Group 5 SC1B Science Without Humanity

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When science and technology are pursued without
regard for people, it can lead to a dangerous imbalance in
which development is separated from its fundamental
goal. Without a concomitant appreciation of human
values and needs, science and technology will advance
to the point where society runs the risk of becoming a
place where innovation merely makes inequality worse
and ignores basic human needs.
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When science and technology are pursued without regard for people, it can
lead to a dangerous imbalance in which development is separated from its
fundamental goal. Without a concomitant appreciation of human values and
needs, science and technology will advance to the point where society runs the
risk of becoming a place where innovation merely makes inequality worse and
ignores basic human needs.


Gandhi suggests that scientific
paradigms are the source of
technology; yet, if these paradigms are
disconnected from higher human aims,
they may give rise to a type of
"technocracy" in which technology is
employed without considering its wider
effects on humanity. As a result, society
may become one in which people are
set against one another rather than
collaborating to achieve agreed-upon
Moreover, it highlights how crucial it is
to incorporate human values and goals
into the growth of science and
technology. It implies that real progress
necessitates both technological
improvements and an appreciation of
the underlying laws governing human
existence. If science and technology
are not integrated, they could alter the
outside environment but not solve the
underlying injustices and inequalities
that still exist in society.
For instance, in the corporate world, there may be
pressure to put efficiency and profit ahead of moral
considerations, especially in sectors driven by technical
progress. One notable example in an international
context is the company Theranos, foreignly
headquartered by now-denounced Elizabeth Holmes.

