SKB DOSEN 120923 Akfanz X Viracun After

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Pertemuan IV


Akhmad Affandi, S.Pd., M.A TESOL

9 December 2023

Summary Education
Saya suku Makassar, Educator, and Penyanyi • University of Nottingham,
Amatir 😬. Master Degree: MA TESOL
• Founder Aimskilful • Universitas Negeri Makassar,
• Professional IELTS/TOEFL TEACHER Bachelor Degree: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
• DOSEN Bahasa Inggris UNM
• Alumni Beasiswa LPDP Afirmasi Prestasi

• The 1st Winner of Mahasiswa Berprestasi FBS UNM 2013

• The 3rd winner of LIPI National Research Competition Organisation
• The Finalists of National English Essay Competition held by
Universitas Sebelas Maret in 2013
• Awardee of Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP)
• Grant recipient of Student Creativity Program for Research
• MATA GARUDA SULSEL (Organisasi Alumni
founded by DIKTI in 2014
• Grant recipient of Student Creativity Program for Social Penerima Beasiswa LPDP) > KETUA BIDANG SOSIAL
Responsibility funded DIKTI in 2013 • Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di Nottingham
• Lembaga Penelitian Mahasiswa Penalaran
Contact Me:
Boleh WA Terkait Beasiswa,
IELTS, TOEFL, Jika Mendesak.
Paling Efektif untuk konsultasi beasiswa, ngirim
berkas, minta bantuan terkait essay, IELTS,
TOEFL dan sebagainya
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Overview Teknis SKB


TIPS and TRICK SKB Bahasa Inggris


Latihan dan Penjelasan Soal


Closing and QnA Session

Have you ever applied previously as
a lecturer under the Ministry of
Education or others?

Apakah anda yang pernah ikut Seleksi CPNS

DOSEN Kemendikbud atau Kementrian lain
Tahun Sebelumnya?
How do you rate
the level of 😎 Easy
difficulty in English 😬 Medium
😭 Difficult
🫠 g ngerti
There are 4 types of text that you are going to
answer within 20 Minutes

• Scientific Article
• Argumentative Text
• Announcement Text
• News text
Do you know, how much time do you
to answer all questions?
Just 20 minutes

It means that you need to spend

1 minute for each question. 😊
Do you think it is possible or

Apakah kalian pikir itu mungkin atau

tidak mungkin?
Tips and Trick
Untuk Yang Level Bahasa Inggrisnya Sangat
rendah/ bahkan mendekati tidak mengerti
sama sekali. 🙏

Please, Jangan Panik 😎😊

Silahkan aswer all questions pada 1 menit

pertama (All straight a, b, c, d, or e,
kusarankan konsisten)
• Karena kalian masih punya persentase benar, jika
jawab semua A, B, C, D, or E. (Apalagi jika memang
valid tahun ini tidak ada Nilai Passing Grade untuk
Bahasa Inggris)
• Bisa simpan energi untuk test aspek psikologi
• Soal akan tertutup automatis dan tidak diakses setelah
20 Menit, jadi jika kehabisan waktu, sudah ada
kemungkinan back up jawaban diawal.
• I am not a magician to help you within 3 meetings,
then you directly could understand all vocabularies. 😊
Tips and Trick

Tapi, Untuk Yang Level Bahasa Inggrisnya

Lumayan dan dapat mengerti most of the
advanced vocabularies. 🙏

Please, Pelajari Scanning dan Skimming

Technique in Reading. 😎😊
Scanning methods
Scanning is a method of looking for specific information
or answers.
To scan:
1. Search for keywords on question, then jumping
around the passage/paragrapgh
2. Scan through paragraph rapidly until you find the
keyword you search for
3. Read the surrounding the surrounding material
carefully, decide if you’ve found what you need
Skimming methods
1. Beginnings & endings:
Read first and last sentences of paragraphs, first and last
paragraphs of major sections, and introductions and summaries.

In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a beacon of

unprecedented computational power. Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware and algorithms
have propelled the field forward, challenging traditional notions of computing limitations. As
researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and superposition, the potential for
solving complex problems, such as optimization and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible.
This article explores the latest advancements in quantum computing, shedding light on the
revolutionary impact it promises in diverse scientific and industrial domains.
Skimming methods
2. Read only the amount of text necessary to
determine if a section presents a main idea or
support for a main idea.
Find Main Subject, and Main Verb.
In the realm of cutting-edge technology, quantum computing stands out as a
beacon of unprecedented computational power.

