Ovcaa Manual
Ovcaa Manual
Ovcaa Manual
MSU is committed to the total development of man and to the search for truth, virtue and
academic excellence.
Committed to the attainment of peace and sustainable development in the MINSUPALA
region; the MSUs will set the standard of excellence in Science, Arts, Technology and other
fields; accelerate the economic, cultural, socio-political and agro-industrial development of the
Muslim and other cultural groups, thereby facilitating their integration into the national
community; preserve and promote the cultural of the region and conserve its rich natural
resources; and infuse moral and spiritual values.
For collaborative efforts, for diplomatic relations and for international recognition as a
leading institution of higher learning, the MSUs will pursue vigorously linkages with foreign
Edited by:
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Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Preface ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) Handbook 2020
is designed to provide a direct guide on policies, guidelines and procedures pertaining
to academic matters. This handbook will assist faculty members as well as the
administrators of colleges in their pursuit of a smooth and orderly implementation of the
relevant academic concerns. The policies contained herein are existing University
policies adopted and expressed to cater specific academic concerns. Procedural steps
on routine activities and programs are also specified to fast tract requests such as
evaluation of faculty promotions, permanent tenure, teaching efficiency and other
related concerns.
The main purpose of this Handbook is to streamline all the academic affairs of
the University geared towards the promotion of teamwork, understanding, and
professionalism. Hence, it is our incessant hope that cooperation be manifested among
the faculty members, college administrators and the OVCAA personnel to harmonize
our basic functions and to better serve all the constituents in this University.
I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the people who contributed to the
drafting of this handbook: To Dr. Johara D. Alangca-Azis of the English Department,
CSSH; Dr. Amerkhan G. Cabaro of the Mathematics Department, CNSM; Dr. Godiva E.
Rivera of the Philosophy Department, CSSH; Prof. Eduardo N. Fajardo of the Physics
Department, CNSM; Prof. Elpidio S. Ricaborda of MSU-ILS, Prof. Amor A. Abrenica of
the College of Fisheries; Dr. Alyanah G. Pantao of the English Department, CSSH; Prof.
Randy Ian F. Gallego of the Nursing Department, CHS. The Administrative staff of the
OVCAA: Ms. Elsa P. Cabatan, Ms. Indirah Macud, Ms. Salmah Solaiman, Mr. Alibasher
Mauyag and Mr. Ryan Suico.
I also would like to thank the Deans of the various colleges of the University for
their constructive inputs. Finally, to the President of the MSU-System, Dr. Habib W.
Macaayong for the support extended for the realization of this handbook.
Chapter 1
B. Routine Operations
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) performs the
following routine operations as expressed in section 103, MSU Code (See appendix 1C):
1. It ensures that academic policies, guidelines, and procedures are well managed and
properly implemented;
2. It fosters standard of excellence by taking the lead in offering relevant curricular
programs that includes proposing, revising, and evaluating them for accreditation
geared towards attaining center of development (COD) and center of excellence
3. It responds to the needs of students to enhance their performance in both curricular
and extra-curricular activities;
4. It facilitates the faculty hiring and recruitment process;
5. It expedites the awarding of items to qualified faculty members, their academic
growth and development, faculty teaching performance, grant of permanent tenure,
and promotion;
6. It engages in consultative and fruitful dialogues with the various line offices.
Chapter II
A. Tri-fold Responsibility
The fundamental responsibilities of a faculty member are grounded on the performance
of tri-fold function of the university, to wit: instruction, research, and extension services.
Hence, each faculty who shall be understood as messenger and doer of these functions
is responsible to perform actions significant and appropriate to classroom instructions
adhering to values of excellence and co-existence, to produce quality researches, and
to get involved in extension services that are beneficial to a particular group of
individuals or a community.
B. Outcomes-Based (OBE) Instruction
In the case of instruction, the contemporary system of higher education requires that
learning activities of students in general education courses, with the faculty as facilitator,
must be anchored on the goal of general education defined by the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED),which is to produce thoughtful graduates imbued with values
reflective of a humanist orientation, analytical and problem solving skills, the ability to
think through ethical and social implications of a given course of action, and the
competency to learn continuously throughout life. The faculty must see to it that
students’ learning experiences must include demonstration of competencies
categorized into intellectual competencies, personal and civic competencies, and
practical skills. In specialized learning, learners’ activities are directed at more
theoretical and technical knowledge (CHED Memo Order No. 20, Series of 2013).
The Outcomes-Based Education is a shift from inputs-based education. It places the
students in the center of all educational planning, what is essential for them to know,
value, and do to achieve the desired level of competence (CHED Handbook on
Typology, OBE, and ISA 2014). Therefore in the preparation of Facilitation Plan (see
samples of Faci Plan or FC in Appendix IIA) for learners, the teacher-facilitator must
indicate measurable learning outcomes which shall include to achieve the must
components of learning: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
C. Working Hours
Articles 203 and 204 of the University Code state that full-time members of the faculty
and employees of the university shall be on duty on a minimum of forty (40) hours
during each week in accordance with a time schedule to be approved by the President.
However when the interests of the university so require, the proper authorities may
extend the daily hours of work for any or all of the employees under him and may
likewise require any or all of them to do overtime work not only on workdays but also on
D. Workload
Workload is broken down into the following: instruction, research, administrative and
extension loads.
Regular faculty members are required to carry a minimum teaching load of eighteen
(18) units regardless of the number of preparations. Only teaching load in excess of 18
units shall be considered overload. Overload shall be allowed only in
departments/colleges where no faculty member is under loaded (BOR Res. No. 101, s.
