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Physics: Chapter - Sound Chapterwise Practise Problems (CPP) For Foundations

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Chapterwise Practise Problems (CPP) for Foundations
Chapter - Sound

1. In the region of compression or rarefaction, in a 8. During night, distant sounds such as that of the
longitudinal wave, the physical quantity which does traffic and the loudspeakers become louder than
not change, is during day. This is due to
(A) Pressure (B) Mass (A) Reflection of sound waves
(C) Density (D) Volume (B) Refraction of sound waves
2. An object moving at a speed greater than that of (C) Absence of other sounds
sound is said to be moving at (D) Clear perception of hearing
(A) Ultrasonic speed (B) Sonic speed 9. Sound waves of wavelength  travel from a medium
(C) Infrasonic speed (D) Supersonic speed in which their speed is v into a medium in which
their speed is 4v. The wavelength of the sound in
3. Which of the following is an elastic wave ? the second medium is
(A) Sound waves (B) Light wave (A)  (B) 2 
(C) X-Ray (D) Radiowave (C) 4  (D) 3 
4. Two waves having sinusoidal waveforms have 10. If the frequency of a wave is 25 Hz, the total
different wavelengths and different amplitude. They number of compressions or rarefactions passing
will be having(frequency is same for both) through a point in 1s
(A) Same pitch and different intensity (A) 25 (B) 50
(B) Same quality and same intensity (C) 100 (D) 12.5
(C) Different quality and different intensity 11. If wind blows in a direction opposite to the sound
(D) Same quality and different pitch propagation, then the velocity of the sound
5. A sound wave has a frequency of 1000 Hz and a (A) Increases
wavelength of 34 cm. How long will it take to travel (B) Decreases
1 km ?
(C) Remains constant
(A) 3.20 s (B) 2.94 s (D) Cannot be determined
(C) 5.94 s (D) 3.10 s 12. A boy sitting in a boat fires a gun. An observer P
6. When a sound wave travels in air, the physical is at a distance of 50 m from the boat. Another
quantity which is transfered from one place to the observer Q is a diver who is 50 m under water. Both
other is hear the sound of the gun
(A) Mass (B) Force (A) P hears the sound first
(C) Momentum (D) Energy (B) Q hears the sound first
7. If you go on increasing the stretching force on a (C) Both P and Q hear the sound at the same
wire in a guitar, its frequency time
(A) Increases (D) None of these
(B) Decreases 13. Calculate the wavelength of radio waves of
frequency 109 Hz. The speed of radio waves is
(C) Remains unchanged
3×108 m/s
(D) None of these (A) 60 cm (B) 40 cm
(C) 30 cm (D) 10 cm
Sound Aakash Institute
14. A wave of frequency 1000 Hz travels between X and 22. The highest frequency produced by a man is
Y, a distance of 600 m in 2 second. The number 1700 Hz and that of a woman is 2780 Hz. The
of wavelengths there in distance XY : ratio of wavelengths of sound of man and woman
(A) 3.3 (B) 300 are (speed of sound is 340 m/s)

(C) 180 (D) 2000 (A) 1:0.60 (B) 1:0.61

15. A wave source produces 20 crests and 20 troughs (C) 1:0.62 (D) 1:0.59
in 0.2 s. Find the frequency of the wave 23. The wavelength and frequency of a sound wave in
(A) 200 Hz (B) 500 Hz medium A is 20 cm and 1650 Hz. Keeping the
medium same, if wavelength is changed to 16 cm
(C) 100 Hz (D) 300 Hz then new frequency is
16. If the density of air at a point through which a (A) 2060 Hz (B) 2062.5 Hz
sound wave is passing is maximum at an instant,
the pressure at that point will be (C) 2061 Hz (D) 2063.0 Hz

(A) Minimum 24. A man stands between two cliffs and fires a gun.
He hears two successive echoes after 3 s and 5 s.
(B) Same as the density of air The distance between two cliffs is (velocity of
(C) Equal to the atmospheric pressure sound is 330 m/s)
(D) Maximum (A) 1310 m (B) 1320 m
17. A source of sound of frequency 600 Hz is placed (C) 1315 m (D) 1312 m
inside water. The speed of sound in water is 1500 25. Which one of the following properties of sound is
m/s and in air is 300 m/s. The frequency of sound affected by change in the air temperature ?
recorded by an observer who is standing in air is
(A) Frequency
(A) 200 Hz (B) 300 Hz
(B) Amplitude
(C) 120 Hz (D) 600 Hz
(C) Intensity
18. A light pointer fixed to one prong to a tuning fork
(D) Wavelength
touches a vertical plate. The fork is set vibrating
and the plate is allowed to fall freely. If eight 26. A pendulum vibrates with a time period of 1 second.
oscillations are counted when the plate falls The sound produced by it is
through 10 cm, the frequency of tuning fork is
[Take g = 9.8 ms2] (A) Supersonic (B) Audible
(A) 360 Hz (B) 280 Hz (C) Infrasonic (D) Ultrasonic
(C) 560 Hz (D) 56 Hz 27. A person is listening to sound of 50 Hz sitting at
a distance of 450 m from the source of sound.
19. An echo is returned in 3 s. If the speed of sound W hat is time interv al between successiv e
is 342 m/s then the distance between the source
compressions of the sound from the source
of sound and the reflecting body is
reaching him ?
(A) 351 m (B) 513 m (A) 0.02 s (B) 0.025 s
(C) 153 m (D) None of these (C) 0.0025 s (D) 0.15 s
20. A submarine emits a sonar pulse which returns 28. If ultrasonic, infrasonic and audio waves travel
from under water cliff in 1.02s. If the speed of through a medium with speed v 1 , v 2 an v 3
sound in water is 1531 m/s, the submarine is at a respectively then
distance of
(A) v1 = v2 = v3
(A) 780.8 m from cliff
(B) v1 > v3 > v2
(B) 718.8 m from cliff
(C) v1 < v3 < v2
(C) 714.8 m from cliff
(D) v3  v1 and v1 = v3
(D) None of these
21. The minimum hearing range for a normal ear is
20 Hz. The wavelength associated with this range
when velocity of sound is 344 m/s is
(A) 16.2 m (B) 17.2 m
(C) 17.4 m (D) 17.3 m

Aakash Institute Sound
29. A sound wave passes from medium A to medium 33. A ship sends a sonar wave to the sea bed which
B. The velocity of sound in B is greater than that is flat and measured it several times over a large
in A. Assume that there is no absorption or area. One day the reflected sound wave takes
reflection on the boundary. As the wave moves longer time than previous measurements. The
across the boundary the possible rason is .....
(A) Frequency of sound will increase (A) The frequency of sonar wave generated by the
(B) Wavelength of sound will increase equipment is lower than prev ious
(C) Wavelength of sound will decrease
(B) There is a solid object of large size in the path
(D) Intensity of sound will increase of sonar wave
30. A man who is standing at a point x between two (C) There is a huge air bubble in the path of sonar
parallel walls as shown in the diagram, fires a wave
pistol. He hears first echo after 0.6 s and another
one after 0.8 s. How long after firing the pistol will (D) The loudness of the sonar wave, generated by
he hear the next the equipment is lower than prev ious
wall echo ? wall measurement
34. The ratio of velocity of sound in hydrogen to the
x velocity of sound in oxygen is (given they are at
the same temperature)
(A) 4:1 (B) 16:1
(A) 1.2 s (B) 1.4 s
(C) 2:1 (D) 8:1
(C) 1.6 s (D) 2.4 s
35. The minimum distance between the particle in a
31. A boy stands between two walls and claps his medium vibrating with the same phase of a wave
hand as shown in the figure. If S is less than 60m is known as
and the time between first and second echo is
(A) Amplitude
0.25 s, then find the value of S. Velocity of sound
in air is 344 m/s (B) Wavelength

(C) Frequency
(D) Phase
36. The velocity of sound in a gas is 30 m/s at 27°C.
What is the velocity of the sound in the same gas
(A) 17 m (B) 25 m at 127°C ?
(C) 29 m (D) 35 m (A) 20 m/s (B) 30 m/s
32. The speeds of sound in air and sea water are given
to be 340 m/s and 1440 m/s respectively. A ship (C) 20 3 m/s (D) 60 m/s
sends a strong signal straight down and detects 37. When the pressure of a gas is changed at a
its echo after 1.5 sec. The depth of the sea at that constant temperature, then
point is
(A) The density of the gas also changes
(A) 2.16 km
(B) Ratio of the pressure to the density remains
(B) 1.08 km unaffected
(C) 0.51 km (C) The velocity of sound remains unaffected
(D) 0.255 km (D) All of these