Recent breakthroughs in quantum hardware and algorithms have propelled

the field forward, challenging traditional notions of computing limitations.

As researchers delve into the intricacies of quantum entanglement and

superposition, the potential for solving complex problems, such as
optimization and cryptography, becomes increasingly tangible.

This article explores the latest advancements in quantum computing,

shedding light on the revolutionary impact it promises in diverse scientific and
industrial domains.
Apa kabar Hari ini?J
1. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, space exploration stands as a testament to human curiosity and scientific
endeavour. Technological advancements have propelled missions beyond Earth's confines, revealing the secrets
of distant celestial bodies. Telescopes, satellites, and robotic probes equipped with sophisticated instruments
gather data to deepen our understanding of the cosmos. Human space exploration ventures, such as the
International Space Station (ISS), serve as microgravity laboratories for studying the effects of space on the
human body and conducting experiments with applications on Earth. As we venture further into the cosmos, the
challenges of prolonged space travel and the quest for extra-terrestrial life drive the next frontier of space

What is the primary point conveyed by the writer in the passage?

a. Human curiosity and scientific endeavor fuel space exploration, leading to technological advancements and
missions beyond Earth.
b. Telescopes, satellites, and robotic probes with advanced instruments gather data to deepen our understanding of
the cosmos.
c. The International Space Station (ISS) functions as a microgravity laboratory for studying the effects of space on
the human body and conducting experiments with applications on Earth.
d. Prolonged space travel challenges and the quest for extraterrestrial life drive the next frontier of space
e. The vast expanse of the cosmos serves as a backdrop to human exploration, revealing the secrets of distant
celestial bodies through various technological means.
2. Vaccine development represents a pinnacle achievement in biomedical science,
safeguarding global health by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Scientists
employ a multifaceted approach, leveraging molecular biology and immunology to
design vaccines that stimulate the immune system. Recent breakthroughs, such as
messenger RNA (mRNA) technology, have revolutionized vaccine development, enabling
rapid responses to emerging threats. The rigorous process of clinical trials ensures safety
and efficacy, paving the way for widespread vaccination campaigns. In the face of
challenges posed by viral mutations, ongoing research and development strive to stay
ahead of infectious agents, showcasing the dynamic nature of vaccine science and its
critical role in public health.
What recent technological breakthrough is mentioned in the text on vaccine
a. Advances in surgical techniques.
b. The discovery of new antibiotics.
c. Progress in stem cell research.
d. Messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.
e. Innovations in organ transplantation.
3. Viruses, microscopic entities with a profound impact on life, continually evolve to adapt to changing
environmental landscapes. Their ability to undergo genetic mutations poses challenges for vaccine
development and antiviral therapies. Through natural selection, viruses with advantageous mutations
may gain dominance, leading to more infectious or resistant strains. Understanding the dynamics of virus
evolution is crucial for predicting the emergence of new variants and devising strategies to mitigate their
impact. Ongoing research delves into the molecular intricacies of viral replication and host interactions,
offering insights into the arms race between viruses and the immune system. Navigating the complex
dance of virus evolution is pivotal for developing effective tools to combat emerging infectious diseases.

what is the impact of advantageous mutations in viruses?

a. They hinder the development of antiviral therapies.
b. They have no effect on the virus's infectiousness.
c. They make vaccines less effective.
d. They may lead to more contagious or resistant strains.
e. They accelerate the elimination of viruses.
4. In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), teachers and intelligent technologies
collaborate to redefine the landscape of education. AI algorithms analyse student
performance data to personalize learning experiences, adapting to individual needs and
pacing. Virtual classrooms equipped with AI-driven tutoring systems offer interactive
and engaging educational environments. Teachers, as facilitators, leverage AI tools to
provide targeted interventions and foster critical thinking skills. This collaborative
approach aims to enhance the effectiveness of education, preparing students for a
future where digital literacy and adaptability are paramount.