2017; OVCAA Memo, dated January 10, 2018). A regular overload maybe allowed up to
6 units. Any excess overload beyond the regular 6 units allowed may be authorized by
the Office of the President as emergency overload up to a maximum of 6 units only.
No course shall be considered an overload course if it has not met minimum class size
as prescribed below based on the grading sheets and not of enrolment master list:
The department and college shall see to it that class size requirements are met. The
faculty member must advise the department to merge two or more undersized sections
of the same course into one within one month after enrolment. However, new sections
should not be opened unless the maximum class size is reached 35-40 students.
In the case of Regular faculty members of Basic Education, they are required a
minimum teaching load of 20 hours per week regardless of preparations on top of
advisory load if so required.
1. President 15 0 0 0 15
1 Exec. V.Pres/Chancellors 15 0 0 0 15
2. V. Pres./V. Chancellors 12 3 0 0 15
4. Deans/Directors/Campus 15
Secretary/Campus Registrar 9 6 0 0
Campus Librarian
5. Special Assistants 6 9 0 0 15
One Research study/extension project is equivalent to three (3) units, however, a faculty
administrator with a reduced teaching assignment is no longer entitled to another
workload reduction for any research or extension activity.
Faculty members with approved research project is allowed to carry a nine-unit teaching
load. A faculty member who requests for a reduced load because of an approved
research project shall not be allowed overload.
D.3. Lecturer’s Load for the College of Medicine, College of Law, and Graduate
Lecturers are non-regular faculty members of the University who are assigned to
perform special assignment relating to academic programs and are classified as follows:
a.) An outsider (not faculty member of any unit/college of the University) whose
expertise is highly needed to teach specialized courses and will be paid on a per-
hour basis,
b.) Faculty from another unit or college of the University but whose expertise
qualified him to teach the course and will be paid on an overload per unit basis,
c.) Administrative staff whose expertise is highly needed in the college and who
will be paid on a per-hour basis based on their evaluated rank, and
d.) A visiting Professor or an outside expert who will be paid on a per-hour basis.
A Lecturer may be hired to handle a specialized course(s) not assigned to the existing
faculty at hand due to problems of specialization and is allowed a maximum number of
up to 9 units.
Lecturer’s Rate of the College Of Medicine, College of Law, and Graduate School of the
MSU Marawi Campus (BOR Res. No. 17, s. 2018)
CURRENT Proposal
Lecturer’s for
Hourly Lecturer’s
Rate Hourly
Description of Lecturers (BOR Res. Rate
No.18, S.
Lecturers Graduate College of College of Hourly Hourly
Category School Medicine Law Rate Rate
(Php) (Php)
(Rank) ISRP 2005
Assistant 1. Bachelor’s degree Not Applicable Bachelor of Laws 186 400
Lecturer holder with (LL.B.) or
(Instructor) appropriate Bachelor’s degree
professional license. in Islamic Studies
major in
Sharia’h Law and
have passed
Special Sharia’h
Bar in Good
Associate 1. Master’s degree 2. M.D with Bachelor of Laws 222 500
Lecturer in one’s field of professional license (LL.B) or Juris
(Assistant study with less than Doctor (J.D.),
Professor) five (5) years of Member of
professional Philippine Bar in
experience good standing.
including fresh
graduates with no
official records of
3. Baccalaureate
degree with
professional licence
and at least five
years (5) of
experience relevant
to the courses to be
taught in the
Lecturer 1. A Doctorate 3. M.D with Bachelor of Laws 280 700
(Associate degree in one’s professional license (LL.B.) or Juris
Profesor) field of study with and at least five (5) Doctor (J.D.),
two (2) years years of member of
professional professional Philippine Bar in
experience relevant experience. good standing, with
E. Consultation Hours
Each member of the faculty shall be available for consultation for at least ten (10)
hours a week during regular office hours. The faculty member shall determine his/her
consultation hours at the beginning of every semester or term subject to the approval of
the Department Chairperson and the Dean. The time and day of consultation, as
approved, shall be posted in a conspicuous place for information and guidance of the
students (University Faculty Manual).
H. Academic Freedom
The Supreme Court of the Philippines defines academic freedom as “right of a
faculty member to pursue his studies in his particular specialty and thereafter to make
known or publish the result of his endeavor without fear that retribution would be visited
on him in the event that his conclusions are found to be distasteful and objectionable to
the powers that be, whether in the political, or economic establishment.” (Montemayor
V. Araneta University Foundation, 77 SCRA 321). It shall be enjoined in all institutions
of higher learning (Art. XIV, Sec. 5(2), 1987 Philippine Constitution).
Members of the teaching staff enjoy academic freedom; provided, however, that
no instructor in the University shall inculcate sectarian tenets in any of his teachings nor
attempt, either directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal by the Board of Regents,
Chapter III
Procedures and Guidelines
The recruitment or hiring of a faculty member in MSU-Main Campus, whether in the
College or in the Basic Education (Senior High School, Junior High School and
Elementary) level commences at the department level. The need to hire must first be
established, taking into consideration several conditions such as the following:
In the Basic Education, a teacher must carry four (4) sections plus an advisory class or
five (5) sections without an advisory class.
The recruit is classified as regular if he/she is given eighteen (18) or more teaching
loads; otherwise, he/she is classified as non-regular faculty members or lecturers.
Rule No.5, Implementing Guidelines of the 2005 MSU ISRP stipulates that a faculty
applicant whose academic records show more than five (5) failures in the degree
considered by the recruiting unit shall NOT be recruited. However, failures in three (3) to
five (5) courses but not more than two (2) in major courses may be offset by an above
average performance (meaning, grades not lower than 1.75 or its equivalent) in a higher
degree in his/her field of specialization involving a minimum of twelve (12) units.
