9A - Genetics and Evolution Part 9

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cause evolution

Natural selection 9A - Genetics and Evolution

Evolution and Natural Selection

Evolution = change in the characteristics of species over time.

- Usually happens over many generations.

- Occurs because of natural selection (also known as

environment selects people who have characteristics
“survival of the fittest.”
to survive and reproducer

Theory states that: Ex Some of us are


tall & some are short .

1. Individuals in a species show variation in physical

ex blue vs brown

characteristics. This variation is caused by genes.

2. Individuals with characteristics best suited to their environment

are more likely to survive, finding food, avoiding predators,

and resisting disease. They are more likely to reproduce and

pass their genes onto their children.

9A - Genetics and Evolution
a. Individuals that are poorly adapted to their environment

are less likely to survive and reproduce. Therefore their

genes are less likely to be passed on to the next

same species

generation. cannotadapt N p suited to the

" environment
⑦ ④ ↳

Conclusion as

time passes
will see more 13

3. Therefore, those individuals most suited to their environment and less A.

survive, and the species will gradually evolve.

As natural selection occurs → populations can also evolve into

new species (speciation).

↳ NOT only the

change in characteristics

★ Evolution usually occurs slowly over many generations.

But sometimes it can also occur rapidly.
it depends
9A - Genetics and Evolution

Who proposed that evolution occurs by natural selection?


1. Charles Darwin (1809 - 1882) Both had different
observations but came to

the same conclusion / idea .

2. Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913)

Theory of evolution by natural selection became known as Darwin’s

theory of evolution.
9A - Genetics and Evolution

How did they come up with this idea?

- Darwin wrote his ideas

into a book known as
the “On the Origin of
Species” in 1859
based on his
observations while
traveling around the
- One observation he
made was on the
Galápagos Islands on
the coast of Ecuador.
South America

Darwin observed
finches .

He looked at the Galapagos Islands and nearby islands to the Galapagos Islands .
He found that the finches were similar

BUT non -
identical .
9A - Genetics and Evolution

Darwin observed that beak shapes varied among finch species →

finches evolved based on different food sources.
Each finch adapted to local conditions ( over many generations) and this may have led to formation of a new species .

letter to Darrin about this theory of

Wallace wrote a

evolution → Darwin noticed that Wallace had the same idea →

quickly published his book !


Start making machines

1. Peppered moths - Industrial Revolution → more


↳ can camouflage better

i. version of gene

Phenotype =

9A - Genetics and Evolution
* Populations are ALWAYS changing

Natural selection is caused by

in the environment
a change
" "

Environment selects / chooses

variations that
genetic are passed
onto the next generations .

2. Giraffes long neck Food on lower tree is finished more food on upper trees .

Giraffes of many neck lengths

/ long neck p long

neck giraffes survived reproduce .

giraffes can

reach food
9A - Genetics and Evolution

3. Salton Sea - California full of fresh water become salty

originally →

most of the
fish species died out .

↳ ONLY fish
in this sea


In this sea / salty conditions
↳ 9A - Genetics and Evolution
freshwater lake

↳ If freshwater tilapia sea = die



After the sea became salty → some tilapia had genetic variation that allowed them cope

these fish reproduce has salt-tolerant fish

with the salt → → NEXT
generation more .

↳ If sea becomes saltier again . . . tilapia with genetic variation will

survive & reproduce .

equal worms

A. 2 types of worms → one worm eats during the day & one

worm eats during night .

Birds eat worms . Birds come out during the day
and rest at night When the not
worms are
eating they,
are hiding .

Natural selection is for night worms .

to survive .

against Day worms

Population evole and there will be more

night worms than day worms .

evolution natural selection

* Major mechanisms that causes -
. .

BUT there can be other
mechanisms .

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