How do AI algorithms contribute to education?

a.AI algorithms replace teachers in the classroom.
b.AI algorithms disrupt traditional teaching methods.
c.AI algorithms analyze student performance data for personalized learning
d.AI algorithms focus solely on fostering creativity in students.
e.AI algorithms hinder critical thinking skills development.
5. The concept of virtual tourism transcends geographical boundaries, offering individuals the
opportunity to explore iconic landmarks and distant landscapes from the comfort of their homes. Virtual
reality (VR) technologies transport users to immersive environments, providing a sensory-rich experience
that mirrors real-world travel. Museums, historical sites, and natural wonders become accessible through
virtual tours, enriching cultural understanding and promoting global connectivity. As the world grapples
with challenges that limit physical travel, virtual tourism emerges as a transformative means of
experiencing the beauty and diversity of our planet, fostering a sense of interconnectedness in an
increasingly digital age.

What is the primary advantage of virtual reality (VR) technologies in providing travel experiences?
a. VR technologies encourage physical travel.
b. VR technologies offer a substitute for real-world experiences.
c. VR technologies limit cultural understanding.
d. VR technologies impede global connectivity.
e. VR technologies transport users to immersive environments, providing a sensory-rich
6. The intricate process of digestion, a fundamental physiological function, underscores the complexity of the human
digestive system. Comprising a series of organs working in harmony, digestion involves the mechanical and chemical
breakdown of food to extract essential nutrients. From the initial mastication in the oral cavity to the enzymatic
reactions in the stomach and small intestine, each step plays a crucial role in facilitating nutrient absorption.
Understanding the digestive system's intricacies not only sheds light on the marvels of human physiology but also
emphasizes the importance of balanced nutrition for overall well-being.

Which phrase best characterizes the role of the small intestine in the digestive process?
a. Initial mastication
b. Enzymatic reactions
c. Mechanical breakdown
d. Essential nutrient extraction
e. Overall well-being emphasis
7. The debate surrounding child labor and the appropriate working age for children
remains a contentious issue in global discourse. Advocates for stringent child labor laws
emphasize the detrimental impact of early employment on a child's physical and mental
development. However, proponents of allowing children to work argue that it fosters
responsibility and practical skills. Striking a balance between protecting children from
exploitation and providing opportunities for skill development requires nuanced
legislation and a comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic contexts in which
child labor occurs.
What is the primary concern expressed by advocates for stringent child labor laws?
a. Practical skills development
b. Socio-economic contexts
c. Global discourse
d. Skill development opportunities
e. Physical and mental development
8. The rise of virtual sports and esports as legitimate forms of entertainment and
competition has sparked discussions about their cultural significance and impact.
Enthusiasts argue that virtual sports provide a platform for diverse skill sets,
transcending physical limitations, and fostering a global community of gamers.
Detractors, on the other hand, question the legitimacy of virtual sports as genuine
athletic endeavors, expressing concerns about the sedentary nature of gaming.
Evaluating the role of virtual sports in contemporary culture demands an understanding
of the evolving definition of athleticism and the intersection of technology with
traditional notions of sportsmanship.

What is a key argument made by detractors of virtual sports?

a. Sedentary nature of gaming
b. Fostering a global community
c. Legitimacy as genuine athletic endeavors
d. Traditional notions of sportsmanship
e. Intersection of technology with sports
9. The education system's approach to catering to the needs of exceptionally gifted or
genius students has become a subject of debate. Advocates for specialized programs
argue that nurturing these students' unique talents is essential for societal progress and
innovation. However, skeptics express concerns about the potential for elitism and the
neglect of a more inclusive educational approach. Crafting an educational environment
that both challenges and supports genius students requires careful consideration of
individual needs while maintaining a commitment to equity and accessibility in

What is a central concern raised by skeptics regarding specialized programs for

genius students?
a. Commitment to equity and accessibility
b. Nurturing unique talents
c. Educational environment crafting
d. Neglect of inclusive educational approach
e. Societal progress and innovation
10. The mysteries of the ocean depths continue to captivate scientists and explorers
alike, driving the quest for greater understanding through ocean exploration. From the
abyssal plains to the intricate ecosystems of coral reefs, the ocean harbors a wealth of
biodiversity and geological wonders. Advocates of ocean exploration emphasize its
potential for uncovering new species and unlocking insights into Earth's history.
However, skeptics question the allocation of resources to deep-sea exploration, urging a
focus on addressing immediate environmental challenges. Balancing scientific curiosity
with environmental stewardship is essential in charting the course for responsible and
sustainable ocean exploration.