“The University shall not employ or hire the services of any person who is forty-five (45)
years or over.”
Procedures in Recruitment
After the need has been established in the recruiting unit, the following procedures shall
be followed:
1. The department shall inform the OVCAA of the need to recruit a new faculty
member, following the usual procedure of endorsement, by submitting a
communication stating the reasons and presenting proofs (like documents for the
retirement, resignation, transfer of faculty members as well as the teaching
loads) for such recruitment.
2. The OVCAA shall then issue an approval letter for the recruitment specifying the
number of faculty members to be recruited.
3. The department shall make a public announcement through different forms like
social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), or posting in other universities
and colleges to invite more qualified applicants.
4. The department shall make sure that the degree(s) earned by the applicants
must really match the need of the department to ensure quality and excellence.
5. The department shall conduct a preliminary screening of the applicants, and
submit to the OVCAA a short list of qualified applicants. The short list must be
greater than the approved number of recruits needed. Applicants’ credentials
such as TOR, Service Records, Licensure Examination Certificates, and
Clearance from previous employees, and other pertinent papers must also be
6. The OVCAA shall schedule the final interview and panel members are composed
of the following:
Chair : Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Members : OVCAA Special Assistants
: Dean
: Dept. Chairperson
: 2 Senior Faculty Members of the Dept.
4 years (2)
1 year (1)
Scholastic Records (10%) Only those from refutable universities, i.e. SUCs,
Summa Cum Laude (10) Private higher educations with accreditations shall
Magna Cum Laude (8) be considered.
Cum Laude (5)
Licensure Examination Passer (5%) The licensure examination to be considered is the
one required by the recruiting unit.
Those belonging to the top 10 shall be given
additional 3 points
Work Experience (5%) Only those work experiences that are related to
5 years up (5) teaching and research, and with service records
4 years (4) attached.
3 years (3)
2 years (2)
1 year (1)
8. The passing score for faculty recruit based on the above-mentioned scheme
shall be 65 points; hence, those who did not get such score shall not be
9. The OVCAA shall endorse the Faculty Applicants Screening Results to the
department, and the department shall strictly follow and respect the ranking
provided. The department through the dean shall then submit to the OVCAA the
names of the newly-hired faculty members indicating the date of affectivity of
service for the preparation of Notice of Appointment.
10. Finally, the new recruit shall be given an initial rank by the Campus Academic
Promotion Panel based on the 2005 MSU- Integrated Scheme for Ranking and
Promotion (ISRP).
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs takes charge in the
administration, safeguarding and computation of the Teaching Efficiency Rating (TER)
of all faculty members in the University except the MSU-External Units.
Teaching Efficiency refers to the ability of a faculty member to carry out his/her tasks
and obligations effectively and efficiently in relation to his/her students, peers and
superiors. Teaching Efficiency Rating (TER) is the weighted average of students, peers
and supervisor’s ratings of a faculty member for a given semester/academic year.
A. The Raters
1. Tertiary and Graduate Levels
In determining efficiency ratings, a faculty member in the tertiary and graduate levels
shall be evaluated by his/her
(1) Students ---------------- 50%
(2) Department Chairman,
Dean or immediate Supervisor ---------------- 30%
(3) Peers. ---------------- 20%.
The weight percentage is indicated in each rater. In relatively smaller academic units
where there is no departmentalization, the dean evaluates the faculty member’s
teaching efficiency. However, in case there is a Department Chairman, evaluation
should be done by the Chairman.
2. Basic Education
Junior and Senior High school teachers shall be evaluated by their
(1) Principal or Immediate Superior --------- 50%
(2) Students -------- 30%
(3) Peers --------- 20%
Awarding Of Items to Contractual Faculty
The awarding of vacant item to a faculty member shall emanates from the concerned
college. The usual practice of the OVCAA is to require the college to establish a vacant
item to be awarded which maybe a replacement of a retired, resigned, deceased,
transferred or dismissed faculty member.
The Dean shall recommend to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (VCAA). A
contractual faculty must pre-qualify for the awarding of item by satisfying the two (2)
conditions set below:
1. Length of Service (at least 2 years)
2. Average TER (tri component) of at least VS for the last four (4) semesters
The qualified contractual faculty members will then be ranked according to the points
earned using the ISRP. In a case where there is no competition on the awarding of
items, the discretionary power of the dean shall be enforced. The VCAA then
recommends to the President through the Director of the Human Resources
Development for the issuance of the Notice of Probationary Appointment.
4. Does institutional services outside of teaching assigned by the Dean & Dept. Chairs
5. Observes official consultation hours
6. Submits grade sheets, reports and other requirements on time
7. Informs department/college of possible absences
8. Observes/respects department policies
9. Accepts assigned task with alacrity
10. Attends official meetings
11. Inspires a feeling of friendliness and teamwork in an institutional task
12. Behaves and appears in accordance with professional standards
Chapter VI
Faculty Promotion
Promotion of faculty member is governed by the 2005 Integrated Scheme for Ranking
and Promotion (ISRP). For a faculty member to be qualified for promotion he/she has to
satisfy the considerations for promotion and entrance requirements to a rank category.
The following consists some of implementing guidelines of the 2005 ISRP as approved
in the BOR Resolution No. 211, s. 2006:
1. Initial evaluation of credentials shall be done by the Campus Academic
Promotion Panel (CAPP) with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or his/her
equivalent as ex-officio Chairperson and submitted to the Academic Planning
Committee (APC) of each Campus which may then recommend the established
ranks to the Board of Regents (BOR) through the University President. However,
evaluations involving or resulting in Associate Professor ranks or higher, shall be
reviewed further by the University System Academic Promotion Panel (USAPP)
Cluster. The APC of each Campus shall be officially informed of the results
before recommendations are made by the University President to the BOR.
