Teach Pendant Scripting Interface Manual (V4.5.4)

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AUBOPE Software

Scripting Interface


AUBO(Beijing)Robotics Technology Co., Ltd


⚫ It is forbidden to reproduce part or entire of this manual.

⚫ The user manual will be checked and corrected periodically. The updated
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⚫ Please read this manual before installing and using the product.

⚫ Please keep this manual so that you can read and refer to it at any time.

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or omissions. If you have any questions about the contents of this manual,
please contact our company.

⚫ Copyright © 2015-2020 AUBO All rights reserved.

1 Lua syntax ................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Identifiers and Variables ................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Control Flow Statements ............................................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Branch Statement .............................................................................................. 5
1.2.2 while Loop......................................................................................................... 5
1.2.3 repeat Loop ....................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4 for Loop............................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Operators ....................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Functions ....................................................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Function definition syntax:............................................................................. 9
1.4.2 Custom Functions: .......................................................................................... 10
1.4.3 External IP address Settings ............................................................................ 10
1.4.4 Splitting a String ............................................................................................. 11
1.4.5 String ............................................................................................................... 11
2 Precautions .............................................................................................................................. 13
2.1 Unified unit ................................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Parameter Terminology ............................................................................................... 13
2.3 Tips.............................................................................................................................. 14
3 Teach Pendant Operation Directory ........................................................................................ 15
4 Control cabinet standard IO name........................................................................................... 20
4.1 Controller IO(Interface board internal IO) .................................................................. 20
4.1.1 Safety IO(16 DI, 16 DO) ................................................................................. 20
4.1.2 Internal IO(8 DI, 8 DO)................................................................................... 21
4.1.3 Linkage IO(6 DI, 4 DO) .................................................................................. 21
4.2 User IO ........................................................................................................................ 21
4.2.1 16 DI ................................................................................................................... 22
4.2.2 16 DO .............................................................................................................. 22
4.2.3 4 AI.................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.4 4 AO ................................................................................................................ 23
4.3 Tool IO ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.1 4 Configurable DI/O ....................................................................................... 24
4.3.2 2 AI.................................................................................................................. 24
5 Enumeration Types.................................................................................................................. 25
6 Mathematical Modules ............................................................................................................ 27
7 Motion Module ....................................................................................................................... 30
8 Internal Modules ..................................................................................................................... 42
9 TCP Communication ............................................................................................................... 45
9.1 TCP Server .................................................................................................................. 45
9.2 TCP Client ................................................................................................................... 48
10 Common Scripting Interface ........................................................................................... 52
11 Script Examples ...................................................................................................................... 53

©2015-2020 AUBO all rights reserved 1 V4.5.3

11.1 Syntax Examples ......................................................................................................... 53
11.2 Synthesis Example ...................................................................................................... 54

V4.5.3 2 ©2015-2020 AUBO all rights reserved

1 Lua syntax

1.1 Identifiers and Variables

Identifiers can be consisted of any letter that begins with a non-numeric character,
a string of underscores and numbers and can be used to name variables, functions, etc.

The following keywords are reserved and cannot be used to name identifiers:

and not or break return do then

if else elseif end true false for
while repeat until in function goto local

The following identifiers are legal:

a _abc a_123

The following numeric constants are legal:

1 123 0xff 0xABCD

The following are valid floating constants:

1.0 3.141592 1.6e-2 100e1

String variables are represented by "", for example:


Array variables are represented by { }, for example


The comment begins with a double dash (--), followed by the closing braces [[for
section notes, up to the corresponding]], otherwise it is a one-line comment to the end
of the current line.

The scope of the global variable is different from that of the local variable. Before the
local variable is declared, the local keyword is added. For example,

local a=5

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 3 V4.5.4

Otherwise it is a global variable.

The expression syntax in AUBOScript is very standard, as follows:

Arithmetic expression


Logical expression

true or false and (2==3)

1>2 or 3~=4 or 5<-6
not 9>=10 and 100<=50

Variable assignment

A = 100
bar = ture
PI = 3.1415
name = “Lily”
positon = {0.1,-1.0,0.2,1.0,0.4,0.5}

The variable type in AUBOScript does not need to be modified, but is derived from the
first assignment of the variable. For example, in the above example, A is an integer, bar
is a boolean, PI is a float, name is a string, and position is an array.

The basic variable types in AUBOScript are: Number, Boolean, String, and Array

V4.5.4 4 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

1.2 Control Flow Statements

The control flow of the program can be implemented through the control
structures if, while, repeat, and for. In AUBOScript, their grammar rules conform to the
usual definitions. The syntax is:

1.2.1 Branch Statement

if(exp1) then

--[[Execute this statement block when the exp1

expression is true]]
else if(exp2) then

--[[Execute this statement block when the exp2

expression is true]]

--[[Execute this statement block when other conditions

are met]]


a= -2

if(a<0) then


elseif(a>0) then





1.2.2 while Loop

while(exp) do

--[[Executes the block of the loop while the exp

expression is true]]

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 5 V4.5.4


--Forever loop

while(true) do



1.2.3 repeat Loop


--[[Executes this block when the exp expression is


The following program prints: 10 11 12 13 14 15

A = 10



A = A+1


1.2.4 for Loop

for init, max/min value, increment

--[[Executed statement block]]


The following program prints:10 9 8 7 6 5 4

3 2 1
for i=10,1,-1



V4.5.4 6 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved


You can use break to stop a loop and use the goto statement to implement a jump.
You can use return to return directly. In particular, AUBOScript does not support the
continue statement, but it can be implemented indirectly using goto.

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 7 V4.5.4

1.3 Operators

Math operator:

+ Addition

* Multiplication

¬ Subtraction
Floating point
// Down-division

% Modulo

^ Power

¬ Negative

Bit operators:

& Bitwise AND

| Bitwise OR

~ Bitwise XOR

>> Move right

<< Move left

~ Bitwise NOT

Comparison operators:

== Equal

~= Not equal

< Less than

> More than

<= Less than or equal

>= Greater or equal

Logical operators:

and or not

V4.5.4 8 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

String connector:

Written as two points ('..'), such as 12..34, is

equivalent to 1234.

Take the length operator:

#, the length of the string is its number

of bytes.

