Psaj B. Inggris Lintas Minat 2023-2024

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Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 7 Maret 2024 Kelas : XII– IPA

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat Jam ke/Waktu : II / 90 menit

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D.

Text 1 for question no 1 – 6.

Last holiday my students and I went to Jogjakarta. 6. Why did they just visit Brahmana and Syiwa
We stayed at Morison Hotel which is not a long way sanctuaries?
from Malioboro. On Friday, we went to the A. Because there was no wisnu temple
sanctuaries in Prambanan. There are three major B. Because wisnu temple was amazing
sanctuaries, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu C. Because wisnu temple was too small
sanctuaries. They are truly stunning. We went by just D. Because wisnu temple was being repaired
Brahmana and Syiwa sanctuaries, on the grounds that E. Because wisnu temple was being destroyed
Wisnu sanctuary is being remodeled. On Saturday
morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We spent around 7. Your friend situation: I’ve gained some weight.
two hours there. We were fortunate on the grounds What should be the response to this statement?
that we were driven by a brilliant and amicable aide.
A. I would suggest you to drink a lot.
At that point we proceeded with our adventure to
Borobudur. We touched base there at four p.m. At 6 B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier.
p.m. we heard the declaration that Borobudur C. I would suggest you to go to the cinema.
entryway would be closed. In the evening we left D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle.
Jogjakarta by bus. E. Just eat more!
1. The content above basically talks about ……..
A. The writer’s trip to Yogyakarta 8. Situation: Heru is having cold.
B. The writer’s first visit to Prambanan Doctor’s advice below is correct, except…
C. The writer’s impression about the guide A. You should take a bed rest
D. The writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton B. I suggest you to eat chicken soup
E. The writer’s impression about Borobudur C. I advise you to eat ice cream more
2. The content is composed as an/an ……… D. My advice is to wear mask outside, to protect
A. Narrative yourself and other people.
B. Recount E. I recommend you to take a bath
C. Report
D. Anecdote 9. Situation: My neighbor is noisy.
E. Spoof
You should…………
3. What is purpose of the text………. A. Let them be.
A. Tell past events B. Tell your neighbor to increase their voice
B. Entertain readers C. Tell politely to neighbor to be silent for a
C. Describe the smugglers while
D. Report an event to the police
D. I don’t know, tell me!
E. Inform readers about events of the day
E. Speak louder than him
4. What else the big temples in Prambanan?
A. Angkor wat, syiwa, and sudra temples 10. Situation: I have toothache. What should I do?
B. Paria, brahmana, and temples The suggestion is proper, except…
C. Brahmana, syiwa, and wisnu temples A. If I were you, I would go to the dentist.
D. Wisnu, syiwa, and borobudur temples B. Why don’t you go to the dentist?
E. Borobudur, syiwa, and brahmana temples
C. I would suggest to take pain killer pills.
5. When did they go home? Maybe it will help?
A. On Saturday morning D. I’m sorry I never had toothache.
B. On Friday evening E. You should visit your dentist!
C. On Thursday evening
D. On Friday afternoon
E. On Saturday evening
Text 2 for question no 11 – 14.
16. “Enjoy the freedom of learning English …”
Sea Synonym of the word “freedom” is ….
Leonard Clark
A. Inability
Over the hill B. Difficulty
First sight of the sea C. Liberty
Lying sunlit and still D. Equality
Just waiting for me. E. Free
I race from the land
In the clear morning light 17. Based on the text above, How to learn English
To rock pool and sand, online for free?
Shells whiter than white. A. You need to watch the Youtube channel
B. You should download the E-book
Birds ride the sky, C. You must subscribe the website
The wispy clouds there
Soft floating, and I D. You can visit the site
Am walking on air. E. Learning independently

