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Zinc (Zn)
C.R.T CONCEPT Zinc blende or Sphalerite : ZnS
Zincite or Red zinc
OCCURRENCE OF METALS (philosopher’s wool) : ZnO
k Minerals : The naturally occurring chemical Calamine or Zinc spar : ZnCO3
substances in which metals occur either in native Franklinite : ZnO.Fe2O3
state or in combined state are called minerals. Willemite : Zn2SiO4
k Ores : The minerals from which metal can be Aluminium (Al)
conveniently and economically extracted are Bauxite : Al2O3.2H2O
called ores. Kaolinite ( a form of clay): [Al2(OH)4Si2O5]
Cryolite : Na3AlF6
k All ores are minerals but all minerals are not
Feldspar : KAlSi3O8
Corundum : Al2O3
k For example aluminium occurs in the earth’s
Diaspore : Al2O3.H2O
crust in the form of minerals like bauxite and
Mica : K2O.3Al2O3.6SiO2.2H2O
clay (Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O)
Manganese (Mn)
k Out of these two aluminium can be conveniently Pyrolusite : MnO2
and economically extracted from bauxite,while Calcium ( Ca )
it has not been possible to extract aluminium Limestone (calcite) : CaCO3
from clay by some easy and cheap Gypsum : CaSO4.2H2O
method.Therefore the ore of aluminium is baux- Fluorspar : CaF2
ite. Dolomite : CaCO3.MgCO3
Magnesium (Mg)
Magnesite : MgCO3
Carnallite : KCl.MgCl2.6H2O
Iron (Fe) Epsom salt : MgSO4.7H2O
Haematite : Fe2O3 Lead (Pb)
Magnetite : Fe3O4 Galena : PbS
Limonite : Fe2O3.3H2O Anglesite : PbSO4
Iron pyrites or Fool’s gold : FeS2 Cerrusite : PbCO3
Spathic iron or Siderite : FeCO3 Mercury (Hg)
Copper (Cu) Cinnabar : HgS
Cuprite (Ruby copper) : Cu2O Silver (Ag)
Copper glance (Chalcocite) : Cu2D Argentite (Silver glance) : Ag2S
Malachite : CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 Hornsilver : AgCl
Azurite : 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 Tin (Sn)
Copper pyrites (Chalco pyrites) : CuFeS2 Cassiterite : SnO2

Sr.Inter / Class XII 1 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



F Gem stones : Many gem stones are impure k Hand Picking : Sand and small stones are
removed by hand picking method.
forms of alumina (Al2O3) and contain traces of
k Haematite ore occurs as lumps. So it can be
metal ions as impurities such as Cr3+ (in ruby),
very easily separated from the impurities like
Co3+(sapphire). sand, stone pieces present along with it by hand
S.E-1:In general which metal do you expect to picking.
occur in the native state in nature? Give k Levigation or (Gravity Separation):
This method is based on the difference in the
specific gravities of the ore and gangue par-
Sol. The metals which are below hydrogen in the ticles.
electrochemical series, i.e., which are less This method is frequently used when the ore
electropositive metals can occur in native state particles are heavier than the gangue particles.
in nature. These metals are not readily attacked k The crushed ore is washed in a stream of
by oxygen, moisture, carbondioxide etc., water.The lighter impurities are swept away
examples are: Ag, Au, Pt , Pd etc., while heavier ore particles settle down.
S.E-2:Why do metal sulphides occur mainly in k For example haematite, tin stone and native ores
of Au,Ag etc .,which are heavier are usually
rocks and metal halides in lakes and seas?
concentrated by this method.
Sol. Metal sulphides are insoluble in water while
k The process is carried out in specially designed
metal halides are soluble in water. Thus chlorides tables called wilfley tables. It is generally used
get dissolved in rain water and washed away for oxide ores and carbonate ores
to lakes and seas. k Magnetic Separation : If either ore or the
METALLURGY gangue ( one of these two ) is attracted by a
magnet then ore can be separated from the
The process of extraction of pure metal from impurities with the help of magnetic separation
its ore is called metallurgy. method .
Some common steps involved in the metallur-
k In this method the powdered ore is placed over
gical operations are
a leather belt which moves over two rollers one
1. Crushing and grinding of the ore
of which is magnetic.
2. Concentration of the ore
3. Extraction of crude metal from concen- k As the mass passes over the magnetic roller,the
trated ore magnetic particles are attracted by it and fall
4. Purification or Refining of the Metal. nearer to it while non magnetic particles fall
away from the magnetic roller.
1. Crushing and Grinding of the Ore: k For example, cassiterite ( SnO2 ,Tin stone) an
k Big lumps of ore obtained from earth’s crust ore of tin( non-magnetic) is separated from
are crushed into smaller pieces with the help of impurities of ferrous tungstate (FeWO4
jaw crushers and grinders. Wolframite) (magnetic).
k These pieces are then reduced to fine powder k Similarly chromite (FeCr2O4), an ore of
with the help of a ball mill or stamp mill. This chromium,magnetite(Fe3O4) an ore of iron and
process is called pulverisation. pyrolusite(MnO2)an ore of manganese all
being magnetic are separated from non-mag-
2. Concentration of the Ore:
netic gangue by this process.
The process of removal of impurities (gangue
or matrix) from the crushed ore is known as k Rutile TiO2 (magnetic) and chlorapatite
concentration or dressing of ore. It is carried 3Ca3(PO4)2.CaCl2 (non magnetic) are also
out by the following methods. separated by this method.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 2 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



k Froth Floatation Process : This process is k In the process, the powdered ore is digested
comm-only used for the concentration of with a concentrated solution of NaOH at 473-
sulphide ores. 523 K and 35-36 bar pressure.
k It is based upon the principle of difference in k Al2O3 is leached out as sodium aluminate, and
the wetting properties of the ore and gangue SiO2 as sodium silicate.
particles with water and oil. Al2O3.2H2O + 2NaOH +H2O
k Finely powdered ore is mixed with water, pine 2Na[Al(OH)4]
oil (frother) and sodium ethyl xanthate or po- Sodium aluminate (soluble)
tassium ethyl xanthate (collector) in a big tank. k This alkaline aluminate is neutralised by pass-
k The whole mixture is agitated with air. The ore ing CO2 gas and hydrated Al2O3 is precipitated.
particles wetted with oil come in the froth and k 2Na[Al(OH)4] + 2CO2
are taken off, while impurities wetted with wa- Al2O3.xH2O + 2NaHCO3
ter settle at the bottom. k The sodium silicate remains in the solution and
k Thus adsorption phenomenon is involved in this the insoluble hydrated alumina is filtered, dried
method. and heated to get pure Al2O3.
k Here, foaming agent is pine oil and froth stabi- Al2O3.xH2O 
 Al2O3 + xH2O
lizers are cresol and aniline. b) Leaching of Ag and Au :
k Collectors used are sodium ethyl xanthate and k Gold and silver are extracted from their native
potassium ethyl xanthate (to make the ore ores or silver from argentite ore by leaching.This
water repellant) is also known as Mac-ArthurForest cyanide
k Activator used is CuSO 4 or Na2S while process.
depressant used is KCN or NaCN k In this process the finely powdered argentite
k For example, Sodium cyanide can be used as ore or the native Ag or Au particles are treated
a depressant in the separation of ores of ZnS with a dilute solution of NaCN or KCN in the
and PbS. presence of air.
k NaCN forms a layer of zinc complex, k Au,Ag dissolve by forming respective complex
Na2[Zn(CN)4] on the surface of ZnS and there- cyanides.
fore prevents it from forming the froth.
k The impurities remain unaffected, these are
k However,NaCN doesnot prevent PbS from filtered off.
forming the froth. 4M(S) + 8CN–(aq)+O2(g)
k Thus the two ores can be separated by the use  4[M(CN)2]–(aq)+ 4OH–(aq)
of a depressant. [M = Ag or Au]
Chemical Method (Leaching) : This is k Ag or Au is recovered from the solution by the
a chemical method of concentration. In this addition of electropositive metal like Zn.
method,the powdered ore is treated with a suit- 2[M(CN)2]–(aq)+Zn(s) [Zn(CN)4]2–(aq)+2M(s)
able reagent in which the ore is soluble but the
impurities are not soluble. The impurities left k Electrostatic Concentration : It is based
undissolved are removed by filtration. on the principle that when an electrostatic field
a) Leaching of Alumina from Bauxite is applied,the particles which are good
Ore: conductors of electricity become electrically
charged and are consequently repelled by
k The principal ore of aluminium usually contains
electrode of same charge and are thrown away.
SiO2, iron oxides and TiO2 as impurities.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 3 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



k This method is used for the concentration of
CuCO3.Cu(OH )2 
 2CuO  H2O  CO2
PbS and ZnS ores occuring together in nature. Malachite

k The powdered ore is fed up on a roller in a thin

Al2O3 .2 H 2O  Heat
 Al2O3  2 H 2O
layer and subjected to the influence of an Bauxite
electrostatic field. b) Roasting :
k Lead sulphide being a good conductor,gets k Roasting is the process in which the ore is heated
charged immediately and is thrown away from strongly, below its melting point, in presence of
the roller . excess of air.
k ZnS being a poor conductor falls vertically from k Sulphide ores are generally subjected to roast-
the roller. ing.
3. Extraction of Crude Metals : k During this process moisture is removed,
k Metals are usually extracted by reduction. impurities of non metals (P, As, S) are removed
Oxides are easier to reduce . as their volatile oxides.
k The extraction of metals involves the following k The ore becomes porous .
two major steps. S  8O  8SO
8 2 2
1) Conversion of the ore in to metallic
oxide : The concentrated ore is either a P4  5O2  P4O10
hydrated oxide, a carbonate or a sulphide. It 4 As  3O2  2 As2O3
can be converted in to its oxide form by the
k Sulphide ores are converted in to metallic
following two methods.
a) Calcination :
2 ZnS  3O2  2 ZnO  2 SO2
k Calcination is the process in which the ore is
heated strongly , below its melting point, either 2 PbS  3O2  2 PbO  2 SO2
in absence of air or in a limited supply of air.
2Cu2 S  3O2  2Cu2O  2SO2
k This process is used for the conversion of the
carbonates and hydrated oxide ores to their k The SO2 produced is utilised for the manufacture
respective oxides.
of H 2 SO4 .
k During calcination , the following changes takes
place k When roasting is done at moderate temperature,
i. Moisture is removed . the sulphide ore is partially oxidised in to oxide
ii. The volatile impurities of P, As and S are and partially in to sulphate.
removed. For example
iii. The ore becomes porous. a) 2 PbS  3O2  2 PbO  2 SO2
ií. Water from hydrated oxides is removed. PbS  2O2  PbSO4
í . Carbonates decompose to oxides. b) 2 ZnS  3O2  2ZnO  2SO2
For example ZnS  2O2  ZnSO4
Heat k In some cases chlorinating roasting is down as
ZnCO3   ZnO  CO2
metal is obtained by reduction of metal chloride.
CaCO3  Heat
 CaO  CO2 k In this roasting the sulphide ore is converted in
to a chloride. For example silver ores are heated
CaCO3 .MgCO3  Heat  CaO  MgO  2CO 2 with NaCl.

Ag 2 S  2 NaCl  2O2  2 AgCl  Na2 SO4

Sr.Inter / Class XII 4 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



k Both calcination and roasting are generally agents such as carbon(coke), CO or even
carried out in a reverberatory furnace. another metal.
k In case of roasting, the air holes are kept open k The process of extracting the metal by heating
while in case of calcination, the air holes are the metal oxide with a suitable reducing agent
partially or completely closed. is called pyro metallurgy.
Note : Some of the methods commonly used to get
k If the calcined or roasted ore still contains non- the free metal from the roasted or calcinated
fusible impurities (Gangue) of earthly matter, ore are:
then during reduction, an additional substance Reduction by Carbon (Smelting):
called the flux is also added to the ore. k The process of extraction of metal by reduction
k It combines with impurities to form easily fusible of its oxide with carbon (in the form of charcoal,
product known as slag. coke or CO) is called smelting.
Gangue  Flux  Fusible product k Generally smelting is carried out in a blast
( present in the ore ) ( slag ) furnace.
k Slag is not soluble in molten metal. Being lighter, M x O y  yC  xM  yC O
it can be easily skimmed off from the surface of For Example :
the molten metal. PbO  C  Pb  CO
The choice of flux depends upon the nature of PbO  CO  Pb  CO2
impurities present in the ore. For example, Fe2 O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO
k a) If the ore contains acidic impurities such F e 2 O 3  3C O  2 Fe  3C O 2
as SiO2, P2O5, etc., then the basic fluxes
SnO 2  2 C  Sn  2 CO
like lime (CaO), limestone (CaCO 3),
magnesite (MgCO3) haematite (Fe2O3), k Reduction by Hydrogen: Certain metal
etc, are used. oxides are reduced by hydrogen.
SiO2  CaO  CaSiO3 k For example, molybdenum oxide, tungsten
Acidic impurity Basic flux Calcium silicate ( slag ) oxide etc., are reduced with hydrogen at higher
SiO2  CaCO3  CaSiO3  CO2
Acidic impurity Basic flux Calcium silicate ( slag ) MoO3  3H 2  Mo  3H 2O
SiO2  MgCO3  MgSiO3  CO2 trioxide

Acidic impurity Basic flux Magnesium silicate ( slag ) WO  3H 2  W  3H 2O

k b) If basic impurities are present in the ore trioxide

such as CaO, FeO, MgCO3, etc., then NiO  H 2  Ni  H 2O

Nickel oxide
acidic fluxes like sand (SiO2) or borax
k Reduction by Na or Mg or Ca : Certain
(Na2B4O7.10H2O) are used.
metal halides are reduced to pure metal by
FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3 reduction with Na, Mg or Ca in a closed vessel
Ferrous silicate
on heating.
CaO  SiO2  CaSiO3 k For example Ti, Zr or Vanadium metals are
Basic impurity Acidic flux Calcium silicate ( slag )
obtained by reduction of their halides with Na
2) Reduction of the metallic oxide to the or Mg at higher temperature.
free metal : Oxides of less electro positive TiCl4  4 Na  Ti  4 NaCl
metals such as Zn, Fe, Cu, Pb, Sn, Mn, Cr
etc., can be reduced by number of reducing VCl4  2 Mg  V  2 MgCl2

Sr.Inter / Class XII 5 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



TiCl4  2 Mg  Ti  2 MgCl2 (Kroll’s process) 2 HgS  3O2  2 HgO  2SO2
Cinnabar Mercury ( II )
k Reduction with water gas: NiO is
2 HgO  HgS  3Hg  SO2
reduced to nickel by heating with water gas Mercury (II)
2 PbS  3O2  2 PbO  2SO2
Lead Lead oxide
2 NiO  CO  H 2  2 Ni  CO2  H 2O sulphide

2 PbO  PbS  3Pb  SO2

k In this case both CO and H2 present in water Lead

gas act as reducing agents. k Reduction by precipitation (Hydro

Reduction by aluminium (Gold metallurgy) : The process of extraction of
Schmidt alumino thermic process) metals by dissolving the ore in a suitable chemi-
cal reagent and the precipitation of the metal
k Many oxides like Cr2O3, Mn3O4, Fe2O3 etc.,
by more electro positive metal is called hydro
are not reduced easily by carbon or CO.These
metal oxides are reduced by strongly electro
positive metals such as aluminium. k Metals like Ag, Au,Cu etc., are extracted by
this method.
k The process of reduction of a metal oxide to
the metal with the help of aluminium powder is k For example concentrated Ag 2 S is treated with
called alumino thermic process. a dilute solution of NaCN to form the soluble
Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr  heat complex sodium dicyano argentate(I).
3Mn3O4  8 Al  4 Al2O3  9 Mn  heat k Ag is precipitated from this by adding metal like
Fe O  2 Al  Al O  2 Fe  heat Zn.
2 3 2 3

k The mixture of metallic oxide such as Fe2O3 Ag 2 S  4 NaCN  2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ]  Na2 S
and Al powder in the ratio of 3:1 is known as Sodium dicyano arg entate ( I )

k Na2S is largely oxidised to Na2SO4
k A magnesium ribbon( which acts as a fuse) is
embedded in a mixture of Mg powder and BaO2 4 Na2 S  2 H 2O  5O2  2 Na2 SO4  4 NaOH  2 S
( called ignition mixture).
2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ]  Zn  Na2 [ Zn(CN ) 4 ]  2 Ag
k The thermite is ignited with Mg ribbon. Iron
oxide is reduced to iron. k Electrolytic reduction : The process of
k Large amount of heat energy is released during extraction of metals by electrolysis is called
reduction , as a result the iron metal is obtained electro metallurgy.
in the molten state. k Highly electro positive metals like alkali and
k The molten iron thus produced is useful for the alkaline earth metals ,aluminium etc., are
welding of the broken iron, the process is called commonly extracted by the electrolysis of their
thermite welding. fused salts.
k Self reduction or Auto reduction: The k Some times a small amount of some other salt
sulphide ores of less electro positive metals like is added to lower the fusion temperature or to
Hg, Cu, Pb, Sb etc., are heated in air as to increase the conductivity or both.
convert part of the sulphide ore in to oxide
which then reacts with the remaining sulphide k The metal is obtained at cathode. Na is
ore to give the metal and sulphur dioxide. obtained by the electrolysis of fused mixture of
k No external reducing agent is used in this NaCl and CaCl2 (Down’s process) or by
process. electrolysis of fused NaOH(castner’s process).