“After raising more than $700 million, Elizabeth Holmes, the

founder and chief executive officer of a healthcare startup
once valued at $10 billion, was found guilty on four charges of
defrauding investors” (Das & Drolet, 2022).
Due to its hastening drug development process to swiftly
bring goods to market without fully understanding or
notifying customers of any potential hazards, the company
led to immoral actions like extortionate pricing for life-
saving drugs or concealing crucial information from the
public which ultimately caused negative economic effects
and life lost.
In the local context, one pressing issue that I can relate to is the jeepney
modernization program that the government pushed to implement.
Though it poses a positive form of innovation to society, it brings
somewhat negative effects to jeepney drivers who act as the minority in
this issue. Currently, the government has devoted itself to finishing the
transition to a completely modernized public transportation system, and
the program continues to bring mixed opinions from the citizens. While
the program promises environmental benefits, improved safety
standards, and a comfortable passenger experience, it has come with its
challenges for hardworking jeepney drivers.
"Science is the engine that pulls humanity forward", a statement by Naval Ravikant (2021),
emphasizes how science benefits us. Through the years, science has been the driving force
for the betterment of our welfare. Behind every advancement and progress in our society,
science is always applied. Although, it is true that application of science can be easily
misused by some for the wrong purpose, we cannot disregard the fact that the primary goal
of studying science and technology is to improve and enhance the welfare of mankind.
We cannot deny that these
experiments provided us with more
We tend to overlook the benefits we
knowledge, which enabled us to make
get from scientific advancements as
a cure for the different kinds of
we consider ethical implications. It is in
diseases—saving the lives of many
fact important to consider these moral
people. The dilemma of sacrificing one
implications for the betterment of
life to save the lives of many would
humanity but scientific advancements
always be a hard choice, but knowing
are also a factor as to why humanity is
the goal of science and technology,
the well-being of the majority is the
Scientific advancements have Science pushed the boundaries of
revolutionized our world; they opened human knowledge. The innovative
doors for innovation and improvements nature of science has brought us a
that we are making the most of in breakthrough in medicine,
today’s era. Without scientific transportation, and communication that
advancements, we would have so many has lifted us from unresolved dilemmas
unresolved problems that would also despite it being unscrupulous. Back in
affect how we live — it is also the 19th century, the Nazis made some
detrimental to humanity. Diseases, unethical human experiments during
hunger, and environmental degradation World War II.
are some of those examples.
At that time, consent and the need for It may be controversial from an ethical
research subject protections were still standpoint, but animal testing has taken
obscure (Weindling et al., 2016). The part in developing life-saving
fraudulent movements by the Nazis led medicines, treatments, and procedures
to the development of moralistic that we are using to ameliorate
guidelines; it engendered something diseases. Proponents of animal
that would protect humanity in experimentation argue that benefits to
defiance of it involving underhand humans exceed the jeopardy to the
practices. animals (BBC - Ethics - Animal Ethics:
Experimenting on Animals, n.d.).
The significant contribution that animal
research has made to humanity’s battle
against newly developing infectious
illnesses has been proven by the scientific
advancements made using animals before,
during, and following the 1918 influenza
epidemic outbreak, per finding of
Brockhurst and Villano (2021).
Whereas ethical problems in animal testing should be taken into
account, it is also necessary to recognize the significant contributions
that animal testing has made, particularly in the field of medicine.
Numerous medical procedures and treatments that we take for granted
today would not be possible without animal testing, and many lives
would have been lost. The pursuit of scientific advancement is
paramount for the advancement of humanity as well. We must always
acknowledge the immense benefits that science advancements
provided us even if these involved some unethical practices.
In science, risks are inevitable. It is
unfortunate that advancement requires
sacrifices to be made for the greater good.
For the sake of scientific progress, ethical
considerations might be violated. Science
and technology leans more on logical
reasoning so decisions are made based on
logic. For example, the medical field would
not be as advanced as it is now if it weren't
for the unethical experiments that
happened in the past.
Science has conquered nature and apparently has paved the path to progress and welfare
of man. Yet, ours is a society of crime, violence, and strife, producing tensions and lack of
peace (Mehta & Vidyavihar, 2018). The further we evolve, balancing the nature of science
and technology is becoming uneven and even harder for people to accept the upcoming
state of our world. As of now the future of our world is advancing at a rate where we only rely
on technology. Modern technology has greatly affected human life and civilization. It defines
the current digital age and dominates discussions of the future (Rasa & Laherto, 2022).
Science undoubtedly changed our society.
With all the advancements and innovations, their impact hinges on how well
they give humanity. Science and technology have become increasingly
important for economic growth. Investment in Information and communication
technologies (ICT) is a key factor in the new economy that has significantly
increased in recent years (Science, Technology and Innovation in the new
economy, n.d.). Science has enabled incredible advancements, allowing us to
understand the natural world in many ways that have improved the quality of
life for humanity. From the medical field to more technological innovations,
science paved the path for the progress of humanity. When humanity is
disconnected from Science, it runs the risk of creating dangerous
advancements that are separated from its true purpose.
Given that it produces knowledge, cultivates innovation, and leads decisions
based on evidence, science is essential for resolving today's complex global
issues. The rapid rate of science and technology evolution is making some
people anxious while others are filled with delight— this progression is
continuous even without the supervision of humans, in cases which can lead to
disastrous consequences on having the possibility of ruining the face of
humanity. Knowing this, we must learn to balance our science and technology
in a way we can advance but also cope with how our future will improve.
Here are the important balances that It's essential for us as a society to be
technological advancements have mindful of these risks and work to
numerous benefits for consumers in the minimize them while still benefiting from
workforce, communications, and natural technology's advantages. It is important
resource usage. These innovations make for us to keep supporting scientific
tasks easier and will continue to develop research and fostering collaborative and
at increasing rates in science and maintaining international relationships in
technology fields (Billingsley, n.d). order to address concerns like reducing
Technology has the potential to decrease poverty, pollution, the decline of
job opportunities and widen economic biodiversity, and climate change.
Rasa, T., & Laherto, A. (2022, April 3). Young people’s technological images of the future: Implications for science and technology education - european
journal of futures research. SpringerOpen.

Billingsley, K. (n.d.). Role of science and technology for future development.
Science, Technology and Innovation in the new economy. (n.d.).


Seven Deadly sins as per Mahatma Gandhi | Gandhi on Management. (n.d.).
Das, R. K., & Drolet, B. C. (2022). Lessons from Theranos - Restructuring Biomedical Innovation. Journal of medical systems, 46(5), 25.