11. Who wrote the poem? Text 4 for question no 18 – 22.

A. Me
B. Anonymous Skateboarding
C. Leonard Clark Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there
D. I did is nowhere safe for skateboarders to skate. This
E. The writer prevents young people from enjoying an active,
energetic and adventurous pastime.Just watch a local
12. Find the words that rhyme in second stanza of the street for a short while and note the steady stream of
poem. skaters speeding up and down the footpaths. Toddlers
A. Hill=still, sea=me can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked
B. Hill=sea, still=me down as they struggle home carrying their cat food
C. Race = rock, clear = whiter from supermarkets.
D. Land=sand, light=white
E. Sky=I, there=air Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young
people’s health. It increases fitness, improves balance
13. What did the writer tell you with his poem? and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles.
A. View of sea Although it appears to be a solo sport, when groups
B. View of mountain practice together and compete to perform stunts or
C. View of pool and sand runs they form firm friendships.
D. View of sky
E. View of land Young people should be prevented from becoming
overweight couch potatoes. If they are actively
14. What is waiting for the writer? involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or
A. A hill break laws for fun.Kids will always seek thrills and
B. A sunlit sea excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s
C. Rock pool and sand and Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build
D. Birds skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are safe for
E. The wind small children and senior citizens and skaters have
spaces where they can race, chase, speed, and soar
Text 3 for question no 15 – 17. towards the sun.

18. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?

A. In the main roads and foot paths
B. In front of the supermarket
C. In front of their home
D. In the suburbs
E. In the park

15. What is the genre of the text? 19. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Notice A. There is no safe place for skateboarders
B. Banner B. Kids seek an excitement in skate
C. Label C. The goodness of skateboarding
D. Announcement D. The skateboarding is a serious sport
E. Invitation E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding

20. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….

A. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park dream of adventures, girls conditioning means they
built specifically for skaters tend to see the future in terms of raising families.
B. To convince the readers that they need a safe
place for skaters to skate Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In
C. To provoke youngsters into the local adulthood, it is men not women, who prove to be the
government policy aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising
D. To promote the writer’s business of children, a more patient, gentle manner is preferable
skateboarding class to a more aggressive one. Although, there certainly
E. To inform parents about the goodness of exist gentlemen and aggressive women, by and large,
skateboarding female are less likely to resort to violence in
attempting to solve problems.
21. What must we do to let the skaters play?
A. Join with them anywhere Finally, women tend to be better communicator than
B. Give them space in the park men. This is shown in intelligence test, where
C. Let them play in the main roads females, on average, do better in verbal
D. Let them play in the local street communication than males. Of course,
E. Build a skate park in the suburbs communication is of utmost important in rearing
children, as children tend to learn from and adopt the
22. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s communication styles of their parents.
free from restrictions. (Paragraph 5) The
synonym of the word “restrictions” is … Thus, it is all very well to suggest a greater role for
A. Approval men in raising children, let us not forget that women
B. Allowance are generally better suited to the parenting roles.
C. Improvement
D. Prevention 25. The main information of the text is about ….
E. Limitations A. the importance of men and women in child
23. My little sister told me ...... that makes me laugh B. the reluctance of men to play the role of
hard. parents
A. Such a funny story C. the reasons why women are better parents
B. So a funny story than men
C. Such funny story D. the superior of women in family
D. Nice a story E. the different attitudes of men and women as
E. So nice parents

24. Andy has so many books ....... 26. As parents, women in general play a more
important role than men because they are ….
A. That he has to buy other new books
A. not aggressive at all
B. That he has to buy a new bookcase B. good communicators
C. That his father is really proud C. superior human beings
D. That his friends give him magazines D. experienced in raising children
E. That he is bored E. capable of solving problems

Text 5 for question no 25 – 29.

27. Most women are good mothers because they ….
The view that women are better parents than men has A. have brothers and sisters with whom they
shown itself to be true throughout history. This is not play
to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; B. had to learn about nurturing when they were
indeed, they are most necessary if children are to children
appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women C. have never dreams of adventure like boys
D. are not to learn about competitive roles
have proven themselves superior parents as a result of E. have known the role of career since
their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and childhood
generally better communication skills.
28. The following are the general characteristics of
From the time they are little, females learn about men, EXCEPT ….
A. Aggressive
nurturing. First with dolls and later perhaps with
B. Adventures
younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role C. Impatient
of career. Girls see their mothers in the same roles so D. Irresponsible
it is natural that they identify this as female activity. E. Competitive
Boys, in contrast, learn competitive roles far removed
from what it means to nurture. While boys may
29. According to the text, which of the following limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways
statement is TRUE about parents in general? and skyscrapers crumble all round him from the
A. Children love their mothers more than they shock of a 10.5 R.S. earthquake. The preposterous
love their fathers. flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax
B. All fathers tend to be aggressive and violent occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment
towards their children. malfunction threatens almost the entire mission.
C. Mothers play a greater role in the education
of their children. Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or
D. Even gentle fathers are unable to edited with the necessary clarity. In 2012 film,
communicate with children. Emmerich leaves us confused as to exactly what is
E. There is no communication between fathers happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012
and their children. deserves credit for casting Cussack.