Priority definition (from low to high):



< > <= >= ~= ==


<< >>


+ -

* / // %

not ( # ¬ ~)

You can use parentheses to change the order of operations. The connection
operator ('..') and the power operation ('^') are from right to left. All other operations
are from left to right.

1.4 Functions

1.4.1 Function definition syntax:

The syntax of the function definition is as follows:

function MyFunc(param)

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 9 V4.5.4

-- Do something


It can also be defined as follows

MyFunc = function (param) body


1.4.2 Custom Functions:

Custom plus function:

function add(a,b)

return (a+b)


Function call:

x= add(3,4)

The function can have no return value, or it can have one or more return values, for

function add(a,b)
return a,b,(a+b)

Function call:


1.4.3 External IP address Settings

while 1 do
strccd = recData("") --Camera side IP address (external device IP address)

Dre=tonumber(strccd) -- String to number

if dd then

V4.5.4 10 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved


1.4.4 Splitting a String

str =string.sub(strccd, starting position, length) -- Gets the string of the specified
position and length
string.len (target string) -- Get the length of the string

Function call:

function string.split(str, delimiter) -- Split string, delimited string, return array, str
String to delimit, delimiter delimiter
if str==nil or str=='' or delimiter==nil then
return nil

local result = {}
for match in (str..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
table.insert(result, match)
return result

1.4.5 String

string.len(s) Returns the length of the string s;

string.lower(s) Convert uppercase letters in s to lowercase

string.upper(s) Convert lowercase letters in s to uppercase

string.sub(s,i,j) The function intercepts the string from the i-th character to the
j-th character of the string s.

string.sub(s, 2, -2) Returns the substring after removing the first and last characters.

string.char() Characters to numbers

string.byte() Numbers to characters

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 11 V4.5.4

string.format() --%c - Take a number and convert it to the corresponding
character in the ASCII table
string.format("%%c: %c", 83) output S
string.format("%+d", 17.0) output +17
string.format("%05d", 17) output 00017 %d, %i – Take a number and
convert it to a signed integer format
string.format("%o", 17) output 21 %o –Take a number and convert it
to octal format
string.format("%u", 3.14) output 3 %u - Take a number and convert it to
an unsigned integer format
string.format("%x", 13) output d %x – Take a number and convert it to
hexadecimal format using lowercase
string.format("%X", 13) output D %X – Take a number and convert it to
hexadecimal format, using uppercase
string.format("%e", 1000) output 1.000000e+03 %e – Take a number
and convert it to scientific notation
using lowercase e
string.format("%E", 1000) output 1.000000E+03 %E - Take a number
and convert it to scientific notation
format, using capital letter E
string.format("%6.3f", 13) output 13.000 %f - Take a number and
convert it to floating-point format
%g(%G) – Take a number and convert it
to one of the shorter of %e (%E,
corresponding to %G) and %f
string.format("%q", "One\nTwo") output "One\Two" %q - Take a string and
converts it to a format that can be
safely read by the Lua compiler
string.format("%10s", "monkey") output monkey%s – Take a string and
formats the string according to the
given parameters
string.format("%5.3s", "monkey") output mon

s = "[abc]"
string.len(s) <==return 5
string.rep("abc", 2) <==return "abcabc"
string.lower("ABC") <==return "abc"
string.upper("abc") <==return "ABC"
string.sub(s, 2) <==return "abc]"
string.sub(s, -2) <==return "c]"
string.sub(s, 2, -2) <==return "abc"

V4.5.4 12 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

2 Precautions

2.1 Unified unit

Joint angle: radians

Distance: m
Time: s
Joint acceleration: rad/s^2
Joint speed: rad/s
Acceleration at the end: m/s^2
End speed: m/s
Attitude: Quaternion
Weight: kg

Note: All of the interfaces below require the transfer of posture parameters in quaternion form.
When Euler angles are used, the rpy2quaternion interface conversion can be used. Euler angle
defines the rotation sequence as Z, Y, X.

2.2 Parameter Terminology

Must pass parameters: must pass in any case, need a default value even if it’s not in use.
Selection parameters: Users can chose to pass or not according to the function of the parameter
description and business logic.
Bundled parameters: Associated with a parameter, select the transfer method according to the
parameter description of the function.
Must not pass parameters: must not be passed, generally used in conjunction with the bundling
parameters, refer to the parameter description of the function.

Note: All are must pass parameters unless specified.

Tool parameters: consisting of tool kinematic parameters and tool dynamic parameters

Tool kinematics parameters (aka: end-of-tool parameters): Consists of tool end position
parameters and tool end attitude parameters. This parameter can also describe the tool
coordinate system.

Tool dynamics: Consists of tool load and center of gravity parameters.

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 13 V4.5.4

Reference coordinate system parameters: There are three different types,
Robot base coordinate system parameters, hereinafter referred to as base coordinate system;
The tool coordinate system parameters, which are based on the tool coordinate system described
in the center of the flange of the robot arm, consist of the tool end position parameters and the
tool end attitude parameters.
User coordinate system parameters, based on the user coordinate system described by the robot
base coordinate system, and the user coordinate system calibration method, the flange center
used in the calibration is based on the three coordinate points of the base coordinate system,
and the tool end position parameters used during calibration are used.

Note: The center of the flange is a special tool and tool coordinate system.
When used as a tool, the tool end position parameter is (0, 0, 0), the tool end attitude parameter
is (1, 0, 0, 0), the tool load is 0, and the center of gravity is (0, 0, 0);
When used as a tool coordinate system, the tool end position parameter is (0, 0, 0) and the tool
end attitude parameter is (1, 0, 0, 0).
The tool and tool coordinate systems mentioned in the parameter descriptions below contain the
flange center.

The base coordinate system is a special user coordinate system. It can be understood that the
base coordinate system is a user coordinate system that coincides with the origin of the robot
base coordinate system and the three axes coincide.

2.3 Tips

The interface sequence in this document is not based on the calling sequence in the example. It is
mainly based on the function category. If there is any interface or variable name that is not
mentioned above in the sample program, please search for it by yourself or find the interface
below. variable name.

The contents of all red words are very important. Please read them carefully.

