.e(android.content.Context, android.os.DropBoxManager, java.lang.String, dbgj,
long, long) took 121.405ms
04-29 11:40:12.907 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dcam.run() took
04-29 11:40:13.223 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dcnz.i(boolean)
took 175.522ms
04-29 11:40:13.391 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dcoe.b(android.content.Context, java.lang.String) took 211.460ms
04-29 11:40:13.811 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ddwf.b() took
04-29 11:40:13.914 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dech.run() took
04-29 11:40:14.404 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dfep.a(int,
java.lang.Object, fcvf) took 171.814ms
04-29 11:40:15.120 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fufn dhin.b(boolean)
took 165.602ms
04-29 11:40:15.796 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ehdf
dioq.r(com.google.android.chimera.Fragment, android.os.Bundle) took 171.150ms
04-29 11:40:15.880 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
diyx.b(java.lang.String) took 133.483ms
04-29 11:40:15.939 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
dizt.a(android.content.Context, djdi, dizp, djac, djad,
com.google.android.gms.wallet.service.ib.ProcessBuyFlowResultRequest) took
04-29 11:40:16.806 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dlqv.g(android.content.Context) took 156.314ms
04-29 11:40:16.919 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of law dlxo.a(law, law)
took 165.477ms
04-29 11:40:16.919 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dlwn.c(android.content.Context) took 229.026ms
04-29 11:40:16.944 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dlxv.call() took 109.050ms
04-29 11:40:17.305 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dmdy.<init>(byte)
took 290.491ms
04-29 11:40:17.306 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dmds.<init>(android.content.Context) took 294.881ms
04-29 11:40:17.306 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dmdw.a(android.view.View, dmdv[]) took 292.638ms
04-29 11:40:17.326 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dlxq.f(fcvf) took
04-29 11:40:41.069 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int dndh.hashCode() took
04-29 11:40:41.069 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
java.security.interfaces.ECPublicKey dnct.a(byte[]) took 953.129ms
04-29 11:40:41.176 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dnbw dnat.b(byte[],
dncu, dncx) took 1.129s
04-29 11:40:41.202 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dnbw dnbv.b(byte[]) took
04-29 11:40:41.755 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dodz.call() took 289.653ms
04-29 11:40:41.759 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void doah.c(int, dnyq[],
dnyr[], fvmt, fvmt, emf, int) took 302.372ms
04-29 11:40:41.760 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dobb dobc.g(dnyt) took
04-29 11:40:41.761 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void docg.a(fcvi,
java.util.List, fcxf, java.util.List) took 303.626ms
04-29 11:40:46.492 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.List
dpdq.d(dpmf, dpbj, java.lang.String) took 603.312ms
04-29 11:40:46.492 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fdvd dpdj.f(dpbj) took
04-29 11:40:46.497 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eiia dpea.c(dpmf, long,
long) took 612.220ms
04-29 11:40:46.503 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fdwg
dpec.a(android.accounts.Account, fdvf, fdxp, dpmr, boolean) took 620.676ms
04-29 11:40:47.125 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
Context, byte[], long, dbvf) took 123.899ms
04-29 11:40:47.306 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
.onHandleIntent(android.content.Intent) took 282.020ms
04-29 11:40:47.314 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
android.content.Context) took 186.894ms
04-29 11:40:48.581 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void czrq.<init>(czzd,
com.google.android.gms.smartdevice.d2d.BootstrapConfigurations, czyx, czsp,
android.os.Handler) took 704.131ms
04-29 11:40:48.582 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
czsa.j(com.google.android.gms.common.api.Status) took 692.058ms
04-29 11:40:48.598 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of degd
czrg.a(com.google.android.gms.smartdevice.d2d.ConnectionRequest, dadi) took
04-29 11:40:48.616 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.gms.westworld.FetchOperation.d(android.content.Context, akjm,
ajmx, android.app.StatsManager, long, int) took 900.164ms
04-29 11:41:17.142 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
aActivity) took 600.407ms
04-29 11:41:17.143 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcvf daqi.r(int) took
04-29 11:41:17.202 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dapf.i(com.google.android.gms.smartdevice.d2d.data.MessagePayload) took 668.341ms
04-29 11:41:17.241 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dapp.i(com.google.android.gms.smartdevice.d2d.data.MessagePayload) took 748.255ms
04-29 11:41:17.837 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean dccf.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 112.862ms
04-29 11:41:18.029 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dcol dcoo.f(dbnj, dcpk,
ehrb, byte[], long) took 172.420ms
04-29 11:41:18.050 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dcop dcos.f(dbnj, dcpk,
ehrb, byte[], long) took 166.234ms
04-29 11:41:18.282 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dcqg dcqi.d(dbnj, dcpk,
ehrb, byte[], long) took 188.181ms
04-29 11:41:24.516 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void delk.a(deme) took
04-29 11:41:24.516 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void delj.a(deme) took
04-29 11:41:24.590 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dejb.c(android.content.Context, enby) took 741.043ms
