Uji Asumsi Klasik

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1. Uji Normalitas
Swekness dan Kurtosis
Variable Obs Pr(skewness) Pr(kurtosis) Adj chi2(2) Prob>chi2

Y 12 0.4740 0.0742 4.04 0.1326

X1 12 0.9123 0.0575 3.98 0.1365
X2 12 0.1028 0.8830 3.21 0.2010

2. Uji Multikoliniearitas

Variable VIF 1/VIF

X1 1.53 0.652468
X2 1.53 0.652468

Mean VIF 1.53

3. Uji Heteroskedatisitas
Breusch–Pagan/Cook–Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity
Assumption: Normal error terms
Variable: Fitted values of Y

H0: Constant variance

chi2(1) = 3.09
Prob > chi2 = 0.0786
4. Uji Auto Korelasi
Durbin–Watson d-statistic( 3, 12) = 2.15959

5. Analisis Regresi linier berganda

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 12

F(2, 9) = 30.04
Model 282502508 2 141251254 Prob > F = 0.0001
Residual 42321634.7 9 4702403.86 R-squared = 0.8697
Adj R-squared = 0.8408
Total 324824142 11 29529467.5 Root MSE = 2168.5

Y Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]

X1 .0030565 .0008488 3.60 0.006 .0011363 .0049767

X2 .0030789 .0008999 3.42 0.008 .0010432 .0051145
_cons -627.9204 1079.863 -0.58 0.575 -3070.741 1814.9

6. Uji T Parsial
Y Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]

X1 .0030565 .0008488 3.60 0.006 .0011363 .0049767

X2 .0030789 .0008999 3.42 0.008 .0010432 .0051145
_cons -627.9204 1079.863 -0.58 0.575 -3070.741 1814.9

7. Uji F Simultan
ce SS df MS Number of obs = 12
F(2, 9) = 30.04
el 282502508 2 141251254 Prob > F = 0.0001
al 42321634.7 9 4702403.86 R-squared = 0.8697
Adj R-squared = 0.8408
al 324824142 11 29529467.5 Root MSE = 2168.5

Y Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]

X1 .0030565 .0008488 3.60 0.006 .0011363 .0049767

X2 .0030789 .0008999 3.42 0.008 .0010432 .0051145
ns -627.9204 1079.863 -0.58 0.575 -3070.741 1814.9

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