Sound Aakash Institute



1. (B) 9. (C) 17. (D) 25. (D) 33. (C)

2. (D) 10. (A) 18. (D) 26. (C) 34. (A)
3. (A) 11. (B) 19. (B) 27. (A) 35. (B)
4. (A) 12. (B) 20. (A) 28. (A) 36. (C)
5. (B) 13. (C) 21. (B) 29. (B) 37. (D)
6. (D) 14. (D) 22. (B) 30. (B)
7. (A) 15. (C) 23. (B) 31. (A)
8. (B) 16. (D) 24. (B) 32. (B)



Chapterwise Practise Problems (CPP) for Foundations
Chapter - Gaseous Law

1. Which of the following is the correct representation (C) Pressure is inversely proportional to density
of Boyle's law ? (D) Volume is directly proportional to pressure
(A) P  T (at constant V & n) 6. Which of the following expression at constant
pressure represents Charles' law ?
(B) V  (at constant P & n) 1
(A) V  (B) V  d
(C) P  V (at constant T & n) T
1 (C) V  D V  T
(D) V  (at constant T & n) T2
P 7. If volume of x mol gas at temperature T is Y L, then
2. Air at higher altitude is less dense. This is a practical volume of 3x mol gas at same temperature will be
application of (A) Y L (B) 2Y L
(A) Charles' law (B) Avogadro's law (C) 4Y L (D) 3Y L
(C) Gay-Lussac's law (D) Boyle's law 8. Use of hot air balloon in meteorological observations
3. Which of the following graphs correctly represents is an application of
Boyle's law ? (A) Boyles law (B) Charles' law
(C) Gay-Lussac's law (D) Avogadro's law
P P 9. Absolute zero temperature is the temperature at
(A) (B) which
V V (A) Ideal gases occupy zero volume
(B) Ideal gases occupy highest volume
PV (C) Liquefaction of gases start
(C) (D) (D) Graph between pressure and volume is linear
P P 10. A certain sample of gas has volume 2 litres at 2 atm
pressure and 27C. What will be the volume at 60C,
4. When the pressure is doubled from P1 to P2 then if pressure is constant ?
what happens to the volume of the gas at constant (A) 2.22 L (B) 1.92 L
temperature ?
(C) 3.21 L (D) 1.59 L
(A) Doubles
11. Pressure in the tyres of a vehicle decreases
(B) Becomes half considerably on a cold winter morning is the practical
(C) Becomes four times significance of
1 (A) Boyle's law (B) Charles' law
(D) Decreases times
4 (C) Gay-Lussac's law (D) Avogadro's law
5. At constant temperature, for a fixed mass of the gas 12. The temperature of 1 litre volume of a gas having
(A) Pressure is directly proportional to square root pressure 2 atm is decreased from 300 K to 15C.
of volume The new pressure is
(B) Pressure is directly proportional to density (A) 2.91 atm (B) 1.92 atm
(C) 1.59 atm (D) 2.59 atm

Gaseous Law Aakash Institute
13. Combined gas equation is V1 n1
(C)  When pressure and
V1 V2 V2 n2
(A) P1V1 = P2V2 (B) T  T temperature are
1 2
P1 P2 P1V1 P2 V2 (D) P1T2 = P2T1 W hen v olume and
(C)  (D) 
V1 V2 T1 T2 number of moles
remains constant
14. Which of the following is a correct relationship for
gases ? 21. In the graph at constant pressure P, which of the
following relation is correct ?
nT V P P1 P2 P3
(A) R = (B) 
(C) M = (D) 
P d RT
15. If the volume of 2 moles of an ideal gas at 540 K is (A) P1 = P2 = P3 (B) P1 > P2 > P3
44.8 litres then its pressure will be approximately
(C) P3 > P2 > P1 (D) Can't predicted
(A) 1 atm (B) 2 atm
22. Which is incorrect curve for Boyle's law ?
(C) 3 atm (D) 4 atm
16. The volume of a gas measured at 27°C and 1 atm
pressure is 10 litres. What final temperature would P/V log P 135
be required to reduce the volume to 5 litres at 1 atm (A) (B)
pressure ? 1/V log V

(A) 150 K (B) 330 K

(C) 100C (D) 490 K P/V PV

17. When the pressure of an ideal gas is halved and its (C) (D)
absolute temperature is doubled, how many times 1/V2 V
the new volume is greater than the initial volume ? 23. Which of the following curve is correct for an ideal
(A) 4 (B) 2 gas ?
(C) 8 (D) 6 n,T constant V,n constant
18. A flask containing air (open to atmosphere) is heated
from 300 K to 500 K. Then percentage of air escaped P P
(A) (B)
to the atmosphere is
(A) 20 (B) 40
(C) 60 (D) 80 V,T constant P,n constant
19. A gas in a vessel is heated in such a way that its P V
pressure and volume both become two times. The (C) (D)
temperature of the gas expressed in Kelvin scale
n 1/T
(A) Half 24. V versus T curves at constant pressure P1 and P2 for
an ideal gas are shown in figure. Which is correct ?
(B) Becomes two times
(C) Becomes 2/3rd of its original value P2
(D) Becomes four times
20. Which of the following is incorrect ? T
(A) P1V1 = P2V2 : When temperature and (A) P1 > P2 (B) P1 < P2
number of moles are (C) P1 = P2 (D) P1  P2
n1 T1
(B) n  T When pressure and
2 2
volume are constant

Aakash Institute Gaseous Law
25. In which of these graphs for an ideal gas, the arrow
indication is incorrectly marked ? (C) PV=mRT (D) 
m RT
Decreasing Decreasing 30. On increasing pressure, the density of the air
Volume Pressure increases at constant temperature. This is explained
by which of the following law?
(A) (B)
0 Temp in K
(A) Charles' law (B) Gay Lussac's law
–273 1C
(C) Avogadro's law (D) Boyle's law
Decreasing 31. W hich one of the following is correct about
Temp. Temp. universal gas constant R?
(C) (D) m 3 atm atmL
(A) R  0.821 (B) R  8.314
0 V 0 1/V mol K mol K
26. The pressure of gas A (PA) is 3.0 atm when it occupies
atm L m3atm
5L of the volume. Calculate the final pressure when (C) R  0.0821 (D) R  1.987
it is compressed to 3L volume at constant mol K mol K
temperature 32. Absolute zero is
(A) 3 atm (B) 5 atm (A) –273.16°C
(C) 2 atm (D) 10 atm (B) Zero kelvin
27. Which of the following is correct for Boyle's law?
(C) Temperature at which no substance exists in
gaseous state
P (D) All of these
P 33. A gas in an open container is heated from 27°C to
127°C. The fraction of the original amount of gas
(A) (B) remaining in the container will be
V 3 1
V (A) (B)
4 4

1 1
P (C) (D)
2 8
34. At constant volume, for a fixed number of moles of a
gas, the pressure of the gas increases with increase
(C) (D) in temperature due to
V (A) Increase in average molecular speed
(B) Decrease in rate of collision among the molecules
28. I, II, III are three isotherms respectively at T1, T2, T3. (C) Decrease in molecular attraction
The temperature will be in order
(D) None of these
35. Which is correct for Charles' law?

