FEE Notes
FEE Notes
FEE Notes
“The law of conservation of energy must be obeyed in any electric circuit. For this
reason, the algebraic sum of power in a circuit, at any instant of time, must be zero.”
DC Circuits - Basic Concepts
Circuit Elements
There are two types of elements found in electric circuits:
Active Elements
That is,
• Kirchhoff’s rst law is based on the law of conservation of charge, which requires that
the algebraic sum of charges within a system cannot change.
“Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) states that the algebraic sum of currents entering
a node (or a closed boundary) is zero”
“Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) states that the algebraic sum of all voltages
around a closed path(or loop) is zero”
• In general, we have
DC Circuits - Basic Concepts
Parallel Resistance and Current Division
• If , then
Fig: Star/Wye network Fig: Delta network Fig: Superposition of two networks
DC Circuits - Basic Concepts
Star/Wye - Delta Conversions : An Example
AC Circuits - Basic Concepts
• A complex number z can be written in different
forms as
AC Circuits - Basic Concepts
AC Circuits - Basic Concepts
Circuit Elements - Capacitor
Fig. Voltage-current
relations for a resistor in the:
(a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.
Fig. Voltage-current
relations for an inductor in the:
(a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.
Fig. Voltage-current
relations for a capacitor in the:
(a) time domain, (b) frequency domain.
• The current and voltage are 90◦ out of phase.
To be speci c, the current leads the voltage by