Engineering and Technology Journal: Hadeel N. Abdullah, Nuha H. Abdulghafoor

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Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A (2020), No.

02, Pages 246-245

Engineering and Technology Journal

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Automatic Objects Detection and Tracking Using FPCP, Blob

Analysis and Kalman Filter

Hadeel N. Abdullah a*, Nuha H. Abdulghafoor b

Electrical Engineering Dept. University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
Electrical Engineering Dept., University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
*Corresponding author.
Submitted: 21/05/2019 Accepted: 31/08/2019 Published: 25/02/2020


Object Detection, Object Object detection and tracking are key mission in computer visibility
Tracking, Fast Principle applications, including civil or military surveillance systems. However,
Component Purist there are major challenges that have an effective role in the accuracy of
(FPCP), Blob Analysis, detection and tracking such as the ability of the system to track the target
Kalman Filter and the response speed of the system in different environments as well as
the presence of noise in the captured video sequence. In this proposed
work, a new algorithm to detect moving objects from video data is
designed by the Fast Principle Component Purist (FPCP). Then, we used
an ideal filter that performs well to reduce noise through the
morphological filter. The Blob analysis is used to add smoothness to the
spatial identification of objects and their areas, and finally, the detected
object is tracked by Kalman Filter. The applied examples demonstrated
the efficiency and capability of the proposed system for noise removal,
detection accuracy and tracking.

How to cite this article: H. N. Abdullah and N. H. Abdulghafoor “Automatic objects detection and tracking
using FPCP, Blob analysis and kalman filter,” Engineering and Technology Journal, Vol. 38, No. 02, pp.
246-254, 2020.

1. Introduction
The process of tracking is one of the main tasks in computer visibility [1]. It has an important turn in
many areas of research, such as movement guessing, recognition and analysis of human and
nonhuman Vitality, 3D representation, mobility in vehicles, and others. Object tracking is the most
common attribute in automated monitoring applications because the individual human employer
cannot manage the controlled area, especially when the number of cameras rises. In addition, in the
medicinal application, the operator cannot sometimes analyze the video taken by the device;
especially in crucial cases, the detection and tracking system is more efficient than the human. It is
also used in anti-theft systems, traffic management systems, and others. The tracking system can
track single or multiple animation objects in different environments. In general, the object detection

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

and tracking system include the different stages like background subtraction, object detection, and
object tracking, as shown in the block diagram in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The Block Diagram of Object and Tracking System

The first basic step in many fields of image processing and computer vision is the background
subtraction, also known as Foreground Detection, which extracts the foreground of the image for
subsequent processing (such as object selection and identification). These are the most important
areas of the picture, which are called objects such as humans, cars, texts, etc. This stage maybe after
the pre-processing phase of the image, which may include noise reduction of images, and before the
subsequent treatment phase such as morphology, etc. A more common way to detect moving objects
in videos is background subtraction. The basic principle is to detect moving objects from the
difference between the current frame and the reference frame, often called a "background-image" or
"background model". Some common methods in this area include the use of frame differentiation,
optical flow, analysis of principal components, and background mixture models [2].
Object modelling represents the object of interest in a scene. To represent an object, features are
extracted that uniquely defines an object. These features or the descriptors of an object are then used
to track the object. A feature is an image pattern that differentiates an object from its neighbourhood.
The features of an object are converted into descriptors, also referred to as appearance features, using
some operations around the features [1]. The commonly used object representations for tracking are
centroid, multiple points, rectangular patch, and complete object contour, etc. while the descriptors of
an object such as probability densities of object appearance (Histogram), template, blob analysis, etc.
The object tracking is to select and give individual paths to each object in the video sequence.
Objects can be humans on the street, cars on the road, players on the pitch, or from a group of
animals. The object is tracked to extract the object, identify the object and track it, and the decisions
related to their activities. Trace objects can be classified as points tracking, kernel tracking, and trace
shadow images. The general techniques of tracking such as Kalman Filter, Particle Filter, Mean Shift
Method, etc.
The main contribution of this work is as follows:
1- The proposed algorithm uses the FPCP technique to extract the motion areas from different
backgrounds of the captured video frame without the need for further input. As a result, so the
outputs have good speed and accuracy.