II 3 V (m3)
V (m )
(A) (B)
T(°C) –273.16K T(K)
(A) T1=T2=T3 (B) T1 < T2 < T3
(C) T1 > T2 > T3 (D) T1 > T2 = T3
29. Which of the following relation is correct for an ideal 3 3
gas? V (m ) V (m )
(C) (D)
P RT V n
(A)  (B)  T(K) –200°C T(°C)
n V2 RT P
Gaseous Law Aakash Institute
36. How much should the pressure be increased in order
to decrease the volume of a gas by 5% at constant
P1 P2
V 2V
(A) 5% (B) 5.26%
Stop valve
(C) 10% (D) 4.26%
37. When the temperature is raised through 1°C the At open position of the stop valve relate the
1 pressure P1 and pressure P2
volume is increased by th times the original
273 (A) P1 > P2 (B) P1 < P2
volume. This is (C) P1 = P2 (D) Data insufficient
(A) Boyle's law (B) Charles's law
45. How much volume of oxygen in mL will be required
(C) Avogadro law (D) Graham's law for complete combustion of 40 mL of acetylene
38. 450 ml of oxygen gas at 20°C is heated to 40°C. (C2H2)?
What is the new volume of the gas at constant (A) 50 (B) 40
(C) 100 (D) 30
(A) 900 mL (B) 1800 mL
46. 2.8g of a gas at 1 atm and 273 K occupies a
(C) 480.72 mL (D) 1900 mL volume of 2.24 litres, the gas can not be
39. At constant volume, the pressure of a fixed amount (A) O2 (B) CO
of gas is directly proportional to the temperature.
Select the correct option for the given graph (C) N2 (D) C2H4
47. The density of O2 is maximum at
V1 (A) STP
P V3
(bar) (B) 273 K and 2 atm
(C) 546 K and 1 atm
(D) 546 K and 2 atm
(A) V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 (B) V1 > V2 > V3 > V4 48. At what temperature will a given mass of a gas
occupy a volume of 200 L, if it occupies a volume of
(C) V1 < V2 < V3 < V4 (D) V1 > V2 = V3 > V4
260 L at a temperature of 30°C, (P = const.)
40. Which of the following is SI unit for pressure?
(A) 233 K (B) 500 K
(A) atm (B) bar
(C) 466 K (D) 100 K
(C) Nm2 (D) Pa
49. Which is not correct for Gay-Lussac's law? (PT at
41. 0°C is equal to constant V, n)
(A) 30°F (B) 130 K
(C) 32°F (D) 40°F P
42. What is the standard temperature and pressure T
(A) (B)
condition for gases?
T(K) T
(A) 0°C and 100 atm (B) 0 K and 1 atm
(C) 0°C and 1 atm (D) –273°C and 1 atm
43. What is the chemical formula of a gas if it has a
pressure of 1.40 atm and a density of 1.82 g/L at P
27°C? (C) T (D)
(A) CO2 (B) CO T(K) –273°C T(°C)
(C) CH4 (D) O2
44. Two bulbs of volume V and 2V are connected
through a stop valve

Aakash Institute Gaseous Law



1. (D) 12. (B) 23. (C) 34. (A) 45. (C)

2. (D) 13. (D) 24. (B) 35. (C) 46. (A)
3. (D) 14. (C) 25. (B) 36. (B) 47. (B)
4. (B) 15. (B) 26. (B) 37. (B) 48. (A)
5. (B) 16. (A) 27. (C) 38. (C) 49. (C)
6. (D) 17. (A) 28. (C) 39. (C)
7. (D) 18. (B) 29. (B) 40. (D)
8. (B) 19. (D) 30. (D) 41. (C)
9. (A) 20. (B) 31. (C) 42. (C)
10. (A) 21. (B) 32. (D) 43. (D)
11. (C) 22. (C) 33. (A) 44. (C)



Chapterwise Practise Problems (CPP) for Foundations
Chapter - Environment and Natural Resourses

1. Find the odd pair out : (A) Only (i)

(A) Lichens – SO2 (B) Only (iii)
(B) Minamata disease – Mercury poisoning (C) Both (i) and (ii)
(C) Biological magnification – DDT (D) All the statements are correct
(D) Itai - Itai – Arsenic poisoning
6. There is no atmospheric phase in _____cycle.
X (A) Carbon cycle
2. Ammonia   Nitrite
(B) Nitrogen cycle
Can you name what is ‘x’ from the options below ?
(C) Phosphorous cycle
(A) Nitrosomonas
(D) Oxygen cycle
(B) Nitrobacter
7. Which of the gases mentioned below are/is green
(C) Pseudomonas denitrificans
house gases ?
(D) Anabaena
(i) Carbon dioxide
3. Which biogeochemical cycle in the atmosphere is
known as ‘Perfect Cycle’ ? (ii) Nitrogen dioxide

(A) Oxygen cycle (iii) Methane

(B) Carbon cycle (iv) Carbon monoxide

(C) Nitrogen cycle (A) (i) and (ii) only
(D) Hydrogen cycle (B) (i) and (iv)
4. Leakage of which gas resulted in the “Bhopal Gas (C) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Tragedy” ?
(D) All of the four
(A) Potassium cyanide
8. Choose the odd one out :
(B) Methyl isocyanate
(C) Carbon monoxide (A) Soil formation – Pedogenesis

(D) Methane (B) Plant growing in saline soils – Halophyte

5. A few statements are given regarding ‘ozone (C) Plant growing in acidic soils – Lithophytes
layer’. Can you find out the false ones ?
(D) Plants growing in rock crevices – Chasmophytes
(i) Ozone hole was discov ered in 1985, in
Antarctica by Farman and co-workers 9. Branch of science that deals with cultivation and
breeding of forest plants is
(ii) UV-radiations causes skin cancers and various
lethal mutations in the DNA structure (A) Agriculture (B) Silviculture

(iii) Ozone layer occurs in the exosphere (C) Horticulture (D) Sericulture

Environment and Natural Resources Aakash Institute
10. If World environment : 5th June 17. Select the true statements from below :

then, world forestry day : ? (i) Soil is a mixture of organic and inorganic
(A) 18th March (B) 1st Dec.
(ii) Non-living things are included within
(C) 6th July (D) 21st March
non-renewable resources
11. Soil erosion is prevented by
(iii) Evaporation and transpiration are two main
(A) Deforestation essential for water cycling

(B) Afforestation (A) (i) only

(C) Reduction of CFCS production (B) Both (i) and (iii)

(D) Use of CNG in all transports (C) All (i), (ii) and (iii)

12. Excessive felling of trees is harmful for our forest (D) None of these
reserves; Biogas can help to decrease this load by
being a good substitute for 18. If FRI : Dehradun : : NEERI : ?

(A) Charcoal (B) Paper (A) Lucknow (B) Kerala

(C) Fuel wood (D) Petroleum and oil (C) Kolkata (D) Nagpur

13. Smt. Medha Patkar is associated with which 19. Covering of harvested field with plant litter is known
project ? as

(A) Narmada Bachao Andolan (A) Terracing (B) Mulching

(C) Contour banding (D) Strip cropping
(B) Bhakra Nangal Dam Movement
20. Land mass occupied by forest is about :
(C) Tehri Dam Conflict
(A) 11% (B) 25%
(D) Chipko Movement
(C) 30% (D) 60%
14. Which is not an inexhaustible source of energy?
21. Major fuel component of biogas is
(i) Tidal power
(A) CO (B) CO2
(ii) Solar power
(C) CH4 (D) CH3
(iii) Minerals
22. Soil salinity is measured by :
(A) Only (i) and (ii) (B) Only (ii)
(A) Porometer (B) Potometer
(C) Only (iii) (D) All (i), (ii) and (iii)
(C) Calorimeter (D) Conductivity meter
15. A type of agriculture practised by some tribals in
North-east India is 23. MAB stands for

(A) Step cultivation (A) Man Antigens Biology

(B) Jhum cultivation (B) Man and Biosphere

(C) Terrace cultivation (C) Man and Biology

(D) Taungya system (D) Man and Biotic community

16. Where is “Silent valley” situated in India ? 24. Source of energy which does not evolve CO2 is

(A) Uttarakhand (A) Coal

(B) Eastern ghat (B) Oil

(C) Palakkad district, Kerala (C) Organic compounds

(D) Bhitar kanika, Odisha (D) Nuclear energy

Aakash Institute Environment and Natural Resources
25. Ecology takes into account (D) Presence of different human communities in
(A) Environment only particular area