V4.5.4 14 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

3 Teach Pendant Operation Directory
The teach pendant running directory is: /root/AuboRobotWorkSpace/OUR-i5/bin
In this directory, we highlight the meaning of several files and folders (not in alphabetical
order, in logical order), and none of them need to be understood.
As shown below:

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 15 V4.5.4

Logfiles folder:
The directory where Teach Pendant logs are stored
Corresponds to the log in the following figure:

V4.5.4 16 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

TrackRecord folder:
The directory where the track record is stored corresponds to the following figure:

Project folder:
The directory where function files are stored corresponds to the following figure:

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 17 V4.5.4

Procedure folder:
The directory where the process files are stored corresponds to the following figure:

Script folder:
The directory where script files are stored corresponds to the following figure:

V4.5.4 18 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

Note: All the scripts edited in this article need to be stored in this folder and called in the form of
a script file during the project/process, as shown in the following figure:

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 19 V4.5.4

4 Control cabinet standard IO name

4.1 Controller IO(Interface board internal IO)

4.1.1 Safety IO(16 DI, 16 DO)

SI00 SI10
SI01 SI11
SI02 SI12
SI03 SI13
SI04 SI14
SI05 SI15
SI06 SI16
SI07 SI17

SO00 SO10
SO01 SO11
SO02 SO12
SO03 SO13
SO04 SO14

V4.5.4 20 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

SO05 SO15
SO06 SO16
SO07 SO17

4.1.2 Internal IO(8 DI, 8 DO)

CI00 CI01 CI02 CI03 CI10 CI11 CI12 CI13

CO00 CO01 CO02 CO03 CO10 CO11 CO12 CO13

4.1.3 Linkage IO(6 DI, 4 DO)

LI00 LI01 LI02 LI03 LI04 LI05

LO00 LO01 LO02 LO03

4.2 User IO

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 21 V4.5.4

4.2.1 16 DI


4.2.2 16 DO


V4.5.4 22 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

4.2.3 4 AI


4.2.4 4 AO


4.3 Tool IO

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 23 V4.5.4

4.3.1 4 Configurable DI/O


4.3.2 2 AI


V4.5.4 24 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

5 Enumeration Types
User coordinate system calibration method:
enum CoordCalibrateMethod{

Track movement type:

enum MoveTrackType{

Onboard IO type:
enum RobotIOType{

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 25 V4.5.4


Tool IO supply voltage

enum ToolPowerType{

V4.5.4 26 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

6 Mathematical Modules
double acos(double f)
The arc cosine main value (in radians) of return f. A runtime error occurs if f is outside
the range [-1, 1]
Parameter f Float value
Arc cosine f, float value

double asin(double f)
Return to the main arcsine of f in radians. A runtime error occurs if f is outside the
range [-1, 1]
Parameter f Float value
Arc sine f, float value

double atan(double f)
Features Returns to arc tangent of f (in radians)
Parameter f Float value
Arctangent f, float value

double atan2(double x,double y)

Features Returns the arc tangent main value (in radians) of the parameter x/y
x Float value
y Float value
Features Arc tangent of x/y, float value

double cos(double f)
Features Returns to the cosine of the f, radians angle
Parameter f Float value
Cosine f, float value

double sin(double f)
Features Returns to the sine of the f, radians angle
©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 27 V4.5.4
Parameter f Float value
Sine f, float value

double tan(double f)
Features Return to tangent f
Parameter f Float value
Tangent f, float value

double sqrt(double f)
Features Returns to the square root of f. If f is negative, a runtime error occurs
Parameter f Float value
Square root of f, float value

double log(double b,double f)

Returns to the logarithm of the f~b cardinality. A runtime error occurs if b or f is
b Float value
f Float value
Logarithm of the f~b cardinality, float value

double pow(double b,double e)

Return to the result of the base multiplying exponential power. A run-time error can
Features occur if the cardinality is negative and the exponent is not an integer value, or if the
cardinality is zero and the exponent is negative.
b Float value
e Float value
Cardinality exponential power, float value

int ceil(double x)
Features Floats round to the smallest integer not less than f.
Parameter f Float value
Return Rounded integer

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int floor(double x)
Features Rounds a floating-point number to the largest integer not greater than f
Parameter f Float value
Rounded integer

double r2d(double r)
Features Return to radians r converted to angle values

double d2r(double d)
Features return to the radian value of the d degree. In fact: (d/180)* PI
Parameter d Angle in degrees
Angle in radians, float value
Parameter r Radians
Angle value, float value

Note: Euler angle order is ZYX

{oriW,oriX,oriY,oriZ} rpy2quaternion({oriRX,oriRY,oriRZ})
Features Euler angles to quaternions
Parameter Euler angles (rad)
The quaternion after transformation according to the parameter Euler angles

{oriRX,oriRY,oriRZ} quaternion2rpy({oriW,oriX,oriY,oriZ})
Features Quaternion to Euler Angles
Parameter Quaternion
Euler angles (in radians) after conversion from quaternions of parameters

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 29 V4.5.4

7 Motion Module
void init_global_move_profile (void)

Features Initialize global motion properties

Parameter N/A
Return N/A
The default global motion properties include but are not limited to the following:
Coordinate system parameters
Tool parameters
Joint speed acceleration threshold
Terminal velocity acceleration threshold
Blend radius
Global waypoint
Advance arrival parameters, etc.

void set_joint_maxacc ({double joint1MaxAcc, double joint2MaxAcc, double joint3MaxAcc, double

joint4MaxAcc, double joint5MaxAcc, double joint6MaxAcc}
Features Set the maximum acceleration of the joint 1-6 in rad/s^2.
Parameter Type is table
Return N/A
Instructions set_joint_maxacc({1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0})

void set_joint_maxvelc ({double joint1MaxVelc, double joint2MaxVelc, double joint3MaxVelc,

double joint4MaxVelc, double joint5MaxVelc, double joint6MaxVelc}
Features Set the maximum speed of the joint 1-6 in rad/s.
Parameter Type is table
Return N/A
Instructions set_joint_maxvelc({1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0})

void set_end_maxacc(double endMaxAcc)

Features Set the maximum acceleration at the end, unit m/s^2.
Parameter Maximum acceleration at the end
Return N/A
Instructions set_end_maxacc (1.0)

V4.5.4 30 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

void set_end_maxvelc(double endMaxVelc)
Features Set the maximum speed at the end, in m/s.
Parameter Maximum speed at the end
Return N/A
Instructions set_end_maxvelc (1.0)

void move_joint({double joint1Angle, double joint2Angle, double joint3Angle,

double joint4Angle, double joint5Angle, double joint6Angle}, bool isBlock)
Features Shaft movement, unit radians

