Course Description G6

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TERMS: 1,2,3

Rationale Philosophy.
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of computational
thinking, digital literacy, and problem-solving, preparing them to navigate and excel in a
technology-driven world. It emphasizes stewardship, acknowledging the responsibility to use
technology ethically and sustainably. Through lessons on digital property rights and
environmental considerations, students cultivate an understanding of the ethical implications of
their technological decisions. Additionally, the course fosters creativity, drawing parallels
between human creativity as a reflection of God’s divine potential for innovation in computing.
Collaboration is another cornerstone, mirroring biblical principles of community and teamwork,
as students engage in coding projects, group discussions, and peer feedback sessions,
fostering unity and support among learners.
Integrity and truthfulness are also values integrated into the curriculum, with a focus on
promoting responsible online behavior and digital citizenship. Through discussions on
cyberbullying, misinformation, and plagiarism, students gain an understanding of the importance
of honesty and ethical conduct in the digital realm. Moreover, critical thinking is nurtured,
aligning with biblical teachings on seeking wisdom and discernment. Students learn to analyze
problems systematically, develop logical solutions, and evaluate information critically, honing
their ability to make informed decisions in the realm of technology.
Course description
This course aims to develop students' computational thinking, digital literacy, and problem-
solving skills, providing them with a strong foundation for future learning and success in the
digital era. Throughout the course, students will explore various aspects of computing, including
programming, algorithms, data representation, and computer networks. In addition to technical
skills, the course emphasizes the development of digital literacy and responsible digital
citizenship. Students will learn about online safety, ethical considerations in technology use, and
how to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and respectfully. They will explore the impact
of technology on society and develop an understanding of the potential benefits and challenges
associated with digital advancements.
They will learn to think critically and logically, breaking down complex problems into
manageable steps and designing solutions using computational tools and techniques.

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Course practices and procedures
The Course will enable learners;
 Use flowcharts can be used to represent algorithms.
 identify the different symbols used in flowcharts
 predict an outcome using the flow chart
 Use forms and spreadsheets to collect data
 Understand primary and secondary storage
 Explain how the processor works
 Understand the considerations when selecting hardware and software for a computer
 create programs that use two or more variables.
 use various variable data types: integer, character and string.
 Store different types of digital content on servers
 transfer data over the internet.
 use multiple sub-routines in algorithms and Scratch programs.
 design and create a single table database.
 state how data is used to solve problems in several industries.
 use micro: bit to learn about constructs in programming, including sequence, selection and
 Test programs using a range of data
 keep data safe during transmission.
 about the authentication process that helps protect data by ensuring only authorized users
can access a system
 identify different types of user authentication.
 develop games using Scratch contain multiple algorithms, multiple objects and multiple
programming constructs.
 Understand text-based and block-based.
 Understand the process of digitization.
 learn about prototypes, and how they are applied in designing programs and creating
interfaces for programs.

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Learning outcomes.
Unit 1 Go with the flow
 Identify and describe common flowchart symbols used to represent different actions
and decisions within algorithms in our daily routines.
 Demonstrate the ability to create simple flowcharts to represent sequential
processes and decision-making procedures in personal routines.
 Develop problem-solving skills by translating real-world scenarios into algorithmic
sequences using flowchart notation following the personal routines

Unit 2 Be a data manager

 Apply data management techniques to organize and manipulate data effectively,
including sorting, filtering, and querying in the different subject areas like math.
 Analyze data sets to identify trends, patterns, and outliers, using appropriate tools
and techniques
 Communicate findings from data analysis effectively, using appropriate
visualizations and written explanations to convey insights to classmates.

Unit 3 Selecting hardware and software

 Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions when selecting hardware
and software solutions, considering factors such as cost, performance,
compatibility, and scalability.
 Apply knowledge of hardware specifications and software functionalities to
troubleshoot common issues and optimize system performance to their
personal computers.

Unit 4 Variables in programming

 Understand the concept of variables and their role in storing and manipulating
data within programming languages.
 Demonstrate proficiency in declaring, initializing, and using variables in
various programming contexts of developing a math game, including
arithmetic operations, conditional statements, and loops
 Analyze and debug code to identify errors in a game program related to
variable usage, demonstrating problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

Unit 5 Digital content

 identify digital content, including text, images, audio, and video, and
understand their characteristics and formats.
 Develop skills in creating, editing, and manipulating their images using
paint program, canvas by creating

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 Evaluate ethical and legal considerations related to the creation,
distribution, and use of digital content, including be aware of the ethical
issues of copyright, plagiarism, and digital rights management while
accessing online material.

Unit 6 Sub-routines in programming

 reuse a game program using the concept of subroutine
 Apply knowledge of subroutines to decompose complex game problem into
smaller, more manageable tasks, to improve code readability and
Unit 7 Be a data architect
 Analyze data requirements and design data models for given data for the
 Design a database management system for a classroom
Unit 8 Be an innovator
 Collaborate with classmates to innovate and share an ICT based project
based on the steps given.
Unit 9 Keeping data safe
 Keep personal data away from any person
 Identify common cyber security threats and vulnerabilities affecting data
integrity and confidentiality, including malware, phishing, and social
engineering attacks on their devices and parents’ devices
 Protect personal data through encryption, access controls, and regular data
 Develop awareness and responsibility for practice the ethical and legal
guidelines related to data privacy and compliance
Unit 10 Be a game developer
 create a game program considering engines, scripting languages, and asset
creation software following the game principles and work in teams
Unit 11 Autonomous robots
 Create an autonomous robotics, including sensing, decision-making, and
actuation, in the context of artificial intelligence and machine learning using
Unit 12 Be a problem solver
 Identify appropriate strategies and approaches for problem resolution and
troubleshooting for a computer.
 Be able to predict unforeseen challenges and refining problem-solving
strategies based on feedback and experimentation.

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Go with the flow
 Use flowcharts to represent algorithms.
 identify the different symbols used in flowcharts
 predict an outcome using the flow chart

Be a data manager
 Use forms and spreadsheets to collect data
 Perform calculations in spreadsheets
 Select data in a spreadsheet

Selecting hardware and software

 Understand primary and secondary storage
 Explain how the processor works
 Understand the considerations when selecting hardware and software for a computer

Variables in programming
 create programs that use two or more variables.
 use various variable data types: integer, character and string.

Digital content
 Explain the different types of digital content
 Store different types of digital content on servers
 transfer data over the internet.
 Explain the concept of network bandwidth and how it can affect network performance.

Sub-routines in programming
 use multiple sub-routines in algorithms and Scratch programs.

Be a data architect
 design and create a single table database.
 Search for data in a database using queries

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 Explore data aspects in the industries
Be an innovator
 state how data is used to solve problems in several industries.
 use micro: bit to learn about constructs in programming, including sequence, selection and

 Test programs using a range of data

Keeping data safe
 keep data safe during transmission.
 about the authentication process that helps protect data by ensuring only authorized users
can access a system
 identify different types of user authentication.

Be a game developer
 develop games using Scratch contain multiple algorithms, multiple objects and multiple
programming constructs.

Autonomous robots
 Understand text-based and block-based.
 Understand the process of digitization.

Be a problem solver
 learn about prototypes, and how they are applied in designing programs and creating
interfaces for programs.



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