Professional E-Mail Writing
Professional E-Mail Writing
Professional E-Mail Writing
Around the world everyday there are approximately 269 billion e-mails sent – a large amount of which come
from the professional sector. However, there are a lot of people out there who constantly make the same
mistakes when writing professional e-mails and as a result can irritate their target audiences. Sometimes it is
the case that poorly written e-mails are interpreted as rude, simultaneously they can also be real productivity
killers. The American academic Eric Horvitz discovered in one of his studies that the average person needs up
to 15 minutes after reacting to an e-mail before they can fully concentrate on their original task.
1. How to write a professional e-mail?
2. Business e-mail: format and content
3. Writing it right: Business mail examples
4. How to write a professional e-mail: yes or no?
It gets even more annoying when the e-mail in question is badly written, or worse, is completely unnecessary.
To avoid basic mistakes like this, you should follow certain rules and guidelines.
Furthermore, it is very important that you keep it direct and to the point; keep it as short as possible, without
ignoring politeness and style. By limiting the length of the text, you ensure that the content is to the point, and
contains no unnecessary information. This makes it so much easier for the reader to get the important details
from the e-mail. This should also ensure that everyone involved saves time – both you as a writer and the
person who reads it.
You can also save time for the reader by avoiding unnecessary e-mails in the first place. Superfluous e-mails
usually stem from three different situations:
Mailing lists: With just a few clicks you can send e-mails to countless recipients. This can
be very useful, but as soon as someone clicks on ‘Reply all’, there is bound to be a lot of
unwanted spam. The original sender poses a question to the group, but the answer is often
only going to be relevant to them and not everyone else. Therefore, you should always
consider for whom the e-mail is relevant for.
Inquiries: Letters are in no way a replacement for conversations, and e-mails are not chats.
You can save yourself and your recipients a lot of time and annoyance by avoiding to and
fro e-mails, and instead just opt for a telephone conversation. However, it is still
recommended that after such a conversation that you sum up what was discussed in a quick
e-mail. This allows everyone to be on the same footing.
Trivial matters: Everyday life in an office can get boring very quickly. For this reason, it
has become normal for workers to exchange amusing e-mails. However, whether these are
really desired by the recipient is something that the sender rarely ask themselves. It might
be preferable for you to tell a joke at the water cooler, and avoid interrupting others at
As crucial as it is to keep e-mails short and to the point, it is equally as important that you never take
shortcuts when it comes to politeness and etiquette. A proper greeting, please and thank you, as well as a
friendly sign off – these are all minor things, which even in now in the 21st century are of great importance but
are still regularly ignored. When you are sending an e-mail to someone then you will nearly always have a
request of some sort: you are seeking some sort of information, requesting an appointment, or at the very least,
want the recipient to take in the information – even if you are the responder. This is why it is advisable to stick
to e-mail etiquette. This increases the chances of your e-mail being taken seriously by the recipient and also
receiving a reply.
8 basic rules for writing proper e-mails:
Equally you should avoid a subject line that does not mention the issue at hand, is too long, or can even be
interpreted as being passive aggressive:
Urgent!!! (it would be a lot more effective if you wrote what the urgent issue is.)
Request (better to mention what the request is.)
I have a few more questions following our conversation in the lobby last Friday (the text
displayed in the subject line is quite limited, especially on smartphones.)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sunday brunch with Gary and Claudia (A long row of reply
abbreviations should be reduced and even avoided. With such e-mails, it is important to
change the subject if it is no longer the same as it started out with. If in the meantime the
correspondence is no longer about brunch on Sunday and instead about the distribution of
work, then the subject needs to be changed. This is also crucial for the organization and
filing of e-mails.)
Is this really necessary? (It’s a bad idea to begin with criticism right from the beginning.
This will lead the recipient to immediately go on the defensive and not take in any of the
criticism. It is generally accepted that e-mails are not the best means of expressing
frustration. This should be done in person instead.)
In the world of e-mail marketing there is a lot of energy devoted to coming up with effective subject lines. The
likes of A/B tests and statistics can help to improve the opening rate. If you are writing an e-mail in day-to-day
office life then it will usually not have marketing intentions. However, it is important to you that the e-mail is
opened and read. This is why you should put plenty of thought into the subject line.
