PBIS4107 Reading

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SEMESTER 2022/23.2 Genap (2023.1)

Nama Mahasiswa : ANDI M. FATWA

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/NIM : 048954944

Tanggal Lahir : 10 Oktober 2002

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : PBIS4107 / Reading I

Kode/Nama Program Studi : 58 / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 15 / Pangkal Pinang

Hari/Tanggal UAS THE : Jum’at, 30 Juni 2023

Tanda Tangan Peserta Ujian


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4. Jawaban diunggah disertai dengan cover BJU dan surat pernyataan kejujuran akademik.



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Kejujuran Akademik

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama Mahasiswa : ANDI M. FATWA

NIM : 048954944
Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : PBIS4107 / Reading I
Fakultas : FKIP (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan)
Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
UPBJJ-UT : Pangkal Pinang

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5. Saya memahami bahwa segala tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesuai dengan aturan
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6. Saya bersedia menjunjung tinggi ketertiban, kedisiplinan, dan integritas akademik dengan tidak
melakukan kecurangan, joki, menyebarluaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media apapun, serta
tindakan tidak terpuji lainnya yang bertentangan dengan peraturan akademik Universitas Terbuka.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelanggaran
atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akademik yang ditetapkan oleh
Universitas Terbuka.
Pangkalpinang, 30 Juni 2023

Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Andi M. Fatwa

Reading 1

1. What is the topic of the sentence

1) Reading is the most important subject

2) Turn off the Cell Phones

3) Save water by turning off the faucet

4) After-school art program

5) A field trip
6) Benefits of a pets.
7) A regular exercise
8) Dinosaurs became extinct because global warming caused
9) Wind power
10) The speaker in the lecture

2. Passage 1
1) negotiating the best possible salary.
2) The point is, in order to negotiate the best possible salary, you must convince both yourself
and the employer of the value that you will bring to the job
Passage 2
3) being a lifelong learner
4) When it comes to your profession, you should be a lifelong learner.
Passage 3
5) On Chimpanzees' Strength
6) Though fun to watch, chimpanzees should not be kept as pets
Passage 4
7) Animal Instinct
8) Instinct is clearly a strong influence on animal behavior.
Passage 5
9) popular U.S. TV shows.
10) In fact, many U.S. TV shows have first originated overseas.


3. Write the main idea of each paragraph!

1) When a person is daydreaming, the device will show a distinct
pattern of activity in the brain called the “default” mode of thinking

2) Dr. Marcus Raichle of Washington University explained.

3) Madonna is recognized as a strong businesswoman who likes to control all aspects of her career
4) Our capability to remember things from the past, that is, years or days ago, depends on two
categories of memory
5) Of our five kinds of memory, immediate, remote, and prospective (if aided with cues like
memos) do not degrade with age
6) Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing,” and it implies that a thief is trying to lure
people into giving away valuable information
7) Today, our personal information can be collected and stored online, and it's accessible to more
people than ever before
8) There are lots of different types of yoga, so you can choose what suits you best
9) Too much stress results in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.
10) One reason is that not all plastic can be recycled
4. Answer the following questions for Reading Text 2
1) Tetris is a game about making lines. Blocks fall from the top of the screen
2) The player moves the blocks. Once the blocks hit the bottom, they are locked in place. Players
try to make lines go across the screen with no gaps. Complete lines disappear. This gives
players more room. The blocks pile up during the game. The game ends when the blocks get
to the top of the screen.
3) To make complete lines
4) Tennis
5) Russia
6) Tetris
7) It is locked in place
8) Alexey’s screen could only show letters
9) He found that playing Tetris boosts mental activity
10) The game ends when the blocks get to the top of the screen.

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