Object Tracking in Video Scenes
Object Tracking in Video Scenes
Object Tracking in Video Scenes
Object tracking can be defined as the process of segmenting an object of interest from a
video scene and keeping track of its motion, orientation, occlusion etc. in order to extract useful
Object tracking in video processing follows the segmentation step and is more or less
equivalent to the ‘recognition’ step in the image processing. Detection of moving objects in
video streams is the first relevant step of information extraction in many computer vision
applications, including traffic monitoring, automated remote video surveillance, and people
tracking. There are basically three approaches in object tracking. Feature-based methods aim at
extracting characteristics such as points, line segments from image sequences, tracking stage is
then ensured by a matching procedure at every time instant. Differential methods are based on
the optical flow computation, i.e. on the apparent motion in image sequences, under some
regularization assumptions. The third class uses the correlation to measure interimage
displacements. Selection of a particular approach largely depends on the domain of the problem.
Seminar Report
designed to monitor the movements in an area, identify the moving objects and report
any doubtful situation. The system needs to discriminate between natural entities and
2. Robot vision: In robot navigation, the steering system needs to identify different
obstacles in the path to avoid collision. If the obstacles themselves are other moving
cameras. Any vehicle that breaks the traffic rules or is involved in other illegal act can
Many researchers have tried various approaches for object tracking. Nature of the
technique used largely depends on the application domain. Some of the research work done in
used for video capturing. They have discussed the block matching technique for
distribution matrix. Based on the model, image registration step is carried out.
The registered image is then compared with the background to track the moving
object [6].
consisting of multiple cameras. They use object features gathered from two or
more cameras situated at different locations. These features are then combined for
4. One simple feature based object tracking method is explained by Yiwei Wang,
John Doherty and Robet Van Dyck. The method first segments the image into
foreground and background to find objects of interest. Then four types of features
are gathered for each object of interest. Then for each consecutive frames the
The one that satisfies certain threshold conditions is selected as the position of the
5. Çiˇgdem Eroˇglu Erdem and Bülent San have discussed a feedback-based method
evaluation measures for tracking are placed in a feedback loop to track nonrigid
Camera modeling
etc. Boundary detection finds out edges in the image. Any differential operator can be used
for boundary detection [1,2]. Thresholding is the process of reducing the grey levels in the
image. Many algorithms exist for thresholding [1,2]. Refer [2] for connected component
labeling algorithms.
Seminar Report
Foreground extraction
As the name suggests this is the process of separating the foreground and background of
the image. Here it is assumed that foreground contains the objects of interest. Some of the
Use of difference images In this method we use subtraction of images in order to find objects
that are moving and those that are not. The result of the subtraction is viewed as another grey
image called difference image. Three types of difference images are defined [1].
A gap-mountain method described in [3] can then be applied to identify image blocks that
are moving and those that are not moving. The gap-mountain method works as follows- Consider
a difference image shown in the adjacent figure. A gap is a sequence of consecutive black pixels
row is greater than a preset threshold then we assume that a moving object is present in that row.
Similar technique is the algorithm proceeds by dividing the image into smaller sub images (or
sub matrices) until each sub matrix contains exactly one object. In the adjacent figure by
From the discussion, it can be seen that object tracking has many useful applications in
the robotics and computer vision fields. Several researchers have explored and implemented
different approaches for tracking. The success of a particular approach depends largely on the
problem domain. In other words, a method that is successful in robot navigation may not be
equally successful in automated surveillance. Further there exists a cost/performance trade off.
For real time applications we may need a fast high performance system on the other hand offline
applications we may use a relatively cheap (and slower in performance). It can also be seen from
the diverse nature of the techniques used that the field has a lot of room for improvement.