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23th revised edition
Copy deadline: July 2018
Editorial editing: Department TI/Product Engineering - Gue, Lengfeld, Tichnau, Zoch
© Copyright WABCO 2018. Printed in Germany
Reprint - also in part - only with our permission
WABCO print: 815 000 051 3 Changes are reserved
UN-ECE Regulation 13 13
R 13

UN-ECE Regulation 130 353

UN-ECE Regulation 131 383

(EU) 2015/68 409

UN-ECE Regulation 13-H 627

UN-ECE Regulation 139 711

UN-ECE Regulation 140 735

Vehicle Regulations 2018

History of the manual, origins and backgrounds

For 50 years WABCO has provided a simple comprehensive tool with its manual on
current vehicle regulations. The oldest one is from 1968 containing details on topics
such as brake activity and brake technology, technical tables and further notes on the
topic „hunting and beauties“ or „everlasting calendar“. If you follow the manuals to the
most recent edition, you may notice that WABCO has also changed the rules. The
contents of the manual have been updated to the current requirements.
The reissue of the manual was a bit of a challenge as the rules had to be cumulated,
the changes and additions summarized. The external appearance is based on the cur-
rent corporate design - thus the layout of the texts has been adjusted accordingly. In
the name of digitization, the new printed edition will also serve as a template for future
digital versions.
The adopted regulations reflect the range of WABCO products: with the UNECE Re-
gulations 13, 13H, 130, 131, 139, 140 and the EU Regulation (EU) 2015/68, legal re-
quirements for passenger cars, commercial vehicles, agricultural and forestry vehicles
are included.
The technical editing has been completed by our students Franziska, Laura-Isabell,
Ferina and Claus-Peter. Thanks to all of you for the valuable input, it was a pleasure
to work with you!


General Information on Regulations

Vehicle regulations - like any other regulation - are created, come into force, are repea-
led, extended or modified. Also, there are different kinds of regulations and different
kinds of institutions behind them. In this text, you will get an overview about the two
kinds of regulations dealt with in this handbook: UN ECE Regulations and EU Regu-
There are six UN-ECE Regulations printed in this book: UN-ECE R 13, UN-ECE R 13- H,
UN-ECE R 130, UN-ECE R 131, UN-ECE R 139 and UNECE R 140. As their name says,
the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is the institution standing
behind them. More precisely, in its so-called Inland Transport Comitee, a working party
called World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (Abbreviation WP.29) was
established in 1953 to create a system of regulations. Those Regulations deal with vehic-
le design and aim to make the international trade of vehicles and its components easier.
Today, they are officially entitled UN Regulations.
Currently, 144 UN Regulations are in force and some more are under development. We
find them as addenda to the 1958 Agreement, which is formally titled
“Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform technical prescriptions for wheeled ve-
hicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles
and the conditions for reciprocal recognition of approvals granted on the basis of these
The 1958 Agreement follows the concept of mutual recognition. This means: If any of
the contracting parties that have signed the same regulation grants a type-approval
a component or vehicle, all of those contracting parties will recognize this approval.
Therefore, repetitive testing and approval in several countries is avoided and the com-
ponents and vehicles can be exported and traded easily.
The agreement counts 54 signatories to this day. 53 of the contracting parties are
states, whereas the last one is the European Union. At the beginning, the participation
in the 1958 Agreement was exclusive for ECE member countries, but since 1995 also
non-ECE members are allowed to participate.
A lot of countries recognize the UN ECE Regulations of the 1958 Agreement, even
if they are not formally participating in the agreement. However, this does not apply
for e.g. the United States of America and Canada, as they follow different regulations.

Vehicle Regulations 2018

In the first place, UN Regulations are not applicable on a mandatory basis. Though, if
a contracting party decides to apply one of those regulations, the adaption becomes a
binding act.
You can find out more about the UNECE and the UN Regulations on their webpage:
www.unece.org. Also, you can find the regulations and their amendments there (http://
www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs.html). All Regulations are written in English,
French and Russian language. Other languages (e.g. German) are available on the
website of the EU www.eur-lex.europa.eu but not officially authorized and sometimes
not updated to the latest version.
In this book, you will also find the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/68. Like the desig-
nation indicates, this regulation is a legal act of the European Union. In contrast to the
UN Regulations, EU Regulations are binding legislative acts that must be applied in
its entirety across the EU. Do not confuse EU Regulations with so-called EU Directives.
A directive is also a legislative act. But, in contrast to a regulation, it sets out a goal that
all of the member states must achieve. Though, every country can devise its own laws
to reach this goal.
EU Regulations and other legal acts are currently available in 23 languages, including
German. You can find them online at www.eur-lex.europa.eu.
The Straßenverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung (StVZO) is a so-called Rechtsverord-
nung and the last type of regulation that you will find in the handbook. In contrast to EU
and UN Regulations, the Rechtsverordnung is applicable for Germany only.
As you can see, regulations are not all the same. Since they change constantly, make
sure to be up-to-date about the current regulations’ status.


General Information about Amendments of UNECE Regulations

 UNECE Regulations are subject of continuous amendments
following the development of technology and changing legislative
intention. These amendments are introduced as

 a new Series of Amendments, if major changes of the regulation

are necessary, e.g. for the introduction of a new technology like
electronic stability control into brake regulation UNECE R 13. A
new Series is coupled with a certain date for introduction and a
modification of the approval mark is necessary.

 a new supplement to an existing Series of Amendments, if manor

changes like clarifications or introduction of a new test method are
necessary, not imposing new requirements. Supplements usually
(but not always) come into force without transitional provisions.

 corrigendum, if corrections e.g. of editorial errors or involuntary

omissions are necessary.
From time to time all amendments are incorporated by the UN Secretary into the exis-
ting regulation document to prepare a consolidated version, called a new revision.
For further information search the UNECE website for documents:

 ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1044/Rev.1 “General Guidelines for UN regu-

latory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations”

 Informal document WP.29-163-10 “Guidelines on amendments to

UN Regulations“, published during 163rd session of WP.29, 24-27
June 2014

Vehicle Regulations 2018

General Information about UNECE Regulations

Nearly all UNECE Regulations regarding type approval of vehicles, published as ad-
denda to the 1958 Agreement, follow the same or at least similar structure:

Chapter Content
Scope Vehicle categories that fall under this
Definitions Definition of terms used specifically in
this regulation
Application for approval Administrative guidance for the applicant
Approval Administrative guidance of approval
number and marking
Specifications Requirements specified in detail to be
fulfilled by the vehicle
Tests Description of tests how to check and
proof fulfilment of specifications
Modification of vehicle type and exten- Administrative guidance if vehicle type is
sion of approval modified
Conformity of production Requirements and administrative gui-
dance to proof conformity of production
Penalties for non-conformity of produc- -
Production definitely discontinued -
Names and addresses of the Technical This information is under administration
Services responsible for conducting ap- of the United Nations Secretariat
proval tests and of Type Approval Aut-
Transitional provisions Definition of transitional periods for intro-
duction of new Series of Amendments
Annexes Detailed prescription of test procedures
and requirements, some with Appendi-


List of relevant ISO Standards

The following ISO-Standards might be relevant and helpful:

Designation Year of Title

ISO 362-1 2015 Measurement of noise emitted by accelerating
road vehicles -- Engineering method -- Part 1: M
and N categories
ISO 611 2003 Road vehicles -- Braking of automotive vehicles
and their trailers -- Vocabulary
ISO 612 1978 Road vehicles -- Dimensions of motor vehicles and
towed vehicles -- Terms and definitions
ISO 1185 2003 Road vehicles -- Connectors for the electrical
connection of towing and towed vehicles --
7-pole connector type 24 N (normal) for vehicles
with 24 V nominal supply voltage
ISO 3583 1984 Road vehicles -- Pressure test connection for com-
pressed-air pneumatic braking equipment
ISO 5675 2008 Agricultural tractors and machinery -- General pur-
pose quick-action hydraulic couplers
ISO 5676 1983 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry
-- Hydraulic coupling -- Braking circuit
ISO 6597 2005 Road vehicles -- Hydraulic braking systems, inclu-
ding those with electronic control functions, for mo-
tor vehicles -- Test procedures
ISO 6605 2017 Hydraulic fluid power -- Test methods for hoses
and hose assemblies
ISO 7635 2006 Road vehicles -- Air and air/hydraulic braking
systems of motor vehicles, including those with
electronic control functions -- Test procedures
ISO 7638-1 2003 Road vehicles -- Connectors for the electrical
connection of towing and towed vehicles -- Part
1: Connectors for braking systems and running
gear of vehicles with 24 V nominal supply voltage

Vehicle Regulations 2018

Designation Year of Title

ISO 7638-2 2003 Road vehicles -- Connectors for the electrical
connection of towing and towed vehicles -- Part
2: Connectors for braking systems and running
gear of vehicles with 12 V nominal supply voltage
ISO 7751 2016 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assem-
blies -- Ratios of proof and burst pressure to
maximum working pressure
ISO 9128 2006 Road vehicles -- Graphical symbols to designa-
te brake fluid types
ISO 11157 2005 Road vehicles -- Brake lining assemblies -- Iner-
tia dynamometer test method
ISO 11992-1 2003 Road vehicles -- Interchange of digital informa-
tion on electrical connections between towing
and towed vehicles -- Part 1: Physical and
data-link layers
ISO 11992-2 2014 Road vehicles -- Interchange of digital information
on electrical connections between towing and to-
wed vehicles -- Part 2: Application layer for brakes
and running gear
ISO/PAS 12158 2002 Road vehicles -- Braking systems -- Temperatu-
re measuring methods
ISO 12161 2006 Road vehicles -- Endurance braking systems of mo-
tor vehicles and towed vehicles -- Test procedures
ISO 13044-2 2013 Road vehicles -- Fully automatic coupling systems 24
V (FACS) for heavy commercial vehicle combinations
-- Part 2: 50 mm fifth wheel couplings -- Electrical and
pneumatic interface
ISO 15037-1 2006 Road vehicles -- Vehicle dynamics test methods
-- Part 1: General conditions for passenger cars
ISO 15037-2 2002 Road vehicles -- Vehicle dynamics test methods
-- Part 2: General conditions for heavy vehicles
and buses


Designation Year of Title

ISO 15622 2010 Intelligent transport systems -- Adaptive Cruise
Control systems -- Performance requirements
and test procedures
ISO 15623 2013 Intelligent transport systems -- Forward vehicle
collision warning systems -- Performance require-
ments and test procedures
ISO 16028 1999 (Amd. Hydraulic fluid power -- Flush-face type,
1 2006) quick-action couplings for use at pressures of
20 MPa (200 bar) to 31,5 MPa (315 bar) -- Spe-
ISO 16552 2014 Heavy commercial vehicles and buses -- Stopping
distance in straight-line braking with ABS -- Open
loop and closed loop test methods
ISO 17361 2017 Intelligent transport systems -- Lane departure
warning systems -- Performance requirements
and test procedures
ISO 20918 2007 Road vehicles -- Braking threshold pressures
for heavy commercial vehicle combinations with
fully pneumatic braking systems -- Test with rol-
ler brake tester
ISO 22179 2009 Intelligent transport systems -- Full speed range
adaptive cruise control (FSRA) systems -- Per-
formance requirements and test procedures

Vehicle Regulations 2018

Classification and definition of power-driven vehicles and trailers

Category M: Motor vehicles having at least four wheels, or having three
wheels when the maximum weight exceeds 1 metric ton, and
used the carriage of passengers.
Category M1: Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising more
than eight seats in addition to the driver‘s seat.
Category M2: Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than
eight seats in addition to the driver‘s seat, and having a maximum
weight not exceeding 5 metric tons.
Category M3: Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than
eight seats in addition to the driver‘s seat, and having a maximum
weight exceeding 5 metric tons.

Category N: Motor vehicles having at least four wheels, or having three

wheels when the maximum weight exceeds 1 metric ton, and
used the carriage of goods.
Category N1: Vehicles used for carriage of goods and having a maximum weight
not exceeding 3.5 metric tons.
Category N2: Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum
weight exceeding 3.5 but not exceeding 12 metric tons.
Category N3: Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum
weight exceeding 12 metric tons.

Category O: Trailers (including semi-trailers)

Category O1: Trailers with a maximum weight not exceeding 0.75 metric ton.
Category O2: Trailers with a maximum weight exceeding 0.75 metric ton but not
exceeding 3.5 metric ton.
Category O3: Trailers with a maximum weight exceeding 3.5 metric tons but not
exceeding 10 metric tons.
Category O4: Trailers with a maximum weight exceeding 10 metric tons.


UN-ECE Regulation 13
UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Table of Content
Regulation No. 13
R 13

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles of categories M, N

and O with regard to braking ...................................................................................19
1. Scope........................................................................................................................19
2. Definitions.................................................................................................................19
3. Application for approval ..........................................................................................26
4. Approval ...................................................................................................................27
5. Specifications ...........................................................................................................28
6. Tests..........................................................................................................................66
7. Modification of vehicle type or braking system and extension of approval .........66
8. Conformity of production (COP)..............................................................................67
9. Penalties for non-conformity of production ............................................................68
10. Production definitely discontinued .........................................................................68
11. Names and addresses of Technical Services conducting approval tests and
of Type Approval Authorities ...................................................................................69
12. Transitional provisions ............................................................................................69
Annex 1
Braking equipment, devices, methods and conditions not covered by this
Regulation ................................................................................................................72
Annex 2
Communication ........................................................................................................73
Annex 2 - Appendix 1*
List of vehicle data for the purpose of regulation No. 90 approvals .....................78
Annex 2 - Appendix 2
Type approval certificate concerning the vehicle braking equipment ...................80
Annex 3
Arrangements of approval marks ..........................................................................81
Annex 4
Braking tests and performance of braking systems .............................................83
Annex 4 - Appendix
Procedure for monitoring the state of battery charge .........................................103
Annex 5
Additional provisions applicable to certain vehicles as specified in the ADR .....104
Annex 6
Method of measuring the response time on vehicles equipped with com-
pressed-air braking systems .................................................................................106


Annex 6 – Appendix
Examples of simulator ........................................................................................... 111
Annex 7

R 13
Provisions relating to energy sources and energy storage devices (energy
accumulators)......................................................................................................... 113
Annex 8
Provisions relating to specific conditions for spring braking systems .................121
Annex 9
Provisions relating to parking braking systems equipped with a mechanical
brake-cylinder locking device (Lock actuators) ..................................................... 125
Annex 10
Distribution of braking among the axles of vehicles and requirements for
compatibility between towing vehicles and trailers ..............................................126
Annex 11
Cases in which Type-I and/or Type-II (or Type-IIA) or Type-III tests do not
have to be carried out ...........................................................................................146
Annex 11 - Appendix 1...........................................................................................148
Annex 11 - Appendix 2
Alternative procedures for Type-I and Type-III tests for trailer brakes ...............150
Annex 11 - Appendix 3
Model test report form as prescribed in paragraph 3.9. of Appendix 2 to this
annex ......................................................................................................................168
Annex 11 - Appendix 4
Model test report form for an alternative automatic brake adjustment device
as prescribed in paragraph 3.7.3. of Appendix 2 to this annex ..........................173
Annex 11 – Appendix 5
Trailer axle and brake information document with respect to the alternative
Type-I and Type-III procedure ...............................................................................175
Annex 12
Conditions governing the testing of vehicles equipped with inertia (overrun)
braking systems ....................................................................................................181
Annex 12 - Appendix 1 ..........................................................................................196
Annex 12 - Appendix 2
Test report on inertia-braking system control device ................................203
Annex 12 - Appendix 3
Test report on the brake ........................................................................................206
Annex 12 - Appendix 4
Test report on the compatibility of the inertia brake control device, the trans-
mission and the brakes on the trailer ...................................................................209
Annex 13
Test requirements for vehicles fitted with anti-lock systems ...............................213

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 13 - Appendix 1
Symbols and definitions .......................................................................................224
Annex 13 - Appendix 2
R 13

Utilization of adhesion ...........................................................................................227

Annex 13 - Appendix 3
Performance on differing adhesion surfaces ......................................................233
Annex 13 Appendix 4
Method of selection of the low-adhesion surfaces ..............................................234
Annex 14
Test conditions for trailers with electrical braking systems .................................235
Annex 14 - Appendix
Compatibility of the braking rate of the trailer and the mean fully developed
deceleration of the tractor/trailer combination (trailer laden and unladen) .........238
Annex 15
Inertia dynamometer test method for brake linings..............................................239
Annex 16
Compatibility between towing vehicles and trailers with respect to ISO 11992
data communications.............................................................................................244
Annex 17
Test procedure to assess the functional compatibility of vehicles equipped
with electric control lines ........................................................................................249
Annex 18
Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of complex electro-
nic vehicle control systems ...................................................................................257
Annex 19
Performance testing of braking system components ..........................................263
Annex 19 - Appendix 1
Model verification report form for diaphragm brake chambers ...........................285
Annex 19 - Appendix 2
Model reference record of test results for diaphragm brake chambers..............287
Annex 19 - Appendix 3
Model verification report form for spring brakes ..................................................288
Annex 19 - Appendix 4
Model reference record of test results for spring brakes .....................................289
Annex 19 - Appendix 5
Trailer anti-lock braking system information document ......................................290
Annex 19 - Appendix 6
Trailer anti-lock braking system test report ..........................................................292
Annex 19 - Appendix 7
Vehicle (trailer) stability function information document.......................................294
Annex 19 - Appendix 8
Vehicle (trailer) stability function test report ..........................................................296


Annex 19 - Appendix 9
Symbols and definitions .......................................................................................298
Annex 19 - Appendix 10

R 13
Field test documentation form as prescribed in paragraph of this
annex .....................................................................................................................300
Annex 19 - Appendix 11
Vehicle (motor vehicle) stability function information document .........................303
Annex 19 - Appendix 12
Vehicle (motor vehicle) stability function test report .............................................306
Annex 20
Alternative procedure for the type approval of trailers ........................................309
Annex 20 - Appendix 1
Method of calculating the centre of gravity height ...............................................320
Annex 20 - Appendix 2
Verification graph for paragraph - Semi-trailers .....................................322
Annex 20 - Appendix 3
Verification graph for paragraph - Centre axle trailers ...........................323
Annex 20 - Appendix 4
Verification graph for paragraph – Full trailers ........................................324
Annex 20 - Appendix 5
Symbols and definitions .......................................................................................326
Annex 21
Special requirements for vehicles equipped with a vehicle stability function .....329
Annex 21 - Appendix 1
Use of the dynamic stability simulation.................................................................336
Annex 21 - Appendix 2
Dynamic stability simulation tool and its validation ..............................................337
Annex 21 - Appendix 3
Vehicle stability function simulation tool test report ..............................................341
Annex 22
Requirements for the brake electric/electronic interface of an automated
Annex 22 - Appendix 1
Examples of the layout of an automated connection between vehicles.............347
Annex 22 - Appendix 2 ..........................................................................................351
Annex 22 - Appendix 3 ..........................................................................................352

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Whee-
R 13

led Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on
Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Appro-
vals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions*
(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)
Addendum 12: Regulation No. 13
Revision 8
Incorporating all valid text up to:
Supplement 6 to the 11 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 28 October 2011
Supplement 7 to the 11 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 28 October 2011
Supplement 8 to the 11 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 13 April 2012
Erratum to Revision 7 (English only)
Supplement 9 to the 11 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 18 November
Corrigendum 1 to Revision 7 - Date of entry into force: 13 March 2013
Corrigendum 4 to the 11 series of amendments (Russian only) - Date of entry into force:
26 June 2013
Supplement 10 to the 11 series of amendments - Date of entry into force: 13.2.2014
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles of categories M,
N and O with regard to braking


* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform

Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle
Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.


Regulation No. 13
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles of

R 13
categories M, N and O with regard to braking
1. Scope
1.1. This Regulation applies to vehicles of categories M2, M3, N and O1 with
regard to braking.2
1.2. This Regulation does not cover:
1.2.1. Vehicles with a design speed not exceeding 25 km/h;
1.2.2. Trailers which may not be coupled to power-driven vehicles with a de-
sign speed exceeding 25 km/h;
1.2.3. Vehicles fitted for invalid drivers;
1.3. Subject to the applicable provisions of this Regulation, the equipment,
devices, methods and conditions enumerated in Annex 1 are not cove-
red by this Regulation.

2. Definitions
For the purposes of this Regulation:
2.1. “Approval of a vehicle” means the approval of a vehicle type with regard
to braking;
2.2. “Vehicle type” means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such
essential respects as:
2.2.1. In the case of power-driven vehicle; The vehicle category, (see paragraph 1.1. above); The maximum mass, as defined in paragraph 2.16. below; The distribution of mass among the axles; The maximum design speed;
1 As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.),
document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3, para.2 - www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/
2 In accordance with the application dates contained in paragraph 12. of this Regu-
lation, braking requirements for vehicles of category M1 are exclusively included in
Regulation No. 13-H. For vehicles of category N1, Contracting Parties that are sig-
natories to both Regulation No. 13-H and this Regulation shall recognize approvals
to either Regulation as equally valid.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 A different type of braking equipment, with more particular reference to

the presence or otherwise of equipment for braking a trailer, or any pre-
sence of an electric regenerative braking system;
R 13 The number and arrangement of the axles; The engine type; The number and ratios of gears; The final drive ratios; The tyre dimensions;
2.2.2. In the case of trailers, The vehicle category (see paragraph 1.1. above); The maximum mass, as defined in paragraph 2.16. below; The distribution of mass among the axles; A different type of braking equipment; The number and arrangement of the axles; The tyre dimensions;
2.3. “Braking system” means the combination of parts whose function is pro-
gressively to reduce the speed of a moving vehicle or bring it to a halt,
or to keep it stationary if it is already halted; these functions are specified
in paragraph 5.1.2. The system consists of the control, the transmission,
and the brake proper;
2.4. “Control” means the part actuated directly by the driver (or in the case of
some trailers, by an assistant) to furnish to the transmission the energy
required for braking or controlling it. This energy may be the muscular
energy of the driver, or energy from another source controlled by the
driver, or in appropriate cases the kinetic energy of a trailer, or a combi-
nation of these various kinds of energy;
2.4.1. “Actuation” means both application and release of the control.
2.5. “Transmission” means the combination of components comprised bet-
ween the control and the brake and linking them functionally. The trans-
mission may be mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric or mixed.
Where the braking power is derived from or assisted by a source of
energy independent of the driver, the reserve of energy in the system is
likewise part of the transmission.


The transmission is divided into two independent functions: the control

transmission and the energy transmission. Whenever the term “trans-

R 13
mission” is used alone in this Regulation, it means both the “control
transmission” and the “energy transmission”. The control and supply
lines between towing vehicles and trailers shall not be considered as
parts of the transmission.
2.5.1. “Control transmission” means the combination of the components of
the transmission which control the operation of the brakes, including the
control function and the necessary reserve(s) of energy.
2.5.2. “Energy transmission” means the combination of the components which
supply to the brakes the necessary energy for their function, including
the reserve(s) of energy necessary for the operation of the brakes.
2.6. “Brake” means the part in which the forces opposing the movement of
the vehicle develop. It may be a friction brake (when the forces are ge-
nerated by friction between two parts of the vehicle moving relatively
to one another); an electrical brake (when the forces are generated by
electro-magnetic action between two parts of the vehicle moving relati-
vely to but not in contact with one another); a fluid brake (when the forces
are generated by the action of a fluid situated between two parts of the
vehicle moving in relation to one another); or an engine brake (when
the forces are derived from an artificial increase in the braking action,
transmitted to the wheels, of the engine);
2.7. “Different types of braking systems” means systems which differ in such
essential respects as:
2.7.1. Components having different characteristics;
2.7.2. A component made of materials having different characteristics, or a
component differing in shape or size;
2.7.3. A different assembly of the components;
2.8. “Component of a braking system” means one of the individual parts
which, when assembled, constitute the braking system;
2.9. “Continuous braking” means the braking of a combination of vehicles
through an installation having the following characteristics:
2.9.1. A single control which the driver actuates progressively, by a single mo-
vement, from his driving seat;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.9.2. The energy used for braking the vehicles constituting the combination is fur-
nished by the same source (which may be the muscular energy of the driver);
R 13

2.9.3. The braking installation ensures simultaneous or suitably-phased bra-

king of each of the constituent vehicles of the combination, whatever
their relative positions;
2.10. “Semi-continuous braking” means the braking of a combination of vehic-
les through an installation having the following characteristics:
2.10.1. A single control which the driver actuates progressively, by a single mo-
vement, from his driving seat;
2.10.2. The energy used for braking the vehicles constituting the combination is
furnished by two different sources (one of which may be the muscular
energy of the driver);
2.10.3. The braking installation ensures simultaneous or suitably-phased bra-
king of each of the constituent vehicles of the combination, whatever
their relative positions;
2.11. “Automatic braking” means braking of the trailer or trailers occurring au-
tomatically in the event of separation of components of the combination
of coupled vehicles, including such separation through the breakage of a
coupling, the effectiveness of the braking of the remainder of the combi-
nation not being thereby destroyed;
2.12. “Inertia (or overrun) braking” means braking by utilizing the forces gene-
rated by the trailer’s moving up on the towing vehicle;
2.13. “Progressive and graduated braking” means braking during which, wit-
hin the normal operating range of the equipment, and during actuation of
the brakes (see paragraph 2.4.1. above);
2.13.1. The driver can at any moment increase or decrease the braking force
by acting on the control;
2.13.2. The braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (mo-
notonic function); and
2.13.3. The braking force can be easily regulated with sufficient precision;
2.14. “Phased braking” is a means which may be used where two or more
sources of braking are operated from a common control, whereby one
source may be given priority by phasing back the other source(s) so as
to make increased control movement necessary before they begin to be
brought into operation.


2.15. “Endurance braking system” means an additional braking system having

the capability to provide and to maintain a braking effect over a long
period of time without a significant reduction in performance. The term

R 13
“endurance braking system” covers the complete system including the
control device.
2.15.1. The endurance braking system may comprise a single device or a com-
bination of several devices. Each device may have its own control.
2.15.2. Control configurations for endurance braking systems: “Independent endurance braking system” means an endurance braking
system whose control device is separated from that of the service and
other braking systems; “Integrated endurance braking system” means an endurance braking
system whose control device is integrated with that of the service braking
system in such a way that both endurance and service braking systems
are applied simultaneously or suitably phased by operation of the com-
bined control device; “Combined endurance braking system” means an integrated endurance
braking system, which in addition has a cut-out device, which allows the
combined control to apply the service braking system alone.
2.16. “Laden vehicle” means, except where otherwise stated, a vehicle so la-
den as to attain its “maximum mass”;
2.17. “Maximum mass” means the maximum mass stated by the vehicle ma-
nufacturer to be technically permissible (this mass may be higher than
the “permissible maximum mass” laid down by the national administ-
2.18. “The distribution of mass among the axles” means the distribution of the
effect of the gravity on the mass of the vehicle and/or its contents among
the axles;
2.19. “Wheel/axle load” means the vertical static reaction (force) of the road
surface in the contact area on the wheel/wheels of the axle;
2.20. “Maximum stationary wheel/axle load” means the stationary wheel/axle
load achieved under the condition of the laden vehicle;
2.21. “Electric regenerative braking” means a braking system which, during
deceleration, provides for the conversion of vehicle kinetic energy into
electrical energy.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.21.1. “Electric regenerative braking control” means a device which modulates

the action of the electric regenerative braking system.
R 13

2.21.2. “Electric regenerative braking system of category A” means an elect-

ric regenerative braking system which is not part of the service braking
2.21.3. “Electric regenerative braking systems of category B” means an electric
regenerative braking system which is part of the service braking system.
2.21.4. “Electric state of charge” means the instantaneous ratio of electric quan-
tity of energy stored in the traction battery relative to the maximum quan-
tity of electric energy which could be stored in this battery.
2.21.5. “Traction battery” means an assembly of accumulators constituting the
storage of energy used for powering the traction motor(s) of the vehicle.
2.22. “Hydraulic braking system with stored energy” means a braking system
where energy is supplied by a hydraulic fluid under pressure, stored in
one or more accumulators fed from one or more pressure pumps, each
fitted with a means of limiting the pressure to a maximum value. This
value shall be specified by the manufacturer;
2.23. “Simultaneous lockup of the front and rear wheels” refers to the condition
when the time interval between the first occurrence of lockup of the last
(second) wheel on the rear axle and the first occurrence of lockup on the
last (second) wheel on the front axle is less than 0.1 second.
2.24. “Electric control line” means the electrical connection between two vehic-
les which provides the braking control function to a towed vehicle within
a combination. It comprises the electrical wiring and connector and inclu-
des the parts for data communication and the electrical energy supply for
the trailer control transmission.
2.25. “Data communication” means the transfer of digital data under the rules
of a protocol.
2.26. “Point-to-point” means a topology of a communication network with only
two units. Each unit has an integrated termination resistor for the com-
munication line.
2.27. “Coupling force control” means a system/function to balance automati-
cally the braking rate of towing vehicle and trailer.


2.28. “Nominal value” definitions for braking reference performance are requi-
red to put a value on the transfer function of the braking system, relating
output to input for vehicles individually and when used in combination.

R 13
2.28.1. “Nominal value” is defined, for a power-driven vehicle, as the charac-
teristic which can be demonstrated at Type Approval and which relates
the braking rate of the vehicle on its own to the level of the braking input
2.28.2. “Nominal value” is defined, for a trailer, as the characteristic which can
be demonstrated at Type Approval and which relates the braking rate to
the coupling head signal.
2.28.3. “Nominal demand value” is defined, for coupling force control, as the
characteristic which relates the coupling head signal to the braking rate
and which can be demonstrated at Type Approval, within the limits of the
compatibility bands of Annex 10.
2.29. “Automatically commanded braking” means a function within a complex
electronic control system where actuation of the braking system(s) or
brakes of certain axles is made for the purpose of generating vehicle
retardation with or without a direct action of the driver, resulting from the
automatic evaluation of onboard initiated information.
2.30. “Selective braking” means a function within a complex electronic control
system where actuation of individual brakes is made by automatic means
in which vehicle retardation is secondary to vehicle behaviour modification.
2.31. “Reference braking forces” means the braking forces of one axle gene-
rated at the circumference of the tyre on a roller brake tester, relative to
brake actuator pressure and declared at the time of type approval.
2.32. “Braking signal”: logic signal indicating brake activation as specified in
2.33. “Emergency braking signal”: logic signal indicating emergency braking
as specified in paragraph
2.34. “Vehicle Stability Function” means an electronic control function for a
vehicle which improves the dynamic stability of the vehicle.
2.34.1. A vehicle stability function includes one or both of the following:
(a) Directional control;
(b) Roll-over control.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.34.2. Control functions within a vehicle stability function: “Directional control” means a function within a vehicle stability function
R 13

that assists the driver, in the event of under steer and over steer condi-
tions, within the physical limits of the vehicle in maintaining the direction
intended by the driver in the case of a power-driven vehicle, and assists
in maintaining the direction of the trailer with that of the towing vehicle in
the case of a trailer. “Roll-over control” means a function within a vehicle stability function that
reacts to an impending roll-over in order to stabilise the power-driven
vehicle or towing vehicle and trailer combination or the trailer during dy-
namic manoeuvres within the physical limits of the vehicle.
2.35. “Subject trailer” is a trailer representative of the trailer type for which type
approval is sought.
2.36. The “brake factor (BF)” is the input to output amplification ratio of the brake.
2.37. “Identification Code” identifies the brake discs or brake drums covered by
the braking system approval according to this regulation. It contains at least
the manufacturer’s trade name or trademark and an identification number.
2.38. “Axle group” means multiple axles where the axle spread between one
axle and its adjacent axle is equal to or less than 2.0 m. Where the axle
spread between one axle and its adjacent axle is greater than 2.0 m,
each individual axle shall be considered as an independent axle group.
2.39. “Character of the vehicle” means a descriptive term for a vehicle – tractor
for semi-trailer, truck, bus, semi-trailer, full trailer, centre-axle trailer.
2.40. “Brake electric/electronic interface” means the part of a separable elec-
trical/electronic connection between the towing vehicle and the towed
vehicle which is dedicated to the braking system.
2.41. “Automated Connector” means a system through which the electric and
pneumatic connection, between the towing vehicle and towed vehicle
is made automatically without direct intervention of a human operator.
3. Application for approval
3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to braking shall be
submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.
3.2. It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate
and by the following particulars:


3.2.1. A description of the vehicle type with regard to the items specified in
paragraph 2.2. above. The numbers and/or symbols identifying the ve-
hicle type and, in the case of power-driven vehicles, the engine type

R 13
shall be specified;
3.2.2. A list of the components, duly identified, constituting the braking system;
3.2.3. A diagram of assembled braking system and an indication of the position
of its components on the vehicle;
3.2.4. Detailed drawings of each component to enable it to be easily located
and identified.
3.3. A vehicle, representative of the vehicle type to be approved, shall be
submitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.
3.4. The Type Approval Authority shall verify the existence of satisfactory ar-
rangements for ensuring effective control of the conformity of production
before type approval is granted.

4. Approval
4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation
meets the requirements of paragraphs 5. and 6. below, approval of that
vehicle type shall be granted.
4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved, its first
two digits (at present 11) shall indicate the series of amendments incor-
porating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Re-
gulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party
shall not assign the same number to the same vehicle type equipped
with another type of braking system, or to another vehicle type.
4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a vehicle type pursuant to
this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement
applying this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in
Annex 2 to this Regulation and of a summary of the information contai-
ned in the documents referred to in paragraphs 3.2.1. to 3.2.4. above,
the drawings supplied by the applicant being in a format not exceeding
A4 (210 x 297 mm), or folded to that format, and on an appropriate scale.
4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place
specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehic-
le type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark
consisting of:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter “E” followed by the distinguishing number
of the country which has granted approval,3 and
R 13

4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter “R”, a dash and the
approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.
4.5. However, if a vehicle of categories M2 or M3 has been approved pursuant
to the provisions of Annex 4, paragraph 1.8. to this Regulation, the num-
ber of the Regulation shall be followed by the letter M.
4.6. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more
other Regulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has
granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in para-
graph 4.4.1. need not be repeated; in such a case, the Regulation and
approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the Regulations un-
der which approval has been granted in the country which has granted
approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to the
right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.
4.7. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
4.8. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.
4.9. Annex 3 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval

5. Specifications
5.1. General
5.1.1. Braking system The braking system shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to
enable the vehicle in normal use, despite the vibration to which it may be
subjected, to comply with the provisions of this Regulation. In particular, the braking system shall be so designed, constructed and
fitted as to be able to resist the corroding and ageing phenomena to
which it is exposed. Brake linings shall not contain asbestos.
3 The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are re-
produced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
(R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 3, Annex 3 - www.unece.org/trans/

Regulation The effectiveness of the braking systems, including the electric cont-
rol line, shall not be adversely affected by magnetic or electrical fields.
This shall be demonstrated by fulfilling the technical requirements and

R 13
respecting the transitional provisions of Regulation No. 10 by applying:
(a) The 03 series of amendments for vehicles without a coupling
system for charging the Rechargeable Energy Storage Sys-
tem (traction batteries).
(b) The 04 series of amendments for vehicles with a coupling sys-
tem for charging the Rechargeable Energy Storage System
(traction batteries). A failure detection signal may interrupt momentarily (< 10 ms) the de-
mand signal in the control transmission, provided that the braking per-
formance is thereby not reduced.
5.1.2. Functions of the braking system
The braking system defined in paragraph 2.3. of this Regulation shall
fulfil the following functions: Service braking system
The service braking system shall make it possible to control the move-
ment of the vehicle and to halt it safely, speedily and effectively, whate-
ver its speed and load, on any up or down gradient. It shall be possible
to graduate this braking action. The driver shall be able to achieve this
braking action from his driving seat without removing his hands from the
steering control. Secondary braking system
The secondary braking system shall make it possible to halt the vehicle
within a reasonable distance in the event of failure of the service braking
system. It shall be possible to graduate this braking action. The driver
shall be able to obtain this braking action from his driving seat while kee-
ping at least one hand on the steering control. For the purposes of these
provisions it is assumed that not more than one failure of the service
braking system can occur at one time. Parking braking system
The parking braking system shall make it possible to hold the vehicle
stationary on an up or down gradient even in the absence of the driver,

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

the working parts being then held in the locked position by a purely me-
chanical device. The driver shall be able to achieve this braking action
R 13

from his driving seat, subject, in the case of a trailer, to the provisions
of paragraph of this Regulation. The trailer air brake and the
parking braking system of the towing vehicle may be operated simul-
taneously provided that the driver is able to check, at any time, that the
parking brake performance of the vehicle combination, obtained by the
purely mechanical action of the parking braking system, is sufficient.
5.1.3. Connections, for compressed-air braking systems, between power-dri-
ven vehicles and trailers The connections of the compressed-air braking systems between
power-driven vehicles and trailers shall be provided according to para-
graphs, or One pneumatic supply line and one pneumatic control line; One pneumatic supply line, one pneumatic control line and one electric
control line; One pneumatic supply line and one electric control line; this option is
subject to footnote.4 The electric control line of the power-driven vehicle shall provide infor-
mation as to whether the requirements of paragraph can be
satisfied by the electric control line, without assistance from the pneuma-
tic control line. It shall also provide information as to whether it is equip-
ped according to paragraph with two control lines or according
to paragraph with only an electric control line. A power-driven vehicle equipped according to paragraph
shall recognize that the coupling of a trailer equipped according to para-
graph is not compatible. When such vehicles are electrically
connected via the electric control line of the towing vehicle, the driver
shall be warned by the red optical warning signal specified in para-
graph and when the system is energized, the brakes on the
towing vehicle shall be automatically applied. This brake application shall
provide at least the prescribed parking braking performance required by
paragraph 2.3.1. of Annex 4 to this Regulation.
4 Until uniform technical standards have been agreed, which ensure compatibility and
safety, connections between power-driven vehicles and trailers conforming to para-
graph shall not be permitted.

Regulation In the case of a power-driven vehicle equipped with two control lines as
defined in paragraph, when electrically connected to a trailer
which is also equipped with two control lines, the following provisions

R 13
shall be fulfilled: Both signals shall be present at the coupling head and the trailer shall use
the electric control signal unless this signal is deemed to have failed. In
this case the trailer shall automatically switch to the pneumatic control line; Each vehicle shall conform to the relevant provisions of Annex 10 to this
Regulation for both electric and pneumatic control lines; and When the electric control signal has exceeded the equivalent of 100 kPa
for more than 1 second, the trailer shall verify that a pneumatic signal
is present; should no pneumatic signal be present, the driver shall be
warned from the trailer by the separate yellow warning signal specified
in paragraph below. A trailer may be equipped as defined in paragraph, provided
that it can only be operated in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle
with an electric control line which satisfies the requirements of para-
graph In any other case, the trailer, when electrically connec-
ted, shall automatically apply the brakes or remain braked. The driver
shall be warned by the separate yellow warning signal specified in para-
(a) The electric control line shall conform to ISO 11992-1 and
11992-2:2003 including its amendment 1:2007 and be a point-
to-point type using:
(i) The seven pin connector according to ISO 7638-1
or 7638-2:2003 or,
(ii) In the case of systems where the connection of the
electric control line is automated, the automated
connector shall, as a minimum, provide the same
number of pins as the above- mentioned ISO 7638
connector and meet the requirements specified in
Annex 22 of this Regulation.
(b) The data contacts of the ISO 7638 connector shall
be used to transfer information exclusively for bra-
king (including ABS) and running gear (steering, ty-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

res and suspension) functions as specified in ISO

11992-2:2003 including its Amd.1:2007. The braking functi-
ons have priority and shall be maintained in the normal and
R 13

failed modes. The transmission of running gear information

shall not delay braking functions.
(c) The power supply, provided by the ISO 7638 connector, shall
be used exclusively for braking and running gear functions and
that required for the transfer of trailer related information not
transmitted via the electric control line. However, in all cases
the provisions of Paragraph of this Regulation shall
apply. The power supply for all other functions shall use other
measures. The support of messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including
Amd.1:2007 is specified within Annex 16 to this Regulation for the towing
vehicle and trailer as appropriate. The functional compatibility of towing and towed vehicles equip-
ped with electric control lines as defined above shall be assessed at
the time of type approval by checking that the relevant provisions of
ISO 11992:2003, including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007
parts 1 and 2, are fulfilled. Annex 17 to this Regulation provides an
example of tests that may be used to perform this assessment. When a power-driven vehicle is equipped with an electric control line
and electrically connected to a trailer equipped with an electric control
line, a continuous failure (> 40 ms) within the electric control line shall be
detected in the power-driven vehicle and shall be signalled to the driver
by the yellow warning signal specified in paragraph, when
such vehicles are connected via the electric control line. If the operation of the parking braking system on the power-driven ve-
hicle also operates a braking system on the trailer, as permitted by para-
graph, then the following additional requirements shall be met: When the power-driven vehicle is equipped according to para-
graph, the actuation of the parking brake system of the pow-
er-driven vehicle shall actuate a braking system on the trailer via the
pneumatic control line. When the power-driven vehicle is equipped according to para-
graph, the actuation of the parking brake system on the pow-


er-driven vehicle shall actuate a braking system on the trailer as pre-

scribed in paragraph In addition, the actuation of the parking

R 13
brake system may also actuate a braking system on the trailer via the
electric control line. When the power-driven vehicle is equipped according to para-
graph or, if it satisfies the requirements of paragraph
without assistance from the pneumatic control line, paragraph,
the actuation of the parking braking system on the power-driven vehicle
shall actuate a braking system on the trailer via the electric control line.
When the electrical energy for the braking equipment of the power-dri-
ven vehicle is switched off, the braking of the trailer shall be effected by
evacuation of the supply line (in addition, the pneumatic control line may
remain pressurized); the supply line may only remain evacuated until the
electrical energy for the braking equipment of the power-driven vehicle
is restored and simultaneously the braking of the trailer via the electric
control line is restored. Shut-off devices which are not automatically actuated shall not be permitted. In the case of tractor and semi-trailer combinations, the flexible hoses
and cables shall be a part of the power-driven vehicle. In all other cases,
the flexible hoses and cables shall be a part of the trailer.
In the case of an automated connector, this requirement regarding the
allocation of flexible hoses and cables is not applicable.
5.1.4. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection of braking systems It shall be possible to assess the wear condition of the components of
the service brake that are subject to wear e.g. friction linings and drums/
discs (in the case of drums or discs, wear assessment may not necessa-
rily be carried out at the time of periodic technical inspection). The met-
hod by which this may be realized is defined in paragraphs
and of this Regulation. For the purpose of determining the in-use braking forces of each axle
of the vehicle, with a compressed-air braking system, air pressure test
connections are required: In each independent circuit of the braking system, at the closest readily
accessible position to the brake cylinder which is the least favourably
placed as far as the response time described in Annex 6 is concerned.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In a braking system which incorporates a pressure modulation device

as referred to in paragraph 7.2. of Annex 10, located in the pressure line
R 13

upstream and downstream of this device at the closest accessible posi-

tion. If this device is pneumatically controlled an additional test connec-
tion is required to simulate the laden condition. Where no such device is
fitted, a single pressure test connection, equivalent to the downstream
connector mentioned above, shall be provided. These test connections
shall be so located as to be easily accessible from the ground or within
the vehicle. At the closest readily accessible position to the least favourably placed
energy storage device within the meaning of paragraph 2.4. of Annex 7,
section A. In each independent circuit of the braking system so it is possible to
check the input and output pressure of the complete transmission line. The pressure test connections shall comply with clause 4 of ISO Stan-
dard 3583:1984. The accessibility of required pressure test connections shall not be
obstructed by modifications and assembly of accessories or the vehicle
body. It shall be possible to generate maximum braking forces under static
conditions on a rolling road or roller brake tester. Data for braking systems: The data of the compressed-air braking system for the functional and
efficiency test shall be specified at the vehicle in a visible position in in-
delible form, or made freely available in another way (e.g. handbook,
electronic data record). For vehicles equipped with compressed-air braking systems at least the
following data are required:


Pneumatic characteristic data:

R 13
Compressor/unloader valve1 Max. cut-out pressure Min. cut-in pressure
= ………......………..kPa = ………….....…...kPa
Four-circuit protection valve Static closing pressure = ....................................kPa
Trailer control valve Corresponding delivery pressure for a control
or relay2 emergency pressure of 150 kPa = …...........................…….kPa
valve, as appropriate
Minimum design pressure
in the service braking
system for calculation1, 3

Brake cylinder type4 / / /
Service / Parking
Maximum stroke4 smax = ..............mm
Lever length4 = .............................. mm

Not applicable for trailers.
Not applicable for vehicles with electronic control of braking systems.
When different from minimum cut-in pressure.
Only applicable for trailers. Reference braking forces Reference braking forces shall be defined for vehicles with compressed
air operated brakes using a roller brake tester. Reference braking forces are to be determined for a brake actuator
pressure range from 100 kPa to the pressure generated under Type-0
conditions for each axle. The applicant for type approval shall nominate
reference-braking forces for a brake activator pressure range from 100
kPa. These data shall be made available, by the vehicle manufacturer,
according to paragraph above.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The reference braking forces shall be declared such that the vehicle is
capable of generating a braking rate equivalent to that defined in An-
nex 4 of this Regulation for the relevant vehicle (50 per cent in the case
R 13

of vehicles of category M2, M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4 except semi-trailers,

45 per cent in the case of semi-trailers), whenever the measured rol-
ler braking force, for each axle irrespective of load, is not less than the
reference braking force for a given brake actuator pressure within the
declared operating pressure range.5 It shall be possible to verify, in a frequent and simple way, the correct
operational status of those complex electronic systems which have con-
trol over braking. If special information is needed, this shall be made
freely available. Where the operational status is indicated to the driver by warning si-
gnals, as specified in this Regulation, it shall be possible at a periodic
technical inspection to confirm the correct operational status by visual
observation of the warning signals following a power-on. At the time of type approval, the means implemented to protect against
simple unauthorized modification of the operation to the verification me-
ans chosen by the manufacturer (e.g. warning signal) shall be confiden-
tially outlined.
Alternatively, this protection requirement is fulfilled when a secondary
means of checking the correct operational status is available.
5.1.5. The requirements of Annex 18 shall be applied to the safety aspects of
all complex electronic vehicle control systems which provide or form part
of the control transmission of the braking function included those which
utilize the braking system(s) for automatically commanded braking or
selective braking.
However, systems or functions, which use the braking system as the
means of achieving a higher level objective, are subject to Annex 18
only insofar as they have a direct effect on the braking system. If such
systems are provided, they shall not be deactivated during type approval
testing of the braking system.
5.2. Characteristics of braking systems
5.2.1. Vehicles of categories M2, M3 and N
5 For the purpose of periodic technical inspection, the minimum limit braking rate va-
lues defined for the whole vehicle may need adjustment to reflect national or inter-
national in-service requirements.

Regulation The set of braking systems with which a vehicle is equipped shall satisfy
the requirements laid down for service, secondary and parking braking

R 13
systems. The systems providing service, secondary and parking braking may
have common components so long as they fulfil the following conditions: There shall be at least two controls, independent of each other and rea-
dily accessible to the driver from his normal driving position.
For all categories of vehicles, except M2 and M3, every brake control
(excluding an endurance braking system control) shall be designed such
that it returns to the fully off position when released. This requirement
shall not apply to a parking brake control (or that part of a combined
control) when it is mechanically locked in an applied position; The control of the service braking system shall be independent of the
control of the parking braking system; If the service braking system and the secondary braking system have
the same control, the effectiveness of the linkage between that control
and the different components of the transmission systems shall not be
liable to diminish after a certain period of use; If the service braking system and the secondary braking system have
the same control, the parking braking system shall be so designed that
it can be actuated when the vehicle is in motion. This requirement shall
not apply if the vehicle’s service braking system can be actuated, even
partially, by means of an auxiliary control; Without prejudice to the requirements of paragraph of this Regu-
lation, the service braking system and the parking braking system may
use common components in their transmission(s), provided that in the
event of a failure in any part of the transmission(s) the requirements for
secondary braking are still ensured; In the event of breakage of any component other than the brakes (as
defined in paragraph 2.6. of this Regulation) or the components referred
to in paragraph below, or of any other failure of the service
braking system (malfunction, partial or total exhaustion of an energy re-
serve), the secondary braking system or that part of the service braking
system which is not affected by the failure, shall be able to bring the
vehicle to a halt in the conditions prescribed for secondary braking;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In particular, where the secondary braking system and the service bra-
king system have a common control and a common transmission:
R 13 If service braking is ensured by the action of the driver’s muscular energy
assisted by one or more energy reserves, secondary braking shall, in the
event of failure of that assistance, be capable of being ensured by the
driver’s muscular energy assisted by the energy reserves, if any, which
are unaffected by the failure, the force applied to the control not excee-
ding the prescribed maxima; If the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on
the use, controlled by the driver, of an energy reserve, there shall be at
least two completely independent energy reserves, each provided with
its own transmission likewise independent; each of them may act on
the brakes of only two or more wheels so selected as to be capable of
ensuring by themselves the prescribed degree of secondary braking wit-
hout endangering the stability of the vehicle during braking; in addition,
each of the aforesaid energy reserves shall be equipped with a warning
device as defined in paragraph below. In each service braking
circuit in at least one of the air reservoirs a device for draining and ex-
hausting is required in an adequate and easily accessible position; If the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on the
use of an energy reserve, one energy reserve for the transmission is
deemed to be sufficient, provided that the prescribed secondary braking
is ensured by the action of the driver’s muscular energy acting on the
service brake control and the requirements of paragraph are met. Certain parts, such as the pedal and its bearing, the master cylinder and
its piston or pistons (hydraulic systems), the control valve (hydraulic and/
or pneumatic systems), the linkage between the pedal and the master cy-
linder or the control valve, the brake cylinders and their pistons (hydraulic
and/or pneumatic systems), and the lever-and-cam assemblies of brakes,
shall not be regarded as liable to breakage if they are amply dimensio-
ned, are readily accessible for maintenance, and exhibit safety features
at least equal to those prescribed for other essential components (such
as the steering linkage) of the vehicle. Any such part as aforesaid whose
failure would make it impossible to brake the vehicle with a degree of
effectiveness at least equal to that prescribed for secondary braking shall
be made of metal or of a material with equivalent characteristics and shall
not undergo notable distortion in normal operation of the braking systems.

Regulation Where there are separate controls for the service braking system and
the secondary braking system, simultaneous actuation of the two con-

R 13
trols shall not render both the service braking system and the secondary
braking system inoperative, either when both braking systems are in
good working order or when one of them is faulty. The service braking system shall, whether or not it is combined with the
secondary braking system, be such that in the event of failure in a part
of its transmission a sufficient number of wheels are still braked by ac-
tuation of the service brake control; these wheels shall be so selected
that the residual performance of the service braking system satisfies the
requirements laid down in paragraph 2.4. of Annex 4 to this Regulation. However, the foregoing provisions shall not apply to tractor vehicles for
semi-trailers when the transmission of the semi-trailer’s service braking
system is independent of that of the tractor vehicle’s service braking
system; The failure of a part of a hydraulic transmission system shall be signalled
to the driver by a device comprising a red warning signal, as specified in
paragraph Alternatively, the lighting up of this device when
the fluid in the reservoir is below a certain level specified by the manu-
facturer shall be permitted. Where use is made of energy other than the muscular energy of the dri-
ver, there need not be more than one source of such energy (hydraulic
pump, air compressor, etc.), but the means by which the device constitu-
ting that source is driven shall be as safe as practicable. In the event of failure in any part of the transmission of a braking sys-
tem, the feed to the part not affected by the failure shall continue to be
ensured if required for the purpose of halting the vehicle with the degree
of effectiveness prescribed for residual and/or secondary braking. This
condition shall be met by means of devices which can be easily actuated
when the vehicle is stationary, or by automatic means. Furthermore, storage devices located down-circuit of this device shall be
such that in the case of a failure in the energy supply after four full-stroke
actuations of the service brake control, under the conditions prescribed
in paragraph 1.2. of Annex 7 to this Regulation, it is still possible to halt
the vehicle at the fifth application, with the degree of effectiveness pre-
scribed for secondary braking.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 However, for hydraulic braking systems with stored energy, these pro-
visions can be considered to be met provided that the requirements of
paragraph 1.2.2. of Part C of Annex 7 to this Regulation, are satisfied.
R 13 The requirements of paragraphs, and of this

Regulation shall be met without the use of any automatic device of a kind
such that its ineffectiveness might pass unnoticed through the fact that
parts normally in a position of rest come into action only in the event of
failure in the braking system. The service braking system shall act on all wheels of the vehicle and
shall distribute its action appropriately among the axles. In the case of vehicles with more than two axles, in order to avoid
wheel-locking or glazing of the brake linings, the brake force on certain
axles may be reduced to zero automatically when carrying a much re-
duced load, provided that the vehicle meets all the performance require-
ments prescribed in Annex 4 to this Regulation. In the case of N1 category vehicles with electric regenerative braking sys-
tems of category B, the braking input from other sources of braking, may
be suitably phased to allow the electric regenerative braking system alone
to be applied, provided that both the following conditions are met: Intrinsic variations in the torque output of the electrical regenerative bra-
king system (e.g. as a result of changes in the electric state of charge
in the traction batteries) are automatically compensated by appropria-
te variation in the phasing relationship as long as the requirements
of one of the following annexes to this Regulation are satisfied:
Annex 4, paragraph 1.3.2., or
Annex 13, paragraph 5.3. (including the case with the electric motor en-
gaged); and Wherever necessary, to ensure that braking rate6 remains related to the dri-
ver’s braking demand, having regard to the available tyre/road adhesion,
braking shall automatically be caused to act on all wheels of the vehicle. The action of the service braking system shall be distributed between
the wheels of one and the same axle symmetrically in relation to the
longitudinal median plane of the vehicle. Compensation and functions,
such as anti-lock, which may cause deviations from this symmetrical dis-
tribution, shall be declared.
6 The Type Approval Authority, which is to grant approval, shall have the right to check
the service braking system by additional vehicle test procedures.

Regulation Compensation by the electric control transmission for deterioration or

defect within the braking system shall be indicated to the driver by me-
ans of the yellow warning signal specified in paragraph

R 13
This requirement shall apply for all conditions of loading when compen-
sation exceeds the following limits: A difference in transverse braking pressures on any axle of:
(a) 25 per cent of the higher value for vehicle decelerations ≥ 2 m/s2;
(b) A value corresponding to 25 per cent at 2 m/s2 for decelerati-
ons below this rate. An individual compensating value on any axle of:
(a) > 50 per cent of the nominal value for vehicle decelerations ≥ 2 m/s2;
(b) A value corresponding to 50 per cent of the nominal value
at 2 m/s2 for decelerations below this rate. Compensation as defined above, is permitted only when the initial brake
application is made at vehicle speeds greater than 10 km/h. Malfunctions of the electric control transmission shall not apply the bra-
kes contrary to the driver’s intentions. The service, secondary and parking braking systems shall act on braking
surfaces connected to the wheels through components of adequate strength.
Where braking torque for a particular axle or axles is provided by both a
friction braking system and an electrical regenerative braking system of
category B, disconnection of the latter source is permitted, providing that
the friction braking source remains permanently connected and able to
provide the compensation referred to in paragraph
However in the case of short disconnection transients, incomplete com-
pensation is accepted, but within 1 s, this compensation shall have attai-
ned at least 75 per cent of its final value.
Nevertheless, in all cases the permanently connected friction braking
source shall ensure that both the service and secondary braking sys-
tems continue to operate with the prescribed degree of effectiveness.
Disconnection of the braking surfaces of the parking braking system
shall be permitted only on condition that the disconnection is controlled
exclusively by the driver from his driving seat, by a system incapable of
being brought into action by a leak.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 Wear of the brakes shall be capable of being easily taken up by means
of a system of manual or automatic adjustment. In addition, the control
and the components of the transmission and of the brakes shall possess
R 13

a reserve of travel and, if necessary, suitable means of compensation

such that, when the brakes become heated, or the brake linings have
reached a certain degree of wear, effective braking is ensured without
immediate adjustment being necessary. Wear adjustment shall be automatic for the service brakes. However,
the fitting of automatic brake adjustment devices is optional for off-road
vehicles of categories N2 and N3 and for the rear brakes of vehicles of
category N1. Brakes equipped with automatic brake adjustment devices
shall, after heating followed by cooling, be capable of free running as
defined in paragraph 1.5.4. of Annex 4 following the Type-I test also de-
fined in that annex. Checking the wear of the service brake friction components It shall be possible to easily assess this wear on service brake linings
from the outside or underside of the vehicle, without the removal of the
wheels, by the provision of appropriate inspection holes or by some ot-
her means. This may be achieved by utilizing simple standard workshop
tools or common inspection equipment for vehicles.
Alternatively, a sensing device per wheel (twin wheels are considered
as a single wheel), which will warn the driver at his driving position
when lining replacement is necessary, is acceptable. In the case of
an optical warning, the yellow warning signal specified in para-
graph below may be used. Assessment of the wear condition of the friction surfaces of brake discs or
drums may only be performed by direct measurement of the actual com-
ponent or examination of any brake disc or drum wear indicators, which
may necessitate some level of disassembly. Therefore, at the time of type
approval, the vehicle manufacturer shall define the following:
(a) The method by which wear of the friction surfaces of drums and
discs may be assessed, including the level of disassembly re-
quired and the tools and process required to achieve this;
(b) Information defining the maximum acceptable wear limit at the
point at which replacement becomes necessary.
This information shall be made freely available, e.g. vehicle handbook or
electronic data record.

Regulation In hydraulic-transmission braking systems, the filling ports of the fluid

reservoirs shall be readily accessible; in addition, the receptacles contai-
ning the reserve fluid shall be so designed and constructed that the level

R 13
of the reserve fluid can be easily checked without the receptacles having
to be opened. If this latter condition is not fulfilled, the red warning signal
specified in paragraph shall draw the driver’s attention to
any fall in the level of reserve fluid liable to cause a failure of the braking
system. The type of fluid to be used in the hydraulic transmission braking
systems shall be identified by the symbol in accordance with figure 1 or
2 of Standard ISO 9128:2006. The symbol shall be affixed in a visible
position in indelible form within 100 mm of the filling ports of the fluid
reservoirs; additional information may be provided by the manufacturer. Warning device Any vehicle fitted with a service brake actuated from an energy reservoir
shall, where the prescribed secondary braking performance cannot be
obtained by means of this braking system without the use of the stored
energy, be provided with a warning device, in addition to a pressure gauge,
where fitted, giving an optical or acoustic signal when the stored energy, in
any part of the system, falls to a value at which without re-charging of the
reservoir and irrespective of the load conditions of the vehicle, it is possible
to apply the service brake control a fifth time after four full-stroke actuations
and obtain the prescribed secondary braking performance (without faults in
the service brake transmission and with the brakes adjusted as closely as
possible). This warning device shall be directly and permanently connected
to the circuit. When the engine is running under normal operating conditions
and there are no faults in the braking system, as is the case in approval
tests for this type, the warning device shall give no signal except during
the time required for charging the energy reservoir(s) after start-up of the
engine. The red warning signal specified in paragraph shall be
used as the optical warning signal. However, in the case of vehicles which are only considered to comply
with the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation by virtue
of meeting the requirements of paragraph 1.2.2. of Part C of Annex 7 to
this Regulation, the warning device shall consist of an acoustic signal
in addition to an optical signal. These devices need not operate simul-
taneously, provided that each of them meet the above requirements
and the acoustic signal is not actuated before the optical signal. The red
warning signal specified in paragraph shall be used as the
optical warning signal.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 This acoustic device may be rendered inoperative while the handbrake
is applied and/or, at the choice of the manufacturer, in the case of auto-
matic transmission the selector is in the “Park” position.
R 13 Without prejudice to the requirements of paragraph of this Regu-

lation, where an auxiliary source of energy is essential to the functioning
of a braking system, the reserve of energy shall be such as to ensure
that, if the engine stops or in the event of a failure of the means by which
the energy source is driven, the braking performance remains adequate
to bring the vehicle to a halt in the prescribed conditions. In addition, if
the muscular effort applied by the driver to the parking braking system is
reinforced by a servo device, the actuation of the parking braking system
shall be ensured in the event of a failure of the servo device, if necessary
by using a reserve of energy independent of that normally supplying the
servo device. This reserve of energy may be that intended for the service
braking system. In the case of a power-driven vehicle to which the coupling of a trailer
equipped with a brake controlled by the driver of the towing vehicle is
authorized, the service braking system of the towing vehicle shall be
equipped with a device so designed that in the event of failure of the
trailer’s braking system, or in the event of an interruption in the air supply
pipe (or of such other type of connection as may be adopted) between
the towing vehicle and its trailer, it shall still be possible to brake the
towing vehicle with the effectiveness prescribed for secondary braking; it
is accordingly prescribed, in particular, that this device shall be situated
on the towing vehicle. The pneumatic/hydraulic auxiliary equipment shall be supplied with
energy in such a way that during its operation, the prescribed decelera-
tion values can be reached and that even in the event of damage to the
source of energy the operation of the auxiliary equipment cannot cause
the reserves of energy feeding the braking systems to fall below the level
indicated in paragraph above. If the trailer is of category O3 or O4, the service braking system shall be
of the continuous or semi-continuous type. In the case of a vehicle authorized to tow a trailer of category O3 or O4, its
braking systems shall satisfy the following conditions: When the towing vehicle’s secondary braking system comes into action,
there shall also be a graduated braking action in the trailer;

Regulation In the event of failure of the towing vehicle’s service braking system,
where that system consists of at least two independent parts, the part or

R 13
parts not affected by the failure shall be capable of partially or fully actua-
ting the brakes of the trailer. It shall be possible to graduate this braking
action. If this operation is achieved by a valve which is normally at rest,
then such a valve may only be incorporated if its correct functioning can
easily be checked by the driver, either from within the cab or from outside
the vehicle, without the use of tools; In the event of a failure (e.g. breakage or leak) in one of the pneumatic
connecting lines, interruption or defect in the electric control line, it shall
nevertheless be possible for the driver, fully or partially, to actuate the
brakes of the trailer by means either of the service braking control or of
the secondary braking control or of the parking braking control, unless
the failure automatically causes the trailer to be braked with the perfor-
mance prescribed in paragraph 3.3. of Annex 4 to this Regulation. The automatic braking in paragraph above shall be conside-
red to be met when the following conditions are fulfilled: When the designated brake control of those controls mentioned in para-
graph above, is fully actuated, the pressure in the supply line
shall fall to 150 kPa within the following two seconds; in addition, when
the brake control is released, the supply line shall be re-pressurized. When the supply line is evacuated at the rate of at least 100 kPa per
second the automatic braking of the trailer shall start to operate before
the pressure in the supply line falls to 200 kPa. In the event of a failure in one of the control lines connecting two vehicles
equipped according to paragraph, the control line not affected
by the failure shall automatically ensure the braking performance pre-
scribed for the trailer in paragraph 3.1. of Annex 4. In the case of a power-driven vehicle equipped to draw a trailer with
an electrical braking system, according to paragraph 1.1. of Annex 14
to this Regulation, the following requirements shall be met:The power
supply (generator and battery) of the power-driven vehicle shall have
a sufficient capacity to provide the current for an electrical braking sys-
tem. With the engine running at the idling speed recommended by the
manufacturer and all electrical devices supplied by the manufacturer
as standard equipment of the vehicle switched on, the voltage in the

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

electrical lines shall at maximum current consumption of the electrical

braking system (15 A) not fall below the value of 9.6 V measured at the
R 13

connection. The electrical lines shall not be capable of short circuiting

even when overloaded; In the event of a failure in the towing vehicle’s service braking system,
where that system consists of at least two independent parts, the part
or parts not affected by the failure should be capable of partially or fully
actuating the brakes of the trailer; The use of the stop-lamp switch and circuit for actuating the electrical
braking system is permissible only if the actuating line is connected in
parallel with the stop-lamp and the existing stop-lamp switch and circuit
are capable of taking the extra load. In the case of a pneumatic service braking system comprising two or
more independent sections, any leakage between those sections at or
downstream of the control shall be continuously vented to atmosphere. In the case of a power-driven vehicle authorized to tow a trailer of ca-
tegories O3 or O4, the service braking system of the trailer may only be
operated in conjunction with the service, secondary or parking braking
system of the towing vehicle. However, automatic application of the trai-
ler brakes alone is permitted where the operation of the trailer brakes
is initiated automatically by the towing vehicle for the sole purpose of
vehicle stabilization. Power-driven vehicles of categories M2, M3, N2 and N3 with not more
than four axles shall be equipped with anti-lock systems of category 1 in
accordance with Annex 13 to this Regulation. Power driven vehicles authorized to tow a trailer equipped with an
anti-lock system shall also be equipped with either one or both of the
following, for the electric control transmission:
(a) A special electrical connector conforming to ISO 7638:20037;
(b) An automated connector meeting the requirements specified
in Annex 22. Additional requirements for vehicles of categories M2, N1 and category
N2 < 5 tonnes equipped with an electric regenerative braking system of
category A:

7 The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as appropriate.

Regulation The electric regenerative braking shall only be actuated by the acce-
lerator control and/or the gear selector neutral position for vehicles of

R 13
category N1. In addition, for vehicles of categories M2 and N2 (< 5 tonnes), the electric
regenerative braking control can be a separate switch or lever. The requirements of paragraphs and also apply to
Category A regenerative braking systems. Additional requirements for vehicles of Categories M2, N1, and N2
< 5 tonnes fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of category B: It shall not be possible to disconnect, partially or totally, one part of the ser-
vice braking system other than by automatic means. This should not be
construed as a departure from the requirements of paragraph The service braking system shall have only one control device. For vehicles fitted with electric regenerative braking systems of both
categories, all the relevant prescriptions shall apply except para-
In this case, the electric regenerative braking may be actuated by the
accelerator control and/or the gear selector neutral position for vehicles
of category N1.
Additionally, the action on the service braking control shall not reduce
the above braking effect generated by the release of accelerator control. The service braking system shall not be adversely affected by the dis-
engagement of the motor(s) or by the gear ratio used. If the operation of the electric component of braking is ensured by a rela-
tion established between the information coming from the control of the
service brake and the braking force at the respective wheels, a failure of
this relation leading to the modification of the braking distribution among
the axles (Annex 10 or 13, whichever is applicable) shall be signalled to
the driver by an optical warning signal at the latest at the moment when
the control is actuated and this signal shall remain lit as long as this de-
fect exists and that the vehicle control switch (key) is in the “ON” position. The operation of the electric regenerative braking shall not be adversely
affected by magnetic or electric fields.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 For vehicles equipped with an anti-lock device, the anti-lock device shall
control the electric regenerative braking system.
R 13 Special additional requirements for the electric transmission of the par-
king braking system In the case of a failure within the electric transmission, any unintended
actuation of the parking braking system shall be prevented. The following requirements shall be fulfilled in the event of an electrical
failure as specified: Vehicles of categories M2, M3, N2 and N3:
In the case of an electrical failure in the control or a break in the wiring
within the electric control transmission external to the electronic control
unit(s), excluding the energy supply, it shall remain possible to apply the
parking braking system from the driver’s seat and thereby be capable
of holding the laden vehicle stationary on an 8 per cent up or down gra-
dient. Alternatively, in this case, an automatic actuation of the parking
brake is allowed when the vehicle is stationary, provided that the above
performance is achieved and, once applied, the parking brake remains
engaged independently of the status of the ignition (start) switch. In this
alternative, the parking brake shall be automatically released as soon as
the driver starts to set the vehicle in motion again. It shall also be possib-
le to release the parking braking system, if necessary by the use of tools
and/or an auxiliary device carried/fitted on the vehicle. Vehicles of category N1:
In the case of an electrical failure in the control or a break in the wiring wit-
hin the electric control transmission between the control and the ECU di-
rectly connected with it, excluding the energy supply, it shall remain possi-
ble to apply the parking braking system from the driver’s seat and thereby
be capable of holding the laden vehicle stationary on an 8 per cent up or
down gradient. Alternatively, in this case, an automatic actuation of the
parking brake is allowed when the vehicle is stationary, provided that the
above performance is achieved and, once applied, the parking brake re-
mains engaged independently of the status of the ignition (start) switch. In
this alternative, the parking brake shall be automatically released as soon
as the driver starts to set the vehicle in motion again. The engine/manual
transmission or the automatic transmission (park position) may be used
to achieve or assist in achieving the above performance.

Regulation A break in the wiring within the electric transmission, or an electric failure in
the control of the parking braking system shall be signalled to the driver by
the yellow warning signal specified in paragraph When cau-

R 13
sed by a break in the wiring within the electric control transmission of the
parking braking system, this yellow warning signal shall be signalled as
soon as the break occurs. In addition, such an electric failure in the control
or break in the wiring external to the electronic control unit(s) and exclu-
ding the energy supply shall be signalled to the driver by flashing the red
warning signal specified in paragraph as long as the ignition
(start) switch is in the “on” (run) position including a period of not less than
10 seconds thereafter and the control is in the “on” (activated) position.
However, if the parking braking system detects correct clamping of the par-
king brake, the flashing of the red warning signal may be suppressed and
the non-flashing red signal shall be used to indicate parking brake applied.
Where actuation of the parking brake is normally indicated by a separa-
te red warning signal, satisfying all the requirements of, this
signal shall be used to satisfy the above requirement for a red signal. Auxiliary equipment may be supplied with energy from the electric trans-
mission of the parking braking system provided that the supply of energy
is sufficient to allow the actuation of the parking braking system in ad-
dition to the vehicle electrical load under non-fault conditions. In addition,
where the energy reserve is also used by the service braking system,
the requirements of paragraph shall apply. After the ignition/start switch which controls the electrical energy for the
braking equipment has been switched off and/or the key removed, it
shall remain possible to apply the parking braking system, whereas re-
leasing shall be prevented. Special additional requirements for service braking systems with electric
control transmission With the parking brake released, the service braking system shall be
able to generate a static total braking force at least equivalent to that re-
quired by the prescribed Type-0 test, even when the ignition/start switch
has been switched off and/or the key has been removed. In the case of
power-driven vehicles authorized to tow trailers of category O3 or O4,
such vehicles shall provide a full control signal for the service braking
system of the trailer. It should be understood that sufficient energy is
available in the energy transmission of the service braking system.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In the case of a single temporary failure (< 40 ms) within the electric
control transmission, excluding its energy supply, (e.g. non-transmitted
R 13

signal or data error) there shall be no distinguishable effect on the ser-

vice braking performance. A failure within the electric control transmission,8 not including its
energy reserve, that affects the function and performance of systems
addressed in this Regulation shall be indicated to the driver by the
red or yellow warning signal specified in paragraphs
and, respectively, as appropriate. When the prescribed
service braking performance can no longer be achieved (red war-
ning signal), failures resulting from a loss of electrical continuity (e.g.
breakage, disconnection) shall be signalled to the driver as soon as
they occur, and the prescribed residual braking performance shall be
fulfilled by operating the service braking control in accordance with
paragraph 2.4. of Annex 4 to this Regulation. These requirements
shall not be construed as a departure from the requirements concer-
ning secondary braking. A power-driven vehicle, electrically connected to a trailer via an electric
control line, shall provide a clear warning to the driver whenever the trai-
ler provides the failure information that the stored energy in any part of
the service braking system on the trailer falls below the warning level, as
specified in paragraph below. A similar warning shall also be
provided when a continuous failure (> 40 ms) within the electric control
transmission of the trailer, excluding its energy reserve, precludes achie-
vement of the prescribed service braking performance of the trailer, as
specified in paragraph below. The red warning signal speci-
fied in paragraph shall be used for this purpose. In the event of a failure of the energy source of the electric control trans-
mission, starting from the nominal value of the energy level, the full control
range of the service braking system shall be guaranteed after twenty con-
secutive full stroke actuations of the service braking control. During the
test, the braking control shall be fully applied for 20 seconds and released
for 5 seconds on each actuation. It should be understood that during the
above test, sufficient energy is available in the energy transmission to en-
8 Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturer shall provide the
Technical Service with an analysis of potential failures within the control transmission
and their effects. This information shall be subject to discussion and agreement bet-
ween the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.


sure full actuation of the service braking system. This requirement shall
not be construed as a departure from the requirements of Annex 7.

R 13 When the battery voltage falls below a value nominated by the manu-
facturer at which the prescribed service braking performance can no
longer be guaranteed and/or which precludes at least two independent
service braking circuits from each achieving the prescribed secondary or
residual braking performance, the red warning signal specified in para-
graph shall be activated. After the warning signal has been
activated, it shall be possible to apply the service braking control and
obtain at least the residual performance prescribed in paragraph 2.4. of
Annex 4 to this Regulation. It should be understood that sufficient energy
is available in the energy transmission of the service braking system.
This requirement shall not be construed as a departure from the require-
ment concerning secondary braking. If auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the same reserve as
the electric control transmission, it shall be ensured that, with the engine
running at a speed not greater than 80 per cent of the maximum power
speed, the supply of energy is sufficient to fulfil the prescribed decelerati-
on values by either provision of an energy supply which is able to prevent
discharge of this reserve when all auxiliary equipment is functioning or by
automatically switching off pre-selected parts of the auxiliary equipment
at a voltage above the critical level referred to in paragraph of
this Regulation such that further discharge of this reserve is prevented.
Compliance may be demonstrated by calculation or by a practical test.
For vehicles authorized to tow a trailer of category O3 or O4 the energy
consumption of the trailer shall be taken into account by a load of 400 W.
This paragraph does not apply to vehicles where the prescribed decele-
ration values can be reached without the use of electrical energy. If the auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the electric control
transmission, the following requirements shall be fulfilled. In the event of a failure in the energy source, whilst the vehicle is in mo-
tion, the energy in the reservoir shall be sufficient to actuate the brakes
when the control is applied. In the event of a failure in the energy source, whilst the vehicle is statio-
nary and the parking braking system applied, the energy in the reservoir
shall be sufficient to actuate the lights even when the brakes are applied.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In the case of a failure in the electric control transmission of the service
braking system of a towing vehicle equipped with an electric control line
R 13

according to paragraph or, the full actuation of the

brakes of the trailer shall remain ensured. In the case of a failure in the electric control transmission of a trailer,
electrically connected via an electric control line only, according to para-
graph, braking of the trailer shall be ensured according to para-
graph This shall be the case whenever the trailer provides
the “supply line braking request” signal via the data communication part
of the electric control line or in the event of the continuous absence of
this data communication. This paragraph shall not apply to power-driven
vehicles which cannot be operated with trailers connected via an electric
control line only, as described in paragraph Special requirements for coupling force control Coupling force control shall only be permitted in the towing vehicle. The action of the coupling force control shall be to reduce the difference
between the dynamic braking rates of towing and towed vehicles. The
operation of the coupling force control shall be checked at the time of
type approval. The method by which this check is carried out shall be
agreed between the vehicle manufacturer and the technical service with
the method of assessment and results being appended to the type ap-
proval report. The coupling force control may control the braking rate TM/PM and/or
the brake demand value(s) for the trailer. In the case of a towing vehicle
equipped with two control lines according to paragraph above,
both signals shall be subject to similar control adjustments. The coupling force control shall not prevent the maximum possible bra-
king pressure(s) from being applied. The vehicle shall fulfil the laden compatibility requirements of Annex 10, but
to achieve the objectives of paragraph the vehicle may deviate
from these requirements when the coupling force control is in operation. A coupling force control failure shall be detected and indicated to the
driver by a yellow warning signal such as that specified in para-
graph In the event of a failure the relevant requirements
of Annex 10 shall be fulfilled.

Regulation Compensation by the coupling force control system shall be indicated by

means of the yellow warning signal specified in paragraph

R 13
if this compensation exceeds 150 kPa away from the nominal demand
value defined in paragraph 2.28.3. up to a limit, in pm, of 650 kPa (or the
equivalent digital demand). Above the level of 650 kPa the warning shall
be given if the compensation causes the operating point to lie outside the
laden compatibility band as specified in Annex 10 for the motor vehicle.
Diagram 1
Towing vehicles for trailers (except semi-trailers)

0,8 TM Typical Nominal

FM Demand Line

0,6 Yellow
0,5 Signal


0,3 150 kPa

150 kPa
0,1 Warning
Signal PM(kPa)

20 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 800

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Diagram 2
Tractive units for semi-trailers
R 13

0,8 FM Typical Nominal

Demand Line

0,6 Yellow
0,5 Signal


0,3 150 kPa

150 kPa
0,1 Warning
Signal PM(kPa)

20 100 200 300 400 500 600 650 700 800 A coupling force control system shall control only the coupling forces
generated by the service braking system of the motor vehicle and the
trailer. Coupling forces resulting from the performance of endurance bra-
king systems shall not be compensated by the service braking system of
either the motor vehicle or trailer. It is considered that endurance braking
systems are not part of the service braking systems. Brake failure and defect warning signal
The general requirements for optical warning signals whose function is
to indicate to the driver certain specified failures (or defects) within the
braking equipment of the power-driven vehicle or, where appropriate, its
trailer, are set out in the following sub-paragraphs. Other than as descri-
bed in paragraph below, these signals shall be used exclusi-
vely for the purposes prescribed by this Regulation. Power-driven vehicles shall be capable of providing optical brake failure
and defect warning signals, as follows: A red warning signal, indicating failures, defined elsewhere in this Regu-
lation, within the vehicle braking equipment which preclude achievement
of the prescribed service braking performance and/or which preclude the
functioning of at least one of two independent service braking circuits;

Regulation Where applicable, a yellow warning signal indicating an electrically de-

tected defect within the vehicle braking equipment, which is not indicated

R 13
by the red warning signal described in paragraph above. Power-driven vehicles equipped with an electric control line and/or aut-
horized to tow a trailer equipped with an electric control transmission,
shall be capable of providing a separate yellow warning signal to indicate
a defect within the electric control transmission of the braking equipment
of the trailer. The signal shall be activated from the trailer via pin 5 of the
electric connector conforming to ISO 7638:20039 and in all cases the signal
transmitted by the trailer shall be displayed without significant delay or mo-
dification by the towing vehicle. This warning signal shall not light up when
coupled to a trailer without an electric control line and/or electric control
transmission or when no trailer is coupled. This function shall be automatic. In the case of a power-driven vehicle equipped with an electric cont-
rol line, when electrically connected to a trailer with an electric control
line, the red warning signal specified in paragraph above
shall also be used to indicate certain specified failures within the braking
equipment of the trailer, whenever the trailer provides corresponding fai-
lure information via the data communication part of the electric control
line. This indication shall be in addition to the yellow warning signal spe-
cified in paragraph above. Alternatively, instead of utilizing
the red warning signal specified in paragraph and the ac-
companying yellow warning signal above, a separate red warning signal
may be provided in the towing vehicle to indicate such a failure within the
braking equipment of the trailer. The warning signals shall be visible, even by daylight; the satisfactory
condition of the signals shall be easily verifiable by the driver from the
driver’s seat; the failure of a component of the warning devices shall not
entail any loss of the braking system’s performance. Except where stated otherwise: A specified failure or defect shall be signalled to the driver by the ab-
ove-mentioned warning signal(s) not later than on actuation of the rele-
vant braking control; The warning signal(s) shall remain displayed as long as the failure/defect
persists and the ignition (start) switch is in the “on” (run) position; and
9 The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as appropriate.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The warning signal shall be constant (not flashing). The warning signal(s) mentioned above shall light up when the electrical
R 13

equipment of the vehicle (and the braking system) is energized. With

the vehicle stationary, the braking system shall verify that none of the
specified failures or defects are present before extinguishing the signals.
Specified failures or defects which should activate the warning signals
mentioned above, but which are not detected under static conditions,
shall be stored upon detection and be displayed at start-up and at all
times when the ignition (start) switch is in the “on” (run) position, as
long as the failure or defect persists. Non-specified failures (or defects), or other information concerning the
brakes and/or running gear of the power-driven vehicle, may be indi-
cated by the yellow signal specified in paragraph above,
provided that all the following conditions are fulfilled: The vehicle is stationary; After the braking equipment is first energised and the signal has indi-
cated that, following the procedures detailed in paragraph
above, no specified failures (or defects) have been identified; and Non-specified faults or other information shall be indicated only by the
flashing of the warning signal. However, the warning signal shall be ex-
tinguished by the time when the vehicle first exceeds 10 km/h. Generation of a braking signal to illuminate stop lamps Activation of the service braking system by the driver shall generate a
signal that will be used to illuminate the stop lamps. Requirements for vehicles that utilize electronic signalling to control initial
application of the service braking system, and equipped with endurance
braking and/or regenerative braking system of category A:
Deceleration by the endurance braking and/or regenerative braking
≤ 1.3 m/s2 > 1.3 m/s2
May generate the signal Shall generate the signal In the case of vehicles equipped with a braking system of a specification
different to that defined in paragraph above, the operation of the
endurance braking system and/or regenerative braking system of category
A may generate the signal irrespective of the deceleration produced. The signal shall not be generated when retardation is produced by the
natural braking effect of the engine alone.

Regulation Activation of the service braking system by “automatically commanded

braking” shall generate the signal mentioned above. However, when the re-

R 13
tardation generated is less than 0.7 m/s2, the signal may be suppressed.10 Activation of part of the service braking system by “selective braking”
shall not generate the signal mentioned above.11 In the case of vehicles equipped with an electric control line the signal
shall be generated by the motor vehicle when a message “illuminate
stop lamps” is received via the electric control line from the trailer. When a vehicle is equipped with the means to indicate emergency bra-
king, activation and de-activation of the emergency braking signal shall
only be generated by the application of the service braking system when
the following conditions are fulfilled:10 The signal shall not be activated when the vehicle deceleration is below
the values defined in the following table but it may be generated at any
deceleration at or above those values, the actual value being defined by
the vehicle manufacturer:

The signal shall not be activated below

N1 6 m/s2
M2, M3, N2 and N3 4 m/s2

The signal shall be de-activated for all vehicles at the latest when the
deceleration has fallen below 2.5 m/s2. The following conditions may also be used:
(a) The signal may be generated from a prediction of the vehicle
deceleration resulting from the braking demand respecting the
activation and de-activation thresholds defined in paragraph above;
(b) The signal may be activated when the service braking system
is applied at a speed above 50 km/h and when the antilock
system is fully cycling (as defined in paragraph 2. of Annex 13).
10 At the time of type approval, compliance with this requirement shall be confirmed by
the vehicle manufacturer.
11 During a „selective braking“ event, the function may change to „automatically com-
manded braking“

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

The signal shall be de-activated when the antilock system is no longer

fully cycling.
R 13 Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12.3. of this Regulation, all vehic-
les of the following categories shall be equipped with a vehicle stability
(a) M2, M3, N2:12
(b) N3 12 having no more than 3 axles;
(c) N3 12 with 4 axles, with a maximum mass not exceeding 25
t and a maximum wheel diameter code not exceeding 19.5.
The vehicle stability function shall include roll-over control and directional
control and meet the technical requirements of Annex 21 to this Regu-
lation. Category N1 vehicles having no more than 3 axles may be equipped
with a vehicle stability function. If fitted, it shall include roll-over control
and directional control and meet the technical requirements of Annex
21 to this Regulation.
5.2.2. Vehicles of category O Trailers of category O1 need not be equipped with a service braking sys-
tem; however, if a trailer of this category is equipped with a service braking
system, it shall satisfy the same requirements as a trailer of category O2. Trailers of category O2 shall be equipped with a service braking system
either of the continuous or semi-continuous or of the inertia (overrun)
type. The latter type shall be permitted only for centre axle trailers. Ho-
wever, electrical braking systems conforming to the requirements of An-
nex 14 to this Regulation shall be permitted. Trailers of categories O3 and O4 shall be equipped with a service braking
system of the continuous or semi-continuous type.

12 Off-road vehicles, special purpose vehicles (e.g. mobile plant using non-standard
vehicle chassis - mobile cranes, hydro-static driven vehicles in which the hydrau-
lic drive system is also used for braking and auxiliary functions, N2 vehicles which
have all of the following features: a gross vehicle mass between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes,
a non-standard low-frame chassis, more than 2 axles and hydraulic transmission),
Class I, Class A and articulated vehicles of categories M2 and M3, N2 tractors for
semi-trailer with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes, shall be
excluded from this requirement.

Regulation The service braking system: Shall act on all the wheels of the vehicle;

R 13 Shall distribute its action appropriately among the axles; Shall contain in at least one of the air reservoirs a device for draining and
exhausting in an adequate and easily accessible position. The action of the service braking system shall be distributed between
the wheels of one and the same axle symmetrically in relation to the
longitudinal median plane of the vehicle. Compensation and functions,
such as anti-lock, which may cause deviations from this symmetrical
distribution, shall be declared. Compensation by the electric control transmission for deterioration
or defect within the braking system shall be indicated to the driver by
means of the separate yellow optical warning signal specified in para-
graph This requirement shall apply for all conditions of loa-
ding when compensation exceeds the following limits: A difference in transverse braking pressures on any axle of:
(a) 25 per cent of the higher value for vehicle decelerations ≥ 2 m/s2;
(b) A value corresponding to 25 per cent at 2 m/s2 for decelerati-
ons below this rate. An individual compensating value on any axle of:
(a) > 50 per cent of the nominal value for vehicle decelerations ≥ 2 m/s2;
(b) A value corresponding to 50 per cent of the nominal value
at 2 m/s2 for decelerations below this rate. Compensation as defined above, is permitted only when the initial brake
application is made at vehicle speeds greater than 10 km/h. Malfunctions of the electric control transmission shall not apply the bra-
kes contrary to the driver’s intentions. The braking surfaces required to attain the prescribed degree of effecti-
veness shall be in constant connection with the wheels, either rigidly or
through components not liable to failure. Wear of the brakes shall be capable of being easily taken up by means
of a system of manual or automatic adjustment. In addition, the control

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

and the components of the transmission and of the brakes shall possess
a reserve of travel and, if necessary, suitable means of compensation
R 13

such that, when the brakes become heated, or the brake linings have
reached a certain degree of wear, effective braking is ensured without
immediate adjustment being necessary. Wear adjustment shall be automatic for the service brakes. However, the
fitting of automatic adjustment devices is optional for vehicles of catego-
ries O1 and O2. Brakes equipped with automatic brake adjustment de-
vices shall, after heating followed by cooling, be capable of free running
as defined in paragraph 1.7.3. of Annex 4 following the Type-I or Type-III
test also defined in that annex as appropriate. In the case of trailers of category O4 the performance requirements of
paragraph above shall be deemed to be satisfied by fulfilling
the requirements of paragraph 1.7.3. of Annex 4. In the case of trailers of categories O2 and O3 the performance require-
ments of paragraph above shall be deemed to be satisfied by
fulfilling the requirements of paragraph of Annex 4. Checking the wear of the service brake friction components It shall be possible to easily assess this wear on service brake linings
from the outside or underside of the vehicle, without the removal of the
wheels, by the provision of appropriate inspection holes or by some ot-
her means. This may be achieved by utilizing simple standard workshop
tools or common inspection equipment for vehicles.
Alternatively, a trailer mounted display providing information when lining
replacement is necessary or a sensing device per wheel (twin wheels
are considered as a single wheel), which will warn the driver at his dri-
ving position when lining replacement is necessary, is acceptable. In the
case of an optical warning, the yellow warning signal specified in para-
graph above may be used provided that the signal complies
with the requirements of paragraph above. Assessment of the wear condition of the friction surfaces of brake discs or
drums may only be performed by direct measurement of the actual com-
13 Until uniform technical provisions have been agreed that correctly assess the func-
tion of the automatic brake adjustment device, the free running requirement shall be
deemed to be fulfilled when free running is observed during all brake tests prescribed
for the relevant trailer.


ponent or examination of any brake disc or drum wear indicators, which

may necessitate some level of disassembly. Therefore, at the time of type
approval, the vehicle manufacturer shall define the following:

R 13
(a) The method by which wear of the friction surfaces of drums
and discs may be assessed, including the level of disassembly
required and tools and process required to achieve this;
(b) Information defining the maximum acceptable wear limit at the
point at which replacement becomes necessary.
This information shall be made freely available e.g. vehicle handbook or
electronic data record. The braking systems shall be such that the trailer is stopped automatical-
ly if the coupling separates while the trailer is in motion. On every trailer which is required to be equipped with a service braking
system, parking braking shall be assured even when the trailer is se-
parated from the towing vehicle. The parking braking device shall be
capable of being actuated by a person standing on the ground; however,
in the case of a trailer used for the carriage of passengers, this brake
shall be capable of being actuated from inside the trailer. If the trailer is fitted with a device enabling compressed-air actuation of
the braking system other than the parking braking system to be cut out,
the first-mentioned system shall be so designed and constructed that it
is positively restored to the position of rest not later than on resumption
of the supply of compressed-air to the trailer. Trailers of categories O3 and O4 shall satisfy the conditions specified in
paragraph An easily accessible pressure test connection is
required downstream of the coupling head of the control line. In the case of trailers equipped with an electric control line and elec-
trically connected to a towing vehicle with an electric control line the
automatic braking action specified in paragraph may be
suppressed as long as the pressure in the compressed air reservoirs
of the trailer is sufficient to ensure the braking performance specified in
paragraph 3.3. of Annex 4 to this Regulation. Trailers of category O3 shall be equipped with an anti-lock braking sys-
tem in accordance with the requirements of Annex 13 to this Regulation.
Trailers of category O4 shall be equipped with an anti-lock braking sys-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

tem in accordance with the category A requirements of Annex 13 to this

R 13 Where the auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the ser-
vice braking system, the service braking system shall be protected
to ensure that the sum of the braking forces exerted at the periphery
of the wheels shall be at least 80 per cent of the value prescribed
for the relevant trailer as defined in paragraph of Annex 4 to
this Regulation. This requirement shall be fulfilled under both of the
following operating conditions:
During operation of the auxiliary equipment; and
In the event of breakage or leakage from the auxiliary equipment, unless
such breakage or leakage affects the control signal referred to in para-
graph 6. to Annex 10 to this Regulation, in which case the performance
requirements of that paragraph shall apply. The above provisions are deemed to be fulfilled when the pressure in
the service brake storage device(s) is maintained at a pressure of at
least 80 per cent of the control line demand pressure or equivalent digital
demand as defined in paragraph of Annex 4 to this Regulation. Special additional requirements for service braking systems with electric
control transmission In the case of a single temporary failure (< 40 ms) within the electric
control transmission, excluding its energy supply, (e.g. non-transmitted
signal or data error) there shall be no distinguishable effect on the ser-
vice braking performance. In the case of a failure within the electric control transmission14 (e.g. break-
age, disconnection), a braking performance of at least 30 per cent of
the prescribed performance for the service braking system of the rele-
vant trailer shall be maintained. For trailers, electrically connected via
an electric control line only, according to paragraph, and ful-
filling with the performance prescribed in paragraph 3.3.
of Annex 4 to this Regulation, it is sufficient that the provisions of para-
graph are invoked, when a braking performance of at least
30 per cent of the prescribed performance for the service braking system

14 Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturer shall provide the
Technical Service with an analysis of potential failures within the control transmis-
sion, and their effects. This information shall be subject to discussion and agreement
between the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.


of the trailer can no longer be ensured, by either providing the “supply line
braking request” signal via the data communication part of the electric
control line or by the continuous absence of this data communication.

R 13 A failure within the electric control transmission of the trailer that affects
the function and performance of systems addressed by this Regulation
and failures of energy supply available from the ISO 7638:200315 con-
nector shall be indicated to the driver by the separate warning signal
specified in paragraph via pin 5 of the electrical connector
conforming to ISO 7638:2003.15 In addition, trailers equipped with an
electric control line, when electrically connected to a towing vehicle with
an electric control line, shall provide the failure information for activation
of the red warning signal specified in paragraph via the data
communication part of the electric control line, when the prescribed ser-
vice braking performance of the trailer can no longer be ensured. When the stored energy in any part of the service braking system of a
trailer equipped with an electric control line and electrically connected to
a towing vehicle with an electronic control line, falls to the value deter-
mined in accordance with paragraph below, a warning shall
be provided to the driver of the towing vehicle. The warning shall be pro-
vided by activation of the red signal specified in paragraph
and the trailer shall provide the failure information via the data communi-
cation part of the electric control line. The separate yellow warning signal
specified in paragraph shall also be activated via pin 5 of the
electrical connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003,14 to indicate to the
driver that the low-energy situation is on the trailer. The low energy value referred to in paragraph above shall be
that at which, without re-charging of the energy reservoir and irrespecti-
ve of the load condition of the trailer, it is not possible to apply the service
braking control a fifth time after four full-stroke actuations and obtain at
least 50 per cent of the prescribed performance of the service braking
system of the relevant trailer. Trailers equipped with an electric control line and O3 and O4 category
trailers equipped with an anti-lock system, shall be fitted with either one
or both of the following, for the electric control transmission:
(a) A special electrical connector for the braking system and/or

15 The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as appro-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

anti-lock system, conforming to ISO 7638:200314, 16;

(b) An automated connector meeting the requirements specified
R 13

in Annex 22.
Failure warning signals required from the trailer by this Regulation shall
be activated via the above connectors. The requirement to be applied to
trailers with respect to the transmission of failure warning signals shall be
those, as appropriate, which are prescribed for motor vehicles in para-
graphs, and
Trailers equipped with an ISO 7638:2003 connector as defined ab-
ove shall be marked in indelible form to indicate the functionality of
the braking system when the ISO 7638:2003 connector is connected
and disconnected17.
The marking is to be positioned so that it is visible when connecting the
pneumatic and electrical interface connections. Trailers equipped with a vehicle stability function as defined in para-
graph 2.34. of this Regulation shall in the event of a failure or defect
within the trailer stability function indicate the failure or defect by the se-
parate yellow warning signal specified in paragraph above
via pin 5 of the ISO 7638:2003 connector.
The warning signal shall be constant and remain displayed as long as
the failure or defect persists and the ignition (start) switch is in the “on”
(run) position. It is permitted to connect the braking system to a power supply in addition
to that available from the ISO 7638:2003 connector above. However, when
an additional power supply is available the following provisions will apply:
(a) In all cases the ISO 7638:2003 power supply is the primary
power source for the braking system, irrespective of any ad-
ditional power supply that is connected. The additional sup-
ply is intended to provide a backup should a failure of the
ISO 7638:2003 power supply occur;
16 The conductor cross sections specified in ISO 7638:2003 for the trailer may be redu-
ced if the trailer is installed with its own independent fuse. The rating of the fuse shall
be such that the current rating of the conductors is not exceeded. This derogation
shall not apply to trailers equipped to tow another trailer.
17 In the case of a trailer equipped with both an ISO 7638 connector and automated
connector, the marking shall show that the ISO 7638 connector should not be con-
nected when an automated connector is in use.


(b) It shall not have an adverse effect on the operation of the bra-
king system under normal and failed modes;

R 13
(c) In the event of a failure of the ISO 7638:2003 power supply the
energy consumed by the braking system shall not result in the ma-
ximum available power from the additional supply being exceeded;
(d) The trailer shall not have any marking or label to indicate that
the trailer is equipped with an additional power supply;
(e) A failure warning device is not permitted on the trailer for the
purposes of providing a warning in the event of a failure within
the trailer braking system when the braking system is powered
from the additional supply;
(f) When an additional power supply is available it shall be possible
to verify the operation of the braking system from this power source;
(g) Should a failure exist within the electrical supply of energy
from the ISO 7638:2003 connector the requirements of pa-
ragraphs and 4.1. of Annex 13 with respect to
failure warning shall apply irrespective of the operation of the
braking system from the additional power supply. Whenever power supplied by the ISO 7638:2003 connector is used for
the functions defined in paragraph above, the braking system
shall have priority and be protected from an overload external to the bra-
king system. This protection shall be a function of the braking system. In the case of a failure in one of the control lines connecting two vehicles
equipped according to paragraph the trailer shall use the con-
trol line not affected by the failure to ensure, automatically, the braking
performance prescribed for the trailer in paragraph 3.1. of Annex 4. When the supply voltage to the trailer falls below a value nominated
by the manufacturer at which the prescribed service braking perfor-
mance can no longer be guaranteed, the separate yellow warning sig-
nal specified in paragraph shall be activated via pin 5 of the
ISO 7638:200318 connector. In addition, trailers equipped with an elect-
rical control line, when electrically connected to a towing vehicle with an
electric control line, shall provide the failure information for actuation of
the red warning signal specified in paragraph via the data
communication part of the electric control line.

18 The ISO 7638:2003 connector may by used for a 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In addition to the requirements of paragraphs and

above, the brakes of the trailer may also be applied automatically when
this is initiated by the trailer braking system itself following the evaluation
R 13

of on-board generated information. Activation of the service braking system. In the case of trailers equipped with an electric control line the message “il-
luminate stop lamps” shall be transmitted by the trailer via the electric con-
trol line when the trailer braking system is activated during “automatically
commanded braking” initiated by the trailer. However, when the retardation
generated is less than 0.7 m/s2, the signal may be suppressed.19 In the case of trailers equipped with an electric control line the message
“illuminate stop lamps” shall not be transmitted by the trailer via the elec-
trical control line during “selective braking” initiated by the trailer.20 Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12.3. of this Regulation, all vehic-
les of categories O3 and O421 having no more than 3 axles and equip-
ped with air suspension shall be equipped with a vehicle stability func-
tion. This shall include at least roll-over control and meet the technical
requirements of Annex 21 to this Regulation.

6. Tests
Braking tests which the vehicles submitted for approval are required to
undergo, and the braking performance required, are described in An-
nex 4 to this Regulation.

7. Modification of vehicle type or braking system and

extension of approval
7.1. Every modification of the vehicle type or of its braking equipment with re-
gard to the characteristics in Annex 2 to this Regulation shall be notified
to the Type Approval Authority which approved the vehicle type. That
Authority may then either:
7.1.1. Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an apprecia-
ble adverse effect and that in any case the vehicle still meets the requi-

19 At the time of type approval, compliance with this requirement shall be confirmed by
the vehicle manufacturer.
20 During a „selective braking“ event, the function may change to „automatically com-
manded braking“.
21 Trailers for exceptional load transport and trailers with areas for standing passengers
shall be excluded from this requirement.


rements; or
7.1.2. Require a further report from the Technical Service responsible for car-

R 13
rying out the tests.
7.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be
communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above, to
the Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.
7.3. The Type Approval Authority issuing the extension of approval shall as-
sign a series number to each communication form drawn up for such an
extension and inform thereof the other Contracting Parties to the 1958
Agreement by means of a communication form conforming to the model
in Annex 2 to this Regulation.

8. Conformity of production (COP)

8.1. A vehicle approved to this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to
conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set forth in
paragraph 5. above.
8.2. In order to verify that the requirements of paragraph 8.1. above, are met,
suitable controls of the production shall be carried out.
8.3. The holder of the approval shall in particular:
8.3.1. Ensure existence of procedures for the effective control of the quality
of products;
8.3.2. Have access to the control equipment necessary for checking the con-
formity to each approved type;
8.3.3. Ensure that data of test results are recorded and that annexed docu-
ments shall remain available for a period to be determined in accordan-
ce with the Type Approval Authority;
8.3.4. Analyse the results of each type of test, in order to verify and ensure the
stability of the product characteristics making allowance for variation of
an industrial production;
8.3.5. Ensure that for each type of product the tests, or some of them, prescri-
bed in this Regulation are carried out;
8.3.6. Ensure that any samples or test pieces giving evidence of non-confor-
mity with the type of test considered shall give rise to another sampling
and another test. All the necessary steps shall be taken to re-establish

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

the conformity of the corresponding production.

8.4. The Type Approval Authority which has granted type approval may at any
R 13

time verify the conformity control methods applicable to each production unit.
8.4.1. At every inspection, the test books and production survey records shall
be presented to the visiting inspector.
8.4.2. The inspector may take samples at random which will be tested in the
manufacturer’s laboratory. The minimum number of samples may be de-
termined according to the results of the manufacturer’s own verification.
8.4.3. When the quality level appears unsatisfactory or when it seems neces-
sary to verify the validity of the tests carried out in application of para-
graph 8.4.2. above, the inspector shall select samples to be sent to the
Technical Service which has conducted the type approval tests.
8.4.4. The Type Approval Authority may carry out any test prescribed in this
8.4.5. The normal frequency of inspections by the Type Approval Authority
shall be one every two years. If unsatisfactory results are recorded du-
ring one of these visits, the Type Approval Authority shall ensure that all
necessary steps are taken to re-establish the conformity of production
as rapidly as possible.

9. Penalties for non-conformity of production

9.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regu-
lation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.1.
above are not complied with.
9.2. If a Contracting Party to the Agreement which applies this Regulation
withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so no-
tify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of
a copy of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to
this Regulation.

10. Production definitely discontinued

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of
vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform
the Type Approval Authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving
the relevant communication, that Authority shall inform thereof the other
Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means
of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 2 to this


11. Names and addresses of Technical Services con-

ducting approval tests and of Type Approval Autho-

R 13
The Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall communi-
cate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the
Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of the
Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which forms cer-
tifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval, issued
in other countries, are to be sent.

12. Transitional provisions

12.1. As from the official date of entry into force of the 11 series of amend-
ments (11 July 2008), no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall
refuse to grant or refuse to accept type approvals under this Regulation
as amended by the 11 series of amendments.
12.2. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall grant approvals only if
the vehicle type to be approved meets the requirements of this Regula-
tion as amended by the 11 series of amendments. Notwithstanding the
above requirements, compliance with the requirements of Supplement
7 to the 11 series of amendments shall not be required for all new type
approvals before 28 October 2014.
12.3. As from the application dates shown in the following table in respect
of the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation, Contracting Parties
applying this Regulation shall not be obliged to accept, a vehicle type
approved to the 10 series of amendments to this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Vehicle category Application date (as from

the date after entry into
force of the 11 series of
R 13

amendments, 11 July

M2 84 months (11 July 2015)

M3 (Class III) 36 months (11 July 2011)

Vehicles not exempted from stability control requirements by paragraphs and

M3 <16 tonnes (pneumatic transmission) 48 months (11 July 2012)

M3 (Classes II and B) (hydraulic transmission) 84 months (11 July 2015)

M3 (Class III) (hydraulic transmission) 84 months (11 July 2015)

M3 (Class III) (pneumatic control transmission and 96 months (11 July 2016)
hydraulic energy transmission)

M3 (Class II) (pneumatic control transmission and 96 months (11 July 2016)
hydraulic energy transmission)

M3 (other than above) 48 months (11 July 2012)

N2 (hydraulic transmission) 84 months (11 July 2015)

N2 (pneumatic control transmission and hydraulic 96 months (11 July 2016)

energy transmission)

N2 (other than above) 72 months (11 July 2014)

N3 (2 axle tractors for semi-trailers) 36 months (11 July 2011)

N3 (2 axle tractors for semi-trailers with pneumatic 60 months (11 July 2013)
control transmission (ABS))

N3 (3 axles with electric control transmission (EBS)) 60 months (11 July 2013)

N3 (2 and 3 axles with pneumatic control trans- 72 months (11 July 2014)
including the footnotes

mission (ABS))

N3 (other than above) 48 months (11 July 2013)

O3 (combined axle load between 3.5 - 7.5 tonnes) 72 months (11 July 2014)

O3 (other than above) 60 months (11 July 2013)

O4 36 months (11 July 2011)

Vehicles of categories M, N and O exempted from stability 24 October 2016

control requirements (by paragraphs and
including the footnotes) but not exempted from the other
requirements of the 11 series of amendments


12.4. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 12.3, until 24 October

2016, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to ac-

R 13
cept a vehicle type approval which does not meet the requirements of
Supplement 2 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation.
12.5. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grant ex-
tensions of type approvals for existing types which have been granted
according to the basis of the requirement that existed at the time of the
original approval.
12.6. Notwithstanding the transitional provisions above, Contracting Parties
whose application of this Regulation comes into force after the date of
entry into force of the most recent series of amendments are not obliged
to accept approvals which were granted in accordance with any of the
preceding series of amendments to this Regulation.
12.7. As from 24 months after the entry into force of supplement 12 to the
11 series of amendments, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation
shall grant Type Approvals to vehicle types only if the vehicle type to
be approved meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by
supplement 12 to the 11 series of amendments.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 1
R 13

Braking equipment, devices, methods and conditions not

covered by this Regulation
1. Method of measuring reaction (“response”) times in brakes other than
compressed-air brakes.

Annex 2

Annex 2

R 13
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
issued by: Name of administration:

22 ...............................................
E ... ...............................................

Concerning:23 Approval granted

Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a vehicle type with regard to braking pursuant to Regulation No. 13.

Approval No. .................................................Extension No.................................................
1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle: ............................................................
2. Vehicle category: .........................................................................................
3. Vehicle type: .................................................................................................
4. Manufacture‘s name and address: .............................................................
5. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer’s representative: ........
6. Mass of vehicle:
6.1. Maximum mass of vehicle: ..........................................................................
6.2. Minimum mass of vehicle: ...........................................................................
7. Distrubution of mass of each axle (maximum value): ................................
8. Make and type of brake linings, discs and drums:
8.1. Brake linings
8.1.1. Brake linings tested to all relevant prescriptions of Annex 4 ........................
22 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/with-
drawn approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation).
23 Strike out what does not apply.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

8.1.2. Alternative brake linings tested in Annex 15 ...............................................

8.2. Brake discs and drums
R 13

8.2.1. Identification code of brake discs covered by the braking system approval
8.2.2. Identification code of brake drums covered by the braking system approval
9. In the case of a power-driven vehicle:
9.1. Engine type: .................................................................................................
9.2. Number and ratios of gears: ........................................................................
9.3. Final drive ratio(s): .......................................................................................
9.4. If applicable,23 maximum mass of trailer which may be coupled:
9.4.1. Full trailer: .....................................................................................................
9.4.2. Semi-trailer: ..................................................................................................
9.4.3. Centre-axle trailer (indicate also the maximum ratio of the coupling over-
hang24 to the wheelbase):
9.4.4. Unbraked trailer: ..........................................................................................
9.4.5. Maximum mass of combination: .................................................................
10. Tyre dimensions: ..........................................................................................
10.1. Temporary-use spare wheel/tyre dimensions ............................................
11. Number and arrangement of axles: ............................................................
12. Brief description of braking equipment: ......................................................
Mass of vehicle when tested: Unladen [kg] Laden [kg]
King pin/supporting load25
Axle No. 1
Axle No. 2
Axle No. 3
Axle No. 4
24 „Coupling overhang“ is the horizontal distance between the coupling for centre-axle
trailers and the centreline of the rear axle(s).
25 In the case of a semi-trailer or centre axle trailer, enter the mass corresponding to the
load on the coupling device.

Annex 2

14. Results of the tests and vehicle charasteristics

R 13
Test Results Test Measured Measured
speed perfor- force
[km/h] mance applied
to control

14.1. Type-0 Service braking

tests, engine

14.2. Type-0 Service braking

tests, engine in accordance
connected: with para-
graph 2.1.1.
of Annex 4

14.3. Type-I tests: With repeated


With continu-
ous braking27

Free running,
in accordance
with Annex
4, paragraph and
Annex 4, para-

14.4. Type-II or Service braking

IIA2 tests, as

14.5. Type-III tests Free running, in

accordance with
Annex 4, para-
graph 1.7.3.

14.6. Braking system(s) used during the Type-II/IIA2 test: ..................................

26 Applies only to vehicles of category O4.

27 Applies only to power-driven vehicles.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

14.7. Reaction time and dimensions of flexible pipes:

14.7.1. Reaction time at the brake actuator: ...........................................................
R 13

14.7.2. Reaction time at the control line coupling head: .........................................

14.7.3. Flexible pipes of tractors for semi-trailers:
length (m): ....................................................................................................
internal diameter (mm) ................................................................................
14.8. Information required under paragraph 7.3. of Annex 10 to this Regulation:
....................................................................................................... Yes/No23
14.9. Vehicle is/is not23 equipped to tow a trailer with electrical braking systems
14.10. Vehicle is/is not23 equipped with an anti-lock system
14.10.1. Category of anti-lock system: category 1/2/323,26
category A/B23,27
14.10.2. The vehicle fulfils the requirements of Annex 13: ........................ Yes/No²3
14.10.3. Vehicle is/is not23 equipped to tow trailers equipped with anti-lock systems
14.10.4. Where an Annex 19 anti-lock test report has been utilized, the test report
number(s) shall be stated:
14.11. The vehicle is subject to the requirements of Annex 5 (ADR):..Yes/No23
14.11.1. The vehicle fulfils the endurance braking performance requirements accor-
ding to the Type-IIA test up to a total maximum mass of ..... tonnes: Yes/No23
14.11.2. The power-driven vehicle is fitted with a control device for the endurance
braking system on the trailer: ....................................................... Yes/No23
14.11.3. In the case of trailers, the vehicle is equipped with an endurance braking system:
....................................................................................................... Yes/No23
14.12. Vehicle is equipped with a control line(s) according to: paragraphs²Adequate documentation according to Annex 18
was supplied in respect of the following system(s): ..... Yes/No/Not aplicable23:
14.13. The vehicle is equipped with a vehicle stability function: ............ Yes/No23
if yes:
The vehicle stability function has been tested according to and fulfils the
requirements of Annex 21: ........................................................... Yes/No23
Vehicle stability function includes directional control: .................. Yes/No23
Vehicle stability function includes roll-over control: ..................... Yes/No23

Annex 2

14.13.1. Where an Annex 19 test report has been utilised, the test report number
shall be stated: .............................................................................................

R 13
14.14. The vehicle is equipped with an automated connector: .............. Yes/No23
14.14.1. If yes, does the automated connector fulfil the requirements of Annex 22: ...
....................................................................................................... Yes/No23
14.14.2. The automated connector is of category A/B/C/D23
15. Additional information for use with the Annex 20 alternative type appro-
val procedure.
15.1. Description of suspension: ..........................................................................
15.1.1. Manufacturer: ...............................................................................................
15.1.2. Make: ...........................................................................................................
15.1.3. Type: .............................................................................................................
15.1.4. Model: ..........................................................................................................
15.2. Wheelbase of vehicle tested: .....................................................................
Actuation differential (if any) within axle group: ..........................................
16. Trailer approved utilizing Annex 20 procedure: .......................... Yes/No23
(If yes, Appendix 2 to this annex shall be completed)
17. Vehicle submitted for approval on: .............................................................
18. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval tests: .................
19. Date of report issued by that Service: ........................................................
20. Number of report issued by that Service: ...................................................
21. Approval granted/refused/extended/withdrawn23
22. Position of approval mark on the vehicle: ..................................................
23. Place: ...........................................................................................................
24. Date: .............................................................................................................
25. Signature: .....................................................................................................
26. The summary referred to in paragraph 4.3. of this Regulation is annexed
to this communication.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 2 - Appendix 1*
List of vehicle data for the purpose of regulation No. 90 appro-
R 13

1. Description of the vehicle type ....................................................................
1.1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle, if available .........................................
1.2. Vehicle category ..........................................................................................
1.3. Vehicle type according to Regulation No. 13 approval Models or trade
names of vehicles constituting the vehicle type, if available ......................
1.4. Manufacturer‘s name and address ...........................................................
2. Make and type of brake linings, discs and drums: ....................................
2.1. Brake linings .................................................................................................
2.1.1. Brake linings tested to all relevant prescriptions of Annex 4 .......................
2.1.2. Alternative brake linings tested in Annex 15 ..............................................
2.2. Brake disc and drums ..................................................................................
2.2.1. Identification code of brake discs covered by the braking system approval
2.2.2. Identification code of brake drums covered by the braking system approval
3. Minimum mass of vehicle ............................................................................
3.1. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) ..................................
4. Maximum mass of vehicle ...........................................................................
4.1. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) ..................................
5. Maximum vehicle speed ..............................................................................
6. Tyre and wheel dimensions .........................................................................
7. Brake circuit configuration (e.g. front/rear or diagonal split) .......................
8. Declaration of which is the secondary braking system ...............................
9. Specifications of brake valves (if applicable) ..............................................

Annex 2

9.1. Adjustment specifications of the load sensing valve .................................

9.2. Setting of pressure valve .............................................................................

R 13
10. Designed brake force distribution ...............................................................
11. Specification of brake ..................................................................................
11.1. Disc brake type (e.g. number of pistons with diameter(s), ventilated or
solid disc) .....................................................................................................
11.2. Drum brake type (e.g. duo servo, with piston size and drum dimensions)
11.3. In the case of compressed air brake systems, e.g. type and size of
chambers, levers, etc. .................................................................................
12. Master cylinder type and size ......................................................................
13. Booster type and size ..................................................................................

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 2 - Appendix 2
Type approval certificate concerning the vehicle braking
R 13

1. General
The following additional items are to be recorded when the trailer has
been approved utilizing the alternative procedure defined in Annex 20
to this Regulation.
2. Annex 19 test reports
2.1. Diaphragm brake chambers: Report No. .........................................
2.2. Spring Brakes: Report No. .........................................
2.3. Trailer brake cold performance
characteristics: Report No. .........................................
2.4. Anti-lock braking system: Report No. .........................................
3. Performance checks
3.1. The trailer fulfils the requirements of Annex 4, paragraphs 3.1.2. and
1.2.7. (service braking cold performance) .................................... Yes/No

3.2. The trailer fulfils the requirements of Annex 4, paragraph 3.2. (parking
braking cold performance) ............................................................ Yes/No

3.3. The trailer fulfils the requirements of Annex 4, paragraph 3.3. (emergen-
cy/automatic braking performance) ............................................. Yes/No28
3.4. The trailer fulfils the requirements of Annex 10, paragraph 6. (braking
performance in the case a failure in the braking distribution system) ........
....................................................................................................... Yes/No28
3.5. The trailer fulfils the requirements of paragraph to this Regu-
lation (braking performance in the event of leakage from auxiliary equip-
ment) ............................................................................................. Yes/No28
3.6. The trailer fulfils the requirements of Annex 13 (anti-lock braking) ............
....................................................................................................... Yes/No

28 Strike out what does not apply

Annex 3

Annex 3
Arrangements of approval marks

R 13
Model A (See paragraph 4.4. of this Regulation)

E 11 a/3

a = 8mm min.
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle
type concerned has, with regard to braking, been approved in the United
Kingdom (E 11) pursuant to Regulation No. 13 under approval number
112439. This number indicates that the approval was given in accor-
dance with the requirements of Regulation No. 13 with the 11 series of
amendments incorporated. For vehicles of categories M2 and M3, this
mark means that that type of vehicle has undergone the Type-II test.
Model B (See paragraph 4.5. of this Regulation)

E 11 a/3

a = 8mm min.
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle
type concerned has, with regard to braking, been approved in the United
Kingdom (E 11) pursuant to Regulation No. 13. For vehicles of catego-
ries M2 and M3, this mark means that the type of vehicle has undergone
the Type-IIA test.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Model C (See paragraph 4.6. of this Regulation)

R 13

13 102439 a/3
E11 a/3 24 1.30 021628 a/3

a = 8 mm min.
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type
concerned has been approved in the United Kingdom (E 11) pursuant
to Regulations Nos. 13 and 241. (In the case of the latter Regulation the
corrected absorption coefficient is 1.30 m.)29

29 This number is given merely as an example

Annex 4

Annex 4
Braking tests and performance of braking systems

R 13
1. Braking tests
1.1. General
1.1.1. The performance prescribed for braking systems is based on the stopp-
ing distance and/or the mean fully developed deceleration. The per-
formance of a braking system shall be determined by measuring the
stopping distance in relation to the initial speed of the vehicle and/or by
measuring the mean fully developed deceleration during the test.
1.1.2. The stopping distance shall be the distance covered by the vehicle from
the moment when the driver begins to actuate the control of the braking
system until the moment when the vehicle stops; the initial speed shall
be the speed at the moment when the driver begins to actuate the con-
trol of the braking system; the initial speed shall not be less than 98 per
cent of the prescribed speed for the test in question.
The mean fully developed deceleration (dm) shall be calculated as the
deceleration averaged with respect to distance over the interval vb to ve,
according to the following formula:
v2 - v2
dm = 25,92b (s -e s ) [m/s2]
e b

vo = initial vehicle speed in km/h,
vb = vehicle speed at 0.8 vo in km/h,
ve = vehicle speed at 0.1 vo in km/h,
sb = distance travelled between vo and vb in metres,
se = distance travelled between vo and ve in metres.

The speed and the distance shall be determined using instrumentation ha-
ving an accuracy of ±1 per cent at the prescribed speed for the test. The
mean fully developed deceleration may be determined by other methods
than the measurement of speed and distance; in this case, the accuracy of
the mean fully developed deceleration shall be within ±3 per cent.
1.2. For the approval of any vehicle, the braking performance shall be mea-
sured during road tests conducted in the following conditions:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

1.2.1. The vehicle‘s condition as regards mass shall be as prescribed for each
type of test and be specified in the test report;
R 13

1.2.2. The test shall be carried out at the speeds prescribed for each type of
test; if the maximum design speed of a vehicle is lower than the speed
prescribed for a test, the test shall be performed at the vehicle‘s maxi-
mum speed;
1.2.3. During the tests, the force applied to the control of the braking system in
order to obtain the prescribed performance shall not exceed the maxi-
mum force laid down for the test vehicle‘s category;
1.2.4. The road shall have a surface affording good adhesion, unless specified
otherwise in the relevant annexes;
1.2.5. The tests shall be performed when there is no wind liable to affect the
1.2.6. At the start of the tests, the tyres shall be cold and at the pressure pre-
scribed for the load actually borne by the wheels when the vehicle is
1.2.7. The prescribed performance shall be obtained without locking of the
wheels, without deviation of the vehicle from its course, and without ab-
normal vibration.30
1.2.8. For vehicles powered completely or partially by an electric motor (or mo-
tors), permanently connected to the wheels, all tests shall be carried out
with the motor(s) connected.
1.2.9. For vehicles as described in paragraph 1.2.8., fitted with an electric
regenerative braking system of category A, behaviour tests defined
in paragraph of this annex shall be carried out on a track
with a low adhesion coefficient (as defined in paragraph 5.2.2. of
Annex 13). However, the maximum test speed shall not exceed the
maximum test speed specified in paragraph 5.3.1. of Annex 13 for a
low adhesion surface and the relevant vehicle category. Moreover, for vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking sys-
tem of category A, transient conditions as gear changes or accelerator
control release shall not affect the behaviour of the vehicle under test
condition described in paragraph 1.2.9. above.

30 Wheel-locking is permitted where specifically mentioned.

Annex 4

1.2.10. During the tests specified in paragraphs 1.2.9. and above, wheel
locking is not allowed. However, steering correction is permitted if the

R 13
angular rotation of the steering control is within 120° during the initial 2
seconds and not more than 240° in total.
1.2.11. For a vehicle with electrically actuated service brakes powered from trac-
tion batteries (or an auxiliary battery) which receive(s) energy only from
an independent external charging system, these batteries shall, during
braking performance testing, be at an average of not more than 5 per
cent above that state of charge at which the brake failure warning pre-
scribed in paragraph is required to be given.
If this warning is given, the batteries may receive some recharge during
the tests, to keep them in the required state of charge range.
1.3. Behaviour of the vehicle during braking
1.3.1. In braking tests, and in particular in those at high speed, the general
behaviour of the vehicle during braking shall be checked.
1.3.2. Behaviour of the vehicle during braking on a road on which adhesion
is reduced. The behaviour of vehicles of categories M2, M3, N1, N2, N3,
O2, O3 and O4 on a road on which adhesion is reduced, shall meet the
relevant requirements of Annex 10 and/or Annex 13 to this Regulation. In the case of a braking system according to paragraph, where
the braking for a particular axle (or axles) is comprised of more than
one source of braking torque, and any individual source can be varied
with respect to the other(s), the vehicle shall satisfy the requirements of
Annex 10, or alternatively, Annex 13 under all relationships permitted by
its control strategy.31
1.4. Type-0 test (ordinary performance test with brakes cold)
1.4.1. General The brakes shall be cold; a brake is deemed to be cold when the tem-
perature measured on the disc or on the outside of the drum is below
100 °C. The test shall be conducted in the following conditions:

31 The manufacturer shall provide the Technical Service with the family of bra-
king curves permitted by the automatic control strategy employed. These curves
may be verified by the Technical Service.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The vehicle shall be laden, the distribution of its mass among the axles
being that stated by the manufacturer; where provision is made for se-
R 13

veral arrangements of the load on the axles the distribution of the maxi-
mum mass among the axles shall be such that the load on each axle is
proportional to the maximum permissible load for each axle. In the case
of tractors for semi- trailers, the load may be re-positioned approximately
half-way between the kingpin position resulting from the above loading
conditions and the centreline of the rear axle(s); Every test shall be repeated on the unladen vehicle. In the case of a pow-
er-driven vehicle there may be, in addition to the driver, a second person
on the front seat who is responsible for noting the results of the test;
In the case of a tractor for a semi-trailer, the unladen tests will be conduc-
ted with the vehicle in its solo condition, including a mass representing
the fifth wheel. It will also include a mass representing a spare wheel, if
this is included in the standard specification of the vehicle;
In the case of a vehicle presented as a bare chassis-cab, a supplemen-
tary load may be added to simulate the mass of the body, not exceeding
the minimum mass declared by the manufacturer in Annex 2 to this Re-
In the case of a vehicle equipped with an electric regenerative braking
system, the requirements depend on the category of this system:
Category A: Any separate electric regenerative braking con-
trol which is provided, shall not be used during
the Type-0 tests.
Category B: The contribution of the electric regenerative
braking system to the braking force generated
shall not exceed that minimum level guaranteed
by the system design.
This requirement is deemed to be satisfied if the batteries are at one of
the following state of charge32 conditions where state of charge is deter-
mined by the method set out in Appendix to this annex:
(a) At the maximum charge level as recommended by the manu-
facturer in the vehicle specification; or
32 By agreement with the Technical Service, state of charge assessment will not be re-
quired for vehicles, which have an on-board energy source for charging the traction
batteries and the means for regulating their state of charge

Annex 4

(b) At a level not less than 95 per cent of the full charge level, whe-
re the manufacturer has made no specific recommendation; or

R 13
(c) At the maximum level which results from automatic charge
control on the vehicle, or
(d) When the tests are conducted without a regenerative braking
component regardless of the state of charge of the batteries. The limits prescribed for minimum performance, both for tests with the
vehicle unladen and for tests with the vehicle laden, shall be those laid
down hereunder for each category of vehicles; the vehicle shall satisfy
both the prescribed stopping distance and the prescribed mean fully de-
veloped deceleration for the relevant vehicle category, but it may not be
necessary to actually measure both parameters. The road shall be level.
1.4.2. Type-0 test with engine disconnected
The test shall be carried out at the speed prescribed for the category
to which the vehicle belongs, the figures prescribed in this connection
being subject to a certain margin of tolerance. The minimum perfor-
mance prescribed for each category shall be attained.
1.4.3. Type-0 test with engine connected Tests shall also be carried out at various speeds, the lowest being equal
to 30 per cent of the maximum speed of the vehicle and the highest
being equal to 80 per cent of that speed. In the case of vehicles equip-
ped with a speed limiter, this limiter speed shall be taken as the maxi-
mum speed of the vehicle. The maximum practical performance figures
shall be measured and the behaviour of the vehicle shall be recorded in
the test report. Tractors for semi-trailers, artificially loaded to simulate the
effects of a laden semi-trailer shall not be tested beyond 80 km/h. Further tests shall be carried out with the engine connected, from the
speed prescribed for the category to which the vehicle belongs. The
minimum performance prescribed for each category shall be attained.
Tractive units for semi-trailers, artificially loaded to simulate the effects of
a laden semi-trailer shall not be tested beyond 80 km/h.
1.4.4. Type-0 test for vehicles of category O, equipped with compressed-air

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The braking performance of the trailer can be calculated either from the
braking rate of the towing vehicle plus the trailer and the measured thrust
on the coupling or, in certain cases, from the braking rate of the towing
R 13

vehicle plus the trailer with only the trailer being braked. The engine of
the towing vehicle shall be disconnected during the braking test.
In the case where only the trailer is braked, to take account of the extra
mass being retarded, the performance will be taken to be the mean fully
developed deceleration. With the exception of cases according to paragraphs and of this annex, it is necessary for the determination of the braking
rate of the trailer to measure the braking rate of the towing vehicle plus
the trailer and the thrust on the coupling. The towing vehicle has to meet
the requirements laid down in Annex 10 to this Regulation with regard
to the relationship between the ratio TM/PM and the pressure pm. The
braking rate of the trailer is calculated according to the following formula:

zR = zR+M • P

zR = braking rate of the trailer,
zR+M = braking rate of the towing vehicle plus the trailer,
D = thrust on the coupling,
(tractive force: +D),
(compressive force: -D),
PR = total normal static reaction between road surface and
wheels of trailer (Annex 10). If a trailer has a continuous or semi-continuous braking system where
the pressure in the brake actuators does not change during braking de-
spite the dynamic axle load shifting and in the case of semi-trailers the
trailer alone may be braked. The braking rate of the trailer is calculated
according to the following formula:
zR = (zR+M - R) • PR + R

R = rolling resistance value = 0.01
PM = total normal static reaction between road surface and
wheels of towing vehicles for trailers (Annex 10)

Annex 4 Alternatively, the evaluation of the braking rate of the trailer may be done
by braking the trailer alone. In this case the pressure used shall be the

R 13
same as that measured in the brake actuators during the braking of the
1.5. Type-I test (fade test)
1.5.1. With repeated braking The service braking systems of all power-driven vehicles shall be tested
by successively applying and releasing the brakes a number of times,
the vehicle being laden, in the conditions shown in the table below:

Category Conditions
of vehicles v1 [km/h] v2 [km/h] Δt [sec] n
M2 80 per cent vmax ≤ 100 1/2 v1 55 15
N1 80 per cent vmax ≤ 120 1/2 v1 55 15

M3, N2, N3 80 per cent vmax ≤ 60 1/2 v1 60 20

v1 = initial speed, at beginning of braking,
v2 = speed at end of braking,
vmax = maximum speed of vehicle,
n = number of brake applications,
Δt = duration of a braking cycle: time elapsing between the initi-
ation of one brake application and the initiation of the next. If the characteristics of the vehicle make it impossible to abide by the
duration prescribed for Δt, the duration may be increased; in any event,
in addition to the time necessary for braking and accelerating the vehicle,
a period of 10 seconds shall be allowed in each cycle for stabilizing the
speed v1. In these tests, the force applied to the control shall be so adjusted as to
attain the mean fully developed deceleration of 3 m/s2 at the first brake
application; this force shall remain constant throughout the succeeding
brake applications. During brake applications, the highest gear ratio (excluding overdrive,
etc.) shall be continuously engaged.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 For regaining speed after braking, the gearbox shall be used in such a
way as to attain the speed v1 in the shortest possible time (maximum
R 13

acceleration allowed by the engine and gearbox). For vehicles not having sufficient autonomy to carry out the cycles of
heating of the brakes, the tests shall be carried out by achieving the
prescribed speed before the first braking application and thereafter by
using the maximum acceleration available to regain speed and then bra-
king successively at the speed reached at the end of each time cycle
duration as specified, for the appropriate vehicle category, in paragraph above. In the case of vehicles equipped with automatic brake adjustment devi-
ces the adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the Type-I test above, be
set according to the following procedures as appropriate: In the case of vehicles equipped with air operated brakes the adjustment
of the brakes shall be such as to enable the automatic brake adjustment
device to function. For this purpose the actuator stroke shall be adjusted

sre-adjust = is the re-adjustment stroke according to the specification
of the manufacturer of the automatic brake adjustment
device, i.e. the stroke, where it starts to readjust the run-
ning clearance of the brake with an actuator pressure of
15 per cent of the brake system operating pressure but
not less than 100 kPa.
Where, by agreement with the Technical Service, it is impractical to
measure the actuator stroke, the initial setting shall be agreed with the
Technical Service.
From the above condition the brake shall be operated with an actuator
pressure of 30 per cent of the brake system operating pressure but not
less than 200 kPa 50 times in succession. This shall be followed by a
single brake application with an actuator pressure of ≥ 650 kPa. In the case of vehicles equipped with hydraulically operated disc brakes
no setting requirements are deemed necessary.

