Malla's Marauders
Malla's Marauders
Malla's Marauders
INTRODUCTION: Malla’s Marauders are a group of adversaries that can be placed in an existing For-
bidden Lands campaign. They can be encountered anywhere to test the resourcefulness and strength of an
adventuring party. Included in this supplement are the backgrounds and profiles of the prominent charac-
ters as well as basic profiles of the rank and file orcs. Also presented are several ways to include them in your
This product was created under license. Forbidden Lands and its logo, are trademarks of Fria Ligan AB.
This work contains material that is copyright Fria Ligan AB and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Workshop.
Character portrait is copyright 2020 by @_angry_Elf. Cover by Fat Goblin Games. All other original material in this work
is copyright 2020 by Dave Thompson and published under the Community Content Agreement for Free League Work-
Malla’s Marauders
“Stupid ruddy orcs!” Grugnir shouted to the dwarves next to him, their shields locked together in a de-
fensive wall. “They’re just standing there jeering… Cowards!” He laughed, taunting the ranks of orc sol-
diers facing him across the pass in the Thynde Range. His kinsmen started banging their hammers against
their shields, further taunting their enemies, eager for them to attack as they slowly edged down the nar-
row pass.
On the vanguard of the orc force, the hulking Roka orc, Guroth grew impatient growling and snarling like
a war hound straining at it’s leash. “I’m gonna kill ‘em boss, lemmie kill ‘im.. Stunty little runt…” He
turned to Malla, leader of the orc mercenaries, Malla’s Marauders. His fellow orcs echoed his frustration,
shouting obscenities and threats at their hated dwarven foe.
“Just a few more seconds Guroth, they’ll be all yours soon enough.” Malla said calmly, eyes scanning the
pass just beyond the dwarves formation. Moments later a flash of white on the hillside by the dwarves flank
brought a sly smile to the old orc’s scarred face.
“Now!” The veteran orc shouted and simultaneously the heavily armoured Ard Ladz followed Guroth
as he led the charge toward the dwarf line just as the goblin wolf riders unleashed a hail of arrows from
their position on the right flank of the static dwarven formation.
Once again Rogud’s wolf riders had earned their keep and as the dwarves casualties mounted, the rest of
Malla’s forces joined the fray taking a heavy toll on their enemy. As the tide turned against them, the
dwarves tried to break away, turning to run back up the pass toward their stronghold in the mountains.
Guroth and his Ard Ladz made to pursue them, but much to their disappointment Malla called them
back. “What’s the point in killing them all?” Malla asked when they tuned to question the order. “If there’s
nobody left to spread our reputation, then nobody else will come looking for a fight.”
HISTORY ing some of his clan to join the group. The Ard Ladz
and Brogga’s Boar Boyz were quickly joined by the origi-
Formed from wandering orc soldiers, scouts and goblin nal Da Gruntz as they ventured southwards along the
wolf riders, the Marauders have been roaming the fringes of Roka clan lands.
Ravenlands for the last two years under the leadership of
Malla Spine-Snapper. The Marauders have gained no- For the next six months the Marauders were sell-swords
toriety around the fringes of the Feulenmark, the Arina to a variety of orc clans, winning many battles in the
Forest and the Dankwood by selling their services to name of their paymasters and gaining a reputation as a
those that are willing to enter into a contract or more tough, dependable mercenary band. Malla’s reputation
often, raiding and pillaging settlements across the west- as a leader was growing and all seemed well.
ern reaches of the Ravenlands.
The Marauders were enjoying some well-earned revelry
Malla’s first recruit to the Marauders was Guroth, a short distance from the Eye of the Rose when they
whom they rescued from an angry mob of dwarves after crossed paths with a group of goblin wolf riders and
the pair happened to be drinking in a tavern on the their leader Rogud “Beaky” Rugbrodda. Nobody quite
fringes of Meromannian clan lands. Guroth had just knows what went on, but there was some sort of misun-
been in a fight with a dwarf and Malla saw an oppor- derstanding between the goblin and Malla. By the time
tunity to help out a fellow orc and at the same time, re- the sun rose over the Ariana Forest, the goblin riders
cruit someone to their cause. Once he’d recovered from were the Marauder’s newest, rather reluctant recruits
Malla’s Marauders
and have been with them ever since. Admittedly, they The Ard Ladz are five heavy set orcs, originally from
do add another dimension to the mercenary band’s capa- the Roka clan. They followed Guroth when he joined
bilities, the mounted goblins being far more stealthy Malla and formed the Marauders. They rely on brute
strength and intimidation over any particular tactic and
and agile than the orc boar riders. Their hit and run
Malla has to be careful not to give them any overly
flanking attacks and scouting capabilities have saved the
complex instructions. The are most often used to break
skin of the orcs on more than one occasion. enemy formations, or to protect the centre of the Ma-
rauder’s formation.
