Ann Appl S v10n3p0 en
Ann Appl S v10n3p0 en
Ann Appl S v10n3p0 en
Physical Education, Health and Recreation Study Program, Islam 45 Bekasi University, Jalan Cut Meutia
No 83. Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17114, Indonesia.2Sport Science Study Program, Faculty of Sport and
Health Education, Indonesia University of Education, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No.229 Isola Sukasari Bandung
Jawa Barat, 40154, Indonesia.3Physical Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta, Jalan
Pemuda No.10, Rawamangun Kec Pulo Gadung Kota Jakarta Timur 13220 DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.
Submitted June 28, 2021; Accepted in final form August 25, 2021.
Background. This study aimed to analyze core muscle fatigue effects on the kinematic parameters change during
volleyball jump serve. Methods. The participants were sixteen experienced male volleyball players with average age,
height, and body weight of 24.6 ± 1.8 years, 1.85 ± 1.6 m, and 79.5 ± 3.5 kg, respectively. This study utilized two
high-resolution video cameras, a drone video, a lactate analyzer, and a radar speed gun. Meanwhile, the eight
kinematics parameters analyzed at the approach, plant, and jump phases showed that the ball speed decreased
significantly in the fatigue condition compared to the non-fatigue counterpart. Results. There was a significant
difference in the jump phase duration, step length, and jump height variables for the fatigue and non-fatigue conditions
during the jump serve in volleyball. Furthermore, the six kinematics parameters analyzed in the maximal shoulder
external rotation phase showed a significant difference in fatigue and non-fatigue conditions found in the shoulder
external rotation and trunk tilt backward parameters. Meanwhile, the maximum angular velocity phase at the upper
limb joint during the jump serve showed that the variable shoulder internal rotation decreases significantly in the
fatigue condition compared to the non-fatigue counterparts. Also, in the trunk rotation and trunk tilt forward, a
significant decrease in the upper limb joint’s maximum angular velocity was observed in the fatigue condition during
the volleyball jump serve. Conclusion. Fatigue reduces players’ performances during jump serve in volleyball, leading
to slower ball speed and changes in body segment movements.
Volleyball was initially created for performance in the volleyball game’s
recreational sports but is now a competitive sport. characteristics and is essential for a successful
In addition, volleyball is a team sport where jump serve performance. Typically, jumps are
individual players must be able to master skills used during a spike, block, and service actions.
and tactics, supported by a high physical fitness The jump serve is a technique performed by
level, both in attacking and defensive conditions throwing the ball with both hands upwards from
(1). Therefore, these players must master six basic the court’s baseline, followed by a lower body
skills: receiving, passing, setting, blocking, and ground reaction force while jumping as high as
spiking. The jump’s height is the main possible to hit the ball in the air towards the
*. Corresponding Author:
Agus Rusdiana, Ph.D
2 Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance
opponent’s field (2). The jump serve is competition, Fuchs (10) reported an average
characterized by high toss, multistep approaches, number of jumps per game of 118-212 times.
take-off, maximal jump, and the full swing of During a jump serve, a large number of jumps has
both arms (3). Recently, the jump serve has a direct impact on muscle fatigue, primarily in the
become a dangerous offensive weapon for the top body’s lower and core muscles, including the
volleyball teams, as a great spike server can trunk and hip muscles, with the function of
produce several aces over a match (4). An maintaining the spine and pelvis’ stabilities, as
analysis of the services performed at the 2005 well as supporting transfer of energy from large
Men’s European Volleyball Championship to small muscles, during activity (11). Hung (12)
showed the Spanish team used the jump serve reported that core stability is the ability to control
more often at a 72% execution rate, compared to the body’s position and motion to produce
other serve types, while the French and Dutch optimal movement. Becker (13) described core
teams used the serve at execution rates of about muscle stability as integrating local, single, and
63% and 58%, respectively. According to the multi-joint muscles to provide bodily stability and
International Volleyball Federation (FIVB), the produce efficient and effective movements.