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

2- Using the method of analyzing the blob spatially simultaneously to select the effective pixels in
the motion zones and to determine the area of the object at the same time. In addition to using
efficient tracking technique, Kalman's Filter is thus an efficient and integrated way to track multiple
objects in the same captured video frame.
This paper is ordered as follows: Section 2 explains the related works, Section 3 explains
methodologies (Mathematical Background), Section 4 explains the proposed algorithm, Section 5
explains the results and discussion. Finally the conclusions in Section 6.

2. Related Works
Since the last few decades, many researchers have proven algorithms for detecting and tracking
objects. In this section, we demonstrated some of these algorithms related to the proposed system.
According to [3], motion brim is extracted in polar-log coordinate; then the gradient operator is
employed to compute the optical flow directly in every motion regions. Finally, the object is tracked.
In the proposed work in [4], the active background is reconstructed and the object size is determined
as a preliminary task, to extract and track the object in the foreground. The method in [5] is the
object detection is done by Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), and Kalman Filter does the tracking. In
this method, Object detection is determined based on the size of the foreground. Therefore Errors
will occur in determining the object such as the object and its shadow are merged as an object or
representing two adjacent compounds as a single object. The paper [6] developed; the algorithm
includes optical flow and the motion vector estimation for object detection and tracking. The
detection and tracking system in [7] is sophisticated depend on optical flow for detection; the object
tracking is done by blob analysis.
In Prabhakar et al. [8], a moving object tracking system using morphological processing and blob
analysis, which able to distinguish between car and pedestrian in the same video. In the paper [9], the
foreground is extracted from the background using multiple-view architecture. After that, the forward
movement date and editing schemes are used to detect the animated objects. Finally, by detecting the
center of gravity of the moving object, it is used to trace the object based on the Kalman Filter.
In the method [10], animated objects are represented as groups of spatial and temporal points using
the Gabor 3D filter, which works on the spatial and temporal analysis of the sequential video and is
then joint by using the Minimum Spanning Tree. The proposed technique described in [11], split into
three stages; Foreground segmentation stage by using Mixture of Adaptive Gaussian model, tracking
stage by using the blob detection and evaluation stage which includes the classification according to
the feature extraction.
After exploring some of the published research on the detection and tracking of the object, it was
found that the discovery and tracking of the object is a complex task because of many elements of
dynamic tracking such as determining the type of camera moving or static, the random. Change of
the speed of the object, the intensity of light and darkness, etc.

3. Methodologies (Mathematical Background)

I. Fast principal component pursuit
FPCP was recently suggested [12,13] as a powerful alternative to Principal Components Analysis
(PCA). This method will be used in various applications, including foreground/background
modelling, data analysis, whether in text or video format and image processing. The PCA was
formulated initially [12]:
arg 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝐿,𝑆 ||𝐿||𝑜 + 𝜆 ||𝑆||1 s.t. D = L + S (1)
Where D ∈R is the observed matrix, ||L||o is the nuclear norm of matrix L (i.e. ∑𝑘 |𝜎𝑘 (𝐿)|) and
||S||1 is the l1 norm of matrix S. Numerous changes have been made to eq. (1) by changing the
restrictions on sanctions and vice versa. So that the eq. (1) became:
arg 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝐿,𝑆 2 ||𝐿 + 𝑆 − 𝐷||𝐹 + 𝜆 ||𝑆||1 s.t., || L ||o < t, (2)
The constraint ||L ||o < t is active, represents a constraint of equality, so it is suggested that the
algorithm ranks the same rather than relax the nuclear base, so the function is as follows:
arg 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝐿,𝑆 2 ||𝐿 + 𝑆 − 𝐷||𝐹 + 𝜆 ||𝑆||1 s.t. rank (L) ≈ t (3)
This adjustment ignored the initial selection of the parameter λ, the background-modelling compound
L is often low, and in practice, there is no difficulty in selecting the appropriate value for t.

