Energy Saving Through Green Building: September 2023

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Energy Saving Through Green Building

Article · September 2023


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3 authors, including:

Ankit Pal
Oriental University


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Journal of e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science Volume-8, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)

Energy Saving Through Green Building

Manoj Prajapat1, Avinash Mishra2*, Ankit Pal3
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Chameli Devi Group of Institutions, Indore,
Madhya Pradesh, India
Corresponding Author:

Received Date: June 26, 2023 Published Date: August 23, 2023

ABSTRACT and construction. Green building is an

Green building innovation is one of the most innovative construction method that places a
important global trends, intending to reduce strong emphasis on sustainability, energy
the development industry's substantial efficiency, and the utilization of environmentally
influence on the environment, society, and friendly materials. This approach has been
economy. The world needs sensible and astute proven to offer significant benefits to both the
development as the issue of pollution and environment and human health and well-being.
long-term temperature support spreads This project aims to delve into the concept of
everywhere. Because of the increase in green construction, explore its potential
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), a severe climate advantages, and provide actionable insights for
shift has also been seen and is possible all effective implementation [1].
over the planet. Many big harsh movements In an era where environmental concerns
and initiatives were started in developed are paramount, the study of green construction
nations such as the United States, Russia, holds immense significance. By thoroughly
France, Germany, and the United Kingdom investigating the principles and practices that
to achieve a possible turn of events. define green building, we can unlock its
Nonetheless, in developing countries such as potential as a transformative force in the
India, China, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. They construction industry. This research endeavours
are far behind in terms of achieving to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of
sustainable changes and eco-friendly existing studies and research related to green
initiatives. Furthermore, there is a lack of building. This evaluation will encompass a wide
awareness among individuals about this spectrum of topics, including energy efficiency,
global issue. This study argues for a rational environmental impact, and the correlation
turn of events all over the world, particularly between green building practices and human
in agricultural nations like India and China, health.
which have both massive land masses and The project's methodology extends
populations and have the potential to become beyond academic examination. To gain a holistic
the world's next superpowers. 68.84% of understanding of green construction, in-depth
Indians, or around 833.1 million people, interviews will be conducted with key
reside in 6, 40, 867 distinct towns. stakeholders such as architects, builders, and
industry experts. These conversations will
Keywords- Climate shift, Eco-friendly, Green provide invaluable insights into the real-world
building, Greenhouse gases, Sustainable benefits and challenges associated with the
development adoption of green building practices. By
engaging those who are actively involved in
shaping the built environment, we can glean
INTRODUCTION firsthand accounts of the advantages and
drawbacks of implementing green construction
The construction industry plays a methods.
substantial role in global greenhouse gas Furthermore, the research will investigate case
emissions and resource depletion, prompting a studies of successful green construction projects
growing interest in adopting green building from various regions. These case studies will be
practices as an alternative approach to design thoroughly analyzed to uncover best practices,

43 Page 43-47 © MAT Journals 2023. All Rights Reserved

Journal of e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science Volume-8, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)

lessons learned, and strategies for overcoming [3].

obstacles. By examining the experiences of those In conclusion, the study of green construction
who have successfully navigated the represents a pivotal endeavour to redefine the
complexities of green building, this research way we build and inhabit spaces. By delving into
aims to distil actionable recommendations for its potential benefits, sharing practical insights,
future projects [2]. and examining real-world successes, this project
The culmination of this project will aspires to catalyze a transformation within the
yield multifaceted outcomes. Architects, construction industry. As the world grapples
builders, policymakers, and other stakeholders in with the urgent need for sustainable solutions,
the construction industry will benefit from a green building offers a tangible way forward—
comprehensive understanding of the potential one that respects our planet's finite resources and
advantages of green construction. By shedding safeguards the well-being of generations to come
light on the practical implications of green [4].
building, this research strives to bridge the gap
between theory and application. Objectives
In a world where sustainability is
imperative, the overarching goal of this project The following are the objectives of the study:
is to contribute to the establishment of a more  To make aware of green building.
responsible and ecologically conscious  To construct green buildings to make
construction sector. By meticulously exploring energy-efficient structures.
the advantages inherent in green building
practices and translating them into practical METHODOLOGY
insights, this research seeks to drive positive
change. As we navigate the challenges of We used the following approaches in
urbanization and resource scarcity, green our study of green building and green building
construction stands as a beacon of hope—a planning (Fig. 1):
pathway toward a more sustainable and
harmonious coexistence with our environment

Site Selection and area Creating plans and

calculation elevations

Wind Direction for house Planning of House


Atmospheric temperature Finding out total Rainfall

for electricity generation

Figure 1: Methodology for the study.