average jump serve frequency increased from During sport activity, fatigue causes decreased
63% at the 2004 Olympic men’s tournament to muscle power generation, neuromuscular
82% at the 2008 counterpart (5). coordination, precision motion control, joint
A study by MacKenzie (6) regarding the spike stability, muscle contraction, and speed reaction
vs. the jump serve for collegiate volleyball time. Fatigue is defined as a person’s lack of
players showed similar speeds for male athletes ability to produce the required energy or the
(male jump serve 19.7 m/s and male spike 22.4 inability to sustain energy produced to perform a
m/s), but lower speeds for the female jump serve targeted activity (4). Generally, muscle fatigue is
(13.2 m/s), compared to the spike (17.8 m/s). defined as a reduction in a muscle’s ability to
Meanwhile, a study on elite international generate power, due to disconnected coordination
volleyball spikers’ front row spikes reported a in the chain of motion from the central nervous
mean impact ball speed of 27 m/s. In the jump system, to the muscle fibers (8). According to
serve, the ball position at impact is determined by Ozmen (14), core muscle fatigue impacts
the server’s toss. decreased performance during jump headings in
The stages in a volleyball jump serve are soccer. Ball speed decreases after impact due to
categorized above. During the approach phase, decreased hip and trunk forward velocities and
horizontal speed is developed and subsequently head extension angular velocity.
slowed down by planting one foot in front of the Similarly, a study by Bastiurea (15) on
body (7). The dynamic arm swing allows for handball throwing showed a significant reduction
greater momentum and ground reaction force to be in shoulder internal rotation, elbow extension
generated. As stated in previous studies, the spike angular velocity, and horizontal abduction
action is divided into three phases (the approach, shoulder velocity after conducting muscle fatigue
plant, and jump) to enable a detailed analysis of the treatment. Meanwhile, in badminton, significant
players’ performances. Meanwhile, the previous reductions in shoulder internal rotation, forearm
studies’ results showed that the main aspects pronation, elbow extension, and wrist flexion
influencing jumping performance are approach angular velocity were observed after muscle
velocity, trunk countermovement, upper body fatigue treatment, and this negatively influenced
support, arm swing, and knee extension angular the jumping smash performance. However, this
velocity (8). The lower leg’s muscles are differed, compared to a study by Vaverka (16) on
previously stretched after setting the foot through a table tennis, where a significant increase in ball
cycle of shortening stretches, while the joint angle speed during the forehand topspin stroke was
is reduced and the body is lowered to increase the reported, after arm muscle fatigue treatment with
distance during acceleration. maximum weight training, and only the ball
Furthermore, the serve’s success is determined accuracy differed.
by several factors, including arm swing, jump The purpose of this study was to analyze core
height, motion range on the upper body joint and muscle effects to kinematics parameter movement
core muscle strength (9). With respect to the jump change on the volleyball jump serve performance
serve frequency at international level of using three-dimensional analysis.
Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance 3
MATERIALS AND METHODS each player has fitted a heart rate (HR) monitoring
Method and Design. This study used a System (Polar S 810İ Polar Electro OY, Finland)
descriptive method with a quantitative approach, before fatigue exercise treatment. Each
using a one-group pretest and posttest design. participant’s resting HR and maximum HR values
Participants. In this study, sixteen experienced were also recorded.
male volleyball players, with an average and standard Statistic Analysis. This study utilized the
deviation age of 24.6 ± 1.82 years (age range from 21 SPSS version 22.0 application software (SPSS
to 25 years), height 1.85 ± 1.64 m (height range from Inc., Chicago, IL). Also, mean and standard
1.76 to 1.92 m), and body weight 79.5 ± 3.57 kg deviation were calculated as initial data for
(height range from 74 to 83 kg), volunteered to further analysis on the normality (Chi-square
participate in the study. The local Ethics Committee method approach), homogeneity (Lavene’s test
approved this study of the Faculty of Sport and method approach), and hypothesis testing. A one-
Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, way variance analysis was used to test the
with the number F/UPI.046/2021. hypothesis at a significance level of p < 0.05.
Fatigue Treatment. As a treatment for core joints were performed using the Butterworth low-
muscles fatigue in the body, various core training pass filter approach at a 15 Hz cut-off frequency,
types, including flutter kicks, reverse crunch, feet determined by residual analysis techniques.
crossovers, plank knee ins, scissor kicks, Kinematics Parameters. The volleyball jump
spiderman push-ups, side plank raises, mountain serve movement is divided into three phases (i.e.,
climbers, sit up cross punch exercise, were the approach, plant, and jump phases) to analyze
provided. All exercises were performed in one set the players’ performance in detail, as shown in
until the point of fatigue was reached. Meanwhile, Figure 1 (17).