Annex 4 In the case of vehicles equipped with hydraulically operated drum brakes
the adjustment of the brakes shall be as specified by the manufacturer.

R 13 For vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative braking system of
category B, the condition of the vehicle batteries at the start of the test,
shall be such that the braking force contribution provided by the electric
regenerative braking system does not exceed the minimum guaranteed
by the system design.
This requirement is deemed to be satisfied if the batteries are at one of
the state of charge conditions listed in the fourth clause of paragraph above.
1.5.2. With continuous braking The service brakes of categories O2 and O3 (when the O3 trailer has not
passed alternatively the Type-III test according to paragraph 1.7. of this
annex) shall be tested in such a manner that, the vehicle being laden,
the energy input to the brakes is equivalent to that recorded in the same
period of time with a laden vehicle driven at a steady speed of 40 km/h
on a 7 per cent down-gradient for a distance of 1.7 km. The test may be carried out on a level road, the trailer being drawn by a
towing vehicle; during the test, the force applied to the control shall be
adjusted so as to keep the resistance of the trailer constant (7 per cent of
the maximum total stationary axle load of the trailer). If the power availa-
ble for hauling is insufficient, the test can be conducted at a lower speed
but over a greater distance as shown in the table below:
Speed [km/h] Distance [metres]
40 7,700
30 1,950
20 2,500
15 3,100 In the case of trailers equipped with automatic brake adjustment devices
the adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the Type-I test prescribed
above, be set according to the procedure as laid down in paragraph of this annex.
1.5.3. Hot performance

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 At the end of the Type-I test (test described in paragraph 1.5.1. or test
described in paragraph 1.5.2. of this annex) the hot performance of the
R 13

service braking system shall be measured in the same conditions (and

in particular at a constant control force no greater than the mean force
actually used) as for the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected (the
temperature conditions may be different). For power-driven vehicles this hot performance shall not be less than 80
per cent of that prescribed for the category in question, nor less than 60 per
cent of the figure recorded in the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected. For vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of cate-
gory A, during brake applications, the highest gear shall be continuously
engaged and the separate electric regenerative braking control, if any,
shall not be used. In the case of vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative braking sys-
tem of category B, having carried out the heating cycles according to para-
graph of this annex, the hot performance test shall be carried out at
the maximum speed which can be reached by the vehicle at the end of the
brake heating cycles, unless the speed specified in paragraph 1.4.2. of this
annex can be reached.
For comparison, the Type-0 test with cold brakes shall be repeated from this
same speed and with a similar electric regenerative braking contribution, as
set by an appropriate state of battery charge, as was available during the
hot performance test.
Reconditioning of the linings shall be permitted before the test is made to
compare this second Type-0 cold performance with that achieved in the hot
test, against the criteria of paragraphs and of this annex.
The tests may be conducted without a regenerative braking component. In this
case, the requirement on the state of charge of the batteries is not applicable. However, in the case of trailers, the hot brake force at the periphery of
the wheels when tested at 40 km/h shall not be less than 36 per cent
of the maximum stationary wheel load, nor less than 60 per cent of the
figure recorded in the Type 0 test at the same speed. In the case of a power-driven vehicle which satisfies the 60 per cent requi-
rement specified in paragraph above, but which cannot comply
with the 80 per cent requirement of paragraph above, a further

Annex 4

hot performance test may be carried out using a control force not excee-
ding that specified in paragraph 2. of this annex for the relevant vehicle
category. The results of both tests shall be entered in the report.

R 13
1.5.4. Free running test
In the case of motor vehicles equipped with automatic brake adjustment
devices, the brakes after completing the tests defined in paragraph
1.5.3. above will be allowed to cool to a temperature representative of a
cold brake (i.e. ≤ 100 °C) and it shall be verified that the vehicle is capa-
ble of free running by fulfilling one of the following conditions:
(a) Wheels are running freely (i.e. may be rotated by hand);
(b) It is ascertained that when the vehicle is driven at a constant
speed of v = 60 km/h with the brakes released the asymptotic
temperatures shall not exceed a drum/disc temperature in-
crease of 80 °C, then the residual brake moments are regar-
ded as acceptable.
1.6. Type-II test (downhill behaviour test)
1.6.1. Laden power-driven vehicles shall be tested in such a manner that the
energy input is equivalent to that recorded in the same period of time with
a laden vehicle driven at an average speed of 30 km/h on a 6 per cent
down-gradient for a distance of 6 km, with the appropriate gear engaged
and the endurance braking system, if the vehicle is equipped with one,
being used. The gear engaged shall be such that the speed of the engine
(min-1) does not exceed the maximum value prescribed by the manufac-
1.6.2. For vehicles in which the energy is absorbed by the braking action of
the engine alone, a tolerance of ± 5 km/h on the average speed shall be
permitted, and the gear enabling the speed to be stabilized at the value
closest to 30 km/h on the 6 per cent down-gradient shall be engaged. If
the performance of the braking action of the engine alone is determined
by a measurement of deceleration, it shall be sufficient if the mean dece-
leration measured is at least 0.5 m/s².
1.6.3. At the end of the test, the hot performance of the service braking system
shall be measured in the same conditions as for the Type-0 test with the
engine disconnected (the temperature conditions may be different). This
hot performance shall give a stopping distance not exceeding the follo-
wing values and a mean fully developed deceleration not less than the

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

following values, using a control force not exceeding 70 daN:

Category M3: 0.15 v + (1.33 v2/130) (the second term corresponds to
R 13

a mean fully developed deceleration dm = 3.75 m/s2);

Category N3: 0.15 v + (1.33 v2/115) (the second term corresponds
to a mean fully developed deceleration dm = 3.3 m/s²).
1.6.4. Vehicles cited in paragraphs, and below shall
satisfy the Type-IIA test described in paragraph 1.8. below instead of
the Type-II test.
1.7. Type-III test (fade test for laden vehicles of category O4 or alternatively
of category O3).
1.7.1. Track test The adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the Type-III test below, be set
according to the following procedures as appropriate: In the case of trailers equipped with air operated brakes the adjustment
of the brakes shall be such as to enable the automatic brake adjustment
device to function. For this purpose the actuator stroke shall be adjusted
to s0 ≥ 1.1 x sre adjust (the upper limit shall not exceed a value recom-
mended by the manufacturer):
sre-adjust = is the re-adjustment stroke according to the specification
of the manufacturer of the automatic brake adjustment
device, i.e. the stroke, where it starts to readjust the run-
ning clearance of the brake with an actuator pressure of
15 per cent of the brake system operating pressure but
not less than 100 kPa.

Where, by agreement with the Technical Service, it is impractical to

measure the actuator stroke, the initial setting shall be agreed with the
Technical Service.
From the above condition the brake shall be operated with an actuator
pressure of 200 kPa, 50 times in succession. This shall be followed by a
single brake application with an actuator pressure of ≥ 650 kPa. In the case of trailers equipped with hydraulically operated disc brakes
no setting requirements are deemed necessary. In the case of trailers equipped with hydraulically operated drum brakes
the adjustment of the brakes shall be as specified by the manufacturer.

Annex 4 For the road test the conditions shall be as follows:

Number of brake applications 20

R 13
Duration of a braking cycle 60 s
Initial speed at the beginning 60 km/h
of braking
Braking applications In these tests, the force applied to the
control shall be so adjusted as to attain
the mean fully developed deceleration
of 3 m/s2 in respect to the trailer mass
PR at the first brake application; this
force shall remain constant throughout
the succeeding brake applications.
The braking rate of a trailer is calculated according to the formula given
in paragraph of this annex:
zR = (zR+M - R) • PR + R

The speed at the end of braking (Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph 3.1.5.):
PM + P1 + 0,25 • P2
v2 = v1 • PM + P1 + P2

zR = braking rate of the trailer,
zR+M = braking rate of the vehicle combination (motor vehicle
and trailer),
R = rolling resistance value = 0.01,
PM = total normal static reaction between the road surface and
the wheels of towing vehicle for trailer (kg),
PR = total normal static reaction between the road surface and
the wheels of the trailer (kg),
P1 = part of the mass of the trailer borne by the unbraked ax-
le(s) (kg),
P2 = part of the mas of the trailer borne by the braked axles(s) (kg),
v1 = initial speed (km/h)
v2 = final speed (km/h)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

1.7.2. Hot performance

At the end of the test according to paragraph 1.7.1., the hot performance
R 13

of the service brak¬ing sys¬tem shall be measured under the same con-
ditions as for the Type 0 test with, however, different temperature condi-
tions and starting from an initial speed of 60 km/h. The hot brake-force
at the periphery of the wheels shall then not be less than 40 per cent of
the maximum stationary wheel load, and not less than 60 per cent of the
figure recorded in the Type 0 test at the same speed.
1.7.3. Free running test
After completing the tests defined in paragraph 1.7.2., above, the brakes
will be allowed to cool to a temperature representative of a cold brake
(i.e. ≤ 100 °C) and it shall be verified that the trailer is capable of free
running by fulfilling one of the following conditions:
(a) Wheels are running freely (i.e. may be rotated by hand);
(b) It is ascertained that when the trailer is driven at a constant speed
of v = 60 km/h with the brakes released the asymptotic tempe-
ratures shall not exceed a drum/disc temperature increase of 80
°C, then the residual brake moments are regarded as acceptable.
1.8. Type-IIA test (endurance braking performance)
1.8.1. Vehicles of the following categories shall be subject to the Type-IIA test: Vehicles of category M3, belonging to Classes II, III or B as defined in the
Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3). Vehicles of category N3 which are authorized to tow a trailer of category
O4. If the maximum mass exceeds 26 tonnes, the test mass is limited to
26 tonnes or, in the case where the unladen mass exceeds 26 tonnes,
this mass is to be taken into account by calculation. Certain vehicles subject to ADR (see Annex 5).
1.8.2. Test conditions and performance requirements The performance of the endurance braking system shall be tested at the
maximum mass of the vehicle or of the vehicle combination. Laden vehicles shall be tested in such a manner that the energy input is
equivalent to that recorded in the same period of time with a laden vehicle
driven at an average speed of 30 km/h on a 7 per cent down-gradient for
a distance of 6 km. During the test, the service, secondary and parking

Annex 4

braking systems shall not be engaged. The gear engaged shall be such
that the speed of the engine does not exceed the maximum value prescri-
bed by the manufacturer. An integrated endurance braking system may

R 13
be used, provided that it is suitably phased such that the service braking
system is not applied; this may be verified by checking that its brakes
remain cold, as defined in paragraph of this annex. For vehicles in which the energy is absorbed by the braking action of
the engine alone, a tolerance of ± 5 km/h on the average speed shall be
permitted, and the gear enabling the speed to be stabilized at a value
closest to 30 km/h on a 7 per cent down-gradient shall be engaged. If the
performance of the braking action of the engine alone is determined by
measuring the deceleration, it shall be sufficient if the mean deceleration
measured is at least 0.6 m/s2.
2. Performance of braking systems of vehicles of categories M2, M3 and N
2.1. Service braking system
2.1.1. The service brakes of vehicles of categories M2, M3 and N shall be tested
under the conditions shown in the following table:

Category M2 M3 N1 N2 N3
Type of test 0-I 0-I-II or IIA 0-I 0-I 0-I-II
Type-0 test v 60 km/h 60km/h 80km/h 60km/h 60km/h
with engine s≤ 0.15 v + v²/130
disconnected dm ≥ 5.0 m/s²
Type-0 test v = 0.80 100 km/h 90km/h 120 km/h 100km/h 90km/h
with engine vmax but not
connected exceeding
s≤ 0.15 v + v²/103.5
dm ≥ 4.0 m/s²
F≤ 70 daN

v = prescriped test speed, in km/h,
s = stopping distance, in metres,
dm = mean fully developed deceleration, in m/s2,
F = force applied to foot control, in daN,
vmax = maximum speed of the vehicle, in km/h.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.1.2. In the case of a power-driven vehicle authorized to tow an unbraked

trailer, the minimum performance prescribed for the corresponding pow-
er-driven vehicle category (for the Type-0 test with engine disconnected)
R 13

shall be attained with the unbraked trailer coupled to the power-driven

vehicle and with the unbraked trailer laden to the maximum mass decla-
red by the power-driven vehicle manufacturer.
The combination performance shall be verified by calculations referring
to the maximum braking performance actually achieved by the pow-
er-driven vehicle alone (laden) during the Type-0 test with the engine
disconnected, using the following formula (no practical tests with a cou-
pled unbraked trailer are required):

dM+R = dM • P MP
M+ R

dM+R = calculated mean fully developed deceleration of the pow-
er-driven vehicle when coupled to an unbraked trailer, in
dM = maximum mean fully developed deceleration of the pow-
er-driven vehicle alone achieved during the Type-0 test
with engine disconnected, in m/s²,
PM = mass of the power-driven vehicle (laden),
PR = maximum mass of an unbraked trailer which may be
coupled, as declared by the power-driven vehicle manu-
2.2. Secondary braking system
2.2.1. The secondary braking system, even if the control which actuates it is
also used for other braking functions, shall give a stopping distance not
exceeding the following values and a mean fully developed deceleration
not less than the following values:
Categories M2, M3: 0.15 v + (2 v2/130) (the second term corresponds to a
mean fully developed deceleration dm = 2.5 m/s2);
Category N: 0.15 v + (2 v2/115) (the second term corresponds to
a mean fully developed deceleration dm = 2.2 m/s²).
2.2.2. If the control is manual, the prescribed performance shall be obtained
by applying to the control a force not exceeding 60 daN and the control
shall be so placed that it can be easily and quickly grasped by the driver.

Annex 4

2.2.3. If it is a foot control, the prescribed performance shall be obtained by

applying to the control a force not exceeding 70 daN and the control
shall be so placed that it can be easily and quickly actuated by the driver.

R 13
2.2.4. The performance of the secondary braking system shall be checked by
the Type-0 test with engine disconnected from the following initial speeds:
M2: 60 km/h M3: 60 km/h
N1: 70 km/h N2: 50 km/h N3: 40 km/h
2.2.5. The secondary braking effectiveness test shall be conducted by simula-
ting the actual failure conditions in the service braking system.
2.2.6. For vehicles employing electric regenerative braking systems, the bra-
king performance shall additionally be checked under the two following
failure conditions: For a total failure of the electric component of the service braking output. In the case where the failure condition causes the electric component to
deliver its maximum braking force.
2.3. Parking braking system
2.3.1. The parking braking system shall, even if it is combined with one of the
other braking systems, be capable of holding the laden vehicle stationa-
ry on an 18 per cent up or down-gradient.
2.3.2. On vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is authorized, the parking
braking system of the towing vehicle shall be capable of holding the
combination of vehicles stationary on a 12 per cent up or down-gradient.
2.3.3. If the control is manual, the force applied to it shall not exceed 60 daN.
2.3.4. If it is a foot control, the force exerted on the control shall not exceed 70 daN.
2.3.5. A parking braking system which has to be actuated several times before
it attains the prescribed performance is admissible.
2.3.6. To check compliance with the requirement specified in paragraph
of this Regulation, a Type-0 test shall be carried out with the engine di-
sconnected at an initial test speed of 30 km/h. The mean fully developed
deceleration on application of the control of the parking brake system and
the deceleration immediately before the vehicle stops shall not be less than
1.5 m/s2. The test shall be carried out with the laden vehicle.
The force exerted on the braking control device shall not exceed the
specified values.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.4. Residual braking after transmission failure

2.4.1. The residual performance of the service braking system, in the event
R 13

of failure in a part of its transmission, shall give a stopping distance not

exceeding the following values and a mean fully developed deceleration
not less than the following values, using a control force not exceeding
70 daN, when checked by the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected
from the following initial speeds for the relevant vehicle category:
Stopping distance (m) and mean fully developed deceleration (dm) [m/s²]

Vehicle v Stopping distance LADEN dm Stopping distance UN- dm

Category [km/h] [m] [m/s²] LADEN [m/s²]
M2 60 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/130) 1.5 0.15v + (100/25) · (v²/130) 1.3
M3 60 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/130) 1.5 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/130) 1.5
N1 70 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/115) 1.3 0.15v + (100/25) · (v²/115) 1.1
N2 50 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/115) 1.3 0.15v + (100/25) · (v²/115) 1.1
N3 40 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/115) 1.3 0.15v + (100/30) · (v²/115) 1.3

2.4.2. The residual braking effectiveness test shall be conducted by simulating

the actual failure conditions in the service braking system.
3. Performance of braking systems of vehicles of category O
3.1. Service braking system
3.1.1. Provision relating to tests of vehicles of category O1:
Where the provision of a service braking system is mandatory, the per-
formance of the system shall meet the requirements laid down for ve-
hicles of categories O2 and O3.
3.1.2. Provisions relating to tests of vehicles of categories O2 and O3: If the service braking system is of the conx tinuous or semi-continu-
ous type, the sum of the forces exerted on the periphery of the braked
wheels shall be at least x per cent of the maximum stationary wheel
load, x having the following values:

x [per cent]
full trailer, laden and unladen 50
semi-trailer, laden and unladen 45
centre-axle trailer, laden and unladen 50

Annex 4 If the trailer is fitted with a compressed-air braking system, the pressure
in the supply line shall not exceed 700 kPa during the brake test and
the signal value in the control line shall not exceed the following values,

R 13
depending on the installation:
(a) 650 kPa in the pneumatic control line;
(b) A digital demand value corresponding to 650 kPa (as defined
in ISO 11992:2003 including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.
1:2007 in the electric control line.
The test speed is 60 km/h. A supplementary test at 40 km/h shall be car-
ried out with the laden trailer for comparison with the Type-I test result. If the braking system is of the inertia type, it shall comply with the requi-
rements of Annex 12 to this Regulation. In addition, the vehicles shall undergo the Type-I test or alternatively a
Type III test in the case of an O3 trailer. In the Type-I or the Type-III test of a semi-trailer, the mass braked by
the latter‘s axle(s) shall correspond to the maximum axle load(s) (not
including the king pin load).
3.1.3. Provisions relating to tests of vehicles of category O4: If the service braking system is of the continuous or semi-continuous
type, the sum of the forces exerted on the periphery of the braked
wheels shall be at least x per cent of the maximum stationary wheel
load, x having the following values:

x [per cent]
full trailer, laden and unladen 50
semi-trailer, laden and unladen 45
centre-axle trailer, laden and unladen 50 If the trailer is fitted with a compressed air braking system, the pressure
in the control line shall not exceed 650 kPa and the pressure in the sup-
ply line shall not exceed 700 kPa during the brake test. The test speed
is 60 km/h. In addition, the vehicles shall undergo the Type-III test.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In the Type-III test of a semi-trailer, the mass braked by the latter‘s ax-
le(s) shall correspond to the maximum axle load(s).
R 13

3.2. Parking braking system

3.2.1. The parking braking system with which the trailer is equipped shall be
capable of holding the laden trailer stationary, when separated from the
towing vehicle, on an 18 per cent up or down-gradient. The force applied
to the control device shall not exceed 60 daN.
3.3. Automatic braking system
3.3.1. The automatic braking performance in the event of a failure, as descri-
bed in paragraph of this Regulation, when testing the laden
vehicle from a speed of 40 km/h, shall not be less than 13.5 per cent
of the maximum stationary wheel load. Wheel-locking at performance
levels above 13.5 per cent is permitted.

4. Response time
4.1. Where a vehicle is equipped with a service braking system which is total-
ly or partially dependent on a source of energy other than the muscular
effort of the driver, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
4.1.1. In an emergency manoeuvre, the time elapsing between the moment
when the control device begins to be actuated and the moment when the
braking force on the least favourably placed axle reaches the level cor-
responding to the prescribed performance shall not exceed 0.6 second.
4.1.2. In the case of vehicles fitted with compressed-air braking systems, the
requirements of paragraph 4.1.1. above are considered to be satisfied
if the vehicle complies with the provisions of Annex 6 to this Regulation.
4.1.3. In the case of vehicles fitted with hydraulic braking systems, the require-
ments of paragraph 4.1.1. above are considered to be satisfied if, in an
emergency manoeuvre, the deceleration of the vehicle or the pressure
at the least favourable brake cylinder, reaches a level corresponding to
the prescribed performance within 0.6 second.

Annex 4

Annex 4 - Appendix
Procedure for monitoring the state of battery charge

R 13
This procedure is applicable to vehicle batteries used for traction and
regenerative braking.
The procedure requires the use of a bi-directional DC Watt-hour meter or
a bi-directional DC Ampere-hour meter.
1. Procedure
1.1. If the batteries are new or have been subject to extended storage, they
shall be cycled as recommended by the manufacturer. A minimum
8-hour soak period at ambient temperature shall be allowed after com-
pletion of cycling.
1.2. A full charge shall be established using the manufacturer’s recommen-
ded charging procedure.
1.3. When the braking tests of paragraphs 1.2.11.,,, and of Annex 4 are conducted the watt-hours consumed by the
traction motors and supplied by the regenerative braking system shall
be recorded as a running total which shall then be used to determine
the state of charge existing at the beginning or end of a particular test.
1.4. To replicate a level of state of charge in the batteries for comparative
tests, such as those of paragraph of Annex 4, the batteries
shall be either recharged to that level or charged to above that level and
discharged into a fixed load at approximately constant power until the
required state of charge is reached. Alternatively, for vehicles with bat-
tery powered electric traction only, the state of charge may be adjusted
by running the vehicle. Tests conducted with a battery partially charged
at their start shall be commenced as soon as possible after the desired
state of charge has been reached.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 5
Additional provisions applicable to certain vehicles as speci-
R 13

fied in the ADR

1. Scope
This annex applies to certain vehicles which are subject to section 9.2.3.
of Annex B to the European Agreement concerning the International
Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR).
2. Requirements
2.1. General provisions
Power-driven vehicles and trailers intended for use as transport units for
dangerous goods shall fulfil all relevant technical requirements of this
Regulation. In addition, the following technical provisions shall apply as
2.2. Anti-lock braking system of trailers
2.2.1. Trailers of category O4 shall be equipped with category A anti-lock sys-
tems as defined in Annex 13 to this Regulation.
2.3. Endurance braking system
2.3.1. Power-driven vehicles having a maximum mass exceeding 16 tonnes,
or authorized to tow a trailer of category O4 shall be fitted with an end-
urance braking system according to paragraph 2.15. of this Regulation
which complies with the following requirements: The endurance braking control configurations shall be from a type de-
scribed in paragraphs to of this Regulation. In the case of an electrical failure of the anti-lock system, integrated or
combined endurance braking systems shall be switched off automatically. The effectiveness of the endurance braking system shall be controlled
by the anti-lock braking system such that the axle(s) braked by the end-
urance braking system cannot be locked by that system at speeds ab-
ove 15 km/h. However, this requirement shall not apply to that part of the
braking system constituted by the natural engine braking. The effectiveness of the endurance braking system shall be control-
led by the anti-lock braking system such that the axle(s) braked by the

Annex 5

endurance braking system cannot be locked by that system at speeds

above 15 km/h. However, this requirement shall not apply to that part

R 13
of the braking system constituted by the natural engine braking. The endurance braking system shall comprise several stages of effec-
tiveness, including a low stage appropriate for the unladen condition.
Where the endurance braking system of a power-driven vehicle is cons-
tituted by its engine, the different gear ratios shall be considered to pro-
vide the different stages of effectiveness. The performance of the endurance braking system shall be such that it
fulfils the requirements of paragraph 1.8. of Annex 4 to this Regulation
(Type-IIA test), with a laden vehicle mass comprising the laden mass
of the motor vehicle and its authorized maximum towed mass but not
exceeding a total of 44 tonnes.
2.3.2. If a trailer is equipped with an endurance braking system it shall fulfil the
requirements of paragraphs to above as appropriate.
2.4. Braking requirements for EX/III vehicles of categories O1 and O2
2.4.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph of this Regulation,
EX/III vehicles, as defined in Regulation No. 105, of categories O1 and
O2, irrespective of their mass, shall be equipped with a braking system
which automatically brakes the trailer to a stop if the coupling device
separates while the trailer is in motion.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 6
Method of measuring the response time on vehicles equipped
R 13

with compressed-air braking systems

1. General
1.1. The response times of the service braking system shall be determined
on the stationary vehicle, the pressure being measured at the intake to
the cylinder of the least favourably placed brake. In the case of vehic-
les fitted with combined compressed-air/hydraulic braking systems, the
pressure may be measured at the opening of the least favourably placed
pneumatic unit. For vehicles equipped with load sensing valves, these
devices shall be set in the „laden“ position.
1.2. During the test, the stroke of the brake cylinders of the various axles shall
be that required for brakes adjusted as closely as possible.
1.3. The response times determined in accordance with the provisions of this
annex shall be rounded to the nearest tenth of a second. If the figure
representing the hundredth is five or more, the response time shall be
rounded up to the next higher tenth.
2. Power-driven vehicles
2.1. At the beginning of each test, the pressure in the energy storage device
shall be equal to the pressure at which the governor restores the feed to
the system. In systems not equipped with a governor (e.g., pressure-li-
mited compressors) the pressure in the energy storage device at the
beginning of each test shall be 90 per cent of the pressure specified by
the manufacturer and defined in paragraph of Part A of Annex 7
to this Regulation, used for the tests prescribed in this annex.
2.2. The response times as a function of the actuating time (tf) shall be obtai-
ned by a succession of full actuations, beginning with the shortest pos-
sible actuating time and increasing to a time of about 0.4 second. The
measured values shall be plotted on a graph.
2.3. The response time to be taken into consideration for the purpose of the
test is that corresponding to an actuating time of 0.2 second. This res-
ponse time can be obtained from the graph by interpolation.
2.4. For an actuating time of 0.2 second, the time elapsing from the initiation
of the braking system control actuation to the moment when the pres-
sure in the brake cylinder reaches 75 per cent of its asymptotic value
shall not exceed 0.6 second.

Annex 6

2.5. In the case of power-driven vehicles having a pneumatic control line for
trailers, in addition to the requirements of paragraph 1.1. of this Annex,

R 13
the response time shall be measured at the extremity of a pipe 2.5 m
long with an internal diameter of 13 mm which shall be joined to the
coupling head of the control line of the service braking system. During
this test, a volume of 385 ± 5 cm3 (which is deemed to be equivalent to
the volume of a pipe 2.5 m long with an internal diameter of 13 mm and
under a pressure of 650 kPa) shall be connected to the coupling head
of the supply line.
Tractors for semi-trailers shall be equipped with flexible pipes for making
the connection to semi-trailers. The coupling heads will, therefore, be at
the extremity of those flexible pipes. The length and internal diameter of
the pipes shall be entered at item 14.7.3. of the form conforming to the
model in Annex 2 to this Regulation.
In the case of an automated connector the measurement including the
use of a 2.5m pipe and 385 ± 5 cm³ of volume as described above shall
be made, considering the connector interface as the coupling heads.
2.6. The time elapsing from the initiation of brake-pedal actuation to the mo-
ment when:
(a) The pressure measured at the coupling head of the pneumatic
control line,
(b) The digital demand value in the electric control line measured
according to ISO 11992:2003 including ISO 11992-2:2003 and
its Amd.1:2007,
reaches x per cent of its asymptotic, respectively final, value shall not
exceed the times shown in the table below:

x [per cent] t [s]

10 0.2
75 0.4

2.7. In the case of power-driven vehicles authorized to tow trailers of category

O3 or O4 fitted with compressed-air braking systems, in addition to the ab-
ove-mentioned requirements, the prescriptions in paragraph
of this Regulation shall be verified by conducting the following test:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

(a) By measuring the pressure at the extremity of a pipe 2.5 m

long with an internal diameter of 13 mm which shall be joined
R 13

to the coupling head of the supply line;

(b) By simulating a failure of the control line at the coupling head;
(c) By actuating the service braking control device in 0.2 second,
as described in paragraph 2.3. above.
3. Trailers
3.1. The trailer‘s response times shall be measured without the power-driven
vehicle. To replace the power-driven vehicle, it is necessary to provide a
simulator to which the coupling heads of the supply line, the pneumatic
control line and/or the connector of the electric control line are connected.
3.2. The pressure in the supply line shall be 650 kPa.
3.3. The simulator for pneumatic control lines shall have the following cha-
3.3.1. It shall have a reservoir with a capacity of 30 litres which shall be charged
to a pressure of 650 kPa before each test and which shall not be rechar-
ged during each test. At the outlet of the braking control device, the si-
mulator shall incorporate an orifice with a diameter of from 4.0 to 4.3 mm
inclusive. The volume of the pipe measured from the orifice up to and
including the coupling head shall be 385±5cm3 (which is deemed to be
equivalent to the volume of a pipe 2.5 m long with an internal diameter
of 13 mm and under a pressure of 650 kPa). The control line pressures
referred to in paragraph 3.3.3. of this annex shall be measured immedia-
tely downstream of the orifice.
3.3.2. The braking system control shall be so designed that its performance in
use is not affected by the tester.
3.3.3. The simulator shall be set, e.g. through the choice of orifice in accordance with
paragraph 3.3.1. of this annex in such a way that, if a reservoir of 385 ± cm³ is
joined to it, the time taken for the pressure to increase from 65 to 490 kPa (10
and 75 per cent respectively of the nominal pressure of 650 kPa) shall be 0.2 +
0.01 seconds. If a reservoir of 1155 ± 15 cm³ is substituted for the above-men-
tioned reservoir, the time taken for the pressure to increase from 65 to 490 kPa
without further adjustment shall be 0.38 + 0.02 seconds. Between these two
pressure values, the pressure shall increase in an approximately linear way.

Annex 6

These reservoirs shall be connected to the coupling head without using

flexible pipes. The connection between the reservoirs and the coupling

R 13
head shall have an internal diameter of not less than 10 mm.
The setting shall be carried out using a coupling head arrangement that is
representative of the type fitted to the trailer for which type approval is sought.
3.3.4. The diagrams in the appendix to this annex give an example of the cor-
rect configuration of the simulator for setting and use.
3.4. The simulator for checking the response to signals transmitted via the
electric control line shall have the following characteristics:
3.4.1. The simulator shall produce a digital demand signal in the electric control
line according to ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 and shall pro-
vide the appropriate information to the trailer via pins 6 and 7 of the ISO
7638:2003 connector. For the purpose of response time measurement
the simulator may at the manufacturer‘s request transmit to the trailer
information that no pneumatic control line is present and that the electric
control line demand signal is generated from two independent circuits
(see paragraphs and of ISO 11992-2:2003 and
its Amd.1:2007).
3.4.2. The braking system control shall be so designed that its performance in
use is not affected by the tester.
3.4.3. For the purpose of response time measurement the signal produced by
the electric simulator shall be equivalent to a linear pneumatic pressure
increase from 0.0 to 650 kPa in 0.2 ± 0.01 second.
3.4.4. The diagrams in the appendix to this annex give an example of the cor-
rect configuration of the simulator for setting and use.
3.5. Performance requirements
3.5.1. For trailers with a pneumatic control line the time elapsing between the
moment when the pressure produced in the control line by the simulator
reaches 65 kPa and the moment when the pressure in the brake ac-
tuator of the trailer reaches 75 per cent of its asymptotic value shall not
exceed 0.4 second. Trailers equipped with a pneumatic control line and having electric con-
trol transmission shall be checked with the electrical power supplied to
the trailer via the ISO 7638:2003 connector (5 or 7 pins).

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.5.2. For trailers with an electric control line the time elapsing between the mo-
ment when the signal produced by the simulator exceeds the equivalent
R 13

of 65 kPa and the moment when the pressure in the brake actuator of
the trailer reaches 75 per cent of its asymptotic value shall not exceed
0.4 second.
3.5.3. In the case of trailers equipped with a pneumatic and an electric control
line, the response time measurement for each control line shall be deter-
mined independently according to the relevant procedure defined above.

Annex 6

Annex 6 – Appendix
Examples of simulator

R 13
(See Annex 6, paragraph 3.)
1. Setting the Simulator

R1 V O C1 TC R3
to the electric
2. Testing the Trailer
braking equipment of
A M RA TA the trailer to be tested


to the electric

A = Supply connection with shut-off valve

C1 = Pressure switch in the simulator, set at 65 kPa and at 490 kPa
C2 = Pressure switch to be connected to the brake actuator of the trai-
ler, to operate at 75 per cent of the asymptotic pressure in the
brake actuator CF
CF = Brake cylinder
L = Line from orifice O up to and including its coupling head TC, ha-
ving an inner volume of 385 ± 5 cm3 under a pressure of 650 kPa
M = Pressure gauge
O = Orifice with a diameter of not less than 4 mm and not more than 4.3 mm

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

PP = Pressure test connection

R1 = 30 litre air reservoir with drain valve
R 13

R2 = Calibrating reservoir, including its coupling head TC, to be 385

± 5 cm³
R3 = Calibrating reservoir, including its coupling head TC, to be 1155
± 15 cm³
RA = Shut-off valve
TA = Coupling head, supply line
V = Braking system control device
TC = Coupling head, control line
VRU = Emergency relay valve

3. Example of a simulator for electric control lines

braking equipment of
A M TA the trailer to be tested

Simulator EBS 11
Start 65 kPa 650 kPa

to be electric chronometer

ECL = Electric Control Line corresponding to ISO 7638

SIMU = Simulator of Byte 3,4 of EBS 11 according to ISO 11992-2:2003
including its Amd 1-2007 with output signals at start, 65 kPa and
650 kPa
A = Supply connection with shut-off valve
C2 = Pressure switch to be connected to the brake actuator of the trailer,
to operate at 75 per cent of the asymptotic pressure in the brake
actuator CF
CF = Brake cylinder
M = Pressure gauge
PP = Pressure test connection
TA = Coupling head, supply line
VRU = Emergency relay valve

Annex 7

Annex 7
Provisions relating to energy sources and energy storage de-
vices (energy accumulators)

R 13

1. Capacity of energy storage devices (Energy reservoirs)

1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which the operation of the braking system requires the use
of compressed-air shall be equipped with energy storage devices (ener-
gy reservoirs) of a capacity meeting the requirements of paragraphs 1.2.
and 1.3. of this annex (Part A).
1.1.2. It shall be possible to easily identify the reservoirs of the different circuits.
1.1.3. However, the energy storage devices shall not be required to be of a pre-
scribed capacity if the braking system is such that in the absence of any
energy reserve it is possible to achieve a braking performance at least
equal to that prescribed for the secondary braking system.
1.1.4. In verifying compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.2. and
1.3. of this annex, the brakes shall be adjusted as closely as possible.
1.2. Power-driven vehicles
1.2.1. The energy storage devices (energy reservoirs) of power-driven vehicles
shall be such that after eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking
system control the pressure remaining in the energy storage device(s)
shall be not less than the pressure required to obtain the specified se-
condary braking performance.
1.2.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: The initial energy level in the energy storage device(s) shall be that spe-
cified by the manufacturer.33 It shall be such as to enable the prescribed
performance of the service braking system to be achieved; The energy storage device(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any energy
storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated; In the case of power-driven vehicle to which the coupling of a trailer is
authorized and with a pneumatic control line, the supply line shall be stop-
33 The initial energy level shall be stated in the approval document

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

ped and a compressed-air reservoir of 0.5 litre capacity shall be connected

directly to the coupling head of the pneumatic control line. Before each
braking operation, the pressure in this compressed-air reservoir shall be
R 13

completely eliminated. After the test referred to in paragraph 1.2.1. above,

the energy level supplied to the pneumatic control line shall not fall below a
level equivalent to one-half the figure obtained at the first brake application.
1.3. Trailers
1.3.1. The energy storage devices (energy reservoirs) with which trailers are
equipped shall be such that, after eight full-stroke actuations of the towing
vehicle‘s service braking system, the energy level supplied to the opera-
ting members using the energy, does not fall below a level equivalent to
one-half of the figure obtained at the first brake application and without
actuating either the automatic or the parking braking system of the trailer.
1.3.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: The pressure in the energy storage devices at the beginning of each test
shall be 850 kPa; The supply line shall be stopped; in addition, any energy storage de-
vice(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated; The energy storage devices shall not be replenished during the test; At each brake application, the pressure in the pneumatic control line
shall be 750 kPa; At each brake application, the digital demand value in the electric control
line shall be corresponding to a pressure of 750 kPa.
2. Capacity of energy sources
2.1. General
The compressors shall meet the requirements set forth in the following
2.2. Definitions
2.2.1. „p1“ is the pressure corresponding to 65 per cent of the pressure p2 defi-
ned in paragraph 2.2.2. below.
2.2.2. „p2 “ is the value specified by the manufacturer and referred to in para-
graph above.
2.2.3. „t1“ is the time required for the relative pressure to rise from 0 to p1, and
„t2“ is the time required for the relative pressure to rise from 0 to p2 .

Annex 7

2.3. Conditions of measurement

2.3.1. In all cases, the speed of the compressor shall be that obtained when the

R 13
engine is running at the speed corresponding to its maximum power or
at the speed allowed by the governor.
2.3.2. During the tests to determine the time t1 and the time t2, the energy sto-
rage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated.
2.3.3. If it is intended to attach a trailer to a power-driven vehicle, the trailer
shall be represented by an energy storage device whose maximum re-
lative pressure p (expressed in kPa / 100) is that which can be supplied
through the towing vehicle‘s supply circuit and whose volume V, expres-
sed in litres, is given by the formula p x V = 20 R (R being the permissible
maximum mass, in tonnes, on the axles of the trailer).
2.4. Interpretation of results
2.4.1. The time t1 recorded for the least-favoured energy storage device shall
not exceed: 3 minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is not
authorized; or 6 minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is
2.4.2. The time t2 recorded for the least-favoured energy storage device shall
not exceed: 6 minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is not
authorized; or 9 minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is
2.5. Additional test
2.5.1. If the power-driven vehicle is equipped with one or more energy storage
devices for auxiliary equipment having a total capacity exceeding 20 per
cent of the total capacity of the braking energy storage devices, an ad-
ditional test shall be performed during which no irregularity shall occur
in the operation of the valves controlling the filling of the energy storage
device(s) for auxiliary equipment.
2.5.2. It shall be verified during the aforesaid test that the time t3 necessary
to raise the pressure from 0 to p2 in the least-favoured braking energy
storage device is less than:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 8 minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is not
authorized; or
R 13 11 minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is

2.5.3. The test shall be performed in the conditions prescribed in paragraphs
2.3.1. and 2.3.3. above.
2.6. Towing vehicles
2.6.1. Power-driven vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is authorized
shall also comply with the above requirements for vehicles not so autho-
rized. In that case, the tests in paragraphs 2.4.1. and 2.4.2. (and 2.5.2.)
of this annex will be conducted without the energy storage device men-
tioned in paragraph 2.3.3. above.
1. Capacity of energy storage devices (energy reservoirs)
1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which operation of the braking system requires the use of a
vacuum shall be equipped with energy storage devices (energy reser-
voirs) of a capacity meeting the requirements of paragraphs 1.2. and 1.3.
of this annex (Part B).
1.1.2. However, the energy storage devices shall not be required to be of a pre-
scribed capacity if the braking system is such that in the absence of any
energy reserve it is possible to achieve a braking performance at least
equal to that prescribed for the secondary braking system.
1.1.3. In verifying compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.2. and
1.3. of this annex, the brakes shall be adjusted as closely as possible.
1.2. Power-driven vehicles
1.2.1. The energy storage devices (energy reservoirs) of power-driven vehic-
les shall be such that it is still possible to achieve the performance pre-
scribed for the secondary braking system: After eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control
where the energy source is a vacuum pump; and After four full-stroke actuations of the service brake control where the
energy source is the engine.
1.2.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements:

Annex 7 The initial energy level in the energy storage device(s) shall be that spe-
cified by the manufacturer.34 It shall be such as to enable the prescribed
performance of the service braking system to be achieved and shall

R 13
correspond to a vacuum not exceeding 90 per cent of the maximum
vacuum furnished by the energy source; The energy storage device(s) shall not be fed; in addition any energy
storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated; In the case of a power-driven vehicle authorized to tow a trailer, the
supply line shall be stopped and an energy storage device of 0.5 litre
capacity shall be connected to the control line. After the test referred to
in paragraph 1.2.1. above, the vacuum level provided at the control line
shall not have fallen below a level equivalent to one-half of the figure
obtained at the first brake application.
1.3. Trailers (categories O1 and O2 only)
1.3.1. The energy storage devices (energy reservoirs) with which trailers are
equipped shall be such that the vacuum level provided at the user points
shall not have fallen below a level equivalent to one-half of the value ob-
tained at the first brake application after a test comprising four full-stroke
actuations of the trailer‘s service braking system.
1.3.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: The initial energy level in the energy storage device(s) shall be that spe-
cified by the manufacturer.1 It shall be such as to enable the prescribed
performance of the service braking system to be achieved; The energy storage device(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any energy
storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated.
2. Capacity of energy sources
2.1. General
2.1.1. Starting from the ambient atmospheric pressure, the energy source shall
be capable of achieving in the energy storage device(s), in 3 minutes,
the initial level specified in paragraph above. In the case of a
power-driven vehicle to which the coupling of a trailer is authorized, the
time taken to achieve that level in the conditions specified in paragraph
2.2. below shall not exceed 6 minutes.
34 The initial energy level shall be stated in the approval document.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.2. Conditions of measurement

2.2.1. The speed of the vacuum source shall be:
R 13 Where the vacuum source is the vehicle engine, the engine speed obtai-
ned with the vehicle stationary, the neutral gear engaged and the engine
idling; Where the vacuum source is a pump, the speed obtained with the en-
gine running at 65 per cent of the speed corresponding to its maximum
power output; and Where the vacuum source is a pump and the engine is equipped with a
governor, the speed obtained with the engine running at 65 per cent of
the maximum speed allowed by the governor.
2.2.2. Where it is intended to couple to the power-driven vehicle, a trailer
whose service braking system is vacuum-operated, the trailer shall be
represented by an energy storage device having a capacity V in litres
determined by the formula V = 15 R, where R is the maximum permissi-
ble mass, in tonnes, on the axles of the trailer.

1. Capacity of energy storage devices (energy accumulators)

1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which operation of the braking system requires the use of
stored energy provided by hydraulic fluid under pressure shall be equip-
ped with energy storage devices (energy accumulators) of a capacity
meeting the requirements of paragraph 1.2. of this annex (Part C).
1.1.2. However, the energy storage devices shall not be required to be of a
prescribed capacity if the braking system is such that in the absence of
any energy reserve it is possible with the service braking system control
to achieve a braking performance at least equal to that prescribed for the
secondary braking system.
1.1.3. In verifying compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.2.1.,
1.2.2. and 2.1. of this annex, the brakes shall be adjusted as closely
as possible and, for paragraph 1.2.1., the rate of full-stroke actuations
shall be such as to provide an interval of at least 60 seconds between
each actuation.
1.2. Power-driven vehicles

Annex 7

1.2.1. Power-driven vehicles equipped with a hydraulic braking system with

stored energy shall meet the following requirements:

R 13 After eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control,
it shall still be possible to achieve, on the ninth application, the perfor-
mance prescribed for the secondary braking system. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: Testing shall commence at a pressure that may be specified by the ma-
nufacturer but is not higher than the cut-in pressure; The energy storage device(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any energy
storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated.
1.2.2. Power-driven vehicles equipped with a hydraulic braking system with
stored energy which cannot meet the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation shall be deemed to satisfy that paragraph if
the following requirements are met: After any single transmission failure it shall still be possible after eight
full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control, to achieve,
at the ninth application, at least the performance prescribed for the se-
condary braking system or, where secondary performance requiring the
use of stored energy is achieved by a separate control, it shall still be
possible after eight full-stroke actuations to achieve, at the ninth appli-
cation, the residual performance prescribed in paragraph of this
Regulation. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: with the energy source stationary or operating at a speed corresponding
to the engine idling speed, any transmission failure may be induced. Be-
fore inducing such a failure, the energy storage device(s) shall be at a
pressure that may be specified by the manufacturer but not exceeding
the cut-in pressure; The auxiliary equipment and its energy storage devices, if any, shall be
2. Capacity of hydraulic fluid energy sources
2.1. The energy sources shall meet the requirements set out in the following

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.1.1. Definitions „p1“ represents the maximum system operational pressure (cut-out pres-
R 13

sure) in the energy storage device(s) specified by the manufacturer. „p2“ represents the pressure after four full-stroke actuations with the ser-
vice braking system control, starting at p1, without having fed the energy
storage device(s). „t“ represents the time required for the pressure to rise from p2 to p1 in
the energy storage device(s) without application of the service braking
system control.
2.1.2. Conditions of measurement During the test to determine the time t, the feed rate of the energy source
shall be that obtained when the engine is running at the speed corre-
sponding to its maximum power or at the speed allowed by the over-
speed governor. During the test to determine the time t, energy storage device(s) for auxi-
liary equipment shall not be isolated other than automatically.
2.1.3. Interpretation of results In the case of all vehicles except those of categories M3, N2 and N3, the
time t shall not exceed 20 seconds. In the case of vehicles of categories M3, N2 and N3, the time t shall not
exceed 30 seconds.
3. Characteristics of warning devices
With the engine stationary and commencing at a pressure that may be
specified by the manufacturer but does not exceed the cut-in pressure,
the warning device shall not operate following two full-stroke actuations
of the service braking system control.

Annex 8

Annex 8
Provisions relating to specific conditions for spring braking

R 13
1. Definition
1.1. „Spring braking systems“ are braking systems in which the energy requi-
red for braking is supplied by one or more springs acting as an energy
storage device (energy accumulator).
1.1.1. The energy necessary to compress the spring in order to release the
brake is supplied and controlled by the „control“ actuated by the driver
(see definition in paragraph 2.4. of this Regulation).
1.2. „Spring compression chamber“ means the chamber where the pressure
variation that induces the compression of the spring is actually produced.
1.3. If the compression of the springs is obtained by means of a vacuum de-
vice, „pressure“ shall mean negative pressure everywhere in this annex.
2. General
2.1. A spring braking system shall not be used as a service braking system.
However, in the event of a failure in a part of the transmission of the
service braking system, a spring braking system may be used to achieve
the residual performance prescribed in paragraph of this Regula-
tion provided that the driver can graduate this action. In the case of pow-
er-driven vehicles, with the exception of tractors for semi-trailers meeting
the requirements specified in paragraph of this Regulation, the
spring braking system shall not be the sole source of residual braking.
Vacuum spring braking systems shall not be used for trailers.
2.2. A small variation in any of the pressure limits which may occur in the
spring compression chamber feed circuit shall not cause a significant
variation in the braking force.
2.3. The following requirements shall apply to power driven vehicles equip-
ped with spring brakes:
2.3.1. The feed circuit to the spring compression chamber shall either include
an own energy reserve or shall be fed from at least two independent
energy reserves. The trailer supply line may be branched from this feed
line under the condition that a pressure drop in the trailer supply line shall
not be able to apply the spring brake actuators.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.3.2. Auxiliary equipment may only draw its energy from the feed line for the
spring brake actuators under the condition that its operation, even in the
R 13

event of damage to the energy source, cannot cause the energy reserve
for the spring brake actuators to fall below a level from which one release
of the spring brake actuators is possible.
2.3.3. In any case, during re-charging of the braking system from zero pres-
sure, the spring brakes shall remain fully applied, irrespective of the posi-
tion of the control device, until the pressure in the service braking system
is sufficient to ensure at least the prescribed secondary braking perfor-
mance of the laden vehicle, using the service braking system control.
2.3.4. Once applied, the spring brakes shall not release unless there is suffi-
cient pressure in the service braking system to at least provide the pre-
scribed residual braking performance of the laden vehicle by application
of the service braking control.
2.4. In power-driven vehicles, the system shall be so designed that it is possi-
ble to apply and release the brakes at least three times if the initial pres-
sure in the spring compression chamber is equal to the maximum design
pressure. In the case of trailers, it shall be possible to release the brakes
at least three times after the trailer has been uncoupled, the pressure
in the supply line being 750 kPa before the uncoupling. However, prior
to the check the emergency brake shall be released. These conditions
shall be satisfied when the brakes are adjusted as closely as possible.
In addition, it shall be possible to apply and release the parking braking
system as specified in paragraph of this Regulation when the
trailer is coupled to the towing vehicle.
2.5. For power-driven vehicles, the pressure in the spring compression
chamber beyond which the springs begin to actuate the brakes, the lat-
ter being adjusted as closely as possible, shall not be greater than 80 per
cent of the minimum level of the normal available pressure.
In the case of trailers, the pressure in the spring compression cham-
ber beyond which the springs begin to actuate the brakes shall not be
greater than that obtained after four full-stroke actuations of the service
braking system in accordance with paragraph 1.3 of Part A of Annex 7 to
this Regulation. The initial pressure is fixed at 700 kPa.
2.6. When the pressure in the line feeding energy to the spring compression
chamber - excluding lines of an auxiliary release device using a fluid

Annex 8

under pressure - falls to the level at which the brake parts begin to move,
an optical or audible warning device shall be actuated. Provided this re-

R 13
quirement is met, the warning device may comprise the red warning sig-
nal specified in paragraph of this Regulation. This provision
does not apply to trailers.
2.7. If a power-driven vehicle authorized to tow a trailer with a continuous or
semi-continuous braking system is fitted with a spring braking system,
automatic application of the said system shall cause application of the
trailer‘s brakes.
2.8. Trailers which utilise the service braking system energy reserves to fulfil
the requirements for the automatic brake as defined in paragraph 3.3 of
Annex 4 shall also fulfil one of the following requirements when the trailer
is uncoupled from the towing vehicle and the trailer park brake control is
in the released position (spring brakes not applied):
(a) When the energy reserves of the service braking system re-
duce to a pressure no lower than 280 kPa the pressure in the
spring brake compression chamber shall reduce to 0 kPa to
fully apply the spring brakes. This requirement shall be verified
with a constant service braking system energy reserve pres-
sure of 280 kPa;
(b) A reduction in the pressure within the service braking system
energy reserve results in a corresponding reduction in the
pressure in the spring compression chamber.
3. Auxiliary release system
3.1. A spring braking system shall be so designed that, in the event of a fai-
lure in that system, it is still possible to release the brakes. This may be
achieved by the use of an auxiliary release device (pneumatic, mecha-
nical, etc.).
Auxiliary release devices using an energy reserve for releasing shall
draw their energy from an energy reserve which is independent from
the energy reserve normally used for the spring braking system. The
pneumatic or hydraulic fluid in such an auxiliary release device may act
on the same piston surface in the spring compression chamber which is
used for the normal spring braking system under the condition that the
auxiliary release device uses a separate line. The junction of this line

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

with the normal line connecting the control device with the spring brake
actuators shall be at each spring brake actuator immediately before the
R 13

port to the spring compression chamber, if not integrated in the body of

the actuator. This junction shall include a device which prevents an influ-
ence of one line on the other. The requirements of paragraph of
this Regulation also apply to this device.
3.1.1. For the purposes of the requirement of paragraph 3.1. above, compo-
nents of the braking system transmission shall not be regarded as sub-
ject to failure if under the terms of paragraph of this Regulation
they are not regarded as liable to breakage, provided that they are made
of metal or of a material having similar characteristics and do not under-
go significant distortion in normal braking.
3.2. If the operation of the auxiliary device referred to in paragraph 3.1. above
requires the use of a tool or spanner, the tool or spanner shall be kept
on the vehicle.
3.3. Where an auxiliary release system utilizes stored energy to release the
spring brakes the following additional requirements shall apply:
3.3.1. Where the control of the auxiliary spring brake release system is the
same as that used for the secondary/parking brake, the requirements
defined in paragraph 2.3. above shall apply in all cases.
3.3.2. Where the control for the auxiliary spring brake release system is sepa-
rate to the secondary/parking brake control, the requirements defined in
paragraph 2.3. above shall apply to both control systems. However, the
requirements of paragraph 2.3.4. above shall not apply to the auxilia-
ry spring brake release system. In addition the auxiliary release control
shall be located so that it is protected against application by the driver
from the normal driving position.
3.4. If compressed air is used in the auxiliary release system, the system
should be activated by a separate control, not connected to the spring
brake control.

Annex 9

Annex 9
Provisions relating to parking braking systems equipped with
a mechanical brake-cylinder locking device (Lock actuators)

R 13
1. Definition
1.1. „Mechanical brake-cylinder locking device“ means a device which en-
sures braking operation of the parking braking system by mechanically
locking the brake piston rod. Mechanical locking is effected by exhausting
the compressed fluid held in the locking chamber; it is so designed that
unlocking can be effected by restoring pressure in the locking chamber.
2. Special requirements
2.1. When the pressure in the locking chamber approaches the level at
which mechanical locking occurs, an optical or audible warning device
shall come into action. Provided this requirement is met, the warning
device may comprise the red warning signal specified in paragraph of this Regulation. This provision shall not apply to trailers.
In the case of trailers, the pressure corresponding to mechanical locking
shall not exceed 400 kPa. It shall be possible to achieve parking braking
performance after any single failure of the trailer service braking sys-
tem. In addition, it shall be possible to release the brakes at least three
times after the trailer has been uncoupled, the pressure in the supply line
being 650 kPa before the uncoupling. These conditions shall be satisfied
when the brakes are adjusted as closely as possible. It shall also be
possible to apply and release the parking braking system as specified
in paragraph of this Regulation when the trailer is coupled to
the towing vehicle.
2.2. In cylinders equipped with a mechanical locking device, movement of
the brake piston shall be ensured by energy from either of two indepen-
dent energy storage devices.
2.3. It shall not be possible to release the locked brake cylinder unless it is
certain that after such release the brake can be applied again.
2.4. In the event of a failure of the energy source feeding the locking chamber,
an auxiliary release device (e.g. mechanical, or pneumatic which may
use the air contained in one of the vehicle‘s tyres) shall be available.
2.5. The control shall be such that, when actuated, it performs the following
operations in sequence: it applies the brakes so as to provide the degree
of efficiency required for parking braking, locks the brakes in that position
and then cancels out the brake application force.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 10
Distribution of braking among the axles of vehicles and
R 13

requirements for compatibility between towing vehicles and

1. General requirements
1.1. Vehicles of categories M2, M3, N, O2, O3 and O4 shall meet all the re-
quirements of this annex. If a special device is used, this shall operate
However, vehicles in the above categories which are equipped with an
anti-lock braking system and fulfil the relevant requirements of Annex
13, shall also fulfil all the relevant requirements of this annex with the
following exceptions:
(a) Compliance with the adhesion utilization requirements associa-
ted with diagrams 1A, 1B or 1C, as appropriate, is not required.
(b) In the case of towing vehicles and trailers, equipped with a
compressed air braking system, compliance with the unladen
compatibility requirements associated with diagrams 2, 3 or 4,
as appropriate, is not required. However, for all load conditi-
ons, a braking rate shall be developed between a pressure of
20 kPa and 100 kPa or the equivalent digital demand value at
the coupling head of the control line(s).
1.1.1. Where the vehicle is installed with an endurance braking system, the
retarding force shall not be taken into consideration when determining
the vehicle performance with respect to the provisions of this annex.
1.2. The requirements relating to the diagrams specified in paragraphs
3.1.5., 3.1.6., 4.1., 5.1. and 5.2. of this annex, are valid both for vehicles
with a pneumatic control line according to paragraph of this
Regulation and for vehicles with an electric control line according to pa-
ragraph of this Regulation. In both cases, the reference value
(abscissa of the diagrams) will be the value of the transmitted pressure
in the control line:
(a) For vehicles equipped according to paragraph of this
Regulation, this will be the actual pneumatic pressure in the
control line (pm);
35 In the case of trailers with electronically controlled brake force distribution, the requi-
rements of this annex shall only apply when the trailer is electrically connected to the
towing vehicle by the ISO 7638:2003 connector.

Annex 10

(b) For vehicles equipped according to paragraph of

this Regulation, this will be the pressure corresponding to the
transmitted digital demand value in the electric control line, ac-

R 13
cording to ISO 11992:2003 and its Amd.1:2007.
Vehicles equipped according to paragraph of this Regulation
(with both pneumatic and electric control lines) shall satisfy the require-
ments of the diagrams related to both control lines. However, identical
braking characteristic curves related to both control lines are not required.
1.3. Validation of the development of braking force.
1.3.1. At the time of type approval it shall be checked that the development of
a braking on an axle of each independent axle group36 shall be within the
following pressure ranges:
(a) Laden vehicles:
At least one axle shall commence to develop a braking force
when the pressure at the coupling head is within the pressure
range 20 to 100 kPa or equivalent digital demand value.
At least one axle of every other axle group shall commence to
develop a braking force when the coupling head is at a pres-
sure < 120 kPa or equivalent digital demand value.
(b) Unladen vehicles:
At least one axle shall commence to develop a braking force
when the pressure at the coupling head is within the pressure
range 20 to 100 kPa or equivalent digital demand value. With the wheel(s) of the axle(s) raised off the ground and free to rotate,
apply an increasing brake demand and measure the coupling head pres-
sure corresponding to when the wheel(s) can no longer be rotated by
hand. This condition is defined as the development of the braking force.
1.4. In the case of vehicles of category O with pneumatic braking systems,
when the alternative type approval procedure defined in Annex 20 is
utilized, the relevant calculations required in this annex shall be made
using the performance characteristics obtained from the relevant Annex
19 verification reports and the centre of gravity height determined by the
method defined in Annex 20, Appendix 1

36 In the case of multiple axles, where the axle spread is greater than 2.0 m, each
individual axle shall be considered as an independent axle group.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2. Symbols
i = axle index (i = 1, front axle; i = 2, second axle; etc.)
R 13

Pi = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static

Ni = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under braking
fi = Ti/Ni, adhesion utilized by axle i37
J = deceleration of vehicle
g = acceleration due to gravity: g = 9.81 m/s2
z = braking rate of vehicle = J/g38
P = mass of vehicle
h = height above ground of centre of gravity specified by the
manufacturer and agreed by the Technical Services con-
ducting the approval test
E = wheelbase
k = theoretical coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road
Kc = correction factor: semi-trailer laden
Kv = correction factor: semi-trailer unladen
TM = sum of braking forces at the periphery of all wheels of
towing vehicles for trailers
PM = total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels of
towing vehicles for trailers39
pm = pressure at coupling head of control line
TR = sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of trailer
PR = total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of trailer39
PRmax = value of PR at maximum mass of trailer
ER = distance between king-pin and centre of axle or axles
of semi-trailer
hR = height above ground of centre of gravity of semi-trailer
specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Techni-
cal Services conducting the approval test

37 „Adhesion utilization curves“ of a vehicle means curves showing, for specified load condi-
tions, the adhesion utilized by each axle i plotted against the braking rate of the vehicle.
38 For semi-trailers, z is the braking force divided by the static load on the semi-trailer axle(s).
39 As referred to in paragraph of Annex 4 to this Regulation.

Annex 10

3. Requirements for power-driven vehicles

3.1. Two-axled vehicles

R 13
3.1.1. For all categories of vehicles for k values between 0.2 and 0.840:
z ≥ 0.10 + 0.85 (k - 0.20)
3.1.2. For all states of load of the vehicle, the adhesion utilization curve of the
rear axle shall not be situated above that for the front axle: For all braking rates between 0.15 and 0.80 in the case of vehicles of
category N1 with a laden/unladen rear axle loading ratio not exceeding
1.5 or having a maximum mass of less than 2 tonnes, in the range of z
values between 0.3 and 0.45, an inversion of the adhesion utilization
curves is permitted provided that the adhesion utilization curve of the
rear axle does not exceed by more than 0.05, the line defined by the for-
mula k = z (line of ideal adhesion utilization in diagram 1A of this annex). For all braking rates between 0.15 and 0.50 in the case of other vehicles
of category N1, this condition is considered satisfied if, for braking rates
between 0.15 and 0.30, the adhesion utilization curves for each axle are
situated between two lines parallel to the line of ideal adhesion utilization
given by the equation k = z ±0.08 as shown in diagram 1C of this annex
where the adhesion utilization curve for the rear axle may cross the line
k = z - 0.08; and complies for a braking rate between 0.30 and 0.50, with
the relation z ≥ k - 0.08; and between 0.50 and 0.61 with the relation z
≥ 0.5k + 0.21. For all braking rates between 0.15 and 0.30 in the case of vehicles of
other categories;
This condition is also considered satisfied if, for braking rates between
0.15 and 0.30, the adhesion utilization curves for each axle are situated
between two lines parallel to the line of ideal adhesion utilization given
by the equation k = z ±0.08 as shown in diagram 1B of this annex and
the adhesion utilization curve for the rear axle for braking rates z ≥ 0.3
complies with the relation:
z ≥ 0.3 + 0.74 (k - 0.38)
40 The provisions of paragraphs 3.1.1. or 5.1.1. do not affect the requirements of Annex
4 to this Regulation relating to the braking performance. However, if, in tests made
under the provisions of paragraph 3.1.1. or 5.1.1., braking performances are obtai-
ned which are higher than those prescribed in Annex 4, the provisions relating to the
adhesion utilization curves shall be applied within the areas of diagrams 1A, 1B and
1C of this annex defined by the straight lines k = 0.8 and z = 0.8.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.1.3. In the case of a power-driven vehicle authorized to tow trailers of catego-

ry O3 or O4 fitted with compressed-air braking systems.
R 13 When tested with the energy source stopped, the supply line blocked
off, a reservoir of 0.5 litre capacity connected to the pneumatic control
line, and the system at cut-in and cut-out pressures, the pressure at full
application of the braking control shall be between 650 and 850 kPa at
the coupling heads of the supply line and the pneumatic control line,
irrespective of the load condition of the vehicle. For vehicles equipped with an electric control line, a full application of
the control of the service braking system shall provide a digital demand
value corresponding to a pressure between 650 and 850 kPa (see ISO
11992:2003 including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007). These values shall be demonstrably present in the power-driven vehicle
when uncoupled from the trailer. The compatibility bands in the diagrams
specified in paragraphs 3.1.5., 3.1.6., 4.1., 5.1. and 5.2. of this annex,
should not be extended beyond 750 kPa and/or the corresponding di-
gital demand value (see ISO 11992:2003 including ISO 11992-2:2003
and its Amd.1:2007). It shall be ensured that at the coupling head of the supply line, a pressure
of at least 700 kPa is available when the system is at cut-in pressure.
This pressure shall be demonstrated without applying the service bra-
3.1.4. Verification of the requirements of paragraphs 3.1.1. and 3.1.2. above. In order to verify the requirements of paragraphs 3.1.1. and 3.1.2. of this
annex, the manufacturer shall provide the adhesion utilization curves for
the front and rear axles calculated by the formulae:
T T1
f1 = N1 = h
P1 + z • •P•g

T T2
f2 = N2 = h
P2 + z • •P•g

The curves shall be plotted for both the following load conditions:

Annex 10 Unladen, in running order with the driver on board; in the case of a vehic-
le presented as a chassis-cab, a supplementary load may be added to

R 13
simulate the mass of the body, not exceeding the minimum mass decla-
red by the manufacturer in Annex 2 to this Regulation; Laden; where provision is made for several possibilities of load distribu-
tion, the one whereby the front axle is the most heavily laden shall be
the one considered. If it is not possible, for vehicles with (permanent) all-wheel drive, to car-
ry out the mathematical verification pursuant to paragraph, the
manufacturer may instead verify by means of a wheel lock sequence
test that, for all braking rates between 0.15 and 0.8, lockup of the front
wheels occurs either simultaneously with or before the lockup of the rear
wheels. Procedure to verify the requirements of paragraph above. The wheel lock sequence test shall be conducted on road surfaces with
a coefficient of adhesion of not more than 0.3 and of about 0.8 (dry road)
from the initial test speeds specified in paragraph below. Test speeds:
60 km/h, but not exceeding 0.8 vmax for decelerations on low coefficient
of friction road surfaces;
80 km/h, but not exceeding vmax for decelerations on high coefficient of
friction road surfaces. The pedal force applied may exceed the permissible actuation forces
pursuant to Annex 4, paragraph 2.1.1. Pedal force is applied and increased such that the second wheel on the
vehicle will reach lockup between 0.5 and 1 s after initiating the brake
application, until lockup of both wheels on one axle occurs (additional
wheels may also lock during the test, e.g. in the case of simultaneous
lockup). The tests prescribed in paragraph above shall be carried out
twice on each road surface. If the result of one test fails, a third, hence
decisive test shall be carried out. For vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of cate-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

gory B, where the electric regenerative braking capacity is influenced by

the electric state of charge, the curves shall be plotted by taking account
of the electric regenerative braking component under the minimum and
R 13

maximum conditions of delivered braking force. This requirement is not

applicable if the vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock device which con-
trols the wheels connected to the electric regenerative braking and shall
be replaced by the requirements of Annex 13.
3.1.5. Towing vehicles other than tractors for semi-trailers In the case of a power-driven vehicle authorized to tow trailers of catego-
ry O3 or O4 fitted with a compressed air braking system, the permissible
relationship between the braking rate TM/PM and the pressure pm shall
lie within the areas shown on diagram 2 of this annex for all pressures
between 20 and 750 kPa.
3.1.6. Tractors for semi-trailers Tractors with unladen semi-trailer. An unladen combination is unders-
tood to be a tractor in running order, with the driver on board, coupled to
an unladen semi-trailer. The dynamic load of the semi-trailer on the trac-
tor shall be represented by a static mass Ps mounted at the fifth wheel
coupling equal to 15 per cent of the maximum mass on the coupling.
The braking forces shall continue to be regulated between the state of
the „tractor with unladen semi-trailer“ and that of the „tractor alone“; the
braking forces relating to the „tractor alone“ shall be verified. Tractors with laden semi-trailer. A laden combination is understood to be
a tractor in running order, with the driver on board, coupled to a laden
semi-trailer. The dynamic load of the semi-trailer on the tractor shall be
represented by a static mass Ps mounted at the fifth wheel coupling
equal to:
Ps = Pso (1 + 0.45z)
Pso = represents the difference between the maximum laden
mass of the tractor and its unladen mass.
For h the following value shall be taken:
ho • Po + hs • Ps
h= P

Annex 10

ho = is the height of the centre of gravity of the tractor,

R 13
hs = is the height of the coupling on which the semi-trailer rests,
Po = is the unladen mass of the tractor alone.
P = Po + Ps = P1 + P2 / g In the case of a vehicle fitted with a compressed air braking system,
the permissible relationship between the braking rate TM/PM and the
pressure pm shall be within the areas shown on diagram 3 of this annex
for all pressures between 20 and 750 kPa.
3.2. Vehicles with more than two axles
The requirements of paragraph 3.1. of this annex shall apply to vehicles
with more than two axles. The requirements of paragraph 3.1.2. of this
annex with respect to wheel lock sequence shall be considered to be
met if, in the case of braking rates between 0.15 and 0.30, the adhesion
utilized by at least one of the front axles is greater than that utilized by at
least one of the rear axles.
4. Requirements for semi-trailers
4.1. For semi-trailers fitted with compressed-air braking systems:
4.1.1. The permissible relationship between the braking rate TR/PR and the
pressure pm shall lie within two areas derived from diagrams 4A and
4B for all pressures between 20 and 750 kPa, in both the laden and
unladen states of load. This requirement shall be met for all permissible
load conditions of the semi-trailer axles.
4.1.2. The provision of paragraph 4.1.1. does not have to be fulfilled, if a semi
trailer with a Kc factor less than 0.95 meets at least the braking perfor-
mance specified in paragraph or in paragraph, as appro-
priate, of Annex 4 to this Regulation.
5. Requirements for full and centre-axle trailers
5.1. For full trailers fitted with compressed-air braking systems:
5.1.1. For full trailers with two axles the following requirements apply: For k values between 0.2 and 0.8:40
z ≥ 0.1 + 0.85 (k – 0.2)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 For all states of load of the vehicle, the adhesion utilization curve of the
rear axle shall not be situated above that for the front axle for all braking
R 13

rates between 0.15 and 0.30. This condition is also considered satisfied
if, for braking rates between 0.15 and 0.30, the adhesion utilization cur-
ves for each axle are situated between two lines parallel to the line of
ideal adhesion utilization given by the equations k = z + 0.08 and k = z
- 0.08 as shown in diagram 1B of this annex and the adhesion utilization
curve for the rear axle for braking rates z ≥ 0.3 complies with the relation
z ≥ 0.3 + 0.74 (k – 0.38). For the verification of the requirements of paragraphs and above the procedure should be as that in the provisions of para-
graph 3.1.4.
5.1.2. For full trailers with more than two axles the requirements of paragraph
5.1.1. of this annex shall apply. The requirements of paragraph 5.1.1. of
this annex with respect to wheel lock sequence shall be considered to be
met if, in the case of braking rates between 0.15 and 0.30, the adhesion
utilized by at least one of the front axles is greater than that utilized by at
least one of the rear axles.
5.1.3. The permissible relationship between the braking rate TR/PR and the
pressure pm shall lie within the designated areas in diagram 2 of this
annex for all pressures between 20 and 750 kPa, in both the laden and
unladen states of load.
5.2. For centre-axle trailers fitted with compressed-air braking systems:
5.2.1. The permissible relationship between the braking rate TR/PR and the
pressure pm shall lie within two areas derived from diagram 2 of this
annex, by multiplying the vertical scale by 0.95. This requirement shall
be met at all pressures between 20 and 750 kPa, in both the laden and
unladen states of load.
5.2.2. If the requirements of paragraph of Annex 4 to this Regulati-
on cannot be satisfied due to lack of adhesion, then the centre-axle
trailer shall be fitted with an anti-lock system complying with Annex
13 to this Regulation.

Annex 10

6. Requirements to be met in case of failure of the braking distribution system

When the requirements of this annex are fulfilled by means of a special

R 13
device (e.g. controlled mechanically by the suspension of the vehicle) or
if the vehicle is equipped with such a special device, it shall be possible,
in the event of the failure of its control, to stop the vehicle under the
conditions specified for secondary braking in the case of power-driven
vehicles; for those power-driven vehicles authorized to tow a trailer fitted
with compressed-air braking systems, it shall be possible to achieve a
pressure at the coupling head of the control line within the range speci-
fied in paragraph 3.1.3. of this annex. In the event of failure of the control
of the device on trailers, a service braking performance of at least 30
per cent of that prescribed for the vehicle in question shall be attained.
7. Markings
7.1. Vehicles which meet the requirements of this annex by means of a de-
vice mechanically controlled by the suspension of the vehicle or if the
vehicle is equipped with such a device, shall be marked to show the
useful travel of the device between the positions corresponding to vehic-
le unladen and laden states, respectively, and any further information to
enable the setting of the device to be checked.
7.1.1. When a brake load sensing device is controlled via the suspension of the
vehicle by any other means, the vehicle shall be marked with information
to enable the setting of the device to be checked.
7.2. When the requirements of this annex are met by means of a device
which modulates the air pressure in the brake transmission, the vehicle
shall be marked to show the axle loads at the ground, the nominal outlet
pressures of the device and an inlet pressure of not less than 80 per
cent of the maximum design inlet pressure, as declared by the vehicle
manufacturer, for the following states of load:
7.2.1. Technically permissible maximum axle load for the axle(s) which cont-
rol(s) the device;
7.2.2. Axle load(s) corresponding to the unladen mass of the vehicle in running
order as stated in paragraph 13. of Annex 2 to this Regulation;
7.2.3. The axle load(s) approximating to the vehicle with proposed bodywork
in running order where the axle load(s) mentioned in paragraph 7.2.2. of
this annex relate(s) to the vehicle chassis with cab;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

7.2.4. The axle load(s) designated by the manufacturer to enable the setting of
the device to be checked in service if this is (these are) different from the
R 13

loads specified in paragraphs 7.2.1. to 7.2.3. of this annex.

7.3. Paragraph 14.8. of Annex 2 to this Regulation shall include information
to enable compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 7.1. and 7.2.
of this annex to be checked.
7.4. The markings referred to in paragraphs 7.1. and 7.2. of this annex shall
be affixed in a visible position in indelible form. An example of the mar-
kings for a mechanically controlled device in a vehicle fitted with com-
pressed-air braking system is shown in diagram 5 of this annex.
7.5. Electronically controlled brake force distribution systems that cannot fulfil
the requirements of paragraphs 7.1., 7.2., 7.3. and 7.4. above shall have
a self-checking procedure of the functions which influence brake force
distribution. In addition, when the vehicle is stationary, it shall be possible
to carry out the checks defined in paragraph 1.3.1. above, by generating
the nominal demand pressure associated with the commencement of
braking for both the laden and unladen conditions.
8. Vehicle testing
At the time of type approval, the Technical Service shall verify conformi-
ty with the requirements contained within this annex and carry out any
further tests considered necessary to this end. The results of any further
tests shall be appended to the type approval report.

Annex 10

Certain vehicles of category N1

R 13
(see paragraph of this annex)

0,8 k(fi)



0,5 (z + 0.07)
k = z + 0,05



0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Diagram 1B
Vehicles other than those of category N1 and full trailers
R 13

(see paragraphs and of this annex)

0,8 k(fi)



(z + 0.07) (z - 0.02)
0,5 k= k=
0,85 0,74


0,3 k = z + 0,08

k = z - 0,08

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

Note: The lower limit k = z - 0.08 is not applicable for the adhesion utili-
zation of the rear axle.

Annex 10

Diagram 1C
Vehicles of category N1

R 13
(with certain exceptions after 1 October 1990)
(see paragraph of this annex)

0,8 k(fi)

0,7 (z - 0.21)


0,5 (z + 0.07)


0,3 k = z + 0,08

k = z - 0,08

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

Note: The lower limit k = z - 0.08 is not applicable for the adhesion utili-
zation of the rear axle.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Diagram 2
Towing vehicles and trailers
R 13

(except tractors for semi-trailers and semi-trailers)

(see paragraph of this annex)

TR TM laden
PR PM unladen








100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


Note: The relationships required by the diagram shall apply progressive-

ly for intermediate states of loading between the laden and the unladen
states and shall be achieved by automatic means.

Annex 10

Diagram 3
Tractors for semi-trailers

R 13
(see paragraph of this annex)

TM laden
PM unladen








100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


Note: The relationships required by the diagram shall apply progressive-

ly for intermediate states of loading between the laden and the unladen
states and shall be achieved by automatic means.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Diagram 4A
R 13

(see paragraph 4. of this annex)






0,3 0,29



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800


Note: The relation between the braking rate TR/PR and the control line
pressure for the laden and unladen conditions is determined as follows:
The factors Kc (laden), Kv (unladen) are obtained by reference to dia-
gram 4B. To determine the areas corresponding to the laden and unla-
den conditions, the values of the ordinates of the upper and lower limits
of the hatched area in diagram 4A are multiplied by the factors Kc and
Kv respectively.

Annex 10

Diagram 4B
(See paragraph 4. and diagram 4A of this annex)

R 13
Explanatory note on the use of diagram 4B
1. Formula from which diagram 4B is derived:
0.7 PR 0.96 g•P P h - 1.0
K = [1.7 - ][1.35 - (1.0 + (hR - 1.2) P )] - [1.0 - R ][ R ]
PRmax ER R PRmax 2.5

2. Description of method of use with practical example

2.1. The broken lines shown on diagram 4B refer to the determination of the
factors Kc and Kv for the following vehicle, where:
Laden Unladen
P 24 tonnes (240 kN) 4.2 tonnes (42 kN)
PR 150 kN 30 kN
PRmax 150 kN 150 kN
hR 1.8 m 1.4 m
ER 6.0 m 6.0 m

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

In the following paragraphs the figures in parentheses relate only to the

vehicle being used for the purpose of illustrating the method of using
R 13

diagram 4B.
2.2. Calculation of ratios
(a) (g • P)/PR laden (= 1.6)
(b) (g • P)/PR unladen (= 1.4)
(c) (PR/PRmax) unladen (= 0.2)
2.3. Determination of the correction factor when laden, KC:
(a) Start at the appropriate value of hR (hR = 1.8 m);
(b) Move horizontally to the appropriate g • P/PR line (g • P/PR = 1.6);
(c) Move vertically to the appropriate ER line (ER = 6.0 m);
(d) Move horizontally to the KC scale; KC is the laden correction
factor required (KC = 1.04).
2.4. Determination of the correction factor when unladen, KV:
2.4.1. Determination of the factor K2:
(a) Start at appropriate hR (hR = 1.4 m);
(b) Move horizontally to the appropriate PR/PRmax line in the group
of curves nearest to vertical axis (PR/PRmax = 0.2);
(c) Move vertically to the horizontal axis and read off the value of
K2 (K2 = 0.13 m).
2.4.2. Determination of the factor K1:
(a) Start at the appropriate value of hR (hR = 1.4 m);
(b) Move horizontally to the appropriate g • P/PR line (g • P/PR = 1.4);
(c) Move vertically to the appropriate ER line (ER = 6.0 m);
(d) Move horizontally to the appropriate PR/PRmax line in the group
of curves furthest from the vertical axis (PR/PRmax = 0.2);
(e) Move vertically to the horizontal axis and read off the value of
K1 (K1 = 1.79).

Annex 10

2.4.3. Determination of the factor KV:

The unladen correction factor KV is obtained from the following expres-

R 13
KV = K1 - K2 (KV = 1.66)
Diagram 5
Brake load sending device
(see paragraph 7.4. of this annex)

Control data Vehicle Axle No. 2 Inlet Nominal

loading load at the pressure outlet
ground pressure
[daN] [kPa]
Laden 10 000 600 600
Unladen 1 500 600 240

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 11
Cases in which Type-I and/or Type-II (or Type-IIA) or Type-III
R 13

tests do not have to be carried out

1. Type-I and/or Type-II (or Type-IIA) or Type-III tests need not be perfor-
med on a vehicle submitted for approval in the following cases:
1.1. The vehicle concerned is a power-driven vehicle or a trailer which, as
regards tyres, braking energy absorbed per axle, and mode of tyre fitting
and brake assembly, is identical with respect to braking with a power-dri-
ven vehicle or a trailer which:
1.1.1. Has passed the Type-I and/or Type-II (or Type-IIA) or Type-III test; and
1.1.2. Has been approved, with regard to the braking energy absorbed, for
mass per axle not lower than that of the vehicle concerned.
1.2. The vehicle concerned is a power-driven vehicle or a trailer whose axle
or axles are, as regards tyres, braking energy absorbed per axle, and
mode of tyre fitting and brake assembly, identical with respect to braking
with an axle or axles which have individually passed the Type-I and/or
Type-II (or Type-IIA) or Type-III test for masses per axle not lower than
that of the vehicle concerned, provided that the braking energy absorbed
per axle does not exceed the energy absorbed per axle in the reference
test or tests carried out on the individual axle.
1.3. The vehicle concerned is equipped with an endurance braking system,
other than the engine brake, identical with an endurance braking system
already tested under the following conditions:
1.3.1. The endurance braking system shall, by itself, in a test carried out on
a gradient of at least 6 per cent (Type-II test) or of at least 7 per cent
(Type-IIA test), have stabilized a vehicle whose maximum mass at the
time of the test was not less than the maximum mass of the vehicle
submitted for approval;
1.3.2. It shall be verified in the above test that the rotational speed of the rot-
ating parts of the endurance braking system, when the vehicle submitted
for approval reaches a road speed of 30 km/h, is such that the retarding
torque is not less than that corresponding to the test referred to in para-
graph 1.3.1. above.

Annex 11

1.4. The vehicle concerned is a trailer equipped with air operated S-cam or
disc brakes41 which satisfies the verification requirements of Appendix

R 13
2 to this annex relative to the control of characteristics compared to the
characteristics given in a report of a reference axle test as shown in
Appendix 3 to this annex.
2. The term „identical“, as used in paragraphs 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. above,
means identical as regards the geometric and mechanical characteris-
tics and the materials used for the components of the vehicle referred to
in those paragraphs.
In the case of trailers, these requirements are deemed to be fulfilled,
with respect to paragraphs 1.1. and 1.2. above, if the identifiers referred
to in Appendix 2, paragraph 3.7. of this annex for the axle / brake of the
subject trailer are contained in a report for a reference axle/brake.
A „reference axle / brake“ is an axle / brake for which a test report men-
tioned in Appendix 2, paragraph 3.9. of this annex exists.
3. Where the foregoing requirements are applied, the communication con-
cerning approval (Annex 2 to this Regulation) shall include the following
3.1. In the case under paragraph 1.1., the approval number of the vehicle
subjected to the Type-I and/or Type-II (or Type-IIA) or Type-III test of
reference shall be entered.
3.2. In the case under paragraph 1.2., Table I in Appendix 1 to this annex
shall be completed;
3.3. In the case under paragraph 1.3., Table II in Appendix 1 to this annex
shall be completed.
3.4. If paragraph 1.4. is applicable, Table III in Appendix 1 to this annex shall
be completed.
4. Where the applicant for approval in a country Party to the Agreement
applying this Regulation refers to an approval granted in another country
Party to the Agreement applying this Regulation, he shall submit the do-
cumentation relating to that approval.

41 Other brake designs may be approved upon presentation of equivalent information.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 11 - Appendix 1
Table I
R 13

Axles of the vehicle Reference axles

Static Braking Speed Test Braking Speed
mass force mass force de-
(P)42 needed (Pe)42 veloped
at wheels at wheels
kg N km/h kg N km/h
Axle 1
Axle 2
Axle 3
Axle 4

Table II

Total mass of the vehicle submitted for approval ...................................................... kg

Braking force needed at wheels ................................................................................. N
Retarding torque needed at main shaft of endurance braking system .................. Nm
Retarding torque obtained at main shaft of endurance braking system
(according to diagram) ............................................................................................. Nm

42 See paragraph 2.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex“

Annex 11

Tabelle III

R 13
Reference axle ....................................... Report No ........................ Date ...............................
(copy attached)

Type - I Type - III

Braking force per axle (N)

(see paragraph 4.2.1., Appendix 2)

Axle 1 T1 = .......................... %Fe T1 = .......................... %Fe

Axle 2 T2 = .......................... %Fe T2 = .......................... %Fe
Axle 3 T3 = .......................... %Fe T3 = .......................... %Fe

Predicted actuator stroke (mm)

(see paragraph, Appendix 2)

Axle 1 S1 = .................................. s1 = ..................................

Axle 2 S2 = .................................. s2 = ..................................
Axle 3 S3 = .................................. s3 = ..................................

Average output thrust (N)

(see paragraph, Appendix 2)

Axle 1 ThA1 = .............................. ThA1 = ..............................

Axle 2 ThA2 = .............................. ThA2 = ..............................
Axle 3 ThA3 = .............................. ThA3 = ..............................

Braking performance (N)

(see paragraph, Appendix 2)

Axle 1 T1 = .................................. T1 = ..................................

Axle 2 T2 = .................................. T2 = ..................................
Axle 3 T3 = .................................. T3 = ..................................

Type-0 Type-I hot Type-III

subject (predicted) hot
trailer test (predicted)
result (E)

Braking performance of vehicle

(see paragraph 4.3.2., Appendix 2)

Hot braking requirements ≥ 0.36 ≥ 0.40

(see paragraphs 1.5.3., 1.6.3. and and
and 1.7.2. of Annex 4) ≥ 0.60 E ≥ 0.60 E

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 11 - Appendix 2
Alternative procedures for Type-I and Type-III tests for trailer
R 13

1. General
1.1. In accordance with paragraph 1.4. of this annex, the Type-I or Type-III
test may be waived at the time of type approval of the vehicle provided
that the braking system components comply with the requirements of this
appendix and that the resulting predicted braking performance meets the
requirements of this Regulation for the appropriate vehicle category.
1.2. Tests carried out in accordance with the methods detailed in this appen-
dix shall be deemed to meet the above requirements.
1.2.1. Tests carried out according to paragraph 3.5.1. of this appendix from and
including Supplement 7 to the 09 series of amendments, which were
positive, are deemed to fulfil the provisions of paragraph 3.5.1. of this
appendix, as last amended. If use is made of this alternative procedure,
the test report shall make reference to the original test report from which
the test results are taken for the new updated report. However, new tests
have to be carried out to the requirements of the latest amended version
of this Regulation.
1.2.2. Tests carried out in accordance with this appendix prior to Supplement
2 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation which, together with
any supporting data from the vehicle/axle/brake manufacturer, provide
sufficient information to meet the requirements of Supplement 2 to the 11
series of amendments can be used for a new report or the extension of
an existing test report without the need to carry-out actual tests.
1.3. Tests carried out in accordance with paragraph 3.6. of this appendix
and the results reported in section 2 of Appendix 3 or Appendix 4 to this
annex shall be acceptable as a means of proving compliance with the
requirements of paragraph of this Regulation.
1.4. The adjustment of the brake(s) shall, prior to the Type-III test below, be
set according to the following procedures as appropriate:
1.4.1. In the case of air operated trailer brake(s), the adjustment of the brakes
shall be such as to enable the automatic brake adjustment device to
function. For this purpose the actuator stroke shall be adjusted to:

Annex 11

s0 > 1.1 • sre-adjust

(the upper limit shall not exceed a value recommended by the manufacturer),

R 13
sre-adjust = s the re-adjustment stroke according to the specification of
the manufacturer of the automatic brake adjustment device,
i.e. the stroke, where it starts to re-adjust the running clea-
rance of the brake with an actuator pressure of 100 kPa.
Where, by agreement with the Technical Service, it is impractical to
measure the actuator stroke, the initial setting shall be agreed with the
Technical Service.
From the above condition the brake shall be operated with an actuator
pressure of 200 kPa, 50 times in succession. This shall be followed by a
single brake application with an actuator pressure of ≥ 650 kPa.
1.4.2. In the case of hydraulically operated trailer disc brakes no setting requi-
rements are deemed necessary.
1.4.3. In the case of hydraulically operated trailer drum brakes the adjustment
of the brakes shall be as specified by the manufacturer.
1.5. In the case of trailers equipped with automatic brake adjustment devices
the adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the Type-I test below, be set
according to the procedure as laid down in paragraph 1.4. above.
2. Symbols and definitions
2.1. Symbols
P = part of the vehicle mass borne by the
axle under static conditions
F = normal reaction of road surface on the axle under static
Fr = total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of trailer
Fe = test axle load
Pe = Fe / g
g = acceleration due to gravity: g = 9.81 m/s²
C = brake input torque

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

C0 = brake input threshold torque, definition see paragraph

2.2.2. below
R 13

C0,dec = declared brake input threshold torque

Cmax = maximum brake input torque
R = tyre rolling radius (dynamic)
T = brake force at tyre/road interface
TR = total brake force at tyre/road interface of the trailer
M = brake torque = T • R
z = braking rate = T/F or M/(R • F)
s = actuator stroke (working stroke plus free stroke)
sp = see Annex 19, Appendix 9
ThA = see Annex 19, Appendix 9
l = lever length
r = internal radius of brake drums or ef-
fective radius of brake discs
p = brake actuation pressure

Note: Symbols with the suffix „e“ relate to the parameters associated with
the reference brake test and may be added to other symbols as appropriate.
2.2. Definitions
2.2.1. Mass of a disc or drum The „declared mass“ is the mass declared by the manufacturer which
is a representative mass for the brake identifier (see paragraph
of this appendix). The „nominal test mass“ is the mass which the manufacturer specifies
for the disc or drum with which the relevant test is carried out by the
Technical Service. The „actual test mass“ is the mass measured by the Technical Service
prior to the test.
2.2.2. „Brake input threshold torque“: The brake input threshold torque „C0“ is the input torque necessary to pro-
duce a measurable brake torque. This torque may be determined by extra-
polation of measurements within a range not exceeding 15 percent braking
rate or other equivalent methods (e.g. Annex 10, paragraph

Annex 11 The brake input threshold torque „C0,dec“ is the brake input threshold tor-
que declared by the manufacturer which is a representative brake input

R 13
threshold torque for the brake (see paragraph of this appendix)
and is needed to produce diagram 2 of Annex 19 - Part 1. The brake input threshold torque „C0,e“ is determined by the procedure
as defined in paragraph above, measured by the Technical Ser-
vice at the end of the test.
2.2.3. „External diameter of a disc“: The „declared external diameter“ is the external diameter of a disc decla-
red by the manufacturer which is a representative external diameter for
the disc (see paragraph of this appendix). The „nominal external diameter“ is the external diameter which the ma-
nufacturer specifies for the disc on which the relevant test is carried out
by the Technical Service. The „actual external diameter“ is the external diameter measured by the
Technical Service prior to the test.
2.2.4. The „effective length of the cam shaft“ is the distance from the centre line
of the S cam to the centre line of the operating lever.


90% TH A

0 1/3Smax 2/3Smax Sp Smax

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3. Test methods
3.1. Track tests
R 13

3.1.1. The brake performance tests should preferably be carried out on a sin-
gle axle only.
3.1.2. The results of tests on a combination of axles may be used in accordan-
ce with paragraph 1.1. of this annex provided that each axle contributes
equal braking energy input during the drag and hot brake tests. This is ensured if the following are identical for each axle: braking geo-
metry, lining, wheel mounting, tyres, actuation and pressure distribution
in the actuators. The documented result for a combination of axles will be the average for
the number of axles, as though a single axle had been used.
3.1.3. The axle(s) should preferably be loaded with the maximum static axle
load, though this is not essential provided that due allowance is made
during the tests for the difference in rolling resistance caused by a diffe-
rent load on the test axle(s).
3.1.4. Allowance shall be made for the effect of the increased rolling resistance
resulting from a combination of vehicles being used to carry out the tests.
3.1.5. The initial speed of the test shall be that prescribed. The final speed shall
be calculated by the following formula:

P0 + P1
v2 = v1 • P0 + P1 + P2

v1 = initial speed (km/h),
v2 = final speed (km/h),
P0 = mass of the towing vehicle (kg) under test conditions,
P1 = part of the mass of the trailer borne by the unbraked
axle(s) (kg),
P2 = part of the mass of the trailer borne by the braked
axle(s) (kg).

3.2. Inertia dynamometer tests

Annex 11

3.2.1. The test machine shall have a rotary inertia simulating that part of the
linear inertia of the vehicle mass acting upon one wheel, necessary for

R 13
the cold performance and hot performance tests, and capable of being
operated at constant speed for the purpose of the test described in para-
graphs 3.5.2. and 3.5.3. of this appendix.
3.2.2. The test shall be carried out with a complete wheel, including the tyre,
mounted on the moving part of the brake, as it would be on the vehicle.
The inertia mass may be connected to the brake either directly or via the
tyres and wheels.
3.2.3. Air cooling at a velocity and air flow direction simulating actual conditions
may be used during the heating runs, the speed of the air flow being
vair = 0.33 v
v = vehicle test speed at initiation of braking.
The temperature of the cooling air shall be the ambient temperature.
3.2.4. Where the tyre rolling resistance is not automatically compensated for in
the test, the torque applied to the brake shall be modified by subtracting
a torque equivalent to a rolling resistance coefficient of 0.01.
3.3. Rolling road dynamometer tests
3.3.1. The axle should preferably be loaded with the maximum static axle
mass though this is not essential provided that due allowance is made
during the tests for the difference in rolling resistance caused by a diffe-
rent mass on the test axle.
3.3.2. Air cooling at a velocity and air flow direction simulating actual conditions
may be used during the heating runs, the speed of the air flow being
vair = 0.33 v
v = vehicle test speed at initiation of braking.
The temperature of the cooling air shall be the ambient temperature.
3.3.3. The braking time shall be 1 second after a maximum build-up time of
0.6 second.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.4. Test conditions (General)

3.4.1. The test brake(s) shall be instrumented so that the following measure-
R 13

ments can be taken: A continuous recording to enable the brake torque or force at the peri-
phery of the tyre to be determined. A continuous recording of air pressure in the brake actuator. Vehicle speed during the test. Initial temperature on the outside of the brake drum or brake disc. Brake actuator stroke used during Type-0 and Type-I or Type-III tests.
3.5. Test procedures
3.5.1. Supplementary cold performance test
The preparation of the brake shall be in accordance with paragraph
4.4.2. of Annex 19 - Part 1 - to this Regulation.
In the case, that the verification of the brake factor BF and brake threshold
torque has been carried out according to paragraph 4.4.3. of Annex 19 -
Part 1 - to this Regulation, the bedding in procedure for the supplementary
cold performance test shall be identical with the procedure used for the
verification according to paragraph 4.4.3. of Annex 19 - Part 1.
It is permissible to carry out the cold performance tests after the verifi-
cation for the brake factor BF in accordance with paragraph 4. of Annex
19 - Part 1 - to this Regulation.
It is also permissible to carry out the two fade tests, Type-I and Type- III,
one after the other.
Some brake applications according to Annex 19 - Part 1, paragraph may be done between each of the fade tests, and between the
verification and the cold performance tests. The quantity of applications
is to be declared by the brake manufacturer. This test is carried out at an initial speed equivalent to 40 km/h in the
case of Type I test and 60 km/h in the case of Type-III test in order to
evaluate the hot braking performance at the end of Type-I and Type-III
tests. The Type-I and/or Type-III fade test has/have to be done immedia-
tely after this cold performance test.

Annex 11 Three brake applications are made at the same pressure (p) and at an
initial speed equivalent to 40 km/h (in the case of Type-I test) or 60 km/h

R 13
(in the case of Type III test), with an approximately equal initial brake
temperature not exceeding 100 °C, measured at the outside surface of
the drums or discs. The applications shall be at the brake actuator pres-
sure required to give a brake torque or force equivalent to a braking rate
(z) of at least 50 per cent. The brake actuator pressure shall not exceed
650 kPa, and the brake input torque (C) shall not exceed the maximum
permissible brake input torque (Cmax). The average of the three results
shall be taken as the cold performance.
3.5.2. Fade test (Type-I test) This test is carried out at a speed equivalent to 40 km/h with an initial bra-
ke temperature not exceeding 100 °C, measured at the outside surface
of the drum or brake disc. A braking rate is maintained at 7 per cent, including the rolling resistance
(see paragraph 3.2.4. of this appendix). The test is made during 2 minutes and 33 seconds or during 1.7 km
at a vehicle speed of 40 km/h. If the test velocity cannot be achieved,
then the duration of the test can be lengthened according to paragraph of Annex 4 to this Regulation. Not later than 60 seconds after the end of the Type-I test, a hot perfor-
mance test is carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.5.3. of Annex
4 to this Regulation at an initial speed equivalent to 40 km/h. The brake
actuator pressure shall be that used during the Type-0 test.
3.5.3. Fade test (Type-III test) Test methods for repeated braking Track tests (see Annex 4, paragraph 1.7) Inertia dynamometer test
For the bench test as in Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph 3.2. the condi-
tions may be as for the road test according to paragraph 1.7.1. of Annex
4 to this Regulation with:

v2 = 21

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 Rolling road dynamometer test

For the bench test as in Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph 3.3., the con-
R 13

ditions shall be as follows:

Number of brake applications 20
Duration of braking cycle 60 s
(braking time 25 s and recovery time 35 s)
Test speed 30 km/h
Braking rate 0.06
Rolling resistance 0.01 Not later than 60 seconds after the end of the Type-III test a hot perfor-
mance test is carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.7.2. of Annex 4
to this Regulation. The brake actuator pressure shall be that used during
the Type-0 test.
3.6. Performance requirements for automatic brake adjustment devices
3.6.1. The following requirements shall apply to an automatic brake adjustment
device which is installed on a brake, the performance of which is being
verified according to the provisions of this appendix.
On completion of the tests defined in paragraphs (Type-I test) or (Type-III test) above, the requirements of paragraph 3.6.3. below
shall be verified.
3.6.2. The following requirements shall apply to an alternative automatic bra-
ke adjustment device installed on a brake for which an Appendix 3 test
report already exists. Brake performance
Following heating of the brake(s) carried out in accordance with the pro-
cedures defined in paragraphs 3.5.2. (Type I test) or 3.5.3 (Type III test),
as appropriate, one of the following provisions shall apply:
(a) The hot performance of the service braking system shall be ≥
80 per cent of the prescribed Type 0 performance; or
(b) The brake shall be applied with a brake actuator pressure as
used during the Type-0 test; at this pressure the total actuator
stroke (sA) shall be measured and shall be ≤ 0.9 sp value of the
brake chamber.
sp = The effective stroke means the stroke at which the out-
put thrust is 90 per cent of the average thrust (ThA) - see
paragraph 2. of Annex 11 - Appendix 2 to this Regulation.

Annex 11 On completion of the tests defined in paragraph above the requi-
rements of paragraph 3.6.3. below shall be verified.

R 13
3.6.3. Free running test
After completing the tests defined in paragraphs 3.6.1. or 3.6.2. above,
as applicable, the brake(s) shall be allowed to cool to a temperature
representative of a cold brake (i.e. ≤ 100 °C) and it should be verified
that the trailer/wheel(s) is capable of free running by fulfilling one of the
following conditions:
(a) Wheels are running freely (i.e. wheels can be rotated by hand);
(b) It is ascertained that at a constant speed equivalent to v = 60
km/h with the brake(s) released the asymptotic temperature
shall not exceed a drum/disc temperature increase of 80 °C,
then this residual brake moment is regarded as acceptable.
3.7. Identification
3.7.1. The axle shall carry in a visible position at least the following identification
information grouped together, in any order, in a legible and indelible manner:
(a) Axle manufacturer and/or make;
(b) Axle identifier (see paragraph of this appendix);
(c) Brake identifier (see paragraph of this appendix);
(d) Fe identifier (see paragraph of this appendix);
(e) Base part of test report number (see paragraph 3.9. of this appendix).
An example is given below:

Axle manufacturer and/or make ABC

ID4-ZZZZZZZ A non-integrated automatic brake adjustment device shall carry in a
visible position at least the following identification information grouped
together, in a legible and indelible manner:
(a) Manufacturer and/or make;
(b) Type;
(c) Version;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The make and type of each brake lining shall be visible when the lining/pad
is mounted on the brake shoe / back plate in a legible and indelible manner.
R 13

3.7.2. Identifiers Axle identifier
The axle identifier categorizes an axle in terms of its braking force/torque
capability as stated by the axle manufacturer.
The axle identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the
four characters „ID1-“ followed by a maximum of 20 characters. Brake identifier
The brake identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the
four characters „ID2-“ followed by a maximum of 20 characters.
A brake with the same identifier is a brake which does not differ with
regard to the following criteria:
(a) Type of brake (e.g. drum (S-cam, wedge, etc.) or disc brake
(fixed, floating, single or twin disc, etc.));
(b) Base material (e. g. ferrous or non ferrous) with respect to calli-
per housing, brake carrier, brake disc and brake drum;
(c) Dimensions with the suffix „e“ according to Figures 2A and 2B
of Appendix 5 of this annex;
(d) The basic method used within the brake to generate the bra-
king force;
(e) In the case of disc brakes, the friction ring mounting method:
fixed or floating;
(f) Brake factor BF;
(g) Different brake characteristics with respect to the requirements
of Annex 11 which are not covered by subparagraph Differences allowed within the same brake identifier
The same brake identifier may include different brake characteristics
with regard to the following criteria:
(a) Increase in maximum declared brake input torque Cmax;
(b) Deviation of declared brake disc and brake drum mass mdec:
± 20 per cent;

Annex 11

(c) Method of attachment of the lining/pad on the brake shoe/back plate;

(d) In the case of disc brakes, increase of maximum stroke capa-

R 13
bility of the brake;
(e) Effective length of the cam shaft;
(f) Effective length of the cam shaft
(g) Declared threshold torque C0,dec;
(h) ± 5 mm from the declared external diameter of the disc;
(i) Hub (with or without integrated hub);
(j) Disc with integrated drum – with or without parking brake function;
(k) Geometric relationship between disc friction surfaces and disc
(l) Brake lining type;
(m) Material variations (excluding changes in base material, see
paragraph above) for which the manufacturer con-
firms that such a material variation does not change the per-
formance with respect to the required tests;
(n) Back plate and shoes Fe identifier
The Fe identifier indicates the test axle load. It shall be an alphanumeric
number consisting of the four characters „ID3-“ followed by the Fe value
in daN, without the „daN“ unit identifier. Test report identifier
The test report identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the
four characters „ID4-“ followed by the base part of the test report number.
3.7.3. Automatic brake adjustment device (integrated and non-integrated) Types of automatic brake adjustment device
The same type of automatic brake adjustment device does not differ with
regard to the following criteria:
(a) Body: base material (e. g. ferrous or non-ferrous, cast iron or
forged steel);
(b) Maximal permitted brake shaft moment;
(c) Adjustment operating principle, e.g. stroke (travel) dependent,
force dependent or electronic/mechanical.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 Versions of automatic brake adjustment device, with respect to the ad-
justment behaviour
R 13

Automatic brake adjustment devices within a type that have an impact

on the running clearance of the brake are considered to be different ver-
3.8. Test criteria
The testing shall demonstrate compliance with all the requirements laid
down in Appendix 2 of this annex.
In the case that a new test report, or a test report extension, is requi-
red for a modified axle/brake within the limits specified in paragraph above the following criteria are used to determine the necessi-
ty for further testing taking into account worst case configurations agreed
with the Technical Service.

Abbreviations shown below are used in the subsequent table:

CT Test according to Annex 11, Appendix 2:
(complete 3.5.1.: Supplementary cold performance test
test) 3.5.2.: Fade test (Type-I test)*
3.5.3.: Fade test (Type-III test)*
Test according to Annex 19:
4.: Cold performance characteristics for trailer brakes*
FT Test according to Annex 11, Appendix 2:
(fade test) 3.5.1.: Supplementary cold performance test
3.5.2.: Fade test (Type-I test)*
3.5.3.: Fade test (Type-III test)*

* If applicable

Differences according to paragraph Test criteria above
(a) Increase in maximum de- Change allowed without addi-
clared brake input torque tional testing

Annex 11

Differences according to paragraph Test criteria above

R 13
(b) Deviation of declared brake CT: The lightest variant shall
disc and brake drum mass be tested if the nominal test
mdec: ± 20 per cent mass for a new variant devia-
tes less than 5 per cent from a
previously tested variant with a
higher nominal value then the
test of the lighter version may
be dispensed with.
The actual test mass of the test
specimen may vary ± 5 per cent
from the nominal test mass.
(c) Method of attachment of The worst case specified by
the lining / pad on the brake the manufacturer and agreed
shoe / back plate by the Technical Services con-
ducting the test
(d) In the case of disc brakes, Change allowed without addi-
increase of maximum stro- tional testing
ke capability of the brake
(e) Effective length of the cam The worst case is considered
shaft to be the lowest cam shaft
torsional stiffness and shall be
verified by either:
(i) FT; or
(ii) Change allowed without
additional testing if by calcula-
tion the influence with respect
to stroke and braking force can
be shown. In this case the test
report shall indicate the following
extrapolated v a -
lues: se, Ce, Te, Te/Fe.
(f) Declared threshold torque It shall be checked that the bra-
C0,dec ke performance remains within
the corridors of Diagram 2 of
Annex 19 – Part 1.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Differences according to paragraph Test criteria above
R 13

(g) ± 5 mm from the declared The worst case test is conside-

external diameter of the red the smallest diameter
The actual external diameter of
the test specimen may vary ± 1
mm from the nominal external
diameter specified by the axle
(h) Type of cooling of the disc Each type shall be tested
(i) Hub (with or without integ- Each type shall be tested
rated hub)
(j) Disc with integrated drum Testing is not required for this
– with or without parking feature
brake function
(k) Geometric relationship bet- Testing is not required for this
ween disc friction surfaces feature
and disc mounting
(l) Brake lining type Each type of brake lining
(m) Material variations (exclu- Test not required for this con-
ding changes in base mate- dition
rial, see paragraph
for which the manufacturer
confirms that such a materi-
al variation does not change
the performance with re-
spect to the required tests
(n) Back plate and shoes Worst case test conditions:*
Back plate:minimum thickness
Shoe: lightest brake shoe
* No test is required if the manufacturer can demonstrate that a change
does not affect the stiffness.
3.8.1. If an automatic brake adjustment device deviates from a tested one ac-
cording to paragraphs and an additional test according
to paragraph 3.6.2. of this appendix is necessary.

Annex 11

3.9. Test report

3.9.1. Test report number

R 13
The test report number consists of two parts: a base part and a suffix
which identifies the issue level of the test report.
The base part, consisting of a maximum of 20 characters, and suffix
shall be clearly separated from each other using e.g. a dot or slash.
The base part of the test report number shall only cover brakes with the
same brake identifier and the same brake factor (according to paragraph
4. of Annex 19 - Part 1 to this Regulation).
3.9.2. Test code
In addition to the test report number a „test code“ consisting of up to eight
characters (e.g. ABC123) shall indicate the test results applicable to the
identifiers and the test specimen, which is described by the details given
in paragraph 3.7. above.
3.9.3. Test results The result of tests carried out in accordance with paragraphs 3.5. and
3.6.1. of this appendix shall be reported on a form, a model of which is
shown in Appendix 3 to this annex. In the case of a brake installed with an alternative brake adjustment de-
vice the results of tests carried out in accordance with paragraph 3.6.2.
of this appendix shall be reported on a form, a model of which is shown
in Appendix 4 to this annex.
3.9.4. Information document
An information document, provided by the axle or vehicle manufacturer,
containing at least the information defined in Appendix 5 to this annex
shall be part of the Test Report.
The information document shall identify, if applicable, the various vari-
ants of the brake/axle equipment with respect to the essential criteria
listed in paragraph above.
4. Verification
4.1. Verification of components
The brake specification of the vehicle to be type approved shall comply

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

with the requirements laid down in paragraphs 3.7. and 3.8. above.
4.2. Verification of brake energy absorbed
R 13

4.2.1. The brake forces (T) for each subject brake (for the same control line
pressure pm) necessary to produce the drag force specified for both Ty-
pe-I and Type-III test conditions shall not exceed the values Te as stated
in Annex 11 - Appendix 3, paragraphs 2.3.1. and 2.3.2., which were ta-
ken as a basis for the test of the reference brake.
4.3. Verification of hot performance
4.3.1. The brake force (T) for each subject brake for a specified pressure (p) in
the actuators and for a control line pressure (pm) used during the Type-0
test of the subject trailer is determined as follows: The predicted actuator stroke (s) of the subject brake is calculated as

s = l • le

This value shall not exceed sp. Where sp has been verified and repor-
ted in accordance with the procedure defined in item paragraph 2. of
Annex 19 - Part 1 to this Regulation and may only be applied within the
pressure range recorded in paragraph 3.3.1. of the test report defined in
Appendix 1 of Annex 19. The average thrust output (ThA) of the actuator fitted to the subject brake
at the pressure specified in paragraph 4.3.1. above is measured. The brake input torque (C) is then calculated as follows:
C = ThA . l
C shall not exceed Cmax The predicted brake performance for the subject brake is given by:

T = (Te - 0.01 • Fe) • C - Co • Re + 0.01 • F
e oe

R shall not be less than 0.8 Re

4.3.2. The predicted brake performance for the subject trailer is given by:

FR = Ȉ)

Annex 11

4.3.3. The hot performances following the Type-I or Type-III tests shall be de-
termined in accordance with paragraphs to above. The

R 13
resulting predictions given by paragraph 4.3.2. above shall satisfy the
requirements of this Regulation for the subject trailer. The value used for:
„The figure recorded in the Type-0 test as prescribed in paragraph 1.5.3.
or 1.7.2. of Annex 4“ shall be the figure recorded in the Type-0 test of
the subject trailer.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 11 - Appendix 3
Model test report form as prescribed in paragraph 3.9. of
R 13

Appendix 2 to this annex

Test Report No.: ...........................................................................................
Base part: ID4- .............................................................................................
Suffix: ...........................................................................................................
1. General
1.1. Axle manufacturer (name and address): ....................................................
1.1.1. Make of axle manufacturer: .........................................................................
1.2. Brake manufacturer (name and address): .................................................
1.2.1. Brake identifier ID2-: ....................................................................................
1.2.2. Automatic brake adjustment device: ............ integrated/non-integrated43
1.3. Manufacturer‘s information document: .......................................................
2. Test Record
The following data has to be recorded for each test:
2.1. Test code (see paragraph 3.9.2. of Appendix 2 to this annex):
2.2. Test specimen: (precise identification of the variant tested related to the
Manufacturer‘s information document. See also paragraph 3.9.2. to Ap-
pendix 2 of this annex)
2.2.1. Axle Axle identifier: ID1- ....................................................................................... Identification of tested axle: ......................................................................... Test axle load (Fe identifier): ID3- ......................................................... daN
2.2.2. Brake Brake identifier: ID2- .................................................................................... Identification of tested brake: .......................................................................
43 Strike out what does not apply.

Annex 11 Maximum stroke capability of the brake:44 .................................................. Effective length of the cam shaft:45 ..............................................................

R 13 Material variation as per paragraph 3.8 (m) of Appendix 2 to this annex:
....................................................................................................................... Brake drum / disc43 Actual test mass of disc / drum:43 ................................................................ Nominal external diameter of disc:44 ........................................................... Type of cooling of the disc ventilated/non-ventilated43 With or without integrated hub43 Disc with integrated drum – with or without parking brake function43, 44 Geometric relationship between disc friction surfaces and disc mounting:
....................................................................................................................... Base material: .............................................................................................. Brake lining or pad43 Manufacturer: ............................................................................................... Make: ........................................................................................................... Type: ............................................................................................................. Method of attachment of the lining / pad on the brake shoe / back plate:43
....................................................................................................................... Thickness of back plate, weight of shoes or other describing information
(Manufacturer‘s information document):43 .................................................. Base material of brake shoe / back plate:43 ................................................
2.2.3. Automatic brake adjustment device (not applicable in the case of integ-
rated automatic brake adjustment device)43 Manufacturer (name and address): ............................................................ Make: ...........................................................................................................
44 Applies to disc brakes only.
45 Applies to drum brakes only.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 Type: ............................................................................................................. Version: ........................................................................................................
R 13

2.2.4. Wheel(s) (dimensions see Figures 1A and 1B in Appendix 5 to this annex) Reference tyre rolling radius (Re) at test axle load (Fe): ............................... Data of the fitted wheel during testing:

Tyre size Rim size Xe (mm) De (mm) Ee (mm) Ge (mm)

2.2.5. Lever length le: ..............................................................................................

2.2.6. Brake actuator Manufacturer: ............................................................................................... Make: ........................................................................................................... Type: ............................................................................................................. (Test) Identification number: ........................................................................
2.3. Test results (corrected to take account of rolling resistance of 0.01 • Fe)
2.3.1. In the case of vehicles of categories O2 and O3 where the O3 trailer has
been subject to the Type-I test:

Test type: 0 I
Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph:
Test speed 40 40 40
Brake actuator pressure pe -
Braking time - 2.55 -
Brake force developed Te
Brake efficiency Te/Fe
Actuator stroke se -
Brake input torque Ce -
Brake input threshold torque C0,e

Annex 11

2.3.2. In the case of vehicles of categories O3 and O4 where the O3 trailer has
been subject to the Type-III test:

R 13
Test type: 0 I
Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph:
Test speed initial 60 60
Test speed final
Brake actuator pressure pe -
Number of brake applications - 20 -
Duration of braking cycle - 60 -
Brake force developed Te
Brake efficiency Te/Fe
Actuator stroke se -
Brake input torque Ce -
Brake input threshold torque C0,e -

2.3.3. This item is to be completed only when the brake has been subject to
the test procedure defined in paragraph 4. of Annex 19 - Part 1 to this
Regulation to verify the cold performance characteristics of the brake by
means of the brake factor (BF). Brake factor BF: Declared threshold torque C0,dec ........................................................... Nm
2.3.4. Performance of the automatic brake adjustment device (if applicable) Free running according to para. 3.6.3. of Annex 11, Appendix 2: yes / no43
3. Application range
The application range specifies the axle/brake variants that are covered
in this test report, by showing which variables are covered by the indi-
vidual test codes.
4. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Appendix 2 to Annex 11 and where appropriate paragraph 4. of An-
nex 19 - Part 1 to Regulation No. 13 as last amended by the ... series
of amendments.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

At the end of the test defined in paragraph 3.6. of Annex 11, Appendix
246 the requirements of paragraph of Regulation No. 13 were
R 13

deemed to be fulfilled / not fulfilled.43

Technical Service47 carrying out the test
Signed: .............................................Date: ................................................

5. Type Approval Authority47

Signed: .............................................Date: ................................................

46 Only to be completed when an automatic brake wear adjustment device is installed.

47 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization is issued with the report.

Annex 11

Annex 11 - Appendix 4
Model test report form for an alternative automatic brake ad-
justment device as prescribed in paragraph 3.7.3. of Appendix

R 13
2 to this annex
Test Report No. ............................................................................................
1. Identification
1.1. Axle:
Make: ...........................................................................................................
Type: .............................................................................................................
Model: ..........................................................................................................
Test axle load (Fe identifier): ID3- ........................................................ daN
Annex 11, Appendix 3, Test Report No. ......................................................
1.2. Brake:
Make: ...........................................................................................................
Type: .............................................................................................................
Model: ..........................................................................................................
Brake lining: .................................................................................................
Make/Type: ..................................................................................................
1.3. Actuation:
Manufacturer: ...............................................................................................
Type (cylinder/diaphragm)48 ........................................................................
Model: ..........................................................................................................
Lever length (l): ..................................................................................... mm
1.4. Automatic brake adjustment device:
Manufacturer (name and address): ............................................................
Make: ...........................................................................................................
Type: .............................................................................................................
Version: ........................................................................................................
48 Strike out what does not apply.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2. Record of test results

2.1. Performance of the automatic brake adjustment device
R 13

2.1.1. Hot performance of service braking systems determined according to

the test defined in paragraph
(a) of Annex 11, Appendix 2: .............................................. per cent
Actuator stroke sA determined according to the test defined in
(b) of Annex 11, Appendix 2: ..................................................... mm
2.1.2. Free running according to paragraph 3.6.3. of Annex 11, Appendix 2:
yes / no48
3. Name of Technical Service/Type Approval Authority7 conducting the test:
4. Date of test:
5. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph 3.6.2. to Regulation No. 13 as
last amended by the ............................................. series of amendments.
6. At the end of test defined in item 5 above the requirements of paragraph of Regulation No. 13 were deemed to be: Fulfilled / Not fulfilled48
7. Technical Service49 carrying out the test
Signed: ............................................. Date: .................................................

8. Type Approval Authority49

Signed: ............................................. Date: .................................................

49 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization is issued with the report

Annex 11

Annex 11 – Appendix 5
Trailer axle and brake information document with respect to
the alternative Type-I and Type-III procedure

R 13
1. General
1.1. Name and address of axle or vehicle manufacturer:
2. Axle data
2.1. Manufacturer (name and address): ............................................................
2.2. Type/variant: ................................................................................................
2.3. Axle identifier: ID1- ......................................................................................
2.4. Test axle load (Fe): ............................................................................... daN
2.5. Wheel and brake data according to the following Figures 1A and 1B
Figure 1A

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Figure 1B
R 13

3. Brake
3.1. General information
3.1.1. Make: ...........................................................................................................
3.1.2. Manufacturer (name and address): ............................................................
3.1.3. Type of brake (e.g. drum / disc): ................................................................. Variant (e.g. S-cam, single wedge etc.): .....................................................
3.1.4. Brake identifier: ID2- ....................................................................................
3.1.5. Brake data according to the following Figures 2A and 2B: ................

Annex 11

Figure 2A

R 13

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Figure 2B
R 13

xe ae he ce de ee α0e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

α1e be re Ae S1e S2e S3e

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

Annex 11

3.2. Drum brake data

3.2.1. Brake adjustment device (external/integrated): .........................................

R 13
3.2.2. Declared maximum brake input torque Cmax: ...................................... Nm
3.2.3. Mechanical efficiency: ƞ = ...........................................................................
3.2.4. Declared brake input threshold torque C0,dec: ....................................... Nm
3.2.5. Effective length of the cam shaft: ......................................................... mm
3.3. Brake drum
3.3.1. Max diameter of friction surface (wear limit): ....................................... mm
3.3.2. Base material: ..............................................................................................
3.3.3. Declared mass: ....................................................................................... kg
3.3.4. Nominal mass: ........................................................................................ kg
3.4. Brake lining
3.4.1. Manufacturer and address: .........................................................................
3.4.2. Make: ...........................................................................................................
3.4.3. Type: .............................................................................................................
3.4.4. Identification (type identification on lining): .................................................
3.4.5. Minimum thickness (wear limit): .......................................................... mm
3.4.6. Method of attaching friction material to brake shoe: .................................. Worst case of attachment (in the case of more than one): ...........................
3.5. Disc brake data
3.5.1. Connection type to the axle (axial, radial, integrated, etc.): .........................
3.5.2. Brake adjustment device (external/integrated): .........................................
3.5.3. Max. actuation stroke: .......................................................................... mm
3.5.4. Declared maximum input force ThAmax: ............................................... daN Cmax = ThAmax • le : ................................................................................... Nm
3.5.5. Friction radius: re = ................................................................... mm

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.5.6. Lever length: le = .................................................................... mm

3.5.7. Input/output ratio (le/ee): i = ............................................................................
R 13

3.5.8. Mechanical efficiency: ƞ = ..........................................................................

3.5.9. Declared brake input threshold force ThA0,dec: ......................................... N C0,dec = ThA0,dec • le : .................................................................................Nm
3.5.10. Minimum rotor thickness (wear limit): .................................................. mm
3.6. Brake disc data: ...........................................................................................
3.6.1. Disc type description: ...................................................................................
3.6.2. Connection/mounting to the hub: ................................................................
3.6.3. Ventilation (yes/no): .....................................................................................
3.6.4. Declared mass: ....................................................................................... kg
3.6.5. Nominal mass: ........................................................................................ kg
3.6.6. Declared external diameter: ................................................................. mm
3.6.7. Minimum external diameter: ................................................................ mm
3.6.8. Inner diameter of friction ring: .............................................................. mm
3.6.9. Width of ventilation channel (if appl.): .................................................. mm
3.6.10. Base material: ..............................................................................................
3.7. Brake pad data: ............................................................................................
3.7.1. Manufacturer and address: .........................................................................
3.7.2. Make: ...........................................................................................................
3.7.3. Type: .............................................................................................................
3.7.4. Identification (type identification on pad back plate): .................................
3.7.5. Minimum thickness (wear limit): .......................................................... mm
3.7.6. Method of attaching friction material to pad back plate: ............................... Worst case of attachment (in the case of more than one): ...........................

Annex 12

Annex 12
Conditions governing the testing of vehicles equipped with
inertia (overrun) braking systems

R 13
1. General provisions
1.1. The inertia (overrun) braking system of a trailer comprises the control de-
vice, the transmission and the wheel brakes, hereinafter called „brakes“.
1.2. The control device is the aggregate of the components integral with the
traction device (coupling head).
1.3. The transmission is the aggregate of the components comprised bet-
ween the last part of the coupling head and the first part of the brake.
1.4. The „brake“ is the part in which the forces opposing the movement of the
vehicle develop. The first part of the brake is either the lever actuating
the brake cam or similar components (mechanical-transmission inertia
braking system), or the brake cylinder (hydraulic-transmission inertia
braking system).
1.5. Braking systems in which accumulated energy (e.g. electric, pneumatic
or hydraulic energy) is transmitted to the trailer by the towing vehicle and
is controlled only by the thrust on the coupling do not constitute inertia
braking systems within the meaning of this Regulation.
1.6. Tests
1.6.1. Determination of essential components of the brake.
1.6.2. Determination of essential components of the control device and veri-
fication of the latter‘s conformity with the provisions of this Regulation.
1.6.3. Checking on the vehicle:
(a) The compatibility of the control device and the brake; and
(b) The transmission.
2. Symbols and definitions
2.1. Units used
2.1.1. Mass: kg;
2.1.2. Force: N;
2.1.3. Acceleration due to gravity: g = 9.81 m/s²
2.1.4. Torques and moments: Nm;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.1.5. Areas: cm²;

2.1.6. Pressures: kPa;
R 13

2.1.7. Lengths: unit specified in each case.

2.2. Symbols valid for all types of brakes (see Figure 1 of Appendix 1 to this
2.2.1. GA: trailer‘s technically permissible „maximum mass“ as
declared by the manufacturer;
2.2.2. G‘A: trailer‘s „maximum mass“ capable of being braked by
the control device, as declared by the manufacturer;
2.2.3. GB: trailer‘s „maximum mass“ capable of being braked by
joint operation of all of the trailer‘s brakes GB = n • GBo
2.2.4. GBo: fraction of trailer‘s permissible „maximum mass“
capable of being braked by one brake, as declared by
the manufacturer;
2.2.5. B*: required braking force;
2.2.6. B: required braking force taking account of rolling resistance;
2.2.7. D*: permissible thrust on coupling;
2.2.8. D: thrust on coupling;
2.2.9. P‘: control device output force;
2.2.10. K: supplementary force of control device, conventionally
designated by the force D corresponding to the
point of intersection with the axis of the abscissae of
the extrapolated curve expressing P‘ in terms of D,
measured with the device in the mid-travel position (see
Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix 1 to this annex);
2.2.11. KA: force threshold of control device, i.e., the maximum
thrust on the coupling head which can be applied
for a short period of time without generating an output
force from the control device. The symbol KA is
conventionally applied to the force measured when
the coupling head begins to be pushed home at a speed
of 10 to 15 mm/s, the control device transmission being

Annex 12

2.2.12. D1: the maximum force applied to the coupling head when
it is being pushed home at a speed of s mm/s + 10 per
cent, the transmission being uncoupled;

R 13
2.2.13. D2: the maximum force applied to the coupling head when
it is being pulled at a speed of s mm/s + 10 per cent
out of the position of maximum compression, the
transmission being uncoupled;
2.2.14. ηHo: efficiency of inertia control device;
2.2.15. ηH1: efficiency of transmission system;
2.2.16. ηH: overall efficiency of control device and transmission
ηH = ηHo • ηH1;
2.2.17. s: travel of control in millimetres;
2.2.18. s‘: effective (useful) travel of control in millimetres, determined
as required by paragraph 10.4. of this annex;
2.2.19. s“: spare travel of master cylinder, measured in millimetres at
coupling head; sHz: stroke of the master cylinder in millimetres according to
Figure 8 of Appendix 1 to this annex; s“Hz: spare travel of the master cylinder in millimetres at
piston rod, according to figure 8;
2.2.20. so: loss of travel, i.e., travel in millimetres of the coupling head
when the latter is so actuated as to move from 300 mm
above to 300 mm below the horizontal, the transmission re-
maining stationary;
2.2.21. 2sB: brake-shoe lift (brake-shoe application travel), in millimetres,
measured on diameter parallel to applying device, the
brakes not being adjusted during the test;
2.2.22. 2sB*: minimum brake shoe centre lift (minimum brake shoe
application travel) (in millimetres) for wheel brakes with
2sB* = 2.4 + 0.004 • 2r
2r being the diameter of the brake drum in millimetres; (see Appendix 1,
Figure 4, to this annex).