{double joint1Angle, double joint2Angle, double joint3Angle,

double joint4Angle, double joint5Angle, double joint6Angle}
The six joint angle arcs of the target waypoint.
Motion blockage flag. When true, the interface blocks until it moves to the
destination waypoint; false returns the interface immediately.
Return N/A
Instructions move_joint({-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008},true)

void move_line({double joint1Angle, double joint2Angle, double joint3Angle,

double joint4Angle, double joint5Angle, double joint6Angle}, bool isBlock)
Features Linear motion, in radians.
Parameters Same as the move_joint function parameter above.
Return N/A
Instructions move_line({-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008},true)

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 31 V4.5.4

void set_relative_offset({double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ},
CoordCalibrateMethod coordCalibrateMethod,
{double point1Joint1, double point1Joint2, double point1Joint3, double point1Joint4, double
point1Joint5, double point1Joint6},
{double point2Joint1, double point2Joint2, double point2Joint3, double point2Joint4, double
point2Joint5, double point2Joint6},
{double point3Joint1, double point3Joint2, double point3Joint3, double point3Joint4, double
point3Joint5, double point3Joint6},
{double toolEndPositionX, toolEndPositionY, toolEndPositionZ}
Features Set relative position offset properties
{double posOffsetX, double posOffsetY, double posOffsetZ}
Based on the position offset of the reference coordinate system,
indispensable parameters. If no position offset is required, it is passed as {0,
0, 0}.
{double oriOffsetW, double oriOffsetX, double oriOffsetY, double oriOffsetZ}
Based on the attitude offset of the reference coordinate system, the parameter
selection parameters. If no pose offset is required, it can be passed as {1, 0, 0, 0} or not.
Tool coordinate system parameters, pass parameters. include:
Tool end position parameters {double toolEndPosX, toolEndPosY, toolEndPosZ}, tool
end posture parameters {double toolEndOriW, toolEndOriX, toolEndOriY, toolEndOriZ}.
Note: When based on the base coordinate system or the user coordinate system, this
Parameter parameter must not pass the parameter, when based on the tool coordinate system,
must pass the parameter
User coordinate system parameters, pass parameters. include:
CoordCalibrateMethod A method enumeration for calibrating the user coordinate
system. Refer to the Enumeration Types section.
{double point1Joint1, double point1Joint2, double point1Joint3,
Double point1Joint4, double point1Joint5, double point1Joint6},
{double point2Joint1, double point2Joint2, double point2Joint3,
Double point2Joint4, double point2Joint5, double point2Joint6},
{double point3Joint1, double point3Joint2, double point3Joint3,
Double point3Joint4, double point3Joint5, double point3Joint6}
The center of the flange used to calibrate the user coordinate system is based on the

V4.5.4 32 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

three joint angles of the base coordinate system.
{double toolEndPosXForCalibUserCoord, toolEndPosYForCalibUserCoord,
Calibrate the tool end position parameters used by the user coordinate system. Select
parameters, when using the flange center calibration user coordinate system can not
pass the parameter or pass (0,0,0); when using the tool to calibrate the user coordinate
system is a must-pass parameter.
Note: When based on the base coordinate system or the tool coordinate system, this
parameter must not pass the parameter, when based on the user coordinate system,
must pass the parameter.
Return N/A
set_relative_offset (
{-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008},
{-0.186826, -0.164422, -1.351967, 0.383250, -1.570795, -0.186831},
{-0.157896, 0.011212, -1.191991, 0.367593, -1.570795, -0.157901},
{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}
Functional description:
The reference coordinate system is the flange center, and the tool end position parameter is (0, 0,
A pentagram pattern is drawn by the relative offset of position and posture
The source code is as follows:

--set tool parms
set_tool_kinematics_param({0.000000, 0.000000, 0.200000}, {1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000})
set_tool_dynamics_param(0, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})

--init move profile


--move to A
move_joint({0.060122, 0.132902, -1.060100, 0.377794, -1.570797, 0.060117}, true)

while (true) do

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 33 V4.5.4

--move to B
set_relative_offset({-0.2, 0, 0}, rpy2quaternion({d2r(0), d2r(0), d2r(36)}),
{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}, {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000})
move_line(get_global_variable("Realtime_Waypoint"), true)

--move to C
set_relative_offset({0.2, 0, 0}, rpy2quaternion({d2r(0), d2r(0), d2r(36 - 180)}),
{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}, {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000})
move_line(get_global_variable("Realtime_Waypoint"), true)

--move to D
set_relative_offset({0.2, 0, 0}, rpy2quaternion({d2r(0), d2r(0), d2r(36)}),
{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}, {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000})
move_line(get_global_variable("Realtime_Waypoint"), true)

--move to E
set_relative_offset({-0.2, 0, 0}, rpy2quaternion({d2r(0), d2r(0), d2r(36)}),
{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}, {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000})
move_line(get_global_variable("Realtime_Waypoint"), true)

--move to A
set_relative_offset({0.2, 0, 0}, rpy2quaternion({d2r(0), d2r(0), d2r(36)}),
{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}, {1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000})
move_line(get_global_variable("Realtime_Waypoint"), true)


"pos" = {
"x" = posX
"y" = posY
"z" = posZ
"ori" = {
"w" = oriW

V4.5.4 34 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

"x" = oriX
"y" = oriY
"z" = oriZ
"joint" = {
"j1" = joint1Angle
"j2" = joint2Angle
"j3" = joint3Angle
"j4" = joint4Angle
"j5" = joint5Angle
"j6" = joint6Angle
Return to real-time waypoint position, pose, and joint angle nesting table of the current
robot arm
Parameter N/A
Return Real-time waypoint position, pose, and joint angle of type table.
realPoint = get_current_waypoint()
print("posX : "..realPoint.pos.x,"poxY : "..realPoint.pos.y,"poxZ : "..realPoint.pos.z)
print("oriW : "..realPoint.ori.w,"oriX : "..realPoint.ori.x,"oriY : "..realPoint.ori.y,"oriZ :
Instructions "..realPoint.ori.z)
print("joint1 : "..realPoint.joint.j1,"joint2 : "..realPoint.joint.j2,"joint3 :
"..realPoint.joint.j3,"joint4 : "..realPoint.joint.j4,"joint5 : "..realPoint.joint.j5,"joint6 :

