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Os Termpaper

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Topic Name: Operating Systems for Emerging Technologies

Course Code: CSE316 - OS

Under the Guidance of Isha mam

Submitted by


Perumal Trinay 12221523 05

N. Venkat Naga 12223319 56

Operating system (OS), program that manages
a computer’s resources, especially the allocation
Abstract: of those resources among other programs.
Typical resources include the central processing
This article displays an overview of unit (CPU), computer memory, file
operating systems (OS) and its emerging storage, input/output (I/O) devices, and network
technologies. OS is an interface between connections. Management tasks include
computer hardware and the user. The scheduling resource use to avoid conflicts and
objective of the study is to investigate the interference between programs. Unlike most
emerging technologies of OS. To achieve programs, which complete a task and terminate,
an operating system runs indefinitely and
this goal the paper looks at the concepts of
terminates only when the computer is turned off.
OS. The papers also outline the
components of the OS provide knowledge Modern multiprocessing operating systems
on security issues with OS architectures allow many processes to be active, where each
and provide best practices to secure OS. process is a “thread” of computation being used
The paper found out that the current to execute a program. One form of
technologies in OS include IoT, Edge multiprocessing is called time-sharing, which lets
Computing, AI, Blockchain, Quantum many users share computer access by rapidly
switching between them. Time-sharing must
Computing and Robotics. The paper also
guard against interference between users’
focuses on two major trends IoT and Edge programs, and most systems use virtual
Computing. memory, in which the memory, or “address
space,” used by a program may reside in
secondary memory (such as on a magnetic hard
Keywords: disk drive) when not in immediate use, to
Operating system (OS); Emerging be swapped back to occupy the faster main
technologies; Internet of things (IoT); Edge computer memory on demand. This virtual
computing memory both increases the address space
available to a program and helps to prevent
programs from interfering with each other, but it
1.Introduction: requires careful control by the operating system
and a set of allocation tables to keep track of
memory use. Perhaps the most delicate and
An operating system (OS) manages all other
critical task for a modern operating system is
applications and programs in a computer, and
allocation of the CPU; each process is allowed to
it is loaded into the computer by a boot
use the CPU for a limited time, which may be a
program. It enables applications to interact with
fraction of a second, and then must give up
a computer’s hardware. Through a designated
control and become suspended until its next
application program interface, the application
turn. Switching between processes must itself
programs request services from the operating
use the CPU while protecting all data of the
system (API). The kernel is the software that
contains the operating system’s core
components. To run other programs, every The first digital computers had no operating
computer has to have at least one operating systems. They ran one program at a time, which
system installed. Windows, Linux, and Android had command of all system resources, and a
are examples of operating systems that enable human operator would provide any special
the user to use programs like MS Office, resources needed. The first operating systems
Notepad, and games on the computer or mobile were developed in the mid-1950s. These were
phone. It is necessary to have at least one small “supervisor programs” that provided basic
operating system installed in the computer to I/O operations (such as controlling punch card
run basic programs like browsers. readers and printers) and kept accounts of CPU
usage for billing. Supervisor programs also
provided multiprogramming capabilities to which runs on iPhones and iPads, and Google
enable several programs to run at once. This Inc.’s Android are two prominent mobile
was particularly important so that these early operating systems.
multimillion-dollar machines would not be idle
during slow I/O operations. From the standpoint of a user or an application
program, an operating system provides services.
Computers acquired more powerful operating Some of these are simple user commands like
systems in the 1960s with the emergence of “dir”—show the files on a disk—while others are
time-sharing, which required a system to low-level “system calls” that a graphics program
manage multiple users sharing CPU time and might use to display an image. In either case the
terminals. Two early time-sharing systems operating system provides appropriate access to
were CTSS (Compatible Time Sharing its objects, the tables of disk locations in one
System), developed at the Massachusetts case and the routines to transfer data to the
Institute of Technology, and the Dartmouth screen in the other. Some of its routines, those
College Basic System, developed at Dartmouth that manage the CPU and memory, are
College. Other multiprogrammed systems generally accessible only to other portions of the
included Atlas, at the University of Manchester, operating system.
England, and IBM’s OS/360, probably the most
complex software package of the 1960s. After Contemporary operating systems for personal
1972 the Multics system for General Electric computers commonly provide a graphical user
Co.’s GE 645 computer (and later interface (GUI). The GUI may be an intrinsic part
for Honeywell Inc.’s computers) became the of the system, as in the older versions of
most sophisticated system, with most of the Apple’s Mac OS and Microsoft
multiprogramming and time-sharing capabilities Corporation’s Windows OS; in others it is a set
that later became standard. of programs that depend on an underlying
system, as in the X Window system for UNIX and
The minicomputers of the 1970s had limited Apple’s Mac OS X.
memory and required smaller operating
systems. The most important operating system Operating systems also
of that period was UNIX, developed provide network services and file-sharing
by AT&T for large minicomputers as a capabilities—even the ability to share resources
simpler alternative to Multics. It became widely between systems of different types, such as
used in the 1980s, in part because it was free Windows and UNIX. Such sharing has
to universities and in part because it was become feasible through the introduction of
designed with a set of tools that were powerful network protocols (communication rules) such
in the hands of skilled programmers. More as the Internet’s TCP/IP.
recently, Linux, an open-source version of
UNIX developed in part by a group led by
Finnish computer science student Linus
Torvalds and in part by a group led by American
computer programmer Richard Stallman, has
become popular on personal computers as well
as on larger computers.