2. It will be the duty of the faculty member to update his/her own personal academic
records. The burden of proof shall rest on the personnel concerned. All submitted
documents shall form part of the University’s official records. The original
document must be presented for authentication of the photocopies.
4. As a rule, a faculty applicant whose academic records show more than five (5)
failures in the degree considered by the recruiting unit shall not be promoted.
However, failures in three (3) to five (5) courses but not more than two (2) in
major courses may be offset by an above average performance (meaning,
grades not lower than 1.75 or its equivalent) in a higher degree in his/her field of
specialization involving a minimum of twelve (12) units.
Evaluation Procedure on Faculty Promotion:
1. The applicant shall request the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for
evaluation of his/her credentials. The request must state the merits for the
promotion and must be duly recommended by the following:
A. for College faculty: Chair of the Department where the Faculty is appointed to
teach, College/School Dean
B. For Basic Education Faculty
B.1 ILS: Principal, Assistant Dean
B.2 UTC: Principal, Director
B.3 ISED: Principal, Dean
B.4 External Units Principal, Asst. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
2. The VCAA directs CAPP for evaluation of the applicant’s credentials for possible
3. Evaluation of the applicant’s document is during the deliberation of the CAPP.
Prioritization of deliberation is based on the date of submission, in other words,
first come first served basis. After deliberation, the CAPP Secretary, with the
authority of the Vice Chancellor will inform the applicant of the status of his/her
4. Deliberation of the documents is conducted and recommended rank for
promotion is decided based on the 2005 Revised ISRP.
5. OVCAA endorses all its rank recommendations (Teacher to Master Teacher,
Instructor to Professor) to the APC (Academic Planning Committee) for
6. For ranks Assistant Professor and below, the President endorses the application
to BOR for approval.
7. For ranks Associate Professor and higher:
7.1. The Vice Chancellor endorses the documents to the USAPP (University
System Academic Promotion Panel).
7.2. USAPP evaluate and review the documents and submits its
recommendation to the MSUS President.
7.3. The MSUS President endorses the recommendation to BOR for approval.
General Format:
All credentials must be arranged based on the order of their appearance in the
2005 Revised ISRP (Integrated Scheme for Ranking and Promotion).The
credentials must be fastened to a folder with ear tags of every criterion.
All pages in the folder must be consecutively numbered at the lower right-hand
corner of the page using Arabic numerals.
Thick compilations, e.g., journal, thesis, dissertation, etc., if Xeroxed, may be
fastened to a separate folder. They must be properly numbered/catalogued
based on ISRP, and marked consecutively as Attachment No. x, where “x” is an
Arabic numeral.
Chapter VII
Faculty Permanent Tenure
Tenure is defined as the right of the faculty member to continuous employment until
he/she retires, voluntarily leaves the University, or is dismissed for cause. It is also a
pact between the University and the faculty member in which the University agrees to
guarantee the academic freedom and economic security of the faculty member and
provides a place of work for teaching and scholarly activities, and the faculty member
agrees to undertake these functions as best as he/she can and to fulfill other
institutional responsibilities (UP Manual, 2004).
BOR Resolution No. 189, s. 1995 provides the following criteria and guidelines to be
used in the evaluation for the grant of tenure to the members of the faculty of the
Mindanao State University System.
A. Collegiate and Graduate Faculty
All Collegiate and Graduate faculty members of Mindanao State University System who
are under the probationary status are qualified to apply for the grant of permanent
tenure provided they satisfy the following requirements:
1. A master’s or a doctoral degree in one’s field of specialization with at least two
(2) years of full time teaching experience in the University with an average
teaching efficiency rating of at least very satisfactory during the last two (2)
immediate preceding years. In cases of returning faculty grantees – their average
TER within two (2) years prior to official start of their study leave may be
2. A doctoral degree in the allied i.e. strongly related, field of the area of
specialization with at least two (2) years of full time teaching experience in the
University and with an average teaching efficiency rating of at least very
satisfactory during the last two (2) immediate preceding years.
3. A master’s degree in the allied i.e. strongly related, field of specialization with at
least three (3) years of full time teaching experience in the University and with an
average teaching efficiency rating of at least Very Satisfactory during the last two
(2) immediate preceding years.
4. A non –Masteral Degree with at least five (5) years of full time teaching
experience in the University, an average teaching efficiency rating of at least very
satisfactory in the last two (2) immediate preceding years and any of the
a. making it to the top twenty of a professional board examination in the field
of specialization; or
b. completing at least one research project two (2) national experts in the
field; or
c. authoring/developing and helping in the implementation of major
institutional programs that have significantly contributed to the growth and
development of the University; or
d. implementing a University-recognized extension project (not merely
recognized by a department or a college) which created an impact and
C. Transfer Faculty
In the case of the transfer faculty member, the following guidelines must be strictly
1. A high school or elementary faculty member on permanent status in the
University who transfers to collegiate faculty shall retain his/her permanent
2. A permanent faculty member of other SUC’s or the DECS who transfer to the
MSU System may retain his/her permanent status provided there is an official
transfer of service duly noted by the Civil Service Commission and provided
further that the transferring faculty member is immediately appointed with a
specific faculty item.
3. A permanent administrative and semi-academic personnel of the University who
transferred to a teaching position by reason of outstanding academic
qualifications may retain his/her permanent status provided he/she is a master’s
degree holder in the required field of specialization where he/she is appointed
and that his recruitment has been duly recommended by the department
concerned. Provided further, that he/she is immediately appointed to a specific
faculty item upon appointment and provided furthermore, that the need for such a
teacher has been established and his/her transfer is strictly by invitation of the
department faculty.
