Plant Deficiency & Toxicity Guide! (Garden Talk #28) Part 1

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Benefits, Deficiencies,

& Toxicities
Presented By
“Mr. Grow It”
“Perfect Gardens”
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Family History & Timeline
• George S Boutwell – Created I.R.S. & Hired 1st 4000 employee’s –. Jul 17, 1862 (Track the
Debt using GreenBacks to Pay off Central Banking System) - Google U.S.S. Boutwell -
• Mark & Juanita Boutwell (Migrate Farm Worker) Developed the Processes for Harvesting,
Packaging, and Distribution of Lettuces in Monterey, Co from 1977 – 1989 – Production went
from 1400 lbs an hour to 65,000 lb and hr in only 12 years
• Developed a 40 Year Family wealth Portfolio worth at 1 point 35 million from doing
construction, fix & flip, long term rentals from 1989 – 2007
• Opened a family Loan Office & Wrote over 3 Billion Dollars in loans to homeowners 2003 – 2007
• I joined the 212th Pararescue Air National Guard in 2005 after Dropping out of College my
Senior year
• Family Lost 34.75 Million in Real Estate Crash 2007 -2008
• Used last bit of wealth to Opened Perfect Gardens in 2009
• (“Started/ Operated, Busted) the largest indoor grow facility in the state of California 2009 – 2012.
Total Operation spanned 1000+ lights (Mushroom Farm + rotating between 35 – 70 minor
Operations avg lights (6 – 20 per op) – Grow coached all the clients 1 on 1 until standards were
met consistently
• Started a ½ acre outdoor grow from Dec 2013 – 2015 - Operation Harvested Appx 5000lb
before being shut down
• Developed a new Industrial Water Extraction method for large scale 1000 acreage cbd/thc grows
(Research & Prototype Phase Only) - (2014 - 2018)
• Completed the Largest Hemp Biomass transition in the United States in 2018 (800,000 lb
from Oregon to Colorado) – 39 million Dollar Deal followed by 2 year lawsuit for unpaid
As you can tell we have had success
and failures

What I can say is our failures have only lead to

other success, so don’t give up
• Vision - Cannabis Farmer
Solving the World’s Ag
• Mission – We Help You Grow
• Values
• Integrity – putting the
shopping cart back every
• Sustainability – Doing our
Due Diligences
• Present – 1 Problem, 1
Solution at a time
● Tagline: Making Growing
Easy with an Army of growers
Food For Thought
Think about who is farming
Grandma’s / Grandpas / Community Gardens
Canna farmers
Large Corporations - 98% of the Foods is grown by 2% of the population (Avg
Age is 60 -70, One Heart Attack away from Dying)

Most Unique Thing About The Canna Industry

PRACTISES - We have created an inexpensive method to test the quality of our
growing practices.
Law of Minimum

• It states that growth is

dictated not by total
resources available, but by
the scarcest resource.

As mark twain said whisky for

drinking, water is for fighting
Law of

A law stating that the abundance or distribution of an organism can

be controlled by certain factors where levels of these exceed the
maximum or minimum limits of tolerance of that organism.
Bacteria Make
Co-enzymes, So when I
says “Aids in Activating
Co-enzymes” think of
this Chart

Nitrogen N Yes Formation of amino acids, vitamins and proteins; cell division

Mobile / Phosphoro
P Yes
Energy storage and transfer; cell growth; root and seed formation and
growth; winter hardiness; water use

Immobile Potassium K Yes

Carbohydrate metabolism, breakdown and translocation; water
efficiency; fruit formation; winter hardiness; disease resistance

Nutrients Secondary

Cell division and formation; nitrogen metabolism; translocation; fruit

Calcium Ca No

Chlorophyll production; phosphorus mobility; iron utilization; fruit

Magnesium Mg Yes
• Immobile Nutrients
show Nutrients Sulfur S No
Amino acids formation; enzyme and vitamin development; seed
production; chlorophyll formation
Deficiency & Excess
On Newer Leaves Micronutrients

• Mobile Nutrients Boron B No

Pollen grain germination and tube growth; seed and cell wall
formation; maturity promotion; sugar translocation
show deficiency &
excess on older Chlorine Cl Yes Role not well understood
leaves Metabolic catalyst; functions in photosynthesis and reproduction;
Copper Cu No
increases sugar; intensifies color; improves flavor
• Semi- Moblile
Nutrients show Iron Fe No Chlorophyll formation; oxygen carrier; cell division and growth
deficiency & excess Involved in enzyme systems; aids chlorophyll synthesis; P and CA
Manganese Mn No
on older or newer availability
leaves Molybdenu
Mo Yes Nitrate reductase formation; converts inorganic phosphates to organic
• Where am I seeing
the Deficiency older Nickel Ni Yes Nitrogen metabolism and fixation; disease tolerance
or newer growth? Hormone and enzyme systems; chlorophyll production; carbohydrate,
Zinc Zn No
starch and seed formation
2 Ways to Fix Most Problems
Flush, Ph, and Restart