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

For wheel brakes with disc brakes with hydraulic transmission

10 • V60
R 13

2sB = 1.1 • FRz + 0.004 • 2rA

V60 = fluid volume absorbed by one wheel brake at a pressure
corresponding to a braking force of 1.2 B* = 0.6 • GBo and
a max. tyre radius.
2rA = outer diameter of brake disc.
(V60 in cm3, FRZ in cm2 and rA in mm)
2.2.23. M*: Braking torque as specified by the manufacturer in
paragraph 5. of Appendix 3. This braking torque shall
produce at least the prescribed braking force B*; MT: Test braking torque in the case when no overload protector
is fitted (according to paragraph 6.2.1. below);
2.2.24. R: dynamic tyre rolling radius (m);
2.2.25. n: number of brakes.
2.2.26. Mr: Maximum braking torque resulting from the maximum
permissible travel sr or the maximum permissible fluid
volume Vr when the trailer moves rearward (including
rolling resistance = 0.01 • g • GBo);
2.2.27. sr: Maximum permissible travel at the brake control lever
when the trailer moves rearward;
2.2.28. Vr: Maximum permissible fluid volume absorbed by one
braking wheel when the trailer moves rearward;
2.3. Symbols valid for mechanical-transmission braking systems (see
Figure 5 of Appendix 1 to this annex);
2.3.1. iHo: reduction ratio between travel of coupling head and
travel of lever at output side of control device;
2.3.2. iH1: reduction ratio between travel of lever at output side
of control device and travel of brake lever (gearing down
of transmission);
2.3.3. iH: reduction ratio between travel of coupling head and
travel of brake lever
iH = iHo • iH1

Annex 12

2.3.4. ig: reduction ratio between travel of brake lever and lift
(application travel) at brake-shoe centre (see Figure 4 of
Appendix 1 to this annex);

R 13
2.3.5. P: force applied to the brake control lever; (see Figure 4 of
Appendix 1 to this annex);
2.3.6. Po: Brake-retraction force when the trailer moves forward;
i.e., in graph M = f(P), the value of the force P at the
point of intersection of the extrapolation of this function
with the abscissa (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1 to this
annex); Por: brake-retraction force when the trailer moves rearward
(see Figure 6 of Appendix 1 to this annex);
2.3.7. P*: Force applied to the brake control lever to produce the
braking force B*;
2.3.8. PT: test force according to paragraph 6.2.1.;
2.3.9. ρ: characteristic of the brake when the trailer moves forward
as defined from:
M = ρ (P - Po) ρr: characteristic of the brake when the trailer moves rearward
as defined from:
Mr = ρr (Pr - Por)
2.3.10. scf: Rear cable or rod travel at compensator when brakes
operate in orward direction50
2.3.11. scr: Rear cable or rod travel at compensator when brakes
operate in rearward direction50
2.3.12. scd: Differential travel at compensator when only one brake
operates in the forward direction and the other in the
reverse direction50
Where: scd= scr - scf (see Figure 5A of Appendix 1)
2.4. Symbols valid for hydraulic-transmission braking systems (see Figure 8
of Appendix 1 to this annex)
50 Paragraphs 2.3.10., 2.3.11. and 2.3.12. only apply to the parking brake differential
travel calculation method

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.4.1. ih: reduction ratio between travel of coupling head and

travel of piston in master cylinder;
R 13

2.4.2. i‘g: reduction ratio between travel of cylinder thrust point

and lift (application travel) of brake-shoe centre;
2.4.3. FRZ: Surface area of piston of one wheel cylinder for drum
brake(s); for disc brake(s), sum of the surface area of
the caliper piston(s) on one side of the disc.
2.4.4. FHZ: surface area of piston in master cylinder;
2.4.5. p: hydraulic pressure in brake cylinder;
2.4.6. po: retraction pressure in the brake cylinder when the trailer
moves forward; i.e., in graph of M = f(p), the value of
the pressure p at the point of intersection of the
extrapolation of this function with the abscissa
(see Figure 7 of Appendix 1 to this annex); por: brake retraction pressure when the trailer moves rearward
(see Figure 7 of Appendix 1 to this annex);
2.4.7. p*: Hydraulic pressure in the brake cylinder to produce the
braking force B*;
2.4.8. pT: Test pressure according to paragraph 6.2.1.:
2.4.9. ρ‘: characteristic of the brake when the trailer moves forward
as defined from:
M = ρ‘ (p - po) ρ‘r: characteristic of the brake when the trailer moves rearward
as defined from:
Mr = ρ‘r (pr - por)
2.5. Symbols with respect to the braking requirements relating to overload
2.5.1. Dop: Application force at the input side of the control device,
at which the overload protector is activated
2.5.2. Mop: Brake torque at which the overload protector is activated
(as declared by the manufacturer)

Annex 12

2.5.3. MTop: Minimum test braking torque in the case when an overload
protector is fitted (according to paragraph

R 13
2.5.4. Pop_min: Force applied to the brake at which the overload protector
is activated (according to paragraph
2.5.5. Pop_max: Maximum force (when the coupling head is pushed fully
home) which is applied by the overload protector to the
brake (according to paragraph
2.5.6. pop_min: Pressure applied to the brake at which the overload
protector is activated (according to paragraph
2.5.7. pop_max: Maximum hydraulic pressure (when the coupling head
is pushed fully home) which is applied by the overload
protector to the brake actuator (according to paragraph
2.5.8. PTop: Minimum test brake force in the case when an overload
protector is fitted (according to paragraph
2.5.9. pTop: Minimum test brake pressure in the case when an overload
protector is fitted (according to paragraph
3. General requirements
3.1. The transmission of force from the coupling head to the trailer‘s brakes
shall be effected either by rod linkage or by one or more fluids. However,
a sheathed cable (Bowden cable) may provide part of the transmission;
this part shall be as short as possible. The control rods and cables shall
not contact the trailer frame or other surfaces that may affect the applica-
tion or release of the brake.
3.2. All bolts at joints shall be adequately protected. In addition, these joints
shall be either self-lubricating or readily accessible for lubrication.
3.3. Inertia braking devices shall be so arranged that in the case when the
coupling head travels to its fullest extent, no part of the transmission sei-
zes, undergoes permanent distortion, or breaks. This shall be checked
by uncoupling the end of the transmission from the brake control levers.
3.4. The inertia braking system shall allow the trailer to be reversed with the
towing vehicle without imposing a sustained drag force exceeding 0.08
g.GA. Devices used for this purpose shall act automatically and disenga-
ge automatically when the trailer moves forward.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.5. Any special device incorporated for the purpose of paragraph 3.4. of
this annex shall be such that the parking performance when facing up a
R 13

gradient shall not be adversely affected.

3.6. Inertia braking systems may incorporate overload protectors. They shall
not be activated at a force of less than Dop = 1.2 • D* (when fitted at the
control device) or at a force of less than Pop = 1.2 • P* or at a pressure of
less than pop = 1.2 • p* (when fitted at the wheel brake) where the force
P* or the pressure p* corresponds to a braking force of B* = 0,5 • g • GBo.
4. Requirements for control devices
4.1. The sliding members of the control device shall be long enough to ena-
ble the full travel to be used even when the trailer is coupled.
4.2. The sliding members shall be protected by a bellows or some equivalent
device. They shall either be lubricated or be constructed of self-lubrica-
ting materials. The surfaces in frictional contact shall be made of a mate-
rial such that there is neither electrochemical torque nor any mechanical
incompatibility liable to cause the sliding members to seize.
4.3. The stress threshold (KA) of the control device shall be not less than
0.02 g • G‘A and not more than 0.04 g • G‘A.
4.4. The maximum insertion force D1 may not exceed 0.10 g • G‘A in trailers
with rigid drawbars and 0.067 g • G‘A in multi-axled trailers with pivoted
4.5. The maximum tractive force D2 shall be not less than 0.1 g • G‘A and not
more than 0.5 g • G‘A.
5. Tests and measurements to be carried out on the control devices
5.1. Control devices submitted to the Technical Service conducting the tests
shall be checked for conformity with the requirements of paragraphs 3
and 4 of this annex.
5.2. The following shall be measured in respect of all types of brakes:
5.2.1. Travel s and effective travel s‘;
5.2.2. Supplementary force K;
5.2.3. Force threshold KA;
5.2.4. Insertion force D1:

Annex 12

5.2.5. Tractive force D2.

5.3. In the case of mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems, the fol-

R 13
lowing should be determined:
5.3.1. The reduction ratio iHo measured at the mid-travel position of the control;
5.3.2. The control-device output force P‘ as a function of the thrust D on the drawbar.
The supplementary force K and the efficiency are derived from the re-
presentative curve obtained from these measurements

1 P‘
ȘHo = i • D - K

(See Figure 2 of Appendix 1 to this annex)

5.4. In the case of hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems, the follo-
wing should be determined:
5.4.1. The reduction ratio ih measured at the mid-travel position of the control;
5.4.2. The master cylinder output pressure p as a function of the thrust D on
the drawbars and of the surface area FHZ of the master-cylinder piston,
as specified by the manufacturer. The supplementary force K and the
efficiency are derived from the representative curve obtained from these

1 p•F
ȘHo = i • D - KHz

(See Figure 3 of Appendix 1 to this annex);

5.4.3. The spare travel of the master cylinder s“, as referred to in paragraph
2.2.19. of this annex.
5.4.4. Surface area FHZ of the piston in the master cylinder.
5.4.5. Stroke sHz of the master cylinder (in millimetres).
5.4.6. Spare travel s“Hz of the master cylinder (in millimetres).
5.5. In the case of inertia braking system on multi-axled trailers with pivoted
drawbars, the loss of travel so referred to in paragraph 9.4.1. of this an-
nex should be measured.
6. Requirements for brakes

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

6.1. In addition to the brakes to be checked, the manufacturer shall submit

to the Technical Service conducting the tests, drawings of the brakes
R 13

showing the type, dimensions and material of the essential components

and the make and type of the linings. In the case of hydraulic brakes,
these drawings shall show the surface area FRZ of the brake cylinders.
The manufacturer shall also specify the braking torque M* and the mass
GBo defined in paragraph 2.2.4. of this annex.
6.2. Testing conditions
6.2.1. In the case when an overload protector is neither fitted nor intended to
be fitted within the inertia (overrun) braking system, the wheel brake
shall be tested with the following test forces or pressures:
PT = 1.8 P* or pT = 1.8 p* and MT = 1.8 M* as appropriate.
6.2.2. In the case when an overload protector is fitted or intended to be fitted
within the inertia (overrun) braking system, the wheel brake shall be tes-
ted with the following test forces or pressures: The minimum design values for an overload protector shall be specified
by the manufacturer and shall not be less than
Pop = 1.2 P* or pop = 1.2 p* The ranges of minimum test force PTop or minimum test pressure pTop and
the minimum test torque MTop are:
PTop = 1.1 to 1.2 P* or pTop = 1.1 to 1.2 p*
MTop = 1.1 to 1.2 M* The maximum values (Pop_max or pop_max) for the overload protector
shall be specified by the manufacturer and shall not be more than PT or
pT respectively.
7. Tests and measurements to be carried put on the brakes
7.1. Brakes and components submitted to the Technical Service conducting
the tests shall be tested for conformity with the requirements of para-
graph 6. of this annex.
7.2. The following should be determined:

Annex 12

7.2.1. The minimum brake-shoe lift (minimum brake-shoe application travel),


R 13
7.2.2. The brake-shoe centre lift (brake-shoe application travel) 2sB (which
shall be greater than 2sB*);
7.3. In the case of mechanical brakes, the following shall be determined:
7.3.1. Reduction ratio ig (see Figure 4 of Appendix 1 to this annex);
7.3.2. Force P* for braking torque M*;
7.3.3. Torque M* as a function of the force P* applied to the control lever in
mechanical-transmission systems.
The rotational speed of the braking surfaces shall correspond to an initial
vehicle speed of 60 km/h when the trailer moves forward and 6 km/h
when the trailer moves rearward. The following shall be derived from the
curve obtained from these measurements (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1
to this annex): The brake-retraction force Po and the characteristic value ρ when the
trailer moves forward. The brake-retraction force Por and the characteristic value ρr when the
trailer moves rearward. Maximum braking torque Mr up to the maximum permissible travel sr when
the trailer moves rearward (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1 to this annex). Maximum permissible travel at the brake control lever when the trailer
moves rearward (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1 to this annex).
7.4. In the case of hydraulic brakes, the following should be determined:
7.4.1. Reduction ratio ig‘ (see Figure 8 of Appendix 1 to this annex)
7.4.2. Pressure p* for braking torque M*
7.4.3. Torque M* as a function of the pressure p* applied to the brake cylinder
in hydraulic transmission systems.
The rotational speed of the braking surfaces shall correspond to an initial
vehicle speed of 60 km/h when the trailer moves forward and 6 km/h
when the trailer moves rearward. The following shall be derived from the
curve obtained from these measurements (see Figure 7 of Appendix 1
to this annex):

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The retraction pressure po and the characteristic ρ‘ when the trailer
moves forward.
R 13 The retraction pressure por and the characteristic ρ‘r when the trailer
moves rearward. Maximum braking torque Mr up to the maximum permissible fluid volu-
me Vr when the trailer moves rearward (see Figure 7 of Appendix 1 to
this annex). Maximum permissible fluid volume Vr absorbed by one braking wheel when
the trailer moves rearward (see Figure 7 of Appendix 1 to this annex).
7.4.4. Surface area FRZ of the piston in the brake cylinder.
7.5. Alternative procedure for the Type-I test
7.5.1. The Type-I test according to Annex 4, paragraph 1.5. does not have to
be carried out on a vehicle submitted for type approval, if the braking
system components are tested on an inertia test bench to meet the pre-
scriptions of Annex 4, paragraphs 1.5.2. and 1.5.3.
7.5.2. The alternative procedure for the Type-I test shall be carried out in accor-
dance with the provisions laid down in Annex 11, Appendix 2, paragraph
3.5.2. (in analogy also applicable for disc brakes).
8. Simulated gradient parking brake force differential
8.1. Calculation method
8.1.1. The pivot points in the compensator shall lie in a straight line with the
park brake at the rest position.

All compensator pivots to be in-line

Alternative arrangements can be used, if they provide equal tension in
both rear cables, even when there are differences in travel between the
rear cables.

Annex 12

8.1.2. Drawing details are to be provided to demonstrate that the compensator

articulation is sufficient to ensure equal cable tension is applied to each
of the rear cables. The compensator needs to have sufficient distance

R 13
across the width to facilitate the differential travels left to right. The jaws
of the yokes also need to be deep enough relative to their width to make
sure that they do not prevent articulation when the compensator is at
an angle.
Differential travel at compensator (scd) shall be derived from:
Scd ≥ 1.2 • (Scr - Sc‘)
Sc‘ = S‘/iH (travel at compensator - forward operation) and Sc‘ = 2 • SB/ig
Scr = Sr/iH (travel at compensator - rearward operation)
9. Test reports
Applications for the approval of trailers equipped with inertia braking sys-
tems shall be accompanied by the test reports relating to the control de-
vice and the brakes and the test report on the compatibility of the inertia
type control device, the transmission device and the brakes of the trailer,
these reports including at least the particulars prescribed in Appendices
2, 3, and 4 to this annex.
10. Compatibility between the control device and the brakes of a vehicle
10.1. A check shall be made on the vehicle to verify in the light of the cha-
racteristics of the control device (Appendix 2), the characteristics of the
brakes (Appendix 3), and the trailer characteristics referred to in para-
graph 4. of Appendix 4 to this annex, whether the trailer‘s inertia braking
system meets the prescribed requirements.
10.2. General checks for all types of brakes
10.2.1. Any parts of the transmission not checked at the same time as the con-
trol device or the brakes shall be checked on the vehicle. The results of
the check shall be entered in Appendix 4 to this annex (e.g., iH1 and ηH1).
10.2.2. Mass The maximum mass GA of the trailer shall not exceed the maximum
mass G‘A for which the control device is authorized. The maximum mass GA of the trailer shall not exceed the maximum mass
GB which can be braked by joint operation of all of the trailer‘s brakes.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

10.2.3. Forces The force threshold KA shall not be below 0.02 g • GA and not above 0.04 g • GA.
R 13 The maximum insertion force D1 may not exceed 0.10 g • GA in trailers with
rigid drawbar and 0.067 g • GA in multi-axled trailers with pivoted drawbar. The maximum tractive force D2 shall be between 0.1 g • GA and 0.5 g • GA.
10.3. Check of braking efficiency
10.3.1. The sum of the braking forces exerted on the circumference of the trailer
wheels shall not be less than B* = 0.50 g • GA, including a rolling resis-
tance of 0.01 g • GA: this corresponds to a braking force B of 0.49 g.GA.
In this case, the maximum permissible thrust on the coupling shall be:
D* = 0.067 g • GA in the case of multi-axled trailers with pivoted drawbar;
D* = 0.10 g • GA in the case of trailers with rigid drawbar.
To check whether these conditions are complied with the following in-
equalities shall be applied: In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems:

[ B ȡ• R + n • P ]”L
(D* - K) ‡Ș H
H In hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems:

[ Bn •• ȡµR + P ]”
(D* - K) ‡Ș H


10.4. Check of control travel

10.4.1. In control devices for multi-axled trailers with pivoted drawbars where
the brake rod linkage depends on the position of the towing device, the
control travel s shall be longer than the effective (useful) control travel s‘,
the difference being at least equivalent to the loss of travel so. The travel
loss of so shall not exceed 10 per cent of the effective travel s‘.
10.4.2. The effective (useful) travel of control s‘ shall be determined for single
and multi-axle trailers as follows: If the brake rod linkage is affected by the angular position of the towing
device, then:
s‘ = s - s0

Annex 12 If there is no loss of travel, then:

s‘ = s

R 13 In hydraulic braking systems:
s‘ = s – s‘‘
10.4.3. The following inequalities shall be applied to check whether control travel
is adequate; In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems:
iH” 2 • ig
SB* In hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems:

iH s‘
FHZ ” 2SB*‡Q)RZ‡Lµg

10.5. Additional checks

10.5.1. In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems a check shall be
made to verify that the rod linkage by which the forces are transmitted
from the control device to the brakes is correctly fitted.
10.5.2. In hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems a check shall be made
to verify that the travel of the master cylinder is not less than s/ih. A lower
level shall not be permitted.
10.5.3. The general behaviour of the vehicle when braking shall be the subject
of a road test carried out at different road speeds with different levels of
brake effort and rates of application. Self-excited, undamped oscillations
shall not be permitted.
11. General comments
The above requirements apply to the most usual embodiments of me-
chanical-transmission or hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems
where, in particular, all of the trailer‘s wheels are equipped with the same
type of brake and the same type of tyre. For checking less usual embo-
diments, the above requirements shall be adapted to the circumstances
of the particular case.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 12 - Appendix 1
Figure 1
R 13

Symbols valid for all types of brakes

(See paragraph 2.2. of this annex)

Figure 2
(See paragraphs 2.2.10. and 5.3.2. of this annex)

P‘ l
ȘH0 = D -xK •

Annex 12

Figure 3

R 13
(See paragraphs 2.2.10. and 5.4.2. of this annex)

ȘH0 = D -x K • Hz

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Figure 4
Brake checks
R 13

(See paragraphs 2.2.22. and 2.3.4. of this annex)

Annex 12

Figure 5
Mechanical -transmission braking system

R 13
(See paragraph 2.3. of this annex)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Figure 5A
Mechanical-transmission braking system
R 13

(See paragraph 2.3. of this annex)

Figure 6
Mechanical Brake
(See paragraph 2. of this annex)

Annex 12

Figure 7
Hydraulic Brake

R 13
(See paragraph 2. of this annex)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Figure 8
Hydraulic-Transmission Braking System
R 13

(See paragraph 2. of this annex)

Annex 12

Annex 12 - Appendix 2
Test report on inertia-braking system control device

R 13
1. Manufacturer ................................................................................................
2. Make ............................................................................................................
3. Type ..............................................................................................................
4. Characteristics of trailers for which control device intended by manufac-
4.1. Mass G‘A = ............................................................................................... kg
4.2. Permissible static vertical force at towing-device head .......................... N
4.3. Trailer with rigid drawbar/multi-axled trailer with pivoted drawbar
5. Brief description
(List of attached plans and dimensioned drawings)
6. Diagram showing principle of control
7. Travel s = ............................................................................................. mm
8. Reduction ratio of control device:
8.1. With mechanical transmission device51
iHO = ..................................................to .....................................................52
8.2. with hydraulic transmission device51
ih = from.............................................to .....................................................52
FHZ = ...................................................................................................... cm²
Travel of master cylinder sHz ................................................................ mm
Spare travel of master cylinder s“Hz ..................................................... mm
9. Test results: ..................................................................................................
9.1. Efficiency
With mechanical transmission device51 ηH = ..............................................
With hydraulic transmission device51 ηH = ..................................................
9.2. Supplementary force K = ......................................................................... N
9.3. Maximum compressive force D1 = .......................................................... N
9.4. Maximum tractive force D2 = ................................................................... N
51 Strike out what does not apply.
52 State lengths whose ratio was used to determine iHo or ih.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

9.5. Force threshold KA = ................................................................................ N

9.6. Loss of travel and spare travel: ...................................................................
R 13

Where the position of the drawing device has an effect s051 = ............ mm
With a hydraulic-transmission device s“51 = s“Hz • ih = ................. mm
9.7. Effective (useful) travel of control s‘ = .................................................. mm
9.8. An overload protector according to paragraph 3.6. of this annex is pro-
vided/not provided51 ..........................................................................
9.8.1. If the overload protector is fitted before the transmission lever of the
control device ............................................................................................... Threshold force of the overload protector
.......................................................................................................... Dop = N Where the overload protector is mechanical51
............................ max.force which the inertia control device can develop
P‘max/iHo = Pop_max = .................................................................................... N Where the overload protector is hydraulic51
the pressure which the inertia control device can develop
p‘max/ih = pop_max = ............................................................................... N/cm²
9.8.2. If the overload protector is fitted after the transmission lever of the control
device ........................................................................................................... Threshold force on the overload protector where the overload protector
is mechanical51 .............................................................................................
Dop • iHo = ................................................................................................... N
where the overload protector is hydraulic51
Dop • ih = ..................................................................................................... N Where the overload protector is mechanical51
max force which the inertia control device can develop
P‘max = Pop_max = ......................................................................................... N Where the overload protector is hydraulic51
the pressure which the inertia control device can develop
p‘max = pop_max = ................................................................................... N/cm²

Annex 12

10. The control device described above complies/does not comply51 with the
requirements of paragraphs 3., 4. and 5. of this annex.
Signed: .............................................Date ...................................................

R 13
11. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with relevant provisions of Annex 12 to Regulation No. 13 as last amen-
ded by the series of amendments.
Technical Service53 carrying out the test
Signed: .............................................Date ...................................................
12. Type Approval Authority53
Signed: .............................................Date ...................................................

53 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization issued with the report.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 12 - Appendix 3
Test report on the brake
R 13

1. Manufacturer ................................................................................................
2. Make ............................................................................................................
3. Type ..............................................................................................................
4. Permissible „maximum mass“ per wheel GBo = .................................... kg
5. Braking torque M* (as specified by the manufacturer according to para-
graph 2.2.23. of this annex) = .............................................................. Nm
6. Dynamic tyre rolling radius
Rmin: .............................................. mRmax: ............................................... m
7. Brief description
(List of plans and dimensioned drawings)
8. Diagram showing principle of brake
9. Test result:

Mechanical brake54 Hydraulic brake54

9.1. Reduction ratio 9.1.A. Reduction ratio
ig = ....................................55 i‘g= ..................................55
9.2. Lift (application travel) 9.2.A. Lift (application travel)
sB = .............................. mm sB= ............................. mm
9.3. Prescribed lift (prescribed 9.3.A. Prescribed lift (prescribed
application travel) application travel)
sB= ................................mm sB= ............................. mm
9.4. Retraction force 9.4.A. Retraction pressure
P0= .................................. N p0= ......................... N/cm²
9.5. Coefficient (characteristic) 9.5.A. Coefficient (characteristic)
ρ = .................................. m ρ‘= ................................ m
9.6. An overload protector accor- 9.6.A. An overload protector accor-
ding to paragraph 3.6. of this ding to paragraph 3.6. of this
annex is/is not provided54 annex is/is not provided54
9.6.1. Braking torque activating 9.6.1.A. Braking torque activating
the overload protector the overload protector
Mop= ............................. Nm Mop= ........................... Nm
54 Strike out what does not apply.
55 State lengths used to determine ig or i‘g.

Annex 12

Mechanical brake54 Hydraulic brake54

9.7. Force for M* 9.7.A. Pressure for M*

R 13
P*= .................................. N p*= ......................... N/cm²
9.8.A. Surface area of wheel
FRZ= ........................... cm²
9.9.A. Fluid volume absorption
(for disk brakes)
V60= ........................... cm³
9.10. Service brake performance when the trailer moves rearwards (see figu-
res 6 and 7 of Appendix 1 to this annex)
9.10.1. Maximum Fig 6 braking torque Mr = .................................................... Nm
9.10.1.A. Maximum Fig 7 braking torque Mr = .................................................... Nm
9.10.2. Maximum permissible travel sr = ......................................................... mm
9.10.2.A. Maximum permissible fluid volume absorbed Vr = ........................... mm3
9.11. Further brake characteristics when the trailer moves rearwards (see Fi-
gures 6 and 7 of Appendix 1 to this annex)
9.11.1. Brake-retraction force Por = ..................................................................... N
9.11.1.A. Brake-retracton presure por = ........................................................... N/cm2
9.11.2. Brake characteristic ρr = ................................................................. m
9.11.2.A. Brake characteristic ρ‘r = .............................................................. m
9.12. Tests according to paragraph 7.5. of this annex (if applicable) (corrected
to take account of the rolling resistance corresponding to 0.01 • g • GBo)
9.12.1. Brake test Type-0
Test speed = ....................................................................................... km/h
Braking ratio = ......................................................................................... %
Control force = .......................................................................................... N
9.12.2. Brake test Type-I
Test speed = ....................................................................................... km/h
Sustained braking ratio = ........................................................................ %

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Braking time = ................................................................................ minutes

Hot performance = .................................................................................. %
R 13

(expressed as a per cent of the above Type-0 test result in item 9.12.1.)
Control force = .......................................................................................... N
10. The above brake does / does not54 conform to the requirements of pa-
ragraphs 3. and 6. of the testing conditions for vehicles fitted with inertia
braking systems described in this annex.
The brake may / may not54 be used for an inertia braking system without
an overload protector.
Date: ................................................ Signature: ..........................................
11. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with relevant provisions of Annex 12 to Regulation No. 13 as last amen-
ded by the .... series of amendments.
Technical Service56 carrying out the test
Date: ................................................ Signature: .........................................
12. Type Approval Authority56
Date: ................................................ Signature: .........................................

56 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization issued with the report.

Annex 12

Annex 12 - Appendix 4
Test report on the compatibility of the inertia brake control
device, the transmission and the brakes on the trailer

R 13
1. Control device
described in the attached test report (see Appendix 2 to this annex)
Reduction ratio selected:5758
iHo57: ...............................................58 ih57: ...................................................58
(shall be within the limits specified in paragraphs 8.1. or 8.2. of Appendix
2 to this annex)
2. Brakes
described in the attached test report (see Appendix 3 to this annex)
3. Transmission devices on the trailer
3.1. Brief description with diagram showing principle
3.2. Reduction ratio and efficiency of the mechanical-transmission device on
the trailer
iH157 = ..............................................................................................58
ηH157 = ...............................................................................................
4. Trailer
4.1. Manufacturer ................................................................................................
4.2. Make ............................................................................................................
4.3. Type ..............................................................................................................
4.4. Type of drawbar connection: trailer with rigid drawbar/multi-axled trailer
with pivoted drawbar57
4.5. Number of brakes n = ..................................................................................
4.6. Technically permissible maximum mass GA = ....................................... kg
4.7. Dynamic tyre rolling radius R = ............................................................... m
4.8. Permissible thrust on coupling
D* = 0.10 g GA57 = .................................................................................... N
D* = 0.067 g GA57 = .................................................................................. N
57 Strike out what does not apply.
58 State lengths used to determine iHo or ih.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

4.9. Required braking force B* = 0.50 g GA = ................................................ N

4.10. Brake force B = 0.49 g GA = .................................................................... N
R 13

5. Compatibility - Test results ...........................................................................

5.1. Force threshold 100 • KA/(g • GA) = .............................................................
(shall be between 2 and 4)
5.2. Maximum compressive force 100 • D1/(g • GA) = .......................................
(shall not exceed 10 for trailers with rigid drawbar, or 6.7 for multi-axled
trailers with pivoted drawbar)
5.3. Maximum tractive force 100 • D2/(g • GA) = ................................................
(shall be between 10 and 50)
5.4. Technically permissible maximum mass for inertia control device
G‘A = ......................................................................................................... kg
(shall not be less than GA)
5.5. Technically permissible maximum mass for all of trailer‘s brakes
GB = n • GBo = .......................................................................................... kg
(shall not be less than GA)
5.6. Braking torque of the brakes
n • M* /(B • R) = ............................................................................................
(shall not be less than 1.0)
5.6.1. An overload protector within the meaning of paragraph 3.6. of this annex
is / is not57 fitted on the inertia control device / on the brakes57 where the overload protector is mechanical on the inertia control device57
n • P* /(iH1 • ηH1 • P´max)= ...............................................................................
(shall not be less than 1.2) where the overload protector is hydraulic on the inertia control device57
p* / p‘max = .....................................................................................................
(shall not be less than 1.2)

Annex 12 if the overload protector is on the inertia control device:

threshold force Dop/D* = ...............................................................................

R 13
(shall not be less than 1.2) if the overload protector is fitted on the brake:
threshold torque n • Mop/(B • R) = ................................................................
(shall not be less than 1.2)
5.7. Inertia braking system with mechanical transmission device1
5.7.1. iH = iHo • iH1 = ..................................................................................................
5.7.2. ηH = ηHo • ηH1 = ..............................................................................................
[ Bn •• ȡµR + P ] (D* - K)l ‡Ș
= ...

(shall not be greater than: iH)

5.7.4. s‘
2SB* • ig = ...

(shall not be less than: iH)

5.7.5. Ratio s‘/iH = ...................................................................................................
when the trailer moves rearward (shall not be greater than: sr)
5.7.6. Braking torque when the trailer moves rearward including rolling resis-
n • Mr = ...................................................................................... Nm
(shall not be greater than: 0.08 • g • GA • R)
5.8. Inertia braking system with hydraulic transmission device57
5.8.1. ih/FHZ = .........................................................................................................
[ Bn •• ȡµR + P ] (D* - K)l ‡Ș
= ...

(shall not be greater than: ih/FHZ)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

5.8.3. s‘
2SB* • n • FRZ • ig = ...
R 13

(shall not be less than: ih/FHZ)

(shall not be greater than travel of master cylinder actuator as specified
in paragraph 8.2. of Appendix 2 to this annex)
5.8.4. s/ih = ..............................................................................................................
(shall not be greater than travel of master cylinder actuator as specified
in paragraph 8.2. of Appendix 2 to this annex)
5.8.5. Ratio s‘/FHZ = .................................................................................................
when the trailer moves rearward (shall not be greater than: Vr)
5.8.6. Braking torque when the trailer moves rearward including rolling resis-
n • Mr = ................................................................................................... Nm
(shall not be greater than: 0.08 • g • GA • R)
6. Differential travel at park brake compensator
6.1. Maximum permissible compensator travel (forward) scf = .................. mm
6.2. Maximum permissible compensator travel (rearward) scr = ............... mm
6.3. Maximum permissible differential compensator travel scd = ............... mm
7. The inertia braking system described above complies/does not comply57
with the requirements of paragraphs 3. to 10. of this annex.
Date: ................................................ Signature: ..........................................
8. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with relevant provisions of Annex 12 to Regulation No. 13 as last amen-
ded by the .... series of amendments.
Technical Service carrying out the test
Date: ................................................ Signature: ..........................................

Annex 13

Annex 13
Test requirements for vehicles fitted with anti-lock systems

R 13
1. General
1.1. This annex defines the required braking performance for road vehicles
fitted with anti-lock systems.
1.2. The anti-lock systems known at present comprise a sensor or sensors,
a controller or controllers and a modulator or modulators. Any device of
a different design which may be introduced in the future, or where an
anti-lock braking function is integrated into another system, shall be dee-
med to be an anti-lock braking system within the meaning of this annex
and Annex 10 to this Regulation, if it provides performance equal to that
prescribed by this annex.
2. Definitions
2.1. An „anti-lock system“ is a part of a service braking system which auto-
matically controls the degree of slip, in the direction of rotation of the
wheel(s), on one or more wheels of the vehicle during braking.
2.2. „Sensor“ means a component designed to identify and transmit to the
controller the conditions of rotation of the wheel(s) or the dynamic con-
ditions of the vehicle.
2.3. „Controller“ means a component designed to evaluate the data transmit-
ted by the sensor(s) and to transmit a signal to the modulator.
2.4. „Modulator“ means a component designed to vary the braking force(s) in
accordance with the signal received from the controller.
2.5. „Directly controlled wheel“ means a wheel whose braking force is modu-
lated according to data provided at least by its own sensor.59
2.6. „Indirectly controlled wheel“ means a wheel whose braking force is mo-
dulated according to data provided by the sensor(s) of other wheel(s).59
2.7. „Full cycling“ means that the anti-lock system is repeatedly modulating
the brake force to prevent the directly controlled wheels from locking.
Brake applications where modulation only occurs once during the stop
shall not be considered to meet this definition.
59 Anti-lock systems with select-high control are deemed to include both directly and
indirectly controlled wheels; in systems with select-low control, all sensed wheels are
deemed to be directly controlled wheels.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

In the case of trailers with pneumatic braking systems, full cycling of the
anti-lock braking system is only assured when the pressure available at
R 13

any brake actuator of a directly controlled wheel is more than 100 kPa
above the maximum cycling pressure throughout a given test. The sup-
ply pressure available may not be increased above 800 kPa.
3. Types of anti-lock systems
3.1. A power-driven vehicle is deemed to be equipped with an anti-lock sys-
tem within the meaning of paragraph 1. of Annex 10 to this Regulation, if
one of the following systems is fitted:
3.1.1. Category 1 anti-lock system
A vehicle equipped with a category 1 anti-lock system shall meet all the
relevant requirements of this annex.
3.1.2. Category 2 anti-lock system
A vehicle equipped with a category 2 anti-lock system shall meet all the re-
levant requirements of this annex, except those of paragraph 5.3.5. below.
3.1.3. Category 3 anti-lock system
A vehicle equipped with a category 3 anti-lock system shall meet all the
relevant requirements of this annex, except those of paragraphs 5.3.4.
and 5.3.5. below. On such vehicles, any individual axle (or axle group)
which does not include at least one directly controlled wheel shall fulfil
the conditions of adhesion utilization and the wheel-locking sequence of
Annex 10 to this Regulation, with regard to the braking rate and the load
respectively. These requirements may be checked on high- and low-ad-
hesion road surfaces (about 0.8 and 0.3 maximum) by modulating the
service braking control force.
3.2. A trailer is deemed to be equipped with an anti lock system within the
meaning of paragraph 1. of Annex 10 to this Regulation when at least
two wheels on opposite sides of the vehicle are directly controlled and
all remaining wheels are either directly or indirectly controlled by the an-
ti-lock system. In the case of full trailers, at least two wheels on one front
axle and two wheels on one rear axle are directly controlled with each of
these axles having at least one independent modulator and all remaining
wheels are either directly or indirectly controlled. In addition, the anti lock
equipped trailer shall meet one of the following conditions:

Annex 13

3.2.1. Category A anti lock system

A trailer equipped with a category A anti lock system shall meet all the

R 13
relevant requirements of this annex.
3.2.2. Category B anti lock system
A trailer equipped with a category B anti lock system shall meet all the
relevant requirements of this annex, except paragraph 6.3.2. below.
4. General requirements
4.1. Failures within the electric control transmission of the anti-lock braking
system60 that affects the system with respect to the functional and per-
formance requirements in this annex shall be signalled to the driver by
a specific optical warning signal. The yellow warning signal specified in
paragraph of this Regulation shall be used for this purpose.
4.1.1. Sensor anomalies, which cannot be detected under static conditions, shall
be detected not later than when the vehicle speed exceeds 10 km/h.61 Ho-
wever, to prevent erroneous fault indication when a sensor is not genera-
ting a speed output, due to non-rotation of a wheel, verification may be de-
layed but detected not later than when the vehicle speed exceeds 15 km/h.
4.1.2. When the anti-lock braking system is energized with the vehicle statio-
nary, electrically controlled pneumatic modulator valve(s) shall cycle at
least once.
4.2. Power driven vehicles equipped with an anti lock system and authorized
to tow a trailer equipped with such a system shall be fitted with a separa-
te optical warning signal for the anti lock system of the trailer, meeting the
requirements of paragraph 4.1. of this annex. The separate yellow war-
ning signals specified in paragraph of this Regulation shall
be used for this purpose, activated via pin 5 of the electrical connector
conforming to ISO 7638:2003.62
4.3. In the event of a failure as defined in paragraph 4.1. above, the following
requirements shall apply:
60 Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturer shall provide the
Technical Service with an analysis of potential failures within the control transmission
and their effects. This information shall be subject to discussion and agreement bet-
ween the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.
61 The warning signal may light up again while the vehicle is stationary, provided that it
is extinguished before the vehicle speed reaches 10 km/h or 15 km/h, as appropria-
te, when no defect is present.
62 The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as appro-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Motor vehicles: The residual braking performance shall be that prescri-

bed for the vehicle in question in the event of a failure of part of the trans-
R 13

mission of the service braking system as defined in paragraph of

this Regulation. This requirement shall not be construed as a departure
from the requirements concerning secondary braking.
Trailers: The residual braking performance shall be that defined in para-
graph of this Regulation.
4.4. The operation of the anti-lock system shall not be adversely affected by
magnetic or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by compliance
with Regulation No. 10 as required by paragraph of the Regulation.
4.5. A manual device may not be provided to disconnect or change the
control mode63 of the anti lock system, except on off-road power-dri-
ven vehicles of categories N2 and N3; where a device is fitted to N2 or
N3 category vehicles, the following conditions shall be met:
4.5.1. The power-driven vehicle with the anti lock system disconnected or the
control mode changed by the device referred to in paragraph 4.5. above
shall satisfy all the relevant requirements in Annex 10 to this Regulation;
4.5.2. An optical warning signal shall inform the driver that the anti-lock sys-
tem has been disconnected or the control mode changed; the yellow
anti-lock failure warning signal specified in paragraph of
this Regulation may be used for this purpose.
The warning signal may be constant or flashing;
4.5.3. The anti lock system shall automatically be reconnected/returned to on-road
mode when the ignition (start) device is again set to the „ON“ (run) position;
4.5.4. The vehicle user‘s handbook provided by the manufacturer should
warn the driver of the consequences of manual disconnection or mode
change of the anti lock system;
4.5.5. The device referred to in paragraph 4.5. above may, in conjunction with the
towing vehicle, disconnect/change the control mode of the anti lock system
of the trailer. A separate device for the trailer alone is not permitted.

63 It is understood that devices changing the control mode of the anti-lock system are
not subject to paragraph 4.5. of this annex if in the changed control mode condition,
all requirements for the category of anti-lock systems, with which the vehicle is equip-
ped, are fulfilled. However, in this case, paragraphs 4.5.2., 4.5.3. and 4.5.4. of this
annex shall be met.

Annex 13

4.6. Vehicles equipped with an integrated endurance braking system shall

also be equipped with an anti-lock braking system acting at least on the
service brakes of the endurance braking system’s controlled axle and on

R 13
the endurance braking system itself, and shall fulfil the relevant require-
ments of this annex.
5. Special provisions concerning power-driven vehicles
5.1. Energy consumption
Power-driven vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems shall maintain
their performance when the service braking control device is fully applied
for long periods. Compliance with this requirement shall be verified by
means of the following tests:
5.1.1. Test procedure The initial energy level in the energy storage device(s) shall be that spe-
cified by the manufacturer. This level shall be at least such as to ensure
the efficiency prescribed for service braking when the vehicle is laden.
The energy storage device(s) for pneumatic auxiliary equipment shall
be isolated. From an initial speed of not less than 50 km/h, on a surface with a coeffi-
cient of adhesion of 0.3 or less,64 the brakes of the laden vehicle shall be
fully applied for a time t, during which time the energy consumed by the
indirectly controlled wheels shall be taken into consideration and all directly
controlled wheels shall remain under control of the anti-lock system. The vehicle‘s engine shall then be stopped or the supply to the energy
transmission storage device(s) cut off. The service braking control device shall then be fully actuated four times
in succession with the vehicle stationary. When the control device is applied for the fifth time, it shall be possible to
brake the vehicle with at least the performance prescribed for secondary
braking of the laden vehicle. During the tests, in the case of a power-driven vehicle authorized to draw
a trailer equipped with a compressed-air braking system, the supply line
shall be stopped and an energy storage device of 0.5 litre capacity shall
64 Until such test surfaces become generally available, tyres at the limit of wear, and
higher values up to 0.4 may be used at the discretion of the Technical Service. The
actual value obtained and the type of tyres and surface shall be recorded.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

be connected to the pneumatic control line - if fitted - (in accordance with

paragraph of Part A of Annex 7 to this Regulation). When the
R 13

brakes are applied for the fifth time, as provided in paragraph
above, the energy level supplied to the pneumatic control line shall not
be below half the level obtained at a full application starting with the initial
energy level.
5.1.2. Additional requirements The coefficient of adhesion of the road surface shall be measured with
the vehicle under test, by the method described in paragraph 1.1. of
Appendix 2 to this annex. The braking test shall be conducted with the engine disconnected and
idling, and with the vehicle laden. The braking time t shall be determined by the formula:
t = Vmax/7
(but not less than 15 seconds)
Where t is expressed in seconds and vmax represents the maximum design
speed of the vehicle expressed in km/h, with an upper limit of 160 km/h. If the time t cannot be completed in a single braking phase, further pha-
ses may be used, up to a maximum of four in all. If the test is conducted in several phases, no fresh energy shall be sup-
plied between the phases of the test.
From the second phase, the energy consumption corresponding to the
initial brake application may be taken into account, by subtracting one full
brake application from the four full applications prescribed in paragraph (and paragraphs, and of this annex for
each of the second, third and fourth phases used in the test prescribed
in paragraph 5.1.1. of this annex as applicable. The performance prescribed in paragraph of this annex shall be
deemed to be satisfied if, at the end of the fourth application, with the
vehicle stationary, the energy level in the storage device(s) is at or above
that required for secondary braking with the laden vehicle.
5.2. Utilization of adhesion

Annex 13

5.2.1. The utilization of adhesion by the anti-lock system takes into account the
actual increase in braking distance beyond the theoretical minimum. The

R 13
anti-lock system shall be deemed to be satisfactory when the condition ε
≥ 0.75 is satisfied, where ε represents the adhesion utilized, as defined
in paragraph 1.2. of Appendix 2 to this annex.
5.2.2. The adhesion utilization ε shall be measured on road surfaces with a
coefficient of adhesion of 0.3 or less,6 and of about 0.8 (dry road), with
an initial speed of 50 km/h. To eliminate the effects of differential brake
temperatures it is recommended that zAL be determined prior to the de-
termination of k.
5.2.3. The test procedure to determine the coefficient of adhesion (k) and the
formulae for calculation of the adhesion utilization (ε) shall be those laid
down in Appendix 2 to this annex.
5.2.4. The utilization of adhesion by the anti-lock system shall be checked on com-
plete vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems of categories 1 or 2. In the
case of vehicles equipped with category 3 anti-lock systems, only the axle(s)
with at least one directly controlled wheel shall satisfy this requirement.
5.2.5. The condition ε ≥ 0.75 shall be checked with the vehicle both laden and
The laden test on the high adhesion surface may be omitted if the pre-
scribed force on the control device does not achieve full cycling of the
anti lock system.
For the unladen test, the control force may be increased up to 100 daN if
no cycling is achieved with its full force value.66 If 100 daN is insufficient
to make the system cycle, then this test may be omitted. For air braking
systems the air pressure may not be increased above the cut out pres-
sure for the purpose of this test.
5.3. Additional checks
The following additional checks shall be carried out, engine disconnec-
ted, with the vehicle laden and unladen:
65 Until a uniform test procedure is established, the tests required by this paragraph
may have to be repeated for vehicles equipped with electrical regenerative braking
systems, in order to determine the effect of different braking distribution values provi-
ded by automatic functions on the vehicle
66 „Full force“ means the maximum force laid down in Annex 4 to this Regulation for the
category of vehicle; a higher force may be used if required to activate the anti-lock

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

5.3.1. The wheels directly controlled by an anti lock system shall not lock when
the full force66 is suddenly applied on the control device, on the road sur-
R 13

faces specified in paragraph 5.2.2. of this annex, at an initial speed of 40

km/h and at a high initial speed as indicated on the table below:67,68

Vehicle category Maximum test speed

High-adhesion All categories except 0.8 vmax ≤ 120 km/h
surface N2, N3 laden
N2, N3 laden 0.8 vmax ≤ 80 km/h
Low-adhesion N1 0.8 vmax ≤ 120 km/h
M2, M3, N2 except 0.8 vmax ≤ 80 km/h
tractors for semi-trailers
N3 and N2 tractors 0.8 vmax ≤ 70 km/h
for semi-trailers

5.3.2. When an axle passes from a high-adhesion surface (kH) to a low-ad-

hesion surface (kL) where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH/kL≥ 269 with the full force66
applied on the control device, the directly controlled wheels shall
not lock. The running speed and the instant of applying the brakes
shall be so calculated that, with the anti-lock system fully cycling
on the high-adhesion surface, the passage from one surface to the
other is made at high and at low speed, under the conditions laid
down in paragraph 5.3.1. of this Annex.68
5.3.3. When a vehicle passes from a low-adhesion surface (kL) to a
high-adhesion surface (kH) where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH/kL ≥ 2,69 with the
full force66 applied on the control device, the deceleration of the ve-
hicle shall rise to the appropriate high value within a reasonable
time and the vehicle shall not deviate from its initial course. The
running speed and the instant of applying the brakes shall be so

67 The provisions of this paragraph apply as of 13 March 1992 (Decision of the Working
Party on the Construction of Vehicles, TRANS/SC.1/WP.29/341, para. 23)
68 The purpose of these tests is to check that the wheels do not lock and that the ve-
hicle remains stable; it is not necessary, therefore, to make complete stops and bring
the vehicle to a halt on the low-adhesion surface.
69 kH is the high-adhesion surface coefficient.
kL is the low-adhesion surface coefficient.
kH and kL are measured as defined down in Appendix 2 to this annex.

Annex 13

calculated that, with the anti-lock system fully cycling on the low-ad-
hesion surface, the passage from one surface to the other occurs at

R 13
approximately 50 km/h.
5.3.4. In the case of vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems of categories 1 or
2, when the right and left wheels of the vehicle are situated on surfaces
with differing coefficients of adhesion (kH and kL), where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH/
kL ≥ 2,69 the directly controlled wheels shall not lock when the full force66
is suddenly applied on the control device at a speed of 50 km/h.
5.3.5. Furthermore, laden vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems of category
1 shall, under the conditions of paragraph 5.3.4. of this annex satisfy the
prescribed braking rate in Appendix 3 to this annex.
5.3.6. However, in the tests provided in paragraphs 5.3.1., 5.3.2., 5.3.3., 5.3.4.
and 5.3.5. of this annex, brief periods of wheel-locking shall be allowed.
Furthermore, wheel-locking is permitted when the vehicle speed is less
than 15 km/h; likewise, locking of indirectly controlled wheels is permitted
at any speed, but stability and steerability shall not be affected.
5.3.7. During the tests provided in paragraphs 5.3.4. and 5.3.5. of this annex,
steering correction is permitted, if the angular rotation of the steering
control is within 120° during the initial two seconds, and not more than
240° in all. Furthermore, at the beginning of these tests the longitudinal
median plane of the vehicle shall pass over the boundary between the
high- and low-adhesion surfaces and during these tests no part of the
(outer) tyres shall cross this boundary.
6. Special provisions concerning trailers
6.1. Energy consumption
Trailers equipped with anti-lock systems shall be so designed that, even
after the service braking control device has been fully applied for some
time, the vehicle retains sufficient energy to bring it to a halt within a
reasonable distance.
6.1.1. Compliance with the above requirement shall be checked by the proce-
dure specified below, with the vehicle unladen, on a straight and level
road with a surface having a good coefficient of adhesion70 and with the
70 If the coefficient of adhesion of the test track is too high, preventing the anti-lock
braking system from full cycling, then the test may be carried out on a surface with a
lower coefficient of adhesion.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

brakes adjusted as closely as possible and with the proportioning/lo-

ad-sensing valve (if fitted) held in the „laden“ position throughout the test.
R 13

6.1.2. In the case of compressed-air braking systems, the initial energy level in
the energy transmission storage device(s) shall be equivalent to a pres-
sure of 800 kPa at the coupling head of the trailer‘s supply line.
6.1.3. With an initial vehicle speed of at least 30 km/h the brakes shall be fully
applied for a time t = 15 s, during which all wheels shall remain under
control of the anti lock system. During this test, the supply to the energy
transmission storage device(s) shall be cut off.
If the time t = 15 s cannot be completed in a single braking phase, further
phases may be used. During these phases no fresh energy shall be
supplied to the energy transmission storage device(s) and, as from the
second phase, the additional energy consumption for filling the actuators
is to be taken into account, e.g. by the following test procedure.
The pressure in the reservoir(s) when starting the first phase is to be that
stated in paragraph 6.1.2. of this annex. At the beginning of the following
phase(s) the pressure in the reservoir(s) after application of the brakes
shall be not less than the pressure in the reservoir(s) at the end of the
preceding phase.
At the subsequent phase(s), the only time to be taken into account is
from the point at which the pressure in the reservoir(s) is equal to that at
the end of the preceding phase.
6.1.4. At the end of the braking, with the vehicle stationary, the service braking
control device shall be fully actuated four times. During the fifth applica-
tion, the pressure in the operating circuit shall be sufficient to provide a
total braking force at the periphery of the wheels equal to not less than
22.5 per cent of the maximum stationary wheel load and without causing
an automatic application of any braking system not being under the con-
trol of the anti-lock system.
6.2. Utilization of adhesion
6.2.1. Braking systems equipped with an anti-lock system shall be deemed ac-
ceptable when the condition ε ≥ 0.75 is satisfied, where ε represents the
adhesion utilized, as defined in paragraph 2 of Appendix 2 to this annex.
This condition shall be verified with the vehicle unladen, on a straight and

Annex 13

level road with a surface having a good coefficient of adhesion.70,71

6.2.2. To eliminate the effects of differential brake temperatures, it is recom-

R 13
mended to determine zRAL prior to the determination of kR.
6.3. Additional checks
6.3.1. At speeds exceeding 15 km/h, the wheels directly controlled by an an-
ti-lock system shall not lock when the full force66 is suddenly applied on
the control device of the towing vehicle. This shall be checked, under the
conditions prescribed in paragraph 6.2. of this annex, at initial speeds of
40 km/h and 80 km/h.
6.3.2. The provisions of this paragraph shall only apply to trailers equipped
with an anti lock system of category A. When the right and left wheels
are situated on surfaces which produce differing maximum braking rates
(zRALH and zRALL), where:


The directly controlled wheels shall not lock when the full force8 is sud-
denly applied on the control device of the towing vehicle at a speed of
50 km/h. The ratio zRALH/zRALL may be ascertained by the procedure in
paragraph 2 of Appendix 2 of this annex or by calculating the ratio zRALH/
zRALL. Under this condition the unladen vehicle shall satisfy the prescri-
bed braking rate in Appendix 3 to this annex.13
6.3.3. At vehicle speeds ≥ 15 km/h the directly controlled wheels are permitted
to lock for brief periods, but at speeds < 15 km/h any locking is permissi-
ble. Indirectly controlled wheels are permitted to lock at any speed but in
all cases stability shall not be affected.

71 In the case of trailers equipped with a brake load sensing device, the pressure setting
of the device may be increased to ensure full cycling.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 13 - Appendix 1
Symbols and definitions
R 13

Symbols Definitions
E Wheelbase
ER Distance between king-pin and centre of axle or axles of
semi-trailer (or distance between drawbar coupling and
centre of axle or axles of centre-axle trailer)
ε The adhesion utilized of the vehicle: quotient of the maxi-
mum braking rate with the anti-lock system operative (zAL)
and the coefficient of adhesion (k)
εi The ε-value measured on axle i (in the case of a pow-
er-driven vehicle with a category 3 anti-lock system)
εH The ε-value on the high-adhesion surface
εL The ε-value on the low-adhesion surface
F Force [N]
FbR Braking force of the trailer with the anti-lock system inope-
FbRmax Maximum value of FbR
FbRmaxi value of FbRmax with only axle i of the trailer braked
FbRAL Braking force of the trailer with the anti-lock system operative
FCnd Total normal reaction of road surface on the unbraked and
non-driven axles of the vehicle combination under static
FCd Total normal reaction of road surface on the unbraked and dri-
ven axles of the vehicle combination under static conditions
Fdyn Normal reaction of road surface under dynamic conditions
with the anti-lock system operative
Fidyn Fdyn on axle i in case of power-driven vehicles or full trailers
Fi Normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static conditions
FM Total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels of
power-driven (towing) vehicle
FMnd72 Total normal static reaction of road surface on the unbra-
ked and non-driven axles of the power-driven vehicle

Annex 13

Symbols Definitions
FMd72 Total normal static reaction of road surface on the unbra-

R 13
ked and driven axles of the power-driven vehicle
FR Total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of trailer
FRdyn Total normal dynamic reaction of road surface on the ax-
le(s) of semi-trailer or centre-axle trailer
FWM72 0.01 FMnd + 0.015 FMd
g Acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²)
h Height of centre of gravity specified by the manufacturer
and agreed by the Technical Service conducting the ap-
proval test
hD Height of drawbar (hinge point on trailer)
hK Height of fifth wheel coupling (king pin)
hR Height of centre of gravity of the trailer
k Coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road
kf k-factor of one front axle
kH k-value determined on the high-adhesion surface
kI k-value determined on axle i for a vehicle with a category
3 anti-lock system
kL k-value determined on the low-adhesion surface
klock Value of adhesion for 100 % slip
kM k-factor of the power-driven vehicle
kpeak Maximum value of the curve „adhesion versus slip“
kr k-factor of one rear axle
kR k-factor of the trailer
P Mass of individual vehicle [kg]
R Ratio of kpeak to klock
t Time interval [s]
tm Mean value of t
tmin Minimum value of t
z Braking rate

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Symbols Definitions
zAL Braking rate z of the vehicle with the anti-lock system operative
R 13

zC Braking rate z of the vehicle with the anti-lock system operative

zCAL Braking rate z of the vehicle combination, with the trailer
only braked and the anti-lock system operative
zCmax Maximum value of zC
zCmaxi Maximum value of zC with only axle i of the trailer braked
zm mean braking rate
zmax Maximum value of z
zMALS zAL of the power-driven vehicle on a „split surface“
zR Braking rate z of the trailer with the anti-lock system inoperative
zRAL zAL of the trailer obtained by braking all the axles, the to-
wing vehicle unbraked and its engine disengaged
zRALH zRAL on the surface with the high coefficient of adhesion
zRALL zRAL on the surface with the low coefficient of adhesion
zRALS zRAL on the split-surface
zRH zR on the surface with the high coefficient of adhesion
zRL zR on the surface with the low coefficient of adhesion
zRHmax Maximum value of zRH
zRLmax Maximum value of zRL
zRmax Maximum value of zR

72 FMnd and FMd in case of two-axled power-driven vehicles: these symbols may be
simplified to corresponding Fi-symbols.

Annex 13

Annex 13 - Appendix 2
Utilization of adhesion

R 13
1. Method of measurement for power-driven vehicles
1.1. Determination of the coefficient of adhesion (k)
1.1.1. The coefficient of adhesion (k) shall be determined as the quotient of the
maximum braking forces without locking the wheels and the correspon-
ding dynamic load on the axle being braked.
1.1.2. The brakes shall be applied on only one axle of the vehicle under test,
at an initial speed of 50 km/h. The braking forces shall be distributed
between the wheels of the axle to reach maximum performance. The
anti-lock system shall be disconnected, or inoperative, between 40 km/h
and 20 km/h.
1.1.3. A number of tests at increments of line pressure shall be carried out to
determine the maximum braking rate of the vehicle (zmax). During each
test, a constant input force shall be maintained and the braking rate will
be determined by reference to the time taken (t) for the speed to reduce
from 40 km/h to 20 km/h using the formula:
z = 0.566/t
zmax is the maximum value of z; t is in seconds. Wheel lock may occur below 20 km/h. Starting from the minimum measured value of t, called tmin, then select
three values of t comprised within tmin and 1.05 tmin and calculate their
arithmetical mean value tm, then calculate:
zm = 0.566/tm
If it is demonstrated that for practical reasons the three values defined
above cannot be obtained, then the minimum time tmin may be utilized.
However, the requirements of paragraph 1.3. below shall still apply.
1.1.4. The braking forces shall be calculated from the measured braking rate
and the rolling resistance of the unbraked axle(s) which is equal to 0.015
and 0.010 of the static axle load for a driven axle and a non-driven axle,
1.1.5. The dynamic load on the axle shall be that given by the formulae in
Annex 10 to this Regulation.
1.1.6. The value of k shall be rounded to three decimal places.
1.1.7. Then, the test will be repeated for the other axle(s) as defined in paragraphs
1.1.1. to 1.1.6. above (for exemptions see paragraphs 1.4. and 1.5. below).

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

1.1.8. For example, in the case of a two axle rear wheel drive vehicle, with the
front axle (1) being braked, the coefficient of adhesion (k) is given by:
R 13

zm • P • g - 0,015F2
kf = h
F1 + • zm • P • g

1.1.9. One coefficient will be determined for the front axle kf and one for the
rear axle kr.
1.2. Determination of the adhesion utilized (ε)
1.2.1. The adhesion utilized (ε) is defined as the quotient of the maximum bra-
king rate with the anti-lock system operative (zAL) and the coefficient of
adhesion (kM) i.e.:


1.2.2. From an initial vehicle speed of 55 km/h, the maximum braking rate (zAL)
shall be measured with full cycling of the anti-lock braking system and
based on the average value of 3 tests, as in paragraph 1.1.3. of this
appendix, using the time taken for the speed to reduce from 45 km/h to
15 km/h, according to the following formula:

zAL = tm

1.2.3. The coefficient of adhesion kM shall be determined by weighting with the

dynamic axle loads.

kf‡)fdyn + kr‡)rdyn
kM = 3‡J


Ffdyn = Ff‡]
E AL‡3‡J

Frdyn = Fr‡]

1.2.4. The value of ε shall be rounded to two decimal places.

Annex 13

1.2.5. In the case of a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock system of category 1

or 2, the value of zAL will be based on the whole vehicle, with the anti-lock
system operative, and the adhesion utilized (ε) is given by the same

R 13
formula quoted in paragraph 1.2.1. of this appendix.
1.2.6. In the case of a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock system of category
3, the value of zAL will be measured on each axle which has at least one
directly controlled wheel. For example, for a two-axle rear-wheel drive
vehicle with an anti-lock system acting only on the rear axle (2), the ad-
hesion utilized (ε) is given by:

İ2 = h
k2 )2‡]AL‡3‡J

This calculation shall be made for each axle having at least one directly
controlled wheel.
1.3. If ε > 1.00 the measurements of coefficients of adhesion shall be repea-
ted. A tolerance of 10 per cent is accepted.
1.4. For power-driven vehicles equipped with three axles, any axles that are
interconnected by either suspension components and thereby react to
weight transfer under braking or driveline may be disregarded in esta-
blishing a k value for the vehicle.73
1.5. For vehicles of categories N2 and N3 with a wheelbase less than
3.80 m and with h/E ≥ 0.25 the determination of the coefficient of
adhesion for the rear axle will be omitted.
1.5.1. In that case the adhesion utilized (ε) is defined as the quotient of the
maximum braking rate with the anti lock system operative (zAL) and the
coefficient of adhesion (kf) i.e.

İ kf

2. Method of measurement for trailers

2.1. General
2.1.1. The coefficient of adhesion (k) shall be determined as the quotient of the
maximum braking forces without locking the wheels and the correspon-
ding dynamic load on the axle being braked.
73 Until a uniform test procedure is agreed, vehicles with more than three axles and
special vehicles will be subject to consultation with the Technical Service

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.1.2. The brakes shall be applied on only one axle of the trailer under test,
at an initial speed of 50 km/h. The braking forces shall be distributed
R 13

between the wheels of the axle to reach maximum performance. The

anti lock system shall be disconnected or inoperative, between 40 km/h
and 20 km/h.
2.1.3. A number of tests at increments of line pressure shall be carried out to
determine the maximum braking rate of the vehicle combination (zCmax)
with the trailer only braked. During each test, a constant input force shall
be maintained and the braking rate will be determined by reference to
the time taken (t) for the speed to reduce from 40 km/h to 20 km/h using
the formula:

zc = t Wheel lock may occur below 20 km/h. Starting from the minimum measured value of t, called tmin, then select
three values of t comprised within tmin and 1.05 tmin and calculate their
arithmetical mean value tm, then calculate:
If it is demonstrated that for practical reasons the three values defined
above cannot be obtained, then the minimum time tmin may be utilized.

zcmax = tm

2.1.4. The adhesion utilized (ε) shall be calculated by means of the formula:

İ kR

The k value has to be determined according to paragraph 2.2.3. of this

appendix for full trailers or paragraph 2.3.1. of this appendix for semi
trailers respectively.
2.1.5. If ε > 1.00 the measurements of coefficients of adhesion shall be repea-
ted. A tolerance of 10 per cent is accepted.
2.1.6. The maximum braking rate (zRAL) shall be measured with full cycling of
the anti lock braking system and the towing vehicle unbraked, based on
the average value of three tests, as in paragraph 2.1.3. of this appendix.

Annex 13

2.2. Full trailers

2.2.1. The measurement of k (with the anti lock system being disconnected,

R 13
or inoperative, between 40 km/h and 20 km/h) will be performed for the
front and the rear axles.
For one front axle i:
Fbr maxi = zcmaxi (FM + FR) - 0.0.1Fcnd - 0.015FCd

zCmaxi (FM • hD + g • P • hR) - FWM • hD

Fidyn = Fi + E

Kf = FbRmaxi

For one rear axle i:

Fbr maxi = zcmaxi (FM + FR) - 0.0.1Fcnd - 0.015FCd

zCmaxi (FM • hD + g • P • hR) - FWM • hD

Fidyn = Fi - E

Kr = FbRmaxi

2.2.2. The values of kf and kr will be rounded to three decimal places.

2.2.3. The coefficient of adhesion kR shall be determined proportionally accor-
ding to the dynamic axle loads.

kf • Ffdyn + kr • Frdyn
kR = P•g

2.2.4. Measurement of zRAL (with the anti-lock system operative)

zCAL • (FM + FR) - 0.01 FCnd - 0.015 FCd


zRAL is to be determined on a surface with a high coefficient of adhesion

and, for vehicles with a category A anti-lock system, also on a surface
with a low coefficient of adhesion.
2.3. Semi-trailers and centre-axle trailers

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.3.1. The measurement of k (with the anti-lock system being disconnected

or inoperative, between 40 km/h and 20 km/h) shall be carried out with
R 13

wheels fitted only on one axle, the wheels of the other axle(s) are re-
F bRmax = Zcmax (FM + FR) - FWM

FbRmax • hK + zCmax • g • P • (hR - hK)

FRdyn = FR - ER

k = FbRmax

2.3.2. The measurement of zRAL (with the anti-lock system operative) shall be
carried out with all wheels fitted.
F bRAL = ZCAL • (FM + FR) - FWM

FbRAL • hK + zCAL • g • P • (hR - hK)

FRdyn = FR - ER


zRAL is to be determined on a surface with a high coefficient of adhesion

and, for vehicles with a category A anti-lock system, also on a surface
with a low coefficient of adhesion.

Annex 13

Annex 13 - Appendix 3
Performance on differing adhesion surfaces

R 13
1. Power-driven vehicles
1.1. The prescribed braking rate referred to in paragraph 5.3.5. of this annex
may be calculated by reference to the measured coefficient of adhesion
of the two surfaces on which this test is carried out. These two surfaces
shall satisfy the conditions prescribed in paragraph 5.3.4. of this annex.
1.2. The coefficient of adhesion (kH and kL) of the high- and low- adhesion
surfaces, respectively, shall be determined in accordance with the provi-
sions in paragraph 1.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex.
1.3. The braking rate (zMALS) for laden power-driven vehicles shall be:


2. Trailers
2.1. The braking rate referred to in paragraph 6.3.2. of this annex may be cal-
culated by reference to the measured braking rates zRALH and zRALL on the
two surfaces on which the tests are carried out with the anti lock system
operative. These two surfaces shall satisfy the conditions prescribed in
paragraph 6.3.2. of this annex.
2.2. The braking rate zRALS shall be:

0.75 4zRALL + zRALH

İ 5



If εH > 0.95, use εH = 0.95

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 13 Appendix 4
Method of selection of the low-adhesion surfaces
R 13

1. Details of the coefficient of adhesion of the surface selected, as defi-

ned in paragraph of this annex, shall be given to the Technical
1.1. These data shall include a curve of the coefficient of adhesion versus
slip (from 0 to 100 per cent slip) for a speed of approximately 40 km/h.74
1.1.1. The maximum value of the curve will represent kpeak and the value at
100 per cent slip will represent klock.
1.1.2. The ratio R shall be determined as the quotient of the kpeak and klock.

R = kpeak

1.1.3. The value of R shall be rounded to one decimal place.

1.1.4. The surface to be used shall have a ratio R between 1.0 and 2.0.75
2. Prior to the tests, the Technical Service shall ensure that the selected
surface meets the specified requirements and shall be informed of the
(a) Test method to determine R;
(b) Type of vehicle (power-driven vehicle, trailer, ...);
(c) Axle load and tyres (different loads and different tyres have
to be tested and the results shown to the Technical Service
which will decide if they are representative for the vehicle to
be approved).
2.1. The value of R shall be mentioned in the test report.
The calibration of the surface has to be carried out at least once a year
with a representative vehicle to verify the stability of R.
74 Until a uniform test procedure is established for the determination of the adhesion
curve for vehicles with a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, the curve establis-
hed for passenger cars may be used. In this case, for such vehicles, the ratio kpeak to
klock shall be established using a value of kpeak as defined in Appendix 2 to this annex.
With the consent of the Technical Service, the coefficient of adhesion described in
this paragraph may be determined by another method
75 Until such test surfaces become generally available, a ratio R up to 2.5 is acceptable,
subject to discussion with the Technical Service.

Annex 14

Annex 14
Test conditions for trailers with electrical braking systems

R 13
1. General
1.1. For the purposes of the following provisions electrical braking systems
are service braking systems consisting of a control device, an electrome-
chanical transmission device, and friction brakes. The electrical control
device regulating the voltage for the trailer shall be situated on the trailer.
1.2. The electrical energy required for the electrical braking system is sup-
plied to the trailer by the towing vehicle.
1.3. Electrical braking systems shall be actuated by operating the service
braking system of the towing vehicle.
1.4. The nominal voltage rating shall be 12 V.
1.5. The maximum current consumption shall not exceed 15 A.
1.6. The electrical connection of the electrical braking system to the towing
vehicle shall be effected by means of a special plug and socket connec-
tion corresponding to ...,76 which shall not be compatible with the sockets
of the lighting equipment of the vehicle. The plug together with the cable
shall be situated on the trailer.
2. Conditions concerning the trailer
2.1. If there is a battery on the trailer fed by the power supply unit of the
towing vehicle, it shall be separated from its supply line during service
braking of the trailer.
2.2. With trailers whose unladen mass is less than 75 per cent of their ma-
ximum mass, the braking force shall be automatically regulated as a
function of the loading condition of the trailer.
2.3. Electrical braking systems shall be such that even when the voltage in
the connection lines is reduced to a value of 7 V, a braking effect of 20
per cent of the (sum of the) maximum stationary axle load(s) is main-

76 Under study. Until the characteristics of this special connection have been determi-
ned, the type to be used will be indicated by the National Type Approval Authority
granting the approval.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.4. Control devices for regulating the braking force, which react to the in-
clination in the direction of travel (pendulum, spring-mass-system, li-
quid-inertia-switch) shall, if the trailer has more than one axle and a verti-
R 13

cally adjustable towing device, be attached to the chassis. In the case of

single-axle trailers and trailers with close-coupled axles where the axle
spread is less than 1 metre, these control devices shall be equipped with
a mechanism indicating its horizontal position (e.g., spirit level) and shall
be manually adjustable to allow the mechanism to be set in the horizon-
tal plane in line with the direction of travel of the vehicle.
2.5. The relay for actuating the braking current in accordance with paragraph of this Regulation, which is connected to the actuating line,
shall be situated on the trailer.
2.6. A dummy socket shall be provided for the plug.
2.7. A tell-tale shall be provided at the control device, lighting up at any brake
application and indicating the proper functioning of the trailer electrical
braking system.
3. Performance
3.1. Electrical braking systems shall respond at a deceleration of the tractor/
trailer combination of not more than 0.4 m/s².
3.2. The braking effect may commence with an initial braking force, which
shall not be higher than 10 per cent of the (sum of the) maximum statio-
nary axle load(s) nor higher than 13 per cent of the (sum of the) stationa-
ry axle load(s) of the unladen trailer.
3.3. The braking forces may also be increased in steps. At higher levels of
the braking forces than those referred to in paragraph 3.2. of this annex
these steps shall not be higher than 6 per cent of the (sum of the) maxi-
mum stationary axle load(s) nor higher than 8 per cent of the (sum of the)
stationary axle load(s) of the unladen trailer.
However, in the case of single-axle trailers having a maximum mass not
exceeding 1.5 tonnes, the first step shall not exceed 7 per cent of the
(sum of the) maximum stationary axle load(s) of the trailer. An increase
of 1 per cent of this value is permitted for the subsequent steps (exam-
ple: first step 7 per cent, second step 8 per cent, third step 9 per cent,
etc; any further step should not exceed 10 per cent). For the purpose of
these provisions a two-axle trailer having a wheelbase shorter than 1 m
will be considered as a single axle trailer.

Annex 14

3.4. The prescribed braking force of the trailer of at least 50 per cent of the
maximum total axle load shall be attained - with maximum mass - in the

R 13
case of a mean fully developed deceleration of the tractor/trailer combi-
nation of not more than 5.9 m/s² with single-axle trailers and of not more
than 5.6 m/s² with multi-axle trailers. Trailers with close-coupled axles
where the axle spread is less than 1 m are also considered as single-ax-
le trailers within the meaning of this provision. Moreover, the limits as
defined in the appendix to this annex shall be observed. If the braking
force is regulated in steps, they shall lie within the range shown in the
appendix to this annex.
3.5. The test shall be carried out with an initial speed of 60 km/h.
3.6. Automatic braking of the trailer shall be provided in accordance with the
conditions of paragraph of this Regulation. If this automatic bra-
king action requires electrical energy, a trailer braking force of at least 25
per cent of the maximum total axle load shall be achieved for at least 15
minutes to satisfy the above-mentioned conditions.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 14 - Appendix
Compatibility of the braking rate of the trailer and the mean
R 13

fully developed deceleration of the tractor/trailer combination

(trailer laden and unladen)
TR 0.8


single - axle 0.65
multi - axle trailers



single - axle

multi - axle trailers


0.4 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.6 6.0 7.0 MFDD dm

1. Limits indicated in the diagram refer to laden and unladen trailers. When
the trailer unladen mass exceeds 75 per cent of its maximum mass,
limits shall be applied only to „laden“ conditions.
2. Limits indicated in the diagram do not affect the provisions of this annex
regarding the minimum braking performances required. However, if braking
performances obtained during test - in accordance with provisions indica-
ted in paragraph 3.4. of this annex - are greater than those required, said
performances shall not exceed the limits indicated in the above diagram.
TR = sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of trailer.
PR = total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels of trailer.
dm = mean fully developed deceleration of tractor/trailer combination.

Annex 15

Annex 15
Inertia dynamometer test method for brake linings

R 13
1. General
1.1. The procedure described in this annex may be applied in the event of
a modification of vehicle type resulting from the fitting of brake linings of
another type to vehicles which have been approved in accordance with
this Regulation.
1.2. The alternative types of brake linings shall be checked by comparing
their performance with that obtained from the brake linings with which
the vehicle was equipped at the time of approval and conforming to the
components identified in the relevant information document, a model of
which is given in Annex 2 to this Regulation.
1.3. The Technical Service responsible for conducting approval tests may at
its discretion require comparison of the performance of the brake linings
to be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in
Annex 4 to this Regulation.
1.4. Application for approval by comparison shall be made by the vehicle
manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.
1.5. In the context of this annex, „vehicle“ shall mean the vehicle-type appro-
ved according to this Regulation and for which it is requested that the
comparison shall be considered satisfactory.
2. Test equipment
2.1. A dynamometer having the following characteristics shall be used for
the tests:
2.1.1. It shall be capable of generating the inertia required by paragraph 3.1. of
this annex, and have the capacity to meet the requirements prescribed
by paragraphs 1.5., 1.6. and 1.7. of Annex 4 to this Regulation with re-
spect to Type I, Type-II and Type-III tests.
2.1.2. The brakes fitted shall be identical with those of the original vehicle-type
2.1.3. Air cooling, if provided, shall be in accordance with paragraph 3.4.
of this annex.
2.1.4. The instrumentation for the test shall be capable of providing at least
the following data:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 A continuous recording of disc or drum rotational speed; Number of revolutions completed during a stop, to a resolution not grea-
R 13

ter than one eighth of a revolution; Stop time; A continuous recording of the temperature measured in the centre of the
path swept by the lining or at mid-thickness of the disc or drum or lining; A continuous recording of brake application control line pressure or force; A continuous recording of brake output torque.
3. Test conditions
3.1. The dynamometer shall be set as close as possible, with 5 per cent tole-
rance, to the rotary inertia equivalent to that part of the total inertia of the ve-
hicle braked by the appropriate wheel(s) according to the following formula:
I = MR²
I = rotational inertia [kg*m²],
R = dynamic tyre rolling radius [m],
M = that part of the maximum mass of the vehicle braked by
the appropriate wheel(s). In the case of a single-ended
dynamometer, this part shall be calculated from the de-
sign braking distribution in the case of vehicles of cate-
gories M2, M3 and N when deceleration corresponds to
the appropriate value given in paragraph 2.1. of Annex
4 to this Regulation; in the case of vehicles of category
O (trailers), the value of M will correspond to the load on
the ground for the appropriate wheel when the vehicle is
stationary and loaded to its maximum mass.
3.2. The initial rotational speed of the inertia dynamometer shall correspond
to the linear speed of the vehicle as prescribed in Annex 4 to this Regula-
tion and shall be based on the dynamic rolling radius of the tyre.
3.3. Brake linings shall be at least 80 per cent bedded and shall not have
exceeded a temperature of 180 °C during the bedding procedure, or
alternatively, at the vehicle manufacturer‘s request, be bedded in accor-
dance with his recommendations.
3.4. Cooling air may be used, flowing over the brake in a direction perpendicular

Annex 15

to its axis of rotation. The velocity of the cooling air over the brake shall be:

vair = 0.33 v

R 13
v = vehicle test speed at initiation of braking
4. Test procedure
4.1. Five sample sets of the brake lining shall be subjected to the comparison
test; they shall be compared with five sets of linings conforming to the
original components identified in the information document concerning
the first approval of the vehicle type concerned.
4.2. Brake lining equivalence shall be based on a comparison of the results
achieved using the test procedures prescribed in this annex and in ac-
cordance with the following requirements.
4.3. Type-0 cold performance test
4.3.1. Three brake applications shall be made when the initial temperature is
below 100 °C. The temperature shall be measured in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph of this annex.
4.3.2. In the case of brake linings intended for use on vehicles of categories
M2, M3 and N, brake applications shall be made from an initial rotational
speed equivalent to that given in paragraph 2.1. of Annex 4 to this Re-
gulation, and the brake shall be applied to achieve a mean torque equi-
valent to the deceleration prescribed in that paragraph. In addition, tests
shall also be carried out at several rotational speeds, the lowest being
equivalent to 30 per cent of the maximum speed of the vehicle and the
highest being equivalent to 80 per cent of that speed.
4.3.3. In the case of brake linings intended for use on vehicles of category O,
brake applications shall be made from an initial rotational speed equivalent
to 60 km/h, and the brake shall be applied to achieve a mean torque equiva-
lent to that prescribed in paragraph 3.1. of Annex 4 to this Regulation. A sup-
plementary cold performance test from an initial rotational speed equivalent
to 40 km/h shall be carried out for comparison with the Type-I test results as
described in paragraph of Annex 4 to this Regulation.
4.3.4. The mean braking torque recorded during the above cold performance
tests on the linings being tested for the purpose of comparison shall, for

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

the same input measurement, be within the test limits ±15 per cent of the
mean braking torque recorded with the brake linings conforming to the
R 13

component identified in the relevant application for vehicle type approval.

4.4. Type-I test (fade test)
4.4.1. With repeated braking Brake linings for vehicles of categories M2, M3 and N shall be tested
according to the procedure given in paragraph 1.5.1. of Annex 4 to this
4.4.2. With continuous braking Brake linings for trailers (category O) shall be tested in accordance with
paragraph 1.5.2. of Annex 4 to this Regulation.
4.4.3. Hot performance On completion of the tests required under paragraphs 4.4.1. and 4.4.2.
of this annex, the hot braking performance test specified in paragraph
1.5.3. of Annex 4 to this Regulation shall be carried out. The mean braking torque recorded during the above hot performance
tests on the linings being tested for the purpose of comparison shall,
for the same input measurement, be within the test limits ± 15 per cent
of the mean braking torque recorded with the brake linings conforming
to the component identified in the relevant application for vehicle type
4.5. Type-II test (downhill behaviour test):
4.5.1. This test is required only if, on the vehicle-type in question, the friction
brakes are used for the Type-II test.
4.5.2. Brake linings for power-driven vehicles of category M3 (except for tho-
se vehicles required to undergo a Type-IIA test according to paragraph
1.6.4. of Annex 4 to this Regulation) and category N3, and trailers of ca-
tegory O4 shall be tested according to the procedure set out in paragraph
1.6.1. of Annex 4 to this Regulation.
4.5.3. Hot performance On completion of the test required under paragraph 4.5.1. of this annex,
the hot performance test specified in paragraph 1.6.3. of Annex 4 to this
Regulation shall be carried out.

Annex 15 The mean braking torque recorded during the above hot performance
tests on the linings being tested for the purpose of comparison shall,

R 13
for the same input measurement, be within the test limits ± 15 per cent
of the mean braking torque recorded with the brake linings conforming
to the component identified in the relevant application for vehicle type
4.6. Type-III test (fade test)
4.6.1. Test with repeated braking Brake linings for trailers of category O4, shall be tested according to the
procedure given in paragraphs 1.7.1. and 1.7.2. of Annex 4 to this Re-
4.6.2. Hot performance On completion of the tests required under paragraphs 4.6.1. and 4.6.2.
of this annex, the hot braking performance test specified in paragraph
1.7.2. of Annex 4 to this Regulation shall be carried out The mean braking torque during the above hot performance tests on the
linings being tested for the purpose of comparison shall, for the same
input measurement, be within the test limits 15 per cent of the mean bra-
king torque recorded with the brake linings conforming to the component
identified in the relevant application for vehicle type approval.
5. Inspection of brake linings
5.1. Brake linings shall be visually inspected on completion of the above tests
to check that they are in satisfactory condition for continued use in nor-
mal service.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 16
Compatibility between towing vehicles and trailers with re-
R 13

spect to ISO 11992 data communications

1. General
1.1. The requirements of this annex shall only apply to towing vehicles and
trailers equipped with an electric control line as defined in paragraph
2.24. of the Regulation.
1.2. The ISO 7638 connector provides a power supply for the braking system
or anti-lock braking system of the trailer. In the case of vehicles equipped
with an electric control line as defined in paragraph 2.24. of the Regula-
tion this connector also provides a data communication interface via pins
6 and 7 – see paragraph of the Regulation.
1.3. This annex defines requirements applicable to the towing vehicle and
trailer with respect to the support of messages defined within
ISO 11992-2:2003 including Amd.1:2007.
2. The parameters defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including Amd.1:2007
that are transmitted by the electric control line shall be supported as fol-
2.1. The following functions and associated messages are those specified
within this Regulation that shall be supported by the towing vehicle or
trailer as appropriate:
2.1.1. Messages transmitted from the towing vehicle to the trailer:

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003 Regulation No. 13

Reference Reference
Service/secondary bra- EBS11 Annex 10,
ke demand value
Byte 3-4 paragraph
Two electrical circuits EBS12 Regulation No. 13, para-
brake demand value graph
Byte 3 Bit 1-2
Pneumatic control line EBS12 Regulation No. 13, para-
Byte 3 Bit 5-6

Annex 16

2.1.2. Messages transmitted from the trailer to the towing vehicle:

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003 Regulation No. 13

R 13
Reference Reference

VDC Active / passive1 EBS21 Byte 2 Annex 21,

Bit 1-2 paragraph 2.1.6.
Vehicle electrical supply EBS22 Byte 2 Regulation No. 13, para-
sufficient / insufficient graph
Bit 1-2
Red warning signal re- EBS22 Byte 2 Regulation No. 13, pa-
quest ragraphs,
Bit 3-4 and

Supply line braking re- EBS22 Byte 4 Regulation No. 13,

Bit 3-4 paragraph
Stop lamps request EBS22 Byte 4 Regulation No. 13,
Bit 5-6 paragraph
Vehicle pneumatic sup- EBS23 Byte 1 Regulation No. 13,
ply sufficient / insufficient
Bit 7-8 paragraph

2.2. When the trailer transmits the following messages, the towing vehicle
shall provide a warning to the driver:

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003 Driver Warning Required

VDC Active / Passive77 EBS21 Byte 2 Annex 21,
Bit 1-2 paragraph 2.1.6.
Red warning signal re- EBS22 Byte 2 Regulation No. 13, para-
quest Bit 3-4 graph

2.3. The following messages defined in ISO 11992-2:2003 including

Amd.1:2007 shall be supported by the towing vehicle or trailer:
2.3.1. Messages transmitted from the towing vehicle to the trailer:
No messages currently defined.
77 VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) as defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including
Amd.1:2007 is defined within this Regulation as Vehicle Stability Function - see para-
graph 2.34. of the Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.3.2. Messages transmitted from the trailer to the towing vehicle:

Function/Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003

R 13


Vehicle service brake active / passive EBS22 Byte 1, Bit 5-6

Braking via electric control line supported EBS22 Byte 4, Bit 7-8
Geometric data index EBS24 Byte 1
Geometric data index content EBS24 Byte 2

2.4. The following messages shall be supported by the towing vehicle or trai-
ler as appropriate when the vehicle is installed with a function associated
with that parameter:
2.4.1. Messages transmitted from the towing vehicle to the trailer:

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003

Vehicle type EBS11 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) Active EBS11 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
/ passive78
Brake demand value for front or left EBS11 Byte 7
side of vehicle
Brake demand value for rear or right EBS11 Byte 8
side of vehicle
ROP (Roll Over Protection) system EBS12 Byte 1, Bit 3-4
YC (Yaw Control) system enabled/ EBS12 Byte 1, Bit 5-6
Enable/disable trailer ROP (Roll Over EBS12 Byte 2, Bit 1-2
Protection) system79

78 ROP (Roll Over Protection) as defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including

Amd.1:2007 is defined within this Regulation as Roll-Over Control – see paragraph of the Regulation.
79 YC (Yaw Control) as defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including Amd.1:2007 is de-
fined within this Regulation as Directional Control – see paragraph of the
80 VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) as defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including
Amd.1:2007 is defined within this Regulation as Vehicle Stability Function - see para-
graph 2.34. of the Regulation.

Annex 16

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003


R 13
Enable/disable trailer YC (Yaw Control) EBS12 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Traction help request RGE11 Byte 1, Bit 7-8
Lift axle 1 - position request RGE11 Byte 2, Bit 1-2
Lift axle 2 - position request RGE11 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Steering axle locking request RGE11 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Seconds TD11 Byte 1
Minutes TD11 Byte 2
Hours TD11 Byte 3
Months TD11 Byte 4
Day TD11 Byte 5
Year TD11 Byte 6
Local minute offset TD11 Byte 7
Local hour offset TD11 Byte 8

2.4.2. Messages transmitted from the trailer to the towing vehicle

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003

Support of side or axle wise brake force EBS21 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Wheel based vehicle speed EBS21 Byte 3-4
Lateral acceleration EBS21 Byte 8
Vehicle ABS active / passive EBS22 Byte 1, Bit 1-2
Amber warning signal request EBS22 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Vehicle type EBS22 Byte 3, Bit 5-6
Loading ramp approach assistance EBS22 Byte 4, Bit 1-2
Axle load sum EBS22 Byte 5-6
Tyre pressure sufficient / insufficient EBS23 Byte 1, Bit 1-2
Brake lining sufficient / insufficient EBS23 Byte 1, Bit 3-4
Brake temperature status EBS23 Byte 1, Bit 5-6
Tyre / wheel identification (pressure) EBS23 Byte 2

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Function / Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003

R 13

Tyre / wheel identification (lining) EBS23 Byte 3

Tyre / wheel identification (temperature) EBS23 Byte 4
Tyre pressure (actual tyre pressure) EBS23 Byte 5
Brake lining EBS23 Byte 6
Brake temperature EBS23 Byte 7
Brake cylinder pressure first axle left wheel EBS25 Byte 1
Brake cylinder pressure first axle right EBS25 Byte 2
Brake cylinder pressure second axle EBS25 Byte 3
left wheel
Brake cylinder pressure second axle EBS25 Byte 4
right wheel
Brake cylinder pressure third axle left EBS25 Byte 5
Brake cylinder pressure third axle right EBS25 Byte 6
ROP (Roll Over Protection) system EBS25 Byte 7, Bit 1-2
YC (Yaw Control) system enabled/ EBS25 Byte 7, Bit 3-4
Traction help RGE21 Byte 1, Bit 5-6
Lift axle 1 position RGE21 Byte 2, Bit 1-2
Lift axle 2 position RGE21 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Steering axle locking RGE21 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Tyre wheel identification RGE23 Byte 1
Tyre temperature RGE23 Byte 2-3
Air leakage detection (Tyre) RGE23 Byte 4-5
Tyre pressure threshold detection RGE23 Byte 6, Bit 1-3

2.5. The support of all other messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 in-
cluding Amd.1:2007 is optional for the towing vehicle and trailer.
81 ROP (Roll Over Protection) as defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including
Amd.1:2007 is defined within this Regulation as Roll-Over Control – see paragraph of the Regulation.
82 YC (Yaw Control) as defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including Amd.1:2007 is de-
fined within this Regulation as Directional Control – see paragraph of the

Annex 17

Annex 17
Test procedure to assess the functional compatibility of ve-
hicles equipped with electric control lines

R 13
1. General
1.1. This annex defines a procedure that may be used to check towing and to-
wed vehicles equipped with an electric control line against the functional and
performance requirements referred to in paragraph of this Regu-
lation. Alternative procedures may be used at the discretion of the Technical
Service if an equivalent level of checking integrity can be established.
1.2. The references to ISO 7638 within this annex apply to ISO 7638-1:2003
for 24V applications and ISO 7638-2:2003 for 12V applications.
2. Information document
2.1. The vehicle manufacturer/system supplier shall supply to the Technical
Service an information document that contains at least the following:
2.1.1. A schematic of the vehicle braking system;
2.1.2. Evidence that the interface, including the physical layer, data link layer
and the application layer and the respective position of supported mes-
sages and parameters, complies with ISO 11992;
2.1.3. A list of supported messages and parameters; and
2.1.4. The specification of the motor vehicle with respect to the number of cont-
rol circuits that signal the pneumatic and/or electric control lines.
3. Towing vehicles
3.1. ISO 11992 trailer simulator
The simulator shall:
3.1.1. Have a connector meeting ISO 7638:2003 (7 pin) to connect to the vehicle
under test. Pins 6 and 7 of the connector shall be used to transmit and
receive messages complying with ISO 11992:2003 and its Amd-1:2007;
3.1.2. Be capable of receiving all of the messages transmitted by the motor
vehicle to be type approved and be capable of transmitting all trailer
messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd-1:2007.;
3.1.3. Provide a direct or indirect readout of messages, with the parameters in
the data field shown in the correct order relative to time; and
3.1.4. Include a facility to measure coupling head response time in accordance

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

with paragraph 2.6. of Annex 6 to this Regulation.

3.2. Checking procedure
R 13

3.2.1. Confirm that the manufacturer‘s/supplier‘s information document de-

monstrates compliance with the provisions of ISO 11992 with respect to
the physical layer, data link layer and application layer.
3.2.2. Check the following, with the simulator connected to the motor vehicle
via the ISO 7638 interface and whilst all trailer messages relevant to the
interface are being transmitted: Control line signalling: The parameters defined in EBS 12 byte 3 of ISO 11992-2:2003 shall be
checked against the specification of the vehicle as follows:

Control line signalling EBS 12 Byte 3

Bits 1 - 2 Bits 5 - 6

Service braking demand generated from one elec- 00b

trical circuit

Service braking demand generated from two elec- 01b

trical circuits
Vehicle is not equipped with a pneumatic control 00b

Vehicle is equipped with a pneumatic control line 01b Service/Secondary brake demand: The parameters defined in EBS 11 of ISO 11992-2:2003 shall be che-
cked as follows:

Test condition Byte Electrical control line signal value

Service brake pedal and secon- 3-4 0
dary brake control released
Service brake pedal fully applied 3-4 33280d to 43520d (650 to 850 kPa)
Secondary brake fully applied84 3-4 33280d to 43520d (650 to 850 kPa) Failure warning:

83 This specification of vehicle is prohibited by footnote 4 to paragraph of this

84 Optional on towing vehicles with electric and pneumatic control lines when the pneu-
matic control line fulfils the relevant requirements for secondary braking.

Annex 17 Simulate a permanent failure in the communication line to pin 6 of the

ISO 7638 connector and check that the yellow warning signal specified
in paragraph of this Regulation is displayed.

R 13 Simulate a permanent failure in the communication line to pin 7 of the
ISO 7638 connector and check that the yellow warning signal specified
in paragraph of this Regulation is displayed. Simulate message EBS 22, byte 2 with bits 3 - 4 set to 01b and check
that the red warning signal specified in paragraph of this
Regulation is displayed. Supply line braking request: For power-driven vehicles which can be operated with trailers connected
via an electric control line only: Only the electric control line shall be connected. Simulate message EBS 22, byte 4 with bits 3 - 4 set to 01b and check
that when the service brake, secondary brake or parking brake is fully
actuated the pressure in the supply line falls to 150 kPa within the follo-
wing two seconds. Simulate a continuous absence of data communication and check that
when the service brake, secondary brake or parking brake is fully actua-
ted the pressure in the supply line falls to 150 kPa within the following
two seconds. Response time: Check that, with no faults present, the control line response require-
ments defined in paragraph 2.6. of Annex 6 to this Regulation are met. Illumination of stop lamps
Simulate message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 5 to 6 set to 00 and check that the
stop lamps are not illuminated.
Simulate message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 5 to 6 set to 01 and check that the
stop lamps are illuminated. Intervention of trailer stability function
Simulate message EBS 21 byte 2 bits 1 to 2 set to 00 and check that the
driver warning defined in paragraph 2.1.6. of Annex 21 is not illuminated.
Simulate message EBS 21 byte 2 bits 1 to 2 set to 01 and check that
the driver warning defined in paragraph 2.1.6. of Annex 21 is illuminated.
3.2.3. Additional checks

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 At the discretion of the Technical Service the checking procedures defi-
ned above may be repeated with the non-braking functions relevant to
the interface in different states or switched off.
R 13 Paragraph 2.4.1. of Annex 16 defines additional messages that shall

under specific circumstances be supported by the towing vehicle. Ad-
ditional checks may be carried out to verify the status of supported mes-
sages to ensure the requirements of paragraph of the Regu-
lation are fulfilled.
4. Trailers
4.1. ISO 11992 towing vehicle simulator
The simulator shall:
4.1.1. Have a connector meeting ISO 7638:2003 (7 pin) to connect to the vehic-
le under test. Pins 6 and 7 of the connector shall be used to transmit and
receive messages complying with ISO 11992:2003 and its Amd.1:2007;
4.1.2. Have a failure warning display and an electrical power supply for the trailer;
4.1.3. Shall be capable of receiving all of the messages transmitted by the trai-
ler to be type approved and be capable of transmitting all motor vehicle
messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd-1:2007.
4.1.4. Provide a direct or indirect readout of messages with the parameters in
the data field shown in the correct order relative to time; and
4.1.5. Include a facility to measure brake system response time in accordance
with paragraph 3.5.2. of Annex 6 to this Regulation.
4.2. Checking procedure
4.2.1. Confirm that the manufacturer‘s/supplier‘s information document de-
monstrates compliance with the provisions of ISO 11992:2003 and its
Amd.1:2007 with respect to the physical layer, data link layer and ap-
plication layer.
4.2.2. Check the following, with the simulator connected to the trailer via the
ISO 7638 interface and whilst all towing vehicle messages relevant to
the interface are being transmitted: Service brake system function: The trailer response to the parameters defined in EBS 11 of ISO 11992-

Annex 17

2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 shall be checked as follows:

The pressure in the supply line at the start of each test shall be ≥

R 13
700 kPa and the vehicle shall be laden (the loading condition may
be simulated for the purpose of this check). For trailers equipped with pneumatic and electric control lines:
Both control lines shall be connected;
Both control lines shall be signalled simultaneously;
The simulator shall transmit message byte 3, bits 5-6;
Of EBS 12 set to 01b to indicate to the trailer that a pneumatic control line
should be connected.
Parameters to be checked:

Message transmitted by the simulator Pressure at the brake chambers

Byte reference Digital demand value
3-4 0 0 kPa
3-4 33280d As defined in the vehicle manufac-
turer’s brake calculation
(650 kPa) Trailers equipped with pneumatic and electric control lines or an electric
control line only:
Only the electric control line shall be connected
The simulator shall transmit the following messages:
Byte 3, bits 5 - 6 of EBS 12 set to 00b to indicate to the trailer that a
pneumatic control line is not available, and byte 3, bits 1 - 2 of EBS 12
set to 01b to indicate to the trailer that the electric control line signal is
generated from two electric circuits.
Parameters to be checked:

Message transmitted by the simulator Pressure at the brake chambers

Byte reference Digital demand value
3-4 0 0 kPa
3-4 33280d As defined in the vehicle manufac-
turer’s brake calculation
(650 kPa) For trailers equipped with only an electric control line, the response to mes-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

sages defined in EBS 12 of ISO 11992-2:2003 shall be checked as follows:

The pneumatic supply line at the start of each test shall be ≥ 700 kPa.
R 13

The electric control line shall be connected to the simulator.

The simulator shall transmit the following messages:
Byte 3, bits 5 - 6 of EBS 12 set to 01b to indicate to the trailer that a
pneumatic control line is available.
Byte 3-4 of EBS 11 shall be set to 0 (no service brake demand)
The response to the following messages shall be checked:

EBS 12, Byte 3, Pressure in the brake chambers or reaction of the trailer
Bit 1-2
01b 0 kPa (service brake released)
00b The trailer is automatically braked to demonstrate that
the combination is not compatible. A signal should also be
transmitted via pin 5 of the ISO 7638:2003 connector (yellow
warning). For trailers connected with only an electrical control line, the response of
the trailer to a failure in the electric control transmission of the trailer which
results in a reduction in braking performance to at least 30 per cent of the
prescribed value shall be checked by the following procedure:
The pneumatic supply line at the start of each test shall be ≥ 700 kPa.
The electric control line shall be connected to the simulator.
Byte 3, bits 5-6 of EBS 12 set to 00b to indicate to the trailer that a pneu-
matic control line is not available.
Byte 3, bits 1-2 of EBS 12 set to 01b to indicate to the trailer that the
electric control line signal is generated from two independent circuits.
The following shall be checked:

Test condition Braking system response

With no faults present in the trailer bra- Check that the braking system is com-
king system municating with the simulator and that
byte 4, bits 3-4 of EBS 22 is set to 00b
Introduce a failure in the electric con- Check that byte 4, bits 3-4 of EBS 22
trol transmission of the trailer braking is set to 01b
system that prevents at least 30 per or
cent of the prescribed braking perfor- The data communications to the
mance from being maintained simulator has been terminated Failure warning

Annex 17 Check that the appropriate warning message or signal is transmitted

under the following conditions:

R 13 Where a permanent failure within the electric control transmission of the
trailer braking system precludes the service braking performance being
met, simulate such a failure and check that byte 2, bits 3 - 4 of EBS 22
transmitted by the trailer is set to 01b. A signal should also be transmitted
via pin 5 of the ISO 7638 connector (yellow warning). Reduce the voltage on pins 1 and 2 of the ISO 7638 connector to below
a value nominated by the manufacturer which precludes the service bra-
king system performance from being fulfilled and check that byte 2, bits
3 - 4 of EBS 22 transmitted by the trailer are set to 01b. A signal should
also be transmitted via pin 5 of the ISO 7638 connector (yellow warning). Check compliance with the provisions of paragraph of this Re-
gulation by isolating the supply line. Reduce the pressure in the trailer
pressure storage system to the value nominated by the manufacturer.
Check that byte 2, bits 3 - 4 of EBS 22 transmitted by the trailer is set
to 01b and that byte 1, bits 7 - 8 of EBS 23 is set to 00. A signal should
also be transmitted via pin 5 of the ISO 7638 connector (yellow warning). When the electrical part of the braking equipment is first energised check
that byte 2, bits 3 - 4 of EBS 22 transmitted by the trailer is set to 01b.
After the braking system has checked that no defects that require identi-
fication by the red warning signal are present the above message should
be set to 00b. Response time checking Check that, with no faults present, the braking system response time requi-
rements defined in paragraph 3.5.2. of Annex 6 to this Regulation are met. Automatically commanded braking
In case the trailer includes a function where its operation results in an auto-
matically commanded braking intervention, the following shall be checked:
If no automatically commanded braking intervention is generated, check
that message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 5 to 6 are set to 00.
Simulate an automatically commanded braking intervention, when the
resulting deceleration is ≥ 0.7 m/sec2, check that message EBS 22 byte
4 bits 5 to 6 are set to 01. Vehicle stability function

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

In the case of a trailer equipped with a vehicle stability function, the follo-
wing checks shall be carried out:
R 13

When the vehicle stability function is inactive, check that message EBS
21 byte 2 bits 1 to 2 are set to 00.
Simulate an intervention of the vehicle stability control function as spe-
cified in paragraph 2.2.4. of Annex 21 and check that message EBS 21
byte 2 bits 1 to 2 are set to 01. Support of the electric control line
Where the trailer braking system does not support braking via the elec-
tric control line check that message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 7 to 8 are set
to 00.
Where the trailer braking system supports the electric control line, check
that message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 7 to 8 are set to 01.
4.2.3. Additional checks At the discretion of the Technical Service the checking procedures defi-
ned above may be repeated with the non-braking messages relevant to
the interface in different states or switched off.
Where repeat measurements of the brake system response time are
carried out, variations in the value recorded may occur due to the reac-
tion of the vehicle pneumatics. In all cases the prescribed response time
requirements shall be met. Paragraph 2.4.2. of Annex 16 defines additional messages that shall un-
der specific circumstances be supported by the trailer. Additional checks
may be carried out to verify the status of supported messages to ensure
the requirements of paragraph of the Regulation are fulfilled.

Annex 18

Annex 18
Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of
complex electronic vehicle control systems

R 13
1. General
This annex defines the special requirements for documentation, fault
strategy and verification with respect to the safety aspects of complex
electronic vehicle control systems (paragraph 2.3. below) as far as this
Regulation is concerned.
This annex may also be called, by special paragraphs in this Regulation,
for safety related functions which are controlled by electronic system(s).
This annex does not specify the performance criteria for „the system“ but
covers the methodology applied to the design process and the information
which shall be disclosed to the Technical Service, for type approval purposes.
This information shall show that „the system“ respects, under normal
and fault conditions, all the appropriate performance requirements spe-
cified elsewhere in this Regulation.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this annex,
2.1. „Safety concept“ is a description of the measures designed into the sys-
tem, for example within the electronic units, so as to address system
integrity and thereby ensure safe operation even in the event of an elec-
trical failure.
The possibility of a fall-back to partial operation or even to a back-up
system for vital vehicle functions may be a part of the safety concept.
2.2. „Electronic control system“ means a combination of units, designed to
co-operate in the production of the stated vehicle control function by
electronic data processing.
Such systems, often controlled by software, are built from discrete func-
tional components such as sensors, electronic control units and actua-
tors and connected by transmission links. They may include mechanical,
electro-pneumatic or electro-hydraulic elements.
The system“, referred to herein, is the one for which type approval is
being sought.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.3. „Complex electronic vehicle control systems“ are those electronic control sys-
tems which are subject to a hierarchy of control in which a controlled function
may be over-ridden by a higher level electronic control system/function.
R 13

A function which is over-ridden becomes part of the complex system.

2.4. „Higher-level control“ systems/functions are those which employ additional
processing and/or sensing provisions to modify vehicle behaviour by com-
manding variations in the normal function(s) of the vehicle control system.
This allows complex systems to automatically change their objectives
with a priority which depends on the sensed circumstances.
2.5. „Units“ are the smallest divisions of system components which will be consi-
dered in this annex, since these combinations of components will be treated
as single entities for purposes of identification, analysis or replacement.
2.6. „Transmission links“ are the means used for inter-connecting distributed
units for the purpose of conveying signals, operating data or an energy
This equipment is generally electrical but may, in some part, be optical,
pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanical.
2.7. „Range of control“ refers to an output variable and defines the range
over which the system is likely to exercise control.
2.8. „Boundary of functional operation“ defines the boundaries of the external
physical limits within which the system is able to maintain control.
3. Documentation
3.1. Requirements
The manufacturer shall provide a documentation package which gives ac-
cess to the basic design of „the system“ and the means by which it is linked
to other vehicle systems or by which it directly controls output variables.
The function(s) of „the system“ and the safety concept, as laid down by
the manufacturer, shall be explained.
Documentation shall be brief, yet provide evidence that the design and
development has had the benefit of expertise from all the system fields
which are involved.
For periodic technical inspections, the documentation shall describe how
the current operational status of „the system“ can be checked.

Annex 18

3.1.1. Documentation shall be made available in two parts:

(a) The formal documentation package for the approval, contai-

R 13
ning the material listed in paragraph 3. (with the exception of
that of paragraph 3.4.4. below) which shall be supplied to the
Technical Service at the time of submission of the type appro-
val application. This will be taken as the basic reference for
the verification process set out in paragraph 4. of this annex;
(b) Additional material and analysis data of paragraph 3.4.4. be-
low, which shall be retained by the manufacturer, but made
open for inspection at the time of type approval.
3.2. Description of the functions of „the system“
A description shall be provided which gives a simple explanation of
all the control functions of „the system“ and the methods employed to
achieve the objectives, including a statement of the mechanism(s) by
which control is exercised.
3.2.1. A list of all input and sensed variables shall be provided and the working
range of these defined.
3.2.2. A list of all output variables which are controlled by „the system“ shall be
provided and an indication given, in each case, of whether the control
is direct or via another vehicle system. The range of control (paragraph
2.7.) exercised on each such variable shall be defined.
3.2.3. Limits defining the boundaries of functional operation (paragraph 2.8.
above) shall be stated where appropriate to system performance.
3.3. System layout and schematics
3.3.1. Inventory of components
A list shall be provided, collating all the units of „the system“ and mentio-
ning the other vehicle systems which are needed to achieve the control
function in question.
An outline schematic showing these units in combination shall be provided
with both the equipment distribution and the interconnections made clear.
3.3.2. Functions of the units
The function of each unit of „the system“ shall be outlined and the signals
linking it with other units or with other vehicle systems shall be shown.
This may be provided by a labelled block diagram or other schematic, or
by a description aided by such a diagram.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.3.3. Interconnections
Interconnections within „the system“ shall be shown by a circuit diagram
R 13

for the electrical transmission links, by an optical-fibre diagram for optical

links, by a piping diagram for pneumatic or hydraulic transmission equip-
ment and by a simplified diagrammatic layout for mechanical linkages.
3.3.4. Signal flow and priorities
There shall be a clear correspondence between these transmission links
and the signals carried between units.
Priorities of signals on multiplexed data paths shall be stated, wherever
priority may be an issue affecting performance or safety as far as this
Regulation is concerned.
3.3.5. Identification of units
Each unit shall be clearly and unambiguously identifiable (e.g. by mar-
king for hardware and marking or software output for software content)
to provide corresponding hardware and documentation association.
Where functions are combined within a single unit or indeed within a
single computer, but shown in multiple blocks in the block diagram for
clarity and ease of explanation, only a single hardware identification mar-
king shall be used.
The manufacturer shall, by the use of this identification, affirm that the
equipment supplied conforms to the corresponding document. The identification defines the hardware and software version and, where
the latter changes such as to alter the function of the unit as far as this
Regulation is concerned, this identification shall also be changed.
3.4. Safety concept of the manufacturer
3.4.1. The manufacturer shall provide a statement which affirms that the stra-
tegy chosen to achieve „the system“ objectives will not, under non-fault
conditions, prejudice the safe operation of systems which are subject to
the prescriptions of this Regulation.
3.4.2. In respect of software employed in „the system“, the outline architectu-
re shall be explained and the design methods and tools used shall be
identified. The manufacturer shall be prepared, if required, to show some
evidence of the means by which they determined the realisation of the
system logic, during the design and development process.

Annex 18

3.4.3. The manufacturer shall provide the technical authorities with an explana-
tion of the design provisions built into „the system“ so as to generate safe

R 13
operation under fault conditions. Possible design provisions for failure in
„the system“ are for example:
(a) Fall-back to operation using a partial system;
(b) Change-over to a separate back-up system;
(c) Removal of the high level function.
In case of a failure, the driver shall be warned for example by warning
signal or message display. When the system is not deactivated by the
driver, e.g. by turning the ignition (run) switch to „off“, or by switching off
that particular function if a special switch is provided for that purpose, the
warning shall be present as long as the fault condition persists. If the chosen provision selects a partial performance mode of operation
under certain fault conditions, then these conditions shall be stated and
the resulting limits of effectiveness defined. If the chosen provision selects a second (back-up) means to realise
the vehicle control system objective, the principles of the change-over
mechanism, the logic and level of redundancy and any built in back-up
checking features shall be explained and the resulting limits of back-up
effectiveness defined. If the chosen provision selects the removal of the Higher Level Function,
all the corresponding output control signals associated with this func-
tion shall be inhibited, and in such a manner as to limit the transition
3.4.4. The documentation shall be supported, by an analysis which shows, in
overall terms, how the system will behave on the occurrence of any one
of those specified faults which will have a bearing on vehicle control per-
formance or safety.
This may be based on a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), a
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) or any similar process appropriate to system
safety considerations.
The chosen analytical approach(es) shall be established and maintained
by the manufacturer and shall be made open for inspection by the Tech-
nical Service at the time of the type approval.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 This documentation shall itemize the parameters being monitored and
shall set out, for each fault condition of the type defined in paragraph
R 13

3.4.4. above, the warning signal to be given to the driver and/or to ser-
vice/technical inspection personnel.
4. Verification and test
4.1. The functional operation of „the system“, as laid out in the documents
required in paragraph 3. above, shall be tested as follows:
4.1.1. Verification of the function of „the system“
As the means of establishing the normal operational levels, verification
of the performance of the vehicle system under non-fault conditions shall
be conducted against the manufacturer‘s basic benchmark specification
unless this is subject to a specified performance test as part of the ap-
proval procedure of this or another Regulation.
4.1.2. Verification of the safety concept of paragraph 3.4. above
The reaction of „the system“ shall, at the discretion of the type approval
authority, be checked under the influence of a failure in any individual
unit by applying corresponding output signals to electrical units or me-
chanical elements in order to simulate the effects of internal faults within
the unit. The verification results shall correspond with the documented summary
of the failure analysis, to a level of overall effect such that the safety
concept and execution are confirmed as being adequate.

Annex 19

Annex 19
Performance testing of braking system components

R 13
Part 1 Performance testing of trailer braking components
1. General
1.1. Part 1 defines the test procedures applicable in defining the perfor-
mance of the following:
1.1.1. Diaphragm brake chambers (refer to paragraph 2.).
1.1.2. Spring brakes (refer to paragraph 3.).
1.1.3. Trailer brakes - cold performance characteristics (refer to paragraph 4.).
1.1.4. Anti-lock braking systems (refer to paragraph 5.)
Note: Procedures for determining the fade test performance for trailer brakes and auto-
matic brake wear adjustment devices are defined in Annex 11 to this Regulation.
1.1.5. Vehicle stability function (refer to paragraph 6.).
1.2. The above test reports may be used in conjunction with the procedures
defined in Annex 20 to this Regulation or at the time of evaluating a trailer
which is being subject to actual performance requirements defined for
the respective trailer.
2. Performance characteristics for diaphragm brake chambers
2.1. General
2.1.1. This section defines the procedure by which the thrust/stroke/pressure
characteristics are determined for diaphragm brake chambers which are
used in compressed air braking systems85 to generate forces required in
brakes with mechanical actuation.
For the purpose of this verification procedure, the service brake section
of a combined spring brake actuator is considered to be a diaphragm
brake chamber.
2.1.2. The verified performance characteristics declared by the manufacturer
shall be used in all calculations relating to the brake compatibility require-
ments of Annex 10, the Type-0 cold service braking performance require-
ments of Annex 20 and the determination of the available actuator stroke
with respect to the verification of the hot performance of Annex 11.
85 Other brake chamber designs may be approved upon presentation of equivalent information

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.2. Test procedure

2.2.1. Zero datum position of the brake chamber is to be taken as the non-pres-
R 13

surized position.
2.2.2. In nominal pressure increments of≤ 100 kPa, through a pressure range
of 100 to ≥ 800 kPa, the corresponding thrust generated is to be monito-
red over the full stroke range available for a stroke displacement rate of
10 mm/s or a stroke increment of ≤ 10 mm and whilst not permitting the
applied pressure to deviate ±5 kPa.
2.2.3. For each pressure increment the corresponding average thrust (ThA)
and the effective stroke (sp) will be determined as per Appendix 9 to
this annex.
2.3. Verification
2.3.1. With reference to Appendix 1 to this annex, paragraphs 3.1., 3.2. and
3.3. and 3.4., a minimum of 6 samples are to be tested, with a verifica-
tion report being issued, providing that the requirements of paragraphs
2.3.2., 2.3.3. and 2.3.4. below are satisfied.
2.3.2. With respect to the verification of average thrust (ThA) - f(p), a graph defi-
ning the acceptable performance variation shall be constructed following
the model shown in diagram 1, which is based on the manufacturers de-
clared thrust to pressure relationship. The manufacturer shall also define
the category of trailer for which the brake chamber may be used and the
corresponding tolerance band applied.
2.3.3. It shall be verified that the pressure (p15) required to produce a pushrod
stroke of 15 mm from the zero datum position with a tolerance of ± 10
kPa by following one of the following test procedures: Utilizing the declared function of thrust (ThA) - f(p) the brake chamber
threshold pressure (p15) shall be calculated when ThA = 0. It shall then be
verified that when this threshold pressure is applied a pushrod stroke as
defined in paragraph 2.3.3. above is produced. The manufacturer shall declare the brake chamber threshold pressure
(p15) and it shall be verified that when this pressure is applied the pu-
shrod stroke defined in paragraph 2.3.3. above is produced.
2.3.4. With respect to the verification of effective stroke (sp) - f(p), the mea-
sured value shall not be less than –4 per cent of the sp characteristics

Annex 19

at the manufacturer’s declared pressure range. This value shall be re-

corded and specified in paragraph 3.3.1. of Appendix 1 to this annex.

R 13
Outside of this pressure range the tolerance may exceed –4 per cent.
Diagram 1
ThA Brake chamber force

O4 Trailers = ± 4 %
O3 Trailers = ± 6 %

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

p15 ± 10 kPa p [kPa]

2.3.5. The test results recorded shall be reported on a form, a model of which
is shown in Appendix 2 to this annex and shall be included with the veri-
fication report, detailed in paragraph 2.4. below.
2.4. Verification report
2.4.1. The manufacturer‘s declared performance characteristics, verified by
the test results recorded in accordance with paragraph 2.3.2. above,
shall be reported on a form, a model of which is shown in Appendix 1
to this annex.
3. Performance characteristics for spring brakes
3.1. General
3.1.1. This section defines the procedure by which the thrust/stroke/pressure
characteristics are determined for spring brakes86 that are used in com-
pressed air braking systems to generate forces required in brakes with
mechanical actuation.
For the purpose of this verification procedure, the spring brake section
of a combined spring brake actuator is considered to be a spring brake.

86 Other spring brake designs may be approved upon presentation of equivalent information.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.1.2. The performance characteristics declared by the manufacturer shall be

used in all calculations relating to the parking braking performance re-
R 13

quirements of Annex 20.

3.2. Test procedure
3.2.1. Zero datum position of the spring brake chamber is to be taken as the
fully pressurized position.
3.2.2. In nominal stroke increments of ≤ 10 mm, the corresponding thrust genera-
ted is to be monitored over the full stroke range available at zero pressure.
3.2.3. The pressure shall then be gradually increased until the stroke is 10 mm
from the zero datum position, and this pressure, defined as the release
pressure, shall be recorded.
3.2.4. The pressure shall then be increased to 850 kPa, or the maximum wor-
king pressure declared by the manufacturer, whichever is lower.
3.3. Verification:
3.3.1. With reference to Appendix 3 to this annex, items 2.1., 3.1., 3.2. and 3.3.,
a minimum of 6 samples shall be tested, with a verification report being
issued providing the following conditions are met: Over a range of stroke from 10 mm to 2/3 of the maximum stroke, no one
result, measured in accordance with paragraph 3.2.2. above, deviates
by more than 6 per cent from the declared characteristics. No one result, measured in accordance with paragraph 3.2.3. above,
exceeds the declared value. Each spring brake continues to function correctly after completion of the
test in accordance with paragraph 3.2.4. above
3.3.2. The test results recorded shall be reported on a form, a model of which
is shown in Appendix 4 to this annex, and shall be included with the
verification report detailed within paragraph 3.4. below.
3.4. Verification report
3.4.1. The manufacturer‘s declared performance characteristics, verified by
the test results recorded in accordance with paragraph 3.3.2. above,
shall be reported on a form, a model of which is shown in Appendix 3
to this annex.

Annex 19

4. Cold performance characteristics for trailer brakes

4.1. General

R 13
4.1.1. This procedure covers the testing of the „cold“ performance characteris-
tics of air operated S cam and disc brakes87 fitted to trailers. The performance characteristics declared by the manufacturer shall be
used for all calculations relating to the braking compatibility requirements
of Annex 10 and to the Type 0 cold service braking and parking braking
performance requirements of Annex 20.
4.2. Brake factor and brake threshold torque
4.2.1. The preparation of the brake shall be in accordance with paragraph
4.4.2. of this annex.
4.2.2. The brake factor is determined by using the following formula:


and shall be verified for each of the lining or pad materials specified in
paragraph below.
4.2.3. The brake threshold torque shall be expressed in a manner that remains
valid for variations of brake actuation and is denoted by the symbol Co.
4.2.4. The values of BF shall remain valid for variations of the following para-
meters: Mass per brake up to that defined in paragraph below. Dimensions and characteristics of external components used to actuate
the brake. Wheel size/tyre dimensions.
4.3. Information document
4.3.1. The brake manufacturer shall provide the Technical Service with at least
the following information: A description of the brake type, model, size etc. Details of the brake geometry The make and type of brake lining(s) or brake pad(s)
87 Other brake designs may be approved upon presentation of equivalent information.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The brake drum or brake disc material The maximum technically permitted mass for the brake
R 13

4.3.2. Additional information Wheel and tyre sizes to be used for the test The declared brake factor BF The declared threshold torque C0,dec
4.4. Test procedure
4.4.1. Preparation A graph defining the acceptable performance variation shall be construc-
ted, following the model shown in diagram 2, using the manufacturers
declared brake factor. The performance of the device used to actuate the brake shall be cali-
brated within an accuracy of 1 per cent. The dynamic tyre radius at the test loading shall be determined as
prescribed for the test method.
4.4.2. Bedding in (burnishing) procedure In the case of drum brakes the tests shall start with new brake linings and
new drum(s), the brake linings shall be machined to achieve the best
possible initial contact between the linings and drum(s). In the case of disc brakes the tests shall start with new brake pads and
new disc(s), machining of the pad material shall be at the discretion of
the brake manufacturer. Make 20 brake applications from an initial speed of 60 km/h with an input
to the brake theoretically equal to 0.3 TR/Test Mass. The initial tempe-
rature at the lining/drum or pad/disc interface shall not exceed 100 °C
before each brake application. Carry out 30 brake applications from 60 km/h to 30 km/h with an input
to the brake equal to 0.3 TR/Test Mass and with a time interval between
applications of 60 s88. The initial temperature at the lining/drum or pad/
disc interface on the first brake application shall not exceed 100 °C. On completion of the 30 brake applications defined in paragraph
88 If the track test method or the rolling road test methods are to be utilized, energy
inputs equivalent to those specified shall be used.

Annex 19

above and after an interval of 120 s carry out 5 brake applications from
60 km/h to 30 km/h with an input to the brake equal to 0.3 TR/Test Mass
and with an interval of 120 s between applications.88

R 13 Make 20 brake applications from an initial speed of 60 km/h with an input
to the brake equal to 0.3 TR/Test mass. The initial temperature at the
lining/drum or pad/disc interface shall not exceed 150 °C before each
brake application. Carry out a performance check as follows: Calculate the input torque to produce theoretical performance values
equivalent to 0.2, 0.35 and 0.5 + 0.05 TR/Test Mass. Once the input torque value has been determined for each braking rate,
this value shall remain constant throughout each and subsequent brake
applications (e.g. constant pressure). Make a brake application with each of the input torques determined in
paragraph above from an initial speed of 60 km/h. The initial
temperature at the lining/drum or pad/disc interfaces shall not exceed
100 °C before each application. Repeat the procedures defined in paragraphs and ab-
ove, where paragraph is optional, until the performance of five
consecutive non monotonic measurements at the 0.5 TR/(Test Mass)
constant input value has stabilized within a tolerance of minus 10 per
cent of the maximum value. If the manufacturer can demonstrate by field test results, that the brake
factor after this bedding in state is different from the brake factor which
has developed on the road, additional conditioning is permissible.
The maximum brake temperature, measured at the lining/drum or pad/
disc interface, during this additional bedding in procedure shall not exceed
500 °C in the case of drum brakes and 700 °C in the case of disc brakes.
This field test shall be an endurance run with the same type and model
of brake as that to be recorded in Annex 11, Appendix 3, test report. The
results of at least 3 tests in accordance with paragraph below
conducted under the conditions of the laden Type-0 test, during the field
test, shall be the basis for determining whether further conditioning is
permissible. The brake tests shall be documented as prescribed in Ap-
pendix 8 to this annex.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

The details of any additional conditioning shall be recorded and appen-

ded to the brake factor BF in paragraph 2.3.1. of Annex 11, Appendix 3,
R 13

by specifying for instance the following test parameters:

(a) Brake actuator pressure, the brake input torque or the brake
output torque of the brake application;
(b) Speed at the beginning and the end of the brake application;
(c) Time in the case of a constant speed;
(d) Temperature at the beginning and the end of the brake appli-
cation or the duration of the brake cycle. In the case of this procedure being carried out on an inertia dynamome-
ter or rolling road, unlimited use of cooling air is permitted.
4.4.3. Verification test The temperature measured at the lining/drum or pad/disc interface shall
not exceed 100 °C, at the start of each brake application. The brake threshold torque shall be determined from the measured va-
lue of brake input by reference to a calibrated input device. The initial speed for all brake applications is 60 ± 2 km/h. A minimum of six consecutive brake applications shall be made from
0.15 to 0.55 TR/(Test mass) at ascending increments of application pres-
sure, followed by six brake applications made with the same application
pressures in descending increments. For each of the brake applications in paragraph above the bra-
king rate is calculated, corrected to take account of rolling resistance,
and plotted on the graph specified in paragraph of this annex.
4.5. Test methods
4.5.1. Track test The brake performance test shall be carried out on a single axle only. The tests shall be carried out on a straight level track, with a surface
affording good adhesion, and performed when there is no wind liable to
affect the results. The trailer shall be loaded (as closely as possible) to the maximum tech-

Annex 19

nically permitted mass for each brake, however, additional mass may be
added if required to ensure that sufficient mass is over the axle under

R 13
test to achieve a braking rate of 0.55 TR/(maximum technically permitted
mass per brake) without wheel lock. The dynamic rolling radius of the tyre may be verified at low speed, <
10 km/h, by measuring the distance travelled as a function wheel revo-
lutions, the minimum number of revolutions required to determine the
dynamic rolling radius is 10. The rolling resistance of the vehicle combination is to be determined by
measuring the time taken for the vehicle speed to reduce from 55 to 45
km/h and the distance covered, when tested in the same direction in
which the verification test will be carried out and with the engine discon-
nected and any endurance brake system disengaged. Only the brakes of the axle under test shall be actuated and reach an in-
put pressure at the brake input device of 90 ± 3 per cent (after maximum
build up time of 0.7 s) of its asymptotic value. The test shall be carried
out with the engine disconnected and any endurance braking system
disengaged. The brakes shall be closely adjusted at the start of the test. The brake input for the purpose of calculating the brake threshold torque
shall be determined by lifting the wheel and gradually applying the brake
whilst the wheel is rotated by hand until resistance is detected. The final speed v2 shall be determined in accordance with Annex 11,
Appendix 2, paragraph 3.1.5. The braking performance of the axle under test shall be determined by
calculating the deceleration determined from a direct measurement of
velocity and distance between 0.8 v1 and v2, where v2 shall not be less
than 0.1 v1. This shall be deemed to be equivalent to the mean fully de-
veloped deceleration (MFDD) as defined in Annex 4 to this Regulation.
4.5.2. Inertia dynamometer test The test shall be carried out on a single brake assembly. The test machine shall be capable of generating the inertia required by
paragraph of this annex.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The test machine shall be calibrated for speed and brake output torque
within an accuracy of 2 per cent.
R 13 The instrumentation for the test shall be capable of providing at least
the following data: A continuous recording of brake application pressure or force. A continuous recording of brake output torque. A continuous recording of the temperature measured at the lining/drum
or pad/disc interface. Speed during the test. The inertia (IT) of the dynamometer shall be set as close as possible, with
±5 per cent tolerance, including the internal friction of the dynamometer,
to that part of the linear inertia of the vehicle acting upon one wheel ne-
cessary for a performance of 0.55 TR/(maximum technically permitted
mass) according to the following formula:
IT = Pd • R²
IT = actual rotary inertia (kgm2),
R = tyre rolling radius defined by the formula 0.485 D,
D = d + 2H89
d = rim diameter conventional number (mm),
H = nominal section height (mm) = S1 x 0.01 Ra,
S1 = section width (mm),
Ra = nominal aspect ratio,
Pd = maximum technically permitted mass/brake as defined in
paragraph above Cooling air at ambient temperature may be used, flowing at a velocity
not exceeding 0.33 v over the brake in a direction perpendicular to its
axis of rotation. The brake shall be closely adjusted at the start of the test. The brake input for the purpose of calculating the brake threshold torque
shall be determined by gradually applying the brake until the onset of
brake torque generation is observed.

89 Outer diameter of tyre, as defined in Regulation No. 54

Annex 19 The brake performance shall be determined by applying the following

formula to the measured brake output torque.

R 13
M •R
braking rate = I t• g

Mt = average brake output torque (Nm) - based on distance,
g = deceleration due to gravity (m/s²).
The average brake output torque (Mt) shall be calculated from the dece-
leration determined from a direct measurement of velocity and distance
between 0.8 v1 and 0.1 v1. This shall be deemed to be equivalent to the
mean fully developed deceleration (MFDD) as defined in Annex 4 to this
4.5.3. Rolling road test The test will be carried out on single axle with one or two brakes. The test machine shall have a calibrated means of imposing load to si-
mulate the required mass for the brake(s) to be tested. The test machine shall be calibrated for speed and brake torque within
an accuracy of 2 per cent taking into account the internal friction charac-
teristics. The dynamic rolling radius of the tyre (R) shall be determined
by measuring the rotational speed of the rolling road and the unbraked
wheels of the axle under test at a speed equivalent to 60 km/h, and
calculated by the formula

R = RR n D

RR = radius of the rolling road
nD = rolling road (rotational) speed
nW = rotational speed of the unbraked wheels of the axle Cooling air at ambient temperature may be used, flowing at a velocity
not exceeding 0.33 v over the brake(s). The brake(s) shall be closely adjusted at the start of the test.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The brake input for the purpose of calculating the brake threshold torque
shall be determined by gradually applying brake(s) until the onset of bra-
R 13

ke torque generation is observed. The brake performance shall be determined by measuring the brake
force at the periphery of the tyre calculated to braking rate, taking into
account the rolling resistance. The rolling resistance of the loaded axle
will be determined by measuring the force at the periphery of the tyre at
a speed of 60 km/h. The average brake output torque (Mt) shall be based on the measu-
red values between the moment the application pressure/force reaches
its asymptotic value from the onset of pressure rise at the brake input
device and when the energy input has reached the value W60 that is
defined in paragraph below. For determining the braking rate an energy input W60 equivalent to the
kinetic energy of the corresponding mass for the brake under test when
braked from 60 km/h to standstill, shall be taken into account.

W60 œ0t(W60)FB • v • dt If the test speed v cannot be maintained at 60 ± 2 km/h during the mea-
surement of the braking rate according to paragraph above, the
braking rate shall be determined from the direct measurement of brake
force FB and/or brake output torque Mt , so that the measurement of this/
these parameter(s) are not affected by the dynamic forces of the inertia
mass of the rolling road test machine.
4.6. Verification report
4.6.1. The manufacturer‘s declared performance characteristics, verified by the
test results recorded in accordance with paragraph 4.4.3. above, shall be
reported on a form, a model of which is shown in Appendix 3 to Annex 11.
5. Anti-lock braking systems (ABS)
5.1. General
5.1.1. This paragraph defines the procedure to determine the performance of
a trailer anti-lock braking system.

Annex 19

5.1.2. Tests carried out on trailers of category O4 will be deemed to cover the
requirements for trailers of O3 category.

R 13
5.2. Information document
5.2.1. The manufacturer of the ABS shall supply to the Technical Service an in-
formation document of the system(s) requiring performance verification.
This document shall contain at least the information defined in Appendix
5 to this annex.
5.3. Definition of test vehicles
5.3.1. Based on the information supplied in the information document, in particular
the trailer applications defined in paragraph 2.1. of Appendix 5, the Techni-
cal Service shall carry out tests on representative trailers having up to three
axles and equipped with the respective anti-lock braking system/configura-
tion. Additionally, when selecting trailers for evaluation consideration shall
also be given to the parameters defined in the following paragraphs. Suspension type: the method of evaluating the performance of the an-
ti-lock braking system relative to the suspension type will be selected in
the following way:
Semi-trailers: for each suspension group e.g. balanced mechanical etc.
a representative trailer shall be evaluated.
Full trailers: Evaluation to be carried out on a representative trailer equip-
ped with any one suspension type. Wheelbase: for semi-trailers the wheelbase shall not be a limiting factor,
but for full trailers the shortest wheelbase shall be evaluated. Brake type: approval shall be limited to S cam or disc brakes but should
other types become available then comparative testing may be required. Load sensing device: The utilization of adhesion shall be determined
with the load sensing valve set to laden and unladen conditions. In all
cases the requirements of paragraph 2.7. of Annex 13 to this Regulation
shall apply. Brake actuation: differentials in the level of actuation shall be recorded
for evaluation during the tests to determine the utilization of adhesion.
Results obtained from tests for one trailer may be applied to other trailers
of the same type.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

5.3.2. For each type of trailer under test, documentation showing brake com-
patibility as defined in Annex 10 to this Regulation (diagrams 2 and 4)
R 13

shall be made available to demonstrate conformity.