{joint1Angle, joint2Angle, joint3Angle, joint4Angle, joint5Angle, joint6Angle}

bool is MulSol = false,
{ikRefPointJoint1Angle, ikRefPointJoint2Angle, ikRefPointJoint3Angle,
ikRefPointJoint4Angle, ikRefPointJoint5Angle, ikRefPointJoint6Angle},
{double toolEndPosXOnRefCoord, toolEndPosYOnRefCoord, toolEndPosZOnRefCoord},
{double toolEndOriWOnRefCoord, toolEndOriXOnRefCoord, toolEndOriYOnRefCoord,
bool enableEndRotate, double endRotateAngle,

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 35 V4.5.4

{double toolEndPosX, toolEndPosY, toolEndPosZ},
{double toolEndOriW, double toolEndOriX, toolEndOriY, toolEndOriZ},
CoordCalibrateMethod coordCalibrateMethod,
{double point1Joint1, double point1Joint2, double point1Joint3,
double point1Joint4, double point1Joint5, double point1Joint6},
{double point2Joint1, double point2Joint2, double point2Joint3,
double point2Joint4, double point2Joint5, double point2Joint6},
{double point3Joint1, double point3Joint2, double point3Joint3,
double point3Joint4, double point3Joint5, double point3Joint6},
{double toolEndPositionForCalibCoordX, toolEndPositionForCalibCoordY,
Return joint angles according to the specified inverse reference point, position, pose,
Features tool and user coordinate system and tool end rotation angle parameter, after inverse
solution, support returning multiple solutions.
Bool isMulSol = false
Return multiple solution or not. Optional parameter, it is at “false” by default.
If isMulSol is at “true”, then the function returns multiple solutions; If isMulSol is at
“false” or does not specified, then the function returns one solution.
{ikRefPointJoint1Angle, ikRefPointJoint2Angle, ikRefPointJoint3Angle,
ikRefPointJoint4Angle, ikRefPointJoint5Angle, ikRefPointJoint6Angle},
Inverse solution reference point, bundling parameters.
If isMulSol is at “true”, then these parameters will not be passed.
If isMulSol is at “false”, then these parameters are optional parameters.
When passing parameters, the inverse reference point will be the inputted parameters;
When not passing parameters, the inverse reference point will be the real time
waypoint of the manipulator.
{double toolEndPosXOnRefCoord, toolEndPosYOnRefCoord, toolEndPosZOnRefCoord}
Tool end position parameters based on the reference coordinate system. Must pass
{double toolEndOriWOnRefCoord, toolEndOriXOnRefCoord, toolEndOriYOnRefCoord,
Tool end attitude parameters based on the reference coordinate system.
Selection parameters. If you do not pass this parameter, the current real-time waypoint
attitude is maintained by default.
Bool enableEndRotate
Enable end rotation parameters, must pass parameters.
Double endRotateAngle
End-axis parameters, bundled parameters.
If the enableEndRotate parameter is true, this parameter is a must pass parameter, and
the result of the inverse joint after the sixth joint is replaced with the value of the
If the enableEndRotate parameter is false, this parameter must not be passed.

V4.5.4 36 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

Tool end parameters, pass parameters. include:
{double toolEndPosX, toolEndPosY, toolEndPosZ}
Tool end position parameters.
{double toolEndOriW, double toolEndOriX, toolEndOriY, toolEndOriZ}
Tool end attitude parameters.
Note: When based on flange center, tool end parameters may not be passed or passed
as {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 0}.
User coordinate system parameters, selection parameters. include:
CoordCalibrateMethod A method enumeration for calibrating the user coordinate
system. Refer to the Enumeration Types section.
{double point1Joint1, double point1Joint2, double point1Joint3,
Double point1Joint4, double point1Joint5, double point1Joint6},
{double point2Joint1, double point2Joint2, double point2Joint3,
Double point2Joint4, double point2Joint5, double point2Joint6},
{double point3Joint1, double point3Joint2, double point3Joint3,
Double point3Joint4, double point3Joint5, double point3Joint6}
The center of the flange used to calibrate the user coordinate system is based on the
three joint angles of the base coordinate system.
{double toolEndPosXForCalibUserCoord, toolEndPosYForCalibUserCoord,
Calibrate the tool end position parameters used by the user coordinate system.
Selection parameters, when using the flange center calibration user coordinate system
cannot pass the parameter or pass (0,0,0); when using the tool to calibrate the user
coordinate system is a must-pass parameter.
Note: When the inverse solution is based on the base coordinate system, this
parameter must be passed.
According to the specified position parameters, posture parameters, tool parameters,
joint angles after inverse solution of user coordinate system parameters
while (true) do
Instructions move_joint(get_target_pose({0, 0, -0.131415}, {0.707114, 0.000014, 0.7071,
0.000007}, true, d2r(20), {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, CoordCalibrateMethod.zOzy,
{-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008},
{-0.186826,-0.164422, -1.351967, 0.383250, -1.570795, -0.186831},{-0.157896,
0.011212, -1.191991, 0.367593, -1.570795, -0.157901}, {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}), true)
move_line(get_target_pose({0, 0, 0.131181}, {0.707112, 0.000013, 0.707101,
0.000008}, true, d2r(20), {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, CoordCalibrateMethod.zOzy,
{-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008},

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 37 V4.5.4

{-0.186826,-0.164422, -1.351967, 0.383250, -1.570795, -0.186831},{-0.157896,
0.011212, -1.191991, 0.367593, -1.570795, -0.157901}, {0.1, 0.2, 0.3}), true)

void add_waypoint(
{double joint1Angle, double joint2Angle, double joint3Angle,
double joint4Angle, double joint5Angle, double joint6Angle}
Features Add waypoints to the list of global waypoints, serving the move_track function
Parameter Type table
Return N/A
Instructions add_waypoint ({-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008})

void clear_global_waypoint_list(void)
Features Clear the global waypoint list
Parameter N/A
Return N/A
Instructions Note: When using move_track multiple times, you need to clear the last trajectory

void move_track(MoveTrackType trackType, bool isBlock)

Trajectory movement, according to the global waypoint list (added via the
add_waypoint function)
trackType is the track arc type (arc, circle, moveP).