Balance your Minerals

Nitrogen (N)
• Building blocks of Amino Acids, peptides &
• Amino-acids, Peptides, & Proteins are many made of
Organic Compounds.
• Organic Compounds are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,
Nitrogen, & Sulfur.
• In the Nitrogen Cycle there are 7 chemical
structures Nitrogen goes through
• Why does this industry use 4+ Nitrogen's
outside of the Natural Nitrogen Cycle
• Mobile Nutrient So look to the
older leaves 1st to identify deficiency &
and Toxicity
Benefits of Sulfur (S)
•Amino acids formation (Organic Compounds)
•Enzyme and Vitamin Development - (Law of Min. and Tol.)
•Fulvic and Humic Acids are normally composed of amino acids bond to sulphur
•Sulphur Helps complete incomplete chemical reactions weather by (natural “meal” or
Synthetic chemicals)
•Lower the Ph of your soil
•TIP: “Amend soil with Sulphur for people tapping off water high in Sodium)
•Sulphur is needed in Seed Production & Photosynthesis for the “Nitrogen Fixation” This
comes into play when you balance the sulfur and nitric acid equation. You end up
needing a lot of Nitric Acid to balance 1 molecule of sulphur. During this balancing the
bacteria have time to convert it from Ammonia (NH3) to Ammonium Nitrogen (NH4+)
•Tip: Mycorrhizae fungi are beneficial in soil to increase Sulphur content because fungi hold onto
Sulphur waiting for rain. That is why you see mushrooms right after a rain & is why your Fungi Colony is
so important
•Semi-mobile Nutrient So look to the NEWER later older leaves 1st to identify
deficiency & excess
*Found in Drops of Balance
Benefits of Phosphorus (P)
• Root Growth, Flowering and Seeding, WHY?
• Photosynthesis collect the sun & carbon dioxide to produce
“ATP” (Adenosine Tri-phosphate) & oxygen
• ATP will attach itself to 3 phosphate groups to
become a “sugar” - (C10 H16 N5 O13 P3) - Co
enzyme reaction
• Plants releases the O2 & Stores energy in the form of
sugar (glucose) in the root system which later combine with
amino acids to become (aka exudates) which stimulates
root growth, bacteria & Fungi development
• It storage the energy in the Roots for Night Time Growth
• Photosynthesis gets shut down Dramatically
without Phosphorus
• Phosphorus (K) has a key Purple Characteristics different from
Magnesium and Sulfur Deficiencies
• Purple pigmentation in the leaves mixed in with the green any time
Deficiency & prior to last 2 week of harvest
• Caused by accumulation of sugars that produce ANTHOCYANIN
Toxicity (P) • Followed by Necrosis of the Leaves similar to
calcium deficiency although 5x worse
• Mobile Nutrient So look to the older leaves 1st
to identify deficiency & excess
Benefits of Potassium (K) - Potash Ash

• Aids in photosynthesis & food formation

• Helps convert sugars into Starches & stored in the root system for long term use
• Increase Root Growth & improves Drought tolerance by building cellulose and reduces weak
• Maintains turgor, reduces water loss and wilting
• Increased protein content of plants which are Organic Compounds “amino acids” Bonded with
Minerals in water.
•Water System is the Blood Transportation system for more coenzyme production & is how
potassium Aids In Activating at least 60 other coenzymes being produced - (Law of Min and Law
of Tolerance)
•Helps stop the spread of crop diseases and nematodes
•Mobile Nutrient So look to the older leaves 1st to identify deficiency &
*Found in Drops of Balance
Deficiency & Toxicity (K)

Chlorosis starts on the upper half of a leaves.

C55 H72 N4 O5 Mg

Benefits of Magnesium (Mg)

•Chlorophyll production is the Green Blood
of the plant. Magnesium gives the “Green
Color”. The Center of Chlorophyll is (Mg)
•Phosphorus mobility (ATP)
•Iron Utilization - (Law of Min. and Tol.)
•Fruit maturing
•Langbeinite (rock “K-S-MG”) or Epsom
Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)
• Mobile Nutrient So look to the older
leaves 1st to identify deficiency & excess
*Found in Drops of Balance
& Toxicity
Benefits of Iron (Fe)
• Chlorophyll Formation b/c Ferredoxin are Iron-
Sulphur PROTEIN found in the chloroplasts “the
site of Photosynthesis”.

