Goodbye MR Hollywood TASKS
Goodbye MR Hollywood TASKS
Goodbye MR Hollywood TASKS
(romaji) Number
U Class
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1 Who are they? Match a number from A with a letter 4 Who said this in the story? Match a number from A
from B. with a letter from B.
1 Nick Hortz is ... 1 ‘Do you remember me? We met at a party
2 Meg Hutson is ... in Toronto.’
3 Mr Vickers is ... 2 ‘Hello, Mystery Girl, remember me?’
4 Craig Winters is ... 3 ‘Tell – tell me about this man with white
5 Anna Vickers is ... hair.’
4 ‘The police called me and I flew here at
a ... the daughter of a millionaire. once.’
b ... the real Mr Hollywood. 5 ‘You can have this table. I don’t want it.’
c ... a rich young woman who killed herself. B
d ... the man with short white hair. a Craig Winters to Nick Lortz.
e ... a travel writer. b Meg Hutson to Nick Lortz.
c Nick Lortz to the pretty girl.
20 marks d Nick Lortz to Meg Hutson.
e Howard Hutson to Meg.
2 Places in the book. Match a number from A with a
letter from B. 20 marks
1 Nick first meets Meg ... 5 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
2 Someone pushes Nick in front of a car ... a The girl in the café in Whistler told Nick
3 The man with short white hair tries to that her name was Meg.
shoot Nick ... b The man with white hair thought that Nick
4 The man with short white hair tries to was Mr Hollywood.
shoot Craig Winters ... c The man with white hair tried to shoot
5 Nick meets another pretty girl ... Nick in Whistler.
d The man with white hair followed Nick
from Whistler to Vancouver.
a ... on the way back to his hotel in Vancouver. e Nick saw a photograph of ‘Mystery Girl’ in
b ... in the tea room of the Empress Hotel. a magazine.
c ... in a village near Whistler Mountain. f After his visit to Stanley Park, Nick saw a
d ... on the ferry. letter on the window of his car.
e ... in Stanley Park. g Nick was happy after his talk with the
20 marks
h The man with white hair followed Nick to
the Empress Hotel on Vancouver Island.
3 Put the following sentences in the story in the right
i Craig Winters was in love with Anna
order. Number them 1–5.
a The man’s hand came out of his pocket
j Nick was happy to have dinner with a
– with a gun.
pretty girl on the ferry.
b ‘Oh, no!’ said Meg. ‘Look over there by the
door.’ 20 marks
c The shot went over his head.
d The teatable went over, and Nick was down
on the floor in a second.
e At the door of the tea room stood the man Total marks
with white hair.
20 marks
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
Choose the best answer. d F Craig Winters
31 to visit other countries, cities, etc. 46 Johnnie Vickers _____.
a F drive b F meet c F travel d F pull a F kills Craig Winters b F kills Nick
32 to touch someone with your mouth c F hurts Nick d F hurts Craig Winters
a F kiss b F smile c F shoot d F kill 47 ‘Craig Winters’ told Anna Vickers that his name
33 a lot of people was _____.
a F busy b F crowd c F pair a F Craig Windser b F Carl Winters
d F hundred c F Charles Windsor d F Carl Windser
34 to move something away from you with your 48 Meg gave Craig Winters _____ thousand
hands dollars.
a F pull b F shout c F scream d F push a F twenty-five b F fifty c F seventy-
35 something you cannot understand five d F a hundred
a F story b F maybe c F guy 49 Johnnie Vickers’ daughter died because _____.
d F mystery a F Nick left her b F she didn’t have any
36 to show where something is with your finger money c F Carl Windser left her
a F point b F push c F pull d F turn d F she didn’t like Mr Hollywood
37 a film at a cinema 50 In the end _____.
a F programme b F movie a F Nick falls in love with Meg b F Nick
c F magazine d F ferry decides not to talk to another pretty girl
38 a metal thing that people use to kill other people c F Nick is very hungry d F Nick falls in love
a F gun b F guy c F noise d F shoot with the girl on the ferry
39 to try to give the correct answer if you don’t
20 marks
know it
a F feel b F guess c F hit d F remember
40 to go after someone or something Total marks
a F fall b F fly c F follow d F find
20 marks
Choose the best answer.
41 Nick first meets Jan _____.
a F at a café b F in a cinema c F at the
seaside d F at a party