Zinc (Zn)
C.R.T CONCEPT Zinc blende or Sphalerite : ZnS
Zincite or Red zinc
OCCURRENCE OF METALS (philosophers wool) : ZnO
k Minerals : The naturally occurring chemical Calamine or Zinc spar : ZnCO3
substances in which metals occur either in native Franklinite : ZnO.Fe2O3
state or in combined state are called minerals. Willemite : Zn2SiO4
k Ores : The minerals from which metal can be Aluminium (Al)
conveniently and economically extracted are Bauxite : Al2O3.2H2O
called ores. Kaolinite ( a form of clay): [Al2(OH)4Si2O5]
Cryolite : Na3AlF6
k All ores are minerals but all minerals are not
Feldspar : KAlSi3O8
Corundum : Al2O3
k For example aluminium occurs in the earths
Diaspore : Al2O3.H2O
crust in the form of minerals like bauxite and
Mica : K2O.3Al2O3.6SiO2.2H2O
clay (Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O)
Manganese (Mn)
k Out of these two aluminium can be conveniently Pyrolusite : MnO2
and economically extracted from bauxite,while Calcium ( Ca )
it has not been possible to extract aluminium Limestone (calcite) : CaCO3
from clay by some easy and cheap Gypsum : CaSO4.2H2O
method.Therefore the ore of aluminium is baux- Fluorspar : CaF2
ite. Dolomite : CaCO3.MgCO3
Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesite : MgCO3
Carnallite : KCl.MgCl2.6H2O
Iron (Fe) Epsom salt : MgSO4.7H2O
Haematite : Fe2O3 Lead (Pb)
Magnetite : Fe3O4 Galena : PbS
Limonite : Fe2O3.3H2O Anglesite : PbSO4
Iron pyrites or Fools gold : FeS2 Cerrusite : PbCO3
Spathic iron or Siderite : FeCO3 Mercury (Hg)
Copper (Cu) Cinnabar : HgS
Cuprite (Ruby copper) : Cu2O Silver (Ag)
Copper glance (Chalcocite) : Cu2D Argentite (Silver glance) : Ag2S
Malachite : CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 Hornsilver : AgCl
Azurite : 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 Tin (Sn)
Copper pyrites (Chalco pyrites) : CuFeS2 Cassiterite : SnO2
k The mixture of metallic oxide such as Fe2O3 Ag 2 S 4 NaCN 2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ] Na2 S
and Al powder in the ratio of 3:1 is known as Sodium dicyano arg entate ( I )
k Na2S is largely oxidised to Na2SO4
k A magnesium ribbon( which acts as a fuse) is
embedded in a mixture of Mg powder and BaO2 4 Na2 S 2 H 2O 5O2 2 Na2 SO4 4 NaOH 2 S
( called ignition mixture).
2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ] Zn Na2 [ Zn(CN ) 4 ] 2 Ag
k The thermite is ignited with Mg ribbon. Iron
oxide is reduced to iron. k Electrolytic reduction : The process of
k Large amount of heat energy is released during extraction of metals by electrolysis is called
reduction , as a result the iron metal is obtained electro metallurgy.
in the molten state. k Highly electro positive metals like alkali and
k The molten iron thus produced is useful for the alkaline earth metals ,aluminium etc., are
welding of the broken iron, the process is called commonly extracted by the electrolysis of their
thermite welding. fused salts.
k Self reduction or Auto reduction: The k Some times a small amount of some other salt
sulphide ores of less electro positive metals like is added to lower the fusion temperature or to
Hg, Cu, Pb, Sb etc., are heated in air as to increase the conductivity or both.
convert part of the sulphide ore in to oxide
which then reacts with the remaining sulphide k The metal is obtained at cathode. Na is
ore to give the metal and sulphur dioxide. obtained by the electrolysis of fused mixture of
k No external reducing agent is used in this NaCl and CaCl2 (Downs process) or by
process. electrolysis of fused NaOH(castners process).
TiI 4 1700 K
Ti 2 I 2
k Boron and Indium are also refined by this Pure metal
k Monds Process : Nickel is purified by this
k Highly pure metals are obtained in this process. method.
k A movable heater is fitted around a rod of the
k Impure Ni is heated with carbon monoxide,
impure metal.
forming a volatile nickel tetra carbonyl.
3. Slag formation Zone (Heat absorption
zone) : This is the central zone where the
Haematite ore Fe2O3 temperature varies from 800-10000C
CO2 is reduced to CO
C O2 C 2C O
Concentration of ore by gravity process followed
by electromagnetic separation C a C O 3 1
C a O C O 2
000 C
CaO SiO 2
Roasting ( flux ) ( gangue ) ( slag )
6 C a O P4 O 1 0 2 C a 3 ( P O 4 ) 2
4 Na2 S 5O2 2H 2O 2 Na2 SO4 4 NaOH 2S 9500 C 10000 C . Only zinc (boiling point
9070C) and Cd (boling point 7670C) distil over.
From this sample Cd is removed at 8000C
Precipitation of silver with zinc Electrolytic Refining
2 N a A g C N 2 Z n 2 Ag N a 2 Z n C N 4 Anode : Impure metal, Cathode : Pure Al.
( black ppt )
sheet, Electrolyte : Solution of zinc sulphate.