Sr.Inter / Class XII 6 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



S.E-3 :Why is Zn but not copper used for the k The heater is slowly moved across the rod. The
recovery of Ag from its cyanide complex metal melts at the point of heating and as the
heater moves on from one end of the rod to the
[ Ag (CN ) 2 ] ?
other end, the pure metal crystallises while the
Sol. Zn is more powerful reducing agent (more elec- impurities pass on the adjacent melted zone.
tropositive) in comparison to Cu. Zn is also Poling: This method is employed when the
cheaper than Cu. impure metal contains impurities of its own
S.E-4:Why Al cannot be reduced by carbon? oxide.
k For example. Cu2O in a blister copper and
Sol. Al is stronger reducing agent than carbon and
SnO2 in impure Sn.
therefore, cannot be reduced by it.
k The molten impure metal is stirred with green
4) Refining or Purification of Metals :
wood poles. The green poles of wood release
The metals obtained after reduction may still
the hydro carbon gases such as CH4 which
contain some objectionable impurities which
are removed by refining using following meth- reduces the oxide impurity present in the metal.
ods: Cupellation : It is useful when the metal
Liquation : This method is used for refining possesses, easily oxidisable impurities of other
the metals such as Sn, Pb, Bi, Hg etc) having metals.
low melting points as compared to impurities
k For example : The impurity of lead present in
(less fusible).
silver is removed by Cupellation process.
k The impure metal is placed on the sloping hearth
k The impure silver is fused in a Cupel or Oval
of a furnace and gently heated.
shaped Crucible made of bone ash and a blast
k The metal melts and flows down leaving of air is passed over the molten mass. Lead is
behind the less fusible impurities on the hearth.
oxidised to PbO and blown away.
Distillation : Distillation is used for the
refining of metals which have low boiling points
Vapour Phase Refining :
such as Zn, Cd, Hg etc.,. i.e., volatile metals. Van Arkel Method : This method is gener-
k The impure metal is heated in a retort and its ally applied for obtaining ultra pure metals.
vapours are separately condensed in a receiver. k The impure metal is converted into a volatile
k The non-volatile impurities are left behind in the stable compound while the impurities are not
retort. affected.
Zone refining (fractional crystalli- k The volatile compound is then decomposed
zation) : This method is based on the differ- electrically to get the pure metal.
ence in solubility of impurities in molten and
k Ti and Zr are purified by this method.
solid state of the metal.
k Elements such as Si, Ge, Ga etc., which are Ti  2 I 2  500 K
 TiI 4
Impure metal
used as semi conductors, are refined by this Volatile Compound

TiI 4  1700 K
 Ti  2 I 2
k Boron and Indium are also refined by this Pure metal

k Mond’s Process : Nickel is purified by this
k Highly pure metals are obtained in this process. method.
k A movable heater is fitted around a rod of the
k Impure Ni is heated with carbon monoxide,
impure metal.
forming a volatile nickel tetra carbonyl.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 7 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



k The carbonyl is subjected to higher tempera- k In a furnace the ore is placed on the hearth.
ture so that it is decomposed giving the pure k In a furnace the fuel burns in the fire place
metal. k In a furnace the blue gases escape through the
Ni  4CO  330  350 K
 Ni (CO) 4 chimney.
k The fire place and the hearth are seperated by
Ni (CO) 4 450  470 K
 Ni  4CO a partition known as fire bridge.
Pure metal
k The different types of furnaces used are
Electrolytic Refining : Metals like Cu, i) Reverberatory furnace ii) Retort furnace
Ag, Au, Zn, Al, Pb etc., are purified by this iii) Blast furnace iv) Shaft furnace
v) Open hearth furnace vi) Muffle furnace
k The impure metal is made anode while a thin
sheet of pure metal acts as a cathode. vii) Electrical furnace viii) Arc furnace
k The electrolytic solution consists of a soluble ix) Bessemer converter.
salt of the same metal. k The ore along with the substances added to it
k On passing the current, the pure metal is de- (if any) is known as charge.
posited on the cathode and equivalent amount k The charge is placed on the hearth of a
of the metal gets dissolved from the anode. furnace.
k The metal is transferred from anode to
Reverberatory Furnace : The principle
cathode through solution.
involved in reverberatory furnace is indirect
k The insoluble impurities settle down below the
anode as anode mud or anode sludge.
Parke’s process : k The hot gases and flames produced by the
(Exclusive for JEE MAINS) burning of fuel in the fire box, reach the top of
the furnace and then reflected on to the hearth.
k This process is used for extraction of Ag from
Pb. The charge gets heated.
k Zn is added to the molten mixture of Pb and k Both roasting and calcination are performed in
Ag. a reverberatory furnace.
k Zn and Pb are not miscible k The efficiency of the furnace is less because the
k Ag is more miscible with Zn than Pb. heat content of waste gases cannot be used
k Zn - Ag alloy is lighter than molten lead and repeatedly.
have a higher melting point. k This furnace is used in the metallurgy of Cu,
k Zn - Ag alloy forms the upper layer and Pb, steel etc.,
Zn - Ag alloy solidifies earlier than molten Pb. Blast Furnace : It is a huge Chimney like
k Zn being volatile can be separated from Ag by structure which can be between 25 to 60 metres
distillation. Ag is purified by Cupellation. in height and 5 to 10 metres in diameter.
Types of Furnaces : Furnace is a device k The principle involved in blast furnace is direct
in which high temperature is produced either
by burning a fuel (or) by using electricity.
k Furnaces are lined with refractory bricks or fire k A conveyor belt called skiphoist carries the
bricks. charge to the top of the furnace.
k The important parts in a furnace are k The charge is introduced into the furnace from
i) Hearth the top by a special arrangement known as
ii) Fire place (fire box) iii) Chimney double cup and cone arrangement.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 8 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



k Hot air is blown through a series of pipes called is negative the overall reaction will occur
tuyeres to heat the charge. spontaneously.
k Smelting process is preferd in blast furnace. k The net reaction is called coupled reaction.
k Molten mass (products) which collects at the k Such coupling is easily understood through
bottom of the furnace (i.e. hearth) is called Gibbs energy (G)0 Vs T plots for formation
smelt. of the oxides.
k It is provided with two tapholes. Molten metal Gibbs energy (G0) vs temperature
is tapped from the lower one and molten slag (T) plots (Ellingham diagram)
from the other. k The graphical representation of variation of
k The temperature of furnace at the top (near cup Gibbs energy change with temperature is called
and cone) is 300°C - 500°C and at tuyere's Ellingham diagram as it was first used by H.J.T
region is  1500°C. Ellingham.
k Blast Furnace is frequently used for the k The diagram provides the choice of reducing
agent in the reduction of oxides.
extraction of Fe and Cu from their ores.
k The diagram helps us in predicting the feasibility
k Slag formation plays an important role in the
of thermal reduction of an ore.
blast furnace as it covers the melted metal and
thus protects the metal from being reoxidised. k If G is – Ve the thermal reduction of an ore is
Thermodynamic Principles of k Ellingham Diagram normally consists of plots
Netallurgy : Gibbs energy concept of ther- of  G0 Vs T for formation of oxides of
modynamics help us in understanding the theory Elements i.e, for the reaction.
of metallurgical transformations
2 xM ( S )  O2g   2M x O( S )
k The change in Gibbs energy, G for any pro-
cess at any specified temperature, is described In the above reaction S = –Ve. Thus if
by the equation G = H–TS ... (1) temperature is increased TS becomes more
negative  G0 becomes less negative, this
H = enthalpy change results in positive slope of the curve, for most
S = entropy change for the process. of the reactions for formation of MxO(s).
k For any reaction, this change could also be i.e., G0 is likely to increase with rise in
explained through the equation. temperature.
G0 = –RT ln K ... (2) k Each plot is a straight line except when some
Where K = Equilibrium constant for “reactant change in phase (solid  liq (or) liq  Gas)
- product" system at T. taken place.
The temperature at which such change occurs,
k If G is negative the equilibrium constant K is
is indicated by an increase in the slope on
positive in equation (1) this happens only when positive side.
the reaction proceeds towards products.
Eg : In the Zn, ZnO plot, the melting is
Conclusions : The reaction proceeds indicated by an abrupt change in the curve.
forward if the G value is negative. k There is a point in a curve below which G is
k If S and H are positive, on increasing the negative, so MxO is stable. Above this point,
temperature (T), the value of TS exceeds H MxO will decompose on its own.
and G becomes negative (H < TS). k In the case of less reactive metals like Ag and
k If two reactions are occuring together in a sys- Hg, G0 becomes positive at high tempera-
tem and if the sum of G of the two reactions tures.
Sr.Inter / Class XII 9 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


It indicates that both Ag2O and HgO are it is presumed that the reactants and products
unstable and decompose at high temperature. are in equilibrium. But this is not always true
2 Ag 2 O 
 4 Ag  O2 because the reactant or product may be solid.
k Alumina can be reduced by magnesium by the
2 HgO 
 2 Hg  O2
following conditions The two equations are
k In the reaction of formation of CO2 from C
S0  0  G0 remains nearly the same 2 4
a) Al2 O3  2Mg  2MgO  Al
with rise in temperature. i.e., G is indepen-
0 3 3
dent of temperature. b) 2Mg + O2  2MgO
k In the curve of CO, G0 decreases as S0 k At the point of intersection of the Al O and
2 3
increases. This is indicated by the downward MgO curves, the G0 becomes ZERO for the
reaction :
k The metal oxide placed higher in the diagram
can be reduced by the metal involved in the 2 4
Al2 O3  2Mg  2MgO  Al
formation of the oxide placed lower in the 3 3
Below that point magnesium can reduce
For example Cr2O3 can be reduced by Al alumina.
metal but Al2O3 can’t be reduced by Cr.
k At temperatures below the point of intersec-
Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr . tion of Al2O3 and MgO curves, magnesium
Ellingham Diagram : can reduce alumina. But the process will be
uneconomical, since magnesium is costlier than
k The reduction of a metal oxide easier if the metal
formed is in the liquid state at the temperature
of reduction because the entropy is higher if
the metal is in liquid state than in solid state.
Electrochemical principles of metal-
lurgy : In the reduction of a molten metal salt,
electrolysis is done. Such methods are based
on electrochemical principles which could be
understood through the equation G0 = –nFE0
n = no. of electrons
E0 = electrode potential of the redox couple
formed in the system
k More reactive metal have large - ve values of
LIMITATIONS OF ELLINGHAM DIAGRAM E0, then G0 becomes +ve, so their reduction
k The graph simply indicates whether a reaction is difficult.
is possible or not. It does not say about the k If the difference of two E0 values corresponds
kinetics of the reduction process. to a positive E0 and consequently G0 becomes
k The interpretation of G0 is always based on negative, then less reactive metal will come out
equilibrium constant K(G0 = – RTlnK), thus
Sr.Inter / Class XII 10 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


of the solution and the more reactive metal will Ore+air  
 Moisture, CO2, SO2, AS2O3
go to the solution. are removed and FeO is oxidized into ferric
2 2 oxide
Eg : Cu aq   Fes   Cus   Fe aq 
S  O2  SO2
S.E-5:The value of  f G 0 for the formation of 4 As  3O2  2 As2O3
Cr2O3 is -540 KJ mol-1 and that of Al2O3 is
F e 2 O 3 .3 H 2 O  F e 2 O 3  3 H 2 O
-827 KJ mol -1 . Is reduction of Cr 2O 3
possible with Al? FeCO3  FeO  CO2
Sol. The two equations are
1) 2 Al  O2  Al2O3 Smelting
Smelting is done in a blast furnace
fG = – 827 Kj mol–1

(ore+coke + limestone) (8 : 4 : 1 ratio)

2) 2Cr  O2  Cr2O3 Reactions taking place in the blast furnace:
1. Combustion Zone : This is the lowest part
fG = – 540 Kj mol–1
of the furnace above hearth where the tempera-
Subtracting equation (2) from (1) we get ture is about 15000-16000C C  O 2  CO 2
Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr
k CO2 rises upwards.
 r G 0  287 KJ mol 1
2. Reduction Zone :
This combined reaction is feasible since G 0
k This is the upper most part of the furnace.
has negative value. i.e., The temperature varies from 2500-7000C
reduction of Cr2O3 by Al is possible
k The oxide ore is reduced to iron in this zone.
S.E-6: Under certain conditions magnesium
300 400 C
can reduce SiO2 and silicon can reduce 3Fe2O3  CO   2 Fe3O4  CO2
MgO. What are those conditions? 0
Fe3 O 4  C O  500  3 FeO  C O 2
600 C
Sol. Below the melting point of silicon (1693 K) the
G0 curve for the formation of SiO2 lies above FeO  CO   Fe  CO2
700 C 0

the G curve for MgO. Therefore below

The oxide ore which escapes reduction, gets
1693K, Mg can reduce SiO2 to Si. However
completely reduced by carbon above 8500C
above 1693 K, the G0 curve for MgO lies
above the G0 curve for SiO2 and therefore, k In the reduction reactions, heat is also evolved
at temperatures above 1693 K, Si can reduce which decomposes part of carbon monoxide
MgO to Mg. into carbon. 2CO   CO2  C .

