Mpongwe Structure 2021

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May, 2021
1.1 Background
1.2 Terms of Reference
2.1 Data Collection and Analysis
4.1.1 Administration Section
i) General Administration Unit
ii) Maintenance Unit
iii) Catering Unit
iv) Accounts Unit
v) Purchasing and Supplies Unit
vi) Farm Unit
4.1.2 Guest House Section
4.2.1 Training Section
i) Animal Science Unit
ii) Crop Science Unit
iii) Engineering Unit
iv) Agricultural Business Management Unit
v) Rural Development Unit
1.1 Background
Zambia College of Agriculture-Mpongwe is an Agricultural Training Institution (ATI) under the Ministry of
Agriculture (MoA). The current ZCA-Mpongwe was initially established as the George Korsten Vocational
Training College (GKVTC) in 2011 with the objective of offering skills training to the people of Mpongwe
and nearby areas. The College was registered with TEVETA to offer skills training in carpentry, bricklaying,
ICT, tailoring and general agriculture. In 2019 the GKVTC entered into a memorandum of understanding
with the Zambia College of Agriculture-Monze to underwrite the certificate in general agriculture at the

In 2020, the Geef de Kinderen van Mpongwe een Toekomst (GKMT) a Netherlands based NGO who were
the funders of GKVTC, proposed to Government of the Republic of Zambia to surrender the institution to
the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA). The GKVTC was surrendered to the MoA and was to be managed by
Zambia College of Agriculture-Monze as a Campus offering Certificate in General Agriculture.

In 2020 the first set of students was enrolled at the now ZCA-Monze Mpongwe campus for a two (2) year
Certificate in General Agriculture. In April 2021, the ZCA-Monze Mpongwe Campus together with the Give
the Children of Mpongwe a Future (GCMF) Guest House were officially handed over to the MoA at a
ceremony officiated by the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Michael Z. Katambo MP. The ZCA- Mpongwe
became the 7th Agricultural Training Institution (ATI) under the Ministry of Agriculture. The other six (6)
colleges being:-
 Natural Resources Development College (NRDC)
 Zambia College of Agriculture-Monze (ZCA)
 Zambia College of Agriculture-Mpika (ZCA)
 Popota Agricultural College (PACO)
 Zambia Centre for Horticultural Training (ZCHT)
 Katete College of Agricultural Marketing ( KCAM)

ZCA-Mpongwe has the mandate to offer training in general agriculture at certificate level to school and
non-school leavers. The College is also involved in the generating of income through the College Farm,
Guest House, the carpentry workshop and the tailoring workshop.

1.2 Terms of Reference

The following Terms of Reference guided the development of the organizational structure for the
Zambia College of Agriculture-Mpongwe, under the Ministry of Agriculture:-
(a) To define the mandate, roles and functions of the College sections and units in order
to ensure clarity of responsibilities and accountabilities; and
(b) To determine the reporting relationships, staffing levels and salary grades.
The recommendations on the organisational structure, staffing levels, roles, functions and
existing relationships contained in this report are derived from secondary data obtained from
the Zambia College of Agriculture- Monze Staff Establishment (1996), Ronelle Henning, (2007),
Effective Guest House Management, 3rd Edition, outputs of the consultations with ZCA- Monze
Senior Management during the workshop held at Zambia Red Cross Lodge in Livingstone, from
22nd May to 24th May 2021 and further consultations with Ministry of Agriculture.
i) Provide quality agricultural training to clients in general agriculture;
ii) Avail opportunities for students to demonstrate competence and
understanding through agricultural projects;
iii) Conduct need driven and high quality short training courses
iv) Facilitate community outreach programs which enhances the image of
the college and help alleviate community problems;
v) Manage a viable and self-sustaining college farm; and
vi) Maintain self-sustaining income generating ventures to supplement
government funding
The College shall be headed by the Principal (L) to be assisted by the Vice Principal (K) who will
be responsible for administration and executing Training delivery programs of the College.
To effectively execute its mandate, it is recommended that the ZCA-Mpongwe be organised in
three (3) sections as follows:
a) Administration Section
b) Guest House Section
c) Training Section
d) OVC section; Where to be find in the structure?


