Aaron Moises Ele01
Aaron Moises Ele01
Aaron Moises Ele01
Communication Skills:
A central feature of the Science
Effective communication is
curriculum is the balanced
essential for cacilitating
integration of three interrelated
underonveying ideas clearly,
content strands:
● Performing scientific inquiry skills;
Critical Thinking Skills: Critical
thinking encourages students ● Understanding and applying
to analyze information, scientific knowledge; and
evaluate arguments, and
make informed decisions. ● Developing and demonstrating
scientific attitudes and values.
Collaboration Skills:
Collaboration fosters The design supports learners to
teamwork, communication, engage with and learn in science
and the sharing of ideas appropriate to the expected prior
among students. . experiences and learning.
Cognitive Apprenticeship:
This approach views learning
as an apprenticeship process
where students learn from
experts through observation,
imitation, and guided practice.
In the science curriculum,
cognitive apprenticeship
supports mentorship,
modeling of scientific
practices, and scaffolding of
learning experiences to
develop students' scientific
thinking and skills.
Learning: Integration of
technology, such as
simulations, virtual labs, and
multimedia resources,
enriches the learning
experience and allows for
interactive and engaging
science instruction.
Aaron C. Moises
Science in the
Elementary Grades