(B) Effect of plants on environment 35. Which of the following is an example of ex-situ
conservation ?
(C) Plant adaptations
(A) Seed bank (B) Sacred grooves
(D) All of these
(C) National Park (D) Wildlife sanctuary
26. UV radiations help in the formation of which of the
following ? 36. Kanha National Park is located in _______ and is
famous for ______ .
(A) SO2 (B) Fluoride
(A) MP, elephant (B) MP, tiger
(C) CO (D) O3
(C) Odisha, tiger (D) Assam, elephant
27. Ozone protects the earth surface by shielding
37. Algal bloom is a consequence of which of the
(A) Solar radiation (B) IR radiations
following pollution ?
(C) UV rays (D) Radio waves
(A) Soil pollution (B) Water pollution
28. An aquarium is
(C) Air pollution (D) Noise pollution
(A) Artificial ecosystem
38. Minamata disease is associated with
(B) Manmade ecosystem
(A) Iron (B) Cadmium
(C) Anthropogenic ecosystem
(C) Arsenic (D) Mercury
(D) All of these
39. Which of these are bioindicators of pollution ?
29. 5th June is celebrated as
(A) BGA (B) Lichens
(A) World Population Day
(C) Agaricus (D) Gambusia
(B) World Environment Day
40. CO combines with haemoglobin to form
(C) World Habitat Day
(A) Carbaminohaemoglobin
(D) World Animal Day
(B) Carbon monoxide haemoglobin
30. Which of these constitute a food chain ?
(C) Carboxyhaemoglobin
(A) Grass, goat, human
(D) None of these
(B) Grass, wheat, mango
41. In which of the following cycle, atmosphere does
(C) Grass, fish, goat not play significant role ?
(D) Grass, ant, grasshopper (A) Oxygen cycle (B) Sulphur cycle
31. Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica) is (C) Phosphorus cycle (D) Carbon cycle
(A) Rare (B) Endangered 42. Ammonification is carried out by
(C) Vulnerable (D) Extinct in wild (A) Bacillus ramosus
32. "Chipko movement" is connected with (B) Nitrobacter
(A) Project tiger (C) Nitrosomonas
(B) Plant breeding (D) Pseudomonas denitrificans
(C) Forest conservation 43. Which of the following trophic levels experience
(D) Conservation of natural resources maximum ill-effects of biomagnification ?
33. In a biosphere reserve, the area surrounding the (A) Producers (B) Primary consumers
core zone, is called (C) Top consumers (D) Both (A) and (C)
(A) Buffer zone (B) Transitional zone 44. Select the greenhouse gas
(C) Peripheral zone (D) Developmental zone (A) N2O (B) CFCs
34. Hotspot of biodiversity means (C) CO2 (D) All of these
(A) Areas of earth having many oganisms of a single 45. W hich of the following are ozone depleting
species substance ?
(B) Species diversity at particular area (A) Halogen (B) CCl4
(C) Areas of the earth that contain many endemic (C) O2 (D) Both (A) and (B)

Environment and Natural Resources Aakash Institute
46. Choose the correct sequence. (B) They are formed during volcanic eruption
(C) They are formed during forest fire
(A) CO2 in atmosphere decomposers (D) None of these
organic organic 53. Acid rain causes
carbon in carbon in
plants animals (A) Corrosion (B) Pitting of marble
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) Allergies
54. Water harvesting is
CO2 in air organic carbon in plants (A) Collection of river water
inorganic organic (B) Collection of rain water in storage tanks
carbon in carbon in (C) Harvesting of water from tube wells
soil animals
(D) All of these
(C) Inorganic carbonates organic carbon 55. Nitrogen fixation can be done by
in water in plants
organic (A) Industries (B) Rhizobium
detrivores carbon in (C) Lightning (D) All of these
56. Climate change may impact
(D) organic carbon decomposers (A) Energy and human health
in animals
organic (B) Air quality, oceans and coastal zones
carbon in CO2 in (C) Agriculture, water resources and natural
animals atmosphere terrestrial ecosystems
47. Select the free living nitrogen fixing bacteria (D) All of these
(A) Rhizobium (B) Azotobacter 57. Which minerals are found in the run-off from
agricultural land and untreated sewage effluents that
(C) Nostoc (D) Pseudomonas
are responsible for eutrophication of water bodies ?
48. The process of formation of soil is known as
(A) Nitrogen and phosphorus
__(i)__ and study of soil in their natural
environment is known as __(ii)__ . (B) Phosphorus and carbon
(A) (i) Pedology, (ii) Pedogenesis (C) Potassium and arsenic
(B) (i) Weathering, (ii) Pedology (D) Iron and manganese
(C) (i) Pedogenesis (ii) Pedology 58. In which layer of the atmosphere is ozone most
concentrated ?
(D) (i) Biological weathering (ii) Pedogenesis
(A) Troposphere (B) Stratosphere
49. The layer of atmosphere where events like cloud
formation, lightning, thunder etc. take place is (C) Ionosphere (D) Mesosphere
(A) Stratosphere (B) Troposphere 59. The largest reservoir of carbon is
(C) Ionosphere (D) Mesosphere (A) Soil (B) Ocean
50. Most of the rainfall in India is brought by (C) Atmosphere (D) Sedimentary rocks
(A) South west monsoon 60. Pick out the correct option with respect to
cadmium pollution in water.
(B) North east monsoon
(A) Minamata (B) Itai-itai
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(C) Black foot (D) Plumbism
(D) East monsoon
61. Carbon is removed from the atmosphere by
51. Penetration of harmful UV radiations can lead to
(A) Formation of fossil fuels
(A) Reduced immunity (B) Increased immunity
(B) Photosynthesis
(C) Skin cancer (D) (A) and (C) both
(C) Decay and decomposition
52. Certain air pollutants are called as Suspended
Particulate Matter (SPM) as (D) More than one option is correct
(A) They remain suspended in the air for a long period
of time

Aakash Institute Environment and Natural Resources
62. Top soil contains 67. Which of the following statement is incorrect with
respect to water pollution ?
(A) Humus and living organisms only
(A) A reduction in dissolved oxygen content in water
(B) Humus and soil particles only
affects aquatic life
(C) Humus, living organisms and plants
(B) Rapid industrialization and increasing sewage
(D) Humus, living organisms and soil particles load causes water pollution
63. Match column A with column B : (C) Lead and cadmium poisoning causes minamata
Column A Column B disease

(a) Gas produced by (i) Sulphur dioxide (D) Development of eggs and larva and even the
breeding pattern of aquatic animals gets affected
burning of fossil due to water pollution
68. Which of the following does not cause air pollution?
(b) Not a green house (ii) Natural gas
gas processing (A) Hydroelectric schemes
(c) Contributes to acid (iii) Ammonia (B) Automobile industries
rain (C) Nuclear energy project
(d) Source of SO2 (iv) Carbon dioxide
(D) Thermal power project
69. Smog is a common pollutant in places having
(A) (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)
(A) High temperature
(B) (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)
(C) (a)-(i), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii) (B) Low temperature

(D) (a)-(iv), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i) (C) Excessive ammonia in the air
64. Rainfall pattern depends upon (D) Excessive nitrogen oxides in the air
(A) The undergound water table
70. Find the correct match.
(B) The prevailing season in an area
(A) Azotobacter – Denitrification
(C) The prevailing wind patterns
(B) Nitrosomonas – Nitrogen fixation
(D) The density pattern of plant and animal
population in an area (C) Nitrobacter – Nitrification
65. An increase in carbon dioxide content in the (D) Pseudomonas – Ammonification
atmosphere would not cause
(A) Abundance of desert plants 71. Which of the following ways help to prevent soil
erosion ?
(B) Increase in photosynthesis of plants
(A) Over grazing
(C) Heat retention by the environment
(D) Global warming (B) Scraping

66. Which of the following statement is correct with (C) Tree plantation
respect to ozone hole ?
(D) Conventional tilling
(A) A large sized hole in the ozone layer
(B) Thinning of the ozone layer
(C) Small holes scattered in the ozone layer
(D) Addition of ozone to the ozone layer of the

Environment and Natural Resources Aakash Institute



1. (D) 16. (C) 30. (A) 44. (D) 58. (B)

2. (A) 17. (C) 31. (B) 45. (D) 59. (D)
3. (C) 18. (D) 32. (C) 46. (B) 60. (B)
4. (B) 19. (B) 33. (A) 47. (B) 61. (D)
5. (B) 20. (C) 34. (C) 48. (C) 62. (D)
6. (C) 21. (C) 35. (A) 49. (B)
63. (A)
7. (C) 22. (D) 36. (B) 50. (C)
64. (C)
8. (C) 23. (B) 37. (B) 51. (D)
65. (A)
9. (B) 24. (B) 38. (D) 52. (A)
66. (B)
10. (D) 25. (D) 39. (B) 53. (C)
67. (C)
11. (B) 26. (D) 40. (C) 54. (B)
12. (C) 27. (C) 41. (C) 55. (D) 68. (A)
13. (A) 28. (D) 42. (A) 56. (D) 69. (C)
14. (C) 29. (B) 43. (C) 57. (A) 70. (C)
15. (B) 71. (C)



