Mamcet College of Engineering and Technology
Mamcet College of Engineering and Technology
Mamcet College of Engineering and Technology
About project :
My project is about Contact list
it is created by using pygame packages
Imported module:
Program code:
import sys
# this function will be the first to run as soon as the main function executes
def initial_phonebook():
rows, cols = int(input("Please enter initial number of contacts: ")), 5
# We are collecting the initial number of contacts the user wants to have in the
# phonebook already. User may also enter 0 if he doesn't wish to enter any.
phone_book = []
for i in range(rows):
print("\nEnter contact %d details in the following order (ONLY):" % (i+1))
print("NOTE: * indicates mandatory fields")
temp = []
for j in range(cols):
# We have taken the conditions for values of j only for the personalized fields
# such as name, number, e-mail id, dob, category etc
if j == 0:
temp.append(str(input("Enter name*: ")))
# We need to check if the user has left the name empty as its mentioned that
# name & number are mandatory fields.
# So implement a condition to check as below.
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
"Name is a mandatory field. Process exiting due to blank field...")
# This will exit the process if a blank field is encountered.
if j == 1:
temp.append(int(input("Enter number*: ")))
# We do not need to check if user has entered the number because int automatically
# takes care of it. Int value cannot accept a blank as that counts as a string.
# So process automatically exits without us using the sys package.
if j == 2:
temp.append(str(input("Enter e-mail address: ")))
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
temp[j] = None
if j == 3:
temp.append(str(input("Enter date of birth(dd/mm/yy): ")))
# Whatever format the user enters dob in, it won't make a difference to the compiler
# Only while searching the user will have to enter query exactly the same way as
# he entered during the input so as to ensure accurate searches
if temp[j] == '' or temp[j] == ' ':
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
temp[j] = None
if j == 4:
str(input("Enter category(Family/Friends/Work/Others): ")))
# Even if this field is left as blank, None will take the blank's place
if temp[j] == "" or temp[j] == ' ':
temp[j] = None
# By this step we are appending a list temp into a list phone_book
# That means phone_book is a 2-D array and temp is a 1-D array
return phone_book
def menu():
# We created this simple menu function for
# code reusability & also for an interactive console
# Menu func will only execute when called
print("\t\t\tSMARTPHONE DIRECTORY", flush=False)
print("\tYou can now perform the following operations on this phonebook\n")
print("1. Add a new contact")
print("2. Remove an existing contact")
print("3. Delete all contacts")
print("4. Search for a contact")
print("5. Display all contacts")
print("6. Exit phonebook")
# Out of the provided 6 choices, user needs to enter any 1 choice among the 6
# We return the entered choice to the calling function wiz main in our case
choice = int(input("Please enter your choice: "))
return choice
def add_contact(pb):
# Adding a contact is the easiest because all you need to do is:
# append another list of details into the already existing list
dip = []
for i in range(len(pb[0])):
if i == 0:
dip.append(str(input("Enter name: ")))
if i == 1:
dip.append(int(input("Enter number: ")))
if i == 2:
dip.append(str(input("Enter e-mail address: ")))
if i == 3:
dip.append(str(input("Enter date of birth(dd/mm/yy): ")))
if i == 4:
str(input("Enter category(Family/Friends/Work/Others): ")))
# And once you modify the list, you return it to the calling function wiz main, here.
return pb
def remove_existing(pb):
# This function is to remove a contact's details from existing phonebook
query = str(
input("Please enter the name of the contact you wish to remove: "))
# We'll collect name of the contact and search if it exists in our phonebook
temp = 0
# temp is a checking variable here. We assigned a value 0 to temp.
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][0]:
temp += 1
# Temp will be incremented & it won't be 0 anymore in this function's scope
# The pop function removes entry at index i
return pb
if temp == 0:
# Now if at all any case matches temp should've incremented but if otherwise,
# temp will remain 0 and that means the query does not exist in this phonebook
print("Sorry, you have entered an invalid query.\
Please recheck and try again later.")
return pb
def delete_all(pb):
# This function will simply delete all the entries in the phonebook pb
# It will return an empty phonebook after clearing
return pb.clear()
def search_existing(pb):
# This function searches for an existing contact and displays the result
choice = int(input("Enter search criteria\n\n\
1. Name\n2. Number\n3. Email-id\n4. DOB\n5. Category(Family/Friends/Work/Others)\
\nPlease enter: "))
# We're doing so just to ensure that the user experiences a customized search result
temp = []
check = -1
if choice == 1:
# This will execute for searches based on contact name
query = str(
input("Please enter the name of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][0]:
check = i
elif choice == 2:
# This will execute for searches based on contact number
query = int(
input("Please enter the number of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][1]:
check = i
elif choice == 3:
# This will execute for searches based on contact's e-mail address
query = str(input("Please enter the e-mail ID\
of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][2]:
check = i
elif choice == 4:
# This will execute for searches based on contact''s date of birth
query = str(input("Please enter the DOB (in dd/mm/yyyy format ONLY)\
of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][3]:
check = i
elif choice == 5:
# This will execute for searches based on contact category
query = str(
input("Please enter the category of the contact you wish to search: "))
for i in range(len(pb)):
if query == pb[i][4]:
check = i
# All contacts under query category will be shown using this feature
# If the user enters any other choice then the search will be unsuccessful
print("Invalid search criteria")
return -1
# returning -1 indicates that the search was unsuccessful
# all the searches are stored in temp and all the results will be displayed with
# the help of display function
if check == -1:
return -1
# returning -1 indicates that the query did not exist in the directory
return check
# we're just returning a index value wiz not -1 to calling function just to notify
# that the search worked successfully
def thanks():
# A simple gesture of courtesy towards the user to enhance user experience
print("Thank you for using our Smartphone directory system.")
print("Please visit again!")
sys.exit("Goodbye, have a nice day ahead!")
ch = 1
pb = initial_phonebook()
while ch in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
ch = menu()
if ch == 1:
pb = add_contact(pb)
elif ch == 2:
pb = remove_existing(pb)
elif ch == 3:
pb = delete_all(pb)
elif ch == 4:
d = search_existing(pb)
if d == -1:
print("The contact does not exist. Please try again")
elif ch == 5:
Output :