The Administration section shall be responsible for managing and developing human resources
and students’ welfare in order to improve performance. It shall also be responsible for the
provision of administrative, purchasing, Accounting, Maintenance and logistical support in
order to facilitate the effective operations of the College.
The Unit shall be headed by the Principal (L) to be assisted by the Registrar (I) who will be
responsible for executing administrative duties of the College.
To effectively execute its mandate, it is recommended that the Administration section be
organised into six (6) units and the Guest House Section as an income generating facility to the
1.1.1 Administration Section
The Section shall be responsible for the following functions:-
a) Interpret and disseminate Terms and Conditions of Service;
b) Undertake Staff welfare programmes;
c) Coordination of Human Resource matters in collaboration with Ministry HQ;
d) Ensuring Occupational Health and safety is maintained;
e) Ensure compliance with financial regulations;
f) Financial Management;
g) Provision of Secretarial Services;
h) Students Provisions and welfare
i) Office Management and Maintenance of buildings and surrounding;
j) Registry Services ;
k) Office Equipment and Stores;
l) Transport management
m) Asset and Accounting management
n) Provision of Security services
o) Housekeeping Services
p) Procurement

The Section will be headed by the Registrar (I) who will be assisted by one (1)
Assistant Registrar, one (1) Catering Officer (G) and one (1) Maintenance Officer.
The section will be organised into six (6) units namely:

a) General Administration Unit

b) Maintenance Unit
c) Catering Unit
d) Accounts Unit
e) Purchasing and Supplies Unit
f) Farm Unit
1.1.2 General Administration Unit
The Specific functions for the unit shall include:
3.1.1 Facilitation and Coordination of Human Resource Matters;
3.1.2 Coordination of transport activities in the College;
3.1.3 Management of staff and students’ records/Information;
3.1.4 Provision of conducive environment for both staff and students’;
3.1.5 Undertaking housekeeping functions and counseling in order to enhance
students’ welfare;
3.1.6 Management of assets for the institution;
3.1.7 Provision of security to College property;
1.1.3 Maintenance Unit
The specific Functions of the unit shall be:
I) Undertake regular inspection of all plant, equipment and buildings
II) Installations , operations and maintenance of equipment
III) Repairs and maintenance of buildings to elongate its life span
The Unit shall be headed by one Maintenance Officer (G), who will be assisted by one (1)
Electrician (F), one (1) Carpenter (F), one (1) Plumber and one (1) Bricklayer (E).
1.1.4 Catering Unit
The Specific Functions of the Unit shall be:
i) Budgeting for students meals, food preparation and coordinating students
ii) Provision of cleanliness and hygiene at all times to avoid food poisoning
iii) Designing of food menus to ensure balanced diets are provided
The Unit shall be headed by one (1) Catering Officer (G), who will be assisted by one (1) Head
Cook (E) and six (6) Cooks ( C ).
1.1.5 Accounts Unit
The Accounts Unit shall be responsible for effectively managing and utilization of financial
resources in order to facilitate implementation of the College programmes.
In this regard the Unit will manage all financial matters of the College including the Guest House
as an income generating unit for supplementary income.
The Specific Functions of the Unit shall be:
i) Manage all financial matters of the College;
ii) Prepare financial reports and liaise with the Ministry HQ and Ministry of Finance on
the disbursement of funds;
iii) Preparation of College financial reports
iv) Plans and implements College Budgets;
The Unit shall be headed by an Assistant Accountant who will be assisted by three (3) Accounts
Assistants. So in total 4? See
1.1.6 Purchasing and Supplies Unit
The Unit will be responsible for the following functions:
i) Undertake procurement, storage and distribution of goods and services;
ii) Develop and implement the College procurement plan;
iii) Prepare bidding documents and contract management in liaison with
Ministry HQ PSU;
iv) Maintain effective linkages with all sections and the Zambia Public
Procurement Authority; and
v) Facilitate the disposal of unserviceable assets
The Unit shall be headed by the Procurement and Supplies Assistant (F), who will be assisted by
one (1) Stores Clerk (D).
1.1.7 Farm Unit
The Functions of the Unit shall include:
i) Generation of income for the college through commercial production;
ii) Serve as a Training Laboratory for students’ during practicals and projects;
iii) Conduct on-farm research and facilitation of students’ research projects ;
iv) Maintain and secure farm infrastructure , implements and machinery;
The Unit shall be headed by the Farm Manager (I), who shall be assisted by one (1) Farm
Assistant ( E ).