In addition to such general-purpose systems,

special-purpose operating systems run on
small computers that control assembly lines,
aircraft, and even home appliances. They are
real-time systems, designed to provide rapid
response to sensors and to use their inputs to
control machinery. Operating systems have
also been developed for mobile devices such
as smartphones and tablets. Apple Inc.’s iOS,
performance of multiple CPUs within a single
2.Taxonomy of OS: computer system. Multiple CPUs are linked
together so that a job can be divided and
The types of operating systems (OS) have executed more quickly.
evolved significantly, adapting to technological
advancements and changing user needs. Here 2.7 Single-User Operating Systems: Single-User
are the various types of operating systems: Operating Systems are designed to support a
single user at a time. Examples include
2.1 Batch Operating System: A Batch Operating Microsoft Windows for personal computers and
System is a type of operating system that does Apple macOS.
not interact with the computer directly. There is
an operator who takes similar jobs having the 2.8 Multi-User Operating Systems: Multi-User
same requirements and groups them into Operating Systems are designed to support
batches. multiple users simultaneously. Examples
include Linux and Unix.
2.2 Time-sharing Operating System: Time-
sharing Operating System is a type of operating 2.9 Embedded Operating Systems: Embedded
system that allows many users to share Operating Systems are designed to run on
computer resources (maximum utilization of the devices with limited resources, such as
resources). smartphones, wearable devices, and household
appliances. Examples include Google’s Android
2.3 Distributed Operating System: Distributed and Apple’s iOS.
Operating System is a type of operating system
that manages a group of different computers 2.10 Cluster Operating Systems: Cluster
and makes appear to be a single computer. Operating Systems are designed to run on a
These operating systems are designed to group of computers, or a cluster, to work
operate on a network of computers. They allow together as a single system. They are used for
multiple users to access shared resources and high-performance computing and for
communicate with each other over the network. applications that require high availability and
Examples include Microsoft Windows Server reliability. Examples include Rocks Cluster
and various distributions of Linux designed for Distribution and Open-MPI.

2.4 Network Operating System: Network

Operating System is a type of operating system 3.Emerging Technologies
that runs on a server and provides the capability
to manage data, users, groups, security, in OS:
applications, and other networking functions.
Emerging technology refers to innovations that
2.5 Real-time Operating System: Real-time are in the process of being developed or are
Operating System is a type of operating system expected to become mainstream in the near
that serves a real-time system and the time future. These technologies often have the
interval required to process and respond to potential to significantly impact industries,
inputs is very small. These operating systems society, and the way we live and work. Emerging
are designed to respond to events in real time. technologies are typically characterized by rapid
They are used in applications that require quick advancements, high growth potential, and the
and deterministic responses, such as ability to disrupt existing industries and practices.
embedded systems, industrial control systems,
and robotics. Examples of emerging technologies include
artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning,
2.6 Multiprocessing Operating blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G
System: Multiprocessor Operating Systems are technology, quantum computing, augmented
used in operating systems to boost the reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and
biotechnology. These technologies are driving security mechanisms to protect against threats
innovation across various sectors, such as and vulnerabilities, which is critical for emerging
healthcare, finance, transportation, and technologies handling sensitive data. For
communication, and are reshaping the way example, blockchain networks rely on secure
businesses operate and individuals interact operating systems to ensure the integrity and
with technology. confidentiality of transactions.