The actual text of your e-mail begins with a combination of a greeting and addressing the reader. Although this
is something that a lot of people have been known to get wrong.
Dear Mr. Murphy, Ms. Smith, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Malone, and Ms. Littlewood
If the number of recipients exceeds five then you should probably opt for ‘Dear all,’ instead of going to the
effort of listing all respective names.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your quick response…
Before you address your concerns/wishes you should introduce the overall e-mail. This should be kept
relatively short because it is crucial that you don’t waste the reader’s time, or yours for that matter, by writing
more than is necessary. Depending on the situation, there are various possibilities when it comes to coming up
with an introduction:
I am writing to apply for the advertised position in your Human Resources department.
Did you have an enjoyable vacation?
Thanks again for that enjoyable conversation last week.
Thanks so much for your speedy response.
I really enjoyed your presentation on ‘How to format a professional e-mail’!
The purpose of the introduction is to raise the spirits of the reader and to connect with them positively, before
you get to the main body of the message. Personalized questions and comments are particularly useful. You
should try to avoid standardized or meaningless phrases, and focus on the individual(s) in question. Ask
them a question about their holiday, a sickness they’ve recently recovered from, or ask about their journey
home from a recent event or team meeting. This sort of approach will let them know that you are genuinely
interested in their wellbeing.
Main body
This is the core of the e-mail. Here the aim is to communicate your message as straightforward and as well
structured as possible. Remember that the priority should be for the reader to efficiently and correctly
understand the information. To do this, there are certain business e-mail format rules that you should follow:
Short sentences: Of course this is something that is easier said than done. Sometimes the
circumstances can be a bit more complicated, meaning that you need at least three sub-
clauses. However, if the reader encounters such a sentence, then they will have to expend a
lot of time and energy to deconstruct and understand the issue in question. The danger here
is that the reader will simply give up and not take in any of the information. This is why
you should definitely opt for basic sentence structure.
Using bold and italics: Highlighting your text optically can allow the reader to find the
most important facts and figures more easily. But this only works if you use these features
sparingly. Excessive use will actually have the opposite effect. Here the general rule is – no
more than one highlighted word or group of words per sentence.
Sensible use of paragraphs: Paragraphs give your sentence structure. Build your e-mail in
a way that makes the context easily recognizable. As a general rule, you should try and
limit each paragraph to three sentences.
Lists: These allow you to present statistics and facts in a compact manner. It could be
anything – data from a meeting, costs for an upcoming project, participants for the next
team outing, etc. This can allow the most important information to be taken in at first
glance – every single time that the mail is opened and reopened. Readers do not need to
scan through the entire e-mail again to find this information. However, there is a limit to
the use of such lists; not everything can be communicated via lists and therefore actual text
will be required as well.
Simple vocabulary: You should avoid making things more complicated than they are. Use
basic words that everyone can understand, and do not assume that readers will go to the
effort of looking up unknown words. This will make it so much harder to write a
successful e-mail, i.e. one that communicates your message, and doesn’t leave the reader in
the dark. Naturally this won’t be the case if you are exchanging e-mails with experts from
the same field of expertise as yourself. In situations like this, it can be very useful to use
technical vocabulary and phrases to show that you are familiar with the topic at hand. In
cases like this, foreign words can be clearer and more exact than any synonyms.
Positive tone: Given how imperative it is that the reader reads the message favorably,
takes it in, and is brought to action as a result, it is very advisable to use positive language
in your e-mail. If you do find yourself being critical, make sure to keep it constructive. It’s
always better to focus on what can be improved instead of going into detail about what it is
that might be running badly or isn’t working at all. At the end of the day, if you wish to
gain something from the reader, then you should avoid any sort of commanding tone or
negative statements.
To write a well-structured text, you should not just begin thinking about the layout while writing. Before you
start typing, make sure to plan the points you wish to make and what the logical order of things should be.
If you are serious about writing a professional e-mail, then you need a well-rounded conclusion to your
correspondence. You should utilize the ending to bring about a call to action and/or to leave the reader with an
overall positive feeling:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone or by e-mail.
