Ultrasonic Robot
Ultrasonic Robot
Ultrasonic Robot
What is Ultrasound?
Ultrasound is a high-pitched sound wave whose frequency
exceeds the audible range of human hearing.
These eight ultrasonic pulses travel through the air away from the
transmitter. Meanwhile the echo pin goes HIGH to initiate the echo-
back signal.
How Does an Ultrasonic Sensor
If those pulses are not
reflected back, the echo
signal times out and goes
low after 38ms (38
milliseconds). Thus a pulse
of 38ms indicates no
obstruction within the range
of the sensor.
How Does an Ultrasonic Sensor
If those pulses are reflected
back, the echo pin goes low
as soon as the signal is
received. This generates a
pulse on the echo pin whose
width varies from 150 µs to
25 ms depending on the time
taken to receive the signal.
Distance calculation
The width of the received pulse is used to calculate the distance
from the reflected object.
Formula: Distance = ½ T x C
T = Time and
C = the speed of sound
At 20°C (68°F), the speed of sound is 343 meters/second (1125
feet/second), but this varies depending on temperature and
Dashing Raptor avoids obstacles
Filename: AvoidObstacles
Filename: AvoidObstaclesAct
Dashing Raptor follows objects
Filename: FollowObjects
Filename: FollowObjectsAct