Parameters isBlock is blocking flag

When true, the interface blocks until it moves to the destination waypoint; false returns
the interface immediately.
Return N/A
In conjunction with add_waypoint, for example, there are 3 points in the trajectory.
Instructions Add add_waypoint first to 3 points, then execute
The current trajectory type supports arc/circle, moveP, see enumeration types
--set tool parms
set_tool_kinematics_param({0.111100, 0.222000, 0.333000}, {1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000})
set_tool_dynamics_param(0, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})

--init var
offset = 0
direction = 1 -- 1:Forward -1:Reverse

V4.5.4 38 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

--Move to ready point
move_joint({0.208890, -0.044775, -1.246891, 0.368688, -1.570800, 0.208869}, true)

while (true) do
--Move to the first track point
set_relative_offset({offset * 0.05, 0, 0}, CoordCalibrateMethod.zOzy, {-0.000003,
-0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008}, {-0.244530, -0.169460,
-1.356026, 0.384230, -1.570794, -0.244535}, {-0.196001, 0.070752, -1.129614,
0.370431, -1.570795, -0.196006}, {0.111100, 0.222000, 0.333000})
move_line({0.208890, -0.044775, -1.246891, 0.368688, -1.570800, 0.208869}, true)

--Move cir
set_relative_offset({offset * 0.05, 0, 0}, CoordCalibrateMethod.zOzy, {-0.000003,
-0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008}, {-0.244530, -0.169460,
-1.356026, 0.384230, -1.570794, -0.244535}, {-0.196001, 0.070752, -1.129614,
0.370431, -1.570795, -0.196006}, {0.111100, 0.222000, 0.333000})
add_waypoint({0.208890, -0.044775, -1.246891, 0.368688, -1.570800, 0.208869})
add_waypoint({-0.237646, -0.169014, -1.355669, 0.384145, -1.570793, -0.237655})
add_waypoint({-0.000009, 0.087939, -1.110852, 0.372015, -1.570793, -0.000007})
move_track(MoveTrackType.ARC_CIR, true)

if (offset >= 2) then

direction = -1
elseif (offset <= 0) then
direction = 1

offset = offset + direction;


void set_circular_loop_times(int times)

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 39 V4.5.4

Times The number of round movement laps, used with move_track.
When times=0, it is a circular motion. When times>0, it is a circular motion.
Return N/A
Example See the move_track example for details

void set_blend_radius(double blendRadius)

Features Set blend radius
Parameter blendRadius unit is m.
Return N/A
Instructions set_blend_radius(0.01)

void set_arrival_ahead_distance_mode(double distance)

Features Set early arrival distance mode
Parameter Distance--early arrival distance
Return N/A
Instructions set_arrival_ahead_distance_mode (0.01)

void set_arrival_ahead_time_mode(double time)

Features Set early arrival time mode
Parameter Time-early arrival time
Return N/A
Instructions set_arrival_ahead_time_mode(0.01)

void set_robot_collision_class(int collisionClass)

Features Set the collision level
Parameter collisionClass 0~10
Return N/A
Instructions set_robot_collision_class(6)

void set_tool_kinematics_param(
{double posX, double posY, double posZ}, {double oriW = 1,double oriX = 0, double
oriX = 0, double oriX = 0}

V4.5.4 40 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

Features Set tool kinematic parameters, posture can be skipped.
Two tables, the first table for the location must passed, the second table for the gesture
can be skipped.
Return N/A
Instructions set_tool_kinematics_param({0.1,0.2,0.3})

void set_tool_dynamics_param(
double payload,
{double gravityCenterX, double gravityCenterY, double gravityCenterZ},
{double inertiaXX = 0, double inertiaXY = 0, double inertiaXZ = 0, double inertiaYY = 0,
double inertiaYZ = 0, double inertiaZZ = 0})
Set tool dynamics parameters, load and center of gravity xyz must be passed, inertia
can be skipped
Payload-load unit kg
Parameter Center of gravity-table
Return N/A
Instructions set_tool_kinematics_param(3,{0.1,0.2,0.3})

void robot_pause(void)

Features Robotic arm paused. It can only be called if and only if the arm is in motion.

Parameter N/A

Return N/A

Instructions robot_pause()

void robot_continue(void)
The arm resumes motion. It can only be called if and only if the arm is in the paused
Parameter N/A
Return N/A
Instructions robot_continue()

void robot_slow_stop(void)

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 41 V4.5.4

Robotic arm slow stops. It can only be called if and only if the arm is in
Parameter N/A
Return N/A
Instructions robot_slow_stop()

void robot_fast_stop(void)

Features Arm fast stop. It can only be called if and only if the arm is in motion.
Parameter N/A
Return N/A
Instructions robot_fast_stop()

8 Internal Modules

void sleep(double second);

Features Sleep waiting
Parameter second--waiting time, unit s
Return N/A
Example sleep(0.1)

Note: The IO name refers to the chapter “Control cabinet standard IO name”
void set_robot_io_status(RobotIOType ioType, string name, double value)
Features Set the robot body IO status
ioType Indicates the IO type. Refer to the above for the enumerated type.
Parameter name Indicates IO name, string type
value IO state value, double type
Return N/A
Instructions Robot body standard IO name please refer to teach pendant V4 version IO setting
Example set_robot_io_status (RobotIOType.RobotBoardUserDI," U_DO_00",1)

double get_robot_io_status(RobotIOType ioType, string name)

V4.5.4 42 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

Features Get the robot body IO status
ioType Indicates the IO type. Refer to the above for the enumerated type.
name Indicates IO name, string type
Return Corresponding IO status value, double type
Example a= get_robot_io_status (RobotIOType.RobotBoardUserDI," U_DI_00")

void set_tool_power_voltage(ToolPowerType toolPowerType)

Features Set the tool supply voltage

toolPowerType Tool supply voltage enumeration value, refer to the
Enumeration Types section.
Return Corresponding IO status value, double type
Example set_tool_power_voltage(ToolPowerType.OUT_12V)

void init_global_variables(string varNameList)

Features Initialize the teach pendant global variable value (variable value in the variable
configuration interface)
The variable name list string, separated by a comma, for example: varName1,
varName2 .
If this parameter is empty, initialize all the teacher variable values
Return N/A
Example init_global_variables("varName1, varName2")

variant get_global_variable(string varName)