3. Slag formation Zone (Heat absorption
zone) : This is the central zone where the
Haematite ore  Fe2O3  temperature varies from 800-10000C
CO2 is reduced to CO
C O2  C  2C O
Concentration of ore by gravity process followed
by electromagnetic separation C a C O 3  1
 C a O  C O 2
000 C

CaO  SiO 2  
 CaSiO3
Roasting ( flux ) ( gangue ) ( slag )

Sr.Inter / Class XII 11 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



k Silicates, phosphates and manganates present k The cast iron is melted on the hearth of the
as impurities in ore are reduced to Si, P and furnace by the hot gases and stirred with long
Mn respectively. iron rods.
P4 O10  10 C  
 4 P  10 C O k Oxides of carbon and sulphur being volatile
escape while those of Mn, P and Si form slag.
SiO 2  2 C  
 Si  2 C O
3C  Fe2O3  2 Fe  3CO
M nO 2  2C  
 M n  2C O
These are partly absorbed by iron (spongy) and 3Si  2 Fe2O3  3SiO2  4 Fe
partly by slag. 3Mn  Fe2O3  3MnO  2 Fe
4. Zone of fusion : This is a zone just above
the zone of combustion. The temperature ranges MnO  SiO2  MnSiO3 ( slag )
between 1200 - 15000C. 6 P  5 Fe2O3  3P2O5  10 Fe
k The spongy iron which has absorbed already
C, Si, P, Mn etc. melts at 13000C and collects P2 O5  Fe2 O 3  2 FePO 4 ( slag )
at the bottom of the hearth. k With the removal of impurities, the melting point
k The slag which being lighter, floats over the of the metal rises and it becomes a semi-solid
molten iron and prevents the oxidation of mass from this almost pure iron (wrought iron)
molten metal. is produced.
Molten metal on solidification gives Pig k Steel : It is the most important industrial form
iron of iron. The percentage of carbon in it is 0.25%-
(Remelted and cooled) k Types of steel : Steel is of following types
Cast iron (Fe = 93%, C = 4% and impurities depending upon the amount of carbon.
of Mn, P, Si etc = 3%) k Mild steel : Such steel has a low percentage
of carbon and show elasticity, hardness and
IRON AND ITS FORMS some other properties of the wrought iron.
k White Cast Iron : When the molten pig iron k Hard steel : Such steel is hard and brittle and
is suddenly cooled, the iron is called white cast has a high percentage of carbon.
iron. It has carbon in the form of cementite k Alloy steel : When steel is mixed with small
(Fe3C). amount of Ni, Co, Cr, W, Mo, Mn it acquires
some special properties.This kind of steel is
k Grey Cast Iron : When molten pig iron is
called alloy steel. It can be manufactured by
cooled down slowly the iron is called grey cast following processes:
iron. It has carbon in the form of graphite.
1. Bessemer’s process
k Wrought Iron (Malleable Iron) : It is 2. Siemens Martin process (open hearth
the purest form of iron. process)
k It contains the lowest percentage of carbon from 3. Electric process
0.1 to 0.25% and 0.3% other impurities. 4. Duplex process
k It is manufactured from cast iron by puddling 5. LD process
The Bessemer’s Process : The process is
k Puddling furnace is a special type of reverbera- based on the fact that impurities of pig iron are
tory furnace in which wrought iron is manufac- completely oxidised in presence of hot air blast.
tured. i.e., virtually wrought iron is obtained.
k The hearth of the furnace is lined with haematite k This is then mixed with a known amount of
(Fe2O3). spiegeleisen, an alloy of iron, manganese and
Sr.Inter / Class XII 12 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


carbon to obtain steel. k The open hearth process has follow-
k Bessemer converter lined with silica bricks, if ing advantage over the Bessemer’s pro-
the impurities are manganese, silicon. cess :
Chemical reactions are: 1. The temperature can be controlled as the heat-
Si  O 2  SiO 2 ; 2 Mn  O 2  2 MnO ing is done externally.
2. As it is a slow process, it can be controlled in
M nO  SiO 2  M nSiO 3
( slag ) better way, the composition and quality can be
well controlled
k Some iron is also oxidised which converts the
carbon into carbon monoxide (CO burns with 3. The loss of iron in this process is only 4% while
the loss is about 15% in Bessemer’s process.
blue flame at the mouth of the converter)
4. In this process scrap iron is reused.
4 Fe  3O2  2 Fe2O3 ; Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO
5. Steel manufactured is of better quality
k When cast iron or pig iron contains phospho-
rus as an impurity, a basic lining of CaO or MgO
is used in the Bessemer converter. TYPES OF IRON
k Phosphorus is oxidised to P 4O 10 which
combines with CaO to form calcium phosphate
as slag.
4 P  5 O 2  P4 O10

6 C a O  P4 O 1 0  2 C a 3 ( P O 4 ) 2

k This slag is used as a fertilizer and known as

Thomas slag.
Siemens Martin process (Open Hearth
Process) : This is the modern process and
the furnace used consists of an open hearth.
k Silica lining is used if the impurities are manga-
nese, silicon etc. and Calcined dolomite
(CaO.MgO) lining is used if much of phospho-
rus is present.
k A high temperature of about 15000C is gener-
ated by burning producer gas which works on [Exclusive for JEE-MAIN]
regenerative system of heat economy. a. Annealing : It is a process of heating steel to
k The charge consists of pig or cast iron, iron bright redness and then cooling it very slowly.
scrap, iron ore (haematite) and lime. k This treatment makes the steel soft and ductile.
k The charge is heated on the hearth of the fur- This type of steel is used in fabrication
nace. The impurities are oxidised by iron ore. process.
MnO  SiO 2  MnSiO3
( slag ) b. Quenching : It is a process of heating steel
6CaO  P4 O10  2Ca3 ( PO4 ) 2 to bright redness and then cooling it suddenly
( slag )

C aO  SiO 2  C aSiO 3 by plunging it in water or oil.

( slag )
k Such a steel is extremely hard and brittle. It has
k Spiegeleisen (an alloy of Fe, Mn and Carbon)
is added to the molten mass to obtain desired very low elasticity.
Sr.Inter / Class XII 13 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


c. Tempering : It is a process of heating the 2 FeS  3O 2  2 FeO  2 SO 2
quenched steel to a temperature much below FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3 , slag 
redness and then cooling it slowly.
k Such steel is neither so hard nor so brittle.
k In the process of tempering, a thin film of the  
oxide is formed on the surface of steel. Matte  Cu2 S  FeS 
 ( more quantity ) ( Small quantity ) 

d. Case Hardening : The process of produc-

ing a thin coating of hardened steel on the sur-
face of the mild steel is called case hardening. Bessemerisation
k This is done by heating the mild steel with Bessemerisation in bessemer converter in
charcoal and then plunging into oil. presence of air.
k Such a steel becomes resistant to wear and tear. Remaining ferrous sulphide gets oxidised.
2 FeS  3O 2  2 FeO  2 SO 2
e. Nitriding : The process of producing a hard
coating of iron nitride on the surface of steel is FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3 slag 
called nitriding.
Part of cuprous sulphide is oxidised which com-
k Steel is headed in the atmosphere of dry bines with remaining cuprous sulphide to form
ammonia at 500-6000C. copper metal.
k A hard coating of iron nitride is produced on
the surface. 2Cu2 S  3O2  2Cu2O  2SO2

2Cu2O  Cu2 S 

 6Cu  SO2
Copper pyrites CuFeS2 
Blister Copper (98%Cu+2% Impurities)
crushed and sieved the ore
Electrolytic refining
Concentrated by froth floatation method Pow-
dered ore + water + pine oil + air  sulphide Anode : Impure copper plates,
ore in the froth. Cathode: pure copper plates
Electrolyte: CuSO4 solution + H 2 SO4
Roasting in reverberatory furnace in presence
of air Pure copper deposits at cathode
S  O2  SO2 (99.6%-99.9% pure)
4As+3O 2  2 As 2 O3 The more electropositive impurities like Fe, Zn,
2CuFeS 2  O2  Cu2 S  2 FeS  SO2 Ni, Co etc dissolve in the solution and less elec-
The sulphides of copper and iron are partially
oxidised tropositive impurities such as Ag, Au and Pt
2Cu 2 S  3O2  2Cu2O  2 SO2 collect below the anode in the form of anodic
2 FeS  3O2  2 FeO  2 SO2 mud.
Smelting (exclusive for JEE MAINS)
Silica, Coke, roasted ore are smelted in
blast furnace in presence of air to get matte
Argentite  Ag 2 S 
Most of the iron sulphide is oxidised to ferrous
Sr.Inter / Class XII 14 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


2ZnSO4  2ZnO  2SO2  O2
Concentration by froth floatation process
powdered ore + water + pine oil + air  Froth
Reduction: ZnO  C  Zn  CO (Belgian
carrying sulphide ore particles
Heating is done by producer gas
Concentrated ore + aq. NaCN solution (0.4% -
Zn (spelter) (impurities Pb, Fe, Cd, As etc)
0.6%) + air
ZZX 2 Na  Ag CN    Na2 S
Ag 2 S  4 NaCN YZZ  2
Sodium arg ento cyanide Purification by distillation

4 Na2 S  5O2  2H 2O  2 Na2 SO4  4 NaOH  2S 9500 C  10000 C . Only zinc (boiling point
9070C) and Cd (boling point 7670C) distil over.
From this sample Cd is removed at 8000C
Precipitation of silver with zinc Electrolytic Refining
2 N a  A g C N 2   Z n  2 Ag  N a 2  Z n C N 4  Anode : Impure metal, Cathode : Pure Al.
( black ppt )
sheet, Electrolyte : Solution of zinc sulphate.
Black precipitate of Ag  KNO3 Fuse
 Pure Zn deposits on cathode
Compact mass (silver metal)
Extraction of Aluminium: Aluminium
is the third most abundant element found in
Electrolytic refining nature next to oxygen and Silicon.
Anode: Impure silver k Baeyer's Process: Red bauxite (main
Cathode: Pure silver plate impurity is Fe2O3) is purified by this process.
k Powdered Bauxite is first roasted to convert
Electrolyte: AgNO3 solution + HNO3 ferrous oxide impurity present in it into ferric
Pure silver deposits on the cathode. oxide
k The roasted bauxite ore is dissolved in Conc.
METALLURGY OF ZINC NaOH solution at 423 K giving sodium meta
Zinc Blende (ZnS) aluminate (NaAlO2)
k The clear aqueous solution of NaAlO 2 is
diluted with water and pinch of Al(OH)3 is
Concentration by froth floatation process added to it. The solution is agitated well.
Powdered ore + water + pine oil + air  froth Al(OH)3 added act as seeding agent. NaAlO2
carrying sulphide ore particles undergoes hydrolysis giving Al(OH)3.
k The Al(OH)3 is ignited at 12000C gives pure
Roasting in reverberatory furnace
k The pure Al2O3 is known as Alumina.
2ZnS  3O2  2ZnO  2SO2 Al 2O3 2H 2Os   2NaOH aq  
ZnS  2O2  ZnSO4 2NaAlO 2aq   3H 2 Ol 

Sr.Inter / Class XII 15 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



NaAlO2aq   2H 2Ol   NaOHaq   Al OH 3  (about 20000C) hence it can’t be electrolysed.

12000 C Hall-Heroult Process : Al metal is

2Al OH 3 
 Al2O3  3H 2O obtained by the electrolysis of Al2O3 dissolved
in molten cryolite.
Hall's Process : Bauxite is fused with
Na2CO3 to get NaAlO2, the fused mass is k Electrolyte : Al2O3 dissolved in molten
extracted with water where Fe2O3 and SiO2 cryolite to which a small quantity of CaF2 is
remain insoluble in the residue. These are also added.
removed by filteration. k Cryolite increases the conductivity and
k CO2 gas is passed into the aqueous solution of CaF2 reduces the fusion temperature of
NaAlO2 at 50 to 60 C to get Al(OH)3.
k The Al(OH)3 on strong heating at 12000C gives k The fusion temperature is reduced to 9000C
alumina. and it becomes a good conductor of
Al O  Na CO  2NaAlO  CO  electricity.
2 3 2 3 2 2
k Electrolysis is carried out in an iron tank
2NaAlO 2  3H 2O  CO 2 
lined inside with carbon which acts as
2Al OH 3   Na 2CO3 cathode.
k Anode consists of a number of carbon rods
1200 0 C
2Al OH 3    
 Al 2 O 3  3H 2 O suspended in the electrolyte from the top
of the cell.
Serpeck's Process : white bauxite (main
impurity is silica) is purified by this process. k The fused electrolyte (a mixture containing
k Powdered Bauxite and Coke is heated in N2 alumina, cryolite and fluorspar) is covered with
at 18000C. a layer of coke.
k Silica is reduced to silicon which volatalises off k The temperature is maintained at 900 - 9500C
at this temperature, alumina is converted to at which the following reactions take place at
aluminium nitride. the electodes.
18000 C Dissociation of cryolite
Al2O3  3C  N 2 
 2AlN  3CO 
Na3 AlF6  3 NaF  AlF3
SiO 2  2C  Si  2CO 
Ionisation of aluminium fluoride
k AIN on hydrolysis gives Al(OH)3 and NH3 gas
(by product) ZZX Al 3  3F 
AlN  3H 2O  Al (OH )3  NH 3
k Aluminium ions move towards the cathode and
k Al(OH)3 on ignition gives Al2O3 discharge as aluminium metal. Fluoride ions
move towards the anode and discharge as
12000 C
2Al OH 3   Al2O3  3H 2O fluorine.
k Pure Al2O3 is a bad conductor of electricity At cathode (reduction) : Al 3  3 e  Al
and its fusion temperature is very high At anode (oxidation) : 2 F   F2  2 e

Sr.Inter / Class XII 16 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



The liberated fluorine reacts with alumina to k Aluminium wires are used as electricity
form AlF3 and O2. The oxygen attacks the
carbon anode to form CO and CO2. Anodes k Alloys of aluminium, being light, are very useful
in aircraft industry.
are replaced frequently.
2 Al2O3  6 F2  4 AlF3  3O2
k Copper is used for making electrical wires
2C  O2  2CO ; C  O2  CO2 k Used in water and steam pipes.
Aluminium obtained in this process is 99% pure. k Used in several alloys (brass, bronze, coinage
Hoope's Process : Zinc
k Electrolyte : Fused mixture of Fluorides of k Zinc is used for galvanising iron
sodium, Barium and Aluminium saturated with k Used in batteries.
k In alloys Brass (Copper 60% + Zinc 40%)
k Cathode : Pure Aluminium layer in which german silver (Copper 50-60% Zinc 25-30%,
graphite rods are suspended. Ni 20-30%)
k Anode : Impure Aluminium layer having k Zinc dust is used as a reducing agent in the
contact with carbon plate fixed at the bottom manufacture of dye-stuffs paints, etc
of the electrolytic cell. Cast iron
k On electrolysis, aluminium is deposited at k Cast iron is used for casting stoves, railway
cathode from the middle layer and an equiva- sleepers, gutter pipes, toys etc.
lent amount of aluminium is taken up by the k Used in the manufacture of wrought iron and
middle layer from the bottom layer. steel
k Aluminium is transferred from bottom to the Nickel steel
top layer through middle layer, while the k Nickel steel for making cables, automobiles and
impurities are left behind aeroplane parts. Chrome steel for cutting tools
and crushing machines.
k The aluminium metal obtained in Hoope's
process is 99.98% pure. Stainless steel