BBC - Ethics - Animal ethics: Experimenting on animals. (n.d.).,of%20the%20actions%20under%20consid

Brockhurst, J., & Villano, J. (2021). The role of animal research in pandemic responses. Comparative Medicine, 71(5), 359–368.

Weindling, P., Von Villiez, A., Loewenau, A., & Farron, N. (2016). The victims of unethical human experiments and coerced research under National Socialism.
Endeavour, 40(1), 1–6.

As I ponder soundly on the concept of Gandhi’s fifth deadly sin, “science without humanity”, I
was able to critically analyze and understand the importance of being familiar with the juxtaposition of
technology and humanity as members of society. Not only that, but I now understand how crucial it is to
weigh the wider ethical and societal ramifications of scientific and technical breakthroughs. Being the
executive of the group, my contributions to the group mainly involved deepening our comprehension of the
possible ramifications of scientific advancement to humanity and giving clarity on the topic. Also, I was able
to spearhead the start of creating the dialectic and offer emphasis on the task given. Through the activity,
the values of empathy, moral reasoning and responsibility, and societal implementations in scientific
endeavors were enlightened to me as an individual. Moreover, I realized that correctly correlating science
and humanity in terms of transcendence is an idea that mankind should carry in their lives. Suppose our
forms of innovation will lead to some detrimental consequences in the community. In that case, ethical
considerations should be applied and must be in line with humanity’s purpose and “raison d'être.” Given this,
as an active member of the community, my goal is to advocate for a more human-centered approach to

Brent science and technology to become a symbol of hope and salvation. I will actively endeavor to promote
social justice in my neighborhood and beyond and increase my understanding of the significance of ethical
considerations in scientific research and innovation. For instance, in the Ateneo community, I can utilize my
writing skills to provide sci-tech articles for Kurit Bulawan which can focus on eccentric innovations that
have negative implications for the world. Furthermore, to do this, I take part in projects that promote moral
technology development and fair access to scientific discoveries such as DOST youth groups, and advocate
for laws that put social justice and human welfare first. In summary, I believe that it is ultimately possible to
pave the way toward a future where scientific advancement serves the development of all people and
contributes to a more equitable and compassionate society.

I learned a lot about this complex and wide-ranging issue after completing the task at hand,
including the fact that you need to understand the background in order to write a reaction paper. Numerous
thoughts crossed my mind; the breadth of the subject of scientific breakthroughs and the effects they have
on humanity led me to see that while there is always some danger associated with scientific advancements,
it may be minimized to the greatest extent feasible while still adhering to the moral standards established to
safeguard human rights. I worked on the antithesis of our paper, which was difficult for me because I had to
come up with a counterargument to my groupmate's thesis; he did so well, though, that I was unable to find
any loopholes in his work that I could have used to refute him; nevertheless, I believe that I still performed a
good job on my part. As a person who is a part of it, I may or may not contribute to its advancement in the
future; this activity taught me how to uphold the moral and ethical standards that I have to follow on how I
could contribute to the progress of my community. Personally, though, I think the most important thing to
remember from this is that science is the knowledge of consequences and the interdependence of facts
upon one another. For a student like me, becoming a beacon of hope, salvation, and social justice would be
a difficult but rewarding task; given my limited abilities and understanding of the complicated idea relating to
JAspher the sciences and humanity, the least I could do is to be as thorough and informative as I can. If I become
more knowledgeable and exposed to this issue, I would be more capable of fighting for human rights and
utilize my voice to inspire my audience to strive for good change so that injustices cannot continue to exist
in our world and be fostered. To become an ambitious and aspirational person who should fight for the
unheard voices of the oppressed, I would use self-reflection to address my biases and prejudices that would
affect my decision in the future. Supporting marginalized voices, remaining dedicated to long-term change,
and asking mentors or elders for advice can all help me as a student further develop my capacity to protect
mankind. A student may have limited abilities, but a student with dedication and perseverance can withstand
every limitation placed against them.

