Priyanka Paper JSR 2022
Priyanka Paper JSR 2022
Priyanka Paper JSR 2022
Publications J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022)
Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) height is an important parameter in defining the
Ventilation Coefficient (VC) of any area. In this work, SODAR (Sound Detection and
Ranging) observed data of different echograms for the year 2020 has been used for
structure identification. The interpretation of ecograms is often not straight-forward. In this
paper, an interpretation of different echograms along with meteorological parameters over
Delhi is described. The ecogram structures were interpreted along with VC analysis. It is
observed from the structures that during foggy days, VC values vary from day to day in the
winter, with daily maximum values occurring between 13:00 and 15:00 h. The daytime
values varied significantly from sunrise to sunset, while the night-time values remained
relatively stable (200 m2/s). However, due to fog diurnal variation from 16:00 h to 11:00 h,
that is from evening to all night and then the next morning until 12:00 h, the atmospheric
condition remained stable. At maximal wind speeds, a maximum VC of 1600 m2/s (at 12:00
h) was observed during extended fumigation. With minimal wind speeds and ABL height, a
minimum VC of 100 m2/s (at 20:00 h) was observed. However, both VCs were smaller than
the optimal VC for 6000 m2/s safe dispersion.
Keywords: SODAR; Convection; Inversion; Atmosperic boundary layer; Stable layer;
Ecogram; Ventilation coefficient.
© 2022 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237 (Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.
doi: J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022)
1. Introduction
All major environmental and meteorological factors are directly or indirectly impacted by
Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) structure and height, which is the lowermost layer of
troposphere [1-9]. ABL height, defined here as the height to which airborne pollutants are
mixed by the turbulent atmosphere, is an important and useful parameter in dispersion
studies. Under convective conditions during the day ABL height is usually given by the
height of the base of a capping inversion. During stable conditions at night, the ABL
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814 Acousting Sounding Records with Meterological Parameters
height is usually taken to be the depth of the shallow turbulent region adjacent to the
ground. Change in pollutant concentration and dispersion, wind velocity and vertical
change in momentum, heat, gaseous constituents and aerosols are directly affected by
change in height of ABL or more precisely, ABL is a main link between atmosphere and
earth’s surface and plays a major role in influencing atmospheric environment and human
life [9-12]. ABL structure is constantly changes in time and space with respect to change
in mountain structure, different seasons, change in weather condition and during different
hours of day. ABL height may change from less than 100 m to several thousand meters
[4]. Knowledge of change in ABL is also important for weather forecasting,
environmental policy planning and to gain knowledge about turbulence and dispersion of
pollutant [3,5,13].
There are numerous techniques for ABL height determination. Major technique
includes direct measurement such as Tethered balloon, Radiosonde and Remote sensing
techniques such as Lidar, Doppler Radar and Sodar [4,6,14,15]. Among all these, SODAR
is a valuable and significant instrument for ABL height determination upto 3 km with real
time and good space resolution capability [16-19]. Since the last 40-years SODAR
technique has been developed to a very useful tool for ABL investigation. There is a lot of
methods for remote sensing of the lower atmosphere using lasers or radio waves, but
sound waves have especially been favoured to become a frequently used technique all
over the world due to the low cost needed for its instrumentation and long-time
For the present study, monostatic SODAR instrument has been used. The whole
system is developed and designed indigenously. SODAR provides a pictorial view of
ABL height in the form of echograms [9]. Also, sensors for different meteorological
parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity and temperature have
been installed along with SODAR. ABL height of any area mainly depends upon
prevailing meteorological conditions of that area. Structure and height keep on changing
in Echograms during different seasons and also during different time of a day and that can
be used for study of hourly variation in ABL height.
In the present study, echograms for a year 2020 has been used and described.
Echogram interpretation requires knowledge of local and boundary layer metrology, and
the scattering of sound by atmospheric processes. Therefore, it is not usually a simple task
and, in many instances, a high degree of subjective judgement may still be needed. The
Acoustic Sounder (SODAR) can be very useful for the continuous monitoring of the
atmosphere’s thermal structures. The structure of the Sodar echogram is the characteristic
of the time season and the ambient micrometeorological conditions of the lower
atmosphere. These conditions influence the tropospheric propagation characteristics of
electromagnetic waves, as well as posing a threat to aviation and air pollution. As a result,
the Sodar echogram's distinctive information serves as an index for such scenarios. The
many types of detected structures on the Sodar echograms have been described with this
in mind.
