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Reader, InputStreamReader, FileReader and

Readeris the abstract class for reading character streams. It implements the following
fundamental methods:

 read(): reads a single character.

 read(char[]): reads an array of characters.
 skip(long): skips some characters.
 close(): closes the stream.

InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams. It converts bytes into
characters using a specified charset. The charset can be default character encoding of the
operating system, or can be specified explicitly when creating an InputStreamReader.
FileReader is a convenient class for reading text files using the default character encoding of
the operating system.
BufferedReader reads text from a character stream with efficiency (characters are buffered to
avoid frequently reading from the underlying stream) and provides a convenient method for
reading a line of text readLine().
The following diagram show relationship of these reader classes in the package:

2. Writer, OutputStreamWriter, FileWriter and BufferedWriter

writeris the abstract class for writing character streams. It implements the following
fundamental methods:

 write(int): writes a single character.

 write(char[]): writes an array of characters.
 write(String): writes a string.
 close(): closes the stream.

OutputStreamWriter is a bridge from byte streams to character streams. Characters are encoded
into bytes using a specified charset. The charset can be default character encoding of the operating
system, or can be specified explicitly when creating an OutputStreamWriter.
FileWriter is a convenient class for writing text files using the default character encoding of the
operating system.
BufferedWriter writes text to a character stream with efficiency (characters, arrays and strings are
buffered to avoid frequently writing to the underlying stream) and provides a convenient method for
writing a line separator: newLine().

3. Character Encoding and Charset

When constructing a reader or writer object, the default character encoding of the operating system
is used (e.g. Cp1252 on Windows):
1 FileReader reader = new FileReader("MyFile.txt");
2 FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("YourFile.txt");
So if we want to use a specific charset, use
an InputStreamReader or OutputStreamWriter instead. For example:
1 InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(
2 new FileInputStream("MyFile.txt"), "UTF-16");

That creates a new reader with the Unicode character encoding UTF-16.
And the following statement constructs a writer with the UTF-8 encoding:
1 OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(
2 new FileOutputStream("YourFile.txt"), "UTF-8");

In case we want to use a BufferedReader, just wrap the InputStreamReader inside, for example:
1 InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(
2 new FileInputStream("MyFile.txt"), "UTF-16");
4 BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(reader);

And for a BufferedWriter example:

1 OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(
2 new FileOutputStream("YourFile.txt"), "UTF-8");
4 BufferedWriter bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(writer);

The following small program reads every single character from the
file MyFile.txt and prints all the characters to the output console:

* This program demonstrates how to read characters from a text file.
public class TextFileReadingExample1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {
FileReader reader = new FileReader("MyFile.txt");
int character;

while ((character = != -1) {

System.out.print((char) character);

} catch (IOException e) {

In the following example, a FileWriter is used to write two words

“Hello World” and “Good Bye!” to a file named MyFile.txt:

* This program demonstrates how to write characters to a text file.
public class TextFileWritingExample1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

try {
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("MyFile.txt", true);
writer.write("Hello World");
writer.write("\r\n"); // write new line
writer.write("Good Bye!");
catch (IOException e) {

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