Chapterwise Practise Problems (CPP) for Foundations
Chapter - Coordinate Geometry

1. The points (2, 4), (6, 8) and (2, 8) when joined form 7. The centre of a circle of radius 13 units is the point
an (3, 6). P(7, 9) is a point inside the circle. APB is
(A) Equilateral triangle a chord of the circle such that AP = PB. Then the
length of AB is
(B) Right angled isosceles triangle
(A) 20 units (B) 2 units
(C) Isosceles triangle
(C) 24 units (D) 28 units
(D) Parallelogram
8. The point A(3, 4) is mapped onto A on reflection
2. The ratio in which the line joining the points in the line L1, parallel to the x-axis and at the
(2, –3) and (3, 1) is divided by x-axis is distance 2 on the positive side of the y-axis. A is
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 3 : 2 mapped onto A on reflection in the line L2, parallel
to the y-axis and at a distance 2 on the negative
(C) 3 : 1 (D) 3 : 4 side of the x-axis. Then the distance between A
3. The fourth vertex of a parallelogram whose three and A
vertieces (x1, y1) (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) in order is
(A) 29 units (B) 2 29 units
(A) (x1 + x2 + x3, y1 + y2 + y3)
(B) (x1 + x2 – x3, y1 – y3 + y2) (C) 4 6 units (D) 2 3 units

(C) (x1 – x2 + x3, y1 – y2 + y3) 9. The equation of the line passing through the
intersection of the lines 3x + 2y = 7 and x – y +
(D) (x1 + x2 – x3, y1 + y2 – y3)
1 = 0 and perpendicular to the x-axis
4. The line ax + by + c = 0 is such that a = 0 and bc
(A) x = 1
 0 then the line is perpendicular to which axis?
(B) x + y = 1
(A) x-axis (B) x, y axis
(C) y + 2 = 0
(C) y-axis (D) None of these
(D) None of these
5. If the vertices of a triangle are A(3, –3), B(–3, 3)
10. The coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular
and C( 3 3,  3 3) then the distance between
dropped from the point P(3, 1) to the line AB
the orthocentre and its circumcentre is whose equation is 2x – y = 3
(A) 6 2 units (B) 6 3 units  11 7 
(A)  ,  (B) (6, 4)
(C) 0 units (D) None of these  2 2
6. The point P(6, 5) is reflected in the line parallel to  11 7 
the y-axis at a distance 4 on the positive side of (C) (12, 3) (D)  , 
 5 5
the x-axis. P is the image. The point P is mapped
11. If the roots of the quadratic equation x2 – 7x + 12
onto P on reflection in the x-axis. P is iamge
= 0 are intercepts of a line, then the equation of the
of P when reflected in the origin. Then the
line can be
geometric figure PPP is
(A) 2x + 3y = 6
(A) Equilateral triangle
(B) 4x + 3y = 24
(B) Right angled triangle
(C) 4x + 3y = 12
(C) Isosceles triangle
(D) Scelene triangle (D) 3x + 4y = 6

Coordinate Geometry Aakash Institute
12. The sum of the reciprocal of the intercepts of a line 19. The co-ordinates of vertices of a quadrilateral are
A(2, 3), B(–2, 4), C(–4, –3), D(x, y). The diagonal
is , then the line passes through the point is AC divides diagonal BD at R(0, K) in the ratio
2 3 : 4 then, value of k and co-ordinate of D is
(A) (1, 1) (B) (2, 1)
8   8
 1 1 (A) k = 1 and  , 0  (B) k = 1 and  3, 
3   3
(C)  ,  (D) (2, 2)
 4 4
13. The area of a square with one of its vertices as 8  8 
(C) k = 1 and  ,  3  (D) k = 0 and  ,  3 
(5, –2) and the midpoint of the diagonals as (3, 2)  3   3 
20. If R(x, y) divides the segment PQ join of P(2, –3)
(A) 40 (B) 20 and Q(–3, 4) in the ratio 4 : 5 internally, then
(C) 60 (D) 70
 2 1
14. The centre of a circle is (2 – 1, 7) and it passes (A) Co-ordinate of R is   , 
 9 9
through the point (–3, –1). If the diameter of the
circle is 20 units, then the values of 
1 2
(A) 2 or – 2 (B) – 4, or 2 (B) Co-ordinate of R is  ,  
9 9
(C) 3 or 2 (D) None of these
15. ABCD is a rectangle formed by joining the points  1 1
(C) Co-ordinate of R is  , 
A(–1, 1), B(–1, 4), C(5, 4) and D(5, –1). P, Q, R, 9 9
S are the midpoints of AB, BC, CD and DA
respectively. Then quadrilateral PQRS is a  2 2 
(D) Co-ordinate of R is  , 
(A) Rectangle  9 9 
(B) Square 21. The points (1, 1), (–2, 7) and (3, –3) are
(C) Rhombus (A) Collinear (B) Vertices of a triangle
(D) Parallelogram
(C) Concyclic points (D) None of these
16. Which one is incorrect?
22. If two vertices of an equilateral triangle be (0, 0)
(A) Cartesian co-ordinate system also known as
and (3, 3) , then third vertex
rectangular co-ordinate system
(B) (x, y)  (y, x) (x  y)
(C) Let a point Q(y, x) then the abscissa of Q is
(A) (0, 3 3) or  3,  6 
y and ordinate is x
(D) Equation x = a will be parallel to x-axis
(B)  0, 2 3  or  3,  3 
17. Let a point P(x, y) and Q(–x, y) then which one is
(C)  0, 2 3  or  3,  3 
(A) Q is the image of P through y-axis.
(D) (0, 3) or (3,  3 )
(B) PQ  2x If x > 0.
23. Co-ordinates of the circumcentre and circumradius
(C) Distance of p from x-axis is |x| unit whose vertices are (8, 6) (8, –2) and (2, –2)
(D) Distance of Q from y-axis is |x| unit (A) (2, 5) and 2 (B) (5, 2) and 5
18. The co-ordinates of vertices of a square are A(2, 3), (C) (5, 2) and 2 (D) (2, 5) and 5
B(5, –1), C(1, –4), D(x, y) then
24. Points (0, –1), (6, 7) (–2, 3) and (8, 3) are the
(A) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D (4, 0) vertices of
(A) Parallelogram (non-rectangle)
(B) Lengths of diagonal is 5 2 and D(5, –1)
(B) Scalene quadrilateral
(C) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D(–2, 0)
(C) Rectangle
(D) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D(0, –2) (D) Square
Aakash Institute Coordinate Geometry
25. The segment PQ joining of P(2, 4) and Q(–5, 3) 30. If the coordinates of the mid-points of the sides of
intersect the y-axis at R(x, y) internally in the ratio triangle are (1, 2), (0, 1) and (2, –1) then the
m : n then co-ordiantes of vertices are
(A) (–4, 1), (3, 2) and (–1, 2)
 27 
(A) m : n = 5 : 3, R  0,  (B) (–4, 1), (3, 2) and (2, –1)
 8 
(C) (–1, 4), (3, 0) and (1, –2)
 27  (D) (1, –4), (2, 3) and (–1, 2)
(B) m : n = 2 : 5, R  0, 
 8 
31. The sum of distances of a point (x, y) from the
points (0, 2) and (0, –2) is 6, then
 26 
(C) m : n = 2 : 5, R  0,  (A) 5x2 + 9y2 = 0 (B) 5x2 – 9y2 = 45
 7 
(C) 5x2 + 9y2 = 45 (D) 9x2 + 5y2 = 45
 21  32. A point P(x, y) moves such that the distances
(D) m : n = 1 : 5, R  0, 
 6 from Q(2, 3) and R(0, –1) are equal then
26. The opposite angular points of a square be (3, 4) (A) 2y + x+ 3 = 0 (B) x + 2y – 3 = 0
and (1, –1) then remaining angular points are (C) x + 2y + 3 = 0 (D) x – 2y – 3 = 0
 1 1 9 9 33. Segment PQ trisected at R and S, then the
(A)  ,  and  , 
 2 2  2 2 co-ordinates of R and S, if co-ordinates of P and
Q are (2, 1) and (0, –1)
 9 1  5 1 (A) (2, –1) and (0, 3)
(B)  ,  and  ,  
 2 2  2 2
(B) (1, 0) and (0, 1)
1 9  1 5 (C) (2, 0) and (2, –1)
(C)  ,  and   , 
 2 2   2 2 (D) None of these
34. If R (2, 3) is the mid point of P(a, 2) and Q(x, 2a)
 9 1  1 5 then
(D)  ,  and   , 
 2 2   2 2
(A) a = 2, x = 3 (B) a = x = 2
27. Co-ordinates of two points A and B are (3, 4) and (C) a = 3, x = 1 (D) a = 3, x = 2
(5, –2) respectively, the co-ordinates of third vertex
C(x, 0) if area of ABC = 10 sq. unit then 35. If three points (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) lie on the
y2  y3 y3  y1 y1  y 2
23 same line, then  
(A) x = 2, x = x2x3 x 3 x1 x1 x 2

23 (A) 1 (B) 2
(B) x = 1, x  (C) 0 (D) None of these

23 36. Which one is incorrect?