Administration Section
Principal L 0 1
Administrative H 0 1
Sub Total 2
General Administration Unit
Registrar I 0 1
Assistant Registrar G 0 1
Secretary F 0 1
Chauffeur C 0 1
Hostel Matron D 0 1
Hostel Patron D 0 1
Registry Clerk D 0 1
Driver B 0 2
General Worker- A 0 1
Water Attendant
Security Guard A 0 3
Sanitary Orderly A 0 2
Hostel Attendant A 0 3
Office Orderly A 0 2
General Worker- A 0 1
Grounds Man
Sub Total 0 21
Maintenance Unit
Maintenance Officer G 0 1
Plumber F 0 1
Electrician F 0 1
Carpenter F 0 1
Bricklayer E 0 1
Sub Total 5
Catering Unit
Catering Officer G 0 1
Head Cook E 0 1
Cook C 0 6
Sub Total 8
Accounts Unit
Assistant Accountant H 0 1
Accounts Assistant F 0 2
Sub Total 3
Purchasing and Supplies Unit
Procurement and F 0 1
Supplies Assistant
Stores Clerk D 0 1
Sub Total 2
Farm Unit
Farm Manager I 0 1
Farm Assistant E 0 1
Tractor Driver B 0 1
General Worker- A 0 3
General Worker- A 0 2
Sub Total 8
Total 49
The section shall be responsible for provision of suitable Accommodation, Conference facilities,
food and beverage Services to temporal visitors to enable the entity raise revenue for the
The Unit shall be responsible for the following functions:
i) Provision of Accommodation, Conference facilities and other services to clients;
ii) To raise revenue for the College to supplement Government funding;
iii) Undertake marketing strategies to enhance sales;
iv) To support other social responsibilities such as Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in
Mpongwe District; I don’’t see any role description for OVC coordinator and salaray
The Unit shall be headed by the Assistant Guest House Manager (G), who will be assisted by
two (2) Receptionists (E), one (1) Housekeeper (D), one (1) Cook ( C), one (1)Bar Attendant ( C).
Who is the gusthouse manager? The principal of the college?
The Summary of Staff establishment for the Guest House Unit is as follows:


Assistant Manager- G 0 1
Guest House
Accounts Assistant F 0 1
Receptionist E 0 2
Housekeeper D 0 1
Bar Attendant C 0 1
Cook C 0 2
Room Attendant A 0 1
Sanitary Cleaner A 0 1
Security Guard A 0 2
General Worker- A 0 1
Grounds man
Laundry Attendant A 0 2
Total 15


The Training Section shall be responsible for providing Training aimed at:
i) Producing quality graduates in agriculture for the Public and Private sector;
ii) Provision of quality consultancy service in order to develop a suitable and
viable agricultural sector that will ensure food security, income generation at
household and national levels as well as maximizing the sector’s contribution
to Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
It will be specifically responsible for the following:
i) Training of School and non-school leavers in General Agriculture;
ii) Providing short courses and tailor made courses in relevant fields;
iii) Undertaking research and consultancy in agriculture;
iv) Conducting timely and regular curriculum reviews;
v) Collaborations with stakeholders on Training matters;

The Section will be headed by a Vice Principal (K) who will be assisted by five (5)
Head of Departments (K). Who is the principal? The principal of ZCA Monze?
The section will be organised into five (5) units namely:

 Animal Science Unit

 Crop Science Unit
 Engineering Unit
 Agricultural Business Management Unit
 Rural Development Unit