Another relative newcomer and oddity, the orc shaman
Nolmor “Wind Maker” raised a few eyebrows among Outside of combat they can be particularly troublesome,
the Roka orcs when he was first taken in by Malla. He is often bullying weaker members of the Marauders and
stealing from them. If they are kept busy or entertained,
a strange fellow, dressed in rags, a feathered head-dress
they are less of a worry for Malla so the majority of the
and his almost continual loud and smelly bowel move- group’s spoils are given to Guroth and his Ard Ladz.
ments have led to many complaints from the other Copious amounts of alcohol can help too, though occa-
orcs. Malla however, seems to be very tolerant of his sionally that tactic backfires badly when the Ard Ladz
strange habits and holds great stock in his ability to read egg each other on to do more and more dangerous dares
the signs, be they in the bones he casts on the fire, or or to pick on someone unfortunate enough to catch
their eye.
the ashes, or more often the entrails of some unfortu-
nate that has crossed swords with the Marauders.
The wear a mix of chainmail or plate armour along with
closed helmets, often decorated with trophies taken
Lately Guroth and his allies, the Roka orcs that came from their victims. Two handed hammers or clubs are
with him, have been growing frustrated at the lack of favoured weapons.
hard fighting. The Marauders have been sticking rela-
tively close to the Eye of the Rose and the Roka orcs Brogga’s Boar Boyz
have been asking for the mercenaries to travel further
afield in search of richer pickings and harder fights, One of the first units recruited by Malla when the Ma-
something that Malla seems to be reluctant to do these rauders were formed, Brogga’s boar riders are an impres-
days, not like ‘the good old days’. sive sight as they charge across the field, scattering their
enemies to the wind. With their notoriously bad-tem-
pered boar mounts, the heavy cavalry unit can win a
fight simply by their intimidating presence as they
charge headlong toward an enemy formation.
Da Gruntz
Bull-Neck’s Ard Ladz
The backbone of the Marauders, the infantry holds the
line while the Ard Ladz and Boar Boyz take all the
Malla’s Marauders
glory. They are loyal to Malla so long as they get paid ill suited to lugging around the camp’s food and tents.
and fed, just like any mercenary soldiers. Not all the orcs injured in battle have stayed around to
be turned into beasts of burden either. With that in
Commanded by Malla, these foot soldiers usually oper- mind, Malla has spared the lives of several of their van-
ate as a single force on the field, though on occasion quished foes and now ‘employs’ them as baggage carri-
Malla will split them if the situation dictates. They ers, cooks and general hangers on. In exchange for
aren’t known for their tactical expertise and have a hard enough food to stop them from starving to death these
time following any complex orders, so most of the time slaves do Malla’s bidding for as long as the other orcs
they either wait for an enemy to come within range or and goblins tolerate their presence within the Maraud-
form up behind the Ard Ladz and Boar Boyz and ad- ers camp.
vance towards their foes.
There are currently around a dozen non-combatants in
There are close to two dozen orcs in the unit, from a va- the Marauders, doing whatever they are ordered and
riety of clans with Malla recruiting replacements for generally being bullied and intimidated by the other
those killed or seriously injured. Most of the newcom- orcs.
ers are Drifters, taken in as the company has travelled
the Ravenlands. Those not able to fight on either end
up carrying equipment, cooking or fleeing rather than
suffer such a dishonourable
end to their lives.
The Guntz carry a variety of one-handed weapons and
large shields and typically wear studded leather armour
with an open helmet. Mallagrude “Malla” Spine-Snapper
Rogud’s Riders Old by orc standards, Malla has gotten this far by being
more cunning and uncharacteristically cautious than
other orcs of their clan. Preferring to play a long game
A band of goblin wolf riders employed by Malla as
as opposed to giving in to their emotions and planning
scouts and trackers. Led by the goblin Rogud “Beaky”
Rugbrodda, they are reluctant allies of Malla, often un- out the next few moves has worked out well for them,
derpaid and underappreciated they nevertheless follow allowing them to form their own small band of merce-
his orders, having been conscripted by the orcs several naries and raiders.
months ago.