As emerging technologies continue to evolve, 3.1.4 Networking: Operating systems manage

they are expected to bring about significant network communication, which is essential for
changes and opportunities, as well as emerging technologies that rely on connectivity.
challenges related to privacy, security, and For example, IoT devices need to communicate
ethical considerations. Keeping abreast of with each other and with cloud servers, which is
emerging technologies is crucial for facilitated by the networking capabilities of the
businesses, researchers, policymakers, and operating system.
individuals to harness their potential and
navigate the rapidly evolving technological 3.1.5 Customization and Optimization:
landscape. Operating systems can be customized and
optimized for specific use cases and hardware
In 2023, we saw many new technologies like platforms, which is beneficial for emerging
AI and ML, 3D printing, VR and AR, etc. These technologies with unique requirements. For
new technologies have greatly impacted every example, quantum computing operating
sector, such as healthcare, education, farming, systems are tailored to the needs of quantum
banking, security, etc. They maintained their algorithms and hardware.
dominance throughout the year, and now they
continue to show their impact. Now we are in In summary, operating systems provide the
2024, this year is also full of various emerging foundation and infrastructure for emerging
technologies that are extremely advanced. technologies to operate efficiently and securely,
enabling them to realize their full potential in
3.1 Emerging technologies and operating various applications and industries.
systems are closely related because operating
systems play a crucial role in enabling and
supporting the functionality of these
4. Taxonomy of Emerging
technologies. Here’s how they are connected: Technologies:
3.1.1 Hardware Interaction: Operating systems Emerging technologies encompass a wide range
provide a layer of abstraction between of innovations that are currently developing or
hardware and software, allowing emerging have the potential to significantly impact various
technologies to interface with hardware industries and sectors. Some types of emerging
components efficiently. For example, IoT technologies include:
devices need to interact with sensors,
actuators, and other peripherals, which is 4.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI involves the
facilitated by the underlying operating system. development of computer systems that can
perform tasks that typically require human
3.1.2 Resource Management: Operating intelligence, such as visual perception, speech
systems manage system resources such as recognition, decision-making, and language
CPU, memory, and storage, which is essential translation.
for emerging technologies to function optimally.
For example, edge computing devices require 4.2 Internet of Things (IoT): IoT refers to the
efficient resource management to handle data network of interconnected devices and objects
processing and storage at the edge of the that are embedded with sensors, software, and
network. other technologies, enabling them to collect and
exchange data.
3.1.3 Security: Operating systems provide
emerging technologies that are shaping the
4.3 Blockchain: Blockchain is a decentralized future and driving innovation across various
and distributed digital ledger technology that industries.
securely records transactions across multiple
computers, providing transparency, security, Major Emerging Technology
and immutability.
4.4 Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality
(VR): AR and VR technologies create
immersive, computer-generated environments 5.Internet of Things (IoT):
or overlays that enhance the user's perception
of the real world. The Internet of Things is a system of various
computing devices that are interconnected to
4.5 Edge Computing: Edge computing involves eachother and these are specified with unique
processing data closer to the source of identifiers (UI). This system has the ability to
generation, such as IoT devices, rather than transfer data from one device to another with the
relying on centralized cloud servers, to reduce help of this unique ID of a device. This data
latency and improve efficiency. transfer does not require any human-to-human
or human-to-computer interaction. The devices
4.6 Quantum Computing: Quantum computing included in IoT can be any computing device,
utilizes quantum-mechanical phenomena, such mechanical device or digital device.
as superposition and entanglement, to perform
operations on data, potentially enabling much This system allows us to transfer data with
faster and more powerful computation than reliability and accuracy over the network in
classical computers. minimal time possible. The operating systems
developed for the IoT systems do not require
4.7 Biotechnology: Biotechnology involves the large kilobytes of RAM and high power
use of biological systems, organisms, or consumption. Instead, these OSs consume low
derivatives to develop products and power and require a few kilobytes of RAM in
technologies for a wide range of applications, order to perform their operation.
including healthcare, agriculture, and
environmental conservation. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing
technology that connects everyday objects to the
4.8 5G Technology: 5G technology represents internet, allowing them to send and receive data.
the fifth generation of mobile network These objects, often referred to as "smart"
technology, offering significantly faster data devices, can include anything from smartphones
speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity and wearable devices to household appliances,
than previous generations, enabling new vehicles, and industrial equipment.
applications and services.
IoT enables these devices to collect, analyze,
4.9 Robotics: Robotics involves the design, and exchange data with other devices and
construction, operation, and use of robots to systems, creating opportunities for automation,
perform tasks in a variety of industries, such as monitoring, and control in various applications.
manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture. For example, in a smart home, IoT devices such
as thermostats, lights, and security cameras can
4.10 Renewable Energy Technologies: be controlled remotely through a smartphone