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

The normal process to solve eq. (3) by the substitutional minimization as follow:
Lk+1 = arg L min ||L + Sk − D ||F s.t. rank (L) ≈ t (4)
𝑆k+1 = arg S min ||𝐿𝑘+1 + S − D ||F + 𝜆 ||𝑆||1 (5)

The eq. (3) can be solved by taking a partial Singular Value Decomposition SVD of (D - Sk) with
respect to t. while the eq. 4 can be solved by element-wise shrinkage. The background of the videos
is supposed to lie in a low-level sub-space, and the moving objects should be in the foreground as if
they were gradually soft in the spatial and temporal direction. The proposed method integrates the
Frobenius and l1-norm base into a unified framework for simultaneous noise reduction and detection.
The Frobenius base uses the low-level property in the background; the contrast is improved by the l 1
norm standard [13].

II. Noise filtering

Animated digital pictures often overlap with a set of noise based on prevailing conditions. Some of
this noise is very disturbing when implicated in altering the intensity of video frames. It spoils pixels
randomly and divides into two extreme levels: relatively low or relatively high, compared to adjacent
pixels [8]. Subsequently, it is necessary to apply refinement technicalities that are able to handle
various types of noise.
Morphological processes are performed to extract important features of useful images in the
impersonation of shapes in the region and their description. We have used both the morphology of
the closure and corrosion, respectively, to remove parts of the road and unwanted things. After the
morphological closure process, provided that the appearance of the object was not destroyed, and that
many small punctures and separate pixels has been filled in the form of one sizeable real object [8].
The following is the definition of morphological closure process and the applicable structural
element B.

P * B = (P⊕ B)⊕ B (6)

0 0 1
𝐵 = [0 1 0] (7)
1 0 0

The matrix P, which includes moving object information, is obtained through the detection process.
An integral part of the morphological expansion and erosion processes is a structural element of a flat
shape. There is a binary flat structure element with a living value, either 2-D or multi-dimensional, in
which the real pixels are included in the morphological calculation, and false pixels are not. The
middle pixel of the structure element, called the parent, determines the pixel in the image being

III. Blob analysis

Blob analysis is used to determine two-dimensional objects in an image. The detection depends on
the spatial properties using assured standard. In many applications where the calculation is time-
consuming, one can use point analysis to eliminate points that do not matter based on specific spatial
properties and retain relevant points for further analysis [8]. The foreground object is adjusted to the
blob region. The object corresponding to the point area is detected as a composite object and features
as a bounded box. The detected object will be ignored as a foreground but does not correspond to the
point area and is not marked with a bounding box.

IV. Kalman Filter

Object tracking is a way to find and create a path to the object that was discovered. In this search, the
Kalman Filter method was used to track an object in sequence with captured video [14]. The Kalman
filter is a linear approach that operates in two basic phases of prediction and correction (update). The
prediction phase is accountable for the scoop of the next state and position of the present object.
However, the correction phase provides the parameters with their instance; they combine the actual
measurement with the previous estimate to improve the trajectory where the object information
detected in the previous frame is used and provides an estimate of the object's new position. The

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

Kalman Filter has the ability to rating the tracking locations with minimal datum on the location of
the object. Initially, the status St and measurement Xt paradigm are determined to predict the next
site. The paradigm matrixes are defined as [5]:
Ẍt = AẌt−1 + Bu (8)
St = ASt-1 AT + Q (9)
Where; A - state transition matrix, B - coverts control input and Q - process noise covariance.
Correction: The measurement update equations are given as:
Kt = St-1HT (HSt-1HT + R)−1 (10)
Ẍt+1 = Ẍt + Kt(Yt − HẌt) (11)
St+1 = (I − KtH)St (12)
Where K- Kalman gain, S- measurement matrix, R- measurement error covariance and H-model
matrices. The prediction of the next state St+1 is done by integrating the actual measurement with the
pre-estimate of the situation St-1.

