Smartsheet - Implementation RFP
Smartsheet - Implementation RFP
Smartsheet - Implementation RFP
Scope of Work:
1 Engineer acknowledges they have have met with Willton Investment Management ("Owner"), fully understand the scope of services and all owner requirements, and will build all automations and implementations accordingly.
2 Contract total includes all Fees, Overhead, Profit, Taxes, Insurance, Labor, Materials, Reimburseables, etc. for a complete job. Black Badger Enterprises PM Implmentations
3 Engineer shall complete all work in this agreement within (2) weeks of contract execution David Verneuille
# Item Enginner to Implement and create Automations Total Notes
1 For the (3) GP, LP and GP Value-Add workflow templates, engineer shall implent the following:
1 Assign specific team members to the "Assigned To" person When template workflows are copied and saved as a new project, the "Assigned To" person for each item is automatically updated as we assign specific - To review. Prefer Zapier or Make. Avoid Smartsheet plugin
for each item by the preset Role project team members by role. Ex) If we assign "John Deluty" to the new project as the "Asscociate", John Deluty is automatically added as the
"Assigned To" person on all items in the template workflow where "Associate" is the Assigned to person for the item. He is also automatically assigned
to the "Approver" for all items where "Associate" is designated as the approver in the template. *Same logic for all roles in the workflow for every item
2 Approvals Pre-assigned Approvers (roles)/workflow are preset in the template. Once item 1 is complete, assingned Approvers are autamtically updated. - Ok - Native implementation
Notifications are preset.
3 Actual Start Date and End Date When tracking against the Baseline schedule which will be locked columns, the "Actual Start Date" and "End Date" for each item shall be automated as - Ok - Native implementation
we go through the workflow. (i) The "Start Date" for the item is automatically changed to the date when the prior item Status is changed to "Complete."
(ii) The "End Date" for the item is automatically changed to the date when the item Status is changed to "Complete."
4 Notifications When "Assigned To" person changes the item's status to "Complete" the next item's status shall automatically change to "In progress" and the - Ok - Native implementation
"Assigned To" person for the next item get's notified
5 Templates/Forms Selected items shall have preset templates/forms that the "Assigned To" person will open and fill-out in order to complete the item. (i) Engineer to - Ok - Native implementation
receive all templates and convert them to fillable forms in the workflow where applicable (ii) Engineer to push all data from preset forms into the work
6 Template Saving/Folder Organizing (i) Save each workflow as templates (ii) create organized folders for deal statuses so deal moves to correct folder depending on its phase (iii) create roll - Ok - Native implementation
up dashboards for each of the (3) workflows showing summary of deals and phases (iv) create a master rollup dashboard for entire portfolio view per
Owner requirements showing deal types, phases and data.
1 Contact Database Setup and create contact databases, boards for internal teams, external 3rd parties, and rollup dashboards -
2 Outlook Emails to Smartsheet Set up outlook so user can email a deal or forward info directly into Smartsheet - Provide pricing options for various options
3 Personal To Do List Every employee can access their own person to do list that can be customized by groups (ie. Items passed due, Items upcoming, etc.) - Check
4 Landing Page/Portal Create a custom landing page for all to access; company news, posts, information, etc. - Ok - Native implementation
Total $0
Proposal by 5/2/24
CONFIDENTIAL | © 2024 Willton Investment Management. All Rights Reserved 2 weeks to implement
1. Prescreening
2. Pre-LOI
3. Approved Deals
4. Closing
1. Prescreening
2. Pre-LOI
3. Approved Deals
4. Closing
1. Prescreening
3. Design/Precon
4. Construction
5. Property Management
(*See Asset Management
1. Prescreening
3. Design/Precon
4. Construction
5. Property Management
(*See Asset Management
Smartsheet Videos:
· Forms **
· Automations**
· Building sheets
· Building Dashboards
· Building Reports
· Cell Linking
· Lock & Unlock Columns/Rows
· Approval Workflows
Smartsheet - Implementation Issues
2 Feature Lockout Columns Only "Admin" and "Assigned To" person shall be able to change/update data in the specified cells for the 1 Unresolved Need workgaps (part of enterprise plan) or dynamic view (add
items they are assigned to: all others can view only. Ex) James Pereira is "Assigned To" the item Log in Deal. on). Baseline feature built-in locks in. Need to figure out lockouts
Only James Pereira can change the "Status" to complete and any other column items on this row for realtime schedule
3 Automation Approvals Pre-assigned Approvers (roles)/workflow are preset in the template. Once item 1 is complete, assingned 1 Unresolved Ok - Set up all preassigned approvers for each item per Client
Approvers are autamtically updated. Notifications are preset. direction
4 Automation Actual Start Date and End Date When tracking against the Baseline schedule which will be locked columns, the "Actual Start Date" and 1 Unresolved For realtime schedule tracking, DM changes status to "complete" ADD-On to edit the
"End Date" for each item shall be automated as we go through the workflow. (i) The "Start Date" for the end date updates to date of status change end date
item is automatically changed to the date when the prior item Status is changed to "Complete." (ii) The
"End Date" for the item is automatically changed to the date when the item Status is changed to
5 Automation Notifications When "Assigned To" person changes the item's status to "Complete" the next item's status shall 1 Unresolved When a predecessor item status changes to "Complete" all Not part of
automatically change to "In progress" and the "Assigned To" person for the next item get's notified successor items status changes to "in progress" and alerts smartsheet
6 Feature Rollup Boards - Deal Pipeline Deal pipline rolls up into master dashboard as roll up summary 1 Unresolved Set up dashboards for GP, LP, Contacts, HR
7 Feature Templates/Forms Selected items shall have preset templates/forms that the "Assigned To" person will open and fill-out in 1 Unresolved Phase 1 place all templates into each of the items as applicable.
order to complete the item. (i) Engineer to receive all templates and convert them to fillable forms in the Phase 2 Converting templates to forms. Will insert all templates
workflow where applicable (ii) Engineer to push all data from preset forms into the work flow. into all items as applicable
8a Automation Deal Entry - In Smart Sheet See link in notes to the "Deal Entry Form" we are currently using that shall be recreated as a form in 2 Unresolved Wll create functionality to enter all new GP and LP deals, build out
Smartsheet for developer to fill out for each new deal they have. New workflow for deal entry: (i) workspaces, boards, sheets and templates to have individual
Developer fills our form for the new deal (ii) Smartsheet adds the deal as a new sheet and shows the deal project views with statuses, and roll up views/dashboards per
info across preset columns [ie. Address, MSA, Acres, Asking Price, Units, etc.] (iii) Smartsheet automatically Client requirements
copies in the template workflow for the deal and sets the start date as the date the deal was entered (iv)
first item Status changes to "In Progress" and the "Assigned To" person is notified
8b Automation Deal Entry - Custom email If above is not achievable, from Outlook, Developer can email a deal into Smartsheet and it (i) adds the deal 2 Unresolved
as a new sheet and shows the deal info across preset columns [ie. Address, MSA, Acres, Asking Price, Units,
etc.] (ii) Smnartsheet automatically copies in the template workflow for the deal and sets the start date as
the date the deal was entered (iv) first item Status changes to "In Progress" and the "Assigned To" person is
9 Feature Personal To Do List Every employee can access their own person to do list that can be customized by groups (ie. Items passed 1 Unresolved For each user when they login, create board to show tasks
due, Items upcoming, etc.) overdue, upcoming, etc. for each individual user
10 Feature Landing Page/Portal Create a custom landing page for all to access; company news, posts, information, etc. 1 Unresolved