P. Singh et al., J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022) 815
Y is the ABL height (m) and X is the depth of the thermal plume measured by SODAR.
It is very important to measure the wind speed and temperature structure in the boundary
layer for studying the air-sea interaction and air pollution [25,26]. Low level wind shear
directly impacts airplane flying safety and missile launching [27-30]. Therefore, CSIR-
NPL developed a new SODAR system. It may be used for the study of the structure of
ABL over land and ocean. It is also applied in real-time monitoring of environmental
protection and nowcasting of military and civil aviation. The main advantage of the CSIR-
NPL designed/developed SODAR system is that it has a weather sensor mounted at the
height of the SODAR and the software is also designed in such a way that the ABL height
and meteorological parameters like temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed/wind
direction can be compared simultaneously in a single window [21]. As these parameters
are the main variables that affect the ABL height, for the first time, different structures of
SODAR are compared and analysed at each hour along with meteorological parameters in
a single window.
It is necessary to define convection in order to ensure that in cases where the ground based
thermal plumes are not distinct, the ABL height inferred is due to the effects of solar
heating and thereby meets the description "convective" [31]. The daytime instability of the
convective boundary layer is usually capped by an elevated stable layer and so is
considered to extend from the ground to the base of the elevated inversion. It increases in
the morning due to the sun's heating of the earth's surface, peaks around midday, and then
declines in the afternoon (Figs. 1 and 2).
816 Acousting Sounding Records with Meterological Parameters
Fig. 1. Monthly average temporal and seasonal (Summer, Winter, Monsoon and Spring) variation of
ABL height over Delhi.
The record starts at 00.00 h on 23/09/2020 and continues up to 23:59. After 0700 h
the thermals states appearing slowly and reaching up to 300 m. The thermals start
disappears after 17:30 h. It is clear from Fig. 2 that maximum height is observed when
temperature increases and relative humidity (RH) decreases and low height is found when
temperature decreases and RH increases. High wind speed also plays a major role for the
enhancement of mixing height. Solar heating and nocturnal cooling of the surface of the
earth and friction between the flow and the surface are responsible for developing a
surface layer called the ABL. Besides thermal turbulence, mechanical influence also
remains present in this layer.
P. Singh et al., J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022) 817
Plumes generally denote unstable conditions where the degree of instability increases
with height above ground. Under the convection, SODAR represents thermal plumes (Fig.
3). The pressure on the ground falls as a thermal plume rises, while the impinging air mass
causes the pressure to rise. As a result, pressure fluctuations in both positive and negative
directions are linked to the thermal plumes. Fig. 3 shows the hourly variation of thermal
plumes on a clear, sunny, and calm day (wind speed is around 1 m/s).
The nocturnal stable boundary layer contiguous with the surface of the earth is
characterised by a potential temperature gradient and is generally formed only during
clear nights over land. It forms shortly after sundown, grows continuously until early
morning, and dissipates after sunrise when a thermally convective atmosphere develops
near the ground surface [31,34]. Radiative cooling, shear generated turbulence, and
horizontal advection are considered to be responsible for the growth of the nocturnal
boundary layer, while the winds may modify the structure of the boundary layer [33].
Ground-based inversions are reported to emerge during the night due to radiative
cooling of the earth's surface and often extend up to a height of 100 to 200 m [15]. The
ideal conditions for the development of ground based inversions are long nights, clear sky
conditions, and relatively dry and calm air. These inversions occur in both hilly and flat
terrain. They are usually strongest in the valley of hilly terrain. Fig. 4 shows the
development of a ground-based inversion on a clear night under very light wind
conditions. It shows the growth of inversion with time. Normally, the formation of ground
818 Acousting Sounding Records with Meterological Parameters
based inversions is a nighttime phenomenon, but they may occur at any time of the day
due to cloudiness. The Ventilation Coefficient (VC) during the night is very low, between
50-180 m²/s.