D. Procedure
1. A member of the faculty who measures up to the criteria for the grant of tenure
shall be recommended by his/her immediate Supervisor (Department Chairman
and the Dean for the Collegiate faculty, Director or Principal for High School and
Elementary units) to the APC through the Office of the Vice Chancellor for
Academic Affairs using Form I herein attached as Annex A.
a. In case the head of a unit/college fails to recommend, the concerned
faculty member may submit request for the grant of tenure through his/her
immediate supervisor.
b. In case there is unreasonable delay, the faculty member concerned
may file a tracer to the OVCAA for immediate action.
2. The OVCAA, through the Committee on Permanent Tenure, shall evaluate the
recommended faculty member and certify, to the satisfactory accomplishment of
the minimum requirements for the grant of tenure using Form 2 herein attached
as Annex B.
3. An interview shall be conducted by a panel composed of the Vice Chancellor
for Academic Affairs as Chairman, the Chief Personnel Officer, and at least
one senior member of the University Faculty with the purpose of ascertaining
the following.
a. That, the recommended faculty member understands the mission of the
University and determine and relevance of his/her duties and
responsibilities as a faculty member to the attainment of the goals and
objective of the University.
b. That, he/she professes his/her loyalty to the teaching profession.
c. That, he/she values the meaning and implications of the grant of tenure to
the faculty.
4. The Panel shall recommend to the APC the grant of tenure to the faculty.
a. The Chief Personnel Officer shall notify the Civil Service Commission, the
GSIS and other concerned government agencies of the grant of tenure to
the newly recruited faculty member.
Chapter VIII
Academic Personnel Development Program
d. No grantee shall change his field of specialization and/or venue of his studies
without prior clearance from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic
e. The fellowship is good for one degree only; however, foreign grantees secure
doctoral grants while they are still on the master’s program, they may be
allowed to go on with the doctoral degree provided this is cleared first with the
unit head and the Chancellor in terms of exigency of service, physical and
mental fitness, and the like.
f. Applicants for a study grant to cover the last lap* of their studies may be
prioritized. However, they shall not be treated as regular grantees in terms of
frequency of renewals and extensions.
4. The return service requirements of grantees shall be based on the following
a. Local
i) For Study grants of one year or more, a return service of two years for
every year of study grant or a major fraction thereof shall be required.
ii) For study grants, travel grants for observation and attendance in
seminars, special training grants, and other grants involving six months but not
less than one month, a return service of one year shall be required.
b. Foreign
i) For study grants of one year or more, a return service of three years for
every year of study leave or a major fraction thereof shall be required.
ii) For study grants, travel grants for observation and attendance in
seminars, special training grants, and other grants involving six months but not
less than one month, a return service of one and a half years shall be required.
iii) For grants involving less than 1 month no return service shall be
c. The return service proviso applies without distinction to both study grants on
official time only and those with privileges.
d. when a grantee does not render the required return service stipulated in the
fellowship contract following the expiration of his grant, 1) The Chancellor shall write
to the institution where he is presently connected about his return service obligation
and lack of clearance from the University; 2) his case shall be submitted to the
University Legal Service Division for administrative and legal charges.
5. The grant of fellowship shall have the following procedures:
a. All scholarship nominees must be received by the OVCAA not later than end
of December of every year. Late submission of nominees shall not be entertained by
the office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. There shall be NO new
fellowship grants awarded during the second semester of every school year.
b. Nomination which shall be based on the academic personnel development of
the unit begins with the Dean in consultation with the respective chairman of the
appropriate department.
c. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs prepares the list of
recommendees for deliberation by the Academic Scholarship Panel which shall
schedule the nominees for interviews. The Academic Scholarship Panel shall
recommend qualified nominees to the Academic Planning committee for a fellowship
d. Recommendees shall submit to the Academic Scholarship Panel a certification
from the University Infirmary or from the physician connected with the University
College of Medicine that they are physically healthy, and a certification from a
psychometrician of the guidance and counselling unit of the university that they are
mentally healthy and emotionally stable to undergo the rigors of graduate studies.
e. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall submit the
academic planning committee list of recommendees to the Office of the Chancellor
for issuance of a Special Order which shall be submitted to the Board of Regents for
confirmation. The Special Order shall cover the entire duration for grantee’s study
f. Upon the issuance of the Special Order, the grantee shall clear himself of all
money and property accountabilities. He shall sign a contract with the University
prior to his departure.
g. the grantee shall submit to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs the duly accomplished and notarized contract before he can claim any of the
privileges stipulated in the contract.
h. Applicant for foreign grants must inform the head of his unit (thru a letter of
intent) and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at least one semester before
the expected start of his study leave.
i. No nominee shall be allowed to bring his/her spouse if the latter who is a past
grantee has not served at least two thirds of the required return service.
j. All Fellowship nominees for the second semester shall be considered along
with the nominees for the first semester immediately preceding the academic year.
k. Grantees are advised to seek admission to the University of the Philippines but
in cases where appropriate academic programs are absent, grantees may seek
admission to other academic institutions provided they are member of either PASUC
or PAASCU and they are strong in the chosen discipline.
6. The full fellowship privileges shall be the following:
a. Local
i) Monthly Salary
ii) Monthly Stipend
iii) Semestral book allowance (uniform to all regardless of place of study)
iv) Free tuition and other school fees like matriculation and laboratory fees
v) Transportation allowance (preferably boat fare)
vi) Thesis or seminar allowance (uniform to all regardless of place of study)
b. Foreign (University counterpart)
i) Clothing allowance per Executive Order 129 as amended by Executive Order
421 and other Executive amendments
ii) Book allowance per Executive Order 129 as amended by Executive Order 421.
iii) The visa cost
iv) Monthly salary
v) Round-trip boat transportation between Marawi and the place of Study
(whatever extra amount incurred in the return trip due to the increase of fare shall
be reimbursed by the University), when not shouldered by other granting
vi) Medical insurance if not provided by the granting institution
7. No payment on personal effects such as freight charges and others shall be made to
any grantee by the University.
