BANKING - Unit 1 2

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Do you need a safe place for your hard-earned
cash? Open a checking account today!
Are you tired of coins and loose change?
We will count and deposit them for free!
Do you have a paycheck? Cash your check
here, or open an account and make a deposit.
Do you need to exchange foreign currency?
Here are our exchange rates*:
Get ready!
0 Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
1 What do people use to make purchases in
your country?
2 Are coins or bills more common in
your country? Which do you prefer?

f) Read the bank advertisement. Then, mark
the following statements as true (T) or
false (F).
1 _ Customers need an account to cash checks.
2 _ One Yen is worth less than one USD.
3 _ The bank exchanges currency for free.
0 Fill in the blanks with the correct words
Vocabulary from the word bank.

8 Match the words (1-5) with the definitions BANK

exchange change
1 _fee 4 _coins check currency cash
2 _cash 5 _ exchange rate
3 _balance 1 He has no bills, just some _ _ _ __
2 _ _ _ _ _ your euros before returning from
A the value of a currency in terms of another your trip.
B money in the form of metal discs 3 The vendor did not accept Jon's foreign
C an additional cost
D to make accounts even 4 The bank refused to _ _ _ _ his paycheck.
E money in the form of paper notes and coins 5 Jon wrote a for the gas bill.
0 g Listen and read the bank Speaking
advertisement again. How many dollars
would you need to buy a British pound? «!) With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
How can 1 ...
0 g Listen to a conversation between a I need to exchange .. .
customer and a teller. Choose the correct
The total comes to ...
What is the conversation mainly about?
A opening an account Student A: You are a tourist exchanging
currency. Talk to Student B about:
B exchanging currency
• what currency you have
C cashing a check
• what currency you want
D depositing money
• how much money you have
2 What does the teller warn the man about?
A a service fee
Student 8: You are a bank teller. Talk to
B a lack of dollars Student A about exchanging currency.
C an incorrect total
D a low exchange rate

f) " Listen again and complete the
conversation. 0 Use the advertisement and the conversation
from Task 8 to fill out the teller's currency
eller: Hello, Sir. Welcome to First Regional 0 exchange form.
Bank. How can I help you?
- uri st: Hi. I need to 1 these euros for
American dollars.
eller: All right. Let's see 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
you have there.

- uri st: Here you go. Currency

"e ller: Twenty, forty, sixty ... The 3 _ _ __ Exchange Form
comes to one hundred and seventy euros.
- uri st: How much is that in 4 ? Currency presented: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
-e l ler: I'll calculate that now.
s ___ Currency requested: _ _ _ _ _ _ __

two hundred and

Amount presented: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
thirty-five dollars and
seventeen cents.
L";uri st: Great. Can I make Exchange Rate: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the exchange?
-e ll er: Of course. But Amount returned: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
there is a one
6 _ _ __

Mr. Coleman,
I went through the supplies inventory as
you asked. Here is a list of the things we
need. 0 Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
3 cases of bill straps
1 What supplies does a bank teller need?
6 cases of coin wrappers
2 What does your bank do when supplies run low?
1 cash drawer with sections for
cash and coins (for the new teller
station) Reading
1 fingerprint pad f) Read the email from a teller to a bank
1 bottle of ink manager. Then, choose the correct answers.

4 cases of deposit bags 1 What is the email mainly about?

3 date stamps A items the bank needs
1 void stamp B prices of bank supplies
C delays of shipments
2 boxes of ballpoint pens
D new teller supplies
6 counterfeit pens
That is everything. We are almost out of 2 Which of the following supplies does the bank
coin wrappers and deposit bags. We NOT need?
need a shipment by Monday. I will tell A coin wrappers C coins
you if we get low on anything else. B deposit bags D stamps
Thank you,
Sue 3 What supplies are nearly gone?
A cash drawers C teller stations
B deposit bags D ink pads

8 Read the sentence and choose the correct
1 Make sure the bill is real with a counterfeit
pen I cash drawer.
2 He wrapped $500 of cash in a coin wrapper I
bill strap.
3 Place you r thumb on the fingerprint pad I pen.
4 Update the inventory I stamps with the new

0 Place the words and phrases from the Speaking
word bank under the correct heading.
0 With a partner, act out the roles below


ink stamp cash drawer

based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.

pen coin wrapper deposit bag If we run out ...

We are also out of ...
Things to Mark Paper 11 Containers for Money I picked up ...

Student A: You are a bank manager. Talk to

Student B about: ...
• supplies the bank is low on
0 \1 Listen and read the email again. What • supplies the bank is out of
is ink contained in? • what to do until supplies arrive

Li stening Student 8: You are a teller. Talk to Student A

0 \1 Listen to a conversation between a bank about bank supplies.

manager and a teller. Mark the following

statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 _ Old deposit bags are available. Writing
2 _ The bank has no counterfeit pens. 0 Use the email and the conversation from
3 _ The woman will purchase coin wrappers Task 8 to fill out the supplies inventory list.
and bill straps at a store.

0 Listen again and complete the Bank Supplies Inventory


l,fan ager: Hi, Sue. I got your email about the 0 Quantity Supplies needed

1 inventory. Thanks for

doing that.
Teller: Oh. No problem. We're pretty
2 those
deposit bags.
an ager: I saw that. If we 3 _ _ _ __
_ _ _ ___, use the old ones.
ell er: Got it. We're also 4 _ _ __
_ _ _ _ counterfeit pens.
.::nag er: Well, we can check the 5 _ _ __
by hand until Monday.
eller: Okay. 6 the
coin wrappers and bill straps?
.:: nag er: I picked up a box of each at the store .
Here you go.
ell er: Oh, good. Thanks.

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