Sem5 PHSH Dse2
Sem5 PHSH Dse2
Sem5 PHSH Dse2
The questions are of equal value. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.
1. What do you understand by the term baseband signal? List the drawbacks of baseband
transmission. Why is modulation needed?
2. Draw the waveform of an amplitude modulated wave with sinusoidal modulation.
From the display of an AM envelope on an oscilloscope, the measured values of Vmax and
Vmin are 150 mV and 70 mV peak-to-peak respectively. Compute the value of amplitude
modulation index, ma and percent modulation. What is over modulation?
3. Why is FM more immune to the effects of noise?
How many sidebands are present in the spectrum of FM wave ideally? What is Carson’s
rule? The modulation index of an FM wave is 10 and the highest modulation frequency is
20kHz. Find the minimum bandwidth required for the detection of this FM wave.
4. What is the need of sampling? Define Nyquist sampling theorem.
The questions are of equal value. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable.
1. Write three major differences between bulk materials and nanomaterials. Explain the
properties and applications of nanodots in brief. Why carbon nanodots are considered as
superior in this context?
2. What is a quantum wire? How many dimensions are confined in this case? For a quantum
wire, sketch the density of states (DOS) as function of energy, E.
3. Explain molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) method for nanoparticle synthesis with a suitable
diagram. Mention two advantages and two disadvantages of MBE method.
4. What is sol-gel process? What is the principle of operation of this process? What are
advantages of this synthesis process?
5. Derive equation of Bragg’s law from Laue’s equations of X-ray diffraction. Hence use this
equation to derive an expression for average particle size determination..
7. What is meant by point defects in crystals? State the difference between Schottky and
Frenkel defects. Which one of these two changes the density of the solids?
8. Distinguish between direct band gap and indirect band gap materials with suitable
examples. Why direct band gap material is preferred over indirect one for optical devices?
9. Describe briefly the applications of nanoparticle in medical science. What are the
advantages of using nanoparticles in drug delivery?
10. What is magnetic quantum dot and in which way they are different from quantum dot?
Write some of the major applications of magnetic quantum dot.
B.Sc. Semester-V (Honours) Examination, 2021 (CBCS)
Subject: Physics
Paper: DSE-2 (Classical Dynamics)
1. Suppose a charged particle enters in a uniform magnetic field with velocity v o along
y-axis and the field is directed along z-axis. Obtain the equation of the path of the
particle. Show that the gyro-frequency of the particle is independent of the velocity of
the particle.
2. (i) What is cyclic coordinate? Show that the conjugate momentum of a cyclic
coordinate is a conserved quantity.
(ii) The Lagrangian of a particle is L q qq . Show that the particle moves freely.
3. The bob of a simple pendulum moves in a horizontal circle. Write down the
Lagrangian of the system. Obtain the Lagrange’s equation of motion and hence find
the angular frequency of the circular motion.
4. State Hamilton’s principle. Using this derive Euler-Lagrange’s equation.
5. (i) If the Hamiltonian does not depend explicitly on time then prove that total energy
is a constant of motion.
(ii) A dynamical system with generalised coordinates q1 and q2 has Lagrangian
L q12 q 22 . If p1 and p2 are the conjugate momenta obtain the Hamiltonian of the
6. (i) The potential of a system is V ( x) x x . Find the position of stable and
2 4
unstable equilibrium.
(ii) The Lagrangian of two coupled harmonic oscillators is
m 2 k
L ( x1 x 22 ) [( x2 x1 ) 2 x12 ]
2 2
where m and k are constants. Find normal frequencies of the system.
7. What are length contraction and time dilation in special theory of relativity?
Calculate the length and orientation of a rod of length 5 m in a frame moving with
velocity 0.6 c in a direction making an angle 30o with the rod.
8. Write down Lorentz transformations in Minkowski representation (x, w = ct).
Explain the length contraction using Minkowski diagram.
9. In four-vector representation (r , ict ) write down the interval between two world
points. What is space-like interval? What can you say about the causal relation
between two world points in space-like interval? Show that four-force and four-
velocity vector are orthogonal to each other.
10. What is proper time? Define four-velocity vector. Show that it is an invariant
quantity and is time-like.
11. Write down four-momentum transformation equations. Explain the Doppler effect
using four-momentum representation.
12. Define streamline motion and critical velocity of fluid. What is Reynold’s number?
The cross-sectional radius of a pipeline decreases as r roe
, where a = 0.6
m and x is the distance (in m) from the pipeline inlet. Calculate the ratio of
Reynold’s number for two cross-sections separated by x 3 m.
13. State Newton’ law of fluid. Hence, define the coefficient of viscosity of a fluid.
Water (coefficient of viscosity is 0.01 Poise) is flowing through 50 cm long tube. The
first 25 cm of the tube is of radius 1 mm and remaining 25 cm is of radius 2 mm. If
the pressure difference maintained at the two ends is 20 cm of water calculate the
amount of water flowing out per second through the tube.
14. What is central force field? A particle moves under a central force field. Set up the
Hamiltonian of the system. Hence obtain the Hamilton’s equations of motion.