I look forward to getting to know you better at the workshop.
Further information relating to this offer can be found on our website.
I very much hope to hear from you in the near future.
Hope you have great weekend.
Phrases like ‘Thanks in advance for getting back to me’ or ‘I appreciate you doing this for me’ are quite
popular. However, this is the sort of thing that can annoy readers. This is because it demonstrates an
expectation of something from the recipient.
Closing sentence
The final sentence of the e-mail is just as important as the opening one, i.e. the greeting. This can say a lot
about the kind of esteem you hold the reader in. Here, just as throughout the whole e-mail, friendliness and
politeness are the priority, however they should also not be exaggerated. Nowadays no one really finishes their
e-mail with ‘Yours respectfully…’ or ‘Yours faithfully…’. Instead, your best bet is probably to opt for ‘Yours
sincerely…’, or even, ‘Best regards…’ and ‘Best wishes…’. Added to this, the inclusion of some sort
of personalized comment can leave a positive impression:
As you can see, these closing remarks are always followed by a comma. You can also choose to end them with
a full stop and follow this up with a ‘Yours sincerely…’, ‘Best regards…’, etc. You can see an example here:
Best wishes,
Noel Harris
This goes at the very end of the e-mail. The idea behind is that, if required, it can provide the reader with the
contact details and additional information relating to the reader. Simply put, this is not the place for
inspirational slogans or witty sayings. Here are some ideas for what you can include in your signature:
In addition to these details you can also include links to your personal social media or those of the business.
You can also include the firm’s logo; bear in mind however that many users have blocked image files in their
inbox out of safety reasons. This is why it is a good idea to ensure that the signature looks good, even without
the company logo.
PS: This postscript stems from a time when letters were still written by hand. It occasionally happened that the
sender forgot to include something in their correspondence, and therefore had to include it after their signature.
This was done to avoid having to write the letter again from scratch. Nowadays, given that you can edit an e-
mail as many times as you like before sending it, there is technically no need for a PS.
You should only be sending attachments if they are necessary, and if they are deemed to be, then the file size
should be kept as small as possible. The storage space of most e-mail inboxes is usually relatively limited,
and recipients could get very frustrated if one of your attachments leads to them being unable to download
other mails. It is becoming more and more the case that people are reading mails when they are out and about,
and mobile data can sometimes struggle to download large attachments, or may even be unable to download
them at all. Limit the size of attachments to no more than 5MB. With anything larger, you should first ask
permission to send it; or you can also post a link to a data repository where the file would then be accessible. If
the attachment is a document, then you should send this in the form of a PDF instead of a Microsoft Office
format. This will be the option that is most readable.
Many thanks for the pleasant and extremely informative discussion last week.
As I mentioned then, we have organized a workshop around the same topic. We have since conformed the final
details and therefore I wish to now formally invite you to the event.
We would also like to invite you to be one of our speakers at the event. If you are interested in doing this, then
please get in touch as soon as possible.
Best regards,
Peter Smith
Head of HR
Example Ltd.
60086 Chicago
What has been done correctly in this e-mail?
Spelling mistakes: Spelling and grammar mistakes Proofread: Before you click ‘Send’ you should read
make a terrible impression. It tells the reader that you through your e-mail at least once to avoid embarrassing
have not made a lot of effort in compiling the e-mail. mistakes.
Wrong greeting: If you misspell a name or mix up Correct title: Before you write an e-mail you should
someone’s gender/title then you will anger the reader make sure that you are using the appropriate title of the
before they even set about reading the mail. recipient.
No attachment: Hit the ‘Send’ button too quickly? If you Check attachment: Before sending your e-mail you
make reference to an attachment and then forget it, should always check if the correct attachment is in the
then you will be forced to send a follow up e-mail. final draft.
Poor formatting: Poorly formatted e-mails are fun for Good layout: A well-structured layout make it so much
no one, especially the reader. Something like a lack of easier for the reader to absorb information. An easily
paragraphs can become even more annoying displayed accessible text can allow the reader to concentrate
on a smartphone. better on the content.