4. The Proposed System

In this pager, object detection and tracking algorithm, a collection of two famous computer visibility
technologies, Fast Principle Component Purist (FPCP) and the Kalman filter, was introduced. FPCP
is used in the object discovery phase. It provides quick and delicate object detection on other
methods such as background subtraction.
FPCP does not provide the path of motion; instead, it supplies acquaintance about the orientation of
the object and its motion in vector form. This system has many features, including the possibility of
tracking more than one object and the speed of response to a change in speed and change in the scale.
Previously any process, at first, the video is taken by the stationary camera. The video is only a series
of cascading frames, so the object detection manner must first detect the moving object in these
cascading frames. Then the algorithm converts the video into two-dimension matrices to facilitate
handling in mathematical calculations, to reduce the time calculation and memory requirements.The
proposed algorithm shows the detail stages of the system are followed to that deals with background
separation, object and feature extraction. The processing includes removing the noise. Then the
process status of all pixel is tested by blob analysis and clustered it to detect the object. Initialize the
tracking stage and update the tracker in every new frame.

The proposed algorithm

Input: Movie file = a video of size m x n x nframe.
Output: Outputframe = frame salient with bounding boxes for each object;
Video to Matrix Conversion [X}
Object detection using FPCP algorithm.
Input [X] video matrix size m x n x nframe
Output [L]: Low-Rank Matrix, [S]: Sparse Matrix
Save foreground matrix [S]/
While Read frame is done,
Do Extract Frame
Let, Tc = trackers for a count of moving objects in present frame;
1. Create New Video Player as output.
2. Read the frame and its foreground [Sk.].
3. Remove any noise and holes in the foreground frame by morphological filter.
4. Discover the moving object by grouping pixels connected spatially and temporally using the
Blob analysis method.
5. Build a function matrix to calculate the position, area and the dimension of border-box as vector
of each the Object1; . . . ; Objectn.
6. Assign each detected Objects by their above vector in order to initialize the track.
7. Assign the initial position and status to Kalman Filter for each trackers.
8. The motion of each track was been estimated by Kalman Filter.
9. Initialize Kalman Filter prediction to update the position in next frame, and set the probability of
each detection being set for each paths.
10. The assigned tracks are updated using the corresponding detections.

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

11. Update the current status in the present frame to assign the new detection tracks or remove any
invisible or lost tracks.
12. Data association for the same detection object for the present frame.
13. Display the resulting frames.
14. End while.
5. Results and Discussion
The algorithm proposed in MATLAB (2018b) has been applied, and their experiments were
performed on a Computer type MSI GV63 with Intel Core i7 8750H, NVIDIA RTX 2060 6G,
256GB SSD+1TB and 16 GB RAM. It has three stages are foreground detection, filtering and
tracking. The proposed algorithm detects the movable objects accurately and keeps track of their
appearance in the sequence video frames. Video data has been used in any format as an input to the
proposed work, and good results have been obtained in various article conditions on this indoor,
outdoor, light traffic and dense traffic. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was evaluated; the
experiential outcomes were as follows:
Figure 2(a) shows the original framework. In Figure 2(b) the foreground was extracted by the FPCP
detection and showed holes and noise on the frame. In order to clarify and soften the frame, the
morphology was done.
The foreground frame is shown after the morphological process in Figure 2(c) and the final output
frame as in Figure 2(d), which includes movable and tracked objects.
Several-sampled video is used in the various environment in order to test the performance of the
proposed algorithm. The experiential outcomes are given in Figure 3. The first column (Figure 3(a))
shows the sampled frames of the video then the second column (Figure 3(b)) shows a clean
foreground extracted frames by FPCP detection are given. The third column (Figure 3(c)) includes
the detected and tracked objects by marking it with a circumferential box.