Renewable energy technologies, such as solar, app. In industrial settings, IoT can be used to
wind, and hydroelectric power, are emerging as monitor equipment performance, optimize
sustainable alternatives to traditional fossil processes, and improve efficiency.
fuels, offering cleaner and more
environmentally friendly sources of energy. Key components of IoT include sensors and
actuators, which collect and transmit data, and
These are just a few examples of the many
connectivity technologies such as Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, and cellular networks, which enable 5.6 Interoperability: IoT operating systems often
communication between devices and the support multiple communication protocols and
internet. IoT platforms and applications are standards to ensure interoperability between
used to manage and analyze the data collected different devices and systems. This allows
from IoT devices, providing valuable insights devices from different manufacturers to work
and enabling intelligent decision-making. together seamlessly.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing 5.7 Remote Management: IoT operating systems
field within emerging technologies that focuses often include features for remote management
on connecting everyday devices to the internet, and monitoring of devices. This allows
allowing them to send and receive data. administrators to update software, configure
Operating systems play a crucial role in IoT by settings, and troubleshoot issues without
providing the software infrastructure necessary physically accessing the devices.
to manage and control these devices. Here's a
brief overview of IoT in the context of operating In summary, IoT operating systems are essential
systems: for enabling the widespread adoption of IoT
technologies by providing the necessary
5.1 Device Connectivity: IoT operating systems infrastructure and capabilities to support the
are designed to support a wide range of diverse range of connected devices and
devices, from sensors and actuators to applications in the IoT ecosystem.
smartphones and smart appliances. They
provide the necessary protocols and interfaces
for these devices to connect to the internet and
6. Edge Computing:
communicate with each other.
Edge computing is an emerging technology that
5.2 Resource Constraints: Many IoT devices involves processing data closer to the source of
have limited processing power, memory, and generation, rather than relying on centralized
energy resources. IoT operating systems are cloud servers. In edge computing, computing
optimized to run on these resource-constrained resources are placed at the "edge" of the
devices, often using lightweight kernels and network, such as on IoT devices, routers, or
minimalistic designs to reduce overhead. gateways, allowing data to be processed locally
without needing to be sent to a distant data
5.3 Real-time Processing: Some IoT center.
applications require real-time processing of
data, such as in industrial automation or Edge computing is driven by the need for real-
healthcare monitoring. IoT operating systems time data processing, reduced latency, and
provide mechanisms for prioritizing tasks and improved efficiency in data-intensive
handling time-sensitive operations efficiently. applications. By processing data closer to where
it is generated, edge computing can enable
5.4 Security: Security is a major concern in IoT, faster response times, support applications that
as compromised devices can pose significant require low latency, and reduce the amount of
risks. IoT operating systems include security data that needs to be transmitted over the
features such as secure boot, data encryption, network.
and access control to protect devices and data Edge computing has applications in various
from unauthorized access. industries, including manufacturing, healthcare,
transportation, and smart cities. For example, in
5.5 Data Management: IoT devices generate manufacturing, edge computing can be used to
large amounts of data that need to be collected, monitor and optimize production processes in
processed, and analyzed. IoT operating real time. In healthcare, it can enable remote
systems provide mechanisms for managing this patient monitoring and personalized healthcare
data, including storage, retrieval, and services. In transportation, it can support
transmission to cloud servers or other devices. autonomous vehicles and traffic management
systems. bandwidth cost: in edge computing, since the
Edge computing is transforming the way data is data to be processed does not need to be
processed, stored, and managed, enabling new uploaded to the cloud computing center, it does
applications and services that were not not need to use too much network bandwidth, so
possible with traditional centralized computing the load of network bandwidth is reduced, and
architectures. the energy consumption of intelligent devices at
the edge of the network is greatly reduced. Edge
Advantages of Edge Computing- computing is “small-scale,” and in production,
Edge computing model stores and processes companies can reduce the cost of processing
data on edge devices without uploading to data in local equipment. Therefore, edge
cloud computing platform. Due to this feature, computing reduces the amount of data
edge computing has obvious advantages in the transmitted on the network, reduces the
following aspects: transmission cost and network bandwidth
pressure, reduces the energy consumption of
6.1 Fast data processing and analysis, real-time: local equipment, and improves the computing
the rapid growth of data volume and the efficiency.
pressure of network bandwidth are
disadvantages of cloud computing. Compared
with traditional cloud computing, edge
computing has advantages in response speed
and real-time. Edge computing is closer to the
data source, data storage and computing tasks
can be carried out in the edge computing node,
which reduces the intermediate data
transmission process. It emphasizes proximity
to users and provides users with better
intelligent services, thus improving data
transmission performance, ensuring real-time
processing and reducing delay time. Edge
computing provides users with a variety of fast
response services, especially in the field of
automatic driving intelligent manufacturing,
video monitoring and other location awareness,
rapid feedback is especially important.