5.3.3. For the purpose of the approval, semi-trailers and centre axle trailers
shall be deemed to be of the same vehicle type.
5.4. Test schedule
5.4.1. The following tests shall be conducted by the Technical Service on the
vehicle(s) defined in paragraph 5.3. of this annex for each ABS configu-
ration taking into consideration the application list defined in paragraph
2.1. of Appendix 5 to this annex. However, worst case cross referencing
may eliminate certain tests. If worst case testing is actually used, this
should be stated in the test report. Utilization of adhesion - Tests shall be carried out according to the pro-
cedure defined in paragraph 6.2. of Annex 13 to this Regulation for each
ABS configuration and trailer type, as defined in the manufacturer‘s in-
formation document (see paragraph 2.1. of Appendix 5 to this annex). Energy consumption Axle loading – the trailer(s) to be tested shall be loaded so that the axle
load is 2500 kg +/- 200 kg or 35 per cent +/- 200 kg of the permissible
static axle load whichever is the lower. It shall be ensured that „full cycling“ of the anti-lock braking system can
be achieved throughout the dynamic tests defined in paragraph 6.1.3. of
Annex 13 to this Regulation. Energy consumption test - The test shall be carried out according to the
procedure defined in paragraph 6.1. of Annex 13 to this Regulation for
each ABS configuration. To enable trailers submitted for approval to be checked for conformity to
the anti-lock energy consumption requirements (see paragraph 6.1. of
Annex 13), the following checks shall be carried out: Prior to the commencement of the energy consumption test (paragraph above) in the case of brakes with non-integrated brake wear ad-
justment the brakes shall be set to a condition where the relationship (Rl)
of brake chamber push rod travel (sT) against lever length (lT) is 0.2. This
relationship shall be determined for a brake chamber pressure of 650 kPa.

Annex 19


IT = 130 mm.

R 13
sT at 650 kPa brake chamber pressure = 26 mm
Rl = sT / lT = 26/130 = 0.2

In the case of brakes with integrated automatic brake wear adjustment

the brakes shall be set to the normal running clearance specified by the
Setting of the brakes as defined above shall be carried out when the
brakes are cold (< 100 °C). With the load sensing valve set to the laden condition and the initial energy
level set according to paragraph 6.1.2. of Annex 13 to this Regulation, the
energy storage device(s) shall be isolated from further supply of air. The
brakes shall be applied with a control pressure of 650 kPa at the coupling
head and then released. Further applications shall be made until the pres-
sure in the brake chambers is the same as that obtained after completing
the tests defined in paragraphs 6.1.3. and 6.1.4. of Annex 13 to this Re-
gulation. The number of equivalent brake applications (ner) shall be noted.
The equivalent number of static brake applications (ne) is to be recorded
in the test report.
Where ner = 1.2 . ner and is to be rounded up to the nearest whole integer. Split Friction Test - Where an anti-lock braking system is to be defined as ca-
tegory A system then all such ABS configurations shall be subject to the per-
formance requirements of paragraph 6.3.2. of Annex 13 to this Regulation. Low and high speed performance With the trailer set as for utilization of adhesion evaluation, verification
of the low and high speed performance shall be carried out according to
paragraph 6.3.1. of Annex 13 to this Regulation. Where a tolerance exists between the number of exciter teeth and
tyre circumference, functional checks shall be carried out at the ext-
remes of tolerance in accordance with paragraph 6.3. of Annex 13 to
this Regulation. This may be achieved by utilizing different tyre sizes
or by producing special exciters to simulate frequency extremes.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 Additional checks

The following additional checks shall be carried out with the towing ve-
R 13

hicle unbraked and the trailer unladen. When the axle or axle group passes from a high adhesion surface (kH) to
a low adhesion surface (kL) where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH / kL ≥ 2, with a control
pressure at the coupling head of 650 kPa, the directly controlled wheels
shall not lock. The running speed and the instant of applying the trailer
brakes is so calculated that with the anti-lock braking system full cycling
on the high adhesion surface, the passage from one surface to the other
being made at approximately 80 km/h and at 40 km/h. When the trailer passes from a low adhesion surface (kL) to a high adhe-
sion surface (kH) where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH / kL ≥ 2, with a control pressure at
the coupling head of 650 kPa, the pressure at the brake chambers shall
rise to an appropriate high value within a reasonable time and the trailer
shall not deviate from its initial course. The running speed and the instant
of applying the brakes is so calculated that, with the anti-lock braking
system full cycling on the low adhesion surface, the passage from one
surface to the other occurs at approximately 50 km/h. Documentation relating to the controller(s) shall be made available as re-
quired by paragraph 5.1.5 of the Regulation and paragraph 4.1. of Annex
13 to this Regulation, including its footnote 12.
5.5. Approval report
5.5.1. An approval report shall be produced, the content of which is defined in
Appendix 6 to this annex.
6. Vehicle stability function
6.1. General
6.1.1. This section defines a test procedure to determine the dynamic charac-
teristics of a vehicle equipped with a vehicle stability function consisting
of at least one of the following functions:
(a) Directional control;
(b) Roll-over control.
6.2. Information document

Annex 19

6.2.1. The system/vehicle manufacturer shall supply to the Technical Service

an information document of the control function(s) for which perfor-
mance verification is required. This document shall contain at least the

R 13
information defined in Appendix 7 to this annex.
6.3. Definition of test vehicle(s)
6.3.1. Based on the stability control function(s) and their application(s) defined
in the manufacturer‘s information document the Technical Service shall
carry out a performance verification. This may include one or more dy-
namic manoeuvres as defined in paragraph 2.2.3. of Annex 21 to this
Regulation on a trailer(s) having up to three axles which is representa-
tive of the application(s) defined in paragraph 2.1. of the manufacturers
information document. When selecting the trailer(s) for evaluation, consideration shall also be
given to the following:
(a) Suspension type: for each suspension group, e.g. balanced
pneumatic, a trailer of that specification shall be evaluated;
(b) Wheel base: wheel base shall not be a limiting factor;
(c) Brake type: approval shall be limited to trailers with S-cam or
disc brakes but should other types become available, then
comparative testing may be required;
(d) Braking system: the braking system of the trailer(s) to be eva-
luated shall comply with all of the relevant requirements of this
6.4. Test schedule
6.4.1. To evaluate the vehicle stability control function the tests used shall be
agreed between the system/vehicle manufacturer and the Technical
Service and shall include conditions, appropriate to the function being
evaluated, that would without the intervention of the stability control func-
tion result in loss of directional control or roll-over. The dynamic mano-
euvres, test conditions and results shall be included in the test report.
6.5. Towing vehicle
6.5.1. The towing vehicle used for evaluating the performance of the vehicle
(trailer) stability function shall have the necessary pneumatic and elec-
trical connections and if the towing vehicle is equipped with a vehicle
stability function as defined in paragraph 2.34. of this Regulation that
function shall be disabled.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

6.6. Test report

6.6.1. A test report shall be produced, the content of which shall be at least that
R 13

defined in Appendix 8 to this annex.

Part 2 Performance testing of motor vehicle braking components

1. General
Part 2 defines the procedures applicable in defining the performance of
the following:
1.1. A vehicle stability function.
1.1.1. General This section defines the procedure of determining the dynamic characte-
ristics of a vehicle equipped with a vehicle stability function as specified
in paragraph of this Regulation.
1.1.2. Information document The system manufacturer shall supply the Technical Service with an in-
formation document on the vehicle stability control function(s) for which
performance verification is required. This document shall contain at least
the information defined in Appendix 11 to this annex and shall be atta-
ched as an appendix to the test report.
1.1.3. Definition of test vehicle(s) Based on the stability control function(s) and their application(s) defi-
ned in the system manufacturer‘s information document, the Technical
Service shall carry out a vehicle based performance verification. This
shall include one or more dynamic manoeuvres as defined in paragraph
2.1.3. of Annex 21 to this Regulation on a motor vehicle(s) which is re-
presentative of the application(s) defined in paragraph 2.1. of the system
manufacturer information document. When selecting the motor vehicles(s) for evaluation, consideration shall
also be given to the following:
(a) Braking system: the braking system of the test vehicle(s) to be
evaluated shall comply with all of the relevant requirements of
this Regulation;
(b) Vehicle category – M2, M3, N2, N3

Annex 19

(c) Character of the vehicle;

(d) Vehicle configuration(s) (e.g. 4x2, 6x2, etc.): each configura-

R 13
tion to be evaluated;
(e) Drive orientation (left or right hand drive): not a limiting factor –
evaluation not required;
(f) Single front axle steering: not a limiting factor – evaluation not
required (see subparagraphs (g) and (h));
(g) Additional steering axles (e.g. forced steering, self-steering):
to be evaluated;
(h) Steering ratio: to be evaluated – end-of-line programming or
self-learning systems not a limiting factor;
(i) Drive axles: to be taken into consideration with regard to the
use (loss) of wheel speed sensing in the determination of ve-
hicle speed;
(j) Lift axles: lift axle detection / control and lifted condition to be
(k) Engine management: communication compatibility to be eva-
(l) Gearbox type (e.g. manual, automated manual, semi-automa-
tic, automatic): to be evaluated;
(m) Drive train options (e.g. retarder): to be evaluated;
(n) Differential type (e.g. standard or self-locking): to be evaluated;
(o) Differential type (e.g. standard or self-locking): to be evaluated;
(p) Brake system type (e.g. air over hydraulic, full air): to be eva-
(q) Brake type (disc, drum (single wedge, twin wedge, S-cam)):
not a limiting factor, however, should other types become avai-
lable, then comparative testing may be required;
(r) Anti-lock braking configurations: to be evaluated;
(s) Wheelbase: to be evaluated

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

In the case where vehicles conforming to the minimum and maximum

wheelbases as specified in the information document are not available
R 13

at the time of testing, minimum and maximum wheelbase verification

may be carried-out using system manufacturer test data for real vehicles
with a wheelbase within 20 per cent of the actual minimum and maxi-
mum wheelbase vehicles being tested by the Technical Service;
(a) Wheel type (single or twin): to be covered in the system manu-
facturer‘s information document;
(b) Tyre type (e.g. structure, category of use, size): to be covered
in the system manufacturer‘s information document;
(c) Track width: not a limiting factor – covered by variations in the
centre of gravity evaluation;
(d) Suspension type (e.g. air, mechanical, rubber): to be evaluated;
(e) Centre of gravity height: to be evaluated
In the case where vehicles conforming to the maximum centre
of gravity height as specified in the information document are not
available at the time of testing, maximum centre of gravity height
verification may be carried-out utilising system manufacturer‘s
test data for real vehicles with a centre of gravity height within
+20 per cent of the actual maximum centre of gravity height of
the vehicles being tested by the Technical Service;
(f) Lateral acceleration sensor position: installation envelop as
specified by the system manufacturer to be evaluated;
(g) Yaw rate sensor position: installation envelop as specified by
the system manufacturer to be evaluated.
1.1.4. Test schedule To evaluate the vehicle stability control function, the tests used shall be
agreed upon between the system manufacturer and the Technical Ser-
vice and shall include conditions, appropriate to the function being eva-
luated, that would without the intervention of the stability control function
result in loss of directional control or roll-over control. The dynamic ma-
noeuvres, test conditions and results shall be included in the test report.
The evaluation shall include the following, as appropriate:

Annex 19 Additional steering axles:

Evaluate the influence by a comparison of results with the axle in its

R 13
normal steering mode and with the steering disabled so that it becomes
a fixed axle, unless it is an end-of-line programming parameter. Steering ratio:
Tests to be carried-out to determine the effectiveness of any end-of-line pro-
gramming or self-learning using a number of vehicles with different steering
ratios, or the approval is restricted to the steering ratios actually tested. Lift axle:
Tests to be carried-out with the lift axle in the raised and lowered conditi-
ons, with position detection and signal transfer being evaluated to esta-
blish that the change in wheelbase has been recognized. Engine management:
Control of the engine, or any other source(s) of motive power, to be
shown to be independent from driver demand. Drive train options:
The effect of any options to be shown, e.g. retarder management to be
independent of the driver in the case of a retarder. Differential type/differential lock(s):
Effect of self-locking or driver selected locking to be shown, e.g. function
maintained, reduced or switched-off. Anti-lock braking configurations:
Each anti-lock braking configuration shall be tested on at least one vehicle.
If the vehicle stability function is hosted on different systems (e.g. ABS,
EBS), tests shall be carried-out on vehicles having the different hosting
systems. Suspension type:
Vehicles shall be selected on the basis of the suspension type (e.g. air,
mechanical, rubber) of each axle or axle group. Centre of gravity height:
Tests shall be carried-out on vehicles where it is possible to adjust the
centre of gravity height so as to demonstrate that the roll-over control is
able to adapt to changes in the centre of gravity height.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 Lateral acceleration sensor position:

The effect of the lateral acceleration sensor being installed in different
R 13

positions on the same vehicle shall be evaluated to confirm the installa-

tion envelop specified by the system manufacturer.
Yaw rate sensor position:
The effect of the yaw rate sensor being installed in different positions on
the same vehicle shall be evaluated to confirm the installation envelop
specified by the system manufacturer. Loading:
Vehicles shall be tested in both the laden and unladen/part laden condi-
tions to demonstrate that the vehicle stability function is able to adapt to
differing conditions of load.
In the case of a semi-trailer tractor, tests shall be carried-out as follows:
(a) With a coupled semi-trailer, in the laden and unladen/part la-
den conditions, in which the roll-over control, if fitted, has been
(b) In the solo condition (without a coupled semi-trailer or imposed
(c) With a load simulating the laden condition (without a coupled
semi-trailer). Evaluation of buses
As an alternative, in the case of buses, trucks having the same braking
system type may be used in the evaluation. However, at least one bus
shall be included in the testing and the subsequent report.
1.1.5. Test report A test report shall be produced, the content of which shall be at least that
defined in Appendix 12 to this annex.

Annex 19

Annex 19 - Appendix 1
Model verification report form for diaphragm brake chambers

R 13
Report No. ....................................................................................................
1. Identification .................................................................................................
1.1. Manufacturer: (Name and address) ................................................
1.1. Make: .........................................................................................................90
1.2. Type: ..........................................................................................................90
1.3. Part number: ..............................................................................................90
2. Operating conditions:
2.1. Maximum working pressure:
3. Performance characteristics declared by the manufacturer:
3.1. Maximum stroke (smax) at 6,500 kPa ........................................................91
3.2. Average thrust (ThA) - f(p) .........................................................................91
3.3. Effective stroke (sp) - f(p) ...........................................................................91
3.3.1. Pressure range over which the above effective stroke is valid: (see para-
graph 2.3.4. of Annex 19 - Part 1).
3.4. Pressure required to produce a push rod stroke of 15 mm (p15) based on
ThA – f(p) or declared value.91,92
4. Scope of application
The brake chamber may be used on trailers of category O3 and O4
......................................................................................................... (yes/no)
4.1. The brake chamber may be used on trailers of category O3 only
........................................................................................................ (yes/no)

90 To be marked on brake chamber, however for inclusion within the test report only the
parent part number is required, model variants need not be indicated.
91 Identification shall be amended when changes are made which have an influence on
the performance characteristics, paragraphs 3.1., 3.2. and 3.3. of this appendix.
92 For the purposes of the application of the characteristics defined in this report with
respect to Annex 10, it shall be assumed that the relationship from p15 to the decla-
red ThA – f(p) at a pressure of 100 kPa is linear.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

5. Name of Technical Service/Type Approval Authority conducting the test:

R 13

6. Date of test:
7. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 19 to Regulation No. 13 as last amended by the .... series
of amendments.
Technical Service93 conducting the test
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
8. Type Approval Authority93
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
9. Test documents:
Appendix 2, ..................................................................................................

93 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization issued with the report.

Annex 19

Annex 19 - Appendix 2
Model reference record of test results for diaphragm brake

R 13
Report No. ....................................................................................................
1. Record of test results94 for part number:

Pressure95 Average thrust Effective stroke

p - (kPa) ThA - (N) Sp - (mm)

94 To be created for each of the 6 samples tested.

95 Pressure „p“ will be actual pressure values used in the test as defined in paragraph
2.2.2. of this annex.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 3
Model verification report form for spring brakes
R 13

Report No. ....................................................................................................

1. Identification: ................................................................................................
1.1. Manufacturer (Name and address): ..........................................................
1.2. Make: .........................................................................................................96
1.3. Type: ..........................................................................................................96
1.4. Part number: ..............................................................................................96
2. Operating conditions:
2.1. Maximum working pressure:
3. Performance characteristics declared by the manufacturer:
3.1.1. Maximum stroke (smax) .............................................................................97
3.1.2. Spring thrust (Ths) - f(s) ............................................................................97
3.1.3. Release pressure (at 10 mm stroke) ......................................................97
4. Date of test: ................................................................................................
5. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 19 to Regulation No. 13 as last amended by the …. series
of amendments.
Technical Service98 conducting the test
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
6. Type Approval Authority98
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
7. Test documents:
Appendix 4, ..................................................................................................

96 To be marked on the spring brake, however for inclusion within the test report only
the parent part number is required, model variants need not be indicated.
97 Identification shall be amended when changes are made which have an influence on
the performance characteristics, paragraphs 3.1., 3.2. and 3.3. of this appendix.
98 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization issued with the report.

Annex 19

Annex 19 - Appendix 4
Model reference record of test results for spring brakes

R 13
Report No. ....................................................................................................
1. Record of test results99 for part number:

Stroke100 Thrust
S - (mm) Ths - (N)

Release pressure (at 10 mm stroke) .................................................. kPa

99 To be created for each of the 6 samples tested.

100 Stroke „s“ will be the actual stroke values used in the test as defined in paragraph
3.2.2. of this annex.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 5
Trailer anti-lock braking system information document
R 13

1. General
1.1. Name of manufacturer
1.2. System name
1.3. System variations
1.4. System configurations (e.g. 2S/1M, 2S/2M etc.)
1.5. Explanation of the basic function and/or philosophy of the system.
2. Applications
2.1. List of trailer types and ABS configurations for which approval is required.
2.2. Schematic diagrams of the system configurations installed on the trailers de-
fined in item 2.1. above with consideration given to the following parameters:
Sensor locations
Modulator locations
Lift axles
Steering axles
Tube: type - bore size(s) and lengths
2.3. Relationship of tyre circumference to the resolution of the exciter, inclu-
ding tolerances.
2.4. Tolerance of tyre circumference between one axle and another fitted
with the same exciter.
2.5. Scope of application with respect to suspension type:
Air suspension: Any type of balanced „trailing arm“ air
Other suspensions: To be defined by manufacturer, model and
type (balanced/unbalanced).
2.6. Recommendations on differential brake input torque (if any) in relation to
the ABS configuration and trailer axle group.
2.7. Additional information (if applicable) to the application of the anti-lock
braking system.

Annex 19

3. Component description
3.1. Sensor(s)

R 13
Identification (e.g. part number(s))
3.2. Controller(s)
General description and function
Identification (e.g. part number(s))
Safety aspects of controller(s)
Additional features (e.g. retarder control, automatic con-
figuration, variable parameters, diagnostics)
3.3. Modulator(s)
General description and function
Identification (e.g. part number(s))
3.4. Electrical equipment
Circuit diagram(s)
Powering methods
Warning lamp sequence(s)
3.5. Pneumatic circuits
Braking schematics covering the ABS configurations as applied to the
trailer types defined in paragraph 2.1. above.
Limitations on tube sizes and associated lengths that have an effect on
system performance (e.g. between modulator and brake chamber)
3.6. Electro-magnetic compatibility
3.6.1. Documentation demonstrating compliance with the provisions of para-
graph 4.4. of Annex 13 to this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 6
Trailer anti-lock braking system test report
R 13

Test Report No: ............................................................................................

1. Identification
1.1. Manufacturer of the anti-lock braking system (name and address)
1.2. System name/model
2. System(s) and Installation(s) approved
2.1. ABS configuration(s) approved (e.g. 2S/1M, 2S/2M etc.):
2.2. Range of application (type of trailer and number of axles):
2.3. Methods of powering: ISO 7638, ISO 1185 etc.
2.4. Identification of approved sensor(s), controller(s) and modulator(s):
2.5. Energy consumption - equivalent number of static brake applications.
2.6. Additional features e.g. retarder control, lift axle configuration etc.
3. Test data and results
3.1. Test vehicle data:
3.2. Test surface information:
3.3. Test results:
3.3.1. Utilization of adhesion:
3.3.2. Energy consumption:
3.3.3. Split friction test:
3.3.4. Low speed performance:
3.3.5. High-speed performance:
3.3.6. Additional checks: Transition from high to low adhesion surfaces: Transition from low to high adhesion surfaces:
3.3.7. Failure mode simulation:

Annex 19

3.3.8. Functional checks of optional power connections:

3.3.9. Electro-magnetic compatibility

R 13
4. Limits of installation
4.1. Relationship of tyre circumference to the resolution of the exciter:
4.2. Tolerance on tyre circumference between one axle and another fitted
with the same exciter:
4.3. Suspension type:
4.4. Differential(s) in brake input torque within the trailer axle group:
4.5. Wheel base of full trailer:
4.6. Brake type:
4.7. Tube sizes and lengths
4.8. Load sensing device application:
4.9. Warning lamp sequence:
4.10. System configurations and applications that comply with the category
A requirements.
4.11. Other recommendations/limitations (e.g. location of sensors, modula-
tor(s), lift axle(s), steering axle(s)):
5. Date of test:
This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 19 to Regulation No. 13 as last amended by the ..... series
of amendments.
Technical Service101 conducting the test
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
6. Type Approval Authority101
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
Attachment: Manufacturer‘s information document

101 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 7
Vehicle (trailer) stability function information document
R 13

1. General
1.1. Name of manufacturer
1.2. System name
1.3. System variations
1.4. Control function (directional/roll-over/both) including an explanation of
the basic function and/or philosophy of the control
1.5. System configurations (where appropriate)
1.6. System identification
2. Applications
2.1. List of trailer types and configurations for which approval is required
2.2. Schematic diagrams of the respective configurations installed on the trai-
lers defined in item 2.1. above with consideration given to the following:
(a) Lift axles;
(b) Steering axles;
(c) Anti-lock braking configurations.
2.3. Scope of application with respect to suspension type:
(a) Air suspension: any type of balanced „trailing arm“ air suspen-
(b) Other suspensions:individually identified by manufacturer, mo-
del and type (balanced/unbalanced).
2.4. Additional information (if applicable) to the application of the directional
control and/or the roll-over control function(s)
3. Component description
3.1. Sensors external to the controller
(a) Function;
(b) Limitations on the location of the sensors;
(c) Identification, e.g. part numbers.

Annex 19

3.2. Controller(s)
(a) General description and function;

R 13
(b) Identification e.g. part numbers;
(c) Limitations on the location of the controller(s);
(d) Additional features.
3.3. Modulators
(a) General description and function;
(b) Identification;
(c) Limitations.
3.4. Electrical equipment
(a) Circuit diagrams;
(b) Powering methods.
3.5. Pneumatic circuits
System schematics including anti-lock braking configurations associa-
ted with the trailer types defined in paragraph 6.2.1. of this annex.
3.6. Safety aspects of the electronic system in accordance with Annex 18 to
this Regulation
3.7. Electro-magnetic compatibility
3.7.1. Documentation demonstrating compliance with Regulation No. 10 as
required by paragraph of the Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 8
Vehicle (trailer) stability function test report
R 13

Test Report No: ............................................................................................

1. Identification
1.1. Manufacturer of the vehicle stability function (name and address)
1.2. System name / model
1.3. Control function
2. System(s) and installations approved:
2.1. Anti-lock braking configurations (where appropriate)
2.2. Range of application (trailer type(s) and number of axles)
2.3. System identification
2.4. Additional features
3. Test data and results
3.1. Test vehicle data (including the specification and functionality of the to-
wing vehicle)
3.2. Test surface information
3.3. Additional information
3.4. Demonstrative tests/simulations used for the purpose of evaluating the
directional control and the roll-over control as appropriate.
3.5. Test results
3.6. Assessment in accordance with Annex 18 to this Regulation
4. Limits of installation
4.1. Suspension type
4.2. Brake type
4.3. Location of components on the trailer
4.4. Anti-lock braking configurations
4.5. Other recommendations/limitations (e.g. lifting axles, steering axles, etc.)

Annex 19

5. Attachments
6. Date of test:

R 13
7. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 19 to UN Regulation No. 13 as last amended by the … series
of amendments.
Technical Service102 conducting the test
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
8. Type Approval Authority102
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................

102 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorisation issued with the report.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 9
Symbols and definitions
R 13

Symbol Definition
BF Brake factor (input torque to output torque amplification ratio)
CO Threshold input torque (minimum torque necessary to
produce a measurable brake torque)
D Outer tyre diameter (overall diameter of an inflated new tyre)
d A conventional number denoting the nominal rim diameter
and corresponding to the diameter of the rim expressed
either in inches or mm
FB Brake force
H Nominal tyre section height (the distance equal to half the
difference between the outer diameter of the tyre and the
nominal rim diameter)
I Rotary inertia
lT Brake lever length of reference test trailer
MT Average brake output torque
ne Equivalent number of static brake applications for the pur-
pose of type approval
ner Equivalent number of static applications obtained during testing
nD Rotational speed of the rolling road
nW Rotational speed of the unbraked wheels of the axle
Pd Maximum technically permitted mass for the brake
p Pressure
P15 The pressure in the brake chamber require to produce a
pushrod stroke of 15 mm from the zero datum position.
R Dynamic tyre rolling radius (calculated using 0.485D)
Ra Nominal aspect ratio of the tyre (one hundred times the
number obtained by dividing the number expressing the
nominal section height of the tyre in mm by the number
expressing the nominal section width in mm).
R1 Ratio of sT / lT
RR Radius of the rolling road

Annex 19

Symbol Definition
S1 Section width of the tyre (linear distance between the out-

R 13
sides of the sidewalls of an inflated tyre, excluding eleva-
tions due to labelling (marking), decorations or protective
bands or ribs).
S Actuator stroke (working stroke plus free stroke)
Smax Total actuator stroke
SP Effective stroke (the stroke at which the output thrust is
90per cent of the average thrust ThA)
ST Brake chamber push rod travel of reference test trailer in mm
ThA Average thrust (the average thrust is determined by integra-
ting the values between 1/3 and 2/3 of the total stroke Smax)
THS Spring thrust of the spring brake
TR Sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of trailer
or semi-trailer
v Rolling road linear speed
v1 Initial speed, when braking starts
v2 Speed at end of braking
w60 Energy input, equivalent to the kinetic energy of the corre-
sponding mass for the brake under test when braked from
60 km/h to standstill
z Braking rate of vehicle

90% TH A

0 1/3Smax 2/3Smax Sp Smax

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 10
Field test documentation form as prescribed in paragraph
R 13 of this annex

1. Identification
1.1. Brake:
Manufacturer ................................................................................................
Make ............................................................................................................
Type ..............................................................................................................
Model ...........................................................................................................
Drum brake or disc brake 103
Data to identify the tested item ....................................................................
Technically permissible brake input torque Cmax .........................................
Automatic brake adjustment device: integrated/non-integrated103
1.2. Brake drum or brake disc:
Internal diameter of drum or outside diameter of disc ................................
Effective radius104 .........................................................................................
Thickness .....................................................................................................
Mass .............................................................................................................
Material ........................................................................................................
Data to identify the tested item ...................................................................
1.3. Brake lining or pad:
Type ..............................................................................................................
Identification .................................................................................................
Width ............................................................................................................
Thickness .....................................................................................................
Surface area ................................................................................................
Method of attachment .................................................................................
Data to identify the tested item ...................................................................
103 Strike out what does not apply.
104 Applies only to disc brakes.

Annex 19

1.4. Actuator:
Manufacturer ................................................................................................

R 13
Make ............................................................................................................
Size ..............................................................................................................
Type .............................................................................................................
Data to identify the tested item ...................................................................
1.5. Automatic brake adjustment device105
Manufacturer ................................................................................................
Make ............................................................................................................
Type .............................................................................................................
Version .........................................................................................................
Data to identify the tested item ...................................................................
1.6. Test vehicle data
Towing vehicle:
Identification – No. .......................................................................
Load on each axle ......................................................................
Identification – No. .......................................................................
Category: O2 / O3 / O4103
full trailer / semi-trailer / central axle trailer103
Number of axles ..........................................................................
Tyres/rims: ...................................................................................
Twin / single103
Dynamic rolling radius R laden ..................................................
Load on each axle ......................................................................

105 Not applicable in the case of integrated automatic brake adjustment device.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2. Test Data and results

2.1. Field test:
R 13

General description covering: distance travelled, time duration and location

2.2. Braking test: .................................................................................................
2.2.1. Test track information ..................................................................................
2.2.2. Test procedure .............................................................................................
2.3. Test results:
Brake factor
Test 1
Date of test 1.................................................................................
Test 2 ............................................................................................
Date of test 2 ...............................................................................
Test 3 ............................................................................................
Date of test 3 ................................................................................

Annex 19

Annex 19 - Appendix 11
Vehicle (motor vehicle) stability function information docu-

R 13
1. General
1.1. Name of manufacturer
1.2. System
1.3. System variants
1.4. System options
1.4.1. Control function (directional/roll-over/both) including an explanation of
the basic function and/or philosophy of the control
1.5. System configurations (where appropriate)
1.6. System identification including software level identifier
2. Applications
2.1. List of motor vehicles by description and configuration that are covered
by the information document
2.2. Schematic diagrams of the respective configurations installed on the motor
vehicles defined in item 2.1. above with consideration given to the following:
(a) Lift axles
(b) Steering axles
(c) Anti-lock braking configurations
2.3. Scope of application with respect to suspension:
(a) Air
(b) Mechanical
(c) Rubber
(d) Mixed
(e) Anti-roll bar

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.4. Additional information (if applicable) to the application of the directional

control and roll-over control functions, for example:
R 13

(a) Wheelbase, track, centre of gravity height

(b) Wheel type (single or twin) and tyre type (e.g. structure, cate-
gory of use, size)
(c) Gearbox type (e.g. manual, automated manual, semi-automa-
tic, automatic)
(d) Drive train options (e.g. retarder)
(e) Differential type/differential lock(s) (e.g. standard or self-lo-
cking, automatic or driver selected)
(f) Management of the engine or any other source(s) of motive power
(g) Brake type
3. Component description:
3.1. Sensors external to the controller
(a) Function
(b) Limitations on the location of the sensors
(c) Identification (e.g. part numbers)
3.2. Controller(s)
(a) General description and function
(b) Functionality of internal sensors (if applicable)
(c) Hardware identification (e.g. part numbers)
(d) Software identification
(e) Limitations on the location of the controller(s)
(f) Additional features

Annex 19

3.3. Modulators
(a) General description and function

R 13
(b) Hardware identification (e.g. part numbers)
(c) Software identification (if applicable)
(d) Limitations
3.4. Electrical Equipment
(a) Circuit diagrams
(b) Powering methods
3.5. Pneumatic circuits
System schematics including anti-lock braking configurations associa-
ted with the motor vehicle types defined in item 2.1. of this appendix
3.6. Safety aspects of the electronic system in accordance with Annex 18 to
this Regulation
3.7. Electro-magnetic compatibility
3.7.1. Documentation demonstrating compliance with Regulation No. 10 as
required by paragraph of this Regulation

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 19 - Appendix 12
Vehicle (motor vehicle) stability function test report
R 13

Test Report No.: ...........................................................................................

1. Identification:
1.1. Manufacturer of the vehicle stability function (name and address)
1.2. Applicant (if different from the manufacturer)
1.3. Systems
1.3.1. System variants
1.3.2. System options Control functions
2. System(s) and installations:
2.1. Anti-lock braking configurations
2.2. Vehicle applications
2.2.1. Vehicle category (e.g. N2, N3, etc.)
2.2.2. Character of the vehicle
2.2.3. Vehicle configuration(s) (e.g. 4x2, 6x2, etc.)
2.2.4. End of line programming
2.3. System identification
2.4. Functional description
2.4.1. Directional control
2.4.2. Roll-over control
2.4.3. Low speed operation
2.4.4. Off-road mode
2.4.5. Drive train options
2.5. Components
2.6. Trailer detection and functionality
2.7. Intervention warning
2.8. Failure warning
2.9. Stop lamp illumination

Annex 19

3. Assessed vehicle variables:

3.1. General

R 13
3.2. Brake system type
3.3. Brake type
3.4. Centre of gravity
3.5. Management of the engine or other source(s) of motive power
3.6. Gearbox type
3.7. Installation configurations
3.8. Lift axles
3.9. Effect of load variations
3.9.1. Roll-over control
3.9.2. Directional control
3.10. Steering ratio
3.11. Additional steering or steered axles
3.12. Suspension
3.13. Track width
3.14. Yaw rate and lateral acceleration sensor(s)
3.15. Wheelbase
3.16. Wheel type, tyre type, tyre size
4. Limits of Installation:
4.1. Suspension type
4.2. Brake type
4.3. Location of components
4.3.1. Yaw rate and lateral acceleration sensor(s) position
4.4. Anti-lock braking configuration(s)
4.5. Additional steered axle
4.6. Additional recommendations and limitations
4.6.1. Brake system type
4.6.2. Management of the engine or other source(s) of motive power

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

4.6.3. Lift axles

4.7. Test data and results:
R 13

4.8. Test vehicle data (including the specification and functionality of any trai-
ler(s) used during the test(s))
4.9. Test surface information
4.9.1. High adhesion surface
4.9.2. Low adhesion surface
4.10. Measurement and data acquisition
4.11. Test conditions and procedures
4.11.1. Vehicle tests Directional control Roll-over control
4.12. Additional Information
4.13. Test results
4.13.1. Vehicle tests Directional control Roll-over control
4.14. Assessment in accordance with Annex 18 to this Regulation
4.15. Compliance with Regulation No. 10
5. Attachments106:
6. Date of test:
7. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 19, Part 2 to Regulation No. 13 as last amended by the …
series of amendments.
Technical Service107 conducting the test
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
8. Type Approval Authority²
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................

106 System supplier test data in support of the tolerance allowance as specified in para-
graphs and of Part 2 to Annex 19 shall be attached.
107 To be signed by different persons even when the Technical Service and Type Ap-
proval Authority are the same or alternatively, a separate Type Approval Authority
authorization is issued with the report.

Annex 20

Annex 20
Alternative procedure for the type approval of trailers

R 13
1. General
1.1. This annex defines an alternative procedure for type approving trailers, utilizing
information from test reports issued in accordance with Annexes 11 and 19.
1.2. On completion of the verification procedures described in paragraphs
3., 4., 5., 6., 7. and 8. of this annex, the Technical Service/Type Approval
Authority shall issue an UN type approval certificate conforming to the
model specified in Annex 2, Appendix 1 to this Regulation.
1.3. For the purposes of the calculations defined within this annex the centre
of gravity height shall be determined in accordance with the method de-
fined in Appendix 1 to this annex.
2. Application for type approval
2.1. The application for UN type approval of a trailer type with regard to the
braking equipment shall be submitted by the trailer manufacturer. In sup-
port of the approval the trailer manufacturer shall supply to the Technical
Service at least the following:
2.1.1. A copy of the UN or EU type approval certificate and an information
document of a trailer hereafter referred to as the „reference trailer“ on
which the service braking performance comparison is to be based. This
trailer will have been subject to the actual tests defined in Annex 4 to
this Regulation for the appropriate trailer or equivalent EU Directive. A
trailer that has been approved to the alternative procedur e defined in
this annex shall not be used as a reference trailer.
2.1.2. Copies of the Annex 11 and Annex 19 test reports.
2.1.3. A documentation package that contains the relevant verification informati-
on including the relevant calculations, where appropriate, for the following:
Performance requirements Annex 20 paragraphs
Cold service braking performance 3.
Parking brake performance 4.
Automatic (emergency) brake performance 5.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Performance requirements Annex 20 paragraphs

Failure of braking distribution system 6.
R 13

Anti-lock braking 7.
Vehicle stability function 8.
Functional checks 9.

2.1.4. A trailer, representative of the trailer type to be approved hereafter refer-

red to as the „subject trailer“.
2.2. The manufacturer of the „reference trailer“ and „subject trailer“ shall be
the same.
3. Alternative procedure for demonstrating the Type-0 service braking cold
3.1. To demonstrate compliance with the Type-0 service braking cold per-
formance it shall be verified, by calculation, that the „subject trailer“ has
sufficient brake force (TR) available to achieve the prescribed service
braking performance and that there is sufficient adhesion available on
a dry road surface (assumed to have a coefficient of adhesion of 0.8) to
utilize this brake force.
3.2. Verification
3.2.1. The requirements of Annex 4, paragraphs 1.2.7., 3.1.2. and 3.1.3. (cold
performance requirement and achievement without wheel lock, devia-
tion or abnormal vibration) are considered to be satisfied by the subject
trailer if it meets the verification criteria described in the following para-
graphs, in both the laden and unladen conditions: The wheelbase of the subject trailer shall not be less than 0.8 times the
reference trailer wheelbase. Any difference in the brake input torque between one axle and another
within an axle group of the „subject trailer“ shall not differ from that of the
„reference trailer“. The number and arrangement of axles i.e. lifting, steering etc. of the
„subject trailer“ shall not differ from that of the reference trailer. The percentage distribution of the laden static axle load of the subject trai-
ler shall not differ from that of the reference trailer by more than 10 per cent.

Annex 20 For semi-trailers, a graph, in accordance with Appendix 2, shall be cons-

tructed and, from this graph, it shall be verified that:

R 13
TR max ≥ TRpr (i.e. line (1) shall not be below line (3)), and
TRL ≥ TRpr (i.e. line (2) shall not be below line (3)). For centre axle trailers, a graph, in accordance with Appendix 3, shall be
constructed and, from this graph, it shall be verified that:
TR max ≥ TRpr (i.e. line (1) shall not be below line (3)), and
TRL ≥ TRpr (i.e. line (2) shall not be below line (3)). For full trailers, a graph, in accordance with Appendix 4, shall be cons-
tructed and, from this graph, it shall be verified that:
TR max ≥ TRpr (i.e. line (1) shall not be below line (2)), and
TRLf ≥ TRprf (i.e. line (4) shall not be below line (3)), and
TRLr ≥ TRprr (i.e. line (6) shall not be below line (5)).
4. Alternative procedure for demonstrating the parking brake performance.
4.1. General
4.1.1. This procedure provides an alternative to physically testing trailers on a
gradient and ensures that trailers fitted with spring brake actuated par-
king mechanisms can meet the prescribed parking brake performance.
This procedure shall not be applied to trailers fitted with parking mecha-
nisms operated by means other than spring brakes. Such trailers shall
be subjected to the physical test prescribed in Annex 4.
4.1.2. The prescribed parking braking performance shall be demonstrated
by calculation, using the formulae contained in paragraphs 4.2. and
4.3. below.
4.2. Parking performance
4.2.1. The parking brake force at the periphery of the tyres of axle(s) braked by
the spring brake actuated parking mechanism shall be calculated using
the following formula:
Tpi = ( Ths x l - Co ) x n x BF / Rs
4.2.2. The normal reaction of the road surface on the axles of a stationary trai-
ler facing uphill and downhill on an 18 per cent gradient shall be calcula-
ted using the following formulae:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 In the case of full trailers: Facing uphill
R 13

tan P • h • P
NFU = PRF - EL cosP ]
NFUi = i FU

tan P • h • P
NRU = PRR + EL cosP ]
NRUi = i RU
R Facing downhill:

tan P • h • P
NFD = PRF + EL cosP ]
NFDi = i FD

tan P • h • P
NRD = PRR - EL cosP ]
NRDi = i RD
R In the case of centre axle trailers: Facing uphill:
tan P • h • P
NRU = P + EL cosP]
NRUi = i RU
R Facing downhill:

tan P • h • P
NRD = P - EL ]

NRDi = i RD

Annex 20 In the case of semi-trailers: Facing uphill:

R 13
PS • ER tan P • h • P
NRU = P - [ EL + EL ]cosP

NRUi = i RU
R Facing downhill:

PS • ER tan P • h • P
NRD = P - [ EL - EL ]cosP

NRDi = i RD

4.3. Verification
4.3.1. The parking brake performance of the trailer shall be verified using the
following formulae:

[ Ȉ$ Di
P ]
+ 0.01 ‡•


[ Ȉ$ Ui
P ]
+ 0.01 ‡•

5. Alternative procedure for demonstrating the emergency/automatic bra-

king performance
5.1. General
5.1.1. To demonstrate compliance with the automatic braking performance
requirements, either a comparison is made between the chamber pres-
sure required to achieve the specified performance and the asymptotic
chamber pressure after disconnection of the supply line, as defined in
paragraph 5.2.1. below, or it shall be verified that the brake force pro-
vided by the axle(s) fitted with spring brakes is sufficient to achieve the
specified performance, as defined in paragraph 5.2.2.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

5.2. Verification
5.2.1. The requirements of Annex 4, paragraph 3.3., are considered to be sa-
R 13

tisfied by a subject trailer if the asymptotic chamber pressure (pc) after

disconnection of the supply line is greater than the chamber pressure
(pc) to achieve a performance of 13.5 per cent of the maximum statio-
nary wheel load. The supply line pressure being stabilized at 700 kPa
prior to disconnection.
5.2.2. The requirements of Annex 4, paragraph 3.3., are considered to be sa-
tisfied by a spring brake equipped subject trailer if:
Σ Tpi ≥ 0.135 ( PR )( g )
Tpi is calculated in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1. above.
6. Alternative procedure for demonstrating braking performance in the
case of failure of the braking distribution system
6.1. General
6.1.1. To demonstrate compliance with the braking performance requirements
in the case of a failure of the braking distribution system, a comparison is
made between the chamber pressure required to achieve the specified
performance and the chamber pressure available when a failure in the
braking distribution system exists.
6.2. Verification
6.2.1. The requirements of Annex 10, Appendix, paragraph 6., are considered
to be satisfied by the subject trailer if the pressure defined in paragraph is greater than or equal to the pressure defined in paragraph below, in both laden and unladen conditions. The chamber pressure (pc) of the subject trailer, when pm = 650 kPa,
the supply line pressure = 700 kPa and a failure in the braking distribu-
tion system exists. The chamber pressure (pc) to achieve a braking rate of 30 per cent of
the service braking performance prescribed for the subject trailer.
7. Alternative procedure for demonstrating the anti-lock braking perfor-

Annex 20

7.1. General
7.1.1. Testing of a trailer in accordance with Annex 13 to this Regulation may

R 13
be waived at the time of type approval of the trailer provided that the
anti-lock braking system (ABS) complies with the requirements of Annex
19 to this Regulation.
7.2. Verification
7.2.1. Verification of components and installation
The specification of the ABS installed on the trailer to be type approved
shall be verified by satisfying each of the following criteria:

Paragraph Criteria (a) Sensor(s); No change allowed
(b) Controller(s); No change allowed
(c) Modulator(s). No change allowed Tube size(s) and lengths
(a) Reservoir supply to modu-
Minimum inside diameter
May be increased
Maximum overall length
(b) May be reduced
Modulator delivery to brake
chambers No change allowed

Inside diameter May be reduced

Maximum overall length Warning signal sequence No change allowed Differentials in brake input torque Only approved
within an axle group differentials (if any)
permitted For other limitations refer to para- Installation to be
graph 4.of the test report as descri- within the scope of the
bed in Appendix 6 of Annex 19 to this limitations defined - No
Regulation. deviations allowed
7.3. Verification of reservoir capacity

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

7.3.1. As the range of braking systems and auxiliary equipment used on trai-
lers is diverse it is not possible to have a table of recommended reservoir
R 13

capacities. To verify that adequate storage capacity is installed, testing

may be conducted according to paragraph 6.1. of Annex 13 to this Re-
gulation or by the procedure defined below: In the case of brakes with non-integrated brake wear adjustment the bra-
kes on the subject trailer shall be set to a condition where the relationship
(R1) of brake chamber push rod travel (sT) against lever length (lT) is 0.2.
lt = 130 mm
Re = sT/lT = sT/130 = 0.2
sT = Push rod travel at 650 kPa brake chamber pressure
= 130 x 0.2 = 26 mm In the case of brakes with integrated automatic brake wear adjustment
the brakes shall be set to a normal running clearance. Setting of the brakes as defined above shall be carried out when the
brakes are cold (≤ 100 °C). With the brakes adjusted according to relevant procedure defined above
and the load sensing device(s) set to the laden condition and the initial
energy level set in accordance with paragraph of Annex 19
- Part 1 to this Regulation, the energy storage device(s) shall be isolated
from further supply. The brakes shall be applied with a control pressure
of 650 kPa at the coupling head and then fully released. Further brake
applications shall be made up to the number ne determined from the test
conducted in accordance with paragraph of Annex 19 to this
Regulation and defined in paragraph 2.5. of the anti-lock braking system
approval report. During this application, the pressure in the operating
circuit shall be sufficient to provide a total braking force at the periphe-
ry of the wheels equal to not less than 22.5 per cent of the maximum
stationary wheel load and without causing automatic application of any
braking system not under the control of the anti-lock braking system.
7.4. Trailers with more than 3 axles may utilize the Annex 19 ABS test report
provided the following conditions are fulfilled:

Annex 20

7.4.1. Irrespective of trailer type at least one third of the axles in an axle group
shall have all wheels directly controlled, with the wheels on the remai-
ning axles being indirectly controlled108.

R 13
7.4.2. Utilization of Adhesion: The minimum utilization of adhesion specified
within paragraph 6.2. of Annex 13 to this Regulation is deemed to be
achieved when following conditions are fulfilled: The relationship of the number of wheels directly or indirectly controlled
by one or more pressure modulators and the location of the directly con-
trolled wheels within the axle group shall correspond to those defined
within paragraph 2.2. of the Information Document referred to in para-
graph 5.2. of Annex 19 - Part 1 to this Regulation; The utilization of adhesion of the installed configuration is shown in the
test report as meeting the requirements of paragraph 6.2. of Annex 13
to this Regulation.
7.4.3. Energy Consumption: The number of equivalent static brake applicati-
ons defined within paragraph 2.5. of the test report may be used in con-
junction with the verification procedure of paragraph 7.3. of this annex .
Alternatively the test procedure specified within paragraph 6.1. of Annex
13 to this Regulation may be used;
7.4.4. Low speed performance: Additional verification is not required;
7.4.5. High speed performance: Additional verification is not required;
7.4.6. Category A performance: The split friction requirements specified within
paragraph 6.3.2. of Annex 13 to this Regulation are deemed to be ful-
filled when the number of wheels which are subject to independent left/
right control is equal to or greater than the number of wheels controlled
using „select low“ axle control;
7.4.7. Surface transition performance: Additional verification not required;
7.4.8. Installation limitations: in all cases the following limitations shall apply: Any installation limitations defined within items 2.1. to 2.7. of the Infor-
mation Document referred to in paragraph 5.2. of Annex 19 - Part 1 to
this Regulation shall apply; Only products identified and referenced in the information document and
test report may be installed;
108 When the number of axle(s) in an axle group is divided by 3 and the resulting number
is less than 1, at least one axle shall be directly controlled. When the number of axles
in the axle group is divided by 3 and the resulting number is not a whole number, a
further axle shall be directly controlled in addition to the number of axles indicated by
the whole number value.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13 The maximum delivery volume controlled by each pressure modulator

shall not exceed the volume specified within paragraph 3.3. of the infor-
mation document;
R 13 An axle with directly controlled wheels may only be lifted when any axle
which is indirectly controlled from this direct controlled axle is lifted in parallel; All other installation limitations specified within paragraph 4. of the test
report shall apply.
8. Alternative procedure for demonstrating the performance of a trailer
equipped with a vehicle stability function.
8.1. Evaluation of a trailer in accordance with paragraph 2. of Annex 21 to this
Regulation may be waived at the time of trailer type approval provided
that the vehicle stability function complies with the relevant requirements
of Annex 19 to this Regulation.
8.2. Verification
8.2.1. Verification of components and installation
The specification of the braking system, in which the stability control
function is integrated and installed on the trailer to be type approved
shall be verified by satisfying each of the following criteria:

Condition Criteria (a) Sensor(s) No change allowed

(b) Controller(s) No change allowed
(c) Modulator(s) No change allowed Trailer types as defined in the test report No change allowed Installation configurations as defined in No change allowed

the test report For other limitations refer to paragraph No change allowed
4. of the test report as described in Ap-
pendix 8 to Annex 19 to this Regulation.
9. Functional and installation checks
9.1. The Technical Service/Type Approval Authority shall carry out functional
and installation checks covering the following paragraphs:
9.1.1. Anti-lock function

Annex 20 This shall be limited to a dynamic check of the anti-lock braking system.
To ensure full cycling it may be necessary to adjust the load sensing de-
vice or utilize a surface having a low tyre to road adhesion. If the anti-lock

R 13
system does not have an Annex 19 approval, the trailer shall be tested
in accordance with Annex 13 and comply with the relevant requirements
contained in that annex.
9.1.2. Response time measurement The Technical Service shall verify that the subject trailer conforms to the
requirements of Annex 6.
9.1.3. Static energy consumption The Technical Service shall verify that the subject trailer conforms to the
requirements of Annex 7 and Annex 8 as appropriate.
9.1.4. Service brake function The Technical Service shall verify that there are no abnormal vibrations
during braking.
9.1.5. Parking brake function The Technical Service shall apply and release the park brake to ensure
correct function.
9.1.6. Emergency/automatic braking function The Technical Service shall verify that the subject trailer complies with
the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation.
9.1.7. Vehicle and component identification verification The Technical Service shall check the subject trailer against the details
contained in the type approval certificate.
9.1.8. Vehicle stability function For practical reasons verification of the vehicle stability function shall be limi-
ted to an installation check as defined in paragraph 8.2. above and observa-
tion of the correct warning signal sequence to ensure no faults are present.
9.1.9. Additional checks The Technical Service may request additional checks to be carried out,
if necessary.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 20 - Appendix 1
Method of calculating the centre of gravity height
R 13

The centre of gravity height for the complete vehicle (laden and unladen)
can be calculated as follows:
h1 = centre of gravity eight of axle(s) assembly (inc tyres,
springs, etc.) = R • 1.1
h2 = centre of gravity height of frame (laden) = (h6 + h8) • 0.5
h3 = centre of gravity height of payload and bodywork (laden)
(h7 • 0.3) + h6
h4 = centre of gravity height of frame (unladen) = h2 + s
h5 = centre of gravity height of bodywork (unladen) = (h7 •
0.5) + h6 + s

h6 = frame height, top
h7 = body dimensions, inside
h8 = frame height, bottom
P = total mass of the trailer
PR = total mass on all wheels of a semi trailer or centre axle trailer
R = radius of the tyre
s = spring deflection between laden and unladen
W1 = mass of axle(s) assembly (inc. tyres, springs, etc.) = P • 0.1
W2 = ass of the frame = (Punl - W1) • 0.8
W3 = mass of payload and bodywork
W4 = mass of bodywork = (Punl - W1) • 0.2

Annex 20

Laden: Unladen:

h1 • W1 + h2 • W2 + h3 • W3 h1 • W1 + h4 • W2 + h5 • W4

R 13
hRlad = Plad hRunl = Punl

W3 h7 W4

h3 h5
W2 W2

W1 h2 h4 W1 h6
h1 h8

(1) For flatbed type trailers, a maximum height of 4 m shall be used.
(2) For trailers where the exact centre of gravity height of the payload is not
known, it shall be taken as 0.3 times the inside dimensions of the body.
(3) For trailers with air suspension, the value of s shall be taken as zero.
(4) For semi-trailers and centre axle trailers, replace P with PR wherever
it occurs.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 20 - Appendix 2
Verification graph for paragraph - Semi-trailers
R 13






(1) = TRmax, when pm = 650 kPa and supply line = 700 kPa.
(2) = FRdyn • 0.8 = TRL
(3) = 0.45 • FR = TRpr

TRpr • hk + (P • g • zc (hR - hk))
Frdyn = FR - ER

the value of zc being calculated using the following formula:

zc = (0.45 - 0.01) (P + 7000) )
• g + 0.01
(1) The value of 7,000 above represents the mass of a towing
vehicle with no trailer attached.
(2) For the purpose of these calculations, closely spaced axles (having
an axle spread of less than 2 metres) may be treated as one axle.

Annex 20

Annex 20 - Appendix 3
Verification graph for paragraph - Centre axle trailers

R 13





(1) = TRmax, when pm = 650 kPa and supply line = 700 kPa.
(2) = FRdyn • 0.8 = TRL
(3) = 0.5 • FR = TRpr

TRpr • hk + (P • g • zc (hR - hk))
Frdyn = FR - ER

the value of zc being calculated using the following formula:

zc = (0.5 - 0.01) (P + 7000) )
• g + 0.01

(1) The value of 7,000 above represents the mass of a towing
vehicle with no trailer attached.
(2) For the purpose of these calculations, closely spaced axles (having
an axle spread of less than 2 metres) may be treated as one axle.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 20 - Appendix 4
Verification graph for paragraph – Full trailers
R 13



TR (3)



x 650
Pm (kPa)

(1) = TRmax, when pm = 650 kPa and supply line = 700 kPa.
(2) = FRdyn • 0.8 = TRL
(3) = 0.5 • FR = TRpr
(4) = Ffdyn • 0.8 = TRLf
(5) = TRprr = TRr, when pm = x (6) = Frdyn • 0.8 = TRLr
P • g • zc • hr
Ffdyn = Ff + E

P • g • zc • hr
Frdyn = Fr - E

the value of zc being calculated using the following formula:

zc = (0.5 - 0.01) (P + 7000) )
• g + 0.01

Annex 20

(1) The value of 7,000 above represents the mass of a towing

R 13
vehicle with no trailer attached.
(2) For the purpose of these calculations, closely spaced axles
(having an axle spread of less than 2 metres) may be treated
as one axle.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 20 - Appendix 5
Symbols and definitions
R 13

Symbols Definitions
ADi Tpi when Tpi ≤ 0.8 NFDi for front axles, or 0.8 NFDi when Tpi >
0.8 NFDi for front axles
BDi Tpi when Tpi ≤ 0.8 NRDi for rear axles, or 0.8 NFDi when Tpi >
0.8 NRDi for rear axles
AUi Tpi when Tpi ≤ 0.8 NFUi for front axles, or 0.8 NFDi when Tpi >
0.8 NFUi for front axles
BUi Tpi when Tpi ≤ 0.8 NRUi for rear axles, or 0.8 NRUi when Tpi >
0.8 NRUi for rear axles
BF brake factor
Co threshold camshaft input torque (minimum camshaft torque
necessary to produce a measurable brake torque)
E wheelbase
EL distance between the coupling support leg or landing legs to
the centre of the axle(s) of a centre axle trailer or semi-trailer
ER distance between king-pin and centre of axle or axles of
F force (N)
Ff total normal static reaction of road surface on front axle(s)
Ffdyn total normal dynamic reaction of road surface on front axles(s)
Ff total normal static reaction of road surface on rear axle(s)
Frdyn total normal dynamic reaction of road surface on rear axle(s)
FR total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels of
the trailer or semi-trailer
FRdyn total normal dynamic reaction of road surface on all wheels
of the trailer or semi-trailer
g acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²)
h height above ground of centre of gravity
hK height of fifth wheel coupling (king pin)
hr height of centre of gravity of trailer
i axle index
iF number of front axles
iR number of rear axles
l lever length
n number of spring brake actuators per axle

Annex 20

Symbols Definitions
NFD total normal reaction of road surface on front axle(s) when

R 13
facing downhill on an 18 per cent gradient
NFDi normal reaction of road surface on front axle i when facing
downhill on an 18 per cent gradient
NFU total normal reaction of road surface on front axle(s) when
facing uphill on an 18 per cent gradient
NFUi normal reaction of road surface on front axle i when facing
uphill on an 18 per cent gradient
NRD total normal reaction of road surface on rear axle(s) when
facing downhill on an 18 per cent gradient
NRDi normal reaction of road surface on rear axle i when facing
downhill on an 18 per cent gradient
NRU total normal reaction of road surface on rear axle(s) when
facing uphill on an 18 per cent gradient
NRUi normal reaction of road surface on rear axle i when facing
uphill on an 18 per cent gradient
pm pressure at coupling head of control line
pc pressure in the brake chamber
P mass of individual vehicle
PS static mass at fifth wheel coupling at trailer mass P
PR total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels of
trailer or semi-trailer
PRF total normal static reaction of road surface on the front axles
on level ground
PRR total normal static reaction of road surface on the rear axles
on level ground
Rs static laden radius of the tyre, calculated using the follo-
wing formula:
Rs = ½ dr + FR • H
dr = nominal rim diameter
H = design section height = ½ (d - dr)
d = rim diameter convention number
F = factor, as defined by ETRTO
(Engineering Design, Information 1994, page CV.11)
Tpi brake force at periphery of all wheels of axle i provided by
the spring brake(s)
Ths spring thrust of the spring brake

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Symbols Definitions
TR sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the trailer
R 13

or semi-trailer
TRf sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the front axle(s)
TRr sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the rear axle(s)
TRmax sum of maximum available braking forces at periphery of all
wheels of the trailer or semi-trailer
TRL sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the trailer
or semi-trailer at which the limit of adhesion is reached
TRLf sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the front
axle(s) at which the limit of adhesion is reached
TRLr sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the rear
axle(s) at which the limit of adhesion is reached.
TRpr sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the trailer
or semi-trailer required to achieve the prescribed performance
TRprf sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the front
axle(s) required to achieve the prescribed performance
TRprr sum of braking forces at periphery of all wheels of the rear
axle(s) required to achieve the prescribed performance
zc braking rate of the vehicle combination, with the trailer only braked
cos P cosine of angle subtended by slope of 18 per cent and ho-
rizontal plane = 0.98418
tan P tangent of angle subtended by slope of 18 per cent and
horizontal plane = 0.18

Annex 20

Annex 21
Special requirements for vehicles equipped with a vehicle
stability function

R 13
1. General
1.1. This annex defines the special requirements for vehicles equipped with
a vehicle stability function, pursuant to paragraphs,
and of this Regulation.
1.2. In meeting the requirements of this annex the „other vehicles“ as men-
tioned in paragraphs 2.1.3. and 2.2.3. below shall not differ in at least the
following essential respects:
1.2.1. The character of the vehicle;
1.2.2. In the case of power-driven vehicles the axle configuration (e.g. 4x2,
6x2, 6x4);
1.2.3. In the case of trailers the number and arrangement of axles;
1.2.4. The front axle steering ratio in the case of power-driven vehicles when
the vehicle stability function does not include it as a end-of-line pro-
grammable feature or as a self-learning feature;
1.2.5. Additional steered axles in the case of power-driven, and steered axles
in the case of trailers;
1.2.6. Lift axles;
2. Requirements
2.1. Power-driven vehicles
2.1.1. Where a vehicle is equipped with a vehicle stability function as defined in
paragraph 2.4. of this Regulation, the following shall apply:
In the case of directional control the function shall have the ability to
automatically control individually the speed of the left and right wheels
on each axle or an axle of each axle group109 by selective braking based
on the evaluation of actual vehicle behaviour in comparison with a de-
termination of vehicle behaviour demanded by the driver.110
109 In the case of multiple axles, where the spread between one axle and its adjacent
axle is greater than 2m, each individual axle shall be considered as an independent
axle group
110 Additional interaction with other vehicle systems or components is allowed. Where
these systems or components are subject to special Regulations, such interaction
shall comply with the requirements of those Regulations, e.g. interaction with the
steering system shall comply with the requirements set out in Regulation No. 79 for
corrective steering.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

In the case of roll-over control the function shall have the ability to
automatically control the wheel speeds on at least two wheels of
R 13

each axle or axle group by selective braking or automatically com-

manded braking based on the evaluation of actual vehicle behavi-
our that may lead to vehicle roll-over.
In both cases, the function is not required:
(a) When the vehicle speed is below 20 km/h;
(b) Until the initial start-up self-test and plausibility checks have
been completed;
(c) When the vehicle is being driven in reverse;
(d) When it has been automatically or manually disabled. In this
case, the following conditions shall apply as appropriate:
(i) When a vehicle is equipped with a means to automa-
tically disable the vehicle stability function to provide
increased traction by modifying the functionality of
the drive train, the disablement and its re-instatement
shall be automatically linked to the operation which
changes the functionality of the drive train;
(ii) When a vehicle is equipped with a means to manu-
ally disable the vehicle stability function, the vehicle
stability function shall be automatically reinstated at
the initiation of each new ignition cycle;
(iii) A constant optical warning signal shall inform the
driver that the vehicle stability function has been di-
sabled. The yellow warning signal specified in para-
graph 2.1.5. below may be used for this purpose.
The warning signals specified in paragraph
of this Regulation shall not be used.
2.1.2. To realise the functionality defined above a vehicle stability function shall
include, in addition to selective braking and/or automatically comman-
ded braking, at least the following:
(a) The ability to control engine power output;
(b) In the case of directional control: The determination of actual
vehicle behaviour from values of yaw rate, lateral acceleration,

Annex 20

wheel speeds, and from the driver‘s control inputs to the bra-
king and steering systems and to the engine. Only on-board
generated information shall be used. If these values are not

R 13
directly measured, the evidence of the appropriate correlation
with directly measured values under all driving conditions (e.g.
including driving in a tunnel) shall be shown to the Technical
Service at the time of type approval;
(c) In the case of roll-over control: The determination of actual ve-
hicle behaviour from values of the vertical force on the tyre(s)
(or at least lateral acceleration and wheel speeds) and from the
driver‘s control inputs to the braking system and to the engine.
Only on-board generated information shall be used. If these va-
lues are not directly measured, the evidence of the appropriate
correlation with directly measured values under all driving con-
ditions (e.g. including driving in a tunnel) shall be shown to the
Technical Service at the time of type approval;
(d) In the case of a towing vehicle equipped according to pa-
ra-graph of this Regulation: The ability to apply the
service brakes of the trailer via the respective control line(s)
independently of the driver.
2.1.3. The vehicle stability function shall be demonstrated to the Technical
Service by dynamic manoeuvres on one vehicle which has the same
vehicle stability function as the vehicle type to be approved. This may
be realized by a comparison of results obtained with the vehicle stability
function enabled and disabled for a given load condition. As an alternati-
ve to carrying-out dynamic manoeuvres for other vehicles and other load
conditions, fitted with the same vehicle stability system, the results from
actual vehicle tests or computer simulations may be submitted.
As an alternative to the above, a test report conforming to Part 2, para-
graph 1.1. of Annex 19 may be used.
The use of the simulator is defined in Appendix 1 to this annex.
The specification and validation of the simulator is defined in Appendix
2 to this annex.
Until unified test procedures are agreed, the method by which this de-
monstration is carried out shall be agreed between the vehicle manufac-
turer and the Technical Service and shall include the critical conditions

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

of directional control and roll-over control as appropriate to the vehicle

stability function installed on the vehicle with the method of demonstra-
tion and results being appended to the type approval report. This may be
R 13

carried-out other than at the time of type approval.

As a means of demonstrating the vehicle stability function any of the
following dynamic manoeuvres shall be used111:

Directional control Roll-over control

Reducing radius test Steady state circular test
Step steer input test J-turn
Sine with dwell
μ-split single lane change
Double lane change
Reversed steering test or „fish hook“ test
Asymmetrical one period sine steer or
pulse steer input test
To demonstrate repeatability the vehicle will be subject to a second
demonstration using the selected manoeuvre(s).
2.1.4. Interventions of the vehicle stability function shall be indicated to the dri-
ver by a flashing optical warning signal fulfilling the relevant technical
requirements of Regulation No. 121. The indication shall be present as
long as the vehicle stability function is in an intervention mode. The war-
ning signal specified in paragraph of this Regulation shall
not be used for this purpose.
Additionally, interventions by systems related to the vehicle stability func-
tion (including traction control, trailer stability assist, corner brake cont-
rol, and other similar functions that use throttle and/or individual torque
control to operate and share common components with vehicle stability
function) may also be indicated to the driver by this flashing optical war-
ning signal.

111 Should the use of any of the above defined manoeuvres not result in loss of direc-
tional control or roll-over as appropriate an alternative manoeuvre may be used in
agreement with the Technical Service

Annex 20

2.1.5. A vehicle stability function failure or defect shall be detected and indica-
ted to the driver by an optical warning signal fulfilling the relevant techni-

R 13
cal requirements of Regulation No. 121.
The warning signal specified in paragraph of this Regula-
tion shall not be used for this purpose.
The warning signal shall be constant and remain displayed as long as
the failure or defect persists and the ignition (start) switch is in the ‚on‘
(run) position.
2.1.6. In the case of a power-driven vehicle equipped with an electric control
line and electrically connected to a trailer with an electric control line the
driver shall be warned by a specific optical warning signal fulfilling the re-
levant technical requirements of Regulation No. 121 whenever the trailer
provides the information „VDC Active“ via the data communications part
of the electric control line. The optical signal defined in paragraph 2.1.4.
above may be used for this purpose.
2.2. Trailers
2.2.1. Where a trailer is equipped with a vehicle stability function as defined in
paragraph 2.34. of this Regulation, the following shall apply:
In the case of directional control the function shall have the ability to
automatically control individually the speed of the left and right wheels
on each axle or an axle of each axle group112 by selective braking based
on the evaluation of actual trailer behaviour in comparison with a deter-
mination of the relative behaviour of the towing vehicle.113
In the case of roll-over control the function shall have the ability to auto-
matically control the wheel speeds on at least two wheels of each axle
or axle group by selective braking or automatically commanded braking
based on the evaluation of actual trailer behaviour that may lead to roll-

112 In the case of multiple axles, where the spread between on axle and its adjacent axle
is greater than 2 m, each individual axle shall be considered as an independent axle
113 Additional interaction with other vehicle systems or components is allowed. Where
these systems or components are subject to special Regulations, such interaction
shall comply with the requirements of those Regulations, e.g. interaction with the
steering system shall comply with the requirements set out in Regulation No. 79 for
corrective steering.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

2.2.2. To realise the functionality defined above a vehicle stability function shall
include, in addition to automatically commanded braking and where ap-
R 13

propriate selective braking, at least the following:

(a) The determination of actual trailer behaviour from values of the
vertical force on the tyre(s), or at least lateral acceleration and
wheel speeds. Only on-board generated information shall be
used. If these values are not directly measured, the evidence
of the appropriate correlation with directly measured values
under all driving conditions (e.g. including driving in a tunnel)
shall be shown to the Technical Service at the time of type
2.2.3. The vehicle stability function shall be demonstrated to the Technical
Service by dynamic manoeuvres on one vehicle which has the same
vehicle stability function as the vehicle type to be approved. This may be
done by a comparison of results obtained with the vehicle stability func-
tion enabled and disabled for a given load condition. As an alternative
to carrying-out dynamic manoeuvres for other vehicles and other load
conditions, fitted with the same vehicle stability system, the results from
actual vehicle tests or computer simulations may be submitted.
As an alternative to the above, a test report conforming to Part 1, para-
graph 6. of Annex 19 may be used.
The use of the simulator is defined in Appendix 1 to this Annex.
The specification and validation of the simulator is defined in Appendix
2 to this annex.
Until unified test procedures are agreed, the method by which this de-
monstration is carried out shall be agreed between the trailer manufac-
turer and the Technical Service and shall include the critical conditions
of roll-over control and directional control as appropriate to the vehicle
stability function installed on the trailer with the method of demonstration
and results being appended to the type approval report. This may be
carried-out other than at the time of type approval.
As a means of demonstrating the vehicle stability function any of the
following dynamic manoeuvres shall be used:114
114 Should the use of any of the above defined manoeuvres not result in loss of direc-
tional control or rollover as appropriate an alternative manoeuvre may be used in
agreement with the technical service.

Annex 20

Directional control Roll-over control

Reducing radius test Steady state circular test

R 13
Step steer input test J-turn
Sine with dwell
μ-split single lane change
Double lane change
Reversed steering test or „fish hook“ test
Asymmetrical one period sine steer or
pulse steer input test
To demonstrate repeatability the vehicle will be subject to a second
demonstration using the selected manoeuvre(s).
2.2.4. Trailers equipped with an electric control line, when electrically connec-
ted to a towing vehicle with an electric control line, shall provide the in-
formation „VDC active“ via the data communications part of the electric
control line when the vehicle stability function is in an intervention mode.
Interventions of the vehicle stability function used in any learning process
to determine the trailer operational characteristics shall not generate the
above information.
2.2.5. To maximise the performance of trailers that utilise „select-low“ such
trailers are permitted to change control mode to „select-high“ during an
intervention of the „Vehicle Stability Function“.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 21 - Appendix 1
Use of the dynamic stability simulation
R 13

The effectiveness of the directional and/or roll-over stability control function of pow-
er driven vehicles and trailers of categories M, N and O, may be determined by
computer simulation.
1. Use of the simulation
1.1. The vehicle stability function shall be demonstrated by the vehicle manufacturer
to the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service with the same dynamic ma-
noeuvre(s) as for the practical demonstration in paragraph 2.1.3. or 2.2.3. of this
1.2. The simulation shall be a means whereby the vehicle stability performance may
be demonstrated with the vehicle stability function enabled or disabled, and in the
laden and unladen conditions.
1.3. The simulations shall be carried out with a validated modelling and simulation tool.
The simulation tool shall only be used when each relevant parameter of the vehicle
to be type approved, as listed in paragraph 1.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex, is
included in the simulation tool and when the value of each parameter falls within
its respective validated range. The verification shall be carried out using the same
manoeuvre(s) as defined in paragraph 1.1. of this appendix this annex.
The method by which the simulation tool is validated is given in Appendix 2 to
this annex.
1.3.1. A vehicle manufacturer using a validated simulation tool that was not directly
validated by themselves for a vehicle type-approval shall carry-out at least one
confirmation test.
This confirmation test shall be conducted in conjunction with a Technical Service
and shall be a comparison between an actual vehicle test and a simulation using
one of the manoeuvres as defined in paragraph 1.1. of this appendix.
The confirmation test shall be repeated in the event of any change to the simu-
lation tool.115
The results of the confirmation test shall be attached to the type approval docu-
1.4. The availability of the simulation tool software, to the software version used, shall
be maintained for a period of not less than 10 years following the date of the ap-
proval of the vehicle.
115 The necessity of a confirmation test shall be subject to a discussion between the
vehicle manufacturer, the Technical Service and the Type Approval Authority.

Annex 21

Annex 21 - Appendix 2
Dynamic stability simulation tool and its validation

R 13
1. Specification of the simulation tool
1.1. The simulation tool shall take into account the main factors which influen-
ce the directional and roll motion of the vehicle.
1.1.1. The simulation tool shall take into account the following vehicle parame-
ters as applicable:
(a) Vehicle category;
(b) Character of the vehicle;
(c) Gearbox type (e.g. manual, automated manual, semi-automa-
tic, automatic);
(d) Differential type (e.g. standard or self-locking);
(e) Differential lock(s) (driver selected);
(f) Brake system type (e.g. air over hydraulic, full air);
(g) Brake type (e.g. disc, drum (single wedge, twin wedge, S-cam);
(h) Tyre type (e.g. structure, category of use, size);
(i) Suspension type (e.g. air, mechanical, rubber).
1.1.2. The simulation model shall include at least the following parameters as
(a) Vehicle configuration(s) (e.g. 4x2, 6x2, etc., identifying axle
functionality (e.g. free running, driven, lifted, steered) and posi-
(b) Steering axles (working principle);
(c) Steering ratio;
(d) Drive axle(s) (effect on wheel speed sensing and vehicle
(e) Lift axle(s) (detection/control and wheelbase change effect
when lifted);
(f) Engine management (communication, control and response);

116 Parameters not included shall limit the use of the simulation tool.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

(g) Gearbox characteristic(s);

(h) Drive train option(s) (e.g. retarder, regenerative braking, auxilia-
R 13

ry propulsion system);
(i) Brake characteristic(s);
(j) Anti-lock braking configuration;
(k) Wheelbase;
(l) Track width;
(m) Centre of gravity height;
(n) Lateral acceleration sensor position;
(o) Yaw rate sensor position;
(p) Loading.
1.1.3. The Technical Service conducting the validation shall be provided with an
information document covering at least the points in paragraphs 1.1.1.
and 1.1.2. above.
1.2. The vehicle stability function shall be added to the simulation model by
means of:
(a) A subsystem (software model) of the simulation tool as soft-
ware-in-the-loop, or
(b) An actual electronic control unit in a hardware-in-the-loop con-
1.3. In the case of a trailer, the simulation shall be carried out with the trailer
coupled to a representative towing vehicle.
1.4. Vehicle loading condition
1.4.1. The simulation tool shall be able to take into account the laden and un-
laden conditions.
1.4.2. The simulation tool shall, as a minimum, meet the following criteria:
(a) A fixed load;
(b) A given mass;
(c) A given mass distribution; and
(d) A given height of the centre of gravity.

Annex 21

2. Validation of the simulation tool

2.1. The validity of the applied modelling and simulation tool shall be verified

R 13
by means of comparisons with a practical vehicle test(s). The test(s) uti-
lised for the validation shall be those which, without control action, would
result in loss of directional control (under-steer and over-steer)
and/or roll-over control as appropriate to the functionality of the stability
control function installed on a vehicle.
During the test(s) the following motion variables, as appropriate, shall be
recorded or calculated in accordance with ISO 15037 Part 1:2006 or Part
2:2002 as relevant:
(a) Yaw velocity;
(b) Lateral acceleration;
(c) Wheel load or wheel lift;
(d) Forward velocity;
(e) Driver input.
2.2. The objective is to show that the simulated vehicle behaviour and opera-
tion of the vehicle stability function is comparable with that seen in prac-
tical vehicle tests.
The ability of the simulation tool to be used with parameters that have not
been validated by a practical vehicle test shall be shown by conducting si-
mulations with varied parameter values. The results of these simulations
shall be checked to be logical and similar in comparison to the results of
known practical vehicle tests.
2.3. The simulation tool shall be deemed to be validated when its output is
comparable to the practical test results produced by the same vehicle(s)
during the manoeuvre(s) selected from those defined with paragraph
2.1.3. or 2.2.3. of this annex, as appropriate.
The simulation tool shall only be used with regard to features for which
a comparison has been made between real vehicle tests and simulation
tool results. The comparisons shall be carried-out in the laden and un-
laden condition to show the different conditions of load can be adapted to
and to confirm the extreme parameters to be simulated, e.g.:
(a) Vehicle with shortest wheelbase and highest centre of gravity;
(b) Vehicle with longest wheelbase and highest centre of gravity.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

In the case of the steady state circular test the under-steer gradient shall
be the means of making the comparison.
R 13

In the case of a dynamic manoeuvre, the relationship of activation and

sequence of the vehicle stability function in the simulation and in the prac-
tical vehicle test shall be the means of making the comparison.
2.4. The physical parameters that are different between the reference vehicle
and simulated vehicle configurations shall be modified accordingly in the
2.5. A simulation tool test report shall be produced, a model of which is de-
fined in Appendix 3 to this annex, and a copy attached to the vehicle
approval report.
2.5.1. A simulation tool validation carried-out in accordance with Appendix 2
and Appendix 3 to this annex, prior to the entry into force of Supplement
10 to the 11 series of amendments to this Regulation, may continue to be
used for a new vehicle stability function approval or extension of an exis-
ting vehicle stability function approval provided that the relevant technical
requirements are fulfilled and the scope of application is complied with.

Annex 21

Annex 21 - Appendix 3
Vehicle stability function simulation tool test report

R 13
Test report number: ......................................................................................
1. Identification
1.1. Name and address of the simulation tool manufacturer
1.2. Simulation tool identification: name/model/number (hardware and soft-
2. Simulation tool
2.1. Simulation method (general description, taking into account the require-
ments of paragraph 1.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex)
2.2. Hardware/software in the loop (see paragraph 1.2. of Appendix 2 to this
2.3. Vehicle loading conditions (see paragraph 1.4. of Appendix 2 to this an-
2.4. Validation (see paragraph 2. of Appendix 2 to this annex)
2.5. Motion variables (see paragraph 2.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex)
3. Scope of application:
3.1. Vehicle category:
3.2. Character of the vehicle:
3.3. Vehicle configuration:
3.4. Steering axles:
3.5. Steering ratio:
3.6. Drive axles:
3.7. Lift axles:
3.8. Engine management:
3.9. Gearbox type:
3.10. Drive train options:
3.11. Differential type:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.12. Differential lock(s):

3.13. Brake system type:
R 13

3.14. Brake type:

3.15. Brake characteristics:
3.16. Anti-lock braking configuration:
3.17. Wheelbase:
3.18. Tyre type:
3.19. Track width:
3.20. Suspension type:
3.21. Centre of gravity height:
3.22. Lateral acceleration sensor position:
3.23. Yaw rate sensor position:
3.24. Loading:
3.25. Limiting factors:
3.26. Manoeuvre(s) for which the simulation tool has been validated:
4. Verifying vehicle test(s)
4.1. Description of vehicle(s) including the towing vehicle in case of trailer
4.1.1. Vehicle(s) identification: make/model/VIN Non-standard fitments:
4.1.2. Vehicle description, including axle configuration/suspension/wheels,
engine and drive line, braking system(s) and vehicle stability function
content (directional control/rollover control), steering system, with name/
model/number identification:
4.1.3. Vehicle data used in the simulation (explicit)
4.2. Description of test(s) including location(s), road/test area surface condi-
tions, temperature and date(s):
4.3. Results laden and unladen with the vehicle stability function switched on
and off, including the motion variables referred to in paragraph 2.1. of
Appendix 2 to this annex, as appropriate:

Annex 21

5. Simulation results
5.1. Vehicle parameters and the values used in the simulation that are not

R 13
taken from the actual test vehicle (implicit):
5.2. Results laden and unladen with the vehicle stability function switched on
and off for each test conducted under paragraph 4.2. of this appendix,
including the motion variables referred to in paragraph 2.1. of Appendix
2 to this annex, as appropriate:
6. Concluding statement
The simulated vehicle behaviour and operation of the vehicle stability
function is comparable with that of practical vehicle tests. .......... Yes/No
7. Limiting factors
8. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Appendix 2 to Annex 21 to Regulation No. 13 as last amended by
the … series of Amendments.
Technical Service conducting the test117
Signed: .............................................Date: ..................................................
Type Approval Authority117

117 To be signed by different persons if the Technical Service and the Type Approval
Authority are the same organisation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 22
Requirements for the brake electric/electronic interface of an
R 13

automated connector
1. General
This Annex defines the requirements applicable to installations where
the connection and disconnection of the brake electric/electronic inter-
face between the towing vehicle and the towed vehicle is achieved by
an automated connector.
This Annex also considers the case where a vehicle is equipped with
both ISO 7638 connector and an automated connector.
2. Categories of automated connectors
Automated connectors are classified in different categories118:

Category A automated connector for tractor/semi-trailer combi-

nations shall meet the requirements of Appendix 2
of this annex. All automated connectors within this
category are compatible together.
Category B automated connectors for tractor/semi-trailer com-
binations that do not meet all the requirements of
Appendix 2. They are not compatible with category
A. Interfaces of category B are not necessarily com-
patible to all type of interfaces within this category.
Category C automated connectors for combination other than
tractor/semi-trailer shall meet the requirements of
Appendix 3 of this annex119 . All automated connec-
tors within this category are compatible together.
Category D automated connectors for combinations other than
tractor/semi-trailer that do not meet all the require-
ments of Appendix 3. They are not compatible with
category C. Interfaces of category D are not neces-
sarily compatible to all type of interfaces within this
3. Requirements
118 New categories of couplings may be added later on for new/innovative technical
solutions, when standard interfaces will be defined and agreed upon
119 Until a standard is defined and agreed upon, no automated connector shall be defi-
ned as being of category C.

Annex 22

The brake electric/electronic interface of the automated connector shall

achieve the same functional requirements as specified for the ISO 7638

R 13
connector throughout this regulation and its Annexes.
3.1. The contacts (pins and sockets) for the brake electric/electronic inter-
face shall have the same electrical characteristics and functionality as
the ISO 7638 contacts.
3.1.1. The data contacts of the brake electric/electronic interface shall be used
to transfer information exclusively for braking (including ABS) and run-
ning gear (steering, tyres and suspension) functions as specified in ISO
11992 2:2003 including its Amendment 1:2007. The braking functions
have priority and shall be maintained in the normal and failed modes.
The transmission of running gear information shall not delay braking
3.1.2. The power supply, provided by the brake electric/electronic interface,
shall be used exclusively for braking and running gear functions and that
required for the transfer of trailer related information not transmitted via
the electric control line. However, in all cases the provisions of paragraph of this Regulation shall apply. The power supply for all other
functions shall use other measures.
3.2. In the case of semi-trailer combinations equipped with an automated
connector the maximum length of the cable for braking data communi-
cation shall be;
(a) Tractor: 21 m;
(b) Semi-trailer: 19 m;
in the running mode.
In all other cases the conditions of paragraphs and of
this Regulation apply with respect to maximum cable lengths.
3.3. Vehicles being equipped with both a connector conforming to ISO 7638
and an automated connector shall be built in such a way that only a single
path is possible for the functioning of the electric control transmission or in
the transmission of information in accordance with ISO 11992-2:2003 in-
cluding Amendment 1:2007. See Appendix 1 to this annex for examples.
In the case of automatic path selection the priority shall be given to the
automated connector.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

3.4. Any trailer equipped with an automated connector shall be equipped

with a spring braking system according to Annex 8 of this regulation.
R 13

3.5. The manufacturer applying for type approval shall submit an informa-
tion document describing the functionality and any limitations in the use
of the automated connector and any associated equipment, including
information about the category according to paragraph 2 of this Annex.
In the case of automated connectors of categories B and D, the means
to identify the type of automated connector shall also be described to
ensure identification of compatibility.
3.6. The vehicle user‘s handbook provided by the manufacturer shall warn
the driver of the consequences of not checking the compatibility of the
automated connector between the towing vehicle and the trailer. Infor-
mation about mixed mode operation shall also be provided if applicable.
To enable the driver to check the compatibility, vehicles fitted with an
automated connector shall have a marking specifying the category ac-
cording to paragraph 2. of this Annex. For category B and D also the
type of the installed automated connector shall be shown. This marking
shall be indelible and visible to the driver when standing on the ground
beside the vehicle.

Annex 22

Annex 22 - Appendix 1
Examples of the layout of an automated connection between

R 13
Automated connection and manual connection equipped vehicles: data
bus requirements.
Diagrams for electrical connections show routing of signals of pin 6 and
7 according to ISO 7638.
E1 ISO 11992-2 node in tractor, e.g. ECU ABS/EBS
E2 Tractor ISO 7638 socket
E3 Tractor ISO 7638 plug for automated connector
E4 Tractor part of automated connector
E5 Trailer ISO 7638 plug for automated connector
E6 Trailer ISO 7638 socket
E7 Trailer part automated connector
E8 ISO 7638 coiled cable
E9 ISO 7638 park socket
E10 ISO 11992-2 node in trailer, e.g. ECU ABS/EBS
I Cable from E1 to E2
II Cable from E10 to E6
III Cable from E5 to E7
IV Cable from E3 to E4

P1 Trailer control valve mounted on tractor
P2 T-piece
P3 Pneumatic couplig head on tractor (control and supply)
P4 Tractor part of automated connector
P5 Pneumatic coupling head on trailer (control and supply)
P6 Pneumatic valve to seal the unused terminal (double check
valve) (control and supply)
P7 Trailer part of automated connector
P8 Pneumatic coiled tube (control and supply)
P9 Pneumatic park socket (control and supply)
Tractor and semi-trailer examples

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

I. Automated connection and Manual Connection equipped Vehicles

Automated connection mode

R 13

Figure A
Point-to-point connection ECU Tractor (E1) and ECU Trailer (E10) via
ACV. Automated connection mode: No coiled cables connected, Con-
nection between E1 and E10 when E4 and E7 are connected (i.e. when
the fifth wheel is coupled)

Manual connection mode

Figure B
Point-to-point connection ECU Tractor (E1) and ECU Trailer (E10) via
coiled cable. Manual mode: Coiled cables connected, Connections bet-
ween E3 and E4 as E5 and E7 are not in use

Note by the secretariat: After consultations with the Chairs of GRRF and
of the Informal Working Group on Automated Coupling Vehicles: the cor-
rect Figure B is the one in the original document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/
GRRF/2013/12 and not the one in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/75, An-
nex II.

Annex 22

II. Only one part of the vehicle combination is equipped with an automated

R 13
Manual mode A (only the tractor equipped with automated connection)
Figure C
Point-to-point connection ECU Tractor (E1) and ECU Trailer (E10) when
the fifth wheel is closed. Coiled cables connected, Line E3 to E4 is not
in use

Manual mode B (only the semi-trailer equipped with automated connection)

Figure D
Point-to-point connection ECU Tractor (E1) and ECU Trailer (E10). Coi-
led cables connected, Line E5 to E7 is not in use

Automated connection mode

Figure E
Pneumatic connection Tractor and Trailer via ACV. Automated connec-
tion mode: No coiled cables connected, Connection between tractor and
trailer when P4 and P7 are connected (i.e. when the fifth wheel coupled)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Manual mode A (only the tractor equipped with automated connection)

Figure F
R 13

Pneumatic connection Tractor and Trailer via coiled tube. Coiled tubes
connected, Line P2 to P5*

Manual mode B (only the semi-trailer equipped with automated connec-

Figure G
Pneumatic connection Tractor and Trailer via coiled tube. Coiled tubes
connected, Line P1 to P5*

Note by the secretariat: After consultations with the Chairs of GRRF and
of the Informal Working Group on Automated Coupling Vehicles, the
wording has been corrected.

Annex 22

Annex 22 - Appendix 2
Couplings of category A shall conform with the relevant provisions of

R 13
ISO 13044-2:2013 to ensure compatibility of braking systems of tractor
and semi-trailer

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13

Annex 22 - Appendix 3
R 13

To be defined at a later date.


UN-ECE Regulation 130

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Table of Content
Regulation No. 130 ................................................................................................356

R 13
1. Scope......................................................................................................................357
2. Definitions...............................................................................................................357
3. Application for approval .........................................................................................357
R 130

4. Approval .................................................................................................................358
5. Specifications .........................................................................................................359
6. Test procedure .......................................................................................................361
7. Modification of vehicle type and extension of approval .......................................364
8. Conformity of production .......................................................................................364
9. Penalties for non-conformity of production...........................................................365
10. Production definitively discontinued......................................................................365
11. Names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting
approval tests and of Type Approval Authorities .................................................365
Annex 1
Communication ......................................................................................................366
Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks .........................................................................368
Annex 3
Visible lane marking identification .........................................................................369


Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Whee-
led Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on
Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Appro-
vals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions*
(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)

R 130

Addendum 129 - UN-ECE Regulation 130

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the
Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS)
Date of entry into force as an annex to the Agreement: 9 July 2013
Amendment 1
Supplement 1 – Date of entry into force: 8 October 2016


* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform

Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle
Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Regulation No. 130

Uniform provisions concerning the approval of motor vehicles with regard to the Lane

R 13
Departure Warning System (LDWS)
R 130

The intention of this Regulation is to establish uniform provisions for Lane Departure
Warning Systems (LDWS) fitted to motor vehicles of the categories M2, M3, N2 and N31
primarily used under highway conditions.
These vehicle categories will benefit from the fitment of a LDWS, especially in the field
of monotonous driving situations. The benefit of such system installation is to support a
distracted or drowsy driver by warning if the vehicle is unintentionally leaving the lane.
While, in general, those vehicle categories will benefit from the fitment of a LDWS, there
are subgroups where the benefit is rather uncertain because they are primarily used
in other conditions than highway conditions (e.g. buses with standing passengers i.e.
Classes I, II and A, off-road vehicles1, construction vehicles, special purpose vehicles,
etc.). Regardless from the benefit, there are other subgroups where the installation of
LDWS would be technically difficult (e.g. on vehicles equipped with split windshields,
asymmetrical cabs, windshield of high thickness, front hood vehicles, vehicles with front
mounted equipment, etc.).
The system shall automatically detect unintentional drift of the vehicle out of its travel
lane and warn the driver.
The system shall provide a warning, so that an inattentive driver is made aware of a
critical situation.
The Regulation cannot include all the traffic conditions and infrastructure features in the
type-approval process. Actual conditions and features in the real world should not result
in false warnings to the extent that they encourage the driver to switch the system off.

1 As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Ve-

hicles (R.E.3.), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4, para. 2 -


1. Scope
This Regulation applies to the lane departure warning system of vehicles
of categories M2, N2, M3 and N3.2

2. Definitions
For the purposes of this Regulation:

R 130
2.1. “Approval of a vehicle type” means the full procedure whereby a Con-
tracting Party to the Agreement certifies that a vehicle type meets the
technical requirements of this Regulation;
2.2. “Vehicle type with regard to its Lane Departure Warning System” means
a category of vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as:
(a) The manufacturer’s trade name or mark;
(b) Vehicle features which significantly influence the perfor-
mances of the Lane Departure Warning System;
(c) The type and design of the Lane Departure Warning System;
2.3. “Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS)” means a system to warn the
driver of an unintentional drift of the vehicle out of its travel lane;
2.4. “Lane” means one of the longitudinal strips into which a roadway is divi-
ded (as shown in Annex 3);
2.5. “Visible lane marking” means delineators intentionally placed on the
borderline of the lane that are directly visible by the driver while driving
(e.g. not covered by snow, etc.);
2.6. “Rate of departure” means the subject vehicle’s approach velocity at a
right angle to the visible lane marking at the warning issue point;
2.7. “Common space” means an area on which two or more information
functions (e.g. symbols) may be displayed, but not simultaneously.

3. Application for approval

3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the LDWS
shall be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his authorized re-

2 As defined in section 2 of the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Ve-

hicles (R.E.3) (document TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2, para.2) - www.unece.org/trans/

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

3.2. It shall be accompanied by the documents mentioned below in triplicate

and include the following particular:

R 13
3.2.1. A description of the vehicle type with regard to the items mentioned in
paragraph 5. below, together with dimensional drawings and the docu-
mentation as referred to in paragraphs and below. The
numbers and/or symbols identifying the vehicle type shall be specified.
3.3. A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be sub-
R 130

mitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.

4. Approval
4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation
meets the requirements of paragraph 5. below, approval of that vehicle
type shall be granted.
4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each vehicle type approved;
its first two digits (00 for the Regulation in its initial form) shall indicate
the series of amendments incorporating the most recent major technical
amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the appro-
val. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same number to
the same vehicle type equipped with another type of Lane Departure
Warning System, or to another vehicle type.
4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal or withdrawal of approval pursuant to
this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement
applying this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in
Annex 1 and photographs and/or plans supplied by the applicant being
in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm), or folded to that format,
and on an appropriate scale.
4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place
specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehic-
le type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark
conforming to the model described in Annex 2, consisting of:
4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter “E” followed by the distinguishing number
of the country which has granted approval;3

3 The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement

are reproduced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construc-
tion of Vehicles (R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2/Amend.3 -


4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter “R”, a dash and the
approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.
4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more other
Regulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted
approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.
above need not be repeated; in such a case, the Regulation and approval

R 130
numbers and the additional symbols shall be placed in vertical columns to
the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.
4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.

5. Specifications
5.1. General
5.1.1. Any vehicle fitted with a LDWS complying with the definition of para-
graph 2.3. above shall meet the requirements contained in para-
graphs 5.1 to 5.5. of this Regulation.
5.1.2. The effectiveness of LDWS shall not be adversely affected by magnetic
or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by fulfilling the technical
requirements and respecting the transitional provisions of Regulation
No. 10 by applying:
(a) The 03 series of amendments for vehicles without a coupling
system for charging the Rechargeable Energy Storage Sys-
tem (traction batteries);
(b) The 04 series of amendments for vehicles with a coupling sys-
tem for charging the Rechargeable Energy Storage System
(traction batteries).
5.2. Performance requirements
5.2.1. Whenever the system is active, as specified in paragraph 5.2.3. below,
the LDWS shall warn the driver if the vehicle crosses over a visible lane
marking for the lane in which it is running, on a road with a directional
form that varies between straight and a curve having an inner lane mar-
king with a minimum radius of 250 m, when there has been no purpose-
ful demand to do so. Specifically:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130 It shall provide the driver with the warning specified in paragraph 5.4.1.
below when tested in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6.5.
below (departure warning test) and with lane markings as specified in

R 13
paragraph 6.2.3. below. The warning mentioned in paragraph 5.2.1. above may be suppressed when
there is a driver action which indicates an intention to depart from the lane.
5.2.2. The system shall also provide the driver with the warning specified in
R 130

paragraph 5.4.2. below when tested in accordance with the provisions of

paragraph 6.6. below (failure detection test). The signal shall be constant.
5.2.3. The LDWS shall be active at least at vehicle speeds above 60 km/h,
unless manually deactivated as per paragraph 5.3. below.
5.3. If a vehicle is equipped with a means to deactivate the LDWS function,
the following conditions shall apply as appropriate:
5.3.1. The LDWS function shall be automatically reinstated at the initiation of
each new ignition “on” (run) cycle.
5.3.2. A constant optical warning signal shall inform the driver that the LDWS
function has been deactivated. The yellow warning signal specified in
paragraph 5.4.2. below may be used for this purpose.
5.4. Warning indication
5.4.1. The lane departure warning referred to in paragraph 5.2.1. above shall
be noticeable by the driver and be provided by:
(a) At least two warning means out of optical, acoustic and haptic,
(b) One warning means out of haptic and acoustic, with spatial
indication about the direction of unintended drift of the vehicle. Where an optical signal is used for the lane departure warning, it may
use the failure warning signal as specified in paragraph 5.4.2. below in
a flashing mode.
5.4.2. The failure warning referred to in paragraph 5.2.2. above shall be a yel-
low optical warning signal.
5.4.3. The LDWS optical warning signals shall be activated either when the
ignition (start) switch is turned to the “on” (run) position or when the igni-
tion (start) switch is in a position between the “on” (run) and “start” that


is designated by the manufacturer as a check position (initial system

(power-on)). This requirement does not apply to warning signals shown
in a common space.
5.4.4. The optical warning signals shall be visible even by daylight; the satisfac-
tory condition of the signals must be easily verifiable by the driver from
the driver’s seat.
5.4.5. When the driver is provided with an optical warning signal to indicate

R 130
that the LDWS is temporarily not available, for example due to incle-
ment weather conditions, the signal shall be constant. The failure war-
ning signal specified in paragraph 5.4.2. above may be used for this
5.5. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection
5.5.1. At a periodic technical inspection it shall be possible to confirm the cor-
rect operational status of the LDWS by a visible observation of the failure
warning signal status, following a “power-ON” (off–system OK, on–sys-
tem fault present).
In the case of the failure warning signal being in a common space, the
common space must be observed to be functional prior to the failure
warning signal status check.
5.5.2. At the time of type-approval, the means to protect against simple unaut-
horized modification of the operation of the failure warning signal chosen
by the manufacturer shall be confidentially outlined.
Alternatively, this protection requirement is fulfilled when a secondary me-
ans of checking the correct operational status of the LDWS is available.

6. Test procedure
6.1. The manufacturer shall provide a brief documentation package which gi-
ves access to the basic design of the system and, if applicable, the means
by which it is linked to other vehicle systems. The function of the system
shall be explained and the documentation shall describe how the opera-
tional status of the system is checked, whether there is an influence on ot-
her vehicle systems, and the method(s) used in establishing the situations
which will result in a failure warning signal being displayed.
6.2. Test conditions
6.2.1. The test shall be performed on a flat, dry asphalt or concrete surface.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

6.2.2. The ambient temperature shall be between 0° C and 45° C.

6.2.3. Visible lane markings

R 13 The visible lane markings used in the lane departure warning tests of
paragraph 6.5. below shall be those of one of the Contracting Parties as
identified in Annex 3 to this Regulation, with the markings being in good
condition and of a material conforming to the standard for visible lane
markings of that Contracting Party. The visible lane marking layout used
R 130

for the testing shall be recorded. The vehicle manufacturer shall demonstrate, through the use of docu-
mentation, compliance with all the other lane markings identified in An-
nex 3 to this Regulation. Any such documentation shall be appended to
the test report. In the case the vehicle type may be equipped with different variants of
the LDWS with regional specific adjustments; the manufacturer shall
demonstrate through documentation that the requirements of this Regu-
lation are fulfilled in all variants.
6.2.4. The test shall be performed under visibility conditions that allow safe
driving at the required test speed.
6.3. Vehicle conditions
6.3.1. Test weight
The vehicle may be tested at any condition of load, the distribution of the
mass among the axles being that stated by the vehicle manufacturer wit-
hout exceeding any of the maximum permissible mass for each axle. No
alteration shall be made once the test procedure has begun. The vehicle
manufacturer shall demonstrate through the use of documentation that
the system works at all conditions of load.
6.3.2. The vehicle shall be tested at the tyre pressures recommended by the
vehicle manufacturer.
6.3.3. In the case where the LDWS is equipped with a user-adjustable war-
ning threshold, the test as specified in paragraph 6.5. below shall be
performed with the warning threshold set at its maximum lane depar-
ture setting. No alteration shall be made once the test procedure has


6.4. Optical warning signal verification test

With the vehicle stationary check that the optical warning signal(s) com-
ply with the requirements of paragraph 5.4.3. above.
6.5. Lane departure warning test
6.5.1. Drive the vehicle at a speed of 65 km/h +/- 3 km/h into the centre of the
test lane in a smooth manner so that the attitude of the vehicle is stable.

R 130
Maintaining the prescribed speed, gently drift the vehicle, either to the
left or the right, at a rate of departure of between 0.1 and 0.8 m/s so that
the vehicle crosses the lane marking. Repeat the test at a different rate
of departure within the range 0.1 and 0.8 m/s.
Repeat the above tests drifting in the opposite direction.
6.5.2. The LDWS shall provide the lane departure warning indication mentio-
ned in paragraph 5.4.1. above at the latest when the outside of the tyre
of the vehicle’s front wheel closest to the lane markings crosses a line
0.3 m beyond the outside edge of the visible lane marking to which the
vehicle is being drifted.
6.6. Failure detection test
6.6.1. Simulate a LDWS failure, for example by disconnecting the power
source to any LDWS component or disconnecting any electrical con-
nection between LDWS components. The electrical connections for the
failure warning signal of paragraph 5.4.2. above and the LDWS disable
control of paragraph 5.3. above shall not be disconnected when simu-
lating a LDWS failure.
6.6.2. The failure warning signal mentioned in paragraph 5.4.2.above shall be
activated and remain activated while the vehicle is being driven and be
reactivated after a subsequent ignition “off” ignition “on” cycle as long as
the simulated failure exists.
6.7. Deactivation Test
6.7.1. If the vehicle is equipped with means to deactivate the LDWS, turn the
ignition (start) switch to the “on” (run) position and deactivate the LDWS.
The warning signal mentioned in paragraph 5.3.2. above shall be activa-
ted. Turn the ignition (start) switch to the “off” position. Again, turn the ig-
nition (start) switch to the “on” (run) position and verify that the previously

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

activated warning signal is not reactivated, thereby indicating that the

LDWS has been reinstated as specified in paragraph 5.3.1. above. If the
ignition system is activated by means of a “key”, the above requirement

R 13
shall be fulfilled without removing the key.

7. Modification of vehicle type and extension of appro-

R 130

7.1. Every modification of the vehicle type as defined in paragraph 2.2. of this
Regulation shall be notified to the Type Approval Authority which appro-
ved the vehicle type. The Type Approval Authority may then either:
7.1.1. Consider that the modifications made do not have an adverse effect on
the conditions of the granting of the approval and grant an extension of
7.1.2. Consider that the modifications made affect the conditions of the gran-
ting of the approval and require further tests or additional checks before
granting an extension of approval.
7.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be
communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to
the Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation.
7.3. The Type Approval Authority shall inform the other Contracting Parties
of the extension by means of the communication form which appears in
Annex 1 to this Regulation. It shall assign a serial number to each ex-
tension, to be known as the extension number.

8. Conformity of production
8.1. Procedures concerning conformity of production shall conform to the
general provisions defined in Article 2 and Appendix 2 to the Agreement
(E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2) and meet the following require-
8.2. A vehicle approved pursuant to this Regulation shall be so manufactured
as to conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements of para-
graph 5. above;
8.3. The Type Approval Authority which has granted the approval may at any time
verify the conformity of control methods applicable to each production unit.
The normal frequency of such inspections shall be once every two years.


9. Penalties for non-conformity of production

9.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regu-
lation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.
Above are not complied with.
9.2. If a Contracting Party withdraws an approval it had previously granted, it
shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regu-

R 130
lation by sending them a communication form conforming to the model
in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

10. Production definitively discontinued

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of
vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform
the Type Approval Authority which granted the approval, which in turn
shall forthwith inform the other Contracting Parties to the Agreement ap-
plying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to
the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

11. Names and addresses of the Technical Services re-

sponsible for conducting approval tests and of Type
Approval Authorities
The Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall
communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addres-
ses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests
and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which
forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of appro-
val are to be sent.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Annex 1

R 13
Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm)
issued by: Name of administration:
R 130

4 .................................................
E ... .................................................

Concerning:5 Approval granted

Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a type of vehicle with regard to the Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) pursu-
ant to Regulation No. 130
Approval No. .................................................Extension No.................................................

1. Trademark: ...................................................................................................
2. Type and trade name(s): .............................................................................
3. Name and address of manufacturer: ..........................................................
4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer’s representative: ...............
5. Brief description of vehicle: ..........................................................................
6. Date of submission of vehicle for approval: ...............................................
7. Technical Service performing the approval tests: ......................................
8. Date of report issued by that Service: ........................................................
4 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/with-
drawn an approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation)
5 Strike out what does not apply.

Annex 1

9. Number of report issued by that Service: ...................................................

10. Approval with regard to the LDWS is granted/refused:5
11. Place: ...........................................................................................................
12. Date: .............................................................................................................
13. Signature: .....................................................................................................

R 130
14. Annexed to this communication are the following documents, bearing
the approval number indicated above: .......................................................
15. Any remarks: ................................................................................................

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks

R 13
(see paragraphs 4.4. to 4.4.2. of this Regulation)


E6 130R-00185a/3
R 130


a = 8 mm min
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle
type concerned has been approved in Belgium (E 6) with regard to the
LDWS pursuant to Regulation No. 130. The first two digits of the appro-
val number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance with
the requirements of Regulation No. 130 in its original form.

Annex 3

Annex 3
Visible lane marking identification
1. For the purpose of the approval test referred to in paragraphs 6.2.3. and
6.5. of this Regulation, the test lane width shall be greater than 3.5 m.
2. The visible lane markings identified in Table 1 below are assumed to be
white, unless otherwise indicated in this annex.

R 130
3. Table of identified visible lane markings to be used for approval test in
accordance with paragraphs 6.2.3. and 6.5. of this Regulation.
Table 1

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this

2.5 m
30 cm

20 cm

30 cm

10 m

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge

R 13
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130

width width lane width

for the pur-
pose of this

15 - 20 cm
20 cm

20 cm
Flowing in

Centrelines yellow, right edge

lines white left edge line yellow

15 - 20 cm

20 cm

20 cm

6m Traffic
in same

Centrelines yellow, right edge

lines white left edge line yellow

Annex 3

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130
width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this


10 - 15 cm
10 - 15 cm
Traffic 20 cm

20 cm
flowing in
with lane
Centrelines yellow, right edge 10 - 15 cm
lines white left edge line yellow

3m Traffic
10 - 15 cm

10 - 15 cm

flowing in
20 cm

20 cm

6m directions
with lane
only from
one lane
10 - 15 cm

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge

R 13
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130

width width lane width

for the pur-
pose of this

10 - 15 cm

3m Continuity
lines in
and diver-
3m ging areas

centrelines white

0.5 m
10 - 15 cm

White lines
0.5 m

30 cm

15 cm

30 cm


Annex 3

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130
width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this

20 cm

10 cm

20 cm

3m 39 m
22.5 cm

FRANCE 22.5 cm
15 cm

10 m 39 m Motorway1
22.5 cm and 37.5 cm

3m 39 m FRANCE
22.5 cm
15 cm

10 m 3.5 m Highways
(4 lanes or
2x2 lanes)

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge

R 13
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130

width width lane width

for the pur-
pose of this

10 or 12 cm

15 or 18 cm
10 m (other

4m 12 or 25 cm
12 cm

12 cm

8m Secondary

15 cm

15 cm

30 cm

12 m Motorway

Annex 3

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130
width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this

12 cm

12 cm

12 cm
12 or 15 cm

10 or 12 cm

12 or 15 cm
4.5 m Secondary
and Local

4.5 m
25 cm

15 cm

25 cm

7.5 m Motorway

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge

R 13
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130

width width lane width

for the pur-
pose of this

25 cm

15 cm

25 cm
4.5 m Main

15 cm

10 cm

15 cm


10 cm

10 cm

10 cm

12 m JAPAN

Annex 3

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130
width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this

THE 15 cm

10 cm

15 cm

20 cm

15 cm

NORWAY 20 cm

20 cm

15 cm

20 cm

10 m GAL

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge

R 13
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130

width width lane width

for the pur-
pose of this

10 - 20 cm

10 - 15 cm

10 - 20 cm
More than
b* one line
in each
10 - 20 cm

10 - 20 cm

10 - 20 cm
More than
one line
d* in each
(Variant 1
with a lane
for rever-
sing traffic)
a* FEDE-
10 - 20 cm

10 - 15 cm

10 - 20 cm

b* More than
one line
d* in each

c* (Variant 2
with a lane
for rever-
sing traffic)

Annex 3

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130
width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this


10 - 15 cm

10 cm
f* One line
in each
(Variant 1)

a* e*
10 - 15 cm

One line 10 cm
b* f*
in each
(Variant 2)

5m 20 m
20 cm

10 cm

20 cm

12 m 4m SPAIN

UN-ECE Regulation No. 130

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge

R 13
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130

width width lane width

for the pur-
pose of this

3m 20 cm

10 cm

20 cm

20 cm

15 cm

20 cm
12 m LAND

20 cm

15 cm

20 cm


Annex 3

Pattern Width

Country Right edge

Left edge Centre Right edge Left edge
lane marking line lane marking lane marking Centre line lane marking

lane lane Definition of

R 130
width width lane width
for the pur-
pose of this

10 or 15 or 20 cm

10 or 15 or 20 cm

15 cm
7m Dual Car-
10 or 15 or 20 cm

10 or 15 or 20 cm
10 or 15 cm

Single Car-
6m riageway
(speed limit
>40 mph)

1 Excepted certain zones (e.g.: slip road, lane for slow vehicles …)
* Note: For the traffic speed limit up to 60 km/h:
a = 1…3 m; b = 3…9 m; a:b = 1:3;
c = 3…6 m; d = 1…2 m; c:d = 3:1;
e = 1 m; f = 2 m; e:f = 1:2
For the traffic speed limit above 60 km/h:
a = 3…4 m; b = 9…12 m; a:b = 1:3;
c = 6…9 m; d = 2…3 m; c:d = 3:1;


UN-ECE Regulation 131

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

Table of Content
Regulation No. 131 ................................................................................................386
1. Scope and purpose ...............................................................................................387
2. Definitions...............................................................................................................387
3. Application for approval .........................................................................................388
4. Approval .................................................................................................................388
5. Specifications .........................................................................................................389
6. Test procedure .......................................................................................................393
7. Modification of vehicle type and extension of approval .......................................396
8. Conformity of production .......................................................................................397
9. Penalties for non-conformity of production...........................................................397
R 131

10. Production definitively discontinued......................................................................397

11. Names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting
approval tests and of
Type Approval Authorities ......................................................................................398
12. Transitional provisions ...........................................................................................398
Annex 1
Communication ......................................................................................................399
Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks .........................................................................401
Annex 3
Warning and activation test requirements – Pass/fail values ..............................402
Annex 4
Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of complex electro-
nic vehicle control systems....................................................................................403


Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Whee-
led Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on
Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Appro-
vals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions*
(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October 1995)

Addendum: 130 - UN-ECE Regulation 131

Uniform provisions concerning concerning the approval of motor vehicles with
regard to the Advanced Emergency Braking Systems (AEBS)

R 131
01 series of amendments 26 January 2014
Supplement 1 to 01 series of amendments 13 February 2014
Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments 8 October 2016


* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform

Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle
Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

Regulation No. 131

The intention of this Regulation is to establish uniform provisions for Advanced Emergen-
cy Braking Systems (AEBS) fitted to motor vehicles of the categories M2, M3, N2 and N31
primarily used under monotonous highway driving conditions.
While, in general, those vehicle categories will benefit from the fitment of an AEBS, there
are sub-groups where the benefit is rather uncertain because they are primarily used in
other conditions than highway conditions (e.g. buses with standing passengers i.e. Clas-
ses I, II and A1, category G vehicles1, construction vehicles, etc.). Regardless from the
benefit, there are other sub-groups where the installation of AEBS would be technically
difficult or not feasible (e.g. position of the sensor on vehicles of category G1, construction
vehicles mainly used in off-road areas and gravel tracks, special purpose vehicles and
R 131

vehicles with front mounted equipment, etc.). In some cases there may be a possibility of
false emergency braking events because of vehicle design constraints.
In addition, systems intended for vehicles not equipped with a pneumatic rear-axle sus-
pension require the integration of advanced sensor technology to take into account the
variation of the pitch angle of the vehicle.
The system shall automatically detect a potential forward collision, provide the driver with
a warning and activate the vehicle braking system to decelerate the vehicle with the pur-
pose of avoiding or mitigating the severity of a collision in the event that the driver does
not respond to the warning.
The system shall only operate in driving situations where braking will avoid or mitigate the
severity of an accident, and shall take no action in normal driving situations.
In the case of a failure in the system, the safe operation of the vehicle shall not be endangered.
The system shall provide as a minimum an acoustic or haptic warning, which may also
be a sharp deceleration, so that an inattentive driver is made aware of a critical situation.
During any action taken by the system (the warning and emergency braking phases),
the driver can, at any time through a conscious action, e.g. by a steering action or an
accelerator kick-down, take control and override the system.
The Regulation cannot include all the traffic conditions and infrastructure features in the
type-approval process. Actual conditions and features in the real world should not result
in false warnings or false braking to the extent that they encourage the driver to switch
the system off.
1 As defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.),
document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.3, para. 2.


1. Scope and purpose

This Regulation applies to the approval of vehicles of category M2, N2,
M3 and N31 with regard to an on-board system to avoid or mitigate the
severity of a rear-end in lane collision.

2. Definitions
2.1. “Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS)” means a system which
can automatically detect a potential forward collision and activate the ve-
hicle braking system to decelerate the vehicle with the purpose of avoiding
or mitigating a collision.
2.2. “Vehicle type with regard to its Advanced Emergency Braking System” me-
ans a category of vehicles which do not differ in such essential respects as:

R 131
(a) The manufacturer’s trade name or mark;
(b) Vehicle features which significantly influence the performances
of the Advanced Emergency Braking System;
(c) The type and design of the Advanced Emergency Braking Sys-
2.3. “Subject vehicle” means the vehicle being tested.
2.4. “Target” means a high volume series production passenger car of cate-
gory M1 AA saloon1 or in the case of a soft target an object representative
of such a vehicle in terms of its detection characteristics applicable to the
sensor system of the AEBS under test.
2.5. “Moving target” means a target travelling at a constant speed in the same
direction and in the centre of the same lane of travel as the subject vehicle.
2.6. “Stationary target” means a target at standstill facing the same direction
and positioned on the centre of the same test lane of travel as the subject
2.7. “Soft target” means a target that will suffer minimum damage and cause
minimum damage to the subject vehicle in the event of a collision.
2.8. “Collision warning phase” means the phase directly preceding the emer-
gency braking phase, during which the AEBS warns the driver of a potential
forward collision.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

2.9. “Emergency braking phase” means the phase starting when the AEBS
emits a braking demand for at least 4 m/s² deceleration to the service bra-
king system of the vehicle.
2.10. “Common space” means an area on which two or more information functi-
ons (e.g. symbol) may be displayed, but not simultaneously.
2.11. “Self-check” means an integrated function that checks for a system failure
on a semi-continuous basis at least while the system is active.
2.12. “Time to collision (TTC)” means the value of time obtained by dividing the
distance between the subject vehicle and the target by the relative speed of
the subject vehicle and the target, at an instant in time.

3. Application for approval

R 131

3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to the Advan-
ced Emergency Braking System shall be submitted by the vehicle ma-
nufacturer or by his authorized representative.
3.2. It shall be accompanied by the documents mentioned below in triplicate:
3.2.1. A description of the vehicle type with regard to the items mentioned in pa-
ragraph 2.2., together with a documentation package which gives access
to the basic design of the AEBS and the means by which it is linked to
other vehicle systems or by which it directly controls output variables. The
numbers and/or symbols identifying the vehicle type shall be specified.
3.3. A vehicle representative of the vehicle type to be approved shall be sub-
mitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.

4. Approval
4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation
meets the requirements of paragraph 5. below, approval of that vehicle
shall be granted.
4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved; its first
two digits (at present 01 corresponding to the 01 series of amendments)
shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent
major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue
of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same
number to the same vehicle type equipped with another type of AEBS, or
to another vehicle type.


4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal or withdrawal of approval pursuant to this

Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement which
apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the model in
Annex 1 and documentation supplied by the applicant being in a format
not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm), or folded to that format, and on an
appropriate scale or electronic format.
4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place
specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle
type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark con-
forming to the model described in Annex 2, consisting of:
4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter “E” followed by the distinguishing number
of the country which has granted approval;2

R 131
4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter “R”, a dash and the
approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.
4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more other
Regulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted
approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1.
above need not be repeated; in such a case, the Regulation and approval
numbers and the additional symbols shall be placed in vertical columns to
the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.
4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.

5. Specifications
5.1. General
5.1.1. Any vehicle fitted with an AEBS complying with the definition of para-
graph 2.1. above shall meet the performance requirements contained
in paragraphs 5.1. to 5.6.2. of this Regulation and shall be equipped
with an anti-lock braking function in accordance with the performance
requirements of Annex 13 to Regulation No. 13.

2 The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are
reproduced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehic-
les (R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 3 - www.unece.org/trans/main/

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

5.1.2. The effectiveness of AEBS shall not be adversely affected by magnetic

or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by fulfilling the technical
requirements and respecting the transitional provisions of Regulation
No. 10 by applying:
(a) The 03 series of amendments for vehicles without a coupling
system for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Sto-
rage System (traction batteries);
(b) The 04 series of amendments for vehicles with a coupling sys-
tem for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage
System (traction batteries).”
5.1.3. Conformity with the safety aspects of complex electronic control systems
R 131

shall be shown by meeting the requirements of Annex 4.

5.2. Performance requirements
5.2.1. The system shall provide the driver with appropriate warning(s) as be-
low: A collision warning when the AEBS has detected the possibility of a col-
lision with a preceding vehicle of category M, N or O in the same lane
which is travelling at a slower speed, has slowed to a halt or is stationary
having not being identified as moving. The warning shall be as specified
in paragraph 5.5.1. above. A failure warning when there is a failure in the AEBS that prevents the
requirements of this Regulation of being met. The warning shall be as
specified in paragraph 5.5.4. below. There shall not be an appreciable time interval between each AEBS self-
check, and subsequently there shall not be an appreciable delay in illumi-
nating the warning signal, in the case of an electrically detectable failure. A deactivation warning, if the vehicle is equipped with a means to manu-
ally deactivate the AEBS, shall be given when the system is deactivated.
This shall be as specified in paragraph 5.4.2. below.
5.2.2. Subsequent to the warning(s) of paragraph above, and subject
to the provisions of paragraphs 5.3.1. to 5.3.3. below, there shall be an
emergency braking phase having the purpose of significantly decrea-
sing the speed of the subject vehicle. This shall be tested in accordance
with paragraphs 6.4. and 6.5. of this Regulation.


5.2.3. The system shall be active at least within the vehicle speed range of
15 km/h up to the maximum design speed of the vehicle, and at all vehicle
load conditions, unless manually deactivated as per paragraph 5.4. below.
5.2.4. The system shall be designed to minimize the generation of collision
warning signals and to avoid autonomous braking in situations where
the driver would not recognize an impending forward collision. This shall
be demonstrated in accordance with paragraph 6.8. of this Regulation.
5.3. Interruption by the driver
5.3.1. The AEBS may provide the means for the driver to interrupt the collision
warning phase. However, when a vehicle braking system is used to pro-
vide a haptic warning, the system shall provide the driver with a means
to interrupt the warning braking.

R 131
5.3.2. The AEBS shall provide the means for the driver to interrupt the emer-
gency braking phase.
5.3.3. In both cases above, this interruption may be initiated by any positive ac-
tion (e.g. kick-down, operating the direction indicator control) that indicates
that the driver is aware of the emergency situation. The vehicle manufac-
turer shall provide a list of these positive actions to the technical service at
the time of type approval and it shall be annexed to the test report.
5.4. When a vehicle is equipped with a means to deactivate the AEBS func-
tion, the following conditions shall apply as appropriate:
5.4.1. The AEBS function shall be automatically reinstated at the initiation of
each new ignition cycle.
5.4.2. A constant optical warning signal shall inform the driver that the AEBS
function has been deactivated. The yellow warning signal specified in
paragraph 5.5.4. below may be used for this purpose.
5.5. Warning indication
5.5.1. The collision warning referred to in paragraph above shall be
provided by at least two modes selected from acoustic, haptic or optical.
The timing of the warning signals shall be such that they provide the pos-
sibility for the driver to react to the risk of collision and take control of the
situation, and shall also avoid nuisance for the driver by too early or too
frequent warnings. This shall be tested in accordance with the provisions
of paragraphs 6.4.2. and 6.5.2. of this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

5.5.2. A description of the warning indication and the sequence in which the
collision warning signals are presented to the driver shall be provided
by the vehicle manufacturer at the time of type-approval and recorded
in the test report.
5.5.3. Where an optical means is used as part of the collision warning, the
optical signal may be the flashing of the failure warning signal specified
in paragraph 5.5.4. below.
5.5.4. The failure warning referred to in paragraph above shall be a
constant yellow optical warning signal.
5.5.5. Each AEBS optical warning signal shall be activated either when the
ignition (start) switch is turned to the “on” (run) position or when the igni-
tion (start) switch is in a position between the “on” (run) and “start” that
R 131

is designated by the manufacturer as a check position (initial system

(power-on)). This requirement does not apply to warning signals shown
in a common space.
5.5.6. The optical warning signals shall be visible even by daylight; the satisfac-
tory condition of the signals must be easily verifiable by the driver from
the driver’s seat.
5.5.7. When the driver is provided with an optical warning signal to indicate
that the AEBS is temporarily not available, for example due to inclement
weather conditions, the signal shall be constant and yellow in colour.
The failure warning signal specified in paragraph 5.5.4. above may be
used for this purpose.
5.6. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection
5.6.1. At a periodic technical inspection it shall be possible to confirm the cor-
rect operational status of the AEBS by a visible observation of the failure
warning signal status, following a “power-ON” and any bulb check.
In the case of the failure warning signal being in a common space, the
common space must be observed to be functional prior to the failure
warning signal status check.
5.6.2. At the time of type approval, the means to protect against simple unaut-
horized modification of the operation of the failure warning signal chosen
by the manufacturer shall be confidentially outlined.
Alternatively, this protection requirement is fulfilled when a secondary me-
ans of checking the correct operational status of the AEBS is available.


6. Test procedure
6.1. Test conditions
6.1.1. The test shall be performed on a flat, dry concrete or asphalt surface
affording good adhesion.
6.1.2. The ambient temperature shall be between 0 °C and 45 °C.
6.1.3. The horizontal visibility range shall allow the target to be observed
throughout the test.
6.1.4. The tests shall be performed when there is no wind liable to affect the
6.2. Vehicle conditions

R 131
6.2.1. Test weight
The vehicle shall be tested in a condition of load to be agreed between
the manufacturer and the Technical Service. No alteration shall be made
once the test procedure has begun.
6.3. Test targets
6.3.1. The target used for the tests shall be a regular high volume series pro-
duction passenger car of category M1 AA saloon, or alternatively a “soft
target” representative of such a vehicle in terms of its identification cha-
racteristics applicable to the sensor system of the AEBS under test.3
6.3.2. Details that enable the target(s) to be specifically identified and reprodu-
ced shall be recorded in the vehicle type approval documentation.
6.4. Warning and activation test with a stationary target
6.4.1. The subject vehicle shall approach the stationary target in a straight line
for at least two seconds prior to the functional part of the test with a sub-
ject vehicle to target centreline offset of not more than 0.5 m.
The functional part of the test shall start when the subject vehicle is tra-
velling at a speed of 80 ± 2 km/h and is at a distance of at least 120 m
from the target.
From the start of the functional part until the point of collision there shall
be no adjustment to any control of the subject vehicle by the driver other
than slight adjustments to the steering control to counteract any drifting.
3 The identification characteristics of the soft target shall be agreed upon between
the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer as being equivalent to a passen-
ger car of category M1 AA saloon

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

6.4.2. The timing for the collision warning modes referred to in paragraph 5.5.1.
above shall comply with the following: At least one warning mode shall be provided no later than specified in
Table I, Column B, of Annex 3.
In the case of the vehicles referred to in Table I, row 1, of Annex 3, the
warning shall be haptic or acoustic.
In the case of the vehicles referred to in Table I, row 2, of Annex 3, the
warning shall be haptic, acoustic or optical At least two warning modes shall be provided no later than specified in
Table I, Column C, of Annex 3. Any speed reduction during the warning phase, shall not exceed either
R 131

15 km/h or 30 per cent of the total subject vehicle speed reduction, whi-
chever is higher.
6.4.3. The collision warning phase shall be followed by the emergency braking
6.4.4. The total speed reduction of the subject vehicle at the time of the impact
with the stationary target shall be not less than the value specified in
Table I, column D of Annex 3.
6.4.5. The emergency braking phase shall not start before a TTC equal to or
less than 3.0 seconds.
Compliance shall be verified by either actual measurement during the
test or using documentation provided by the vehicle manufacturer, as
agreed between the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.
6.5. Warning and activation test with a moving target
6.5.1. The subject vehicle and the moving target shall travel in a straight line, in
the same direction, for at least two seconds prior to the functional part of the
test, with a subject vehicle to target centreline offset of not more than 0.5m.
The functional part of the test shall start with the subject vehicle travel-
ling at a speed of 80 ± 2 km/h, the moving target at speed of the value
specified in Table I, column H of Annex 3, and a separation distance of
at least 120 m between them.
From the start of the functional part of the test until the subject vehicle
comes to a speed equal to that of the target there shall be no adjustment
to any subject vehicle control by the driver other than slight steering ad-
justments to counteract any drifting.


6.5.2. The timing for the collision warning modes referred to in paragraph 5.5.1.
above shall comply with the following: At least one haptic or acoustic warning mode shall be provided no later
than specified in Table I Column E of Annex 3. At least two warning modes shall be provided no later than specified in
Table I Column F of Annex 3. Any speed reduction during the warning phase shall not exceed either
15 km/h or 30 per cent of the total subject vehicle speed reduction, whi-
chever is higher.
6.5.3. The emergency braking phase shall result in the subject vehicle not im-
pacting the moving target.

R 131
6.5.4. The emergency braking phase shall not start before a TTC equal to or
less than 3.0 seconds.
Compliance shall be verified by either actual measurement during the
test or using documentation provided by the vehicle manufacturer, as
agreed between the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.
6.6. Failure detection test
6.6.1. Simulate an electrical failure, for example by disconnecting the power
source to any AEBS component or disconnecting any electrical con-
nection between AEBS components. When simulating an AEBS failure,
neither the electrical connections for the driver warning signal of para-
graph 5.5.4. above nor the optional manual AEBS deactivation control of
paragraph 5.4. shall be disconnected.
6.6.2. The failure warning signal mentioned in paragraph 5.5.4. above shall be
activated and remain activated not later than 10 seconds after the vehi-
cle has been driven at a speed greater than 15 km/h and be reactivated
immediately after a subsequent ignition “off” ignition “on” cycle with the
vehicle stationary as long as the simulated failure exists.
6.7. Deactivation test
6.7.1. For vehicles equipped with means to deactivate the AEBS, turn the igni-
tion (start) switch to the “on” (run) position and deactivate the AEBS. The
warning signal mentioned in paragraph 5.4.2. above shall be activated.
Turn the ignition (start) switch to the “off” position. Again, turn the ignition
(start) switch to the “on” (run) position and verify that the previously acti-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

vated warning signal is not reactivated, thereby indicating that the AEBS
has been reinstated as specified in paragraph 5.4.1. above. If the ignition
system is activated by means of a “key”, the above requirement shall be
fulfilled without removing the key.
6.8. False reaction test
6.8.1. Two stationary vehicles, of category M1 AA saloon, shall be positioned:
(a) So as to face in the same direction of travel as the subject
(b) With a distance of 4.5 m between them4,
(c) With the rear of each vehicle aligned with the other.
R 131

6.8.2. The subject vehicle shall travel for a distance of at least 60 m, at a constant
speed of 50 ± 2 km/h to pass centrally between the two stationary vehicles.
During the test there shall be no adjustment of any subject vehicle cont-
rol other than slight steering adjustments to counteract any drifting.
6.8.3. The AEBS shall not provide a collision warning and shall not initiate the
emergency braking phase.

7. Modification of vehicle type and extension of appro-

7.1. Every modification of the vehicle type as defined in paragraph 2.2. ab-
ove shall be notified to the Type Approval Authority which approved the
vehicle type. The Type Approval Authority may then either:
7.1.1. Consider that the modifications made do not have an adverse effect on
the conditions of the granting of the approval and grant an extension of
7.1.2. Consider that the modifications made affect the conditions of the gran-
ting of the approval and require further tests or additional checks before
granting an extension of approval.
7.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alterations, shall be
communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to
the Contracting Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.
4 The point of reference of each stationary vehicle for establishing the distance bet-
ween the two stationary vehicles, shall be determined in accordance with ISO 612-


7.3. The Type Approval Authority shall inform the other Contracting Parties
of the extension by means of the communication form which appears in
Annex 1 to this Regulation. It shall assign a serial number to each ex-
tension, to be known as the extension number.

8. Conformity of production
8.1. Procedures concerning conformity of production shall conform to the ge-
neral provisions defined in Appendix 2 to the Agreement (E/ECE/324-E/
ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2) and meet the following requirements:
8.2. A vehicle approved pursuant to this Regulation shall be so manufactured
as to conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements of para-
graph 5. above;

R 131
8.3. The Type Approval Authority which has granted approval may at any
time verify the conformity of control methods applicable to each produc-
tion unit. The normal frequency of such inspections shall be once every
two years.