•Ferredoxin also plays a role when balancing the

nitrogen & reducing the sulphur
•When balancing the equation it Increase Oxygen b/c
when you balance the equation with sulphur and
nitric acid the final Math is (S + 6 HNO3 🡪 H2SO4 +
6 NO2 + 2 H2O) Which Means (1S 6H 6N 18O)
• Cell Division and Growth is because of Chlorophyll
– This is why I consider the Iron the “Father and
Sulfur the Mother”
• Tip: Blood meal is a great source of nitrogen and
iron for soil growing. Because the blood cells are the
exact same chemical make up of chlorophyll except
the center molecule is IRON “55C 72H 4N 5O Fe”
• Semi-mobile Nutrient
So look to the NEWER later
older leaves 1 to identify deficiency & excess

*Found in Drops of Balance

& Toxicity
Benefits of Calcium
•Formation of cell walls and cell membranes
•Builds Soil structure when you use sea shell or bone
meal – Feed Microbes which hold the soil together
•Calcium Nitrate (NHO3)derived from (limestone
& nitric Acid) (Synthesized Chemicals)
•Calcium Glucoheptonate (Synthesized Chemical) – Will not feed
Microbes, in fact shut down
•Critical for activating curtain enzymes - (Law of Min
and Law of Tolerance)
•Tip: Use Dolomite Lime for soil grows to help prevent calcium deficiency.

•Immobile Nutrient So look to the NEWER

leaves 1st to identify deficiency & excess

*Found in Drops of Balance

& Toxicity
Benefits of Manganese (Mn)
• Aid in more than 300 enzymes that regulate the human body body & plants- (Law of Min. and
• Without Manganese chlorophyll cannot capture sun energy for photosynthesis
• CAPTURING LIGHT – What is Light? Light is Harmonic frequencies, So Manganese is the
“receiver” so plants are listening to music all day long “Proof plants like music”
• Plants interpret the music they are listening to By the Trace Minerals activatived with
amino acids designed with the DNA/RHA code that are stored leaves.
• I wonder what Phosphorus and Calcium sound like to microbes? Trace minerals actually play a
larger role then we are lead to believe
• Emoto’s work on water and holding energy = Minerals are electrons/ protons/ neutrons etc
• Buddha said we can experience 108 human characters/ emotions, emotions are energy. Is
there 1 mineral associated with ever human emotion?
• My theory is that there is 108 total organic compounds/ minerals and as technology gets
more sensitive we will discover them
• Immobile Nutrient, So look to the NEWER leaves 1st to identify deficiency & excess

*Found in Drops of Balance

& Toxicity
Benefits of Copper (Cu)
• Metabolic Catalyst in Photosynthesis and Respiratory...Is why it increases
• Copper aid in enzymes production (all bacteria are cable of producing different
co-enzymes for every mineral that exist in your soil - (More trace minerals more
enzyme production) - (Law of Min. and Tol.)
• What do the copper enzymes do?
• Intensifies Color why because with more mineral that become bioavailable
more of the music can interrupt by the plant
• Improves Flavor, Flavor = Terpene because with these specific co-enzymes
your plant can now produce a higher terpene profile
• Semi-mobile Nutrient So look to the NEWER later older leaves 1st to identify
deficiency & excess

*Found in Drops of Balance

& Toxicity
Law of Minimum
• It states that growth is
dictated not by total
resources available, but by
the scarcest resource.
Drops of Balance or
“Mr. Grow It”

34+ Negative Ionic trace Mineral

Clean over 2500 + Man made


@ a rate of 1 ml per gal

8oz – treats 240 gallons of water

16oz – 480 Gallons

32oz – 960 Gallons

Law of

A law stating that the abundance or distribution of an organism can

be controlled by certain factors where if levels of these exceed the
maximum or minimum limits of tolerance of that organism.
Drops of Balance
Brands BY
Perfect Gardens
• Gaia Green
• Earth Dust
• Nectar of the Gods
• Down to Earth
• Drops of Balance
• NPK Industries – Raw
• Recharge
• Extreme Gardening
• There are other lines although these come to
mind as my favorites
Where to Find Me
Youtube - Perfectgardenstv

Link is in the description

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