Aaron Moises Ele01

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Communication Skills:
A central feature of the Science
Effective communication is
curriculum is the balanced
essential for cacilitating
integration of three interrelated
underonveying ideas clearly,
content strands:
● Performing scientific inquiry skills;
Critical Thinking Skills: Critical
thinking encourages students ● Understanding and applying
to analyze information, scientific knowledge; and
evaluate arguments, and
make informed decisions. ● Developing and demonstrating
scientific attitudes and values.
Collaboration Skills:
Collaboration fosters The design supports learners to
teamwork, communication, engage with and learn in science
and the sharing of ideas appropriate to the expected prior
among students. . experiences and learning.

Information Technology Skills: The learning of this content is

In today's digital age, principally facilitated using the
information technology skills inquiry approach, supported
are vital for accessing and through approaches that challenge
processing information learners according to their prior
efficiently.. learning and needs.

Numeracy Skills: Numeracy

skills involve understanding
Other approaches that enhance
and working with numbers
inquiry learning and have also
effectively. They are crucial
for tasks ranging from basic contributed to the curriculum
arithmetic to complex data design include:
analysis, enhancing logical
thinking and quantitative ● applications-led learning,
reasoning. ● the science-technology-society
•Problem-Solving Skills approach,

•Self-Management Skills ● problem-based learning, and

•Study Skills ● multi-disciplinary learning.


•Respect for Others



Theoretical and The theoretical and 1.Constructivist theory of learning

Philosophical philosophical bases in the suggests that learners learn by
Bases science curriculum in Hong expanding their knowledge based
Kong encompass a range of on their prior knowledge.
perspectives that shape the
goals, content, and 2.Social Constructivist Theory
methodologies of science advocated by Vygotsky posits three
education. Some of the key important ideas on the processes
theoretical and philosophical of learning and development of an
bases include: individual.

Constructivism: This - First, these processes involve co-

perspective emphasizes that construction with others.
learners actively construct - Second, language mediates the
their own understanding of learning process as they
the world through communicate with others, which
experiences, reflection, and includes not only verbal but also
interaction with their non-verbal communication.
environment. In the science
curriculum, constructivism - Third, learning and development
supports hands-on activities,
inquiry-based learning, and take place within cultural and
the exploration of scientific historical contexts.
concepts through 3.Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal
experimentation and Development (ZPD) refers to the
discovery. difference between what a learner
Socio-cultural Theory: can do without help and what he or
Stemming from the work of she can achieve with guidance and
Lev Vygotsky, socio-cultural encouragement from a skilled
theory highlights the partner.
importance of social 4.The Social cognition learning
interactions, cultural context, model suggests that “most human
and collaborative learning in behavior is learned observationally
cognitive development. In the through modeling,”.
science curriculum, this
theory supports collaborative 5.Brain-based learning theory is a
learning environments, peer relatively new educational theory
interactions, and the that puts premium on the recent
integration of cultural research about cognitive and
perspectives in understanding neurosciences on how the brain
scientific phenomena. learns and how learners learn
differently as they age, grow, and
Critical Pedagogy: Grounded mature cognitively, emotionally,
in social justice and equity, and socially.
critical pedagogy aims to
empower students to critically 6.Cognitive load theory is a theory
analyze and challenge of how human brains process,
societal norms and structures. learn and store information. The
In the science curriculum, theory suggests that working
critical pedagogy may involve memory has a limited capacity and
discussions on ethics, that overloading it reduces the
sustainability, and the impact effectiveness of teaching.
of science on society,
encouraging students to
become informed and
responsible citizens.

Cognitive Apprenticeship:
This approach views learning
as an apprenticeship process
where students learn from
experts through observation,
imitation, and guided practice.
In the science curriculum,
cognitive apprenticeship
supports mentorship,
modeling of scientific
practices, and scaffolding of
learning experiences to
develop students' scientific
thinking and skills.

STEM Education: STEM

education integrates science,
technology, engineering, and
mathematics to foster
interdisciplinary learning,
creativity, and innovation. It
emphasizes hands-on
projects, real-world
applications, and
collaboration, preparing
students for careers in STEM
fields and addressing global