USES OF ALUMINIUM, COPPER, ZINC k Stainless steel for cycles, automobiles,

utensils, pens, etc.
S.E-7: Why magnesium oxide is used for the
Aluminium lining in steel making furnace?
k Aluminium foils are used as wrappers for choco- Sol. Magnesium oxide acts as a flux to remove im-
lates. purities of Si, P and S through slag formation
k The fine dust of Al metal is used in paints and MgO  SiO 2  MgSiO3
3 MgO  P2 O5  Mg 3 ( PO4 ) 2
k Aluminium is also used in the extraction of
chromium and manganese from their oxides. MgO  SO2  MgSO3

Sr.Inter / Class XII 17 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



12. The most abundant element in the earth crust
1) O 2) Si 3) gold 4) iron
13. Which of the following is the heaviest
EXERCISE - 1 1) U 2) Ra 3) Pb 4) Hg
(LEVEL-I QUESTIONS) 14. Essential constituent of amalgam is
1) Alkali metal 2) Silver
3) Mercury 4) Iron
15. Malachite is an ore of
1. Which of the following metal occurs in
native state ? 1) Silver 2) Mercury
1) Ca 2) Au 3) Zn 4) Al 3) Magnesium 4) Copper
2. Which of the following metal cannot occur 16. Composition of Azurite mineral is
in native state ? 1) CuCO3 .CuO
1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Ag 4) Fe 2) C u  H C O 3 2 .C u O H 2
3. The least electropositive metal among the 3) 2CuCO3 .Cu OH 2
following is 4) CuCO3 .2 Cu OH 2
1) Au 2) Mg 3) Al 4) Zn 17. The ore having two metal atoms is
4. The weakest reducing agent among the 1) Haematite 2) Galena
following is 3) Magnatite 4) Copper pyrites
1) Hydrogen gas 2) Coke 18. Formula of ruby copper is
3) Carbon monoxide gas 1) Cu2O 2) Cu2 S
4) Aluminium metal 3) CuCO3 .Cu OH 2 4) CuFeS2
5. The magnetic oxide of iron is
1) Haematite 2) Magnetite
19. Hand picking method is used for the
3) Siderite 4) Limonite
6. The formula of calamine ore is concentration of following ore
1) ZnS 2) FeCO3 1) Cassiterite 2) Haematite
3) ZnCO3 4) Cu2 S 3) Calamine 4) Galena
7. Bauxite is an oxide mineral of 20. The earthy impurities present in the
1) Barium 2) Boron mineral are called
3) Bismuth 4)Aluminium 1) flux 2) slag
8. The chief ore of aluminium is 3) gangue 4) refractory material
1) Alunite 2) Bauxite 21. Method used for the concentration of
3) Cryolite 4) Feldspar tinstone ore is
9. Which is not a mineral of aluminium 1) Hand picking 2) Froth floatation
1) Anhydrite 2) Bauxite 3) Magnetic separation 4) Leaching
3) Corundum 4) Diaspore 22. The magnetic impurity present in
10. Pyrolusite is the oxide mineral of cassiterite ore is
1) Iron 2) Selenium 1) Silica 2) Wolframite 3) SnO2 4) Clay
3) Manganese 4) Magnesium 23. The ore that is concentrated by froth
11. Which one of the following doesnot occur floatation process is
as sulphide ore 1) Chalcopyrites 2) Cryolite
1) Zn 2) Cr 3) Ag 4) Fe 3) Cuprite 4) Calamine

Sr.Inter / Class XII 18 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



24. The olive oil used in froth floatation process 34. In the metallurgy of Fe, when CaCO3 is
is called added to blast furnace, calcium ion appears
1) Frothing agent 2) Lubricating agent as
3) Conditioning agent 4) Both 1 and 2 1) CaO 2) metallic Ca
25. Which one of the following is used as 3) gangue 4) slag
conditioner in froth floatation process 35. Electrochemical process (electrolysis of
1) Pine oil fused salt) is employed to extract
2) Sodium ethyl xanthate 1) Iron 2) Mg
3) Sodium carbonate 3) Na 4) Both Na and Mg
4) Olive oil 36. A mixture of haematite, coke and limestone
26. The collecting agent in froth floatation process on heating in blast furnace gives molten
is iron metal. This is known as
1) Sodium ethyl xanthate 2) CuSO4 1) Smelting 2) Calcination
3) Lime 4) Water 3) Roasting 4) Liquation
27. Leaching is a process of 37. In the extraction of iron from haematite,
1) Reduction 2) Concentration the charge used is haematite, coke and lime
3) Refining 4) Oxidation stone in the following weight ratio
28. Which of the following metal is leached by 1) 1 : 1 : 1 2) 8 : 4 : 1
Cyanide process 3) 8 : 1 : 4 4) 1 : 4 : 8
1) Ag 2) Na 3) Al 4) Cu 38. The slag formed in the blast furnace during
the extraction of iron from haematite is
29. The extraction of metal from the ore is 3) FeSiO3 4) MnSiO3
1) an oxidation process 2) a reduction process 39. The iron formed in blast furnace is called
3) a hydration process 1) Pig iron 2) Wrought iron
4) a neutralisation process 3) Steel 4) Cast iron
30. Carbon cannot be used to reduce 40. The most impure form of iron is
1) ZnO 2) SnO2 1) Wrought iron 2) mild steel
3) Fe2O3 4) Al2O3 3) hard steel 4) cast iron
31. Hydro metallurgy is used in the extraction 41. The copper metal is extracted from its
of 1) Carbonate ore 2) Sulphide ore
1) Cu 2) Au 3) Ag 4) All 3) Sulphate ore 4) Chloride ore
42. In the extraction of copper, the slag formed
32. Silver is displaced when zinc is added to
in the blast furnace is
aqueous sodium argento cyanide This
1) CaSiO3 2) FeSiO3
method of extracting silver is an example
3) Ca3 PO4 2 4) MnSiO3
43. In the extraction of Cu from its sulphide
1) Leaching 2) Hydro metallurgy
ore, the metal is formed by reduction of
3) Pyrometallurgy 4) Liquation
Cu2O with
33. Aluminium is obtained by the electrolysis 1) FeS 2) CO 3) Cu2 S 4) SO2
of pure Al2O3 dissolved in 44. Blister Cu is about
1) Alumina 2) Bauxite 1) 60% cu 2) 90% Cu
3) Cryolite 4) Felspar 3) 98% Cu 4) 100% Cu

Sr.Inter / Class XII 19 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



45. The impurity present in Blister copper is 54. A metal contains, metal oxide as impurity.
1) FeS 2) Cu2O 3) Cu2 S 4) FeO The method used to refine this metal is
46. Belgian process is used for the extraction 1) Poling 2) Liquation
of 3) Cupellation 4) Distillation
1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Zn 4) Fe 55. Metal refined by cupellation process is
47. Which of the following method is not used
1) Ag 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Sn
for the concentration of bauxite ore
56. Which of the following pair of metals is
1) Serpeck's method 2) Baeyer's method
purified by Van Arkel method
3) Hoope's method 4) Hall's method
48. Name the method used for the purification 1) Ga and In 2) Zr and Ti
of red bauxite where the following reaction 3) Ag and Au 4) Ni and Fe
is involved 57. 100% copper is obtained from crude copper
Al2O3.2 H 2O  Na2CO3 
1) Zone refining 2) electrorefining
2 NaAlO2  CO2  2 H 2O
1) Baeyer's method 2) Hall's method 3) liquation 4) poling
3) Serpeck's method 4) Hoope's method
49. When Bauxite is heated with NaOH
solution, the water soluble compound
formed is 1) 2 2) 2 3) 1 4) 1 5) 2 6) 3 7) 4
1) NaAlO 2 2) Na 3AlO3 8) 2 9) 1 10) 3 11)2 12)1 13)1 14)3
3) Al OH 3 4) Al2O3 15) 4 16) 3 17) 4 18) 1 19) 2 20) 3 21) 3
50. The first step involved in the purification 22) 2 23) 1 24) 1 25) 3 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1
of white bauxite by Serpeck's method is 29) 2 30) 4 31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 4 35) 4
1) Treatment of bauxite with concentrated 36) 1 37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 4 41) 2 42) 2
43) 3 44) 3 45) 2 46) 3 47) 3 48) 2 49) 1
solution of caustic soda under pressure at
50) 3 51) 1 52) 2 53) 3 54) 1 55) 1 56) 2
2) Fusion of powdered bauxite with sodium 57) 2
3) Heating of powdered bauxite with coke in
a current of nitrogen.
4) None of the above.
REFINING 1. Au occurs in native state
51. Which of the following metal is refined by 2. Zn - cannot occur in native state
distillation method
3. Least electropositive metal is Au.
1) Zinc 2) Iron
4. H 2 among H2 , CO,C,Al is weakest reducing
3) Tin 4) Copper
52. Zone refining method is used for refining
5. Magnetite - Fe3O4
1) Al 2) Ge 3) Cu 4) Fe
53. Zone refining is a method to obtain 6. Calamine - ZnCO3
1) very high temperature 2) ultra pure Al 7. Bauxite- Al2O3.2H2O
3) ultra pure metals 4) ultra pure oxides 8. Bauxite - Chief ore of Al

Sr.Inter / Class XII 20 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



10. Pyrolusite - MnO2.
17. Copper pyrites contain copper and iron metal EXERCISE - 2
19. Haematite is concentrated by hand picking
20. Earthy impurities in minerals are called gangue
1. Which of the following set of elements
22. Wolframite is the magnetic impurity mostly occur as sulphide ores ?
25. Olive oil is frothing agent 1) Zn, Cu, Na 2) Zn, Cu, Pb
26. Na2CO3 is used as conditioner. 3) Fe, Al, Ti 4) Cu, Ag, Au
27. Sodium ethyl xanthate acts as collecting agent 2. Which of the following statement is not
30. Extraction of metal from its ore is a reduction 1) Silver glance mainly contains silver sulphide
process 2) Gold is found in native state
31. Al2O3 cannot be reduced by carbon 3) Zinc blende mainly contains ZnCl2
4) Copper pyrites also contains Fe2O3
33. 2Na  Ag CN 2   Zn 
Na 2  Zn CN 4   2Ag
3. Leaching can be used for the extraction of
(Hydrometallurgy) which metals ?
(i) Pb (ii) Al ( iii ) Ag (iv) Au
34. Na 3AlF6 is used along with Al2O3
1) ( ii ) ( iii ) and (iv) 2) ( i ) ( ii ) and ( iii )
36. Both Na and Mg are extracted by electrolysis 3) ( ii) and (iv) 4) ( iii ) and (iv)
process. 4. Sulphide ores of metals are usually concen-
39. CaO  SiO 2  CaSiO 3 trated by froth floation process. Which one
of the following sulphide ores offers an
40. Pig iron is formed in Blast furnace
exception and is concentrated by chemical
41. Cast iron contains 4% carbon as impurity leaching
42. Cu 2S & CuFeS2 1) sphalerite 2) argentite
3) galena 4) copper pyrites
43. FeO  SiO 2  FeSiO3
5. The froth floatation process is used for the
45. Blister copper is 98% pure copper concentration of
46. Cu 2O is the impurity in blister Cu 1) ore having low density
47. Zn is extracted by Belgian process 2) ore having magnetic nature
3) ore having high density
48. Hoope’s process- refining of Al 4) ore having water soluble gangue
49. Hall's method
50. NaAlO 2 is formed 6. Mark the wrong statement among the
51. Heating of powdered bauxite with coke in a following. The iron ore after washing is
current of nitrogen to form AlN. roasted with a little coal in excess of air.
During roasting
52. Zn has low M.P. & B.P. 1) Moisture is removed
53. Ge - refined by zone refining 2) As and S are removed in the form of their
volatile oxides
55. Poling is used to refine metals having oxide
3) Any ferrous oxide is oxidised to ferric
impurity oxide.
56. Ag is refined by cupellation 4) The mass becomes compact and thus makes
57. Electrorefining - purification of crude Cu it suitable for ready reduction to metallic
Sr.Inter / Class XII 21 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


7. Which one of the following metals can be c) Oxide of the upper line can be reduced
obtained directly during the roasting of its by the element whose oxidation is
sulphide ore represented by the lower line. The
1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Fe 4) Ca correct statement is/are
8. Which of the following metal is obtained 1) Only a 2) Only a and b
by the reduction of metal oxide with 3) Only b and c 4) a, b and c
Hydrogen gas 13. Consider the following reactions at 10000C
1) Cu 2) Al 3) Mg 4) Fe A) Zns   O2g   ZnOs  ;  G   360 kJ mol
0 1

9. Galena (PbS) on heating in limited supply 1 1
B) C s   O 2 g   COs  ;  G   460 kJ mol
of air gives lead metal. This is known as 2
1) Smelting Choose the correct statement at 1000 C 0

2) Calcination 1) Zinc can be oxidized by CO

3) Self reduction 2) Zinc oxide can be reduced by C
4) Sulphatizing roasting 3) Both statements 1 and 2 are true
10. For which one of the following reaction, the 4) Both statements 1 and 2 are false
graph of G against T is almost horizontal 14. Carbon cannot reduce Fe2O3 to Fe at a
to temperature axis tempe-rature below 983 K because:
1) C s   O2g   CO2g  1) Free energy change for the formation of CO
2) 2C s   O2g   2COg  is more negative than that of Fe2O3
3) 2 C O s   O 2 g   2 C O 2 g  2) CO is thermodynamically more stable than
4) 2 M g s   O 2 g   2 M g O s  Fe2O3
11. At which one of the following condition, a 3) Carbon has higher affinity towards oxygen
redu-cing agent is suitable for reducing a than iron
metal oxide 4) Iron has higher affinity towards oxygen than
1) Sum of the  G values for oxidation of carbon
metal and oxidation of reductant should be 15. In the blast furnace the reaction that occurs
negative in the zone of heat absorption is
2) Sum of the  G values for oxidation of 1) C O 2  C  2 C O
metal and oxidation of reductant should be 2) Fe2 O3  3CO  2 Fe  3CO2
positive 3) C  O2  CO2
3) Sum of the  G values for reduction of metal 4) FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3
oxide and oxidation of reductant should be 16. Cast iron contains phosphorus as impurity.
negative In Bessemerisation of this cast iron, the
4) Sum of the  G values for oxidation of slag formed is
metal and reduction of reductant should be 1) FePO4 2) C a 3 P O 4 2
negative. 3) MnPO 4 4) Zn3 PO 4 2
12. Some statements about Ellingham diagram 17. Which of the following is not a correct
a) Increase in the slope of the line on +ve statement
side indicates the phase transformation 1) White cast iron contains carbon in the form
b) Metal oxide decomposes on its own of Fe3 C
at the temperature when the G 0 2) Grey cast iron contains carbon in the form
becomes positive of graphite.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 22 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