(C) x = 3, x  (A) Cartesian co-ordinate system also known as
rectangular co-ordinate system
(D) x = –1; x  (B) (x, y)  (y, x) (x  y)
(C) Let a point Q(y, x) then the abscissa of Q is
28. The ratio in which the line 3x + y – 9 = 0 divides
y and ordinate is x
the segment joining the points (1, 3) and (2, 7)
(D) Equation x = a will be parallel to x-axis
(A) 5 : 3 (B) 3 : 5
37. Let a point P(x, y) and Q(–x, y) then which one is
(C) 3 : 4 (D) 4 : 1
29. The three vertices of a parallelogram taken in order
(A) Q is the image of P through y-axis.
are (–1, 0), (3, 1) and (2, 2) then co-ordinates of
fourth vertex (B) PQ  2x If x > 0.
(A) (–2, 1) (B) (1, –2) (C) Distance of p from x-axis is |x| unit
(C) (1, 1) (D) (–1, 3) (D) Distance of Q from y-axis is |x| unit
Coordinate Geometry Aakash Institute

38. Segment PQ trisected at R and S, then the 45. The circumcentre of the triangle formed by the
co-ordinates of R and S, if co-ordinates of P and x y
axes and the line   1 is
Q are (2, 1) and (0, –1) a b
(A) (2, –1) and (0, 3)
a b
(B) (1, 0) and (0, 1) (A)  , 
 2 2
(C) (2, 0) and (2, –1)
(D) None of these  ab ab 
(B)  , 
39. If (4, –4) lies on the line a2x + ay + 1 =0 then  a  b  ab a  b  ab 
a a
1 1 (C)  , 
(A) (B) 3 3
2 4

1 1  ab ab 
(C) (D) (D)  , 
6 8 2 2
 a  b  a  b a  b  ab

40. If (3a – 4, 0) and (5, 0) are same point, then value 46. The co-ordinates of three consecutive vertices of a
of a is parallelogram are (1, 3), (–1, 2) and (2, 5). The co-
(A) 2 (B) 3 ordinates of the fourth vertex are
(C) – 2 (D) – 3 (A) (6, 4) (B) (4, 6)
41. The co-ordinates of vertices of a square are A(2,3), (C) (–2, 0) (D) None of these
B(5, –1), C(1, –4), D(x, y), then
47. The diagonals of a parallelogram PQRS are along
(A) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D (4, 0) the line x + 3y = 4 and 6x – 2y = 7. Then PQRS
must be a
(B) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D (5, –1) (A) Rectangle (B) Square
(C) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D (–2, 0) (C) Cyclic Quadrilateral (D) Rhombus
48. The co-ordinate of the f our v ertices of a
(D) Length of diagonal is 5 2 and D (0, –2) quadrilateral are (–2, 4), (–1, 2), (1, 2) and (2, 4)
42. If two vertices of an equilateral triangle have integral taken in order. The equation of the line passing
co-ordinates then the third vertex will have through the v ertex (1, 2) and div iding the
quadrilateral in two equal areas is
(A) Integral co-ordinates
(A) x + 1 = 0 (B) x + y = 1
(B) Co-ordinates which are rational
(C) x – y + 3 = 0 (D) None of these
(C) At least one co-ordinate irrational
49. The equation of the straight line which passes
(D) None of these
through the point (–4, 3) such that the portion of
43. If the line segment joining (2, 3) and (–1, 2) is the line between the axes is divided internally by
divided internally in the ratio 3 : 4 by the line the point in the ratio 5 : 3 (measured form x to y
x + 2y = k, then k is axis) is
41 5 (A) 9x – 20y + 96 = 0
(A) (B)
7 7 (B) 9x + 20y = 24
36 31 (C) 20x + 9y + 53 = 0
(C) (D)
7 7 (D) None of these
44. The points (a, b + c), (b, c + a) and (c, a + b) are
50. The co-ordinates of the point on the x-axis which
(A) Vertices of an equilateral triangle is equidistant form the points (–3, 4) and (2, 5)
(B) Collinear (A) (20, 0) (B) (– 23, 0)
(C) Concyclic
4  2 
(D) None of these (C)  , 0  (D)  , 0 
5  5 

Aakash Institute Coordinate Geometry
51. The equation of a straight line passing through the 59. Area of a triangle is 5. Its two vertices are (2, 1)
point (– 2, 3) and making equal intercepts on the and (3, – 2). Third vertex lies on y = x + 3. That
axes is vertex will be
(A) 2x + y + 1= 0 (B) x – y = 5 (A) (1, 1) (B) (1, 2)
(C) x – y + 5 = 0 (D) x + y – 1 = 0 (C) (3, 7) (D) None of these
52. The distance of the line 2x – 3y = 4 from the point 60. Line formed by (–1, 1) and (5, 7) is divided by a
(1, 1) in the direction of the line x + y = 1 is line x + y = 4 in a ratio of

(A) (B) 5 2 (A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 3

(C) 2 : 3 (D) 1 : 4
1 61. The straight lines x + y – 4 = 0, 3x + y – 4 = 0
(C) (D) None of these
2 and x + 3y – 4 = 0 form a triangle, which is
53. The four sides of a quadrilateral are given by the (A) Isosecles (B) Right angled
equation xy(x – 2) (y – 3) = 0. The equation of the (C) Equilateral (D) None of these
line parallel to x – 4y = 0 that div ides the
quadrilateral into two equal areas is 62. If A(6, 3), B(–3, 5), C (4, – 2) and D(x, 3x) are four
points. If the ratio of area of DBC and ABC is
(A) x – 4y + 5 = 0 (B) x – 4y – 5 = 0 1 : 2, then the value of x, will be
(C) 4y = x + 1 (D) 4y + 1 = x (A) 1 (B) 2
54. The straight lines L 1 = 4x – 3y + 2 = 0, (C) 4 (D) None of these
L2 = 3x + 4y – 4 = 0, L3 = x – 7y + 6 = 0
63. The centroid of a triangle, whose vertices are
(A) from a right angled triangle (2, 1), (5, 2) and (3, 4) is
(B) from a right angled isosceles triangle
8 7  10 7 
(C) are concurrent (A)  ,  (B)  , 
3 3  3 3
(D) None of these
 10 7   10 7 
55. If the lines y – x =5, 3x + 4y = 1 and y= mx + 3 (C)   ,  (D)  ,  
 3 3  3 3
are concurrrent then the value of m is
64. The diagonal passing through origin of a
19 quadrilateral formed by x = 0, y = 0. x + y = 1
(A) (B) 1 and 6x + y = 3 is
(A) 3x – 2y = 0 (B) 2x – 3y = 0
(C) (D) None of these (C) 3x + 2y = 0 (D) None of these
65. If the lines y = 3x + 1 and 2y = x + 3 are equally
56. The equation of a straight line passing through the inclined to the line y = mx + 4, then m is
points (–5, – 6) and (3, 10) is
(A) x – 2y = 4 (B) 2x – y + 4 = 0 1 1
(A) (B)
2 3
(C) 2x + y = 4 (D) None of these
57. If the lines 2x + 3ay – 1 = 0 and 3x + 4y + 1 = 0 (C) 1 (D) None of these
are mutually perpendicular, then the value of 'a' will 66. The area of the triangle f ormed by lines
be 7x – 2y + 10 = 0, 7x + 2y –10 = 0 and y+2 = 0
(A) (B) 2 (A) 1 sq. units (B) 2 sq. units
(C) 4 sq. units (D) None of these
1 67. A line passes through (2, 2) is perpendicular to the
(C)  (D) None of these
2 line 3x + y = 3, It's y intercept is
58. The equation of the line passing through the point
1 2
(1, 2) and perpendicular to the line x + y + 1 = 0 (A) (B)
is 3 3