The next type of inversion is elevated layers. Subsidence and advection associated with
the passage of a cold front in uniform and complicated terrain, cold-air outflows from
local thunder storms, and drainage winds in the proximity of mountain ranges are all
factors that contribute to the production of raised layers. As seen in Fig. 5, an elevated
layer is essentially a suspended layer in the atmosphere. The creation of elevated strata
appears to be mostly a nighttime event. They usually occur with a ground-based inversion
[22]. The occurrence of elevated layers without any other temperature structure is very
rare. Once produced, the raised layers last for several hours. Rising inversions are the
most common way in which inversions dissipate. The nighttime stable layer does not
dissipate soon after sunrise. The majority of the thermal energy is used to heat the earth
after ground dawn, which warms the stable layer and pushes it upwards. The inversion's
thickness decreases over time and eventually dissipates at a specific height, depending on
the inversion's strength and daily weather conditions [23].
P. Singh et al., J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022) 819
During winter months, dense fog conditions, causing poor visibility, prevail continuously
for a few days over the entire north-eastern region of India. Such fog conditions are said
to be associated with synoptic weather conditions caused by eastward cyclonic
circulations. Fog formation within a shallow surface layer at a depth of a few meters is
commonly observed during winter nights due to the radiational ground cooling under
calm, clear skies with fairly high relative humidity conditions [32]. Such fogs normally
disperse within 1 to 3 h after sun rise but at times they may also become extensive
vertically under increased influence of local turbulence and favorable meteorological
conditions of synoptic origin associated with the advection of warm moist air into the
colder region. In Figs. 6 to 9, SODAR observations pertaining to such a case of a foggy
boundary layer have been examined in the light of local and synoptic meteorological
conditions to identify the anomalies in thermal structure and their impact on the visibility
conditions. The events belong to the period of December 2020 to January 2021. As seen
in echograms (Figs. 6–9), a low-lying elevated layer, in addition to the ground based
Stable Boundary Layer (SBL), was mapped in accordance with the occurrence of fog. The
elevated layer subsequently persisted throughout the day for the whole of the foggy
period, but its temporary disappearance during the early evening hours when the SBL was
developing after the dissipation of the daytime convective thermal plumes. During the
daytime, the elevated layer was seen to ascend and descend in accordance with the rise
and fall of the convective boundary layer height in association with the increase and
decrease of surface temperature due to solar heating of the ground [32].
820 Acousting Sounding Records with Meterological Parameters
Due to fog conditions, the VC values were low for a longer time duration during the
day hours. In winter, fog conditions prevail in the inversion condition for day and night
most of the hours, except for a few hours in the afternoon. It is observed that VC values
(Fig. 6b) vary from day to day during winter, with daily maximum values occurring in the
late afternoon between 13:00 to 15:00 h. The daytime values varied significantly from
sunrise to sunset, the nighttime values were relatively stable (< 200 m²/s), but due to fog
diurnal variation from 16:00 h to 11:00 h that is from evening to all night then next
morning till 12:00 h, there is stable atmospheric condition due to fog layer.
Fig. 7. Fog with thermal plumes early morning and day hours.
The morning rising layer with thermal echoes underneath represents fumigation
conditions. This is the most dangerous plume. All contaminants can come down to ground
level. When atmospheric conditions are steady above the plume but unstable below, this
occurs. This usually occurs after the sun has warmed the atmosphere, turning a nighttime
fanning plume into fumigation for about 0.5 h [33].
Graphs of maximum VCs for maximum and minimum wind speed, and ABL heights
against time during prolonged fumigation conditions are shown in Figs. 10 (a,b). It was
found that wind speeds, ABL height, and VC values were lower during late night and
early morning periods. During prolonged fumigation conditions, a maximum VC of 1600
m2/s (at 12:00 h) (Fig. 10b) was observed with maximum wind speeds. A minimum VC of
100 m2/s (at 20:00 h) was noticed with minimum wind speeds and ABL height. However,
both the VCs were less than the favorable VC for safe dispersion of 6000 m2/s.
The rising layer acting as a lid on the development of thermal plumes in the morning
hours marks a typical signature of the infrasonic pressure fluctuations as shown in Fig. 11.
The depression in pressure is caused when the rising layer gets eroded fast, thus suddenly
removing the lid on the thermals below the inversion. This phenomenon suddenly reduces
the pressure on the ground and is recorded as a positive sign of the sudden growth or
dissipation of the rising layer. However, when the growth is gradual and the inversion
breaks slowly, the typical signature may not appear [12,14]. In the sense of the detection
of the dynamics of the rising layer, acoustic sounding is positively a better technique than
others. Fig. 11b shows the variation of VC along with temperature, wind, and ABL height.