Standing around six-foot-tall and with several ugly scars
They are good scouts and are sent ahead to search out on their face, Malla is broad shouldered and dark
any potential trouble, forage for food and camp sites skinned, typical of many an orc. Their tusks are quite
when the unit is on the move. In battle they are used to
small, though their black hair is shot through with
flank and harass the enemy from a distance. With their
streaks of grey. What makes Malla all the more remark-
short bows they can shoot and ride off out of range, us-
ing their speed to find cover before their opponents can able as an orc leader is that Malla is a female. Of course,
retaliate. There are currently eight goblins in the unit, nobody knows that and Malla is happy to keep this se-
several having been lost over the last month or so due to cret of theirs for as long as possible. While females and
the other orc units refusing to come to their aid. the Viraga may be the true decision makers of orc soci-
ety it is always done in the shadows and Mallagrude and
They wear leather armour and all carry short bows and a the Viraga want to show that a female can lead from the
dagger or two. They also have a mix of short spears, front. To this end, Malla is masquerading as a male orc
swords and small shields. until the Marauder’s reputation is such that it would be
impossible for them to be recognised by either Emperor
Dogz Bodyz Hroka or even General Archa of the Roka clan, regard-
less of who leads them.
Malla’s Marauders
Unfortunately for Malla, one drunken night of revelry
could spoil her and the Viraga’s plans. After a particu-
larly successful raid of a dwarven trade caravan she and
the goblin Rogud ended up in a compromising situation
Runeforged Axe
and she has fallen pregnant to him. She made him swear
never to reveal her secret liaison or else and now wishes
Guroth’s weapon is a great axe stolen from a
she had silenced him there and then, but the wolf riders
dwarven warrior he encountered several
are too useful an advantage and Malla knows that they
years ago. The orc slew the dwarf in a
would leave if their boss were to disappear.
drunken brawl in a tavern, though he will
tell anyone who dares ask that it was an hon-
Malla has taken in the fake shaman as he can actually
ourable and hard fought fight.
perform some healing and is keeping him with the Ma-
rauders in case she needs his skills to tend to her during
The axe is of superior craftsmanship and
her pregnancy, should she be out of reach of the Eye of
covered in dwarven runes. It is a 2-Handed
the Rose or any other orc stronghold when the time
weapon with a +3 Gear bonus, 3 Damage and
comes. She knows he has little or no skill in foretelling
the properties of Heavy, Hooked & Edged.
coming events but feigns interest in his readings in or-
der to keep him close.
Malla’s Marauders
Malla suspects this is just for the shaman’s own pleas- fellow riders would follow him to the ends of the Raven-
ure. lands and he commands the respect of his hogs too –
just about the only orc that does.
In truth, Nolmor is a charlatan, claiming to be able to
read bones and predict the future by taking ‘erbs and Secrets: He prefers the company of his boar to other
reading the ashes of fires. He is however, a master at orcs. Prone to melancholy and rage due to the loss of his
reading people and telling then what they want to hear. family.
He’s also a great pickpocket and trickster, using his abil- Goals: Show Guroth who is top orc…
ity to concoct some potions and healing poultices to
further cement his position in the Marauders until he
SKILLS: Might 2, Melee 2, Scouting 2, Survival 1,
has gained Malla’s confidence. Once he has made him-
Animal Handling 2, Manipulation 1.
self indispensable to the mercenary band, he intends to
TALENTS: Path of the Companion 3, Path of the Knight
persuade them to take him back to Hroka’s court and
present himself as a rival to the trickster Hranga Gala.
GEAR: Short spear, short sword, small shield, chain-
pute dragged him into military service and devastated by SKILLS: Melee 2, Marksmanship 3, Animal Handling 3,
the loss of his parents he turned to breeding boars for Scouting 3, Manipulate 1.
battle and fighting to keep his grief at bay. TALENTS: Path of the Plains 3, Horseback Fighter 2.
GEAR: Short bow, Short Spear, dagger. Leather armour,
He fought alongside Guroth and when the big orc came leather cap.
to him with Malla’s offer of employment with the Ma- ARMOUR: 3
rauders, Brogga saw it as a chance to broaden his hori-
zons and perhaps put his personal loss behind him. De-
spite his grizzled and ferocious appearance, he cares for
his troops almost as much as his hogs, and while prone
to occasional bouts of violence, he is a fair leader. His
Malla’s Marauders
can the adventurers sneak into Malla’s encampment and
steal it back from a band of orcs and goblins?
When the party finds the missing wagons, the cargo has
been stolen and a dying guard is able to tell them which
way the raiders went before he dies. Their contract only
provides payment on the return of the missing cargo, but
Malla’s Marauders
Boar Boyz Orc Strength 4 Melee 2, Marksmanship 1, Spear & small shield
Agility 3 Scouting 1, Survival 1, Ani- or warhammer &
Wits 3 mal Handling 2 small shield, leather
Empathy 2 armour and open
Malla’s Marauders