What is the primary focus urged by skeptics regarding deep-sea exploration?

a. Mysteries of the ocean depths
b. Unlocking insights into Earth's history
c. Addressing immediate environmental challenges
d. Captivation of scientists and explorers
e. Balancing scientific curiosity
11. It is with great pride that we announce our recent achievement of obtaining a
prestigious sustainability certification. This recognition not only validates our unwavering
commitment to environmental responsibility but also signifies our dedication to meeting
the highest standards of sustainable practices. As we move forward, this certification
serves as a testament to our ongoing efforts to minimize our ecological footprint and
contribute positively to the global conservation agenda.

What is the significance of obtaining the sustainability certification mentioned in the

a. To encourage the expansion of unsustainable practices
b. To showcase dedication to environmental stewardship.
c. To discourage efforts in minimizing ecological footprints
d. To limit contributions to the global conservation agenda
e. To overlook the importance of sustainable practices
12. In an effort to prioritize the holistic well-being of our employees, we are pleased to
introduce an extensive Employee Wellness and Mental Health Support Program.
Recognizing the challenges that individuals may face in the modern work environment,
this program encompasses wellness workshops, mental health resources, and access to
professional counseling services. Our goal is to create a supportive workplace culture
that values the mental and emotional health of our team members, fostering a positive
and resilient workforce.

Why is the Employee Wellness and Mental Health Support Program introduced
according to the announcement?
a. To overlook the challenges faced by employees
b. To minimize the importance of mental health
c. To foster an encouraging atmosphere within the workplace.
d. To avoid access to professional counseling services
e. To discourage the well-being of team members
13. Prepare to be captivated as we announce the upcoming Art and Culture Exhibition, a
celebration of creativity and diversity. Showcasing the talents of local and international
artists, this exhibition aims to provide a platform for cultural exchange and artistic
expression. From traditional artworks to contemporary installations, the exhibition
promises to be a visual feast, inviting our community to explore and appreciate the rich
tapestry of art that transcends boundaries.

What is the main purpose of the Art and Culture Exhibition mentioned in the
a. To limit cultural exchange opportunities
b. To discourage artistic expression
c. To honour and embrace creative expression and diversity.
d. To avoid showcasing traditional artworks
e. To overlook the talents of local and international artists
14. In response to the growing demand for eco-friendly alternatives, we are thrilled to unveil our
latest initiative – the launch of a Sustainable Product Line. This collection embodies our
commitment to environmental consciousness, featuring products made from recycled materials,
sustainable sourcing, and minimal environmental impact. By providing sustainable choices to our
consumers, we aim to contribute to the global movement towards a more environmentally
sustainable future.

Why is the launch of the Sustainable Product Line considered important according to the
a. To increase environmental impact
b. To minimize efforts towards sustainable sourcing
c. To discourage eco-friendly alternatives
d. To respond to the increasing need for sustainable options.
e. To avoid contributing to the global movement for sustainability
15. As part of our ongoing commitment to education and empowerment, we are excited to
announce the expansion of our Educational Scholarship Program. This initiative, designed
to support promising individuals in their pursuit of academic excellence, will now include
additional scholarships across various disciplines. By investing in education, we aim to
provide opportunities for bright minds to flourish, ultimately contributing to the
development of future leaders and innovators.

What is the objective of the Educational Scholarship Program expansion mentioned in

the paragraph?
a. To limit opportunities for bright minds
b. To discourage academic excellence
c. To overlook the development of future leaders and innovators
d. To allocate resources to education and nurture promising individuals.
e. To avoid contributing to the empowerment of future leaders
16. Indonesia's agrarian communities, comprising predominantly of farmers rooted in
traditional practices, confront a pivotal juncture with the advent of agricultural
modernization. The integration of technology, ranging from precision agriculture to
digital marketplaces, seeks to enhance productivity and economic outcomes.
However, the transition is not seamless, as farmers accustomed to age-old
methodologies face challenges in adapting to the complexities of modern farming
techniques. The government's multifaceted approach, encompassing farmer training
programs, financial incentives, and the provision of modern equipment, is aimed at
fostering a sustainable and inclusive transformation of the agricultural sector. Striking
a delicate balance between preserving cultural agricultural wisdom and embracing
innovation becomes paramount for ensuring the success of Indonesia's modernization
endeavors in farming.