6.2 Security: traditional cloud computing

requires all data to be uploaded to the cloud for
unified processing, which is a centralized
processing method. In this process, there will
be risks such as data loss and data leakage,
which cannot guarantee security and privacy.
For example, account passwords, historical
search records and even trade secrets can all
be exposed. Since edge computing is only
responsible for the tasks within its own scope,
the processing of data is based on the local,
there is no need to upload to the cloud, to avoid
the risks brought by the network transmission
process, so the security of data can be
guaranteed. When data is attacked, it only
affects local data, not all data.

6.3 Low cost, low energy consumption, low

7. Conclusion: 8. References
In conclusion, operating systems play a crucial 1)Borgohain T, Kumar U, Sanyal S. Survey of Operating
role in enabling and supporting emerging Systems for the IoT Environment. International Journal of
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systems must adapt to meet the growing A Survey on Resource Management in IoT Operating
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Operating systems that can effectively integrate 3)Zikria YB, Kim SW, Hahm O, Afzal MK, Aalsalem MY.
and support these emerging technologies will Internet of Things (IoT) Operating Systems Management:
be essential for driving innovation, enhancing Opportunities, Challenges, and Solution. Sensors.
user experiences, and advancing the 2019;19(8):1793. Available:
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environments. As such, the development and 4)Gaur P, Tahiliani M. Operating Systems for IoT Devices:
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advancement of emerging technologies,
shaping the future of computing for years to 5) Goyal S, Chaudhary A, Kumar A. Cloud Operating
Systems: Analysis and Problems. 2022 10th International
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In conclusion, operating systems (OS) play a 286.2022.9964793
crucial role in enabling the functionality and
6) Rong X. Design and Implementation of Operating
efficiency of Internet of Things (IoT) and edge System in Distributed Computer System Based on Virtual
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computing environments, such as limited 733.2020.00024
resources, low latency, and real-time
processing needs.

OSs for IoT and edge computing provide key

features such as security, connectivity, and
scalability, allowing devices to communicate,
process data, and interact with their
environment effectively. They also facilitate the
development and deployment of applications
that leverage the capabilities of IoT and edge
computing, enabling innovative use cases
across various industries.

As IoT and edge computing continue to evolve

and expand, the role of OSs will become even
more critical in enabling the seamless
integration and operation of these technologies.
It is essential for OS developers to continue
innovating and adapting to the changing
requirements of IoT and edge computing to
ensure their continued success and impact in
the digital landscape.

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