Black precipitate of Ag KNO3 Fuse
Pure Zn deposits on cathode
Compact mass (silver metal)
Extraction of Aluminium: Aluminium
is the third most abundant element found in
Electrolytic refining nature next to oxygen and Silicon.
Anode: Impure silver k Baeyer's Process: Red bauxite (main
Cathode: Pure silver plate impurity is Fe2O3) is purified by this process.
k Powdered Bauxite is first roasted to convert
Electrolyte: AgNO3 solution + HNO3 ferrous oxide impurity present in it into ferric
Pure silver deposits on the cathode. oxide
k The roasted bauxite ore is dissolved in Conc.
METALLURGY OF ZINC NaOH solution at 423 K giving sodium meta
Zinc Blende (ZnS) aluminate (NaAlO2)
k The clear aqueous solution of NaAlO 2 is
diluted with water and pinch of Al(OH)3 is
Concentration by froth floatation process added to it. The solution is agitated well.
Powdered ore + water + pine oil + air froth Al(OH)3 added act as seeding agent. NaAlO2
carrying sulphide ore particles undergoes hydrolysis giving Al(OH)3.
k The Al(OH)3 is ignited at 12000C gives pure
Roasting in reverberatory furnace
k The pure Al2O3 is known as Alumina.
2ZnS 3O2 2ZnO 2SO2 Al 2O3 2H 2Os 2NaOH aq
ZnS 2O2 ZnSO4 2NaAlO 2aq 3H 2 Ol
9. Galena (PbS) on heating in limited supply 1 1
B) C s O 2 g COs ; G 460 kJ mol
of air gives lead metal. This is known as 2
1) Smelting Choose the correct statement at 1000 C 0
1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2 5) 1 6) 4 7) 1
8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 11) 3 12) 4 13) 2 14) 4
15) 1 16) 2 17) 3 18) 1 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1
22) 2 23) 1 24) 4 25) 3 26) 3 27) 2 28) 2
29) 3 30) 4 31) 4 32) 1 33) 3 34) 1 35) 1
36) 1 37) 1 38)4 39)1 40) 2
1) Van Arkel 2) Zone refining 14. During calcination water is removed from
3) Mond 4) Cupellation hydrated oxide
32. Which one of the following is true in 15. Reduction of ore to the molten metal
electrolytic refining?
1) impure metal is made cathode 17. Cr2O3 2 Al Al2O3 2Cr + heat energy
2) impure metal is made anode (it is alumino thermic process)
3) impure metal is made cathode and pure metal
as anode 18. CO reduce iron oxide to iron
4) both electrodes must be of pure metal 24. 2Cu2O Cu2 S 6Cu SO2
(auto reduction)
25. Self reduction takes place
the assertion.
2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but 2) Cr2O3 2 Al Al2O3 2Cr
the reason is the not correct explanation 3) 2 Al2O3 3C 4 Al 3CO2
for the assertion.
4) ZnO C Coke ,1673 K
3) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason
21. The reaction that does NOT define
is correct.
calcination is: (JEE-MAIN-2019)
4) Both the assertion and reason are incor-
rect. 1) 2Cu2 S 3O2 2Cu2O 2 SO2
16. The concentration of fluoride, lead, ni- 2) CaCO3 MgCO3
CaO MgO 2CO2
trate and iron in a water sample from an
3) ZnCO3 ZnO CO2
underground lake was found to be 1000
ppb, 40 ppb, 100ppm and 0.2ppm, respec- 4) Fe2O3 XH 2O
Fe2O3 XH 2O
14. Fe
O2 heat
Fe3O 4
2Cu2O + Cu2S 6Cu + SO2 22. In Hall Heroult process, the cathode is made
up of carbon
10. Ozone layer does not allow ultraviolet radia-
tion from sun to reach earth. 23. Siderite FeCO3
11. Metal slphides are more stable to heat than Kaolinite Al2 (OH ) 4 Si2O5
carbon disulphide.
12. Titanium and zirconium are refined by vapour Malachite CuO3 Cu (OH ) 2
phase refining called Van Arkels method.
Nickel is refined by Mond's process. Calamine ZnCO3
31. (a) During leaching when bauxite is treated 37. Wrought iron is purest from of commercial
with concetrated NaOH, then solution iron.
aluminate and sodium silicate is formed in the
38. Liquation method is used when the melting
soluble form, whereas Fe2O3 is precipitated point of metal is less compare to the melting
(b) the blistered appearance of copper during point of the associated impurity.
the metallurgical process is due to the
39. In blast furnace (metallugy of iron) involved
evolution of SO2 reactions are
(c) cast iron is obtained from pig iron
(a) CaO + SiO2 CaSiO3
(d) Hall-Heroult process is used for
production of only aluminium (b) 3Fe2O3 + CO 2Fe3O4 + CO2
32. Liquation is used for Sn. 40. A reduces BO2 when temperature is above
Zone refining is used for Ga. 14000C because above 14000C A has more
ve G 0 for AO2 formation than B to BO2
Mond's procedd is used for Ni.
Van arkel process is used for Zr.