what are the key hurdles traditional farmers face in adopting modern agricultural
a. Lack of government support
b. Excessive reliance on technology
c. Resistance to change
d. Limited access to financial incentives
e. Inadequate training programs
17. Recent amendments to adultery laws in Indonesia have stirred a robust
debate on the intersection of legal frameworks and personal morality. Advocates
argue that stringent laws are essential to uphold cultural and religious values,
fostering a sense of societal order. Conversely, critics contend that such
regulations infringe upon individual freedoms and contribute to a climate of fear
and repression. The ongoing discourse transcends legal intricacies, delving into
the shifting dynamics of societal norms, relationships, and the role of the state in
regulating personal affairs. Balancing cultural conservatism with the aspirations
for a more liberal and individualistic society remains a challenging task, reflecting
the complex societal landscape of contemporary Indonesia

How does the ongoing debate on adultery laws in Indonesia extend beyond
legal considerations, according to the passage?
a. It focuses solely on the legal intricacies of the amendments.
b. It emphasizes the role of the state in personal affairs without
considering cultural values.
c. It explores the shifting dynamics of societal norms and relationships.
d. It dismisses the significance of individual freedoms in the discussion.
e. It exclusively addresses the complexities of contemporary Indonesian
18. Indonesia grapples with a growing refugee crisis, a challenge that demands a
comprehensive and compassionate response. The humanitarian efforts involve immediate
relief measures, such as providing shelter, food, and medical aid. Simultaneously, the
nation faces the intricate task of addressing the root causes of displacement. Collaborative
efforts between governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations, and international
agencies underscore Indonesia's commitment to shouldering its responsibilities in the
global refugee crisis. The ongoing discourse reflects a broader conversation about the
collective duty of nations to offer refuge and support to those fleeing conflict and

According to the passage on the refugee crisis and humanitarian response, evaluate
the effectiveness of collaborative efforts between governmental bodies and non-
governmental organizations in addressing the root causes of displacement.
a. Highly effective
b. Moderately effective
c. Ineffective
d. Partially effective
e. Neutral
19. In the pursuit of poverty alleviation, Indonesia's multifaceted approach includes
empowering marginalized communities through vocational training and skill development.
Financial aid programs aim to provide a safety net for vulnerable populations, but concerns
persist about the equitable distribution of resources. The fight against poverty is not
merely a government initiative; it involves collaborative efforts from civil society,
businesses, and international partners, showcasing a collective commitment to fostering
sustainable economic growth.

According to the passage, what distinguishes Indonesia's approach to poverty

alleviation from being solely a government initiative?
a. The emphasis on financial aid programs
b. The multifaceted approach involving vocational training and skill
c. The concerns about the equitable distribution of resources
d. The collaboration with civil society, businesses, and international partners
e. The pursuit of sustainable economic growth
20. Indonesia's startup ecosystem stands as a beacon of innovation and economic
dynamism in Southeast Asia. Fueled by a burgeoning tech-savvy population, the nation has
seen the rise of successful startups in various sectors. Government support, including
favorable regulatory frameworks and initiatives to nurture innovation hubs, plays a crucial
role. Venture capital inflows contribute to the ecosystem's vibrancy, enabling startups to
scale and compete globally. Nevertheless, the industry faces challenges, including market
competition, regulatory complexities, and the imperative to prioritize sustainability. As
Indonesia continues its journey as a startup powerhouse, the ecosystem's evolution
remains a key driver of economic growth and technological advancement.

From the passage about the Indonesian startup ecosystem, what challenges does the
industry face, and how do they impact its evolution?
a. Limited government support fosters industry growth
b. Market competition and regulatory complexities are irrelevant challenges
c. Sustainability is not a priority for the startup ecosystem
d. Challenges in the startup ecosystem hinder its evolution
e. The startup ecosystem evolves without facing any challenges
“Those who are going to be a lecturer, probably English is just a
language, but being ignorant and not to improve your English skill, it
would definitely hinder your career”

“There is no skill that is too difficult to learn, There are probably a lot
of people who are NOT devoting their time and being consistent to
sharpen their skills”

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