Features Get the teach pendant global variable value
Parameter varName Variable name
The value of the variable corresponding to the name of the variable, the type of the
return value depends on the type of the variable
var= get_global_variable ("varName ")

Note: A special real-time waypoint variable is built into the teach pendant named
This variable is only allowed to obtain information. Get the real-time waypoint information of the
current robot arm by the following call form. get_global_variable("Realtime_Waypoint")
The return value is the joint angle of the current real-time waypoint {joint1Angle, joint2Angle,

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 43 V4.5.4

joint3Angle, joint4Angle, joint5Angle, joint6Angle}.

void set_global_variable(string varName, variant varValue)

Features Set the teach pendant global variable value
varName Variable name
Parameter varValue The variable value type is passed according to the actual variable type. It
supports three types: bool, int, and double.
Return N/A
set_global_variable ("varName ", 1)
Example set_global_variable ("varName ", 1.1)
set_global_variable ("varName ", true)

V4.5.4 44 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

9 TCP Communication

9.1 TCP Server

void initTCPServer(int port)

Features Initialize the TCP server
Parameter Port: port number
Return N/A
Example initTCPServer(8888)

bool isClientConnected(std::string IP)

Features Determine if the IP is connected to the server
Parameter IP: IP address
Return If the IP in the parameter is already connected to the TCP server, return true;
otherwise return false
Example ret=isClientConnected(8888)

std::string serverRecvData(std::string IP)

Features The server receives data from the IP
Parameter IP: IP address
Return Return received data
Example recv=serverRecvData("")

void serverSendData(std::string IP, std::string msg)

Features The server sends a message to IP msg
Parameter IP: IP address; msg: sent message
Return N/A
Example serverSendData("","msg")

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 45 V4.5.4

Functional description:
The example is divided into two parts, one for each thread, the main thread for
motion control, the child thread for TCP data interaction, and the TCP server for child
Through the child thread to obtain data from the TCP Client in real time, after
unpacking and parsing, the parameters are exchanged with the main thread through
the global variables of the teach pendant.
In this example, the data interaction of two threads is completed by three variables:
V_D_posX, V_D_posY, and V_D_posZ.
The child server first initializes the TCP Server and then it reads data from the TCP
Client. The data format is "posX,posY,posZ", which represents the positional
parameters of the target point.
For example, from the TCP Server to the client to send "-0.4,-0.1,0.4", after
unpacking, the V_D_posX assignment is -0.4, V_D_posY assignment is -0.1, the
V_D_posZ assignment is 0.4. The main thread first run to the preparation point, then
According to the position information sent by the Tcp Client, the current pose is kept
running to the target position.

Operation method:
The example is divided into two script files: move_control.aubo and tcp_server.aubo.
You need to add variables V_D_posX, V_D_posY, V_D_posZ in the variable
configuration interface. Then create a new project in the teach pendant,
move_control.aubo is embedded into the main program as a script file, and
tcp_server.aubo is embedded into the Thread as a script file. Before running, you
need to run the project first (the purpose is to start the TCP Server first), and then
send the string "posX,posY,posZ" to the teach pendant through the TCP Client. The
source code is as follows:

move_joint({-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934, -1.570796, -0.000008},

while (true) do
get_global_variable("V_D_posY"), get_global_variable("V_D_posZ")}, false), true)

V4.5.4 46 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

function string.split(str, delimiter)
if str==nil or str=='' or delimiter==nil then
return nil

local result = {}
for match in (str..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
table.insert(result, match)

return result

port = 6666
ip = ""

set_global_variable("V_D_posX", -0.400319)
set_global_variable("V_D_posY", -0.121499)
set_global_variable("V_D_posZ", 0.547598)

recv = ""
while(recv ~= "quit") do

if (recv~="") then
data = string.split(recv, ",")
set_global_variable("V_D_posX", tonumber(data[1]))
set_global_variable("V_D_posY", tonumber(data[2]))
set_global_variable("V_D_posZ", tonumber(data[3]))

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 47 V4.5.4

Variable configuration as shown below:

9.2 TCP Client

The TCP Client interface are inside “tcp.client” package.

void connect(string IP, int port)
Features Connect specific IP and port of TCP server
Parameter IP:IP address; port: port number
Return N/A
Example tcp.client.connect("", 7777)

string recv_str_data(string IP, string port)

Receive data msg in String form to the TCP server of the specified IP and
Parameter IP:IP address; port: port number
Return Return the received data from server
recv=tcp.client.recv_str_data("", "7777")
V4.5.4 48 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved
table recv_asc_data(string IP, string port)
Receive data msg in ASCII form to the TCP server of the specified IP and
IP:IP address
port: port number
Return the received data, the format is a one-dimensional table with key
value (starting from 1)
Example recv=tcp.client.recv_asc_data("", "7777")

void send_str_data(string IP, string port, string msg)

Features Send data msg in String form to the TCP server of the specified IP and port
IP:IP address
Parameter port: port number
msg: data sent to the server
Return N/A
Example tcp.client.send_str_data("", 7777, "Hello world")

void send_asc_data(string IP, string port, table msg)

Features Send data msg in ASCII form to the TCP server of the specified IP and port
IP:IP address
port: port number
msg: data sent to the server. The format is a one-dimensional table with key
value (starting from 1).
Return N/A
tcp.client.send_str_data("", 7777, "Hello ")
world = {string.byte("world",1), string.byte("world",2), string.byte("world",3),
string.byte("world",4), string.byte("world",5)}
tcp.client.send_asc_data("", 7777, world)

void disconnect(string IP, int port)

Features Disconnect specific IP and port of TCP server
Parameter N/A
Return N/A
Example tcp.client.disconnect("", 7777)

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 49 V4.5.4

void connectTCPServer(std::string IP, int port) - Deprecated, backward compatibility
Features Connect a TCP server that specifies IP and prot
Parameter IP: IP address; port: port number
Return N/A
Example connectTCPServer("",7777)

std::string clientRecvData(std::string IP) - Deprecated, backward compatibility only

