Automation - Scania
Automation - Scania
Automation - Scania
Team Involved
Mahek Choudhary
Deepesh Kimtani
Indumathi JawaharJothi
Panduranga Alla
1 Execute Scenario
Table used to store DDL of Hive
View to hold the latest Oracle OHL
Table. Along with maximum table
number counter
1 Model Creation & Reverse Engineer of Hive Table 2 OHL Data Store Creation in ODI
• With “Automated OHL Mapping Creation” in place daily manual efforts spend by each CDW development team members to create any OHL mapping
objects now takes hardly takes 1 minute
• Increase in Code Quality, Reduction in manual efforts, Minimum Parameter Input
• Efficient and Uniform Process and 1 Click Utility
1. Bipradas
2. Vijaya
3. Shariyat
Scope of Automation
COMALL tables
ODI JOB to validate status/
send email
job duration
static data
Email notification for long running sessions, report all job status.
From Email -
Email Template : Daily Status email
1. Two separate template configured to capture daily load plan
Template 1: When no_of_distinct_failure > 20 OR no_of_failure > 60
Email Template : Daily Status email
Schedule: Daily Status email
Created two schedules for the load plan status email,
Night job status - afternoon 5 PM CET Until 8am CET - logic added in
ODI, if scheduled in morning 8:00 AM to16:59 PM then fetch Night job
status – Currently scheduled at 8:03 AM daily at pigato
Input Parameters:
1.ODI Load Plan Name
2. Email Recipients
Reusable ODI Package send email
3. Load Plan Global Id
Email notification package can be used in project to send mail with success./Failure/waring information.
This will trigger LOG_ERROR /LOG_WARNIBG package based on the status of the load plan.
ODI package: Job Status report
We are estimating this automation can save average 1-2 hrs of manual efforts
on a daily basis if used effectively. With the added features planned to add in
future it can be more useful in our day to day activities.
ODI Auto
Deployment Suite
Ayyappa Raj
Arkadeep Bagal
Raghavendra B S
Swapnil Mohite
Scope of ODI Auto Deployment Suite:
• With “ODI Auto Deployment Suite” in place daily manual efforts spend by each CDW development team members to migrate any ODI objects from DEV
to UAT now takes no time.
• Now there will be no room for any manual errors.
• No additional effort required to take backup of each objects from UAT before the deployment process.
With the new features planned to add in the future it can be more useful during Prod Migrations and saving even more time.