04-29 11:41:24.602 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dejc.f(android.content.Context) took 762.303ms
04-29 11:41:24.831 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dexe.i(fcvf, ehxh)
took 101.130ms
04-29 11:41:29.609 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.content.Intent
djwe.a(android.content.Context, java.lang.Object) took 618.968ms
04-29 11:41:29.610 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
djwv.je(java.lang.Object) took 614.743ms
04-29 11:41:29.610 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
djwy.b(java.lang.Object) took 606.489ms
04-29 11:41:29.610 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
djvw.apply(java.lang.Object) took 620.505ms
04-29 11:41:30.106 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dkpi.handleMessage(android.os.Message) took 215.139ms
04-29 11:41:30.281 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dkuy.onUpgrade(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, int, int) took 130.105ms
04-29 11:42:21.978 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dlfd.a(hah) took 588.505ms
04-29 11:42:21.979 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of enaj
dlfb.a(java.lang.Object) took 598.495ms
04-29 11:42:21.979 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dley.a(hah) took 598.677ms
04-29 11:42:22.069 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dkws.q(java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream, dkab) took 729.819ms
04-29 11:42:23.663 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dlrv.a() took
04-29 11:42:23.667 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dlsk.<init>(dlvc,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, byte[], dkhr, dkmu,
com.google.android.gms.wearable.MessageOptions) took 579.470ms
04-29 11:42:23.667 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dlry.a() took
04-29 11:42:23.749 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dlsj.a(int, byte[])
took 661.409ms
04-29 11:42:23.950 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dluo.a() took
04-29 11:42:24.370 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dmtx dmum.E(boolean)
took 150.918ms
04-29 11:42:28.069 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dniu.<init>(dniw,
fdhh) took 618.536ms
04-29 11:42:28.070 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dmum.O(short[],
android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice, dmru) took 615.154ms
04-29 11:42:28.074 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dnjd.<init>(dnje,
eiia, fdhd, fucu, ftzm) took 608.746ms
04-29 11:42:28.109 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
dniz.a(hah) took 657.364ms
04-29 11:42:28.461 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of dmtx dmum.d(byte[]) took
04-29 11:42:29.442 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean epfu.gY(int,
android.os.Parcel, android.os.Parcel) took 102.184ms
04-29 11:42:31.874 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dijc.a() took
04-29 11:42:32.007 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.wallet.service.orchestration.BuyflowInitializeRequest) took
04-29 11:42:32.055 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
djdv.g(com.google.android.gms.wallet.CreateWalletObjectsRequest, android.os.Bundle,
diuh) took 103.060ms
04-29 11:42:32.081 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
com.google.android.gms.wallet.firstparty.ExecuteBuyFlowRequest) took 179.365ms
04-29 11:42:32.384 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
djdv.s(com.google.android.gms.wallet.IsReadyToPayRequest, android.os.Bundle, diuh)
took 122.296ms
04-29 11:42:33.294 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
AgentChimeraService.onCreate() took 168.469ms
04-29 11:42:33.650 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fhpe
dbib.q(android.content.Context, java.io.InputStream, long, long, ajmx) took
04-29 11:42:34.016 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dcyc.c(android.content.Context) took 149.926ms
04-29 11:42:34.146 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dcyx.c(android.content.Context) took 104.970ms
04-29 11:42:34.323 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
dczd.b(android.content.Context) took 230.962ms
04-29 11:42:34.353 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean dbht.H(fcvf,
java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) took 794.310ms
04-29 11:42:34.555 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fdbj
dbht.I(java.lang.String, fcvf) took 202.108ms
04-29 11:42:35.904 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ent.Intent) took 169.997ms
04-29 11:42:39.205 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dild.r(boolean)
took 141.088ms
04-29 11:42:39.854 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
e(android.os.Bundle) took 234.836ms
04-29 11:42:40.659 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
gle.android.location.reporting.state.update.ReportingConfig, java.lang.String,
boolean) took 106.935ms
04-29 11:42:41.445 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
duyg.uncaughtException(java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Throwable) took 133.377ms
04-29 11:42:42.468 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dxmk.j(feff, dxmy)
took 117.288ms
04-29 11:42:42.483 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dxmx.b(fefh, fefj,
dxmy, android.content.Context, java.lang.String) took 172.890ms
04-29 11:42:43.211 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dyyz.f(dznp) took
04-29 11:42:43.471 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void dzmb.run() took
04-29 11:42:44.421 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.util.Map
ebgu.d(android.content.Intent) took 163.918ms
04-29 11:42:44.566 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of ebit
ebiu.b(android.accounts.Account, int, java.lang.String, ebhd, long) took 171.031ms