30. Someone has sent her a message ..... made her McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's
angry all day long. cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the
A. Where president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist,
B. When brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Piatt
C. Which has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody
D. Whom Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bugeyed radio
E. Whose prophet trying to warm his listeners about
31. The little boy ..... running around my home is my
neighbor’s son. All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design
A. Whom and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also
B. Who propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-
C. Whose up. Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem
D. Which over the end credits.
E. Where
36. The film 2012 comes to the climax when ....
32. Today is the day ...... moslem people celebrtae A. the skyscrapers were crumbling
Idul Fitri. B. the entire mission was threatened
A. When C. a shocking 10.5 R.S. earthquake happened
B. Where D. the preposterous flying sequence is equally
C. Which thrilling
D. Who E. an equipment malfunction threatens the
E. Whom mission

33. ...... you gave him 10 great reasons to never give 37. The Maya calendar predicts that ....
up, he wouldn’t listen. A. the doomsday will happen in 2072
A. As B. Roland Emmerich will make a 2012 film
B. Becasue C. the end of the day will happen in Los
C. Therefore Angeles
D. Even though D. a 10.5 RS earthquake will happen in Los
E. So that Angeles only
E. the giant ark will save some people from the
34. She never helps anyone ...... having a lot of earthquake
A. Otherwise 38. Based on the text, we know that ....
B. However A. Cussack plays a character in 2012 film.
C. In spite of B. 2012 film is based on Cussack's true
D. Instead experience.
E. Even though C. a series of wonders happened in the Mayan
35. He apologised ..... his bad behavior. D. Adam Lambert stars 2012 movie.
A. for E. in this film, doomsday happens before 10.5
B. moreover R.S. earthquake occurs.
C. since
D. as 39. The word brings off (paragraph 2) has similar
E. although meaning with ......
A. Create
Text 6 for question no 36 – 40. B. Take
C. Do
2012 Film D. Solve
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the E. Provide
Mayan calendar and other endof-days prophecies for
their doomsday scenario. It images the world coming 40. The word crucial (paragraph 3) has similar
to an end in 2012. meaning with .....
A. Vital
2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie B. Unnecesaary
hits its peak early on. It starts when Cussack drives a C. Important
D. Value
E. Hard
II. Read the text and answer the questions correctly.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Office

Everybody like home sweet home however making office at home is possible and recommend. Of course home
office will has both advantage and disadvantage. Therefore it is wise to consider the strengths and weaknesses
to have a home office.

Some people will agree that having office at home will make benefit. It saves time. We need no commuting
which occasionally takes a long time. Besides we are free to set the work schedule. Having home office will
save money as we need not to purchase or lease of office space from rent companies. What make it more
flexible is that we can set part or all parts of our home just as a real office. What we need is only a wireless
router to cover all parts of our house with Internet. We can run our business wherever part of house we want,
from living room, bed room, veranda, etc even we can make sell or purchase by online shopping for things we
need. Furthermore Working at home might reduce stress, effort and time and divert it to other more productive
things because while working, we are close to our families.

However making home as office also has some disadvantages. For some people, keeping the schedule is hard in
flexible time. Such people type will harder if they are working just from home. There will no clear border
between working and breaking. Working just from home also reduces the possibility to meet new people. It is
true that computer and Internet connection possibly relate people every time and everywhere but we will
interact with them in a dimension which is not real face.

So considering carefully what we actually need in running our business is very recommended before choosing
to have office at home or not.

1. What is are potential advantages of having a home office according to the passage?
2. According to the passage, why might working from home reduce stress?
3. What are mentioned as disadvantages of working from home?
4. What is a key item needed to set up a home office according to the passage?
5. Based on the passage, what is a crucial recommendation before deciding to have a home office?

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