Maximum daily average value of 2000 m2/s observed during this day.
824 Acousting Sounding Records with Meterological Parameters
Multilayer observed under clear weather conditions has the presence of both wind shear
and thermal inhomogeneity. However, on days of frontal disturbances, the forward
scattered structures show higher intensity as compared to back scattered echoes, indicating
the dominance of wind shear under such conditions [12]. Figs. 12(a,b,c) represent the
different multilayer structures and variation of VC during multilayer structures
P. Singh et al., J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022) 825
These are predominantly horizontal echo regions, which denote the turbulent interface
between two layers of air (Fig. 13). The turbulence is powered mechanically by the wind
shear, which dominates over the stable temperature profile effect. This wind driven echo
region may be shallow or deep and may mark a mixing region aloft or indicate the
boundary layer region at the surface. Echoes from horizontally stratified layers usually
contain evidence of organized wave structure, indicating a stable lapse rate.
Wind shear [14,34] is recognized to be of two types. It may be associated with large
scale frontal or inversion surfaces and usually occurs above the ground with little or no
surface manifestation. Alternately, it may be related to the fronts that result from cold
down currents generated by or associated with intense convective activity and that
produce marked changes in surface wind, temperature, and pressure. It can be measured
rapidly and continuously with improved spatial and temporal resolution using remote
sensing devices [22] involving electromagnetic and acoustic waves.
Sudden local variation of wind direction or speed (wind shear) in the lower atmosphere
can be an unexpected and serious hazard to aircraft landing and take-off. SODAR offers a
promising new technique for remotely measuring wind shear, turbulence, and wind
velocity parameters in the lower atmosphere, information which can be of great help in
saving hazardous situations in aviation.
Shear echoes form after subsiding thermal plumes (Figs. 14-17). It remains
throughout the night, and in the morning, when the earth gets heated up by the sun, the
shallow layer formed gets lifted and a thermal plume starts forming. SODAR visualises
the changes in the pattern and height of the nighttime stable layer. In the case of shallow
P. Singh et al., J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022) 827
layers, weather conditions have a clear effect. Layer with plain top formed in the low
wind conditions or with no wind. Thickness of this layer increases if this condition
persists. Surface wind brings mixing in the stable layer. The spikes on the structure show
the gustiness of the wind. Sometimes a multilayered structure forms above the surface-
based layer. The layers have features of sinusoidal motion in clear weather conditions and
sharp vortices in turbulent weather conditions. The dot echo structure above the surface-
based layer indicates water vapor. It is observed in moist conditions soon after rain or in
the evenings in the rainy season [12,34].
Fig. 15. Inversion with short spiky (strong wind weak inversion).
828 Acousting Sounding Records with Meterological Parameters
4. Conclusion
SODAR has been found to provide a new and valuable tool for sensing temperature and
velocity structure in the ABL. It is observed from the different structures that morning
echograms represent a surface-based layer of statically stable air. Turbulence is formed in
this layer due to solar heating of the surface air, and convective wind steadily builds up,
forming a mixed boundary layer that gradually erodes the inversion upwards from the
surface, increasing the depth of the mixed boundary layer. Similarly, surface-based stable
layers, nonctural inversion with multi-layer structure, and stable layers with undulating
structure are all examples of noctural structures. These echograms show convectively
rising air packages in the shape of random spikes above the surface, elevated/multiple
layers, and undulating reflecting layers. These nighttime recordings can be used to
examine atmospheric mixing capacities in order to investigate the influence of a planned
P. Singh et al., J. Sci. Res. 14 (3), 813-830 (2022) 829
airport on air pollution. Despite regular surface cooling and a steady temperature profile
across the mixed region, a strong surface breeze caused mixing to a high elevation of
roughly 500 m in the discussed echograms. These are wind-driven deep shear echoes on
the ground. These are some wave features stacked aloft, as seen in the middle of the night,
indicating shears. The data presented clearly shows that this technique has a lot of
potential for meteorological research and operations. This potential stems from the
capacity to feel the environment remotely using a relatively basic device at a high
sampling rate and to assemble these samples in such a way that the average temperature
structure can be examined in real time using a simple visual integration procedure.
This research was carried out at the CSIR-NPL. The authors are grateful to the Director of
the CSIR National Physical Laboratory (NPL).
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