(A) y – x + 1 = 0 (B) y – x – 1 = 0 4
(C) y – x + 2 = 0 (D) y – x – 2 = 0 (C) 1 (D)
Coordinate Geometry Aakash Institute
68. If P(1, 2), Q (4, 6), R (5, 7) and S (a, b) are the 77. The graph that represents the inequation
vertices of a parallelogram PQRS then y  2x + 8 is
(A) a = 2, b = 4 (B) a = 3, b = 4 x y 1 2 3 4
(C) a = 2, b = 3 (D) a = 3, b = 5 x
8 -2
69. The number of integral values of m, for which the 6
(A) (B) -6
x-coordinate of the point of intersection of the lines 4
2 -8
3x + 4y = 9 and y = mx + 1 is also an integer is y
1 2 3 4
(A) 2 (B) 0
(C) 4 (D) 1 y
70. Area of the parallelogram formed by the lines -4 -3 -2 -1
x 8
y = mx, y = mx + 1, y = nx, y = nx + 1 equals -2 6
-4 4
|mn| 2 -6 2
(A) (B) (C) -8 (D) x
(m  n)2 |mn| 4 3 2 1

1 1 78. Coplanar lines OX, OY, OZ, OT are concurrent at

(C) | m  n | (D) | m  n | 0. If YOX  150 ,  XO T  90  , TOY  120
71. Orthocenter of triangle whose vertices (0, 0), (4, 0) then YOZ is
and (4, 3) are (A) 90° (B) 60°
(A) (0, 0) (B) (4, 0)
(C) 30° (D) 120°
(C) (0, 3) (D) (1, 1)
79. The area of the triangle formed by the line
72. Let L1 = 2x + ky + 3k = 0 and L2 = x + y – k =0, 3x – 4y + 12 = 0 with the co-ordinate axes
then the value of k such that L1 and L2 are parallel
(A) 6 unit square (B) 12 unit square
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 1 unit square (D) 36 unit square

(C) – 2 (D) 3 80. The perpendicular bisector of the side PQ is

73. L1: 2x + ky + 3k = 0 and L2 : x + y – k = 0 are

y axis
two lines. The value of k such that L1 and L2 are
perpendicular is Q
(A) 0 (B) 2
(C) – 2 (D) 3
x axis
74. The locus of the centres of all circles of given O P
radius a, in the same plane, passing through a
fixed point, is
(A) x – y = 0 (B) x + y – 2 = 0
(A) A point (B) Straight line
(C) 3x – 2y – 2 = 0 (D) x + 2y – 6 = 0
(C) Two straight lines (D) Circle
81. If ABC is a right-angled triangle in which A(3, 0)
(E) Two circles
and B(0, 5), then the coordinates of C can be
75. If O, G and H are the circumcentre, centroid and
the orthocentre of a ABC, then (A) (5, 3)

(A) O divides GH in the ratio 1 : 2 (B) (3, 5)

(B) G divides OH in the ratio 1 : 2 (C) (0, 0)

(C) H divides OG in the ratio 1 : 2 (D) Both (B) and (C)

(D) O divides GH in the ratio 2 : 1 82. If the line (3x – 8y + 5) + a (5x – 3y +10) = 0 is
parallel to x axis, then a is
76. n coplanar straight lines meet at a point. The
angles between consecutive lines are x°, 2x°.... 8 3
nx°. The value of n in order that the minimum angle (A)  (B) 
3 5
be 36° is
(A) 3 (B) 4 1
(C) – 2 (D) 
(C) 5 (D) 6 2

Aakash Institute Coordinate Geometry
83. Find the distance between the orthocentre and 91. The absolute value or modulus of x is denoted by
circumcentre of the triangle formed by joining the |x| and defined as
points (5, 7) (4, 10) and (6, 9) is
 x, x  0
5 5 
(A) unit (B) unit x   0, x  0 for any real number x.
4 2  x, x  0

(C) 10 unit (D) 5 unit The area of the figure formed by |x| + |y| = 2 is
84. The equation of a line passing through P(3, 4), (A) 2 sq. units (B) 4 sq. units
such that P bisects the part of it intercepted
between the coordinate axes is (C) 6 sq. units (D) 8 sq. units

(A) 3x + 4y = 25 (B) 4x + 3y = 24 92. If the points (k, k – 1), (k + 2, k + 1) and (k, k +

3) are the consecutive vertices of a square then its
(C) x – y = – 1 (D) x + y = 7 area (in square units) is
85. The quadrant in which the lines 2x + 3y – 1 = 0 (A) 2 (B) 4
and 3x + y – 5 = 0 intersect each other is
(C) 8 (D) 6
(A) 1st Quadrant
93. The two lines 3x + 4y – 6 = 0 and 6x + ky – 7 =
(B) 2nd Quadrant 0 are such that any line which is perpendicular to
(C) 3rd Quadrant the first line is also perpendicular to the 2nd line.
Then k = ?
(D) 4th Quadrant
(A) –8 (B) –6
86. If perpendicular distance of a point P from the
x-axis be 3 units along the negative direction of the (C) 6 (D) 8
y-axis, then the point P has 94. One end of the diameter of a circle with the centre
(A) x-coordinate = –3 as origin is (–2, 10). Find the other end of the
(B) y-coordinate = –3
(A) (–2, –10) (B) (0, 0)
(C) y-coordinate = 3
(C) (2, –10) (D) (2, 10)
(D) none of these
95. If the roots of the quadratic equation x2 – 7x + 12
87. The circumcentre of the triangle formed by the = 0 are intercepts of a line, then the equation of the
points O(0,0), A(6, 0) and B(0, 6) is line can be
(A) (3, 3) (B) (2, 2) (A) 2x + 3y = 6
(C) (1, 1) (D) (0, 0) (B) 4x + 3y = 12
88. The angle between the lines x = 10 and y = 10 is (C) 4x + 3y = 6
(A) 0° (B) 90° (D) 3x + 4y = 6
(C) 180° (D) None of the above 96. Find the value of  if the line x – 3y + 4 + (8x–
89. The line joining the points (2m + 2, 2m) and (2m 3y + 2) = 0 is parallel to the x-axis
+ 1, 3) passes through (m + 1, 1), if the values of
m are 1 5
(A) (B)
5 8
(A) 5,  (B) 1, –1
5 3 1
(C)  (D) 
8 8
1 1
(C) 2,  (D) 3,  97. The lines x – 2y + 3 = 0, 3x – y = 1 and kx – y
2 3
+ 1 = 0 are concurrent. Find k
90. In a parallelogram PQRS; P(15, 9), Q(7, 10),
R(–5, –4) are three vertices; then the fourth vertex 1
(A) 1 (B)
S is 2
(A) (3, –2) (B) (3, –4)
3 5
(C) (9, –5) (D) (3, –5) (C) (D)
2 2