9. Penalties for non-conformity of production

9.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regu-
lation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.
above are not complied with.
9.2. If a Contracting Party withdraws an approval it had previously granted, it
shall forthwith so notify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regu-
lation by sending them a communication form conforming to the model
in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

10. Production definitively discontinued

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of
vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform
the Type Approval Authority which granted the approval, which in turn
shall forthwith inform the other Contracting Parties to the Agreement ap-
plying this Regulation by means of a communication form conforming to
the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

11. Names and addresses of the Technical Services

responsible for conducting approval tests and of
Type Approval Authorities
The Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall
communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addres-
ses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests
and of the Type Approval Authorities which granted approval and to
which forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of
approval are to be sent.
12. Transitional provisions
12.1. As from the official date of entry into force of the 01 series of amend-
R 131

ments, no Contracting Party applying the 01 series of amendments to

this Regulation, shall refuse to grant type approvals in accordance with
the 01 series of amendments of this Regulation.
12.2. As from the date of entry into force of the 01 series of amendments to
this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation may conti-
nue granting type approvals and extensions of type approvals to the 00
series of amendments to this Regulation.
In accordance with Article 12 of the 1958 Agreement, the 00 series of
amendments may be used as an alternative to the 01 series. Contrac-
ting Parties shall notify to the Secretariat General which alternative they
apply. In the absence of notification of Contracting Parties to the United
Nations Secretary-General, Contracting Parties will be considered to
apply the 01 series.
12.3. As from the date of entry into force of the 01 series of amendments,
no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse national or
regional type approval of a vehicle type approved to the 01 series of
amendments to this Regulation.
12.4. Until 1 November 2016, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation
shall refuse national or regional type approval of a vehicle type approved
to the 00 series of amendments to this Regulation.
12.5. As from 1 November 2016, Contracting Parties applying the 01 series
of amendments to this Regulation shall not be obliged to accept, for the
purpose of national or regional type approval, a vehicle type approved to
the 00 series of amendments to this Regulation.

Annex 1

Annex 1
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
issued by: Name of administration:

5 .................................................
E ... .................................................

Concerning:6 Approval granted

R 131
Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a type of vehicle with regard to the advanced emergency braking system pur-
suant to Regulation No. 131
Approval No. .................................................Extension No.................................................
1. Trademark: ...................................................................................................
2. Type and trade name(s): .............................................................................
3. Name and address of manufacturer: .........................................................
4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer’s representative: .......
5. Brief description of vehicle: .........................................................................
6. Data to enable the identification of the type of AEBS: ...............................
7. Date of submission of vehicle for approval: ...............................................
8. Technical Service performing the approval tests: ......................................
5 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/with-
drawn an approval (see approval provisions in the Regulation).
6 Delete what does not apply.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

9. Date of report issued by that Service: ........................................................

10. Number of report issued by that Service: ...................................................
11. Approval with regard to the AEBS is granted/refused:6 ...............................
12. Place: ...........................................................................................................
13. Date: .............................................................................................................
14. Signature: .....................................................................................................
15. Annexed to this communication are the following documents, bearing
the approval number indicated above:
List of the positive actions enabling the driver to interrupt the braking
phase ...........................................................................................................
R 131

Description of the AEBS warning strategy ................................................

Details which enable the targets to be specifically identified ...................
16. Any remarks: ................................................................................................

Annex 2

Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks
(See paragraphs 4.4. to 4.4.2. of this Regulation)

E6 a/3

a = 8 mm min
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle

R 131
type concerned has been approved in Belgium (E 6) with regard to the
131 pursuant to Regulation No. 131. The first two digits of the approval
number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance with the
requirements of the 01 series of amendments to the Regulation No. 131

R 131
A B C D E F G H Row

Stationary target Moving target
Annex 3
Timing if warning modes Speed Timing of warning moves Speed Target speed
reduction reduction (ref. para-
At least 1 At least 2 (ref. para- At least 1 At least 2 (ref. para- graph 6.5.1.)
(ref. (ref. graph 6.4.4.) (ref. (ref. graph 6.5.3.)
paragraph paragraph paragraph paragraph

M31,N2 > 8t Not later Not later Not less Not later Not later No impact 12 ± 2 km/h 1
and than 1,4 s. than 0,8 s. than than 1,4 s. than 0,8 s.
N3 before the before the 20 km/h before the before the
start of the start of the start of the start of the
UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

emergency emergency emergency emergency

braking braking braking braking
phase phase phase phase

N2 ≤ 8t2,4 Not later Before the Not less Not later Before the No impact 67 ± 2 km/h5 2
and than 0,8 s. start of the than than 0,8 s. start of the
M22,4 before the emergency 10 km/h before the emergency
start of the braking start of the braking
emergency phase3 emergency phase3
braking braking
phase phase

1 Vehicles of category M3 with hydraulic braking system are subject to the requirements of row 2
2 Vehicles with pneumatic braking systems are subject to the requirements of row 1.
3 Values shall be specified by the vehicle manufacturer at the time of Type Approval (Annex 1, paragraph 15.)
4 Manufacturers of vehicles covered by row 2 may elect to gain vehicle Type Approval to the values spec-
fied in row 1; in this instance compliance shall be demonstrated with all the values contained in row 1.
5 The values for the target speed in cell H2 shall be reviewed before 1st November 2021.
Warning and activation test requirements – Pass/fail values
Annex 4

Annex 4
Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of
complex electronic vehicle control systems
1. General
This annex defines the special requirements for documentation, fault
strategy and verification with respect to the safety aspects of Complex
electronic vehicle control systems (definition 2.3. below) as far as this
Regulation is concerned.
This annex may also be called, by special paragraphs in this Regulation,
for safety related functions which are controlled by electronic system(s).
This annex does not specify the performance criteria for “The System”

R 131
but covers the methodology applied to the design process and the in-
formation which must be disclosed to the Technical Service, for type
approval purposes.
This information shall show that “The System” respects, under normal
and fault conditions, all the appropriate performance requirements spe-
cified elsewhere in this Regulation.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this annex:
2.1. “Safety concept” is a description of the measures designed into the system,
for example within the electronic units, so as to address system integrity
and thereby ensure safe operation even in the event of an electrical failure.
The possibility of a fall-back to partial operation or even to a back-up
system for vital vehicle functions may be a part of the safety concept.
2.2. “Electronic control system” means a combination of units, designed to
co-operate in the production of the stated vehicle control function by
electronic data processing.
Such systems, often controlled by software, are built from discrete func-
tional components such as sensors, electronic control units and actua-
tors and connected by transmission links. They may include mechanical,
electro-pneumatic or electro-hydraulic elements.
“The System”, referred to herein, is the one for which type approval is
being sought.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

2.3. “Complex electronic vehicle control systems” are those electronic control sys-
tems which are subject to a hierarchy of control in which a controlled function
may be over-ridden by a higher level electronic control system/function.
A function which is over-ridden becomes part of the complex system.
2.4. “Higher-level control” systems/functions are those which employ additional
processing and/or sensing provisions to modify vehicle behaviour by com-
manding variations in the normal function(s) of the vehicle control system.
This allows complex systems to automatically change their objectives
with a priority which depends on the sensed circumstances.
2.5. “Units” are the smallest divisions of system components which will be
considered in this annex, since these combinations of components will
R 131

be treated as single entities for purposes of identification, analysis or

2.6. “Transmission links” are the means used for inter-connecting distributed units
for the purpose of conveying signals, operating data or an energy supply.
2.7. This equipment is generally electrical but may, in some part, be mecha-
nical, pneumatic, hydraulic or optical.
2.8. “Range of control” refers to an output variable and defines the range
over which the system is likely to exercise control.
2.9. “Boundary of functional operation” defines the boundaries of the external
physical limits within which the system is able to maintain control.
3. Documentation
3.1. Requirements
The manufacturer shall provide a documentation package which gives ac-
cess to the basic design of “The System” and the means by which it is lin-
ked to other vehicle systems or by which it directly controls output variables.
The function(s) of “The System” and the safety concept, as laid down by
the manufacturer, shall be explained.
Documentation shall be brief, yet provide evidence that the design and
development has had the benefit of expertise from all the system fields
which are involved.
For periodic technical inspections, the documentation shall describe how
the current operational status of “The System” can be checked.

Annex 4

3.1.1. Documentation shall be made available in 2 parts:

(a) The formal documentation package for the approval, contai-
ning the material listed in paragraph 3. of this annex (with the
exception of that of paragraph 3.4.4. below) which shall be
supplied to the Technical Service at the time of submission of
the type approval application. This will be taken as the basic
reference for the verification process set out in paragraph 4.
of this annex.
(b) Additional material and analysis data of paragraph 3.4.4. be-
low, which shall be retained by the manufacturer, but made
open for inspection at the time of type approval.
3.2. Description of the functions of “The System”

R 131
A description shall be provided which gives a simple explanation of all
the control functions of “The System” and the methods employed to
achieve the objectives, including a statement of the mechanism(s) by
which control is exercised.
3.2.1. A list of all input and sensed variables shall be provided and the working
range of these defined.
3.2.2. A list of all output variables which are controlled by “The System” shall
be provided and an indication given, in each case, of whether the con-
trol is direct or via another vehicle system. The range of control (see
paragraph 2.7. of this annex) exercised on each such variable shall be
3.2.3. Limits defining the boundaries of functional operation (see para-
graph 2.8. of this annex) shall be stated where appropriate to system
3.3. System layout and schematics
3.3.1. Inventory of components
A list shall be provided, collating all the units of “The System” and mentio-
ning the other vehicle systems which are needed to achieve the control
function in question.
An outline schematic showing these units in combination shall be provided
with both the equipment distribution and the interconnections made clear.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

3.3.2. Functions of the units

The function of each unit of “The System” shall be outlined and the si-
gnals linking it with other Units or with other vehicle systems shall be
shown. This may be provided by a labelled block diagram or other sche-
matic, or by a description aided by such a diagram.
3.3.3. Interconnections
Interconnections within “The System” shall be shown by a circuit dia-
gram for the electric transmission links, by an optical-fiber diagram for
optical links, by a piping diagram for pneumatic or hydraulic transmis-
sion equipment and by a simplified diagrammatic layout for mechanical
R 131

3.3.4. Signal flow and priorities

There shall be a clear correspondence between these transmission links
and the signals carried between units.
Priorities of signals on multiplexed data paths shall be stated, wherever
priority may be an issue affecting performance or safety as far as this
Regulation is concerned.
3.3.5. Identification of units
Each unit shall be clearly and unambiguously identifiable (e.g. by mar-
king for hardware and marking or software output for software content)
to provide corresponding hardware and documentation association.
Where functions are combined within a single Unit or indeed within a
single computer, but shown in multiple blocks in the block diagram for
clarity and ease of explanation, only a single hardware identification mar-
king shall be used.
The manufacturer shall, by the use of this identification, affirm that the
equipment supplied conforms to the corresponding document. The identification defines the hardware and software version and, where
the latter changes such as to alter the function of the unit as far as this
Regulation is concerned, this identification shall also be changed.
3.4. Safety concept of the manufacturer
3.4.1. The manufacturer shall provide a statement which affirms that the stra-

Annex 4

tegy chosen to achieve “The System” objectives will not, under non-fault
conditions, prejudice the safe operation of systems which are subject to
the prescriptions of this Regulation.
3.4.2. In respect of software employed in “The System”, the outline architectu-
re shall be explained and the design methods and tools used shall be
identified. The manufacturer shall be prepared, if required, to show some
evidence of the means by which they determined the realisation of the
system logic, during the design and development process.
3.4.3. The manufacturer shall provide the technical authorities with an expla-
nation of the design provisions built into “The System” so as to generate
safe operation under fault conditions. Possible design provisions for fai-
lure in “The System” are for example:

R 131
(a) Fall-back to operation using a partial system.
(b) Change-over to a separate back-up system.
(c) Removal of the high level function.
In case of a failure, the driver shall be warned for example by warning
signal or message display. When the system is not deactivated by the
driver, e.g. by turning the Ignition (run) switch to “off”, or by switching off
that particular function if a special switch is provided for that purpose, the
warning shall be present as long as the fault condition persists. If the chosen provision selects a partial performance mode of operation
under certain fault conditions, then these conditions shall be stated and
the resulting limits of effectiveness defined. If the chosen provision selects a second (back-up) means to realize
the vehicle control system objective, the principles of the change-over
mechanism, the logic and level of redundancy and any built in back-up
checking features shall be explained and the resulting limits of back-up
effectiveness defined. If the chosen provision selects the removal of the higher level function,
all the corresponding output control signals associated with this func-
tion shall be inhibited, and in such a manner as to limit the transition
3.4.4. The documentation shall be supported, by an analysis which shows, in
overall terms, how the system will behave on the occurrence of any one

UN-ECE Regulation No. 131

of those specified faults which will have a bearing on vehicle control per-
formance or safety.
This may be based on a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), a
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) or any similar process appropriate to system
safety considerations.
The chosen analytical approach(es) shall be established and maintained
by the manufacturer and shall be made open for inspection by the tech-
nical service at the time of the type approval. This documentation shall itemize the parameters being monitored and
shall set out, for each fault condition of the type defined in paragraph
3.4.4. above, the warning signal to be given to the driver and/or to ser-
R 131

vice/technical inspection personnel.

4. Verification and test
4.1. The functional operation of “The System”, as laid out in the documents
required in paragraph 3. above, shall be tested as follows:
4.1.1. Verification of the function of “The System”
As the means of establishing the normal operational levels, verification
of the performance of the vehicle system under non-fault conditions shall
be conducted against the manufacturer’s basic benchmark specification
unless this is subject to a specified performance test as part of the ap-
proval procedure of this or another Regulation.
4.1.2. Verification of the safety concept of paragraph 3.4. above
The reaction of “The System” shall, at the discretion of the Type Approval
Authority, be checked under the influence of a failure in any individual
unit by applying corresponding output signals to electrical units or me-
chanical elements in order to simulate the effects of internal faults within
the unit.
The verification results shall correspond with the documented summary
of the failure analysis, to a level of overall effect such that the safety
concept and execution are confirmed as being adequate.


(EU) 2015/68
(EU) 2015/68

Table of Content
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2015/68 ......................................413
Article 1 ..........................................................................................................................414
Article 2 ..........................................................................................................................414
Article 3 ..........................................................................................................................420
Article 4 ..........................................................................................................................421
Article 5 ..........................................................................................................................421
Article 6 ..........................................................................................................................421
Article 7 ..........................................................................................................................421
Article 8 ...........................................................................................................................421
Article 9 ..........................................................................................................................422
Article 10 ........................................................................................................................422
Article 11 ........................................................................................................................422
Article 12 ........................................................................................................................422
Article 13 ........................................................................................................................423
Article 14 .........................................................................................................................423

Article 15 ........................................................................................................................423
Article 16 ........................................................................................................................423
Article 17 ........................................................................................................................424
Article 18 ........................................................................................................................424
Article 19 ........................................................................................................................425
Requirements applying to construction and fitting of braking devices and
trailer braking couplings ........................................................................................427
Requirements applying to testing and performance of braking systems and
trailer braking couplings and of vehicles fitted with them ...................................457
Appendix 1
Distribution of braking among the axles of vehicles and requirements for
compatibility between tractor and towed vehicle .................................................478
Requirements applying to the measurement of the response time ...................491
Appendix 1
Examples of pneumatic simulators ......................................................................499
Appendix 2
Examples of hydraulic simulators ........................................................................501


Requirements applying to energy sources and energy storage devices of
braking systems and trailer braking couplings and to vehicles fitted with them 504
Requirements applying to spring brakes and to vehicles fitted with them ........514
Requirements applying to parking braking systems equipped with a mecha-
nical brake-cylinder locking device ......................................................................519
Alternative test requirements for vehicles for which tests equivalent to
Type-I, Type-II or Type-III tests have been carried out .......................................521
Appendix 1
Alternative procedures for Type-I or Type-III tests for towed vehicle brakes .....524
ANNEX VIII ....................................................................................................................541
Appendix 1
Explanatory diagrams ...........................................................................................558
Requirements applying to vehicles with hydrostatic drive and their braking
devices and braking systems ...............................................................................565

Requirements applying to the safety aspects of complex electronic vehicle
control systems .....................................................................................................575
Requirements and test procedures applying to anti-lock braking systems
and to vehicles fitted with them ............................................................................576
Appendix 1
Symbols .................................................................................................................587
Appendix 2
Utilisation of adhesion ...........................................................................................590
Appendix 3
Performance on differing adhesion surfaces ......................................................596
Appendix 4
Method of selection of the low-adhesion surface ................................................597
Requirements applying to EBS of vehicles with compressed-air braking
systems or of vehicles with data communication via pin 6 and 7 of ISO 7638
connector and to vehicles fitted with such EBS ..................................................598
Appendix 1
Compatibility between tractors and towed vehicles with respect to ISO
11992 data communications ................................................................................607
Appendix 2
Test procedure to assess the functional compatibility of vehicles equipped
with electric control lines .......................................................................................612

(EU) 2015/68

Requirements applying to hydraulic connections of the single-line type and
to vehicles fitted with them ...................................................................................620


of 15 October 2014
supplementing Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 of the European
Parliament and of the Council with regard to vehicle braking re-
quirements for the approval of agricultural and forestry vehicles
(Text with EEA relevance)
(OJ L 17, 23.1.2015, p. 1)
Amended by:
Official Journal
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1788 of 14 July 2016
No L 277 page 1 date 13.10.2016

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/828 of 15 February 2018

(EU) 2015/68



Article 1
Subject matter
This Regulation establishes the detailed technical requirements and
test procedures regarding functional safety with respect to braking
performance for the approval and market surveillance of agricultural
and forestry vehicles and systems, components and separate technical
units intended for such vehicles in accordance with Regulation (EU) No

Article 2

For the purposes of this Regulation, the definitions in Article 2 and
Annexes XII and XXXIII to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2015/2081 shall apply. The following definitions shall also apply:
(2) ‘braking system’ means the combination of parts whose function is
progressively to reduce the speed of a moving vehicle or to bring it
to a halt, or to keep it stationary if it has already halted; the system
consists of the control device, the transmission and the brake;
(3) ‘service braking system’ means the braking system that enables the
driver to control the movement of the vehicle and to halt it safely,
speedily and effectively, for all the range of speed and load that the
vehicle is approved to operate, on any up or down gradient;

1 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/208 of 8 December 2014 supplemen-

ting Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
with regard to vehicle functional safety requirements for the approval of agricultural
and forestry vehicles (OJ L 42, 17.2.2015, p. 1).


(4) ‘graduated braking’ means braking which, within the normal range
of operation of the equipment, during either the application or the
releasing of the brakes, fulfils all the following conditions:
(a) the driver can, at any time, increase or reduce the braking
force through action of the control device;
(b) the braking force acts in the same direction as the action
on the control device (monotonic function);
(c) it is easily possible to make a sufficiently fine adjustment
to the braking force;
(5) ‘control device’ means the device actuated directly by the driver
to supply to the transmission the energy required for braking
or controlling it. This energy may be the muscular energy of the
driver, or energy from another source controlled by the driver, or
in appropriate cases the kinetic energy of a towed vehicle, or a
combination of these various kinds of energy;

(6) ‘transmission’ means the combination of components comprised
between the control device and the brake, excluding the control
lines, supply lines and supplementary lines between tractors and
towed vehicles, and linking them functionally through mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic or electric means or through the use of a
combination of those means; where the braking power is derived
from or assisted by a source of energy independent of the driver, the
reserve of energy in the system is likewise part of the transmission;
(7) ‘control transmission’ means the combination of the components of
the transmission which control the operation of the brakes and of
the necessary reserve(s) of energy;
(8) ‘energy transmission’ means the combination of the components
which supply to the brakes the necessary energy for their function;
(9) ‘friction brake’ means a brake where forces are generated by the
friction between two parts of the vehicle moving relatively to one

(EU) 2015/68

(10) ‘fluid brake’ means a brake where forces are generated by the
action of a fluid situated between two parts of the vehicle moving
relatively to one another; the fluid is liquid in the case of a ‘hydraulic
brake’ and air in the case of a ‘pneumatic brake’;
(11) ‘engine brake’ means a brake where forces are derived from a
controlled increase in the braking action of the engine transmitted
to the wheels;
(12) ‘parking braking system’ means a system that enables the vehicle
to be held stationary on an up or down gradient even in the absence
of the driver;
(13) ‘continuous braking’ means the braking of vehicles constituting
a combination of vehicles through an installation having all the
following characteristics:
(a) a single control device which the driver actuates
progressively, by a single movement, from his driving seat;
(b) the energy used for braking the vehicles constituting the

combination of vehicles is supplied from the same source;

(c) the braking installation ensures simultaneous or suitably
phased braking of each of the constituent vehicles of the
combination, whatever their relative positions;
(14) ‘semi-continuous braking’ means the braking of vehicles constituting
a combination of vehicles through an installation having all the
following characteristics:
(a) a single control device which the driver actuates progressively,
by a single movement, from his driving seat;
(a) the energy used for braking the vehicles constituting the
combination of vehicles is supplied from two different sources;
(b) the braking installation ensures simultaneous or suitably
phased braking of each of the constituent vehicles of the
combination, wherever their relative positions;
(15) ‘automatic braking’ means braking of the towed vehicle or towed
vehicles occurring automatically in the event of separation of any of
the vehicles constituting the combination of vehicles, including such
separation through coupling breakage, without the effectiveness of
the remainder of the combination being affected;


(16) ‘inertia braking’ means braking by utilising the forces generated by

the towed vehicle‘s moving up on the tractor;
(17) ‘non-disengageable transmission’ means the transmission for which
either pressure or force or torque are continuously transmitted at
any time during travelling of the vehicle in the drive train between
the vehicle engine and the wheels and in the braking system
between the brake control device and the wheels;
(19) ‘wheel load’ means the vertical static force of the road surface in the
contact area on the wheel;
(20) ‘axle load’ means the sum of the vertical static forces of the road
surface in the contact area on the wheels of the axle;

(21) maximum stationary wheel load’ means the stationary wheel
load achieved under the condition of the technically permissible
maximum laden mass of the vehicle;
(22) ‘maximum stationary axle load’ means the stationary axle load
achieved under the condition of the technically permissible
maximum laden mass of the vehicle;
(23) ‘towed vehicle’ means a trailer as defined in Article 3(9) of Regulation
(EU) No 167/2013 or an interchangeable towed equipment as
defined in Article 3(10) of that Regulation;
(24) ‘drawbar towed vehicle’ means a towed vehicle of category R or
S with at least two axles of which at least one is a steered axle,
equipped with a towing device which can move vertically in relation
to the towed vehicle and which transmits no significant static vertical
load to the tractor;
(25) ‘centre-axle towed vehicle’ a towed vehicle of category R or S where
one or more axles are positioned close to the centre of gravity of the
vehicle when uniformly loaded so that only a small static vertical
load, not exceeding 10 % of that corresponding to the maximum
mass of the towed vehicle or a load of 1 000 daN, whichever is less,
is transmitted to the tractor;

(EU) 2015/68

(26) ‘rigid drawbar towed vehicle’ means a towed vehicle of category

R or S with one axle or one group of axles fitted with a drawbar
which transmits a significant static load to the tractor due to its
construction and which does not meet the definition of a centre- axle
towed vehicle; the coupling to be used for a vehicle combination
shall not consist of a king pin and a fifth wheel; some slight vertical
movement may occur at a rigid drawbar; a hydraulically adjustable
articulated drawbar is considered to be a rigid drawbar;
(27) ‘endurance braking system’ means an additional braking system
having the capability to provide and to maintain a braking effect over
a long period of time without a significant reduction in performance,
including the control device which may comprise a single device or
a combination of several devices each of which may have its own
(28) ‘electronically controlled braking system’ (EBS) means a braking
system where the control is generated and processed as an
electrical signal in the control transmission and electrical output

signals to devices which generate actuating forces produced from

stored or generated energy;
(29) ‘automatically commanded braking’ means a function within a
complex electronic control system where actuation of the braking
system or brakes of certain axles is made for the purpose of
generating vehicle retardation with or without a direct action of the
driver, resulting from the automatic evaluation of on board initiated
(30) ‘selective braking’ means a function within a complex electronic
control system where actuation of individual brakes is made by
automatic means and where vehicle retardation is secondary to
vehicle behaviour modification;
(31) ‘electric control line’ means the electrical connection between two
vehicles which provides the braking control function to a towed
vehicle within a combination; it comprises the electrical wiring and
connector and includes the parts for data communication and the
electrical energy supply for the towed vehicle control transmission;


(32) ‘spring compression chamber’ means the chamber where the

pressure variation that induces the compression of the spring is
actually produced;
(33) ‘hydrostatic drive’ means a type of vehicle propulsion which uses a
hydrostatic transmission, with open or closed circuit, in which fluid
circulates as the energy medium between one or more hydraulic
pumps and one or more hydraulic motors;
(34) ‘complex electronic vehicle control system’ is an electronic control
system which is subject to a hierarchy of control in which a
controlled function may be overridden by a higher level electronic
control function or by a function performed by higher level electronic
control system;
(35) ‘anti-lock braking system’ means the part of a service braking
system which automatically controls the degree of slip, in the
direction of rotation of the wheel, on one or more wheels of the
vehicle during braking;
(36) ‘directly controlled wheel’ means a wheel whose braking force is

modulated according to data provided at least by its own sensor;
(37) ‘hydraulic connection of the single line type’ means the connection
of the brakes between the tractor and the towed vehicle through a
single line of hydraulic fluid;
(38) ‘energy source’ means a device that provides the energy required
to actuate the brakes, either directly or indirectly through an energy
storage device;
(39) ‘energy storage device’ means a device that stores the energy
provided by the energy source to apply or release the brakes.

(EU) 2015/68



Article 3
Fitting and demonstration requirements related to braking per-
1. Manufacturers shall equip agricultural and forestry vehicles with
systems, components and separate technical units affecting their
braking performance that are designed, constructed and assembled so
as to enable the vehicle in normal use and maintained according to the
prescriptions of the manufacturer to comply with the detailed technical
requirements and testing procedures laid down in Articles 4 to 17.
2. Manufacturers shall demonstrate by means of physical demonstration

testing to the approval authority that the agricultural and forestry vehicles
made available on the market, registered or entering into service in
the Union comply with the detailed technical requirements and test
procedures laid down in Articles 4 to 17.
3. Manufacturers shall ensure that spare parts that are made available on the
market or are entering into service in the Union comply with the detailed
technical requirements and test procedures laid down in this Regulation.
4. Instead of complying with the requirements of this Regulation, the
manufacturer may present in the information folder the test report of a
component or relevant documentation that proves the compliance of a
system or of a vehicle with the requirements of UNECE Regulation No
13, as referenced in Annex X.
5. Instead of complying with the requirements of this Regulation,
the manufacturer may present in the information folder relevant
documentation that proves the compliance of Anti-lock Braking Systems
for towed vehicles, if fitted, with the requirements in Annex 19, paragraph
5 to UNECE Regulation No 13, as referenced in Annex X.
6. The components and systems mentioned in paragraphs 4. and 5. will be
referenced in the implementing act adopted in accordance with Article
68 of Regulation (EU) No 167/2013.


Article 4
Requirements applying to construction and fitting of braking de-
vices and trailer braking couplings
The test procedures and requirements applying to the construction and
fitting of braking devices and trailer braking couplings shall be conducted
and verified in accordance with Annex I.

Article 5
Requirements applying to testing and performance of braking
systems and trailer braking couplings and of vehicles fitted with
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to braking
systems and trailer braking couplings and to vehicles fitted with them
shall be conducted and verified in accordance with Annex II.

Article 6

Requirements applying to the measurement of the response time
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to the
response time of braking devices and trailer braking couplings shall be
conducted and verified in accordance with Annex III.

Article 7
Requirements applying to energy sources and energy storage
devices of braking systems and trailer braking couplings and to
vehicles fitted with them
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to energy
sources and energy storage devices of braking systems and trailer
braking couplings and to vehicles fitted with them shall be conducted
and verified in accordance with Annex IV.

Article 8
Requirements applying to spring brakes and to vehicles fitted
with them
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to spring
brakes and to vehicles fitted with them shall be conducted and verified in
accordance with Annex V.

(EU) 2015/68

Article 9
Requirements applying to parking braking systems equipped
with a mechanical brake-cylinder locking device
The performance requirements applying to parking braking systems
equipped with a mechanical brake-cylinder locking device shall be
verified in accordance with Annex VI.

Article 10
Alternative test requirements for vehicles for which Type-I, Ty-
pe-II or Type-III tests are not mandatory
1. The conditions under which test Type I, Type II or Type III are not
mandatory for certain types of vehicles are laid down in Annex VII.
2. The test procedures and performance requirements applying to vehicles
and their braking devices for which Type-I, Type-II or Type- III tests are
not mandatory in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be conducted and
verified in accordance with Annex VII.

Article 11
Requirements applying to the testing of inertia braking systems,
braking devices and trailer braking couplings and of vehicles
fitted with them as regards braking
The procedures and requirements applying to the testing of inertia
braking systems, braking devices and trailer braking couplings and of
vehicles fitted with them as regards braking shall be conducted and
verified in accordance with Annex VIII.

Article 12
Requirements applying to vehicles with hydrostatic drive and
their braking devices and braking systems
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to vehicles
with hydrostatic drive and their braking devices and braking systems
shall be conducted and verified in accordance with Annex IX.


Article 13
Requirements applying to the safety aspects of complex electro-
nic vehicle control systems
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to the
safety aspects of complex electronic vehicle control systems shall be
conducted and verified in accordance with Annex X.

Article 14
Requirements and test procedures applying to anti-lock braking
systems and to vehicles fitted with them
The test procedures and requirements applying to anti-lock braking
systems and to vehicles fitted with them shall be conducted and verified
in accordance with Annex XI.

Article 15
Requirements applying to EBS of vehicles with compressed-air

braking systems or of vehicles with data communication via pin 6
and 7 of ISO 7638 connector and to vehicles fitted with such EBS
The test procedures and performance requirements applying to EBS of
vehicles with compressed-air braking systems or of vehicles with data
communication via pin 6 and 7 of ISO 7638 connector and to vehicles
fitted with such EBS shall be conducted and verified in accordance with
Annex XII.
Article 16
Requirements applying to hydraulic connections of the single-li-
ne type and to tractors fitted with them
1. The performance requirements applying to hydraulic connections of the
single-line type of braking devices and trailer braking couplings and to
tractors fitted with hydraulic connections of the single-line type are laid down
in Annex XIII. Those requirements shall apply until 31 December 2024.
2. Manufacturers shall not fit hydraulic connections of the single-line type to
new tractors after 31 December 2024.

(EU) 2015/68


Article 17
Type-approval of vehicles, systems, components and separate
technical units
Pursuant to Article 6(2) of Regulation (EU) No 167/2013, with effect
from 1 January 2016, approval authorities shall not refuse, on grounds
relating to functional safety with regard to braking performance, to grant
EU type-approval to agricultural and forestry vehicle types which comply
with the requirements of this Regulation.

With effect from 1 January 2018, national authorities shall, in the case
of new vehicles that do not comply with Regulation (EU) No 167/2013

and the provisions of this Regulation on functional safety with regard

to braking performance, prohibit the making available on the market,
registration, or entry into service of such vehicles.
With effect from 1 January 2025, national authorities shall prohibit the
making available on the market, registration, or entry into service of new
tractors fitted with hydraulic connections of the single-line type.

Article 18
National type-approval of vehicles, systems, components and
separate technical units
National authorities shall not refuse to grant national type-approval to a
type of vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit on grounds
relating to the functional safety with regard to braking performance where
the vehicle, system, component or separate technical unit complies with
the requirements set out in this Regulation, with the exception of the
requirements applying to hydraulic connections of the single-line type.



Article 19
Entry into force and application
This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that
of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
It shall apply as of 1 January 2016.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in
all Member States.

Annex Annex title

I Requirements applying to construction and fitting of
braking devices and trailer braking couplings

II Requirements applying to testing and performance
of braking systems and trailer braking couplings and
of vehicles fitted with them
III Requirements applying to the measurement of the
response time
IV Requirements applying to energy sources and ener-
gy storage devices of braking systems and trailer
braking couplings and to vehicles fitted with them
V Requirements applying to spring brakes and to vehicles
fitted with them
VI Requirements applying to parking braking systems
equipped with a mechanical brake-cylinder locking
VII Alternative test requirements for vehicles for which
tests equivalent to Type-I, Type-II or Type-III tests
have been carried out

(EU) 2015/68

Annex Annex title

VIII Requirements applying to the testing of inertia bra-
king systems, braking devices and trailer braking
couplings and of vehicles fitted with them as regards
IX Requirements applying to vehicles with hydrostatic
drive and their braking devices and braking systems
X Requirements applying to the safety aspects of
complex electronic vehicle control systems
XI Requirements and test procedures applying to
anti-lock braking systems and to vehicles fitted with
XII Requirements applying to EBS of vehicles with
compressed-air braking systems or of vehicles with
data communication via pin 6 and 7 of ISO 7638

connector and to vehicles fitted with such EBS

XIII Requirements applying to hydraulic connections of
the single-line type and to vehicles fitted with them

Annex 1

Requirements applying to construction and fitting of braking de-
vices and trailer braking couplings
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘coupling force control’ means a system or function to balance automatical-
ly the braking rate of tractor and towed vehicle;
1.2. ‘nominal demand value’ means a characteristic of coupling force control
that relates the coupling head signal to the braking rate and which can be
demonstrated at type-approval, within the limits of the compatibility bands
of Appendix 1 of Annex II;

2. Construction and fitting requirements
2.1. General
The maximum design speed is considered, throughout this Annex, to be
in the forward direction of the vehicle travel, unless otherwise explicitly
2.1.1. Braking components and parts The braking components and parts shall be so designed, constructed and
fitted as to enable the vehicle in normal use, despite the vibration to which
it may be subjected, to comply with the requirements set out in this Annex. In particular, the braking components and parts shall be so designed,
constructed and fitted as to be able to resist the corrosion and ageing
phenomena to which it is exposed.
▼B Brake linings shall not contain asbestos.

(EU) 2015/68

▼M1 It is not permitted to fit any adjustable valves that would allow the
performance of the braking system to be changed by the user of the vehicle
such that, in service, it is not subject to the requirements of this Regulation.
An adjustable valve that can only be operated by the manufacturer through
the use of special tools or the provision of a tamper proof seal shall be
permitted provided that the user of the vehicle is not able to adjust this
valve or that any user adjustment is readily identifiable by enforcement
▼B A towed vehicle shall be equipped with an automatic load sensing device,
with the exception of the following cases:
▼M1 If vehicles of category Ra with a maximum design speed not exceeding
30 km/h and vehicles of category Sa cannot be equipped for technical

reasons with an automatic load sensing device, they may be equipped

with a device having at least three discrete settings for the control of the
braking forces. In the special case that a towed vehicle of category Ra with a maximum
design speed not exceeding 30 km/h and vehicles of category Sa allows
by design that only two discrete loading conditions ‘unladen’ and ‘laden’
can be realized then the vehicle may have only two discrete settings for the
control of the braking forces. S-category vehicles which do not contain any other load, except a payload
from consumable material of maximum 10 % of the sum of technically
permissible masses per axle.
2.1.2. Functions of the braking system
The braking system shall fulfil the following functions: Service braking system
It shall be possible to graduate the service braking system action. The
driver shall be able to achieve this braking action from his driving position
without removing his hands from the steering control device.

Annex 1 Secondary braking system

The secondary braking system shall make it possible to halt the vehicle
within a reasonable distance in the event of the failure of the service
braking system. On tractors, it shall be possible to graduate this braking
action. The driver shall be able to obtain this braking action from his
driving seat while keeping at least one hand on the steering control
device. For the purpose of these requirements, it is assumed that not
more than one failure of the service braking system can occur at one
▼M1 Parking braking system
The parking braking system shall enable the vehicle to be held stationary
on an up or down gradient even in the absence of the driver, the working
parts of the braking system being then held in the locked position by
a purely mechanical device. The driver shall be able to achieve this
braking action from his driving seat, subject, in the case of a towed

vehicle, to the requirements of point
The towed vehicle service braking system (pneumatic or hydraulic)
and the parking braking system of the tractor may be operated
simultaneously, provided that the driver is able to check, at any time,
that the parking braking system performance of the vehicle combination,
obtained by the purely mechanical action of the tractor’s parking braking
system, is sufficient.
2.1.3. The relevant requirements of Appendix 1 of Annex II shall be applied to
vehicles and their braking systems.
2.1.4. Connections, for compressed-air braking systems, between tractors and
towed vehicles The connections of the compressed-air braking systems between tractors
and towed vehicles shall be provided according to the following points, or one pneumatic supply line and one pneumatic control line; one pneumatic supply line, one pneumatic control line and one electric
control line;

(EU) 2015/68 one pneumatic supply line and one electric control line. Until uniform
technical standards have been agreed, which ensure compatibility
and safety, connections between tractors and trailers conforming to the
provisions of this point shall not be permitted.
2.1.5. Connections between tractors and towed vehicles with hydraulic braking
systems Type of connections Hydraulic control line: this is the connecting line with the male connector on
the tractor and the female connector on the towed vehicle. The connectors
shall comply with ISO 5676:1983. Hydraulic supplementary line: this is the connecting line with the male
connector on the tractor and the female connector on the towed vehicle.
The connectors shall comply with ISO 16028:2006, size 10. ►M1 __________ ◄ The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5
pin or 7 pin applications, as appropriate.
The positioning of the connectors as specified in points and
2015/68 shall be arranged on the tractor as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Hydraulic connecting lines With the engine running and the parking braking system of the tractor fully

Annex 1

▼B a pressure of 0+100 kPa is present on the supplementary line and/or a pressure between 11 500 kPa and 15 000 kPa is generated on the control line. With the engine running and the parking braking system of the tractor fully
released a pressure between the values provided at point shall
be present on the supplementary line. With the engine running and no brake control on the tractor applied (driving
or stand-by condition), the pressure supplied at the coupling head of the
control line shall be the one provided at point With the engine running and the service brake control device on the tractor
fully actuated a pressure between 11 500 kPa and 15 000 kPa shall be
generated in the control line. For pressurising the control line during service
brake application the tractor shall be capable to comply with requirement
of point 3.6 of Annex III.
2.1.6. The flexible hoses and cables connecting tractors and towed vehicles shall
be a part of the towed vehicle.

2.1.7. Shut-off devices which are not automatically actuated shall not be permitted.
2.1.8. Pressure test connections For the purpose of determining the in-use braking forces of each axle
of the vehicle, with a compressed-air braking system, air pressure test
connections must be provided: In each independent circuit of the braking system, at the closest readily
accessible position to the brake cylinder which is the least favourably
placed as far as the response time described in Annex III is concerned.
▼M1 In a braking system which incorporates a device that modulates the air
pressure in the brake transmission as referred to in point 6.2 of Appendix
I to Annex II, located in the pressure line upstream and downstream of
this device at the closest accessible position. If this device is pneumatically
controlled an additional test connection is required to simulate the laden
condition. Where no such device is fitted, a single pressure test connection,
equivalent to the downstream connector mentioned in point of this
Annex, shall be provided. These test connections shall be so located as to
be easily accessible from the ground or within the vehicle.

(EU) 2015/68

▼B At the closest readily accessible position to the least favourably placed
energy storage device within the meaning of point 2.4 of section A of Annex
IV. In each independent circuit of the braking system so it is possible to check
the input and output pressure of the complete transmission line. The pressure test connections shall comply with clause 4 of ISO Standard
2.2. Requirements of braking systems
2.2.1. Vehicles of categories T and C The set of braking systems with which a vehicle is equipped shall satisfy
the requirements laid down for the service, secondary and parking braking
In order to assist the driver in steering (to enable differential braking in

the field) the service braking system of the tractor may consist of two
independent brake circuits, each connected to one separate right or left
brake pedal.
For category Tb tractors: if the differential braking function is activated, it
shall not be possible to travel at speeds exceeding 40 km/h or at speeds
in excess of 40 km/h the differential braking function shall be disabled.
These two operations shall be ensured by automatic means.
If the differential mode is activated an actuation of the towed vehicle
service braking system is not required up to a speed of 12 km/h.
In tractors where the separate pedals can be connected manually, the
driver shall be able to easily verify from his driving place whether these
pedals are connected or not. The equipment providing service, secondary and parking braking
may have common components, provided that they fulfil the following

Annex 1 There shall be at least two controls, each corresponding to a different

braking system, independent of each other and readily accessible to
the driver from his normal driving position. For all categories of vehicles,
every brake control device (excluding endurance braking system control
device) shall be designed in a way that it returns to the fully-off position
when released. This requirement shall not apply to a parking braking
system control device (or that part of a combined control device) when it is
mechanically locked in an applied position or it is utilised for the secondary
braking or in both cases. The control device of the service braking system shall be independent of
the control device of the parking braking system. Where the service and secondary braking systems have the same control
device, the effectiveness of the linkage between that control device and
the various components of the transmission systems shall not be liable to
deteriorate after a certain period of use. Where the service and secondary braking systems have the same control

device, the parking braking system shall be so designed that it can be
actuated when the vehicle is in motion. This requirement shall not apply
if the vehicle‘s service braking system can be actuated, even partially, by
means of an auxiliary control. In the event of a breakage of any component other than the brakes or
the components specified in point, or of any other failure of
the service braking system (malfunction, partial or total exhaustion of an
energy reserve), the secondary braking system or that part of the service
braking system which is not affected by the failure shall be able to bring the
vehicle to a halt in the conditions prescribed for secondary braking. In particular, where the secondary braking system and the service braking
system have a common control device and common transmission:
▼M1 Where the service braking system is actuated by the muscular energy of
the driver assisted by an energy source or one or more energy reserves,
the secondary braking performance shall, in the event of failure of that
assistance, be capable of being ensured by the muscular energy of the driver
assisted by the energy reserves, if any, which are unaffected by the failure,
the force applied to the control device not exceeding the prescribed maxima.

(EU) 2015/68

▼B If the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on the
use, controlled by the driver, of an energy reserve, there shall be at least
two completely independent energy reserves, each provided with its own
transmission likewise independent; each of them may act on the brakes
of only two or more wheels so selected as to be capable of ensuring by
themselves the prescribed degree of secondary braking without endangering
the stability of the vehicle during braking; in addition, each of the those energy
reserves shall be equipped with a warning device. In at least one of the air
reservoirs of each service braking circuit a device for draining and exhausting
is required in an adequate and easily accessible position. If the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on the use
of an energy reserve, one energy reserve for the transmission is deemed
to be sufficient, provided that the prescribed secondary braking is ensured
by the action of the driver‘s muscular energy acting on the service brake
control device and the requirements of point are met. Certain parts, such as the pedal and its bearing, the master cylinder and

its piston(s) (hydraulic systems), the control valve (hydraulic or pneumatic

systems), the linkage between the pedal and the master cylinder or the
control valve, the brake cylinders and their pistons (hydraulic or pneumatic
systems), and the lever- and-cam assemblies of brakes, shall not be
regarded as liable to breakage if they are amply dimensioned, are readily
accessible for maintenance, and exhibit safety features at least equal to
those prescribed for other essential components (such as the steering
linkage) of the vehicle. Where the failure of any such part would make it
impossible to brake the vehicle with a performance at least equal to that
prescribed for the secondary braking system that part shall be made of
metal or of a material with equivalent characteristics and shall not be subject
to significant distortion in the normal operation of the braking systems. Where there are separate control devices for the service and secondary
braking systems simultaneous actuation of control devices shall not render
both the service and secondary braking systems inoperative, either when
both braking systems are in good working order or when one of them is
faulty. Where use is made of energy other than the muscular energy of the driver,
there need not be more than one source of such energy (hydraulic pump,
air compressor, etc.), but the means by which the device constituting that
source is driven shall be as safe as practicable.

Annex 1 In the event of failure in any part of the transmission of a vehicle‘s braking
system consisting of two service braking circuits fulfilling the requirements
of point, the supply to the part not affected by the failure shall
continue to be ensured where this is required for the purpose of halting the
vehicle with the degree of effectiveness prescribed for residual and/or for
secondary braking. This condition shall be satisfied by automatic means. Furthermore, storage devices located down-circuit of this device are such
that in the event of a failure in the energy supply, after four full-stroke
actuations of the service braking system control device under the testing
conditions prescribed in point 1.2 of section A or in point 1.2 of section B or
in point 1.2 of section C of Annex IV, following to the kind of braking system,
it is still possible to halt the vehicle at the fifth application with the degree of
effectiveness prescribed for secondary braking. For hydraulic braking systems with stored energy, requirements of points
and shall be considered to be met, provided that the requirements of
point 1.2.2. of Part C of Annex IV to this Regulation, are satisfied. In the case of a service braking system consisting of only one service

braking circuit it is required that in the event of a failure or non-availability
of the energy source it shall be possible halting the vehicle with the service
braking system control with the degree of effectiveness prescribed for
secondary braking. The requirements of points, and shall be satisfied
without the use of any automatic device of a kind such that its ineffectiveness
might pass unnoticed because the parts which are normally in an ‘at rest’
position are actuated only in the event of failure of the braking system. On vehicles with a maximum design speed not exceeding 30 km/h, the
service braking system shall act on all the wheels of at least one axle.
In all other cases the service braking system shall act on all the wheels
of the vehicle. However, in case of vehicles with one braked axle and an
automatic engagement of the drive to all other axles during braking, all
wheels are deemed to be braked.
For category C vehicles this condition is considered to be met if all of
the track rollers of the vehicle are braked. For category C vehicles with a
design speed of less than 30 km/h, this condition is considered to be met
if at least one track roller on each side of the vehicle is braked.
For vehicles equipped with a straddle seat and handlebars, the service

(EU) 2015/68

braking may act either on the front axle or on the rear axle provided that
all the performance requirements prescribed in point 2 of Annex II to this
Regulation are met.
For articulated tractors of category Ta, if an axle is subject to braking and
the differential is mounted between the service brake and the wheels, all
wheels of that axle are deemed to be braked when the activation of the
service braking system automatically locks the differential on this axle.
▼M1 Performance of hydraulic lines and hose assemblies in case of vehicles
with one braked axle and an automatic engagement of the drive to all other
axles during braking
The hydraulic lines of hydraulic transmission shall be capable of a burst
pressure at least four times the maximum normal service pressure (T)
specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Hose assemblies shall comply
with ISO Standards 1402:2009, 6605:2002 and 7751: 1997+A1:2011.
2015/68 If the service braking system acts on all wheels or track rollers of the
vehicle, the action shall be appropriately distributed among the axles.
►M1 ◄ In the case of vehicles with more than two axles, in order to avoid wheel-
locking or glazing of the brake linings, the brake force on certain axles
may be reduced to zero automatically when carrying a much reduced
load, provided that the vehicle meets all the performance requirements
prescribed in Annex II. The action of the service braking system shall be distributed between the
wheels or track rollers of the same axle symmetrically in relation to the
longitudinal median plane of the vehicle. The service, secondary and the parking braking systems shall act
on braking surfaces permanently connected to the wheels through
components of adequate strength. It shall not be possible to disconnect
a braking surface from the wheels; however, such disconnection shall
be permitted in the case of the parking braking system, provided that it is
controlled exclusively by the driver from his driving seat by a system which
cannot be actuated by a leak. When more than one axle is normally subject

Annex 1

to braking in the case of vehicles of categories T and C with a maximum

design speed not exceeding 60 km/h, one axle may be decoupled provided
that activation of the service braking system automatically re-couples this
axle and that, in the case of a failure in the energy supply or a failure in
the control transmission of the re-coupling control device, then automatic
re- coupling shall be ensured. ►M1 It shall be possible for the wear of the service brakes to be
compensated by means of a system of manual or automatic adjustment.
◄ For vehicles of categories Tb and Cb, the wear of the service brakes
shall be compensated by means of a system of automatic adjustment. In
addition, the control device and the components of the transmission and
of the brakes shall possess a reserve of travel and, if necessary, suitable
means of compensation such that, when the brakes become heated or
when the brake linings have reached a certain degree of wear, effective
braking shall be ensured without immediate adjustment being necessary.
Vehicles of categories Ta, and category Ca, do not need to be fitted with
a system where the wear of the brakes are compensated by means

of a system of automatic adjustment. However, if vehicles of these
categories are equipped with system where the wear of the brakes
are compensated by means of a system of automatic adjustment, this
system shall comply with the same requirements as those of category
Tb and Cb. ►M1 Automatic wear adjustment devices, if fitted, shall, after heating
followed by cooling, be capable of free running as laid down in point 2.3.4
of Annex II following the Type-I test specified in point 2.3 of that Annex. ◄
It shall be possible to easily check this wear on service brake linings
from the outside or underside of the vehicle, utilising only the tools or
equipment normally supplied with the vehicle; for instance, by the
provision of appropriate inspection holes or by some other means.
Alternatively, acoustical or optical devices warning the driver at his
driving position when lining replacement is necessary are acceptable. The requirements of and are not applicable to oil
immersed brakes which are designed for the whole lifetime of the vehicle
without servicing. In hydraulic braking systems:

(EU) 2015/68 The filling ports of the fluid reservoirs shall be readily accessible; in addition,
the containers of reserve fluid shall be so made that the level of the reserve
fluid can be easily checked without the containers having to be opened.
Where this last condition is not fulfilled, the red warning signal specified in
point shall draw the driver‘s attention to any fall in the level of
reserve fluid liable to cause a failure of the braking system.
In hydraulic braking systems, where the type of fluid used for hydraulic
transmission is common with the fluid used in other appliances of the
vehicle in a common tank, it is also permitted to detect the correct level
of fluid with a device which needs the container to be opened.
▼B A failure in the hydraulic transmission where the prescribed service
braking performance cannot be obtained shall be signalled to the driver
by a device comprising a warning signal, as specified in point
Alternatively, the lighting up of this device when the fluid in the reservoir

is below a certain level specified by the manufacturer shall be

In hydraulic braking systems, where the type of fluid used for hydraulic
transmission is common with the fluid used in other appliances of the
vehicle in a common tank, detection of a pressure drop in the hydraulic
transmission to a certain value as specified by the manufacturer is also
▼B The type of fluid to be used in the hydraulic transmission of braking
systems shall be identified by the symbol in accordance with Figure
1 or 2 of Standard ISO 9128:2006. ►M1 The symbol shall be affixed
within 100 mm of the filling ports of the fluid reservoirs, in accordance with
the requirements laid down in Article 24 of Delegated Regulation (EU)
2015/208. ◄ Additional information may be provided by the manufacturers.
This requirement only applies to vehicles having a separate filling port for
the fluid of the braking system. Warning device

Annex 1 Any vehicle fitted with a service braking system actuated by an energy
reservoir shall, where the prescribed secondary braking performance
cannot be obtained by means of this braking system without the use of
stored energy, be provided with a warning device — in addition to a pressure
gauge where fitted — giving an optical or acoustic signal when the stored
energy in any part of the system falls to a value at which, without recharging
of the reservoir and irrespective of the loading conditions of the vehicle, it
shall be possible to apply the service braking system control device a fifth
time after four full-stroke actuations and obtain the prescribed secondary
braking performance (without faults in the service-brake transmission and
with the brakes adjusted as closely as possible). The warning device shall
be directly and permanently connected to the circuit. When the engine is
running under normal operating conditions and there are no faults in the
braking system, the warning device shall give no signal except during the
time required for charging the energy reservoir(s) after start-up of the engine. However, in the case of vehicles which are only considered to comply with the
requirements of point by virtue of meeting the requirements of point
1.2.2 of section C of Annex IV the alarm device shall consist of an acoustic

signal in addition to an optical signal. These devices need not operate
simultaneously, provided that each of them meets the above requirements
and the acoustic signal is not actuated before the optical signal. This acoustic device may be rendered inoperative while the parking braking
system is applied or, at the choice of the manufacturer, in the case of
automatic transmission the selector in the ‘park’ position or in both cases.
▼M1 Tractors of category Tb with maximum design speed exceeding 60 km/h
Without prejudice to the requirements of point, where the use
of an auxiliary energy source is essential for the operation of a braking
system, the energy reserve shall be such as to ensure that, should
the engine stop, or in the event of a failure of the means by which the
energy source is driven, the braking performance remains sufficient to
bring the vehicle to a halt in the prescribed conditions. In addition, if the
muscular energy applied by the driver to the parking braking system is
reinforced by some aid, the actuation of the parking braking system shall
be ensured in the event of failure of that aid, if necessary by using a
reserve of energy independent of that normally supplying such aid. This
reserve of energy may be that intended for the service braking system.

(EU) 2015/68

▼B In the case of a tractor to which the coupling of a towed vehicle equipped
with a brake controlled by the driver of the tractor is authorised, the service
braking system of the tractor shall be fitted with a device so designed that if
the towed vehicle braking system should fail, or the supply line (or such other
type of connection as may be adopted) between the tractor and towed vehicle
should break, it will still be possible to brake the tractor with the performance
prescribed for the secondary braking system; it is accordingly prescribed,
in particular, that this device be fitted to the tractor service braking system
ensuring that the tractor can still be braked by the service braking system with
a performance prescribed for the secondary braking system. The pneumatic or hydraulic auxiliary equipment shall be automatically
supplied with energy in such a way that during its operation the prescribed
performance values can be reached and that even in the event of damage
to the source of energy, the operation of the auxiliary equipment cannot
cause the reserves of energy feeding the braking systems to fall below the
level indicated in point
2015/68 A tractor authorised to tow a category R2, R3, R4 or S2 vehicle shall satisfy
the following conditions: When the service braking system of the tractor is actuated there shall also be
a graduated braking action on the towed vehicle, see also point When the tractor‘s secondary braking system comes into action, there
shall also be a braking action in the towed vehicle. In the case of tractors of
categories Tb and Cb this braking action shall be graduable. Should the service braking system of the tractor fail, and if this system is
made up of at least two independent sections, the section or sections not
affected by this failure shall be able to fully or partially actuate the towed
vehicle brakes. This requirement does not apply where the two independent
sections consist in one section braking left hand wheels and one section
braking right hand wheels, such a design aiming at permitting differential
braking for cornering in the fields. Should in the latter case, the service
braking system of the tractor fail, then the secondary braking system shall
be able to fully or partially actuate the towed vehicle brakes. If this operation
is achieved by a valve which is normally at rest, then such a valve may only
be incorporated if its correct functioning can easily be checked by the driver,
either from within the cab or from outside the vehicle, without the use of tools.

Annex 1 Additional requirements in the case of tractors authorised to draw towed

vehicles with compressed-air braking systems. In the event of a failure (e.g. breakage) in one of the pneumatic connecting
lines, interruption or defect in the electric control line, it shall nevertheless
be possible for the driver, fully or partially, to actuate the brakes of the towed
vehicle by means either of the service braking control device or of the
secondary braking control device or of the parking braking control device,
unless the failure automatically causes the towed vehicle to be braked with
the performance prescribed in point 3.2.3 of Annex II. The automatic braking in point shall be considered to be met
when the following conditions are fulfilled: When the designated brake control device of the ones mentioned in point, is fully actuated, the pressure in the supply line shall fall to 150
kPa within the following two seconds; in addition, when the brake control
device is released, the supply line shall be re-pressurised. When the supply line is evacuated at the rate of at least 100 kPa per

second the automatic braking of the towed vehicle shall start to operate
before the pressure in the supply line falls to 200 kPa.
▼M1 In the event of a failure in one of the control lines connecting two vehicles
equipped according to point of this Annex, the control line not
affected by the failure shall automatically ensure the braking performance
prescribed for the towed vehicle in point 3.2.1 of Annex II.
▼B In the case of a pneumatic service braking system comprising two or more
independent sections, any leakage between those sections at or downstream
of the control device shall be continuously vented to atmosphere. Additional requirements in the case of tractors authorised to draw towed
vehicles with hydraulic braking systems. The pressure supplied at both coupling heads with the engine not running
shall always be 0 kPa. The pressure supplied at the coupling head of the control line with the
engine running and no braking control force applied shall be 0 +200 kPa.

(EU) 2015/68 With the engine running it shall be possible to generate at the coupling
head of the supplementary line a pressure of at least 1 500 kPa but not
exceeding 3 500 kPa As a derogation from the requirement of point, a graduated
braking action on the towed vehicle is only required when the service
braking system of the tractor is actuated when the engine is running. In the case of a failure (e.g. fracture or leak) in the supplementary line,
it shall nevertheless be possible for the driver to fully or partially actuate
the towed vehicle brakes, by means either of the service braking system
control device or of the parking braking system control device, unless
this failure automatically causes the towed vehicle to be braked with the
performance prescribed in point 3.2.3 of Annex II.
▼M1 In the case of a failure (e.g. fracture or leak) in the control line, the pressure
in the supplementary line shall fall to 1 000 kPa within the following two
seconds after the service brake control device has been fully actuated.

In addition, when the service brake control device is released, the

supplementary line shall be re-pressurised (see also point The pressure in the supplementary line shall fall from its maximum value
to 0 +300 kPa within the following second after the parking braking system
control device has been fully actuated.
In order to check the evacuation time the supplementary line of the towed
vehicle simulator according to point of Annex III is connected to
the supplementary line of the tractor.
The accumulators of the simulator are then charged to the maximum
value generated by the tractor with the engine running and the bleeding
device (point 1.1 of Appendix 2 of Annex III) fully closed. In order to be able to connect and disconnect the hydraulic connecting
lines even when the engine is running and the parking braking system
applied, an appropriate device may be fitted on the tractor.
This device shall be so designed and constructed that the pressure in
the connecting lines is positively restored to the rest position not later
than the control (e.g. push button) of this device is automatically released
(e.g. valve returns automatically into the normal operation position).

Annex 1 ►M1 Tractors towing vehicles of categories R or S which can only comply
with the braking performance requirements of the service braking system,
parking braking system or automatic braking system with the assistance of
energy stored in a hydraulic energy storage device shall be equipped with
an ISO 7638:2003 connector in order to be able to indicate the low level of
stored energy on the towed vehicle, received by the latter, as laid down in
point by the separate warning signal via pin 5 of the electrical
connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003 specified in point
(see also point ◄ The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used
for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as appropriate. In the case of a tractor authorised to tow a vehicle of categories R3, R4 or
S2, the service braking system of the towed vehicle may only be operated
in conjunction with the service, secondary or parking braking system of the
tractor. However, automatic application of the towed vehicle brakes alone
is permitted where the operation of the towed vehicle brakes is initiated
automatically by the tractor for the sole purpose of vehicle stabilization. By way of derogation from point, in order to improve the driving

behaviour of the vehicle combination by modifying the coupling force
between the tractor and towed vehicle, it is permissible that towed vehicle
brakes are applied automatically up to a time of 5 s without the operation of
the service, secondary or parking braking system of the tractor.
▼M1 If point of Annex II can only be fulfilled by complying with the
conditions specified in point of Annex II then:
▼B in the case of compressed-air braking system, a control line pressure (or
the equivalent digital demand) of at least 650 kPa shall be transmitted
when a single control device is fully activated which also applies the tractor
parking braking system. This shall also be ensured when the ignition/start
switch has been switched off and/or the key has been removed; in the case of hydraulic braking system, when a single control device
is fully activated a pressure of 0 +100 kPa shall be generated on the
supplementary line. Anti-lock braking systems for tractors of category Tb

(EU) 2015/68 Tractors of category Tb with a maximum design speed exceeding 60

km/h shall be equipped with anti-lock braking systems of category 1 in
accordance with the requirements of Annex XI. Tractors of category Tb with a maximum design speed exceeding 40
km/h and not exceeding 60 km/h shall be equipped with anti- lock braking
systems of category 1 in accordance with the requirements of Annex XI
(a) for new vehicle types as from 1 January 2020; and
(b) for new vehicles as from 1 January 2021. Tractors authorised to tow a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking
system shall also be equipped with a special electrical connector,
conforming to ISO 7638:2003, for the electric control transmission. The
ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as
appropriate. If tractors not mentioned in points and are fitted with
anti-lock braking systems, they shall comply with the requirements of

Annex XI. The requirements of Annex X shall be applied to the safety aspects of all
complex electronic vehicle control systems which provide or form part of
the control transmission of the braking function included those which utilise
the braking system(s) for automatically commanded braking or selective
braking. In the case of category Tb tractors with a maximum design speed
exceeding 60 km/h, the service braking system shall, whether or not it is
combined with the secondary braking system, be such that in the event
of failure in a part of its transmission a sufficient number of wheels are still
braked by actuation of the service brake control device; these wheels shall
be so selected that the residual performance of the service braking system
satisfies the requirements laid down in point 3.1.4 of Annex II.
The part or parts not affected by the failure shall be capable of partially or
fully actuating the brakes of the towed vehicle.


Annex 1 Special additional requirements for the electric transmission of the parking
braking system Tractors with a maximum design speed exceeding 60 km/h In the case of a failure within the electric transmission, any unintended
actuation of the parking braking system shall be prevented.
▼M1 In the case of an electrical failure in the control device or a break in the
wiring within the electric control transmission external to the electronic
control unit(s), excluding the energy supply, it shall remain possible to apply
the parking b
raking system from the driver‘s seat and thereby be capable of holding
the laden vehicle stationary on an 8 % up or down gradient.
▼B Tractors with a maximum design speed not exceeding 60 km/h

2015/68 In the case of an electrical failure in the control or a break in the wiring
within the electric control transmission external to the control unit(s),
excluding the energy supply, any unintended actuation of the parking braking system at a vehicle speed
above 10 km/h shall be prevented; it shall remain possible to apply the parking braking system from the
driver‘s seat and thereby be capable of holding the laden vehicle stationary
on an 8 % up or down gradient.
▼M1 Alternatively to the parking brake performance requirements according
to points and, the alternatives set out in points and are also allowed. An automatic actuation of the parking braking system is allowed when the vehicle
is stationary, provided that the performance referred to in points
and is achieved and, once applied, the parking braking system
remains engaged independently of the status of the ignition (start) switch. In this
alternative, the parking braking system shall be automatically released as soon
as the driver starts to set the vehicle in motion again.

(EU) 2015/68 applying the brakes of the parking braking system from the driver‘s seat
by an auxiliary control device and thereby be capable of holding the laden
vehicle stationary on an 8 % up or down gradient. In this case, also the
requirements of point shall be met.
▼B It shall also be possible to release the parking braking system, if necessary
by the use of tools and/or an auxiliary device carried/ fitted on the vehicle. A break in the wiring within the electric transmission, or an electric failure
in the control device of the parking braking system shall be signalled to the
driver by the yellow warning signal specified in point When
caused by a break in the wiring within the electric control transmission of
the parking braking system, this yellow warning signal shall be signalled as
soon as the break occurs or in the case of tractors with a maximum design
speed not exceeding 60 km/h not later than on actuation of the relevant
braking control. In addition, such an electric failure in the control device or
break in the wiring external to the electronic control unit(s) and excluding
the energy supply shall be signalled to the driver by flashing the warning

signal specified in point as long as the ignition (start) switch

is in the ‘on’ (run) position including a period of not less than 10 seconds
thereafter and the control device is in the ‘on’ (activated) position.
However, if the parking braking system detects correct clamping of
the parking braking system, the flashing of the warning signal may be
suppressed and the non-flashing red signal shall be used to indicate
parking braking system applied.
Where actuation of the parking braking system is normally indicated by a
separate warning signal, satisfying all the requirements of this
signal shall be used to satisfy the requirement for a red signal set out in
the first and the second paragraphs of this point.
▼B Auxiliary equipment may be supplied with energy from the electric
transmission of the parking braking system provided that the supply of
energy is sufficient to allow the actuation of the parking braking system in
addition to the vehicle electrical load under non-fault conditions. In addition,
where the energy reserve is also used by the service braking system, the
requirements of point 4.1.7 of Annex XII shall apply.

Annex 1 After the ignition/start switch which controls the electrical energy for the
braking equipment has been switched off and/or the key removed, it shall
remain possible to apply the parking braking system, whereas releasing
shall be prevented.
Releasing of the parking braking system is permitted if the control has
to be mechanically unlocked in order to be able to release the parking
braking system. The requirements of Annex XII shall be applied with regard to EBS
vehicles or vehicles with ‘data communication’ via pin 6 and 7 of ISO 7638
connector. Special requirements for coupling force control Coupling force control is only permitted in the tractor. The action of the coupling force control shall be to reduce the difference
between the dynamic braking rates of tractors and towed vehicles. The
operation of the coupling force control shall be checked at the time of type-
approval. The method by which this check is carried out shall be agreed

between the vehicle manufacturer and the technical service with the
method of assessment and results being appended to the type-approval
report. The coupling force control may control the braking rate TM/FM (point 2 of
Appendix 1 to Annex II) and/or the brake demand value(s) for the towed
vehicle. In the case of a tractor equipped with two control lines according to
point of this Annex, both signals shall be subject to similar control
adjustments. The coupling force control shall not prevent the maximum possible braking
pressure(s) from being applied. The vehicle shall fulfil the laden compatibility requirements of Appendix 1 to
Annex II, but to achieve the objectives of point the vehicle may deviate
from these requirements when the coupling force control is in operation. A coupling force control failure shall be detected and indicated to the driver
by a yellow warning signal such as that specified in point In
the event of a failure the relevant requirements of Appendix 1 to Annex II
shall be fulfilled. Compensation by the coupling force control system shall be indicated by
means of the yellow warning signal specified in point if this

(EU) 2015/68

compensation exceeds 150 kPa (pneumatic) and 2 600 kPa (hydraulic)

respectively away from the nominal demand value up to a limit, in pm,
of 650 kPa (or the equivalent digital demand) and 11 500 kPa (hydraulic)
respectively. Above the level of 650 kPa and 11 500 kPa (hydraulic)
respectively the warning shall be given if the compensation causes the
operating point to lie outside the laden compatibility band as specified in
Appendix 1 to Annex II, for tractors. A coupling force control system shall control only the coupling forces
generated by the service braking system of the tractor and the towed
vehicle. Coupling forces resulting from the performance of endurance
braking systems shall not be compensated by the service braking system
of either the tractor or towed vehicle. It is considered that endurance
braking systems are not part of the service braking systems. Brake failure and defect warning signal
The requirements for optical warning signals, whose function is to
indicate to the driver certain specified failures or defects within the

braking equipment of the tractor or of the towed vehicle, are set out in
the points The function of these signals shall
be exclusively to indicate failures or defects in the braking equipment.
However, the optical warning signal described in point may
in addition be used to indicate failures or defects in the running gear. Tractors shall be capable of providing optical brake failure and defect
warning signals, as follows:
▼M1 A red warning signal, in accordance with the requirements laid down in
Annex XXVI of Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1322/2014 indicating
failures within the vehicle braking equipment, as specified in other points of
this Annex and in Annexes V, VII, IX and XIII, which preclude achievement
of the prescribed service braking performance or the functioning of at least
one of two independent service braking circuits. Where applicable, a yellow warning signal, in accordance with the
requirements laid down in Article 29 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No
1322/2014 indicating an electrically detected defect within the vehicle
braking equipment, which is not indicated by the warning signal mentioned
in point

Annex 1

▼B ►M1 Tractors equipped with an electric control line and/or authorized
to tow a vehicle equipped with an electric control transmission, shall be
capable of providing a separate warning signal, in accordance with the
requirements laid down in Article 29 of Delegated Regulation (EU) No
1322/2014 to indicate a defect within the electric control transmission of the
braking equipment of the towed vehicle. ◄ The signal shall be activated
from the towed vehicle via pin 5 of the electric connector conforming to
ISO 7638:2003 and in all cases the signal transmitted by the towed vehicle
shall be displayed without significant delay or modification by the tractor.
This warning signal shall not light up when coupled to a towed vehicle
without an electric control line and/or electric control transmission or when
no towed vehicle is coupled. This function shall be automatic. In the case of a tractor equipped with an electric control line, when electrically
connected to a towed vehicle with an electric control line, the warning signal
specified in point shall also be used to indicate certain specified
failures within the braking equipment of the towed vehicle, whenever the towed

vehicle provides corresponding failure information via the data communication
part of the electric control line. This indication shall be in addition to the
warning signal specified in point ►M1 Alternatively, instead of
utilizing the warning signal specified in point of this Annex and
the accompanying warning signal referred to in this point, a separate red
warning signal, in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 29 of
Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1322/2014, may be provided in the tractor to
indicate such a failure within the braking equipment of the towed vehicle. ◄ Tractors equipped with an electric connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003
in order to be able to indicate the low level of stored energy on the towed
vehicle as required by points and shall display the
separate yellow warning signal mentioned in point to the driver
when the warning signal is transmitted to the tractor by the towed vehicle
via pin 5 of the electric connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003. Except where stated otherwise: a specified failure or defect shall be signalled to the driver by the above-
mentioned warning signal(s) not later than on actuation of the relevant
braking control device; the warning signal(s) shall remain displayed as long as the failure or defect
persists and the ignition (start) switch is in the ‘on’ (run) position;

(EU) 2015/68 the warning signal shall be constant (not flashing). The warning signals shall be visible, even by daylight; the satisfactory
condition of the signals shall be easily verifiable by the driver from the
driver‘s seat; the failure of a component of the warning devices shall not
entail any loss of the braking system‘s performance. The warning signal(s) mentioned above shall light up when the electrical
equipment of the vehicle (and the braking system) is energised. With the
vehicle stationary, the braking system shall verify that none of the specified
failures or defects are present before extinguishing the signals. Specified
failures or defects which should activate the warning signals mentioned
above, but which are not detected under static conditions, shall be stored
upon detection and be displayed at start-up and at all times when the ignition
(start) switch is in the ‘on’ (run) position, as long as the failure or defect persists. Non-specified failures or defects or other information concerning the brakes
or running gear of the tractor, may be indicated by the signal specified in
point, provided that all the following conditions are fulfilled:
2015/68 the vehicle is stationary; after the braking system is first energised and the signal has indicated that,
following the procedures detailed in point, no specified failures
(or defects) have been identified; and non-specified faults or other information shall be indicated only by the
flashing of the warning signal. However, the warning signal shall be
extinguished by the time when the vehicle first exceeds 10 km/h. Malfunctions of the electric control transmission shall not apply the brakes
contrary to the driver‘s intentions. Tractors fitted with hydrostatic drive shall either comply with all relevant
requirements of this Annex or of Annex IX.
2.2.2. Vehicles of categories R and S ►M1 Vehicles of categories R1a, S1a do not need to be fitted with a service
braking system. Vehicles of categories R1b and S1b, where the sum of the
technically permissible masses per axle does not exceed 750 kg, do not need
to be fitted with a service braking system. ◄ However, if vehicles of these
categories are equipped with a service braking system, this system shall comply
with the same requirements as those of category R2 or S2 as appropriate.

Annex 1 ►M1 Vehicles of categories R1b and S1b, where the sum of the technically
permissible masses per axle exceeds 750 kg, and R2 shall be equipped
with a service braking system either of the continuous or semi-continuous
or of the inertia type. ◄ However, if the vehicles of these categories have
a service braking system of the continuous or semi-continuous type they
shall meet the same requirements as those of category R3. Where a towed vehicle belongs to category R3, R4 or S2, the service
braking system shall be of a continuous or semi- continuous type. By way of derogation from the requirement of point, an inertia
braking system may be fitted to vehicles of category R3a and S2a with
a maximum mass not exceeding 8 000 kg under the following conditions: design speed not exceeding 30 km/h when the brakes act not on all
wheels; design speed not exceeding 40 km/h when the brakes act on all wheels;

▼B The service braking system: shall act at least on two wheels of each axle in the case of towed vehicle
of categories Rb and Sb; shall distribute its action appropriately among the axles; shall contain in at least one of the air reservoirs, if fitted, a device for
draining and exhausting in an adequate and easily accessible position. The action of every braking system shall be distributed between the
wheels of each axle symmetrically in relation to the longitudinal median
plane of the towed vehicle. However, in the case of vehicle with significantly different wheel loads on
the left and right vehicle side, the action of the braking system may deviate
from the symmetrical brake force distribution accordingly. Malfunctions of the electric control transmission shall not apply the brakes
contrary to the driver‘s intentions.

(EU) 2015/68 The braking surfaces required to attain the prescribed degree of

effectiveness shall be in constant contact with the wheels, either rigidly or
through components not liable to failure. Wear of the brakes shall be capable of being easily taken up by means of
a system of manual or automatic adjustment. In addition, the control device
and the components of the transmission and of the brakes shall possess a
reserve of travel and, if necessary, suitable means of compensation such
that, when the brakes become heated, or the brake linings have reached
a certain degree of wear, effective braking is ensured without immediate
adjustment being necessary. Wear adjustment shall be automatic for the service brakes. However, the
fitting of automatic adjustment devices is optional for vehicles of categories
R1, R2, R3a, S1 and S2a. Brakes equipped with automatic brake
adjustment devices shall, after heating followed by cooling, be capable of
free running as specified in point 2.5.6. of Annex II following the type-I or
type-III test also defined in that Annex as appropriate.
2015/68 In the case of towed vehicles of categories:

— R3a, R4a, S2a, and
— R3b, R4b, S2b where the sum of the technically permissible masses
per axle does not exceed 10 000 kg,
the performance requirements of point shall be deemed
to be satisfied by fulfilling the requirements of point 2.5.6 of Annex II.
Until uniform technical provisions have been agreed that correctly
assess the function of the automatic brake adjustment device, the free
running requirement shall be deemed to be fulfilled when free running is
observed during all brake tests prescribed for the relevant trailer. In the case of towed vehicles of categories R3b, R4b, S2b where the
sum of the technically permissible masses per axle exceeds 10 000 kg,
the performance requirements of point shall be deemed to be
satisfied by fulfilling the requirements of point 2.5.6 of Annex II. The braking system shall be such that the towed vehicle is stopped
automatically if the coupling separates while the towed vehicle is in motion. Vehicles of categories R1 and S1, without a braking system, shall be
equipped, in addition to the main coupling device, with a secondary

Annex 1

coupling (chain, cable etc.) capable, in the event of separation of the

main coupling, of preventing the drawbar from touching the ground and
providing some residual steering action on the towed vehicle. Vehicles of categories R1, R2, R3a, S1 and S2a where an inertia braking
system is fitted shall be equipped with a device (chain, cable etc.) capable,
in the event of separation of the coupling, of applying the towed vehicle
brakes. On towed vehicles with a hydraulic braking system the connecting lines,
as specified in points and shall disconnect on the tractor
or on the towed vehicle with an insignificant leakage during the separation
of the coupling. The force to disconnect a single connection line shall not
exceed the values specified in ISO 5675:2008. Deviating from the values
prescribed in paragraph 4.2.4 of this standard, the disconnecting force for
both lines shall not exceed 2 500 N. On every towed vehicle which is required to be fitted with a service braking
system, parking braking shall be ensured even when the towed vehicle is

separated from the tractor. It shall be possible for a person standing on the
ground to actuate the parking braking system. If the towed vehicle is fitted with a device enabling actuation of the braking
system to be cut out, other than the parking braking system, the device
shall be so designed and constructed that it is positively restored to the ‘at
rest’ position not later than on the resumption of the supply of compressed
air or hydraulic oil or electrical supply to the towed vehicle. On every towed vehicle which is fitted with a hydraulic service braking
system the braking system shall be so designed such that when the
supplementary line is disconnected the parking or service braking system
shall be automatically applied. Vehicles of categories R3, R4 and S2 shall satisfy the conditions specified
in point for compressed-air braking systems or in point for hydraulic braking systems respectively. Where the auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the service braking
system, the service braking system shall be protected to ensure that the
pressure in the service brake storage device(s) is maintained at a pressure of
at least 80 % of the control line demand pressure or equivalent digital demand
as specified respectively in points and of Annex II.

(EU) 2015/68 In addition to the above, towed vehicles with hydraulic braking systems
shall comply with the following: In the case that a towed vehicle only complies with the requirements of the
service braking system and/or parking braking system and/or automatic
braking with the assistance of energy stored in a hydraulic energy storage
device, the towed vehicle shall automatically apply the brakes or remain
braked when it is not electrically connected (ignition of tractor is switched
on) with the energy supply available from the ISO 7638:2003 connector
(see also point The ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for
5 pin or 7 pin applications, as appropriate. ►M1 When the pressure in the hydraulic energy storage devices falls
below a pressure declared by the vehicle manufacturer in the information
folder where the prescribed braking performance(s) is (are) not ensured
this low pressure shall be indicated to the driver by the separate warning
signal specified in point via pin 5 of the electrical connector
conforming to ISO 7638:2003. ◄

This pressure shall not exceed 11 500 kPa When the supplementary line has fallen to a pressure of 1 200 kPa the
automatic braking of the towed vehicle shall start (see also point A device may be installed on the towed vehicle to temporary release the
brakes in the case that no suitable tractor is available. The supplementary
line shall be connected to this device for this temporary purpose. When the
supplementary line is disconnected from this device the brakes shall return
automatically to the applied condition again. Towed vehicles with a maximum design speed exceeding 60 km/h
of categories R3b, R4b and S2b shall be equipped with an anti-lock
braking system in accordance with Annex XI. Additionally, if the maximum
permissible mass of the towed vehicles exceeds 10 t only an anti-lock
braking system of category A is permitted. If towed vehicles not mentioned in point are fitted with anti-lock
braking systems, they shall comply with the requirements of Annex XI. Towed vehicles equipped with an electric control line and R3b or R4b
category towed vehicles equipped with an anti-lock braking system, shall be
fitted with a special electrical connector for the braking system and anti-lock
braking system or only for one of those two systems, conforming to ISO

Annex 1

7638:2003. The conductor cross sections specified in ISO 7638:2003 for the
trailer may be reduced if the trailer is installed with its own independent fuse.
The rating of the fuse shall be such that the current rating of the conductors
is not exceeded. This derogation shall not apply to trailers equipped to tow
another trailer. Failure warning signals required from the towed vehicle by
this Regulation shall be activated via the above connector. The requirement
to be applied to towed vehicles with respect to the transmission of failure
warning signals shall be those, as appropriate, which are prescribed for
tractors in points,, and
►M1 Those vehicles shall be marked in indelible form, in accordance
with the requirements laid down in Article 24 of Delegated Regulation
(EU) 2015/208, to indicate the functionality of the braking system when
the ISO 7638:2003 connector is connected and disconnected. ◄ The
marking is to be positioned so that it is visible when connecting the
pneumatic and electrical interface connections. It is permitted to connect the braking system to a power supply in addition
to that available from the ISO 7638:2003 connector above. However, when

an additional power supply is available the following provisions shall apply: in all cases the ISO 7638:2003 power supply is the primary power source
for the braking system, irrespective of any additional power supply that is
connected. The additional supply is intended to provide a backup should a
failure of the ISO 7638:2003 power supply occur; it shall not have an adverse effect on the operation of the braking system
under normal and failed modes; in the event of a failure of the ISO 7638:2003 power supply the energy
consumed by the braking system shall not result in the maximum available
power from the additional supply being exceeded; the towed vehicle shall not have any marking or label to indicate that the
towed vehicle is equipped with an additional power supply; a failure warning device is not permitted on the towed vehicle for the
purposes of providing a warning in the event of a failure within the towed
vehicle braking system when the braking system is powered from the
additional supply; when an additional power supply is available it shall be possible to verify
the operation of the braking system from this power source;

(EU) 2015/68 should a failure exist within the electrical supply of energy from the ISO
7638:2003 connector the requirements of points 4.2.3 of Annex XII and 4.1
of Annex XI with respect to failure warning shall apply irrespective of the
operation of the braking system from the additional power supply. In addition to the requirements of points and, the
brakes of the towed vehicle may also be applied automatically when this is
initiated by the towed vehicle braking system itself following the evaluation
of on-board generated information.
3. Tests
Braking tests which the vehicles submitted for approval are required to
undergo, and the braking performance required, are described in Annex II.

Annex 2

Requirements applying to testing and performance of braking
systems and trailer braking couplings and of vehicles fitted with
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘axle group’ means multiple axles where the axle spread between one axle
and its adjacent axle is equal to or less than 2,0 m. Where the axle spread
between one axle and its adjacent axle is greater than 2,0 m, each indivi-
dual axle shall be considered as an independent axle group.
1.2. ‘adhesion utilization curve’ means the characteristic curve of the braking
force ratio without rolling resistance and normal reaction of road surface on
a given axle under braking plotted against the braking rate of the vehicle.

2. Braking tests
2.1. General
The maximum design speed is considered, throughout this Annex, to be
in the forward direction of the vehicle travel, unless otherwise explicitly
2.1.1. The performance prescribed for braking systems shall be based on the
stopping distance and the mean fully developed deceleration or only on
one of those two quantities. The performance of a braking system shall
be determined by measuring the stopping distance in relation to the
initial speed of the vehicle and by measuring the mean fully developed
deceleration during the test or only on one of those two quantities. Both
stopping distance and mean fully developed deceleration or only one
of them shall be prescribed and measured, following to the test to be

(EU) 2015/68

2.1.2. The stopping distance shall be the distance covered by the vehicle from
the moment when the driver begins to actuate the control device of the
braking system until the moment when the vehicle stops; the initial vehicle
speed (v 1 ) shall be the speed at the moment when the driver begins
to actuate the control device of the braking system; the initial speed shall
not be less than 98 % of the prescribed speed for the test in question.
The mean fully developed deceleration d m shall be calculated as the
deceleration averaged with respect to distance over the interval v b to v e
according to the following formula:

v2 - v2
dm = 25,92b (s -e s ) [m/s2]
e b


v1 = initial vehicle speed calculated as described in the first

vb = vehicle speed at 0,8 v1 in km/h
ve = vehicle speed at 0,1 v1 in km/h

sb = distance travelled between v1 and vb in metres

se = distance travelled between v1 and ve in metres
The speed and distance shall be determined using instrumentation having
an accuracy of ± 1 % at the prescribed speed for the test. The d m may
be determined by other methods than the measurement of speed and
distance; in this case, the accuracy of the d m shall be within ± 3 %.
2.1.3. For the type-approval of any vehicle, the braking performance shall be
measured during road tests conducted in the following conditions: The vehicle‘s condition as regards mass shall be as prescribed for each
type of test and be specified in the test report. The test shall be carried out at the speeds prescribed for each type of
test; if the maximum design speed of a vehicle is lower than the speed
prescribed for a test, the test shall be performed at the vehicle‘s maximum
design speed. During the tests, the force applied to the control device of the braking
system in order to obtain the prescribed performance shall not exceed 600
N on the foot or 400 N on the hand operated control devices. The road shall have a surface affording good adhesion, unless specified

Annex 2 The tests shall be performed when there is no wind liable to affect the results. At the start of the tests the tyres shall be cold and at the pressure prescribed
for the load actually borne by the wheels when the vehicle is stationary. The prescribed performance shall be obtained without deviation of the
vehicle from its course, without abnormal vibrations and without wheel-
locking. Wheel-locking is permitted where specifically mentioned.
2.1.4. Behaviour of the vehicle during braking In braking tests, and in particular in those at high speed, the general
behaviour of the vehicle during braking shall be checked. Behaviour of the vehicle during braking on a road on which adhesion is reduced.
The behaviour of vehicles of categories Tb, R2b, R3b, R4b and S2b on a
road on which adhesion is reduced, shall meet the relevant requirements
of Appendix 1 of this Annex or, if the vehicle is equipped with ABS, the

requirements of Annex XI.
2.2. Type-0 braking test (ordinary performance test with brakes cold)
2.2.1. General The brake shall be cold. A brake is deemed to be cold when one of the
following conditions is met: The temperature measured on the disc or on the outside of the drum is
below 100 °C. In the case of totally enclosed brakes, including oil immersed brakes, the
temperature measured on the outside of the housing is below 50 °C. The brakes have not been used for one hour before the test. During the braking test, an axle without a brake, when this axle is capable
of being declutched, shall not be connected with a braked axle. However, in
case of tractors with one braked axle and an automatic engagement of the
drive to all other axles during braking, all wheels are deemed to be braked. The test shall be conducted under the following conditions:

(EU) 2015/68 The vehicle shall be laden to its maximum permissible mass specified
by the manufacturer and with an unbraked axle loaded to its maximum
permissible mass. The braked axle wheels shall be fitted with the largest
diameter tyres intended by the manufacturer for that vehicle type when
carrying the maximum permissible mass. For vehicles braking on all
wheels, the front axle shall be laden to its maximum permissible mass. The test shall be repeated on an unladen vehicle; in case of tractors,
carrying only the driver and if necessary a person responsible for
monitoring the results of the test. The limits prescribed for minimum performance, both for tests with the
vehicle unladen and for tests with the vehicle laden, are those laid down
hereunder for each category of vehicle, the vehicle shall satisfy both the
prescribed stopping distance and the prescribed mean fully developed
deceleration for the relevant vehicle category, but it may not be necessary
to actually measure both parameters. The road shall be level.

2.2.2. Type-0 test for categories T and C vehicles The test shall be carried out at the maximum design speed of the vehicle,
with the engine disconnected. This speed may be subject to a certain
margin of tolerance. However, in any case the minimum prescribed
performance shall be attained. The prescribed maximum stopping
distance (by the stopping distance formula) shall be calculated with the
actual test speed.
▼M1 To check compliance with the requirements of point of Annex I, a
Type-0 test shall be carried out with the engine disconnected at the initial
speed of 30 km/h.
On application of the control of the parking brake system, the mean fully
developed deceleration and the deceleration immediately before the
vehicle stops shall not be less than 1,5 m/s 2 . The same requirement
applies in case of auxiliary control mentioned in point of Annex I.
The test shall be carried out with the laden vehicle. The force exerted on
the braking control device shall not exceed the specified values.

Annex 2 In the case of vehicles equipped with handlebar and straddle seat or
equipped with steering wheel and bench seat or bucket seats in one or
more rows, that are also equipped with non-disengageable transmission,
as this can be proved by the manufacturer at the braking testing, the
vehicle shall complete the Type-0 test with the engine connected.
2.2.3. Type-0 test for categories R and S vehicles: The braking performance of the towed vehicle can be calculated either from
the braking rate of the tractor plus the towed vehicle and the measured
thrust on the coupling or, in certain cases, from the braking rate of the
tractor plus the towed vehicle with only the towed vehicle being braked. The
engine of the tractor shall be disconnected during the braking test. If the towed vehicle is fitted with a compressed-air braking system, the
pressure in the supply line shall not exceed 700 kPa during the brake test
and the signal value in the control line shall not exceed the following values,
depending on the installation: 650 kPa in the pneumatic control line;

2015/68 A digital demand value corresponding to 650 kPa (as defined in ISO
11992:2003 including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 in the electric
control line. If the towed vehicle is fitted with a hydraulic braking system: The prescribed minimum braking performance shall be achieved with a
pressure at the coupling head of the control line not exceeding 11 500 kPa The maximum pressure delivered at the coupling head of the control line
shall not exceed 15 000 kPa. With the exception of cases according to points and, it is
necessary for the determination of the braking rate of the towed vehicle to
measure the braking rate of the tractor plus the towed vehicle and the thrust on
the coupling. The tractor shall meet the requirements laid down in Appendix 1
with regard to the relation between the ratio TM /FM and the pressure pm,
TM = sum of braking forces at the periphery of all wheels of tractors
FM = total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels
of tractors
pm = pressure at coupling head of control line
The braking rate of the towed vehicle shall be calculated according to

(EU) 2015/68

the following formula:

zR = zR+M • F


ZR = braking rate of the towed vehicle

ZR+M = braking rate of the tractor plus the towed vehicle
D = thrust on the coupling (tractive force D > 0; compres-
sive force D < 0)
FR = total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of towed vehicle If a towed vehicle has a continuous or semi-continuous braking system
where the pressure in the brake actuators does not change during braking
despite the dynamic axle load shifting, the towed vehicle alone may be
braked. The braking rate z R of the towed vehicle shall be calculated
according to the following formula:

zR = (zR+M - R) • FR + R


R = rolling resistance value:

- 0,02 in the case of vehicles with a maximum design
speed not exceeding 40 km/h
- 0,01 in the case of vehicles with a maximum design
speed exceeding 40 km/h
FM = total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels
of tractors
FR = total normal static reaction of road surface on all
wheels of towed vehicle Alternatively, the evaluation of the braking rate of the towed vehicle may
be done by braking the towed vehicle alone. In this case the pressure
used shall be the same as that measured in the brake actuators during the
braking of the combination.

Annex 2

2.3. Type-I test (fade test)

This test type shall be performed according to the requirements of points
2.3.1 or 2.3.2, as applicable.
2.3.1. With repeated braking
Tractors of categories T and C shall undergo the Type-I test with
repeated braking. The service braking system of tractors covered by this Regulation shall
be tested by successively applying and releasing the brakes a number of
times. The vehicle shall be fully laden and tested in accordance with the
conditions shown in the following table:

Vehicle category
v1 [km/h] v2[km/h] Δt [sec] n
T, C 80 % vmax ½ v1 60 20


v1 = speed at start of braking

v2 = speed at end of braking
vmax = maximum design speed of vehicle
n = number of brake applications
Δt = duration of the braking cycle (time elapsing between
the initiation of one brake application and the initiation
of the next). In the case of tractors with a maximum design speed not exceeding 40
km/h, as an alternative to the test conditions as shown in the table of point the conditions shown in the following table may be applied:

Vehicle category
v1 [km/h] v2[km/h] Δt [sec] n
T, C 80 % vmax 0,05 v1 60 18 If the characteristics of the vehicle do not allow for the period of time
prescribed for Δt, the duration may be increased; in any event, in addition
to the time necessary for braking and accelerating the vehicle, a period
of 10 seconds shall be allowed in each cycle for stabilising the speed v1 .

(EU) 2015/68 In these tests, the force applied to the control device shall be so adjusted
as to attain a mean fully developed deceleration of 3 m/s2 at the first
application of the brakes. This force shall remain constant throughout the
succeeding brake applications. During brake applications the highest gear ratio (excluding overdrive, etc.)
shall be continuously engaged.
As an alternative, it is also allowed to perform the test with the engine
disconnected, where applicable, during brake applications.
▼B For regaining speed after braking, the gearbox shall be used in such a
way as to attain the speed v 1 in the shortest possible time (maximum
acceleration allowed by the engine and gearbox). In the case of vehicles equipped with automatic brake adjustment devices
the adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the type-I test above, be set
according to the following procedures as appropriate:
2015/68 In the case of vehicles equipped with air operated brakes the adjustment
of the brakes shall be such as to enable the automatic brake adjustment
device to function. For this purpose the actuator stroke shall be adjusted to:
so ≥ 1,1 × sre-adjust
(the upper limit shall not exceed a value recommended by the
sre-adjust = is the re-adjustment stroke according to the specifica-
tion of the manufacturer of the automatic brake adjust-
ment device, i.e. the stroke, where it starts to readjust
the running clearance of the brake with an actuator
pressure of 15 per cent of the brake system operating
pressure but not less than 100 kPa.
Where, by agreement with the technical service, it is
impractical to measure the actuator stroke, the initial
setting shall be agreed with the technical service.
From the above condition the brake shall be operated
with an actuator pressure of 30 % of the brake system
operating pressure but not less than 200 kPa 50 times
in succession. This shall be followed by a single brake
application with an actuator pressure of > 650 kPa.

Annex 2 In the case of vehicles equipped with hydraulically operated disc brakes no
setting requirements are deemed necessary. In the case of vehicles equipped with hydraulically operated drum brakes
the adjustment of the brakes shall be as specified by the manufacturer.
2.3.2. With continuous braking
▼M1 The service braking system of vehicles of categories R1, R2, S1, R3a, R4a
and S2a; and of vehicles of categories R3b and S2b, where the sum of the
technically permissible masses per axle does not exceed 10 000 kg, shall
be tested in such a manner that, the vehicle being laden, the energy input
to the brakes is equivalent to that recorded in the same period of time when
the laden vehicle being tested is driven at a steady speed of 40 km/h on a
7 % down- gradient for a distance of 1,7 km.
Alternatively, this requirement is deemed to be fulfilled for vehicles of
categories R3a, R4a, S2a and for vehicles of categories R3b and S2b,
where the sum of the technically permissible masses per axle does not

exceed 10 000 kg, when these vehicles have passed the Type-III test
according to point 2.5.
▼B The test may be carried out on a level road, the trailed vehicle being towed
by an agricultural vehicle; during the test, the force applied to the control
device shall be adjusted so as to keep the resistance of the towed vehicle
constant (7 % of the maximum stationary axle load of the towed vehicle). If
the power available for hauling is insufficient, the test can b e conducted at
a lower speed but over a greater distance; as shown in the following table:

Speed (km/h) distance (in m)

40 1 700
30 1 950
20 2 500
15 3 100 In the case of towed vehicles equipped with automatic brake adjustment
devices the adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the Type-I test prescribed
above, be set according to the procedure as laid down in point 2.5.4.

(EU) 2015/68

2.3.3. Hot performance At the end of the type-I test (test described in point 2.3.1 or test described
in point 2.3.2) the hot performance of the service braking system shall be
measured in the same conditions (and in particular at a constant control
force no greater than the mean force actually used) as for the type-0
test with the engine disconnected (the temperature conditions may be
different). For tractors this hot performance shall not be less than 80 % of that
prescribed for the category in question, nor less than 60 % of the figure
recorded in the type-0 test with the engine disconnected. In the case of towed vehicles, the hot brake force at the periphery of the
wheels when tested at 40 km/h shall not be less than 36 % of towed
vehicles with v max > 30 km/h or 26 % of towed vehicles with v max ≤
30 km/h of the maximum stationary wheel load, nor less than 60 % of the
figure recorded in the type 0 test at the same speed.
2.3.4. Free running test

In the case of tractors equipped with automatic brake adjustment

devices, the brakes after completing the tests described in point 2.3.3
shall be allowed to cool to a temperature representative of a cold brake
(i.e. ≤ 100 °C) and it shall be verified that the vehicle is capable of free
running by fulfilling one of the following conditions: Wheels are running freely (i.e. may be rotated by hand);
▼M1 It is ascertained that when the vehicle is driven at a constant speed of v =
60 km/h or the maximum design speed of the towed vehicle, whichever is
the lower, with the brakes released the asymptotic temperatures shall not
exceed a drum/disc temperature increase of 80°C, then the residual brake
moments are regarded as acceptable.
2.4. Type-II test (downhill behaviour test)
In addition to the type-I test, tractors of categories Tb and Cb having
a maximum permissible mass exceeding 12 t, shall also undergo the
type-II test.

Annex 2

2.4.1. Laden tractor shall be tested in such a manner that the energy input is
equivalent to that recorded in the same period of time with a laden tractor
driven at an average speed of 30 km/h on a 6 % down- gradient for a
distance of 6 km, with the appropriate gear engaged and the endurance
braking system, if the vehicle is equipped with one, being used. The gear
engaged shall be such that the speed of the engine (min -1 ) does not
exceed the maximum value prescribed by the manufacturer.
2.4.2. For vehicles in which the energy is absorbed by the braking action of
the engine alone, a tolerance of ± 5 km/h on the average speed shall be
permitted, and the gear enabling the speed to be stabilised at the value
closest to 30 km/h on the 6 % down-gradient shall be engaged. If the
performance of the braking action of the engine alone is determined by a
measurement of deceleration, it shall be sufficient if the mean deceleration
measured is at least 0,5 m/s².
2.4.3. At the end of the test, the hot performance of the service braking system
shall be measured in the same conditions as for the type-0 test with the
engine disconnected (the temperature conditions may be different). This
hot performance shall give a stopping distance not exceeding the following

values and a mean fully developed deceleration not less than the following
values, using a control force not exceeding 60 daN:

0,15 v + (1,33 v² /115) (the second term corresponds to a mean

fully developed deceleration dm = 3,3 m/s²).
2.5. Type-III test (fade test) for laden vehicles of categories:
2.5.1. R3b, R4b, S2b where the sum of the technically permissible masses per
axle exceeds 10 000 kg
or alternatively of categories
2.5.2. R3a, R4a, S2a, when these vehicles have not been tested according to
point 2.3.2.
2.5.3. R3b and S2b where the sum of the technically permissible masses per
axle does not exceed 10 000 kg.
2.5.4. Track test The adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the type-III test below, be set
according to the following procedures as appropriate:

(EU) 2015/68 In the case of towed vehicles equipped with air operated brakes the adjustment
of the brakes shall be such as to enable the automatic brake adjustment device
to function. For this purpose the actuator stroke shall be adjusted to:
so ≥ 1,1 × sre-adjust
(the upper limit shall not exceed a value recommended by the
sre-adjust = is the re-adjustment stroke according to the specifica-
tion of the manufacturer of the automatic brake adjust-
ment device, i.e. the stroke, where it starts to readjust
the running clearance of the brake with an actuator
pressure of 100 kPa.

Where, by agreement with the technical service, it is impractical to

measure the actuator stroke, the initial setting shall be agreed with the
technical service.
From the above condition the brake shall be operated with an actuator
pressure of 200 kPa, 50 times in succession. This shall be followed by a

single brake application with an actuator pressure of ≥ 650 kPa. In the case of towed vehicles equipped with hydraulically operated disc
brakes no setting requirements are deemed necessary. In the case of towed vehicles equipped with hydraulically operated drum
brakes the adjustment of the brakes shall be as specified by the manufacturer. For the road test the conditions shall be as follows:

Number of brake applications 20

Duration of a braking cycle 60 s
Initial speed at the beginning 60 km/h
of braking
Braking applications In these tests, the force applied
to the control device shall be so
adjusted as to attain the mean
fully developed deceleration of 3
m/s 2 in respect to the towed ve-
hicle mass P R at the first brake
application; this force shall remain
constant throughout the succee-
ding brake applications.

Annex 2

The braking rate of a towed vehicle is calculated according to the formula

given in point
zR = (zR+M - R) • FR + R

The speed at the end of braking:

FM + F1 + 0,25 • F2
v2 = v1 • FM + F1 + F2


ZR = braking rate of the towed vehicle,

zR+M = braking rate of the vehicle combination (tractor and
towed vehicle),
R = rolling resistance value = 0,01
FM = total normal static reaction between the road surface
and the wheels of tractor (N),
FR = total normal static reaction between the road surface

and the wheels of towed vehicle (N),
F1 = normal static reaction of the part of the mass of the
towed vehicle borne by the unbraked axle(s) (N),
F2 = normal static reaction of the part of the mass of the
towed vehicle borne by the braked axle(s) (N),
PR = PR = FR /g
v1 = initial speed (km/h),
v2 = final speed (km/h).
2.5.5. Hot performance
At the end of the test according to point 2.5.4, the hot performance of the
service braking system shall be measured under the same conditions
as for the Type-0 test with, however, different temperature conditions
and starting from an initial speed of 60 km/h. The hot brake-force at
the periphery of the wheels shall then not be less than 40 % of the
maximum stationary wheel load, and not less than 60 per cent of the
figure recorded in the Type-0 test at the same speed.
2.5.6. Free running test
After completing the tests described in point 2.5.5, the brakes shall be allowed
to cool to a temperature representative of a cold brake (i.e. < 100 °C) and it
shall be verified that the towed vehicle is capable of free running by fulfilling
one of the following conditions:

(EU) 2015/68 Wheels are running freely (i.e. may be rotated by hand); It is ascertained that when the towed vehicle is driven at a constant speed
of v = 60 km/h with the brakes released the asymptotic temperatures shall
not exceed a drum/disc temperature increase of 80 °C, then the residual
brake moments are regarded as acceptable.
3. Performances of the braking systems
3.1. Vehicles of category T and C
3.1.1. Service braking systems Under Type-0 conditions, the service braking system shall be tested under
the conditions shown in the following table

vmax ≤ 30 km/h vmax > 30 km/h

v = vmax = vmax
s (metres) ≤ 0,15 v + v² /92 ≤ 0,15 v + v² /130

dm ≥ 3,55 m/s² ≥ 5 m/s²

F (foot operated control) ≤ 600 N ≤ 600 N
F (hand operated control) ≤ 400 N ≤ 400 N


vmax = maximum design speed of the vehicle

v = prescribed test speed
s = Stopping distance
dm = mean fully developed deceleration
F = force applied to the control device ►M1 In the case of a tractor authorized to tow an unbraked vehicle of
categories R or S, the required minimum combination performance, as
required in point, shall be attained with the unbraked towed
vehicle coupled to the tractor and with the unbraked towed vehicle laden to
the maximum mass declared by the tractor manufacturer. ◄
The combination performance shall be verified by calculations referring
to the maximum braking performance actually achieved by the tractor
alone during the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected for the laden
and unladen tractor (optionally also for a partially laden condition defined

Annex 2

by the tractor manufacturer), using the following formula (no practical

tests with a coupled unbraked towed vehicle are required):

dM+R = dM • P +MP


dM+R = calculated mean fully developed deceleration of the trac-

tor when coupled to an unbraked towed vehicle, in m/s²,
dM = maximum mean fully developed deceleration of the
tractor alone achieved during the Type-0 test with en-
gine disconnected, in m/s²,
PM = mass of the tractor (if applicable, including any ballast
and/or supporting load)
PM_laden = mass of the tractor, laden
PM_par_laden= mass of the tractor, partial laden
PM_unladen = mass of the tractor, unladen

PR = part of the maximum mass borne by the axle(s) of a
towed vehicle without a service brake which may be
coupled (as declared by the tractor manufacturer)
dM+R = combination mass (mass PM + declared unbraked towed
vehicle mass PR)
▼B Required minimum combination performance
The minimum combination performance shall be not less than 4,5 m/s²
in the case of tractors with v max > 30 km/h and not less than 3,2 m/s²
in the case of tractors with v max ≤ 30 km/h for the laden und unladen
conditions. At the discretion of the tractor manufacturer, an additional
type-0 test may be carried out by the technical service for a partial
laden tractor mass declared by the manufacturer in order to define the
maximum permitted unbraked towed vehicle mass fulfilling the required
minimum combination performance for such ‘combination mass’.
The measured figures ‘dm’ for the above mentioned load conditions and the
corresponding calculated figures ‘dM+R’ shall be recorded in the test report.
The maximum declared figure for the unbraked towed vehicle mass
shall not exceed 3 500 kg.

(EU) 2015/68

3.1.2. Secondary braking system

The secondary braking system, even if the control device which
actuates it is also used for other braking functions, shall give a stopping
distance not exceeding the following values and a mean fully developed
deceleration not less than the following values: Tractors with v max ≤ 30
km/h: 0,15 v + (v² /39)
(the second term corresponds to a mean fully developed deceleration
dm = 1,5 m/s² )
Tractors with vmax > 30 km/h: 0,15 v + (v² /57)
(the second term corresponds to a mean fully developed deceleration
dm = 2,2 m/s² )
The prescribed performance shall be obtained by applying to the control
device a force not exceeding 600 N on a foot or 400 N on a hand
operated control device. The control device shall be so placed that it can
be easily and quickly applied by the driver.
3.1.3. Parking braking system
2015/68 The parking braking system shall, even if it is combined with one of the
other braking devices, be capable of holding a laden tractor on an 18 %
up and down gradient. This requirement shall be fulfilled even during the
cooling period. The cooling period is deemed to terminate when the brakes
have reached a temperature of 10 °C above ambient. For vehicles of category T4.3, the parking braking system shall, even if it is
combined with one of the other braking devices, be capable of holding a laden
tractor on a 40 % up and down gradient. This requirement shall be fulfilled even
during the cooling period. The cooling period is deemed to terminate when the
brakes have reached a temperature of 10 °C above ambient. Hot and cold parking braking performance test
In order to verify that the parking brake is capable of holding a laden
tractor on an up and down gradient as required by points and, the measurements shall be done under the following conditions:
— Heating up the brakes on a temperature ≥ 100 °C (measured at the
rubbing surface of the disc or at the outside of the drum),
— Hot static parking braking system test at a temperature ≥ 100 °C,
— Cold static parking braking system test at a temperature ≤ ambient
temperature + 10 °C,

Annex 2

— During the cooling period, the parking braking system shall not be
re-adjusted manually.
In the case of oil immersed brakes, the method by which this check
is carried out shall be agreed between the vehicle manufacturer and
the technical service. The method of assessment and results shall be
appended to the type approval report.
The hot static parking braking system test may be omitted if the parking braking
system acts purely on braking surfaces not used during service braking.
▼B On tractors to which the coupling of towed vehicles is authorised, the
parking braking system of the tractor shall be capable of holding the vehicle

combination, at the maximum permissible mass as specified by the tractor
manufacturer, stationary on a 12 % up or down gradient.
In the case that this requirement cannot be met due to physical limitations
(e.g. limited available tyre/road adhesion for the tractor to generate
sufficient braking forces or in the case that the purely mechanical parking
braking system performance of the tractor as prescribed in point
is not sufficient to hold the combination) it is deemed to be fulfilled when
the alternative requirement set out in point of this Annex in
connection with point of Annex I is complied with. The requirement of point is considered to be fulfilled when the
conditions set out in point are met in the case of a towed vehicle
with service brake, or when the conditions set out in point are
met in the case of an unbraked or inertia-braked towed vehicle. Even with the tractor engine not rotating, the combination at the maximum
permissible mass remains stationary on the prescribed gradient when the
activation of a single control device by the driver, from his driving seat, has
applied the tractor parking braking system and the towed vehicle service
braking system or only the tractor parking braking system.

(EU) 2015/68 The tractor parking braking system can hold stationary the tractor
connected to an unbraked or inertia-braked towed vehicle having a mass
equal to the highest ‘combination mass P M+R ’ mentioned in the test
report. This mass shall be determined as follows:
(a) in the case of unbraked towed vehicle: PM+R = combination
mass (mass PM + declared unbraked towed vehicle mass
PR ) according to point;
(b) in the case of an inertia braked towed vehicle: PM+R =
combination mass (mass PM + declared inertia-braked
towed vehicle mass as specified by the manufacturer).
PM = mass of the tractor (if applicable, including any ballast
or supporting load or both of them).

▼B A parking braking system which has to be actuated several times before
attaining the prescribed performance is permissible.

3.1.4. Residual braking after transmission failure In the case of category Tb tractors with a maximum design speed
exceeding 60 km/h, the residual performance of the service braking
system, in the event of failure in a part of its transmission, shall give a
stopping distance not exceeding the following values and a mean fully
developed deceleration not less than the following values, using a control
force not exceeding 70 daN, when checked by the type-0 test with the
engine disconnected from the following initial speeds for the relevant
vehicle category:

v Stopping distance dm Stopping distance dm

[km/h] LADEN — [m] [m/s²] UNLADEN — [m] [m/s²]
40 0,15v+(100/30) • (v²/115) 1,3 0,15v+(100/30) • (v²/115) 1,3

That requirement shall not be construed as a departure from the

requirements concerning secondary braking. The residual braking effectiveness test shall be conducted by simulating
the actual failure conditions in the service braking system.
3.2. Vehicles of the categories R and S

Annex 2

3.2.1. Service braking system Requirement relating to tests of category R1 or S1 vehicles
If towed vehicles of category R1 or S1 are fitted with a service braking
system, the performance of the system shall meet the requirements laid
down for category R2 or S2 vehicles. Requirement relating to tests of category R2 vehicles
If the service braking system is of the continuous or semi- continuous
type, the sum of the forces exerted at the periphery of the braked wheels
shall be at least X % of the maximum stationary wheel load.
X = 50 for towed vehicle with a maximum design speed
exceeding 30 km/h
X = 35 for towed vehicle with a maximum design speed not
exceeding 30 km/h

Where the towed vehicle is fitted with a compressed-air braking

system, the pressure in the control line shall not exceed 650 kPa (and/

or a corresponding digital demand value as defined in ISO 11992:2003
including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 in the electric control
line) and the pressure in the supply line shall not exceed 700 kPa during
the brake test.
Where the towed vehicle is fitted with a hydraulic braking system, the
pressure in the control line shall not exceed 11 500 kPa and the pressure
in the supplementary line shall be between 1 500 kPa and 1 800 kPa
during the brake test.
The test speed is 60 km/h or the maximum design speed of the towed
vehicle, whichever is the lower.
Where the braking system is of the inertia type, it shall comply with the
conditions laid down in Annex VIII. Requirement relating to tests of category R3, R4 or S2 vehicles
The sum of the forces exerted at the periphery of the braked wheels shall
be at least X % of the maximum stationary wheel load
X = 50 for towed vehicle of categories R3, R4 and S2 with
a maximum design speed exceeding 30 km/h
X = 35 for towed vehicles of categories R3a, R4a and S2a
with a maximum design speed not exceeding 30 km/h

(EU) 2015/68

Where the towed vehicle is fitted with a compressed-air braking system,

the pressure in the control line shall not exceed 650 kPa and the pressure
in the supply line shall not exceed 700 kPa during the brake test.
The test speed is 60 km/h or the maximum design speed of the towed
vehicle, whichever is the lower.
Where the towed vehicle is fitted with a hydraulic braking system, the
pressure in the control line shall not exceed 11 500 kPa and the pressure
in the supplementary line shall be between 1 500 kPa and 1 800 kPa
during the brake test. Within an axle group, wheel locking on one axle during the Type-0 test
procedure is permitted. This requirement shall not be construed as a
departure from the requirement of point 6.3.1. of Annex XI concerning
wheel locking of directly controlled wheels.

3.2.2. Parking braking system The parking braking system with which the towed vehicle is equipped shall
be capable of holding the laden towed vehicle stationary, when separated
from the tractor, on an 18 % up and down-gradient. The requirements set out in shall be fulfilled even during the cooling
period. The cooling period is deemed to be terminated when the brakes
have reached a temperature of 10 °C above ambient. Hot and cold parking braking performance test
The test requirement as specified in point apply correspondingly.
3.2.3. Automatic braking system
The automatic braking performance in the event of a failure, as described
in points and of Annex I, when testing the laden
vehicle from a speed of 40 km/h or 0,8 vmax (whichever is lower), shall
not be less than 13,5 % of the maximum stationary wheel load. Wheel-
locking at performance levels above 13,5 % is permitted.
Annex 2

3.3. Response time for vehicles of categories T, C, R and S

3.3.1. 3.3.1. Where a vehicle is fitted with a service braking system which is totally
or partially dependent on a source of energy other than the muscular effort
of the driver, the following requirements shall be satisfied: In an emergency manoeuvre, the time elapsing between the moment when
the control device begins to be actuated and the moment when the braking
force on the least favourably placed axle reaches the level corresponding
to the prescribed performance shall not exceed 0,6 seconds. In the case of vehicles fitted with compressed-air or towed vehicles with
hydraulic braking systems or tractors with a hydraulic control line, the
requirements of point 3.3.1 are considered to be satisfied if the vehicle
complies with the provisions of Annex III. In the case of tractors fitted with hydraulic braking systems, the
requirements of point 3.3.1 are considered to be satisfied if, in an
emergency manoeuvre, the deceleration of the vehicle, or the pressure at
the least favourable brake cylinder, reaches a level corresponding to the

prescribed performance within 0,6 seconds. In case of tractors with one braked axle and an automatic engagement of
the drive to all other axles during braking, the requirements of point 3.3.1
are considered to be satisfied if, the tractor satisfies both the prescribed
stopping distance and the prescribed mean fully developed deceleration
for the relevant vehicle category according to point, but in this case
it is necessary to actually measure both parameters.

(EU) 2015/68

Appendix 1
Distribution of braking among the axles of vehicles and require-
ments for compatibility between tractor and towed vehicle
1. General requirements
1.1. Vehicles of categories T, C, R and S
1.1.1. Vehicles of categories Ta, Ca, R2a, R3a, R4a and S2a with a maximum
design speed exceeding 30 km/h shall fulfil the following requirements of
this Appendix: the compatibility requirements associated with diagrams 2 and 3, as
appropriate, if a special device is used, this shall operate automatically. In
the case of trailers with electronically controlled brake force distribution, the
requirements of this appendix shall only apply when the trailer is electrically
connected to the tractor by the ISO 7638:2003 connector. in the event of a failure of the control of the special device the braking

performance specified in point 5 shall be fulfilled for the relevant vehicle. the marking requirements laid down in point 6.
1.1.2. Vehicles of categories Tb, R2b, R3b, R4b and S2b shall meet the relevant
requirements of this Appendix. If a special device is used, this shall operate
1.1.3. However, vehicles of the categories mentioned in point 1.1.1 and in
point 1.1.2 both equipped with an anti-lock braking system of category 1
or 2 (tractors) and category A or B (towed vehicles) fulfilling the relevant
requirements of Annex XI shall also fulfil all the relevant requirements of
this Appendix with the following exceptions or conditions:
▼B compliance with the adhesion utilisation requirements associated with
diagram 1 is not required;

Annex 2 in the case of tractors and towed vehicles, compliance with the unladen
compatibility requirements associated with diagrams 2 and 3 as
appropriate, is not required. However, for all load conditions, a braking rate
shall be developed between a pressure of 20 kPa and 100 kPa (pneumatic
braking systems) and 350 to 1 800 kPa (hydraulic braking systems) or the
equivalent digital demand value at the coupling head of the control line(s); vehicles equipped with a special device which automatically controls the
distribution of braking among the axles or automatically regulates the
braking force according to the load on the axle(s) the requirements of
points 5 and 6 shall apply.
1.1.4. Where the vehicle is installed with an endurance braking system, the
retarding force shall not be taken into consideration when determining the
vehicle performance with respect to the provisions of this Appendix.
1.1.5. The requirements of this Appendix apply to the braking equipment fitted with
the largest diameter tyres intended by the manufacturer for that vehicle type.

1.1.6. Compliance with the adhesion utilisation and compatibility requirements
associated with diagrams 1, 2 and 3 of this Appendix shall be demonstrated
by calculation.
1.2. The requirements relating to the diagrams specified in points, 4.1
and 4.2, are valid for vehicles with a pneumatic and electrical control line
according to point 2.1.4 of Annex I or a hydraulic control line according to
point 2.1.5 of Annex I. In all cases, the reference value (abscissa of the
diagrams) will be the value of the transmitted pressure or electrical signal
respectively in the control line:
1.2.1. For vehicles equipped according to point of Annex I, this value will
be the actual pneumatic pressure in the control line (p m );
1.2.2. For vehicles equipped according to point or of Annex
I, this value will be the pressure corresponding to the transmitted digital
demand value in the electric control line, according to ISO 11992:2003
including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007.
Vehicles equipped according to point of Annex I (with both
pneumatic and electric control lines) shall satisfy the requirements of
the diagrams related to both control lines. However, identical braking
characteristic curves related to both control lines are not required.

(EU) 2015/68

1.2.3. For vehicles equipped according to point of Annex I, this value shall
be the actual hydraulic pressure in the control line (p m ).
1.3. Validation of the development of braking force.
1.3.1. At the time of type-approval it shall be checked that the development of
braking on an axle of each independent axle group shall be within the
following pressure ranges: Laden vehicles:
At least one axle shall commence to develop a braking force when the
pressure at the coupling head is within the pressure range 20 to 100 kPa
(pneumatic braking systems) and 350 to 1 800 kPa (hydraulic braking
systems) respectively or equivalent digital demand value.
At least one axle of every other axle group shall commence to develop
a braking force when the coupling head is at a pressure ≤ 120 kPa
(pneumatic braking systems) and 2 100 kPa (hydraulic braking systems)
respectively or equivalent digital demand value.
2015/68 Unladen vehicles:

At least one axle shall commence to develop a braking force when the
pressure at the coupling head is within the pressure range 20 to 100 kPa
(pneumatic braking systems) and 350 to 1 800 kPa (hydraulic braking
systems) respectively or equivalent digital demand value. With the wheel(s) of the axle(s) raised off and free to rotate, apply an
increasing brake demand and measure the coupling head pressure
corresponding to when the wheel(s) can no longer be rotated by hand. In
the case of tractors of category C an alternative procedure may be used
for the validation of the development of braking force (e.g. by removing the
tracks). This condition determines the development of the braking force.
2. Symbols
i = axle index (i = 1, front axle; i = 2, second axle; etc.)
E = wheelbase
ER = distance between coupling point and centre of axle of rigid
drawbar towed vehicle and of centre-axle towed vehicle
fi = Ti /Ni , adhesion utilised by axle i
Fi = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static

Annex 2

FM = total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels

of tractor
g = acceleration due to gravity: g = 9,81 m/s²
h = height above ground of centre of gravity specified by
the manufacturer and agreed by the Technical Services
conducting the approval test;
J = deceleration of vehicle
k = theoretical coefficient of adhesion between tyre and
P = mass of vehicle
Ni = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under braking
pm = pressure at coupling head of control line
FR = total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of towed vehicle
FRmax = value of FR at maximum mass of towed vehicle
Ti = force exerted by the brakes on axle i under normal
braking conditions on the road

TM = sum of braking forces at the periphery of all wheels
of tractors
TR = sum of braking forces T i at periphery of all wheels of
towed vehicle
z = braking rate of vehicle = J/g
3. Requirements for tractors of category T
3.1. Two-axle tractors
3.1.1. For k values between 0,2 and 0,8:
z ≥ 0,10 + 0,85 (k - 0,20)
The provisions laid down in this point do not affect the requirements of
Annex II relating to the braking performance. However, if, in tests made
under the provisions of this point, braking performances are obtained
which are higher than those prescribed in Annex II, the provisions
relating to the adhesion utilization curves shall be applied within the
areas of diagram 1 defined by the straight lines k = 0,8 and z = 0,8.
3.1.2. For all braking rates between 0,15 and 0,30:

(EU) 2015/68 The adhesion utilization curves for each axle are situated between two
lines parallel to the line of ideal adhesion utilization given by the equation
k = z +/–0,08 as shown in diagram 1 and the adhesion utilization curve for
the rear axle for braking rates z > 0,3 complies with the relation:
z ≥ 0,3 + 0,74 (k - 0,38)
3.1.3. For tractors authorised to tow vehicles of category R3b, R4b and S2b fitted
with compressed-air braking systems: When tested with the energy source stopped, the supply line blocked
off, a reservoir of 0,5 litre capacity connected to the pneumatic control
line and the system at cut-in and cut-out pressures, the pressure at full
application of the braking control device shall be between 650 and 850
kPa at the coupling heads of the supply line and the pneumatic control line,
irrespective of the load condition of the vehicle. For vehicles equipped with an electric control line, a full application of the
control device of the service braking system shall provide a digital demand
value corresponding to a pressure between 650 and 850 kPa (see ISO

11992:2003 including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007). These values shall be demonstrably present in the tractor when the latter is
uncoupled from the towed vehicle. The compatibility bands in the diagrams
specified in points 3.1.6, 4.1 and 4.2, should not be extended beyond 750
kPa and/or the corresponding digital demand value (see ISO 11992:2003
including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007). It shall be ensured that at the coupling head of the supply line, a pressure
of at least 700 kPa is available when the system is at cut-in pressure. This
pressure shall be demonstrated without applying the service brakes.
3.1.4. For tractors authorised to tow vehicles of category R3b, R4b and S2b fitted
with hydraulic braking systems: When tested with the energy source at idling speed and of 2/3 of maximum
engine speed, a control line of the towed vehicle simulator (point 3.6 of
Annex III) connected to the hydraulic control line. At full application of the
braking control device the pressures shall be between 11 500 and 15 000
kPa at the hydraulic control and shall be between 1 500 and 3 500 kPa at
the supplementary line, irrespective of the load condition of the vehicle. These values shall be demonstrably present in the tractor when uncoupled
from the towed vehicle. The compatibility bands in the diagrams specified
in points 3.1.6, 4.1 and 4.2, should not be extended beyond 13 300 kPa.

Annex 2

3.1.5. Verification of the requirements of points 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 In order to verify the requirements of points 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, the
manufacturer shall provide the adhesion utilisation curves for the front and
rear axles calculated by the formulae:
T T1
f1 = N1 = h
F1 + z • • P • g

T T2
f2 = N2 = h
F2 + z • •P•g

The curves shall be plotted for both the following load conditions: Unladen, not exceeding the minimum mass declared by the manufacturer
in the information document; Laden; where provision is made for several possibilities of load distribution,

the one whereby the front axle is the most heavily laden shall be the one
considered. Special requirements in the case of tractors where all axles are
permanently rigidly connected (100 % locking rate) by the all- wheel drive
or are automatically connected during braking by the all-wheel drive (100
% locking rate) The mathematical verification pursuant to point is not required. Tractors with permanent all-wheel drive other than covered by point If it is not possible, for vehicles with permanent all-wheel drive or in the
condition when the all-wheel drive is connected during braking, to carry out
the mathematical verification pursuant to point, the manufacturer
may instead verify by means of a wheel lock sequence test that, lockup of
the front wheels occurs either simultaneously with or before the lockup of
the rear wheels. However, for tractors which automatically apply the all-wheel drive
when the braking is initiated above a vehicle speed of 20 km/h but not
automatically connect the all-wheel drive when the service braking system
is applied at speeds not exceeding 20 km/h, then it is not required to show
compliance with point for the condition when the all-wheel drive is
not connected during braking.

(EU) 2015/68 Procedure to verify the requirements set out in point The wheel lock sequence test shall be conducted with the laden and the
unladen vehicle on road surfaces having an adhesion level such that
wheel locking on the first axle occurs at braking rates between 0,55 and
0,8 from the initial test speed specified in point Test speed:
0,9 vmax, but not exceeding 60 km/h. The pedal force applied may exceed the permissible actuation forces
pursuant to point 3.1.1 of Annex II. Pedal force is applied and increased such that the second wheel on the
vehicle shall reach lockup between 0,5 and 1 s after initiating the brake
application, until lockup of both wheels on one axle occurs (additional wheels
may also lock during the test, e.g. in the case of simultaneous lockup). If it is not possible during the laden test to reach lockup of the second wheel
within a period of 1 s, this test may be omitted under the condition that
wheel-locking under the conditions as prescribed in point can be
demonstrated during the unladen test.

If also in the unladen test it is not possible to reach lockup of the second
wheel within a period of 1 s, a third, decisive test shall be carried out on
road surfaces with a coefficient of adhesion of not more than 0,3 from a
test speed of 0,8 vmax km/h, but not exceeding 60 km/h. For the purpose of the tests according to point, a simultaneous
lockup of the front and rear wheels refers to the conditions when the time
interval between the first occurrence of lockup of the last (second) wheel
on the rear axle and the first occurrence of lockup of the last (second)
wheel on the front axle does not exceed 0,3 second.
3.1.6. Tractors authorized to draw towed vehicles The permissible relationship between the braking rate T M /F M and the
pressure p m shall lie within the areas shown on diagram 2 for all pressures
between 20 and 750 kPa (in the case of compressed air braking system)
and 350 and 13 300 kPa (in the case of hydraulic braking system).
3.2. Tractors with more than two axles
The requirements of point 3.1 shall apply to vehicles with more than
two axles. The requirements of point 3.1.2 with respect to wheel lock
sequence shall be considered to be met if, in the case of braking rates
between 0,15 and 0,30, the adhesion utilised by at least one of the front
axles is greater than that utilised by at least one of the rear axles.

Annex 2

4. Requirements for towed vehicles
4.1. For drawbar towed vehicles fitted with compressed-air and hydraulic bra-
king systems:
4.1.1. For drawbar towed vehicles with two axles the following requirements apply: For k values between 0,2 and 0,8:
z ≥ 0,1 + 0,85 (k – 0,2)
The provisions of point 3.1.1. do not affect the requirements of Annex II
relating to the braking performance. However, if, in tests made under the
provisions of point 3.1.1, braking performances are obtained which are
higher than those prescribed in Annex II, the provisions relating to the
adhesion utilisation curves shall be applied within the areas of diagrams
1 of this Annex defined by the straight lines k = 0,8 and z = 0,8. For all states of load of the vehicle, the adhesion utilisation curve of the
rear axle shall not be situated above that for the front axle for all braking
rates between 0,15 and 0,30. This condition is also considered satisfied

if, for braking rates between 0,15 and 0,30, the following two conditions
are satisfied: the adhesion utilisation curves for each axle are situated between two lines
parallel to the line of ideal adhesion utilisation given by the equations k = z
+ 0,08 and k = z – 0,08 as shown in diagram 1
and the adhesion utilisation curve for the rear axle for braking rates z ≥ 0,3
complies with the relation z ≥ 0,3 + 0,74 (k – 0,38). For the verification of the requirements of points and the
procedure should be as that in the provisions of point 3.1.5.
4.1.2. For drawbar towed vehicles with more than two axles the requirements of
point 4.1.1 shall apply. The requirements of point 4.1.1 with respect to wheel
lock sequence shall be considered to be met if, in the case of braking rates
between 0,15 and 0,30, the adhesion utilised by at least one of the front
axles is greater than that utilised by at least one of the rear axles.
4.1.3. The permissible relationship between the braking rate TR /FR and the
pressure pm shall lie within the designated areas in diagram 3 for all
pressures between 20 and 750 kPa (pneumatic) and 350 and 13 300 kPa
(hydraulic) respectively, in both the laden and unladen states of load.

(EU) 2015/68

4.2. For rigid drawbar towed vehicles and centre-axle towed vehicles fitted with
compressed-air and hydraulic braking systems:
4.2.1. The permissible relationship between the braking rate T R /F R and
the pressure p m shall lie within two areas derived from diagram 3, by
multiplying the vertical scale by 0,95. This requirement shall be met at all
pressures between 20 and 750 kPa (pneumatic) and 350 and 13 300 kPa
(hydraulic) respectively, in both the laden and unladen states of load.
4.3. For drawbar towed vehicles with inertia braking system
4.3.1. The requirements according to point 4.1.1 apply also for drawbar towed
vehicles with inertia braking system.
4.3.2. For drawbar towed vehicles with inertia braking system and with more than
two axles the requirements according to point 4.1.2 of this Appendix apply.
4.3.3. For the calculation to verify the compliance with the provisions of point the influence of the permissible drawbar force D* (point 10.3.1. of
Annex VIII) can be ignored.

5. Requirements to be met in case of failure of the braking distribution system

When the requirements of this Appendix are fulfilled by means of a special
device (e.g. controlled mechanically by the suspension of the vehicle),
it shall be possible, in the event of the failure of its control, to stop the
vehicle under the conditions specified for secondary braking in the case
of tractors; tractors authorised to tow a vehicle fitted with compressed-air
or hydraulic braking systems, it shall be possible to achieve a pressure at
the coupling head of the control line within the range specified in points
3.1.3 and 3.1.4 In the event of failure of the control of the device on towed
vehicles, a service braking performance of at least 30 % of that prescribed
for the vehicle in question shall be attained.
6. Markings:
6.1. Vehicles which meet the requirements of this Appendix by means of a
device mechanically controlled by the suspension of the vehicle shall be
marked in accordance with the requirements laid down in Article 24 of De-
legated Regulation (EU) 2015/208 and with the appropriate data to show
the useful travel of the device between the positions corresponding to ve-
hicle unladen and laden states, respectively, and any further information to
enable the setting of the device to be checked.

Annex 2

6.1.1. When a brake load sensing device is controlled via the suspension of the
vehicle by any other means, the vehicle shall be marked with information
to enable the setting of the device to be checked.
6.2. When the requirements of this Appendix are met by means of a device
which modulates the air or hydraulic pressure in the brake transmission,
the vehicle shall be marked to show the axle loads at the ground, the nomi-
nal outlet pressures of the device and an inlet pressure of not less than 80
per cent of the maximum design inlet pressure, as declared by the vehicle
manufacturer, for the following states of load:
6.2.1. Technically permissible maximum axle load for the axle(s) which control(s)
the device;
6.2.2. Axle load(s) corresponding to the unladen mass of the vehicle in running
order as stated in the test report for the braking requirements approval;
6.2.3. The axle load(s) designated by the manufacturer to enable the setting of
the device to be checked in service if this is (these are) different from the
loads specified in points 6.2.1 to 6.2.2.