After accomplishing the activity, I learned a lot of new insights and perspectives regarding the concept of
Gandhi’s fifth deadly sin, “Science without humanity”. I have come to a realization that it is not a matter of
putting science over humanity or vice versa, but it is a matter of balancing the two to create an open-
minded and progressive society. The whole notion of science without humanity is a complex issue that
questions where our morality lies. It is important that we keep progressing but at the same time, we shouldn’t
disregard our morality for the sake of scientific progress. As one of the researchers in the group, I was tasked
to research and make an argument that would refute the thesis–- which was a challenging task. It was
difficult making an argument without making it seem like I was justifying any forms of violence or injustice for
the sake of scientific progress but at the same time, I had to make a point that science is for humanity. This
activity taught me that the true purpose of science is to provide us with our basic human needs and science.
Hence, science without regard for humanity is not progress. Using science to perform any inhumane acts is
a contradiction to its goal, making it pointless. As a student, it is important that we promote social justice and
I plan on participating in it by sticking with my morals and not engaging in discriminating acts.

RAquitico, Lara cecilia Z.

The succession of this project made me realize that there were many steps in completing this task
including understanding the topic well and the actual content. I also learned that there should always be
a balance in the evolution of technology and science to have a future where we will not be controlled by
technology. I also learned to understand the concept of Gandhi’s fifth deadly sin, “science without
humanity”— Where science is then focused solely on technique and technology that can lead to a
conflict between humanity and progress, whilst technologies are derived from scientific paradigms. As a
member of this group I contributed to the creation of the synthesis part— this part discussed the
importance of technology that can be harmful to society and how it can affect when not managed
properly. I also helped my other members in creating a simple presentation design for this activity. Being
an individual as well as a part of the community, this activity taught me to spread important values like
being able to empathize with the current situation we are in and what the future holds for this situation,
other values can be learning about what might happen when there is science without humanity
especially when how the shortly humanity will lose the status to work and live without any assistance from
technologies. With these values, this taught me to research the effects this will have on the community.
LARA Through this activity, I have learned that if we want to transcend into a much more modern and
advanced society in the future — people should start to learn how to fight for a fair justice system.
Though there will be many rigors along the way just to become an agent for social justice, there's nothing
wrong in stepping up for what is right especially when there is technology involved that will surely accept
our way of living. Since this activity has helped me slightly open my eyes to some issues that are
happening in our community. I want to try and spread the word to others, especially other students like
me to get a real view of what is happening and how a simple action can turn into a big one when we are

After finishing the task, I've become more aware of the intricate connection between science
and humanity and the potential impacts that this may have on society. As an engaged researcher in my
group, I made substantial contributions by analyzing the nuances around the effects of advances in science
on humanity and helping to edit and improve our final work. I have learned more about the idea of science
without humanity from this activity, both as a person and as a member of my community. It emphasizes how
science is only concerned with acquiring knowledge without taking ethical or humanistic issues into
account. As I look at my role in the community, I see how important it is to promote a scientific approach that
puts ethical concerns and human welfare first in order to stand for hope and act as an advocate for social
justice. In my encounters with individuals, I try to give them encouragement by promoting research efforts
that are based on understanding, compassion, and a strong resolve to correct social injustices. By means of
conversation and action, my goal is to deepen people's understanding of the ethical aspects associated with
scientific studies and advances in technology while motivating them to engage in an active role in shaping a
future in which science benefits humanity. I realize that being a social justice activist and an example

SHEN requires me to strongly oppose the systems and procedures that put science before equality and human
dignity. I aspire to create a society with greater equity and justice by supporting equitable approaches to
technological advancement and raising the voices of the oppressed. As a person dedicated to social justice,
I understand how important it is to support rules and regulations that guarantee all members of society fair
access to opportunities and scientific knowledge. In the end, I want to encourage people to stand with me in
support of a science that is firmly grounded in humanity as a whole, compassion, and a dedication to
enhancing the general welfare of all people and communities.
Thank you!
-Group 5

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