Coordinate Geometry Aakash Institute
98. Centre of the circle is (a, b). If (0, 3) and (2, 0) are 107. The equation of a line whose x-intercept is 11 and
two points on a circle, then find the relation perpendicular to 3x – 8y + 4 = 0 is
between a and b.
(A) 7x + 3y – 77 = 0 (B) 8x + 3y – 88 = 0
(A) 4a – 6b – 5 = 0 (B) 4a + 6b – 5 = 0 (C) 5x + 3y – 55 = 0 (D) 3x + 8y – 88 = 0
(C) – 4a + 5 = 0 (D) 4a – 6b + 5 = 0 108. The lines 2x + 3y – 6 = 0 and 2x + 3y – 12 = 0
99. The line 7x + 4y = 28 cuts the coordinate axes at are represented on the graph. The difference in the
A and B. If O is the origin, then the orthocentre of areas of triangles formed by the lines with the
OAB is co-ordinate axes is
(A) (4, 0) (B) (0, 7) (A) 12 (B) 9
(C) (0, 0) (D) (0, 1) (C) 6 (D) 3
100. If the roots of the quadratic equation – 5x + 6 109. The equation of one of the diagonals of a square
= 0 are the intercepts of a line, then the equation is 3x – 8y + 4 = 0. Find the equation of the other
of the line can be diagonal passing through the vertex (4, –6).
(A) 2x + 3y = 6 (B) 3x + 2y = 6 (A) 8x + 3y – 15 = 0 (B) 3x – 8y – 11 = 0
(C) either (A) or (B) (D) None of these (C) 8x + 3y – 14 = 0 (D) 8x + 3y + 15 = 0
101. The equation of the line whose x-intercept is 5 and 110. A triangle is formed by the points (6, 0), (0, 0),
which is parallel to the line joining the points (3, 2) (0, 6). How many points with the integer co-
and (–4, –1) is ordinates are in the interior of the triangle?
(A) 4x + 7y – 20 = 0 (B) 3x – 7y + 3 = 0 (A) 7 (B) 6
(C) 3x + 2y + 15 = 0 (D) 3x – 7y – 15 = 0 (C) 8 (D) 10
102. In a parallelogram PQRS, P(15,9), Q(7,10), 111. The equation of the line perpendicular to the line
R(–5, –4). Find the co-ordinates of S. inclined equally to the co-ordinate axes and
(A) (3, –2) (B) (3, –4) passing through (2, –3) is
(A) x + y + 1 = 0 (B) x – y – 2 = 0
(C) (9, –5) (D) (3, –5)
(C) x + y + 2 = 0 (D) 2x + y – 1 = 0
103. The equation of the diagonal AC of a square ABCD
is 3x + 4y + 12 = 0. Find the equation of BD 112. The area of a square with one of its vertices as
where D is (2, –3). (5, –2) and the mid-point of the diagonals as (3, 2)
(A) 4x – 3y – 8 = 0 (B) 4x – 3y – 17 = 0 is
(A) 40 (B) 20
(C) 4x – 3y + 17 = 0 (D) 4x + 3y – 17 = 0
(C) 60 (D) 70
104. C(3, 0) and D(3, 1) are the points of trisection of
a line segment AB. Find the respective co-ordinates 113. If the centroid of a triangle in (6, 6) and its
of A and B orthocentre is (0, 0) then find the circumcentre
(A) (3, 2), (3, 0) (B) (3, –1), (3, 2) (A) (3, 3) (B) (6, 6)
(C) (–3, 1), (3, 2) (D) (–3, 1), (3, –2) (C) (9, 9) (D) (12, 12)
105. If one of the diagonals of a rhombus is 114. The equation of a line whose x-intercept is –3 and
3x – 4y + 15 = 0, then find the equation of the which is parallel to 5x + 8y – 7 = 0 is
other diagonal which passes through the point (A) 5x + 8y + 15 = 0 (B) 5x + 8y – 15 = 0
(–2, –3)
(C) 5x + 8y – 17 = 0 (D) 5x – 8y – 18 = 0
(A) 4x + 3y + 17 = 0 (B) 3x – 4y + 15 = 0
115. The inclination with +ve x-axis of the line y – x +
(C) 4x + 3y – 15 = 0 (D) 3x – 4y – 11 = 0 11 = 0 is
106. A(–11, 7) and B(–10, 6) are the points of trisection
(A) 30° (B) 60°
of a line segment PQ. Find the co-ordinates of
P and Q. (C) 0° (D) 45°
(A) (–12, 8); (–9, 5) 116. Find the value of k, if the points (10, 14), (–3, 3)
and (k, –8) are collinear.
(B) (–12, –8); (–9, 5)
(A) 16 (B) 18
(C) (12, 0); (9, –5)
(C) –18 (D) –16
(D) (12, –8); (9, –5)
Aakash Institute Coordinate Geometry
(A) b : a internally (B) 1 : 1 internally
117. The inclination of the line 3y  x  24  0 with
positive x-axis is (C) a : b externally (D) 2 : 1 externally

(A) 60° (B) 30° 125. Which of the following lines is perpendicular to
x + 2y + 3 = 0?
(C) 45° (D) 135°
118. Find the product of intercepts made by the line (A) 2 2x  y  3  0 (B) 2x  2y  5  0
7x – 2y – 14 = 0 with the co-ordinate axes.
(A) –7 (B) 2 (C) 2 2x  2y  3  0 (D) x  2y  4  0
(C) 14 (D) –14 126. The orthocentre of the triangle formed by the points
119. The sum of the reciprocals of the intercepts of a (0, 3), (0, 0) and (1, 0) is
line is , then the line passes through the point 1  1 3
2 (A)  ,1 (B)  , 
3  2 2
(A) (1, 1) (B) (2, 1)
 3
(C) (0, 0) (D)  0, 
 1 1  2
(C)  ,  (D) (2, 2)
4 4 127. The equation of the line passing through the point
120. The area of the figure formed by |x| + |y| = 2 is of intersection of the lines x + 2y + 3 = 0 and
2x – y + 5 = 0 and parallel to x-axis is
(A) 2 (B) 4
(A) 5y + 1 = 0 (B) 5x – 13 = 0
(C) 6 (D) 8
121. The length of a line segment intercepted between (C) 5x + 13 = 0 (D) 5y – 1 = 0
the co-ordinate axes by the line joining the points 128. The equation of the line parallel to 3x – 2y + 7 = 0
(1, 2) and (3, 4) is and making an intercept –4 on X-axis is
(A) 4 (B) 6 (A) 3x – 2y + 12 = 0
(C) 8 (D) 2 (B) 3x – 2y – 12 = 0
122. If the roots of the quadratic equation 3x2 – 2x – 1 (C) 3x + 2y – 12 = 0
= 0 are the intercepts of a line, then the line is
(D) 3x + 2y + 12 = 0
(A) x – 3y – 1 = 0 (B) 3x – y + 1 = 0
129. The abscissa of a point lying on y – 2x = 3 is
(C) Either (A) or (B) (D) None of these – 3. Then its ordinate will be
123. The equation of the line making an angle of 45° (A) – 3 (B) – 2
with x-axis in positive direction and y-intercept – 3
(B) 2 (D) – 1
(A) 3x – y + 1 = 0 (B) 3x + y – 1 = 0
130.The distance between the graphs of the equations
(C) x – y + 3 = 0 (D) x – y = 3
y = –1 and y = 3 is
124. The ratio in which the line joining points (a + b,
b + a) and (a – b, b – a) is divided by the point (A) 2 (B) 3
(a, b) is (C) 4 (D) – 4


Coordinate Geometry Aakash Institute



1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (C)

8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (A) 14. (B)
15. (D) 16. (D) 17. (C) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (A) 21. (A)
22. (C) 23. (B) 24. (C) 25. (C) 26. (D) 27. (B) 28. (C)
29. (A) 30. (C) 31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (D) 34. (B) 35. (C)
36. (D) 37. (C) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (B) 41. (C) 42. (C)
43. (A) 44. (B) 45. (A) 46. (B) 47. (D) 48. (D) 49. (A)
50. (D) 51. (D) 52. (A) 53. (A) 54. (C) 55. (C) 56. (B)
57. (C) 58. (B) 59. (D) 60. (A) 61. (D) 62. (D) 63. (B)
64. (A) 65. (D) 66. (D) 67. (D) 68. (C) 69. (A) 70. (D)
71. (B) 72. (B) 73. (C) 74. (D) 75. (B) 76. (B) 77. (D)
78. (A) 79. (A) 80. (A) 81. (D) 82. (B) 83. (B) 84. (B)
85. (D) 86. (B) 87. (A) 88. (B) 89. (C) 90. (D) 91. (D)
92. (C) 93. (D) 94. (C) 95. (B) 96. (D) 97. (A) 98. (D)
99. (C) 100. (C) 101. (D) 102. (D) 103. (B) 104. (B) 105. (A)
106. (A) 107. (B) 108. (B) 109. (C) 110. (D) 111. (A) 112. (A)
113. (C) 114. (A) 115. D) 116. (D) 117. (B) 118. (D) 119. (D)
120. (D) 121. (D) 122. (C) 123. (D) 124. (B) 125. (C) 126. (C)
127. (A) 128. (A) 129. (A) 130. (C)


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