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Reflection Journal: Practicum Week 1 - Orientation

Date: 4/1/2024
Title: Adapting to a New School

1. Focused Issue: Adapting to a New School

Starting my practicum, the primary focus was understanding and addressing the school culture
of work and their norm. This issue encompasses various elements such as social integration
and emotional well-being.

2. Analysis of the Focused Issue (Cause and Effect)

The cause of challenges in adapting to a new school often stems from unfamiliarity with the
surroundings, peer groups, teaching styles, and curriculum. This has led to feelings of isolation,
academic pressure, and stress, impacting a student's overall experience and performance.

3. Past Study (Literature Review) on the Issue

Reviewing existing literature has shed light on numerous studies emphasizing the importance of
a supportive network, orientation programs, mentorship, and involvement in extracurricular
activities to aid in students' successful transitions to new schools. These studies highlighted the
significance of early intervention and continuous support.

4. Suggestions and Ideas to Solve the Issue

a) Implementing a buddy system where existing students assist newcomers in
navigating the school environment.
b) Organizing comprehensive orientation programs to familiarize new students with
facilities, staff, and academic expectations.

5. Time Taken to Solve the Issue

The resolution of such an issue is an ongoing process rather than an immediate fix.
Implementing strategies and witnessing their impact may take a semester or more to evaluate
6. Follow-up Action
Regular check-ins and assessments will be conducted to gauge the effectiveness of
implemented strategies. Feedback from students, teachers, and parents will be crucial in
refining and adapting these solutions.

7. Date of Execution
2 – 4 Jan 2024

8. The Effectiveness of the Suggested Ideas

The effectiveness will be measured through quantitative and qualitative data, considering
metrics like academic performance, social integration, and feedback from students and

9. Conclusion/Reflection
This orientation phase has provided insight into the complexities of students adapting to new
educational environments. Understanding the nature of this issue, I realize the importance of
patience and consistency. As I proceed with my practicum, I aim to remain flexible and adaptive
in implementing and refining strategies, acknowledging that each student's journey is unique
and requires personalized support. This initial exploration has highlighted the significance of
empathy, proactive engagement, and ongoing evaluation in addressing such challenges
effectively. I'm excited to apply my learnings and work towards ensuring a smoother transition
for students in their new school environment. Overall, this orientation phase has set the stage
for a purposeful and impactful practicum journey ahead.

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