8. In case where the grantee received some privileges from other granting institutions,
local or foreign, the remaining privileges not covered by the award shall be shouldered
by the Mindanao State University. In cases where foreign grants do not include
transportation cost and University APDP budget cannot afford to shoulder said cost, the
awarding shall be finalized depending on the individual’s ability and willingness to pay
for his own transportation.
9. Grantees on official time only may apply or accept fellowship like DOST, BFAR,
SEARCA, etc., provided the provisions of their contracts are not inconsistent with the
provisions of the MSU contract, especially regarding return service.
10. No grantee shall be allowed to enroll at the Asian Institute of Management if his
intended field of specialization can be taken in the University of the Philippines or in
other PASUC or PAASCU member institutions.
11. No local grantee shall be allowed to shift to foreign fellowships. Except on conditions
that his study period shall not go beyond the regular allotment or that the units
previously earned be duly credited.
12. Summer study grants, subject to availability of funds, shall be awarded to the
a. Those who are finishing their thesis writing and who are certified by the advisers
to receive their degree towards the end of summer.
b. The summer privileges shall be the following.
i) Book allowance
ii) Monthly allowance
iii) Tuition and other school fees
13. A fellowship award may be deferred for one semester on the basis of a strong
justification. Grants deferred for one year are considered forfeited.
14. Every academic unit shall develop and maintain a unit-based Academic Personnel
Development Plan which must be reflective of the programs and needs of said units.
15. There shall be organized a standing committee known as Academic Scholarship
Panel with the following membership charged to assist the campus administration in the
effective implementation of the Academic Personnel Development Program and the
strict enforcement of this Guidelines:
Permit to Study
All faculty member are accorded the privilege of studying on his own provided:
1. The chosen field of study is in line with his/her field of specification.
2. Schedules of classes would be on weekends which do not conflict with
his/her schedule of classes being handled.
3. Enrolled course should be limited to 6 units only per semester.
Chapter IX
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops are available for the professional growth of
faculty members. But this privilege is available only to:
1. Those who are willing to share in the burden of the cost.
2. Those who are willing to conduct an echo seminar to other faculty members to
in whatever the attendee have learned for the seminar/conferences.
3. To submit a narrative report to the OP also to the OVCAA of the
seminar/conference he/she has attended.
Chapter X
Under Article 209 of the UC, leave of absences are classified as follows:
1. Teacher’s Leave
2. Vacation /Sick leave
3. Maternity Leave
4. Military Service Leave
5. Sabbatical Leave
1. Teacher’s Leave
Teacher’s leave shall be granted to full and part-time members of the faculty who
do not normally perform administrative functions. It shall consist of (i) vacation leave,
and (ii) sick leaves, neither of which shall be cumulative.
(i) Teacher’s vacation leave shall consist of two (2) months for each
academic year in addition to the usual Christmas vacation. Such vacation
leave may be taken only during the regular vacation periods of the
University; Provided, that if the exigency of service so requires the faculty
member may be called to duty within this period so as not to prejudice the
operation of the University.
(ii) Teacher’s sick leave shall consist of not more than fifteen (15) days,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, in any ne academic year.
Absence for more than five (5) days at a time shall not be approved unless
a doctor’s certificate is submitted or unless the physical appearance of the
faculty member clearly shows that he has been or seriously indisposed.
Sick leave refers to leave granted only on account of sickness or
disability on the part of employee concerned or any member of his
immediate family.
2. Vacation/Sick leave
Vacation/Sick leave of both fifteen (15) days with full pay and exclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays for each calendar year of service, as may be
approved by the President, shall be granted to administrative personnel and to member
of the faculty who regularly perform administrative functions for at least six (6) months
of continuous faithful and satisfactory service.
Provided , further, that the President may, in his discretion, authorize the
commutation of the salary that would be received during the period of the vacation and
sick leave of any permanently appointed official or employee and direct its payment on
or before the beginning of such vacation and/or sick leave from the fund out of which
the salary would have been paid; Provided furthermore, that no person whose leave has
been commuted following his separation from the University shall be reappointed or
employed in the University before the expiration of the leave unless he first refunds the
money value of the unexpired portion of the leave commuted.
3. Maternity Leave
Pursuant to Section 19 of Republic Act No. 11210 or An Act Increasing the
Maternity Leave Period of One Hundred Five (105) Days for Female Workers with an
Option to Extend for an Additional Thirty (30) Days without pay, and Granting an
Additional Fifteen Days for Solo Mothers, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Eligibility. – Any pregnant female worker in the government service,
regardless of employment status and length of service, in National Government
Agencies (NGAs), Local Government Units (LGUs), Government-Owned or Controlled
Corporations (GOCCs), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), or Local Universities
and Colleges (LUCs) shall be granted maternity leave or one hundred five (105) days
will full pay regardless of the manner of delivery of the child, and an additional fifteen
(15) days paid leave if the female worker qualifies as a solo parent under Republic Act
No. 8972, or the “Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000”.
She shall be entitled to maternity leave of six (60) days with full pay for miscarriage or
emergency termination of pregnancy.
4. Military Leave
Military service leave shall be granted to members of the faculty, officials and
employees in accordance with the laws and regulations governing the same.
When a personnel goes for voluntary training, with the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, he shall be governed by laws, rules and regulations covering leaves and
such is chargeable against the leave credits.