6.3. The markings referred to in points 6.1 and 6.2 shall be affixed in a visible
position in indelible form. ►M1 An example of the markings for a mecha-
nically controlled device in a vehicle fitted with compressed-air or hydraulic
braking system is provided in accordance with the requirements laid down
in Article 5 of Commisison Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/5042. ◄
6.4. Electronically controlled brake force distribution systems that cannot fulfil
the requirements of points 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 shall have a self- checking pro-
cedure of the functions which influence brake force distribution. In addition,
when the vehicle is stationary, it shall be possible to carry out the checks
laid down in point 1.3.1, by generating the nominal demand pressure asso-
ciated with the commencement of braking for both the laden and unladen
7. Vehicle testing
At the time of type-approval, the technical service shall verify conformity
with the requirements contained within this Appendix and carry out any
further tests considered necessary to this end. The report of any further
tests shall be appended to the type- approval report.
2 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/504 of 11 March 2015 implemen-
ting Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
with regard to the administrative requirements for the approval and market surveil-
lance of agricultural and forestry vehicles (OJ L 85, 28.3.2015, p. 1.)

(EU) 2015/68

Diagram 1
Tractors of category Tb and drawbar towed vehicles of catego-
ries R3b, R4b and S2b
(see points and

0,8 k(fi)



(z + 0.07) (z - 0.02)
0,5 k= k=
0,85 0,74


0,3 k = z + 0,08

k = z - 0,08

0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

Note: The lower limit k = z - 0,08 is not applicable for the adhesion
utilisation of the rear axle.

Annex 2

Diagram 2
Permissible relationship between braking rate T M /F M and the
coupling head pressure pm for tractors of categories T and C
with compressed air or hydraulic braking systems
TM laden
FM unladen








100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

pneumatic pm(kPa)
350 1780 4000 6000 8000 9780 1200013300
hydraulic pm(kPa)

(EU) 2015/68

Diagram 3
Permissible relationship between braking rate TR/FR and the
coupling head pressure p m for towed vehicles of categories S2,
R3 and R4 with compressed air or hydraulic braking systems
TR laden
FR unladen








100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800

pneumatic pm(kPa)
350 1780 4000 6000 8000 9780 1200013300
hydraulic pm(kPa)

Annex 3

Requirements applying to the measurement of the response time
1. General Requirements
1.1. The response time for the service braking systems shall be determined
with the vehicle stationary, the pressure being measured at the opening of
the least favourably placed brake. For vehicles equipped with load sensing
valves, these devices shall be set in the ‘laden’ position.
1.2. During the tests, the stroke of the brake cylinders of the individual axles
shall be that corresponding to the most closely adjusted brakes.
1.3. Response times obtained in conformity with points 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 3.3,
3.4, 3.5, 3.6.5, 4.1, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 5.3.6, 6.2, shall be rounded to the
nearest tenth of second. If the figure representing the hundredth units is 5
or more, the response time is rounded to the upper tenth.
1.4. The diagrams in Appendices 1 and 2 give examples of the correct configu-

ration of the relevant simulators for setting and use.
2. Tractors equipped with compressed-air braking systems
2.1. At the beginning of each test, the pressure in the energy storage device
shall be equal to the pressure at which the governor restores the feed to
the system. In systems not equipped with a governor (e.g., pressure-limi-
ted compressors) the pressure in the energy storage device at the begin-
ning of each test shall be 90 % of the pressure specified by the manufac-
turer and specified in point of Part A of Annex IV, used for the tests
prescribed in this annex.
2.2. The response times as a function of the actuating time (t f ) shall be obtai-
ned by a succession of full actuations, beginning with the shortest possible
actuating time and increasing to a time of about 0,4 seconds. The measu-
red values shall be plotted on a graph.
2.3. The response time to be taken into consideration for the purpose of the test
is that corresponding to an actuating time of 0,2 seconds. This response
time can be obtained from the graph by interpolation.

(EU) 2015/68

2.4. For an actuating time of 0,2 seconds, the time elapsing from the initiation
of the braking system control device actuation to the moment when the
pressure in the brake cylinder reaches 75 % of its asymptotic value shall
not exceed 0,6 seconds.
2.5. In the case of tractors having a pneumatic control line for towed vehicles, in
addition to the requirements of point 1.1, the response time shall be mea-
sured at the extremity of a pipe 2,5 m long with an internal diameter of 13
mm which shall be joined to the coupling head of the control line of the
service braking system. During this test, a volume of 385 ± 5 cm 3 (which is
deemed to be equivalent to the volume of a pipe 2,5 m long with an internal
diameter of 13 mm and under a pressure of 650 kPa) shall be connected
to the coupling head of the supply line. The length and internal diameter of
the pipes shall be entered at item 2.4 of the test report.
2.6. The time elapsing from the initiation of brake-pedal actuation to the mo-
ment when:
2.6.1. The pressure measured at the coupling head of the pneumatic control line;

2.6.2. The digital demand value in the electric control line measured according
to ISO 11992:2003, including ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007,
reaches x per cent of its asymptotic, respectively final, value shall not
exceed the times shown in the table below:

x [per cent] t [s]

0 0,2
75 0,4
2.7. In the case of tractors authorised to tow vehicles of category R3 or R4 fitted
with compressed-air braking systems, in addition to the requirements in
point 2.6., the prescriptions in point of Annex I shall be verified
by conducting the following test:
2.7.1. by measuring the pressure at the extremity of a pipe 2,5 m long with an
internal diameter of 13 mm which shall be joined to the coupling head of
the supply line;
2.7.2. by simulating a failure of the control line at the coupling head;
2.7.3. by actuating the service braking control device in 0,2 seconds, as
described in point 2.3.

Annex 3

3. Tractors equipped with hydraulic braking systems

3.1. The response time tests shall be carried out at an ambient temperature
between 15 °C and 30 °C.
3.2. At the beginning of each test, the pressure in the energy storage device
shall be equal to the pressure at which the governor restores the feed to
the system. In systems not equipped with a governor (e.g., pressure-li-
mited hydraulic pumps) the pressure in the energy storage device at the
beginning of each test shall be 90 % of the pressure specified by the ma-
nufacturer and specified in point of Part C of Annex IV, used for the
tests prescribed in this annex.
3.3. The response times as a function of the actuating time (t f ) shall be obtai-
ned by a succession of full actuations, beginning with the shortest possible
actuating time and increasing to a time of about 0,4 seconds. The measu-
red values shall be plotted on a graph.
In the case of a service braking system which is activated with no or
only a limited assistance of energy a control force shall be applied which

ensures at least the prescribed service braking performance.
3.4. The response time to be taken into consideration for the purpose of the test
is that corresponding to an actuating time of 0,2 seconds. This response
time can be obtained from the graph by interpolation.
3.5. For an actuating time of 0,2 seconds, the time elapsing from the initiation
of the braking system control device actuation to the moment when the
pressure in the brake cylinder reaches 75 % of its maximum values hall
not exceed 0,6 seconds.
In the case of a full powered service braking system where the brake
pressure in the brake actuator reaches a temporary maximum pressure
which then falls to the mean stabilised pressure. This mean stabilised
pressure should be taken for the calculation of the 75 % value.
3.6. Tractors equipped with a hydraulic control line for towed vehicles
3.6.1. In addition to the requirements of point 1.1, the response time shall be
measured with a towed vehicle simulator (see point 1. of Appendix 2)
which shall be joined to the coupling heads of the hydraulic control line and
the supplementary line of the tractor.
3.6.2. The towed vehicle simulator shall have the following components and

(EU) 2015/68 Supplementary line towed vehicle simulator Supplementary line with a female coupling corresponding to ISO
16028:2006 having an orifice with a diameter of 0,6 +0,2 mm in order to limit
its flow during the test. Piston accumulator (or equivalent device) complying with the following
characteristics and test conditions:
▼B Initial precharge pressure of 1 000 ±100 kPa at a displaced volume of 0 cm3; Maximum pressure of 1 500 kPa at a displaced volume of 500± 5 cm³ . The piston accumulator (or equivalent device) is connected with the
supplementary line via a connection with an internal diameter of 12,5 mm
consisting of a flexible pipe (according to EN853:2007) of 1,0 m length.
2015/68 A testing port shall be provided as close as possible to the female ISO
16028:2006 coupling. In order to be able to bleed the simulator before and after the test a
bleeding device shall be provided. Control line towed vehicle simulator Control line with a female coupling corresponding to ISO 5676:1983 Energy storage device with piston (or equivalent device) complying with
the following characteristics and test conditions: Initial precharge pressure of 500±100 kPa at a displaced volume of 0 cm3 Intermediate test pressure of 2 200±200 kPa at a displaced volume of 100±3 cm³ Final pressure of 11 500±200 kPa at a displaced volume of 140±5 cm³ The energy storage device with piston (or equivalent device) is connected
with the control line via a connection with an internal diameter of 10 mm
consisting of a flexible pipe (according to EN853:2007) of 3,0 m and a rigid
pipe of 4,5 m length Testing ports shall be provided as close as possible to the energy storage device
with piston (or equivalent device) and to the female ISO 5676:1983 coupling.

Annex 3 In order to be able to bleed air from the connection pipes before the test a
bleeding device shall be provided
3.6.3. The test shall be performed under the following conditions: the connection pipes shall be bleeded from air before the test; the engine speed of the tractor shall be at 25 % above idling speed; the bleeding device of the supplementary line towed vehicle simulator shall
be fully opened.
3.6.4. With regard to the measuring of the response time according to points 3.3
and 3.4, the brake control force shall be such to obtain at least a pressure
of 11 500 kPa on the coupling head of the control line with the engine
running at 25 % above idling speed.
3.6.5. For an actuating time of 0,2 seconds, the time elapsing from the initiation
of the braking system control device to the moment when the pressure
measured at the testing port close to energy storage device with piston (or
equivalent device) reaches 75 % of its maximum value according to point

3.5 shall not exceed 0,6 seconds.
However, the maximum value relates here to the pressure measured at
the testing port instead of the brake pressure as in the case of point 3.5.
4. Towed vehicles equipped with compressed-air braking systems
4.1. The towed vehicle‘s response times shall be measured without the tractor.
To replace the tractor, it is necessary to provide a simulator to which the
coupling heads of the supply line, the pneumatic control line and/or the
connector of the electric control line are connected.
4.2. The pressure in the supply line shall be 650 kPa.
4.3. The simulator for pneumatic control lines shall have the following characteristics:
4.3.1. It shall have a reservoir with a capacity of 30 litres which shall be charged
to a pressure of 650 kPa before each test and which shall not be recharged
during each test. At the outlet of the braking control device, the simulator
shall incorporate an orifice with a diameter of from 4,0 to 4,3 mm inclusive.
The volume of the pipe measured from the orifice up to and including the
coupling head shall be 385±5 cm3 (which is deemed to be equivalent to the
volume of a pipe 2,5 m long with an internal diameter of 13 mm and under
a pressure of 650 kPa). The control line pressures referred to in point 4.3.3
shall be measured immediately downstream of the orifice.

(EU) 2015/68

4.3.2. The control device shall be so designed that its performance in use is not
affected by the tester.
4.3.3. The simulator shall be set, e.g. through the choice of orifice in accordance
with point 4.3.1 in such a way that, if a reservoir of 385±5 cm3 is joined
to it, the time taken for the pressure to increase from 65 to 490 kPa (10
and 75 per cent respectively of the nominal pressure of 650 kPa) shall be
0,2±0,01 seconds. If a reservoir of 1 155±15 cm³ is substituted for the above-
mentioned reservoir, the time taken for the pressure to increase from 65 to
490 kPa without further adjustment shall be 0,38 ± 0,02 seconds. Between
these two pressure values, the pressure shall increase in an approximately
linear way. These reservoirs shall be connected to the coupling head
without using flexible pipes and the connection shall have an internal
diameter of not less than 10 mm.
4.3.4. The diagrams in the Appendix 1 give an example of the correct
configuration of the simulator for setting and use.
4.4. The simulator for checking the response to signals transmitted via the elec-
tric control line shall have the following characteristics:

4.4.1. The simulator shall produce a digital demand signal in the electric control
line according to ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 and shall provide
the appropriate information to the towed vehicle via pins 6 and 7 of the ISO
7638:2003 connector. For the purpose of response time measurement, the
simulator may at the manufacturer‘s request transmit to the towed vehicle
information that no pneumatic control line is present and that the electric control
line demand signal is generated from two independent circuits (see paragraphs and of ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007).
4.4.2. The braking system control shall be so designed that its performance in
use is not affected by the tester.
4.4.3. For the purpose of response time measurement the signal produced by
the electric simulator shall be equivalent to a linear pneumatic pressure
increase from 0,0 to 650 kPa in 0,2 ± 0,01 seconds.
4.5. Performance requirements
4.5.1. For towed vehicles with a pneumatic control line the time elapsing between
the moment when the pressure produced in the control line by the simulator
reaches 65 kPa and the moment when the pressure in the brake actuator
of the towed vehicle reaches 75 per cent of its asymptotic value shall not
exceed 0,4 seconds.

Annex 3 Towed vehicles equipped with a pneumatic control line and having electric
control transmission shall be checked with the electrical power supplied to
the towed vehicle via the ISO 7638:2003 connector (5 or 7 pin).
4.5.2. For towed vehicles with an electric control line the time elapsing between
the moment when the signal produced by the simulator exceeds the
equivalent of 65 kPa and the moment when the pressure in the brake
actuator of the towed vehicle reaches 75 % of its asymptotic value shall
not exceed 0,4 seconds.
4.5.3. In the case of towed vehicles equipped with a pneumatic and an electric
control line, the response time measurement for each control line shall be
determined independently according to the relevant procedure described
in points and 4.5.2.
5. Towed vehicles equipped with hydraulic braking systems
5.1. The tests shall be carried out at an ambient temperature between 15 °C and 30 °C.
5.2. The response times of the towed vehicle shall be measured without a trac-
tor. In order to simulate the tractor, it is necessary to provide a tractor simu-
lator to which the coupling heads of the control line and the supplementary

line are connected. If the towed vehicle is equipped with an electrical con-
nector as specified in point of Annex I, this connector shall also be
connected to the tractor simulator (see point 2. of Appendix 2).
5.3. The tractor simulator shall have the following characteristics:
5.3.1. The tractor simulator shall be fitted with the types of connections as
specified in points to of Annex I with regard to the tractor.
5.3.2. When the tractor simulator is activated (e. g. by an electrical switch): a pressure of 11 500+500 kPa shall be generated on the coupling head of
the control line, a pressure of 1 500+300 kPa shall be present on the coupling head of the
supplementary line.
5.3.3. When the control line of the towed vehicle is not connected, the tractor
simulator shall be capable of generating a pressure of 11 500 kPa at the
coupling head of the control line within 0,2 seconds after it was activated
(e.g. by an electrical switch).
5.3.4. The hydraulic fluid used in the tractor simulator shall have a viscosity of
60±3 mm2/s at a temperature of 40± 3 °C (e.g. hydraulic fluid according to
SAE 10W30). During the tractor simulator test the temperature of the
hydraulic fluid shall not exceed 45 °C.

(EU) 2015/68

5.3.5. If the towed vehicle is equipped with hydraulic energy storage devices to
comply with the requirements for the service braking system, the energy
storage devices shall be charged prior to the response time measurements
to a pressure as mentioned by the manufacturer in the test report to
achieve the minimum prescribed service braking performance.
5.3.6. When the tractor simulator is connected to the control line of the towed
vehicle simulator (as specified in point 3.6.2) the tractor simulator shall be
calibrated in such a way that the time elapsing from the activation of the
tractor simulator and the moment when the pressure in the energy storage
device with piston (or equivalent device) of the control line of the towed
vehicle simulator reaches 11 500 kPa shall be 0,6+0,1 seconds. To achieve
this performance the flow of the tractor simulator shall be adjusted (e.g.
by a flow regulator). The connection pipes of the control line of the towed
vehicle simulator shall be bleeded from air before this calibration.
5.3.7. The control device of the tractor simulator shall be so designed that its
performance is not effected by the tester.
5.4. Performance requirements

5.4.1. When the calibrated tractor simulator (see point 5.3.6) is connected with
the towed vehicle, the time elapsing between the moment when the tractor
simulator is activated (e.g. by an electrical switch) and the moment when
the pressure in the least favourable brake actuator reaches 75 % of its
maximum value shall not exceed 0,6 seconds.
In the case of a service braking system, where the brake pressure in the
brake actuator reaches a temporary maximum pressure which then falls
to the mean stabilised pressure, the mean stabilised pressure should be
taken for the calculation of the 75 % value.
6. Tractors equipped with service braking system using spring brakes
6.1. The response time measurement has to be carried out with the spring
brakes adjusted as closely as possible. The initial pressure in the spring
compression chamber, corresponding to this testing requirement, shall be
specified by the manufacturer.
6.2. The time elapsing from the actuation of the service brake control device
(brakes fully released) to the moment when the pressure in the spring
compression chamber of the least favourable brake cylinder reaches a
pressure corresponding to 75 % of the prescribed braking performance
shall not exceed 0,6 seconds. 5. Towed vehicles equipped with hydraulic
braking systems.

Annex 3

Appendix 1
Examples of pneumatic simulators
1. Setting the Simulator

R1 V O C1 TC R3
to the electric

2. Testing the Trailer

braking equipment of
A M RA TA the trailer to be tested


to the electric

A = pressure gauge
C1 = pressure switch in the simulator, set at 65 kPa and
at 490 kPa
C2 = pressure switch to be connected to the brake actuator
of the towed vehicle, to operate at 75 per cent of the
asymptotic pressure in the brake actuator CF
CF = brake cylinder
L = line from orifice O up to and including its coupling head
TC, having an inner volume of 385±5 cm³ under a pres-
sure of 650 kPa
M = pressure gauge

(EU) 2015/68

O = orifice with a diameter of not less than 4 mm and not

more than 4,3 mm
PP = pressure test connection
R1 = 30 litre air reservoir with drain valve
R2 = calibrating reservoir, including its coupling head TC,
to be 385±5 cm³
R3 = calibrating reservoir, including its coupling head TC,
to be 1155±15 cm³
RA = shut-off valve
TA = coupling head, supply line
V = braking system control device
TC = coupling head, control line
VRU = emergency relay valve
3. Example of a simulator for electric control lines
braking equipment of
A M TA the trailer to be tested

Simulator EBS 11
Start 65 kPa 650 kPa

to be electric chronometer

ECL = Electric Control Line corresponding to ISO 7638:2003

SIMU = Simulator of Byte 3,4 of EBS 11 according to ISO 11992:2003
with output signals at start, 65 kPa and 650 kPa
A = Supply connection with shut-off valve
C2 = Pressure switch to be connected to the brake actuator
of the towed vehicle, to operate at 75 per cent of the
asymptotic pressure in the brake actuator CF
CF = Brake cylinder
M = Pressure gauge
PP = Pressure test connection
TA = Coupling head, supply line
VRU = Emergency relay valve

Annex 3

Appendix 2
Examples of hydraulic simulators
1. 1. Towed vehicle simulator
1.1. 1.1. Supplementary line towed vehicle simulator

M 1m Length as appropriate

TA P1 O P2


TA = coupling head, supplementary line (female coupling

ISO 16028:2006)
M = pressure test port
PT = pressure transducer
P1 = flexible pipe acc. to EN853:2007 with internal diameter
12,5 mm
A = hydraulic accumulator (pre-charge pressure: 1000 kPa)
B = bleeding screw
V = bleeding device
O = orifice
P2 = flexible pipe with internal diameter 10 mm
T = return to tractor tank

(EU) 2015/68

1.2. Control line towed vehicle simulator


3m 4.5m B

TA = coupling head, control line (female coupling ISO

M = port for pressure gauge or pressure transducer
FP = flexible pipe acc. to EN853:2007 with internal diameter
10 mm
RP = rigid pipe with internal diameter 10 mm
PT = pressure transducer
B = bleeding screw
C = cylinder/s (*)

Controle line
Pressure (kPa)
(*) The displaced
volume can be
obtained with one ore
more cylinders



100±3 140±5
Displaced volume (cm3) (*)


Annex 3

3. Tractor simulator

F = filters
PM = pump
PT = pressure transducers
CLRV = control line relief valve
SLRV = supplementary line reliefe valve
SV = 3 way solenoid valve
FR = flow regulator
MV = proportional modulation valve
TA = coupling head, supplementary line (male coupling ISO
TC = coupling head, control line (male coupling ISO
EC = electrical connection (female ISO 7638:2003)

(EU) 2015/68

Requirements applying to energy sources and energy storage
devices of braking systems and trailer braking couplings and to
vehicles fitted with them
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘hydraulic or pneumatic braking system with stored energy’ means a bra-
king system where energy is supplied by a hydraulic fluid or air under pres-
sure, stored in one or more energy storage devices fed from one or more
pressure pumps or compressor(s) each fitted with a means of limiting the
pressure to a maximum value (specified by the manufacturer).


1. Capacity of energy storage devices (Energy reservoirs)

1.1. General requirements

1.1.1. Vehicles on which the operation of the braking system depends on the use
of compressed air shall be fitted with reservoirs of a capacity meeting the
requirements laid down in points 1.2 and 1.3.
1.1.2. However, the reservoirs shall not be required to be of a prescribed capacity
if the braking system is such that in the absence of any energy reserve
it is possible with the service braking system control device to achieve a
braking performance at least equal to that prescribed for the secondary
braking system.
1.1.3. When verifying compliance with the requirements laid down in points 1.2
and 1.3 the brakes shall be adjusted as closely as possible.
1.2. Vehicles of category T
1.2.1. The air brake reservoirs of vehicles shall be so designed that after eight
full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control device, the
pressure remaining in the air brake reservoir shall be not less than the
pressure required to obtain the specified secondary braking performance.
1.2.2. During the test, the following requirements shall be satisfied:

Annex 4 The initial pressure in the reservoirs shall be that indicated by the
manufacturer. This pressure shall be such as to enable the prescribed
performance for the service braking system to be achieved. ►M1 The
initial pressure shall be stated in the information folder. ◄ The reservoir or reservoirs shall not be replenished; in addition, the
reservoir or reservoirs of auxiliary equipment shall be isolated. In the case of vehicles authorised to tow a vehicle, the supply line shall be
blocked off and a reservoir of 0,5 litre capacity shall be connected to the
control line. The pressure in this reservoir shall be exhausted before each
actuation of the brakes. After the test referred to in point 1.2.1 the pressure
in the control line shall not be less than one half of the pressure obtained at
the first brake application.
1.3. Vehicles of categories R and S
1.3.1. Reservoirs fitted to towed vehicles shall be such that after eight full- stroke
actuations of the tractor‘s service braking system, the pressure supplied to
the operating parts using it does not fall below a level equivalent to one-half

of the figure obtained at the first brake application and without actuating
either the automatic or the parking braking system of the towed vehicle.
1.3.2. During the test, the following requirements shall be satisfied: The pressure in the reservoirs at the beginning of the test shall be 850 kPa. The supply line shall be blocked off; in addition, the auxiliary equipment
reservoirs shall be isolated. The reservoir shall not be replenished during the test. At each brake application, the pressure in the control line shall be 750 kPa. At each brake application, the digital demand value in the electric control
line shall be corresponding to a pneumatic pressure of 750 kPa.
2. Capacity of energy sources
2.1. General provisions
Compressors shall satisfy the requirements laid down in the following points:
2.2. Symbols specific to this section
2.2.1. p1 the pressure corresponding to 65 % of the pressure p2 referred to in
point 2.2.2.

(EU) 2015/68

2.2.2. p2 is the value specified by the manufacturer and referred to in point
2.2.3. t1 is the time required for the relative pressure to rise from 0 to p1 ; t2 is the
time required for the relative pressure to rise from 0 to p2.
2.3. Conditions of measurement
2.3.1. In all cases the speed of the compressor shall be that obtained when the
engine is running at the speed corresponding to its maximum power or at
the speed allowed by the governor.
2.3.2. The auxiliary equipment reservoirs shall be isolated during the tests for
determining the periods t 1 and t 2 .
2.4. Interpretation of results
2.4.1. The time t1 recorded for the least favoured energy storage device shall
not exceed: three minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a towed
vehicle is not authorised;
2015/68 six minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a towed vehicle
is authorised.
2.4.2. The time t2 for the least efficient reservoir shall not exceed: six minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a towed vehicle
is not authorised; nine minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a towed
vehicle is authorised.
2.5. Additional test
2.5.1. When the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary equipment reservoir or
reservoirs with a total capacity exceeding 20 % of the total capacity of the
brake reservoirs, an additional test shall be carried out during the course
of which there shall be no interference with the functioning of the valves
controlling the filling of the auxiliary equipment reservoir(s). A check shall
be made during the course of this test that the period t 3 required to bring
about a rise in the pressure in the brake reservoirs from 0 to p 2 is less than: eight minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a towed
vehicle is not authorised

Annex 4 eleven minutes in the case of vehicles to which the coupling of a towed
vehicle is authorised.
2.5.2. The test shall be performed in the conditions prescribed in points 2.3.1
and 2.3.3.
2.6. Tractors
2.6.1. Vehicles to which the coupling of a towed vehicle is authorised shall also
comply with the above requirements for vehicles not so authorised. In that
case, the tests in points 2.4.1, 2.4.2 and 2.5.1 shall be conducted without
the reservoir mentioned in item 2.3.3.
3. Pressure test connections
3.1. A pressure test connection shall be fitted at the closest readily accessible
position to the least efficient reservoir within the meaning of point 2.4.
3.2. The pressure test connections shall comply with clause 4 of ISO standard

1. Capacity of energy storage devices (energy reservoirs)
1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which the operation of the braking system requires the use
of a vacuum shall be equipped with reservoirs of a capacity meeting the
requirements laid down in points 1.2 and 1.3.
1.1.2. However, the reservoirs shall not be required to be of a prescribed capacity
if the braking system is such that in the absence of any energy reserve it is
possible to achieve a braking performance at least equal to that prescribed
for the secondary braking system.
1.1.3. In verifying compliance with the requirements laid down in points 1.2 and
1.3, the brakes shall be adjusted as closely as possible.
1.2. Vehicles of category T and C
1.2.1. The reservoirs of agricultural vehicles shall be such that it is still possible
to achieve the performance prescribed for the secondary braking system: after eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control
device where the energy source is a vacuum pump; and

(EU) 2015/68 after four full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control device
where the energy source is the engine.
1.2.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: The initial energy level in the reservoir(s) shall be that specified by the
manufacturer. It shall be such as to enable the prescribed service- braking
performance to be achieved and shall correspond to a vacuum not
exceeding 90 % of the maximum vacuum furnished by the energy source.
►M1 The initial energy level shall be stated in the information folder. ◄ The reservoir(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any reservoir(s) for auxiliary
equipment shall be isolated. In the case of agricultural vehicles authorised to tow a towed vehicle, the
supply line shall be blocked off and a reservoir of 0,5 litre capacity shall be
connected to the control line. After the test referred to in point 1.2.1, the
vacuum level provided at the control line shall not have fallen below a level
equivalent to one-half of the figure obtained at the first brake application.

1.3. Vehicles of categories R1, R2 and S1

1.3.1. The reservoir(s) with which towed vehicles are equipped shall be such
that the vacuum level provided at the user points shall not have fallen
below a level equivalent to one-half of the value obtained at the first brake
application after a test comprising four full-stroke actuations of the towed
vehicle‘s service braking system.
1.3.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: The initial energy level in the reservoir(s) shall be that specified by the
manufacturer. It shall be such as to enable the prescribed service braking
performance to be achieved. ►M1 The initial energy level shall be stated
in the information folder. ◄ The reservoir(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any reservoir(s) for auxiliary
equipment shall be isolated.
2. Capacity of energy sources
2.1. General
2.1.1. Starting from the ambient atmospheric pressure, the energy source shall
be capable of achieving in the reservoir(s) in three minutes the initial level
specified in point In the case of a vehicle to which the coupling of

Annex 4

a towed vehicle is authorised, the time taken to achieve that level in the
conditions specified in point 2.2 shall not exceed six minutes.
2.2. Conditions of measurement
2.2.1. The speed of the vacuum source shall be: Where the vacuum source is the vehicle engine, the engine speed obtained
with the vehicle stationary, the neutral gear engaged and the engine idling; where the vacuum source is a pump, the speed obtained with the engine
running at 65 % of the speed corresponding to its maximum power output;
and where the vacuum source is a pump and the engine is equipped with
a governor, the speed obtained with the engine running at 65 % of the
maximum speed allowed by the governor.
2.2.2. Where it is intended to couple to the vehicle a towed vehicle whose
service braking system is vacuum-operated, the towed vehicle shall be
represented by an energy storage device having a capacity V in litres
determined by the formula:

V = 15 R
where R is the maximum permissible mass, in metric tonnes, on the
axles of the towed vehicle.


1. Capacity of energy storage devices
1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which the operation of the braking system requires the use of
stored energy provided by hydraulic fluid under pressure shall be equipped
with energy storage devices of a capacity meeting the requirements laid
down in points 1.2 and 1.3.
Energy storage devices used as pulsation dampers in hydraulic braking
systems where the prescribed service braking performance is achieved
by an energy source, are not considered as energy accumulation
devices in the sense of this Annex.
1.1.2. However, the energy storage devices shall not be required to be of a

(EU) 2015/68

prescribed capacity if the braking system is such that in the absence of any
energy reserve it is possible with the service braking system control device
to achieve a braking performance at least equal to that prescribed for the
secondary braking system.
1.1.3. In verifying compliance with the requirements laid down in points 1.2.1,
1.2.2 and 2.1, the brakes shall be adjusted as closely as possible.
1.2. Vehicles of category T and C
1.2.1. Vehicles equipped with a hydraulic braking system with stored energy shall
meet the following requirements: After eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control
device, it shall still be possible to achieve, on the ninth application, the
performance prescribed for the secondary braking system. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: Testing shall commence at a pressure that may be specified by the
manufacturer but is not higher than the cut-in pressure.
2015/68 The energy storage devices shall not be fed; in addition, any energy
storage devices for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated.
1.2.2. Tractors equipped with a hydraulic braking system with stored energy
which cannot meet the requirements of point of Annex I shall be
deemed to satisfy that point if the following requirements are met: After any single transmission failure it shall still be possible after eight
full-stroke actuations of the service braking system control device, to
achieve, at the ninth application, at least the performance prescribed for
the secondary braking system or, or, where performance prescribed for the
secondary braking system requiring the use of stored energy is achieved
by a separate control device, it shall still be possible after eight full-stroke
actuations to achieve, at the ninth application, the residual performance
prescribed in paragraph 3.1.4 of Annex II of this Regulation. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: With the energy source stationary or operating at a speed corresponding to the
engine idling speed, any transmission failure may be induced. Before inducing
such a failure the energy storage device(s) shall be at a pressure that may be
specified by the manufacturer but not exceeding the cut-in pressure. The auxiliary equipment and its energy storage devices, if any, shall be isolated.

Annex 4

1.3. Vehicles of categories R and S

1.3.1. If towed vehicles are equipped with energy storage devices (energy
reservoirs), they shall be such that, after eight full-stroke actuations of the
tractor‘s service braking system, the energy level supplied to the operating
members using the energy, does not fall below a level equivalent to one-
half of the figure obtained at the first brake application and without actuating
either the automatic or the parking braking system of the towed vehicle.
1.3.2. During the test, the following requirements shall be satisfied: The pressure in the energy storages at the beginning of the test shall be
15 000 kPa; The supplementary line shall be stopped; in addition, any energy storage
device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated; The energy storage device(s) shall not be replenished during the test. At each brake application, the pressure in the hydraulic control line shall
be 13 300 kPa.
2. Capacity of hydraulic fluid energy sources

The energy sources shall meet the requirements set out in the following
2.1. Vehicles of category T and C
2.1.1. Symbols ‘p1’ represents the maximum system operational pressure (cut-out
pressure) in the energy storage devices specified by the manufacturer. ‘p2’ represents the pressure after four full-stroke actuations with the service
braking system control device, starting at p1 , without having fed the energy
storage devices. ‘t’ represents the time required for the pressure to rise from p2 to p1 in the
energy storage devices without application of the service braking system
control device.
2.1.2. Conditions of measurement During the test to determine the time t, the feed rate of the energy source
shall be that obtained when the engine is running at the speed corresponding
to its maximum power or at the speed allowed by the governor. During the test to determine the time t, energy storage devices for auxiliary
equipment shall not be isolated other than automatically.

(EU) 2015/68

2.1.3. Interpretation of results
The time t shall not exceed 30 s in the case of tractors to which the
coupling of a towed vehicle is not authorised.
2.2. Tractors equipped with a hydraulic control line for towed vehicles
2.2.1. To determine the feed rate of the energy source the supplementary line
towed vehicle simulator as prescribed in paragraph of Annex III to
this Regulation shall be connected to the coupling head of the hydraulic
supplementary line of the tractor.
2.2.2. The test shall be performed under the following conditions: The test shall be carried out at an ambient temperature between 15 °C
and 30 °C. The supplementary line towed vehicle simulator shall be connected to the

coupling head of the supplementary line before the test with engine not
running. The engine speed of the tractor during the test shall be 25 % above idling
speed. The parking brake control of the tractor shall be fully released during the test.
2.2.3. With the engine running and the bleeding device fully closed, the time
elapsing when the pressure at the testing port close to the female ISO
16028:2006 coupling rises from 300 kPa to 1 500 kPa shall not exceed
2,5 seconds.
2.3. Vehicles of category R and S
If a towed vehicle using an energy storage device to assist the service
braking system and such an energy storage device is recharged by the
control line pressure during application of the service braking and/or by
an energy source fitted on the towed vehicle, the following requirements
shall be met:
2.3.1. The energy source shall be powered by the tractor simulator according
to Appendix 2 of Annex III via the electrical connector conforming to ISO

Annex 4

2.3.2. Symbols ‘pR1’ represents the maximum system operational pressure (cut-out
pressure) in the energy storage device specified by the manufacturer. ‘pR2’ represents the pressure after four full-stroke actuations of the tractor‘s
service braking system control device. ‘tR’ represents the time required for the pressure to rise from pR2 to pR1 in the
energy storage device without application of the service braking system
control device of the tractor.
2.3.3. Conditions of measurement
During the test to determine the time tR the following requirements shall
be satisfied: The pressure in the energy storage device at the beginning of the test shall
be the pressure ‘pR1’. The service braking system shall be operated four times by the control line

of the tractor simulator. At each brake application, the pressure in the control line shall be 13 300 kPa. Energy storage devices for auxiliary equipment shall not be isolated other
than automatically. The valve feeding the energy storage device by the pressure of the control
line shall be closed during the test.
2.3.4. Interpretation of results
The time tR shall not exceed 4 min.
3. Characteristics of alarm devices
With the engine stationary and commencing at a pressure that may be
specified by the manufacturer but does not exceed the cut-in pressure,
the alarm device shall not operate following two full-stroke actuations of
the service braking system control device.

(EU) 2015/68

Requirements applying to spring brakes and to vehicles fitted
with them
1. Construction, fitting and inspection requirements
1.1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1.1. ‘spring braking systems’ means braking systems for which the energy
required for braking is supplied by one or more springs acting as an energy
storage device;
1.1.2. ‘pressure’ means negative pressure if the compression of the springs is
obtained by means of a vacuum device.
2. General requirements
For the purposes of this Annex, the maximum design speed is meant

to be in the forward direction of the vehicle travel, unless otherwise

explicitly mentioned.
2.1. A spring braking system shall not be used as a service braking system except
under the condition specified in point 2.2. However, in the event of a failure
in a part of the transmission of the service braking system, a spring braking
system may be used to achieve the residual performance prescribed in point
3.1.4 of Annex II provided that the driver can graduate this action.
2.1.1. Spring brakes may be used as secondary braking system independently
of the vehicle maximum design speed, provided that the driver can
graduate their braking action and that the performance requirements of
Annex II are fulfilled.
Exceptionally, in the case of vehicles with maximum design speed
not exceeding 30 km/h that use spring brakes, which control is of the
ON/OFF type (e.g. a knob or a switch) and do not allow the driver to
graduate the braking action, as secondary braking system, the following
requirements shall be met: The driver shall be able to actuate the spring brakes control from own
driving seat, while keeping at least one hand on the steering control. The braking performance prescribed in Annex II to this Regulation shall
be fulfilled.

Annex 5 The prescribed performance shall be obtained without deviation of the vehicle
from its course, without abnormal vibrations and without wheel- locking.
2.1.2. Vacuum spring brakes shall not be used for towed vehicles.
The energy necessary to compress the spring in order to release the
brake shall be supplied and controlled by the control device actuated
by the driver
2.2. On vehicles with a maximum design speed not exceeding 30 km/h, a
spring braking system may be used as a service braking system, provided
that the driver can graduate its braking action.
In the case of a spring braking system used as a service braking system,
the following additional requirements shall be fulfilled:
2.2.1. response time requirements as laid down in section 6 of Annex III;
2.2.2. with the spring brakes adjusted as closely as possible, it shall be possible

to actuate: the brake 10 times within a minute with the engine running at idle speed
(brake applications distributed evenly within this period); the service braking system 6 times starting with a pressure not higher
than the cut-in pressure of the energy source. During this test the energy
storage devices shall not be fed. In addition, any energy storage for
auxiliary equipment shall be isolated.
2.2.3. The spring brakes shall be designed in such a way that they are not subject
to failure under fatigue. Thus, the manufacturer shall provide the Technical
Service with appropriate endurance test reports.
2.3. A small variation in any of the pressure limits which may occur in the spring
compression chamber feed circuit shall not cause a significant variation in
the braking force.
2.4. The following requirements shall apply to tractors equipped with spring brakes:
2.4.1. The feed circuit to the spring compression chamber shall either include
an own energy reserve or shall be fed from at least two independent
energy reserves. The towed vehicle‘s pneumatic supply line or hydraulic
supplementary line may be branched from this feed line under the
condition that a pressure drop in the lines mentioned above shall not be
able to apply the spring brake actuators.

(EU) 2015/68

2.4.2. Auxiliary equipment may only draw its energy from the feed line for the
spring brake actuators under the condition that its operation, even in the
event of damage to the energy source, cannot cause the energy reserve
for the spring brake actuators to fall below a level from which one release
of the spring brake actuators is possible.
2.4.3. In any case, during re-charging of the braking system from zero pressure,
the spring brakes shall remain fully applied, irrespective of the position
of the control device, until the pressure in the service braking system is
sufficient to ensure at least the prescribed secondary braking performance
of the laden vehicle, using the service braking system control device.
2.4.4. Once applied, the spring brakes shall not release unless there is sufficient
pressure in the service braking system to at least provide the prescribed
residual braking performance of the laden vehicle as specified in point
3.1.4 of Annex II by application of the service braking control device.
2.5. On tractors, the system shall be so designed that it is possible to apply and
release the brakes at least three times if the initial pressure in the spring
compression chamber is equal to the maximum design pressure. In the

case of towed vehicles with compressed-air braking systems, it shall be

possible to release the brakes at least three times after the towed vehicle
has been uncoupled, the pressure in the supply line being 750 kPa before
the uncoupling. However, prior to the check the emergency brake shall be
released. These conditions shall be satisfied when the brakes are adjusted
as closely as possible. In addition, it shall be possible to apply and release
the parking braking system as specified in point of Annex I when
the trailer is coupled to the tractor.
2.6. In the case of tractors, the pressure in the spring compression chamber at
which the springs begin to actuate the brakes, the latter being adjusted as
closely as possible, shall not be greater than 80 % of the minimum level of
the normal available pressure.
2.7. In the case of towed vehicles with compressed-air braking systems, the
pressure in the spring compression chamber at which the springs begin to
actuate the brakes shall not be greater than that obtained after four full-stro-
ke actuations of the service braking system in accordance with point 1.3 of
Part A of Annex IV. The initial pressure is fixed at 700 kPa.
2.8. In case of towed vehicles with hydraulic braking systems not using stored
energy to pressurise the spring compression chamber, the pressure at which
the springs begin to actuate the brakes shall not be greater than 1 200 kPa.

Annex 5

2.9. In case of towed vehicles with hydraulic braking systems using stored
energy to pressurise the spring compression chamber, the pressure in the
spring compression chamber at which the springs begin to actuate the bra-
kes shall not be greater than that obtained after four full-stroke actuations of
the service braking system in accordance with point 1.3 of Part C of Annex
IV. The initial pressure is fixed at 12 000 kPa. In addition, the pressure in
the supplementary line at which the springs begin to actuate the brakes
shall not be greater than 1 200 kPa.
2.10. When the pressure in the line feeding energy to the spring compression
chamber - excluding lines of an auxiliary release device using a fluid under
pressure - falls to the level at which the brake parts begin to move, an opti-
cal or audible warning device shall be actuated. Provided this requirement is
met, the warning device may comprise the warning signal specified in point of Annex I. This provision does not apply to towed vehicles.
2.11. If a tractor authorised to tow a vehicle of category R and S with a conti-
nuous or semi-continuous braking is fitted with a spring braking system,
automatic application of the said system shall cause the application of the

towed vehicle‘s brakes.
2.12. Towed vehicles which utilise the compressed-air service braking system
energy reserves to fulfil the requirements for the automatic brake as laid
down in point 3.2.3 of Annex II shall also fulfil one of the following require-
ments when the towed vehicle is uncoupled from the tractor and the towed
vehicle park brake control device is in the released position (spring brakes
not applied):
2.12.1. when the energy reserves of the service braking system reduce to
a pressure no lower than 280 kPa the pressure in the spring brake
compression chamber shall reduce to 0 kPa to fully apply the spring
brakes. This requirement shall be verified with a constant service braking
system energy reserve pressure of 280 kPa;
2.12.2. a reduction in the pressure within the service braking system energy
reserve results in a corresponding reduction in the pressure in the spring
compression chamber.
3. Auxiliary Release System
3.1. A spring braking system shall be so designed that, in the event of a failure in
that system, it is still possible to release the brakes. This may be achieved by
the use of an auxiliary release device (pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, etc.).

(EU) 2015/68

Auxiliary release devices using an energy reserve for releasing shall

draw their energy from an energy reserve which is independent from
the energy reserve normally used for the spring braking system. The
pneumatic or hydraulic fluid in such an auxiliary release device may act
on the same piston surface in the spring compression chamber which is
used for the normal spring braking system under the condition that the
auxiliary release device uses a separate line. The junction of this line
with the normal line connecting the control device with the spring brake
actuators shall be at each spring brake actuator immediately before the
port to the spring compression chamber, if not integrated in the body
of the actuator. This junction shall include a device which prevents an
influence of one line on the other. The requirements laid down in point of Annex I also apply to this device.
3.1.1. For the purposes of the requirement laid down in point 3.1, components of
the braking system transmission shall not be regarded as subject to failure
if they are not regarded as liable to breakage in accordance with point of Annex I, provided that they are made of metal or of a material

having similar characteristics and do not undergo significant distortion in

normal braking.
3.2. If the operation of the auxiliary device referred to in point 3.1 requires the
use of a tool or spanner, that tool or spanner shall be kept on the vehicle.
3.3. Where an auxiliary release system utilises stored energy to release the
spring brakes the following additional requirements shall apply:
3.3.1. Where the control device of the auxiliary spring brake release system is
the same as that used for the secondary or parking braking system, the
requirements laid down in point 2.4 shall apply in all cases.
3.3.2. Where the control device for the auxiliary spring brake release system is
separate to the secondary or parking braking system control device, the
requirements laid down in point 2.3 shall apply to both control systems.
However, the requirements laid down in point 2.4.4 shall not apply to the
auxiliary spring brake release system. In addition, the auxiliary release
control device shall be located so that it is protected against application by
the driver from the normal driving position.
3.4. If compressed air is used in the auxiliary release system, the system
should be activated by a separate control device, not connected to the
spring brake control device.

Annex 6

Requirements applying to parking braking systems equipped
with a mechanical brake-cylinder locking device
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘mechanical brake-cylinder locking device’ means a device which ensures
braking operation of the parking braking system by mechanically locking
the brake piston rod. Mechanical locking is effected by exhausting the
compressed fluid held in the locking chamber; it is so designed that unlo-
cking can be effected by restoring pressure in the locking chamber.
2. Requirements
2.1. The mechanical brake-cylinder locking device shall be designed in such a
way that it can be released when the locking chamber is again subjected
to pressure.

2.2. When the pressure in the locking chamber approaches the level corre-
sponding to mechanical brake-cylinder locking device, an optical or audible
warning system shall be actuated. This provision does not apply to towed
vehicles. In the case of towed vehicles the pressure corresponding to me-
chanical brake-cylinder locking device shall not exceed 4 kPa. It shall be
possible to achieve parking braking system performance after any single
failure of the towed vehicle service braking system. In addition, it shall be
possible to release the brakes at least three times after the towed vehicle
has been uncoupled, the pressure in the supply line being 650 kPa before
the uncoupling. These conditions shall be satisfied when the brakes are
adjusted as closely as possible. It shall also be possible to apply and re-
lease the parking braking system as specified in point of Annex I
when the towed vehicle is coupled to the tractor.
2.3. In the case of brake actuators fitted with a mechanical brake-cylinder
locking device, the brake actuator shall be capable of being actuated by
either of two energy reserves.
2.4. The locked brake cylinder may only be released if it is certain that the brake
can be operated again after such release.

(EU) 2015/68

2.5. In the event of a failure of the source of energy supplying the locking cham-
ber, an auxiliary unlocking device (mechanical or pneumatic, for instance)
using, for example, the air in one of the tyres of the vehicle, shall be provided.
2.6. The control device shall be such that, when actuated, it performs the fol-
lowing operations in sequence: it applies the brakes so as to provide the
degree of efficiency required for parking braking, locks the brakes in that
position and then cancels out the brake-application force.

Annex 7

Alternative test requirements for vehicles for which tests equiva-
lent to Type-I, Type-II or Type-III tests have been carried out
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘subject towed vehicle’ means a towed vehicle representative of the towed
vehicle type for which type-approval is sought;
1.2. ‘identical’ means parts having identical geometric and mechanical charac-
teristics and the materials used for the components of the vehicles;
1.3. ‘reference axle’ means an axle for which there is a test report;
1.4. ‘reference brake’ means a brake for which there is a test report;
1.5. ‘nominal test mass’ means the mass of a disc or drum which the manufac-

turer specifies for the disc or drum, respectively, with which the relevant test
is carried out by the Technical Service;
1.6. ‘actual test mass’ means the mass measured by the Technical Service
prior to the test;
1.7. ‘brake input threshold torque’ means the input torque necessary to produ-
ce a measurable brake torque;
1.8. ‘declared brake input threshold torque’ means the brake input threshold torque
declared by the manufacturer and which is representative for the brake;
1.9. ‘declared external diameter’ means the external diameter of a disc decla-
red by the manufacturer which is representative external diameter for the
1.10. ‘nominal external diameter’ means the external diameter which the manu-
facturer specifies for the disc on which the relevant test is carried out by
the Technical Service;
1.11. ‘actual external diameter’ means the external diameter of a disc measured
by the Technical Service prior to the test;
1.12. ‘effective length of the cam shaft’ means the distance from the centre line
of the S-cam to the centre line of the operating lever;

(EU) 2015/68

1.13. ‘brake factor’ means the input to output amplification ratio of the brake.
2. General requirements
Type-I and/or Type-II or Type-III tests, set out in Annex II, need not be
performed on a vehicle and its systems submitted for approval in the
following cases:
2.1. The vehicle concerned is a tractor or a towed vehicle which, as regards
tyres, braking energy absorbed per axle, and mode of tyre fitting and bra-
ke assembly, is identical with respect to braking with a tractor or a towed
vehicle which:
2.1.1. Has passed the Type-I and/or Type-II or Type-III test; and
2.1.2. Has been approved, with regard to the braking energy absorbed, for mass
per axle not lower than that of the vehicle concerned.
2.2. The vehicle concerned is a tractor or a towed vehicle whose axle or axles are,
as regards tyres, braking energy absorbed per axle, and mode of tyre fitting
and brake assembly, identical with respect to braking with an axle or axles
which have individually passed the Type-I and/or Type- II or Type-III test for

masses per axle not lower than that of the vehicle concerned, provided that
the braking energy absorbed per axle does not exceed the energy absorbed
per axle in the reference test or tests carried out on the individual axle.
2.3. The vehicle concerned is a tractor equipped with an endurance braking
system, other than the engine brake, identical with an endurance braking
system already tested under the following conditions:
2.3.1. The endurance braking system shall, by itself, in a test carried out on a
gradient of at least 6 per cent (Type-II test), have stabilised a vehicle whose
maximum mass at the time of the test was not less than the maximum
mass of the vehicle submitted for approval;
2.3.2. It shall be verified in the above test that the rotational speed of the rotating
parts of the endurance braking system, when the vehicle submitted for
approval reaches a road speed of 30 km/h, is such that the retarding torque
is not less than that corresponding to the test referred to in point 2.3.1.
2.4. The vehicle concerned is a towed vehicle equipped with air operated S-
cam or disc brakes which satisfy the verification requirements of Appendix
1 relative to the control of characteristics compared to the characteristics
given in a report for a reference axle as shown in the test report. Other
brake designs from air operated S-cam or disc brakes may be approved
upon presentation of equivalent information.

Annex 7

3. Specific requirements for towed vehicles
In the case of towed vehicles, these requirements are deemed to be
fulfilled, with respect to points 2.1 and 2.2, if the identifiers referred to in
point 3.7 of Appendix 1 for the axle or brake of the subject towed vehicle
are contained in a report for a reference axle/brake.
4. Type-approval certificate
Where the foregoing requirements are applied, the type approval
certificate shall include the following particulars:
4.1. In the case under point 2.1 of this Annex, the approval number of the ve-
hicle subjected to the Type-I and/or Type-II or Type-III test of reference shall
be entered.
4.2. In the cases under point 2.2 of this Annex, Table I in the template set out in

Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/504 shall be completed.
4.3. In the cases under point 2.3 of this Annex, Table II in the template set out in
Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/504 shall be completed.
4.4. If point 2.4 of this Annex is applicable, Table III in the template set out in
Annex V to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/504 shall be completed.
5. Documentation
Where the applicant for a type approval in a Member State refers to a
type approval granted in another Member State, the documentation shall
be submitted by the applicant relating to that approval.

(EU) 2015/68

Appendix 1
Alternative procedures for Type-I or Type-III tests for towed vehic-
le brakes
1. General
1.1. In accordance with point 2.4, the Type-I or Type-III test may be waived at
the time of type approval of the vehicle provided that the braking system
components comply with the requirements of this appendix and that the
resulting predicted braking performance meets the requirements of this
Regulation for the appropriate vehicle category.
1.2. Tests carried out in accordance with the methods detailed in this appendix
shall be deemed to meet the above requirements.
1.3. Tests carried out in accordance with point 3.6. and the results in the test
report shall be acceptable as a means of proving compliance with the re-
quirements laid down in point of Annex I.

1.4. The adjustment of the brake(s) shall, prior to the Type-III test below, be set
according to the following procedures as appropriate:
1.4.1. In the case of air operated towed vehicle brake(s), the adjustment of the
brakes shall be such as to enable the automatic brake adjustment device
to function. For this purpose the actuator stroke shall be adjusted to:
s0 > 1,1 • sre-adjust
(the upper limit shall not exceed a value recommended by the manufacturer),
sre-adjust = is the re-adjustment stroke according to the specifica-
tion of the manufacturer of the automatic brake adjust-
ment device, i.e. the stroke, where it starts to re-adjust
the running clearance of the brake with an actuator
pressure of 100 kPa.
Where, by agreement with the Technical Service, it is impractical to
measure the actuator stroke, the initial setting shall be agreed with the
Technical Service.
From the above condition the brake shall be operated with an actuator
pressure of 200 kPa, 50 times in succession. This shall be followed by a
single brake application with an actuator pressure of ≥ 650 kPa.

Annex 7

1.4.2. In the case of hydraulically operated towed vehicle disc brakes no setting
requirements are deemed necessary.
1.4.3. In the case of hydraulically operated towed vehicle drum brakes the
adjustment of the brakes shall be as specified by the manufacturer.
1.5. In the case of towed vehicles equipped with automatic brake adjustment
devices the adjustment of the brakes shall, prior to the Type-I test below, be
set according to the procedure as laid down in point 1.4.
2. Symbols used in this Annex are explained in the following table:
2.1. Symbols
P = part of the vehicle mass borne by the axle under static
F = normal reaction of road surface on the axle under static
conditions = P·g
FR = total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels

of towed vehicle
Fe = test axle load
Pe = Fe / g
g = acceleration due to gravity: g = 9.81 m/s²
C = brake input torque
C0 = brake input threshold torque. This torque may be de-
termined by extrapolation of measurements within a
range not exceeding 15 per cent braking rate or other
equivalent methods
C0,dec = declared brake input threshold torque
Cmax = maximum brake input torque
R = dynamic tyre rolling radius. As an alternative for vehic-
les of categories Ra and Sa, the static loaded radius,
as specified by the tyre manufacturer, may be used
instead of the dynamic tyre rolling radius
T = brake force at tyre/road interface
TR = total brake force at tyre/road interface of the towed

(EU) 2015/68

M = brake torque = T • R
z = braking rate = T/F or M/(R • F)
s = actuator stroke (working stroke plus free stroke)
sP = he effective stroke (the stroke at which the output thrust
is 90 % of the average thrust ThA)


90% TH A

0 1/3Smax 2/3Smax Sp Smax

ThA = average thrust (the average thrust is determined by

integrating the values between 1/3 and 2/3 of the total
stroke Smax )
l = lever length
r = internal radius of brake drums or effective radius of
brake discs
p = brake actuation pressure
Note: Symbols with the suffix ‘e’ relate to the parameters associated
with the reference brake test and may be added to other symbols as
3. Test methods
3.1. Track tests
3.1.1. The brake performance tests should preferably be carried out on a single
axle only.

Annex 7

3.1.2. The results of tests on a combination of axles may be used in accordance
with point 2.1 of this Annex provided that each axle contributes equal
braking energy input during the drag and hot brake tests.
▼B This is ensured if the following are identical for each axle: braking geometry,
lining, wheel mounting, tyres, actuation and pressure distribution in the actuators. The documented result for a combination of axles will be the average for
the number of axles, as though a single axle had been used.
3.1.3. The axle(s) should preferably be loaded with the maximum static axle load,
though this is not essential provided that due allowance is made during the
tests for the difference in rolling resistance caused by a different load on
the test axle(s).
3.1.4. Allowance shall be made for the effect of the increased rolling resistance
resulting from a combination of vehicles being used to carry out the tests.
3.1.5. The initial speed of the test shall be that prescribed. The final speed shall

be calculated by the following formula:
P0 + P1
v2 = v1 • P0 + P1 + P2

However, in the case of Type-III test, the speed correction formula

according to point of Annex II applies

v1 = initial speed (km/h),

v2 = final speed (km/h),
P0 = mass of the tractor (kg) under test conditions,
P1 = part of the mass of the towed vehicle borne by the
unbraked axle(s) (kg),
P2 = part of the mass of the towed vehicle borne by the
braked axle(s) (kg).
3.2. Inertia dynamometer tests
3.2.1. The test machine shall have a rotary inertia simulating that part of the linear
inertia of the vehicle mass acting upon one wheel, necessary for the cold
performance and hot performance tests, and capable of being operated at
constant speed for the purpose of the test described in points 3.5.2 and 3.5.3.

(EU) 2015/68

3.2.2. The test shall be carried out with a complete wheel, including the tyre,
mounted on the moving part of the brake, as it would be on the vehicle.
The inertia mass may be connected to the brake either directly or via the
tyres and wheels. By way of derogation from point 3.2.2, the test may be also carried out
without a tyre under the condition that no cooling is permitted. However, in
order to suck away toxic or harmful gases from the test chamber a small
air circulation is permitted.
3.2.3. Under the conditions specified in point 3.2.2, air cooling at a velocity and air
flow direction simulating actual conditions may be used during the heating
runs, the speed of the air flow being
vair = 0,33 v

v = vehicle test speed at initiation of braking

The temperature of the cooling air shall be the ambient temperature.

3.2.4. Where the tyre rolling resistance is not automatically compensated for in
the test, the torque applied to the brake shall be modified by subtracting
a torque equivalent to a rolling resistance coefficient of 0,02 (in the case
of vehicles of categories Ra and Sa) and 0,01 (in the case of vehicles of
categories Rb and Sb) respectively.
Alternatively, the worst case rolling resistance coefficient of 0,01 may be
used in order to cover all vehicle categories which may be subjected to
the Type-I test, as determined in the test report.
3.3. Rolling road dynamometer tests
3.3.1. The axle should preferably be loaded with the maximum static axle mass
though this is not essential provided that due allowance is made during
the tests for the difference in rolling resistance caused by a different mass
on the test axle.
3.3.2. Air cooling at a velocity and air flow direction simulating actual conditions
may be used during the heating runs, the speed of the air flow being
vair = 0,33 v

v = vehicle test speed at initiation of braking.

The temperature of the cooling air shall be the ambient temperature.

Annex 7

3.3.3. The braking time shall be 1 second after a maximum build-up time of 0,6
3.4. Test conditions (General)
3.4.1. The test brake(s) shall be instrumented so that the following measurements
can be taken: A continuous recording to enable the brake torque or force at the periphery
of the tyre to be determined; A continuous recording of air pressure in the brake actuator; Vehicle speed during the test; Initial temperature on the outside of the brake drum or brake disc; Brake actuator stroke used during Type-0 and Type-I or Type-III tests.
3.5. Test procedures
3.5.1. Supplementary cold performance test

The preparation of the brake shall be in accordance with point Bedding in (burnishing) procedure In the case of drum brakes the tests shall start with new brake linings and
new drum(s), the brake linings shall be machined to achieve the best
possible initial contact between the linings and drum(s). In the case of disc brakes the tests shall start with new brake pads and
new disc(s), machining of the pad material shall be at the discretion of the
brake manufacturer. Make 20 brake applications from an initial speed of 60 km/h with an input to
the brake theoretically equal to 0,3 TR/Test Mass. The initial temperature at
the lining/drum or pad/disc interface shall not exceed 100 °C before each
brake application. Carry out 30 brake applications from 60 km/h to 30 km/h with an input
to the brake equal to 0,3 TR/Test Mass and with a time interval between
applications of 60 s. If the track test method or the rolling road test methods
are to be utilised, energy inputs equivalent to those specified shall be used.
The initial temperature at the lining/drum or pad/disc interface on the first
brake application shall not exceed 100 °C.

(EU) 2015/68 On completion of the 30 brake applications specified in point and

after an interval of 120 s carry out 5 brake applications from 60 km/h to
30 km/h with an input to the brake equal to 0,3 TR/Test Mass and with an
interval of 120 s between applications. Make 20 brake applications from an initial speed of 60 km/h with an input
to the brake equal to 0,3 TR/Test Mass. The initial temperature at the lining/
drum or pad/disc interface shall not exceed 150 °C before each brake
application. Carry out a performance check as follows: Calculate the input torque to produce theoretical performance values
equivalent to 0,2, 0,35 and 0,5 + 0,05 TR/Test Mass. Once the input torque value has been determined for each braking rate,
this value shall remain constant throughout each and subsequent brake
applications (e.g. constant pressure). Make a brake application with each of the input torques determined in
point from an initial speed of 60 km/h. The initial temperature
at the lining/drum or pad/disc interfaces shall not exceed 100 °C before

each application. Repeat the procedures laid down in point and, where
point is optional, until the performance of five consecutive non
monotonic measurements at the 0,5 TR/(Test Mass) constant input value has
stabilised within a tolerance of minus 10 per cent of the maximum value. It is also permissible to carry out the two fade tests, Type-I and Type- III,
one after the other. This test is carried out at an initial speed equivalent to 40 km/h in the case
of Type-I test and 60 km/h in the case of Type-III test in order to evaluate
the hot braking performance at the end of Type-I and Type-III tests. The
Type-I and/or Type-III fade test has/have to be done immediately after this
cold performance test. Three brake applications are made at the same pressure (p) and at an
initial speed equivalent to 30 km/h and 40 km/h respectively (in the case
of Type-I test, as determined in the test report) or 60 km/h (inthe case of
Type-III test), with an approximately equal initial brake temperature not
exceeding 100 °C, measured at the outside surface of the drums or discs.
The applications shall be at the brake actuator pressure required to give
a brake torque or force equivalent to a braking rate (z) of at least 50 per
cent. The brake actuator pressure shall not exceed 650 kPa (pneumatic)

Annex 7

or 11 500 kPa (hydraulic), and the brake input torque (C) shall not exceed
the maximum permissible brake input torque (C max ). The average of the
three results shall be taken as the cold performance.
3.5.2. Fade test (Type-I test) This test is carried out at a speed equivalent to 40 km/h with an initial brake
temperature not exceeding 100 °C, measured at the outside surface of the
drum or brake disc. A braking rate is maintained at 7 per cent, including the rolling resistance
(see point 3.2.4.). The test is made during 2 minutes and 33 seconds or during 1,7 km at a
vehicle speed of 40 km/h. In case of towed vehicles with v max ≤ 30 km/h
or if the test velocity cannot be achieved, then the duration of the test can
be lengthened according to point of Annex II. Not later than 60 seconds after the end of the Type-I test, a hot performance
test is carried out in accordance with point 2.3.3 of Annex II at an initial
speed equivalent to 40 km/h. The brake actuator pressure shall be that

used during the Type-0 test.
3.5.3. Fade test (Type-III test) Test methods for repeated braking Track tests (see Annex II, point 2.5) Inertia dynamometer test
For the bench test described in point 3.2, the conditions may be the
same as for the road test described in point 2.5.4 of Annex II with:

v2 = 21 Rolling road dynamometer test

For the bench test described in point 3.3, the conditions shall be as follows:

Number of brake applications 20

Duration of braking cycle 60 s (braking time 25s and recovery
time 35s)
Test speed 30 km/h
Braking rate 0,06
Rolling resistance 0,01

(EU) 2015/68 Not later than 60 seconds after the end of the Type-III test a hot
performance test is carried out in accordance with point 2.5.5 of Annex
II. The brake actuator pressure shall be that used during the Type-0 test.
3.6. Performance requirements for automatic brake adjustment devices
3.6.1. The following requirements shall apply to an automatic brake adjustment
device which is installed on a brake, the performance of which is being
verified according to the provisions of this appendix.
On completion of the tests defined in points (Type-I test) or (Type-III test), the requirements laid down in point 3.6.3 shall be
3.6.2. The following requirements shall apply to an alternative automatic brake
adjustment device installed on a brake for which a test report already
exists. Brake performance
Following heating of the brake(s) carried out in accordance with the

procedures described in points 3.5.2 (Type-I test) or 3.5.3 (Type-III test),

as appropriate, one of the following provisions shall apply:
(a) the hot performance of the service braking system shall
be ≥ 80 per cent of the prescribed Type-0 performance; or
(b) the brake shall be applied with a brake actuator pressure
as used during the Type-0 test; at this pressure the total
actuator stroke (sA) shall be measured and shall be ≤ 0,9
sp value of the brake chamber.

sP = the effective stroke means the stroke at which the output

thrust is 90 % of the average thrust (Th A ) – see point 2. On completion of the tests specified in point, the requirements laid
down in point 3.6.3 shall be verified.
3.6.3. Free running test
After completing the tests specified in points 3.6.1 or 3.6.2, as applicable, the
brake(s) shall be allowed to cool to a temperature representative of a cold
brake (i.e. ≤ 100 °C) and it should be verified that the towed vehicle/wheel(s)
is capable of free running by fulfilling one of the following conditions:

Annex 7 Wheels are running freely (i.e. wheels can be rotated by hand); It is ascertained that at a constant speed equivalent to v = 60 km/h with the
brake(s) released the asymptotic temperature shall not exceed a drum/
disc temperature increase of 80 °C, then this residual brake moment is
regarded as acceptable.
3.7. Identification
3.7.1. The axle shall carry in a visible position at least the following identification
information grouped together, in any order, in a legible and indelible
manner: Axle manufacturer and/or make; Axle identifier; Brake identifier Fe identifier;

2015/68 Base part of test report number; Example of the identifiers:

Axle manufacturer and/or make ABC

3.7.2. A non-integrated automatic brake adjustment device shall carry in a visible
position at least the following identification information grouped together, in
a legible and indelible manner: Manufacturer and make or one of the two, as applicable Type Version
3.7.3. The make and type of each brake lining or pad shall be visible when the
lining or pad is mounted on the brake shoe or back plate in a legible and
indelible manner.

(EU) 2015/68

3.7.4. Identifiers Axle identifier
The axle identifier categorizes an axle in terms of its braking force/
torque capability as stated by the axle manufacturer.
The axle identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the
four characters ‘ID1-’ followed by a maximum of 20 characters. Brake identifier
The brake identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the
four characters ‘ID2-’ followed by a maximum of 20 characters.
A brake with the same identifier is a brake which does not differ with
regard to the following criteria:
(a) type of brake;
(b) base material with respect to calliper housing, brake
carrier, brake disc and brake drum;

(c) dimensions with the suffix ‘e’ according to the test report;
(d) the basic method used within the brake to generate the
braking force;
(e) in the case of disc brakes, the friction ring mounting
method: fixed or floating;
(f) brake factor BF;
(g) different brake characteristics with respect to the
requirements of Annex VII which are not covered by point of this Appendix. Differences allowed within the same brake identifier
The same brake identifier may include different brake characteristics
with regard to the following criteria:
(a) increase in maximum declared brake input torque C max ;
(b) deviation of declared brake disc and brake drum mass m
dec : ± 20 per cent;
(c) method of attachment of the lining / pad on the brake shoe
/ back plate;

Annex 7

(d) in the case of disc brakes, increase of maximum stroke

capability of the brake;
(e) effective length of the cam shaft;
(f) declared threshold torque C 0,dec ;
(g) ± 5 mm from the declared external diameter of the disc;
(h) type of cooling of the disc (ventilated/non-ventilated);
(i) hub (with or without integrated hub);
(j) disc with integrated drum – with or without parking brake
(k) geometric relationship between disc friction surfaces and
disc mounting;
(l) brake lining type;
(m) material variations (excluding changes in base material
referred to in point for which the manufacturer

confirms that such a material variation does not change
the performance with respect to the required tests;
(n) back plate and shoes. Fe identifier
The Fe identifier indicates the test axle load. It shall be an alphanumeric
number consisting of the four characters ‘ID3-’ followed by the Fe value
in daN, without the daN unit identifier. Test report identifier
The test report identifier shall be an alphanumeric number consisting of the
four characters ‘ID4-’ followed by the base part of the test report number.
3.7.5. Automatic brake adjustment device (integrated and non-integrated) Types of automatic brake adjustment device
The same type of automatic brake adjustment device does not differ with
regard to the following criteria:
(a) body: base material;
(b) maximal permitted brake shaft moment;
(c) adjustment operating principle.

(EU) 2015/68 Versions of automatic brake adjustment device, with respect to the

adjustment behaviour
Automatic brake adjustment devices within a type that have an impact
on the running clearance of the brake are considered to be different
3.8. Test criteria
In the case that a new test report, or a test report extension, is required
for a modified axle or brake within the limits specified in the information
document the following criteria are used to determine the necessity for
further testing taking into account worst case configurations agreed with
the Technical Service. Abbreviations used in the subsequent table

Abbreviations used in the subsequent table

CT (complete test) Test:
3.5.1.: Supplementary cold performance

3.5.2.: Fade test (Type-I test) (*)
3.5.3.: Fade test (Type-III test) (*)
FT (fade test) Test:
3.5.1. Supplementary cold performance
3.5.2. Fade test (Type-I test) (*)
3.5.3. Fade test (Type-III test) (*)
(*) If applicable

Annex 7

Differences according to point Test criteria
(a) Increase in maximum de- Change allowed without additional
clared brake input torque testing
(b) Deviation of declared bra- CT: The lightest variant shall be tes-
ke disc and brake drum ted; if the nominal test mass for a
mass m dec : ± 20 per cent new variant deviates less than 5 per
cent from a previously tested variant
with a higher nominal value then the
test of the lighter version may be di-
spensed with. The actual test mass
of the test specimen may vary ± 5
per cent from the nominal test mass.
(c) Method of attachment of The worst case specified by the ma-
the lining / pad on the bra- nufacturer and agreed by the Tech-

ke shoe / back plate nical Services conducting the test
(d) In the case of disc brakes, Change allowed without additional
increase of maximum stro- testing
ke capability of the brake
(e) Effective length of the cam The worst case is considered to be
shaft the lowest cam shaft torsional stiff-
ness and shall be verified by either:
(i) FT; or
(ii) Change allowed without ad-
ditional testing if by calculation the
influence with respect to stroke and
braking force can be shown. In this
case the test report shall indicate
the following extrapolated values:
s0 , Ce , Te , Te /Fe .
(f) Declared threshold torque It shall be checked that the brake
C0,dec performance remains within the
corridors of Diagram 1

(EU) 2015/68

Differences according to point Test criteria

(g) ± 5 mm from the declared The worst case test is considered
external diameter of the the smallest diameter
disc The actual external diameter of the
test specimen may vary ± 1 mm
from the nominal external diameter
specified by the axle manufacturer.
(h) Type of cooling of the disc Each type shall be tested
(ventilated/ non-ventilated)
(i) Hub (with or without integ- Each type shall be tested
rated hub)
(j) Disc with integrated drum Testing is not required for this feature
– with or without parking
brake function
(k) Geometric relationship Testing is not required for this feature
between disc friction sur-

faces and disc mounting

(l) Brake lining type Each type of brake lining
(m) Material variations (exclu- Test not required for this condition
ding changes in base ma-
terial referred to in point for which the ma-
nufacturer confirms that
such a material variation
does not change the per-
formance with respect to
the required tests
(n) Back plate and shoes Worst case test conditions (*):
Back plate: minimum thickness
Shoe: lightest brake shoe
(*) No test is required if the manufacturer can demonstrate that a change does
not affect the stiffness.
3.8.1. If an automatic brake adjustment device deviates from a tested one
according to points and, an additional test according to point
3.6.2 is necessary.

Annex 7

3.9. Test results

3.9.1. The result of tests carried out in accordance with points 3.5 and 3.6.1 shall
be reported on the test results sheet.
3.9.2. In the case of a brake installed with an alternative brake adjustment device
the results of tests carried out in accordance with point 3.6.2 shall be
reported on the test results sheet.
3.9.3. Information document
An information document, provided by the axle or vehicle manufacturer,
shall be part of the test report.
The information document shall identify, if applicable, the various variants
of the brake or axle equipment with respect to their essential criteria.
4. Verification
4.1. Verification of components
The brake specification of the vehicle to be type approved shall comply
with the requirements laid down in points 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

4.2. Verification of brake energy absorbed
4.2.1. The brake forces (T) for each subject brake (for the same control line
pressure p m ) necessary to produce the drag force specified for both Type-I
and Type-III test conditions shall not exceed the values T e as stated in the
test report, which were taken as a basis for the test of the reference brake.
4.3. Verification of hot performance
4.3.1. The brake force (T) for each subject brake for a specified pressure (p) in
the actuators and for a control line pressure (p m ) used during the Type-0
test of the subject towed vehicle is determined as follows: The predicted actuator stroke (s) of the subject brake is calculated as follows:
s = l • se/le
This value shall not exceed sp . The average thrust output (Th A ) of the actuator fitted to the subject brake
at the pressure specified in point 4.3.1 is measured. The brake input torque (C) is then calculated as follows:
C = ThA • l
C shall not exceed Cmax .

(EU) 2015/68 The predicted brake performance for the subject brake is given by:

T = (Te - 0.01 • Fe) • C - Co • Re + 0.01 • F
e oe

R shall not be less than 0,8 Re .

4.3.2. The predicted brake performance for the subject towed vehicle is given by:

FR = Ȉ)

4.3.3. The hot performances following the Type-I or Type-III tests shall be
determined in accordance with points to The resulting
predictions given by point 4.3.2 shall satisfy the requirements of this
Regulation for the subject towed vehicle. The value used for the figure
recorded in the Type-0 test as prescribed in point 2.3.3 or 2.5.5 of Annex II
shall be the figure recorded in the Type-0 test of the subject towed vehicle.

Diagram 1
-15% +10%
Braking rate (z) (TR/)Test mass))

0,35 straight line +10%
0,20 parallel
0,10 -30%
Brake input – (force (N))

Annex 8

Requirements applying to the testing of inertia braking systems,
braking devices and trailer braking couplings and of vehicles
fitted with them as regards braking
1. General provisions
1.1. The inertia braking system of a towed vehicle comprises the control device,
the transmission and the brake.
1.2. The control device is the aggregate of the components integral with the
traction device (coupling head).
1.3. The transmission is the aggregate of the components comprised between
the last part of the coupling head and the first part of the brake.
1.4. Braking systems in which accumulated energy (e.g. electric, pneumatic or
hydraulic energy) is transmitted to the towed vehicle by the tractor and is

controlled only by the thrust on the coupling do not constitute inertia braking
systems within the meaning of this Regulation.
1.5. Tests
1.5.1. Determination of essential characteristics of the brake.
1.5.2. Determination of essential characteristics of the control device and
verification of the conformity of the control device with the provisions of
this Regulation.
1.5.3. Checking on the vehicle: the compatibility of the control device and the brake; and the transmission.
2. Symbols
2.1. Units used
2.1.1. Mass: kg;
2.1.2. Force: N;
2.1.3. Acceleration due to gravity: g = 9,81 m/s²

(EU) 2015/68

2.1.4. Torques and moments: Nm;

2.1.5. Areas: cm²;
2.1.6. Pressures: kPa;
2.1.7. Lengths: unit specified in each case.
2.2. Symbols valid for all types of brakes (see Figure 1 of Appendix 1)
2.2.1. GA : towed vehicle‘s technically permissible ‘maximum mass’ as declared
by the manufacturer;
2.2.2. G′A : towed vehicle‘s ‘maximum mass’ capable of being braked by the
control device, as declared by the manufacturer;
2.2.3. GB : towed vehicle‘s ‘maximum mass’ capable of being braked by joint
operation of all of the towed vehicle‘s brakes
GB = n · GBo
2.2.4. GBo: fraction of towed vehicle‘s permissible maximum mass capable of

being braked by one brake, as declared by the manufacturer;

2.2.5. B*: required braking force;
2.2.6. B: required braking force taking account of rolling resistance;
2.2.7. D*: permissible thrust on coupling;
2.2.8. D: thrust on coupling;
2.2.9. P′: control device output force;
2.2.10. K: supplementary force of control device, conventionally designated by
the force D corresponding to the point of intersection with the axis of the
abscissae of the extrapolated curve expressing P′ in terms of D, measured
with the device in the mid-travel position (see Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix
2.2.11. KA : force threshold of control device, i.e., the maximum thrust on the
coupling head which can be applied for a short period of time without
generating an output force from the control device. The symbol K A is
conventionally applied to the force measured when the coupling head
begins to be pushed home at a speed of 10 to 15 mm/s, the control device
transmission being uncoupled;

Annex 8

2.2.12. D1 : the maximum force applied to the coupling head when it is being pushed
home at a speed of s mm/s + 10 %, the transmission being uncoupled;
2.2.13. D2 : the maximum force applied to the coupling head when it is being pulled
at a speed of s mm/s + 10 % out of the position of maximum compression,
the transmission being uncoupled;
2.2.14. ηHo : efficiency of inertia control device;
2.2.15. ηH1 : efficiency of transmission system;
2.2.16. ηH : overall efficiency of control device and transmission ηH = ηHo • ηH1 ;
2.2.17. s: travel of control device in millimetres;
2.2.18. s′: effective (useful) travel of control device in millimetres, determined as
required by point 10.4;

2.2.19. s″: spare travel of master cylinder, measured in millimetres at coupling head; sHz : stroke of the master cylinder in millimetres according to Figure 8 of
Appendix 1; s″Hz : spare travel of the master cylinder in millimetres at piston rod,
according to Figure 8 of Appendix 1;
2.2.20. so : loss of travel, i.e., travel in millimetres of the coupling head when the
latter is so actuated as to move from 300 mm above to 300 mm below the
horizontal, the transmission remaining stationary;
2.2.21. 2sB : brake-shoe lift (brake-shoe application travel), in millimetres,
measured on diameter parallel to applying device, the brakes not being
adjusted during the test;
2.2.22. 2sB*: minimum brake shoe centre lift (minimum brake shoe application
travel) (in millimetres) for wheel brakes with drum brakes
2sB* = 2.4 + 0.004 • 2r
2r being the diameter of the brake drum in millimetres (see Figure 4 of
Appendix 1).

(EU) 2015/68

10 • V60
2sB = 1.1 • FRz + 0.004 • 2rA

For wheel brakes with disc brakes with hydraulic transmission


V60 = fluid volume absorbed by one wheel brake at a pressure

corresponding to a braking force of 1,2 B* = 0,6 • GBo and
a maximum tyre radius; and
2rA = outer diameter of brake disc (V60 in cm³ , FRZ in cm²
and rA in mm).
2.2.23. M*: braking torque as specified by the manufacturer. This braking torque
shall produce at least the prescribed braking force B*;
▼B MT : test braking torque in the case where no overload protector is fitted

(according to point 6.2.1);

2.2.24. R: dynamic tyre rolling radius. As an alternative for vehicles of categories
Ra and Sa, the static loaded radius, as specified by the tyre manufacturer,
may be used instead of the dynamic tyre rolling radius;
2.2.25. n: number of brakes.
2.2.26. Mr: maximum braking torque resulting from the maximum permissible
travel sr or the maximum permissible fluid volume Vr when the towed
vehicle moves rearward (including rolling resistance = 0,01 • g • GBo );
2.2.27. sr : maximum permissible travel at the brake control lever when the towed
vehicle moves rearward;
2.2.28. Vr : maximum permissible fluid volume absorbed by one braking wheel
when the towed vehicle moves rearward;
2.3. Symbols valid for mechanical-transmission braking systems (see Figure
5 of Appendix 1 )
2.3.1. iHo : reduction ratio between travel of coupling head and travel of lever at
output side of control device;

Annex 8

2.3.2. iH1 : reduction ratio between travel of lever at output side of control device
and travel of brake lever (gearing down of transmission);
2.3.3. iH : reduction ratio between travel of coupling head and travel of brake lever
iH = iHo • iH1
2.3.4. ig : reduction ratio between travel of brake lever and lift (application travel)
at brake-shoe centre (see Figure 4 of Appendix 1);
2.3.5. P: force applied to the brake control lever; (see Figure 4 of Appendix 1);
2.3.6. Po : brake-retraction force when the towed vehicle moves forward, i.e., in
graph M = f(P), the value of the force P at the point of intersection of the
extrapolation of this function with the abscissa (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1); Por : brake-retraction force when the towed vehicle moves rearward (see
Figure 6 of Appendix 1);
2.3.7. P*: force applied to the brake control lever to produce the braking force B*;
2.3.8. PT : test force according to point 6.2.1;

2.3.9. ρ: characteristic of the brake when the towed vehicle moves forward as
defined from:
M = ρ (P – Po ) ρr : characteristic of the brake when the towed vehicle moves rearward as
defined from:
Mr = ρr (Pr – Por )
2.3.10. scf : rear cable or rod travel at compensator when brakes operate in forward
2.3.11. scr : rear cable or rod travel at compensator when brakes operate in
rearward direction1;
2.3.12. scd : differential travel at compensator when only one brake operates in the
forward direction and the other in the reverse direction1;
Where: scd = scr – scf (see Figure 5A of Appendix 1);
2.4. Symbols valid for hydraulic-transmission braking systems (see Figure 8
of Appendix 1)
2.4.1. ih : reduction ratio between travel of coupling head and travel of piston in
master cylinder;
3 Points 2.3.10, 2.3.11 and 2.3.12 only apply to the parking braking system differential
travel calculation method.

(EU) 2015/68

2.4.2. i′g : reduction ratio between travel of cylinder thrust point and lift (application
travel) of brake-shoe centre;
2.4.3. FRZ : surface area of piston of one wheel cylinder for drum brake(s); for
disc brake(s), sum of the surface area of the caliper piston(s) on one side
of the disc;
2.4.4. FHZ : surface area of piston in master cylinder;
2.4.5. p: hydraulic pressure in brake cylinder;
2.4.6. po: retraction pressure in the brake cylinder when the towed vehicle moves
forward; i.e., in graph of M = f(p), the value of the pressure p at the point
of intersection of the extrapolation of this function with the abscissa (see
Figure 7 of Appendix 1); por : brake retraction pressure when the towed vehicle moves rearward
(see Figure 7 of Appendix 1 );
2.4.7. p*: hydraulic pressure in the brake cylinder to produce the braking force B*;
2.4.8. pT : test pressure according to point 6.2.1:

2.4.9. ρ′: characteristic of the brake when the towed vehicle moves forward as
defined from:
M = ρ′ (p – po ) ρ′r : characteristic of the brake when the towed vehicle moves rearward
as defined from:
Mr = ρ′r (pr – por )
2.5. Symbols with respect to the braking requirements relating to overload pro-
2.5.1. Dop: application force at the input side of the control device, at which the
overload protector is activated
2.5.2. Mop : brake torque at which the overload protector is activated (as declared
by the manufacturer)
2.5.3. MTop: minimum test braking torque in the case when an overload protector
is fitted (according to point
2.5.4. Pop _min: force applied to the brake at which the overload protector is
activated (according to point

Annex 8

2.5.5. Pop _max: maximum force (when the coupling head is pushed fully home)
which is applied by the overload protector to the brake (according to point
2.5.6. pop _min: pressure applied to the brake at which the overload protector is
activated (according to point
2.5.7. pop _max: maximum hydraulic pressure (when the coupling head is pushed
fully home) which is applied by the overload protector to the brake actuator
(according to point
2.5.8. PTop : minimum test brake force in the case when an overload protector is
fitted (according to point
2.5.9. pTop : minimum test brake pressure in the case when an overload protector
is fitted (according to point
2.6. Types of vehicle classes with regard to inertia braking systems
2.6.1. Vehicle Class A
Vehicle Class A means vehicles of categories R1, R2 and S1

2.6.2. Vehicle Class B
Vehicle Class B means vehicles with a mass exceeding 3 500 kg and not
exceeding 8 000 kg of categories R3 and S2
2.6.3. Vehicle Class C
Vehicle Class C1 means vehicles of categories R and S with maximum
design speed not exceeding 30 km/h
Vehicle Class C2 means vehicles of categories R and S with maximum
design speed not exceeding 40 km/h
Vehicle Class C3 means vehicles of categories R and S with maximum
design speed exceeding 40 km/h
3. General requirements
3.1. The transmission of force from the coupling head to the towed vehicle‘s
brakes shall be effected either by rod linkage or by one or more fluids.
However, a sheathed cable (Bowden cable) may provide part of the trans-
mission; this part shall be as short as possible. The control rods and cables
shall not contact the towed vehicle frame or other surfaces that may affect
the application or release of the brake.

(EU) 2015/68

3.2. All bolts at joints shall be adequately protected. In addition, these joints
shall be either self-lubricating or readily accessible for lubrication.
3.3. Inertia braking devices shall be so arranged that in the case when the cou-
pling head travels to its fullest extent, no part of the transmission seizes,
undergoes permanent distortion, or breaks. This shall be checked by un-
coupling the end of the transmission from the brake control levers.
3.4. The inertia braking system shall allow the towed vehicle to be reversed with
the tractor without imposing a sustained drag force exceeding 0,08 g • GA.
Devices used for this purpose shall act automatically and disengage auto-
matically when the towed vehicle moves forward.
3.5. Any special device incorporated for the purpose of point 3.4 shall be such
that the parking performance when facing up a gradient shall not be ad-
versely affected.
3.6. Inertia braking systems may incorporate overload protectors. They shall not
be activated at a force of less than Dop = 1,2 • D* (when fitted at the control
device) or at a force of less than P op = 1,2 • P* or at a pressure of less than

pop = 1,2 • p* (when fitted at the brake) where the force P* or the pressure p*
corresponds to a braking force of B* = 0,5 • g • GBo (in the case of Classes C2
and C3 vehicles) and B* = 0,35 • g • GBo (in the case of Class C1 vehicles).
4. Requirements for control devices
4.1. The sliding members of the control device shall be long enough to enable
the full travel to be used even when the towed vehicle is coupled.
4.2. The sliding members shall be protected by a bellows or some equivalent
device. They shall either be lubricated or be constructed of self-lubricating
materials. The surfaces in frictional contact shall be made of a material
such that there is neither electrochemical torque nor any mechanical in-
compatibility liable to cause the sliding members to seize.
4.3. The stress threshold (KA) of the control device shall be not less than 0,02 g • G′A
and not more than 0,04 g • G′A. However, in the case of classes C1 and C2 ve-
hicles the stress threshold (KA) of the control device may be in the range between
0,01 g • G′A and 0,04 g • G′A .
4.4. The maximum insertion force D1 shall not exceed 0,10 g • G′A in rigid draw-
bar towed vehicles and centre-axle towed vehicles and 0,067 g • G′A in
multi-axled drawbar towed vehicles.

Annex 8

4.5. The maximum tractive force D2 shall be not less than 0,1 g • G′A and not
more than 0,5 g • G′A .
In the case of vehicles of class B, also the condition D2 ≥ 1 750 N + 0,05 g • G′A
is permitted as long as D2 ≤ 0,5 g • G′A .
5. Tests and measurements to be carried out on the control devices
5.1. Control devices submitted to the Technical Service conducting the tests
shall be checked for conformity with the requirements laid down in points
3 and 4.
5.2. The following shall be measured in respect of all types of brakes:
5.2.1. Travel s and effective travel s′;
5.2.2. Supplementary force K;
5.2.3. Force threshold KA ;
5.2.4. Insertion force D1;

5.2.5. Tractive force D2.
5.3. In the case of mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems, the follo-
wing should be determined:
5.3.1. The reduction ratio iHo measured at the mid-travel position of the control;
5.3.2. The control-device output force P′ as a function of the thrust D on the
drawbar; the supplementary force K and the efficiency are derived from
the representative curve obtained from these measurements

1 P‘
ȘHo = i • D - K

(see Figure 2 of Appendix 1).

5.4. In the case of hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems, the following
shall be determined:
5.4.1. The reduction ratio i h measured at the mid-travel position of the control
5.4.2. The master cylinder output pressure p as a function of the thrust D on
the drawbar and of the surface area FHZ of the master-cylinder piston,
as specified by the manufacturer; the supplementary force K and the

(EU) 2015/68

efficiency are derived from the representative curve obtained from these

1 p•F
ȘHo = i • D - KHz

(see Figure 3 of Appendix 1);

5.4.3. The spare travel of the master cylinder s″, as referred to in point 2.2.19;
5.4.4. Surface area FHZ of the piston in the master cylinder;
5.4.5. Stroke sHz of the master cylinder (in millimetres);
5.4.6. Spare travel s″Hz of the master cylinder (in millimetres).
5.5. In the case of inertia braking system on multi-axled drawbar towed vehic-
les, the loss of travel so referred to in in point 10.4.1 shall be measured.

6. Requirements for brakes

6.1. In addition to the brakes to be checked, the manufacturer shall submit to the
Technical Service conducting the tests, drawings of the brakes showing the
type, dimensions and material of the essential components and the make
and type of the linings. In the case of hydraulic brakes, these drawings shall
show the surface area FRZ of the brake cylinders. The manufacturer shall
also specify the braking torque M* and the mass GBo specified in point 2.2.4.
6.2. Testing conditions
6.2.1. In the case when an overload protector is neither fitted nor intended to be
fitted within the inertia braking system, the wheel brake shall be tested with
the following test forces or pressures:
PT = 1,8 P* or pT = 1,8 p* and MT = 1,8 M* as appropriate.
6.2.2. In the case when an overload protector is fitted or intended to be fitted
within the inertia braking system, the wheel brake shall be tested with the
following test forces or pressures: The minimum design values for an overload protector shall be specified by
the manufacturer and shall not be less than
Pop = 1,2 P* or pop = 1,2 p*

Annex 8 The ranges of minimum test force P Top or minimum test pressure p Top
and the minimum test torque M Top are:
PTop = 1,1 to 1,2 P* or pTop = 1,1 to 1,2 p*
MTop = 1,1 to 1,2 M* The maximum values (Pop _max or pop _max) for the overload protector shall be
specified by the manufacturer and shall not be more than PT or pT respectively.
7. Tests and measurements to be carried out on the brakes
7.1. Brakes and components submitted to the Technical Service conducting
the tests shall be tested for conformity with the requirements of point 6.
7.2. The following should be determined:
7.2.1. The minimum brake-shoe lift (minimum brake-shoe application travel), 2sB*;
7.2.2. The brake-shoe centre lift (brake-shoe application travel) 2sB (which shall
be greater than 2sB *);

7.3. In the case of mechanical brakes, the following shall be determined:
7.3.1. Reduction ratio ig (see Figure 4 of Appendix 1);
7.3.2. Force P* for braking torque M*;
7.3.3. Torque M* as a function of the force P* applied to the control lever in
mechanical-transmission systems.
The rotational speed of the braking surfaces shall correspond to an initial
vehicle speed of 30 km/h in the case of Class C1 vehicle, 40 km/h in the
case of Class C2 vehicle, 60 km/h in the case of Class C3 vehicle, when
the towed vehicle moves forward and 6 km/h when the towed vehicle
moves rearward. The following shall be derived from the curve obtained
from these measurements (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1): The brake-retraction force Po and the characteristic value ρ when the
trailer moves forward; The brake-retraction force P or and the characteristic value ρr when the
towed vehicle moves rearward; Maximum braking torque Mr up to the maximum permissible travel sr when
the towed vehicle moves rearward (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1);

(EU) 2015/68 Maximum permissible travel at the brake control lever when the towed
vehicle moves rearward (see Figure 6 of Appendix 1).
7.4. In the case of hydraulic brakes, the following shall be determined:
7.4.1. Reduction ratio ig ′ (see Figure 8 of Appendix 1)
7.4.2. Pressure p* for braking torque M*
7.4.3. Torque M* as a function of the pressure p* applied to the brake cylinder in
hydraulic transmission systems.
The rotational speed of the braking surfaces shall correspond to an initial
vehicle speed of 30 km/h in the case of Class C1 vehicle, 40 km/h in the
case of Class C2 vehicle, 60 km/h in the case of Class C3 vehicle, when
the towed vehicle moves forward and 6 km/h when the towed vehicle
moves rearward. The following shall be derived from the curve obtained
from these measurements (see Figure 7 of Appendix 1): The retraction pressure po and the characteristic ρ′ when the towed vehicle
moves forward; The retraction pressure por and the characteristic ρ′r when the towed

vehicle moves rearward; Maximum braking torque Mr up to the maximum permissible fluid volume
Vr when the towed vehicle moves rearward (see Figure 7 of Appendix 1); Maximum permissible fluid volume Vr absorbed by one braking wheel
when the towed vehicle moves rearward (see Figure 7 of Appendix 1).
7.4.4. Surface area FRZ of the piston in the brake cylinder.
7.5. Alternative procedure for the Type-I test
7.5.1. The Type-I test according to Annex II, point 2.3 does not have to be
carried out on a vehicle submitted for type approval, if the braking system
components are tested on an inertia test bench to meet the prescriptions
of Annex II, points 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.
7.5.2. The alternative procedure for the Type-I test shall be carried out in
accordance with the provisions laid down in Annex VII, Appendix 1, point
3.5.2 (in analogy also applicable for disc brakes).
8. Simulated gradient parking braking system force differential
8.1. Calculation method
8.1.1. The pivot points in the compensator shall lie in a straight line with the park
brake at the rest position.

Annex 8

Alternative arrangements can be used, if they provide equal tension in

both rear cables, even when there are differences in travel between the
rear cables.
Drawing details are to be provided to demonstrate that the compensator
articulation is sufficient to ensure equal cable tension is applied to each of
the rear cables. The compensator needs to have sufficient distance across
the width to facilitate the differential travels left to right. The jaws of the yokes
also need to be deep enough relative to their width to make sure that they
do not prevent articulation when the compensator is at an angle.

Differential travel at compensator (s cd ) shall be derived from:
scd ≥ 1,2 • (Scr - Sc‘)
S c′ = S′/iH (travel at compensator – forward operation) and S c′ = 2 • SB /ig
Scr = Sr /iH (travel at compensator – rearward operation)
9. Test reports
Applications for the approval of towed vehicles equipped with inertia
braking systems shall be accompanied by the test reports relating to the
control device and the brakes and the test report on the compatibility of
the inertia type control device, the transmission device and the brakes
of the towed vehicle, these reports including at least the particulars
prescribed in Article 9 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/504.
10. Compatibility between the control device and the brakes of a vehicle
10.1. A check shall be made on the vehicle to verify in the light of the characteris-

(EU) 2015/68

tics of the control device, the characteristics of which are mentioned in the
test report, the characteristics of the brakes mentioned in the test report and
the towed vehicle characteristics referred to in the test report, whether the
towed vehicle‘s inertia braking system meets the prescribed requirements.
10.2. General checks for all types of brakes
10.2.1. Any parts of the transmission not checked at the same time as the control
device or the brakes shall be checked on the vehicle. The results of the
check shall be entered in the test report (e.g., iH1 and ηH1 ).
10.2.2. Mass The maximum mass GA of the towed vehicle shall not exceed the
maximum mass G′A for which the control device is authorised. The maximum mass GA of the towed vehicle shall not exceed the
maximum mass G B which can be braked by joint operation of all of the
towed vehicle‘s brakes.
10.2.3. Forces
2015/68 The force threshold KA shall not be below 0,02 g • GA and not above 0,04 g • GA. The maximum insertion force D1 may not exceed 0,10 g • GA in rigid
drawbar towed vehicles and centre-axle towed vehicles and 0,067 g • GA
in multi-axled drawbar towed vehicles. The maximum tractive force D2 shall be between 0,1 g • GA and 0,5 g • GA .
10.3. Check of braking efficiency
10.3.1. The sum of the braking forces exerted on the circumference of the towed
vehicle wheels shall not be less than B* = 0,50 g • GA (in the case of
Classes C2 and C3 vehicles) and B* = 0,35 · g • G A (in the case of Class
C1 vehicles), including a rolling resistance of 0,01 g · GA: this corresponds
to a braking force B of 0,49 g • GA (in the case of Classes C2 and C3
vehicles) and B* = 0,34 · g • G A (in the case of Class C1 vehicles). In this
case, the maximum permissible thrust on the coupling shall be:
D* = 0,067 g • GA in the case of multi-axled drawbar towed vehicles;
D* = 0,10 g • GA in the case of rigid drawbar towed vehicles and centre-
axle towed vehicles.

Annex 8

To check whether these conditions are complied with the following
inequalities shall be applied:

[ B ȡ• R + n • P ]”L
(D* - K) ‡Ș H

▼M1 In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems:

[ B ȡ• R + n • P ](D+
- K) ‡Ș H
H In hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems:

[ Bn •• ȡµR + P ]”
(D* - K) ‡Ș H
i H


10.4. Check of control device travel
10.4.1. In control devices for multi-axled drawbar towed vehicles where the brake
rod linkage depends on the position of the towing device, the control device
travel s shall be longer than the effective (useful) control device travel s′, the
difference being at least equivalent to the loss of travel so . The travel loss of
s o shall not exceed 10 per cent of the effective travel s′.
10.4.2. The effective (useful) travel of control device s′ shall be determined for
single and multi-axle towed vehicles as follows: If the brake rod linkage is affected by the angular position of the towing
device, then:
s′ = s – so If there is no loss of travel, then:
s′ = s

(EU) 2015/68 In hydraulic braking systems:

s′ = s – s″
10.4.3. The following inequalities shall be applied to check whether control device
travel is adequate; In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems:

iH” s • i
B* g

▼M1 in hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems:

iH s‘
FHZ ” 2SB*‡Q)RZ‡Lµg


iH ”VHz

10.4.4. When the towed vehicle moves rearward the following inequalities shall
be applied: In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems: Vµ
iH ”Vr 0,08 • g • GA • R ≤ n • Mr In hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems: s‘
FHz ”9r 0,08 • g • GA • R ≤ n • Mr
10.4.5. Checks when an overload protector within the meaning of point 3.6. is fitted
The following inequalities shall be applied:

Annex 8 where the overload protector is mechanical on the inertia control device:

i+‡Ș+‡3µmax • where the overload protector is hydraulic on the inertia control device:

p‘max • if the overload protector is on the inertia control device:

D* • if the overload protector is fitted on the brake:

%•5 •


10.5. Additional checks
10.5.1. In mechanical-transmission inertia braking systems a check shall be made
to verify that the rod linkage by which the forces are transmitted from the
control device to the brakes is correctly fitted.
10.5.2. In hydraulic-transmission inertia braking systems a check shall be made
to verify that the travel of the master cylinder is not less than s/i h . A lower
level shall not be permitted.
10.5.3. The general behaviour of the vehicle when braking shall be the subject of
a road test carried out at different road speeds with different levels of brake
effort and rates of application. Self- excited, undamped oscillations shall
not be permitted.
11. General comments
The above requirements apply to the most usual embodiments of
mechanical-transmission or hydraulic-transmission inertia braking
systems where, in particular, all of the towed vehicle‘s wheels are
equipped with the same type of brake and the same type of tyre. For
checking less usual embodiments, the above requirements shall be
adapted to the circumstances of the particular case.

(EU) 2015/68

Appendix 1
Explanatory diagrams
Figure 1
Symbols valid for all types of brakes
(See point 2.2 of this Annex)

Figure 2
(See points 2.2.10 and 5.3.2 of this Annex)

Annex 8

Figure 3
(See points 2.2.10 and 5.4.2 of this Annex)


(EU) 2015/68

Figure 4
Brake checks
(See point 2.2.22 and 2.3.4 of this Annex)

Annex 8

Figure 5
Mechanical-transmission braking system
(See point 2.3 of this Annex)


(EU) 2015/68

Figure 5A
Mechanical-transmission braking system
(See point 2.3 of this Annex)

Annex 8

Figure 6
Mechanical Brake
(see point 2 of this Annex)

Figure 7
Hydraulic Brake
(See point 2 of this Annex)

(EU) 2015/68

Figure 8
Hydraulic-Transmission Braking System
(See point 2 of this Annex)

Annex 9

Requirements applying to vehicles with hydrostatic drive and
their braking devices and braking systems
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘hydrostatic braking system’ means a braking system (either as a service
and/or secondary braking system) that only uses the braking power of the
hydrostatic drive;
1.2. ‘combination hydrostatic braking system’ means a braking system utilising
both, the hydrostatic and friction braking effect, where, however, the bra-
king forces are generated by a predominant braking proportion generated
by the hydrostatic drive. The minimum prescribed proportion of the friction
brake on the braking effect is specified in point;
1.3. ‘combination friction braking system’ means a braking system utilising

both, the friction and hydrostatic braking effect, where, however, the bra-
king forces are generated by a predominant braking proportion generated
by the friction brakes. The minimum prescribed proportion of the friction
brake on the braking effect is specified in point;
1.4. ‘friction braking system’ means a braking system where the braking forces
are generated only by the friction brakes without taking into account of the
braking effect of the hydrostatic braking system;
1.5. ‘graduated hydrostatic braking’ means the hydrostatic braking through
which the driver is able to increase or decrease the vehicle speed at any
time by a progressive action on its control device.
1.6. ‘hydrostatic drive control device’ which means a device, such as a lever or
pedal, used to vary the vehicle speed.
1.7. ‘service brake control device’ means the control device by whose operation
the prescribed service braking performance is attained;
1.8. ‘inch device’ means the device that affects the speed of the vehicle inde-
pendently of the hydrostatic drive control.

(EU) 2015/68

2. Scope
This Annex applies to vehicles with maximum design speed up to 40
km/h, equipped with a hydrostatic drive which cannot be disengaged
during travel and is declared by the vehicle manufacturer to act as a
braking system or braking device which may be either:
2.1. a service braking system and a secondary braking system or one of those
two systems.
A service braking system may be one of the braking systems mentioned
below under the condition that the service braking performance as
specified in point 6.3.1 is fulfilled:
2.1.1. ‘Hydrostatic braking system’,
2.1.2. ‘Combination hydrostatic braking system’,
2.1.3. ‘Combination friction braking system’,
2.1.4. ‘Friction braking system’;

2.2. a part of the braking systems mentioned under 2.1.
3. Special purpose vehicles
For special purpose works, some vehicles are equipped with a
hydrostatic drive used both to retard and to propel the vehicle. This type
of drive can therefore be recognised as a braking system, whether alone
or in combination with a friction brake.
4. Classification of vehicles
4.1. Class I: vehicles with a maximum design speed ≤ 12 km/h.
4.2. Class II: vehicles with a maximum design speed > 12 km/h and ≤ 30 km/h.
4.3. Class III: vehicles with a maximum design speed > 30 km/h and ≤ 40 km/h.
5. Requirements
5.1. General
5.1.1. The drive control device shall be constructed in such a way that accidental
reversing is prevented during a journey on the road.

Annex 9

5.1.2. To facilitate vehicle recovery, a device is required disengaging the

connection between engine and drive wheels.
It shall be impossible to operate this device from the driving position
during the journey on the road.
If a tool is needed to operate this device, it shall be carried on the vehicle.
5.2. Design requirements for the braking systems.
5.2.1. Service braking system It shall be possible to apply graduated braking action of the service braking
system. The driver shall be able to achieve this braking action from his
driving seat and retain control of the steering device on the tractor with at
least one hand. The performance of the service braking system required under the
Regulation shall be obtained by the actuation of a single control device. This requirement is also deemed to be satisfied when the foot is moved

from the drive pedal to the brake pedal or when at the start of the braking
sequence, the drive control device is released or moved to neutral position
by hand or foot. The control device of the service braking system shall be designed to
return to the initial position automatically when released.
This does not apply to the hydrostatic section of the braking system
when the release of the hydrostatic drive control device creates the
braking effect. Contrary to point, with vehicles of Class I and Class II, when braking
with the service brake system another brake system may also be used
(secondary or parking braking system) to bring the vehicle to a stop on a
gradient in the event of a residual creep speed.
5.2.2. Secondary braking system With regard to the secondary braking system the relevant requirements of
point of Annex I shall be fulfilled.

(EU) 2015/68

5.2.3. Parking braking system
With regard to the parking braking system the requirements of point of Annex I shall be fulfilled.
▼M1 If, in the case of a hydrostatic drive, the vehicle cannot be stopped on a
gradient, then it is permissible to operate the parking braking system to
stop the vehicle from residual creep speed to standstill. For this purpose
the parking braking system has to be designed such that it is possible for it
to be actuated during driving.
5.3. Characteristics of the braking systems
5.3.1. The set of braking systems with which a vehicle is equipped shall satisfy
the requirements laid down for service, secondary and parking braking

5.3.2. In the event of breakage of any component other than the brakes or
the components referred to in point of Annex I, or of any other
failure of the service braking system the secondary braking system or
that part of the service braking system which is not affected by the failure,
shall be able to bring the vehicle to a halt in the conditions prescribed for
secondary braking, in particular, when the secondary braking system and
the service braking system have a common control device and a common
transmission; for example, when the braking effect is dependent on the
operation of the proper operation of the power transmission i.e. converter,
hydraulic pumps, pressure pipes, hydraulic motors or comparable
5.3.3. The systems providing service, secondary and parking braking may have
common components as long as they fulfil the conditions as specified in
point of Annex I.
5.3.4. The braking force distribution of the service brake system shall be designed
in such a way that during braking there is no significant moment around the
vertical axis of the vehicle if the limit of adhesion between tyres and road on
homogeneous road surfaces is not attained.

Annex 9

5.3.5. The braking force distribution of the service braking system shall be by
design such that during braking with the service brake system on surfaces
with different coefficients of friction of split-μ 0,2/0,8 a minimum deceleration
can be achieved that is at least 55 % of the mean fully deceleration dm
of the service braking system prescribed for the respective vehicle class
(see point 6.3). This can be proven by calculations; in this case the rolling
resistance shall not be taken into consideration.
5.3.6. By way of derogation from point 5.3.2, in the event of a failure in the pump
control device of the hydrostatic drive, it shall be possible to stop the
vehicle with the performance prescribed for the secondary braking system.
However, under this failure condition an additional device may be actuated
that can always be easily operated from the driving position (for example
a device acting on the engine speed, including the engine shut off control).
5.3.7. In the case of an inch device, or other comparable device, which can
be operated during driving, provisions shall be taken to ensure that all

prescribed requirements of this Annex (especially the braking performance)
are still complied with when this type of device is actuated.
5.3.8. Warning signals and warning devices
The relevant requirements of point and point of Annex
I shall be fulfilled.
5.3.9. The energy storage devices (energy reservoirs) of power-driven vehicles
shall be such that after eight full-stroke actuations of the service braking
system control device the pressure remaining in the energy storage
device(s) shall be not less than the pressure required to obtain the
specified secondary braking performance.
5.3.10. The pneumatic/hydraulic auxiliary equipment shall be supplied with energy
in such a way that during its operation, the prescribed deceleration values
can be reached and that even in the event of damage to the source of
energy the operation of the auxiliary equipment cannot cause the reserves
of energy feeding the braking systems to fall below the level indicated in
point of Annex I.
5.3.11. Wear of the brakes
The relevant requirements of point of Annex I shall be fulfilled.

(EU) 2015/68

5.3.12. In the case of a tractor equipped with a complex electronic vehicle control
systems according to Annex X, the requirements of that Annex shall be
applied and the operation of the system shall not be adversely affected by
magnetic or electrical fields. ►M1 This shall be demonstrated by compliance
with the technical requirements laid down in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Article 19 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/208. ◄
5.3.13. If a tractor with a hydrostatic drive is authorised to tow a category R2, R3,
R4 or S2 vehicle shall satisfy the relevant requirements of point 2.1.4,
2.1.5,, and of Annex I.
5.3.14. Response time
Where a tractor is fitted with a service braking system which is totally or
partially dependent on a source of energy other than the muscular effort
of the driver, the requirements of point 3.3 of Annex II shall be satisfied
for the non-hydrostatic part of the service braking system.
6. Braking tests

6.1. General
6.1.1. The relevant requirements of point 2.1 of Annex II shall be fulfilled.
6.1.2. During the brake test the drivability shall be assessed (e.g. tendency for
lifting the rear axle due to the braking action of the service brakes). Lift-off is not permitted for Class III vehicles. ►M1 Lift-off of an axle is permissible for vehicles of Class I and Class II
at a deceleration exceeding 4,5 m/s2 . However, the driving stability shall
be preserved. ◄
Here, the braking effect of the hydrostatic drive has also to be taken
into account.
6.2. Type-0 test
6.2.1. General The brake shall be cold. A brake is deemed to be cold when the conditions
as specified in point of Annex II are met. The test shall be conducted under the conditions as specified in point of Annex II.

Annex 9 The road shall be level.

6.2.2. In the case of manually operated drive control device (Class I and Class
II vehicles), the performance of the service brake shall be assessed by
moving the drive lever to neutral just before operating the service brake in
order to ensure not to brake against the hydrostatic system. ►M1 In the
case of Class III vehicles this sequence shall be automatic, using only the
service brake control device. ◄
6.2.3. Service braking system
The limits prescribed for minimum performance, both for tests with the
vehicle unladen and for tests with the vehicle laden, are those laid down
in point 6.3 for each class of vehicle.
The service braking system has to meet the requirements in point 6.3.1.
When used as a service braking system, a combination hydrostatic braking system shall also meet the requirements
with regard to the minimum braking portion of friction brake(s) as specified
in point 6.3.1. a combination friction braking system shall also meet the requirements

with regard to the minimum braking portion of friction brake(s) as specified
in point 6.3.1.
The performance of the friction brake shall also be determined. In this
type of test, the effect of the hydrostatic transmission shall be neutralised
to assess the friction brake and rolling resistance.
If the hydrostatic brake cannot be disconnected for technical reasons,
the proportion of the friction brake may be determined by another
method, e.g.: Successive brake tests are performed with the combination hydrostatic braking system with the friction brake(s)
connected with the combination hydrostatic braking system with the friction brake(s)
rendered inoperative (only ‚hydrostatic braking‘)
Then this formula is used:
zF = zHy+F – zHy + R
zF : Mean fully developed deceleration of the friction braking system
including rolling resistance
zHy : Mean fully developed deceleration related only to the braking effect
of the hydrostatic braking system including rolling resistance

(EU) 2015/68

zHy+F : Mean fully developed deceleration of the combination hydrostatic

braking system.
R: Rolling resistance = 0,02
6.2.4. Secondary braking system The secondary braking effectiveness test shall be conducted by either
simulating the actual failure conditions in the service braking system or by
carrying out this test with a secondary braking system which is independent
from the service braking system. The system shall be tested with the appropriate control device.
The prescribed performance shall be obtained by applying to the control
device a force not exceeding 600 N on a foot or 400 N on a hand
operated control device. The control device shall be so placed that it can
be easily and quickly applied by the driver. The limits prescribed for minimum performance, both for tests with the
vehicle unladen and for tests with the vehicle laden, are those laid down in
point 6.3.2 for each class of vehicle.

6.3. Performance tests of service and secondary braking system (Type-0)

Laden & Unladen Class I Class II Class III

(v in km/h; s in m; d m in m/s2) v ≤ 12 ≤ 30 ≤ 40
6.3.1. Service braking s ≤ 0,15v + v² /78 ≤ 0,15v + v² /92 ≤ 0,15v + v² /130
system dm ≥ 3,0 ≥ 3,55 ≥ 5,0 Minimum braking s ≤ 0,15v + v² /26 ≤ 0,15v + v² /40 ≤ 0,15v + v² /40
portion of friction
brake(s) in a dm ≥ 1,0 ≥ 1,5 ≥ 1,5
hydrostatic braking
system Minimum braking s ≤ 0,15v + v² /52 ≤ 0,15v + v² /52 ≤ 0,15v + v² /78
portion of friction
brake(s) within dm ≥ 2,0 ≥ 2,0 ≥ 3,0
a combination
friction braking
6.3.2. Secondary s ≤ 0,15v + v² /40 ≤ 0,15v + v² /40 ≤ 0,15v + v² /57
braking system
dm ≥ 1,5 ≥ 1,5 ≥ 2,2

Annex 9

6.4. Brake test Type-I (fade)

6.4.1. The service brakes shall be tested in such a manner that, the vehicle being
laden, the energy input to the brakes is equivalent to that recorded in the
same period of time with a laden vehicle driven at a steady speed of 40
km/h on a 7 per cent down-gradient for a distance of 1,7 km.
6.4.2. Alternately, the test may be carried out on a level road, the tractor being
drawn by a tractor; during the test, the force applied to the control device
shall be adjusted so as to keep the resistance of the towed vehicle constant
(7 per cent of the maximum total stationary axle load of the tested tractor).
If the power available for hauling is insufficient, the test can be conducted
at a lower speed but over a greater distance as shown in the table below:
Speed [km/h] Distance [metres]
40 1700
30 1950
20 2500
15 3100
6.4.3. As an alternative to the procedure with continuous braking described in

points 6.4.1 and 6.4.2., the test procedure described in point 2.3.1 of Annex
II with repeated braking may also be used.
6.4.4. Hot performance
At the end of the Type-I test the hot performance of the service braking
system shall be measured in the same conditions (and in particular at a
constant control force no greater than the mean force actually used) as
for the Type-0 test (the temperature conditions may be different). The hot braking performance of the service braking system shall not be
below the limits given in the table of following point Minimum prescribed hot performance (Type-I test) Service braking system
Service braking system Hot performance Hot performance
as % of the prescri- as % of the value
bed value recorded during
Type-0 test
Combination hydrostatic 90 80
braking system
Combination friction braking 80 60
▼M1 Friction braking system 80 60

(EU) 2015/68

6.4.5. The type-I Test can be omitted provided that the following two conditions
are met: At least 60 % of the total braking forces during the Type-0 test of the
service braking system (see point 6.2.3) is produced by the braking with
the hydrostatic drive. The manufacturer can prove that overheating of the brakes in case of
permanent operation is prevented.
6.5. Parking braking system
6.5.1. With regard to the parking braking system the requirements of point 3.1.3
of Annex II shall be fulfilled.
6.5.2. To check compliance with the requirement specified in point of
Annex I, a Type-0 test shall be carried out with the laden vehicle at an
initial test speed of v ≥ 0,8 vmax. The mean fully developed deceleration
on application of the control device of the parking braking system and the

deceleration immediately before the vehicle stops shall not be less than
1,5 m/s2 . The force exerted on the braking control device shall not exceed
the specified values.
In the case of a manually operated drive control (Class I and Class II
vehicles), the performance of the parking brake system in motion shall
be assessed by moving the drive control to neutral just before operating
the parking braking system in order to ensure not to brake against the
hydrostatic system. ►M1 In the case of Class III vehicles this sequence
shall be automatic, using only the parking brake control device. ◄

Annex 10

Requirements applying to the safety aspects of complex electro-
nic vehicle control systems
1. General
This Annex lays down the requirements for type-approval testing, fault
strategy and verification with respect to the safety aspects of complex
electronic vehicle control systems related to the braking of agricultural
and forestry vehicles.
2. Requirements
All complex electronic vehicle control systems shall comply with the
provisions of Annex 18 to UNECE Regulation No 13, as referenced in
the following table:

UNECE Subject Series of OJ Reference

Regulation amendments
13 Approval of vehicles Supplement 5 to the L 257,
of categories M, N 10 series of amend- 30.9.2010, p. 1
ments 11 series of
and O with regard to amendments L 297,
braking 13.11.2010,
p. 183

(EU) 2015/68

Requirements and test procedures applying to anti-lock braking
systems and to vehicles fitted with them
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘integrated endurance braking system’ means an endurance braking sys-
tem whose control device is integrated with that of the service braking sys-
tem in such a way that both endurance and service braking systems are
applied simultaneously or suitably phased by operation of the combined
control device;
1.2. ‘sensor’ means a component designed to identify and transmit to the con-
troller the conditions of rotation of the wheel(s) or the dynamic conditions
of the vehicle;
1.3. ‘controller’ means a component designed to evaluate the data transmitted

by the sensor(s) and to transmit a signal to the modulator;

1.4. ‘modulator’ means a component designed to vary the braking force(s) in
accordance with the signal received from the controller;
1.5. ‘indirectly controlled wheel’ means a wheel whose braking force is modula-
ted according to data provided by the sensor(s) of other wheel(s);
1.6. ‘full cycling’ means that the anti-lock braking system is repeatedly modula-
ting the brake force to prevent the directly controlled wheels from locking
and excluding brake applications where modulation only occurs once du-
ring the stop;
1.7. ‘full force’ means the maximum force laid down in the braking tests and
performance of braking systems according to this Regulation.
For the purposes of directly and indirectly controlled wheels, anti-lock
braking systems with ‘select-high’ control are deemed to include both
directly and indirectly controlled wheels; in systems with ‘select-low’
control, all sensed wheels are deemed to be directly controlled wheels.

Annex 11

2. General
2.1. This Annex lays down the required braking performance for agricultural
vehicles fitted with anti-lock braking systems.
The maximum design speed for which such requirements are provided
is meant, throughout this Annex, to be in the forward direction of the
vehicle travel, unless otherwise explicitly mentioned.
2.2. The anti-lock braking systems known at present comprise a sensor or sen-
sors, a controller or controllers and a modulator or modulators. Any device
of a different design which may be introduced in the future, or where an
anti-lock braking function is integrated into another system, shall be dee-
med to be anti-lock braking systems within the meaning of this Annex if
they provide performances equal to those prescribed by this Annex.
2.3. Deviations from the prescribed test procedures are permitted in case that
testing conditions cannot be complied with due to a too low maximum de-
sign speed of the tractor. In such a case the equivalence of the prescribed
performances has to be demonstrated with the method of assessment and
results being appended to the type approval report.

3. Types of anti-lock braking systems
3.1. A tractor is deemed to be equipped with an anti-lock braking system if one
of the following systems is fitted:
3.1.1. Category 1 anti-lock braking system:
A vehicle equipped with a category 1 anti-lock braking system shall meet
all the relevant requirements of this Annex.
3.1.2. Category 2 anti-lock braking system:
A vehicle equipped with a category 2 anti-lock braking system shall meet
all the relevant requirements of this Annex, except those of point 5.3.5.
3.1.3. Category 3 anti-lock braking system:
A vehicle equipped with a category 3 anti-lock braking system shall meet
all the relevant requirements of this Annex except those of points 5.3.4 and
5.3.5 On such vehicles, any individual axle (or bogie) which does not include
at least one directly controlled wheel shall fulfil the conditions of adhesion
utilisation and the wheel-locking sequence of Appendix 1 to Annex II, with
regard to the braking rate and the load respectively. Those requirements
may be checked on high- and low- adhesion coefficient road surfaces (about
0,8 and 0,3 maximum) by modulating the service braking control force.

(EU) 2015/68

3.2. A towed vehicle shall be deemed to be equipped with an anti-lock braking

system when at least two wheels on opposite sides of the vehicle are di-
rectly controlled and all remaining wheels are either directly or indirectly
controlled by the anti-lock braking system. In the case of drawbar towed
vehicles, at least two wheels on one front axle and two wheels on one rear
axle shall be directly controlled with each of these axles having at least
one independent modulator and all remaining wheels are either directly or
indirectly controlled. In addition, the anti- lock equipped towed vehicle shall
meet one of the following conditions:
3.2.1. Category A anti-lock braking system:
A towed vehicle equipped with a category A anti-lock braking system
shall meet all the relevant requirements of this Annex.
3.2.2. Category B anti-lock braking system:
A towed vehicle equipped with a category B anti-lock braking system
shall meet all the relevant requirements of this Annex, except point 6.3.2.

4. General requirements
4.1. Failures within the electric control transmission of the anti-lock braking
system that affects the system with respect to the functional and perfor-
mance requirements in this Annex, shall be signalled to the driver by a
specific optical warning signal. The yellow warning signal specified in point of Annex I shall be used for this purpose.
Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturer
shall provide the Technical Service with an analysis of potential failures
within the control transmission and their effects. That information shall
be subject to discussion and agreement between the Technical Service
and the vehicle manufacturer.
4.1.1. Sensor anomalies, which cannot be detected under static conditions,
shall be detected not later than when the vehicle speed exceeds 10
km/h. However, to prevent erroneous fault indication when a sensor is not
generating a speed output, due to non-rotation of a wheel, verification may
be delayed but detected not later than when the vehicle speed exceeds 15
km/h. The warning signal may light up again while the vehicle is stationary,
provided that it is extinguished before the vehicle speed reaches 10 km/h
or 15 km/h, as appropriate, when no defect is present.

Annex 11

4.1.2. When the anti-lock braking system is energised with the vehicle stationary,
electrically controlled pneumatic modulator valve(s) shall cycle at least once.
4.2. Tractors equipped with an anti-lock braking system and authorised to tow a
towed vehicle equipped with such a system shall be fitted with a separate
optical warning signal for the anti-lock braking system of the towed vehicle,
meeting the requirements of point 4.1. The separate warning signals spe-
cified in point of Annex I shall be used for this purpose, activated
via pin 5 of the electrical connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003. The
ISO 7638:2003 connector may be used for 5 pin or 7 pin applications, as
4.2.1. The warning signal shall not light up when a towed vehicle without an anti-
lock braking system is coupled or when no towed vehicle is coupled. This
function shall be automatic.
4.3. In the event of a failure as described in point 4.1, the following requirements
shall apply:
Tractors: The residual braking performance in the event of a failure of part

of the transmission of the service braking system shall be 1,3 m/s2. That
requirement shall not be construed as a departure from the requirements
concerning secondary braking.
Towed vehicles: The residual braking performance shall be of at least 30
per cent of the prescribed performance for the service braking system of
the relevant towed vehicle.
4.4. The operation of the system shall not be adversely affected by magnetic or
electrical fields. ►M1 That requirement shall be demonstrated by compli-
ance with the technical requirements laid down in Article 19 of Delegated
Regulation (EU) 2015/208. ◄
4.5. A manual device shall not be provided to disconnect or change the control
mode of the anti-lock braking system, except on tractors of category T or
C. Where a device is fitted to tractors of category T or C, the following
conditions shall be met:
4.5.1. An optical warning signal shall inform the driver that the anti-lock braking
system has been disconnected or the control mode changed; the anti-lock
failure warning signal specified in point of Annex I may be
used for this purpose.
The warning signal shall be constant or flashing.

(EU) 2015/68

4.5.2. The anti-lock braking system shall automatically be reconnected/returned

to on-road mode when the ignition (start) device is again set to the ‚on‘ (run)
position or the vehicle speed exceeds 30 km/h.
4.5.3. The vehicle user‘s handbook provided by the manufacturer should warn
the driver of the consequences of manual disconnection or mode change
of the anti-lock braking system.
4.5.4. The device referred to in point 4.5 may, in conjunction with the tractor,
disconnect/change the control mode of the anti-lock braking system of the
towed vehicle. A separate device for the towed vehicle alone is not permitted.
4.5.5. Devices changing the control mode of the anti-lock braking system
are not subject to point 4.5 if in the changed control mode condition all
requirements for the category of anti-lock braking system with which the
vehicle is equipped are fulfilled. However, in such a case, points 4.5.1,
4.5.2, and 4.5.3 shall be met.
4.6. In the case of vehicles which are equipped with an anti-lock braking system
and with an integrated endurance braking system, the anti-lock braking
system shall act at least on the service brakes of the endurance braking

system‘s controlled axle and on the endurance braking system itself, and
shall fulfil the relevant requirements of this Annex.
4.7. In the case of towed vehicles with pneumatic braking systems, full cycling
of the anti-lock braking system is only assured when the pressure available
at any brake actuator of a directly controlled wheel is more than 100 kPa
above the maximum cycling pressure throughout a given test. The supply
pressure available may not be increased above 800 kPa.
In the case of towed vehicles with hydraulic braking systems, full cycling
of the anti-lock braking system is only assured when the pressure
available at any brake actuator of a directly controlled wheel is more
than 1 750 kPa above the maximum cycling pressure throughout a given
test. The available energy level provided to the anti-lock braking system
may not be increased above 14 200 kPa.
5. Special provisions concerning tractors
5.1. Energy consumption
Tractors equipped with anti-lock braking systems shall maintain their
performance when the service braking control device is fully applied
for long periods. Compliance with the requirement shall be verified by
means of the procedure referred to in points 5.1.1, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5,
5.3, 6.1.1, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.3:

Annex 11

5.1.1. Test procedure The initial energy level in the energy storage device(s) shall be that
specified by the manufacturer. This level shall be at least such as to ensure
the efficiency prescribed for service braking when the vehicle is laden.
The energy storage device(s) for pneumatic auxiliary equipment shall be
isolated. From an initial speed of not less than 50 km/h (or v max , whichever is
lower), on a surface with a coefficient of adhesion of 0,3 or less, the brakes
of the laden vehicle shall be fully applied for a time t, during which time the
energy consumed by the indirectly controlled wheels shall be taken into
consideration and all directly controlled wheels shall remain under control
of the anti-lock braking system throughout that time.
Until such test surfaces become generally available, tyres at the limit of
wear, and higher values up to 0,4 may be used at the discretion of the
technical service. The actual value obtained and the type of tyres and
surface shall be recorded. The vehicle‘s engine shall be then stopped or the supply to the energy

storage device(s) cut off. The service braking control device shall be then fully actuated four times in
succession with the vehicle stationary. When the control device is applied for the fifth time, it shall be possible to
brake the vehicle with at least the performance prescribed for secondary
braking of the laden vehicle. During the tests, in the case of a vehicle authorised to tow a vehicle
equipped with a compressed-air braking system, the supply line shall
be blocked off and an energy storage device of 0,5 litre capacity shall be
connected to the control line (in accordance with point of Annex
IV, section A). When the brakes are applied for the fifth time, as provided
in point of this Annex, the energy level supplied to the control line
shall not be below half the level obtained at a full application starting with
the initial energy level.
5.1.2. Additional requirements The coefficient of adhesion of the road surface is measured with the
vehicle in question, by the method described in point 1.1 of Appendix 2. The braking test shall be conducted with the engine disconnected and
idling, and with the vehicle laden.

(EU) 2015/68 The braking time t shall be 15 seconds. If the time t cannot be completed in a single braking phase, further phases
may be used, up to a maximum of four in all. If the test is conducted in several phases, no fresh energy shall be supplied
between the phases of the test. From the second phase, the energy
consumption corresponding to the initial brake application may be taken
into account, by subtracting one full brake application from the four full
applications prescribed in points,, and for
each of the second, third and fourth phases used in the test procedure
prescribed in point 5.1.1 as applicable. The performance prescribed in point shall be deemed to be
satisfied if, at the end of the fourth application, with the vehicle stationary,
the energy level in the storage device(s) is at or above that required for
secondary braking with the laden vehicle.
5.2. Utilisation of adhesion

5.2.1. The utilisation of adhesion by the anti-lock braking system takes into
account the actual increase in braking distance beyond the theoretical
minimum. The anti-lock braking system shall be deemed to be satisfactory
when the condition
ε ≥ 0,75
is satisfied, where ε represents the adhesion utilised, as described in
point 1.2 of Appendix 2.
5.2.2. The adhesion utilisation (ε) shall be measured on road surfaces with a
coefficient of adhesion of 0,3 or less, and of about 0,8 (dry road), with an
initial speed of 50 km/h or vmax , whichever is the lower. To eliminate the
effects of differential brake temperatures it is recommended that zAL (see
Appendix 1) be determined prior to the determination of k.
Until such test surfaces become generally available, tyres at the limit of
wear, and higher values up to 0,4 may be used at the discretion of the
technical service. The actual value obtained and the type of tyres and
surface shall be recorded.
5.2.3. The test procedure to determine the coefficient of adhesion (k) and the
formulae for calculation of the adhesion utilisation (ε) shall be those laid
down in Appendix 2.

