Quiz-1 SHM and Waves (11-Lje03ma-2024) Yug Sir Ss
Quiz-1 SHM and Waves (11-Lje03ma-2024) Yug Sir Ss
Quiz-1 SHM and Waves (11-Lje03ma-2024) Yug Sir Ss
[Batch: 11-LJE03MA-2024 & AIR Batch]
Roll No.:_______________ Student Name :_____________________
Topic : Simple Harmonic Motion and Waves M.M. : 60
1. Two points on a travelling wave, having frequency 8. Sound waves are passing through two routes-one in
500 Hz and velocity 300 ms–1, are 60° out of phase. straight path and the other along a semicircular path
The minimum distance between the two points is: of radius r and are again combined into one pipe
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.1 and superposed as shown in the figure. If the
(C) 0.5 (D) 0.4 velocity of sound waves in the pipe is v, then
frequencies of resultant waves of maximum
2. The phase difference between two points separated
amplitude will be integral multiples of
by 0.8 m in a wave of frequency 120 Hz is 0.5π.
The wave velocity is:
(A) 144 m s–1 (B) 384 m s–1
(C) 256 m s (D) 720 m s–1
v v
(A) (B)
3. The velocity of sound in air at 20ºC and 1atm r ( – 2) r ( – 1)
pressure is 344.2 m/s. At 40ºC and 2atm pressures 2v v
(C) (D)
r ( – 1) r ( + 1)
the velocity of sound in air is approximately
(A) 350 m/s (B) 356 m/s
(C) 363 m/s (D) 370 m/s
9. When a string is divided into three segments of
4. A train is moving with a uniform speed of 33 m/s lengths l1 , l2 and I3 the fundamental frequencies of
and an observer is approaching the train with the these three segments are v1 v2 and v3 respectively.
same speed. If the train blows a whistle of The original fundamental frequency (v) of the
frequency 1000 Hz and the velocity of sound is 333 string is
m/s, then the apparent frequency of the sound that
the observer hears is (A) v = v1 + v2 + v3
(A) 1220 Hz (B) 1099 Hz (B) v = v 1 + v2 + v3
(C) 1110 Hz (D) 1200 Hz
1 1 1 1
(C) = + +
5. The length of an open organ pipe is twice the length v v1 v 2 v3
of another closed organ pipe. The fundamental 1 1 1 1
frequency of the open pipe is 100 Hz. The (D) = + +
frequency of the third harmonic of the closed pipe v v1 v2 v3
(A) 100Hz (B) 200Hz 10. A bat moving at 10 ms–1 towards a wall sends a
(C) 300Hz (D) 150Hz sound signal of 8000 Hz towards it, On reflection it
hears a sound of of frequency f. The value of f in
6. A whistle whose air column is open at both ends
has a fundamental frequency of 5100 Hz. If the (
Hz is close to speed of sound = 320ms−1 )
speed of sound in air is 340 ms–1, the length of the (A) 8258 (B) 8424
whistle, in cm, is: (C) 8000 (D) 8516
(A) 5/3 (B) 10/3
(C) 5 (D) 20/3 11. A simple pendulum of length L is displaced so that
its taught string is horizontal and then released. A
7. A car is moving with a speed of 72 km-h–1 towards uniform bar pivoted at one end is simultaneously
a roadside source that emits sound at a frequency of
released from its horizontal position. If their
850 Hz. The car driver listens to the sound while
approaching the source and again while moving motions are synchronous what is the length of the
away from the source after crossing it. If the bar?
velocity of sound is 340 ms–1, the difference of the 3l
(A) (B) l
two frequencies, the driver hears is: 2
(A) 50 Hz (B) 85 Hz 2l
(C) 100 Hz (D) 150 Hz (C) 2l (D)
Aryabhatta Tower, Road-3, Behind City Mall, Indraprastha Area, Kota, Rajasthan
12. In case of a simple harmonic motion, if the velocity 16. A particle vibrating simple harmonically has an
is plotted along the X-axis and the displacement acceleration of 16 cms–2 when it is at a distance of
(from the equilibrium position) is plotted along the 4cm from the mean position. Its time period is:
Y- axis, the resultant curve happens to be an ellipse (A) 1s (B) 2.572s
with the ratio: (C) 3.142s (D) 6.028s
major axis ( along X )
= 20
min or axis ( along Y ) 17. When a particle executive SHM oscillates with a
What is the frequency of the simple harmonic frequency v, then the kinetic energy of the particle
motion? (A) Changes periodically with a frequency of v
(A) 100Hz (B) 20Hz (B) Changes periodically with a frequency of 2v
1 (C) Changes periodically with a frequency of v/2
(C) 10Hz (D) Hz (D) Remains constant
13. The bob of a pendulum of mass m, suspended by an 18. The displacement of particle in a periodic motion in
inextensible string of length L as shown in the t
given by y = 4cos2 sin (1000 t). This
figure carries a small charge q. An infinite 2
horizontal plane conductor with uniform surface displacement may be considered as the result of
charge density is placed below it. What will be superposition of n independent harmonic
the time period of the pendulum for small oscillations. Here n is:
amplitude oscillations? (A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4
19. A rod of mass M and length 2L is performing SHM
m as torsional pendulum in the horizontal plane. Two
blocks, each of mass m, are put at distance from
L L the centre. The frequency after putting blocks of
(A) 2 (B) mass m is 20% of initial frequency. Then, the ration
mq mq
g – g – m
0 0 of will be
1 L L
(C) (D) 2
2 q q
g – g –
0 m 0 m
L/2 L/2