Features A client whose IP address is a parameter IP receives data sent from the server
Parameter IP: IP address
Return Data sent from the server
Example recv=clientRecvData ("")

void clientSendData(std::string ip, std::string msg) - Deprecated, backward

compatibility only
Features IP address IP client sends data to server msg
Parameter IP: IP address; msg: data sent to the server
Return N/A
Example clientSendData("","OK")

void disconnectTCPServer() - Deprecated, backward compatibility only

Features Disconnect all clients from the TCP server
Parameter N/A
Return N/A
Example disconnectTCPServer()


V4.5.4 50 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

1 port = 7777
2 ip = ""
3 connectTCPServer(ip,port)
4 sleep(1)
5 clientSendData(ip,"OK")
7 recv="-1"
8 while(recv ~= "2") do
9 sleep(1)
10 recv=clientRecvData(ip)
11 print(recv)
12 end
14 disconnectTCPServer()

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 51 V4.5.4

10 Common Scripting Interface

variable script_common_interface(PluginType, string data)

Feature See Scripts & Plugins Common Interface Documentation
pluginType: Enumeration of plugin types, refer to the enumerated types above.
Data: input parameters, the function does not do any parsing on the data, only calls the
plug-in's plug-in generic interface according to the pluginType parameter, and takes data
as the input parameter.
Return Any type

V4.5.4 52 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

11 Script Examples

11.1 Syntax Examples

if (str~=nil) -- Non-empty judgment

strcmp(s1,s2) -- Before calling the strcmp() function, you must evaluate the input
string as a null value! , if str1==str2, then return zero; if str1>str2,
then return positive number; if str1<str2, then return negative
array = {"Lua", "Tutorial”} --lua array starts from first
for i= 1, 2 do

--output :


--[[ --Multidimensional Arrays

array = {}
for i=1,3 do
array[i] = {}
for j=1,3 do
array[i][j] = i*j

-- Accessing the array

for i=1,3 do
for j=1,3 do

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 53 V4.5.4

11.2 Synthesis Example

The function coverage of this example is very wide, as follows:

Relative offset based on the user coordinate system;
Axial motion, linear motion, trajectory motion
Inverse solution (according to specified position parameters, pose parameters, tool parameters,
user coordinate system parameters)
TCP data communication;
Global variables
Multithreaded asynchronous operation.

Functional description:
The example is divided into two parts, one for each thread, the main thread for motion control,
and the child thread for TCP data interaction.
Obtain data from the TCP Server through the child thread in real time, the parameters are
exchanged with the main thread through the global variables of the teach pendant after
unpacking and parsing.
In this example, the data exchange between the two threads is completed by two variables
V_B_run and V_I_offset.
The child thread first connects to the TCP Server, and the teach pendant acts as the TCP Client.
After the connection is successful, the data is read cyclically. The data format is "run, offset", run
represents the lifting of the blocking wait for the main thread, and offset represents the offset of
the arc movement of the track in the main thread.
For example, to send "run, 1" from the TCP Server to the client, after unpacking, the V_B_run
assignment is true, V_I_offset assignment is 1. The main thread wait condition judgment is
satisfied, exit wait, start the movement, first move to the arc of the first track One way point,
The circular movement is then performed with respect to the presentation offset V_I_offset of
the waypoint in the user coordinate system. Because the relative offset is used here, the start
point of each arc motion is different. Therefore, the same relative offset parameter needs to be
used in the preparation point of the linear motion to the arc path configured before the arc
motion. Make sure that you have reached the preparation point for the trajectory before each arc

Operation method:
The example is divided into two script files father.aubo and child.aubo. A new project needs to
be created in the teach pendant, father.aubo is embedded in the main program, and child.aubo
is embedded in the Thread. Before running, you need to start TCP Server (pay attention to modify
IP and port), and then send the string "run, offset" to the teach pendant through TCP Server. The
source code is as follows:

V4.5.4 54 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved

--father thread


--set tool parms

set_tool_kinematics_param({0.100000, 0.200000, 0.300000}, {1.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000})
set_tool_dynamics_param(0, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})

--move to readypoint
move_joint(get_target_pose({-0.400320, -0.209060, 0.547595},
rpy2quaternion({d2r(-179.999588), d2r(0.000243), d2r(-89.998825)}), false, {0.0,
0.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}), true)

while (true) do
while (not (get_global_variable("V_B_run"))) do
local loop_times_flag_0 = 0
while (loop_times_flag_0 < 1) do
loop_times_flag_0 = loop_times_flag_0 + 1

--movel to ready point

set_relative_offset({get_global_variable("V_I_offset") * 0.05, 0, 0},
CoordCalibrateMethod.zOzy, {-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934,
-1.570796, -0.000008}, {-0.244530, -0.169460, -1.356026, 0.384230, -1.570794,
-0.244535}, {-0.196001, 0.070752, -1.129614, 0.370431, -1.570795, -0.196006},
{0.100000, 0.200000, 0.300000})
move_line({0.208890, -0.044775, -1.246891, 0.368688, -1.570800, 0.208869},

--move arc
©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 55 V4.5.4
set_relative_offset({get_global_variable("V_I_offset") * 0.05, 0, 0},
CoordCalibrateMethod.zOzy, {-0.000003, -0.127267, -1.321122, 0.376934,
-1.570796, -0.000008}, {-0.244530, -0.169460, -1.356026, 0.384230, -1.570794,
-0.244535}, {-0.196001, 0.070752, -1.129614, 0.370431, -1.570795, -0.196006},
{0.100000, 0.200000, 0.300000})
add_waypoint({0.208890, -0.044775, -1.246891, 0.368688, -1.570800,
add_waypoint({-0.237646, -0.169014, -1.355669, 0.384145, -1.570793,
add_waypoint({-0.000009, 0.087939, -1.110852, 0.372015, -1.570793,
move_track(MoveTrackType.ARC_CIR, true)

set_global_variable("V_B_run", false)

--child thread
function string.split(str, delimiter)
if str==nil or str=='' or delimiter==nil then
return nil

local result = {}
for match in (str..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
table.insert(result, match)

return result

--connect to TCP server

port = 7777
ip = ""

--read data
while(true) do
V4.5.4 56 ©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved
if (recv~="") then
table1 = string.split(recv, ",")
if (table1[1]=="run") then
set_global_variable("V_I_offset", tonumber(table1[2]))
set_global_variable("V_B_run", true)

©2015-2021 AUBO all rights reserved 57 V4.5.4

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