3) The quality of steel produced in Bessemer 26. Which of the following technique is used in
converter is very high the manufacture of aluminium from bauxite
4) The quality of steel produced in open hearth 1) Reduction with magnesium
process can be checked from time to time. 2) Reduction with coke
18. Puddling process is used in the manufacture 3) Electrolytic reduction
of 4) Reduction with iron
1) Wrought iron 2) Pig iron 27. In the electrolysis of alumina, cryolite is added
3) Steel 4) Cast iron to
19. The calcium phosphate slag is commer- 1) Lower the melting point of alumina
cially known as 2) Increase the electrical conductivity
1) Thomas slag 2) Baeyer's slag 3) Minimise the anode effect
3) Wohler's slag 4) Matte 4) Remove impurities from alumina
20. In the extraction of copper the smelt 28. The cathode used in the electrolytic cell
formed in the blast furnace contains during aluminium extraction is made of
1) Cu2 S + little FeS 2) Cu2 S + little FeO 1)Aluminium 2) Carbon lining
3) Cu2O + little FeS 4) Cu2O + little FeO 3) Iron 4) Steel
21. In Bessemer converter Cu2 S is converted
in to blister copper by REFINING
1) self reduction 29. In the electrolytic refining of copper, Ag
2) reduction with coke and Au are found :
3) reduction with coal gas 1) on cathode 2) on anode
4) reduction with H 2 gas 3) in the anodic mud 4) in the cathodic mud
22. The fuel used in Belgian process is 30. Ultrapure elements are obtained in the
1) Water gas 2) Producer gas following method of metal refining
3) Coke 4) Coal 1) Electrolysis 2) Poling
23. Spelter is impure form of 3) Liquation 4) Distillation
24. Observe the following statements The questions given below consist of an
regarding purification of bauxite: assertion (A) and reason (R) use the
I. During Hall's process, silica, is following key to choose the correct answer
removed as Si (vapour)
1) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
II. Bauxite ore contaminated with Fe2O3 is the correct explanation of (A)
purified in Baeyer's process.
2) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is
III. During Serpeck's process, AlN is
not the correct explanation of (A)
formed The correct answer is :
3) If (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect
1) I , II and III are correct
2) Only I and II are correct 4) If (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
3) Only I and III are correct 31. (A): All minerals are ores
4) Only II and III are correct (R): Ores are minerals from which metal
25. A mixture of White Bauxite powder and can be extracted conveniently and
coke is heated in nitrogen gas very economically
strongly. The products are 32. (A): Au , Pt , Ag etc are found in free state
1) Al 2 O 3 , C 2 N 2 2) Al  NO 3 3 , CO (R): The metals which are noble and
3) A l N,CO,Si vapour chemically less reactive are found in
4) Al 2 CO3 3 , N 2 O free state

Sr.Inter / Class XII 23 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



33. (A): Roasting is a process in which the ore
is heated in presence of air
(R): Concentration of sulphide ore is done
by calcination
34. (A): Auto reduction of ore is used for the
extraction of copper 1. Zn, Cu, Pb occures in ZnS,CuS,PbS forms
(A): The sulphide ore of copper reacts with 3. Extraction of Al, Ag and Au involves leaching
its oxide to give the metal 5. Ore has lower density in froth floatation process
35. (A): Reduction of Cr2O3 with Aluminium is
6. The mass becomes porous
(R): G f  of Cr2O3 is -540 kj/mole and
0 7. Cu 2S  2Cu 2O  6Cu  SO 2
G0f  of Al2O3 is -827 kj/mole. 8. Cu lies below hydrogen in electrochemical
36. (A): The reduction reaction, series
Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr , G 0  421KJ 9. PbS  2PbO  3Pb  SO 2
is not possible at room temperature 16. Slag - Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2
(R): Certain amount of activation energy 17. Quality is low for steel produced in Bessemer's
is essential for the reaction to make converter
it thermodynamically feasible.
18. Wrought Iron is obtained by puddling process
37. (A): At 1200K iron can reduce cuprous
19. Thomas slag - C a 3  P O 4 2
(R): At 1200K, Fe  Cu2O  FeO  2Cu 20. Cu 2S  little FeS  Matte
 G   300 kj / mole 21. Blister Cu is produced by selfreduction in
38. (A): Alumina has high conductivity Bessemer converter
(R): The mixture of alumina and cryolite 22. In Belgian Process Producer gas is used as fuel
is used for electrolytic reduction in 23. Spelter - Impure Zn
order to extract aluminium 24. Baeyer's process is used for red bauxite and
39. (A): Lead,tin and bismuth are purified by Serpeck's process for white bauxite.
liquation method.
25. A l N, CO,Si vapours are formed
(R): Lead,tin and bismuth have low m.p.
as compared to impurities. 26. Electrolytic reduction as Al is highly
40. (A): Van Arkel method is used to prepare electropositive
pure sample of titanium 27. Cryolite-Increases electrolytic conductivity
(R): Mond’s process is used to prepare 28. Carbon lining is cathode
pure sample nickel 30. Distillation method is used to obtain ultrapure

1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 2 5) 1 6) 4 7) 1
8) 1 9) 3 10) 1 11) 3 12) 4 13) 2 14) 4
15) 1 16) 2 17) 3 18) 1 19) 1 20) 1 21) 1
22) 2 23) 1 24) 4 25) 3 26) 3 27) 2 28) 2
29) 3 30) 4 31) 4 32) 1 33) 3 34) 1 35) 1
36) 1 37) 1 38)4 39)1 40) 2

Sr.Inter / Class XII 24 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



6. The most electropositive metals are
EXERCISE - 3 isolated from their ores by
(LEVEL-III QUESTIONS) 1) High temperature reduction with carbon
2) Self reduction 3) Thermal decomposition
4) Electrolysis of fused ionic salts
1. An ore of tin containing FeCrO 4 is
concentrated by 7. The oxide of a metal (R). can be reduced
1) Magnetic separation by the metal (P) and metal (R) can reduce
2) Froth floatation process the oxide of metal (Q). Then the decreasing
3) Electrostatic method order of the reactivity of metal (P), (Q) and
4) Gravity separation
(R) with oxygen is
2. The method used for the enrichment of
sulphide ores of copper is 1) P>Q>R 2) P>R>Q
1) Magnetic separation 3) R>P>Q 4) Q>P>R
2) Froth floatation process 8. Following reaction is not involved in
3) Electro refining Thermite process
4) Smelting 1) 3Mn3O4  8 Al  9 Mn  4 Al2O3
3. Froth floatation process for the concentra-
tion of sulphide ore is an illustration of the 2) Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr
practical application of 3) 2 Fe  Al2O3  2 Al  Fe2O3
1) adsorption 2) absorption
3) sedimentation 4) coagulation 4) B2O3  2 Al  2 B  Al2O3
4. Froth floatation process used for the 9. The mass ratio of Fe2O3 and Al in thermite
concentration of sulphide ore. Which of the is
following statements are correct. 1) 1 : 3 2)1 : 2 3) 3 : 1 4) 2 : 1
a) It is based on the difference in 10. The metal X is prepared by the electrolysis
wettability of different minerals of fused chloride. It reacts with hydrogen
b) Sodium ethyl xanthate, C2 H 5OCS 2 Na to form a colourless solid from which
is used as collector hydrogen gas is released on treatment with
c) NaCN is used as depressant in the water. The metal is
separation of mixture of ZnS and PbS 1) Al 2) Ca 3) Cu 4) Zn
1) (a), (b) only correct 11. From Ellingham diagram the correct
2) (b), (c) only correct statements
3) (a), (c) only correct a) 4Cu  O2  2Cu2O
4) (a), (b), (c) are correct b) 2C  O2  2CO
5. Which one of the following statements is
1) During roasting moisture is removed from the
2) The ore is freed from almost all non-metallic
3) Calcination of ore is carried out in absence
of any blast of air
4) The concentrated zinc blende is subjected
to calcination during its extraction by
Sr.Inter / Class XII 25 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


1) At temperature above t10C “Carbon” can II) In the first reaction (Formation of CO2 from
reduce Cu2O ‘C’)  S 0  0 &  G 0 remains nearly
2) At temperature below t30C “Carbon” can same, i.e it is independent of temperature
reduce ZnO III) In the second reaction, (formation of CO),
3) Reduction of Cu2O with carbon requires there is increase in entropy &
high temperature when compared with the  S 0   ve &  G 0 becomes more –ve with
reduction of ZnO by carbon increase in temperature
4) All IV) In third reaction (formation of CO2 from
12. Ellingham diagram is given below for the CO), there is a decrease in entropy
formation of some oxides. Then select the
S 0  ve & G0 becomes less –ve
correct combination
with increase in temperature
1) Only I 2) I, II only
3) I, II, III Only 4) All
14. From the graph, which is the best reducing
agent to reduce Cu2O at high temperature

1) Below T2 , Al2O3 ! 3Mg ƒ 3MgO ! 2 Al , :G 3 #ve

2) Below T3 , MgO ! CO ƒ CO2 + Mg, :G 3 #ve
3) Above T4 , Al2O3 ! 3CO ƒ 2 Al ! 3CO2 , :G 3 #ve
4) Below T1, MgO is in liquid state 1) Coke 2) CO 3) CO2 4) 1 & 2
13. Correct statement(s) regarding the graph 15. Correct statement(s) regarding the graph

1) Curves involving the formation of ZnO and

CO cross each other at about 1270 K
2) Zinc begins to boil at 1180K, hence sudden
I) Above 983K, Carbon can reduce any metal
increase in the value of G 0
oxide at high temperature and itself oxidised
3) Above 1270 K, ‘C’ can reduce ZnO
to CO 4) All

Sr.Inter / Class XII 26 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



16. Correct statements from the graph 22. If red hot steel is suddenly immersed in
water, the steel becomes :
1) soft and malleable 2) hard and brittle
3) tough and ductile 4) fibrous
23. Nitriding is a process of heating steel in
atmosphere of
1) ammonia 2) oxygen
3) carbon dioxide 4) air
24. Annealing process is
1) heating the steel bright red and then cooling
I) Above 1073K, G 0 for the formation of 2) heating the steel bright red and then cooling
Fe2O3 is less negative than G 0 for the slowly
formation of CO from carbon 3) heating the rods of iron embedded in charcoal
II) Above 1073K, Carbon can reduce Fe2O3 4) heating the rods of iron in ammonia
III) Below 1073K, CO can reduce Fe2O3 25. Stainless steel does not rust because
IV) In blast furnace, reduction of Fe2O3 occurs 1) Chromium and nickel combine with iron
in different temperature ranges with below 2) Chromium forms an oxide layer and protects
1073K by CO (or) above 1073K by iron from rusting
carbon 3) Nickel present in it, does not rust
1) Only I 2) I, II only 4) Iron forms a hard chemical compound with
3) I, II, III Only 4) All chromium present in it.
17. Refractory metals are used in construction 26. Railway wagon axles are made by heating
of furnaces because rods of Iron embeded in charcoal powder.
1) they can withstand high temperature The process is known as
2) they are chemically inert 1) case hardening 2) sheradising
3) their melting point is high 3) annealing 4) tempering
4) their melting point is low 27. When copper pyrites is roasted in excess
18. In the Bessemer Converter process, of air, a mixture of CuO + FeO is formed,
Bessemer Converter is lined with ‘X’ when FeO is present as impurity. This can be
pig iron contains phosphorus, while it is removed as slag during reduction of CuO.
lined with ‘Y’ when pig iron contains The flux added to form slag is
1) SiO2, which is an acidic flux
manganese as impurity. Here substances
2) Limestone, which is a basic flux
X and Y are 3) SiO2, which is a basic flux
1) SiO2 and SiO2 2) CaO and CaO 4) CaO, which is a basic flux
3) SiO2 and CaO 4) CaO and SiO2 28. Which of the following reaction does not
19. Pig iron has more or less same composition occur in Bessemer’s converter?
as that of 1) 2Cu 2 S  5O 2  2CuSO 4  2 CuO
1) cast iron 2) steel 3) wrought iron 4) all
20. Wrought iron is resistant to rusting and 2) 2Cu 2 S  3O2  2Cu 2 O  2 SO 2 
corrosion due to the presence of 3) 2 C uFeS 2  O 2  C u 2 S  2 FeS  SO 2
1) Cementite (Fe3C) 4) FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3
2) Low percentage of carbon
29. The most suitable method for extraction
3) CaSiO3 & FePO4 slages
of copper from low grade sulphide ore is
4) MnSiO3 & FePO4 slages
1) Smelting process
21. Which form of iron is least ductile ? 2) Hydrometallurgical process
1) Hard steel 2) Cast iron 3) Leaching process
3) Mild steel 4) Wrought iron 4) Electrolytic process

Sr.Inter / Class XII 27 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



30. Ag 2 S  NaCN  [ A] ; [ A]  Zn  [ B ] 3) Greater noble character of the solid metal
[ B ] is a metal.Hence,[A] and [B] are than that of the impurity
1) N a 2 [ Zn ( C N ) 4 ], Zn 4) Greater solubility of the impurity in the
2) Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ], Ag molten state than in the solid
3) Na 2 [ Ag ( CN ) 4 ], Ag 38. Blister copper is refined by stirring mol-
4) Na3 [ Ag (CN ) 4 ], Ag ten impure metal with green logs of wood
31. In the cyanide extraction process of silver because such a wood liberates hydrocar-
from argentite ore, the oxidising and bon gases (like CH 4 ). The process X is
reducing agents used are: called and the metal contains
1) O2 and CO respectively impurities of Y is .
2) O2 and Zn dust respectively 1) X=cupellation, Y= CuO2
3) HNO3 and Zn dust respectively 2) X=poling, Y= Cu2O
4) HNO3 and CO respectively 3) X=poling, Y=CuO
32. Tarnishing of silver is due to the formation 4) X=cupellation, Y=CuO
of 39. If a metal has low oxygen affinity then the
1) Ag2S 2) Ag2O purification of metal may be carried out by
3) AgCl 4) Ag2SO4 1) liquation 2) distillation
33. Zinc dust is obtained by
3) zone refining 4) cupellation
1) Crushing zinc metal
40. The silver is extracted by Parke’s process.
2) Burning zinc metal in air
The basis of this method is
3) Melting zinc and then atomising it with a blast of air
1) Ag is immiscible in molten Zn
4) Roasting zinc sulphide.
2) Ag is miscible in NaCN
34. Galvanization is the
3) Ag is more miscible in molten Zn than in
1) deposition of zinc on Fe
molten Pb
2) deposition of Al on Fe
4) Ag is more miscible in molten Pb in
3) deposition of tin on Fe
comparison to molten Zn
4) deposition of Cu on Fe
41. The method not used in metallurgy to refine
35. Which one of the following metals has no
the impure metal is
action with dil.H2SO4?
1) Mond’s process
1) Mg 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Cu
2) Van-Arkel process
36. In the Bayer's process of purification of
3) Amalgamation process
red bauxite leaching agent is
4) Liquation
1) NaOH 2) Na2CO3
3) NaCN 4) KCN
37. The method of zone refining of metals is 1) 1 2) 2 3) 1 4) 4 5) 4 6) 4 7) 2
based on the principle of 8) 3 9) 3 10) 2 11) 1 12) 1 13) 4 14) 1
1) Greater mobility of the pure metal than that 15) 4 16) 4 17) 1 18) 4 19) 1 20) 4 21) 2
of impurity 22) 2 23) 1 24) 2 25) 2 26) 1 27) 1 28) 3
29) 2 30) 2 31) 2 32) 1 33) 3 34) 1 35) 4
2) Higher melting point of the impurity than that
36) 1 37) 4 38) 2 39) 4 40) 3 41) 3
of the pure metal