Annex 11

5.2.4. The utilisation of adhesion by the anti-lock braking system shall be

checked on complete vehicles equipped with anti-lock braking systems of
categories 1 or 2. In the case of vehicles equipped with category 3 anti-lock
braking systems, only the axle(s) with at least one directly controlled wheel
shall satisfy this requirement.
5.2.5. The condition ε ≥ 0,75 shall be checked with the vehicle laden and
unladen. The laden test on the high-adhesion surface may be omitted if
the prescribed force on the control device does not achieve full cycling of
the anti-lock braking system. For the unladen test, the control force may be
increased up to 1 000 N if no cycling is achieved with its full force value.
A higher force value than the one of the full force may be used if required
to activate the anti-lock braking system. If 1 000 N is insufficient to make
the system cycle, then this test may be omitted. For air braking systems,
the air pressure may not be increased above the cut-out pressure for the
purpose of this test.
5.3. Additional checks

The following additional checks shall be carried out with the engine
disconnected, with the vehicle laden and unladen:
5.3.1. The wheels directly controlled by an anti-lock braking system shall not lock
when the full force is suddenly applied on the control device, on the road
surfaces specified in point 5.2.2, at an initial speed of 40 km/h and at a high
initial speed as indicated in the table below:

Condition Maximum test speed

High adhesion surface 0,8 vmax ≤ 80 km/h
Low adhesion surface 0,8 vmax ≤ 70 km/h
5.3.2. When an axle passes from a high-adhesion surface (kH) to low-adhesion
surface (kL) where kH≥ 0,5 and kH/kL≥ 2, with the full force applied on the
control device, the directly controlled wheels shall not lock. The running
speed and the instant of applying the brakes shall be so calculated that,
with the anti-lock braking system fully cycling on the high-adhesion surface,
the passage from one surface to the other is made at high and at low
speed, under the conditions laid down in point 5.3.1 above.
5.3.3. When a vehicle passes from a low-adhesion surface (kL) to a high- adhesion
surface (kH) where kH≥ 0,5 and kH/kL≥ 2, with the full force applied on the

(EU) 2015/68

control device, the deceleration of the vehicle shall rise to the appropriate
high value within a reasonable time and the vehicle shall not deviate from its
initial course. The running speed and the instant of applying the brakes shall
be so calculated that, with the anti-lock braking system fully cycling on the
low-adhesion surface, the passage from one surface to the other occurs at
approximately 50 km/h or 0,8 vmax , whichever is the lower.
5.3.4. In the case of vehicles equipped with anti-lock braking systems of
categories 1 and 2, when the right and left wheels of the vehicle are
situated on surfaces with differing coefficients of adhesion (kH and kL)
where kH≥ 0,5 and kH/kL≥ 2 the directly controlled wheels shall not lock
when the full force is suddenly applied on the control device at a speed of
50 km/h or 0,8 vmax , whichever is the lower.
5.3.5. Furthermore, laden vehicles equipped with anti-lock braking systems of
category 1 shall, under the conditions of point 5.3.4, satisfy the braking rate
prescribed in Appendix 3.
5.3.6. However, in the tests provided for in points 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4 and
5.3.5, brief periods of wheel-locking are allowed. Furthermore, wheel-

locking is permitted when the vehicle speed is less than 15 km/h; likewise,
locking of indirectly controlled wheels is permitted at any speed, but stability
and steerability shall not be affected.
5.3.7. During the tests provided for in points 5.3.4 and 5.3.5, steering correction is
permitted if the angular rotation of the steering control device is within 120°
during the initial 2 seconds and not more than 240° in all. Furthermore, at
the beginning of these tests the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle
shall pass over the boundary between the high- and low-adhesion surfaces
and during these tests no part of the (outer) tyres shall cross this boundary.
5.3.8. The following notes are taken into account: kH and kL are measured as laid down in Appendix 2 to this Annex. The purpose of the tests in the following points 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3 and
5.3.4 is to check that the directly controlled wheels do not lock and that
the vehicle remains stable. In these tests a higher force value than the one
of the full force may be used if required to activate the anti-lock braking
system. With regard to points 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 it is not necessary, therefore, to
make complete stops and bring the vehicle to a complete halt on the low-
adhesion surface.

Annex 11

6. Special provisions concerning towed vehicles

6.1. Energy consumption
Towed vehicles equipped with anti-lock braking systems shall be so
designed that, even after the service braking control device has been
fully applied for some time, the vehicle retains sufficient energy to bring it
to a halt within a reasonable distance.
6.1.1. Compliance with the above requirement shall be checked by the procedure
specified below, with the vehicle unladen, on a straight and level road with
a surface having a good coefficient of adhesion, and with the brakes
adjusted as closely as possible and with the brake load sensing device (if
fitted) held in the ‚laden‘ position throughout the test.
If the coefficient of adhesion of the test track is too high, preventing the
anti-lock braking system from cycling then the test may be carried out on
a surface with a lower coefficient of adhesion.
6.1.2. In the case of compressed-air braking systems, the initial energy level in
the energy storage device(s) shall be equivalent to a pressure of 800 kPa
at the coupling head of the towed vehicle‘s supply line.

6.1.3. With an initial vehicle speed of at least 30 km/h, the brakes shall be fully applied
for a time t = 15 s, during which time the energy consumed by the indirectly
controlled wheels shall be taken into consideration and all directly controlled
wheels shall remain under control of the anti-lock braking system. During this
test, the supply to the energy storage device(s) shall be cut off. If the time t = 15
s cannot be completed in a single braking phase, further phases may be used.
During these phases, no fresh energy shall be supplied to the energy storage
device(s) and, as from the second phase, the additional energy consumption
for filling the actuators is to be taken into account, e.g. by the following test
procedure. The pressure in the reservoir(s) when starting the first phase is to be
that stated in point 6.1.2. At the beginning of the following phase(s), the pressure
in the reservoir(s) after application of the brakes shall be not less than the
pressure in the reservoir(s) at the end of the preceding phase. At the subsequent
phase(s), the only time to be taken into account is from the point at which the
pressure in the reservoir(s) is equal to that at the end of the preceding phase.
6.1.4. At the end of the braking, with the vehicle stationary, the service braking
control device shall be fully actuated four times. During the fifth application,
the pressure in the operating circuits shall be sufficient to provide a total
braking force at the periphery of the wheels equal to not less than 22,5 %
of the maximum stationary wheel load and without causing an automatic
application of any braking system not being under the control of the anti-
lock braking system.

(EU) 2015/68

6.2. Utilisation of adhesion

6.2.1. Towed vehicles equipped with an anti-lock braking system shall be deemed
acceptable when the condition ε ≥ 0,75 is satisfied, where ε represents the
adhesion utilised, as defined in point 2 of Appendix 2. This condition shall
be verified with the vehicle unladen, on a straight and level road with a
surface having a good coefficient of adhesion.
If the coefficient of adhesion of the test track is too high, preventing the
anti-lock braking system from cycling then the test may be carried out on
a surface with a lower coefficient of adhesion.
In the case of trailers fitted with a brake load sensing device the pressure
setting may be increased to ensure full cycling.
6.2.2. To eliminate the effects of differential brake temperatures, it is
recommended that zRAL be determined prior to the determination of kR.
6.3. Additional checks
6.3.1. At speeds exceeding 15 km/h, the wheels directly controlled by an anti-
lock braking system shall not lock when the full force is suddenly applied on

the control device of the tractor. This shall be checked, under the conditions
prescribed in point 6.2, at initial speeds of 40 km/h and 60 km/h.
6.3.2. The provisions of this point shall only apply to towed vehicles equipped
with an anti-lock braking system of category A. When the right and left
wheels are situated on surfaces which produce differing maximum braking
rates (zRALH and zRALL ), where


the directly controlled wheels shall not lock when the force is suddenly
applied on the control device of the tractor at a speed of 50 km/h. The ratio
zRALH /zRALL may be ascertained by the procedure in point 2 of Appendix 2
or by calculating the ratio zRALH /zRALL . Under this condition, the unladen
vehicle shall satisfy the prescribed braking rate in Appendix 3.
In the case of towed vehicle equipped with a brake load sensing device,
the pressure setting of the device may be increased to ensure full cycling.
6.3.3. At vehicle speeds ≥15 km/h, the directly controlled wheels are permitted to
lock for brief periods, but at speeds < 15 km/h, any locking is permissible.
Indirectly controlled wheels are permitted to lock at any speed. In all cases,
stability shall not be affected.

Annex 11

Appendix 1
The following symbols are used in Appendices 2, 3 and 4:

Symbol Notes
E wheelbase
ER distance between coupling point and centre of axle(s) of
rigid drawbar towed vehicle (or distance between coupling
point and centre of axle(s) of centre-axle towed vehicle)
ε the adhesion utilised by the vehicle: quotient of the maxi-
mum braking rate with the anti-lock braking system ope-
rative (zAL ) and the coefficient of adhesion (k)
εi the ε-value measured on axle i (in the case of a tractor
with a category 3 anti-lock braking system)
εΗ the ε-value on the high-friction surface
εL the ε-value on the low-friction surface

F force [N]
FbR braking force of the towed vehicle with the anti-lock bra-
king system inoperative
FbRmax maximum value of FbR
FbRmaxi value of FbRmax with only axle i of the towed vehicle braked
FbRAL braking force of the towed vehicle with the anti-lock bra-
king system operative
FCnd total normal reaction of road surface on the un-braked
and non-driven axles of the vehicle combination under
static conditions
FCd total normal reaction of road surface on the un-braked and
driven axles of the vehicle combination under static conditions
Fdyn normal reaction of road under dynamic conditions with
the anti-lock braking system operative
Fidyn Fdyn on axle i in case of tractors or drawbar towed vehicle
Fi normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static
FM total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of the tractor

(EU) 2015/68

Symbol Notes
FMnd (1) total normal static reaction of road surface on the un-bra-
ked and non-driven axles of the tractor
FMd total normal static reaction of road surface on the un-bra-
ked and driven axles of the power-driven vehicle
FR total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of towed vehicle
FRdyn total normal dynamic reaction of road surface on the ax-
le(s) of rigid drawbar towed vehicle or centre-axle towed
FwM 0,01 FMnd + 0,015 FMd
g acceleration due to gravity (9,81 m/s² )
h height of centre of gravity specified by the manufactu-
rer and agreed by the technical service conducting the
approval test
hD height of drawbar (hinge point on towed vehicle)

hK height of fifth wheel coupling (king pin)

hR height of centre of gravity of the towed vehicle
k coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road
kf k-factor of one front axle
kH k-value determined on the high-friction surface
ki k-value determined on axle i for a vehicle with a category
3 anti-lock braking system
kL k-value determined on the low-friction surface
klock value of adhesion for 100 % slip
kM k-factor of the tractor
kpeak maximum value of the curve ‘adhesion versus slip’
kr k-factor of one rear axle
kR k-factor of the towed vehicle
P mass of individual vehicle [kg]
R ratio of kpeak to klock
t time interval [s]
tm mean value of t

Annex 11

Symbol Notes
tmin minimum value of t
z braking rate [m/s²]
zAL braking rate z of the vehicle with the anti-lock braking
system operative
zc braking rate z of the vehicle combination, with the towed
vehicle only braked and the anti-lock braking system
zCAL braking rate z of the vehicle combination, with the towed
vehicle only braked and the anti-lock braking system
zcmax maximum value of zC
zcmaxi maximum value of zC , with only axle i of the towed ve-
hicle braked
zm mean braking rate
zmax maximum value of z

zMALS zAL of the tractor on a ‘split surface’
zR braking rate z of the towed vehicle with the anti-lock bra-
king system inoperative
zRAL zAL of the towed vehicle obtained by braking all the axles,
the tractor un-braked and its engine disconnected
zRALH zRAL on the surface with the high coefficient of adhesion
zRALL zRAL on the surface with the low coefficient of adhesion
zRALS zRAL on the split surface
zRH zR on the surface with the high coefficient of adhesion
zRL zR on the surface with the low coefficient of adhesion
zRHmax maximum value of zRH
zRLmax maximum value of zRL
zRmax maximum value of zR
(1) FMnd and FMd in case of two-axled power-driven vehicles: these
symbols may be simplified to corresponding Fi -symbols

(EU) 2015/68

Appendix 2
Utilisation of adhesion
1. Method of measurement for tractors
1.1. Determination of the coefficient of adhesion (k)
1.1.1. The coefficient of adhesion (k) shall be determined as the quotient of the
maximum braking forces without locking the wheels and the corresponding
dynamic load on the axle being braked.
1.1.2. The brakes shall be applied only on one axle of the vehicle under test, at
an initial speed of 50 km/h. The braking forces shall be distributed between
the wheels of the axle to reach maximum performance. The anti-lock
braking system shall be disconnected, or inoperative, between 40 km/h
and 20 km/h.
1.1.3. A number of tests at increments of line pressure shall be carried out to
determine the maximum braking rate of the vehicle (z max ). During each

test, a constant input force shall be maintained and the braking rate shall
be determined by reference to the time (t) taken for the speed to reduce
from 40 km/h to 20 km/h using the formula:
z = 0.566/t
zmax is the maximum value of z in m/s² ,
t is in seconds. Wheel-lock may occur below 20 km/h. Starting from the minimum measured value of t, called tmin , then select
three values of t comprised within t min and 1,05 tmin and calculate their
arithmetical mean value tm, then calculate
zm = 0.566/tm
If it is demonstrated that for practical reasons the three values determined
above cannot be obtained, then the minimum time t min may be utilised.
However, the requirements of point 1.3 still apply.
1.1.4. The braking forces shall be calculated from the measured braking rate and the
rolling resistance of the un-braked axle(s) which is equal to 0,015 and 0,010
of the static axle load for a driven axle and a non- driven axle, respectively.

Annex 11

1.1.5. The dynamic load on the axle shall be calculated from the braking rate,
static axle load, wheelbase and centre of gravity height.
1.1.6. The value of k shall be rounded to three decimal places.
1.1.7. Then, the test shall be repeated for the other axles(s) as defined in points
1.1.1 to 1.1.6 (for exemptions, see points 1.4 and 1.5).
1.1.8. For example, in the case of a two-axle rear-wheel drive vehicle, with the
front axle being braked, the coefficient of adhesion (k) is given by:

zm • P • g - 0,015F2
kf = h
F1 + • zm • P • g

1.1.9. One coefficient shall be determined for the front axle k f and one for the
rear axle kr .
1.2. Determination of the adhesion utilised (ε)
1.2.1. The adhesion utilised (ε) is defined as the quotient of the maximum braking

rate with the anti-lock braking system operative (zAL) and the coefficient of
adhesion k M , i.e.


1.2.2. From an initial vehicle speed of 55 km/h, or vmax whichever is lower, the
maximum value for the braking rate (zAL) shall be measured with full cycling
of the anti-lock braking system. This value for zAL shall be based on the
average value of three tests, as previously described in point 1.1.3, using
the time taken for the speed to reduce from 45 km/h to 15 km/h, according
to the following formula:

zAL = tm

1.2.3. The coefficient of adhesion kM shall be determined by weighting with the

dynamic axle loads:

kf‡)fdyn + kr‡)rdyn
kM = 3‡J

(EU) 2015/68


Ffdyn = Ff‡]
E AL‡3‡J

Frdyn = Fr‡]

1.2.4. The value of ε shall be rounded to two decimal places.

1.2.5. In the case of a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking system of
category 1 or 2, the value of zAL is based on the whole vehicle, with the
anti-lock braking system in operation, and the adhesion utilised (ε) shall be
given by the same formula quoted in point 1.2.1.
1.2.6. In the case of a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking system of
category 3, the value of zAL shall be measured on each axle which has at
least one directly controlled wheel.
Example: for a two-axle vehicle with an anti-lock braking system acting

only on the rear axle (2), the adhesion utilised (ε) is given by:

zAL • P • g - 0,010F1
İ2 = h
k2 (F2 - • zAL • P • g)

This calculation shall be made for each axle having at least one directly
controlled wheel.
1.3. If ε > 1,00, the measurements of coefficients of adhesion shall be repeated.
A tolerance of 10 % is acceptable.
1.4. For tractors equipped with three axles, any axles that are interconnected
by either suspension components and thereby react to weight transfer un-
der braking or driveline may be disregarded in establishing a k value for
the vehicle.
Until a uniform test procedure is agreed, vehicles with more than three
axles and special vehicles shall be subject to consultation with the
technical service.
1.5. For tractors with a wheel base less than 3,80 m and with h/E > 0,25, the
determination of the coefficient of adhesion for the rear axle shall be omitted

Annex 11

1.5.1. In that case, the adhesion utilised (ε) is defined as the quotient of the
maximum braking rate with the anti-lock braking system operative (zAL)
and the coefficient of adhesion (kf), i. e.
İ kf

2. Method of measurement for towed vehicles

2.1. General
2.1.1. The coefficient of adhesion (k) shall be determined as the quotient of the
maximum braking forces without locking the wheels and the corresponding
dynamic load on the axle being braked.
2.1.2. The brakes shall be applied on only one axle of the towed vehicle under
test, at an initial speed of 50 km/h. The braking forces shall be distributed
between the wheels of the axle to reach maximum performance. The anti-
lock braking system shall be disconnected or inoperative between 40 km/h
and 20 km/h.

2.1.3. A number of tests at increments of line pressure shall be carried out to
determine the maximum braking rate of the vehicle combination (zCmax)
with the towed vehicle only braked. During each test, a constant input force
shall be maintained and the braking rate shall be determined by reference
to the time taken (t) for the speed to reduce from 40 km/h to 20 km/h using
the formula:
zc = t Wheel-lock may occur below 20 km/h. Starting from the minimum measured value of t, called tmin, then select
three values of t comprised within tmin and 1,05 tmin and calculate their
arithmetical mean value tm.
then calculate:

zcmax = tm

If it is demonstrated that for practical reasons the three values determined

above cannot be obtained, then the minimum time tmin may be utilised.

(EU) 2015/68

2.1.4. The adhesion utilised (ε) shall be calculated by means of the formula:

İ kR

The k value shall be determined according to point 2.2.3 for drawbar

towed vehicles or point 2.3.1 for rigid drawbar towed vehicles and
centre-axle towed vehicles, respectively.
2.1.5. If ε > 1,00 the measurements of coefficients of adhesion shall be repeated.
A tolerance of 10 % is accepted.
2.1.6. The maximum braking rate (zRAL ) shall be measured with full cycling of the
anti-lock braking system and the tractor unbraked, based on the average
value of three tests, as in point 2.1.3.
2.2. Drawbar towed vehicles
2.2.1. The measurement of k (with the anti-lock braking system being
disconnected, or inoperative, between 40 km/h and 20 km/h) shall be

performed for the front and rear axles.

For one front axle i:
FbRmaxi = zcmaxi (FM + FR) - 0.01 FCnd - 0.015 FCd

zCmaxi (FM • hD + g • P • hR) - FWM • hD

Fidyn = Fi + E

Kf = FbRmaxi

For one rear axle i:

FbRmaxi = zcmaxi (FM + FR) - 0.01 FCnd - 0.015 FCd

zCmaxi (FM • hD + g • P • hR) - FWM • hD

Fidyn = Fi - E

Kr = FbRmaxi

2.2.2. The values of kf and kr shall be rounded to three decimal places.

Annex 11

2.2.3. The coefficient of adhesion kR shall be determined proportionally according

to the dynamic axle loads.
k • Ffdyn + kr • Frdyn
kR = f P•g

2.2.4. kf • Ffdyn + kr • Frdyn

KR = P•g

2.2.5. Measurement of zRAL (with the anti-lock braking system operative)

zCAL • (FM + FR) - 0.01 FCnd - 0.015 FCd

zRAL shall be determined on a surface with a high coefficient of adhesion

and, for vehicles with a category A anti-lock braking system, also on a
surface with a low coefficient of adhesion.
2.3. Rigid drawbar towed vehicles and centre-axle towed vehicles
2.3.1. The measurement of k (with the anti-lock braking system being
disconnected, or inoperative, between 40 km/h and 20 km/h) shall be

carried out with wheels fitted only on one axle, the wheels of the other
axle(s) are removed.
FbRmax = zCmax (FM + FR) - FWM
FbRmax • hK + zCmax • g • P • (hR - hK)
FRdyn = FR - ER


2.3.2. The measurement of zRAL (with the anti-lock braking system operative)
shall be carried out with all wheels fitted.
FbRAL = zCAL (FM + FR) - FWM
FbRAL • hK + zCAL • g • P • (hR - hK)
FRdyn = FR - ER


zRAL shall be determined on a surface with a high coefficient of adhesion

and, for vehicles with a category A anti-lock braking system, also on a
surface with a low coefficient of adhesion.

(EU) 2015/68

Appendix 3
Performance on differing adhesion surfaces
1. Tractors
1.1. The prescribed braking rate referred to in point 5.3.5 of this Annex may be
calculated by reference to the measured coefficient of adhesion of the two
surfaces on which this test is carried out.
The two surfaces shall satisfy the conditions set out in point 5.3.4. of
this Annex.
1.2. The coefficient of adhesion (kH and kL) of the high- and low-adhesion sur-
faces, respectively, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions
in point 1.1 of Appendix 2.

1.3. The braking rate (zMALS) for laden tractors shall be:


2. Towed vehicles
2.1. The braking rate referred to in point 6.3.2 of this Annex may be calculated
by reference to the measured braking rates zRALH and zRALL on the two sur-
faces on which the tests are carried out with the anti-lock braking system
operative. These two surfaces shall satisfy the conditions prescribed in
point 6.3.2 of this Annex.
2.2. The braking rate zRALS shall be:

0.75 4zRALL + zRALH

İ 5


If εΗ > 0,95 use εΗ = 0,95.

Annex 11

Appendix 4
Method of selection of the low-adhesion surface
1. Details of the coefficient of adhesion of the surface selected, as determined
in point of this Annex, shall be given to the technical service.
1.1. These data shall include a curve of the coefficient of adhesion versus slip
(from 0 % to 100 % slip) for a speed of approximately 40 km/h.
Until a uniform test procedure is established for the determination of the
adhesion curve for vehicles with a maximum mass exceeding 3,5 tonnes,
the curve established for passenger cars may be used. In this case, for
vehicles with a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, the ratio kpeak to klock
shall be established using a value of kpeak as defined in Appendix 2. With
the consent of the technical service, the coefficient of adhesion described
in this item may be determined by another method provided that the
equivalence of the values of kpeak and klock are demonstrated.
1.1.1. The maximum value of the curve will represent kpeak and the value at 100 %

slip will represent klock.
1.1.2. The ratio R shall be determined as the quotient of the kpeak and klock .

R = kpeak

1.1.3. The value of R shall be rounded to one decimal place.

1.1.4. The surface to be used shall have a ratio R between 1,0 and 2,0.
Until such test surfaces become generally available, a ratio R up to 2,5 is
acceptable, subject to discussion with the technical service.
2. Prior to the tests, the technical service shall ensure that the selected
surface meets the specified requirements and shall be informed of the
test method to determine R, the type of vehicle (tractor, etc.) and the axle
load and tyres (different loads and different tyres have to be tested and
the results shown to the technical service which will decide if they are
representative for the vehicle to be approved).
2.1. The value of R shall be mentioned in the test report.
The calibration of the surface has to be carried out at least once a year
with a representative vehicle to verify the stability of R.

(EU) 2015/68

Requirements applying to EBS of vehicles with compressed-air
braking systems or of vehicles with data communication via pin 6
and 7 of ISO 7638 connector and to vehicles fitted with such EBS
1. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
1.1. ‘point-to-point’ means a topology of a communication network with only
two units. Each unit has an integrated termination resistor for the commu-
nication line;
1.2. ‘braking signal’ means a logic signal indicating brake activation.
2. General requirements
2.1. The electric control line shall conform to ISO 11992-1 and 11992- 2:2003
including Amd.1:2007 and be a point-to-point type using the seven pin con-
nector according to ISO 7638-1 or 7638-2:2003. The data contacts of the

ISO 7638 connector shall be used to transfer information exclusively for

braking (including ABS) and running gear (steering, tyres and suspension)
functions as specified in ISO 11992- 2:2003 including Amd.1:2007. The
braking functions have priority and shall be maintained in the normal and
failed modes. The transmission of running gear information shall not delay
braking functions. The power supply, provided by the ISO 7638 connector,
shall be used exclusively for braking and running gear functions and that
required for the transfer of towed vehicle related information not transmit-
ted via the electric control line. However, in all cases the provisions of point
5.2.1 shall apply. The power supply for all other functions shall use other
2.2. The support of messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including
Amd.1:2007 is specified in Appendix 1 to this Annex for the tractor and
towed vehicle as appropriate.
2.3. The functional compatibility of tractors and towed vehicles equipped with
electric control lines shall be assessed at the time of type approval by
checking that the relevant provisions of ISO 11992:2003, including ISO
11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 parts 1 and 2, are fulfilled. Appendix 2
to this Annex provides an example of tests that may be used to perform
this assessment.

Annex 12

2.4. When a tractor is equipped with an electric control line and electrically
connected to a towed vehicle equipped with an electric control line, a con-
tinuous failure (> 40 ms) within the electric control line shall be detected in
the tractor and shall be signalled to the driver by the yellow warning signal
specified in point of Annex I, when such vehicles are connec-
ted via the electric control line.
3. Special requirements for the connections between tractors and towed
vehicles for compressed-air braking systems
3.1. ►M1 The electric control line of the tractor shall provide information as to
whether the requirements of point of Annex I can be satisfied by
the electric control line, without assistance from the pneumatic control line.
◄ It shall also provide information as to whether it is equipped according
to point of Annex I with two control lines or according to point of Annex I with only an electric control line.
3.2. A tractor equipped according to point of Annex I shall recognise
that the coupling of a towed vehicle equipped according to point
of Annex I is not compatible. When such vehicles are electrically connected
via the electric control line of the tractor, the driver shall be warned by the red

optical warning signal specified in point of Annex I and when the
system is energised, the brakes on the tractor shall be automatically applied.
This brake application shall provide at least the prescribed parking braking
performance required by points and of Annex II respectively.
3.3. In the case of a tractor equipped with two control lines as described in point of Annex I, when electrically connected to a towed vehicle which
is also equipped with two control lines, all of the following conditions shall
be fulfilled:
3.3.1. both signals shall be present at the coupling head and the towed vehicle
shall use the electric control signal unless this signal is deemed to have
failed. In this case the towed vehicle shall automatically switch to the
pneumatic control line;
3.3.2. each vehicle shall conform to the relevant provisions of Appendix 1 of
Annex II for both electric and pneumatic control lines;
3.3.3. when the electric control signal has exceeded the equivalent of 100 kPa
for more than 1 second, the towed vehicle shall verify that a pneumatic
signal is present; should no pneumatic signal be present, the driver shall
be warned from the towed vehicle by the separate yellow warning signal
specified in point of Annex I.

(EU) 2015/68

3.4. ►M1 A towed vehicle may be equipped as described in point of
Annex I, provided that it can only be operated in conjunction with a trac-
tor with an electric control line which satisfies the requirements of point of Annex I. ◄ In any other case, the towed vehicle, when elec-
trically connected, shall automatically apply the brakes or remain braked.
The driver shall be warned by the separate yellow warning signal specified
in point of Annex I.
3.5. If the operation of the parking braking system on the tractor also operates
a braking system on the towed vehicle, as permitted by point of
Annex I, then the following additional requirements shall be met:
3.5.1. When the tractor is equipped according to point of Annex I,
the actuation of the parking braking system of the tractor shall actuate a
braking system on the towed vehicle via the pneumatic control line.
3.5.2. When the tractor is equipped according to point of Annex I,
the actuation of the parking braking system on the tractor shall actuate
a braking system on the towed vehicle as prescribed in point 3.5.1 In

addition, the actuation of the parking braking system may also actuate a
braking system on the towed vehicle via the electric control line.
3.5.3. ►M1 When the tractor is equipped according to point of Annex
I or, if it satisfies the requirements of point of Annex I without
assistance from the pneumatic control line, point of Annex I,
the actuation of the parking braking system on the tractor shall actuate a
braking system on the towed vehicle via the electric control line. ◄ When
the electrical energy for the brakingequipment of the tractor is switched
off, the braking of the towed vehicle shall be effected by evacuation of the
supply line (in addition, the pneumatic control line may remain pressurised);
the supply line may only remain evacuated until the electrical energy for the
braking equipment of the tractor is restored and simultaneously the braking
of the towed vehicle via the electric control line is restored.
4. Special additional requirements for service braking systems with electric
control transmission
4.1. Tractors
4.1.1. With the parking braking system released, the service braking system shall
be able to generate a static total braking force at least equivalent to that
required by the prescribed Type-0 test, even when the ignition/start switch

Annex 12

has been switched off and/or the key has been removed. In the case of
tractors authorised to tow vehicles of category R3b or R4b, such vehicles
shall provide a full control signal for the service braking system of the towed
vehicle. It should be understood that sufficient energy is available in the
energy transmission of the service braking system.
4.1.2. In the case of a single temporary failure (< 40 ms) within the electric control
transmission, excluding its energy supply, (e.g. non-transmitted signal or
data error) there shall be no distinguishable effect on the service braking
4.1.3. A failure within the electric control transmission, not including its energy
reserve, that affects the function and performance of systems addressed
in this Regulation shall be indicated to the driver by the red or yellow
warning signal specified in points and of Annex
I, respectively, as appropriate. ►M1 When the prescribed service braking
performance can no longer be achieved (red warning signal), failures
resulting from a loss of electrical continuity (e.g. breakage, disconnection)
shall be signalled to the driver as soon as they occur, and the prescribed
residual braking performance shall be fulfilled by operating the service

braking control device in accordance with point 3.1.4 of Annex II. ◄
The manufacturer shall provide the Technical Service with an analysis
of potential failures within the control transmission and their effects. This
information shall be subject to discussion and agreement between the
Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.
These requirements shall not be construed as a departure from the
requirements concerning secondary braking.
4.1.4. A tractor electrically connected to a towed vehicle via an electric control
line, shall provide a clear warning to the driver whenever the towed vehicle
provides the failure information that the stored energy in any part of the
service braking system on the towed vehicle falls below the warning level,
as specified in point 5.2.4. A similar warning shall also be provided when a
continuous failure (> 40 ms) within the electric control transmission of the
towed vehicle, excluding its energy reserve, precludes achievement of the
prescribed service braking performance of the towed vehicle, as specified
in point 4.2.3. The warning signal specified in point of Annex I
shall be used for this purpose.
4.1.5. In the event of a failure of the energy source of the electric control
transmission, starting from the nominal value of the energy level, the full
control range of the service braking system shall be guaranteed after

(EU) 2015/68

twenty consecutive full stroke actuations of the service braking control

device. During the test, the braking control device shall be fully applied
for 20 seconds and released for 5 seconds on each actuation. It should
be understood that during the above test, sufficient energy is available
in the energy transmission to ensure full actuation of the service braking
system. This requirement shall not be construed as a departure from the
requirements of Annex IV.
4.1.6. When the battery voltage falls below a value nominated by the manufacturer
at which the prescribed service braking performance can no longer be
guaranteed and/or which precludes at least two independent service
braking circuits from each achieving the prescribed secondary or residual
braking performance, the warning signal specified in point of
Annex I shall be activated. After the warning signal has been activated, it
shall be possible to apply the service braking control device and obtain at
least the performances prescribed for residual and secondary braking in
the case of tractor with maximum design speed exceeding 60 km/h or the
performance prescribed for secondary braking in the case of tractor with

maximum design speed not exceeding 60 km/h. It should be understood

that sufficient energy is available in the energy transmission of the service
braking system. This requirement shall not be construed as a departure
from the requirement concerning secondary braking.
4.1.7. If auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the same reserve as
the electric control transmission, it shall be ensured that, with the engine
running at a speed not greater than 80 % of the maximum power speed,
the supply of energy is sufficient to fulfil the prescribed deceleration
values by either provision of an energy supply which is able to prevent
discharge of this reserve when all auxiliary equipment is functioning or by
automatically switching off pre-selected parts of the auxiliary equipment at
a voltage above the critical level referred to in point 4.1.6 such that further
discharge of this reserve is prevented. Compliance may be demonstrated
by calculation or by a practical test. For vehicles authorised to tow a vehicle
of category R3b or R4b the energy consumption of the towed vehicle shall
be taken into account by a load of 400 W. This point does not apply to
vehicles where the prescribed deceleration values can be reached without
the use of electrical energy.
4.1.8. If the auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the electric control
transmission, the following requirements shall be fulfilled.

Annex 12 In the event of a failure in the energy source, whilst the vehicle is in motion,
the energy in the reservoir shall be sufficient to actuate the brakes when
the control device is applied. In the event of a failure in the energy source, whilst the vehicle is stationary
and the parking braking system applied, the energy in the reservoir shall be
sufficient to actuate the lights even when the brakes are applied.
4.1.9. In the case of a failure in the electric control transmission of the service
braking system of a tractor equipped with an electric control line according
to point or of Annex I, the full actuation of the brakes of
the towed vehicle shall remain ensured.
4.1.10. ►M1 In the case of a failure in the electric control transmission of a towed
vehicle, electrically connected via an electric control line only, according to
point of Annex I, braking of the towed vehicle shall be ensured
according to point of Annex I. ◄ This shall be the case
whenever the towed vehicle provides the ‘supply line braking request’
signal via the data communication part of the electric control line or in the
event of the continuous absence of this data communication. This point
shall not apply to tractors which cannot be operated with towed vehicles

connected via an electric control line only, as described in point 3.4.
4.2. Trailers
4.2.1. In the case of a single temporary failure (< 40 ms) within the electric control
transmission, excluding its energy supply, (e.g. non-transmitted signal or
data error) there shall be no distinguishable effect on the service braking
4.2.2. In the case of a failure within the electric control transmission (e.g. breakage,
disconnection), of at least 30 % of the prescribed performance for the
service braking system of the relevant towed vehicle shall be maintained.
Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturer
shall provide the Technical Service with an analysis of potential failures
within the control transmission, and their effects. This information shall
be subject to discussion and agreement between the Technical Service
and the vehicle manufacturer.
For towed vehicles, electrically connected via an electric control line only,
according to point of Annex I, and fulfilling the requirements set
out in point of Annex I with the performance prescribed in
point 3.2.3 of Annex II, it is sufficient that the provisions of point 4.1.10 of

(EU) 2015/68

this Annex are invoked, when a braking performance of at least 30 % of

the prescribed performance for the service braking system of the towed
vehicle can no longer be ensured, by either providing the ‘supply line
braking request’ signal via the data communication part of the electric
control line or by the continuous absence of this data communication.
4.2.3. A failure within the electric control transmission of the towed vehicle
that affects the function and performance of systems addressed by
this Regulation and failures of energy supply available from the ISO
7638:2003 connector shall be indicated to the driver by the separate
warning signal specified in point of Annex I via pin 5 of the
electrical connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003. In addition, towed
vehicles equipped with an electric control line, when electrically connected
to a tractor with an electric control line, shall provide the failure information
for activation of the warning signal specified in point of Annex
I via the data communication part of the electric control line, when the
prescribed service braking performance of the towed vehicle can no

longer be ensured.
However, in the case of any failure of the energy supply available from
the ISO 7638:2003 connector, the indication of the yellow warning signal
via pin 5 of the electrical connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003 is
sufficient under the condition that the full braking force is still available.
5. Additional requirements
5.1. Tractors
5.1.1. Generation of a braking signal to illuminate stop lamps Activation of the service braking system by the driver shall generate a
signal that will be used to illuminate the stop lamps. Requirements for vehicles that utilise electronic signalling to control initial
application of the service braking system and equipped with an endurance
braking system: Deceleration by the endurance braking system

Deceleration by the endurance braking system

≤ 1,3 m/sec² ≤ 1,3 m/sec²
May generate the signal Shall generate the signal

Annex 12 In the case of vehicles equipped with a braking system of a specification different
to that laid down in point, the operation of the endurance braking system
may generate the signal irrespective of the deceleration produced. The signal shall not be generated when deceleration is produced by the
natural braking effect of the engine alone. Activation of the service braking system by automatically commanded
braking shall generate the signal mentioned above. However, when the
deceleration generated is less than 0,7 m/s 2 , the signal may be suppressed
At the time of type approval, compliance with this requirement shall be
confirmed by the vehicle manufacturer. Activation of part of the service braking system by selective braking shall
not generate the signal mentioned above.
During a selective braking event, the function may change to automatically
commanded braking. In the case of vehicles equipped with an electric control line the signal shall

be generated by the tractor when a message ‘illuminate stop lamps’ is
received via the electric control line from the towed vehicle.
5.2. Towed vehicles
5.2.1. Whenever power supplied by the ISO 7638:2003 connector is used for
the functions referred to in point 2.1, the braking system shall have priority
and be protected from an overload external to the braking system. This
protection shall be a function of the braking system.
5.2.2. In the case of a failure in one of the control lines connecting two vehicles
equipped according to point of Annex I the towed vehicle shall use
the control line not affected by the failure to ensure, automatically, the braking
performance prescribed for the towed vehicle in point 3.2.1 of Annex II.
5.2.3. When the supply voltage to the towed vehicle falls below a value
nominated by the manufacturer at which the prescribed service braking
performance can no longer be guaranteed, the separate yellow warning
signal specified in point of Annex I shall be activated via pin 5 of
the ISO 7638:2003 connector. In addition, towed vehicles equipped with
an electrical control line, when electrically connected to a tractor with an
electric control line, shall provide the failure information for actuation of
the warning signal specified in point of Annex I via the data
communication part of the electric control line.

(EU) 2015/68

5.2.4. When the stored energy in any part of the service braking system of a
towed vehicle equipped with an electric control line and electrically
connected to a tractor with an electronic control line, falls to the value
determined in accordance with point, a warning shall be provided
to the driver of the tractor. The warning shall be provided by activation of the
red signal specified in point of Annex I and the towed vehicle
shall provide the failure information via the data communication part of
the electric control line. The separate yellow warning signal specified in
point of Annex I shall also be activated via pin 5 of the electrical
connector conforming to ISO 7638:2003, to indicate to the driver that the
low-energy situation is on the towed vehicle. The low energy value referred to in point 5.2.4 shall be that at which,
without re-charging of the energy reservoir and irrespective of the load
condition of the towed vehicle, it is not possible to apply the service braking
control device a fifth time after four full-stroke actuations and obtain at least
50 % of the prescribed performance of the service braking system of the
relevant towed vehicle.
5.2.5. Activation of the service braking system
2015/68 In the case of towed vehicles equipped with an electric control line the
message ‘illuminate stop lamps’ shall be transmitted by the towed vehicle
via the electric control line when the towed vehicle braking system is
activated during ‘automatically commanded braking’ initiated by the towed
vehicle. However, when the retardation generated is less than 0,7 m/s 2 ,
the signal may be suppressed.
At the time of type approval, compliance with this requirement shall be
confirmed by the vehicle manufacturer. In the case of towed vehicles equipped with an electric control line the
message ‘illuminate stop lamps’ shall not be transmitted by the towed
vehicle via the electrical control line during selective braking initiated by
the towed vehicle.
During a selective braking event, the function may change to
automatically commanded braking.
6. Suppression of automatic braking
In the case of towed vehicles equipped with an electric control line
and electrically connected to a tractor with an electric control line the
automatic braking action specified in point of Annex I may
be suppressed as long as the pressure in the compressed air reservoirs
of the towed vehicle is sufficient to ensure the braking performance
specified in point 3.2.3 of Annex II.

Annex 12

Appendix 1
Compatibility between tractors and towed vehicles with respect
to ISO 11992 data communications
1. General
1.1. The requirements of this Appendix shall only apply to tractors and towed
vehicles equipped with an electric control line.
1.2. The ISO 7638 connector provides a power supply for the braking system
or anti-lock braking system of the towed vehicle. In the case of vehicles
equipped with an electric control line this connector also provides a data
communication interface via Pins 6 and 7 as in point 2.1 of this Annex.
1.3. This Appendix lays down requirements applicable to the tractor and towed
vehicle with respect to the support of messages defined within ISO 11992-
2:2003 including Amd.1:2007.
2. The parameters defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 including Amd.1:2007

that are transmitted by the electric control line shall be supported as
2.1. The following functions and associated messages are those specified wit-
hin this Regulation that shall be supported by the tractor or towed vehicle
as appropriate:
2.1.1. Messages transmitted from the tractor to the towed vehicle:

Function/Parameter ISO 11992- Reference in this

2:2003 Regulation
Service/secondary brake demand EBS11 Appendix 1 to Annex II,
value Byte 3-4 point
Two electrical circuits brake EBS12 Annex XII, point 3.1.
demand value Byte 3 Bit 1-2
Pneumatic control line EBS12 Annex XII, point 3.1.
Byte 3 Bit 5-6

(EU) 2015/68

2.1.2. Messages transmitted from the towed vehicle to the tractor: Function/Parameter
Function/Parameter ISO 11992- Reference in this
2:2003 Regulation
Vehicle electrical supply sufficient/ EBS22 Byte 2 Annex XII, point 5.2.3.
insufficient Bit 1-2
Warning signal request EBS22 Byte 2 Annex XII, point 4.2.3.,
Bit 3-4 5.2.4. and 5.2.3.
Supply line braking request EBS22 Byte 4 Annex XII, point 4.2.2.
Bit 3-4
Stop lamps request EBS22 Byte 4 Annex XII, point
Bit 5-6
Vehicle pneumatic supply EBS23 Byte 1 Annex XII, point 5.2.4.
sufficient/insufficient Bit 7-8

2.2. When the towed vehicle transmits the following message, the tractor shall

provide a warning to the driver:

Warning signal request EBS22 Byte 2 point of
Bit 3-4 Annex I

2.3. The following messages defined in ISO 11992-2:2003 including

Amd.1:2007 shall be supported by the tractor or towed vehicle:
2.3.1. Messages transmitted from the tractor to the towed vehicle:
No messages currently defined.
2.3.2. Messages transmitted from the towed vehicle to the tractor:
Function/Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003
Vehicle service brake active/passive EBS22 Byte 1, Bit 5-6
Braking via electric control line supported EBS22 Byte 4, Bit 7-8
Geometric data index EBS24 Byte 1
Geometric data index content EBS24 Byte 2

Annex 12

2.4. The following messages shall be supported by the tractor or towed vehicle
as appropriate when the vehicle is installed with a function associated with
that parameter:
2.4.1. Messages transmitted from the tractor to the towed vehicle:
Function/Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003
Vehicle type EBS11 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
VDC (Vehicle Dynamic Control) Active/ passive EBS11 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Brake demand value for front or left side of vehicle EBS11 Byte 7
Brake demand value for rear or right side of vehicle EBS11 Byte 8
ROP (Roll Over Protection) system enabled/ disabled EBS12 Byte 1, Bit 3-4
YC (Yaw Control) system enabled/disabled EBS12 Byte 1, Bit 5-6
Enable/disable towed vehicle ROP (Roll Over Protec- EBS12 Byte 2, Bit 1-2
tion) system

Enable/disable towed vehicle YC (Yaw Control) system EBS12 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Traction help request RGE11 Byte 1, Bit 7-8
Lift axle 1 — position request RGE11 Byte 2, Bit 1-2
Lift axle 2 — position request RGE11 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Steering axle locking request RGE11 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Seconds TD11 Byte 1
Minutes TD11 Byte 2
Hours TD11 Byte 3
Months TD11 Byte 4
Day TD11 Byte 5
Year TD11 Byte 6
Local minute offset TD11 Byte 7
Local hour offset TD11 Byte 8

(EU) 2015/68

2.4.2. Messages transmitted from the towed vehicle to the tractor:

Function/Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003
Support of side or axle wise brake force distribution EBS21 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Wheel based vehicle speed EBS21 Byte 3-4
Lateral acceleration EBS21 Byte 8
Vehicle ABS active/passive EBS22 Byte 1, Bit 1-2
Amber warning signal request EBS22 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Vehicle type EBS22 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Loading ramp approach assistance EBS22 Byte 4, Bit 1-2
Axle load sum EBS22 Byte 5-6
Tyre pressure sufficient/insufficient EBS23 Byte 1, Bit 1-2
Brake lining sufficient/insufficient EBS23 Byte 1, Bit 3-4
Brake temperature status EBS23 Byte 1, Bit 5-6

Tyre/wheel identification (pressure) EBS23 Byte 2

Tyre/wheel identification (lining) EBS23 Byte 3
Tyre/wheel identification (temperature) EBS23 Byte 4
Tyre pressure (actual tyre pressure) EBS23 Byte 5
Brake lining EBS23 Byte 6
Brake temperature EBS23 Byte 7
Brake cylinder pressure first axle left wheel EBS25 Byte 1
Brake cylinder pressure first axle right wheel EBS25 Byte 2
Brake cylinder pressure second axle left wheel EBS25 Byte 3
Brake cylinder pressure second axle right wheel EBS25 Byte 4
Brake cylinder pressure third axle left wheel EBS25 Byte 5
Brake cylinder pressure third axle right wheel EBS25 Byte 6
ROP (Roll Over Protection) system enabled/ disabled EBS25 Byte 7, Bit 1-2
YC (Yaw Control) system enabled/disabled EBS25 Byte 7, Bit 3-4
Traction help RGE21 Byte 1, Bit 5-6

Annex 12

Function/Parameter ISO 11992-2:2003

Lift axle 1 position RGE21 Byte 2, Bit 1-2
Lift axle 2 position RGE21 Byte 2, Bit 3-4
Steering axle locking RGE21 Byte 2, Bit 5-6
Tyre wheel identification RGE23 Byte 1
Tyre temperature RGE23 Byte 2-3
Air leakage detection (Tyre) RGE23 Byte 4-5
Tyre pressure threshold detection RGE23 Byte 6, Bit 1-3

2.5. The support of all other messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 inclu-
ding Amd.1:2007 is optional for the tractor and towed vehicle.


(EU) 2015/68

Appendix 2
Test procedure to assess the functional compatibility of vehicles
equipped with electric control lines
1. General
1.1. This Appendix lays down a procedure that may be used by the Technical
Service to check tractors and towed vehicles equipped with an electric con-
trol line against the functional and performance requirements referred to in
point 2.2. of Annex XII.
1.2. The references to ISO 7638 within this Appendix apply to ISO 7638-1:2003
for 24V applications and ISO 7638-2:2003 for 12V applications.
2. Tractors
2.1. ISO 11992 towed vehicle simulator
The simulator shall:

2.1.1. Have a connector meeting ISO 7638:2003 (7 pin) to connect to the vehicle
under test. Pins 6 and 7 of the connector shall be used to transmit and
receive messages complying with ISO 11992:2003 including ISO 11992-
2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007;
2.1.2. Be capable of receiving all of the messages transmitted by the motor
vehicle to be type approved and be capable of transmitting all towed
vehicle messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007;
2.1.3. Provide a direct or indirect readout of messages, with the parameters in the
data field shown in the correct order relative to time; and
2.1.4. Include a facility to measure coupling head response time in accordance
with point 2.6 of Annex III.
2.2. Checking procedure
2.2.1. Confirm that the manufacturer‘s/supplier‘s information document
demonstrates compliance with the provisions of ISO 11992 with respect to
the physical layer, data link layer and application layer.
2.2.2. Check the following, with the simulator connected to the motor vehicle via
the ISO 7638 interface and whilst all towed vehicle messages relevant to
the interface are being transmitted:

Annex 12 Control line signalling: The parameters defined in EBS 12 byte 3 of ISO 11992-2:2003 and its
Amd.1:2007 shall be checked against the specification of the vehicle as follows:

EBS 12 Byte 3
Control Line Signalling
Bits 1-2 Bits 5-6
Service braking demand generated from one electrical
Service braking demand generated from two electrical
Vehicle is not equipped with a pneumatic control line (1) 00b
Vehicle is equipped with a pneumatic control line 01b
(1) This specification of vehicle is prohibited following point of Annex I. Service/Secondary brake demand: The parameters defined in EBS 11 of ISO 11992-2:2003 and its

Amd.1:2007 shall be checked as follows:
Test condition Byte Electrical control line
reference signal value
Service brake pedal and secondary bra- 3-4 0
ke control released
Service brake pedal fully applied 3-4 33280 d to 43520 d (650
to 850 kPa)
Secondary brake fully applied (1) 3-4 33280 d to 43520 d (650
to 850 kPa)
(1) Optional on tractors with electric and pneumatic control lines when the pneu-
matic control line fulfils the relevant requirements for secondary braking. Failure warning: Simulate a permanent failure in the communication line to pin
6 of the ISO 7638 connector and check that the yellow warning signal
specified in point of Annex I is displayed. Simulate a permanent failure in the communication line to pin 7 of the ISO
7638 connector and check that the yellow warning signal specified in point of Annex I is displayed.

(EU) 2015/68 Simulate message EBS 22, byte 2 with bits 3 - 4 set to 01b and check that
the warning signal specified in point of Annex I is displayed. Supply line braking request:
For power-driven vehicles which can be operated with towed vehicles
connected via an electric control line only:
Only the electric control line shall be connected.
Simulate message EBS 22, byte 4 with bits 3 - 4 set to 01b and check
that when the service brake, secondary brake or parking braking system
is fully actuated the pressure in the supply line falls to 150 kPa within the
following two seconds.
Simulate a continuous absence of data communication and check that
when the service brake, secondary brake or parking braking system is
fully actuated the pressure in the supply line falls to 150 kPa within the
following two seconds. Response time:
2015/68 Check that, with no faults present, the control line response requirements
laid down in point 2.6. of Annex III are met. Illumination of stop lamps
Simulate message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 5 to 6 set to 00 and check that the
stop lamps are not illuminated.
Simulate message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 5 to 6 set to 01 and check that the
stop lamps are illuminated.
2.2.3. Additional checks At the discretion of the Technical Service the checking procedures laid
down in points 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 may be repeated with the non- braking
functions relevant to the interface in different states or switched off. Point 2.4.1. of Appendix 1 defines additional messages that shall under
specific circumstances be supported by the tractor. Additional checks may
be carried out to verify the status of supported messages to ensure the
requirements of point 2.3 are fulfilled.
3. Towed vehicles
3.1. ISO 11992 tractor simulator
The simulator shall:

Annex 12

3.1.1. Have a connector meeting ISO 7638:2003 (7 pin) to connect to the vehicle
under test. Pins 6 and 7 of the connector shall be used to transmit and
receive messages complying with ISO 11992:2003 including ISO 11992-
2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007;
3.1.2. Have a failure warning display and an electrical power supply for the towed
3.1.3. Shall be capable of receiving all of the messages transmitted by the towed
vehicle to be type approved and be capable of transmitting all motor
vehicle messages defined within ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007.
3.1.4. Provide a direct or indirect readout of messages with the parameters in the
data field shown in the correct order relative to time; and
3.1.5. Include a facility to measure brake system response time in accordance
with point 4.5.2 of Annex III.
3.2. Checking procedure
3.2.1. Confirm that the manufacturer‘s or supplier‘s Information Document,

demonstrates compliance with the provisions of ISO 11992:2003 including
ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 with respect to the physical layer,
data link layer and application layer.
3.2.2. Check the following, with the simulator connected to the towed vehicle
via the ISO 7638 interface and whilst all tractor messages relevant to the
interface are being transmitted: Service brake system function: The towed vehicle response to the parameters defined in EBS 11 of ISO
11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007 shall be checked as follows:
The pressure in the supply line at the start of each test shall be ≥ 700 kPa
and the vehicle shall be laden (the loading condition may be simulated
for the purpose of this check). For towed vehicles equipped with pneumatic and electric control lines:
Both control lines shall be connected;
Both control lines shall be signalled simultaneously;
The simulator shall transmit message byte 3, bits 5-6;

(EU) 2015/68

Of EBS 12 set to 01b to indicate to the towed vehicle that a pneumatic

control line should be connected.

Message transmitted by the simulator

Pressure at the brake chambers
Byte reference Digital demand value
3-4 0 0 kPa
3-4 33280 d As defined in the vehicle manu-
650 kPa) facturer‘s brake calculation Towed vehicles equipped with pneumatic and electric control lines or an
electric control line only:
Only the electric control line shall be connected
The simulator shall transmit the following messages:
Byte 3, bits 5-6 of EBS 12 set to 00b to indicate to the towed vehicle that a
pneumatic control line is not available, and byte 3, bits 1-2 of EBS 12 set
to 01b to indicate to the towed vehicle that the electric control line signal
is generated from two electric circuits.

Parameters to be checked:

Message transmitted by the simulator

Pressure at the brake chambers
Byte reference Digital demand value
3-4 0 0 kPa
3-4 33280 d As defined in the vehicle manu-
650 kPa) facturer‘s brake calculation For towed vehicles equipped with only an electric control line, the response
to messages defined in EBS 12 of ISO 11992-2:2003 and its Amd.1:2007
shall be checked as follows:
The pneumatic supply line at the start of each test shall be ≥ 700 kPa.
The electric control line shall be connected to the simulator.
The simulator shall transmit the following messages:
Byte 3, bits 5-6 of EBS 12 set to 01b to indicate to the towed vehicle that
a pneumatic control line is available.
Byte 3-4 of EBS 11 shall be set to 0 (no service brake demand)
The response to the following messages shall be checked:

Annex 12

EBS 12, Byte

Pressure in the brake chambers or reaction of the towed vehicle
3, Bit 1-2
01b 0 kPa (service brake released)
The towed vehicle is automatically braked to demonstrate that the
00b combination is not compatible. A signal should also be transmitted
via Pin 5 of the ISO 7638:2003 connector (yellow warning). For towed vehicles connected with only an electrical control line, the
response of the towed vehicle to a failure in the electric control transmission
of the towed vehicle which results in a reduction in braking performance to
at least 30 % of the prescribed value shall be checked by the following
The pneumatic supply line at the start of each test shall be ≥ 700 kPa.
The electric control line shall be connected to the simulator.
Byte 3, bits 5-6 of EBS 12 set to 00b to indicate to the towed vehicle that
a pneumatic control line is not available.
Byte 3, bits 1-2 of EBS 12 set to 01b to indicate to the towed vehicle that

the electric control line signal is generated from two independent circuits.
The following shall be checked:
Test condition Braking system response
With no faults present in the towed ve- Check that the braking system is com-
hicle braking system municating with the simulator and that
Byte 4, bits 3-4 of EBS 22 is set to 00b .
Introduce a failure in the electric con- Check that Byte 4, bits 3-4 of EBS 22
trol transmission of the towed vehicle is set to 01b
braking system that prevents at least or
30 per cent of the prescribed braking The data communications to the
performance from being maintained simulator has been terminated Failure warning Check that the appropriate warning message or signal is transmitted under
the following conditions: Where a permanent failure within the electric control transmission of the
towed vehicle braking system precludes the service braking performance
being met, simulate such a failure and check that byte 2, bits 3-4 of EBS
22 transmitted by the towed vehicle is set to 01b . A signal should also be
transmitted via pin 5 of the ISO 7638 connector (yellow warning).

(EU) 2015/68 Reduce the voltage on pins 1 and 2 of the ISO 7638 connector to below a
value nominated by the manufacturer which precludes the service braking
system performance from being fulfilled and check that byte 2, bits 3-4 of
EBS 22 transmitted by the towed vehicle are set to 01b . A signal should
also be transmitted via pin 5 of the ISO 7638 connector (yellow warning). Check compliance with the provisions of point 5.2.4 of this Annex by
isolating the supply line. Reduce the pressure in the towed vehicle
pressure storage system to the value nominated by the manufacturer.
Check that byte 2, bits 3-4 of EBS 22 transmitted by the towed vehicle is
set to 01 b and that byte 1, bits 7-8 of EBS 23 is set to 00. A signal should
also be transmitted via pin 5 of the ISO 7638 connector (yellow warning). When the electrical part of the braking equipment is first energised check
that byte 2, bits 3-4 of EBS 22 transmitted by the towed vehicle is set to 01
b . ►M1 After the braking system has checked that no defects that require
identification by the red warning signal are present the message referred
to in this point shall be set to 00b.◄
2015/68 Response time checking Check that, with no faults present, the braking system response time
requirements laid down in point 4.5.2 of Annex III are met. Automatically commanded braking
In case the towed vehicle includes a function where its operation results
in an automatically commanded braking intervention, the following shall
be checked:
If no automatically commanded braking intervention is generated, check
that message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 5 to 6 are set to 00.
Simulate an automatically commanded braking intervention, when the
resulting deceleration is ≥ 0,7 m/sec 2 , check that message EBS 22
byte 4 bits 5 to 6 are set to 01. Vehicle stability function
In the case of a towed vehicle equipped with a vehicle stability function,
the following checks shall be carried out:
When the vehicle stability function is inactive, check that message EBS
21 byte 2 bits 1 to 2 are set to 00.

Annex 12 Support of the electric control line

Where the towed vehicle braking system does not support braking via
the electric control line check that message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 7 to 8
are set to 00.
Where the towed vehicle braking system supports the electric control
line, check that message EBS 22 byte 4 bits 7 to 8 are set to 01.
3.2.3. Additional checks At the discretion of the Technical Service the checking procedures laid
down in points 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 may be repeated with the non- braking
messages relevant to the interface in different states or switched off.
Where repeat measurements of the brake system response time are
carried out, variations in the value recorded may occur due to the
reaction of the vehicle pneumatics. In all cases the prescribed response
time requirements shall be met. Point 2.4.2 of Appendix 1 defines additional messages that shall under

specific circumstances be supported by the towed vehicle. Additional
checks may be carried out to verify the status of supported messages to
ensure the requirements of point 2.3 of this Annex are fulfilled.

(EU) 2015/68

Requirements applying to hydraulic connections of the single-li-
ne type and to vehicles fitted with them
1. General
1.1. In addition to at least one type of connection as defined in point 2.1.4 of An-
nex I or points to of that Annex, a hydraulic connection
of the single line type may be installed on the tractor.

1.2. The service braking system of the tractor shall be fitted with a device so
designed that if the towed vehicle braking system should fail, or the control
line between the tractor and towed vehicle should break, it will still be possi-

ble to brake the tractor with the effectiveness prescribed for the secondary
braking system in this Regulation.
2. Hydraulic connections of the single-line type between tractors and towed
vehicles equipped with hydraulic braking systems shall fulfil the following
2.1. Type of connection: hydraulic control line with the male connector on the
tractor and the female connector on the towed vehicle. The connectors
shall comply with ISO 5676:1983.
2.2. With the engine running and the control device of the service braking sys-
tem of the tractor fully applied a pressure between 10 000 kPa and 15 000
kPa shall be generated on the control line.
2.3. With the engine running and no brake control device on the tractor applied
(driving or stand-by condition), the pressure supplied at the coupling head
of the control line shall be 0+200 kPa.
2.4. The response time requirements of Annex III do not apply to this type of
2.5. The compatibility requirements according to Appendix 1 to Annex II do not
apply to this type of connection.

Annex 13

3. Alternative requirements
As an alternative to the requirements of sections 1 and 2, hydraulic
connection of the single line type installed on tractors shall fulfil all the
requirements of this section, in addition to the provisions of point 2.1.
3.1. The hydraulic circuit shall be provided with a relief valve to prevent hydrau-
lic pressures exceeding 15 000 kPa.
3.2. With no brake control device (including parking brake) applied on the trac-
tor, at any engine revolutions per minute (RPM) between low idle and rated
speed, pressure at coupling head shall be between 1 000 and 1 500 kPa.
3.3. Applying tractor service brakes gradually, pressure at coupling head shall
increase progressively and reach the maximum specified value, which
shall be between 12 000 and 14 000 kPa. Requirement shall be fulfilled at
any engine RPM, as described in point 3.2.

3.4. Permissible relationship between braking rate TM/FM and the coupling
head pressure pm shall be lower than line AAA of Figure 1. Requirement
shall be fulfilled by the unladen vehicle.
3.5. The response time at the coupling head, measured connecting the towed
vehicle simulator (as described in point 3.10) to the tractor, shall not be
higher than 0,6 seconds. The response time shall be measured at the
coupling head, starting from the moment of the pedal actuation until the
moment when pressure reaches the value of 7 500 kPa. During the test,
engine RPM shall be set to 2/3 of the rated speed. The ambient and ve-
hicle temperature shall be stabilised between 10 °C and 30 °C. The pedal
actuation time necessary to reach a pressure of 10 000 kPa at the coupling
head, shall be not less than 0,2 seconds.
3.6. In case of failure of the towed vehicle braking system part, located on the
tractor side, a pressure drop to 0 kPa (measured at the coupling head)
shall be generated within 1 second, in order to apply the brakes of the
towed vehicle. The same provision applies in case of shut off or low effi-
ciency of the energy source.

(EU) 2015/68

3.7. In case of failure of the tractor service brakes, operator shall be able to
drop the pressure at the coupling head to 0 kPa. This requirement may be
achieved by an auxiliary manual control device.
3.8. The tractor shall be equipped with the warning signal specified in point of Annex I; it shall be activated when the pressure in the towed
vehicle braking system drops below 1 000(+0 – 200)kPa.
3.9. Braking valve and energy source shall be marked in accordance with
the requirements laid down in Article 24 of Delegated Regulation (EU)
3.10. Towed vehicle simulator: The device simulating the towed vehicle braking
system shall include a hydraulic circuit provided with one female coupler
as per ISO 5676-1983 and two identical hydraulic energy storage devi-
ces, fitted with spring elements and fulfilling the requirements reported in

Figure 2. The simulator shall be manufactured according to the provisions

of Figure 3.

Annex 13

Figure 1
Relationship between braking rate TM/FM and coupling head
pressure pm
0,55 A


0,40 B B



0,15 A A


pm (kPa)



pm = stabilised hydraulic pressure at the coupling head

TM = sum of braking forces at the periphery of all wheels
of tractors
FM = total normal static reaction of road surface on wheels
of tractors

(EU) 2015/68

Figure 2
Characteristic of the towed vehicle simulator, depending on its
maximum permissible mass
Pressure (kPa)

10000 C E

2000 D

0 80 120 180
Volume (cm3)

– diagram A B C for maximum permissible mass up to 14 tons.

– diagram A D E for maximum permissible mass higher than 14 tons
Note: tolerance admitted ± 2 %

Annex 13

Figure 3
Towed vehicle simulator layout
5 6 7

1 2

5 6 7

1 = hose of 2 000 mm length with one female coupler as

per ISO 5676- 1983;
2 = tube of internal diameter 8 mm and length of 4 000 mm;

3 = tube of internal diameter 8 mm and length of 1 000 mm;
4 = tube of internal diameter 8 mm and length of 1 000 mm;
5 = piston brake simulating elements;
6 = spring adjusted elements acting on the total stroke of
the piston;
7 = spring adjusted elements acting only at the end of the
pistons stroke.


UN-ECE Regulation 13-H

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Table of Content
Regulation No. 13 H ..............................................................................................631

R 13
1. Scope......................................................................................................................631
2. Definitions...............................................................................................................631
3. Application for approval .........................................................................................635
4. Approval .................................................................................................................635
5. Specifications .........................................................................................................637
6. Tests........................................................................................................................654
7. Modification of vehicle type or braking system and extension of approval ........654
8. Conformity of production .......................................................................................655
9. Penalties for non-conformity of production...........................................................655
10. Production definitively discontinued......................................................................655
11. Names and addresses of the Technical Services conducting approval tests, and of
Type Approval Authorities .....................................................................................................655
12. Transitional provisions ...........................................................................................656
Annex 1
Communication ......................................................................................................657
Annex 1 - Appendix
List of vehicle data for the purpose of regulation No. 90 approvals ....................661
Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks .........................................................................663
R 13-H

Annex 3
Braking tests and performance of braking systems ............................................664
Annex 3 - Appendix
Procedure for monitoring the state of battery charge ..........................................674
Annex 4
Provisions relating to energy sources and energy storage devices (energy
Annex 5
Distribution of braking among the axles of vehicles.............................................677
Annex 5 - Appendix 1
Wheel-lock sequence test procedure ...................................................................681
Annex 5 - Appendix 2
Torque wheel test procedure.................................................................................683
Annex 6
Test requirements for vehicles fitted with anti-lock systems................................686
Annex 6 - Appendix 1
Symbols and definitions ........................................................................................693


Annex 6 - Appendix 2
Utilisation of adhesion............................................................................................695
Annex 6 - Appendix 3
Performance on differing adhesion surfaces .......................................................698
Annex 6 - Appendix 4
Method of selection of the low adhesion surface .................................................699
Annex 7
Inertia dynamometer test method for brake linings..............................................700
Annex 8
Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of complex electro-
nic vehicle control systems....................................................................................704

R 13-H

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Concerning the Adoption of Harmonized Technical United Nations Regulati-

R 13
ons for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or
be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition
of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these United Nations Regulations*
(Revision 3, including the amendments which ent-
ered into force on 14 September 2017)
Addendum 12-H: UN Regulation No. 13-H
Revision 4
Incorporating all valid text up to:
Supplement 16 to the original version of the Regulation – Date of entry into force: 15
June 2015
01 series of amendments – Date of entry into force: 9 February 2017
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars with regard to braking
This document is meant purely as documentation tool. The authentic and legal binding
texts are:
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/46/Rev.1 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/50.
R 13-H



* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform

Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle
Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.


Regulation No. 13 H
1. Scope
1.1. This Regulation applies to the braking of vehicles of categories M1 and N1.1
1.2. This Regulation does not cover:
1.2.1. Vehicles with a design speed not exceeding 25 km/h;
1.2.2. Vehicles fitted for invalid drivers;
1.2.3. The approval of the Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Brake Assist
System(s) (BAS) of the vehicle.

2. Definitions
For the purposes of this Regulation,
2.1. „Approval of a vehicle“ means the approval of a vehicle type with regard
to braking.
2.2. „Vehicle type“ means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such
essential respects as:
2.2.1. The maximum mass, as defined in paragraph 2.11. below;
2.2.2. The distribution of mass among the axles;
2.2.3. The maximum design speed;

R 13-H
2.2.4. A different type of braking equipment, with more particular reference to
the presence or otherwise of equipment for braking a trailer or any pre-
sence of electric braking system;
2.2.5. The engine type;
2.2.6. The number and ratios of gears;
2.2.7. The final drive ratios;
2.2.8. The tyre dimensions.
1 This Regulation offers an alternative set of requirements for category N1 vehicles
to those contained in UN Regulation No. 13. Contracting Parties that apply both UN
Regulation No. 13 and this Regulation recognize approvals to either Regulation as
equally valid. M1 and N1 categories of vehicles are defined in the Consolidated Re-
solution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/
Rev.6, para. 2 -

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

2.3. „Braking equipment“ means the combination of parts whose function is

progressively to reduce the speed of a moving vehicle or bring it to a halt,
or to keep it stationary if it is already halted; these functions are specified

R 13
in paragraph 5.1.2. below. The equipment consists of the control, the
transmission, and the brake proper.
2.4. „Control“ means the part actuated directly by the driver to furnish to the
transmission the energy required for braking or controlling it. This ener-
gy may be the muscular energy of the driver, or energy from another
source controlled by the driver, or a combination of these various kinds
of energy.
2.5. „Transmission“ means the combination of components comprised bet-
ween the control and the brake and linking them functionally. The trans-
mission may be mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, electric or mixed.
Where the braking power is derived from or assisted by a source of
energy independent of the driver, the reserve of energy in the system is
likewise part of the transmission.
The transmission is divided into two independent functions: the control
transmission and the energy transmission. Whenever the term „trans-
mission“ is used alone in this Regulation, it means both the „control
transmission“ and the „energy transmission“:
2.5.1. „Control transmission“ means the combination of the components of
R 13-H

the transmission which control the operation of the brakes, including the
control function and the necessary reserve(s) of energy;
2.5.2. „Energy transmission“ means the combination of the components which
supply to the brakes the necessary energy for their function, including the
reserve(s) of energy necessary for the operation of the brakes.
2.6. „Brake“ means the part in which the forces opposing the movement of
the vehicle develop. It may be a friction brake (when the forces are ge-
nerated by friction between two parts of the vehicle moving relatively
to one another); an electrical brake (when the forces are generated by
electro-magnetic action between two parts of the vehicle moving relati-
vely to but not in contact with one another); a fluid brake (when the forces
are generated by the action of a fluid situated between two parts of the
vehicle moving relatively to one another); or an engine brake (when the
forces are derived from an artificial increase in the braking action, trans-
mitted to the wheels, of the engine).


2.7. „Different types of braking equipment“ means equipment which differ in

such essential respects as:
2.7.1. Components having different characteristics;
2.7.2. A component made of materials having different characteristics, or a
component differing in shape or size;
2.7.3. A different assembly of the components.
2.8. „Component of the braking equipment“ means one of the individual parts
which, when assembled, constitutes the braking equipment.
2.9. „Progressive and graduated braking“ means braking during which, wit-
hin the normal operating range of the device, and during actuation of the
brakes (see paragraph 2.16. below):
2.9.1. The driver can at any moment increase or decrease the braking force
by acting on the control;
2.9.2. The braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (mo-
notonic function);
2.9.3. The braking force can be easily regulated with sufficient precision.
2.10. „Laden vehicle“ means, except where otherwise stated, a vehicle so la-
den as to attain its „maximum mass“.
2.11. „Maximum mass“ means the maximum mass stated by the vehicle ma-

R 13-H
nufacturer to be technically permissible (this mass may be higher than the
„permissible maximum mass“ laid down by the national administration).
2.12. „The distribution of mass among the axles“ means the distribution of the
effect of the gravity on the mass of the vehicle and/or its contents among
the axles.
2.13. „Wheel/axle load“ means the vertical static reaction (force) of the road
surface in the contact area on the wheel/wheels of the axle.
2.14. „Maximum stationary wheel/axle load“ means the stationary wheel/axle
load achieved under the condition of the laden vehicle.
2.15. „Hydraulic braking equipment with stored energy“ means a braking
equipment where energy is supplied by a hydraulic fluid under pressure,
stored in one or more accumulator(s) fed from one or more pressure
pump(s), each fitted with a means of limiting the pressure to a maximum
value. This value shall be specified by the manufacturer.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

2.16. „Actuation“ means both application and release of the control.

2.17. „Electric regenerative braking“ means a braking system which, during

R 13
deceleration, provides for the conversion of vehicle kinetic energy into
electrical energy.
2.17.1. „Electric regenerative braking control“ means a device which modulates
the action of the electric regenerative braking system;
2.17.2. „Electric regenerative braking system of category A“ means an electric re-
generative braking system which is not part of the service braking system;
2.17.3. „Electric regenerative braking system of category B“ means an electric
regenerative braking system which is part of the service braking system;
2.17.4. „Electric state of charge“ means the instantaneous ratio of electric quan-
tity of energy stored in the traction battery relative to the maximum quan-
tity of electric energy which could be stored in this battery;
2.17.5. „Traction battery“ means an assembly of accumulators constituting the
storage of energy used for powering the traction motor(s) of the vehicle.
2.18. „Phased braking“ is a means which may be used where two or more
sources of braking are operated from a common control, whereby one
source may be given priority by phasing back the other source(s) so as
to make increased control movement necessary before they begin to be
brought into operation.
R 13-H

2.19. „Nominal value“ definitions for braking reference performance are requi-
red to put a value on the transfer function of the braking system, relating
output to input for vehicles individually.
2.19.1. „Nominal value“ is defined as the characteristic which can be demon-
strated at type approval and which relates the braking rate of the vehicle
on its own to the level of the braking input variable.
2.20. „Automatically commanded braking“ means a function within a complex
electronic control system where actuation of the braking system(s) or
brakes of certain axles is made for the purpose of generating vehicle
retardation with or without a direct action of the driver, resulting from the
automatic evaluation of on-board initiated information.
2.21. „Selective braking“ means a function within a complex electronic control
system where actuation of individual brakes is made by automatic means
in which vehicle retardation is secondary to vehicle behaviour modification.


2.22. „Braking signal“: logic signal indicating brake activation as specified in

paragraph 5.2.22. of this Regulation.
2.23. „Emergency braking signal“: logic signal indicating emergency braking
as specified in paragraph 5.2.23. of this Regulation.
2.24. „Identification code“ identifies the brake discs or brake drums covered by
the braking system approval according to this Regulation. It contains at
least the manufacturer‘s trade name or trademark and an identification
3. Application for approval
3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to braking shall be
submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.
3.2. It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate
and by the following particulars:
3.2.1. A description of the vehicle type with regard to the items specified in
paragraph 2.2. above. The numbers and/or symbols identifying the ve-
hicle type and the engine type shall be specified;
3.2.2. A list of the components, duly identified, constituting the braking equipment;
3.2.3. A diagram of assembled braking equipment and an indication of the
position of its components on the vehicle;
3.2.4. Detailed drawings of each component to enable it to be easily located

R 13-H
and identified.
3.3. A vehicle, representative of the vehicle type to be approved, shall be
submitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.
4. Approval
4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation
meets the requirements of paragraphs 5. and 6. below, approval of that
vehicle type shall be granted.
4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved, its first
two digits shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most
recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time
of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign
the same number to the same vehicle type equipped with another type
of braking equipment, or to another vehicle type.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a vehicle type pursuant

to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agree-
ment which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming to the

R 13
model in Annex 1 to this Regulation and of a summary of the information
contained in the documents referred to in paragraphs 3.2.1. to 3.2.4.
above, the drawings supplied by the applicant for approval being in a
format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm), or folded to that format, and
on an appropriate scale.
4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place
specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehic-
le type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark
consisting of:
4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter „E“ followed by the distinguishing number
of the country which has granted approval2 and of
4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter „R“, a dash and
the approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph
4.4.1. above.
4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more
other Regulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which
has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in
paragraph 4.4.1. above, need not be repeated; in such a case, the
R 13-H

Regulation and approval numbers and the additional symbols of all

the regulations under which approval has been granted in the coun-
try which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed
in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph
4.4.1. above.
4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.
4.8. Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval

2 The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are re-
produced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
(R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 6, Annex 3-


5. Specifications
5.1. General
5.1.1. Braking equipment The braking equipment shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to
enable the vehicle in normal use, despite the vibration to which it may be
subjected, to comply with the provisions of this Regulation. In particular, the braking equipment shall be so designed, constructed
and fitted as to be able to resist the corroding and ageing phenomena
to which it is exposed. Brake linings shall not contain asbestos. The effectiveness of the braking equipment shall not be adversely affec-
ted by magnetic or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by fulfil-
ling the technical requirements and respecting the transitional provisions
of UN Regulation No. 10 by applying:
(a) The 03 series of amendments for vehicles without a coupling
system for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Sto-
rage System (traction batteries);
(b) The 04 series of amendments for vehicles with a coupling sys-
tem for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage
System (traction batteries).

R 13-H A failure detection signal may interrupt momentarily (< 10 ms) the de-
mand signal in the control transmission, provided that the braking per-
formance is thereby not reduced.
5.1.2. Functions of the braking equipment
The braking equipment defined in paragraph 2.3. of this Regulation shall
fulfil the following functions: Service braking system
The service braking system shall make it possible to control the move-
ment of the vehicle and to halt it safely, speedily and effectively, whate-
ver its speed and load, on any up or down gradient. It shall be possible
to graduate this braking action. The driver shall be able to achieve this
braking action from his driving seat without removing his hands from the
steering control.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H Secondary braking system

The secondary braking system shall make it possible by application of the

R 13
service brake control to halt the vehicle within a reasonable distance in the
event of failure of the service braking system. It shall be possible to gradua-
te this braking action. The driver shall be able to obtain this braking action
from his driving seat without removing his hands from the steering control.
For the purposes of these provisions it is assumed that not more than one
failure of the service braking system can occur at one time. Parking braking system
The parking braking system shall make it possible to hold the vehicle
stationary on an up or down gradient even in the absence of the driver,
the working parts being then held in the locked position by a purely me-
chanical device. The driver shall be able to achieve this braking action
from his driving seat.
5.1.3. The requirements of Annex 8 shall be applied to the safety aspects of all
complex electronic vehicle control systems, including those defined in an
independent regulation, which provide or form part of the control trans-
mission of the braking function, included those which utilize the braking
system(s) for automatically commanded braking or selective braking.
However, vehicles equipped with systems or functions, including those
defined in an independent regulation, which use the braking system as
R 13-H

the means of achieving a higher level objective, are subject to Annex 8

only insofar as they have a direct effect on the braking system. If such
systems are provided, they shall not be deactivated during type approval
testing of the braking system.
5.1.4. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection of braking systems It shall be possible to assess the wear condition of the components of the
service brake that are subject to wear e.g. friction linings and drums/discs (in
the case of drums or discs, wear assessment may not necessarily be carried
out at the time of periodic technical inspection). The method by which this
may be realized is defined in paragraphs of this Regulation.
It shall be possible to verify, in a frequent and simple way, the correct
operational status of those complex electronic systems which have con-
trol over braking. If special information is needed, this shall be made
freely available.

Regulation Where the operational status is indicated to the driver by warning si-
gnals, as specified in this Regulation, it shall be possible at a periodic
technical inspection to confirm the correct operational status by visual
observation of the warning signals following a power-on. At the time of type approval, the means implemented to protect against
simple unauthorized modification of the operation to the verification me-
ans chosen by the manufacturer (e.g. warning signal) shall be confiden-
tially outlined. Alternatively, this protection requirement is fulfilled when a
secondary means of checking the correct operational status is available. It shall be possible to generate maximum braking forces under static
conditions on a rolling road or roller brake tester.
5.2. Characteristics of braking systems
5.2.1. The set of braking systems with which a vehicle is equipped shall satisfy the
requirements laid down for service, secondary and parking braking systems.
5.2.2. The systems providing service, secondary and parking braking may have
common components so long as they fulfil the following conditions: There shall be at least two controls, independent of each other and rea-
dily accessible to the driver from his normal driving position. Every brake
control shall be designed such that it returns to the fully off position when
released. This requirement shall not apply to a parking brake control
when it is mechanically locked in an applied position;

R 13-H The control of the service braking system shall be independent of the
control of the parking braking system; The effectiveness of the linkage between the control of the service bra-
king system and the different components of the transmission systems
shall not be liable to diminish after a certain period of use; The parking braking system shall be so designed that it can be actuated
when the vehicle is in motion. This requirement may be met by the ac-
tuation of the vehicle‘s service braking system, even partially, by means
of an auxiliary control; Without prejudice to the requirements of paragraph of this Regu-
lation, the service braking system and the parking braking system may
use common components in their transmission(s), provided that in the
event of a failure in any part of the transmission(s) the requirements for
secondary braking are still ensured;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H In the event of breakage of any component other than the brakes (as defi-
ned in paragraph 2.6. above) and the components referred to in paragraph below, or of any other failure of the service braking system (malfunc-

R 13
tion, partial or total exhaustion of an energy reserve), that part of the service
braking system which is not affected by the failure, shall be able to bring the
vehicle to a halt in the conditions prescribed for secondary braking; If service braking is ensured by the action of the driver‘s muscular energy
assisted by one or more energy reserves, secondary braking shall, in the
event of failure of that assistance, be capable of being ensured by the
driver‘s muscular energy assisted by the energy reserves, if any, which
are unaffected by the failure, the force applied to the service brake cont-
rol not exceeding the prescribed maximum; If the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on
the use, controlled by the driver, of an energy reserve, there shall be at
least two completely independent energy reserves, each provided with
its own transmission, likewise independent; each of them may act on
the brakes of only two or more wheels so selected as to be capable of
ensuring by themselves the prescribed degree of secondary braking wit-
hout endangering the stability of the vehicle during braking; in addition,
each of the aforesaid energy reserves shall be equipped with a warning
device as defined in paragraph 5.2.14. below; If the service braking force and transmission depend exclusively on the use
of an energy reserve, one energy reserve for the transmission is deemed
R 13-H

to be sufficient, provided that the prescribed secondary braking is ensured

by the action of the driver‘s muscular energy acting on the service brake
control and the requirements of paragraph 5.2.5. below are met; Certain parts, such as the pedal and its bearing, the master cylinder and
its piston or pistons, the control valve, the linkage between the pedal and
the master cylinder or the control valve, the brake cylinders and their pis-
tons, and the lever-and-cam assemblies of brakes, shall not be regarded
as liable to breakage if they are amply dimensioned, are readily acces-
sible for maintenance, and exhibit safety features at least equal to those
prescribed for other essential components (such as the steering linkage)
of the vehicle. Any such part as aforesaid whose failure would make it
impossible to brake the vehicle with a degree of effectiveness at least
equal to that prescribed for secondary braking shall be made of metal or
of a material with equivalent characteristics and shall not undergo notable
distortion in normal operation of the braking systems.


5.2.3. The failure of a part of a hydraulic transmission system shall be signalled

to the driver by a device comprising a red tell-tale signal lighting up before
or upon application of a differential pressure of not more than 15.5 bar
between the active and failed brake equipment, measured at the mas-
ter cylinder outlet and remaining lit as long as the failure persists and
the ignition (start) switch is in the „On“ (run) position. However, a device
comprising a red tell-tale signal lighting up when the fluid in the reservoir
is below a certain level specified by the manufacturer is permitted. The
tell-tale signal shall be visible even by daylight; the satisfactory condition
of the signal shall be easily verifiable by the driver from the driver‘s seat.
The failure of a component of the device shall not entail total loss of the
braking equipment‘s effectiveness. Application of the parking brake shall
also be indicated to the driver. The same tell-tale signal may be used.
5.2.4. Where use is made of energy other than the muscular energy of the dri-
ver, there need not be more than one source of such energy (hydraulic
pump, air compressor, etc.), but the means by which the device constitu-
ting that source is driven shall be as safe as practicable. In the event of failure in any part of the transmission of a braking system,
the feed to the part not affected by the failure shall continue to be ensu-
red if required for the purpose of halting the vehicle with the degree of
effectiveness prescribed for secondary braking. This condition shall be
met by means of devices which can easily be actuated when the vehicle

R 13-H
is stationary, or by automatic means. Furthermore, storage devices located down-circuit of this device shall be
such that in the case of a failure in the energy supply after four full-stroke
actuations of the service brake control, under the conditions prescribed
in paragraph 1.2. of Annex 4 to this Regulation, it is still possible to halt
the vehicle at the fifth application, with the degree of effectiveness pre-
scribed for secondary braking. However, for hydraulic braking systems with stored energy, these pro-
visions can be considered to be met provided that the requirements of
paragraph 1.3. of Annex 4 to this Regulation, are satisfied.
5.2.5. The requirements of paragraphs 5.2.2., 5.2.3. and 5.2.4. above shall be met
without the use of any automatic device of a kind such that its ineffectiveness
might pass unnoticed through the fact that parts normally in a position of rest
come into action only in the event of failure in the braking system.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

5.2.6. The service braking system shall act on all wheels of the vehicle and
shall distribute its action appropriately among the axles.

R 13
5.2.7. In the case of vehicles equipped with electric regenerative braking sys-
tems of category B, the braking input from other sources of braking, may
be suitably phased to allow the electric regenerative braking system alo-
ne to be applied, provided that both the following conditions are met: Intrinsic variations in the torque output of the electrical regenerative bra-
king system (e.g. as a result of changes in the electric state of charge
in the traction batteries) are automatically compensated by appropriate
variation in the phasing relationship as long as the requirements3 of one
of the following annexes to this Regulation are satisfied:
Annex 3, paragraph 1.3.2., or
Annex 6, paragraph 5.3. (including the case with the electric motor engaged),
wherever necessary, to ensure that braking rate 3/ remains related to
the driver‘s braking demand, having regard to the available tyre/road
adhesion, braking shall automatically be caused to act on all wheels of
the vehicle.
5.2.8. The action of the service braking system shall be distributed between
the wheels of one and the same axle symmetrically in relation to the
longitudinal median plane of the vehicle.
R 13-H

Compensation and functions, such as anti-lock, which may cause devia-

tions from this symmetrical distribution shall be declared. Compensation by the electric control transmission for deterioration
or defect within the braking system shall be indicated to the driver by
means of the yellow warning signal specified in paragraph
below. This requirement shall apply for all conditions of loading when
compensation exceeds the following limits: A difference in transverse braking pressures on any axle:
(a) Of 25 per cent of the higher value for vehicle decelerations ≥
2 m/sec2;
(b) A value corresponding to 25 per cent at 2 m/sec2 for decelera-
tions below this rate.
3 The Type Approval Authority, which is to grant approval, shall have the right to check
the service braking system by additional vehicle test procedures.

Regulation An individual compensating value on any axle:

(a) > 50 per cent of the nominal value for vehicle decelerations
≥ 2 m/sec2;
(b) A value corresponding to 50 per cent of the nominal value at 2
m/sec2 for decelerations below this rate. Compensation as defined above, is permitted only when the initial brake
application is made at vehicle speeds greater than 10 km/h.
5.2.9. Malfunctions of the electric control transmission shall not apply the bra-
kes contrary to the driver‘s intentions.
5.2.10. The service, secondary and parking braking systems shall act on bra-
king surfaces connected to the wheels through components of adequate
Where braking torque for a particular axle or axles is provided by both a
friction braking system and an electrical regenerative braking system of
category B, disconnection of the latter source is permitted, providing that
the friction braking source remains permanently connected and able to
provide the compensation referred to in paragraph above.
However, in the case of short disconnection transients, incomplete com-
pensation is accepted, but within 1s, this compensation shall have attai-
ned at least 75 per cent of its final value.

R 13-H
Nevertheless, in all cases, the permanently connected friction braking
source shall ensure that both the service and secondary braking sys-
tems continue to operate with the prescribed degree of effectiveness.
Disconnection of the braking surfaces of the parking braking system
shall be permitted only on condition that the disconnection is controlled
exclusively by the driver from his driving seat, by a system incapable of
being brought into action by a leak.
5.2.11. Wear of the brakes shall be capable of being easily taken up by means
of a system of manual or automatic adjustment. In addition, the control
and the components of the transmission and of the brakes shall possess
a reserve of travel and, if necessary, suitable means of compensation
such that, when the brakes become heated, or the brake linings have
reached a certain degree of wear, effective braking is ensured without
immediate adjustment being necessary.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H Wear adjustment shall be automatic for the service brakes. Automatic
wear adjustment devices shall be such that after heating followed by
cooling of the brakes, effective braking is still ensured. In particular the

R 13
vehicle shall remain capable of normal running after the tests conducted
in accordance with Annex 3, paragraph 1.5. (Type-I test). Checking the wear of the service brake friction components It shall be possible to easily assess this wear on service brake linings
from the outside or underside of the vehicle, without the removal of the
wheels, by the provision of appropriate inspection holes or by some ot-
her means. This may be achieved by utilizing simple standard workshop
tools or common inspection equipment for vehicles.
Alternatively, a sensing device per wheel (twin wheels are considered as a
single wheel), which will warn the driver at his driving position when lining re-
placement is necessary, is acceptable. In the case of an optical warning, the
yellow warning signal specified in paragraph below may be used. Assessment of the wear condition of the friction surfaces of brake discs or
drums may only be performed by direct measurement of the actual com-
ponent or examination of any brake disc or drum wear indicators, which
may necessitate some level of disassembly. Therefore, at the time of type
approval, the vehicle manufacturer shall define the following:
(a) The method by which wear of the friction surfaces of drums and
R 13-H

discs may be assessed, including the level of disassembly re-

quired and the tools and process required to achieve this;
(b) Information defining the maximum acceptable wear limit at the
point at which replacement becomes necessary.
This information shall be made freely available, e.g. vehicle handbook or
electronic data record.
5.2.12. In hydraulic-transmission braking systems, the filling ports of the fluid
reservoirs shall be readily accessible; in addition, the receptacles contai-
ning the reserve fluid shall be so designed and constructed that the level
of the reserve fluid can be easily checked without the receptacles having
to be opened, and the minimum total reservoir capacity is equivalent to
the fluid displacement resulting when all the wheel cylinders or calliper
pistons serviced by the reservoirs move from a new lining, fully retracted
position to a fully worn, fully applied position. If these latter conditions


are not fulfilled, the red warning signal specified in paragraph
below shall draw the driver‘s attention to any fall in the level of reserve
fluid liable to cause a failure of the braking system.
5.2.13. The type of fluid to be used in hydraulic transmission braking systems
shall be identified by the symbol in accordance with Figure 1 or 2 of
Standard ISO 9128:2006 and the appropriate DOT marking (e.g. DOT
3). The symbol and the marking shall be affixed in a visible position in
indelible form within 100 mm of the filling ports of the fluid reservoirs; ad-
ditional information may be provided by the manufacturer.
5.2.14. Warning device Any vehicle fitted with a service brake actuated from an energy reservoir
shall, where the prescribed secondary braking performance cannot be
obtained by means of this brake without the use of the stored energy, be
provided with a warning device, giving an optical or acoustic signal when
the stored energy, in any part of the system, falls to a value at which wit-
hout re-charging of the reservoir and irrespective of the load conditions of
the vehicle, it is possible to apply the service brake control a fifth time after
four full-stroke actuations and obtain the prescribed secondary braking
performance (without faults in the service brake transmission device and
with the brakes adjusted as closely as possible). This warning device shall
be directly and permanently connected to the circuit. When the engine
is running under normal operating conditions and there are no faults in

R 13-H
the braking system, as is the case in type approval tests, the warning
device shall give no signal except during the time required for charging
the energy reservoir(s) after start-up of the engine. The red warning sig-
nal specified in paragraph below shall be used as the optical
warning signal. However, in the case of vehicles which are only considered to comply
with the requirements of paragraph of this Regulation by virtue
of meeting the requirements of paragraph 1.3. of Annex 4 to this Regula-
tion, the warning device shall consist of an acoustic signal in addition to
an optical signal. These devices need not operate simultaneously, pro-
vided that each of them meets the above requirements and the acoustic
signal is not actuated before the optical signal. The red warning signal
specified in paragraph below shall be used as the optical
warning signal.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H This acoustic device may be rendered inoperative while the parking bra-
ke is applied and/or, at the choice of the manufacturer, in the case of
automatic transmission the selector is in the „Park“ position.

R 13
5.2.15. Without prejudice to the requirements of paragraph above,
where an auxiliary source of energy is essential to the functioning of a
braking system, the reserve of energy shall be such as to ensure that,
if the engine stops or in the event of a failure of the means by which the
energy source is driven, the braking performance remains adequate
to bring the vehicle to a halt in the prescribed conditions. In addition, if
the muscular effort applied by the driver to the parking braking system
is reinforced by a servo device, the actuation of parking braking shall
be ensured in the event of a failure of the servo device, if necessary
by using a reserve of energy independent of that normally supplying
the servo device. This reserve of energy may be that intended for the
service braking system.
5.2.16. The pneumatic/hydraulic auxiliary equipment shall be supplied with
energy in such a way that during its operation the prescribed decelera-
tion values can be reached and that even in the event of damage to the
source of energy the operation of the auxiliary equipment cannot cause
the reserves of energy feeding the braking systems to fall below the level
indicated in paragraph 5.2.14. above.
5.2.17. In the case of a motor vehicle equipped to tow a trailer with electric ser-
R 13-H

vice brakes, the following requirements shall be met: The power supply (generator and battery) of the motor vehicle shall
have a sufficient capacity to provide the current for an electric braking
system. With the engine running at the idling speed recommended by
the manufacturer and all electrical devices supplied by the manufacturer
as standard equipment of the vehicle switched on, the voltage in the
electrical lines shall at maximum current consumption of the electrical
braking system (15 A) not fall below the value of 9.6 V measured at the
connection. The electrical lines shall not be capable of short circuiting
even when overloaded; In the event of a failure in the motor vehicle‘s service braking system,
where that system consists of at least two independent units, the unit
or units not affected by the failure shall be capable of partially or fully
actuating the brakes of the trailer;

Regulation The use of the stop-lamp switch and circuit for actuating the electrical
braking system is permissible only if the actuating line is connected in
parallel with the stop-lamp and the existing stop-lamp switch and circuit
are capable of taking the extra load.
5.2.18. Additional requirements for vehicles equipped with electric regenerative
braking systems. Vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of category A. The electric regenerative braking shall only be activated by the accelera-
tor control and/or the gear neutral position. Vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of category B. It shall not be possible to disconnect, partially or totally, one part of the service
braking system other than by automatic means. This should not be construed
as a departure from the requirements of paragraph 5.2.10. above; The service braking system shall have only one control device; The service braking system shall not be adversely affected by the dis-
engagement of the motor(s) or by the gear ratio used; If the operation of the electric component of braking is ensured by a
relation established between information coming from the control of the
service brake and the braking force to the wheels which of it results, a
failure of this relation leading to the non-respect of the prescriptions of

R 13-H
distribution of braking among the axles (Annex 5 or 6, which is appli-
cable) shall be warned to the driver by an optical warning signal at the
latest when the control is actuated and having to remain lit as long as
this defect exists and that the switch of „contact“ is in the position „Go“. For vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of either
category, all the relevant prescriptions shall apply except paragraph above. In this case, the electric regenerative braking may be
actuated by the accelerator control and/or the gear neutral position. Ad-
ditionally, the action on the service braking control shall not reduce the
above braking effect generated by the release of the accelerator control. The operation of the electric braking shall not be adversely affected by
magnetic or electric fields. For vehicles equipped with an anti-lock device, the anti-lock device shall
control the electric braking system.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H The state of charge of the traction batteries is determined by the method
set out in Appendix 1 to Annex 3 to this Regulation.4

R 13
5.2.19. Special additional requirements for the electric transmission of the par-
king braking system: In the case of a failure within the electric transmission, any unintended
actuation of the parking braking system shall be prevented; In the case of an electrical failure in the control or a break in the wiring
within the electric control transmission between the control and the ECU
directly connected with it, excluding the energy supply, it shall remain pos-
sible to apply the parking braking system from the driver‘s seat and thereby
be capable of holding the laden vehicle stationary on an 8 per cent up
or down gradient. Alternatively, in this case, an automatic actuation of the
parking brake is allowed when the vehicle is stationary, provided that the
above performance is achieved and, once applied, the parking brake re-
mains engaged independently of the status of the ignition (start) switch. In
this alternative, the parking brake shall be automatically released as soon
as the driver starts to set the vehicle in motion again. The engine/manual
transmission or the automatic transmission (park position) may be used to
achieve or assist in achieving the above performance. A break in the wiring within the electrical transmission, or an electrical
failure in the control of the parking braking system shall be signalled to
the driver by the yellow warning signal specified in paragraph
R 13-H

When caused by a break in the wiring within the electrical control trans-
mission of the parking braking system, this yellow warning signal shall be
signalled as soon as the break occurs.
In addition, such an electrical failure in the control or break in the wiring
external to the electronic control unit(s) and excluding the energy supply
shall be signalled to the driver by flashing the red warning signal speci-
fied in paragraph as long as the ignition (start) switch is in
the „On“ (run) position including a period of not less than 10 seconds
thereafter and the control is in the „On“ (activated) position.
However, if the parking braking system detects correct clamping of the par-
king brake, the flashing of the red warning signal may be suppressed and
the non-flashing red signal shall be used to indicate „parking brake applied“.
4 By agreement with the Technical Service, state of charge assessment will not be re-
quired for vehicles, which have an on-board energy source for charging the traction
batteries and the means for regulating their state of charge.


Where actuation of the parking brake is normally indicated by a separate red

warning signal, satisfying all the requirements of paragraph below,
this signal shall be used to satisfy the above requirement for a red signal. Auxiliary equipment may be supplied with energy from the electric trans-
mission of the parking braking system provided that the supply of energy
is sufficient to allow the actuation of the parking braking system in ad-
dition to the vehicle electrical load under non-fault conditions. In addition,
where the energy reserve is also used by the service braking system,
the requirements of paragraph below shall apply. After the ignition/start switch which controls the electrical energy for the
braking equipment has been switched off and/or the key removed, it
shall remain possible to apply the parking braking system, whereas re-
leasing shall be prevented.
5.2.20. Special additional requirements for service braking systems with electric
control transmission: With the parking brake released, the service braking system shall be
able to fulfil the following requirements:
(a) With the propulsion system on/off control in the ‚‘On‘‘ (‚‘Run‘‘) po-
sition, generate a static total braking force at least equivalent to
that required by the Type-0 test for service braking performance
as prescribed in paragraph 2.1. of Annex 3 to this Regulation;

R 13-H
(b) During the first 60 seconds after the propulsion system on/off
control has been deactivated to the ‚‘Off‘‘ or ‚‘Lock‘‘ position and/
or the ignition key has been removed, three brake applications
shall generate a static total braking force at least equivalent to
that required by the Type-0 test for service braking performance
as prescribed in paragraph 2.1. of Annex 3 to this Regulation;
(c) After the period mentioned above, or as from the fourth brake
application within the 60 second period, whichever occurs first,
generate a static total braking force at least equivalent to that
required by the Type-0 test for secondary braking performance
as prescribed in paragraph 2.2. of Annex 3 to this Regulation.
It should be understood that sufficient energy is available in the energy
transmission of the service braking system.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H In the case of a single temporary failure (< 40 ms) within the electric
control transmission, excluding its energy supply, (e.g. non-transmitted
signal or data error) there shall be no distinguishable effect on the ser-

R 13
vice braking performance. A failure within the electric control transmission,5 not including its energy
reserve, that affects the function and performance of systems addressed
in this Regulation shall be indicated to the driver by the red or yellow
warning signal specified in paragraphs and be-
low, respectively, as appropriate. When the prescribed service braking
performance can no longer be achieved (red warning signal), failures
resulting from a loss of electrical continuity (e.g. breakage, disconnec-
tion) shall be signalled to the driver as soon as they occur, and the pre-
scribed secondary braking performance shall be fulfilled by operating
the service braking control in accordance with paragraph 2.2. of Annex
3 to this Regulation. In the event of a failure of the energy source of the electric control trans-
mission, starting from the nominal value of the energy level, the full con-
trol range of the service braking system shall be guaranteed after twenty
consecutive full stroke actuations of the service braking control. During
the test, the braking control shall be fully applied for 20 seconds and
released for 5 seconds on each actuation. It should be understood that
during the above test sufficient energy is available in the energy trans-
mission to ensure full actuation of the service braking system. This re-
R 13-H

quirement shall not be construed as a departure from the requirements

of Annex 4. When the battery voltage falls below a value nominated by the manufac-
turer at which the prescribed service braking performance can no longer
be guaranteed and/or which precludes at least two independent service
braking circuits from each achieving the prescribed secondary braking
performance, the red warning signal specified in paragraph
below shall be activated. After the warning signal has been activated, it
shall be possible to apply the service braking control and obtain at least
the secondary performance prescribed in paragraph 2.2. of Annex 3 to
this Regulation. It should be understood that sufficient energy is available
in the energy transmission of the service braking system.
5 Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturer shall provide the
Technical Service with an analysis of potential failures within the control transmission
and their effects. This information shall be subject to discussion and agreement bet-
ween the Technical Service and the vehicle manufacturer.

Regulation If auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the same reserve as
the electric control transmission, it shall be ensured that, with the engine
running at a speed not greater than 80 per cent of the maximum power
speed, the supply of energy is sufficient to fulfil the prescribed decele-
ration values by either provision of an energy supply which is able to
prevent discharge of this reserve when all auxiliary equipment is functio-
ning or by automatically switching off pre-selected parts of the auxiliary
equipment at a voltage above the critical level referred to in paragraph above of this Regulation such that further discharge of this re-
serve is prevented. Compliance may be demonstrated by calculation
or by a practical test. This paragraph does not apply to vehicles where
the prescribed deceleration values can be reached without the use of
electrical energy. If the auxiliary equipment is supplied with energy from the electric control
transmission, the following requirements shall be fulfilled: In the event of a failure in the energy source, whilst the vehicle is in mo-
tion, the energy in the reservoir shall be sufficient to actuate the brakes
when the control is applied; In the event of a failure in the energy source, whilst the vehicle is statio-
nary and the parking braking system applied, the energy in the reservoir
shall be sufficient to actuate the lights even when the brakes are applied.

R 13-H
5.2.21. The general requirements for optical warning signals whose function is to
indicate to the driver certain specified failures (or defects) within the braking
equipment of the motor vehicle, are set out in the following sub-paragraphs.
Other than as described in paragraph below, these signals shall be
used exclusively for the purposes prescribed by this Regulation. Motor vehicles shall be capable of providing optical brake failure and
defect warning signals, as follows: A red warning signal, indicating failures defined elsewhere in this Regu-
lation within the vehicle braking equipment which preclude achievement
of the prescribed service braking performance and/or which preclude the
functioning of at least one of two independent service braking circuits; Where applicable, a yellow warning signal indicating an electrically de-
tected defect within the vehicle braking equipment, which is not indicated
by the red warning signal described in paragraph above.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H The warning signals shall be visible, even by daylight; the satisfactory
condition of the signals shall be easily verifiable by the driver from the
driver‘s seat; the failure of a component of the warning devices shall not

R 13
entail any loss of the braking system‘s performance. Except where stated otherwise: A specified failure or defect shall be signalled to the driver by the ab-
ove-mentioned warning signal(s) not later than on actuation of the rele-
vant braking control; The warning signal(s) shall remain displayed as long as the failure/defect
persists and the ignition (start) switch is in the „On“ (run) position; and The warning signal shall be constant (not flashing). The warning signal(s) mentioned above shall light up when the electrical
equipment of the vehicle (and the braking system) is energised. With
the vehicle stationary, the braking system shall verify that none of the
specified failures or defects are present before extinguishing the signals.
Specified failures or defects which should activate the warning signals
mentioned above, but which are not detected under static conditions,
shall be stored upon detection and be displayed at start-up and at all
times when the ignition (start) switch is in the „On“ (run) position, as long
as the failure or defect persists. Non specified failures (or defects), or other information concerning the
R 13-H

brakes and/or running gear of the power-driven vehicle, may be indica-

ted by the yellow signal specified in paragraph above, provi-
ded that all the following conditions are fulfilled: The vehicle is stationary; After the braking equipment is first energised and the signal has indica-
ted that, following the procedures detailed in paragraph above,
no specified failures (or defects) have been identified; and Non-specified faults or other information shall be indicated only by the
flashing of the warning signal. However, the warning signal shall be ex-
tinguished by the time when the vehicle first exceeds 10 km/h.
5.2.22. Generation of a braking signal to illuminate stop lamps. Activation of the service braking system by the driver shall generate a
signal that will be used to illuminate the stop lamps.

Regulation Activation of the service braking system by „automatically commanded

braking“ shall generate the signal mentioned above. However, when the
retardation generated is less than 0.7 m/s2, the signal may be suppressed.6 Activation of part of the service braking system by „selective braking“
shall not generate the signal mentioned above.7 Electric regenerative braking systems as defined in paragraph 2.17. of
this Regulation, which produce a retarding force upon release of the ac-
celerator control, shall generate the signal mentioned above according
to the following provisions:

Vehicle decelerations Signal generation

≤ 0.7 m/s2 The signal shall not be generated
> 0.7 m/s2 and ≤ 1.3 m/s2 The signal may be generated
> 1.3 m/s2 The signal shall be generated

In all cases the signal shall be de-activated at the latest when the dece-
leration has fallen below 0.7 m/s².6
5.2.23. When a vehicle is equipped with the means to indicate emergency bra-
king, activation and de-activation of the emergency braking signal shall
only be generated by the application of the service braking system when
the following conditions are fulfilled:6

R 13-H The signal shall not be activated when the vehicle deceleration is below
6 m/s² but it may be generated at any deceleration at or above this value,
the actual value being defined by the vehicle manufacturer.
The signal shall be de-activated at the latest when the deceleration has
fallen below 2.5 m/s². The following conditions may also be used:
(a) The signal may be generated from a prediction of the vehicle
deceleration resulting from the braking demand respecting the
activation and de-activation thresholds defined in paragraph above;
6 At the time of type approval, compliance with this requirement shall be confirmed by
the vehicle manufacturer.
7 During a „selective braking“ event, the function may change to „automatically com-
manded braking“.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

(b) The signal may be activated at a speed above 50 km/h when

the antilock system is fully cycling (as defined in paragraph 2.
of Annex 6).

R 13
The signal shall be deactivated when the antilock system is no longer
fully cycling.
5.2.24. Power-driven vehicles of category M1 and N1 equipped with tempora-
ry-use spare wheels/tyres shall satisfy the relevant technical require-
ments of Annex 3 to UN Regulation No. 64.

6. Tests
Braking tests which the vehicles submitted for approval are required to
undergo, and the braking performance required, are described in Annex
3 to this Regulation.

7. Modification of vehicle type or braking system and

extension of approval
7.1. Every modification of the vehicle type or of its braking system shall be
notified to the Type Approval Authority which approved the vehicle type.
That Authority may then either:
7.1.1. Consider that the modifications made are unlikely to have an apprecia-
ble adverse effect and that in any case the vehicle still meets the requi-
R 13-H

7.1.2. Require a further report from the Technical Service responsible for car-
rying out the tests.
7.2. Notice of confirmation, extension, or refusal of approval shall be com-
municated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above, to the
Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation.
7.3. The Type Approval Authority issuing the extension of approval shall as-
sign a series of numbers to each communication form drawn up for such
an extension.


8. Conformity of production
The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out
in the Agreement, Schedule 1 (E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3) with the fol-
lowing requirements:
8.1. A vehicle approved to this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to
conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set forth in
paragraph 5. above;
8.2. The Type Approval Authority which has granted type approval may at
any time verify the conformity control methods applied in each produc-
tion facility. The normal frequency of these verifications shall be once
every two years.
9. Penalties for non-conformity of production
9.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regu-
lation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.1.
above are not complied with.
9.2. If a Contracting Party to the Agreement which applies this Regulation with-
draws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so notify the
other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of a copy of the
communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
10. Production definitively discontinued

R 13-H
If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of
vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the
Type Approval Authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the re-
levant communication, that Authority shall inform thereof the other Parties to
the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of copies of a communi-
cation form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
11. Names and addresses of the Technical Services conduc-
ting approval tests, and of Type Approval Authorities
The Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall
communicate to the United Nations secretariat the names and addres-
ses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests
and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which
forms, certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of appro-
val, issued in other countries, are to be sent.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

12. Transitional provisions

12.1. As from 1 September 2018, no Contracting Party applying this Regula-

R 13
tion shall refuse to grant or refuse to accept type approvals to this Regu-
lation as amended by the 01 series of amendments.
12.2. Even after 1 September 2018, Contracting Parties applying this Regu-
lation shall continue to accept type approvals granted to the 00 series of
amendments to this Regulation.
However, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not be obli-
ged to accept, for the purpose of national or regional type approval, type
approvals to the 00 series of amendments to this Regulation for vehicle
types not fitted with a Vehicle Stability Function (as defined in UN Regu-
lation No. 13) or ESC and BAS.
12.3. As from 1 September 2018, Contracting Parties applying this Regula-
tion shall grant type approvals only if the vehicle type to be approved
meets the requirements of this Regulation as amended by the 01 series
of amendments.
12.4. Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grant ex-
tensions of type approvals for existing types, regardless of whether they
are fitted with a Vehicle Stability Function (as defined in UN Regulation
No. 13) or ESC and BAS or not, on the basis of the provisions valid at
the time of the original approval.
R 13-H

Annex 1

Annex 1
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
issued by: Name of administration:

9 .................................................
E ... .................................................

Concerning:10 Approval granted

Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a vehicle type with regard to braking, pursuant to Regulation No. 13-H910

Approval No. ................................................Extension No..................................................
1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle .............................................................

R 13-H
2. Vehicle type ..................................................................................................
3. Manufacturer‘s name and address .............................................................
4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer‘s representative ........
5. Mass of vehicle ............................................................................................
5.1. Maximum mass of vehicle ...........................................................................

8 At the request of (an) applicant(s) for Regulation No. 90 approval, the information
shall be provided by the Type Approval Authority as contained in Appendix 1 to this
annex. However, this information shall not be provided for purposes other than Re-
gulation No. 90 approvals.
9 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/with-
drawn approval (see provisions in the Regulation).
10 Strike out what does not apply.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

5.2. Minimum mass of vehicle ............................................................................

6. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) ..................................

R 13
7. Make and type of brake linings, discs and drums:
7.1. Brake linings
7.1.1. Brake linings tested to all relevant prescriptions of Annex 3 .......................
7.1.2. Alternative brake linings tested in Annex 7 ................................................
7.2. Brake disc and drums
7.2.1. Identification code of brake discs covered by the braking system appro-
val .................................................................................................................
7.2.2. Identification code of brake drums covered by the braking system ap-
proval ............................................................................................................
8. Engine type ..................................................................................................
9. Number and ratios of gears ........................................................................
10. Final drive ratio(s) ........................................................................................
11. If applicable, maximum mass of trailer which may be coupled ..................
11.1. Unbraked trailer ...........................................................................................
12. Tyre dimension ............................................................................................
R 13-H

12.1. Temporary-use spare wheel / tyre dimensions ..........................................

12.2. Vehicle meets the technical requirements of Annex 3 to Regulation No.
64: ................................................................................................ Yes/No10
13. Maximum design speed ..............................................................................
14. Brief description of braking equipment .......................................................
15. Mass of vehicle when tested:

Laden Unladen
(kg) (kg)
Axle No. 1
Axle No. 2

Annex 1

16. Result of the tests:

Test Measured Measured force

Speed performance applied to control
(km/h) (daN)

16.1. Type-0 tests: .................................................................................................

Engine disconnected ...................................................................................
Service braking (laden) ...............................................................................
Service braking (unladen) ...........................................................................
Secondary braking (laden) ..........................................................................
Secondary braking (unladen) .....................................................................
16.2. Type-0 tests: ................................................................................................
Engine connected ........................................................................................
Service braking (laden) ...............................................................................

R 13-H
Service braking (unladen) ...........................................................................
(In accordance with paragraph 2.1.1.B of Annex 3) ..................................
16.3. Type-I tests: ..................................................................................................
Preliminary snubs (to determine pedal force) ............................................
Hot performance (1st stop)..........................................................................
Hot performance (2nd stop) ........................................................................
Recovery performance ................................................................................
16.4. Dynamic parking brake performance .........................................................
17. Result of the Annex 5 performance tests ...................................................
18. Vehicle is / is not10 equipped to tow a trailer with electrical braking systems

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

19. Vehicle is / is not10 equipped with an anti-lock system

19.1. The vehicle fulfils the requirements of Annex 6: Yes / No10

R 13
19.2. Category of anti-lock system: category 1 / 2 / 310
20. Adequate documentation according to Annex 8 was supplied in respect
of the following system(s): Yes / No / Not applicable10
21. Vehicle submitted for approval on ...............................................................
22. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval ..............................
23. Date of report issued by that Service .........................................................
24. Number of report issued by that Service ....................................................
25. Approval granted / refused / extended / withdrawn10
26. Position of approval mark on the vehicle ...................................................
27. Place ............................................................................................................
28. Date ..............................................................................................................
29. Signature ......................................................................................................
30. The summary referred to in paragraph 4.3. of this Regulation is annexed
to this communication
R 13-H

Annex 1

Annex 1 - Appendix
List of vehicle data for the purpose of regulation No. 90 appro-
1. Description of the vehicle type ....................................................................
1.1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle, if available .........................................
1.2. Vehicle category ..........................................................................................
1.3. Vehicle type according to Regulation No. 13-H approval ...........................
1.4. Models or trade names of vehicles constituting the vehicle type, if avai-
lable ..............................................................................................................
1.5. Manufacturer’s name and address .............................................................
2. Make and type of brake linings, discs and drums:
2.1. Brake linings
2.1.1. Brake linings tested to all relevant prescriptions of Annex 3 .......................
2.1.2. Alternative brake linings tested in Annex 7 ................................................
2.2. Brake disc and drums
2.2.1. Identification code of brake discs covered by the braking system appro-
val .......................................................................................................

R 13-H
2.2.2. Identification code of brake drums covered by the braking system ap-
proval ..................................................................................................
3. Minimum mass of vehicle ............................................................................
3.1. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) .................................
4. Maximum mass of vehicle ..........................................................................
4.1. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) .................................
5. Maximum vehicle speed .............................................................................
6. Tyre and wheel dimensions ........................................................................
7. Brake circuit configuration (e.g. front/rear or diagonal split) .......................
8. Declaration of which is the secondary braking system ...............................
9. Specifications of brake valves (if applicable) .............................................

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

9.1. Adjustment specifications of the load sensing valve .................................

9.2. Setting of pressure valve .............................................................................

R 13
10. Designed brake force distribution ...............................................................
11. Specification of brake ..................................................................................
11.1. Disc brake type (e.g. number of pistons with diameter(s), ventilated or
solid disc) .....................................................................................................
11.2. Drum brake type (e.g. duo servo, with piston size and drum dimensions)
11.3. In case of compressed air brake systems, e.g. type and size of cham-
bers, levers, etc. ...........................................................................................
12. Master cylinder type and size .....................................................................
13. Booster type and size ..................................................................................
R 13-H

Annex 2

Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks
Model A (See paragraph 4.4. of this Regulation)

E11 a/3

a = 8 mm
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle
type concerned has, with regard to braking, been approved in the United
Kingdom (E 11) pursuant to Regulation No. 13-H under approval num-
ber 002439. The first two digits of the approval number indicate that the
approval was granted in accordance with the requirements of Regulation
No. 13-H in its original form. The additional marking „ESC“ indicates that
the vehicle meets the Electronic Stability Control and Brake Assist Sys-
tem requirements of Annex 9 to this Regulation.
Model B (See paragraph 4.5. of this Regulation)

R 13-H
13-H 012439 a/3
E11 a/3 24 1.30 021628 a/3

a = 8 mm
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type
concerned has been approved in the United Kingdom (E 11) pursuant
to Regulations Nos. 13-H and 24.11 (In the case of the latter Regulation
the corrected absorption coefficient is 1.30 m-1). The approval numbers
indicate that, at the dates when the respective approvals were given, Re-
gulation No. 13-H was in its original form and Regulation No. 24 included
the 02 series of amendments.
11 This number is given merely as an example.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Annex 3
Braking tests and performance of braking systems

R 13
1. Braking tests
1.1. General
1.1.1. The performance prescribed for braking systems is based on the
stopping distance and the mean fully developed deceleration. The per-
formance of a braking system shall be determined by measuring the
stopping distance in relation to the initial speed of the vehicle and/or by
measuring the mean fully developed deceleration during the test.
1.1.2. The stopping distance shall be the distance covered by the vehicle from
the moment when the driver begins to actuate the control of the
braking system until the moment when the vehicle stops; the initial
speed shall be the speed at the moment when the driver begins
to actuate the control of the braking system; the initial speed shall
not be less than 98 per cent of the prescribed speed for the test in
The mean fully developed deceleration (dm) shall be calculated as the
deceleration averaged with respect to distance over the interval vb to ve ,
according to the following formula:

v2 - v2
R 13-H

dm = 25,92b (s -e s )
e b

vo = initial vehicle speed in km/h,
vb = vehicle speed at 0.8 vo in km/h,
ve = vehicle speed at 0.1 vo in km/h,
sb = distance travelled between vo and vb in metres,
se = distance travelled between vo and ve in metres.

The speed and distance shall be determined using instrumentation ha-

ving an accuracy of ±1 per cent at the prescribed speed for the test.
The dm may be determined by other methods than the measurement of
speed and distance; in this case, the accuracy of the dm shall be within
± 3 per cent.

Annex 3

1.2. For the approval of any vehicle, the braking performance shall be mea-
sured during road tests conducted in the following conditions:
1.2.1. The vehicle‘s condition as regards mass shall be as prescribed for each
type of test and be specified in the test report;
1.2.2. The test shall be carried out at the speeds prescribed for each type of test; if
the maximum design speed of a vehicle is lower than the speed prescribed
for a test, the test shall be performed at the vehicle‘s maximum speed;
1.2.3. During the tests, the force applied to the brake control in order to obtain the
prescribed performance shall not exceed the maximum force laid down;
1.2.4. The road shall have a surface affording good adhesion, unless specified
otherwise in the relevant annexes;
1.2.5. The tests shall be performed when there is no wind liable to affect the results;
1.2.6. At the start of the tests, the tyres shall be cold and at the pressure prescri-
bed for the load actually borne by the wheels when the vehicle is stationary;
1.2.7. The prescribed performance shall be obtained without locking of the
wheels at speeds exceeding 15 km/h, without deviation of the vehicle
from a 3.5 m wide lane, without exceeding a yaw angle of 15° and wit-
hout abnormal vibrations;
1.2.8. For vehicles powered completely or partially by an electric motor (or mo-
tors), permanently connected to the wheels, all tests shall be carried out

R 13-H
with these motor(s) connected;
1.2.9. For vehicles as described in paragraph 1.2.8. above, fitted with an elec-
tric regenerative braking system of category A, behaviour tests shall be
carried out on a track with a low adhesion coefficient (as defined in para-
graph 5.2.2. of Annex 6) at a speed equal to 80 per cent of the maximum
speed but not exceeding 120 km/h, to check that stability is retained. Moreover, for vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking sys-
tem of category A, transient conditions as gear changes or accelerator
control release shall not affect the behaviour of the vehicle in condition
described in paragraph 1.2.9. above;
1.2.10. In the tests provided in paragraphs 1.2.9. and above wheel
locking is not allowed. However, steering correction is permitted if the
angular rotation of the steering control is within 120° during the initial 2
seconds and not more than 240° in all;

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

1.2.11. For a vehicle with electrically actuated service brakes powered from trac-
tion batteries (or an auxiliary battery) which receive(s) energy only from
an independent external charging system, these batteries shall, during

R 13
braking performance testing, be at an average of not more than 5 per cent
above that state of charge at which the brake failure warning prescribed in
paragraph of this Regulation is required to be given.
If this warning is given, the batteries may receive some recharge during
the tests, to keep them in the required state of charge range.
1.3. Behaviour of the vehicle during braking
1.3.1. In braking tests, and in particular in those at high speed, the general
behaviour of the vehicle during braking shall be checked.
1.3.2. Behaviour of the vehicle during braking on a road on which adhesion is
reduced shall meet the relevant requirements of Annex 5 and/or Annex
6 to this Regulation. In the case of a braking system according to paragraph 5.2.7. of this
Regulation where the braking for a particular axle (or axles) is comprised
of more than one source of braking torque, and any individual source
can be varied with respect to the other(s), the vehicle shall satisfy the
requirements of Annex 5, or alternatively, Annex 6 under all relationships
permitted by its control strategy.12
R 13-H

1.4. Type-0 test (ordinary performance test with cold brakes)

1.4.1. General The average temperature of the service brakes on the hottest axle of the
vehicle, measured inside the brake linings or on the braking path of the
disc or drum, is between 65 and 100 °C prior to any brake application. The test shall be conducted in the following conditions: The vehicle shall be laden, the distribution of its mass among the axles
being that stated by the manufacturer; where provision is made for se-
veral arrangements of the load on the axles the distribution of the maxi-
mum mass among the axles shall be such that the mass on each axle is
proportional to the maximum permissible mass for each axle;

12 The manufacturer shall provide the Technical Service with the family of braking cur-
ves permitted by the automatic control strategy. These curves may be verified by the
Technical Service.

Annex 3 Every test shall be repeated on the unladen vehicle; there may be, in ad-
dition to the driver, a second person on the front seat who is responsible
for noting the results of the test; In the case of a vehicle equipped with an electric regenerative braking
system, the requirements depend on the category of this system:
Category A. Any separate electric regenerative braking control which is
provided, shall not be used during the Type-0 tests.
Category B. The contribution of the electric regenerative braking system
to the braking force generated shall not exceed that minimum level gua-
ranteed by the system design.
This condition is deemed to be satisfied if the state of charge of the bat-
teries is in one of the following conditions:
(a) At the maximum charge level recommended by the manufac-
turer, as listed in the vehicle specification;
(b) At a level not less than 95 per cent of the full charge level, where
the manufacturer has made no specific recommendation;
(c) At a maximum level resulting from automatic charge control
on the vehicle;

R 13-H
(d) When the tests are conducted without a regenerative braking
component regardless of the state of charge of the batteries. The limits prescribed for minimum performance, both for tests with the
vehicle unladen and for tests with the vehicle laden, shall be those laid
down hereunder; the vehicle shall satisfy both the prescribed stopping
distance and the prescribed mean fully developed deceleration, but it
may not be necessary to actually measure both parameters; The road shall be level; unless otherwise specified each test may com-
prise up to six stops including any needed for familiarization.
1.4.2. Type-0 test with engine disconnected, service braking in accordance
with paragraph 2.1.1.(A) of this annex.
The test shall be carried out at the speed prescribed, the figures prescri-
bed in this connection being subject to a certain margin of tolerance. The
minimum performance prescribed shall be attained.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

1.4.3. Type-0 test with engine connected, service braking in accordance with
paragraph 2.1.1.(B) of this annex.

R 13 The test shall be carried out with the engine connected, from the speed
prescribed in paragraph 2.1.1.(B) of this annex. The minimum perfor-
mance prescribed shall be attained. This test is not run if the maximum
speed of the vehicle is ≤ 125 km/h. The maximum practical performance figures shall be measured, and the
behaviour of the vehicle shall be in accordance with paragraph 1.3.2. of
this annex. However, if the maximum speed of the vehicle is greater than
200 km/h, the test speed shall be 160 km/h.
1.5. Type-I test (fade and recovery test)
1.5.1. Heating procedure The service brakes of all vehicles shall be tested by successively apply-
ing and releasing the brakes a number of times, the vehicle being laden,
in the conditions shown in the table below:

v1 v2 Δt n
(km/h) (km/h) (sec)
80% vmax 0.5 v1 45 15
R 13-H

≤ 120

v1 = initial speed, at beginning of braking
v2 = speed at end of braking
vmax = maximum speed of the vehicle
n = number of brake applications
Δt = duration of a braking cycle: time elapsing between the initi-
ation of one brake application and the initiation of the next. If the characteristics of the vehicle make it impossible to abide by the

duration prescribed for Δt, the duration may be increased; in any event,
in addition to the time necessary for braking and accelerating the vehicle,
a period of 10 seconds shall be allowed in each cycle for stabilizing the
speed v1.

Annex 3 In these tests, the force applied to the control shall be so adjusted as to attain
a mean deceleration of 3 m/s2 during every brake application; two prelimi-
nary tests may be carried out to determine the appropriate control force. During brake applications, the highest gear ratio (excluding overdrive,
etc.) shall be continuously engaged. For regaining speed after braking, the gearbox shall be used in such a
way as to attain the speed v1 in the shortest possible time (maximum
acceleration allowed by the engine and gearbox). For vehicles not having sufficient autonomy to carry out the cycles of
heating of the brakes, the tests shall be carried out by achieving the
prescribed speed before the first braking application and thereafter by
using the maximum acceleration available to regain speed and then bra-
king successively at the speed reached at the end of each 45 second
cycle duration. For vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative braking system of
category B, the condition of the vehicle batteries at the start of the test,
shall be such that the braking force contribution provided by the electric
regenerative braking system does not exceed the minimum guaranteed
by the system design. This requirement is deemed to be satisfied if the
batteries are at one of the state of charge conditions as listed in para-
graph above.

R 13-H
1.5.2. Hot performance At the end of the Type-I test (described in paragraph 1.5.1. of this annex)
the hot performance of the service braking system shall be measured in
the same conditions (and in particular at a mean control force no greater
than the mean force actually used) as for the Type-0 test with the engine
disconnected (the temperature conditions may be different). This hot performance shall not be less than 7513 per cent of that prescri-
bed, nor less than 60 per cent of the figure recorded in the Type-0 test
with the engine disconnected. For vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of cate-
gory A, during brake applications, the highest gear shall be continuously
engaged and the separate electric braking control, if any, not used.
13 This corresponds to a stopping distance of 0.1 v + 0.0080 v2 and a mean fully deve-
loped deceleration of 4.82 m/s2.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H In the case of vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative braking

system of category B, having carried out the heating cycles according
to paragraph of this annex, the hot performance test shall be

R 13
carried out at the maximum speed which can be reached by the vehicle
at the end of the brake heating cycles, unless the speed specified in
paragraph 2.1.1.(A) of this annex can be reached.
For comparison, a later Type-0 test with cold brakes shall be repeated
from this same speed and with a similar electric regenerative braking
contribution, as set by an appropriate state of battery charge, as was
available during the hot performance test.
Following the recovery process and test, further reconditioning of the
linings shall be permitted before the test is made to compare this second
cold performance with that achieved in the hot test, against the criteria of
paragraphs or of this annex.
The tests may be conducted without a regenerative braking component.
In this case, the requirement on the state of charge of the batteries is
not applicable. In the case of a vehicle which satisfies the 60 per cent requirement
specified in paragraph of this annex, but which cannot comply
with the 752 per cent requirement of paragraph of this annex,
a further hot performance test may be carried out using a control force
R 13-H

not exceeding that specified in paragraph 2. of this annex. The results of

both tests shall be entered in the report.
1.5.3. Recovery procedure
Immediately after the hot performance test, make four stops from 50
km/h with the engine connected, at a mean deceleration of 3 m/s2. Allow
an interval of 1.5 km between the start of successive stops. Immediately
after each stop, accelerate at maximum rate to 50 km/h and maintain
that speed until making the next stop. Vehicles equipped with an electrical regenerative braking system of ca-
tegory B may have their batteries re-charged or replaced by a charged
set, in order to complete the recovery procedure.
The procedures may be conducted without a regenerative braking com-

Annex 3

1.5.4. Recovery performance

At the end of the recovery procedure, the recovery performance of the
service braking system shall be measured in the same conditions as for
the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected (the temperature conditions
may be different), using a mean force on the control, which is not more
than the mean control force used in the corresponding Type-0 test.
This recovery performance shall not be less than 70 per cent, nor more than 150
per cent, of the figure recorded in the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected. For vehicles equipped with an electrical regenerative braking system of
category B, the recovery test shall be made with no regenerative braking
component, i.e. under the conditions of paragraph 1.5.4. above.
After the further reconditioning of the linings, a second repeat Type-0 test
shall be made from the same speed and with no electric regenerative
braking contribution as in the recovery test with the engine/motors di-
sconnected, and comparison shall be made between these test results.
The recovery performance shall not be less than 70 per cent, nor more
than 150 per cent of the figure recorded in this final repeat Type-0 test.
2. Performance of braking systems
2.1. Service braking system
2.1.1. The service brakes shall be tested under the conditions shown in the
following table:

R 13-H
(A) v 100 km/h
Type-0 test with en- s≤ 0.1 v+0.0060 v2 (m)
gine disconnected dm ≥ 6.43 m/s2
(B) v 80% vmax ≤ 160 km/h
Type-0 test with en- s≤ 0.1 v+0.0067 v2 (m)
gine connected dm ≥ 5.76 m/s2
f 6.5 - 50 daN
v = test speed, in km/h
s = stopping distance, in metres
dm = mean fully developed deceleration, in m/s2
f = force applied to food control, in daN
vmax = maximum speed of the vehicle, in km/h

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

2.1.2. In the case of a motor vehicle authorized to tow an unbraked trailer, the
minimum Type-0 performance of the combination shall not be less than
5.4 m/s2 in both the laden and unladen conditions.