Figure 1. The phase of the Mechanical Movement of the Volleyball Jump Serve Technique
4 Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance
In this jump serve approach phase, the movement was formulated under the body’s anatomical
begins with a ball toss, followed by a run-up to the principle, as outlined below (Figure 2). The
movement before take-off. Furthermore, in the plant shoulder joint comprises three movements,
phase, starting from take off to the maximum internal-external shoulder rotation (A), shoulder
shoulder external rotation movements, and in the abduction-adduction (B), and horizontal shoulder
jump phase, starting from the shoulder internal abduction-adduction (C). Meanwhile, the elbow
rotation, ball contact until the landing moment. In joint comprised one motion characteristic, the
contrast, the total spike duration movement starts elbow flexion extension (D). The next
from the ball toss to the landing moment. movements are the trunk tilt forward-backward
To analyze the volleyball jump serve’s (E), trunk tilt left and right sideways (F), and hip
kinematic parameters, a movement model design and trunk rotation (G).
Instruments. This study utilized two high- digital video cameras. To capture the jump serve
resolution digital video cameras (Sony Handycam performance’s movement, all three video camera
HC-V400 Full HD, Japan), a drone video camera handicaps were operated at a 120 Hz nominal
(DJI Phantom 4 Pro, China), One set of three- frame rate, with a 1/2000s shutter speed, and each
dimensional calibration, 3D motion software was placed on a rigid tripod, mounted at a 1.5 m
analysis (Dartfish Pro, Switzerland), a set of height. Video camera 1 was placed on the field’s
manual markers, a lactate analyzer (Accutrend right side, at a distance of 3.5 m perpendicular to
plus kit GCT, Germany), Heart rate monitoring the serve line, while video camera 2 was
System (Polar S 810İ Polar Electro OY, Finland), positioned behind the service line, perpendicular
as well as a radar speed gun (Bushnell Speed gun to the player’s position, at a distance of 6m from
101911, Italia). the court’s back line.
Procedure. The ball speed was measured Meanwhile, video camera 3 was mounted on a
using a radar speed gun with a 100 hz shutter drone positioned perpendicularly above the
speed, placed near the net at a distance of 45 cm subject’s head at a 9 m distance from the subject
outside the field’s sideline. Meanwhile, all jump area. The subjects were instructed to warm up and
serves were captured using three high-definition practice the normal jump service to obtain
Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance 5
kinematic data. Subsequently, each subject was step length (P = 0.038), and jump height (P =
asked to perform a maximum jump serve, and only 0.034) variables in the under fatigue and non-
5 successful jumps serve performances were fatigue conditions during the volleyball jump
recorded and used for further data analysis. In serve.
addition, calibration and data analysis were Table 2 shows the kinematic parameters’
performed in three dimensions, using the direct average, standard deviation, and significance
linear transformation (DLT) calibration structure values during the volleyball jump serve in the
method developed by Abdel Aziz and Karara (18). maximal shoulder external rotation phase. The six
kinematics parameters analyzed in this phase
RESULTS showed a significant difference between the
Table 1 shows the average, standard deviation, fatigue and non-fatigue conditions that occurred
and significance values of the kinematic in the parameters of the shoulder external rotation
parameters in the approach, plant, and jump (p = 0.042) and trunk tilt backward (p = 0.033)
phases during the volleyball jump serve. during the volleyball jump serve.
The eight kinematics parameters analyzed at Table 3 shows the kinematic parameters’ average,
the jump serve approach phase (starting from the standard deviation, and significance values, in the
ball toss, running up to the movement just before maximum angular velocity at the upper limb joint,
take-off), plant phase (from take off to the during volleyball jump serve. According to the
maximum shoulder external rotation table, a significant reduction in the shoulder
movements), jump phase (from shoulder internal internal rotation variable occurred in the fatigue
rotation, ball contact until landing moment), and condition (1623º/s), compared to the non-fatigue
the total spike duration movement starts from the counterpart (2161º/s), with a p-value of 0.052.
ball toss to the landing moment showed a Also, in the fatigue condition, a significant
significant decrease in ball speed during the decrease in the upper limb joint’s maximum
fatigue condition (11 m/s), compared to the non- angular velocity was found in the trunk rotation
fatigue counterpart (20 m/s) with a p-value of (p = 0.087) and trunk tilt forward variables (p =
0.037. Furthermore, the data showed a significant 0.029), compared to the non-fatigue counterpart,
difference in the jump phase duration (P = 0.041), during the jump serve.
