Subject: Music
(1) Review:
Review the basic elements of music (melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics, and form) and
their importance in understanding and analyzing musical compositions.
(2) Motivation:
(3) Activity:
(4) Analysis:
(5) Abstraction:
Facilitate a class discussion on the deeper appreciation and value of the music of
romantic composers. Encourage students to share their personal connections to the music
and discuss how it reflects the emotional and cultural significance of the time period.
(6) Application:
Provide the students with a real-life scenario where they must choose a piece of romantic
music to accompany a specific scene in a film or play. Ask them to explain their choices
based on the distinctive characteristics and emotional impact of the music.
(7) Assessment:
Multiple-choice questions:
1. Who is considered one of the most influential romantic composers? a) Mozart b)
Beethoven c) Bach d) Handel
2. Which of the following is a characteristic of romantic music? a) Simple melodies
b) Minimal use of dynamics c) Emphasis on emotional expression d) Strict
adherence to classical forms
3. What is the primary contribution of romantic composers to the evolution of
music? a) Development of polyphony b) Exploration of atonal music c) Emphasis
on programmatic music d) Creation of minimalist compositions
4. True or False: Romantic composers often drew inspiration from literature and
nature in their music.
5. Fill in the blank: The ________________ period in music emphasized individual
expression and intense emotions.
(8) Assignment:
Interactive Activities:
1. Musical Timeline:
o Provide the students with a timeline of different musical periods, including the
romantic period. Ask them to research and present key composers and their
notable compositions from each period. This activity encourages students to delve
deeper into the contributions of romantic composers.
2. Composer Profile:
o Assign each student a different romantic composer and ask them to create a
multimedia presentation or poster showcasing the composer's life, musical style,
and notable works. This activity promotes research skills and helps students
develop a deeper appreciation for individual composers.
3. Musical Emotions:
o Play several short excerpts of romantic compositions and ask the students to
identify the emotions conveyed by each piece. Create a chart where students can
write down their responses, fostering their ability to perceptively listen and
describe the emotional characteristics of romantic music.