Goals and Objectives

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Goals and Objectives

Lesson 1:
Understand the historical and social significance of the song Joshua Fit
the Battle of Jericho.
Identify the musical genre of Joshua.
Think critically about the role of Elvis as a figure.
Create an aural model in regards to tone quality and general feel of the
Common Core Standards:
ART.M.V.8.2- Analyze ways in which music is related to the principles and
subject matter of other disciplines. ART.M.III.HS.1- Demonstrate extensive
knowledge and use of the technical vocabulary of music.

Lesson 2:
Understand and comprehend musical and lyrical vocabulary within the
Transfer a basic understanding of terms to accurate technical
performance of the piece.
Evaluate the effectiveness of their own implementation of choral
techniques and that of others.
Understand the story behind and references within the song, being able
to show the story through facial expression.
Identify previously unfamiliar vocabulary terms in the music
Common Core Standards:
ART.M.III.HS.1- Demonstrate extensive knowledge and use of the technical
vocabulary of music.

Lesson 3:
Recognize various relationships between musical elements and text
Understand how musical aspects such as melodic direction, dynamics,
and harmony add meaning to the text.
Compose their own piece of music through text painting, based upon a
chosen text, and using musical elements such as dynamics, rhythm,
tempo, instrumentation, articulation, and melodic direction to portray and
enhance the meaning of the text.
Identify examples of text painting in Joshua
Perform the music in such a way to bring out relationships between text
and music.
Common Core Standards:
ART.M.III.HS.1: Demonstrate extensive knowledge and use of the technical
vocabulary of music. ART.M.III.HS.5: Make informed, critical evaluations of the
quality and effectiveness of performances, compositions, arrangements, and
improvisations applying specific criteria. ART.M.V.HS.1: Explain how
elements, artistic processes, and organizational principles are used in similar
and distinctive ways in the various arts and cite examples.

Lesson 4:
Represent melodic direction kinesthetically
Perform appropriate rhythmic patterns in the context of Joshua.
Perform appropriate vowel shapes in the context of Joshua.
Perform appropriate diction in the context of Joshua.
Evaluate the performance of another choir
Common Core Standards:

Lesson 5:
Recognize and demonstrate understanding of proper choral technique
and how to avoid bad habits.
Apply knowledge of new terms by pointing out potential trouble spots in
the piece.
Think critically about the song Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho and the
ways in which is demonstrates racism and oppression in society in the
historical context of slavery as well as in the time of Elvis Presley.
Explore possible walls in their own lives and how Joshua can give them
hope like it did for the original composers.
Portray the song through facial expression, enhancing the audiences
experience of the piece.
Common Core Standards:
ART.M.V.8.2- Analyze ways in which music is related to the principles and
subject matter of other disciplines. ART.M.1.8.1, Sing and play, with
expression and technical accuracy, a diverse repertoire of vocal and
instrumental literature, with and without notation, including selections
performed from memory.

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