Sr.Inter / Class XII 28 CHEMISTRY Vol-II





5. Concentrated ZnS is roasted.
1. Match the ores of List-I with their compo-
6. They have low SRP values. sition in List - II.
10. Ca is obtained by the electrolysis of CaCl2 List-I List - II
fused A) Malachite p) Sulphide of copper
CaH2 + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + 2H2 B) Azurite q) Sulphide of Iron
20. Due to the presence of MnSiO3 and FePO4 as C) Chalcopyrites r) Oxide of copper
impurities (slag) wrought iron is resistant to D) Cuprite s) Ore containing
rusting and corrosion. carbonate of copper
21. Cast iron is extremely hard but brittle and thus 2. Match list -I with List - II
is least ductile. A) Magnesite p) Ore of magnesium
25. In stainless steel, Cr forms an oxide layer and B) Dolamite q) Ore of Aluminium
protects Fe from rusting. C) Corundum r) Oxide ore
26. Heating rods of iron or steel embedded in D) Bauxite s) Carbonate ore
charcoal powder is known as case hardening. 3. Match list -I with List - II
27. FeO (being basic) combines with silica( SiO2) A) PbS  PbO p) roasting
an acidic flux to give FeSiO3 slag. B) CaCO3  CaO q) calcination
FeO  SiO2  FeSiO3 C) ZnS  Zn r) carbon reduction
( Slag ) D) Cu2 S  Cu s) self reduction
29. Leaching with H2SO4 converts low grade 4. Match List -I with List - II
sulphide ore in to CuSO4. List -I List - II
CuSO4  Fe  FeSO4  Cu  A) Chromium p) Chloroplast
B) Iron q) Haemoglobin
30. Ag 2 S  4 NaCN YZZ
ZZX 2 Na[ Ag ( CN ) 2 ]  Na 2 S
C) Zinc r) Eyes of cats and cows
D) Calcium s) Prown
2 Na [ Ag ( CN ) 2 ]  Zn  Na 2 [ Zn ( CN ) 4 ]  2 Ag t) Bones
31. Ag 2 S  4 NaCN  2 Na[ Ag (CN ) 2 ]  Na2 S PARAGRAPH QUESTIONS
Na2 S is oxidised by O2 Copper is the most noble of the first row
transition metals and occurs in small deposits
4 Na2 S  2 H 2 O  5O2  2 Na2 SO4  4 NaOH  2 S
in several countries. Ores of copper include
2Na[ Ag (CN )2 ]  Zn  Na2[Zn(CN )4 ]  2 Ag
( reducing agent ) chalcanthite (CuSO 4 ,5H 2O), atacamite
35. Cu doesnot react with dil.H2SO4,but Mg,Fe,Zn (Cu Cl(OH) ), cuprite (Cu O), copper glance
2 3 2
reacts with dil.H2SO4 , by evolving H2 gas. (Cu 2S) and malachite (Cu 2 (OH) 2 CO 3).
36. Al2O3  2 NaOH  NaAlO2  H 2O However, 80% of the world copper production
 comes from the ore of chalcopyrite (CuFeS2).
leaching agent The extraction of copper from chalcopyrite
41. Amalgamation method is used for the extraction involves partial roasting, removal of iron and
of noble metals like Au, Ag from ores. self-reduction.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 29 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



5. Partial roasting of chalcopyrite produces 3. Malachite and azurite are __ ores of copper.
1) Cu2S and FeO 2) Cu2O and FeO 1) carbonate 2) oxide
3) sulphide 4) silicate
3) CuS and Fe2O3 4) Cu2O and Fe2O3
4. Which of the following is a sulphide ore?
6. Iron is removed from chalcopyrite as
1) Magnetite 2) Haematite
1) FeO 2) FeS
3) Calamine 4) Ironpyrites
3) Fe2O3 4) FeSiO3
5. Commercially important ore of lead is
7. In self-reduction, the reducing species is
1) Siderite 2) Galena
1) S 2) O2- 3) S2- 4) SO2
3) Sphalerite 4) Haematite
6. Which of the following differs from others?
1) Chalcopyrites 2) Fool’s gold
3) Calamine 4) Sphalerite
1) (A)  (s); (B)  (s); (C)  (p,q) (D)  (r) 7. Which of the following is not a hydrated
2) (A)  (p,s);(B)  (p,s) ; (C)  (q,r) (D)  (q,r) oxide mineral ?
3) (A)  (p); (B)  (q) ; (C)  (p,r) (D)  (p,s) 1) Bauxite 2) Corundum
4) (A)  (s); (B)  (p,q) ; (C)  (r) (D)  (t) 3) Diaspore 4) Gibsite
5) 2 6) 4 7) 3 8. The salt which is least likely to be found in
mineral is
1) Chloride 2) Sulphate
3) Nitrate 4) Sulphide
5. 2CuFeS2 + O2  Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2.  9. Identify the correct match
2Cu2S+3O2  2Cu2O + 2SO2  1) Leaching :Ag andAu
2FeS + 3O2  2FeO + 2SO2  2) Hydraulic Washing : Sulphide ores
6. FeO + SiO2  FeSiO3 3)Frothfloatation : Oxide and Carbonate ores
(slag) 4) Magnetic separation : Silicates
7. Cu2S + 2Cu2O  6Cu + SO2  10. Identify the non-magnetic mineral from the
(blister copper) following.
S2-  S4+ is oxidation, i.e., S2- is reducing agent 1) SnO2 2) TiO2
3) FeWO4 4) FeO.Cr2O3
11. Which of the following is used for the sepa-
ration of ZnS and PbS during the froth
floa-tation process?
1) KCl 2) KCN 3) NH4NO3 4) None
EXERCISE - 1 12. Mac Arthur process is used for
1) Ag 2) O2 3) Fe 4) Cl
13. Identify the incorrect statement from the
1. The chief constituent and impurity of the following in froth floatation method
gemstone ‘Ruby’ respectively are 1) Froth carries the mineral particles
1) Al2O3 and Cu 2) Al2O3 and Cr 2) Froth carries the gangue particles
3) CrO3 and Cu 4) Cr2O3 and Al 3) Froth collectors enhance the non-wettability
2. The most abundant ore of iron is of the mineral particles with water
1) haematite 2) limonite 4) The mineral particles become wet by oils
3) magnetite 4) siderite while gangue particles become wet by
Sr.Inter / Class XII 30 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


14. Which of the following is a froth stabilizer 24. Ag2S ore is mixed with NaCl and heated in
in the froth floatation process ? the presence of air then products formed
1) Fatty acids 2) Aniline are
3) Pine oil 4) Xanthates 1) AgCl + Na2SO4 2) AgCl + Na2S
15. Which of the following acts as “activator” 3) AgCl + SO2 4) Ag + SO2
in the froth floatation process? 25. At the point of intersection for any two
1) KCN 2) NaCN reactions in Ellingham diagram, the Gibbs
3) Sodium ethyl Xanthate 4) Copper sulphate energy ( G ) change becomes
16. Bauxite ore is made up of Al2O3 + SiO2 + 1) > 1 2) 1 3) < 0 4) 0
TiO2 + Fe2O3. This ore is treated with 26. Which of the following statements is
conc.NaOH solution at 500 K and 35 bar correct?
pressure for few hours and filtered hot. In 1) The rate of reaction cannot be understood
the filtrate, the species present are from Ellingham diagram
1) NaAl(OH)4 only 2) Na2Ti(OH)6 only 2) During the formation of metal oxide S
3) NaAl(OH)4 and Na2SiO3 both becomes negative and G becomes
4) Na2SiO3 only positive resulting in positive slope
3) There is an abrupt change in the slope of
Ellingham line when change in phase
17. To which of the following ores,calcination
( s  l ) or (l  g ) takes place.
process is not applicable.
4) All the above
1) ZnS 2) Al2O32H2O
27. Which one of the following forms of iron is
3) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 4) CaCO3
called Malleable iron ?
18. Roasting is carried out in case of
1) Wrought iron 2) Cast iron
1) Iron pyrites 2) Galena
3) Pig iron 4) Spiegel
3) Copper glance 4) All
28. In the metallurgy of copper, blister copper
19. Which among the following is a basic flux
is obtained from
1) Borax 2) CaO 3) SiO2 4) P2O5
1) Bessemer converter
20. Which among the following is a acidic flux
2) Reverberatory furnace
1) SiO2 2) MgCO3
3) Blast furnace 4) Electrolytic tank
3) CaCO3 4) Fe2O3
29. When the sample of copper with Zn impu-
21. Roasting of copper ore is carried out in
rity is to be purified by electrolysis, the
which of the following furnace ?
appropriate electrode are
1) Reverberatory furnace
Cathode Anode
2) Blast furnace
1) Pure copper Impure sample
3) Either reverberatory furnace or blast furnace
4) Neither 1 nor 2 2) Pure Zinc Pure copper
22. Smelting is usually carried out in 3) Impure sample Pure copper
1) Open hearth furnace 2) Blast furnace 4) Impure Zinc Impure sample
3) Electric furnace 4) Muffle furnace 30. In Belgian process, for reduction of ZnO
23. In oxidising roasting of ZnS, products are to Zn reductant is
1) ZnO + ZnSO4 + SO2 2) ZnCl2 1)Water gas 2) Coal or Coke
3) ZnO + SO2 4) Zn + SO2 3) Al 4) H2

Sr.Inter / Class XII 31 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



31. Which of the following statements with 39. Van Arkel method of purification of metals
respect to electrochemical principles of involves converting the metal to a
metallurgy are not correct ? 1) Volatile stable compound
1) In simple electrolysis, the M n  ions are 2) Non-volatile stable compound
discharged at positive electrodes 3) Volatile unstable compound
2) More reactive metals have large negative 4) None of the above
values of the electrode potential, thus their 40. The metal for which, its property of
reduction is difficult formation of volatile complex is taken into
3) Positive E0, results in negative G , the account for its extraction is
reaction would be spontaneous, thus less 1) Nickel 2) Iron
reactive metal will come out of the solution 3) Cobalt 4) Vanadium
and more reactive metal will go into the 41. Zone refining is based on the principle of
solution. 1) fractional distillation
4) If, for a cell, E0 is negative, the value of 2) fractional crystallisation
G for the cell reaction would be +ve and 3) partition coefficient
the reaction would not be feasible. 4) chromatographic separation
32. Which of the following products is not formed
at the anode in the Hall - Heroult electrolysis
1) CO2 2) O2 3) Cl2 4) F2
33. In the extraction of iron in the blast 1) 2 2) 1 3) 1 4) 4 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2
furnace, the reducing agent for the ore is 8) 3 9) 1 10) 1 11) 2 12) 1 13) 2 14) 2
1) Carbon monoxide 2) Carbon dioxide 15) 4 16) 3 17) 1 18) 4 19) 2 20) 1 21) 1
3) Carbon 4) Silica
34. The common method of extraction of metal 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 4 26) 4 27) 1 28) 1
from oxide ore is 29) 1 30) 2 31) 1 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1
1) reduction with carbon 2) reduction with Al 36) 3 37) 1 38) 1 39) 1 40) 1 41) 2
3) reduction with H2
4) electrolytic method
35. Tin and lead can be refined by
1) Liquation 2) Cupellation
3. Malachite: CuCO3 .Cu OH 2
3) Poling 4) Bessemerisation
36. Silver containing lead as an impurity is purified Azurite : 2CuCO3.Cu OH 2
by (these are carbonate ores)
1) Poling 2) Distillation 4. Iron pyrites: FeS2
3) Cupellation 4) Levigation 6. Calamine is a carbonate ore but others are
37. Which of the following methods is useful sulphide ores
for separating pure forms of low melting 7. Corundum : Al2O3
metals? 10. SnO2 is a non magnetic mineral
1) Liquation 2) Distillation 11. KCN can be used as a depressant in the
3) Poling 4) Vapour phase refining separation of ores of ZnS and PbS
38. The metal that is purified by ‘poling’ method 14. Aniline is a froth stabilizer
is 15. CuSO4 is an activator in the froth floatation
1) Copper 2) Silver 3) Aluminium 4) Iron

Sr.Inter / Class XII 32 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



16. Al2O3.2H2O  2NaOH  H2O  2Na[ Al (OH )4 ] CONCENTRATION OF THE ORE
Sodium aluminate (soluble)
4. When ZnS and PbS minerals are present
SiO2  2 NaOH  Na2 SiO3  H 2O together, NaCN is added to separate them
17. ZnS undergoes roasting in froth floatation process because :
19. CaO is a basic flux, while others are acidic flux
20. SiO2 is acidic flux 1) Pb(CN)2 is precipitated while there is no
effect on ZnS
23. 2ZnS  3O2  2ZnO  2SO2
2) ZnS forms soluble complex, Na2[Zn(CN)4]
24. Ag 2 S  2 NaCl  2O2  2 AgCl  Na2 SO4 3) PbS forms soluble complex, Na2[Pb(CN)4]
27. Wrought iron is a malleable iron
4) both (1) and (2)
29. In electrolytic refining, the impure metal is made
anode while a thin sheet of pure metal acts as a 5. Chemical leaching is useful in the
cathode concentration of
30. ZnO  C  Zn  CO 1) copper pyrites 2) bauxite
32. Cl2 is not formed in the Hall-Heroult electrolysis 3) galena 4) cassiterite
process 6. Name the metal M which is extracted on
500  970 K
33. Fe2O3  3CO   2 Fe  3CO2 the basis of following reactions:
( Spongyiron )
4 M  8 NaCN  2 H 2O  O2 
35. Sn and Pb are refined by liquation 4 NaM (CN ) 2  4 NaOH
36. Cupellation is useful when the metal 2 NaM (CN ) 2  Zn  Na2 Zn(CN ) 4  2M
possesses,easily oxidisable impurities of other
1) Au or Ag 2) Hg 3) Ni 4) Fe
metals .Pb is easily oxidisable impurity
7. Native silver metal forms a water soluble
37. Liquation is used for refining the metals having
low melting points complex with a dilute aqueous solution of
38. Cu2O impurity in a blister copper is removed NaCN in the presence of :
by poling 1) Nitrogen 2) Oxygen
40. 330  350 K 3) Carbon dioxide 4) Argon
Ni  4CO   Ni (CO) 4
450  470 K
Ni (CO) 4   Ni  4CO
Pure metal 8.
Out of Cu2S, HgS, Ag2S and ZnS roasting
will convert the minerals in to metal in case
1) Cu2S, ZnS 2) HgS, ZnS
3) Cu2S, Ag2S 4) HgS
INTRODUCTION 9. Ellingham Diagram is useful
1. The most electropositive metal among the 1) To know the temperature where phase
following is transformation occurs
1) Zn 2) Fe 3) Ca 4) Na 2) To know the temperature where metal
2. Lodstone used by ancient mariners to find oxide decompose on its own
the direction is 3) To select suitable reducing agent for
1) Fe2O3 2) Fe3O4 3) Fe 4) FeS2 reduction of metal oxide
3. Which of the following is called philo 4) All of these
sopher’s wool ? 10. The metal which can not be extracted by
1) CuFeS2 2) ZnO smelting process
3) ZnS 4) ZnCO3 1) Zn 2) Al 3) Pb 4) Fe

Sr.Inter / Class XII 33 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



11. G 0 vs T plot in Ellingham diagram slopes 18. Near the top of the blast furnace, iron
downward for the reaction ? oxides are reduced to spongy iron by
1 1) C 2) CO
1) Mg  O2  MgO 3) CO 4) CaCO3
2 2