5. Sabbatical leave
Sabbatical leave may be granted to members of the faculty to encourage study,
investigation and research to improve their competency for service to the University.
A Sabbatical leave not exceeding one year may be granted to a faculty member
with a rank of Assoc. Prof and above who has served the University for a minimum
period of six (6) years. The leave includes the following privileges:
i. Full salary corresponding to his leave;
ii. Free round trip transportation from Marawi to destination and back
iii. Advanced encashment of salary equivalent to (3) months of service.
All personnel with permanent, temporary, casual or contractual appointments
including those with fixed terms of office, may avail themselves of the Rehabilitation
Privilege during their employment with their agency and in accordance with the
Chapter XI
Under Chapter 16 of the University Code as Adopted in the MSU Faculty Manual,
following are restrictions:
1. Religious Teaching
No faculty member in the University shall inculcate sectarian tenets in any
of his teaching nor attempt, either directly or indirectly, under penalty of dismissal
by the Board of Regents, to influence students or attendants at the University for
or against any particular church or religious sect (Art. 234, UC).
4. Private Tutoring
No member of the faculty shall be permitted to give private lessons to any
student enrolled in his college or school and to accept payment there from without
the previous approval of the President. (Art. 245, UC)
14. Publication
a. No member of the faculty, official or employee of the University shall publish or
discuss publicly any information not released for publication concerning a particular
college or school without the written permission of the President. (Art. 236, UC)
b. No member of the faculty, official or employee shall publish or discuss publicly
charges or complaints against any other member of the faculty, official or employee
concerning the latter’s official duties or private life or conduct. Any such complaint or
charge shall be addressed first to the proper authorities of the University for action. (Art.
237, UC)
c. No publication about a particular college or school shall be made without
clearance from the Dean or Director, Authors of articles appearing in the University
publications shall be severally responsible of the opinions expressed therein. (Art. 238,
Chapter XIII
A. Entrance Examinations
The Mindanao State University has a yearly Entrance Examination for the
incoming freshmen. This is the System Admission and Scholarship Examination
(SASE) which is conducted every month of October. Another entrance
examination for freshmen without a scholarship attached to it is the College
Entrance Test (CET) which is administered every start of the semester.
B. Admission Procedures
C. Enrolment Protocol
Enrollment Task Force (ETF) headed by the Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs shall be in charge of the Enrollment Activities. The ETF include the deans,
heads of semi-academic units and other members. Enrollment modules must be
handled by authorized persons only. No student shall be allowed to handle any
enroll modules. Passwords for enroll modules is personalized and should not be
passed/revealed on the other person. (See Brochures on Enrollment Protocol in
Appendix XIIIA.)
Vice Chancellor
Appendix 1
Article 9. Other Officers of the Autonomous Campus . (MSU Code of Governance, BOR Res.
No. 92, s. 1992
Section 103. The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
Unless otherwise provided, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall be responsible to the
Chancellor for the supervision of academic support service units to include the library and
secondary education, office of the registrar and office of the student affairs. He shall be
responsible to the Chancellor for the supervision of academic support service units to include
the library and secondary education, Office of the Registrar and Office of the Student Affairs.
He shall be responsible for the supervision of the coordination staffs for instruction, research
and extension. He shall assist in the planning, monitoring, reviewing and coordination of
policies, programs, systems and standards pertaining to instructional, curricular, student,
academic personnel and library matters of the campus. He shall be responsible for the
implementation of admission and scholarship programs. He shall perform such other functions
and duties as the Chancellor may assign.
Section 112. Special Assistants to the Vice Chancellor. Special Assistants to the Chancellors
are specialist who may be drawn from the faculty, on additional assignment, and shall be
designated by the Chancellor
Enrollment of Students
This Enrollment Protocol is a comprehensive guide on enrolment procedure
designed and introduced to meet the existing demand for information dissemination
regarding the computerized enrollment of MSU-Marawi Campus. The enrollment
procedure is documented so as to clearly delineate the proper protocol of enrolment
and allow student enrollees identify the offices and or persons to approach during
enrollment. In addition, the computer database enrolment modules programmed by our
very own computer programmer from the College of Information Technology hastens
systematized database information records of students and likewise enrollment is
readily processed at department level.
In our effort to provide convenience to the students, past MSU System President
Ricardo F. de Leon created an Enrollment Ad Hoc Committee to revise some of the
existing enrolment flow in order to make the enrollment process more shorter and to get
rid of long tedious queuing and bottlenecks in enrollment units. The revision includes an
implementation of One-Stop-Payment windows so that all payments of fees by the
students can be transacted at one time in the University Business Office (UBO) which is
clustered to cut off bottlenecks in payments of fees. Likewise, the Registrar’s office
representatives are also clustered. However, printing of Certificate of Registration
(COR) is optional in our desire to change into paperless enrollment.
In addition, the use of out-campus enrollment module (AKAN account) and its
policies are herein presented to assist and aid students for its easy use. Moreover,
some relevant information stipulated herein will update students on registration period
MSU Marawi campus.
Optimistically, this Enrollment protocol under the new leadership of MSUS
President Habib W. Macaayong, who supports the use of modules for computerized
enrollment will eventually create a hassle-free paperless enrollment atmosphere in the
Though this is the first time the University provides a documented Enrollment
Protocol, it is hoped that this would serve as a baseline reference for the future
improvements of the campus enrollment.
Step 1. Department
1. Dismissed student proceeds to the academic adviser.
2. Adviser retrieves the file jacket of the student and requires the student to
report to the University Guidance Counselor (GC) at the Division of Student
Affairs (DSA).