Table 1. During Volleyball Jump Serve, Kinematics Analysis Parameters in the Approach, Plant, and Jump
Kinematics Parameter Means ± SD P-Value
Fatigue Non-Fatigue
Ball velocity (m/s) 11 ± 1.7 20 ± 1.5 0.037*
Approach Phase Duration (s) 0.54 ± 0.03 0.52 ± 0.02 0.852
Planting Phase Duration (s) 0.22 ± 0.01 0.22 ± 0.03 0.767
Jump Phase Duration (s) 0.70 ± 0.05 0.61 ± 0.07 0.041*
Total Spike Duration (s) 1.47 ± 16.41 1.41 ± 0.06 0.812
Step Length (cm) 201.5 ± 13.16 262.4 ± 15.24 0.036*
Jump Height (cm) 78.54 ± 4.23 75.17 ± 5.13 0.038*
Spike Height (cm) 293.25 ± 6.05 279.54 ± 6.18 0.229
*Significant at P < 0.05
Table 2. Kinematic Parameters in the Maximal Shoulder External Rotation Phase, During the Olleyball Jump
Kinematics Parameter Means ± SD P-Value
Fatigue Non-Fatigue
Shoulder external rotation (º) -122 ± 3.5 -169 ± 4.2 0.042*
Shoulder abduction (º) 101 ± 1.2 106 ± 1.4 0.203
Shoulder horizontal adduction (º) 7 ± 0.83 9 ± 0.96 0.312
Elbow flexion (º) 94 ± 1.1 102 ± 1.3 0.956
Trunk tilt backward (º) 16 ± 3.5 29 ± 3.1 0.033*
Trunk tilt sideways left (º) 19 ± 1.4 21 ± 1.6 0.229
*Significant at P < 0.05
6 Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance
Table 3. Kinematic Analysis Parameters on the Maximum Angular Velocity at the Upper Limb Joint, During
the Volleyball Jump Serve
Kinematics Parameter Means ± SD P-Value
Fatigue Non-Fatigue
Shoulder internal rotation (º/s) 1623 ± 3.5 2161 ± 4.2 0.052*
Trunk rotation (º/s) 561 ± 1.2 782 ± 1.4 0.087*
Hip rotation (º/s) 421 ± 0.8 429 ± 0.9 0.203
Elbow extension (º/s) 873 ± 1.1 995 ± 1.3 0.112
Trunk tilt forward (º/s) 162 ± 3.5 199 ± 3.1 0.029*
Trunk tilt sideways left (º) 185 ± 3.5 199 ± 3.1 0.198
*Significant at P < 0.05
DISCUSSION Subsequently, the ball is for the serve from the left
Ball Velocity. This study’s results showed a foot, preferable at a high point of release above
significant decrease in the ball speed during the the server’s head because longer ball contact
fatigue condition (11 m/s), compared to the non- gives better control over the toss. Long step onto
fatigue counterpart (20 m/s), during the volleyball the left foot is performed to start the run-up (25).
jump serve. It is similar to the results of a study In the run-up, the step from the left foot back onto
by Ahmed (19) on the pitcher’s throwing in the right foot is the longest and often covers a
baseball, where the ball speed experienced a distance of up to 80% of the server’s standing
significant decrease of about 23%, in the fatigue height. Thus, an increase in this step’s length
condition, compared to the non-fatigue implies the server is more skilled and has more
counterpart (128.9 km/h). Rusdiana (20) also time and distance to decelerate the forward
reported a significant difference in ball speed of velocity and prepare for upwards take-off. A
80 km/h and 125 km/h during the jump heading study by Reeser (7) showed that longer step is
in soccer, in fatigue and non-fatigue conditions, related to a faster run-up, which is related to a
respectively. According to Ziv & Lidor (21), the higher jump and faster serve, to prepare for trunk
maximal ball speed had a significant positive rotation into the serve.