1 19. Which of the following has lowest

2) 2 Ag  O2  Ag 2O percentage of carbon?
1 1 1) cast iron 2) wrought iron
3) C  O2  CO 4) CO  O2  CO2
2 2 3) steel 4) all have same percentage
12. According to Ellingham diagram, the 20. Which one of the following elements is
oxidation reaction of carbon and carbon present as a major impurity in pig iron ?
monoxide may be used to reduce which one
1) graphite 2) oxygen
of the following oxides at the lowest
3) sulphur 4) silicon
21. Spiegeleisen is an alloy of
1) Al2O3 2) Cu2O 3) MgO 4) ZnO
1) Fe,Mn,C 2) Fe,Mg,C
13. The function of flux during the smelting of 3) Mn,C,Zn 4) Fe,Mn,Mg
the ore is
22. Incorrect statement about the manufacture
1) to make the ore porous
of steel from pig iron is
2) to facilitate reduction
1) The quality of steel manufactured in open
3) to remove gangue
4) to facilitate oxidation hearth process is very high
2) The composition of steel can be controlled
14. The process of converting hydrated
in Bessemer process
alumina in to anhydrous alumina is called:
3) Iron ore, scrap iron and low grade pig iron
1) Roasting 2) Smelting
can not be used in Bessemer process
3) Dressing 4) Calcination
4) Loss of iron due to slag formation is
15. Which of the following processes involves minimised in open hearth process
smelting ?
23. Roasting of copper pyrites is done:
1) ZnCO3  Heat
 ZnO  CO2 1) to remove moisture and volatile impurities
2) 2 PbS  3O2  Heat
 2 PbO  2 SO2 2) to oxidise free sulphur
3) to decompose pyrites in to Cu 2 S and FeS
3) Al2O3 .2 H 2O  Heat
 Al2O3  2 H 2O
4) for all of the above
4) Fe2O3  3C  Heat
 2 Fe  3CO 24. Heating mixture of Cu2O and Cu2S will
16. In Thermite process, the reducing agent
1) Cu + SO2 2) Cu + SO3
3) CuO + CuS 4) Cu2SO3
1) C 2) Zn 3) Na 4) Al
25. The final step for the extraction of copper
17. To obtain chromium from chromic oxide
from copper pyrites in Bessemer converter
(Cr2O3 ) , the method used is :
involves the reaction
1) Carbon reduction 1) Cu2 S  2 FeO  2Cu  2 Fe  SO2
2) Carbon monoxide reduction 2) Cu2 S  2Cu2O  6Cu  SO2
3) Alumino thermic 3) 4Cu2O  FeS  8Cu  2 FeSO4
4) Electrolytic reduction 4) 2Cu2O  FeS  4Cu  Fe  SO2

Sr.Inter / Class XII 34 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



26. Bessemerisation is carried out for
I) Fe II) Cu III) Al IV) Ag
1) I, II 2) II ,III 3) III , IV 4) I, III
27. Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved
1) electrolytic reduction
2) roasting followed by reduction with carbon 1. Na is most electropositive metal
3) roasting followed by reduction with another 3. ZnO is philosopher’s wool
5. Bauxite ore contains ferric oxide, silica etc
4) roasting followed by self reduction
impurities. When the powdered ore is digested
28. Impurities in the Zinc spelter are
with an aqueous solution of NaOH the alumina
1) Ag and Au 2) Cd and Pd
dissolves while impurities are insoluble in
3) Cd and Pb 4) Cd ,As and Au
29. The chief impurity present in red bauxite
is 6. Au and Ag are extracted by this method.
1) SiO2 2) Fe2O3 3) K2SO4 4) NaF
7. 4 Ag  8NaCN  2H2O  O2  4Na[ Ag(CN )2 ]  4NaOH
8. The HgS undergoes oxidation with evolution
30. Silver is refined by cupellation process the
of SO2. The HgO thus formed decomposes
process removes the impurity of :
1) Cu 2) Au 3) Pb 4) Pt immediately at (3000C) to give mecury vapours
31. Which method of purification is 2 HgS  3O2  2 HgO  2SO2
represented by the following equation ?
0 0
2 HgO  2 Hg  O2
N i  4 C O  7
0 C
 N i ( C O ) 4  1  N i  4 C O
80 C

1) Van Arkel 2) Zone refining 14. During calcination water is removed from
3) Mond 4) Cupellation hydrated oxide
32. Which one of the following is true in 15. Reduction of ore to the molten metal
electrolytic refining?
1) impure metal is made cathode 17. Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr + heat energy
2) impure metal is made anode (it is alumino thermic process)
3) impure metal is made cathode and pure metal
as anode 18. CO reduce iron oxide to iron
4) both electrodes must be of pure metal 24. 2Cu2O  Cu2 S  6Cu  SO2
(auto reduction)
25. Self reduction takes place

1) 4 2) 2 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 1 7) 2 28. Lead, iron , cadmium, arsenic etc are present

8) 4 9) 4 10) 2 11) 3 12) 2 13) 3 14) 4 as impurities in Zinc spelter
15) 4 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 19) 2 20) 1 21) 1 30. The impurity of lead present in Ag is removed
22) 2 23) 4 24) 1 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 3 by Cupellation process.
29) 2 30) 3 31) 3 32) 2

Sr.Inter / Class XII 35 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



7. The smog is essentially caused by the
presence of (AIEEE-2004)
1) O2 and O3 2) O3 and N2
3) Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
1. The metal extracted by leaching with a
cyanide is (AIEEE-2002) 4) O2 and N2
1) Mg 2) Ag 8. During the process of electrolytic refin-
3) Cu 4) Na ing of copper, some metals present as
2. Aluminium is extracted by the electroly- impurity settle as 'anode mud'. These are
sis of (AIEEE-2002) (AIEEE-2005)
1) bauxite 2) alumina 1) Sn and Ag 2) Pb and Zn
3) alumina mixed with molten cryolite 3) Ag and Au 4) Fe and Ni
4) molten cryolite
3. Cyanide process is used for the extrac- 9. Heating mixture of Cu2O and Cu2S will
tion of (AIEEE-2002) give (AIEEE-2005)
1) barium 2) aluminium 1) Cu + SO2 2) Cu + SO3
3) boron 4) silver 3) CuO + CuS 4) Cu2 + SO3
4. When the sample of copper with zinc 10. Identify the wrong statements in the
impurity is to be purified by electrolysis, following : (AIEEE-2008)
the appropriate electrodes are
1) Chlorofluorocarbons are responsible for
ozone layer depletion
Cathode Anode
2) Greenhouse effect is responsible for
1) pure zinc pure copper global warming
2) impure sample pure copper 3) Ozone layer does not permit infrared
3) impure zinc impure sample radiation from the sun to reach the earth
4) pure copper impure sample 4) Acid rains is mostly because of oxides of
5. When rain is accompanied by a thunder- nitrogen and sulphur.
storm, the collected rain water will have
a pH value (AIEEE-2003) 11. Which of the following factors is of non
significance for roasting sulphide ores to
1) slightly higher than that when the thunder- the oxides and not subjecting the sulphide
storm is not there ores to carbon reduction directly ?
2) uninfluenced by occurrence of thunder- (AIEEE-2008)
storm 1) Metal sulphide are thermodynamically
3) which depends on the amount of dust in more stable than CS2
air 2) CO2 is thermodynamically more stable than
4) slightly lower than that of rain water CS2
without thunderstorm. 3) Metal sulphides are less stable than the
6. Which one of the following ores is best corresponding oxides
concentrated by froth-floatation ? 4) CO2 is more volatile than CS2
12. Which method of purification is repre-
1) Magnetite 2) Malachite sented by the following equation
3) Galena 4) Cassiterite (AIEEE-2012)
Sr.Inter / Class XII 36 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


Ti(s) +2I2(g) 

Til4(g) 
Ti(s) +2I2(g) tively. This water is unsuitable for drink-
ing due to high concentration of
1) Zone refining 2) Cupellation (JEE MAIN-2016)
3) Poling 4) Van Arkel 1) Iron 2) Fluoride
13. The gas leaked from a storage tank of 3) Lead 4) Nitrate
the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal gas
17. Which one of the following ores is best
tragedy was (JEE MAIN-2013)
concentrated by froth floatation method
1) Methylisocyanate 2) Methylamine (JEE MAIN-2016)
3) Ammonia 4) Phosgene 1) Malachite 2) Magnetite
14. Which series of reactions correctly rep- 3) Siderite 4) Galena
resents chemical relations related to iron
18. A water sample has ppm level concentra-
and its compound ? (JEE MAIN-2014)
tion of following anions
1) Fe 
O 2 .heat
 Fe3O 4 
CO.600 C
 F  = 10;SO 42  = 100;NO 3 = 50
0 The anion/anions that make/makes the
FeO 
CO.700 C
 Fe water sample unsuitable for drinking is/
2) Fe 
dil H 2SO 4
 Fe3SO 4 
H 2SO 4 ,O 2
 are (JEE MAIN-2017)
1) Only NO 3 2) only SO 24
Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 
3) only F–
3) Fe 
O 2 , heat
FeO 
dil H 2SO 4
 4) both SO 24 and NO 3
FeSO 4 
Fe 19.When metal ‘M’ is treated with NaOH, a
4) Fe 
Cl ,heat
FeCl3 
 FeCl2 
 Fe white gelatinous precipitate ‘X’ is obtained,
which is soluble in excess of NaOH. Com-
15. Assertion (A) : Nitrogen and Oxygen are pound ‘X’ when heated strongly gives an
the main components in the atmosphere but oxide which is used in chromatography as
these do not react to form oxides of nitrogen. an adsorbent. The metal ‘M’ is:
Reason (R) : The reaction between nitrogen (JEE MAIN-2018)
and oxygen requires high temperature. 1) Ca 2) AI 3) Fe 4) Zn
(JEE MAIN-2015) 20. Hall-Heroult's process is given by:
1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and (JEE MAIN-2019)
the reason is the correct explanation for 1) Cu (aq )  H 2 ( g )  Cu ( s )  2 H  (aq )

the assertion.
2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but 2) Cr2O3  2 Al  Al2O3  2Cr
the reason is the not correct explanation 3) 2 Al2O3  3C  4 Al  3CO2
for the assertion.
4) ZnO  C Coke ,1673 K
Zn  CO
3) The assertion is incorrect, but the reason
21. The reaction that does NOT define
is correct.
calcination is: (JEE-MAIN-2019)
4) Both the assertion and reason are incor- 
rect. 1) 2Cu2 S  3O2   2Cu2O  2 SO2
16. The concentration of fluoride, lead, ni- 2) CaCO3  MgCO3  
 CaO  MgO  2CO2
trate and iron in a water sample from an 
3) ZnCO3   ZnO  CO2
underground lake was found to be 1000
ppb, 40 ppb, 100ppm and 0.2ppm, respec- 4) Fe2O3  XH 2O  
 Fe2O3  XH 2O

Sr.Inter / Class XII 37 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



22. In the Hall-Heroult process, aluminium is 29. Assertion: For the extraction of iron,
formed at the cathode. The cathode is haematite ore is used.
made out of: (JEE-MAIN-2019) Reason: Haematite is a carbonate ore of
1) Copper 2) Platinum iron. (JEE-MAIN-2019)
3) Carbon 4) Pure aluminium 1) Only the reason is correct.
23. Match the ores (column A) with the
2) Both the assertion and reason are correct
metals (column B): (JEE-MAIN-2019)
and the reason is the correct explanation for
Column-A Column-B
the assertion.
(I) Siderite (a) Zinc
3) Only the assertion is correct.
(II) Kaolinite (b) Copper
(III) Malachite (c) Iron 4) Both the assertion and reason are correct,
(IV) Calamine (d)Aluminium but the reason is not the correct explanation
1) ( I )  (c); ( II )  (d ); ( III )  (b); ( IV )  (a ) for the assertion.
30. The idea of froth floatation method came
2) ( I )  (a ); ( II )  (b); ( III )  (c ); ( IV )  ( d )
from a person X and this method is related
3) ( I )  (b); ( II )  (c); ( III )  (d ); ( IV )  (a )
to the process Y of ores, X and Y,
4) ( I )  (c); ( II )  ( d ); ( III )  (a ); ( IV )  (b) respectively, are: (JEE-MAIN-2019)
24. The pair that does NOT required 1) fisher woman and concentration
calcination is: (JEE-MAIN-2019) 2) washer man and reduction
1) Fe2O3 and CaCO3  MgCO3 3) washer woman and concentration
4) fisher man and reduction
2) ZnCO3 and CaO
31. The correct statement is:
3) ZnO and Fe2O3  xH 2O (JEE-MAIN-2019)
4) ZnO and MgO 1) leaching of bauxite using concentrated
25. With respect to an ore, Ellingham NaOH solution gives sodium aluminate and
diagram helps to predict the feasibility of sodium silicate
its (JEE-MAIN-2019) 2) the blistered appearance of copper during
1) Vapour phase refining the metallurgical process is due to the
2) Zone refining evolution of CO2
3) Electrolysis
4) Thermal reduction 3) pig iron is obtained from cast iron
26. The Mond process is used for the 4) the Hall-Heroult process is used for the
production of aluminium and iron
1) extraction of Mo (JEE-MAIN-2019)
32. Match the refining methods (Column I)
2) Purification of Ni
with metals (Column II) (JEE-MAIN-2019)
3) Purification of Zr and Ti
Column I Column II
4) Extraction of Zn
(Refining methods) (Metals)
27. The ore that contains the metal in the (I) Liquation (a) Zr
form of fluoride is: (JEE-MAIN-2019)
(II) Zone Refining (b) Ni
1) magnetite 2) sphalerite
(III) Mond Process (c) Sn
3) malachite 4) cryolite (IV) Van Arkel Method (d) Ga
28. The one that is not a carbonate is:
1) ( I )  (b); ( II )  (c); ( III )  (d ); ( IV )  (a )
2) ( I )  (b); ( II )  ( d ); ( III )  ( a ); ( IV )  (c )
1) bauxite 2) siderite
3) calamite 4) malachite 3) ( I )  (c ); ( II )  ( a ); ( III )  (b); ( IV )  ( d )
4) ( I )  (c ); ( II )  ( d ); ( III )  (b); ( IV )  (a )

Sr.Inter / Class XII 38 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



33. The alloy used in the construction of 39. Among the reactions (a) - (d), the
aircrafts is : (JEE-MAIN-2019) reaction(s) that does/do not occur in t he
1) Mg - Sn 2) Mg - Mn blast furnace during the extraction of iron
3) Mg -Al 4) Mg - Zn is/are : (JEE-MAIN-2020)
34. The correct statement is:(JEE-MAIN-2019) (a) CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3
1) zincite is a carbonate ore (b) 3Fe2O3 + CO  2Fe3O4 + CO2
2) aniline is a froth stabilizer
(c) FeO + SiO2  FeSiO3
3) zone refining process is used for the refining
of titanium 1
(d) FeO  Fe O
4) sodium cyanide cannot be used in the 2 2
metallurgy of silver 1) (c) and (d) 2) (a) and (d)
35. The idea of froth floatation method came 3) (d) 4) (a)
from a person X and this method is related
40. According to the following diagram, A
to the process Y of ores, X and Y, reduces BO2 when the temperature is :
respectively, are: (JEE-MAIN-2019) (JEE-MAIN-2020)
1) fisher woman and concentration
2) washer man and reduction
3) washer woman and concentration
4) fisher man and reduction
36. The correct statement is: (JEE-MAIN-2019)
1) leaching of bauxite using concentrated
NaOH solution gives sodium aluminate and
sodium silicate
2) the blistered appearance of copper during
1) < 1400 0C 2) > 1400 0C
the metallurgical process is due to the
3) < 1200 0C 4) > 1200 0C but < 1400 0C
evolution of CO2
3) pig iron is obtained from cast iron
4) the Hall-Heroult process is used for the
production of aluminium and iron
37. The purest form of commercial iron is
(JEE-MAIN-2020) 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4
1) scrap iron and pig iron 5) 4 6) 3 7) 3 8) 3
2) wrought iron 9) 1 10) 3 11) 1 12) 4
3) cast iron 13) 1 14) 1 15) 1 16) 4
4) pig iron 17) 4 18) 3 19) 2 20) 3
38. The refining method used when the metal 21) 1 22) 3 23) 1 24) 4
and the impurities have low and high 25) 4 26) 2 27) 4 28) 1
melting temperatures, respectively, is - 29) 3 30) 3 31) 1 32) 4
(JEE-MAIN-2020) 33) 3 34) 2 35) 3 36) 1
1) zone refining 2) liquation
37) 2 38) 2 39) 1 40) 2
3) vapour phase refining 4) distillation

Sr.Inter / Class XII 39 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



13. It is called MIC gas.

14. Fe 
O2 heat
 Fe3O 4 
FeO 

15. N2 has triple bond and O2 has double bond.

16. Permissible limit NO 3 in drinking water in less

1. Silver ore forms a soluble complex with NaCl
from which silver is precipitated using scrap than equal to 5ppm. Hence NO 3 here has
zinc. high concentration.
Ag2S + 2NaCN  Na[Ag(CN)2] 17. PbS. Sulphides are usually concentrated by
froth floatation.
2Na[Ag(CN)2]+ZnNa2 [Zn(CN)4]+2Ag 
18. Optimum value of fluoride is 5-6 ppm.
2. Alumina is mixed with cryolite in the extrac-
tion of aluminium metal.
Addition of cryolite decreases the melting point
and increases the conductivity.
3. Cyanide forms a soluble complex with silver.
Finally Ag is precipitated using zinc.
4. Pure metal always deposits at cathode.
5. The rain water after thrunderstorm contains
dissolved acid and therefore the pH is less
than rain water without thunderstorm.
6. Galena is sulphide mineral. Sulphide minerals
are usually concentrated by froth floatation
method. 20. Hall Heroult's process it given by
7. Smog is Smoke + Fog.
2 Al2O3  3C  4 Al  3CO2
Some contains mainly SO2 and NOx
21. Calcination is carried out for carbonates and
8. Crude Cu contains Au and Ag as impurities oxide ores in absence of oxygen. Roasting is
9. Self-reduction occurs upon heating a mixture carried out mainly for sulphide ores in presence
of oxide and sulphide of copper. of excess of oxygen.