Step 2. Division Of Student Affairs (Dsa)
1. Student reports to the University Guidance Counsellor (GS) for evaluation of
2. GC proceeds to counselling of the student.
3. GC issues re-admission slip (RAS) indicating the recommended new course
in re-admission slip (SAS).
4. GC keeps file of the students for reference.
Step 3. Department
1. Student proceeds to the Department as recommended by the GC for re-
admission and acceptance.
2. Student presents the Re-admission Slip issued by the GC from the Division of
Student Affairs (DSA).
3. Adviser updates student’s file record.
4. Adviser/faculty-encoder encodes the subjects and then click “confirmed” in
the enroll module.
5. Adviser prints the Bill of Accounts.
Step 4. Cluster Area (Ubo)
1. Student proceeds to designated UBO cluster area and presents BOA for
payment of enrollment fees.
Step 5. Cluster Area (Registrar Office)
1. Student proceeds to the Registrar for the printing of COR and signing by the
(NO full payment, NO COR printing)
Note: Rules on Student’s Dismissal
Sanctions (Art. 495, UC p.115)
a) Disciplinary action may take the form of expulsion, suspension from the University,
withholding of gradtuation and other privileges, exclusion from any class, reprimand,
warning or required expression of apology. The gravity of the offense committed
and the circumstances attending its commission shall determine the nature of
disciplinary action or penalty to be imposed.
b) Art. 498. Without prejudice and in addition to the foregoing rules and regulations on
student conduct and discipline, the following shall likewise be enforced:
a. Any student of this University who shall threaten another student with the
infliction upon the person, honor or property of the latter, of any wrong
amounting to a crime shall be expelled or dismissed from the University, if
the offender shall have made the threat making a demand or imposing any
condition, even though not unlawful, and said offender shall have attained
his prupose; the penalty of suspension of three (3) months shall be
imposed upon him. The penalty of suspension of one (1) month shall be
imposed if the threat shall not have been made subject to a condition;
b. Any student who shall, by means of force or violence, assault or attack
another student shall suffer the penalty of expulsion or dismissal from the
University. The same penalty shall be imposed upon a group of students,
in case conspiracy exist, even though one or some of them shall not have
physically participated in the commission of the act;
c. The penalty of expulsion or dismissal from the University shall be imposed
upon any student who shall, by means of violence, prevent another
student from doing something not prohibited by law or the code of the
University or compel him to do something against his will, whether it be
right or wrong. The some conspiracy exists, even though one or some of
them shall have not physically participated in the act;
d. Any student carrying any firearm within the University premises, unless in
connection with his ROTC training, shall suffer the penalty of expulsion or
dismissal. If the firearm shall have been discharged, or used to threaten
another student, the penalty to be imposed on the offender shall also be
expulsion or dismissal from the University without prejudice to filing
criminal complaints charges.
Any student who at the end of semester obtains a final grade below “3.0” in at
least 76% of the total number of academic units shall be dropped from the roll of his/her
college provided that this shall not apply to students who received final grades in less
than 9 academic units.
Note: Maximum Residency Rule (MRR)
The tenure of the students in Mindanao State University is limited to a maximum of six
years for the conferment of a degree in a four-year program, or seven years in a five-
year program, provided, that this policy shall not apply to part-time students enrolling in
not more than twelve (12) units per5 semester and those admitted under special
programs which normally require longer time for students to complete the course
requirements; and provided further that special cases shall be at the discretion of the
President of the University upon recommendation of the Dean of the College.
Under BOR resolution, A student who fails to finish his/her course prescribed in
the curriculum, has a two year period allowable to graduate in time otherwise he/she will
be considered an MRR student.
Substitution of courses maybe allowed upon petition of the student concerned under the
following conditions:
1. Must be recommended by the academic adviser and by the Head of the
Department concerned.
2. Must be approved by the Dean concerned.
Important Reminders
1. Students are required to have pre-registration of subjects for the proceeding
semester from their academic advisers on a scheduled date.
2. All subjects pre-registered are considered temporary and will be deleted unless
“confirmed” at the Department level on or before the prescribed period stipulated
in the CPRF.
3. With the approval of academic adviser, Student has the option to change pre-
registered subjects not yet confirmed.
4. No second person enrollment is allowed unless authorized by the concerned
College Dean.
5. Scholars are required to have their grade card marked “Scholarship Maintained”
by the Registrar and the same shall be presented to the Admission Officer during
enrollment period.
6. There shall be nor handwritten entries on the Certificate of Registration (COR)
and in the Certificate of ADDMAT (CAM).
7. Practicum students who are still out of campus can have adviser-assisted
8. Validation of subjects, application for advance credits, completion of INC’s,
substitution of courses, shall be done at least two weeks before the scheduled
registration period.
9. No grade submission by the Faculty during enrollment.
10. Students must keep their COR, CAM, CCM, ready for presentation to their
instructors at the start of classes.
11. All pre-requisite subjects must be completed first before any higher course can
be enrolled. The department concerned reserves the right to drop any student
who does not have pre-requisite.
12. Medical Examination for admitted freshmen will be done immediately after
paying enrollment fees.
13. No two (2) basic P.E. courses shall be taken simultaneously except for students
graduating on the current semester.
14. Dismissed students shall be subjected to counseling by the University guidance
Counselor and shall be issued re-admission slip for reference of the Department
for their readmission and enrollment.
15. Payment of Bill of Accounts must be done within prescribed period otherwise
enrolled subjects will be auto deleted.
16. Only students with printed Certificate of Registration (COR) can apply for Add
Mat/Change Mat.
17. Chairperson must provide faculty an updated class list immediately after the Add
Mat period.
18. Students should attend in classes on section officially enrolled.
19. Password to access enroll modules must be kept personally secured to prevent
date modification.