Criminal Force and Assault: All You Need To Know
Criminal Force and Assault: All You Need To Know
Criminal Force and Assault: All You Need To Know
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Criminal Force
3. Force
4. Consent
5. Assault
6. Ingredients
6.1. Gesture or Preparation
6.2. Cause Apprehension of Assault
7. Difference between Assault, Criminal Force and Hurt
8. Punishment for Assault or Criminal Force
9. Aggravated Forms of Assault or Criminal Force
9.1. Assault or Criminal Force to Deter Public Servant
9.2. Assault or Criminal Force to Woman to Outrage her Modesty
9.3. Assault or Criminal Force with Intent to Disrobe a Woman
9.4. Assault with Intent to Dishonour a Person
9.5. Assault in Attempting Theft
9.6. Assault in Attempting Wrongful Confinement
10. Specific Acts Offending Decency of a Woman
11. Sexual Harassment
12. Voyeurism
13. Stalking
14. Conclusion
15. References
In a country like India, we can always see in the news about crimes
regarding battery, assault, discharge etc, such crimes are very common
in our country and happen almost every single day, one may argue that
it happens hourly and because of this, people were facing a lot of
problems, the government had to step in and so they made certain
laws that ensured strict punishment to all those people who committed
such crime and thus it reduced to number of such crimes in our
Criminal Force
When a person intentionally uses force on another person without that
person’s consent, in order to commit an offence and with the prior
intention of causing harm to that person in the form of injury, fear or
annoyance to whom the force is used, is said to use criminal force on
the other person. It comes under Section 350 of the Indian Penal Code.
A person is said to be using “force” on another person when he causes
a change in motion, cessation of motion or a substantial change in
motion of another person, or brings a substance in contact with
another person’s body or it affects another person’s sense of feeling.
The term force in Section 349 is force used in connection with the
human body.
In criminal force, a person may use undue force on another person
without the consent of that person so as to cause harm to him. If there
is consent, it won’t be counted as criminal force.
When a gesture is made to any person, knowing that the person is
going to apprehend it as the person is going to use criminal force on
that person is known as assault. Mere words do not consist of an
assault. But a person may use certain gestures and expressions or
preparation, such gestures, expressions and preparations may amount
to assault. For example:
X shakes his fist at Y, intending or knowing that may cause to believe
Y that X is about to strike Y. X has committed assault.
X loosens the muzzle of a ferocious dog knowing that the dog will
cause harm to Y. So, X has committed an assault upon Y.
Gesture or Preparation
When a gesture or preparation is made from one person to another
person with the intention to use criminal force, it is said to commit
The act caused apprehension in the eyes of the victim that he would
be harmed by the other person’s actions.
Sexual Harassment
A man committing any of the following acts:
Any man that commits the offence laid out in clause (i) or clause (ii) or
clause (iii) of sub-section (1) shall be penalised with rigorous
imprisonment for a term which can extend to 3 years, or with fine, or
with both of these.
Any man that commits the offence laid out in clause (iv) of sub-section
(1) shall be penalised with imprisonment of either description for a
term which can be one year or with fine, or with both. This comes
under Section 354A of the Indian Penal code.
Any man that watches, or captures the image of a lady participating in
an exceedingly personal act in circumstances wherever she would
typically have the expectation of not being discovered either by the
culprit or by the other person at the dictation of the culprit or
disseminates such image shall be penalized on initial conviction with
imprisonment of either description for a term that shall not be but one
year, however, it may add up to 3 years, and shall even be at risk of a
fine, and be penalized on a second or subsequent conviction, with
imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be but 3
years, however, which can add up to seven years, and shall be liable to
Explanation: For the aim of this section, “private act” includes an act of
observation allotted in a place that, within the circumstances, would
fairly be expected to produce privacy and where the victim’s private
parts, posterior or breasts are exposed or covered solely in underwear;
or the victim is employing a lavatory, or the victim is doing a sexual act
that is not of a form unremarkably done in public.
Where the victim consents to the capture of the pictures or any act,
however not to their dissemination to third persons and wherever such
image or act is disseminated, such dissemination shall be thought of an
offence under this section. This comes under Section 354C of the
Indian Penal Code.
In the groundswell of support for exploited women, the one common
experience most girls have undergone has been that of stalking. Before
the advent of the internet age, the offence was not even recognized in
the statute. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. have
given stalkers a replacement weapon to victimize girls and harass them
online. The recognition of stalking as an offence was a slow and
gradual method that finally got introduced within the statute once the
2013 criminal law amendment. The Indian Penal Code, 1860, being a
colonial law, did not contemplate stalking as an offence at all.
The only protection to girls was under Section 354 for harassment and
Section 509 of IPC for victimization words or gestures to insult the
modesty of a lady. Under Section 354 of the IPC, whoever assaults a
woman knowing that it would outrage her modesty is liable to be
punished under the law. The essence of a woman’s modesty is her sex.
Assault is basically the apprehension that the other person is going to
get hurt. It is done to another person with the use of criminal force
with the ill will to harm the other person. People face a lot of problems
because of this, especially women. So, it was inevitable that strict laws
regarding Assault and Criminal force had to be put in place and be
implemented properly so that every person is protected by the law. Any
person who assaults any other person by using criminal force, he may
be punished or fined, or both, according to the Indian Penal Code.
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