Lecture 4

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CSE 1061 Fundamentals of Programming

Lecture #4

Spring 2016

Computer Science & Engineering Program

The School of EE & Computing
Adama Science & Technology University

• Basic C++ Programming Practice

– Heat Transfer Case Study
– Size of Data Types
– Practice Exercise 1
– Practice Exercise 2
– General Problems(Maths and Physics)

Case Study: Heat Transfer ASTU

• In Lecture 1 you developed simple al

gorithm for the heat transfer problem
• Finish the remaining steps
– Coding
– Testing

Size of Data Types ASTU

• A unique feature of C++ is that you can

see where and how values are stored
– sizeof() operator provides the number of
bytes used to store values of the data type
named in the parenthesis
– Values returned by sizeof() are compiler

Size of Data Types ASTU

Practice Exercise 1 ASTU

• Using cout, write a C++ program that di

splays your name on one line, your id nu
mber on a second line, and your city, sta
te, and phone number on a third line
• Run the program

Practice Exercise 2 ASTU

• For the following correct algebraic expre

ssions and corresponding incorrect C++
expressions, find the errors and write co
rrected C++ expressions in one C++ pro
Algebra C++ Expression
(2)(3)+(4)(5) (2)(3)+(4)(5)


4.6(3.0+14.9) 4.6(3.0+14.9)

Practice Exercise 2… ASTU

• Write a C++ program that displays the r

esults of the expressions
7.1 * 8.3 - 2.2
3.2 / (6.1 * 5).
• Calculate the value of these expressions
manually to verify that the displayed v
alues are correct.

General Problems ASTU

• Design, write, compile, and run a C++ pr

ogram that calculates and displays the a
rea of a triangle, with a base of 1 in and
a height of 1.5 in.

• Test the program with different values

General Problems ASTU

• Design, write, compile, and run a C++ pr

ogram to calculate the volume of a sphe
re with a radius, r, of 2 in.
• Test the program with different values

General Problems ASTU

• Design, write, compile, and run a C++ pr

ogram to calculate the elapsed time it ta
kes to make a 183.67-mile trip. This is th
e formula for computing elapsed time
elapsed time = total distance / average speed
The average speed during the trip is 58 mph.
• Test it with different average speeds

General Problems ASTU

• Write a program that accepts the value o

f temperature in Fahrenheit and converts
to its Celsius equivalent. (hint C=F-32*5/
• Test it with different temperatures

General Problems ASTU

• Swap the contents of two variables usin

g a third variable.
• Swap the contents of two variables usin
g a third variable.


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