2Cu2O + Cu2S  6Cu + SO2 22. In Hall Heroult process, the cathode is made
up of carbon
10. Ozone layer does not allow ultraviolet radia-
tion from sun to reach earth. 23. Siderite  FeCO3
11. Metal slphides are more stable to heat than Kaolinite  Al2 (OH ) 4 Si2O5
carbon disulphide.
12. Titanium and zirconium are refined by vapour Malachite  CuO3  Cu (OH ) 2
phase refining called Van Arkels method.
Nickel is refined by Mond's process. Calamine  ZnCO3

Sr.Inter / Class XII 40 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



24. Calcination means heating without oxygen. It is 33. Mg - Al alloy is used for construction of
not required if ore is already in oxide are aircrafts.
34. 1) Zincite is ZnO
25. Ellingham diagram helps in predicting the
feasibility of thermal reduction of ores. 2) Aniline is the forth stablizer
26. Mond's process is used for the purification of 3) Zoner refining process is not used for refining
Nickel. of "Ti'
27. Na3 AlF6  Cryolite is the fluoride ore 4) sodium cyanide cannot be used in the
Magnetite Fe3O4 metallurgy of silver

Sphalerite ZnS 35. The idea of froth floatation method came

from washerwoman and this process is
Malachite Cu (OH ) 2  CuCO3 related to concentration of sulphide ores.
28. 1. Bauxite - AlOx (OH )3 2 x 36. (a) During leaching when bauxite is treated
with concetrated NaOH, then solution
where 0  x  1
aluminate and sodium silicate is formed in the
2. Siderite - FeCO3 soluble form, whereas Fe2O3 is precipitated
3. Calamite - ZnCO3 (b) the blistered appearance of copper during
4. Malachite - CuCO3  Cu (OH ) 2 the metallurgical process is due to the
evolution of SO2
29. Assertion is correct as Haemetite ore is used
for extraction of Fe. (c) cast iron is obtained from pig iron
30. The idea of froth floatation method came
from washerwoman and this process is (d) Hall-Heroult process is used for
related to concentration of sulphide ores. production of only aluminium

31. (a) During leaching when bauxite is treated 37. Wrought iron is purest from of commercial
with concetrated NaOH, then solution iron.
aluminate and sodium silicate is formed in the
38. Liquation method is used when the melting
soluble form, whereas Fe2O3 is precipitated point of metal is less compare to the melting
(b) the blistered appearance of copper during point of the associated impurity.
the metallurgical process is due to the
39. In blast furnace (metallugy of iron) involved
evolution of SO2 reactions are
(c) cast iron is obtained from pig iron
(a) CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3
(d) Hall-Heroult process is used for
production of only aluminium (b) 3Fe2O3 + CO  2Fe3O4 + CO2
32. Liquation is used for Sn. 40. A reduces BO2 when temperature is above
Zone refining is used for Ga. 14000C because above 14000C A has more
–ve G 0 for AO2 formation than B to BO2
Mond's procedd is used for Ni.
Van arkel process is used for Zr.

Sr.Inter / Class XII 41 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



11. Among Ca, Pb, Sn, Ag, Mg, Au, Zn, Cu, Al,
Na, Hg the number of metals extracted by
pyrometallurgy are_____
12. Among Ca, Pb, Sn, Ag, Mg, Au, Zn, Cu, Al,
Na, Hg, K, the number of metals extracted by
electrometallurgy are____
13. Au  CN   H2O  O2  [ Au(CN )2 ]  OH 
INTEGER & NUMERIC VALUE in this balanced equation how many CN  ions
QUESTIONS are involved in the balanced equation?
14. In the electrolytic extraction of Al at cathode
1. The number of carbonate minerals among the Al metal and at anode F2 gas is liberated. If the
following cassiterites, siderite, Anglesite, molar ratio of Al and F2 is 2 : x, here value of is
calamine, cryolite, calcite, Magnetitie, x_____
Magnesite._______ 15. In Goldschmidt aluminothermic process, thermit
2. The different number of non-metals present in mixtures contains_______parts Fe2O3 and one
fluorapatite are_________ part Al powder?_____?
3. Number of oxide ores among Galena, 16. In the Gibbs equation at equilibrium the value
Pyrolusite, Rutile, Cinnabar, Cassiteries, of G is______
Haematite, Sphalerite, Salt petre, 17. The reaction 3CaO  2 Al  Al2O3  3Ca is
non-spontaneous. The number of electrons
4. How many of the given mineral contain silicon involved are_____
in them? Pyragyrite (Ruby silver), Kaolinite
18. Among PbO, ZnO, CaO, Al2O3, SnO2, Cr2O3,
(Chaina clay), Feldspar, Willemite, Limonite,
CuO3, HgO the oxides reduced by carbon
Mica, Beryl____
5. Number of ores that have more than one metal
or non-metal among : Horn silver, Quick silver, 19. Cu 2  Fe  Cu  Fe 2 for this reaction to
Chromite, Limonite, Chinnabr, Cryolite, calculate G 0 the formula G 0   nFE 0 is
Caliche, Diaspore, Fluorspar___ used. Here, value of n is______
6. The number of ores concentrated by froth 20. The given reaction 2Al  Cr2O3 
floation process among cassiterite, galena, zinc
blende, chromite, haematite, copper iron Al2O3  2Cr is spontaneous. The number of
pyrites________ electrons involved are_____
7. The number of ores concentrated by leading 21. In auto reduction process of copper, the part
or wet process among calamine, tinstone of cuprous sulphide is oxidsed with cuprous
bauxite, argentite, horn silver, galena, cinnabar, oxide to form a free copper metal. The
native gold. balanced equation is as follows
8. In the leaching of Ag2S with NaCN the equation Cu2 S  2Cu2O  xCu  SO2
is Ag 2 S  4 NaCN  The value of x is_______
2 Na  Ag CN 2   Na2 S . In this change in 22. The central atom in the stable volatile complex
formed in the Mond’s method has the oxidation
oxidation state of silver. number.
9. Number of ores concentrated by Levigation 23. Number of ligands in the stable volatile complex
(hydraulic washing) among pitche blende, formed during the extraction of Ni by Moud’s
tinstony, chromite, galena, copper pyrites, process?
argentite. 24. Sea water contains 1297.3g of Mg–2 per metric
10. The number of magnetic substances among : ton. How much of slaked lim in kg, must be
tinstone, wolrramite, chromite, magnetite, added to 1.0 metric ton of sea water to
pyrolusite, rutile, magnesite, sphalerite. precipitate all of the Mg2+ ion?

Sr.Inter / Class XII 42 CHEMISTRY Vol-II



25. The percentage impurity in 23 carat gold is
26. The percentage of copper in duralumin is_____
1) 5 2) 3 3) 5 4) 5 5) 5
27. The percentage of silver in German silver
is_____ 6) 3 7) 4 8) 0 9) 3 10) 4
11) 4 12) 6 13) 8 14) 3 15) 3
28. Mohr’s salt it a double salt with the formula 16) 0 17) 6 18) 3 19) 2 20) 6
FeSO4(NH4)2SO4xH2O. Here, value of x
is______ 21) 6 22) 0 23) 4 24) 4 25) 4
26) 4 27) 0 28) 6 29) 0 30) 3
29. Number of unpaired electrons in the complex 31) 3 32) 3 33) 4 35) 4 36) 3
[Ag(CN)2]– are_______
37) 4 38) 6 39) 0 40) 3
30. The nunber of silver containing compounds
among Nessler’s reagent, Tollen’s reagent,
Baeyer’s reagent, Corrosive sublimate, Horn
silver, Ruby silver, Calomel.
31. Gibbsite formula is Al2O3 .xH 2O. Here, value
of x is____ 1. The carbonate ores are siderite, azurite,
32. Gold is soluble in aqua-regia which is calamine, calcite, magnesite.
conc.HNO3 and conc.HCl in 1 : x ratio. Then
the value of x is______ 2. Fluorapatite is 3Ca3  PO4 2 .CaF2 or
33. Duralumin is an important alloy of aluminimum. Ca  PO4 6 CaF2 .
This has 95% Al and ____% copper.
3. The oxide ores are pyrolusite, rutile, cassiterite,
34. Al is amphoteric metal and liberate hydrogen
haematite and cuprite.
by reacting with both with dilute acids and
bases. 2 moles of Al metal when reacted with 4. Sillicon is present in Beryl
either acid or base, the number of moles of  3BeO. Al2O3 .6 SiO2
dihydrogen liberated is______
MiCa  K 2O.3 Al2O3 .6 SiO2 .2 H 2O
35. During the Half-Heroult process of preparing
A metal from purified bauxite, if 3 moles of O2 Zn2 SiO4  will mite; Feld spar  KAlSi3O8 .
is formed at anode the number of moles of Al
formed at cathode is______ China clay  Al2O3 . 2SiO2 .2 H 2O (or)
36. The value of ’n ’ in the molecular formula  Al2 OH 4 Si2O6  sillicon is not present in
Ben Al2 Si6 98 is_____
Limonite  2 Fe2O3 .3H 2O; pyrargyrite (Ruby
37. In blue vitriol the number of water molecules
directly bonded to Cu2+ ion are____ silver)  3 Ag 2 S3 Sb2 S3 .
38. The number of oxide ores among Rutile, beryl, 5. Chromite  Fe2Cr2O4 , Limonite  Fe2O3.3H2O,
Tinstone, Pyrolusite, Chromite, Corundum,
Chalcosite, Gypsum, Cryolite, Feldspar and cryolite  Na3 AlF6 , caliche  NalO3 ,
pitche blende______
39. In German silver the percentage of silver Diaspore  Al2O3.H 2O .
is_____ 6. Galena, zinc blende and copper iron pytites are
40. How many of the following metals can be concentrated by froth floation method.
7. Bauxite, hornsilver, native gold, tinstone.
refined by vapour phase refining? 8. In this reaction oxidation state of silver is zero.
Zr, Zn, Cd, Hg, Ni, Co, Pt, Fe, Ti______ 9. Pitche blende, tinstone, chromite are purified
by levigation.
Sr.Inter / Class XII 43 CHEMISTRY Vol-II


10. Wolframite, chromite, magnetite, rutile (contain 23
iron impurities). 23 cart gold   100  95.83 96 
11. Conceptual Hence, % impurity is nearly 4%
12. Pb, Ag, Au, Zn, Cu, Al, Electrometallurgy is 26. Duralumin is an ally having Al(95%), Cu(4%)
the process of extraction of metals by and Mg(1%).
electrolysis of their fused salt. 27. German silver is the alloy of Cu+Zn+Ni.
13. 4 Au  8CN   2 H 2O  O2 28. Mohr’s slat formula FeSO4  NH4 2 SO4.6H2O
 29. [ Ag (CN / 2)] complex having configuration
 4  Au CN 2   4OH 
14. The molar ratio of Al and F2 is 2 : 3. of central atom (Ag) as [ Kr ]4d 10 have zero
15. In thermite mixture contains 3 parts of Fe2O3 unpaired electron.
and one part of Al. 30. Nesseler’s reagent  K 2  HgIn . Tollen’s
16. G  H  T S . At eq. G  0 

reagent  Ag  NH 3 2  , Baeyer’s reagent
0  T  T S  H  T S Alk .KMnO4 , corrosive sublimate  HgCl2 ,
17. Conceptual
Horn silver  AgCl , Rubysilver
18. PbO, ZnO and SnO2 are reduced by carbon
19. G 0   nFE 0 , n  number of electrons 3 Ag2 SSb2 S3 , calomel Hg2Cl2 .
involved 31. Gibbsite is Al2O3 .3H 2O
20. 6 electrons from 2 Al-atoms participate. 32. Gold dissolves in aqua regia i.e. HNO3 and
21. 2Cu2 S  302  2Cu2O  2SO2 HCl 1: 3 ratio.
copper pyrites 33. Duralumin is Al 95%, Cu 4%, Mg 0.5%, and
Mn 0.5%.
2Cu2O  Cu2 S  6Cu  SO2 34. 2 moles of Al = 6 equivalents Al.
22. The complex formed in the mond process is Therefore hydrogen produced is also 6
 Ni CO 4 . Let the oxidation state of N equivalents i.e. 6g = 3 moles.
35. 60 2   30 2  12e  and
bex. Therefore, x  4 0   0 ; x  0
4 Al 3  12e   4 Al.
23. Nickel is purified by Mond’s process.
This shows that for every 3 moles of oxygenn
Ni  4CO  330350 K
 Ni CO 4 4 moles Al is formed.
Impure Vapours 36. Beryl is Be3 Al2 Si6O18 . To balance the charge
450 470 K
  Ni  4CO on all atoms n  3 2n  6  24  36  0 
pure 37. In blue vitroil 4 water molecules are
coordinated to Cu 2 and one water molecule
24. Mg 2  Ca OH 2 
 Mg OH 2  Ca 2
is coordinated to SO42 ion.
24 g 7g
38. Conceptual
slaked lime required for 1297.3g Mg2+ + ion 39. German silver (Cu, Zn and Ni)
1297.3 40. Among the given metals, Zr , Ti, Ni can be
  74  4000 g  4 kg
24 refired by vapour phase refining.
25. 24 cart gold = 100% pure

Sr.Inter / Class XII 44 CHEMISTRY Vol-II

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