correlation with the absolute stride length during Jump Phase. The arm swings upward are
a pitch (r = 0.69) but not with the relative stride completed before the extension of the legs,
length (% body height, % lower extremity length, because the arm swing contributes to ground
and % maximal open legs’ width). In handball reaction forces early in the take-off, before leg
throwing, the transfer of impulses from the extension occurs (26). However, the end of the
proximal to distal segments, including the hip, arm’s upward motion can also transfer vertically.
shoulder, elbow, wrist, and middle hand, is an The final left foot plant occurs prior to take-off.
important factor in achieving maximum ball As the foot is planted well ahead of the right foot
velocity. According to Yanagisawa & Taniguchi at an angle to the end line, the arm swing nearing
(22), 67% of ball velocity at ball release is completion transfers momentum to the rest of the
explainable by the summation effects from the body for take-off.
velocity of elbow extension and internal rotation Meanwhile, as the leg is extended, the trunk is
at the shoulder. Meanwhile, Dinç & Ergin (23) also extended to maximize the ground forces. The
shows a significant correlation between timing timing of joint movements during take-off
the maximal pelvic angle with ball velocity, comprises shoulder flexion, trunk extension, and
indicating the best throwers. hip and knee extension. Özdal (27) reported that
Approach Phase. In the approach phase, ankle plantar flexion is the final movement to
during the jump serve’s ready position, the server increase jump height, as the calf muscles
stands about 5 m behind the end line and holds the contribute significantly to jump height.
ball in the serving hand. The jump serve At take-off, the center is raised in the body by
description for a right-handed server is given the full trunk and leg extension, raising the arms
below. For a left-handed server, the foot and hand to a near-vertical position. A skilled jumper can
positions are expected to be on the opposite side attain 60% of the total jump height by increasing
(24). The ball toss occurs off the right foot, and the height of the center of mass at take-off (28).
the ball is tossed with the right arm, elbow Meanwhile, the mean horizontal velocity at take-
extended, and body leaning forward. off was 3.23 m/s. However, in this study, the
Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance 7
mean values for top servers were horizontal compared to the non-fatigue counterparts. In
velocities of 4.20 m/s at the right foot plant and addition, a significant decrease in the upper limb
3.65 m/s vertical velocities at take-off, while the joint’s maximum angular velocity was found in
center of mass velocity at ball impact ranged from the trunk rotation and trunk tilt forward variables,
-0.33 to 2.76 m/s, indicating some servers hit the during fatigue conditions, compared to the non-
ball on the way down and others hit on the way fatigue counterparts, during the volleyball jump
up, as also observed by Reeser (7), in front row serve.
spiking. The movement of the upper extremities
happens entirely during this phase. The ball APPLICABLE REMARKS
moves to a significant height of up to 10 m, then • This study is used as basic information in
drop to a player contact position of about 2 m on selecting volleyball athletes.
the court. • Athletes and coaches need real-time
biomechanics analysis data of the serve
CONCLUSION volleyball technique.
In this study, the eight kinematics parameters
analyzed at the approach, plant, and jump phases ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
showed a significant decrease in ball speed during The authors are grateful to the Universitas
fatigue compared to the non-fatigue condition. Pendidikan Indonesia and the Indonesia Ministry
Furthermore, the data showed a significant of Education, Culture, Research, Technology,
difference in the jump phase duration, step length, and Higher Education, for their support of this
and jump height variables during the fatigue and study.
non-fatigue conditions in the volleyball jump
serve. The six kinematics parameters analyzed in AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
the maximal shoulder external rotation phase Study concept and design: B. Acquisition of data:
showed a significant difference in fatigue and A.R. Analysis and interpretation of data: B. Drafting
non-fatigue conditions found in the shoulder the manuscript: A.R. Critical revision of the
external rotation and trunk tilt backward manuscript for important intellectual content: S.
parameters during the volleyball jump serve. Statistical analysis: A.R. Administrative, technical,
Subsequently, The six kinematic parameters and material support: S. Study supervisionA.R.
analyzed in the maximum angular velocity phase
at the upper limb joint during the jump serve CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
showed a significant reduction in the variable The authors declare no conflict of interest
shoulder internal rotation during fatigue regarding the publication of this study.
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8 Core Muscle Fatigue Effect to Volleyball Jump Serve Performance