1.3.1 Animal Science Unit

The Unit shall be responsible for the following functions:
i) Provide theoretical and practical training to learners in livestock production;
ii) Monitoring and Evaluating students’ performance regularly in order to effectively
determine delivery impact;
iii) Facilitate for relevant periodic curriculum reviews in Animal Production Courses;
iv) Supervision of utilization of financial, human and material resources in the Animal
v) Initiate timely formulation, review and implementation of institutional policy in
order to provide policy guidelines;
vi) Implements regularly the maintenance of an up to date Information Management
system in order to facilitate easy storage and retrieval of information;
vii) Conducts timely research and consultancy activities in order to generate
1.3.2 Crop Science Unit
The Unit shall be responsible for the following functions:
i) Provide theoretical and practical training to learners in Crop production;
iii) Monitoring and Evaluating students’ performance regularly in order to
effectively determine delivery impact;
iiiFacilitate for relevant periodic curriculum reviews in Crop Production Courses;
iv) Supervision of utilization of financial, human and material resources in the
Crop Unit;
v) Initiate timely formulation, review and implementation of institutional policy
in order to provide policy guidelines;
vi) Implements regularly the maintenance of an up to date Information
Management system in order to facilitate easy storage and retrieval of
vii) Conducts timely research and consultancy activities in order to generate
1.3.3 Engineering Unit
The Unit shall be responsible for the following functions:
i)Provide theoretical and practical training to learners in Agricultural
Engineering ;
i) Monitoring and Evaluating students’ performance regularly in order to
effectively determine delivery impact;
ii) Facilitate for relevant periodic curriculum reviews in Agricultural
Engineering Courses;
iii) Supervision of utilization of financial, human and material resources in
the Engineering Unit;
iv) Initiate timely formulation, review and implementation of institutional
policy in order to provide policy guidelines;
v) Implements regularly the maintenance of an up to date Information
Management system in order to facilitate easy storage and retrieval of
vi) Conducts timely research and consultancy activities in order to generate
1.3.4 Agricultural Business Management Unit
The Unit shall be responsible for the following functions:
i) Provide theoretical and practical training to learners in Agricultural Business
ii) Monitoring and Evaluating students’ performance regularly in order to effectively
determine delivery impact;
iii) Facilitate for relevant periodic curriculum reviews in Agricultural Business
Management Courses;
iv) Supervision of utilization of financial, human and material resources in the ABM
v) Initiate timely formulation, review and implementation of institutional policy in
order to provide policy guidelines;
vi) Implements regularly the maintenance of an up to date Information Management
system in order to facilitate easy storage and retrieval of information;
vii) Conducts timely research and consultancy activities in order to generate

1.3.5 Rural Development Unit

The Unit shall be responsible for the following functions:
i) Provide theoretical and practical training to learners in Rural Development;
ii) Monitoring and Evaluating students’ performance regularly in order to effectively
determine delivery impact;
iii) Facilitate for relevant periodic curriculum reviews in Rural Development Courses;
iv) Supervision of utilization of financial, human and material resources in the Rural
Development Unit;
v) Initiate timely formulation, review and implementation of institutional policy in
order to provide policy guidelines;
vi) Implements regularly the maintenance of an up to date Information Management
system in order to facilitate easy storage and retrieval of information;
vii) Conducts timely research and consultancy activities in order to generate

The Summary of establishment for the Training Section is as follows:



Vice Principal K 0 1
Library Officer G 0 1
Laboratory Assistant E 0 1
–Basic Sciences
Library Assistant D 0 1
Sub Total 4

Animal Science Unit

Head of Department- K 0 1
Animal Science
Senior Training J 0 1
Officer- Animal
Training Officer- I 0 1
Animal Science
Senior Practical H 0 1
Practical Instructor- G 0 2
Animal Science
Sub Total 6

Crop Science Unit

Head of Department- K 0 1
Crop Science
Senior Training J 0 1
Officer- Crop Science
Training Officer-Crop I 0 1
Senior Practical H 0 1
Practical Instructor- G 0 2
Crop Science
Sub Total 6

Engineering Unit
Head of Department- K 0 1
Senior Training J 0 1
Officer- Engineering
Training Officer- I 0 1
Senior Practical H 0 1
Practical Instructor- G 0 2
Sub Total 6

Agricultural Business Management Unit

Head of Department- K 0 1
Agricultural Business
Senior Training J 0 1
Officer- Agric.
Training Officer- I 0 1
Agric. Business
Senior Practical H 0 1
Practical Instructor- G 0 2
Agric. Business
Sub Total 6

Rural Development Unit

Head of Department- K 0 1
Rural Development
Senior Training J 0 1
Training Officer- I 0 1
Training Officer- I 0 1
Senior Practical H 0 1
Practical Instructor - G 0 1
Practical Instructor- G 0 1
Practical Instructor- G 0 1
Laboratory Assistant- E 0 1
Sub Total 9
Total 34
A total of 34



1. L 21,066.33 X 1 Position 252,795.96
2. K 15,529.48 X 6 Positions 1,118,122.56
3. J 11,032.43 X 5 Positions 661,945.80
4. I 8,357.84 X 7 Positions 702,058.56
5. H 6,191.12 X 7 Positions 520,054.08
6. G 5,907.28 X 16 Positions 1,134,197.76
7. F 5,229.30 X 8 Positions 502,012.80
8. E 4,775.48 X 7 Positions 401,140.32
9. D 4,530.90 X 6 Positions 326,224.80
10. C 4,306.85 X 10 Positions 516,822.00
11. B 4,097.65 X 3 Positions 147,515.40
12. A 3,902.65 X 24 Positions 1,123,963.20
Grand Total 7,406,853.24

A total of 100 positions

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