Pedagogies In Hong Kong, the 1.Inquiry-based learning approach

pedagogies used in science puts a premium on
curriculum are diverse and questioning,investigating,proving,pr
aim to engage students in obing,explaining,predicting,and
active learning and critical establishing connections of
thinking. Some common evidence (Calburn, 2020).
pedagogies found in science
education in Hong Kong 2.Applications-led approach
include: suggests that it is useful to
consider the application of the
Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL): concept rather than of an approach
This approach emphasizes based on the traditional logic of the
hands-on investigations, discipline.
problem-solving, and critical
thinking. Students explore 3.The Science Technology Society
scientific concepts through approach (STS) focuses on the
questioning, experimentation, societal role of science and
and analysis of data. technology in the contemporary
and modern world.
Project-Based Learning
(PBL): In PBL, students work 4.Problem-based Learning
on extended projects that approach (PBL) is the acquisition of
involve research, knowledge and skills using critical
collaboration, and application thinking and creativity to solve real-
of scientific knowledge to real- life problems.
world problems. It encourages
students to develop practical 5.Multidisciplinary (cross-
skills and deeper disciplinary) design is built into the
understanding. Science curriculum.“curriculum
integration which focuses primarily
Collaborative Learning: This on the different disciplines and the
pedagogy focuses on group diverse perspectives they bring to
work and peer interaction. illustrate a topic, theme or issue. A
Students collaborate on tasks, multidisciplinary curriculum is one
discuss ideas, and share in which the same topic is studied
knowledge, fostering from the viewpoint of more than
teamwork and communication one discipline.”
6.Transdisciplinary approach as
Experiential Learning: This “an approach to curriculum
approach involves learning integration which dissolves the
through direct experience, boundaries between the
such as field trips, laboratory conventional disciplines and
experiments, and hands-on organizes teaching and learning
activities. It helps students around the construction of meaning
connect theory with practice in the context of real-world
and promotes active problems or themes.”
7.Interdisciplinary approach is
Differentiated Instruction: defined as “An approach to
Teachers tailor instruction to curriculum integration that
meet the diverse needs of generates an understanding of
students, adapting teaching themes and ideas that cut across
strategies, materials, and disciplines and of the connections
assessments to support between different disciplines and
individual learning styles and their relationship to the real world.
abilities. It normally process and meaning
rather than product and content by
Problem-Based Learning combining contents, theories,
(PBL): Similar to PBL, this methodologies, and perspectives
approach presents students from two or more disciplines.”
with authentic, complex
problems to solve. It
encourages critical thinking,
problem-solving skills, and
application of scientific
principles in solving real-world

Learning: Integration of
technology, such as
simulations, virtual labs, and
multimedia resources,
enriches the learning
experience and allows for
interactive and engaging
science instruction.

Assessments Written Exams: These include 1.Classroom Assessment is an

multiple-choice questions, ongoing process of identifying,
short-answer questions, and gathering, organizing, and
longer essay-style questions interpreting quantitative and
that assess students' qualitative information about what
knowledge of scientific learners know and can do (DepEd
theories, concepts, and Order 31, s. 2020).
Assessment for the Science
Practical Experiments and curriculum should be organized to:
Investigations: Students are
often required to conduct ● identify prior learning and to set
experiments or investigations goals for learning;
in laboratories to demonstrate ● support learners explicitly to take
their understanding of an active role in assessing and
scientific methods, data evaluating their learning; and
collection, analysis, and
interpretation skills. ● judge the level of achievement of
the learners against the content,
Project-Based Assessments: performance and grade standards
Students may be assigned
projects that require them to of the intended learning.
research a scientific topic,
design experiments, collect 2. Performance Tasks and
data, analyze results, and Standards The curriculum provides
present their findings in a Performance Standards along with
report or presentation format. sample tasks to guide teachers on
the performance level expected.
Group Work and The levels of learner performance
Collaborative Assessments: are judged using criteria suitable
Some assessments may for the task.
involve group work, where
students collaborate to solve Performance Tasks and Standards
scientific problems, conduct assist the teachers and learners to
experiments, or present joint answer the questions:
projects. These assessments 1. “What do learners do with what
evaluate teamwork, they know?”
communication, and
leadership skills in addition to 2. “How well do learners
scientific knowledge. demonstrate their learning?”

Oral Presentations and 3. “How well do learners apply their

Debates: Students may be learning in different situations,
required to give oral including in real-life contexts?”
presentations on scientific
topics or participate in
debates where they defend
their scientific viewpoints.
These assessments focus on
communication skills, critical
thinking, and the ability to
articulate scientific ideas

Resources The science curriculum in There are several innovative

Hong Kong is supported by teaching methods and
various resources that technological tools that should be
facilitate teaching and introduced appropriately in basic
learning. Some key resources science education.
related to the science
curriculum in Hong Kong These emerging methodologies,
include: strategies and tools should be
appropriately chosen, and
Hong Kong Education Bureau integrated into the science lessons
(EDB) Website: The EDB to fit learners’ cognitive abilities and
website is a primary source of classroom contexts. Among these
information for teachers, innovative teaching methods and
students, and parents tools which can be applied to
regarding the science science are design thinking and
curriculum. It provides access engineering design processes,
to curriculum guides, learning. robotics technology, mobile
learning applications, learning
Professional Development analytics, games and gamification,
Programs: The EDB offers and virtual and remote laboratories.
professional development
programs and workshops for
science teachers.

Online Learning Platforms:

Various online platforms and
digital resources
Preliminary Project

Aaron C. Moises

Science in the
Elementary Grades

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