04-29 11:42:44.582 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void ebju.run() took
04-29 11:42:45.578 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void edkx.run() took
04-29 11:42:46.033 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eeds
eedq.a(java.lang.String, eeee) took 193.594ms
04-29 11:42:46.045 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of faec eeae.b() took
04-29 11:42:46.054 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eeea eedu.a(fahb, fahb,
fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb,
android.content.res.Resources, android.content.res.Resources$Theme, eeee) took
04-29 11:42:46.202 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of eeea eedu.b(fahb, fahb,
fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb, fahb,
android.content.res.Resources, android.content.res.Resources$Theme, eeee) took
04-29 11:42:46.224 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fbfh eeem.b(fbfh, brl)
took 122.690ms
04-29 11:42:46.686 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of egxv eeva.b() took
04-29 11:42:46.869 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
efme.a() took 129.065ms
04-29 11:42:47.400 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int efqh.a(int) took
04-29 11:42:48.298 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int ekra.b(int) took
04-29 11:42:50.334 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
android.location.GnssMeasurementCorrections dyzc.g(long, dzeo,
android.location.Location, android.location.Location, double, dzag, boolean, fcvf,
dzba) took 145.761ms
04-29 11:42:50.342 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of boolean dzcu.c(dzds)
took 114.461ms
04-29 11:42:52.480 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void edqf.q(byte[],
byte[], byte[]) took 165.691ms
04-29 11:42:52.864 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void egcc.b(egat,
android.util.SparseArray) took 103.073ms
04-29 11:42:54.313 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.location.reporting.state.update.ReportingConfig, boolean) took
04-29 11:42:54.484 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
ebjt.b(android.content.Intent) took 169.759ms
04-29 11:42:54.664 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of edks edvq.b(edkr) took
04-29 11:42:54.906 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void egcq.b(egei,
java.io.InputStream, java.io.OutputStream) took 112.629ms
04-29 11:42:59.650 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
com.google.android.wallet.ui.expander.SummaryExpanderWrapper, ehbo,
java.lang.String, int, int, boolean) took 119.023ms
04-29 11:42:59.820 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of android.view.View
efpo.d(android.view.LayoutInflater, android.view.ViewGroup, android.os.Bundle) took
04-29 11:43:00.262 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
tinterface.walletdatatypes.DsrpInputData) took 204.278ms
04-29 11:43:00.405 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
gine.walletinterface.walletdatatypes.QrcInputData) took 142.082ms
04-29 11:43:00.564 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
(blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:43:00.571 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:43:00.611 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Accessing hidden method
BluetoothAdapter$BluetoothConnectionCallback;)Z (blocked, linking, denied)
04-29 11:43:00.624 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of feub ewgv.a() took
04-29 11:43:02.035 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of figq fiaz.e(fiht) took
04-29 11:43:02.287 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of filg fiki.a(fild,
java.lang.String, java.util.List) took 199.466ms
04-29 11:43:02.312 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int fheq.a(int) took
04-29 11:43:02.473 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of filg file.a() took
04-29 11:43:03.165 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fwyc fxsy.a(fxez, fwux)
took 145.150ms
04-29 11:43:03.409 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int fxya.read(byte[],
int, int) took 175.691ms
04-29 11:43:03.703 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void erjc.c(bhce) took
04-29 11:43:03.957 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of java.lang.Object
evxw.a(evwy) took 137.469ms
04-29 11:43:04.183 8618 8640 W dex2oat64: Compilation of
ewhy.i(com.google.location.nearby.common.fastpair.ProtoWrapper, java.util.List,
boolean) took 110.993ms
04-29 11:43:04.861 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fcvl fczl.c(fcxg, int)
took 157.672ms
04-29 11:43:05.093 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of int
fcxj.c(java.lang.Object, byte[], int, int, int, fctd) took 201.271ms
04-29 11:43:05.364 8618 8628 W dex2oat64: Compilation of void
fcxj.k(java.lang.Object, fcub, fcus) took 153.234ms
04-29 11:43:05.788 8618 8630 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] finc.j() took
04-29 11:43:06.195 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of fjah fjbd.a(fjau, fjad)
took 128.329ms
04-29 11:43:07.132 8618 8618 W dex2oat64: Compilation of byte[] fima.b(byte[])
took 197.625ms
04-29 11:44:20.374 8618 8618 I dex2oat64: dex2oat took 277.475s (877.293s cpu)
(threads: 4) arena alloc=47MB (49740296B) java alloc=92MB (96633360B) native
alloc=70MB (74403552B) free=143MB (150194320B) swap=448MB (469762048B)
04-29 11:58:42.908 2390 2496 D _V_DeathInfoFilter: dex2oat64(8618) is died for
reason [native]
04-29 11:58:42.910 2390 2902 I _V_DeathInfoFilter: Detected process death,
dex2oat64(8618), death info:[EXCEPTION-NE|||]
04-29 12:04:15.968 2390 2456 I _V_NRMS-NORMAL: Memory status=
86184KB BgAppCount = 4 FrozenAppCount=0 expectedNumBgApps=5 expectedMinNumBgApps=4
04-29 12:27:51.073 1927 1927 I FalsingManager: {belief=0.9999938900434027

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