RESULTS AND ANALYSIS structure will take shape. This not only dictates
the layout but also shapes the functionality and
In the meticulous process of house planning, one environmental impact of the building. In our
of the pivotal considerations is to thoroughly endeavour, we chose the Airport side of Indore
comprehend the geographical context where the as the location for our project—a plot measuring

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Journal of e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science Volume-8, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)

170 feet by 200 feet, constituting a total area of factors have a direct impact on the comfort and
3400 square feet. The built-up space, concretely, energy efficiency of the building. By gathering
encompasses dimensions of 60 feet by 90 feet. and incorporating this meteorological data into
This selection of sites provides us with a canvas our planning model, we ensure that the structure
to weave our architectural vision, embedding it not only complements its surroundings but also
within the broader landscape. operates in synergy with the environment.
Utilizing modern tools and technology, our Furthermore, our approach extends beyond the
approach integrates a virtual depiction of the boundaries of the immediate structure.
chosen location for our house planning. This Recognizing the importance of sustainable
assists in visualizing how the structure will practices, we have thoughtfully integrated
interact with its surroundings, considering rainwater harvesting into our architectural plan.
aspects such as sunlight penetration, wind This forward-thinking initiative aims to harness
patterns, and overall aesthetics. The spatial the natural resource of rainfall, subsequently
arrangement takes shape within this virtual replenishing the groundwater table. By
domain, allowing us to anticipate the flow of considering water as a valuable asset and
natural elements and how they harmonize with aligning our planning with eco-conscious
the built environment [5]. principles, we contribute to the preservation of
Fig. 2 showcases the layout of the local ecosystems while addressing a vital aspect
chosen site, an embodiment of meticulous of sustainability [7].
thought and consideration. This visual In summary, the art and science of house
representation encapsulates the culmination of planning transcend mere aesthetics and
our planning efforts, offering a tangible insight functional layouts. It's a symphony of
into the envisaged outcome. This layout serves elements—site selection, virtual visualization,
as the foundation upon which the finer details of climatic understanding, and sustainable
the structure will be layered, considering practices—melding together to craft a space
functional spaces, connectivity, and the that's not just a structure, but a harmonious
harmonization of indoor and outdoor areas [6]. extension of the environment. As we navigate
The process of translating this virtual the intricacies of spatial arrangement and
vision into a tangible reality involves more than architectural design, we remain committed to
just the arrangement of rooms. It necessitates an crafting a living space that not only meets the
understanding of the local climate dynamics. To needs of its inhabitants but also resonates with
this end, we conducted a comprehensive analysis the principles of responsible coexistence and
of the prevailing wind speeds and temperature holistic well-being [8].
patterns in the chosen location. These climatic

Figure 2: Virtual site selected for planning a Green Building.

45 Page 43-47 © MAT Journals 2023. All Rights Reserved

Journal of e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science Volume-8, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)

We gathered the data in stages to indicate the phases are given in time intervals, and the wind
intensity of wind in various directions. The intensity is indicated below in Fig. 3 (Table 1):

Figure 3: Wind direction for house.

Table 1: Time and wind intensity in different years.

Year/ Phase Results
The minimum wind intensity is 7.4 Kmph (In November)
Phase I 2000-2011 Maximum wind intensity is 21.6 Kmph. (In June)
The average wind intensity is 13.9 Kmph.
The minimum wind intensity is 7.2 Kmph (In November)
Phase II 2012-
Maximum wind intensity is 18.1 Kmph. (In July)
The average wind intensity is 11.9 Kmph.
Minimum wind intensity is 6.9 Kmph (In October)
Phase III 2019-
Maximum wind intensity is 14.3 Kmph. (In May)
The average wind intensity is 10 Kmph.

When we analyzed the wind data, we discovered and maximum temperature data in phases to
that the highest wind intensity was in the west indicate the intensity of the sun in whatever
direction. As a result, we decide to construct month/year. The phases, time intervals, and
windows facing that way. temperature of the sun are depicted below in
We gathered solar (SUN) intensity minimum Table 2.

Table 2: Time and Sun intensity in different years.

Year/ Phase Results
The average minimum Temperature is 17.3 (In January)
Phase I 2000-2011 The average maximum Temperature is 32.4 (In May)
The average Temperature is 25.1.
The average minimum Temperature is 18.2 (In January)
Phase II 2012-
The average maximum Temperature is 32.8 (In May)
The average Temperature is 25.3
The average minimum Temperature is 18.0 (In January)
Phase III 2019-
The average maximum Temperature is 32.6 (In May)
The average Temperature is 25.4

After gathering this information, we CONCLUSION

decided to put solar panels on the roof to
generate power and build a service area to In conclusion, research into green construction is
distribute electricity to the entire home. crucial since it has the potential to drastically

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Journal of e-ISSN: 2582-3124
Recent Activities in Infrastructure Science Volume-8, Issue-2 (May-August, 2023)

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Avinash Mishra, et. al (2023). Energy Saving Through Green Building, Journal of Recent
Activities in Infrastructure Science, 8(2), 43-47.

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