R 13
The combination performance shall be verified by calculations referring
to the maximum braking performance actually achieved by the motor ve-
hicle alone (laden) during the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected,
using the following formula (no practical tests with a coupled unbraked
trailer are required):

dM+R = dM‡ P MP
M+ R

dM+R = calculated mean fully developed deceleration of the mo-
tor vehicle when coupled to an unbraked trailer, in m/s2
dM = maximum mean fully developed deceleration of the mo-
tor vehicle alone achieved during the Type-0 test with
engine disconnected, in m/s2
PM = mass of the motor vehicle (laden)
PR = maximum mass of an unbraked trailer which may be
coupled, as declared by the motor vehicle manufacturer.
2.2. Secondary braking system
2.2.1. The performance of the secondary braking system shall be tested by the
R 13-H

Type-0 test with the engine disconnected from an initial vehicle speed of
100 km/h and a force applied to the service brake control not less than
6.5 daN and not exceeding 50 daN.
2.2.2. The secondary braking system shall give a stopping distance not excee-
ding the following value:
0.1 v + 0.0158 v2 (m)
and a mean fully developed deceleration not less than 2.44 m/s2
(corresponding to the second term of the above formula).
2.2.3. The secondary braking effectiveness test shall be conducted by simula-
ting the actual failure conditions in the service braking system.
2.2.4. For vehicles employing electric regenerative braking systems, the bra-
king performance shall additionally be checked under the two following
failure conditions:

Annex 3 For a total failure of the electric component of the service braking output. In the case where the failure condition causes the electric component to
deliver its maximum braking force.
2.3. Parking braking system
2.3.1. The parking braking system shall be capable of holding the laden vehicle
stationary on a 20 per cent up or down gradient.
2.3.2. On vehicles to which the coupling of a trailer is authorized, the parking
braking system of the motor vehicle shall be capable of holding the com-
bination of vehicles stationary on a 12 per cent up or down gradient.
2.3.3. If the control device is manual, the force applied to it shall not exceed 40 daN.
2.3.4. If it is a foot control device, the force exerted on the control shall not
exceed 50 daN.
2.3.5. A parking braking system which has to be actuated several times before
it attains the prescribed performance is admissible.
2.3.6. To check compliance with the requirement specified in paragraph of this Regulation, a Type-0 test shall be carried out, with the
engine disconnected, at an initial test speed of 30 km/h. The mean fully
developed deceleration on application of the control of the parking brake
system and the deceleration immediately before the vehicle stops, shall
not be less than 1.5 m/s2. The test shall be carried out with the laden
vehicle. The force exerted on the braking control device shall not exceed

R 13-H
the specified values.
3. Response time
3.1. Where a vehicle is equipped with a service braking system which is total-
ly or partially dependent on a source of energy other than the muscular
effort of the driver, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
3.1.1. In an emergency manoeuvre, the time elapsing between the moment
when the control device begins to be actuated and the moment when the
braking force on the least favourable placed axle reaches the level corre-
sponding to the prescribed performance shall not exceed 0.6 seconds;
3.1.2. In the case of vehicles fitted with hydraulic braking systems, the require-
ments of paragraph 3.1.1. above are considered to be satisfied if, in an
emergency manoeuvre, the deceleration of the vehicle or the pressure
at the least favourable brake cylinder, reaches a level corresponding to
the prescribed performance within 0.6 seconds.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Annex 3 - Appendix
Procedure for monitoring the state of battery charge

R 13
This procedure is applicable to vehicle batteries used for traction and
regenerative braking.
The procedure requires the use of a bi-directional DC Watt-hour meter or
a bi-directional DC Ampere-hour meter.
1. Procedure
1.1. If the batteries are new or have been subject to extended storage, they
shall be cycled as recommended by the manufacturer. A minimum
8-hour soak period at ambient temperature shall be allowed after com-
pletion of cycling.
1.2. A full charge shall be established using the manufacturer‘s recommen-
ded charging procedure.
1.3. When the braking tests of paragraphs 1.2.11.,,, and of Annex 3 are conducted the watt-hours consumed
by the traction motors and supplied by the regenerative braking system
shall be recorded as a running total which shall then be used to determi-
ne the state of charge existing at the beginning or end of a particular test.
1.4. To replicate a level of state of charge in the batteries for comparative
tests, such as those of paragraph of Annex 3, the batteries shall
R 13-H

be either recharged to that level or charged to above that level and di-
scharged into a fixed load at approximately constant power until the re-
quired state of charge is reached. Alternatively, for vehicles with battery
powered electric traction only, the state of charge may be adjusted by
running the vehicle. Tests conducted with a battery partially charged at
their start shall be commenced as soon as possible after the desired
state of charge has been reached.

Annex 4

Annex 4
Provisions relating to energy sources and energy storage de-
vices (energy accumulators)
Hydraulic braking systems with stored energy
1. Capacity of energy storage devices (energy accumulators)
1.1. General
1.1.1. Vehicles on which the braking equipment requires the use of stored
energy provided by hydraulic fluid under pressure shall be equipped with
energy storage devices (energy accumulators) of a capacity meeting the
requirements of paragraphs 1.2. or 1.3. of this annex;
1.1.2. However, the energy storage devices shall not be required to be of a
prescribed capacity if the braking system is such that in the absence of
any energy reserve it is possible with the service brake control to achieve
a braking performance at least equal to that prescribed for the secondary
braking system;
1.1.3. In verifying compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 1.2., 1.3.
and 2.1. of this annex, the brakes shall be adjusted as closely as possib-
le and, for paragraph 1.2. of this annex, the rate of full-stroke actuations
shall be such as to provide an interval of at least 60 seconds between
each actuation.
1.2. Vehicles equipped with a hydraulic braking system with stored energy

R 13-H
shall meet the following requirements:
1.2.1. After eight full-stroke actuations of the service brake control, it shall still
be possible to achieve, on the ninth application, the performance prescri-
bed for the secondary braking system.
1.2.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: Testing shall commence at a pressure that may be specified by the ma-
nufacturer but is not higher than the cut-in pressure;14 The energy storage device(s) shall not be fed; in addition, any energy
storage device(s) for auxiliary equipment shall be isolated.
1.3. Vehicles equipped with a hydraulic braking system with stored energy
which cannot meet the requirements of paragraph of this Re-
gulation shall be deemed to satisfy that paragraph if the following requi-
rements are met:
14 The initial energy level shall be stated in the approval document.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

1.3.1. After any single transmission failure it shall still be possible after eight full-stro-
ke actuations of the service brake control, to achieve, at the ninth application,
at least the performance prescribed for the secondary braking system.

R 13
1.3.2. Testing shall be performed in conformity with the following requirements: With the energy source stationary or operating at a speed corresponding to
the engine idling speed, any transmission failure may be induced. Before in-
ducing such a failure, the energy storage device(s) shall be at a pressure that
may be specified by the manufacturer but not exceeding the cut-in pressure; The auxiliary equipment and its energy storage devices, if any, shall be iso-
2. Capacity of hydraulic fluid energy sources
2.1. The energy sources shall meet the requirements set out in the following pa-
2.1.1. Definitions „p1“ represents the maximum system operational pressure (cut-out pressure)
in the energy storage device(s) specified by the manufacturer. „p2“ represents the pressure after four full-stroke actuations with the service
brake control, starting at p1, without having fed the energy storage device(s). „t“ represents the time required for the pressure to rise from p2 to p1 in the
energy storage device(s) without application of the brake control.
2.1.2. Conditions of measurement
R 13-H During the tests to determine the time t, the feed rate of the energy source
shall be that obtained when the engine is running at the speed corresponding
to its maximum power or at the speed allowed by the over-speed governor. During the test to determine the time t, energy storage device(s) for auxiliary
equipment shall not be isolated other than automatically.
2.1.3. Interpretation of results In the case of all vehicles, the time t shall not exceed 20 seconds.
3. Characteristics of warning devices
With the engine stationary and commencing at a pressure that may be spe-
cified by the manufacturer but does not exceed the cut-in pressure, the war-
ning device shall not operate following two full-stroke actuations of the service
brake control.

Annex 5

Annex 5
Distribution of braking among the axles of vehicles
1. General
Vehicles which are not equipped with an anti-lock system as defined in
Annex 6 to this Regulation shall meet all the requirements of this annex.
If a special device is used, this shall operate automatically.
2. Symbols
i = axle index (i = 1, front axle; i = 2, rear axle)
Pi = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static conditions
Ni = normal reaction of road surface on axle i under braking
Ti = force exerted by the brakes on axle i under normal braking
conditions on the road
fi = Ti/Ni , adhesion utilized by axle i15
J = deceleration of the vehicle
g = acceleration due to gravity : g = 9.81 m/s2
z = braking rate of vehicle = J/g
P = mass of vehicle
h = height of centre of gravity specified by the manufacturer and
agreed by the Technical Services conducting the approval test
E = wheelbase
k = theoretical coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road

R 13-H
3. Requirements1516
3.1.(A) For all states of load of the vehicle, the adhesion utilization curve of the
rear axle shall not be situated above that for the front axle:16
for all braking rates between 0.15 and 0.8:
3.1.(B) For k values between 0.2 and 0.816:
z ≥ 0.1 + 0.7 (k - 0.2) (see Diagram 1 of this annex)

15 „Adhesion utilisation curves“ of a vehicle means curves showing, for specified load
conditions, the adhesion utilized by each axle i plotted against the braking rate of the
16 The provisions of paragraph 3.1. do not affect the requirements of Annex 3 to this
Regulation relating to the braking performance. However, if, in tests made under the
provisions of paragraph 3.1., braking performances are obtained which are higher
than those prescribed in Annex 3, the provisions relating to the adhesion utilization
curves shall be applied within the areas of diagram 1 of this annex defined by the
straight lines k = 0.8 and z = 0.8.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

3.2. In order to verify the requirements of paragraph 3.1. of this annex, the
manufacturer shall provide the adhesion utilization curves for the front
and rear axles calculated by the formulae:

R 13
T T1
f1 = N1 = h

T T2
f2 = N2 = h

The curves shall be plotted for both the following load conditions:
3.2.1. Unladen, in running order with the driver on board;
3.2.2. Laden; where provision is made for several possibilities of load distribu-
tion, the one whereby the front axle is the most heavily laden shall be
the one considered;
3.2.3. For vehicles fitted with an electric regenerative braking system of cate-
gory B, where the electric regenerative braking capacity is influenced by
the electric state of charge, the curves shall be plotted by taking account
of the electric braking component under the minimal and maximum con-
ditions of delivered braking force. This requirement is not applicable if the
vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock device which controls the wheels
R 13-H

connected to the electric braking then the requirements of Annex 6 to

this Regulation shall apply.
4. Requirements to be met in case of failure of the braking distribution system
When the requirements of this annex are fulfilled by means of a special
device (e.g. controlled mechanically by the suspension of the vehicle), it
shall be possible, in the event of the failure of its control, (e.g. by discon-
necting the control linkage), to stop the vehicle under the conditions of
the Type-0 test with the engine disconnected to give a stopping distance
not exceeding 0.1 v + 0.0100 v2 (m) and a mean fully developed decele-
ration not less than 3.86 m/s2.
5. Vehicle testing
During the type-approval testing of a vehicle, the technical inspection
authority shall verify conformity with the requirements contained in the
present annex, by carrying out the following tests:

Annex 5

5.1. Wheel-lock sequence test (see Appendix 1)

If the wheel-lock sequence test confirms that the front wheels lock before
or simultaneously with the rear wheels, conformity with paragraph 3. of
this annex has been verified and testing is complete.
5.2. Additional tests
If the wheel-lock sequence test indicates that the rear wheels lock before
the front wheels, then the vehicle:
(a) Will be subjected to additional testing, as follows:
(i) Additional wheel-lock sequence tests; and/or
(ii) Torque wheel tests (see Appendix 2) to determine
brake factors To generate adhesion utilization cur-
ves; these curves shall satisfy the requirements in
paragraph 3.1.(A) of this annex.
(b) May be refused type-approval.
5.3. The results of the practical tests shall be appended to the type-approval
6. Conformity of production
6.1. When checking vehicles for conformity of production, the Technical Ser-
vices should follow the same procedures as for type-approval.

R 13-H
6.2. The requirements shall also be the same as for type-approval, except
that in the test described in paragraph 5.2.(a)(ii) of this annex, the rear
axle curve shall lie below the line z = 0.9 k for all braking rates between
0.15 and 0.8 (instead of meeting the requirement in paragraph 3.1.(A)
(see diagram 2).

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Diagram 1

1,0 ] • N ] N

R 13



0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Diagram 2

1,0 ] ‡N
R 13-H




0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0

Annex 5

Annex 5 - Appendix 1
Wheel-lock sequence test procedure
1. General information
(a) The purpose of this test is to ensure that lockup of both front
wheels occurs at a lower deceleration rate than the lockup
of both rear wheels when tested on road surfaces on which
wheel lockup occurs at braking rates between 0.15 and 0.8.
(b) A simultaneous lockup of the front and rear wheels refers to the
condition when the time interval between the lockup of the last
(second) wheel on the rear axle and the last (second) wheel on
the front axle is < 0.1 seconds for vehicle speeds > 30 km/h.
2. Vehicle conditions
(a) Vehicle load: Laden and unladen
(b) Transmission position: Engine disconnected
3. Test conditions and procedures
(a) Initial brake temperature: Between 65 °C and 100 °C average
on the hottest axle.
(b) Test speed: 65 km/h for a braking rate ≤ 0.50;
100 km/h for a braking rate > 0.50.

R 13-H
(c) Pedal force:
(i) Pedal force is applied and controlled by a skilled dri-
ver or by a mechanical brake pedal actuator.
(ii) Pedal force is increased at a linear rate such that the
first axle lockup occurs no less than one-half (0.5)
second and no more than one and one-half (1.5) se-
conds after the initial application of the pedal.
(iii) The pedal is released when the second axle locks,
or when the pedal force reaches l kN, or 0.1 seconds
after the first lockup, whichever occurs first.
(d) Wheel lockup: Only wheel lockups above a vehicle speed of
15 km/h are considered.
(e) Test surface: This test is conducted on road test surfaces on which
wheel lockup occurs at braking rates between 0.15 and 0.8.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

(f) Data to be recorded: The following information shall be auto-

matically recorded in phase continuously throughout each test
run such that values of the variables can be cross referenced

R 13
in real time:
(i) Vehicle speed;
(ii) Instantaneous vehicle braking rate (e.g. by differen-
tiation of vehicle speed);
(iii) Brake pedal force (or hydraulic line pressure);
(iv) Angular velocity at each wheel.
(g) Each test run shall be repeated once to confirm the wheel lo-
ckup sequence: if one of these two results indicates a failure
to comply, then a third test run under the same conditions will
be decisive.
4. Performance requirements
(a) Both rear wheels shall not reach a locked condition prior to
both front wheels being locked - at vehicle braking rates bet-
ween 0.15 and 0.8.
(b) If, when tested to the procedure specified above, and at ve-
hicle braking rates between 0.15 and 0.8 the vehicle meets
one of the following criteria, then it passes this wheel lockup
sequence requirement:
R 13-H

(i) No wheels lock;

(ii) Both wheels on the front axle and one or no wheels
on the rear axle lock;
(iii) Both axles simultaneously lock.
(c) If wheel lockup commences at a braking rate less than 0.15
and more than 0.8 then the test is invalid and should be repea-
ted on a different road surface.
(d) If, either laden or unladen, at a braking rate between 0.15 and
0.8 both wheels on the rear axle and one or no wheels on the
front axle lock, then it fails the wheel lockup sequence test. In
this latter case, the vehicle shall be submitted to the ‚torque
wheels‘ test procedure to determine the objective brake fac-
tors for calculation of the adhesion utilization curves.

Annex 5

Annex 5 - Appendix 2
Torque wheel test procedure
1. General information
The purpose of this test is to measure the brake factors and thus de-
termine the adhesion utilization of the front and rear axles over a range
of braking rates between 0.15 and 0.8.
2. Vehicle conditions
(a) Vehicle load: Laden and unladen
(b) Transmission position: Engine disconnected
3. Test conditions and procedures
(a) Initial brake temperature: Between 65 °C and 100 °C average
on the hottest axle.
(b) Test speeds: 100 km/h and 50 km/h.
(c) Pedal force: Pedal force is increased at a linear rate between
100 and 150 N/sec for the 100 km/h test speed, or between
100 and 200 N/sec for the 50 km/h test speed, until the first
axle locks or until a pedal force of 1 kN is reached, whichever
occurs first.

R 13-H
(d) Brake cooling: Between brake applications, the vehicle is dri-
ven at speeds up to 100 km/h until the initial brake temperature
specified in paragraph 3.(a) above is reached.
(e) Number of runs: With the vehicle unladen, run five stops from
a speed of 100 km/h and five stops from a speed of 50 km/h,
while alternating between the two test speeds after each stop.
With the vehicle laden, repeat the five stops at each test speed
while alternating between the two test speeds.
(f) Test surface: This test is conducted on a road test surface af-
fording good adhesion.
(g) Data to be recorded: The following information shall be auto-
matically recorded in phase continuously throughout each test
run such that values of the variables can be cross referenced
in real time:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

(i) Vehicle speed

(ii) Brake pedal force

R 13
(iii) Angular velocity of each wheel
(iv) Brake torque at each wheel
(v) Hydraulic line pressure in each brake circuit, inclu-
ding transducers on at least one front wheel and one
rear wheel downstream of any operative proportio-
ning or pressure limiting valve(s)
(vi) Vehicle deceleration.
(h) Sample rate: All data acquisition and recording equipment shall
support a minimum sample rate of 40 Hz on all channels.
(i) Determination of front versus rear brake pressure: Determine
the front versus rear brake pressure relationship over the entire
range of line pressures. Unless the vehicle has a variable bra-
ke proportioning system, this determination is made by static
tests. If the vehicle has a variable brake proportioning system,
dynamic tests are run with the vehicle both laden and unladen.
Fifteen snubs from 50 km/h are made for each of the two load
conditions, using the same initial conditions specified in this
R 13-H

4. Data reduction
(a) The data from each brake application prescribed in paragraph
3.(e) above is filtered using a five-point, on-centre moving ave-
rage for each data channel.
(b) For each brake application prescribed in paragraph 3.(e)
above, determine the slope (brake factor) and pressure axis
intercept (brake hold-off pressure) of the linear least squares
equation best describing the measured torque output at each
braked wheel as a function of measured line pressure applied
at the same wheel. Only torque output values obtained from
data collected when the vehicle deceleration is within the ran-
ge of 0.15 g to 0.80 g are used in the regression analysis.
(c) Average the results of paragraph (b) above to calculate the
average brake factor and brake hold-off pressure for all brake
applications for the front axle.

Annex 5

(d) Average the results of paragraph (b) above to calculate the

average brake factor and brake hold-off pressure for all brake
applications for the rear axle.
(e) Using the relationship between front and rear brake line pres-
sure determined in paragraph 3.(i) above and the dynamic
tyre rolling radius, calculate the braking force at each axle as a
function of front brake line pressure.
(f) Calculate the braking rate of the vehicle as a function of the
front brake line pressure using the following equation:

T1 + T2
z = 3‡J

z = braking rate at a given front brake line pressure
T1, T2 = braking forces at the front and rear axles re-
spectively, corresponding to the same front
brake line pressure
P = vehicle mass

(g) Calculate the adhesion utilized at each axle as a function of

braking rate using the following formulae:

R 13-H
f1 = ]‡K‡3‡J
P1 +
f2 = ]‡K‡3‡J
P2 +

The symbols are defined in paragraph 2. of this annex.

(h) Plot f1 and f2 as a function of z, for both laden and unladen
load conditions. These are the adhesion utilization curves for
the vehicle, which shall satisfy the requirements in paragraph
5.2.(a)(ii) of this annex (or, in the case of Conformity of Pro-
duction checks, these curves shall satisfy the requirements in
paragraph 6.2. of this annex).

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Annex 6
Test requirements for vehicles fitted with anti-lock systems

R 13
1. General
1.1. This annex defines the required braking performance for road vehicles
fitted with anti-lock systems.
1.2. The anti-lock systems known at present comprise a sensor or sensors,
a controller or controllers and a modulator or modulators. Any device of
a different design which may be introduced in the future, or where an
anti-lock braking function is integrated into another system, shall be dee-
med to be an anti-lock braking system within the meaning of this annex
and Annex 5 to this Regulation, if it provides performance equal to that
prescribed by this annex.
2. Definitions
2.1. An „anti-lock system“ is a part of a service braking system which auto-
matically controls the degree of slip, in the direction of rotation of the
wheel(s), on one or more wheels of the vehicle during braking.
2.2. „Sensor“ means a component designed to identify and transmit to the
controller the conditions of rotation of the wheel(s) or the dynamic con-
ditions of the vehicle.
2.3. „Controller“ means a component designed to evaluate the data transmit-
R 13-H

ted by the sensor(s) and to transmit a signal to the modulator.

2.4. „Modulator“ means a component designed to vary the braking force(s) in
accordance with the signal received from the controller.
2.5. „Directly controlled wheel“ means a wheel whose braking force is modu-
lated according to data provided at least by its own sensor.17
2.6. „Indirectly controlled wheel“ means a wheel whose braking force is mo-
dulated according to data provided by the sensor(s) of other wheel(s).1
2.7. „Full cycling“ means that the anti-lock system is repeatedly modulating
the brake force to prevent the directly controlled wheels from locking.
Brake applications where modulation only occurs once during the stop
shall not be considered to meet this definition.
17 Anti-lock systems with select-high control are deemed to include both directly and
indirectly controlled wheels; in systems with select-low control, all sensed wheels are
deemed to be directly controlled wheels.

Annex 6

3. Types of anti-lock systems

3.1. A vehicle is deemed to be equipped with an anti-lock system within the
meaning of paragraph 1. of Annex 5 to this Regulation, if one of the
following systems is fitted:
3.1.1. Category 1 anti-lock system
A vehicle equipped with a category 1 anti-lock system shall meet all the
requirements of this annex.
3.1.2. Category 2 anti-lock system
A vehicle equipped with a category 2 anti-lock system shall meet all the
requirements of this annex, except those of paragraph 5.3.5. below.
3.1.3. Category 3 anti-lock system
A vehicle equipped with a category 3 anti-lock system shall meet all the
requirements of this annex, except those of paragraphs 5.3.4. and 5.3.5.
below. On such vehicles, any individual axle which does not include at
least one directly controlled wheel shall fulfil the conditions of adhesion
utilization and the wheel-locking sequence of Annex 5 to this Regulation,
instead of the adhesion utilization requirements prescribed in paragraph
5.2. of this annex. However, if the relative positions of the adhesion utili-
zation curves do not meet the requirements of paragraph 3.1. of Annex
5 to this Regulation, a check shall be made to ensure that the wheels on

R 13-H
at least one of the rear axles do not lock before those of the front axle
or axles under the conditions prescribed in paragraph 3.1. of Annex 5 to
this Regulation, with regard to the braking rate and the load respectively.
These requirements may be checked on high- and low-adhesion road
surfaces (about 0.8 and 0.3 maximum) by modulating the service bra-
king control force.
4. General requirements
4.1. Any electrical failure or sensor anomaly that affects the system with
respect to the functional and performance requirements in this annex,
including those in the supply of electricity, the external wiring to the cont-
roller(s), the controller(s)18 and the modulator(s) shall be signalled to the
driver by a specific optical warning signal. The yellow warning signal spe-
cified in paragraph of this Regulation shall be used for this
18 The manufacturer shall provide the Technical Service with documentation relating to
the controller(s) which follows the format set out in Annex 8.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

4.1.1. Sensor anomalies, which cannot be detected under static conditions,

shall be detected not later than when the vehicle speed exceed 10
km/h.19 However, to prevent erroneous fault indication when a sensor

R 13
is not generating a vehicle speed output, due to non-rotation of a wheel,
verification may be delayed but detected not later than when the vehicle
speed exceeds 15 km/h.
4.1.2. When the anti-lock braking system is energized with the vehicle statio-
nary, electrically controlled pneumatic modulator valve(s) shall cycle at
least once.
4.2. In the event of a single electrical functional failure which only affects the
anti-lock function, as indicated by the above-mentioned yellow warning
signal, the subsequent service braking performance shall not be less
than 80 per cent of the prescribed performance according to the Type-0
test with the engine disconnected. This corresponds to a stopping dis-
tance of 0.1 v + 0.0075 v2 (m) and a mean fully developed deceleration
of 5.15 m/s2.
4.3. The operation of the anti-lock system shall not be adversely affected by
magnetic or electrical fields.20 (This shall be demonstrated by complian-
ce with Regulation No. 10, 02 series of amendments).
4.4. A manual device may not be provided to disconnect or change the con-
trol mode21 of the anti-lock system.
R 13-H

5. Special provisions
5.1. Energy consumption
Vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems shall maintain their perfor-
mance when the service braking control device is fully applied for long
periods. Compliance with this requirement shall be verified by means of
the following tests:
5.1.1. Test procedure
19 The warning signal may light up again while the vehicle is stationary, provided that it
is extinguished before the vehicle speed reaches 10 km/h or 15 km/h, as appropria-
te, when no defect is present.
20 Until uniform test procedures have been agreed, the manufacturers shall provide the
Technical Services with their test procedures and results.
21 It is understood that devices changing the control mode of the anti-lock system are
not subject to paragraph 4.4. of this annex if in the changed control mode condition
all requirements to the category of anti-lock systems, with which the vehicle is equip-
ped, are fulfilled.

Annex 6 The initial energy level in the energy storage device(s) shall be that specified
by the manufacturer. This level shall be at least such as to ensure the effi-
ciency prescribed for service braking when the vehicle is laden. The energy
storage device(s) for pneumatic auxiliary equipment shall be isolated. From an initial speed of not less than 50 km/h, on a surface with a coeffi-
cient of adhesion of 0.322 or less, the brakes of the laden vehicle shall be
fully applied for a time t, during which time the energy consumed by the
indirectly controlled wheels shall be taken into consideration and all directly
controlled wheels shall remain under control of the anti-lock system. The vehicle‘s engine shall then be stopped or the supply to the energy
transmission storage device(s) cut off. The service braking control shall then be fully actuated four times in suc-
cession with the vehicle stationary. When the brakes are applied for the fifth time, it shall be possible to
brake the vehicle with at least the performance prescribed for secondary
braking of the laden vehicle.
5.1.2. Additional requirements The coefficient of adhesion of the road surface shall be measured with
the vehicle under test, by the method described in paragraph 1.1. of
Appendix 2 to this annex.

R 13-H The braking test shall be conducted with the engine disconnected and
idling, and with the vehicle laden. The braking time t shall be determined by the formula:

t = 7max

(but not less than 15 seconds)

where t is expressed in seconds and vmax represents the maximum design
speed of the vehicle expressed in km/h, with an upper limit of 160 km/h. If the time t cannot be completed in a single braking phase, further pha-
ses may be used, up to a maximum of four in all.

22 Until such test surfaces become generally available, tyres at the limit of wear, and
higher values up to 0.4 may be used at the discretion of the Technical Service. The
actual value obtained and the type of tyres and surface shall be recorded.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H If the test is conducted in several phases, no fresh energy shall be sup-
plied between the phases of the test.

R 13
From the second phase, the energy consumption corresponding to the
initial brake application may be taken into account, by subtracting one full
brake application from the four full applications prescribed in paragraph (and and of this annex for each of the second,
third and fourth phases used in the test prescribed in paragraph 5.1.1. of
this annex as applicable. The performance prescribed in paragraph of this annex shall be
deemed to be satisfied if, at the end of the fourth application, with the
vehicle stationary, the energy level in the storage device(s) is at or above
that required for secondary braking with the laden vehicle.
5.2. Utilization of adhesion
5.2.1. The utilization of adhesion by the anti-lock system takes into account the
actual increase in braking distance beyond the theoretical minimum. The
antilock system shall be deemed to be satisfactory when the condition ε
≥ 0.75 is satisfied, where ε represents the adhesion utilized, as defined
in paragraph 1.2. of Appendix 2 to this annex.
5.2.2. The adhesion utilization ε shall be measured on road surfaces with a
coefficient of adhesion of 0.322 or less, and of about 0.8 (dry road), with
R 13-H

an initial speed of 50 km/h. To eliminate the effects of differential brake

temperatures it is recommended that zAL be determined prior to the de-
termination of k.
5.2.3. The test procedure to determine the coefficient of adhesion (k) and the
formulae for calculation of the adhesion utilization (ε) shall be those laid
down in Appendix 2 to this annex.
5.2.4. The utilization of adhesion by the anti-lock system shall be checked on
complete vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems of categories 1 or
2. In the case of vehicles equipped with category 3 anti-lock systems,
only the axle(s) with at least one directly controlled wheel shall satisfy
this requirement.

Annex 6

5.2.5. The condition ε ≥ 0.75 shall be checked with the vehicle both laden and un-
The laden test on the high adhesion surface may be omitted if the pre-
scribed force on the control device does not achieve full cycling of the
anti-lock system.
For the unladen test, the control force may be increased up to 100 daN if
no cycling is achieved with its full force value.24 If 100 daN is insufficient
to make the system cycle, then this test may be omitted.
5.3. Additional checks
The following additional checks shall be carried out with the engine di-
sconnected, with the vehicle laden and unladen:
5.3.1. The wheels directly controlled by an anti-lock system shall not lock when
the full force24 is suddenly applied on the control device, on the road sur-
faces specified in paragraph 5.2.2. of this annex, at an initial speed of v =
40 km/h and at a high initial speed v = 0.8 vmax ≤ 120 km/h;25
5.3.2. When an axle passes from a high-adhesion surface (kH) to a low-adhe-
sion surface (kL), where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH / kL ≥ 2,26 with the full force24 ap-
plied on the control device, the directly controlled wheels shall not lock.
The running speed and the instant of applying the brakes shall be so
calculated that, with the anti-lock system fully cycling on the high-adhe-

R 13-H
sion surface, the passage from one surface to the other is made at high
and at low speed, under the conditions laid down in paragraph 5.3.1.;25
5.3.3. When a vehicle passes from a low-adhesion surface (kL) to a high-ad-
hesion surface (kH) where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH / kL ≥ 2,26 with the full force24
applied on the control device, the deceleration of the vehicle shall rise to
the appropriate high value within a reasonable time and the vehicle shall
23 Until a uniform test procedure is established, the tests required by this paragraph
may have to be repeated for vehicles equipped with electrical regenerative braking
systems, in order to determine the effect of different braking distribution values provi-
ded by automatic functions on the vehicle.
24 „Full force“ means the maximum force laid down in Annex 3 to this Regulation; a
higher force may be used if required to activate the anti-lock system.
25 The purpose of these tests is to check that the wheels do not lock and that the ve-
hicle remains stable; it is not necessary, therefore, to make complete stops and bring
the vehicle to a halt on the low-adhesion surface.
26 kH is the high-adhesion surface coefficient
kL is the low-adhesion surface coefficient
kH and kL are measured as laid down in Appendix 2 to this annex.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

not deviate from its initial course. The running speed and the instant of
applying the brake shall be so calculated that, with the anti-lock system
fully cycling on the low-adhesion surface, the passage from one surface

R 13
to the other occurs at approximately 50 km/h;
5.3.4. The provisions of this paragraph shall only apply to vehicles equipped
with anti-lock systems of categories 1 or 2. When the right and left
wheels of the vehicle are situated on surfaces with differing coefficients
of adhesion (kH and kL), where kH ≥ 0.5 and kH / kL ≥ 2,26 the directly con-
trolled wheels shall not lock when the full force 8/ is suddenly applied on
the control device at a speed of 50 km/h;
5.3.5. Furthermore, laden vehicles equipped with anti-lock systems of category
1 shall, under the conditions of paragraph 5.3.4. of this annex satisfy the
prescribed braking rate in Appendix 3 to this annex;
5.3.6. However, in the tests provided in paragraphs 5.3.1., 5.3.2., 5.3.3., 5.3.4.
and 5.3.5. of this annex, brief periods of wheel-locking shall be allowed.
Furthermore, wheel-locking is permitted when the vehicle speed is less
than 15 km/h; likewise, locking of indirectly controlled wheels is permitted
at any speed, but stability and steerability shall not be affected and the
vehicle shall not exceed a yaw angle of 15° or deviate from a 3.5 m
wide lane;
5.3.7. During the tests provided in paragraphs 5.3.4. and 5.3.5. of this annex,
R 13-H

steering correction is permitted, if the angular rotation of the steering

control is within 120° during the initial 2 seconds, and not more than
240° in all. Furthermore, at the beginning of these tests the longitudinal
median plane of the vehicle shall pass over the boundary between the
high- and low-adhesion surfaces and during these tests no part of the
outer tyres shall cross this boundary.23

Annex 6

Annex 6 - Appendix 1
Symbols and definitions
Symbol Definitions
E wheelbase
ε the adhesion utilized of the vehicle: quotient of the ma-
ximum braking rate with the anti-lock system operative
(zAL) and the coefficient of adhesion (k)
εi the ε - value measured on axle i (in the case of a motor
vehicle with a category 3 anti-lock system)
εH the ε - value on the high-adhesion surface
εL the ε - value on the low-adhesion surface
F force ( N )
Fdyn normal reaction of road surface under dynamic conditi-
ons with the anti-lock system operative
Fidyn Fdyn on axle i in case of power-driven vehicles
Fi normal reaction of road surface on axle i under static
FM total normal static reaction of road surface on all wheels
of power-driven vehicle
FMnd27 total normal static reaction of road surface on the un-

R 13-H
braked and non-driven axles of the power-driven ve-
FMd27 total normal static reaction of road surface on the un-
braked and driven axles of the power-driven vehicle
FWM27 0.01 FMnd + 0.015 FMd
g acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
h height of centre of gravity specified by the manufac-
turer and agreed by the Technical Service conducting
the approval test
k coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road
kf k - factor of one front axle
kH k - value determined on the high-adhesion surface

27 FMnd and FMd in case of two-axled motor vehicles: these symbols may be simplified to
corresponding Fi - symbols.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Symbol Definitions
ki k - value determined on axle i for a vehicle with a cate-

R 13
gory 3 anti-lock system
kL k - value determined on the low-adhesion surface
klock value of adhesion for 100 per cent slip
kM k - factor of the power-driven vehicle
kpeak maximum value of the curve „adhesion versus slip“
kr k - factor of one rear axle
P mass of individual vehicle (kg)
R ratio of kpeak to klock
t time interval (s)
tm mean value of t
tmin minimum value of t
z braking rate
zAL braking rate z of the vehicle with the anti-lock system
zm mean braking rate
zmax maximum value of z
zMALS zAL of the power-driven vehicle on a „split surface“
R 13-H

Annex 6

Annex 6 - Appendix 2
Utilisation of adhesion
1. Method of measurement
1.1. Determination of the coefficient of adhesion (k)
1.1.1. The coefficient of adhesion (k) shall be determined as the quotient of the
maximum braking forces without locking the wheels and the correspon-
ding dynamic load on the axle being brakes.
1.1.2. The brakes shall be applied on only one axle of the vehicle under test,
at an initial speed of 50 km/h. The braking forces shall be distributed
between the wheels of the axle to reach maximum performance. The
anti-lock system shall be disconnected, or inoperative, between 40 km/h
and 20 km/h.
1.1.3. A number of tests at increments of line pressure shall be carried out to
determine the maximum braking rate of the vehicle (zmax). During each
test, a constant input force shall be maintained and the braking rate will
be determined by reference to the time taken (t) for the speed to reduce
from 40 km/h to 20 km/h using the formula:

z= t

zmax is the maximum value of z; t is in seconds.

R 13-H Wheel lock may occur below 20 km/h. Starting from the minimum measured value of t, called tmin , then select
three values of t comprised within tmin and 1.05 tmin and calculate their
arithmetical mean value tm ,
then calculate: 0,566
zm = tm

If it is demonstrated that for practical reasons the three values defined

above cannot be obtained, then the minimum time tmin may be utilized.
However, the requirements of paragraph 1.3. shall still apply.
1.1.4. The braking forces shall be calculated from the measured braking rate and
the rolling resistance of the unbraked axle which is equal to 0.015 and 0.010
of the static axle load for a driven axle and a non-driven axle, respectively.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

1.1.5. The dynamic load on the axle shall be that given by the formulae in
Annex 5 to this Regulation.

R 13
1.1.6. The value of k shall be rounded to three decimal places.
1.1.7. Then, the test will be repeated for the other axle(s) as defined in para-
graphs 1.1.1. to 1.1.6. above.
1.1.8. For example, in the case of a two-axle rear-wheel drive vehicle, with the
front axle (1) being braked, the coefficient of adhesion (k) is given by:

kf = h

The other symbols (P, h, E) are defined in Annex 5 to this Regulation.

1.1.9. One coefficient will be determined for the front axle kf and one for the
rear axle kr.
1.2. Determination of the adhesion utilized (ε)
1.2.1. The adhesion utilized (ε) is defined as the quotient of the maximum bra-
king rate with the anti-lock system operative (zAL) and the coefficient of
adhesion (kM) i.e.,

R 13-H

1.2.2. From an initial vehicle speed of 55 km/h, the maximum braking rate (zAL)
shall be measured with full cycling of the anti-lock braking system and
based on the average value of three tests, as in paragraph 1.1.3. of this
appendix, using the time taken for the speed to reduce from 45 km/h to
15 km/h, according to the following formula:

zAL = tm

1.2.3. The coefficient of adhesion kM shall be determined by weighting with the

dynamic axle loads.

kf‡)fdyn + kr‡)rdyn
kM = 3‡J

Annex 6


Ffdyn = Ff‡]
E AL‡3‡J
Frdyn = Fr‡]

1.2.4. The value of ε shall be rounded to two decimal places.

1.2.5. In the case of a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock system of categories 1
or 2, the value of zAL will be based on the whole vehicle, with the anti-lock
system in operation, and the adhesion utilized (ε) is given by the same
formula quoted in paragraph 1.2.1. of this appendix.
1.2.6. In the case of a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock system of category
3, the value of zAL will be measured on each axle which has at least one
directly controlled wheel. For example, for a two-axle rear-wheel drive
vehicle with an anti-lock system acting only on the rear axle (2), the ad-
hesion utilized (ε) is given by:

İ2 = h
k2 )2‡]AL‡3‡J

This calculation shall be made for each axle having at least one directly

R 13-H
controlled wheel.
1.3. If ε > 1.00, the measurements of coefficients of adhesion shall be repea-
ted. A tolerance of 10% is accepted.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Annex 6 - Appendix 3
Performance on differing adhesion surfaces

R 13
1. The prescribed braking rate referred to in paragraph 5.3.5. of this annex
may be calculated by reference to the measured coefficient of adhesion
of the two surfaces on which this test is carried out. These two surfaces
shall satisfy the conditions prescribed in paragraph 5.3.4. of this annex.
2. The coefficient of adhesion (kH and kL) of the high- and low-a hesion
surfaces, respectively, shall be determined in accordance with the provi-
sions in paragraph 1.1. of Appendix 2 to this annex.
3. The braking rate (zMALS) for laden vehicles shall be:

R 13-H

Annex 6

Annex 6 - Appendix 4
Method of selection of the low adhesion surface
1. Details of the coefficient of adhesion of the surface selected, as defi-
ned in paragraph of this annex, shall be given to the Technical
1.1. These data shall include a curve of the coefficient of adhesion versus
slip (from 0 to 100 per cent slip) for a speed of approximately 40 km/h.
1.1.1. The maximum value of the curve will represent kpeak and the value at 100
per cent slip will represent klock.
1.1.2. The ratio R shall be determined as the quotient of the kpeak and klock.

R = kpeak

1.1.3. The value of R shall be rounded to one decimal place.

1.1.4. The surface to be used shall have a ratio R between 1.0 and 2.0.28
2. Prior to the tests, the Technical Service shall ensure that the selected
surface meets the specified requirements and shall be informed of the
Test method to determine R,

R 13-H
Type of vehicle,
Axle load and tyres (different loads and different tyres have to be tested
and the results shown to the Technical Service which will decide if they
are representative for the vehicle to be approved).
2.1. The value of R shall be mentioned in the test report.
The calibration of the surface has to be carried out at least once a year
with a representative vehicle to verify the stability of R.

28 Until such test surfaces become generally available, a ratio R up to 2.5 is acceptable,
subject to discussion with the Technical Service.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Annex 7
Inertia dynamometer test method for brake linings

R 13
1. General
1.1. The procedure described in this annex may be applied in the event of
a modification of vehicle type resulting from the fitting of brake linings of
another type to vehicles which have been approved in accordance with
this Regulation.
1.2. The alternative types of brake linings shall be checked by comparing
their performance with that obtained from the brake linings with which
the vehicle was equipped at the time of approval and conforming to the
components identified in the relevant information document, a model of
which is given in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
1.3. The Technical Authority responsible for conducting approval tests may at
its discretion require comparison of the performance of the brake linings
to be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in
Annex 3 to this Regulation.
1.4. Application for approval by comparison shall be made by the vehicle
manufacturer or by his duly accredited representative.
1.5. In the context of this annex „vehicle“ shall mean the vehicle type appro-
ved according to this Regulation and for which it is requested that the
comparison shall be considered satisfactory.
R 13-H

2. Test equipment
2.1. A dynamometer having the following characteristics shall be used for
the tests:
2.1.1. It shall be capable of generating the inertia required by paragraph 3.1. of
this annex, and have the capacity to meet the requirements prescribed
by paragraph 1.5. of Annex 3 to this Regulation with respect to the Type-I
fade test;
2.1.2. The brakes fitted shall be identical with those of the original vehicle type
2.1.3. Air cooling, if provided, shall be in accordance with paragraph 3.4. of
this annex;
2.1.4. The instrumentation for the test shall be capable of providing at least
the following data;

Annex 7 A continuous recording of disc or drum rotational speed; Number of revolutions completed during a stop, to resolution not greater
than one eighth of a revolution; Stop time; A continuous recording of the temperature measured in the centre of the
path swept by the lining or at mid-thickness of the disc or drum or lining; A continuous recording of brake application control line pressure or force; A continuous recording of brake output torque.
3. Test conditions
3.1. The dynamometer shall be set as close as possible, with 5 per cent tole-
rance, to the rotary inertia equivalent to that part of the total inertia of the ve-
hicle braked by the appropriate wheel(s) according to the following formula:

I = MR2

I = rotational inertia (kgm2)
R = dynamic tyre rolling radius (m)
M = that part of the maximum mass of the vehicle braked by
the appropriate wheel(s). In the case of a single-ended
dynamometer, this part shall be calculated from the de-

R 13-H
sign braking distribution when deceleration corresponds
to the appropriate value given in row (A) of the table under
paragraph 2.1.1. of Annex 3 to this Regulation.
3.2. The initial rotational speed of the inertia dynamometer shall correspond
to the linear speed of the vehicle as prescribed in row (A) of the table
under paragraph 2.1.1. of Annex 3 to this Regulation and shall be based
on the dynamic rolling radius of the tyre.
3.3. Brake linings shall be at least 80 per cent bedded and shall not have
exceeded a temperature of 180 °C during the bedding procedure, or
alternatively, at the vehicle manufacturer‘s request, be bedded in accor-
dance with his recommendations.
3.4. Cooling air may be used, flowing over the brake in a direction perpendi-
cular to its axis of rotation. The velocity of the cooling air flowing over the
brake shall be not greater than 10 km/h. The temperature of the cooling
air shall be the ambient temperature.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

4. Test procedure
4.1. Five sample sets of the brake lining shall be subjected to the comparison

R 13
test; they shall be compared with five sets of linings conforming to the
original components identified in the information document concerning
the first approval of the vehicle type concerned.
4.2. Brake lining equivalence shall be based on a comparison of the results
achieved using the test procedures prescribed in this annex and in ac-
cordance with the following requirements.
4.3. Type-O cold performance test
4.3.1. Three brake applications shall be made when the initial temperature is
below 100 °C. The temperature shall be measured in accordance with
the provisions of paragraph of this annex.
4.3.2. Brake applications shall be made from an initial rotational speed equiva-
lent to that given in row (A) of the table under paragraph 2.1.1. of Annex
3 to this Regulation, and the brake shall be applied to achieve a mean
torque equivalent to the deceleration prescribed in that paragraph. In ad-
dition, tests shall also be carried out at several rotational speeds, the lo-
west being equivalent to 30 per cent of the maximum speed of the vehicle
and the highest being equivalent to 80 per cent of that speed.
4.3.3. The mean braking torque recorded during the above cold performance
R 13-H

tests on the linings being tested for the purpose of comparison shall, for
the same input measurement, be within the test limits ±15 per cent of the
mean braking torque recorded with the brake linings conforming to the
component identified in the relevant application for vehicle type approval.
4.4. Type-I test (fade test)
4.4.1. Heating procedure Brake linings shall be tested according to the procedure given in para-
graph 1.5.1. of Annex 3 to this Regulation.
4.4.2. Hot performance On completion of the tests required under paragraph 4.4.1. of this annex,
the hot braking performance test specified in paragraph 1.5.2. of Annex
3 to this Regulation shall be carried out.

Annex 7 The mean braking torque recorded during the above hot performance
tests on the linings being tested for the purpose of comparison shall, for
the same input measurement, be within the test limits ±15 per cent of the
mean braking torque recorded with the brake linings conforming to the
component identified in the relevant application for vehicle type approval.
5. Inspection of brake linings
Brake linings shall be visually inspected on completion of the above tests
to check that they are in satisfactory condition for continued use in nor-
mal service.

R 13-H

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

Annex 8
Special requirements to be applied to the safety aspects of
complex electronic vehicle control systems

R 13
1. General
This annex defines the special requirements for documentation, fault
strategy and verification with respect to the safety aspects of Complex
Electronic Vehicle Control Systems (definition 2.3. below) as far as this
Regulation is concerned.
This annex may also be called, by special paragraphs in this Regulation,
for safety related functions which are controlled by electronic system(s).
This annex does not specify the performance criteria for „The System“
but covers the methodology applied to the design process and the in-
formation which shall be disclosed to the Technical Service, for type
approval purposes.
This information shall show that „The System“ respects, under normal
and fault conditions, all the appropriate performance requirements spe-
cified elsewhere in this Regulation.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this annex,
2.1. „Safety concept“ is a description of the measures designed into the sys-
R 13-H

tem, for example within the electronic units, so as to address system

integrity and thereby ensure safe operation even in the event of an elec-
trical failure.
The possibility of a fall-back to partial operation or even to a back-up
system for vital vehicle functions may be a part of the safety concept.
2.2. „Electronic control system“ means a combination of units, designed to
co-operate in the production of the stated vehicle control function by
electronic data processing.
Such systems, often controlled by software, are built from discrete func-
tional components such as sensors, electronic control units and actua-
tors and connected by transmission links. They may include mechanical,
electro-pneumatic or electro-hydraulic elements.
„The System“, referred to herein, is the one for which type approval is
being sought.

Annex 8

2.3. „Complex electronic vehicle control systems“ are those electronic control
systems which are subject to a hierarchy of control in which a controlled
function may be over-ridden by a higher level electronic control system/
A function which is over-ridden becomes part of the complex system.
2.4. „Higher-level control“ systems/functions are those which employ additional
processing and/or sensing provisions to modify vehicle behaviour by com-
manding variations in the normal function(s) of the vehicle control system.
This allows complex systems to automatically change their objectives
with a priority which depends on the sensed circumstances.
2.5. „Units“ are the smallest divisions of system components which will be consi-
dered in this annex, since these combinations of components will be treated
as single entities for purposes of identification, analysis or replacement.
2.6. „Transmission links“ are the means used for inter-connecting distributed
units for the purpose of conveying signals, operating data or an energy
This equipment is generally electrical but may, in some part, be mecha-
nical, pneumatic, hydraulic or optical.
2.7. „Range of control“ refers to an output variable and defines the range
over which the system is likely to exercise control.
2.8. „Boundary of functional operation“ defines the boundaries of the external

R 13-H
physical limits within which the system is able to maintain control.
3. Documentation
3.1. Requirements
The manufacturer shall provide a documentation package which gives ac-
cess to the basic design of „The System“ and the means by which it is lin-
ked to other vehicle systems or by which it directly controls output variables.
The function(s) of „The System“ and the safety concept, as laid down by
the manufacturer, shall be explained.
Documentation shall be brief, yet provide evidence that the design and
development has had the benefit of expertise from all the system fields
which are involved.
For periodic technical inspections, the documentation shall describe how
the current operational status of „The System“ can be checked.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

3.1.1. Documentation shall be made available in 2 parts:

(a) The formal documentation package for the approval, contai-

R 13
ning the material listed in paragraph 3. (with the exception of
that of paragraph 3.4.4.) which shall be supplied to the Tech-
nical Service at the time of submission of the type approval
application. This will be taken as the basic reference for the
verification process set out in paragraph 4. of this annex.
(b) Additional material and analysis data of paragraph 3.4.4.,
which shall be retained by the manufacturer, but made open
for inspection at the time of type approval.
3.2. Description of the functions of „The System“
A description shall be provided which gives a simple explanation of all
the control functions of „The System“ and the methods employed to
achieve the objectives, including a statement of the mechanism(s) by
which control is exercised.
3.2.1. A list of all input and sensed variables shall be provided and the working
range of these defined.
3.2.2. A list of all output variables which are controlled by „The System“ shall be
provided and an indication given, in each case, of whether the control is
direct or via another vehicle system. The range of control (paragraph 2.7.
R 13-H

above) exercised on each such variable shall be defined.

3.2.3. Limits defining the boundaries of functional operation (paragraph 2.8.
above) shall be stated where appropriate to system performance.
3.3. System layout and schematics
3.3.1. Inventory of components
A list shall be provided, collating all the units of „The System“ and mentio-
ning the other vehicle systems which are needed to achieve the control
function in question.
An outline schematic showing these units in combination, shall be provi-
ded with both the equipment distribution and the interconnections made

Annex 8

3.3.2. Functions of the units

The function of each unit of „The System“ shall be outlined and the signals
linking it with other Units or with other vehicle systems shall be shown.
This may be provided by a labelled block diagram or other schematic, or
by a description aided by such a diagram.
3.3.3. Interconnections
Interconnections within „The System“ shall be shown by a circuit diagram
for the electrical transmission links, by an optical-fiber diagram for optical
links, by a piping diagram for pneumatic or hydraulic transmission equip-
ment and by a simplified diagrammatic layout for mechanical linkages.
3.3.4. Signal flow and priorities
There shall be a clear correspondence between these transmission links
and the signals carried between units.
Priorities of signals on multiplexed data paths shall be stated, wherever
priority may be an issue affecting performance or safety as far as this
Regulation is concerned.
3.3.5. Identification of units
Each unit shall be clearly and unambiguously identifiable (e.g. by marking
for hardware and marking or software output for software content) to pro-
vide corresponding hardware and documentation association.

R 13-H
Where functions are combined within a single Unit or indeed within a sin-
gle computer, but shown in multiple blocks in the block diagram for clarity
and ease of explanation, only a single hardware identification marking
shall be used.
The manufacturer shall, by the use of this identification, affirm that the
equipment supplied conforms to the corresponding document. The identification defines the hardware and software version and, where
the latter changes such as to alter the function of the unit as far as this
Regulation is concerned, this identification shall also be changed.
3.4. Safety concept of the manufacturer
3.4.1. The manufacturer shall provide a statement which affirms that the stra-
tegy chosen to achieve „The System“ objectives will not, under non-fault
conditions, prejudice the safe operation of systems which are subject to
the prescriptions of this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 13-H

3.4.2. In respect of software employed in „The System“, the outline architectu-

re shall be explained and the design methods and tools used shall be
identified. The manufacturer shall be prepared, if required, to show some

R 13
evidence of the means by which they determined the realisation of the
system logic, during the design and development process.
3.4.3. The Manufacturer shall provide the technical authorities with an expla-
nation of the design provisions built into „The System“ so as to generate
safe operation under fault conditions. Possible design provisions for fai-
lure in „The System“ are for example:
(a) Fall-back to operation using a partial system.
(b) Change-over to a separate back-up system.
(c) Removal of the high level function.
In case of a failure, the driver shall be warned for example by warning
signal or message display. When the system is not deactivated by the
driver, e.g. by turning the Ignition (run) switch to „off“, or by switching off
that particular function if a special switch is provided for that purpose, the
warning shall be present as long as the fault condition persists. If the chosen provision selects a partial performance mode of operation
under certain fault conditions, then these conditions shall be stated and
the resulting limits of effectiveness defined.
R 13-H If the chosen provision selects a second (back-up) means to realise

the vehicle control system objective, the principles of the change-over
mechanism, the logic and level of redundancy and any built in back-up
checking features shall be explained and the resulting limits of back-up
effectiveness defined. If the chosen provision selects the removal of the higher level function,
all the corresponding output control signals associated with this func-
tion shall be inhibited, and in such a manner as to limit the transition
3.4.4. The documentation shall be supported, by an analysis which shows, in
overall terms, how the system will behave on the occurrence of any one
of those specified faults which will have a bearing on vehicle control per-
formance or safety.

Annex 8

This may be based on a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), a

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) or any similar process appropriate to system
safety considerations.
The chosen analytical approach(es) shall be established and maintained
by the manufacturer and shall be made open for inspection by the Tech-
nical Service at the time of the type approval. This documentation shall itemise the parameters being monitored and
shall set out, for each fault condition of the type defined in paragraph
3.4.4. above, the warning signal to be given to the driver and/or to ser-
vice/technical inspection personnel.
4. Verification and test
4.1. The functional operation of „The System“, as laid out in the documents
required in paragraph 3., shall be tested as follows:
4.1.1. Verification of the function of „The System“
As the means of establishing the normal operational levels, verification
of the performance of the vehicle system under non-fault conditions shall
be conducted against the manufacturer‘s basic benchmark specification
unless this is subject to a specified performance test as part of the ap-
proval procedure of this or another Regulation.
4.1.2. Verification of the safety concept of paragraph 3.4. of this annex.

R 13-H
The reaction of „The System“ shall, at the discretion of the type approval
authority, be checked under the influence of a failure in any individual
unit by applying corresponding output signals to electrical units or me-
chanical elements in order to simulate the effects of internal faults within
the unit.
The verification results shall correspond with the documented summary
of the failure analysis, to a level of overall effect such that the safety
concept and execution are confirmed as being adequate.


UN-ECE Regulation 139

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

Table of Content
Regulation No. 139 ................................................................................................714
1. Scope......................................................................................................................714
2. Definitions...............................................................................................................714
3. Application for approval .........................................................................................715
4. Approval .................................................................................................................715
5. General requirements............................................................................................717
6. Functional requirements ........................................................................................718
7. General test requirements.....................................................................................718
8. Assessment of the presence of a category „A“ BAS ...........................................720
9. Assessment of the presence of a category „B“ BAS ...........................................722
10. Modification of vehicle type or BAS and extension of approval ..........................724
11. Conformity of production .......................................................................................725
12. Penalties for non-conformity of production...........................................................726
13. Production definitively discontinued......................................................................726
14. Names and addresses of the Technical Services conducting approval tests,
and of Type Approval Authorities ..........................................................................726
Annex 1
Communication ......................................................................................................727
Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks .........................................................................729
Annex 3
Method for determination of FABS and aABS ...........................................................730
Annex 4
Data processing for the BAS.................................................................................732
R 139


Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled
Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled
Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on
the Basis of these Prescriptions*
(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October
Addendum 138 – Regulation No. 139
Date of entry into force as an annex to the 1958 Agreement: 22 January 2017
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars with regard to
Brake Assist Systems (BAS)
This document is meant purely as documentation tool. The authentic and legal
binding text is: ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/61.


R 139

* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform

Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle
Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

Regulation No. 139

1. Scope
1.1. This Regulation applies to the approval of vehicles of category M1 and
N11 with regard to their brake assist system.
1.2. This Regulation does not cover:
1.2.1. Vehicles with a design speed not exceeding 25 km/h;
1.2.2. Vehicles fitted for invalid drivers.
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this Regulation,
2.1. „Approval of a vehicle“ means the approval of a vehicle type with regard
to brake assist system.
2.2. „Vehicle type“ means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such
essential respects as:
2.2.1. The manufacturer‘s trade name or mark;
2.2.2. Vehicle features which significantly influence the performances of the
Brake Assist System (e.g. design of the braking system);
2.2.3. The design of the Brake Assist System.
2.3. „Maximum mass“ means the maximum mass stated by the vehicle ma-
nufacturer to be technically permissible (this mass may be higher than the
„permissible maximum mass“ laid down by the national administration).
2.4. „The distribution of mass among the axles“ means the distribution of the
effect of the gravity on the mass of the vehicle and/or its contents among
the axles.
R 139

2.5. „Wheel/axle load“ means the vertical static reaction (force) of the road
surface in the contact area on the wheel/wheels of the axle.
2.6. „Brake Assist System (BAS)“ means a function of the braking system
that deduces an emergency braking event from a characteristic of the
driver‘s brake demand and, under such conditions:
(a) Assists the driver to deliver the maximum achievable braking rate;

1 M1 and N1 categories of vehicles are defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the

Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4, para. 2


(b) Is sufficient to cause full cycling of the Anti-lock Braking System.
2.6.1. „Category A Brake Assist System“ means a system which detects an
emergency braking condition based primarily2 on the brake pedal force
applied by the driver;
2.6.2. „Category B Brake Assist System“ means a system which detects an
emergency braking condition based primarily2 on the brake pedal speed
applied by the driver;

3. Application for approval

3.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to BAS shall
be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by their duly accredited re-
3.2. It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate
and by the following particulars:
3.2.1. A description of the vehicle type with regard to the items specified in
paragraph 2.2. above. The numbers and/or symbols identifying the ve-
hicle type and the engine type shall be specified;
3.2.2. A list of the components, duly identified, constituting the BAS system;
3.2.3. A diagram of the assembled BAS system and an indication of the posi-
tion of its components on the vehicle;
3.2.4. Detailed drawings of each component to enable it to be easily located
and identified.
3.3. A vehicle, representative of the vehicle type to be approved, shall be
submitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.
R 139
4. Approval
4.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation
meets the requirements of paragraphs 5. and 6. below, approval of that
vehicle type shall be granted.
4.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved, its first
two digits shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most
recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time
2 As declared by the vehicle manufacturer.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign
the same number to another vehicle type with regard to Brake Assist
4.3. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a vehicle type pursuant to
this Regulation shall be communicated to the Contracting Parties to the
Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming
to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation and of a summary of the in-
formation contained in the documents referred to in paragraphs 3.2.1. to
3.2.4. above, the drawings supplied by the applicant for approval being
in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm), or folded to that format,
and on an appropriate scale.
4.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place
specified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehic-
le type approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark
consisting of:
4.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter „E“ followed by the distinguishing number
of the country which has granted approval,3 and of
4.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter „R“, a dash and
the approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph
4.4.1. above.
4.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more
other Regulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which
has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed
in paragraph 4.4.1. above, need not be repeated; in such a case, the
Regulation and approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the
regulations under which approval has been granted in the country which
has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical
R 139

columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.

4.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
4.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.
4.8. Annex 2 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval marks.

3 The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are re-
produced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
(R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 4, Annex 3 - www.unece.org/trans/


5. General requirements
5.1. Vehicles equipped with a brake assist system shall meet the functional requi-
rements specified in paragraph 6. of this Regulation. Compliance with these
requirements shall be demonstrated by meeting the provisions of paragraphs
8. or 9. of this Regulation under the test requirements specified in paragraph
7. of this Regulation. In addition to the requirements of this Regulation, vehic-
les equipped with a brake assist system shall also be equipped with ABS in
accordance with technical requirements of Regulation 13-H.
5.2. The BAS shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to enable the
vehicle in normal use, despite the vibration to which it may be subjected,
to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
5.3. In particular, the BAS shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to be
able to resist the corroding and ageing phenomena to which it is exposed.
5.4. The effectiveness of the BAS shall not be adversely affected by magne-
tic or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by fulfilling the techni-
cal requirements and respecting the transitional provisions of Regulation
No. 10 by applying:
(a) The 03 series of amendments for vehicles without a coupling
system for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Sto-
rage System (traction batteries);
(b) The 04 series of amendments for vehicles with a coupling sys-
tem for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage
System (traction batteries).
5.5. The assessment of the safety aspects of BAS shall be included in the
overall safety assessment of the braking system as specified in Regula-
tion No. 13-H requirements associated with complex electronic control
systems. This is deemed to be fulfilled on the presentation of a Regula-
tion No. 13-H certificate which includes the BAS to be approved.
R 139
5.6. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection of electronic brake assist systems
5.6.1. It shall be possible at a periodic technical inspection to confirm the cor-
rect operational status by visual observation of the warning signals fol-
lowing a power-on.
5.6.2. At the time of type approval, the means implemented to protect against
simple unauthorized modification of the operation of the warning signals
shall be confidentially outlined. Alternatively, this protection requirement
is fulfilled when a secondary means of checking the correct operational

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

status is available.

6. Functional requirements
6.1. General performance characteristics for category „A“ BAS systems
When an emergency condition has been sensed by a relative high pedal
force, the additional pedal force to cause full cycling of the ABS shall be
reduced compared to the pedal force required without the BAS system
in operation.
Compliance with this requirement is demonstrated if the provisions of
paragraphs 8.1. to 8.3. of this Regulation are met.
6.2. General performance characteristics for category „B“ BAS systems
When an emergency condition has been sensed, at least by a very fast
application of the pedal, the BAS system shall raise the pressure to deliver
the maximum achievable braking rate or cause full cycling of the ABS.
Compliance with this requirement is demonstrated if the provisions of
paragraphs 9.1. to 9.3. of this Regulation are met.
7. General test requirements
7.1. Variables
While performing the tests described in this Regulation, the following
variables shall be measured:
7.1.1. Brake pedal force, Fp;
7.1.2. Vehicle velocity, vx;
7.1.3. Vehicle deceleration, ax;
7.1.4. Brake temperature, Td;
R 139

7.1.5. Brake pressure, P, where applicable;

7.1.6. Brake pedal speed, vp, measured at the centre of the pedal plate or at a
position on the pedal mechanism where the displacement is proportio-
nal to the displacement at the centre of the pedal plate allowing simple
calibration of the measurement.
7.2. Measuring equipment
7.2.1. The variables listed in paragraph 7.1. above shall be measured by me-
ans of appropriate transducers. Accuracy, operating ranges, filtering


techniques, data processing and other requirements are described in

ISO Standard 15037-1: 2006.
7.2.2. Accuracy of pedal force and disc temperature measurements shall be
as follows:
Variable range system Typical operating range Recommended maximum
of the transducers recording errors
Pedal force 0 to 2.000 N ± 10 N
Brake temperature 0 - 1000 °C ± 5 °C
Brake pressure* 0 - 20 MPa* ± 100 kPa*

* Applicable as specified in paragraph 8.2.5.

7.2.3. Details on analogue and digital data processing of the BAS test procedu-
res are described in Annex 4 to this Regulation. A sampling rate for data
acquisition of at least 500 Hz is required.
7.2.4. Alternative measuring methods to those referred to in paragraph 7.2.3.
may be allowed, provided they demonstrate at least an equivalent level
of precision.
7.3. Test conditions
7.3.1. Test vehicle loading condition: The vehicle shall be unladen. There may
be, in addition to the driver, a second person on the front seat who is
responsible for noting the results of the tests.
7.3.2. Braking tests shall be carried out on a dry surface affording good adhesion.
7.4. Test method
7.4.1. The tests as described in paragraphs 8. and 9. of this section shall be
R 139
carried out from a test speed of 100 ± 2 km/h. The vehicle shall be driven
at the test speed in a straight line.
7.4.2. The average temperature of the service brakes on the hottest axle of the
vehicle, measured inside the brake linings or on the braking path of the disc
or drum, shall be between 65 and 100°C prior to any brake application.
7.4.3. For the tests the reference time, t0, is defined as the moment when the
brake pedal force reaches 20 N.
Note: For vehicles equipped with a brake system assisted by an energy

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

source, the applied pedal force necessary depends on the energy level
that exists in the energy storage device. Therefore, sufficient energy le-
vel shall be ensured at the beginning of the test.

8. Assessment of the presence of a category „A“ BAS

A category „A“ BAS shall meet the test requirements contained in para-
graphs 8.1. and 8.2.
8.1. Test 1: Reference test to determine FABS and aABS.
8.1.1. The reference values FABS and aABS shall be determined in accordance
with the procedure described in Annex 3 to this Regulation.
8.2. Test 2: For activation of BAS
8.2.1. Once an emergency braking condition has been detected, systems sen-
sitive to pedal force shall show a significant increase in the ratio of:
(a) Brake line pressure to brake pedal force, where permitted by
paragraph 8.2.5.; or
(b) Vehicle deceleration to brake pedal force.
8.2.2. The performance requirements for a category „A“ BAS are met if a speci-
fic brake application characteristic can be defined that exhibits a decrea-
se of between 40 per cent and 80 per cent in required brake pedal force
for (FABS - FT) compared to (FABS,extrapolated - FT).
8.2.3. FT and aT are threshold force and threshold deceleration as shown in Fi-
gure 1. The values of FT and aT shall be supplied to the Technical Service
at the time of submission of the type-approval application. The value of
aT shall be between 3.5 m/s² and 5.0 m/s².
Figure 1a
R 139

Pedal force characteristic needed in order to achieve maximum decele-

ration with category „A“ BAS


Between 3,5 and 5,0 m/s2

aABS -100% -80% -40% 0%



FT FABS,minFAbs FABS,max FABS,extrapolated

Brake Pedal force,F
8.2.4. A straight line is drawn from the origin through the point FT, aT (as shown in Figure
1a). The value of brake pedal force „F“, at the point of intersection between this
line and a horizontal line defined by a = aABS, is defined as FABS,extrapolated:
FABS,extrapolated = aT
8.2.5. As an alternative, which can be selected by the manufacturer, in the case
of vehicles of category N1, or M1 derived from those N1 vehicles, with a
gross vehicle mass GVM > 2,500 kg, the pedal force figures for FT, FABS,min,
FABS,max and FABS,extrapolated may be derived from the brake line pressure re-
sponse characteristic instead of the vehicle deceleration characteristic.
This shall be measured as the brake pedal force is increasing. The pressure, at which ABS cycling commences, shall be determined by
making five tests from 100 ± 2 km/h in which the brake pedal is applied R 139
up to the level which produces ABS operation and the five pressures at
which this occurs as determined from front wheel pressure records, shall
be recorded and the mean value obtained as PABS. The threshold pressure PT shall be stated by the manufacturer and cor-
respond to a deceleration in the range of 2.5 - 4.5 m/s2. Figure 1b shall be constructed in the manner set out in paragraph 8.2.4.,
but using line pressure measurements to define the parameters set out
in paragraph 8.2.5. of this Regulation where:

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

FABS,extrapolated = PT
Figure 1b
Pedal force characteristic needed in order to achieve maximum decele-
ration with category „A“ BAS
Force change threshold

PABS -100% -80% -40% 0%

Line pressure,P


FT FABS,minFAbs FABS,max FABS,extrapolated

Brake Pedal force,F

8.3. Data evaluation

The presence of a category „A“ BAS is proven if
FABS,min ≤ FABS ≤ FABS,max
FABS,max - FT ≤ (FABS,extrapolated - FT) • 0,6
R 139

FABS,min - FT ≤ (FABS,extrapolated - FT) • 0,2

9. Assessment of the presence of a category „B“ BAS

A category „B“ BAS shall meet the test requirements contained within
paragraphs 9.1. and 9.2. of this section.
9.1. Test 1: Reference test to determine FABS and aABS.
9.1.1. The reference values FABS and aABS shall be determined in accordan-
ce with the procedure described in Annex 3 to this Regulation.


9.2. Test 2: For activation of BAS

The vehicle shall be driven in a straight line at the test speed specified in
paragraph 7.4. of this Regulation. The driver shall apply the brake pedal
quickly according to Figure 2, simulating emergency braking so that BAS
is activated and ABS is fully cycling.
In order to activate BAS the brake pedal shall be applied as specified by
the car manufacturer. The manufacturer shall notify the Technical Ser-
vice of the required brake pedal input at the time of submission of the
application for type-approval. It shall be demonstrated to the satisfac-
tion of the Technical Service that the BAS activates under the conditions
specified by the manufacturer in accordance with paragraph 16.1.1. or
16.1.2. of Annex 1.
After t = t0 + 0.8 s and until the vehicle has slowed down to a speed of
15 km/h, the brake pedal force shall be maintained in a corridor between
FABS,upper and FABS,lower, where FABS,upper is 0.7 FABS and FABS,lower is 0.5 FABS.
The requirements are also considered to be met if, after t = t0 + 0.8 s, the
pedal force falls below FABS,lower provided the requirement of paragraph
9.3. is fulfilled.
9.3. Data evaluation
The presence of BAS ‚B‘ is demonstrated if a mean deceleration (aBAS) of
at least 0.85 • aABS is maintained from the time when t = t0 + 0.8 s to the
time when the vehicle speed has been reduced to 15 km/h.
Figure 2
Example of test 2 of a category „B“ BAS system
R 139

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

Brake pedal force Deceleration ax

Brake pedal
force F aABS


Initial pedal

t0 t0 + 0,8 seconds time

Phase of panic Phase of BAS-

pedal application evaluation (ending
at speed of 15 km/h)
10. Modification of vehicle type or BAS and extension
of approval
10.1. Every modification to an existing vehicle type shall be notified to the Type
Approval Authority which approved the vehicle type.
The Authority shall then either:
(a) Decide, in consultation with the manufacturer, that a new ty-
pe-approval is to be granted; or
(b) Apply the procedure contained in paragraph 10.1.1. (Revi-
R 139

sion) and, if applicable, the procedure contained in paragraph

10.1.2. (Extension).
10.1.1. Revision
When particulars recorded in the information documents have changed
and the Type Approval Authority considers that the modifications made
are unlikely to have appreciable adverse effects and that in any case
the foot controls still meet the requirements, the modification shall be
designated a “revision”.


In such a case, the Type Approval Authority shall issue the revised pages
of the information documents as necessary, marking each revised page
to show clearly the nature of the modification and the date of re-issue.
A consolidated, updated version of the information documents, accom-
panied by a detailed description of the modification, shall be deemed to
meet this requirement.
10.1.2. Extension
The modification shall be designated an “extension” if, in addition to the
change of the particulars recorded in the information documents,
(a) Further inspections or tests are required; or
(b) Any information on the communication document (with the ex-
ception of its attachments) has changed; or
(c) Approval to a later series of amendments is requested after
its entry into force.
10.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alteration, shall be
communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to
the Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation. In
addition, the index to the information documents and to the test reports,
attached to the communication document of Annex 1, shall be amended
accordingly to show the date of the most recent revision or extension.
10.3. The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign
a serial number to each communication form drawn up for such an ex-

11. Conformity of production

The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out
R 139
in the Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2)
with the following requirements:
11.1. A vehicle approved to this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to
conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set forth in
paragraphs 5. and 6. above.
11.2. The authority which has granted type approval may at any time verify
the conformity control methods applied in each production facility. The
normal frequency of these verifications shall be once every two years.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

12. Penalties for non-conformity of production

12.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regu-
lation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 11.1.
above are not complied with.
12.2. If a Contracting Party to the Agreement which applies this Regulation
withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so no-
tify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of
a copy of the communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1
to this Regulation.

13. Production definitively discontinued

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of
vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, they shall so inform
the authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant
communication, that authority shall inform thereof the other Contracting
Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of copies
of a communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this

14. Names and addresses of the Technical Services

conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval
The Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall
communicate to the United Nations secretariat the names and addres-
ses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests
and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which
forms, certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of appro-
R 139

val, issued in other countries, are to be sent.

Annex 1

Annex 1
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
issued by: Name of administration:

4 .................................................
E ... .................................................

Concerning:5 Approval granted

Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a vehicle type with regard to BAS, pursuant to Regulation No. 139

Approval No. .................................................Extension No.................................................
1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle .............................................................
2. Vehicle type ..................................................................................................
3. Manufacturer‘s name and address .............................................................
4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer‘s representative .........
R 139
5. Mass of vehicle ............................................................................................
5.1. Maximum mass of vehicle ...........................................................................
5.2. Minimum mass of vehicle ............................................................................
6. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) ..................................

4 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/with-

drawn approval (see provisions in the regulation).
5 Strike out what does not apply.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

8. Engine type ..................................................................................................

9. Number and ratios of gears ........................................................................
10. Final drive ratio(s) ........................................................................................
11. If applicable, maximum mass of trailer which may be coupled ..................
11.1. Unbraked trailer ...........................................................................................
12. Tyre dimension ............................................................................................
13. Maximum design speed ..............................................................................
14. Brief description of braking equipment .......................................................
15. Mass of vehicle when tested: ......................................................................
Load (kg)
Axle No. 1
Axle No. 2
16.1. Category of Brake Assist System A / B5
16.1.1. For category A systems, define the force threshold at which the ratio
between pedal force and brake pressure increases5; ...............................
16.1.2. For category B systems, define the brake pedal speed which must be
achieved in order to activate the Brake Assist System (e.g. pedal stroke
speed (mm/s) during a given time interval);5 ..............................................
17. (Reserved)
18. Vehicle is equipped with ABS in accordance with technical requirements
of Regulation No.13-H ................................................................. Yes / No5
19. Vehicle submitted for approval on ...............................................................
20. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval ..............................
21. Date of report issued by that Service .........................................................
R 139

22. Number of report issued by that Service ....................................................

23. Approval granted / refused / extended / withdrawn5
24. Position of approval mark on the vehicle ...................................................
25. Place ............................................................................................................
26. Date ..............................................................................................................
27. Signature ......................................................................................................
28. The summary referred to in paragraph 4.3. of this Regulation is annexed
to this communication

Annex 2

Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks
Model A (See paragraph 4.4. of this Regulation)

E6 a/3
139 – 00185a/3

a = 8 mm
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type
concerned has been approved in Belgium (E 6) with regard to the Brake
Assist System pursuant to Regulation No. 139. The first two digits of the
approval number indicate that the approval was granted in accordance
with the requirements of Regulation No. 139 in its original form.
Model B (See paragraph 4.5. of this Regulation)
139 002439 a/3
E6 a/3 24 1.30 021628 a/3

a = 8 mm
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type R 139
concerned has been approved in Belgium (E 6) pursuant to Regulations
Nos. 139 and 24.6 (In the case of the latter Regulation the corrected
absorption coefficient is 1.30 m-1). The approval numbers indicate that,
at the dates when the respective approvals were given, Regulation No.
139 was in its original form and Regulation No. 24 included the 02 series
of amendments.

6 This number is given merely as an example.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

Annex 3
Method for determination of FABS and aABS

1.1. The brake pedal force FABS is the minimum pedal force that has to be
applied for a given vehicle in order to achieve maximum deceleration
which indicates that ABS is fully cycling. aABS is the deceleration for a
given vehicle during ABS deceleration as defined in paragraph 1.8.
1.2. The brake pedal shall be applied slowly (without activating the BAS in
the case of category B systems) providing a constant increase of dece-
leration until ABS is fully cycling (Figure 3).
1.3. The full deceleration must be reached within the timeframe of 2.0 ± 0.5 s.
The deceleration curve, recorded against time, must be within a corridor
of ± 0.5 s around the centre line of the deceleration curve corridor. The
example in Figure 3 has its origin at the time t0 crossing the aABS line
2 seconds. Once full deceleration has been achieved, the brake pedal
shall be operated so that the ABS continues fully cycling. The time of full
activation of the ABS system is defined as the time when pedal force FABS
is achieved. The measurement shall be within the corridor for variation of
increase in deceleration (see Figure 3).
Figure 3
Deceleration corridor for determination of FABS and aABS
deceleration a
Corridor for variation of ABS fully
increase in deceleration cycling corridor aABS
R 139

t0 1s 2±0,5s time[s]

Annex 3

1.4. Five tests meeting the requirements of paragraph 1.3. shall be carried
out. For each of these valid tests the vehicle deceleration shall be plotted
as a function of the recorded brake pedal force. Only data recorded at
speeds above 15 km/h shall be taken for the calculations described in
the following paragraphs.
1.5. For the determination of aABS and FABS, a low pass filter of 2 Hz for vehicle
deceleration as well as pedal force shall be applied.
1.6. The five individual „deceleration versus brake pedal force“ curves are
averaged by calculating the mean deceleration of the five individual „de-
celeration vs. brake pedal force“ curves at increments of 1 N pedal force.
The result is the mean deceleration versus brake pedal force curve,
which will be referred to as the „maF curve“ in this annex.
1.7. The maximum value for the vehicle deceleration is determined from the
„maF curve“ and is named as „amax“.
1.8. All values of the „maF curve“ that are above 90 per cent of this decele-
ration value „amax“ are averaged. This value of „a“ is the deceleration
„aABS“ referred to in this Regulation.
1.9. The minimum force on the pedal (FABS) sufficient to achieve the decele-
ration aABS is defined as the value of F corresponding to a = aABS on the
maF curve.

R 139

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

Annex 4
Data processing for the BAS
(see paragraph 7.2.3. of this Regulation)
1. Analogue data processing
The bandwidth of the entire, combined transducer/recording system
shall be no less than 30 Hz.
In order to execute the necessary filtering of signals, low-pass filters with
order 4 or higher shall be employed. The width of the pass band (from 0
Hz to frequency fo at -3 dB) shall not be less than 30 Hz. Amplitude errors
shall be less than ± 0.5 per cent in the relevant frequency range of 0 Hz
to 30 Hz. All analogue signals shall be processed with filters having suffi-
ciently similar phase characteristics to ensure that time delay differences
due to filtering lie within the required accuracy for time measurement.
Note: During analogue filtering of signals with different frequency con-
tents, phase shifts can occur. Therefore, a data processing method, as
described in paragraph 2. of this appendix, is preferable.
2. Digital data processing
2.1. General consideration
Preparation of analogue signals includes consideration of filter amplitu-
de attenuation and sampling rate to avoid aliasing errors, and filter pha-
se lags and time delays. Sampling and digitizing considerations include
pre-sampling amplification of signals to minimize digitizing errors; num-
ber of bits per sample; number of samples per cycle; sample and hold
amplifiers; and time-wise spacing of samples. Considerations for addi-
tional phaseless digital filtering include selection of pass bands and stop
R 139

bands and the attenuation and allowable ripple in each; and correction
of filter phase lags. Each of these factors shall be considered in order
to achieve a relative overall data acquisition accuracy of ± 0.5 per cent.
2.2. Aliasing errors
In order to avoid uncorrectable aliasing errors, the analogue signals shall
be appropriately filtered before sampling and digitizing. The order of the
filters used and their pass band shall be chosen according to both the
required flatness in the relevant frequency range and the sampling rate.
The minimum filter characteristics and sampling rate shall be such that:

Annex 4

(a) Within the relevant frequency range of 0 Hz to fmax = 30 Hz

the attenuation is less than the resolution of the data acquisi-
tion system; and
(b) At one-half the sampling rate (i.e. the Nyquist or „folding“ fre-
quency) the magnitudes of all frequency components of signal
and noise are reduced to less than the system resolution.
For 0.05 per cent resolution the filter attenuation shall be less than 0.05
per cent in the frequency range between 0 and 30 Hz, and the attenua-
tion shall be greater than 99.95 per cent at all frequencies greater than
one-half the sampling frequency.
Note: For a Butterworth filter the attenuation is given by:

1 = 1
A2 = A2 =
f f
1 + ( max)2n 1 + ( N )2n
fo fo

n is the order to filter;
fmax is the relevant frequency range (30 Hz);
fo is the filter cut-off frequency;
fN is the Nyquist or „folding“ frequency.
For a fourth order filter
for A = 0.9995: fo = 2.37 • fmax
for A = 0.0005: fS, = 2 • (6.69 • fo), where fS, is the sampling frequency = 2 • fN.
R 139
2.3. Filter phase shifts and time delays for anti-aliasing filtering Excessive
analogue filtering shall be avoided, and all filters shall have sufficiently
similar phase characteristics to ensure that time delay differences are
within the required accuracy for the time measurement. Phase shifts are
especially significant when measured variables are multiplied together to
form new variables, because while amplitudes multiply, phase shifts and
associated time delays add. Phase shifts and time delays are reduced
by increasing fo. Whenever equations describing the pre-sampling filters
are known, it is practical to remove their phase shifts and time delays by
simple algorithms performed in the frequency domain.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 139

Note: In the frequency range in which the filter amplitude characteristics

remain flat, the phase shift Φ of a Butterworth filter can be approximated
Φ = 81 • (f/f0) degrees for second order
Φ = 150 • (f/f0) degrees for fourth order
Φ = 294 • (f/f0) degrees for eighth order
The time delay for all filter orders is: t = (Φ/360) • (1/f0)
2.4. Data sampling and digitizing
At 30 Hz the signal amplitude changes by up to 18 per cent per millise-
cond. To limit dynamic errors caused by changing analogue inputs to 0.1
per cent, sampling or digitizing time shall be less than 32 μs. All pairs or
sets of data samples to be compared shall be taken simultaneously or
over a sufficiently short time period.
2.5. System requirements
The data system shall have a resolution of 12 bits (± 0.05 per cent) or
more and an accuracy of ± 0.1 per cent (2 lbs). Anti-aliasing filters shall
be of order 4 or higher and the relevant data range fmax shall be 0 Hz
to 30 Hz.
For fourth order filters the pass-band frequency fo (from 0 Hz to frequen-
cy fo) shall be greater than 2.37 • fmax if phase errors are subsequently
adjusted in digital data processing, and greater than 5 • fmax otherwise.
For fourth order filters the data sampling frequency fs shall be greater
than 13.4 • fo.
R 139


UN-ECE Regulation 140

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

Table of Content
3. Scope......................................................................................................................738
4. Definitions...............................................................................................................738
5. Application for approval .........................................................................................740
6. Approval .................................................................................................................740
7. General requirements............................................................................................741
8. Functional requirements ........................................................................................743
9. Performance requirements....................................................................................743
10. Test conditions........................................................................................................749
11. Test Procedure .......................................................................................................751
12. Modification of vehicle type or ESC system and extension of approval.............756
13. Conformity of production .......................................................................................757
14. Penalties for non-conformity of production...........................................................757
15. Production definitively discontinued......................................................................758
16. Names and addresses of the Technical Services conducting approval tests,
and of Type Approval Authorities ..........................................................................758
Annex 1
Communication ......................................................................................................759
Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks .........................................................................761
Annex 3
Use of the dynamic stability simulation.................................................................762
Annex 4
Dynamic stability simulation tool and its validation ..............................................763
Annex 5
Vehicle stability function simulation tool test report ..............................................765
R 140


Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled
Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled
Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on
the Basis of these Prescriptions*
(Revision 2, including the amendments which entered into force on 16 October
Addendum 139 – Regulation No. 140
Date of entry into force as an annex to the 1958 Agreement: 22 January 2017
Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars with regard to
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Systems
This document is meant purely as documentation tool. The authentic and legal
binding text is: ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/62.


R 140

* Former title of the Agreement: Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform

Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle
Equipment and Parts, done at Geneva on 20 March 1958.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

3. Scope
3.1. This Regulation applies to the approval of vehicles of category M1 and
N11 with regard to their electronic stability control system.
3.2. This Regulation does not cover:
3.2.1. Vehicles with a design speed not exceeding 25 km/h;
3.2.2. Vehicles fitted for invalid drivers.

4. Definitions
For the purposes of this Regulation,
4.1. „Approval of a vehicle“ means the approval of a vehicle type with regard
to electronic stability control.
4.2. „Vehicle type“ means a category of vehicles which do not differ in such
essential respects as:
4.2.1. The manufacturer‘s trade name or mark;
4.2.2. Vehicle features which significantly influence the performances of the
Electronic Stability Control system (e.g. maximum mass, centre of gravi-
ty position, track width, distance between axles, tyres dimension and the
design of the braking system);
4.2.3. The design of the Electronic Stability Control system.
4.3. „Maximum mass“ means the maximum mass stated by the vehicle ma-
nufacturer to be technically permissible (this mass may be higher than
the „permissible maximum mass“ laid down by the national administ-
4.4. „The distribution of mass among the axles“ means the distribution of the
effect of the gravity on the mass of the vehicle and/or its contents among
the axles.
4.5. „Wheel/axle load“ means the vertical static reaction (force) of the road
surface in the contact area on the wheel/wheels of the axle.
R 140

4.6. „Ackerman steer angle“ means the angle whose tangent is the wheelba-
se divided by the radius of the turn at a very low speed.
1 M1 and N1 categories of vehicles are defined in the Consolidated Resolution on the
Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3.), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 4, para.
2. - www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29wgs/wp29gen/wp29resolutions.html


4.7. „Electronic Stability Control (ESC) System“ means a system that has all
of the following attributes:
4.7.1. That improves vehicle directional stability by at least having the ability to
automatically control individually the braking torques of the left and right
wheels on each axle2 to induce a correcting yaw moment based on the
evaluation of actual vehicle behaviour in comparison with a determina-
tion of vehicle behaviour demanded by the driver;
4.7.2. That is computer controlled with the computer using a closed-loop algo-
rithm to limit vehicle oversteer and to limit vehicle understeer based on
the evaluation of actual vehicle behaviour in comparison with a determi-
nation of vehicle behaviour demanded by the driver;
4.7.3. That has a means to determine directly the value of the vehicle‘s yaw rate
and to estimate its side-slip or side-slip derivative with respect to time;
4.7.4. That has a means to monitor driver steering inputs; and
4.7.5. That has an algorithm to determine the need, and a means to modify
propulsion torque, as necessary, to assist the driver in maintaining con-
trol of the vehicle.
4.8. „Lateral acceleration“ means the component of the acceleration vector
of a point in the vehicle perpendicular to the vehicle x axis (longitudinal)
and parallel to the road plane.
4.9. „Oversteer“ means a condition in which the vehicle‘s yaw rate is greater
than the yaw rate that would occur at the vehicle‘s speed as a result of
the Ackerman steer angle.
4.10. „Side-slip or side-slip angle“ means the arctangent of the ratio of the lateral
velocity to the longitudinal velocity of the centre of gravity of the vehicle.
4.11. „Understeer“ means a condition in which the vehicle‘s yaw rate is less
than the yaw rate that would occur at the vehicle‘s speed as a result of
the Ackerman steer angle.
4.12. „Yaw rate“ means the rate of change of the vehicle‘s heading angle mea-
sured in degrees/second of rotation about a vertical axis through the
vehicle‘s centre of gravity.
R 140

4.13. „Peak braking coefficient (PBC)“: means the measure of tyre to road
surface friction based on the maximum deceleration of a rolling tyre.
2 An axle group shall be treated as a single axle and dual wheels shall be treated as a
single wheel.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

4.14. „Common space“ means an area on which more than one tell-tale, indi-
cator, identification symbol, or other message may be displayed but not
4.15. „Static stability factor“ means one-half the track width of a vehicle divi-
ded by the height of its center of gravity, also expressed as SSF = T/2H,
where: T = track width (for vehicles with more than one track width the
average is used; for axles with dual wheels, the outer wheels are used
when calculating „T“) and H = height of the center of gravity of the vehicle.

5. Application for approval

5.1. The application for approval of a vehicle type with regard to ESC shall
be submitted by the vehicle manufacturer or by his duly accredited re-
5.2. It shall be accompanied by the under-mentioned documents in triplicate
and by the following particulars:
5.2.1. A description of the vehicle type with regard to the items specified in
paragraph 2.2. above. The numbers and/or symbols identifying the ve-
hicle type and the engine type shall be specified;
5.2.2. A list of the components, duly identified, constituting the ESC system;
5.2.3. A diagram of the assembled ESC system and an indication of the posi-
tion of its components on the vehicle;
5.2.4. Detailed drawings of each component to enable it to be easily located
and identified.
5.3. A vehicle, representative of the vehicle type to be approved, shall be
submitted to the Technical Service conducting the approval tests.

6. Approval
6.1. If the vehicle type submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation
meets the requirements of paragraphs 5., 6. and 7. below, approval of
that vehicle type shall be granted.
6.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved, its first two
R 140

digits shall indicate the series of amendments incorporating the most recent
major technical amendments made to the regulation at the time of issue of
the approval. The same Contracting Party shall not assign the same num-
ber to another vehicle type with regard to electronic stability control.


6.3. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a vehicle type pursuant to

this Regulation shall be communicated to the Contracting Parties to the
Agreement which apply this Regulation by means of a form conforming
to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation and of a summary of the in-
formation contained in the documents referred to in paragraphs 3.2.1. to
3.2.4. above, the drawings supplied by the applicant for approval being
in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm), or folded to that format,
and on an appropriate scale.
6.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place spe-
cified on the approval form, to every vehicle conforming to a vehicle type
approved under this Regulation, an international approval mark consisting of:
6.4.1. A circle surrounding the letter „E“ followed by the distinguishing number
of the country which has granted approval,3 and of
6.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter „R“, a dash and the ap-
proval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.
6.5. If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type approved under one or more
other regulations, annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has
granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in para-
graph 4.4.1. above, need not be repeated; in such a case, the regulation
and approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the regulations
under which approval has been granted in the country which has gran-
ted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to
the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 4.4.1. above.
6.6. The approval mark shall be clearly legible and be indelible.
6.7. The approval mark shall be placed close to or on the vehicle data plate.
6.8. Annex 1 to this Regulation gives examples of arrangements of approval
7. General requirements
7.1. Vehicles equipped with an ESC shall meet the functional requirements
specified in paragraph 6. and the performance requirements in para-
graph 7. under the test procedures specified in paragraph 9. and under
R 140

the test conditions specified in paragraph 8. of this Regulation.

3 The distinguishing numbers of the Contracting Parties to the 1958 Agreement are re-
produced in Annex 3 to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
(R.E.3), document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev. 4, Annex 3 - www.unece.org/trans/

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

7.1.1. As an alternative to the requirements of paragraph 5.1., vehicles of ca-

tegories M1 and N1 with a mass in running order of more than 1,735 kg
may be equipped with a vehicle stability function which includes roll-over
control and directional control and meets the technical requirements and
transitional provisions of Regulation No. 13, Annex 21. These vehicles
do not need to meet the functional requirements specified in paragraph
6. and the performance requirements specified in paragraph 7. under
the test procedures specified in paragraph 9. and under the test conditi-
ons specified in paragraph 8. of this Regulation.
7.2. The ESC shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to enable the
vehicle in normal use, despite the vibration to which it may be subjected,
to comply with the provisions of this Regulation.
7.3. In particular, the ESC shall be so designed, constructed and fitted as to be
able to resist the corroding and ageing phenomena to which it is exposed.
7.4. The effectiveness of the ESC shall not be adversely affected by magne-
tic or electrical fields. This shall be demonstrated by fulfilling the techni-
cal requirements and respecting the transitional provisions of Regulation
No. 10 by applying:
(a) The 03 series of amendments for vehicles without a coupling
system for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Sto-
rage System (traction batteries);
(b) The 04 series of amendments for vehicles with a coupling sys-
tem for charging the Rechargeable Electric Energy Storage
System (traction batteries).
7.5. The assessment of the safety aspects of ESC, with respect to its direct
effect on the braking system, shall be included in the overall safety as-
sessment of the braking system as specified in Regulation No. 13-H
requirements associated with complex electronic control systems. This
is deemed to be fulfilled on the presentation of a Regulation No. 13-H
certificate which includes the ESC system to be approved.
7.6. Provisions for the periodic technical inspection of ESC systems
R 140

7.6.1. It shall be possible at a periodic technical inspection to confirm the cor-

rect operational status by visual observation of the warning signals fol-
lowing a power-on.


7.6.2. At the time of type approval, the means implemented to protect against
simple unauthorized modification of the operation of the warning signals
shall be confidentially outlined. Alternatively, this protection requirement
is fulfilled when a secondary means of checking the correct operational
status is available.

8. Functional requirements
Each vehicle submitted for approval pursuant to this Regulation shall be
equipped with an Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system that:
8.1. Is capable of applying braking torques individually to all four wheels4 and
has a control algorithm that utilizes this capability;
8.2. Is operational over the full speed range of the vehicle, during all phases
of driving including acceleration, coasting, and deceleration (including
braking), except:
8.2.1. When the driver has disabled ESC;
8.2.2. When the vehicle speed is below 20 km/h;
8.2.3. While the initial start-up self-test and plausibility checks are completed, not to
exceed two minutes when driven under the conditions of paragraph 9.10.2.;
8.2.4. When the vehicle is being driven in reverse.
8.3. Remains capable of activation even if the antilock braking system or
traction control system is also activated.
9. Performance requirements
During each test performed under the test conditions of paragraph 8. and
the test procedure of paragraph. 9.9., the vehicle with the ESC system
engaged shall satisfy the directional stability criteria of paragraphs 7.1.
and 7.2., and it shall satisfy the responsiveness criterion of paragraph
7.3. during each of those tests conducted with a commanded steering
wheel5 angle of 5A or greater but limited as per paragraph 9.9.4., where A
is the steering wheel angle computed in paragraph 9.6.1.
4 An axle group shall be treated as a single axle and dual wheels shall be treated as a
single wheel.
R 140

5 The text in this Regulation assumes that the vehicle steering is controlled by me-
ans of a steering wheel. Vehicles using other types of steering control may also
be approved to this annex provided the manufacturer is able to demonstrate to the
Technical Service that the performance requirements of this Regulation can be met
using equivalent steering inputs to the steering inputs stipulated under paragraph 7.
of this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

Where a vehicle has been physically tested in accordance with para-

graph 8., the compliance of versions or variants of that same vehicle
type may be demonstrated by a computer simulation, which respects
the test conditions of paragraph 8. and the test procedure of para-
graph 9.9. The use of the simulator is defined in Annex 1 to this Re-
9.1. The yaw rate measured 1 second after completion of the Sine with Dwell
steering input (time T0 + 1 in Figure 1) shall not exceed 35 per cent of
the first peak value of yaw rate recorded after the steering wheel angle
changes sign (between first and second peaks) (Ψpeak in Figure 1) during
the same test run.
Figure 1
Steering wheel position and yaw velocity information used to assess
lateral stability
Steering Wheel Angle


Yaw Rate

R 140

T0 T0+1 T0+1,75


9.2. The yaw rate measured 1.75 seconds after completion of the Sine with
Dwell steering input shall not exceed twenty per cent of the first peak
value of yaw rate recorded after the steering wheel angle changes sign
(between first and second peaks) during the same test run.
9.3. The lateral displacement of the vehicle centre of gravity with respect to
its initial straight path shall be at least 1.83 m for vehicles with a GVM of
3,500 kg or less, and 1.52 m for vehicles with a maximum mass greater
than 3,500 kg when computed 1.07 seconds after the Beginning of Steer
(BOS). BOS is defined in paragraph 9.11.6.
9.3.1. The computation of lateral displacement is performed using double inte-
gration with respect to time of the measurement of lateral acceleration at
the vehicle centre of gravity, as expressed by the formula:


An alternative measuring method may be allowed for type approval tes-

ting, provided it demonstrates at least an equivalent level of precision as
the double integration method.
9.3.2. Time t = 0 for the integration operation is the instant of steering initiation,
known as the Beginning of Steer (BOS). BOS is defined in paragraph
9.4. ESC malfunction detection
The vehicle shall be equipped with a tell-tale that provides a warning
to the driver of the occurrence of any malfunction that affects the ge-
neration or transmission of control or response signals in the vehicle‘s
electronic stability control system.
9.4.1. The ESC malfunction tell-tale: Shall fulfil the relevant technical requirements of Regulation No. 121; Except as provided in paragraph, the ESC malfunction tell-tale
shall illuminate when a malfunction exists and shall remain continuously
illuminated under the conditions specified in paragraph 7.4. for as long
R 140

as the malfunction exists, whenever the ignition locking system is in the

„On“ („Run“) position; Except as provided in paragraph 7.4.2., each ESC malfunction tell-tale shall
be activated as a check of lamp function either when the ignition locking sys-

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

tem is turned to the „On“ („Run“) position when the engine is not running, or
when the ignition locking system is in a position between „On“ („Run“) and
„Start“ that is designated by the manufacturer as a check position; Shall extinguish at the next ignition cycle after the malfunction has been
corrected in accordance with paragraph 9.10.4.; May also be used to indicate the malfunction of related systems/functi-
ons, including traction control, trailer stability assist, corner brake control,
and other similar functions that use throttle and/or individual torque cont-
rol to operate and share common components with ESC.
9.4.2. The ESC malfunction tell-tale need not be activated when a starter in-
terlock is in operation.
9.4.3. The requirement of paragraph does not apply to tell-tales shown
in a common space.
9.4.4. The manufacturer may use the ESC malfunction tell-tale in a flashing
mode to indicate ESC intervention and/or the intervention of ESC-rela-
ted systems (as listed in paragraph
9.5. 7.5. ESC Off and other system controls
The manufacturer may include an „ESC Off“ control, which shall be illu-
minated when the vehicle‘s headlamps are activated, and which has a
purpose to place the ESC system in a mode in which it will no longer sa-
tisfy the performance requirements of paragraphs 7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3.
Manufacturers may also provide controls for other systems that have an
ancillary effect upon ESC operation. Controls of either kind that place
the ESC system in a mode in which it may no longer satisfy the perfor-
mance requirements of paragraphs 7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3. are permitted,
provided that the system also meets the requirements of paragraphs
7.5.1., 7.5.2. and 7.5.3.
9.5.1. The vehicle‘s ESC system shall always return to the manufacturer‘s ori-
ginal default mode that satisfies the requirements of paragraphs 6. and
7. at the initiation of each new ignition cycle, regardless of what mode
the driver had previously selected. However, the vehicle‘s ESC system
R 140

need not return to a mode that satisfies the requirements of paragraphs

7. through 7.3. at the initiation of each new ignition cycle if: The vehicle is in a four-wheel drive configuration which has the effect of


locking the drive gears at the front and rear axles together and providing
an additional gear reduction between the engine speed and vehicle speed
of at least 1.6, selected by the driver for low-speed, off-road driving; or The vehicle is in a four-wheel drive configuration selected by the dri-
ver that is designed for operation at higher speeds on snow-, sand-, or
dirt-packed roads and that has the effect of locking the drive gears at
the front and rear axles together, provided that in this mode the vehicle
meets the stability performance requirements of paragraphs 7.1. and
7.2. under the test conditions specified in paragraph 8. However, if the
system has more than one ESC mode that satisfies the requirements
of paragraphs 7.1. and 7.2. within the drive configuration selected for
the previous ignition cycle, the ESC shall return to the manufacturer‘s
original default ESC mode for that drive configuration at the initiation of
each new ignition cycle.
9.5.2. A control, whose only purpose is to place the ESC system in a mode
in which it will no longer satisfy the performance requirements of para-
graphs 7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3., shall fulfil the relevant technical require-
ments of Regulation No. 121.
9.5.3. A control for an ESC system whose purpose is to place the ESC system
in different modes, at least one of which may no longer satisfy the per-
formance requirements of paragraphs 7., 7.1., 7.2., and 7.3., shall fulfil
the relevant technical requirements of Regulation No. 121.
Alternatively, in the case where the ESC system mode is controlled by a
multi-functional control, the driver display shall identify clearly to the dri-
ver the control position for this mode using the „off“ symbol for electronic
stability control system as defined in Regulation No. 121.
9.5.4. A control for another system that has the ancillary effect of placing the
ESC system in a mode in which it no longer satisfies the performance
requirements of paragraphs 7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3. need not be identified
by the „ESC Off“ symbol of paragraph 7.5.2.
9.6. 7.6. ESC Off tell-tale
R 140

If the manufacturer elects to install a control to turn off or reduce the

performance of the ESC system under paragraph 7.5., the tell-tale re-
quirements of paragraphs 7.6.1. to 7.6.4. shall be met in order to alert
the driver to the inhibited or reduced state of ESC system functionality.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

This requirement does not apply for the driver-selected mode referred to
in paragraph
9.6.1. The vehicle manufacturer shall provide a tell-tale indicating that the ve-
hicle has been put into a mode that renders it unable to satisfy the requi-
rements of paragraphs 7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3., if such a mode is provided.
9.6.2. The „ESC Off“ tell-tale: Shall fulfil the relevant technical requirements of Regulation No. 121. Shall remain continuously illuminated for as long as the ESC is in a
mode that renders it unable to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs
7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3; Except as provided in paragraphs 7.6.3. and 7.6.4. each „ESC Off“
tell-tale shall be activated as a check of lamp function either when the
ignition locking system is turned to the „On“ („Run“) position when the
engine is not running, or when the ignition locking system is in a position
between „On“ („Run“) and „Start“ that is designated by the manufacturer
as a check position. Shall extinguish after the ESC system has been returned to the manu-
facturer’s original default mode.
9.6.3. The „ESC Off“ tell-tale need not be activated when a starter interlock is
in operation.
9.6.4. The requirement of paragraph of this section does not apply to
tell-tales shown in a common space.
9.6.5. The manufacturer may use the „ESC Off“ tell-tale to indicate an ESC le-
vel of function other than the manufacturer’s original default mode even
if the vehicle would meet paragraphs 7., 7.1., 7.2. and 7.3. of this section
at that level of ESC function.
9.7. ESC system technical documentation
The documentation package shall, as confirmation that the vehicle is
equipped with an ESC system that meets the definition of an „ESC
R 140

System“ as in paragraph 2.7. to this Regulation, include the vehicle ma-

nufacturer‘s documentation as specified in paragraphs 7.7.1. to 7.7.4.
9.7.1. System diagram identifying all ESC system hardware. The diagram shall


identify those components that are used to generate brake torques at

each wheel, determine vehicle yaw rate, estimated side-slip or the si-
de-slip derivative and driver steering inputs.
9.7.2. A brief written explanation sufficient to describe the ESC system‘s basic
operational characteristics. This explanation shall include the outline
description of the system‘s capability to apply braking torques at each
wheel and how the system modifies propulsion torque during ESC sys-
tem activation, and show that the vehicle yaw rate is directly determined
even under the conditions where no wheel speed information is availa-
ble. The explanation shall also specify the vehicle speed range and the
driving phases (acceleration, deceleration, coasting, during activation of
the ABS or traction control) under which the ESC system can activate.
9.7.3. Logic diagram. This diagram supports the explanation provided under
paragraph 7.7.2.
9.7.4. Understeer information. An outline description of the pertinent inputs to
the computer that control ESC system hardware and how they are used
to limit vehicle understeer.

10. Test conditions

10.1. Ambient conditions
10.1.1. The ambient temperature is between 0 °C and 45 °C.
10.1.2. The maximum wind speed is no greater than 10 m/s for vehicles with
SSF > 1.25, and 5 m/s for vehicles with SSF ≤ 1.25.
10.2. Road test surface
10.2.1. Tests are conducted on a dry, uniform, solid-paved surface. Surfaces with
irregularities and undulations, such as dips and large cracks, are unsuitable.
10.2.2. The road test surface has a nominal6 peak braking coefficient (PBC) of
0.9, unless otherwise specified, when measured using either: The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E1136 standard
reference test tyre, in accordance with ASTM Method E1337-90, at a
R 140

speed of 40 mph; or The k-test method specified in Appendix 2 to Annex 6 of Regulation No.
6 The „nominal“ value is understood as being the theoretical target value.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

10.2.3. The test surface has a consistent slope between level and 1 per cent.
10.3. Vehicle conditions
10.3.1. The ESC system is enabled for all testing.
10.3.2. Vehicle mass. The vehicle is loaded with the fuel tank filled to at least 90
per cent of capacity, and a total interior load of 168 kg comprised of the
test driver, approximately 59 kg of test equipment (automated steering
machine, data acquisition system and the power supply for the steering
machine), and ballast as required to make up for any shortfall in the
weight of test drivers and test equipment. Where required, ballast shall
be placed on the floor behind the passenger front seat or if necessary in
the front passenger foot well area. All ballast shall be secured in a way
that prevents it from becoming dislodged during testing.
10.3.3. Tyres. The tyres are inflated to the vehicle manufacturer‘s recommen-
ded cold inflation pressure(s) e.g. as specified on the vehicle‘s placard
or the tyre inflation pressure label. Tubes may be installed to prevent
tyre de-beading.
10.3.4. Outriggers. Outriggers may be used for testing if deemed necessary for
test drivers‘ safety. In this case, the following applies for vehicles with a
Static Stability Factor (SSF) ≤ 1.25: Vehicles with a mass in running order under 1,588 kg shall be equipped
with „lightweight“ outriggers. Lightweight outriggers shall be designed
with a maximum mass of 27 kg and a maximum roll moment of inertia
of 27 kg • m2. Vehicles with a mass in running order between 1,588 kg and
2,722 kg shall be equipped with „standard“ outriggers. Standard outrig-
gers shall be designed with a maximum mass of 32 kg and a maximum
roll moment of inertia of 35.9 kg • m2. Vehicles with a mass in running order equal to or greater than 2,722
kg shall be equipped with „heavy“ outriggers. Heavy outriggers shall be
designed with a maximum mass of 39 kg and a maximum roll moment
of inertia of 40.7 kg • m2.
10.3.5. Automated steering machine. A steering robot programmed to execute the re-
R 140

quired steering pattern shall be used in paragraphs 9.5.2., 9.5.3., 9.6. and 9.9.
The steering machine shall be capable of supplying steering torques between
40 to 60 Nm. The steering machine shall be able to apply these torques when
operating with steering wheel velocities up to 1,200 degrees per second.


11. Test Procedure

11.1. Inflate the vehicles‘ tyres to the manufacturer‘s recommended cold in-
flation pressure(s) e.g. as provided on the vehicle‘s placard or the tyre
inflation pressure label.
11.2. Tell-tale bulb check. With the vehicle stationary and the ignition lo-
cking system in the „Lock“ or „Off“ position, switch the ignition to the
„On“ („Run“) position or, where applicable, the appropriate position for
the lamp check. The ESC malfunction tell-tale shall be illuminated as a
check of lamp function, as specified in paragraph, and if equip-
ped, the „ESC Off“ tell-tale shall also be illuminated as a check of lamp
function, as specified in paragraph The tell-tale bulb check is
not required for a tell-tale shown in a common space as specified in
paragraphs 7.4.3. and 7.6.4.
11.3. „ESC Off“ control check. For vehicles equipped with an „ESC Off“ con-
trol, with the vehicle stationary and the ignition locking system in the
„Lock“ or „Off“ position, switch the ignition locking system to the „On“
(„Run“) position. Activate the „ESC Off“ control and verify that the „ESC
Off“ tell-tale is illuminated, as specified in paragraph 7.6.2. Turn the ig-
nition locking system to the „Lock“ or „Off“ position. Again, switch the
ignition locking system to the „On“ („Run“) position and verify that the
„ESC Off“ tell-tale has extinguished indicating that the ESC system has
been restored as specified in paragraph 7.5.1.
11.4. Brake conditioning
Condition the vehicle brakes in the manner described in paragraphs
9.4.1. to 9.4.4.
11.4.1. Ten stops are performed from a speed of 56 km/h, with an average de-
celeration of approximately 0.5g.
11.4.2. Immediately following the series of ten 56 km/h stops, three additional
stops are performed from 72 km/h at higher deceleration.
11.4.3. When executing the stops in paragraph 9.4.2., sufficient force is applied
R 140

to the brake pedal to bring the vehicle‘s antilock braking system (ABS)
into operation for a majority of each braking event.
11.4.4. Following completion of the final stop in 9.4.2., the vehicle is driven at a
speed of 72 km/h for five minutes to cool the brakes.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

11.5. Tyre Conditioning

Condition the tyres using the procedure of paragraphs 9.5.1. to 9.5.3. to
wear away mould sheen and achieve operating temperature immediate-
ly before beginning the test runs of paragraphs 9.6. and 9.9.
11.5.1. The test vehicle is driven around a circle 30 meters in diameter at a
speed that produces a lateral acceleration of approximately 0.5 to 0.6g
for three clockwise laps followed by three anticlockwise laps.
11.5.2. Using a sinusoidal steering pattern at a frequency of 1 Hz, a peak steering
wheel angle amplitude corresponding to a peak lateral acceleration of 0.5
to 0.6g, and a vehicle speed of 56 km/h, the vehicle is driven through four
passes performing 10 cycles of sinusoidal steering during each pass.
11.5.3. The steering wheel angle amplitude of the final cycle of the final pass
shall be twice that of the other cycles. The maximum time permitted bet-
ween each of the laps and passes is five minutes.
11.6. Slowly increasing steer procedure
The vehicle is subjected to two series of runs of the slowly increasing
steer test using a constant vehicle speed of 80 ± 2 km/h and a steering
pattern that increases by 13.5 degrees per second until a lateral accele-
ration of approximately 0.5g is obtained. Three repetitions are performed
for each test series. One series uses anticlockwise steering, and the
other series uses clockwise steering. The maximum time permitted bet-
ween each test run is five minutes.
11.6.1. From the slowly increasing steer tests, the quantity „A“ is determined. „A“
is the steering wheel angle in degrees that produces a steady state lateral
acceleration (corrected using the methods specified in paragraph 9.11.3.)
of 0.3g for the test vehicle. Utilizing linear regression, A is calculated, to
the nearest 0.1 degrees, from each of the six slowly increasing steer tests.
The absolute value of the six A values calculated is averaged and rounded
to the nearest 0.1 degrees to produce the final quantity, A, used below.
11.7. After the quantity A has been determined, without replacing the tyres,
the tyre conditioning procedure described in paragraph 9.5. is performed
R 140

again immediately prior to conducting the Sine with Dwell test of para-
graph 9.9. Initiation of the first Sine with Dwell test series shall begin
within two hours after completion of the slowly increasing steer tests of
paragraph 9.6.


11.8. Check that the ESC system is enabled by ensuring that the ESC mal-
function and „ESC Off“ (if provided) tell-tales are not illuminated.
11.9. Sine with Dwell test of oversteer intervention and responsiveness
The vehicle is subjected to two series of test runs using a steering pat-
tern of a sine wave at 0.7 Hz frequency with a 500 ms delay beginning
at the second peak amplitude as shown in Figure 2 (the Sine with Dwell
tests). One series uses anticlockwise steering for the first half cycle, and
the other series uses clockwise steering for the first half cycle. The ve-
hicle is allowed to cool-down between each test runs for a period of 1.5
to 5 minutes, with the vehicle stationary.
Figure 2
Sine with Dwell

Steering Whel Angle
Handwheel Angle


500 ms

11.9.1. The steering motion is initiated with the vehicle coasting in high gear at
80 ± 2 km/h.
11.9.2. The steering amplitude for the initial run of each series is 1.5 A, where A
is the steering wheel angle determined in paragraph 9.6.1.
11.9.3. In each series of test runs, the steering amplitude is increased from run
to run, by 0.5 A, provided that no such run will result in a steering amplitu-
R 140

de greater than that of the final run specified in paragraph 9.9.4.

11.9.4. The steering amplitude of the final run in each series is the greater of
6.5 A or 270 degrees, provided the calculated magnitude of 6.5 A is less

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

than or equal to 300 degrees. If any 0.5 A increment, up to 6.5 A, is

greater than 300 degrees, the steering amplitude of the final run shall
be 300 degrees.
11.9.5. Upon completion of the two series of test runs, post processing of yaw
rate and lateral acceleration data is done as specified in paragraph 9.11.
11.10. ESC malfunction detection
11.10.1. Simulate one or more ESC malfunction(s) by disconnecting the power
source to any ESC component, or disconnecting any electrical connection
between ESC components (with the vehicle power off). When simulating
an ESC malfunction, the electrical connections for the tell-tale lamp(s) and/
or optional ESC system control(s) are not to be disconnected.
11.10.2. With the vehicle initially stationary and the ignition locking system in the
„Lock“ or „Off“ position, switch the ignition locking system to the „Start“
position and start the engine. Drive the vehicle forward to obtain a ve-
hicle speed of 48 ± 8 km/h. 30 seconds, at the latest, after the engine
has been started and within the next two minutes at this speed, conduct
at least one left and one right smooth turning manoeuvre without losing
directional stability and one brake application. Verify that the ESC mal-
function indicator illuminates in accordance with paragraph 7.4. by the
end of these manoeuvres.
11.10.3. Stop the vehicle, switch the ignition locking system to the „Off“ or „Lock“ po-
sition. After a five-minute period, switch the vehicle‘s ignition locking system
to the „Start“ position and start the engine. Verify that the ESC malfunction
indicator again illuminates to signal a malfunction and remains illuminated
as long as the engine is running or until the fault is corrected.
11.10.4. Switch the ignition locking system to the „Off“ or „Lock“ position. Restore
the ESC system to normal operation, switch the ignition system to the
„Start“ position and start the engine. Re-perform the manoeuvre descri-
bed in paragraph 9.10.2. and verify that the tell-tale has extinguished
within this time or immediately afterwards.
11.11. Post data processing – calculations for performance metrics
R 140

Yaw rate and lateral displacement measurements and calculations shall

be processed utilizing the techniques specified in paragraphs 9.11.1. to


11.11.1. Raw steering wheel angle data is filtered with a 12-pole phaseless But-
terworth filter and a cut-off frequency of 10 Hz. The filtered data is then
zeroed to remove sensor offset utilizing static pre-test data.
11.11.2. Raw yaw rate data is filtered with a 12-pole phaseless Butterworth filter
and a cut-off frequency of 6 Hz. The filtered data is then zeroed to remo-
ve sensor offset utilizing static pre-test data.
11.11.3. Raw lateral acceleration data is filtered with a 12-pole phaseless But-
terworth filter and a cut-off frequency of 6 Hz. The filtered data is then
zeroed to remove sensor offset utilizing static pre-test data. The lateral
acceleration data at the vehicle centre of gravity is determined by remo-
ving the effects caused by vehicle body roll and by correcting for sensor
placement via the use of coordinate transformation. For data collection,
the lateral accelerometer shall be located as close as possible to the
position of the vehicle‘s longitudinal and lateral centres of gravity.
11.11.4. Steering wheel velocity is determined by differentiating the filtered steer-
ing wheel angle data. The steering wheel velocity data is then filtered
with a moving 0.1 second running average filter.
11.11.5. Lateral acceleration, yaw rate and steering wheel angle data channels
are zeroed utilizing a defined „zeroing range.“ The methods used to esta-
blish the zeroing range are defined in paragraphs and Using the steering wheel rate data calculated using the methods descri-
bed in paragraph 9.11.4., the first instant that the steering wheel rate ex-
ceeds 75 deg/sec is identified. From this point, steering wheel rate shall
remain greater than 75 deg/sec for at least 200 ms. If the second condi-
tion is not met, the next instant that the steering wheel rate exceeds 75
deg/sec is identified and the 200 ms validity check applied. This iterative
process continues until both conditions are ultimately satisfied. The „zeroing range“ is defined as the 1.0 second time period prior to
the instant the steering wheel rate exceeds 75 deg/sec (i.e. the instant
the steering wheel velocity exceeds 75 deg/sec defines the end of the
„zeroing range“).
R 140

11.11.6. The Beginning of Steer (BOS) is defined as the first instance when the
filtered and zeroed steering wheel angle data reaches -5 degrees (when
the initial steering input is anticlockwise) or +5 degrees (when the initial
steering input is clockwise) after a time defining the end of the „zeroing

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

range.“ The value for time at the BOS is interpolated.

11.11.7. The Completion of Steer (COS) is defined as the time the steering wheel
angle returns to zero at the completion of the Sine with Dwell steering
manoeuvre. The value for time at the zero degree steering wheel angle
is interpolated.
11.11.8. The second peak yaw rate is defined as the first local yaw rate peak
produced by the reversal of the steering wheel. The yaw rates at 1.000
and 1.750 seconds after COS are determined by interpolation.
11.11.9. Determine lateral velocity by integrating corrected, filtered and zeroed
lateral acceleration data. Zero lateral velocity at the BOS point. Determi-
ne lateral displacement by integrating zeroed lateral velocity. Zero lateral
displacement at the BOS point. The lateral displacement measurement is
made at 1.07 seconds after BOS point and is determined by interpolation.

12. Modification of vehicle type or ESC system and ex-

tension of approval
12.1. Every modification to an existing vehicle type shall be notified to the Type
Approval Authority which approved the vehicle type.
The Authority shall then either:
(a) Decide, in consultation with the manufacturer, that a new ty-
pe-approval is to be granted; or
(b) Apply the procedure contained in paragraph 10.1.1. (Revision) and, if
applicable, the procedure contained in paragraph 10.1.2. (Extension).
12.1.1. Revision
When particulars recorded in the information documents have changed and
the Type Approval Authority considers that the modifications made are unlikely
to have appreciable adverse effects and that in any case the foot controls still
meet the requirements, the modification shall be designated a „revision“.
In such a case, the Type Approval Authority shall issue the revised pages of
the information documents as necessary, marking each revised page to show
clearly the nature of the modification and the date of re-issue. A consolidated,
R 140

updated version of the information documents, accompanied by a detailed de-

scription of the modification, shall be deemed to meet this requirement.
12.1.2. Extension
The modification shall be designated an „extension“ if, in addition to the


change of the particulars recorded in the information documents,

(a) Frther inspections or tests are required; or
(b) Any information on the communication document (with the ex-
ception of its attachments) has changed; or
(c) Approval to a later series of amendments is requested after
its entry into force.
12.2. Confirmation or refusal of approval, specifying the alteration, shall be
communicated by the procedure specified in paragraph 4.3. above to
the Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation. In ad-
dition, the index to the information documents and to the test reports,
attached to the communication document of Annex 1, shall be amended
accordingly to show the date of the most recent revision or extension.
12.3. The competent authority issuing the extension of approval shall assign a se-
rial number to each communication form drawn up for such an extension.“

13. Conformity of production

The conformity of production procedures shall comply with those set out
in the Agreement, Appendix 2 (E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.2)
with the following requirements:
13.1. A vehicle approved to this Regulation shall be so manufactured as to
conform to the type approved by meeting the requirements set forth in
paragraphs 5., 6. and 7. above.
13.2. The Type Approval Authority which has granted type approval may at any
time verify the conformity control methods applied in each production facility.
The normal frequency of these verifications shall be once every two years.
14. Penalties for non-conformity of production
14.1. The approval granted in respect of a vehicle type pursuant to this Regu-
lation may be withdrawn if the requirements laid down in paragraph 8.1.
above are not complied with.
14.2. If a Contracting Party to the Agreement which applies this Regulation
withdraws an approval it has previously granted, it shall forthwith so no-
R 140

tify the other Contracting Parties applying this Regulation by means of

a copy of the communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1
to this Regulation.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

15. Production definitively discontinued

If the holder of the approval completely ceases to manufacture a type of
vehicle approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the
Authority which granted the approval. Upon receiving the relevant commu-
nication, that Authority shall inform thereof the other Contracting Parties to
the Agreement applying this Regulation by means of copies of a communi-
cation form conforming to the model in Annex 5 to this Regulation.
16. Names and addresses of the Technical Services
conducting approval tests, and of Type Approval
The Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying this Regulation shall
communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addres-
ses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests
and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which
forms, certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of appro-
val, issued in other countries, are to be sent.
R 140

Annex 1

Annex 1
(Maximum format: A4 (210 x 297 mm))
issued by: Name of administration:

7 .................................................
E ... .................................................

Concerning:8 Approval granted

Approval extended
Approval refused
Approval withdrawn
Production definitively discontinued

of a vehicle type with regard to ESC, pursuant to Regulation No. 140

Approval No. .................................................Extension No.................................................
1. Trade name or mark of the vehicle .............................................................
2. Vehicle type ..................................................................................................
3. Manufacturer‘s name and address .............................................................
4. If applicable, name and address of manufacturer‘s representative .........
5. Mass of vehicle ............................................................................................
5.1. Maximum mass of vehicle ...........................................................................
5.2. Minimum mass of vehicle ............................................................................
R 140

6. Distribution of mass of each axle (maximum value) ..................................

7 Distinguishing number of the country which has granted/extended/refused/with-

drawn approval (see provisions in the regulation).
8 Strike out what does not apply.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

8. Engine type ..................................................................................................

9. Number and ratios of gears ........................................................................
10. Final drive ratio(s) ........................................................................................
11. If applicable, maximum mass of trailer which may be coupled ..................
11.1. Unbraked trailer ...........................................................................................
12. 12. Tyre dimension ......................................................................................
13. Maximum design speed ..............................................................................
14. Brief description of braking equipment .......................................................
15. Mass of vehicle when tested: ......................................................................
Load (kg)
Axle No. 1
Axle No. 2

20. (Reserved)
21. The ESC system has been tested according to and fulfils the require-
ments of this Regulation ............................................................. Yes / No8
or: The vehicle stability function has been tested according to and fulfils
the requirements of Annex 21 to Regulation No. 13 ................. Yes / No8

23. Vehicle submitted for approval on [date] ....................................................

24. Technical Service responsible for conducting approval ..............................
25. Date of report issued by that Service ..........................................................
26. Number of report issued by that Service ....................................................
27. Approval granted / refused / extended / withdrawn8
28. Position of approval mark on the vehicle ....................................................
29. Place ............................................................................................................
R 140

30. Date ..............................................................................................................

31. Signature ......................................................................................................
32. The summary referred to in paragraph 4.3. of this Regulation is annexed
to this communication

Annex 2

Annex 2
Arrangements of approval marks
Model A (See paragraph 4.4. of this Regulation)

E6 a/3
140 R – 00185 a/3

The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type
concerned has been approved in Belgium (E 6) with regard to the Elect-
ronic Stability Control pursuant to Regulation No. 140. The first two digits
of the approval number indicate that the approval was granted in accor-
dance with the requirements of Regulation No. 140 in its original form.
Model B (See paragraph 4.5. of this Regulation)
140 002439 a/3
E6 a/3 24 1.30 021628 a/3

a = 8 mm
The above approval mark affixed to a vehicle shows that the vehicle type
concerned has been approved in Belgium (E 6) pursuant to Regulations
Nos. 140 and 24.9 (In the case of the latter Regulation the corrected
absorption coefficient is 1.30 m-1). The approval numbers indicate that,
at the dates when the respective approvals were given, Regulation No.
140 was in its original form and Regulation No. 24 included the 02 series
of amendments.
R 140

9 This number is given merely as an example.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

Annex 3
Use of the dynamic stability simulation
The effectiveness of the electronic stability control system may be deter-
mined by computer simulation.
1. Use of the simulation
1.1. The vehicle stability function shall be demonstrated by the vehicle ma-
nufacturer to the Type Approval Authority or Technical Service by simula-
ting the dynamic manoeuvres of paragraph 9.9. of this Regulation.
1.2. The simulation shall be a means whereby the vehicle stability perfor-
mance shall be demonstrated with:
(a) The yaw rate, one second after completion of the Sine with
Dwell steering input (time T0 + 1);
(b) The yaw rate, 1.75 seconds after completion of the Sine with
Dwell steering input;
(c) The lateral displacement of the vehicle centre of gravity with
respect to its initial straight path.
1.3. The simulation shall be carried out with a validated modelling and simu-
lation tool and using the dynamic manoeuvres of paragraph 9.9. of this
Regulation under the test conditions of paragraph 8. of this Regulation.
The method by which the simulation tool is validated is given in Annex
4 to this Regulation.
R 140

Annex 4

Annex 4
Dynamic stability simulation tool and its validation
1. Specification of the simulation tool
1.1. The simulation method shall take into account the main factors which in-
fluence the directional and roll motion of the vehicle. A typical model may
include the following vehicle parameters in an explicit or implicit form:
(a) Axle/wheel;
(b) Suspension;
(c) Tyre;
(d) Chassis/vehicle body;
(e) Power train/driveline, if applicable;
(f) Brake system;
(g) Pay load.
1.2. The Vehicle Stability Function shall be added to the simulation model
by means of:
(a) A subsystem (software model) of the simulation tool; or
(b) The electronic control box in a hardware-in-the-loop configu-
2. Validation of the simulation tool
2.1. The validity of the applied modelling and simulation tool shall be verified
by means of comparisons with practical vehicle tests. The tests utilised
for the validation shall be the dynamic manoeuvres of paragraph 9.9. of
this Regulation.
During the tests, the following motion variables, as appropriate, shall be
recorded or calculated in accordance with ISO 15037 Part 1:2005: Ge-
neral conditions for passenger cars or Part 2:2002: General conditions
for heavy vehicles and buses (depending on the vehicle category):
R 140

(a) Steering-wheel angle (δH);

(b) Longitudinal velocity (vX);
(c) Sideslip angle (β) or lateral velocity (vY);(optional);

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

(d) Longitudinal acceleration (aX); (optional);

(e) Lateral acceleration (aY);
(f) Yaw velocity (dψ/dt);
(g) Roll velocity (dφ/dt);
(h) Pitch velocity (dθ/dt);
(i) Roll angle (φ);
(j) Pitch angle (θ).
2.2. The objective is to show that the simulated vehicle behaviour and ope-
ration of the vehicle stability function is comparable with that seen in
practical vehicle tests.
2.3. The simulator shall be deemed to be validated when its output is compa-
rable to the practical test results produced by a given vehicle type during
the dynamic manoeuvres of paragraph 9.9. of this Regulation. The rela-
tionship of activation and sequence of the vehicle stability function in the
simulation and in the practical vehicle test shall be the means of making
the comparison.
2.4. The physical parameters that are different between the reference vehicle
and simulated vehicle configurations shall be modified accordingly in the
2.5. A simulator test report shall be produced, a model of which is defined in
Annex 5 to this Regulation, and a copy attached to the vehicle approval
R 140

Annex 5

Annex 5
Vehicle stability function simulation tool test report
Test Report Number: ...................................................................................
1. Identification
1.1. Name and address of the simulation tool manufacturer ..........................
1.2. Simulation tool identification: name/model/number (hardware and soft-
ware) ............................................................................................................
2. Scope of application
2.1. Vehicle type: .................................................................................................
2.2. Vehicle configurations: ................................................................................
3. Verifying vehicle test
3.1. Description of vehicle(s): .............................................................................
3.1.1. Vehicle(s) identification: make/model/VIN ..................................................
3.1.2. Vehicle description, including suspension/wheels, engine and drive line,
braking system(s), steering system, with name/model/number identifi-
cation: ...........................................................................................................
3.1.3. Vehicle data used in the simulation (explicit): ............................................
3.2. Description of location(s), road/test area surface conditions, temperature
and date(s): ..................................................................................................
3.3. Results with the vehicle stability function switched on and off, including
the motion variables referred to in Annex 4, paragraph 2.1. as appropria-
te: ..................................................................................................................
4. Simulation results
4.1. Vehicle parameters and the values used in the simulation that are not
taken from the actual test vehicle (implicit): ...............................................
R 140

4.2. Yaw stability and lateral displacement according to paragraphs 7.1. to

7.3. of this Regulation: .................................................................................
5. This test has been carried out and the results reported in accordance
with Annex 4 to Regulation No. 140.

UN-ECE Regulation No. 140

5.1. Technical Service conducting the test10 ......................................................

5.2. Signed: ............................................. Date: .................................................
5.3. Approval Authority10 .....................................................................................
5.4. Signed: ............................................. Date: .................................................
R 140

10 To be signed by different persons if the Technical Service and the Type Approval
Authority is the same organization.


R 140

 (NYSE: WBC) is WABCO‘s differetiating tech-

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a leading global supplier of nologies, including advanced
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improve the savety, efficiency steering and stability cont-
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