Figure 2: A sampled result (a) original frame (b) Foreground before and (c) after applying the
morphological filter and (d) The final result

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

Figure 3: The proposed algorithm results on several-captured video, (a) Input Video, (b) the filtered
foreground and (c) the resultant video

Table 1 explains the mean execution times (sec) of the proposed system when implemented on 365
sampled video frames by Matlab version R2018b. The consuming time of evaluation reduces
drastically. Accuracy is a measure of the performance efficiency of the object tracking system. The
detection and tracking system precision can be calculated using the following formula:
The total number of detected objects by system
Accuracy = The total number of actual objects in video (13)
The proposed algorithm for the different video input has been tested with different methods to
evaluate its accuracy. The accuracy of the proposed tracker in different input scenes was compared
and compared with other tracking systems, as shown in Table 2. It shows that the detection and
tracking accuracy rate using the proposed algorithms is 100%. The results are optically acceptable
except for an algorithm t.
The proposed algorithm for the different video input has been tested with different methods to
evaluate its accuracy. The accuracy of the proposed tracker in different input scenes was compared
and compared with other tracking systems, as shown in Table 2. It shows that the detection and
tracking accuracy rate using the proposed algorithms is 100%. The results are optically
acceptable except for an algorithm that proves that this multi-object tracking method is
validated. It was concluded that the proposed algorithm was still competitive, although some
results were closest to another, with little degradation in some because of the cost of some
complicated calculations.
The detection precision of the suggested algorithm is compared with other known and present
methods. The comparison shows the efficient performance of the proposed method on some of the
selected frames shown in Figure 4. We compared the proposed algorithm with the most
representative algorithms and for different frame sizes and settings for the tested videos; we used
grey or chromatic video sequences. The results were comparable to the proposed algorithm with
other algorithms.
To evaluate the visual performance of the proposed algorithm, we compared the proposed algorithm
to 3 algorithms. The videos examined contain different background scenes, and multiple moving
objects both outdoors and indoors (pedestrians, vehicles, etc.). We have chosen the following most
methods to compare with our proposed method: (1) GMM method [5], (2) optical flow [7], (3)
MODT [9].
Visual results are shown on the videos tested in Figure 4. Individual and group infantry, small
dynamic background, and multiple traffic surveys as shown in Figure 4, the proposed algorithm is
closest to Ground Truth (GT). Some of the results of the tested algorithms consider the foreground
object as the background. The main reason is that the parts of the object remain static in the video

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

and that the proposed algorithm has overcome this effect, and obviously the detection effect is better
than other algorithms.

Table 1. Performance Execution Time

The Step Mean Execution Time (Second)

Loading the video and conversion to matrix 5
FPCP foreground detection 10.87
Set Object System and frame reading 5.2
Noise Removal 1.15
The blob analysis System object 2.7
Tracking System 17.6
Total 42.52

Table 2. Percentage Accuracy%

Comparison GMM Method Optical Flow Motion Vector Proposed Tracking

Parameter [5] Method [7} Method [6] System
Single Human 100 90 100 100
Speed Diversity 80 10 90 85
View Point 90 90 90 90
Fixed Objects 80 70 90 90
Multiple Objects 85 20 90 95

Figure 4: The comparison results for several experiment captured video: (a) Input Frame, (b) The
Ground Truth, (c) GMM Method [5], (d) Optical Flow [7], (e) MODT [9], and (f) The Proposed

6. Conclusions
Object detection and tracking are the main and affront mission in many computer visibility
implementations, such as monitoring, car salt works, routing, and automation. The proposed
algorithm consists of three stages; the first stage foreground detection and filtering of various types
of noise from images using FPCP technique, the second stage of the identification of animation
objects and their region by blob analysis method and finally, the Kalman Filter is used for tracking
the objects. This algorithm presents several benefits, such as multiple object detection and tracking in
different environments. The disadvantages of this technique using one method will not produce
perfect results because its accuracy is influenced by different operators such as the low resolution of
captured video, change in weather, etc. In the future, we hope to expand our scope of detection and
tracking of objects in overcrowded scenery or the appearance of severe contrast in lighting and real-
time scenes.

Engineering and Technology Journal Vol. 38, Part A, (2020), No. 02, Pages 246-254

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